Git Large File Storage

by ArthurZ HF staff - opened

Hey! Just realised some files are under the git-lfs storage system, and it makes it a bit hard to read them (we can't have a preview like we do for other models). Could you try to re-upload the model and config using the following snippet :

from transformers import RoCBertModel,RoCBertTokenizer
model = RoCBertModel.from_pretrained("weiweishi/roc-bert-base-zh")
tokenizer = RoCBertTokenizer.from_pretrained("weiweishi/roc-bert-base-zh")
model.push_to_hub("weiweishi/roc-bert-base-zh", create_pr = True)
tokenizer.push_to_hub("weiweishi/roc-bert-base-zh", create_pr = True)


Awesome thanks a lot

ArthurZ changed discussion status to closed

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