import os |
import json |
import numpy as np |
import pandas as pd |
import matplotlib as mpl |
import seaborn as sns |
import argparse |
def main(): |
datasets = ["mnist", "fmnist", "cifar10"] |
selected_epochs_dict = {"mnist":[4, 12, 20],"fmnist":[10,30,50], "cifar10":[40, 120,200]} |
k_neighbors = [10, 15, 20] |
col = np.array(["dataset", "method", "type", "hue", "k", "period", "eval"]) |
df = pd.DataFrame({}, columns=col) |
for k in k_neighbors: |
for i in range(3): |
dataset = datasets[i] |
data = np.array([]) |
selected_epochs = selected_epochs_dict[dataset] |
content_path = "/home/xianglin/projects/DVI_data/resnet18_{}".format(dataset) |
for epoch_id in range(3): |
epoch = selected_epochs[epoch_id] |
eval_path = os.path.join(content_path, "Model", "Epoch_{}".format(epoch), "evaluation_step2_A.json") |
with open(eval_path, "r") as f: |
eval = json.load(f) |
bound_train = round(eval["bound_train_{}".format(k)], 3) |
bound_test = round(eval["bound_test_{}".format(k)], 3) |
if len(data)==0: |
data = np.array([[dataset, "DVI", "Train", "DVI-Train", "{}".format(k), "{}".format(str(epoch_id)), bound_train]]) |
else: |
data = np.concatenate((data, np.array([[dataset, "DVI", "Train", "DVI-Train", "{}".format(k), "{}".format(str(epoch_id)), bound_train]])), axis=0) |
data = np.concatenate((data, np.array([[dataset, "DVI", "Test", "DVI-Test", "{}".format(k), "{}".format(str(epoch_id)), bound_test]])), axis=0) |
eval_path = "/home/xianglin/projects/DVI_data/resnet18_{}/Model/test_evaluation_tnn.json".format(dataset) |
with open(eval_path, "r") as f: |
eval = json.load(f) |
for epoch_id in range(3): |
epoch = selected_epochs[epoch_id] |
bound_train = round(eval[str(k)]["b_train"][str(epoch)], 3) |
bound_test = round(eval[str(k)]["b_test"][str(epoch)], 3) |
data = np.concatenate((data, np.array([[dataset, "TimeVis", "Train", "TimeVis-Train", "{}".format(k), "{}".format(str(epoch_id)), bound_train]])), axis=0) |
data = np.concatenate((data, np.array([[dataset, "TimeVis", "Test", "TimeVis-Test", "{}".format(k), "{}".format(str(epoch_id)), bound_test]])), axis=0) |
eval_path = "/home/xianglin/projects/DVI_data/resnet18_{}/Model/test_evaluation_hybrid.json".format(dataset) |
with open(eval_path, "r") as f: |
eval = json.load(f) |
for epoch_id in range(3): |
epoch = selected_epochs[epoch_id] |
bound_train = round(eval["b_train"][str(epoch)][str(k)], 3) |
bound_test = round(eval["b_test"][str(epoch)][str(k)], 3) |
data = np.concatenate((data, np.array([[dataset, "DeepDebugger", "Train", "DeepDebugger-Train", "{}".format(k), "{}".format(str(epoch_id)), bound_train]])), axis=0) |
data = np.concatenate((data, np.array([[dataset, "DeepDebugger", "Test", "DeepDebugger-Test", "{}".format(k), "{}".format(str(epoch_id)), bound_test]])), axis=0) |
df_tmp = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=col) |
df = df.append(df_tmp, ignore_index=True) |
df[["period"]] = df[["period"]].astype(int) |
df[["k"]] = df[["k"]].astype(int) |
df[["eval"]] = df[["eval"]].astype(float) |
df.to_excel("./plot_results/boundary.xlsx") |
for k in k_neighbors: |
df_tmp = df[df["k"] == k] |
pal20c = sns.color_palette('tab20c', 20) |
sns.set_theme(style="whitegrid", palette=pal20c) |
hue_dict = { |
"DVI-Train": pal20c[0], |
"TimeVis-Train": pal20c[4], |
"DeepDebugger-Train": pal20c[8], |
"DVI-Test": pal20c[3], |
"TimeVis-Test": pal20c[7], |
"DeepDebugger-Test":pal20c[11] |
} |
sns.palplot([hue_dict[i] for i in hue_dict.keys()]) |
axes = {'labelsize': 15, |
'titlesize': 15,} |
mpl.rc('axes', **axes) |
mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 15 |
hue_list = ["DVI-Train", "DVI-Test", "TimeVis-Train", "TimeVis-Test", "DeepDebugger-Train", "DeepDebugger-Test"] |
fg = sns.catplot( |
x="period", |
y="eval", |
hue="hue", |
hue_order=hue_list, |
col="dataset", |
ci=0.001, |
height=2.5, |
aspect=1.0, |
data=df_tmp, |
kind="bar", |
palette=[hue_dict[i] for i in hue_list], |
legend=True |
) |
sns.move_legend(fg, "lower center", bbox_to_anchor=(.42, 0.92), ncol=4, title=None, frameon=False) |
mpl.pyplot.setp(fg._legend.get_texts(), fontsize='15') |
axs = fg.axes[0] |
max_ = df_tmp["eval"].max() |
axs[0].set_ylim(0., max_*1.1) |
axs[0].set_title("MNIST") |
axs[1].set_title("FMNIST") |
axs[2].set_title("CIFAR-10") |
(fg.despine(bottom=False, right=False, left=False, top=False) |
.set_xticklabels(['Begin', 'Mid', 'End']) |
.set_axis_labels("", "") |
) |
fg.savefig( |
"./plot_results/boundary_{}.png".format(k), |
dpi=300, |
bbox_inches="tight", |
pad_inches=0.0, |
transparent=True, |
) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
main() |