import os | |
from PIL import ImageOps | |
from impact.utils import * | |
import latent_preview | |
# NOTE: this should not be `from . import core`. | |
# I don't know why but... 'from .' and 'from impact' refer to different core modules. | |
# This separates global variables of the core module and breaks the preview bridge. | |
from impact import core | |
# <-- | |
import random | |
class PreviewBridge: | |
def INPUT_TYPES(s): | |
return {"required": { | |
"images": ("IMAGE",), | |
"image": ("STRING", {"default": ""}), | |
}, | |
"optional": { | |
"block": ("BOOLEAN", {"default": False, "label_on": "if_empty_mask", "label_off": "never", "tooltip": "is_empty_mask: If the mask is empty, the execution is stopped.\nnever: The execution is never stopped."}), | |
"restore_mask": (["never", "always", "if_same_size"], {"tooltip": "if_same_size: If the changed input image is the same size as the previous image, restore using the last saved mask\nalways: Whenever the input image changes, always restore using the last saved mask\nnever: Do not restore the mask.\n`restore_mask` has higher priority than `block`"}), | |
}, | |
"hidden": {"unique_id": "UNIQUE_ID", "extra_pnginfo": "EXTRA_PNGINFO"}, | |
} | |
FUNCTION = "doit" | |
OUTPUT_NODE = True | |
CATEGORY = "ImpactPack/Util" | |
DESCRIPTION = "This is a feature that allows you to edit and send a Mask over a image.\nIf the block is set to 'is_empty_mask', the execution is stopped when the mask is empty." | |
def __init__(self): | |
super().__init__() | |
self.output_dir = folder_paths.get_temp_directory() | |
self.type = "temp" | |
self.prev_hash = None | |
def load_image(pb_id): | |
is_fail = False | |
if pb_id not in core.preview_bridge_image_id_map: | |
is_fail = True | |
image_path, ui_item = core.preview_bridge_image_id_map[pb_id] | |
if not os.path.isfile(image_path): | |
is_fail = True | |
if not is_fail: | |
i = | |
i = ImageOps.exif_transpose(i) | |
image = i.convert("RGB") | |
image = np.array(image).astype(np.float32) / 255.0 | |
image = torch.from_numpy(image)[None,] | |
if 'A' in i.getbands(): | |
mask = np.array(i.getchannel('A')).astype(np.float32) / 255.0 | |
mask = 1. - torch.from_numpy(mask) | |
else: | |
mask = torch.zeros((64, 64), dtype=torch.float32, device="cpu") | |
else: | |
image = empty_pil_tensor() | |
mask = torch.zeros((64, 64), dtype=torch.float32, device="cpu") | |
ui_item = { | |
"filename": 'empty.png', | |
"subfolder": '', | |
"type": 'temp' | |
} | |
return image, mask.unsqueeze(0), ui_item | |
def doit(self, images, image, unique_id, block=False, restore_mask="never", prompt=None, extra_pnginfo=None): | |
need_refresh = False | |
if unique_id not in core.preview_bridge_cache: | |
need_refresh = True | |
elif core.preview_bridge_cache[unique_id][0] is not images: | |
need_refresh = True | |
if not need_refresh: | |
pixels, mask, path_item = PreviewBridge.load_image(image) | |
image = [path_item] | |
else: | |
if restore_mask != "never": | |
mask = core.preview_bridge_last_mask_cache.get(unique_id) | |
if mask is None or (restore_mask != "always" and mask.shape[1:] != images.shape[1:3]): | |
mask = None | |
else: | |
mask = None | |
if mask is None: | |
mask = torch.zeros((64, 64), dtype=torch.float32, device="cpu") | |
res = nodes.PreviewImage().save_images(images, filename_prefix="PreviewBridge/PB-", prompt=prompt, extra_pnginfo=extra_pnginfo) | |
else: | |
masked_images = tensor_convert_rgba(images) | |
resized_mask = resize_mask(mask, (images.shape[1], images.shape[2])).unsqueeze(3) | |
resized_mask = 1 - resized_mask | |
