8 values
I appreciate your concern. It helps to have someone to vent to. Is this going to end soon??? I definitely cannot answer that. As long as people keep valuing one another though, we will get through it. That sounds really good. I do value her, just not the paranoia.
Affirmation and Reassurance
Its just hard to find time to interact with them I should try that Cool! There are lot of online games that have been invented after the lockdown came into effect. You can try searching them online and playing it with your friends Yeah thats a great idea How do you keep in touch with your freinds?
what am ii supposed to do in this situation have you spoken to any friends or family members about how you are feeling? yeah but there not helping about anything has anything changed recently in your life that you think might be contributing to this feeling of depression that you are having? yes i lost my job last month
It might, I don't know what set them off in the first place. That might be a good place to start when it comes to approaching them. Let them know your side of the situation and maybe they will understand. I think I will. Would you recommend me buying coffee and doughnuts? I think buying coffee and doughnuts sounds like a wonderful idea. It seems like you are really willing to help create a healthier work environment. yeah for my sanity. Thank you
It is a matter of finding a balance on the way there. She loves me but has trouble believing me because I've been rolled over by the pandemic so many times. It has been proven that the best way to find balance and harmony is to always look forward to the potential in your future. It is very apparent you are a dedicated and loyal partner and that will show itself in time. We all have had to take two steps back in order to take one step forward due to this pandemic. The fact that you are aware of potential issues down the road and have proactively reached out to discuss this shows myself (as well as yourself) that you need to continue to focus on your goals and in time your partners happiness will naturally come out. I feel like I have reached the point that reassurance can bring me and need to take action. Make sure you stay well rested as sleep can improve your positive energy. Stay hydrated and nourish your body well as keeping your body in tune with a strong and focused mind does the body and soul good. Do you feel that you are in a healthy place to deal with your recent life changes?
Restatement or Paraphrasing
But I guess for time management, I tend to be distracted easily or spend too long on other stuff outside of my studies Oh ok I see. I have actually been in this type of situation before, and I took those classes and they actually helped. I see. So would you be able to share some tips on time management? Yes sure I can . like specifically, I don't know. I am just going with my instincts and my instincts aren't great or mature
honestly im not sure. there is always that risk when doing that with guys. i better think long and hard before doing that! It sounds like you put a lot of thought into things which can be helpful in decision making. i think so. keeps me out of some potential messes Can I help you with anything else? not at the moment. thanks for your input! nity nite
have you ever felt that way Yes, definitely. what was it like I worked for a boss who gave me a chance when I was rather unhirable. I worked there for three years, but I was burning out hardcore. She was kind but she paid me much less than a normal professional would in that position, and took advantage of me. yup.. i have 3 kids and i am not married. i have no beneftits
My family knows that. I am older That sounds like a good idea then. Meet someone to settle down with and get through this with. That is my goal. Also get to teh beach I'm in the North, so anything outdoors sounds nice right about now. I used to live up north but the cold got to me
Reflection of feelings
thank you. i'm just really worried. my neighbor is a single woman. last month her boyfriend beat her up and she called the police. it took 35 minutes to respond i have an 8 year old daughter and five year old twin boys. i want to protect my children from harm You are welcome. That is really kind of you to want to protect your children from harm. It seems like you feel the best way to do this is through owning guns? Have you thought of any alternatives, since the votes have been cast? what alternative? the police are so backed up everywhere they can't respond fast enough. they should be our first line of defense here in the us against bad guys but that doesnt happen or they ccant always be trusted to respond quickly and efficiently so i feel we have to take it upon ourselves. if someone were to break in and has a gun.... i mean.. criminals dont get guns the legal way anyway you know. what should i do...throw a knife at them? lol That is a good point you bring up about the quickness and efficiency of protection that guns can provide.
your welcome Oh and a happy new year You as well, stay safe! For sure, you as well. I tried to last the whole time lol
Thanks, that will be helpful to decide on the programs I want to apply to Are you based in the US? You welcome. and yes How have you been handling your anxiety during the pandemic? I could use some tips!
Providing Suggestions
We've known each other for years and have been friends for a very long time.. We dated on and off and things just seem to always go back to this weird off place. I think you can also feel it yourself that there's something not right between you and him I appreciate your thoughts. So you don't think I should give him another chance? This is a wake up call for you I must say, to get away from him
Providing Suggestions
My hobbies are on hold.....I need to get "un-disgusted" first. Well, I can't make her come back, but I can provide you with some information on how to get through these tough times. ok. I am all ears..... I understand, it can be good to help get some stress out in other ways. Do you excercise?
