Fetching metadata from the HF Docker repository...
fixed pickle error
1.48 kB
initial commit
13 Bytes
splitting out modules
261 Bytes
fixed pickle error
851 Bytes
updated TODO
3.22 kB
fixed pickle error
6.44 kB
added confidence bars
109 Bytes
adding matplotlib back in
Detected Pickle imports (20)
- "spacy.lookups.Table",
- "pandas.core.internals.managers.BlockManager",
- "spacy.tokens.doc.unpickle_doc",
- "pandas.core.indexes.base._new_Index",
- "pandas.core.indexes.numeric.Int64Index",
- "spacy.lookups.Lookups",
- "pandas._libs.internals._unpickle_block",
- "pandas.core.frame.DataFrame",
- "spacy.vocab.unpickle_vocab",
- "spacy.morphology.unpickle_morphology",
- "spacy.lang.en.syntax_iterators.noun_chunks",
- "preshed.bloom.unpickle_bloom",
- "numpy.core.numeric._frombuffer",
- "numpy.core.multiarray._reconstruct",
- "pandas.core.indexes.base.Index",
- "builtins.slice",
- "numpy.dtype",
- "spacy.strings.StringStore",
- "spacy.vectors.unpickle_vectors",
- "numpy.ndarray"
How to fix it?
10.5 MB
initial commit