high rate of untranslated text

by arabcoders - opened


I've noticed since i started using the VAD integration, the untranslated lines are getting higher and higher compared to regular example of what i am seeing right now

[20:43:21] Transcribe [28:59.952 => 29:28.944] Duration: [28.992] Expanded: [0.0] Prompt: [I heard that the more vaccines you get, the more likely you will be saved, but is that true?  There is no flu vaccine, so after all] Language: [Japanese]
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2899/2899 [00:07<00:00, 405.24frames/s]
[20:43:28] Transcribe [29:28.944 => 29:56.352] Duration: [27.408] Expanded: [0.0] Prompt: [対応とするとやっぱり強健病のワクチンを受けるということはとても大事でやはりですねこういう危険 地域に行くときは海外に行く前から強健病ワクチ ンをこの日本の国内で受けられますので 事前に強健病ワクチンを受けておくそれがやっぱり準備としては大事です はい ここからはウイルスに関することでどっちが本当なのかを答えてもらうよ まずはこちら] Language: [Japanese]
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2740/2740 [00:06<00:00, 445.76frames/s]
[20:43:34] Transcribe [29:56.352 => 30:12.048] Duration: [15.696] Expanded: [0.0] Prompt: [体に良いウイルスもいる これ本当やと思う人 はい ななは あのなんかよく赤ちゃんのうちになんかこう なんですか チューとかしたらウイルスがその入るとか言うけど 大体のウイルスは持っておかないと免疫力が余計になくなっちゃうから そういうウイルスは入っててもいい なるほど良いウイルスもあるということね じゃあ嘘やと思う人] Language: [Japanese]
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1569/1569 [00:03<00:00, 517.34frames/s]
[20:43:38] Transcribe [30:12.048 => 31:01.536] Duration: [49.488] Expanded: [0.0] Prompt: [嘘 コノミン 体に細菌はいてもビフィス付菌とかでもウイルスはないんじゃないかな なるほどね 効かへんもんね さあ先生正解はどうなんでしょうか 正解は] Language: [Japanese]
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 4948/4948 [00:08<00:00, 583.75frames/s]
[20:43:46] Transcribe [31:01.536 => 31:26.880] Duration: [25.344] Expanded: [0.0] Prompt: [このファージウイルスは特に細菌を殺してくれる力を持ってるということなんです ですのでこの細菌を殺す薬の開発とか細菌の兵器ですね これの対抗場としてこういうファージウイルスを研究として進めているという状況があります] Language: [Japanese]
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2534/2534 [00:06<00:00, 371.69frames/s]
[20:43:53] Transcribe [31:26.880 => 31:46.128] Duration: [19.248] Expanded: [0.0] Prompt: [インフルエンザウイルスは人に移すと治る  じゃあこれ本当と思う人] Language: [Japanese]
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1924/1924 [00:06<00:00, 284.95frames/s]
[20:44:00] Transcribe [31:46.128 => 32:30.000] Duration: [43.872] Expanded: [0.0] Prompt: [その方が多いねー 正解は家ですね 家 治らないってことですね 都市伝説みたいなんですけど 先生ちょっといいですか] Language: [Japanese]
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 4387/4387 [00:11<00:00, 391.83frames/s]
[20:44:12] Transcribe [32:30.000 => 32:55.680] Duration: [25.68] Expanded: [0.0] Prompt: [ちょうどズレ込んでるってことですね これ 重なってるんですね 期間が  続いての問題いきましょう] Language: [Japanese]
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2568/2568 [00:06<00:00, 375.24frames/s]
[20:44:19] Transcribe [32:55.680 => 33:10.320] Duration: [14.64] Expanded: [0.0] Prompt: [広めて 人が増えすぎたから それで殺すみたいな 聞いたことあるわ じゃあ これ 嘘だと思う人] Language: [Japanese]
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1464/1464 [00:03<00:00, 457.50frames/s]
[20:44:22] Transcribe [33:10.320 => 34:10.752] Duration: [60.432] Expanded: [0.0] Prompt: [カナキチ これ 嘘 もし 作れ出たら もう何かが起こってるって 地球に何かが起こってるもんな なるほど じゃあ 先生 正解は 正解は ホントです] Language: [Japanese]
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 6043/6043 [00:17<00:00, 347.25frames/s]
[20:44:40] Transcribe [34:10.752 => 34:19.130] Duration: [8.378] Expanded: [3.124] Prompt: [実験の主義を 悪用しないようにして  いただきたいんですよね] Language: [Japanese]
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 837/837 [00:01<00:00, 531.41frames/s]
[20:44:41] Transcribe [34:19.130 => 34:51.216] Duration: [32.086] Expanded: [0.0] Prompt: [None] Language: [Japanese]
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 3208/3208 [00:04<00:00, 666.99frames/s]
[20:44:46] Transcribe [34:51.216 => 35:15.840] Duration: [24.624] Expanded: [0.0] Prompt: [This time, in order to get a perfect body, she w

configuration used

  "Base": {
    "retranslate": true,
    "clean_output": true,
    "overwrite_target": false,
    "model": "large",
    "model_dir": null,
    "device": "cuda"
  "Whisper": {
    "verbose": false,
    "task": "translate",
    "language": "Japanese",
    "best_of": 5,
    "beam_size": 5,
