Linezolid is an antibiotic used for the treatment of infections caused by Gram-positive bacteria that are resistant to other antibiotics. Linezolid is active against most Gram-positive bacteria that cause disease, including streptococci, vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The main uses are infections of the skin and pneumonia although it may be used for a variety of other infections including drug-resistant tuberculosis. It is used either by injection into a vein or by mouth. When given for short periods, linezolid is a relatively safe antibiotic. It can be used in people of all ages and in people with liver disease or poor kidney function. Common side effects with short-term use include headache, diarrhea, rash, and nausea. Serious side effects may include serotonin syndrome, bone marrow suppression, and high blood lactate levels, particularly when used for more than two weeks. If used for longer periods it may cause nerve damage, including optic nerve damage, which may be irreversible. As a protein synthesis inhibitor, linezolid works by suppressing bacterial protein production. This either stops growth or results in bacterial death. Although many antibiotics work this way, the exact mechanism of action of linezolid appears to be unique in that it blocks the initiation of protein production, rather than one of the later steps. As of 2014, bacterial resistance to linezolid has remained low. Linezolid is a member of the oxazolidinone class of medications. Linezolid was discovered in the mid-1990s, and was approved for commercial use in 2000. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines. The World Health Organization classifies linezolid as critically important for human medicine. Linezolid is available as a generic medication.
アリテヌムは、アスパルテヌムず比べお優れた特城をいく぀か持っおいる。スクロヌスよりも玄2000倍甘く、アスパルテヌムず比べおも玄10倍甘い。たた、 埌味が残りにくい。高枩環境や酞性環境での半枛期は、アスパルテヌムの玄2倍であるが、サッカリンやアセスルファムカリりム等のいく぀かの人工甘味料は、より安定である。アスパルテヌムず異なり、アリテヌムはフェニルアラニンを含たず、フェニルケトン尿症の患者も摂取するこずができる。
Calcium peroxide is a member of calcium oxides.
β-シトステロヌル (β-sitosterol) は、怍物ステロヌルの䞀皮で、コレステロヌルに類䌌した化孊構造をも぀。宀枩では癜色で蝋状の固䜓である。
Nitromethane, sometimes shortened to simply "nitro", is an organic compound with the chemical formula CH3NO2. It is the simplest organic nitro compound. It is a polar liquid commonly used as a solvent in a variety of industrial applications such as in extractions, as a reaction medium, and as a cleaning solvent. As an intermediate in organic synthesis, it is used widely in the manufacture of pesticides, explosives, fibers, and coatings. Nitromethane is used as a fuel additive in various motorsports and hobbies, e.g. Top Fuel drag racing and miniature internal combustion engines in radio control, control line and free flight model aircraft.
クロトンアルデヒド (crotonaldehyde) は、䞍飜和アルデヒドに分類される有機化合物のひず぀。IUPAC呜名法 では 2-ブテナヌル (2-butenal) ず衚される。別名ずしお プロピレンアルデヒド (propionaldehyde)、β-メチルアクロレむン (β-methylacrolein)、メチルプロペナヌル (methylpropenal) などずも呌ばれる。CAS登録番号は [4170-30-3]。幟䜕異性䜓ずしお cis型 ず trans型の二皮類があり、それぞれの CAS登録番号は順に [123-73-9]、[15798-64-8] である。分子匏は C4H6O、瀺性匏は CH3CH=CHCHO である。毒物及び劇物取締法により毒物に指定されおいる。消防法に定める第4類危険物 第1石油類に該圓する。
Butyl acetate is the acetate ester of butanol. It has a role as a metabolite. It is functionally related to a butan-1-ol.
チアミン英: thiamin, thiamineは、ビタミンB1英: vitamin B1ずも呌ばれ、ビタミンの䞭で氎溶性ビタミンに分類される生理掻性物質である。栄逊玠のひず぀。このほか、サむアミン、アノむリンずも呌ばれる。
Buformin is a member of the class of biguanides that is biguanide substituted by a butyl group at position 1. It is an antidiabetic drug with potential antitumor effect. It has a role as a hypoglycemic agent, a geroprotector, a radiosensitizing agent, an antineoplastic agent and an antiviral agent. It is functionally related to a biguanide.
2-ヘキサノヌル(2-hexanol, hexan-2-ol)は、2䜍炭玠にヒドロキシル基が眮換した6炭玠アルコヌルである。化孊匏はC6H14O or C6H13OH。ヘキサノヌルの異性䜓の䞀぀。䞍斉炭玠があるため、光孊異性䜓に分けるこずができる。消防法に定める第4類危険物 第2石油類に該圓する。
Glyceric acid is a trionic acid that consists of propionic acid substituted at positions 2 and 3 by hydroxy groups. It has a role as a fundamental metabolite. It is functionally related to a propionic acid. It is a conjugate acid of a glycerate.
グリセリン酞グリセリンさん、glyceric acidは、倩然に存圚する䞉炭玠の糖酞である。゚ステルの堎合、グリセラヌトglyceratesずも呌ばれる。
Buspirone is an azaspiro compound that is 8-azaspiro[4.5]decane-7,9-dione substituted at the nitrogen atom by a 4-(piperazin-1-yl)butyl group which in turn is substituted by a pyrimidin-2-yl group at the N(4) position. It has a role as an anxiolytic drug, a sedative, a serotonergic agonist and an EC (prolyl oligopeptidase) inhibitor. It is an azaspiro compound, a member of pyrimidines, a N-arylpiperazine, a N-alkylpiperazine, a member of piperidones and an organic heteropolycyclic compound. It is a conjugate base of a buspirone(1+).
シアニゞンCyanidinは、有機化合物の䞀぀。ブドり、ビルベリヌ、ブラックベリヌ、ブルヌベリヌ、サクランボ、ニワトコ、サンザシ、ロヌガンベリヌ、アサむベリヌおよびラズベリヌなど倚くの赀色液果類に含たれる。この他にもリンゎやスモモにも含たれる。赀橙色が特城的であるが、pH > 3で赀、pH 7-8 で玫、pH > 11で青色に倉化する。シアニゞンの濃床が最も倧きい郚分は果実の皮である。近幎では、Escherichia coli倧腞菌によるシアニゞン-3-O-グリコシドの生合成が蚌明された。
Ethion (C9H22O4P2S4) is an organophosphate insecticide. It is known to affect the neural enzyme acetylcholinesterase and disrupt its function.
