🚩 Report : Not working

by gatovolucion - opened

gives an error message

same here @fffiloni any hint ?

yep it's an error on the Clip-Interrogator side; looking into it

Should be back running without error now ;)

Should be back running without error now ;)

It is, but keep repeating tyhat is missing opneAI api to pimp result, even if api is provided, end of report, and thanks a lot for fixing issue :)

@fffiloni it seems like it doesnt work again, sorry to report :)

Im having the issue and its still there. When I have to put my openai key in there it won't recognize it. it's a bug I believe .

@Tokoyamei maybe try with a fresh new api token ?

i did that still doesn't work it only shows the audio this time

It’s working for me πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


If you get an error on the player, you can copy/paste the temporary link in a new tab, it should load the audio properly

Ok I'll do that. Maybe it's a bug or something before it was working at first IDK know why it did that in the first place??

It is still the same issue on the mubert api side, i do not have the hands on that issue unfortunately

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