Providing Suggestions
But sometimes a lot more breaks or longer breaks than intended or I should yeah definitely. Sorry to hear that. It's like everyday is the same and I can't go out to refresh my mind or have a change of pace such as going to the gym or go out for a run whereas before the pandemic, I can switch gears that way and come back refreshed like going out to the movies and coming back with renewed enthusiasm
Hi I am not fine at all Whats going on? This pandemic is really causing a lot trouble and anxiety to us It definitely is... Whats going on COVID wise with you? Firstly last three month a go my company cut off my salary and next month they are planning to layoff some staffs
Restatement or Paraphrasing
Yeah, that has always been hard for me, but I'll try to be deliberate about that Do you feel better about the situation? I do, thanks! Great, I hope you keep encouraged and working hard toward your goals because you deserve the very best with your hard work. I am, thank you. I feel good, and I think we have completed the requirements of the study, so I am good with wrapping up our chat now if you are
I have so much homework and chores to get done and I just dont have the energy to do it I know it can be overwhelming when you have so much to do but I am confident you can overcome this! Yeah im really hoping I can Im just feeling hopeless right now is all Hopefully it will all be better soon
Yes, that is a fantastic idea! Maybe I can find a renewed interest in the subject. I hope that I can because I really do not want my time studying to have been wasted. It would be a really good place to start. Then you could be really kind to yourself and take some pressure off. Would you like to talk through some ideas to help with the work itself? Yes I really would. I already feel more motivated! Half an hour ago I felt that I had no place left to go and felt defeated. That's really good, sometimes it is about finding a direction and small steps. Often when we are studying the work seems really big, especially essay questions. One thing that helped me was to break it into really small chunks, sometimes physically covering up some of the question. Would that be something that would help? I have not really tried it but I ought to. I often feel that I am just overwhelmed. Then I know that I got something wrong for definite and I just want to give up.
Providing Suggestions
But thank you for your help. You are most welcome. I hope that things will pick up come the new year and you can get back to your regular profession! Just try to think of this as a stop gap I hope so as well. Thank you a lot for advice, I feel better just talking about it. I am glad to have been of help .. enjoy the rest of your day! You too, hope you have a good day.
Yeah that sounds really nice. One of the hardest things was that the professor would never go back and explain what he did, so a problem might be 20 minutes long and if you got confused 3-4 minutes in you were just lost for the rest of it Lots of research also has shown that getting enough sleep is important for performance as well. That is actually one thing I'm pretty good at. I'm miserable when I'm tired, so I almost always get 7-8 hours a night. It sounds like you are making efforts to do your best to sleep and understand the materials. You can give yourself a pat on the back for all the great efforts! Thanks! It's reassuring to know other people felt the same way with this course. Sometimes I felt like I was dumb or lazy because I didn't understand, but it sounds like it's just challenging and those feelings are normal
Affirmation and Reassurance
It's been in the back of my mind, but it's a hard time just now with everything else going on Absolutely. It's a rough time job searching under the best of circumstances. It is. Have you tried reaching out to anyone in your network to look for a new position? It helped me when I was previously job searching. I haven't, but it might be worth getting in touch with some people
Hello Hello there, how are you? Kind of angry and disappointed. I'm very sorry to hear that, did something not go as planned recently? My friend created a group chat for planning activities and did not include me. She included people who are closer to me than to her. Almost like she is trying to steal my friends.
Restatement or Paraphrasing
That's where it gets awkward. It seems like everyone besides me are super happy that we'll continue working from home. I hesitate to share my feelings because maybe my manager will change her mind, which would be a big bummer for everyone else on the team (seemingly). I see. That's a concern. So you feel that if one person goes in to the office, then everyone else will have to? There won't be any flexibility? Well, it's possible that my manager will say we can be flexible. But if so, I think I'd end up being the only one in my office working... which would be just as lonely as working from home while throwing away the few perks of working from home, like saving on gas. Plus, I think my company will probably want to repurpose our office space eventually. lol, sorry, that was an ugly run-on sentence. :\ Hm. A bit of a dilemma. Can this situation go on forever though? Maybe the boss will extend the stay-at-home for a while, but when other companies go back to the office, the expectation will be there for all companies.
2 years So, 2 years should be long enough to know if your partner has been cheating. What do you mean exactly? Are you someone who trusts people? I think that most men would fess up about it. I guess all people are different. I generally trust people easily.
Things are ok I am just having issues with the problem above I am afraid that I am not able to see that .. can you tell me about it? Yes, so I have always done very well in school and university. I have always had A's or high B's. Last semester in university, I failed one of my exams. I still passed the class with an A, but for some reason, that exam haunts me and gives me bad dreams. I don't know why it happens and it worries me I can understand that - when I was sitting my final exams I constantly had nightmares about failing. Nearly thirty years on and I still do!!