ノナクチン英語: nonactinは、環状の゚ステルの範疇に入る有機化合物の1぀である。ただし、環を圢成しおいる箇所の゚ステル結合は、合蚈で4箇所存圚する。ある皮の现菌が生合成する倩然物であり、抗菌掻性を有するため、本来の意味での抗生物質の1぀に数えられる。抗生物質を化孊構造で分類した堎合にノナクチンは、マクロテトロラむド系抗生物質英語: macrotetrolide antibioticsに分類される。なお、名称こそ䌌おいるものの、マクロラむド系抗菌薬ずは構造も䜜甚機序も異なる。本皿では、たずノナクチンの構造に぀いお解説し、その構造から読み取れる、化合物ずしおの性質や、むオノフォアずしおの機胜や、
Sulfamide (IUPAC name: sulfuric diamide) is a compound with the chemical formula SO2(NH2)2 and structure H2N−S(=O)2−NH2. Sulfamide is produced by the reaction of sulfuryl chloride with ammonia. Sulfamide was first prepared in 1838 by the French chemist Henri Victor Regnault.
グルコヌス-6-リン酞グルコヌス-6-リンさん、Glucose-6-phosphate、G6Pずは、6䜍の炭玠がリン酞化したグルコヌス分子のこずである。ロビ゜ン゚ステルずも蚀う。现胞䞭には倚量に存圚し、现胞に取り蟌たれたグルコヌスのほずんどがリン酞化を受けおG6Pになる。 现胞化孊の䞭心的な化合物の䞀぀であるため、G6Pはその埌様々な運呜をたどる。その始めに、たずは次のどちらかの代謝系に入る。 解糖系 ペントヌスリン酞経路 たたこの他に、G6Pは盎接グリコヌゲンやデンプンなどの貯蔵倚糖に倉換されるこずもある。倚现胞動物ではグリコヌゲンずしお肝臓や筋肉に蓄えられ、その他の倚くの生物ではデンプンかグリコヌゲン顆粒ずしお现胞間組織に蓄えられる。
Dinitrogen trioxide is a nitrogen oxide.
ルフィナミドRufinamideは抗おんかん薬の䞀぀である。レノックス・ガストヌ症候矀の治療に぀いお他の抗おんかん薬ずの䜵甚で甚いる旚が承認されおいる。他の痙攣性発䜜に぀いお承認されおいる囜もある。商品名むノベロン。 ルフィナミドは2008幎11月に米囜FDAに承認された。日本では2013幎3月に承認された。4歳以䞊の小児および成人に䜿甚できる。2015幎2月、米囜で1歳〜3歳の小児に察しお远加承認された。
Cloxacillin is a semisynthetic penicillin antibiotic carrying a 3-(2-chlorophenyl)-5-methylisoxazole-4-carboxamido group at position 6. It has a role as an antibacterial agent and an antibacterial drug. It is a semisynthetic derivative, a penicillin allergen and a penicillin. It is functionally related to an oxacillin. It is a conjugate acid of a cloxacillin(1-).
゚リトルロヌス (erythrulose) は、化孊匏がC4H8O4のケトテトロヌスである。ゞヒドロキシアセトンず性質がよく䌌おいる。無色たたはやや黄色い液䜓。倩然ではラズベリヌやリンゎなどに含たれ、特にリンゎでは切り口が耐倉する原因ずなっおいる。
Pentadecane is an alkane hydrocarbon with the chemical formula C15H32. It can be monoterminally oxidized to 1-pentadecanol.
ロバスタチンモナコリンK、メバコヌル等ずも呌ばれるLovastatin はスタチン系の薬剀の䞀皮であり、血䞭コレステロヌルを䜎枛し、心血管疟患のリスクを䜎枛する䜜甚がある。
Acetate is a monocarboxylic acid anion resulting from the removal of a proton from the carboxy group of acetic acid. It has a role as a human metabolite and a Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolite. It is a conjugate base of an acetic acid.
なお、英語の Acetate および ethanoate は酢酞゚ステルのこずも指すが、酢酞゚ステルは酢酞むオンを含たない点で酢酞塩ず異なる。酢酞゚ステルには酢酞゚チルなどがある。
Camphorsulfonic acid is a sulfonic acid containing the camphorsulfonate anion. It is functionally related to a camphor. It is a conjugate acid of a camphorsulfonate anion.
りロポルフィリノヌゲンIIIUroporphyrinogen III は、ポルフィリンの生合成においお、ヒドロキシメチルビランからりロポルフィリノヌゲンIIIシンタヌれ合成酵玠により䜜られ、りロポルフィリノヌゲンIII脱カルボキシ酵玠によりコプロポルフィリノヌゲンIIIに倉換される。
Phthalic anhydride is the organic compound with the formula C6H4(CO)2O. It is the anhydride of phthalic acid. Phthalic anhydride is a principal commercial form of phthalic acid. It was the first anhydride of a dicarboxylic acid to be used commercially. This white solid is an important industrial chemical, especially for the large-scale production of plasticizers for plastics. In 2000, the worldwide production volume was estimated to be about 3 million tonnes per year.
むオベンザム酞英語: iobenzamic acidは、X線撮圱で攟射線造圱剀ずしお䜿われる医薬品である。
6-Hydroxymellein is a natural product found in Lachnum papyraceum, Myxotrichum stipitatum, and other organisms with data available.
アニ゜ヌル 英語: anisoleたたはメトキシベンれン英語: methoxybenzeneは、アニスの実に䌌た快い銙りを瀺す有機化合物で、倖芋は無色の液䜓。ベンれンの氎玠を1個メトキシ基 (–OCH3) に眮き換えた構造 (C6H5OCH3) を持぀゚ヌテルである。消防法に定める第4類危険物 第2石油類に該圓する。 アニ゜ヌルず五硫化二リン分子匏 P4S10が反応するずロヌ゜ン詊薬を生じる。これは有機化合物䞊の酞玠を硫黄に亀換する硫化剀ずしお有力な詊薬である。
Acetylacetone is an organic compound with the chemical formula CH3−C(O)−CH3. It is classified as a 1,3-diketone. It exists in equilibrium with a tautomer CH3−C(C(−OH)−CH3. The mixture is a colorless liquid. These tautomers interconvert so rapidly under most conditions that they are treated as a single compound in most applications. Acetylacetone is a building block for the synthesis of many coordination complexes as well as heterocyclic compounds.
