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The Brent crude price rose by 50 percent in 2016. If you compare its progress with the Sao Paulo stock market’s gains in dollars, you’ll see the two graphs are very similar.” Uncertain 2017 Brazil’s currency also registered big gains. After hitting a record low on January 21 — 4.166 to the dollar-it fin- ished trading Thursday at 3.252, up more than 20 percent on the year. That made it the best-performing currency against the dollar in a worldwide basket followed by Gradual Investimentos.
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But the firm warned the trend could be reversed in 2017. “The average projection for end-2017 is 3.5 reals to the dollar in the (Brazilian cen- tral bank’s) Focus report. And the consen- sus among international analysts is that the arrival of (US President-elect Donald) Trump should translate into a stronger dollar because of the US Federal Reserve’s reaction to his fiscal ambitions,” said the consulting firm. Looking inward, Brazil is facing a tricky year, too.
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Markets may have breathed a sigh of relief when Temer took over from Rousseff, ending months of instability. Temer quickly launched austerity reforms meant to get the troubled economy back on track. But his own government was soon caught up in the Petrobras scandal, which has felled several ministers accused of playing a part in the multibillion-dollar fleecing of the state oil company. The ongoing investigation appears to pose a growing threat to Temer.
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“There’s a certain optimism with the new govern- ment. But the reforms are still at a very early stage, and the political question is still very delicate because of Operation Carwash,” the Petrobras investigation, said Perfeito. Brazil looks poised to finally exit recession in 2017. But it is still a long way from the emerging markets boom of the 2000s, when it was an investor darling thanks to a “commodity super-cycle” that fueled breakneck growth.
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The govern- ment is forecasting the economy will grow 0.8 percent next year. Economists are pre- dicting just 0.5 percent, according to the latest survey by the central bank. — AFP Brave investors rake in big returns on Brazil stocks PORTLAND: The Obama administration is issuing new rules it says will crack down on illegal fishing and seafood fraud by pre- venting unverifiable fish products from entering the US market.
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The new protec- tions are called the Seafood Import Monitoring Program, and they are designed to stop illegally fished and inten- tionally misidentified seafood from getting into stores and restaurants by way of imported fish. The rules will require seafood importers to report information and maintain records about the harvest and chain of custody of fish, officials with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said.
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The pro- gram will start by focusing on “priority species” that are especially vulnerable to illegal fishing, such as popular food fish like tuna, swordfish, Atlantic cod and grouper. The government hopes eventually to broaden the program out to include all fish species, NOAA officials said.
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“It sends an important message to the international seafood community that if you are open and transparent about the seafood you catch and sell across the sup- ply chain, then the US markets are open for your business,” said Catherine Novelli, a State Department undersecretary. Estimates of the economic damage of ille- gal fishing vary, but conservation group Oceana reported in a 2013 study that ille- gal fishing causes more than $10 billion in global losses every year. Some other esti- mates are higher.
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Some other esti- mates are higher. The rules will help make sure that importers are able to supply “the who, what, why, when, how of fishing,” said Beth Lowell, a senior campaign director with Oceana. “For the first time ever, some imported species will be held to the same standard that domestic wild caught species are,” Lowell said. The new rules are an out- growth of a presidential task force estab- lished in June 2014 to crack down on ille- gal, unreported and unregulated fishing and seafood fraud.
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NOAA officials said the new requirements will allow regulators to trace seafood from its point of entry into the US to the point when it was harvested from the sea. The information submitted by importers to comply with the rules will be kept confi- dential, and there is not a consumer label- ing component. The National Marine Fisheries Service, an arm of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, will administer the program, NOAA officials said.
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The rules go on the books Jan. 9 and compliance from importers is expected by Jan 1, 2018. Shrimp and abalone are included in the plan, but implementation for those species will come later because of gaps in availability of information, NOAA officials said.
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—AP US issuing new rules to curb illegal fishing, seafood fraud NEW YORK: Oil prices settled slightly lower on Friday, the year’s last trading day, but attained their biggest annual gain since 2009, after OPEC and partners agreed to cut output to reduce a supply overhang that has depressed prices for two years. A two-rig rise in the oil rig count in the United States, the ninth weekly increase in a row, as reported by oilfield services provider Baker Hughes Inc, added to bearish sentiments.
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But the total count of 525 for the week, the last for the year, was still below last year’s level by 11 rigs. US benchmark West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures were down 5 cents, or 0.1 percent, at $53.72 a barrel, while Brent fell 3 cents, or 0.1 percent, to $56.82. “Some profit- taking ... very light trading - a lot of people have already done what they needed to do for the year.” said Elaine Levin, president of Powerhouse, an energy-specialized commodi- ties broker in Washington.
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Brent rose 52 per- cent this year and WTI climbed around 45 per- cent, the largest annual gains since 2009, when the benchmarks rose 78 percent and 71 percent respectively. Oil prices have slumped since the summer of 2014 from above $100 a barrel.
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The price rout, due to an oversupply thanks in part to the US shale oil revolution, was accentuated later that year when Saudi Arabia rejected any deal by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to cut output and instead fought for market share. But a historic OPEC agreement struck over three months from September that will reduce production from Jan 1, marked a return to the 13-country group’s old objec- tive of defending prices.
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— Reuters Oil down, ends year with biggest gain since 2009 H E A LT H & S C I E N C E SUNDAY, JANUARY 1, 2017 PORT-AU-PRINCE: The cholera outbreak that hit Haiti after Hurricane Matthew slammed the island has been contained but persists due to lack of fund- ing, according to the United Nations. An epidemic of the waterborne disease-which spread after a massive earthquake shook the nation in 2010 — saw a resurgence after Matthew devastated the country in early October.