tensor_putalpha(masked_images, resized_mask) | |
res = nodes.PreviewImage().save_images(masked_images, filename_prefix="PreviewBridge/PB-", prompt=prompt, extra_pnginfo=extra_pnginfo) | |
image2 = res['ui']['images'] | |
pixels = images | |
path = os.path.join(folder_paths.get_temp_directory(), 'PreviewBridge', image2[0]['filename']) | |
core.set_previewbridge_image(unique_id, path, image2[0]) | |
core.preview_bridge_image_id_map[image] = (path, image2[0]) | |
core.preview_bridge_image_name_map[unique_id, path] = (image, image2[0]) | |
core.preview_bridge_cache[unique_id] = (images, image2) | |
image = image2 | |
is_empty_mask = torch.all(mask == 0) | |
if block and is_empty_mask and core.is_execution_model_version_supported(): | |
from comfy_execution.graph import ExecutionBlocker | |
result = ExecutionBlocker(None), ExecutionBlocker(None) | |
elif block and is_empty_mask: | |
print(f"[Impact Pack] PreviewBridge: ComfyUI is outdated - blocking feature is disabled.") | |
result = pixels, mask | |
else: | |
result = pixels, mask | |
if not is_empty_mask: | |
core.preview_bridge_last_mask_cache[unique_id] = mask | |
return { | |
"ui": {"images": image}, | |
"result": result, | |
} | |
def decode_latent(latent, preview_method, vae_opt=None): | |
if vae_opt is not None: | |
image = nodes.VAEDecode().decode(vae_opt, latent)[0] | |
return image | |
from comfy.cli_args import LatentPreviewMethod | |
import comfy.latent_formats as latent_formats | |
if preview_method.startswith("TAE"): | |
decoder_name = None | |
if preview_method == "TAESD15": | |
decoder_name = "taesd" | |
elif preview_method == 'TAESDXL': | |
decoder_name = "taesdxl" | |
elif preview_method == 'TAESD3': | |
decoder_name = "taesd3" | |
elif preview_method == 'TAEF1': | |
decoder_name = "taef1" | |
if decoder_name: | |
vae = nodes.VAELoader().load_vae(decoder_name)[0] | |
image = nodes.VAEDecode().decode(vae, latent)[0] | |
return image | |
if preview_method == "Latent2RGB-SD15": | |
latent_format = latent_formats.SD15() | |
method = LatentPreviewMethod.Latent2RGB | |
elif preview_method == "Latent2RGB-SDXL": | |
latent_format = latent_formats.SDXL() | |
method = LatentPreviewMethod.Latent2RGB | |
elif preview_method == "Latent2RGB-SD3": | |
latent_format = latent_formats.SD3() | |
method = LatentPreviewMethod.Latent2RGB | |
elif preview_method == "Latent2RGB-SD-X4": | |
latent_format = latent_formats.SD_X4() | |
method = LatentPreviewMethod.Latent2RGB | |
elif preview_method == "Latent2RGB-Playground-2.5": | |
latent_format = latent_formats.SDXL_Playground_2_5() | |
method = LatentPreviewMethod.Latent2RGB | |
elif preview_method == "Latent2RGB-SC-Prior": | |
latent_format = latent_formats.SC_Prior() | |
method = LatentPreviewMethod.Latent2RGB | |
elif preview_method == "Latent2RGB-SC-B": | |
latent_format = latent_formats.SC_B() | |
method = LatentPreviewMethod.Latent2RGB | |
elif preview_method == "Latent2RGB-FLUX.1": | |
latent_format = latent_formats.Flux() | |
method = LatentPreviewMethod.Latent2RGB | |
else: | |
print(f"[Impact Pack] PreviewBridgeLatent: '{preview_method}' is unsupported preview method.") | |
latent_format = latent_formats.SD15() | |
method = LatentPreviewMethod.Latent2RGB | |
previewer = core.get_previewer("cpu", latent_format=latent_format, force=True, method=method) | |
samples = latent_format.process_in(latent['samples']) | |
pil_image = previewer.decode_latent_to_preview(samples) | |
pixels_size = pil_image.size[0]*8, pil_image.size[1]*8 | |
resized_image = pil_image.resize(pixels_size, resample=LANCZOS) | |