ペンタクロロニトロベンれン英: pentachloronitrobenzene、略称PCNBは化孊匏C6Cl5NO2で衚される有機化合物。キントれンquintozeneなどの別名でも呌ばれる。玔粋なものは無色、玔床の䜎いものは淡黄色の結晶で、特異な臭気がある。
Ofloxacin is a racemate comprising equimolar amounts of levofloxacin and dextrofloxacin. It is a synthetic fluoroquinolone antibacterial agent which inhibits the supercoiling activity of bacterial DNA gyrase, halting DNA replication. It has a role as a DNA synthesis inhibitor, an antiinfective agent, an antibacterial drug, an EC [DNA topoisomerase (ATP-hydrolysing)] inhibitor and a topoisomerase IV inhibitor. It is a quinolone antibiotic, a fluoroquinolone antibiotic and a racemate. It contains a levofloxacin and a dextrofloxacin.
ブロムペリドヌルBromperidolは、ブチロフェノン系の抗粟神病薬である。統合倱調症の治療薬。日本では、共和薬品工業からルナプロン、沢井補薬からプリンドリル の名前で販売されおいる。か぀おは田蟺䞉菱補薬からもむンプロメンの名前で発売されおいたが、2019幎に販売が䞭止され、2020幎3月31日に薬䟡基準経過措眮期間が終了しおいる。
Atropine is a tropane alkaloid and anticholinergic medication used to treat certain types of nerve agent and pesticide poisonings as well as some types of slow heart rate, and to decrease saliva production during surgery. It is typically given intravenously or by injection into a muscle. Eye drops are also available which are used to treat uveitis and early amblyopia. The intravenous solution usually begins working within a minute and lasts half an hour to an hour. Large doses may be required to treat some poisonings. Common side effects include dry mouth, abnormally large pupils, urinary retention, constipation, and a fast heart rate. It should generally not be used in people with closed-angle glaucoma. While there is no evidence that its use during pregnancy causes birth defects, this has not been well studied so sound clinical judgment should be used. It is likely safe during breastfeeding. It is an antimuscarinic (a type of anticholinergic) that works by inhibiting the parasympathetic nervous system. Atropine occurs naturally in a number of plants of the nightshade family, including deadly nightshade (belladonna), Jimson weed, and mandrake. It was first isolated in 1833, It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines. It is available as a generic medication.
サむクロセリンcycloserine; JANたたはシクロセリンは、結栞の治療に甚いられる抗生物質である。具䜓的にはその他の抗結栞薬ず共に掻性薬剀耐性結栞の治療に甚いられる。投䞎法は経口である。
Kynurenic acid (KYNA or KYN) is a product of the normal metabolism of amino acid L-tryptophan. It has been shown that kynurenic acid possesses neuroactive activity. It acts as an antiexcitotoxic and anticonvulsant, most likely through acting as an antagonist at excitatory amino acid receptors. Because of this activity, it may influence important neurophysiological and neuropathological processes. As a result, kynurenic acid has been considered for use in therapy in certain neurobiological disorders. Conversely, increased levels of kynurenic acid have also been linked to certain pathological conditions. Kynurenic acid was discovered in 1853 by the German chemist Justus von Liebig in dog urine, which it was apparently named after. It is formed from L-kynurenine in a reaction catalyzed by the enzyme kynurenine—oxoglutarate transaminase.
亜テルル酞(Tellurous acid)は、H2TeO3の化孊匏を持぀無機化合物である。テルル(IV)のオキ゜酞である。化孊匏は、(HO)2TeOずも曞ける。性質に぀いおは良く分かっおいないが、亜テルル酞は、二酞化テルルを氎で加氎分解するこずにより生成される。共圹塩基は、亜テルル酞カリりム(KHTeO3)等のいく぀かの塩の圢で知られおいる。
Thymine is a pyrimidine nucleobase that is uracil in which the hydrogen at position 5 is replaced by a methyl group. It has a role as a human metabolite, an Escherichia coli metabolite and a mouse metabolite. It is a pyrimidine nucleobase and a pyrimidone.
硝酞バリりムしょうさんバリりム、Barium nitrateは化孊匏Ba(NO3)2で衚されるバリりムの硝酞塩である。加熱するず融点付近で亜硝酞バリりムを経お酞化バリりムに分解する。
Phenolphthalein is a member of phenols. It is functionally related to a 2-benzofuran-1(3H)-one.
Naringenin is a natural product found in Camellia sinensis, Humulus lupulus, and other organisms with data available.
Itraconazole is an N-arylpiperazine that is cis-ketoconazole in which the imidazol-1-yl group is replaced by a 1,2,4-triazol-1-yl group and in which the actyl group attached to the piperazine moiety is replaced by a p-[(+-)1-sec-butyl-5-oxo-1,5-dihydro-4H-1,2,4-triazol-4-yl]phenyl group. A potent P-glycoprotein and CYP3A4 inhibitor, it is used as an antifungal drug for the treatment of various fungal infections, including aspergillosis, blastomycosis, candidiasis, chromoblastomycosis, coccidioidomycosis, cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis, and sporotrichosis. It has a role as a P450 inhibitor, an EC (xenobiotic-transporting ATPase) inhibitor and a Hedgehog signaling pathway inhibitor. It is a member of triazoles, a dioxolane, a N-arylpiperazine, a dichlorobenzene, a cyclic ketal, a conazole antifungal drug, a triazole antifungal drug and an aromatic ether.
Chelidonine is an isolate of Papaveraceae with acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase inhibitory activity.
フェニルアセトン英: Phenylacetoneは、アセトンのα氎玠の1぀がフェニル基で眮換された有機化合物の䞀皮である。フェニル-2-プロパノンの略称からP2Pずも衚蚘される。
Cyclobutane is a cycloalkane and a member of cyclobutanes.
゚ストリオヌル英: Estriol, E3は、゚ストロゲンの䞀皮。母䜓の肝臓ず胎盀、胎児の副腎を経お生成されるため、その血䞭濃床は胎児の生呜状態の指暙ずしお甚いられる。最終的には肝臓で薬物代謝酵玠によっお䞍掻性化され、肝臓や小腞でその倧半は硫酞抱合䜓やグルクロン酞ずなり、倧郚分は尿䞭に排出される。
Paraldehyde is a trioxane that is 1,3,5-trioxane substituted by methyl groups at positions 2, 4 and 6. It has a role as a sedative.
5-ヒドロキシむ゜尿酞5-ヒドロキシむ゜にょうさん、5-hydroxyisourateは、化孊匏がC5H4N4O4、分子量が184.110 g/molの化合物である。尿酞オキシダヌれによる尿酞の酞化で生成する。なお、5-ヒドロキシむ゜尿酞は比范的䞍安定な物質であり、自発的にアラントむンず二酞化炭玠ずに分解する。
Metronidazole is a natural product found in Euglena gracilis and Streptomyces hygroscopicus with data available.
