my_gradio / js /image /
xray918's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
0ad74ed verified
# @gradio/image
## 0.16.2
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/upload@0.13.1
- @gradio/wasm@0.14.1
## 0.16.1
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/statustracker@0.8.1
## 0.16.0
### Features
- [#8843]( [`6f95286`]( - Improve Icon Button consistency
- [#8843]( [`6f95286`]( - Adds ability to block event trigger when file is uploading
- [#8843]( [`6f95286`]( - Open audio/image input stream only when queue is ready
- [#8843]( [`6f95286`]( - Streaming Guides
- [#8843]( [`6f95286`]( - Send Streaming data over Websocket if possible. Also support base64 output format for images.
- [#8843]( [`6f95286`]( - Chatbot autoscroll
- [#8843]( [`6f95286`]( - Fix stop recording button colors
- [#8843]( [`6f95286`]( - Streaming inputs for 5.0
- [#8843]( [`6f95286`]( - Ssr part 2
### Dependencies
- @gradio/atoms@0.9.0
- @gradio/client@1.6.0
- @gradio/icons@0.8.0
- @gradio/statustracker@0.8.0
- @gradio/upload@0.13.0
- @gradio/utils@0.7.0
- @gradio/wasm@0.14.0
## 0.16.0-beta.7
### Features
- [#9582]( [`43a7f42`]( - Chatbot autoscroll. Thanks @whitphx!
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/upload@0.13.0-beta.7
- @gradio/statustracker@0.8.0-beta.5
- @gradio/icons@0.8.0-beta.4
- @gradio/atoms@0.9.0-beta.5
## 0.16.0-beta.6
### Features
- [#9483]( [`8dc7c12`]( - Send Streaming data over Websocket if possible. Also support base64 output format for images. Thanks @freddyaboulton!
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/statustracker@0.8.0-beta.4
- @gradio/atoms@0.9.0-beta.4
- @gradio/client@1.6.0-beta.4
- @gradio/upload@0.13.0-beta.6
## 0.16.0-beta.5
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/upload@0.13.0-beta.5
- @gradio/statustracker@0.8.0-beta.3
- @gradio/icons@0.8.0-beta.3
- @gradio/atoms@0.9.0-beta.3
## 0.16.0-beta.4
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/statustracker@0.8.0-beta.2
- @gradio/upload@0.13.0-beta.4
- @gradio/wasm@0.14.0-beta.3
## 0.16.0-beta.3
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/upload@0.13.0-beta.3
- @gradio/client@1.6.0-beta.3
## 0.16.0-beta.2
### Features
- [#9339]( [`4c8c6f2`]( - Ssr part 2. Thanks @pngwn!
- [#9250]( [`350b0a5`]( - Improve Icon Button consistency. Thanks @hannahblair!
- [#9253]( [`99648ec`]( - Adds ability to block event trigger when file is uploading. Thanks @dawoodkhan82!
- [#9270]( [`b0b8500`]( - Fix stop recording button colors. Thanks @freddyaboulton!
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/atoms@0.9.0-beta.2
- @gradio/upload@0.13.0-beta.2
- @gradio/wasm@0.14.0-beta.2
- @gradio/client@1.6.0-beta.2
- @gradio/icons@0.8.0-beta.2
- @gradio/statustracker@0.8.0-beta.2
- @gradio/utils@0.7.0-beta.2
## 0.16.0-beta.1
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/atoms@0.8.1-beta.1
- @gradio/icons@0.8.0-beta.1
- @gradio/statustracker@0.8.0-beta.1
- @gradio/utils@0.7.0-beta.1
- @gradio/client@1.6.0-beta.1
- @gradio/upload@0.12.4-beta.1
- @gradio/wasm@0.13.1-beta.1
## 0.16.0-beta.0
### Features
- [#9149]( [`3d7a9b8`]( - Open audio/image input stream only when queue is ready. Thanks @freddyaboulton!
- [#9173]( [`66349fe`]( - Streaming Guides. Thanks @freddyaboulton!
