[feat] update entrypoint.sh adding folder VIS_OUTPUT 9e9174e alessandro trinca tornidor commited on Mar 16
[feat] Dockerfile, dockerfile-lisa-base: try using ENV XDG_CACHE_HOME, prepare persistent storage on huggingface 7650159 alessandro trinca tornidor commited on Mar 16
[feat] dockerfile-lisa-base: remove workaround for old versions of docker 0fdaf4f alessandro trinca tornidor commited on Mar 16
[chore] sync with samgis-be (pyproject.toml, PageLisaMap.vue), update HF space card title 5350122 alessandro trinca tornidor commited on Mar 16
[bug] pyproject.toml: update samgis-core, lisa-on-cuda git urls c02ded8 alessandro trinca tornidor commited on Mar 16
[bug] Dockerfile, poetry install: remove verbose option 5a37cc7 alessandro trinca tornidor commited on Mar 16
[bug] Dockerfile: add ARG DEPENDENCY_GROUP=fastapi 1355a26 alessandro trinca tornidor commited on Mar 16
[bug] handle SAM machine learning models folder ac6ac74 alessandro trinca tornidor commited on Mar 16
[feat] prepare entire docker build with nvidia GPU on hf space cloning https://huggingface.co/spaces/aletrn/samgis 0914710 alessandro trinca tornidor commited on Mar 16