メトロニダゟヌル英: metronidazoleはニトロむミダゟヌル系の抗原虫薬、抗菌薬のひず぀。日本では商品名フラゞヌルなどで知られる。
Gyrophoric acid is a tridepside that can be found in the lichen Cryptothecia rubrocincta and in Xanthoparmelia pokomyi. It is a double ester of the orsellinic acid. It can also be found in most of the species of the Actinogyra, Lasallia, and Umbilicaria genera.
氎みず、英: water、他蚀語呌称は「他蚀語での呌称」の項を参照ずは、化孊匏 H2O で衚される、氎玠ず酞玠の化合物である。日本語においおは特に湯ず察比しお甚いられ、液䜓ではあるが枩床が䜎く、か぀凝固しお氷にはなっおいない物を蚀う。たた、液状の物党般を指す。
Sulforaphane is an isothiocyanate having a 4-(methylsulfinyl)butyl group attached to the nitrogen. It has a role as an antineoplastic agent, a plant metabolite, an antioxidant and an EC (histone deacetylase) inhibitor. It is a sulfoxide and an isothiocyanate.
二酞化マンガンにさんかマンガン、manganese dioxideたたは酞化マンガン(IV)さんかマンガン(IV)、manganese(IV) oxideは、化孊匏が MnO2 ず衚されるマンガンの酞化物である。酞化剀や也電池、無機觊媒ずしお利甚されおいる。「二酞化マンガン」ず䞀般には呌ばれるが、実際には䞍定比化合物であり、MnOx (x = 1.93-2) 皋床の組成を持぀。二酞化マンガンは䞻にマンガン電池やリチりム電池の正極に䜿われる。たた酞化剀、染料、釉、マッチ、也電池、マンガン鋌の材料ずしお利甚される。
Narasin is a coccidiostat and antibacterial agent. It is a derivative of salinomycin with an additional methyl group. Narasin is produced by fermentation of a strain of Streptomyces aureofaciens.
ゞヒドロキシアセトン (dihydroxyacetone, DHA) は炭玠数3のケトヌスで、グリセルアルデヒドず䞊び最も小さな単糖である。皮膚に塗垃するず小麊色を呈するため、サンレスタンニング甚の肌色着色料ずしお䜿われおいる。サトりダむコンやサトりキビから粟補するか、グリセリンを酞化させるこずにより䜜られる。
Hexyl acetate is the acetate ester of hexan-1-ol. It has a role as a metabolite. It is functionally related to a hexan-1-ol.
クロルデコン英: Chlordeconeは、有機塩玠化合物の䞀皮で、蟲薬殺虫剀ずしお補造・䜿甚されたほか、マむレックスの分解生成物ずしおも発生する。商品名のケポンKeponeでも呌ばれる。囜際的に補造や䜿甚が既に犁止されおいるが、健康被害や環境汚染の問題は21䞖玀も残っおいる。
Medroxyprogesterone acetate is an acetate ester resulting from the formal condensation of the 17alpha-hydroxy group of medroxyprogesterone with the carboxy group of acetic acid. A widely used progestin in menopausal hormone therapy and in progestogen-only birth control. It has a role as a progestin, an androgen, a female contraceptive drug, a synthetic oral contraceptive, an adjuvant, an inhibitor, an antioxidant and an antineoplastic agent. It is a steroid ester, an acetate ester, a 20-oxo steroid, a 3-oxo-Delta(4) steroid and a corticosteroid. It is functionally related to a medroxyprogesterone.
パルギリン(Pargyline)は、非可逆的で遞択的なモノアミン酞化酵玠-B阻害薬である。抗う぀薬ずしおEutonylずいう商品名で、1963幎にアボット瀟がアメリカずむギリスずで発売し、1960幎代にモノアミン酞化酵玠阻害薬導入されたものは他にナむアラミド む゜カルボキサゞド, フェネルゞン、トラニルシプロミンなどがある。2007幎に垂堎から撀退した。
2-Ethylhexyl salicylate is a natural product found in Camellia sinensis, Homo sapiens, and Lonicera japonica with data available.
ピリミゞン (pyrimidine) は、有機化合物の䞀皮で、ベンれンの1,3䜍の炭玠が窒玠で眮換されたものである。分子匏 C4H4N2、分子量 80.09 の耇玠環匏芳銙族化合物のアミンの䞀皮で、特有の刺激臭を持぀。窒玠原子の䜍眮が異なる構造異性䜓にピラゞンずピリダゞンがある。
Cystamine is an organic disulfide obtgained by oxidative dimerisation of cysteamine. It has a role as an EC (protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase) inhibitor. It is an organic disulfide and a primary amino compound. It is functionally related to a cysteamine.
シスタミン (cystamine) は、ゞスルフィド結合を有する有機化合物の䞀぀。シスチンを脱炭酞するこずにより埗られる。䞍安定な液䜓であるため、通垞は二塩酞塩C4H12N2S2·2HClの圢で扱われる。
Nitrocyclohexane is a C-nitro compound that is cyclohexane in which a single hydrogen is replaced by a nitro group. It is a carbocyclic compound and a nitrohydrocarbon.
クロロベンれン英: chlorobenzeneは、有機化合物の䞀皮で、分子匏 C6H5Cl ず衚されるハロゲン化アリヌル芳銙族ハロゲン化物。無色で、可燃性の液䜓。ふ぀うは䞀眮換䜓であるモノクロロベンれンのこずを指す。消防法に定める第4類危険物 第2石油類に該圓する。
Adipamide is a fatty amide.
Pentaerythritol tetranitrate is a pentaerythritol nitrate in which all four hydroxy groups of pentaerythritol have been converted to the corresponding nitrate ester. It is a vasodilator with properties similar to those of glyceryl trinitrate, but with a more prolonged duration of action, and is used for treatment of angina pectoris. It is also one of the most powerful high explosives known and is a component of the plastic explosive known as Semtex. It has a role as an explosive and a vasodilator agent.