    "patience": null,
    "length_penalty": null,
    "suppress_tokens": "-1",
    "initial_prompt": null,
    "condition_on_previous_text": true,
    "fp16": true,
    "compression_ratio_threshold": 2.4,
    "logprob_threshold": -1.0,
    "no_speech_threshold": 0.6
  "Vad": {
    "vad": "silero-vad",
    "vadMergeWindow": 5,
    "vadMaxMergeSize": 30,
    "vadPadding": 1,
    "vadPromptWindow": 5
  "temperature": [

example of lines missed i had to rerun translation using google on

Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [And, um, there is a virus called Kabi最近 in the\Nsick body, but] ==> [And, um, there is a virus called KabiRecently in the\Nsick body, but]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [ウイルスはナノメートルって言ってもう10億分の1\Nメートルとかって非常に小さいのであるいは もうミリメートルで言うと100万\N分の1の大きさなんですナノメートルですからこのウイルスは電子顕微鏡\Nっていう特殊な装置使わないと全然見えないぐらいかなり小さいサイズなんです\N要するに人間の目に見えない目に見えないウイルスほどやっぱ り恐怖を感じ] ==> [Viruses are very small, about 1/1,000,000,000\N meters in terms of nanometers, or 1/1,000,000\N in millimeters. It's so small that you can't see it at all without using a special device called N.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [大きさなんですねウイルスはすごい電波状況いいですけどねあれ電波ちゃんが電波じゃないバリバリ7ぐらい\N続いてのテーマいきましょうこちらあなたの身がやばい知っておきたい強悪ウイルス] ==> [It's a big virus, isn't it?]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [はい身近に溢れるウイルスここから人類を脅かす強悪ウイルスを紹介していきたいと\N思いますまずは人類永遠の敵このウイルスですね] ==> [Viruses that are overflowing around us I would like to introduce a vicious virus that threatens mankind.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [インフルエンザウイルス] ==> [influenza virus]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [これねえもう] ==> [this isn't it anymore]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [今年も猛威をふるい多くの人が感染しているインフルエンザウイルス] ==> [Influenza virus that has been raging this year and infects many people]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [その恐ろしさとは] ==> [What is the horror]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [インフルエンザウイルスはここがやばい見ていきましょうこちら 進化のスピードがやばい\N先生 これはどういうことですか このですねウイルスの中でもインフルエンザウイルスはですね\N非常にこの進化とか変異が早いウイルスだと言われてるんですね\Nそうするとですね何度かインフルエンザウイルスにかかってれば我々は免疫力っていうですね\N専門用語なんですけども抵抗力ができるわけです ですけどウイルスの形がコロコロ変わってしまうと] ==> [Let's take a look at what's dangerous about the influenza virus.The speed of evolution is crazy\NWhat does this mean? It's said that\NIf you get the flu virus a few times, you'll develop immunity\NIt's a technical term, but you'll develop resistance, but the shape of the virus keeps changing. When]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [インフルエンザウイルスの形が] ==> [Influenza virus shape]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [新型のインフルエンザウイルスみたいになっちゃうんです インフルエンザウイルス\N過去100年間で猛威を振るっているそうです こちら 一体インフルエンザの歴史 1918年スペイン風\Nこれもインフルエンザなんですよね 死者がとてつもない数出たみたいですね こちら] ==> [It's going to be like a new type of influenza virus.Influenza virus\NIt seems that it has been raging in the last 100 years. this way]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [45000万人 インフルエンザでね 今までの史上最強の この当時の世界の人口が18億と言われてて\N感染した人だけで6億] ==> [450,000,000 Influenza, the most powerful in history so far At that time, the world population was said to be 1.8 billion, and only 600 million people were infected.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [いるんですですから世界の3人に1人がこのスペイン風になったんです] ==> [That's why one out of every three people in the world has become Spanish.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [うわー最悪 何人か死んでるよ 絶対何人か死んでるよ] ==> [Wow, the worst, some people are dead, definitely some people are dead]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [この歳はなんでこんなにたくさんかかってなくなったんですか\N何あの実を申すとこうやってこうだんだんだんだんこうあの数字は] ==> [Why did it take so long to get this age?]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [小さくなってるんですけどこの当時はやっぱりですねいろいろこうやっぱり世界情勢も不安定なのとやっぱりあ\Nの 栄養も良くないとか医療も今のようにタミフルとか特効薬もない時代で実は後々これはインフルエンザ] ==> [It's getting smaller, but at that time, after all, the world situation was unstable, and after all, nutrition wasn't good, and there weren't any specific medicines like Tamiflu like we have now, so in fact, later on, this was the flu.