from typing import List, Dict, Any, Tuple, Union, Optional |
from collections import namedtuple |
import torch |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
import copy |
from easydict import EasyDict |
from ding.torch_utils import Adam, RMSprop, to_device |
from ding.rl_utils import v_1step_td_data, v_1step_td_error, get_epsilon_greedy_fn, get_train_sample |
from ding.model import model_wrap |
from ding.utils import POLICY_REGISTRY |
from ding.utils.data import timestep_collate, default_collate, default_decollate |
from .base_policy import Policy |
@POLICY_REGISTRY.register('qtran') |
class QTRANPolicy(Policy): |
""" |
Overview: |
Policy class of QTRAN algorithm. QTRAN is a multi model reinforcement learning algorithm, \ |
you can view the paper in the following link https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.11485 |
Config: |
== ==================== ======== ============== ======================================== ======================= |
ID Symbol Type Default Value Description Other(Shape) |
== ==================== ======== ============== ======================================== ======================= |
1 ``type`` str qtran | RL policy register name, refer to | this arg is optional, |
| registry ``POLICY_REGISTRY`` | a placeholder |
2 ``cuda`` bool True | Whether to use cuda for network | this arg can be diff- |
| erent from modes |
3 ``on_policy`` bool False | Whether the RL algorithm is on-policy |
| or off-policy |
4. ``priority`` bool False | Whether use priority(PER) | priority sample, |
| update priority |
5 | ``priority_`` bool False | Whether use Importance Sampling | IS weight |
| ``IS_weight`` | Weight to correct biased update. |
6 | ``learn.update_`` int 20 | How many updates(iterations) to train | this args can be vary |
| ``per_collect`` | after collector's one collection. Only | from envs. Bigger val |
| valid in serial training | means more off-policy |
7 | ``learn.target_`` float 0.001 | Target network update momentum | between[0,1] |
| ``update_theta`` | parameter. |
8 | ``learn.discount`` float 0.99 | Reward's future discount factor, aka. | may be 1 when sparse |
| ``_factor`` | gamma | reward env |
== ==================== ======== ============== ======================================== ======================= |
""" |
config = dict( |
type='qtran', |
cuda=True, |
on_policy=False, |
priority=False, |
priority_IS_weight=False, |
learn=dict( |
update_per_collect=20, |
batch_size=32, |
learning_rate=0.0005, |
clip_value=1.5, |
target_update_theta=0.008, |
discount_factor=0.99, |
td_weight=1, |
opt_weight=0.01, |
nopt_min_weight=0.0001, |
double_q=True, |
), |
collect=dict( |
unroll_len=10, |
), |
eval=dict(), |
other=dict( |
eps=dict( |
type='exp', |
start=1, |
end=0.05, |
decay=50000, |
), |
replay_buffer=dict( |
replay_buffer_size=5000, |
max_reuse=1e+9, |
max_staleness=1e+9, |
), |
), |
) |
def default_model(self) -> Tuple[str, List[str]]: |
""" |
Overview: |
Return this algorithm default model setting for demonstration. |
Returns: |
- model_info (:obj:`Tuple[str, List[str]]`): model name and mode import_names |
.. note:: |
The user can define and use customized network model but must obey the same inferface definition indicated \ |
by import_names path. For QTRAN, ``ding.model.qtran.qtran`` |
""" |
return 'qtran', ['ding.model.template.qtran'] |
def _init_learn(self) -> None: |
""" |
Overview: |
Learn mode init method. Called by ``self.__init__``. |
Init the learner model of QTRANPolicy |
Arguments: |
.. note:: |
The _init_learn method takes the argument from the self._cfg.learn in the config file |
- learning_rate (:obj:`float`): The learning rate fo the optimizer |
- gamma (:obj:`float`): The discount factor |
- agent_num (:obj:`int`): This is a multi-agent algorithm, we need to input agent num. |
- batch_size (:obj:`int`): Need batch size info to init hidden_state plugins |
