huggingface pro subscription

by cyber98 - opened
AI Starter Pack org


2 days ago joined ai-starter-pack and didn't get any discount and just paid for the pro subscription (((

AI Starter Pack org

Same here!

AI Starter Pack org

Same, they said we'll automatically get it...but how does that work? Will I not be charged when I try to buy it?

AI Starter Pack org

Same, what's up with that? @jonatanvm ?

AI Starter Pack org


AI Starter Pack org

same here!

AI Starter Pack org

Same here! But I think you, @cyber98 , got it since you have the PRO badge. Am I right? @cyber98

AI Starter Pack org

same here

AI Starter Pack org

@atakanakin seems you are pro now. Fingers crossed I'll be one too :) Still cannot see that I have a pro status

Nope, I paid for pro after I claim ai engineer pack and unfortunately still no discount

AI Starter Pack org

I received it today after a few days

AI Starter Pack org

Done ! Thanks ๐Ÿ˜

I still didn't get it (billing info is there)

AI Starter Pack org

Still did not get it (billing info is there)

AI Starter Pack org

@atakanakin seems you are pro now. Fingers crossed I'll be one too :) Still cannot see that I have a pro status

Nope, I paid for pro after I claim ai engineer pack and unfortunately still no discount

still having this issue, should I cancel my pro to get discount? @reach-vb

AI Starter Pack org

Hi all, I'm VB from Hugging Face. Sorry for the delay in making it happen. There was an error in the script hence, the subscriptions didn't make it through. Cheers & Enjoy! ๐Ÿค—

@reach-vb man where is pro I didn't have

AI Starter Pack org

Small update: 1278 out of 2077 ai-starter-pack members now have Pro. (61.53%). So I think pretty soon the rest of the people who have met all the requirements will get a Pro.

@reach-vb @nyuuzyou any updates on this....I still haven't got pro access.

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