- [#8941]( [`97a7bf6`]( - Streaming inputs for 5.0. Thanks @freddyaboulton!
## 0.15.1
### Fixes
- [#9163]( [`2b6cbf2`]( - fix exports and generate types. Thanks @pngwn!
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/utils@0.6.1
- @gradio/statustracker@0.7.6
- @gradio/atoms@0.8.1
- @gradio/icons@0.7.2
- @gradio/wasm@0.13.1
- @gradio/client@1.5.2
- @gradio/upload@0.12.4
## 0.15.0
### Features
- [#9031]( [`04b7d32`]( - Allow drag and replace image in `gr.Image` and Multimodal textbox. Thanks @hannahblair!
- [#8930]( [`41d5ab9`]( - Add `placeholder` param to Image and ImageEditor to replace upload image text. Thanks @hannahblair!
- [#9118]( [`e1c404d`]( - setup npm-previews of all packages. Thanks @pngwn!
### Fixes
- [#9116]( [`ba6322e`]( - Fix image height content fit. Thanks @hannahblair!
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/utils@0.6.0
- @gradio/upload@0.12.3
- @gradio/atoms@0.8.0
- @gradio/client@1.5.1
- @gradio/statustracker@0.7.5
- @gradio/wasm@0.13.0
- @gradio/icons@0.7.1
## 0.14.0
### Features
- [#8964]( [`bf6bbd9`]( - Add min/max-imize button to gr.Image and gr.Gallery. Thanks @hannahblair!
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/atoms@0.7.9
- @gradio/statustracker@0.7.4
- @gradio/client@1.5.0
- @gradio/icons@0.7.0
- @gradio/upload@0.12.2
## 0.13.1
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/atoms@0.7.8
- @gradio/icons@0.6.1
- @gradio/utils@0.5.2
- @gradio/statustracker@0.7.3
- @gradio/upload@0.12.1
## 0.13.0
### Features
- [#8803]( [`e1a4040`]( - Ensure all upload components have consistent upload regions. Thanks @pngwn!
### Fixes
- [#8836]( [`7e8c829`]( - Add `.input()` events to `gr.Audio` and `gr.Image`. Thanks @abidlabs!
- [#8852]( [`16b8200`]( - Fix gr.Image height inconsistencies. Thanks @hannahblair!
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/wasm@0.12.0
- @gradio/client@1.4.0
- @gradio/statustracker@0.7.2
- @gradio/upload@0.12.0
- @gradio/atoms@0.7.7
## 0.12.2
### Fixes
- [#8737]( [`31a876d`]( - Fix `Share to community` button for images. Thanks @hannahblair!
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/atoms@0.7.6
- @gradio/utils@0.5.1
- @gradio/statustracker@0.7.1
- @gradio/client@1.3.0
- @gradio/upload@0.11.5
- @gradio/icons@0.6.0
## 0.12.1
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/upload@0.11.4
- @gradio/client@1.2.1
## 0.12.0
### Features
- [#8131]( [`bb504b4`]( - Gradio components in `gr.Chatbot()`. Thanks @dawoodkhan82!
### Fixes
- [#8594]( [`530f8a0`]( - chatbot component tweaks. Thanks @pngwn!
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/atoms@0.7.5
- @gradio/utils@0.5.0
- @gradio/icons@0.5.0
- @gradio/wasm@0.11.0
- @gradio/client@1.2.0
- @gradio/statustracker@0.7.0
- @gradio/upload@0.11.3
## 0.11.10
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/client@1.1.1
- @gradio/upload@0.11.2
## 0.11.9
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/upload@0.11.1
- @gradio/client@1.1.0
## 0.11.8
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/statustracker@0.6.0
- @gradio/client@1.0.0
- @gradio/upload@0.11.0
## 0.11.7
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/upload@0.10.7
- @gradio/client@0.20.1
## 0.11.6
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/client@0.20.0
- @gradio/statustracker@0.6.0
- @gradio/upload@0.10.6
## 0.11.5
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/utils@0.4.2
- @gradio/atoms@0.7.4
- @gradio/statustracker@0.5.5
- @gradio/upload@0.10.5
- @gradio/client@0.19.4
## 0.11.4
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/client@0.19.3
- @gradio/statustracker@0.5.4
- @gradio/upload@0.10.4
## 0.11.3
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/upload@0.10.3
- @gradio/client@0.19.2
## 0.11.2
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/statustracker@0.5.3
- @gradio/client@0.19.1
- @gradio/upload@0.10.2
## 0.11.1
### Fixes
- [#8252]( [`22df61a`]( - Client node fix. Thanks @pngwn!