""" |
self._priority = self._cfg.priority |
self._priority_IS_weight = self._cfg.priority_IS_weight |
assert not self._priority and not self._priority_IS_weight, "Priority is not implemented in QTRAN" |
self._optimizer = RMSprop( |
params=self._model.parameters(), lr=self._cfg.learn.learning_rate, alpha=0.99, eps=0.00001 |
) |
self._gamma = self._cfg.learn.discount_factor |
self._td_weight = self._cfg.learn.td_weight |
self._opt_weight = self._cfg.learn.opt_weight |
self._nopt_min_weight = self._cfg.learn.nopt_min_weight |
self._target_model = copy.deepcopy(self._model) |
self._target_model = model_wrap( |
self._target_model, |
wrapper_name='target', |
update_type='momentum', |
update_kwargs={'theta': self._cfg.learn.target_update_theta} |
) |
self._target_model = model_wrap( |
self._target_model, |
wrapper_name='hidden_state', |
state_num=self._cfg.learn.batch_size, |
init_fn=lambda: [None for _ in range(self._cfg.model.agent_num)] |
) |
self._learn_model = model_wrap( |
self._model, |
wrapper_name='hidden_state', |
state_num=self._cfg.learn.batch_size, |
init_fn=lambda: [None for _ in range(self._cfg.model.agent_num)] |
) |
self._learn_model.reset() |
self._target_model.reset() |
def _data_preprocess_learn(self, data: List[Any]) -> dict: |
r""" |
Overview: |
Preprocess the data to fit the required data format for learning |
Arguments: |
- data (:obj:`List[Dict[str, Any]]`): the data collected from collect function |
Returns: |
- data (:obj:`Dict[str, Any]`): the processed data, from \ |
[len=B, ele={dict_key: [len=T, ele=Tensor(any_dims)]}] -> {dict_key: Tensor([T, B, any_dims])} |
""" |
data = timestep_collate(data) |
if self._cuda: |
data = to_device(data, self._device) |
data['weight'] = data.get('weight', None) |
data['done'] = data['done'].float() |
return data |
def _forward_learn(self, data: dict) -> Dict[str, Any]: |
r""" |
Overview: |
Forward and backward function of learn mode. |
Arguments: |
- data (:obj:`Dict[str, Any]`): Dict type data, a batch of data for training, values are torch.Tensor or \ |
np.ndarray or dict/list combinations. |
Returns: |
- info_dict (:obj:`Dict[str, Any]`): Dict type data, a info dict indicated training result, which will be \ |
recorded in text log and tensorboard, values are python scalar or a list of scalars. |
ArgumentsKeys: |
- necessary: ``obs``, ``next_obs``, ``action``, ``reward``, ``weight``, ``prev_state``, ``done`` |
ReturnsKeys: |
- necessary: ``cur_lr``, ``total_loss`` |
- cur_lr (:obj:`float`): Current learning rate |
- total_loss (:obj:`float`): The calculated loss |
""" |
data = self._data_preprocess_learn(data) |
self._learn_model.train() |
self._target_model.train() |
self._learn_model.reset(state=data['prev_state'][0]) |
self._target_model.reset(state=data['prev_state'][0]) |
inputs = {'obs': data['obs'], 'action': data['action']} |
learn_ret = self._learn_model.forward(inputs, single_step=False) |
total_q = learn_ret['total_q'] |
vs = learn_ret['vs'] |
agent_q_act = learn_ret['agent_q_act'] |
logit_detach = learn_ret['logit'].clone() |
logit_detach[data['obs']['action_mask'] == 0.0] = -9999999 |
logit_q, logit_action = logit_detach.max(dim=-1, keepdim=False) |
if self._cfg.learn.double_q: |
next_inputs = {'obs': data['next_obs']} |
double_q_detach = self._learn_model.forward(next_inputs, single_step=False)['logit'].clone().detach() |
_, double_q_action = double_q_detach.max(dim=-1, keepdim=False) |
next_inputs = {'obs': data['next_obs'], 'action': double_q_action} |
else: |
next_inputs = {'obs': data['next_obs']} |
with torch.no_grad(): |
target_total_q = self._target_model.forward(next_inputs, single_step=False)['total_q'] |
td_data = v_1step_td_data(total_q, target_total_q.detach(), data['reward'], data['done'], data['weight']) |
td_loss, td_error_per_sample = v_1step_td_error(td_data, self._gamma) |
if data['weight'] is None: |