return to_tensor(resized_image).unsqueeze(0) | |
class PreviewBridgeLatent: | |
def INPUT_TYPES(s): | |
return {"required": { | |
"latent": ("LATENT",), | |
"image": ("STRING", {"default": ""}), | |
"preview_method": (["Latent2RGB-FLUX.1", | |
"Latent2RGB-SDXL", "Latent2RGB-SD15", "Latent2RGB-SD3", | |
"Latent2RGB-SD-X4", "Latent2RGB-Playground-2.5", | |
"Latent2RGB-SC-Prior", "Latent2RGB-SC-B", | |
"TAEF1", "TAESDXL", "TAESD15", "TAESD3"],), | |
}, | |
"optional": { | |
"vae_opt": ("VAE", ), | |
"block": ("BOOLEAN", {"default": False, "label_on": "if_empty_mask", "label_off": "never", "tooltip": "is_empty_mask: If the mask is empty, the execution is stopped.\nnever: The execution is never stopped. Instead, it returns a white mask."}), | |
"restore_mask": (["never", "always", "if_same_size"], {"tooltip": "if_same_size: If the changed input latent is the same size as the previous latent, restore using the last saved mask\nalways: Whenever the input latent changes, always restore using the last saved mask\nnever: Do not restore the mask.\n`restore_mask` has higher priority than `block`\nIf the input latent already has a mask, do not restore mask."}), | |
}, | |
"hidden": {"unique_id": "UNIQUE_ID", "prompt": "PROMPT", "extra_pnginfo": "EXTRA_PNGINFO"}, | |
} | |
FUNCTION = "doit" | |
OUTPUT_NODE = True | |
CATEGORY = "ImpactPack/Util" | |
DESCRIPTION = "This is a feature that allows you to edit and send a Mask over a latent image.\nIf the block is set to 'is_empty_mask', the execution is stopped when the mask is empty." | |
def __init__(self): | |
super().__init__() | |
self.output_dir = folder_paths.get_temp_directory() | |
self.type = "temp" | |
self.prev_hash = None | |
self.prefix_append = "_temp_" + ''.join(random.choice("abcdefghijklmnopqrstupvxyz") for x in range(5)) | |
def load_image(pb_id): | |
is_fail = False | |
if pb_id not in core.preview_bridge_image_id_map: | |
is_fail = True | |
image_path, ui_item = core.preview_bridge_image_id_map[pb_id] | |
if not os.path.isfile(image_path): | |
is_fail = True | |
if not is_fail: | |
i = | |
i = ImageOps.exif_transpose(i) | |
image = i.convert("RGB") | |
image = np.array(image).astype(np.float32) / 255.0 | |
image = torch.from_numpy(image)[None,] | |
if 'A' in i.getbands(): | |
mask = np.array(i.getchannel('A')).astype(np.float32) / 255.0 | |
mask = 1. - torch.from_numpy(mask) | |
else: | |
mask = None | |
else: | |
image = empty_pil_tensor() | |
mask = None | |
ui_item = { | |
"filename": 'empty.png', | |
"subfolder": '', | |
"type": 'temp' | |
} | |
return image, mask, ui_item | |
def doit(self, latent, image, preview_method, vae_opt=None, block=False, unique_id=None, restore_mask='never', prompt=None, extra_pnginfo=None): | |
latent_channels = latent['samples'].shape[1] | |
preview_method_channels = 16 if 'SD3' in preview_method or 'SC-Prior' in preview_method or 'FLUX.1' in preview_method or 'TAEF1' == preview_method else 4 | |
if vae_opt is None and latent_channels != preview_method_channels: | |
print(f"[PreviewBridgeLatent] The version of latent is not compatible with preview_method.\nSD3, SD1/SD2, SDXL, SC-Prior, SC-B and FLUX.1 are not compatible with each other.") | |
raise Exception("The version of latent is not compatible with preview_method.<BR>SD3, SD1/SD2, SDXL, SC-Prior, SC-B and FLUX.1 are not compatible with each other.") | |
need_refresh = False | |
if unique_id not in core.preview_bridge_cache: | |
need_refresh = True | |
elif (core.preview_bridge_cache[unique_id][0] is not latent | |