Affirmation and Reassurance
Yes, I am on some waiting lists but I do not know how long it might take to get to the top of them. Medication isn't always the best solution. I speak from personal experience. Also, its better to be inching up a list than reluctant to be on it at all. Why do you say that medication is not the best idea? I am aware that it is not a panacea but it can help to take the edge off, as it were. It absolutely can take that edge off, but often so can many other things, like painting, writing, talking to a friend or a stranger even. I don't mean to suggest you stop any medication without medical advising. I simply mean to say that there are advantageous methods of therapy that dont involve a pill. I think that there are some conditions where medication is necessary but I do take your point that there are other things that we can do to alleviate symptom. Maybe it is best to do these things in tandem?
Affirmation and Reassurance
Yes, I know but still too easy to look at own situation when some are starving. Not an issue I have. Well I personally believe in one Almighty God. It sounds like you are saying a higher power is sort of elusive. Yes, I believe in Yehovah as God. Some their higher power wasnt a god like entity. So I would like to encourage you on the Youtube channel idea. Think we have timed out CHEERS
Affirmation and Reassurance
very true. not sure if he just likes me as as friend or if he wants me back. we dated then he broke up. then he asked me out again and didn't see me cuz he was busy. now he's asking me to be on the board with him. not sure if he has other motives to try to get back with me That must be incredibly confusing for you. How does this make you feel overall? confused! i'll know sooner or later what he wants. thing is i was hanging out with his friends recently who had wanted to sleep with me. he knew it and didn't like it. he liked it when i stopped talking to them How does this relate to him asking you to be on the board with him? cuz the first time he asked me out i was helping him with the board. i think it might be a way for him to spend time with me and then work his way back in. not sure if he will or not though. time will tell
Affirmation and Reassurance
Thanks. I guess I just have to accept things as they are. I can't afford to leave this job, and it's impossible to find another job at this time. Plus I don't want to abandon my co-worker in her time of need. Well, you have to do what is right for yourself. If you find a better job, think seriously about taking it. Your co-worker will not be there forever. You have a responsibility to yourself. True. I hadn't thought of it that way. I should consider my needs. Thanks! You're welcome! I'm glad that I was able to help you! I feel a lot better now. I start sending text messages to my co-worker on Monday. Thanks! Have a good day!
Work is a good distraction from life. Well yes I can concur with that. I have often found work takes my mind off my problems. Work can set you free from your own thoughts Well that's not a phrase that I much like. But there's nothing wrong with liking your job. Oh sorry, wasn't saying it in the same context of Hitler. It actually predates the Nazi's . But nonetheless it can be taken the wrong way. My bad.
Providing Suggestions
Yes Im in the United States (Alabama) I heard of the UK so many times but truthfully I know nothing about it Ah you are a long way away from me. I hope that you do manage to sort out your problems though and definitely do talk to your employers Ah it's quite nice here. We pay for healthcare out of our taxes so it's free at source. I will eventually get the courage to, I know how people talk around here, especially in the South\
Affirmation and Reassurance
I tried to make peace with her and be friends but she's bitter. Do you feel that perhaps you did not treat her as well as you could have done? Yes. I think about that all the time... I could've been better but she was my first and I was foolish. I didn't appreciate her enough. Well, you have at least learned a lesson and in the future will treat women better I think :) Yes, you have a point. Maybe this will turn out to my favor. You have to fail to succeed sometimes.
Providing Suggestions
Iam married for 5 yaers..and Iam not happy even a day I'm sorry to hear that you are unhappy. What sorts of things does your husband say and do? He is not very responsible at home and doesn't even bother to do his job sincerely.. You have more responsibility at home. You would like him to help you more at home. What kinds of things would you like him to do? He is kind of sexually and physically abusing me for everything I do..and say..I want him to be a good husband and father to my kids..
You could say that haha I haven't even seen her in 4 years and she's trying to turn my family against me due to an argument we had that long ago Okay which family member is that that you are talking about? insecure, narcissistic biological sister who a decade older than me I see. Family arguments are unfortunately very common so try not to worry too much about it. Do you really need to keep this person in your life though? If you're not speaking, why not just forget about her? Because I live in the same area as my parents and any get togethers we have I don't even want to go to so I don't have to see her and she has used that opportunity to turn anyone she can against me, I cut off contact back then too...
Hi. I have finals coming up and I am so so nervous about taking these tests. What about the exams is making you nervous? Taking them. I'm afraid I'm going to do poorly and have to retake the classes. What steps have you taken to make sure you do not do poorly? I study and I have gone to all my classes but I feel like I don't know the information well enough.