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The number of recorded cholera cases more than doubled in Haiti between September and October. Almost half of the patients were in the two southern departments hardest hit by the hurricane-areas that until now were not major focal points of the fight against cholera. Suspected cases of the disease fell 25 percent- from 2,400 to 1,800 — between October to November, according to the latest report from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Haiti.
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The UN says the situation has improved thanks to a three-fold increase in the deployment of emergency teams, the delivery of drinking water aid and a vaccination campaign. But funding is critical to support the humanitarian needs of the poorest country in the Americas, said Mourad Wahba, the deputy special representative for the UN’s stabilization mission in Haiti.
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No funds have been set aside yet beyond the first quarter of 2017, which OCHA said could lead to a heightened risk of hospital mortality if none are ultimately allocated. “The rainy season will return and inevitably there will be an increase in the number of cholera cases,” said Wahba. “I’m optimistic, but it all depends on the funding.”Cholera struck nearly 40,000 patients between January and November, killing 420 of them.
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On a global scale, Haiti’s cholera epidemic is the most vicious in recent history. The disease caus- es acute diarrhea and is transmitted through con- taminated drinking water-a major challenge in a country with poor sanitary conditions. According to numerous independent experts, cholera was intro- duced to Haiti by infected Nepalese UN peacekeep- ers sent to the Caribbean country following the earthquake.
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Since October 2010, the epidemic has killed more than 9,400 Haitians and infected more than 800,000 people. —AFP Fighting Cholera outbreak in Haiti requires more funds BEIJING: China will ban all ivory trade and pro- cessing by the end of 2017, the government said, in a move hailed by conservationists as a “game changer” for African elephants. African ivory is highly sought after in China, where it is seen as a status symbol, with prices for a kilo (2.2 pounds) reaching as high as $1,100.
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“To better protect ele- phants and better tackle the illegal trade, China will gradually stop the processing and sale of ivory for commercial purposes” by the end of 2017, the State Council, China’s cabinet, said in a statement late Friday. “Before then, law enforcement agen- cies will continue to clamp down on illegality associated with elephant tusks,” the official Xinhua news agency said, quoting a government official as saying.
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A first batch of workshops and retailers would be forced to close by the end of March. The move comes after Beijing said in March it would widen a ban on imports of all ivory and ivory products acquired before 1975, after pressure to restrict a trade that sees thousands of elephants slaugh- tered every year. Xinhua said the complete ban would affect “34 processing enterprises and 143 designated trading venues, with dozens to be closed by the end of March 2017”.
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“This is great news that will shut down the world’s largest mar- ket for elephant ivory,” Aili Kang, executive director of the Wildlife Conservation Society in Asia, said in a statement. “I am very proud of my country for showing this leadership that will help ensure that elephants have a fighting chance to beat extinc- tion.
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This is a game changer for Africa’s elephants.” 20,000 elephants killed Conservationists estimate that more than 20,000 elephants were killed for their ivory last year, with similar tolls in previous years. The WWF campaign group says 415,000 of the animals remain. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), which took effect in 1975, banned the ivory trade in 1989.
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China permits the resale of ivory bought before the 1989 ban-and also has a stockpile purchased with CITES approval in 2008, which it releases for sale with certification. Beijing would continue to allow auctions of ivory antiques deemed to have come from legitimate sources, under strict supervision, the government added. WWF also praised China’s move to a com- plete ban but called on the Chinese territory of Hong Kong to bring forward a plan to end its ivory trade by 2021.
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WWF said legal research published by the conservation group shows an ivory ban could be imposed “much sooner under current Hong Kong law”. “With China’s market closed, Hong Kong can become a preferred market for traffickers to launder illegal ivory under cover of the legal ivory trade,” said Cheryl Lo, senior wildlife crime officer at WWF. —AFP HONGKONG: This file photo shows seized ivory cut in pieces for incineration being displayed in Hong Kong.
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— AFP Photos HONG KONG: A shop owner shows a customer a live chicken for sale in the Wanchai markets of Hong Kong. —AFP BEIJING: China has set a target of reducing its annual coal capacity by 800 million tons, according to a government plan reported yesterday by state media.
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Despite the tar- get, Beijing expects total coal output to rise to around 3.9 billion tons by 2020, com- pared to 3.75 billion tons in 2015, the offi- cial Xinhua news agency said, citing a doc- ument issued by the country’s top econom- ic planning body. The plan aims to “improve coal production safety and effi- ciency, as well as reducing impact on the environment”, Xinhua said, suggesting that low-capacity mines were likely to be the target of closures.
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The reduction in outdat- ed capacity reflects the slowdown in demand in China. By 2020, the world’s second largest economy will burn around 4.1 billion tons compared to 3.96 billion tons last year-a very moderate growth rate. Overall, China’s energy consumption is now growing at only 3 percent per year, compared to 10 percent a few years ago, after a sharp slow- down in economic growth.
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Coal, of which China is the world’s largest consumer, remains an indispensable part of its econo- my, supplying 60 percent of its electricity. However, Beijing must also consider the environmental impact of the fossil fuel, in a country where cities are regularly shrouded in a polluted haze that has sparked anger among the population.
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The government had already promised to reduce its coal production capacity by an estimated 250 million tons this year and to reduce the share of coal in its ener- gy mix to 62.6 percent by 2016.
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The coun- try also intends to modernize its coal-fired power plants by 2020 to reduce emissions of “major pollutants” by 60 percent and is committed to stabilizing its CO2 emissions “around 2030.” Environmental NGOs are nonetheless cautious, worried in particu- lar about the unbridled construction of new coal-fired power plants in China, at the rate of almost two new projects per week in 2015 alone-even though there may ultimately be little need for the extra capacity.
