Diffusion Single File

Checkpoint loading issue

by leemeng - opened
Stability AI org

When trying to load the sd3_medium.safetensors from cloned repo, the following issue occur:


Wonder any of you encountered the same problem and how can we solve this?

Stability AI org

This is due to checkpoints that are not being downloaded completely. Download the full weight and this should be solved. Closing.

leemeng changed discussion status to closed

@leemeng are you use up-to-date ComfyUI? It just updated recently.

Stability AI org

@WaveCut Yes I'm using the latest ComfyUI and was doing some internal testing to make sure everything worked as expected.

For those who encountered the same issue when loading checkpoints, please run

git lfs pull

to make sure you have the actual checkpoints but not only git-lf pointers, enjoy!

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