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [ウイルスだとわかったんですがなんか得体の知れない奇病が 流行ってたということですぐこれが インフルエン\Nザブレスだともわかってないでもみんながどんどんどんどんかかってい] ==> [I knew it was a virus, but it turned out that some kind of strange disease was spreading, so I didn't even know it was the flu, but everyone was getting sick more and more.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [っちゃうっていう恐ろしい時代だったんですね] ==> [It was a scary time.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [でもこう見たら2009年でも18000人死んでるんですね そうですねですけど人間だんだんこうやっぱり\N知恵をつけてきてやっぱりだんだんインフルエンザだとわかってくるとインフルエンザの対策っていうのがだん\Nだんできてきたのとこの辺くらいからやっぱり医療が進んだので死ぬ方も少なくなったし栄養とか] ==> [But if you look at it like this, even in 2009, 18,000 people died. Since around this time, medical care has progressed, so the number of deaths has decreased, and things like nutrition.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [先生、予防接種売っているんですか?] ==> [Doctor, do you sell vaccinations?]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [われわれは医療従事者なので、僕らがかかると患者さんにうつしちゃうんです。] ==> [We are medical professionals, so when we get sick, we infect our patients.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [なので、インフルエンザワクチンは病院職員はみんな受けてくださいね。] ==> [All hospital staff should receive the flu vaccine.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [これはもう義務的に受けているんです。] ==> [I am already obligated to do this.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [先生が売っているなら、ちょっと安心ですよね。] ==> [If the teacher sells it, it's a little relieved.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [続いては、昨年、世界を新観させたアノイルスですね。見てみましょう。] ==> [Next is Anoilus, who gave the world a new look last year. Let's see.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [オフガウモリ] ==> [off-gull]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [Correct answer is コウモリ] ==> [Correct answer is bat]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [I've heard of it on TV, so I said コウモリ.] ==> [I've heard of it on TV, so I said Bat.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [何よ、その状況。なんで? What's the situation? Why?] ==> [What is that situation? What's the situation? Why?]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [田舎の方に住んでるから、ある日帰ったら、私の部屋に何かがぶら下がってて。 I live in the\Ncountryside, so when I got home one day, something\Nwas hanging in my room.] ==> [I live in the countryside, so one day when I got home, something was hanging in my room. I live in the\Ncountryside, so when I got home one day, something\Nwas hanging in my room.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [ママに電話したけど、仕事で帰ってこなくて、ずっとこうやって見て、3時間くらいずっとこう見 て。 I\Ncalled my mom, but she didn't come home from work,\Nso I kept looking at her like this for about 3\Nhours.] ==> [I called my mom, but she didn't come home from work, and I kept looking at her like this, and she kept looking like this for about three hours. I\Ncalled my mom, but she didn't come home from work,\Nso I kept looking at her like this for about 3\Nhours.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [ママが結局、袋でバーって捕まえて、外に逃がしたんですけど、だから、危なかったです、今思ったら。 My\Nmom caught it with a bag and let it run away.\NThat's why I thought it was dangerous.] ==> [In the end, my mom caught him with a bag and let him escape, but now that I think about it, it was dangerous. My\Nmom caught it with a bag and let it run away.\NThat's why I thought it was dangerous.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [単なるコウモリじゃないので、これは大コウモリといってですね、果実なんかを餌にする、かなりちょっとデカ\Nめのコウモリなので。 It's not just a bat, it's a big bat\Nthat feeds on fruit.] ==> [It's not just a bat, so it's called a giant bat, because it's a pretty big bat that feeds on fruit and stuff. It's not just a bat, it's a big bat\Nthat feeds on fruit.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [ご覧になったコウモリが果たしてこれかどうかちょっとわからないんですけどね。 I don't know\Nif the bat you saw is actually this one.] ==> [I'm not sure if this is the bat you saw. I don't know\Nif the bat you saw is actually this one.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [大きいです。 It's big.] ==> [its big. It's big.