Reflection of feelings
I'm having problems with getting up everyday and doing my daily routine. I feel bad because these are things that other people do normally Yeah, I've definitely felt that way...especially during COVID and having to adjust to working from home. What are some of the things in your routine during the day? Exactly. Jogging, eating breakfast, getting dressed Yep, for me it's kind of felt like working remotely and all the crazy 2020 stuff was kind of an excuse to just "take a break" from grinding. MTurk has kind of helped me get back in a working mindset and given me more energy...have you been doing a lot of MTurk lately? Yeah, 2020 has been a crazy year. I've been doing Mturk here and there. I plan on doing it more. It helps me stay productive.
Affirmation and Reassurance
Well, yeas, that was kind of working for me for a while, but now corona hit us, and all the classes are online. So group studying is no longer as efffective. Do you have any other methods of overcoming it, that you are willing to share? Have you thought about connecting through zoom, or google meet? Video conferencing has become very popular since COVID began. Yes, I could. It brings its own complications but it should be fine. It definitely takes some getting used to, but after you get used to it, it is a great tool@ Thank you for the advice
Affirmation and Reassurance
Not good. I'm depressed. Is there anything in particular that has been bothering you recently? I don't have enough money to buy my 5 kids X-mas gifts. Hello? Are you still here?
Affirmation and Reassurance
Oh ok. There is a lock down from where I live, how about you? We are in similar situation. These days I only go out for grocery shopping. Same situation. I fear for the worse. Economy seems to be on a downturn. Yeah, economy cannot do well if this situation drags on. Hope the vaccine will soon be approved and life can be back to normal. When do you think things will go back to normal?
I'm doing alright, trying to stay cheerful That's great, especially around this time of the Holidays. Yeah, it is good because of the holidays. So, how are things in your life? Not to bad, just had a death in the family. Pretty bummed about it because we are a close to our extended family and can't visit one another to grieve
Affirmation and Reassurance
There's always ways to get over it but it is hard not to care. When I have fight with friends, I try to clarify the things I where I went wrong or they made mistakes. It would be nice to get something going where people could apologize. From past I have learnt that, friendship should be very transparent. There should be any space for thank you and sorry. It should be straight forward. If my friends doesn't like anything which I did, she should say that straight to me. I should respect her saying. Then it stays there for ever. That's a nice personal anecdote. I should try to initiate contact at some point. I feel like most people are shunning each other.
I play field hockey so I train a lot in my basement (because I'm scared to go out to the gym), I listen to music, read, watch Christmas movies, and I love talking to people. Honestly, I'm okay. I have my family and other things to occupy my time. It's just hard finding other friends right now in the times we're living in. Field hockey that sounds like an exciting sport to play! That does sound like it would keep you busy Have you thought about the possibility of meeting people online that share some of the same things that you like to do and that you could talk to ? I don't want to go actually practice on a field right now because 1.) It's rather cold outside 2.) I have to wear a mask 3.) I'd only shoot on goal, waste gas, and a good chunk of time. But when I have other people it is fun. I haven't tried that because where would I even go? I don't want to be desperate either ya know?
Affirmation and Reassurance
No, I don't think I have any regrets. I think I have said the same thing in a breakup so I wouldn't take that personal. Yeah? I suppose people just say things when they are hurt. People say things they dont mean, or just say mean things to hurt because they are hurting lol exactly
Providing Suggestions
I could communicate more with my family by calling them on the phone, texting, emailing, or talking to them on Zoom. You listed a lot of good solutions such as zoom and texting. Do you think doing that would make you feel less depressed? Yes, I think that Zoom and texting would make me feel less depressed. Well, let me ask you this. I noticed that you had many solutions off-hand that you could tell me, and you also said it could help you with your depression. May I ask what is keeping you from using these methods? Wanting to stay in bed is keeping me from using these methods.
Providing Suggestions
I also tend to drink coffee to focus my mind better. It does help. And I know I can pass the courses and on time but just that I am disappointed at my performance and work ethics as I know I have done much better before. So I am missing that sense of urgency, conscientiousness, and maturity. , maybe find a nice meditation song to help relax you, i find when i am doing something finding a song with no words is better so i am able to concentrate. I see. That's a good idea. I was also thinking I should have a regular workout routine at home again because I used to work out much more daily, even at home.
Affirmation and Reassurance
I have pills of written works, short stories, poetry novels and a few paintings, but not published yet. I might do that Well that sounds very creative! You should definitely publish There is always "next year" so I am waiting for it... No no do it now. You might have written a best seller and not know it. Thanks for talking to me, very supportive.