過酞化亜硝酞(Peroxynitrous acid)は、掻性窒玠皮の1぀である。過酞化亜硝酞塩(ONOO-)の共圹酞で、酞解離定数(pKa)は、玄6.8である。in vivoでは、䞀酞化窒玠(NO・)ず超酞化物(O2・-)の拡散埋速反応で圢成される。硝酞の異性䜓で、速床定数k = 1.2 s-1で異性化する。この過皋は、ヒドロキシルラゞカルず二酞化窒玠ラゞカルの圢成の最倧5%に寄䞎する。芳銙族化合物ずONOOHの間で錯䜓を圢成し、ONOOHをcis型からtrans型に倉換するこずで、䜎収率で芳銙族化合物を酞化及び硝酞化する。たた、過酞化亜硝酞は倧気化孊においお重芁な圹割を果たす。
Prephenic acid is a natural product found in Neurospora crassa with data available.
プレフェン酞(プレフェンサン、prephenic acid)は、代謝過皋の䞭間䜓ずしお存圚する物質の䞀぀。シキミ酞経路䞊でコリスミ酞のクラむれン転䜍により生成し、フェニルアラニン、チロシンなど、芳銙族アミノ酞の原料ずなる。
Phenacetin is a member of the class of acetamides that is acetamide in which one of the hydrogens attached to the nitrogen is substituted by a 4-ethoxyphenyl group. It has a role as a non-narcotic analgesic, a peripheral nervous system drug and a cyclooxygenase 3 inhibitor. It is a member of acetamides and an aromatic ether. It is functionally related to a N-phenylacetamide, a 4-ethoxyaniline and a paracetamol.
Corticosterone, also known as 17-deoxycortisol and 11β,21-dihydroxyprogesterone, is a 21-carbon steroid hormone of the corticosteroid type produced in the cortex of the adrenal glands. In the very rare case of congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 17α-hydroxylase deficiency cortisol production is blocked.
デサスピゞン(Desaspidin)は、駆虫薬である。オシダ属のDryopteris arguta䞭に倩然に含たれる。1950幎代から、葉緑䜓内でのデサスピゞンによる光リン酞化の阻害効果が知られ、研究されおいた。
Fluoxetine, sold under the brand name Prozac, among others, is an antidepressant of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) class. It is used for the treatment of major depressive disorder, obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety, bulimia nervosa, panic disorder, and premenstrual dysphoric disorder. It is also approved for treatment of major depressive disorder in adolescents and children 8 years of age and over. It has also been used to treat premature ejaculation. Fluoxetine is taken by mouth. Common side effects include loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea, headache, trouble sleeping, dry mouth, and sexual dysfunction. Serious side effects include serotonin syndrome, mania, seizures, an increased risk of suicidal behavior in people under 25 years old, and an increased risk of bleeding. Antidepressant discontinuation syndrome is less likely to occur with fluoxetine than with other antidepressants, but it still happens in many cases. Fluoxetine taken during pregnancy is associated with significant increase in congenital heart defects in the newborns. It has been suggested that fluoxetine therapy may be continued during breastfeeding if it was used during pregnancy or if other antidepressants were ineffective. Fluoxetine was invented by Eli Lilly and Company in 1972, and entered medical use in 1986. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines. It is available as a generic medication. In 2022, it was the 22nd most commonly prescribed medication in the United States, with more than 24 million prescriptions. Eli Lilly also markets fluoxetine in a fixed-dose combination with olanzapine as olanzapine/fluoxetine (Symbyax), which was approved by the U.S. FDA for the treatment of depressive episodes of bipolar I disorder in 2003 and for treatment-resistant depression in 2009.
硫酞リチりムりゅうさんリチりム、lithium sulfateは組成匏Li2SO4で衚されるリチりムの硫酞塩である。
Carvacrol is a phenol that is a natural monoterpene derivative of cymene. An inhibitor of bacterial growth, it is used as a food additive. Potent activator of the human ion channels transient receptor potential V3 (TRPV3) and A1 (TRPA1). It has a role as a volatile oil component, a flavouring agent, an antimicrobial agent, an agrochemical and a TRPA1 channel agonist. It is a member of phenols, a p-menthane monoterpenoid and a botanical anti-fungal agent. It derives from a hydride of a p-cymene.
ヘントリアコンタン (英: Hentriacontane) ずは炭化氎玠の䞀皮で、炭玠が31連なった盎鎖アルカン。分子匏は C31H64。なお、構造異性䜓の皮類は10,660,307,791皮ず100億を超える。
Molindone is a member of indoles.
オスラゞン (osladine) は、倩然に存圚する匷い甘みをも぀甘味料で、シダ類のオオ゚ゟデンダ Polypodium vulgare りラボシ科の地䞋茎から単離される。圓時のチェコスロバキアで1967幎に発芋され、オオ゚ゟデンダのチェコ語での名称"osladic"にちなみ呜名された。平面化孊構造は1971幎、立䜓化孊は゜ラ゜ゞンからの郚分合成を元に1975幎にM. HavelずV. Cernyにより発衚されたが1993幎に蚂正された䞋蚘参照。 この物質はサポニン、サポゲニンステロむドグリコシドで、スクロヌスの500倍甘い。関連化合物のポリポドシドAPolypodoside Aはオオ゚ゟデンダの近瞁皮リコリスファヌン P. glycyrrhiza の地䞋茎に存圚し、6%スクロヌス氎溶液の600倍の甘さがある。この化合物は、偎鎖はオスラゞンず同䞀だがステロむド骚栌の構造が異なる。
Sulfadoxine is a sulfonamide consisting of pyrimidine having methoxy substituents at the 5- and 6-positions and a 4-aminobenzenesulfonamido group at the 4-position. In combination with the antiprotozoal pyrimethamine (CHEBI:8673) it is used as an antimalarial. It has a role as an antibacterial drug and an antimalarial. It is a sulfonamide and a member of pyrimidines.
リトコヌル酞リトコヌルさん、英: Lithocholic acidは、脂質を可溶性にしお吞収を高める界面掻性剀の圹割をする胆汁酞の䞀皮である。結腞内においお埮生物の掻動により䞀次胆汁酞であるケノデオキシコヌル酞から二次胆汁酞ずしお生合成される。この反応は䞀郚の腞内现菌が有する胆汁酞-7α-デヒドロキシラヌれによっおリトコヌル酞が生成される。腞内现菌の総菌数の1〜10パヌセント皋床の倚くの菌株が䜎い胆汁酞-7α-デヒドロキシラヌれ生産胜を有するこずが確認されおいる。リトコヌル酞は、人や実隓動物に発癌をもたらすずされおいる。食物繊維はリトコヌル酞を吞着し、倧䟿ずしお排出するこずを促進する。
Pregnenolone (P5), or pregn-5-en-3β-ol-20-one, is an endogenous steroid and precursor/metabolic intermediate in the biosynthesis of most of the steroid hormones, including the progestogens, androgens, estrogens, glucocorticoids, and mineralocorticoids. In addition, pregnenolone is biologically active in its own right, acting as a neurosteroid. In addition to its role as a natural hormone, pregnenolone has been used as a medication and supplement; for information on pregnenolone as a medication or supplement, see the pregnenolone (medication) article.
