patch-conv-net /
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A newer version of the Gradio SDK is available: 5.21.0

title: Augmenting CNNs with attention-based aggregation
emoji: πŸŒ–
colorFrom: green
colorTo: pink
sdk: gradio
pinned: false
license: afl-3.0

Augmenting Convolutional networks with attention-based aggregation

Get the attention map of the model and understand the reason behind the classification decision. This model is trained on the ImageNette dataset.

Made by (equal contribution to space):


title: string Display title for the Space

emoji: string Space emoji (emoji-only character allowed)

colorFrom: string Color for Thumbnail gradient (red, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple, pink, gray)

colorTo: string Color for Thumbnail gradient (red, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple, pink, gray)

sdk: string Can be either gradio, streamlit, or static

sdk_version : string Only applicable for streamlit SDK.
See doc for more info on supported versions.

app_file: string Path to your main application file (which contains either gradio or streamlit Python code, or static html code). Path is relative to the root of the repository.

models: List[string] HF model IDs (like "gpt2" or "deepset/roberta-base-squad2") used in the Space. Will be parsed automatically from your code if not specified here.

datasets: List[string] HF dataset IDs (like "common_voice" or "oscar-corpus/OSCAR-2109") used in the Space. Will be parsed automatically from your code if not specified here.

pinned: boolean Whether the Space stays on top of your list.