While counseling is probably the best idea, that gives me the most anxiety Finding one that I don't have to explain cultural things to is hard Yes it can be a vicious circle sometimes. What sort of cultural things do you mean? For example, like pressures of being an oldest child in asian household Ah, yes I know that that can be very difficult. And yes, I can understand why you'd want to see someone who would understand that particular situation
Thank you. Yes, I haven't been out to check on the veggie garden today. That usually gives me an opportunity to calm my mind. Unfortunately, I am not in a position to do so. There is nobody that my son would be comfortable with. But we are trying to implement some respite soon. whenever possible, you can take your children out with you on a trip to the park or the mountain. Nature is also good for kids with special need. Most certainly. We try often to explore our natural environment. It can be limiting due to our daughter's physical disability but we manage the best we can to include her. You are such a great mom, I can totally see how much you sacrificed for them. But please take care of yourself, i think you should see a therapist and get proper treatment
That's a good way to put it. Sometimes deep breaths can help keep you calm when approaching others in an anxiety provoking situation. I will have to try that. That might help. Have you thought of doing additional work related trainings? Sometimes they can give suggestions to improve work abilities. That sounds great. Do you think my work would be supportive?
I don't have seniority in my position. I have only been at my job for 5 years. i could understand your state right now. its hard to be in this position of fear Yes, the uncertainty is crippling. Especially in these times. yes, you are right especially during this pandemic many people face these kind of difficulties I'm not sure what to do and I just want to know what my company plans to do.
Providing Suggestions
Hello Gday How are you tiday? I'm good, anything I can help you with? I had to break up with my boyfriend cos he was cheating with a friend of mine oh no... I'm sorry to hear that.
do you and your friends do anything on zoom or just chat? And if you have an iphone facetime some folks. Zoom and Facetime are my friends now. lol I almost daily at least Facetime my best friend. Especially in the evenings. Yeah I think ill try that Chatting with my friends and seeing them (online) will hopefully make me feel better thanks :)
Providing Suggestions
maybe i will try that. little by little I'm really scared of the pandemic. I don't want to get sick. Just take one step at a time, I believe you can do it as long as you put your mind in If you don't get close to anyone and wear a mask, you should be fine Yeah, that is what they are saying in the news. It's just that folks out here are idiots and don't want to follow protocols. We are in a red zone where I live
Affirmation and Reassurance
Yes i am anytime talk about my friends You try to talk to your friends about how you feel? Sometimes feel good sometimes they are irritating me So you feel mixed emotions if i understand you correctly? No i feel happy talk about me
Wow, biotech engineering must have been cool. Makes my economics module seem a bit silly now haha. I think I’m just getting frustrated with myself which is annoying in itself when I know deep down I probably could do it if I stopped trying to avoid it oh no! my best friend has a business major and economics class almost killed her. she took it FOUR times before she passed it. She never gave up! this is your dream, chase it, own it, and conquer it. I am the champion of getting frustrated. I take a breather and come back. Always come back. take a nap or do something you enjoy doing. I’m glad I’m not the only one who struggles with economics although I definitely don’t want to have to retake it haha. I guess I will have to retake it if I don’t actually do the work though! I think even just being here is procrastinating really when I should be writing my essay!
Reflection of feelings
I went and talked to a therapist once right after and never went back. And I don't know why. He was amazing to talk too. But I just never went back. I think you should do things in your own time but I would recommend doing it again one day. I don't have any contact with his family. I actually had to block them on all social media. They are extremely religous. Which there is nothing wrong with that. But he didn't have the best relationship with any of them. They couldn't accept him for who he was. His biological father didn't have anything to do with him. His mom was remarried and had two more kids and they didn't treat my boyfriend very good growing up. He ended up living with his grandparents. He finally had acceptance in my family. He actually talked to my mom more than I did lol. Sounds like a very complicated set up. It is sad when family members become partially estranged from one another. His family has been pretty horrible to me and my girls. And I know it's because they have guilt for the way things were with their relationship. They didn't even invite me and my girls to the burial of his ashes.
it's much more suitable if i could mix up the details of each career paths but frankly i don't think my parents should be concerned with engineering either it pays well and provides good stability but like they said architecture suits my strengths more and i can go further with it honestly i think both are great career paths to pursue and as you said, both are stable and well-paying fields
Okay but I do not think so keywords are the issue. Are you getting call from the employers? I am not getting calls from HR deptartment. good.. then keyword is not the issue.. Covid situation is getting better now so maybe I get a call.
Hello Hello! how are you today? I am not fine Why is that? My colleagues always talking bad about me behind
Restatement or Paraphrasing
I've tried contacting HR a few times but I have never received a call back, or my emails answered. I mean all you can do is try your best to stay safe but I would continue to reach out to people higher up and see about getting something done. They probably get a lot of calls and emails right now because of everything going on but I would keep trying Very true. I'm going to keep trying. Thanks for talking with me letting out what I feel has made me feel a little better. Thank you for talking with me too! I hope it has helped some. At least you know you're not alone... It really did help I feel a bit lighter. Thank you again.