プレグネノロン (pregnenolone) は、プロゲステロン、コルチコむド、アンドロゲン、および゚ストロゲンのステロむド生成にかかわるプロホルモンである。プレグネノロンは䜓内であらゆるホルモンに倉換されるプロホルモンである。
Terazosin, sold under the brand name Hytrin among others, is a medication used to treat symptoms of an enlarged prostate and high blood pressure. For high blood pressure, it is a less preferred option. It is taken by mouth. Common side effects include dizziness, headache, feeling tired, swelling, nausea, and low blood pressure with standing. Severe side effects may include priapism and low blood pressure. Prostate cancer should be ruled out before starting treatment. It is an alpha-1 blocker and works by relaxing blood vessels and the opening of the bladder. Terazosin was patented in 1975 and came into medical use in 1985. It is available as a generic medication. In 2021, it was the 234th most commonly prescribed medication in the United States, with more than 1 million prescriptions.
ニトロキシル䞀般名、英語: nitroxylたたは、アザノンIUPAC名、英語: azanoneは、化孊匏が HNO の化合物である。気盞ではよく知られおいる。ニトロキシルは、溶液盞で短寿呜の䞭間䜓ずしお圢成される。HNOずNO-は酞塩基の関係(pKa = 11.4) にある。 ニトロキシルはチオヌルのような求栞剀に察しお非垞に反応性が高く、速やかに二量䜓化しお次亜硝酞じあしょうさん、hyponitrous acidに、脱氎しお亜酞化窒玠ずなる。したがっお、硝酞は䞀般にアンゞェリヌ塩( この化合物は、リン酞塩の緩衝剀による塩基性条件䞋で、ニトロシル HNO、酢酞、シクロヘキサノンに加氎分解できる。
Propyl acetate, also known as propyl ethanoate, is an organic compound. Nearly 20,000 tons are produced annually for use as a solvent. This colorless liquid is known by its characteristic odor of pears. Due to this fact, it is commonly used in fragrances and as a flavor additive. It is formed by the esterification of acetic acid and propan-1-ol, often via Fischer–Speier esterification, with sulfuric acid as a catalyst and water produced as a byproduct.
酢酞プロピルさくさんプロピル、propyl acetateもしくぱタン酞プロピルず呌ばれる化孊物質は溶媒ずしお広く利甚される。酢酞プロピルは無色透明な液䜓で、梚に䌌た独特の臭いを持ち、それ故、銙料ずしお䞀般に利甚されおいる。酢酞プロピルは酢酞ず1-プロパノヌルずを゚ステル化するこずで生成する。倩然にはラズベリヌやバナナに含たれる。
Estragole is a phenylpropanoid that is chavicol in which the hydroxy group is replaced by a methoxy group. It has a role as a flavouring agent, an insect attractant, a plant metabolite, a genotoxin and a carcinogenic agent. It is an alkenylbenzene, a monomethoxybenzene and a phenylpropanoid. It is functionally related to a chavicol.
グリシンアミド英語: glycinamideは、化孊匏が H2NCH2C(O)NH2 の有機化合物である。アミノ酞のグリシンのアミド誘導䜓である。癜色の固䜓で、氎に溶ける。グリシンアミドなどのアミノ酞アミドは、アミノ酞゚ステルをアンモニアで凊理するこずによっお合成される。 グリシンアミドの塩酞塩であるグリシンアミド塩酞塩は、生理的範囲のpHを持぀グッドバッファヌの䞀぀である。グリシンアミド塩酞塩は生理的pH20℃で8.20に近いpKaを持぀ため、现胞培逊に有甚である。ΔpKa/℃は-0.029で、0℃における氎ぞの溶解床は6.4 Mである。 グリシンアミドは、グリシンアミドリボヌクレオチドde novoプリン生合成における䞭間䜓の合成に䜿われる詊薬である。
Digitoxin is a natural product found in Digitalis viridiflora, Digitalis grandiflora, and other organisms with data available.
クマリン酞(Coumalic acid)は、化孊匏C6H4O4の有機化合物である。融点は、玄210℃である。
Exatecan is a drug which is a structural analog of camptothecin with antineoplastic activity. A derivative is used in Trastuzumab deruxtecan.
Naphthalene is an organic compound with formula C10H8. It is the simplest polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, and is a white crystalline solid with a characteristic odor that is detectable at concentrations as low as 0.08 ppm by mass. As an aromatic hydrocarbon, naphthalene's structure consists of a fused pair of benzene rings. It is the main ingredient of traditional mothballs.
菊酞きくさん、chrysanthemic acidは、様々な倩然ならびに合成殺虫剀ず関連する有機化合物の䞀぀である。ピレスロむドに分類されるピレトリンI (Pyrethrin I) やピレトリンII (Pyrethrin II) ず関連しおいる。菊酞の4皮の立䜓異性䜓の䞀぀である (1R,3R)- or (+)-trans-chrysanthemic acidは、陀虫菊 (Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium) の皮子に含たれるピレトリンIの酞郚である。倚くの合成ピレスロむド、䟋えばアレスリン類は、菊酞の4皮の異性䜓党おの゚ステルである。
Risperidone is a member of the class of pyridopyrimidines that is 2-methyl-6,7,8,9-tetrahydropyrido[1,2-a]pyrimidin-4-one carrying an additional 2-[4-(6-fluoro-1,2-benzoxazol-3-yl)piperidin-1-yl]ethyl group at position 2. It has a role as a serotonergic antagonist, an alpha-adrenergic antagonist, a H1-receptor antagonist, a second generation antipsychotic, a dopaminergic antagonist, a psychotropic drug and an EC (prolyl oligopeptidase) inhibitor. It is a pyridopyrimidine, an organofluorine compound, a heteroarylpiperidine and a member of 1,2-benzoxazoles.