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—AFP China to cut coal capacity by 800 million tons by 2020 China to ban ivory trade by end of 2017 ‘This is a game changer for Africa’s elephants’ BEIJING: This file photo shows carved ivory being shown to the media before being destroyed in Beijing. HONG KONG: Hong Kong on Friday con- firmed its second human case of bird flu this season, days after an elderly man died of the virus.
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A 70-year-old man, who had travelled to the Chinese cities of Shenzhen and Zhongshan earlier in December, tested positive for the H7N9 strain of the virus, the government said in a statement. He said he had come across mobile stalls selling live poultry in Zhongshan, but authorities said they were still investigating the source of the infection. The patient has been hospitalized in sta- ble condition.
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Those who have been in close contact with him have been put under medical surveillance although none have yet reported any symptoms. Cases of bird flu were “expected to increase in win- ter based on its seasonal pattern,” the gov- ernment statement added. Another elderly man, who had bought a chicken from a market in Guangdong province, died on Sunday, less than a week after testing posi- tive for H7N9. Hong Kong is particularly alert to the spread of viruses.
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Bird flu was first reported in humans in Hong Kong in 1997, when six people died, and subsequent outbreaks have killed hundreds more worldwide. An outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) swept through the city in 2003, killing 299 people. Bird flu scares in the past two years have seen mass culls of up 20,000 birds in the city.
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—AFP Second human case of bird flu in Hong Kong G O S S I P SUNDAY, JANUARY 1, 2017 l if e s t y l e T he 'Moulin Rouge' star - who passed away on Sunday after suffering a heart attack - had her funeral broad- casted live to the world as her close family and friends paid their last respects to the actress. Gathering at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Beverly Hills, the con- gregation took part in the Catholic service, which was led by a priest.
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Gabor's husband Frederick Prinz von Anhalt - who she tied the knot within 1986 - spoke about how he and his wife first met when he paid $5,000 to take a picture with a celebrity. He recalled how they saw each other for four or so years on and off before they decided to get mar- ried and were up the aisle no less than three days later. The late star's ashes were deposited in a gold box, which was placed next to a beautiful vase of pink roses.
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A photo of Gabor was also displayed with the words 'Farewell My Love' written on a sign next to it. It is thought her ashes will be placed at the Westwood Village Memorial Park in Los Angeles, which is where her daughter Francesca - who died in January 2015 - and her younger sister Eva Gabor, who passed away in 1995, were laid to rest.
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Zsa Zsa Gabor was laid to rest at an intimate ceremony T he 47-year-old singer has reportedly struck up a romance with the rapper, 30, and sources now say that whilst she is enjoying her time with her new beau, she hasn't ruled out the idea of rekindling her romance with the actor. A source told E! News: "She's having fun. "I think she and Casper will get back together. He's a great guy and she's knows it. They just need a break right now."
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They just need a break right now." And the news of the 'Shades of Blue' actress' approach to her time with the 'One Dance' rapper comes after they were recently spotted kissing at a prom party in Las Vegas on Thursday night. The pair - who have yet to publicly confirm they are dating - didn't hide their love as they enjoyed each other's company at Winter Wonderland Prom in Las Vegas, United States.
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In a series of short video clips uploaded to social media, Jennifer was seen dancing intimately with Drake whilst another video shows them locking lips. Later in the evening, the couple were also named Prom King and Queen. Meanwhile, sources previously claimed that Jennifer was very smitten with the 'Hotline Bling' musician. They shared: "Jen is looking forward with excitement to the new year. She keeps hanging out with Drake, and he has visited her house.
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She has nothing but nice things to say about Drake. "They do work on music together [but are] clearly enjoying each other on another level too. Jen loves the attention and she seems very happy to be spending time with him. Drake is very charming. He treats Jen with lots of respect. She seems very smitten."
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She seems very smitten." Jennifer Lopez could still reconcile with Casper Smart Camila Cabello to perform with Fifth Harmony one last time T he 'I Know What You Did Last Summer' hit maker is set to reunite on television with her former band mates - Lauren Jauregui, Ally Brooke, Dinah Jane Hansen and Normani Hamilton - for a one-off performance on Dick Clark's Rockin' Eve With Ryan Seacrest yesterday, which was pre- recorded before Camila left the group earlier this month, E! News reports.
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News reports. Since Camila departed, the two sides have been engaged in a war of words after the remaining members of the band claimed they were only informed of Camila's deci- sion by her representative. A post uploaded on the group account read at the time: "After 4 and a half years of being together, we have been informed via her representatives that Camila has decided to leave Fifth Harmony. We wish her well."
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We wish her well." But Camila soon fired back with her own statement, saying: "I was shocked to read the statement the Fifth Harmony account posted without my knowing. The girls were aware of my feelings through the long, much needed conversations about the future that we had during tour. "Saying that they were just informed through my representatives that I was 'leaving the group' is simply not true.
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Just like the other girls said in their statement about their plans, I had also planned to continue with my own solo endeavors in the New Year, but I did not intend to end things with Fifth Harmony this way." T he 'Baywatch' star took to Instagram to reveal the gift he bought for his dad Rocky as a thank you for all his love and support. Captioning a picture of the pair of them standing by the luxury vehicle, he wrote: "Bought my dad a Christmas gift and surprised him. He's had a hard life.
