Model Search Suggestions

by dyoung - opened


Just want to say as a side note that is good in that we are upping the standards of code generation evaluation. It's likely going to help with the quality of models greatly!

Now for my reason for this discussion, and my apologies if this has been addressed and I missed it. But I feel that this leaderboard space search doesn't have the ability to do different aspects/types of searching. Such as being able to do multiple pattern search or multiple entry search. (Which would help so I can quickly see/check different kinds of models in comparison, side by side...).
As it stands, it seems to be a literal 1 to 1 string matching of what is in the search input box.
Being able to have multiple queries, or multiple pattern search alone would be helpful. For example, I found the multi entry search from the original HF's Open LLM leaderboard to be very useful.
I guess I could copy and paste the web table text into a utility on my side. And do the types of searches/filters/sorts I want. But I'm not looking forward to doing that manually and frequently when ever I want to check on updates on this leaderboard.
I do have the skill sets to build web scraping, but not looking forward to spending a large amount of time and dealing with possible complications to build a framework for that. Figured that it could be simpler and better for all if multi entries/patterns search was implemented on this leaderboard HF space in itself in a common form to what most have come to expect.

BigCode org

Hi @dyoung ,

Thanks for the suggestions! I totally agree. The current leaderboard is still in the early stages, so we'll keep improving it!

I'll add the multi-query feature shortly :)

Your feedback is very valuable to us!


BigCode org

Updated the search box and closed this issue for now :-)

terryyz changed discussion status to closed

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