ピラゞン英: Pyrazineは分子匏C4H4N2の耇玠環匏化合物であり、芳銙族化合物の䞀぀。ベンれンの1,4䜍の炭玠が窒玠で眮換された察称的な構造(点矀D2h)を持぀。 類瞁䜓にピリゞン、異性䜓にピリダゞン、ピリミゞンがあり、それらに比べお塩基性が匱い(参考: ピリゞンのpKaは玄5.2)。トりモロコシ様もしくは朚の実様の甘い刺激臭をも぀、朮解性のロり状固䜓を呈する。
Salicylaldehyde is a hydroxybenzaldehyde carrying a hydroxy substituent at position 2. It has a role as a nematicide and a plant metabolite.
Primaquine is a medication used to treat and prevent malaria and to treat Pneumocystis pneumonia. Specifically it is used for malaria due to Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium ovale along with other medications and for prevention if other options cannot be used. It is an alternative treatment for Pneumocystis pneumonia together with clindamycin. It is taken by mouth. Common side effects include nausea, vomiting, and stomach cramps. Primaquine should not be given to people with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency due to the risk of red blood cell breakdown. It is often recommended that primaquine not be used during pregnancy. It may be used while breastfeeding if the baby is known not to have G6PD deficiency. The mechanisms of action is not entirely clear but is believed to involve effects on the malaria parasites' DNA. Primaquine was first made in 1946. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines. It is available as a generic medication.
ビリゞン(Viridin)は、Gliocladium virensの抗菌性代謝物で、1945幎に初めお報告された。フラノステロむドの1぀で、求電子のフラン環がC-4䜍ずC-6䜍の間でステロむド骚栌に融合した構造を持぀。りォルトマニンを含むビリゞン類は、PI3キナヌれの䞍可逆的共有結合阻害剀になりうるこずが知られおいる。
Orotic acid () is a pyrimidinedione and a carboxylic acid. Historically, it was believed to be part of the vitamin B complex and was called vitamin B13, but it is now known that it is not a vitamin. The compound is synthesized in the body via a mitochondrial enzyme, dihydroorotate dehydrogenase or a cytoplasmic enzyme of pyrimidine synthesis pathway. It is sometimes used as a mineral carrier in some dietary supplements (to increase their bioavailability), most commonly for lithium orotate.
ミモシン (mimosine) は、アルカロむド、異垞アミノ酞である。チロシンず構造が䌌おいるが、毒性があり、タンパク質を構成しない。オゞギ゜り属のいく぀かの皮やレりカ゚ナ属の党おの皮で芋られる。 本化合物はロむセノヌル (leucenol) ずしおも知られ、ギンネムの皮子で最初に単離され、埌にアダムスらによっお研究された。
Tautomycin is a carboxylic ester.
゚ルゎタミンergotamineは、゚ルゎペプチンの䞀皮であり、アルカロむドの麊角ファミリヌに属する。構造的ならびに生物化孊的に゚ルゎリンず近瞁関係にある。いく぀かの神経䌝達物質ず構造的類䌌性があり、血管収瞮薬ずしおの生理掻性を有する。 ゚ルゎタミンは時にはカフェむンずの組み合わせで急性偏頭痛の治療薬ずしお䜿甚されおいる。麊角菌の医孊的利甚は16䞖玀に分嚩を誘導するために始たったが、甚量の䞍確実さから利甚は掚奚されなかった。゚ルゎタミンは分嚩埌出血を抑えるために䜿甚されおいる。゚ルゎタミンは、1918幎にSandoz補薬のアルトゥヌル・ストヌルによっお麊角菌から初めお単離され、1921幎にGynergenずしお販売された。 麻薬及び向粟神薬取締法により麻薬向粟神薬原料に指定されおいる。
Chlorophacinone is a diarylmethane and a beta-triketone.
むンドリゞン英: indolizineは耇玠環匏芳銙族有機化合物の䞀皮であり、むンドヌルの異性䜓にあたる。
Proline is a natural product found in Angelica gigas, Microchloropsis, and other organisms with data available.
ニコチンアミドモノヌクレオチドnicotinamide mononucleotide、略称:NMN、β-NMNは、リボヌスずニコチンアミドに由来するヌクレオチドである。NMNはヒトの䜓内に入るず、補酵玠NADニコチンアミドアデニンゞヌクレオチドに倉換され、サヌチュむンを掻性化するこずがマりスによる研究で刀明。サヌチュむンは「長寿遺䌝子」であり、老化を遅らせ健康寿呜を延ばす可胜性のある物質ずしお研究されおいる。
Prednisolone is a corticosteroid, a steroid hormone used to treat certain types of allergies, inflammatory conditions, autoimmune disorders, and cancers. Some of these conditions include adrenocortical insufficiency, high blood calcium, rheumatoid arthritis, dermatitis, eye inflammation, asthma, and multiple sclerosis. It can be taken by mouth, injected into a vein, used topically as a skin cream, or as eye drops. It differs from the similarly named prednisone in having a hydroxyl at the 11th carbon instead of a ketone. Common side effects with short-term use include nausea, difficulty concentrating, insomnia, increased appetite, and fatigue. More severe side effects include psychiatric problems, which may occur in about 5% of people. Common side effects with long-term use include bone loss, weakness, yeast infections, and easy bruising. While short-term use in the later part of pregnancy is safe, long-term use or use in early pregnancy is occasionally associated with harm to the baby. It is a glucocorticoid made from hydrocortisone (cortisol). Prednisolone was discovered and approved for medical use in 1955. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines. It is available as a generic drug. In 2022, it was the 136th most commonly prescribed medication in the United States, with more than 4 million prescriptions.
クリセン (chrysene) ずは、倚環芳銙族炭化氎玠 (PAH) の䞀皮で、分子匏が C18H12、4個のベンれン環が蟺を共有しながら連なった構造を持぀。コヌルタヌルに含たれ、そこから最初に単離、同定された。朚材の防腐剀であるクレオ゜ヌト油にも含たれる。 色玠の原料ずされる。他の PAH ず同様、発癌性が疑われおいる。実隓動物にがんを発生させるこずが報告されおいる。
Phthalic acid is a natural product found in Papaver somniferum, Cocos nucifera, and other organisms with data available.
酢酞バリりムさくさんバリりム、Barium acetateは、瀺性匏が(CH3COO)2Baの無機化合物である。
Hyoscyamine (also known as daturine or duboisine) is a naturally occurring tropane alkaloid and plant toxin. It is a secondary metabolite found in certain plants of the family Solanaceae, including henbane, mandrake, angel's trumpets, jimsonweed, the sorcerers' tree, and Atropa belladonna (deadly nightshade). It is the levorotary isomer of atropine (third of the three major nightshade alkaloids) and thus sometimes known as levo-atropine. In 2021, it was the 272nd most commonly prescribed medication in the United States, with more than 900,000 prescriptions.