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He's had a hard life. This one felt good. My dad, Rocky Johnson is a minimalist. "Always has been. Never asks me for much and over the years his needs are always the barest ... Just a small way of saying thank you dad and Merry Christmas! #DwantaClaus (sic)" The 44-year-old actor and former wrestler - who has Simone, 15, with his ex-wife Dany Garcia and Jasmine, 12 months, with his partner Lauren Hashian - also shared a sto- ry from his father's childhood.
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He added: "Crazy story, my dad's dad died when he was 13yrs old. That Christmas, my dad's mom had her new boyfriend over for Christmas dinner. Her boyfriend got drunk on the turkey. My dad went outside, got a shovel, drew a line in the snow and said if you cross that line I'll kill you. The drunk crossed it and my dad laid him out cold as a block of ice. Cops were called. They told my dad's mom that when her boyfriend regains consciousness, he's going to kill your son so one of them has got to go.
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"In front of the entire family, my dad's mom looked at him and said get out. He was 13yrs old and now homeless. That true sto- ry happened in Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada in 1954. He needed the bare mini- mum then, just like does now. Over the years, I've moved him into a big home, got him trucks to drive - which he'll literally drive into the ground until I get him some- thing else. Hell, I'll get him anything he wants, but the SOB just won't ask;).
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Dwayne Johnsonbought his father a car for Christmas John Legend says the world needs Kanye West T he 'All of Me' hit maker hopes his pal - who was hos- pitalized earlier this year with exhaustion and sleep deprivation - is on the mend. He said: "This is a very difficult life and a difficult business. I don't want to try to play pop psychologist, so I'm not going to try to analyze what's happening with him.
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"I just want him to do whatev- er he needs to do to feel better and to feel like he's ready to go again, because music needs him. The world needs him. I think he's such an important talent." And the 38- year-old singer - who has eight-month-old Luna with his wife Chrissy Teigen - admitted it can be tough balancing a career and family life. He added to Rolling Stone magazine: "We need him at full strength. How do you balance every- thing you do - acting, producing, music, fatherhood?
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You start with knowing what's most important to you. My fami- ly is most important and then second is music. "My music career is the reason I have the power to do everything else. There's a lot of power in celebrity. I obviously use it to sell my own projects and produce TV, and, you know, I use it to get reservations at restaurants too. But you try to use it for something that'll benefit the world too."
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His comments come after John admitted he is "disappointed" with Kanye for meeting with US President elect Donald Trump. He shared: "I don't think it's impossible to talk to [Donald Trump] about issues, but I won't be used as a publicity stunt. I think Kanye was a publicity stunt. "I think Trump has been corrosive, his message has been corrosive to the country.
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I think the things he's promised to do have been very concerning for a lot of people, and for Kanye to sup- port that message is very disappointing. Whatever's in his mind, I disagree with him." Zendaya is planning a mobile phone detox T he 'Spider-Man: Homecoming' star shared her new year's resolutions that she hopes to stick to for the next 12 months and is hoping to stop herself from using her phone so much.
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Taking to her official website, she wrote: "I'm definitely not the worst when it comes to looking at my phone. Like, if I'm chilling with somebody, I won't be staring at my screen the whole time. "But my mom recently took a picture of me looking down at my phone when were out to dinner. She captioned it, "dinner with @zen- daya and her phone." Sorry, mom! I just start scrolling and tune everybody out. Seriously, I've got to do a detox.
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Seriously, I've got to do a detox. (sic)" However, it might prove a little tricky as another one of her new year's resolutions is to stop ignoring calls. She shared: "It's a bad habit, I know. But I get so many dang phone calls. I'll see I have a missed call and straight up won't respond for days. "I just don't feel like talking sometimes. My manager will literally call me five times in a row and I will decline every time. But, I don't like to leave people hanging, so I'm going to work on it!
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(sic)" Elsewhere on the list was to stop eating ice cream for breakfast, to do her chores and to tidy up any mess she makes around the house. She added: "Don't eat Haagen Dazs for breakfast! I do this on the regular and most of the time I'll eat my ice cream with a fork. "My assis- tant Darnell will have a full on breakfast sandwich there for me and I'll go straight for the ice cream. It might be time to start eating real breakfast. Probably something that doesn't come in a pint."
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Probably something that doesn't come in a pint." Khloe Kardashian feels like she's grown so much this year T he 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' star reflected on the past 12 months, which has seen her finalize her divorce from Lamar Odom after she initially called it off to support him in his recovery after a drink and drug binge.
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Writing on her app, she shared: "I like to make goals in life, but I make sure that the goals aren't too crazy because if you ever fall off the horse, you will beat yourself up. It's good to set small goals, and I never set a crazy time limit for myself. The new year is a good time to reflect on the baby steps I've taken, and how I've evolved. "Not everything is a race - it's the marathon of life! I think it's so important to acknowledge the evolution. It took me a long time to get here.
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It took me a long time to get here. I feel like I've grown so much this year, with what I can handle and how I react to situations." Meanwhile, the 32-year-old television personality - who is dating Tristan Thompson - previously revealed how she is "honest to a fault" when it comes to relationships. She shared: "I'm honest to a fault, and if something isn't work- ing, I will straight-up tell the person I'm seeing. Instead of ghosting, be real about what you want - or what you don't want.
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It might be awkward, but disconnecting from some- one you've been seeing without giving a reason is just rude. It messes with their spirit and doesn't let them get closure. "The only time that I think this could be OK is if you've said, 'This isn't working for me' and they still aren't getting the point. If they're still bothering you, just cut it off. That's the only time when being unresponsive is OK! Otherwise, just suck it up and tell the truth."