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [危ないよ。 It's dangerous.] ==> [It is dangerous. It's dangerous.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [めちゃめちゃ危ないよ、こんなん。 It's really dangerous, really.] ==> [It's really dangerous, like this. It's really dangerous, really.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [でも3時間見てるから、ほんまやろな。 I've been looking at it for 3\Nhours, so it's true.] ==> [But I've been watching it for 3 hours, so it's really good. I've been looking at it for 3\Nhours, so it's true.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [姿しっかり覚えてると思うから。 I think you remember it well.] ==> [Because I think you remember me well. I think you remember it well.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [なぜこれアフリカで流行したんでしょうか、先生。 Why is this popular in\NAfrica, sensei?] ==> [Why is this so popular in Africa, sir? Why is this popular in\NAfrica, sensei?]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [これはですね、やっぱり、もしかするとですね、アフリカ、日本ではまずそんな監修ないと思うんですけど、こ\Nの大コウモリ食べるっていう監修がアフリカではあるんです。 Big bat is a bat that\Neats.] ==> [This is, after all, perhaps, I don't think there is such a supervision in Africa and Japan, but there is a supervision in Africa that eats this big bat. Big bat is a bat that\Neats.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [大コウモリは、食用コウモリ。食べるコウモリなんですよ。 Big bat is a bat that\Neats.] ==> [Large bats are edible bats. It's a bat that eats. Big bat is a bat that\Neats.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [後でニュースで出た 新宿の方の公園の方を 通ったんですよ 夜中に 潜伏期間とか症状とかピッタリで\N大阪で検査してもらいたかったんですけど やっぱ検査キットが] ==> [Later in the news, I passed by the park in Shinjuku.It was perfect for the incubation period and symptoms in the middle of the night.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [ないっていう病院が多くて 結局ねデング熱でも治療法はそんな特殊なのないからあのじっとしと いて\Nくださいってことで わかってないですけど多分デング熱でした] ==> [A lot of hospitals said they didn't, and in the end, there's no special treatment for dengue fever either, so they just told me to stay still\NI don't know, but it was probably dengue fever.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [多分デング熱やわーって言いながら仕事来てたから殺したのかと思って ただデング熱自体は全然] ==> [I thought maybe he killed me because he came to work while saying that he didn't have dengue fever, but I didn't have dengue fever at all]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [その危ないというかまあ治療1%以下って書いてますからね\Nひどく相当するなんですかそうなんです必ずデングウイルスを持った人間にかっていうのがありましてで次の\N人に感染するのでかに刺されない限りには] ==> [That's dangerous, or rather, it's written that the treatment is less than 1%. As long as you don't get stabbed]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [白が刺されやすい。 アイリー、白のイメージある?\N白の服着てたら、いっぱい革寄ってきたイメージがある。] ==> [White is easy to bite. Airy, do you have an image of white?]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [黒の方が多いね。] ==> [Black is more common.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [正解は・・・] ==> [The correct answer is...]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [黒です。 黒。 黒い方が刺さりやすい。 そうです。 これ何でなんですか?\N一筋島下が黒い色と か黒い場所を 暗い場所を好むんですよね。 習性として。 実は色プラスです。\Nこの一筋島下が寄ってくる習性としては] ==> [Black. black. Black is easier to bite. that's right. What is this? as a habit. It's actually a color plus. \N As a habit of coming closer to this line of islands]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [昼?] ==> [noon?]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [昼に刺されてるようなイメージがあります。] ==> [There is an image of being stabbed in the daytime.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [夜!] ==> [Night!]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [夜多いね。りなっち、夜。] ==> [There are many nights. Rinatchi, night.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [暗いところが好みって言ってたんで、夜かなって。] ==> [He said he likes dark places, so maybe at night.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [なるほど。さすがりなっち。正解見てみましょう。こちら。] ==> [I see. As expected, Nacchi. Let's see the correct answer. here.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [昼。 意外だね。さっきの話があると夜の方がイメージあるけど。 これ先生どういうことですか?] ==> [noon. Surprising. I have an image of the night when I talk about it a little while ago. What does this mean, sir?]