End of training
End of training
1.52 kB
initial commit
1.64 kB
End of training
396 Bytes
End of training
672 Bytes
End of training
183 Bytes
End of training
111 Bytes
Model save
4.94 GB
Training in progress, epoch 1
5 GB
Training in progress, epoch 1
4.54 GB
Training in progress, epoch 1
24 kB
Training in progress, epoch 1
437 Bytes
Training in progress, epoch 1
1.8 MB
Training in progress, epoch 1
493 kB
Training in progress, epoch 1
1.42 kB
Training in progress, epoch 1
233 Bytes
Model save
169 kB
Model save
Detected Pickle imports (13)
- "torch.bfloat16",
- "transformers.trainer_utils.HubStrategy",
- "transformers.trainer_utils.IntervalStrategy",
- "transformers.training_args.OptimizerNames",
- "accelerate.state.PartialState",
- "transformers.trainer_utils.SchedulerType",
- "transformers.trainer_pt_utils.AcceleratorConfig",
- "torch.device",
- "accelerate.utils.dataclasses.DistributedType",
- "accelerate.utils.dataclasses.DeepSpeedPlugin",
- "transformers.integrations.deepspeed.HfTrainerDeepSpeedConfig",
- "transformers.integrations.deepspeed.HfDeepSpeedConfig",
- "alignment.configs.SFTConfig"
How to fix it?
6.58 kB
Training in progress, epoch 1