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Otherwise, just suck it up and tell the truth." SUNDAY, JANUARY 1, 2017 F E A T U R E l if e s t y l e T he chilly December wind whipped rain across the strewn wreckage of a city that, nearly 3,000 years ago, ruled almost the entire Middle East. Rivulets of water ran through the dirt, washing away chunks of ancient stone. The city of Nimrud in northern Iraq is in pieces, victim of the Islamic State group's fervor to erase history.
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The remains of its palaces and temples, once lived in brilliant reliefs of gods and kings, have been blown up. The statues of winged bulls that once guarded the site are hacked to bits. Its towering ziggurat, or step pyramid, has been bulldozed. The militants' fanaticism devastated one of the Middle East's most important archaeological sites.
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But more than a month after the militants were driven out, Nimrud is still being ravaged, its treasures disappearing, imperiling any chance of eventually rebuilding it, an Associated Press team found after multiple visits in the past month. With the government and military still absorbed in fighting the war against the Islamic State group in nearby Mosul, the wreckage of the Assyrian Empire's ancient capital lies unpro- tected and vulnerable to looters.
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"When I heard about Nimrud, my heart wept before my eyes did," said Hiba Hazim Hamad, an archaeology professor in Mosul who often took her students there. In three of the AP's four vis- its, its team wandered the ruins alone freely for up to an hour before anyone arrived. No one is assigned to guard the site, much less catalog the fragments. Toppled stone slabs bearing a relief that the AP saw on one visit were gone when it returned.
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Perhaps the only vigilant guardian left is an Iraqi archaeologist, Layla Salih. She has vis- ited multiple times, photographing the wreck- age to document it and badgering militias to watch over it. Walking through the ruins on a rainy winter day, she pointed out things that were no longer in place. Still, Salih finds reasons for optimism. "The good thing is the rubble is still in situ," she said. "The site is restorable.
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"The site is restorable. "To an untrained eye, that's hard to imagine, seeing the destruction caused by the Islamic State group. Salih estimat- ed 60 percent of the site was irrecoverable. The site's palaces and temples were spread over 360 hectares (900 acres) on a dirt plateau on the edge of the Tigris River valley. A 140-foot-high ziggurat once arrested the gaze of anyone enter- ing Nimrud. Now there is only lumpy earth.
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Now there is only lumpy earth. Absolutely devastating Archaeologists had never had a chance to explore the now-bulldozed structure. Past it, in the palace of King Ashurnasirpal II, walls are top- pled into giant piles of bricks. The palace's court- yard is a field of cratered earth. Pieces of the two monumental winged bulls are piled nearby - their heads missing, likely taken to be sold. Off to the left are the flattened remains of the tem- ple of Nabu, a god of writing.
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During a Dec 14 UNESCO assessment tour, a UN demining expert peered at a hole leading to a seemingly intact tomb and warned that it could be rigged to explode. From 879-709 BC, Nimrud was the capital of the Assyrians, one the ancient world's earliest empires. In modern excavations , the site yielded a wealth of Mesopotamian art. In the tombs of queens were found troves of gold and jewelry. Hundreds of written tablets deepened knowl- edge about the ancient Mideast.
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Touring the site, UNESCO's representative to Iraq, Louise Haxthausen, called the destruction "absolutely devastating." "The most important thing right now is to ensure some basic protection," she said. But the government has many priorities. It is still fighting IS in Mosul, and the list of recon- struction needs is long. Tens of thousands of citizens live in camps. Much of the city of Ramadi is destroyed. More than 70 mass graves have been unearthed in IS territory.
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Other ancient sites remain under IS control. None of the various armed groups around Nimrud - whether the military or various militias - has been dedicated to guarding it. During the UNESCO tour, Salih noticed that some of the ancient bricks from the rubble had been neatly piled up as if to be hauled away - perhaps, she suspects, to repair homes dam- aged in fighting. Stone tiles at the palace entrance vanished from where she saw them last.
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Two locals were arrested with a marble tablet and stone seal from Nimrud, presumably to sell. The men are in custody. But it's unclear where the artifacts seized from them are. The police insisted they were at a lab in the northern city of Irbil. The lab said it knew nothing about them. The Antiquities Ministry in Baghdad said they were safe in the Nineveh government offices. An official there said they were with the police awaiting transit to Baghdad. That circle of confusion makes theft easy.
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That circle of confusion makes theft easy. Salih is seeking international funding to pay someone to guard the site. But she recog- nizes the job will have to go to one of the militia factions, and she has no illusions they will pro- vide full protection. She'll have to cajole them into doing as much as they can. "There isn't another choice, as you see," she said.
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— AP 3,000 years ago, it ruled the Mideast, now blown to pieces UNESCO’s Iraq representative Louise Haxthausen documents the damage wreaked by the Islamic State group at the ancient site of Nimrud, Iraq. Iraq archaeologist Layla Salih, left, confers with UNESCO’s representative in Iraq Louse Haxthausen, right, at the ancient site of Nimrud, Iraq.
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A stone tablet with cuneiform writing is seen in the foreground as UNESCO’s Iraq representative Louise Haxthausen doc- uments the damage wreaked by the Islamic State group at the ancient site of Nimrud, Iraq. This photo shows the stat- ues of the lamassu, the winged, human-headed bulls that stood at the gates of the palace and were believed to ward off evil in the ancient city of Nimrud, near Mosul, Iraq.
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— AP photos A fragment of an Assyrian-era relief shows the image of a genie holding a pine cone at the ancient site of Nimrud that was destroyed by Islamic State group militants near Mosul, Iraq. The remains of a large stone figure of a lamassu, an Assyrian winged bull deity, are piled near the gates of the ancient palace where they once stood at Nimrud, Iraq.