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [昼といっても真っ昼間じゃありません。\N朝方とか夕方っていうところが一番活発に活動するところなんですね。] ==> [It's noon, but it's not midday. \NWe are most active in the morning and evening.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [寝るときに耳元にプーンみたいな。 あれは?] ==> [It's like a poon in your ear when you sleep. That is?]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [これはですね、イエカ。赤イエカといって、イエカの花なんです。 別なの?] ==> [This is it, Yeka. Red Culeca is the flower of Culex. different?]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [気持ち悪い。 気持ち悪い。] ==> [Creepy. Creepy.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [赤イエカは大丈夫なんですか?] ==> [Are red cucumbers okay?]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [はい。この赤イエカはデングウイルスは持ってない。] ==> [yes. This red culefish does not have the dengue virus.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [続いては先生が最強最悪と考える恐怖のウイルス。] ==> [Next is a fearful virus that the teacher thinks is the strongest and worst.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [支持率はほぼ100%。] ==> [Support rate is almost 100%.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [こちらです。] ==> [Here it is.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [こわ。] ==> [scary.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [恐懼病ウイルス。] ==> [Fear virus.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [支持率はほぼ100%か。 100%。 聞いたことあるよね。 恐懼病。] ==> [Almost 100% support? 100%. You've heard of it. Fear disease.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [一時期いっぱいニュースになってます。] ==> [It's been in the news for a while.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [私、恐懼病を持ってる犬見たことあります。 海外で。 いますよね?] ==> [I've seen dogs with anxiety. Abroad. are you there?]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [海外だといる可能性あります。] ==> [You may be abroad.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [声がちょっと変になってて、めっちゃよだれ垂らしてる犬見ました。\N犬の声が変になってて、めっちゃよだれ垂らしてる犬見ました。] ==> [I saw a dog that had a weird voice and was drooling a lot. \NThe dog's voice is weird and I've seen dogs drooling a lot.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [あれに噛まれてたら私死んでました?] ==> [If I was bitten by that, would I have died?]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [あぶないです。] ==> [It's dangerous.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [あぶないんですよ、これ。] ==> [This is dangerous.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [この狂犬病のここがやばい。] ==> [This rabies is dangerous here.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [見てみましょう、こちら。] ==> [Let's see, here.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [もう一つあります見てみましょう世界で毎年5万5千人の死者を出している 毎年? 毎年?\Nここにですねあの1年間に強犬病で亡くなる方が100人以上が赤で示されてまして\N強犬病の人の患者さんがいないっていうところは] ==> [There is one more thing, let's take a look. Every year, 55,000 people die in the world every year. It was shown that\N there were no patients with strong dog disease.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [対応とするとやっぱり強健病のワクチンを受けるということはとても大事でやはりですねこういう危険\N地域に行くときは海外に行く前から強健病ワクチンをこの日本の国内で受けられますので\N事前に強健病ワクチンを受けておくそれがやっぱり準備としては大事です はい\Nここからはウイルスに関することでどっちが本当なのかを答えてもらうよ  まずはこちら] ==> [As a countermeasure, it is very important to get vaccinated against healthy diseases, and after all, when you go to such a dangerous area\N, you can receive vaccines for healthy diseases in Japan before you go abroad,\Nso in advance. Getting vaccinated against a healthy disease is important as a preparation.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [体に良いウイルスもいる これ本当やと思う人 はい ななは あのなんかよく赤ちゃんのうちになんかこう\Nなんですか チューとかしたらウイルスがその入るとか言うけど\N大体のウイルスは持っておかないと免疫力が余計になくなっちゃうから そういうウイルスは入っててもいい\Nなるほど良いウイルスもあるということね じゃあ嘘やと思う人] ==> [There are some viruses that are good for the body Some people think this is true Yes Nana, is there something like this in babies? It's okay to have a virus like that because your immune system will be weakened unnecessarily.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [嘘 コノミン 体に細菌はいてもビフィス付菌とかでもウイルスはないんじゃないかな なるほどね\N効かへんもんね さあ先生正解はどうなんでしょうか 正解は] ==> [Lying Konomin Even if there are bacteria in the body, I don't think there's a virus even if it's a bifis bacterium.