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/atoms@0.7.3
- @gradio/statustracker@0.5.2
- @gradio/client@0.19.0
- @gradio/icons@0.4.1
- @gradio/upload@0.10.1
## 0.11.0
### Features
- [#8121]( [`f5b710c`]( - chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v9. Thanks @renovate!
- [#8209]( [`b9afe93`]( - Rename `eventSource_Factory` and `fetch_implementation`. Thanks @hannahblair!
### Fixes
- [#8179]( [`6a218b4`]( - rework upload to be a class method + pass client into each component. Thanks @pngwn!
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/atoms@0.7.2
- @gradio/client@0.18.0
- @gradio/upload@0.10.0
- @gradio/utils@0.4.1
- @gradio/wasm@0.10.1
- @gradio/statustracker@0.5.1
## 0.10.0
### Highlights
#### Setting File Upload Limits ([#7909]( [`2afca65`](
We have added a `max_file_size` size parameter to `launch()` that limits to size of files uploaded to the server. This limit applies to each individual file. This parameter can be specified as a string or an integer (corresponding to the size in bytes).
The following code snippet sets a max file size of 5 megabytes.
import gradio as gr
demo = gr.Interface(lambda x: x, "image", "image")
# or
demo.launch(max_file_size=5 * gr.FileSize.MB)
#### Error states can now be cleared
When a component encounters an error, the error state shown in the UI can now be cleared by clicking on the `x` icon in the top right of the component. This applies to all types of errors, whether it's raised in the UI or the server.
Thanks @freddyaboulton!
### Fixes
- [#8066]( [`624f9b9`]( - make gradio dev tools a local dependency rather than bundling. Thanks @pngwn!
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/atoms@0.7.1
- @gradio/client@0.17.0
- @gradio/statustracker@0.5.0
- @gradio/upload@0.9.0
- @gradio/utils@0.4.0
## 0.9.12
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/utils@0.3.2
- @gradio/statustracker@0.4.12
- @gradio/client@0.16.0
- @gradio/upload@0.8.5
- @gradio/atoms@0.7.0
- @gradio/icons@0.4.0
## 0.9.11
### Fixes
- [#7754]( [`057d171`]( - Correctly handle device selection in `Image` and `ImageEditor`. Thanks @hannahblair!
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/utils@0.3.1
- @gradio/atoms@0.6.2
- @gradio/statustracker@0.4.11
- @gradio/upload@0.8.4
- @gradio/client@0.15.1
## 0.9.10
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/upload@0.8.3
- @gradio/client@0.15.0
## 0.9.9
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/atoms@0.6.1
- @gradio/statustracker@0.4.10
- @gradio/icons@0.3.4
- @gradio/upload@0.8.2
## 0.9.8
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/upload@0.8.1
- @gradio/statustracker@0.4.9
- @gradio/wasm@0.10.0
- @gradio/atoms@0.6.0
## 0.9.7
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/client@0.14.0
- @gradio/upload@0.8.0
- @gradio/wasm@0.9.0
## 0.9.6
### Dependency updates
- @gradio/upload@0.7.7
- @gradio/client@0.13.0
- @gradio/wasm@0.8.0
## 0.9.5
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [[`8181695`](]:
- @gradio/upload@0.7.6
## 0.9.4
### Features
- [#7528]( [`eda33b3`]( - Refactors `get_fetchable_url_or_file()` to remove it from the frontend. Thanks [@abidlabs](!