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SUNDAY, JANUARY 1, 2017 l if e s t y l e F E A T U R E Balinese dancers perform during a New Year celebration in Denpasar, on Indonesia’s resort island of Bali yesterday. — AFP photos 'La Festa del Pi' Galejadors (flaunters) celebrate after hanging a pine tree from the church’s ceiling during ‘La Festa del Pi’(The Festival of the Pine Tree) in the village of Centelles near to Barcelona. — AFP photos Galejadors (flaunters) pull ropes to fell the selected pine tree during ‘La Festa del Pi’.
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A Galejador (flaunter) chops the selected pine tree down during ‘La Festa del Pi.’ Galejadors (flaunters) light bonfires to prepare breakfast in the forest dur- ing ‘La Festa del Pi.’ SUNDAY, JANUARY 1, 2017 l if e s t y l e F E A T U R E In this file photo, a Christmas tree and skyscrapers illuminated for the New Year celebrations are seen in downtown Grozny, the capital of Chechnya, Russia.
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— AP F or 79 years it reigned as a New York culinary insti- tution: the Carnegie Deli, frequented by locals and visitors for its sandwiches, and immortalized in the Woody Allen movie "Broadway Danny Rose." Now, it's closed, relegated to nostalgic photos and memories- another sign, many say, that America's biggest city is los- ing its old charms and succumbing to exorbitant proper- ty prices and the encroachment of ever more Manhattan hotels.
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On its last day, Friday, dozens braved the cold to line up at the 7th Avenue eatery across the street from the famed Carnegie Hall, close to Central Park. They were determined to get one last bite in the most emblematic of New York's Jewish delicatessens, a place whose walls boast hundreds of old photos of theater stars from nearby Broadway. Paul Zatek, a young finance executive, was representative of many now living in what is one of the world's most expensive cities.
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"I've lived here for 10 years and had never come," he said. But the realization that it was the last chance to taste the deli's enormous, $30 pastrami sandwich-called the "Woody Allen," in honor of the director/actor who gave the place much of its cachet-prompted him to drop by and wait for a seat. 'Incredibly difficult decision' "It's just a New York institution-you see from the pic- tures on the walls how many people have come here," said his fiancee, Jackie Fennessey, looking around at the walls.
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The owner of the establishment, Marian Harper, said it had been a very difficult decision to close the deli, which she inherited from her father, who had bought it with a partner in 1976. "I'm at that certain age where I want to enjoy my life," Harper told public radio network NPR. "And all good things must come to an end."
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"And all good things must come to an end." According to the New York Daily News, Harper rejected an offer from one of her former employees, a dishwasher who now owns a Mexican restaurant, to buy the restau- rant for $10 million. He had hoped to preserve the address, which he considered as "much a part of New York City as the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building."
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But its business-and management-had gone through some rough patches, including a messy divorce for Harper, a nearly year-long closure because of a reported gas leak, and a court ordering the deli to pay workers $2.6 million in back wages. Harper said none of those snags factored into her decision to close. 'Cities change' Forbes magazine portrayed the deli's end-of-an-era as part of the greater change of New York's makeup.
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"A well-known name and nostalgic food aren't enough to keep a place going on forever, even with tourists as a customer base. As cities change, the restaurants that reflect their character have to change, too," it said. For one of the waiters, Ali Tarique, it was sad to see the place he had worked in the past 14 years shut its doors. "Every day you met new people, sometimes funny peo- ple, sometimes celebrities...very nice people," he remi- nisced as he tended to the final-day rush.
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At one table, two young Chinese women, students at the University of California, Santa Barbara, admitted they had never heard of Carnegie Deli until just hours earlier. But now inside, waiting to be served, they mar- veled that a place so cozy could close down. "The feel- ing is so good, it feels so warm," said one of them, Ann Zheng. But while the deli no longer exists, aficionados of its pastrami and almost-as-renowned cheesecake need not go hungry.
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Harper says she intends to keep producing them in her New Jersey factory, supplying Carnegie Deli-branded eateries that are operating in Madison Square Garden, Las Vegas, and Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. — AFP 'A well-known name and nostalgic food aren't enough to keep a place going' Carnegie Deli, a New York institution, closes its doors New Yorker Paul Zatek (L) waits to take his first bite of a Woody Allen pastrami sandwich at the Carnegie Deli in New York.
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People line up to get into the Carnegie Deli in New York.
