feat: leaderboard-for-sns

by wseo - opened
Pseudo Lab org
No description provided.
wseo changed pull request title from leaderboard-for-sns to feat: leaderboard-for-sns
wseo changed pull request status to open
Pseudo Lab org

Hey team! 🌟

I'm thrilled to roll out the Hackathon Leaderboard πŸ† and a nifty Twitter Share button 🐦. Here's a sneak peek! πŸ‘€

Inside the Update:

  1. πŸ† Hackathon Leaderboard: A dynamic arena reflecting participants' standings, showcasing their hard work, and fueling competitive spirits!

    • πŸ“Š Columns: Rank, User, Contributions, and Likes.
  2. 🐦 Twitter Share Button: Instant bragging rights at participants' fingertips, allowing them to broadcast their leaderboard glory to the world!

    • 🌐 Function: One-click sharing, projecting their success on the social media skyline.

Why It's Cool:

  • πŸ”„ Real-time leaderboard updates keeping the stakes high and exciting! (Starting Oct 20th)
  • πŸ’¬ Community engagement gets a boost, extending the hackathon's echo in the social media sphere.

Can't wait to hear your feedback and get this party started! πŸŽ‰


wseo changed pull request status to merged

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