# AI Project: Finetuning Language Models - Toxic Tweets |
Hello! This is a project for CS-UY 4613: Artificial Intelligence. I'm providing a step-by-step instruction on finetuning language models for detecting toxic tweets. |
# Milestone 1 |
This milestone includes setting up docker and creating a development environment on Windows 11. |
## 1. Enable WSL2 feature |
The Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) lets developers install a Linux distribution on Windows. |
``` |
wsl --install |
``` |
Ubuntu is the default distribution installed and WSL2 is the default version. |
After creating linux username and password, Ubuntu can be seen in Windows Terminal now. |
Details can be found [here](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install). |
![](milestone1/wsl2.png) |
## 2. Download and install the Linux kernel update package |
The package needs to be downloaded before installing Docker Desktop. |
However, this error might occur: |
`Error: wsl_update_x64.msi unable to run because "This update only applies to machines with the Windows Subsystem for Linux"` |
Solution: Opened Windows features and enabled "Windows Subsystem for Linux". |
Successfully ran update [package](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/wsl/wsl2-kernel). |
![](milestone1/kernal_update_sol.png) |
## 3. Download Docker Desktop |
After downloading the [Docker App](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/), WSL2 based engine is automatically enabled. |
If not, follow [this link](https://docs.docker.com/desktop/windows/wsl/) for steps to turn on WSL2 backend. |
Open the app and input `docker version` in Terminal to check server running. |
![](milestone1/docker_version.png) |
Docker is ready to go. |
## 4. Create project container and image |
First we download the Ubuntu image from Docker’s library with: |
``` |
docker pull ubuntu |
``` |
We can check the available images with: |
``` |
docker image ls |
``` |
We can create a container named *AI_project* based on Ubuntu image with: |
``` |
docker run -it --name=AI_project ubuntu |
``` |
The `–it` options instruct the container to launch in interactive mode and enable a Terminal typing interface. |
After this, a shell is generated and we are directed to Linux Terminal within the container. |
`root` represents the currently logged-in user with highest privileges, and `249cf37645b4` is the container ID. |
![](milestone1/docker_create_container.png) |
## 5. Hello World! |
Now we can mess with the container by downloading python and pip needed for the project. |
First we update and upgrade packages by: (`apt` is Advanced Packaging Tool) |
``` |
apt update && apt upgrade |
``` |
Then we download python and pip with: |
``` |
apt install python3 pip |
``` |
We can confirm successful installation by checking the current version of python and pip. |
Then create a script file of *hello_world.py* under `root` directory, and run the script. |
You will see the following in VSCode and Terminal. |
![](milestone1/vscode.png) |
![](milestone1/hello_world.png) |
## 6. Commit changes to a new image specifically for the project |
After setting up the container we can commit changes to a specific project image with a tag of *milestone1* with: |
``` |
docker commit [CONTAINER] [NEW_IMAGE]:[TAG] |
``` |
Now if we check the available images there should be a new image for the project. If we list all containers we should be able to identify the one we were working on through container ID. |
![](milestone1/commit_to_new_image.png) |
The Docker Desktop app should match the image list we see on Terminal. |
![](milestone1/app_image_list.png) |