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— AFP photos 00:00 Wild Card 02:00 Hansel & Gretel 03:45 The Expendables 3 06:00 Double Team 08:00 Pompeii 10:00 Memorial Day 12:00 The Mark: Redemption 14:00 Double Team 16:00 Pompeii 18:00 Lucy 20:00 Dracula Untold 22:00 AWOL 72 01:00 A Kind Of Magic 03:00 5 To 7 05:00 Invasion Day 07:00 Life Of A King 09:00 Experimenter 11:00 A Kind Of Magic 13:00 Changing Hearts 15:00 First Response 17:00 Experimenter 19:00 Catch Me Daddy 21:00 Frontera 23:00 Two-Bit Waltz 01:00 Max 03:00 Goosebumps 05:00 Step Dogs 07:00 Hotel Transylvania 2 09:00 Max 11:00 Step Dogs 13:00 The Tale Of Despereaux 15:00 Muppets Most Wanted 17:00 Zootropolis 19:00 The Amazing Wizard Of Paws 21:00 House Arrest 23:00 Muppets Most Wanted 01:00 Spy 03:00 The Age Of Adaline 05:00 The 5th Wave 07:00 Hector And The Search For Happiness 09:00 The Age Of Adaline 11:00 Ant-Man 13:00 Breaking The Bank 14:45 In The Heart Of The Sea 17:00 Dad’s Army 18:45 The Intern 21:00 Ride Along 2 23:00 How To Be Single 00:00 Horrible Bosses 2 02:00 Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 04:00 Angus Thongs And Perfect Snogging¬ 06:00 Honeymooners 08:00 Caveman 10:00 Angus Thongs And Perfect Snogging 12:00 Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 14:00 Baby Mama 16:00 Caveman 18:00 Easy A 19:45 Spanglish 22:00 Adult World 01:00 God Help The Girl 03:00 Wuthering Heights 05:00 Memories 07:00 Late Bloomers 09:00 Middle Of Nowhere 11:00 God Help The Girl 13:00 Wuthering Heights 15:00 Ordinary People 17:15 Middle Of Nowhere 19:00 Identity 21:00 Zulu 23:00 Enemy 02:00 Song For Marion 04:00 Finding Forrester
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02:00 Song For Marion 04:00 Finding Forrester 06:30 Gridiron Gang 09:00 The Search For Freedom 10:45 Finding Forrester 13:00 Short Term 12 15:00 Walking On Sunshine 17:00 The Search For Freedom 19:00 Boyhood 21:45 Big Fish 00:00 Chocolate City 02:00 Make Your Move 04:00 Home 06:00 With This Ring 08:00 Barefoot 10:00 Step Up Revolution 12:00 Step Up All In 14:00 Oblivion 16:15 Barefoot 18:00 Words And Pictures 20:00 Effie Gray 22:00 Dope 01:30 The Animal 03:00 Birthday Girl 04:30 The No Sit List 05:45 The Art Of War 07:45 Primeval 09:30 The English
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The Art Of War 07:45 Primeval 09:30 The English Patient 12:15 Big Hero 6 14:00 Saving Mr. Banks 16:15 The Good Shepherd 18:30 The Animal 20:00 Pretty Woman 22:00 Hard Cash 23:45 About Adam 00:00 Clerks 01:30 Sex, Death And Bowling 03:05 True Adolescents 04:35 The Kitchen 06:00 Les Paul: Live In New York 07:00 Miss Firecracker 08:40 Radiator 10:15 Detroit Unleaded 11:45 Flakes 13:15 Discovering: Zeffirelli 14:00 Produced By George Martin 15:30 Miss Firecracker 17:10 Radiator 18:45 Rankin Presents: Collabor8te 19:30 Writers’ Room 20:00 Hollywood’s Best Film Directors 20:30 Detroit Unleaded 22:00 The Principal 23:00 Rectify 00:30 Happy Endings 01:00 Happy Endings 01:30 Saturday Night Live 03:00 2 Broke Girls 03:30 Baby Daddy 04:00 Better With You 04:30 The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 05:30 Breaking In 06:00 Til Death 06:30 Living With Fran 07:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 08:00 Better With You 08:30 Breaking In 09:00 2 Broke Girls 09:30 Telenovela 10:00 Telenovela 10:30 Living With Fran 11:00 The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 12:00 Til Death 12:30 Better With You 13:00 Breaking In 13:30 Living With Fran 14:00 Baby Daddy 14:30 Telenovela 15:00 Telenovela 15:30 Happy Endings 16:00 Happy Endings 16:30 Til Death 17:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 18:00 Last Man Standing 18:30 Baby Daddy 19:00 Telenovela 19:30 Telenovela 20:00 Two And A Half Men 20:30 Two And A Half Men 21:00 Happy Endings 21:30 Happy Endings 22:00 Veep 22:30 Veep 23:00 The Detour 23:30 Two And A Half Men 000:00 The Americans 01:00 Better
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And A Half Men 000:00 The Americans 01:00 Better Call Saul 02:00 Better Call Saul 03:00 Grimm 04:00 Stitchers 05:00 Good Morning America - Weekend 06:00 Prison Break 07:00 The Amazing Race 08:00 The Night Shift 09:00 Stitchers 10:00 Prison Break 11:00 The Art Of More 12:00 Chicago Med 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:00 The Amazing Race 15:00 Stitchers 16:00 Live Good Morning America - Weekend 17:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 18:00 The Night Shift 19:00 The Blacklist 20:00 This Is Us 21:00 The Catch 22:00 The Catch 23:00 Mistresses 00:00 Outsiders 01:00