I can remind them; but they are likely just saying that they are sorry and continuing doing what they do or if the wall neighbor decided to watch TV really loud very late at night and you can't sleep. I can tolerate it if it is only once in a while, but now we are together all the time I understand that maybe you should sit down with them and be firm with them and let them know how you are feeling yeah they are all polite and willing to acknowledge that there is something to improve on their part. I am sure there are things that I can improve on my end too. IT is just the nature of the quarantine has really upped the anxiety level. I don't feel the option of escaping, changing the scenery a little bit or adjusting emotionally
Providing Suggestions
When is a decent amount of time to follow up? I usually wait a week before I reach out. Thank you, that is really helpful advice. Not a problem! I know this is an incredibly difficult situation, but I know you can make it through! Thank you, I know this crazy year has been hard on a lot of people for different reasons.
Good afternoon. How are you feeling today? I am feeling okay how are you? I am glad to hear that I am fine as well. How can I help you? Thank you. That is good. I feel I am depressed because I have been bullied and it is still continuing today.
Affirmation and Reassurance
I feel ok being alone mostly, but other times I would like to have people I could relate with and hang out with. Probably has a lot to do with ADHD and how I feel misunderstood or my anxiety gets the best of me in social situations I understand the ADHD. There are support groups that can help you make friends; especially with ADHD, etc. do you know any specific groups? Using tools to build houses helps to release endorphins, which can release anxiety. is this something you have done?
Providing Suggestions
I do go to a quiet place and try some deep breathing, but my grandson always comes walking in That's certainly a difficult situation. Is there no resolution possible with the father of your grandson? I want to make sure that th e cause of the depression has properly been addressed by you or someone else. I try talking to him, but due to my grandson having some disabilities his dad does not really want to be bothered. I just want my grandson to succeed and be the best he can be I think it's great that you have such care and concern for your grandson. That shows how incredible you are and on behalf of your grandson, I think you are doing a tremendous job. I think you should continue to support him however you can, but it's also important to take care of yourself. Do you have time available for additional self care, or are there any new exercises you can try to try to take care of yourself? Thank you for saying that it means alot having someone tell me I am doing a good job. I recently purchased a hot tub and have been thinking that maybe when he goes to bed I could go out and relax, but have not done that yet
Providing Suggestions
been doing it long enough for it to be 2nd nature So I also take it that not doing it now must feel like you lost part of yourself as well besides the financial risk. Double whammy. yes it does This is a large cross to bear. So what do you think your next steps are going to be? I have no idea
I truly hope so because I feel like I am against a wall sometimes too with my thoughts and feelings That is so hard, I hear you I have not done a lot of research but I need to try that Research is something solitary you can do I feel like I am complaining to people too and that bothers me too because I am not
i've been feeling really depressed and lethargic lately the holidays feel like all work and no joy this is hard being away from family Can you explain to me more in depth what events are making you feel this way? the fact that there is a pandemic and travel is restricted, normally i would spend the holidays with my family but i will be alone this year there is still a lot of work to do but it feels like there is nothing to look forward to
I really appreciate this advice. I am feeling better about the exam and feel like I should envision myself passing and doing well. Yes, thats the spirit it works for me! I will give it a try! Okay is there anything else I can help you with or should I let you go? No, I should go study now. thank you for your help.
Maybe I'm afraid of being alone. Maybe things could have been different if it weren't for COVID. Maybe we spend TOO much time together. And, if you do have a talk with him and later it becomes clear the relationship still can't work, it won't hit him as such a surprise when you choose to end things. And, if you do have a talk with him and later it becomes clear the relationship still can't work, it won't hit him as such a surprise when you choose to end things. COVID has put a huge strain on a lot of relationships. People are stuck spending way more time together than they are used to, and there's really not much to do about it right now. Thank you so much for listening me out and for wise advice. I will talk to him, tonight.
Affirmation and Reassurance
Yes, numerous. Like I said we are close to our daughter. She wants to stay together and talks with him. He stays for whatever reason. I wish he would talk to me, to us. We have offered. He knows that we care about him. And that is so important and good to know there is trust from his side, to me it sounds as though that could be an olive branch for you to try and establish a conversation with both of them. An open and positive communication is always the first step in resolving anything. We have tried this before when we visit and he appears receptive. Treats he well and then when we are gone. He falls back into he behaviour.