weight = torch.ones_like(data['reward']) |
opt_inputs = {'obs': data['obs'], 'action': logit_action} |
max_q = self._learn_model.forward(opt_inputs, single_step=False)['total_q'] |
opt_error = logit_q.sum(dim=2) - max_q.detach() + vs |
opt_loss = (opt_error ** 2 * weight).mean() |
nopt_values = agent_q_act.sum(dim=2) - total_q.detach() + vs |
nopt_error = nopt_values.clamp(max=0) |
nopt_min_loss = (nopt_error ** 2 * weight).mean() |
total_loss = self._td_weight * td_loss + self._opt_weight * opt_loss + self._nopt_min_weight * nopt_min_loss |
self._optimizer.zero_grad() |
total_loss.backward() |
grad_norm = torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self._model.parameters(), 10000000) |
self._optimizer.step() |
self._target_model.update(self._learn_model.state_dict()) |
return { |
'cur_lr': self._optimizer.defaults['lr'], |
'total_loss': total_loss.item(), |
'td_loss': td_loss.item(), |
'opt_loss': opt_loss.item(), |
'nopt_loss': nopt_min_loss.item(), |
'grad_norm': grad_norm, |
} |
def _reset_learn(self, data_id: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> None: |
r""" |
Overview: |
Reset learn model to the state indicated by data_id |
Arguments: |
- data_id (:obj:`Optional[List[int]]`): The id that store the state and we will reset\ |
the model state to the state indicated by data_id |
""" |
self._learn_model.reset(data_id=data_id) |
def _state_dict_learn(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: |
r""" |
Overview: |
Return the state_dict of learn mode, usually including model and optimizer. |
Returns: |
- state_dict (:obj:`Dict[str, Any]`): the dict of current policy learn state, for saving and restoring. |
""" |
return { |
'model': self._learn_model.state_dict(), |
'target_model': self._target_model.state_dict(), |
'optimizer': self._optimizer.state_dict(), |
} |
def _load_state_dict_learn(self, state_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: |
r""" |
Overview: |
Load the state_dict variable into policy learn mode. |
Arguments: |
- state_dict (:obj:`Dict[str, Any]`): the dict of policy learn state saved before. |
.. tip:: |
If you want to only load some parts of model, you can simply set the ``strict`` argument in \ |
load_state_dict to ``False``, or refer to ``ding.torch_utils.checkpoint_helper`` for more \ |
complicated operation. |
""" |
self._learn_model.load_state_dict(state_dict['model']) |
self._target_model.load_state_dict(state_dict['target_model']) |
self._optimizer.load_state_dict(state_dict['optimizer']) |
def _init_collect(self) -> None: |
r""" |
Overview: |
Collect mode init method. Called by ``self.__init__``. |
Init traj and unroll length, collect model. |
Enable the eps_greedy_sample and the hidden_state plugin. |
""" |
self._unroll_len = self._cfg.collect.unroll_len |
self._collect_model = model_wrap( |
self._model, |
wrapper_name='hidden_state', |
state_num=self._cfg.collect.env_num, |
save_prev_state=True, |
init_fn=lambda: [None for _ in range(self._cfg.model.agent_num)] |
) |
self._collect_model = model_wrap(self._collect_model, wrapper_name='eps_greedy_sample') |
self._collect_model.reset() |
def _forward_collect(self, data: dict, eps: float) -> dict: |
r""" |
Overview: |
Forward function for collect mode with eps_greedy |
Arguments: |
- data (:obj:`Dict[str, Any]`): Dict type data, stacked env data for predicting policy_output(action), \ |
values are torch.Tensor or np.ndarray or dict/list combinations, keys are env_id indicated by integer. |
- eps (:obj:`float`): epsilon value for exploration, which is decayed by collected env step. |
Returns: |
- output (:obj:`Dict[int, Any]`): Dict type data, including at least inferred action according to input obs. |
ReturnsKeys |
- necessary: ``action`` |
""" |
data_id = list(data.keys()) |
data = default_collate(list(data.values())) |
if self._cuda: |
data = to_device(data, self._device) |