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The Catch 23:00 Mistresses 00:00 Outsiders 01:00 Strike Back 02:00 Vice Principals 02:30 Funny Or Die Presents 03:00 John From Cincinnati 04:00 Rome 05:00 You Don’t Know Jack 07:10 Angel Rodriguez 09:00 Muhammad Ali’s Greatest Fight 11:00 Yesterday 12:45 Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee 15:00 RKO 281 17:00 Yesterday 19:00 For Neda 20:10 Banshee 21:00 Legends 22:00 Pete Holmes: Faces And Sounds 23:00 Marathon: The Patriots Day Bombing 00:30 Doctors 01:00 Eastenders 01:30 Poldark 02:30 Poldark 03:30 Sherlock: The Abominable Bride 05:05 Death In Paradise 06:00 Doctors 06:30 Eastenders 07:00 Holby City 07:55 Father Brown 08:45 Call The Midwife 09:40 Doctor Who 10:30 Doctors 11:00 Eastenders 11:35 Father Brown 12:25 Call The Midwife 13:20 Doctor Who 14:15 Doctors 14:45 Eastenders 15:20 Father Brown 16:10 Call The Midwife 17:05 Doctor Who 18:00 Doctors 18:30 Eastenders 19:05 Father Brown 20:00 New Blood 21:00 New Blood 21:55 Orphan Black 22:35 Silent Witness 23:30 Sherlock 00:00 Hannibal Buress: Animal Furnace 00:50 Chappelle’s Show 01:15 Tosh.0 01:40 The Daily Show - Global Edition 02:05 Tosh.0 02:30 Lip Sync Battle 03:00 Nathan For You 03:25 Disorderly Conduct: Video On Patrol 04:15 Key And Peele 04:40 Impractical Jokers 05:05 Ridiculousness 05:30 Framework 06:20 Hungry Investors 07:15 Disorderly Conduct: Video On Patrol 08:05 Impractical Jokers 08:30 Ridiculousness 08:55 Tosh.0 09:20 Key And Peele 09:45 Nathan For You 10:10 The It Crowd 10:35 Ridiculousness 11:00 Framework 11:50 Frankenfood 12:15 Workaholics 12:40
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11:50 Frankenfood 12:15 Workaholics 12:40 The It Crowd 13:05 Disorderly Conduct: Video On Patrol 13:55 Ridiculousness 14:20 Framework 15:10 The Jim Gaffigan Show 15:35 Ridiculousness 16:00 Impractical Jokers 16:30 Nathan For You 16:55 Tosh.0 17:25 Workaholics 17:50 Catch A Contractor 18:39 The It Crowd 19:03 Lip Sync Battle: All Stars Live 19:50 The Jim Gaffigan Show 20:13 Key And Peele 20:37 Ridiculousness 21:00 The Daily Show Best Of The Worst Special 21:30 The Half Hour 21:54 David Spade: My Fake Problems 22:42 Lip Sync Battle 23:05 Tosh.0 23:30
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Problems 22:42 Lip Sync Battle 23:05 Tosh.0 23:30 The Daily Show Best Of The Worst Special 00:00 Private Chef 01:00 Restaurant Takeover 02:00 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 03:00 Chopped 04:00 Guy’s Grocery Games 05:00 Man Fire Food 06:00 Chopped 07:00 Barefoot Contessa 08:00 The Kitchen 09:00 Anna Olson: Bake 10:00 Chopped 11:00 Guy’s Big Bite 12:00 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 13:00 Man Fire Food 14:00 Chopped 15:00 The Kitchen 16:00 Cooking For Real 16:30 Cooking For Real 17:00 Chopped 18:00 Iron Chef America 19:00 Restaurant Stakeout 20:00 Mystery Diners 20:30 Mystery Diners 21:00 Restaurant Takeover 22:00 Iron Chef America 23:00 Restaurant Stakeout 01:00 Dark Matter 01:50 Stargate SG-1 02:40 Stargate SG-1 03:30 Stargate SG-1 04:20 Stargate SG-1 05:10 Stargate SG-1 06:00 Stargate SG-1 06:45 Sanctuary 07:30 Warehouse 13 08:15 Smallville 09:00 Face Off 09:45 Sanctuary 10:30 Stargate SG-1 11:20 Warehouse 13 12:10 Smallville 13:00 Sanctuary 13:50 Waterworld 16:00 Face Off 16:50 Smallville 17:40 Sanctuary 18:30 Stargate SG-1 19:20 Warehouse 13 20:10 Smallville 21:00 Face Off 21:50 Face Off 22:40 Blue Demon 00:00 The Secret Life Of The American Teenager 01:00 Private Practice 02:00 Grey’s Anatomy 04:00 Fashion Star 05:00 House Of DVF 06:00 Who Lives Here?
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06:30 Who Lives Here? 07:00 Cougar Town 07:30 Cougar Town 08:00 Castle 09:00 Castle 10:00 Grey’s Anatomy 11:00 Grey’s Anatomy 12:00 Fashion Star 13:00 House Of DVF 14:00 The Fashion Fund 15:00 Who Lives Here?
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16:00 Private Practice 17:00 Private Practice 18:00 The Bridge 19:00 The Listener 20:00 Three 21:00 Style By Jury 21:30 Style By Jury 22:00 Private Practice 23:00 Grey’s Anatomy 00:20 Love, Lust Or Run 01:10 Nine Months Later 02:00 My Big Fat Fabulous Life 02:25 Say Yes To The Dress 02:50 Love At First Swipe 03:15 Cake Boss 04:20 Little People, Big World 05:10 Toddlers & Tiaras 06:00 Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners 06:50 Separated At Birth 07:40 My Big Fat Fabulous Life 08:30 Little People, Big World 09:20 Jon & Kate Plus 8 10:10 Love At First Swipe 10:35 Cake Boss 11:00 My Big Fat Fabulous Life 11:25 Say Yes To The Dress 11:50 Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners 12:40 Cake Boss 13:30 Say Yes To The Dress: Bridesmaids 14:20 Say Yes To The Dress: The Big Day 15:10 Toddlers & Tiaras 16:00 Little People, Big World 16:50 Jon & Kate Plus 8 17:40 Love At First Swipe 18:05 Cake Boss 18:30 Love, Lust Or Run 19:20 My Big Fat Fabulous Life 19:45 Say Yes To The Dress 20:10 Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners 21:00 Two In A Million: A Face Like Mine 21:50 Leah Remini: It’s All Relative 22:40 Breaking Amish: Brave New World - The Shunning... 00:50 Gator Boys 01:45 Mountain Monsters 02:40 Weird Creatures With Nick Baker 07:36 Call Of The Wildman 08:00 Call Of The Wildman 08:25 Too Cute!
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Pint-Sized 09:15 Big Fish Man 10:10 Weird Creatures With Nick Baker 11:05 Tanked 12:00 Too Cute!
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