MTS is a script? Which script should I use? Of course, I hope it can be of use too you! One I use is Mechanical Turk Suite, which is an extension. I think you can look up as a search for extensions, scripts etc. Or Mturk forums and find out tons of help! Thank ya! I'll check it out You're welcome! Best of Luck! Thank ya! Have a good night. Bye
Reflection of feelings
Well, you see when I was dating my ex she and I had a threeway with the woman who was living in my mother-in-law apartment at the time. Well the ex and I broke up not too long after, and eventually the mother-in-law woman and I got married. My ex lives next door though, and her and my wife bump into each other all the time and sparks tend to fly. It's kind of awkward in the neighborhood. Oooh that's a very complicated situation. They are both adults, I hope even with tension, they don't do anything inappropriate, do they? Well, the ex has gotten in the wife's face once or twice, but that's simmered down some. Part of the problem also is that the ex is simultaneously one of the smartest people I've ever met, and also a pretty serious alcoholic. So she's brilliant, but kind of emotionally stunted at the same time. Ah, those people are the hardest to deal with. If it's too much, have you and your wife considered moving away? Oh I can't imagine ever moving. We have a pretty terrific house. Plus I bought most of the neighboring houses over the years, so now it's kind of a whole compound. I don't know that there's any particular fix for this, it's just sort of something to live with I think.
I am very relax this times You're welcome. I'm glad youre feeling a little bit better. I feel like the burden on my mined has gone down Yes. I feel little bit better
Hi, I'm well thanks. How are you today? great thanks! So you have had a good day it sounds like then. For the most part... my friend told me she's leaving her husband so that was pretty shocking. how did that news make you feel? Very confused and upset. They don't have problems, she just fell out of love with him and wants to be with a woman.
I require your greetings for a better prospectus. . I'm confident you will. What do you mean? Thanks for your motivation. . . . BYE BYE
Reflection of feelings
Hello? Hello! How are you doing tonight? I'm doing alright How about you?
anyways Ok, so your ex broke up with you. Did they give you a reason why? Or did they just say it's over and that was it? yeah I'll try my best to do what i can Oh that is a hard one. I had a boyfriend and he cheated on me with another girl and he broke up with me because I would not do things with him that I was uncomfortable with.
Providing Suggestions
hopefully this goes away after the end of christmas Yea im sure it will hopefully get back to normal for you i think i will also reduce my workload my boss always says i do the work of 3 people. and i will ask for a day off Oh i didnt know you were able to do that. Definitely take a day for yourself! yeah we do have some days we can take off. i guess i will do that. thanks
ok got it I met my ex through tinder and then we started going on dates and we both seemed to like each other ah! I met mine through OKCUPID. Online dating is definitely the way to go these days yeah it really makes it easy to meet new people
i enjoy going to walk I love to walk too! The park by my house has some incredible fall leaves right now! it is a nice climate too Let's focus on accomplishing one small goal for the day.
Affirmation and Reassurance
Hurt, mad, jealous. I have trouble getting out enough to make friends - even if there wasn't a pandemic. I work a lot. For the time being we're all stuck at home mostly, so maybe take some comfort in that in a strange way. Heck I rarely see my friends - maybe once a year, so I know how that feels. Good to know I'm not alone. On the bright side of things, at least you have a job. Do you enjoy your job? Maybe start friendships with coworkers, possibly. Work place is very small and I'm not in the clique there. Vaccine will be available to my age group soon and the weather is getting warmer. So there is that to look forward too.
Providing Suggestions
Hi, I'm doing fine today, but just a bit annoyed... I'm sorry to hear that, what's bothering you? My family was intending to get together for the Christmas season, but we had to cancel our plans. I'm sorry to hear that, will you be spending the holidays with anyone? I will be able to spend it with my mom, but I've basically been planning this trip for an entire year.
Yep, thats a great idea. I definitely plan to take some time to thing about everything that happened. I feel blindsided but ultimately I think just spending time with my friends and family will help. I'm sure it will help to be with people who love you when you feeling so devastated. Exactly, it just happened at a time when the holidays are coming up and you want to spend it with people you care about. I hear you. All messages this time of year are about being with people we love and that will hit you hard at this time of year. Do you have any particular things you like to do to take care of yourself? I enjoy snowboarding as a hobby. I might try to get back on my board depending on what locations are open. It's just hard right now with having no motivation to really do anything.
Providing Suggestions
Two of my coworkers have gotten a raise and I have not gotten anything! Have you talked to your boss about it? I have hinted around that my job is sooo busy and he knows it, I haven't come out and said anything yet. I can understand how you feeling you work extremely hard and get no raise when you deserve it Yes, I have been at the job for 15 years and make a decent salary but this amount of work is insane. Do you think I should bring it up to him>
Providing Suggestions
I am mean. I do not know how to stop judging people people hate me why do you think that? because I have no friends. and I hate people
Restatement or Paraphrasing
I am so stressed. Hi, what's going on? I have a college course in the evening, but I cannot concentrate while distance learning. I am expected to watch the instructor do excel on a tiny phone screen and follow along. Oooff that sounds brutal... especially the excel part!