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [イ あの あります 本当ということですね ファージウイルスってなんかイカみたいな形してるんですけど\N最初ウイルスと細菌のお話したときにウイルスは人の細胞に寄生するというお話だったんですけど\Nこのファージウイルスは細菌に寄生するという 結果としては] ==> [B Yes, it's true. Phage viruses are shaped like squids.\NWhen we first talked about viruses and bacteria, we said that viruses parasitize human cells.\NThis is true. As a result, phage viruses parasitize bacteria]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [このファージウイルスは特に細菌を殺してくれる力を持ってるということなんです\Nですのでこの細菌を殺す薬の開発とか細菌の兵器ですね\Nこれの対抗場としてこういうファージウイルスを研究として進めているという状況があります] ==> [This phage virus has the power to kill bacteria. there is a situation]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [これ大気を殺すということは人間の細胞にくっついて人間の細胞を殺すことはないんですか] ==> [Does this kill the atmosphere not kill human cells by sticking to them?]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [人の細胞に対しては悪さはしないということでこのファージウイルスはあの細菌の中に入り込むだけだと] ==> [It is said that this phage virus only enters into that bacterium because it does not harm human cells.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [なるほどじゃあ続いての問題いきましょうこちら] ==> [I see, let's move on to the next question.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [インフルエンザウイルスは人に移すと治る] ==> [Influenza virus is cured when transferred to humans]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [じゃあこれ本当と思う人] ==> [Then who thinks this is true]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [ホンマハルコレホンマ人に移したらもうおらんくなんのかな治ってるイメージある じゃあこれ嘘 やと思う人] ==> [Honma Harukore If you transfer to a real person, you won't be able to do it anymore.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [その方が多いねー 正解は家ですね 家 治らないってことですね 都市伝説みたいなんですけど\N先生ちょっといいですか] ==> [That's a lot of people.The correct answer is the house.It means that the house can't be cured.It's like an urban legend.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [嘘か本当で言ってもいいですか 家とかありますとか ここで統一して] ==> [Is it okay if I say it's true or false? Do you have a house or something?]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [すごい気になってたから] ==> [I was so worried]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [感染して発症病気になる 病気になってから回復すると] ==> [When you get infected and get sick When you recover after getting sick]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [この期間が非常に似てますと もし自分が感染して発症したと 他人に移したと] ==> [This period is very similar, if you were infected and got sick, if you passed it on to someone else.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [自分が回復するまでの期間と 他人に移して他人が発症するまでの期間が非常に似てるので\Nいか にも他人に移したらどうも自分が治ったっていう誤解をしてしまうんですね] ==> [The time it takes for you to recover from the disease and the time it takes for someone else to develop symptoms are very similar.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [ちょうどズレ込んでるってことですね これ 重なってるんですね 期間が] ==> [It's just that there's a gap, isn't it?]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [続いての問題いきましょう] ==> [Let's go to the next question]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [人工的にウイルスは作れる これはどうでしょうか 本当だと思う人] ==> [You can make a virus artificially How about this, who thinks it's true]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [作れそう] ==> [I think I can make it]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [まきねえさん これ 本当ですか] ==> [Maki-nee-san, is this true?]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [聞いたことあります 都市伝説で] ==> [I've heard of it in an urban legend]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [都市伝説で] ==> [in urban legend]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [陰謀みたいな] ==> [like a conspiracy]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [悪いウイルスですね] ==> [it's a bad virus]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [広めて 人が増えすぎたから それで殺すみたいな] ==> [Spread it out, there are too many people, so it's like killing them]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [聞いたことあるわ] ==> [I've heard]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [じゃあ これ 嘘だと思う人] ==> [Then who thinks this is a lie]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [カナキチ これ 嘘 もし 作れ出たら もう何かが起こってるって 地球に何かが起こってるもんな\Nなるほど じゃあ 先生 正解は 正解は ホントです] ==> [Kanakichi This is a lie.