## 0.9.3
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [[`98a2719`](]:
- @gradio/statustracker@0.4.8
## 0.9.2
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [[`f191786`](]:
- @gradio/icons@0.3.3
- @gradio/atoms@0.5.3
- @gradio/statustracker@0.4.7
- @gradio/upload@0.7.4
## 0.9.1
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [[`065c5b1`](, [`32b317f`](]:
- @gradio/utils@0.3.0
- @gradio/client@0.12.1
- @gradio/atoms@0.5.2
- @gradio/statustracker@0.4.6
- @gradio/upload@0.7.3
## 0.9.0
### Features
- [#7183]( [`49d9c48`]( - [WIP] Refactor file normalization to be in the backend and remove it from the frontend of each component. Thanks [@abidlabs](!
## 0.8.0
### Features
- [#7228]( [`2e6672c`]( - Allow start/pause of streaming image input. Only access the webcam while it's needed. Thanks [@freddyaboulton](!
- [#7309]( [`200e251`]( - Add `gr.Image` interaction test + `gr.ImageEditor` interaction test improvement. Thanks [@hannahblair](!
### Fixes
- [#7192]( [`8dd6f4b`]( - Handle the case where examples is `null` for all components. Thanks [@abidlabs](!
- [#7325]( [`733ca26`]( - Ensure examples Images displays as expected. Thanks [@hannahblair](!
## 0.7.1
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [[`5727b92`](, [`bc2cdc1`](, [`c60ad4d`](, [`be56c76`](, [`8c355a4`](]:
- @gradio/utils@0.2.1
- @gradio/upload@0.7.0
- @gradio/atoms@0.5.0
- @gradio/wasm@0.5.1
- @gradio/statustracker@0.4.4
## 0.7.0
### Fixes
- [#6933]( [`9cefd2e`]( - Refactor examples so they accept data in the same format as is returned by function, rename `.as_example()` to `.process_example()`. Thanks [@abidlabs](!
## 0.6.1
### Fixes
- [#6885]( [`640b7fe`]( - Fix issue with Webcam Recording. Thanks [@dawoodkhan82](!
- [#6967]( [`5e00162`]( - Make <Gallery /> Wasm-compatible. Thanks [@whitphx](!
## 0.6.0
### Features
- [#6133]( [`f742d0e`]( - Lite: Support AnnotatedImage on Wasm. Thanks [@whitphx](!
- [#6931]( [`6c863af`]( - Fix functional tests. Thanks [@aliabid94](!
- [#6897]( [`fb9c6ca`]( - Lite: Chatbot. Thanks [@whitphx](!
### Fixes
- [#6942]( [`b1b78c2`]( - Fix `.select` for `gr.Image`, `gr.CheckboxGroup`. Thanks [@abidlabs](!
## 0.5.4
### Fixes
- [#6865]( [`15c97c6`]( - Fix webcam when `streaming=True`. Thanks [@hannahblair](!
## 0.5.3
### Fixes
- [#6766]( [`73268ee`]( - Improve source selection UX. Thanks [@hannahblair](!
## 0.5.2
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [[`245d58e`](]:
- @gradio/client@0.9.2
- @gradio/upload@0.5.5
## 0.5.1
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [[`5d51fbc`](, [`34f9431`](]:
- @gradio/upload@0.5.4
- @gradio/client@0.9.1
## 0.5.0
### Features
- [#6726]( [`21cfb0a`]( - Remove the styles from the Image/Video primitive components and Fix the container styles. Thanks [@whitphx](!
- [#6398]( [`67ddd40`]( - Lite v4. Thanks [@whitphx](!
- [#6399]( [`053bec9`]( - Improve CSS token documentation in Storybook. Thanks [@hannahblair](!
### Fixes
- [#6709]( [`6a9151d`]( - Remove progress animation on streaming. Thanks [@aliabid94](!
## 0.4.2
### Fixes
- [#6635]( [`b639e04`]( - Quick Image + Text Component Fixes. Thanks [@dawoodkhan82](!
## 0.4.1
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [[`71f1a1f99`](]:
- @gradio/client@0.8.2
- @gradio/upload@0.5.1
## 0.4.0
### Highlights
#### New `ImageEditor` component ([#6169]( [`9caddc17b`](
A brand new component, completely separate from `Image` that provides simple editing capabilities.