data = {'obs': data} |
self._collect_model.eval() |
with torch.no_grad(): |
output = self._collect_model.forward(data, eps=eps, data_id=data_id) |
if self._cuda: |
output = to_device(output, 'cpu') |
output = default_decollate(output) |
return {i: d for i, d in zip(data_id, output)} |
def _reset_collect(self, data_id: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> None: |
r""" |
Overview: |
Reset collect model to the state indicated by data_id |
Arguments: |
- data_id (:obj:`Optional[List[int]]`): The id that store the state and we will reset\ |
the model state to the state indicated by data_id |
""" |
self._collect_model.reset(data_id=data_id) |
def _process_transition(self, obs: Any, model_output: dict, timestep: namedtuple) -> dict: |
r""" |
Overview: |
Generate dict type transition data from inputs. |
Arguments: |
- obs (:obj:`Any`): Env observation |
- model_output (:obj:`dict`): Output of collect model, including at least ['action', 'prev_state'] |
- timestep (:obj:`namedtuple`): Output after env step, including at least ['obs', 'reward', 'done']\ |
(here 'obs' indicates obs after env step). |
Returns: |
- transition (:obj:`dict`): Dict type transition data, including 'obs', 'next_obs', 'prev_state',\ |
'action', 'reward', 'done' |
""" |
transition = { |
'obs': obs, |
'next_obs': timestep.obs, |
'prev_state': model_output['prev_state'], |
'action': model_output['action'], |
'reward': timestep.reward, |
'done': timestep.done, |
} |
return transition |
def _init_eval(self) -> None: |
r""" |
Overview: |
Evaluate mode init method. Called by ``self.__init__``. |
Init eval model with argmax strategy and the hidden_state plugin. |
""" |
self._eval_model = model_wrap( |
self._model, |
wrapper_name='hidden_state', |
state_num=self._cfg.eval.env_num, |
save_prev_state=True, |
init_fn=lambda: [None for _ in range(self._cfg.model.agent_num)] |
) |
self._eval_model = model_wrap(self._eval_model, wrapper_name='argmax_sample') |
self._eval_model.reset() |
def _forward_eval(self, data: dict) -> dict: |
r""" |
Overview: |
Forward function of eval mode, similar to ``self._forward_collect``. |
Arguments: |
- data (:obj:`Dict[str, Any]`): Dict type data, stacked env data for predicting policy_output(action), \ |
values are torch.Tensor or np.ndarray or dict/list combinations, keys are env_id indicated by integer. |
Returns: |
- output (:obj:`Dict[int, Any]`): The dict of predicting action for the interaction with env. |
ReturnsKeys |
- necessary: ``action`` |
""" |
data_id = list(data.keys()) |
data = default_collate(list(data.values())) |
if self._cuda: |
data = to_device(data, self._device) |
data = {'obs': data} |
self._eval_model.eval() |
with torch.no_grad(): |
output = self._eval_model.forward(data, data_id=data_id) |
if self._cuda: |
output = to_device(output, 'cpu') |
output = default_decollate(output) |
return {i: d for i, d in zip(data_id, output)} |
def _reset_eval(self, data_id: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> None: |
r""" |
Overview: |
Reset eval model to the state indicated by data_id |
Arguments: |
- data_id (:obj:`Optional[List[int]]`): The id that store the state and we will reset\ |
the model state to the state indicated by data_id |
""" |
self._eval_model.reset(data_id=data_id) |
def _get_train_sample(self, data: list) -> Union[None, List[Any]]: |
r""" |
Overview: |
Get the train sample from trajectory. |
Arguments: |
- data (:obj:`list`): The trajectory's cache |
Returns: |
- samples (:obj:`dict`): The training samples generated |
""" |
return get_train_sample(data, self._unroll_len) |
def _monitor_vars_learn(self) -> List[str]: |
r""" |
Overview: |
Return variables' name if variables are to used in monitor. |
Returns: |
- vars (:obj:`List[str]`): Variables' name list. |
""" |
return ['cur_lr', 'total_loss', 'td_loss', 'opt_loss', 'nopt_loss', 'grad_norm'] |