Thanks. I wish that I could get over her. I'm not sure what I should do. Have you gone out on any dates since the breakup? I've talked to other women. They seem nice, but they all pale in comparison to my old GF. Talking to other women shows that you are trying to move on. That's a good way to think of it. It just made me feel worse because it reminded me of something that I don't have. Maybe it will get better.
Reflection of feelings
Yes, that's right. I feel like my life is not going in the right direction. In fact, I'm not going anywhere. have you talked to anyone about it No, not really. I don't know what to talk about. I just feel flat. Something's wrong. I don't know what. i have felt that way before but i came over it How did you do that? I really need some guidance here. What do I do?
I'll try that though. It might help to get one on one attention from a past student who did well. Well, they most likely do it over zoom. But it's better because it's one on one And thank you for the words of encouragement. \ You're absolutely welcome I'll try your advice. Hopefully, things will take a turn for the better.
Affirmation and Reassurance
I had a fear of losing job What is causing this fear? During this pandemic situation, most of the companies laid off their employees. Just from these few messages, I can tell you are very anxious about this situation. Yes. I don't know what to do.
Providing Suggestions
Do you like movies? Sometimes, as a way to distract myself yes I love to watch movies horror movies. If it helps you to get distracted and provides you with joy, absolutely! Do you smoke and drink alcohol?
No, they have disabilities too so it's hard to get someone to watch them. You are certainly in a frustrating situation, but it is clear you are a good caregiver. Thanks. I guess I just have to make the best of the situation and pray for a miracle. There are some charitable organizations which may be able to provide some relief in your area. Have you looked into those? I contacted some support services, but haven't found anything yet. Thanks for trying. I will have to try more groups. You have been helpful .
Yeah, I know its important and I always end up finishing it, it just seems like there is not enough time and the feeling drags me down. I don't have long until I graduate, but I cant find the motivation. Instead of learning in class, I end up teaching myself the content two hours before an assignment is due. have you thought about scheduling free time for your self ? It can give you something to look forward to and help keep you motivated /Almost like a reward for finishing your school work I schedule free time for myself during classes, after classes and throughout the day, its never been like a reward though maybe if you only schedule free time and school work time - you can use it as a reward- plus it would help you stay on task true, how do i stop myself from turning it into all free time though?
Have you ever ran into something like that before? I have not, it sounds like a very bad situation. Is there anyone you can report this to at the company? Not really. My coworker and I can complain but that can only go so far. I need to detach and do the work but my ego is hurt. It sounds like you are working in a toxic work environment with poor leadership. Have you considered possibly seeking another job? Or maybe another company? Not really. This just started happening last week. I'm still trying to get a better idea on how to deal with this.
What do you think I could do to improve myself? I suggest that you stay exactly the way that you are. I feel like you'd be happier that way and also more likely to find someone who shares the same values as you If you change who you are, it sort of means that your ex still has a hold on you, you know? Will the same problems show up in the next relationship though? It could be a long search before I find someone that matches with me? That's true. But I feel like I should take away something from this experience.
Hoping to find more work so I can pay it off faster Ah, so if I understand you correctly, your interest rate has increased, so you need to find another job to pay it off? yeah cuz it was a no interest rate card and that expired so it started charging interest. I knew it was coming but need to work more hours now. The interest I pay every month will go down as I pay more of the principal off. I just hate it I'm sorry to hear that. Are you feeling stressed out about it? Yes and no. Cuz I know I will pay it off within 3 years at the most. Probably closer to two years. I just don't like to wait and want to pay it off sooner if possible
It's good to know that I am not the only one going through this. What is your advice from experience with this? Do you have anyone else to talk to about what you're going through? It also helps a lot of the time to talk to an objective 3rd part to help give you some advice on what they think you should do. My grandma mostly who is an experienced family therapist but she is going through her own stuff as well. Another thing that might help is focusing on some of your hobbies, I often find it helpful to use my hobbies to get my mind off of things that are bothering me. That is definitely helpful. I will look into being more productive and also doing more hobbies around the house to help clear my mind. Any hobbies that you do now that really help?
guessed you right, i just don't know if i can trust her, I don't think i can heal from the betrayer I would make a pros and cons list. If there are a lot of pros, I think it's worth a shot! Just give yourself time to process everything that has happened. You don't want to sit down and talk to her and let all your emotions come out. That could cause more harm. Just make a list and you'll have a better understanding of which direction you should go with your relationship! i understand, its just hard to trust when the trust is broken, hard to know what direction to turn to, forgive her or move on, to choose is just a hard decision. Guess i need to hear her own part of the story Yes. Give it time. Wait to hear her story. Make your pros and cons list. And see where to go from there. Be easy on yourself. It's okay to have hard days. Just give yourself time to heal from the hurt! I try working towards that, i just wish am back to myself soon because it has really affected me.
Providing Suggestions