- Set background images from file uploads, webcam, or just paste!
- Crop images with an improved cropping UI. App authors can event set specific crop size, or crop ratios (`1:1`, etc)
- Paint on top of any image (or no image) and erase any mistakes!
- The ImageEditor supports layers, confining draw and erase actions to that layer.
- More flexible access to data. The image component returns a composite image representing the final state of the canvas as well as providing the background and all layers as individual images.
- Fully customisable. All features can be enabled and disabled. Even the brush color swatches can be customised.
<video src="" autoplay muted></video>
def fn(im):
im["composite"] # the full canvas
im["background"] # the background image
im["layers"] # a list of individual layers
im = gr.ImageEditor(
# decide which sources you'd like to accept
sources=["upload", "webcam", "clipboard"],
# set a cropsize constraint, can either be a ratio or a concrete [width, height]
# enable crop (or disable it)
# customise the brush
default_size="25", # or leave it as 'auto'
color_mode="fixed", # 'fixed' hides the user swatches and colorpicker, 'defaults' shows it
default_color="hotpink", # html names are supported
"rgba(0, 150, 150, 1)", # rgb(a)
"#fff", # hex rgb
"hsl(360, 120, 120)" # in fact any valid colorstring
Thanks [@pngwn](!
## 0.3.6
### Fixes
- [#6441]( [`2f805a7dd`]( - Small but important bugfixes for gr.Image: The upload event was not triggering at all. The paste-from-clipboard was not triggering an upload event. The clear button was not triggering a change event. The change event was triggering infinitely. Uploaded images were not preserving their original names. Uploading a new image should clear out the previous image. Thanks [@freddyaboulton](!
## 0.3.5
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [[`324867f63`](, [`d84209703`](]:
- @gradio/client@0.8.1
- @gradio/wasm@0.3.0
- @gradio/upload@0.4.1
## 0.3.4
### Features
- [#6363]( [`4d3aad33a`]( - Fix image upload. Thanks [@freddyaboulton](!
### Fixes
- [#6322]( [`6204ccac5`]( - Fixes `gr.load()` so it works properly with Images and Examples. Thanks [@abidlabs](!
## 0.3.3
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [[`bca6c2c80`](, [`3cdeabc68`](, [`fad92c29d`](]:
- @gradio/client@0.7.2
- @gradio/atoms@0.2.1
- @gradio/upload@0.3.3
- @gradio/statustracker@0.3.1
## 0.3.2
### Fixes
- [#6213]( [`27194a987`]( - Ensure the statustracker for `gr.Image` displays in static mode. Thanks [@pngwn](!
## 0.3.1
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [[`2ba14b284`](]:
- @gradio/client@0.7.1
- @gradio/upload@0.3.1
## 0.3.0
### Features
- [#5498]( [`287fe6782`]( - fix circular dependency with client + upload. Thanks [@pngwn](!
- [#5498]( [`287fe6782`]( - Fix selectable prop in the backend. Thanks [@pngwn](!
- [#5498]( [`287fe6782`]( - Image v4. Thanks [@pngwn](!
- [#5498]( [`287fe6782`]( - Publish all components to npm. Thanks [@pngwn](!
- [#5498]( [`287fe6782`]( - Custom components. Thanks [@pngwn](!
- [#6171]( [`28322422c`]( - strip dangling svelte imports. Thanks [@pngwn](!
## 0.3.0-beta.9
### Features
- [#6143]( [`e4f7b4b40`]( - fix circular dependency with client + upload. Thanks [@pngwn](!
- [#6136]( [`667802a6c`]( - JS Component Documentation. Thanks [@freddyaboulton](!
- [#6094]( [`c476bd5a5`]( - Image v4. Thanks [@pngwn](!
- [#6149]( [`90318b1dd`]( - swap `mode` on the frontned to `interactive` to match the backend. Thanks [@pngwn](!