or (vae_opt is None and core.preview_bridge_cache[unique_id][2] is not None) | |
or (vae_opt is None and core.preview_bridge_cache[unique_id][1] != preview_method) | |
or (vae_opt is not None and core.preview_bridge_cache[unique_id][2] is not vae_opt)): | |
need_refresh = True | |
if not need_refresh: | |
pixels, mask, path_item = PreviewBridge.load_image(image) | |
if mask is None: | |
mask = torch.ones(latent['samples'].shape[2:], dtype=torch.float32, device="cpu").unsqueeze(0) | |
if 'noise_mask' in latent: | |
res_latent = latent.copy() | |
del res_latent['noise_mask'] | |
else: | |
res_latent = latent | |
is_empty_mask = True | |
else: | |
res_latent = latent.copy() | |
res_latent['noise_mask'] = mask | |
is_empty_mask = torch.all(mask == 1) | |
res_image = [path_item] | |
else: | |
decoded_image = decode_latent(latent, preview_method, vae_opt) | |
if 'noise_mask' in latent: | |
mask = latent['noise_mask'].squeeze(0) # 4D mask -> 3D mask | |
decoded_pil = to_pil(decoded_image) | |
inverted_mask = 1 - mask # invert | |
resized_mask = resize_mask(inverted_mask, (decoded_image.shape[1], decoded_image.shape[2])) | |
result_pil = apply_mask_alpha_to_pil(decoded_pil, resized_mask) | |
full_output_folder, filename, counter, _, _ = folder_paths.get_save_image_path("PreviewBridge/PBL-"+self.prefix_append, folder_paths.get_temp_directory(), result_pil.size[0], result_pil.size[1]) | |
file = f"{filename}_{counter}.png" | |, file), compress_level=4) | |
res_image = [{ | |
'filename': file, | |
'subfolder': 'PreviewBridge', | |
'type': 'temp', | |
}] | |
is_empty_mask = False | |
else: | |
if restore_mask != "never": | |
mask = core.preview_bridge_last_mask_cache.get(unique_id) | |
if mask is None or (restore_mask != "always" and mask.shape[1:] != decoded_image.shape[1:3]): | |
mask = None | |
else: | |
mask = None | |
if mask is None: | |
mask = torch.ones(latent['samples'].shape[2:], dtype=torch.float32, device="cpu").unsqueeze(0) | |
res = nodes.PreviewImage().save_images(decoded_image, filename_prefix="PreviewBridge/PBL-", prompt=prompt, extra_pnginfo=extra_pnginfo) | |
else: | |
masked_images = tensor_convert_rgba(decoded_image) | |
resized_mask = resize_mask(mask, (decoded_image.shape[1], decoded_image.shape[2])).unsqueeze(3) | |
resized_mask = 1 - resized_mask | |
tensor_putalpha(masked_images, resized_mask) | |
res = nodes.PreviewImage().save_images(masked_images, filename_prefix="PreviewBridge/PBL-", prompt=prompt, extra_pnginfo=extra_pnginfo) | |
res_image = res['ui']['images'] | |
is_empty_mask = torch.all(mask == 1) | |
path = os.path.join(folder_paths.get_temp_directory(), 'PreviewBridge', res_image[0]['filename']) | |
core.set_previewbridge_image(unique_id, path, res_image[0]) | |
core.preview_bridge_image_id_map[image] = (path, res_image[0]) | |
core.preview_bridge_image_name_map[unique_id, path] = (image, res_image[0]) | |
core.preview_bridge_cache[unique_id] = (latent, preview_method, vae_opt, res_image) | |
res_latent = latent | |
if block and is_empty_mask and core.is_execution_model_version_supported(): | |
from comfy_execution.graph import ExecutionBlocker | |
result = ExecutionBlocker(None), ExecutionBlocker(None) | |
elif block and is_empty_mask: | |
print(f"[Impact Pack] PreviewBridgeLatent: ComfyUI is outdated - blocking feature is disabled.") | |
result = res_latent, mask | |
else: | |
result = res_latent, mask | |
if not is_empty_mask: | |
core.preview_bridge_last_mask_cache[unique_id] = mask | |
return { | |
"ui": {"images": res_image}, | |
"result": result, | |
} | |