M1 && llama.cpp && llava-phi Gibberish?
Thanks for the training and the conversion, first of all.
I am getting gibberish on llama.cpp and M1.
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./llava-cli -m ./models/llava-phi-3-mini/ggml-model-f16.gguf --mmproj ./models/llava-phi-3-mini/mmproj-model-f16.gguf -p 'Describe the image.' --image models/llava-v1.6-mistral-7b/S.jpg -c 4096
Have you tried on M1? Or maybe have any idea what the problem is?
I am on commit 928e0b70, latest as of right now.
Thank you very much!
Update to say I managed to make this version run with commit 8a56075 if anyone encounters the same issue. The next commit (f4dea7d) breaks it for me.
I'll close this because the issue is not model-related. Hope this helps someone!