- [#6135]( [`bce37ac74`]( - Fix selectable prop in the backend. Thanks [@freddyaboulton](!
### Fixes
- [#6146]( [`40a171ea6`]( - Fix image double change bug. Thanks [@pngwn](!
## 0.3.0-beta.8
### Features
- [#6016]( [`83e947676`]( - Format js in v4 branch. Thanks [@freddyaboulton](!
- [#6044]( [`9053c95a1`]( - Simplify File Component. Thanks [@freddyaboulton](!
### Fixes
- [#6046]( [`dbb7de5e0`]( - fix tests. Thanks [@pngwn](!
## 0.3.0-beta.7
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [[`174b73619`](, [`5fbda0bd2`](]:
- @gradio/wasm@0.2.0-beta.1
## 0.3.0-beta.6
### Features
- [#5960]( [`319c30f3f`]( - rererefactor frontend files. Thanks [@pngwn](!
- [#5938]( [`13ed8a485`]( - V4: Use beta release versions for '@gradio' packages. Thanks [@freddyaboulton](!
## 0.4.0
### Features
- [#5627]( [`b67115e8e`]( - Lite: Make the Examples component display media files using pseudo HTTP requests to the Wasm server. Thanks [@whitphx](!
- [#5934]( [`8d909624f`]( - Fix styling issues with Audio, Image and Video components. Thanks [@aliabd](!
## 0.3.2
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies []:
- @gradio/utils@0.1.2
- @gradio/atoms@0.1.4
- @gradio/statustracker@0.2.2
- @gradio/upload@0.3.2
## 0.3.1
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [[`8f0fed857`](]:
- @gradio/icons@0.2.0
- @gradio/atoms@0.1.3
- @gradio/statustracker@0.2.1
- @gradio/upload@0.3.1
## 0.3.0
### Features
- [#5554]( [`75ddeb390`]( - Accessibility Improvements. Thanks [@hannahblair](!
## 0.2.4
### Fixes
- [#5587]( [`e0d61b8ba`]( - Fix `.clear()` events for audio and image. Thanks [@dawoodkhan82](!
## 0.2.3
### Fixes
- [#5528]( [`dc86e4a7`]( - Lazy load all images. Thanks [@aliabid94](!
## 0.2.2
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [[`afac0006`](]:
- @gradio/statustracker@0.2.0
- @gradio/utils@0.1.1
- @gradio/atoms@0.1.2
- @gradio/upload@0.2.1
## 0.2.1
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [[`abf1c57d`](, [`79d8f9d8`](]:
- @gradio/icons@0.1.0
- @gradio/utils@0.1.0
- @gradio/upload@0.2.0
- @gradio/atoms@0.1.1
- @gradio/statustracker@0.1.1
## 0.2.0
### Highlights
#### Improve startup performance and markdown support ([#5279]( [`fe057300`](
##### Improved markdown support
We now have better support for markdown in `gr.Markdown` and `gr.Dataframe`. Including syntax highlighting and Github Flavoured Markdown. We also have more consistent markdown behaviour and styling.
##### Various performance improvements
These improvements will be particularly beneficial to large applications.
- Rather than attaching events manually, they are now delegated, leading to a significant performance improvement and addressing a performance regression introduced in a recent version of Gradio. App startup for large applications is now around twice as fast.
- Optimised the mounting of individual components, leading to a modest performance improvement during startup (~30%).
- Corrected an issue that was causing markdown to re-render infinitely.
- Ensured that the `gr.3DModel` does re-render prematurely.
Thanks [@pngwn](!
### Features
- [#5215]( [`fbdad78a`]( - Lazy load interactive or static variants of a component individually, rather than loading both variants regardless. This change will improve performance for many applications. Thanks [@pngwn](!
- [#5216]( [`4b58ea6d`]( - Update i18n tokens and locale files. Thanks [@hannahblair](!
## 0.1.1
### Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [[`667875b2`](]:
- @gradio/upload@0.0.3
## 0.1.0
### Features
- [#4979]( [`44ac8ad0`]( - Allow setting sketch color default. Thanks [@aliabid94](!