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [ホント 作れるんですね 先生] ==> [You can really make it, sir.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [あのですね 2002年にアメリカの大学で] ==> [Well, in 2002, at an American university,]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [トリオウイルスというのを 人が] ==> [Triovirus]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [人工的に合成 作ることができたというのが] ==> [The fact that it was possible to artificially synthesize]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [これ 世界初めての発表だったんですね] ==> [This was the first announcement in the world.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [でも 非常にあの 実験の] ==> [but very experimental]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [レベルが上がりまして 遺伝子の情報さえ] ==> [The level has risen, even genetic information]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [わかれば 人が人工的に] ==> [If you understand, people artificially]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [ウイルスを作れるっていうもん 時代になってます] ==> [It's time to create viruses]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [怖いですね] ==> [scary]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [ですから 色々ウイルスとワクチンを作ったり] ==> [So I made various viruses and vaccines,]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [医療技術を進めるっていうのは 非常に] ==> [Advancing medical technology is extremely]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [メリットでいいんですけど 先ほどお話ありましたように] ==> [It's fine as an advantage, but as I said earlier]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [人工的にですね ものすごく強毒な] ==> [It's artificial. It's extremely toxic.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [ウイルスを作って それをバイオテロンみたいに] ==> [Make a virus and make it like a bioterror]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [使ってしまうっていうのは 非常に怖い話なんです] ==> [It's a very scary story to use]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [それこそ 今後だから 地球に何か起こっていくかもしれん] ==> [That's the future, so something might happen to the earth]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [実験の主義を 悪用しないようにして] ==> [Try not to abuse the principle of experimentation]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [いただきたいんですよね] ==> [I want you]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [頑張ってください。頑張って。逃げ切ってください。] ==> [Please do your best. Good luck. Please run away.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [狙われてるけど、めっちゃ。めっちゃ吠えてる。] ==> [I'm being targeted, but damn. I'm barking so hard]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [怖い!嫌だ!] ==> [Scary! I hate it!]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [用意、スタート!] ==> [ready, start!]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [逃げて!] ==> [Escape to!]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [逃げて!逃げて!逃げて!] ==> [Run away! Run away! Run away!]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [So, let's announce the winner of this week's\N優秀だったかしこ 全然ダメなバカ子.] ==> [So, let's announce the winner of this week's\NExcellent Takashiko, totally useless idiot.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [So, let's announce the winner of this week's\N優秀だったかしこ is...] ==> [So, let's announce the winner of this week's\NExcellent Takashiko is...]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [It's called コウモリを媒体.] ==> [It's called bats as mediums.]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [So, the winner of this week's 優秀だったかしこ is...] ==> [So, the winner of this week's excellent Takashiko is...]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [無から使ったと思う。 本当に?] ==> [I think I used it out of nothing. very?]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [いや、ホンマに!] ==> [No, really!]
Translated [manabukun-97.srt] => [ja => en] ==> [Personally, I think I made it from 無.] ==> [Personally, I think I made it from nothing.]
arabcoders changed discussion title from high untranslated lines rate to high rate of untranslated text
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