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# Free LLM Api's
**Important:** If you come across any website offering free language models, please create an issue or submit a pull request with the details. We will reverse engineer it and add it to this repository.
This repository contains reverse engineered language models from various sources. Some of these models are already available in the repo, while others are currently being worked on.
### Current Sites (No Authentication / Easy Account Creation)
- []( (GPT-3.5)
- []( (Paid now, looking for bypass) (GPT-4/3.5)
- []( (GPT-4/3.5)
- []( (GPT-3.5 / Internet)
- []( (GPT-3.5)
### Sites with Authentication (Will Reverse Engineer but Need Account Access)
- [](
- [](
- [](
### `poe` (use like openai pypi package) - gpt-4
Import poe:
import poe
# poe.Account.create
# poe.Completion.create
# poe.StreamCompletion.create
Create Token (3-6s)
token = poe.Account.create(logging = True)
print('token', token)
Streaming Response
for response in poe.StreamingCompletion.create(model = 'gpt-4',
prompt = 'hello world',
token = token):
print(response.completion.choices[0].text, end="", flush=True)
Normal Response:
response = poe.Completion.create(model = 'gpt-4',
prompt = 'hello world',
token = token)
### `t3nsor` (use like openai pypi package)
Import t3nsor:
import t3nsor
# t3nsor.Completion.create
# t3nsor.StreamCompletion.create
Example Chatbot
messages = []
while True:
user = input('you: ')
t3nsor_cmpl = t3nsor.Completion.create(
prompt = user,
messages = messages
print('gpt:', t3nsor_cmpl.completion.choices[0].text)
{'role': 'user', 'content': user },
{'role': 'assistant', 'content': t3nsor_cmpl.completion.choices[0].text}
Streaming Response:
for response in t3nsor.StreamCompletion.create(
prompt = 'write python code to reverse a string',
messages = []):
### `ora` (use like openai pypi package)
# inport ora
import ora
# create model
model = ora.CompletionModel.create(
system_prompt = 'You are ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI. Answer as concisely as possible',
description = 'ChatGPT Openai Language Model',
name = 'gpt-3.5')
# init conversation (will give you a conversationId)
init = ora.Completion.create(
model = model,
prompt = 'hello world')
while True:
# pass in conversationId to continue conversation
prompt = input('>>> ')
response = ora.Completion.create(
model = model,
prompt = prompt,
conversationId =