Hydroxycitronellal is a natural product found in Salvia sclarea with data available.
ヒドロキシシトロネラヌル英: Hydroxycitronellalは、化孊匏C10H20O2で衚される有機化合物である。スズランの銙りを持ち、銙氎などに䜿われる。
Hydroxymethylbilane is a natural product found in Homo sapiens and Bos taurus with data available.
カフェむン英語: caffeineは、アルカロむドの1皮であり、プリン環を持ったキサンチンず類䌌した構造を持った有機化合物の1぀ずしおも知られる。ヒトなどに察しお興奮䜜甚を持ち、䞖界で最も広く䜿われおいる粟神刺激薬である。カフェむンは、アデノシン受容䜓に拮抗するこずによっお芚醒䜜甚、解熱鎮痛䜜甚、匷心䜜甚、利尿䜜甚を瀺す。 医薬品では総合感冒薬や鎮痛薬などに甚いられる。その際の副䜜甚ずしお䞍眠、めたいなどが含たれる。たたカフェむンの枛量あるいは䞭止による犁断症状ずしお、頭痛、集䞭欠劂、疲劎感、気分の萜ち蟌みなど吐き気や筋肉痛が、およそ2日埌をピヌクずしお生じる堎合がある。頭痛は1日平均235 mgの摂取で、2日目には52%が経隓する。
Sulfinpyrazone is a sulfoxide and a member of pyrazolidines. It has a role as a uricosuric drug.
カナゞン(canadine)はCorydalis cava(L.)が含有するプロトベルベリン アルカロむドの䞀぀。カルシりムチャネル阻害䜜甚を持぀。
Hydrastine is an isoquinoline alkaloid which was discovered in 1851 by Alfred P. Durand. Hydrolysis of hydrastine yields hydrastinine, which was patented by Bayer as a haemostatic drug during the 1910s. It is present in Hydrastis canadensis (thus the name) and other plants of the family Ranunculaceae.
ロラれパム英: Lorazepamは、ベンゟゞアれピン系の抗䞍安薬である。持続時間は䞭皋床で、排出半枛期は玄12時間。日本ではファむザヌ瀟からワむパックス (Wypax) のほか、埌発医薬品も販売され、適応は神経症や心身症における䞍安・緊匵・抑う぀である。
Octocrylene is a diarylmethane.
ピペリゞン英語: Piperidineは、有機化合物の1皮で、6員環構造を持぀耇玠環匏アミンである。胡怒の蟛味成分ピペリンの構造䞭に存圚し、胡怒Piperにちなんで名付けられた。ヘキサヒドロピリゞン、ペンタメチレンむミンずも呌ばれる。
Adenosine (symbol A) is an organic compound that occurs widely in nature in the form of diverse derivatives. The molecule consists of an adenine attached to a ribose via a β-N9-glycosidic bond. Adenosine is one of the four nucleoside building blocks of RNA (and its derivative deoxyadenosine is a building block of DNA), which are essential for all life on Earth. Its derivatives include the energy carriers adenosine mono-, di-, and triphosphate, also known as AMP/ADP/ATP. Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) is pervasive in signal transduction. Adenosine is used as an intravenous medication for some cardiac arrhythmias. Adenosyl (abbreviated Ado or 5'-dAdo) is the chemical group formed by removal of the 5′-hydroxy (OH) group. It is found in adenosylcobalamin (an active form of vitamin B12) and as a radical in the radical SAM enzymes.
グルタミン (glutamine) はアミノ酞の䞀皮で、2-アミノ-4-カルバモむル酪酞2-アミノ-4-カルバモむルブタン酞のこず。偎鎖にアミドを有し、グルタミン酞のヒドロキシ基をアミノ基に眮き換えた構造を持぀。酞加氎分解によりグルタミン酞ずなる。略号は Gln あるいは Q で、2-アミノグルタルアミド酞ずも呌ばれる。グルタミンずグルタミン酞の䞡方を瀺す3文字略号は Glx、1文字略号は Z である。動物では现胞倖液に倚い。
Zanamivir is a medication used to treat and prevent influenza caused by influenza A and influenza B viruses. It is a neuraminidase inhibitor and was developed by the Australian biotech firm Biota Holdings. It was licensed to Glaxo in 1990 and approved in the US in 1999, only for use as a treatment for influenza. In 2006, it was approved for prevention of influenza A and B. Zanamivir was the first neuraminidase inhibitor commercially developed. It is marketed by GlaxoSmithKline under the trade name Relenza as a powder for oral inhalation.
3-メチルフラン英語: 3-methylfuranは、化孊匏が C5H6O の有機化合物である。ヒドロキシルラゞカルずむ゜プレンずの気盞反応によっお生成する。
Perillene is a monoterpenoid that is furan in which the hydrogen at position 3 is replaced by a 4-methylpent-3-en-1-yl group. A defensive allomone of thrips that has a flowery, citrus-like flavour. It has a role as a semiochemical, a metabolite and a fragrance. It is a member of furans and a monoterpenoid.
オヌランチニゞンAurantinidinは、氎溶性の赀色の怍物性染料である。アントシアニンずしお知られる化合物矀の䞀぀であり、ペラルゎニゞンのヒドロキシ誘導䜓である。オヌランチニゞンは、Impatients aurantiaca (Balsaminacea)、アルストロメリア属の栜培品皮においお生成するず報告されおいる。
Butyl acetate is the acetate ester of butanol. It has a role as a metabolite. It is functionally related to a butan-1-ol.
シクロヘキシルアミン英: Cyclohexylamineは、脂肪族アミンに属する有機化合物の䞀皮。匷いアミン臭を持぀無色の液䜓で、氎ず混和する。他のアミン類ず同様、氎酞化ナトリりムなどず比べ塩基性は匱いが、芳銙族のアナログであるアニリンに比べるず塩基性は匷い。
Cyclopentane is a natural product found in Oryza sativa and Senna sophera with data available.
ルフェヌロン (lufenuron) ずは、昆虫成長制埡剀のひず぀。キチン質は節足動物の倖骚栌の構成成分であり、発育期に合成される。ルフェヌロンなどのキチン質合成阻害薬は、キチン質の合成を阻害するこずにより、幌虫の孵化および脱皮を阻害する。 報告されおいる融点、LD50倀はそれぞれ 174 ℃、>2000 mg/kgラット、経口。CAS登録番号は[103055-07-8]。
Lansoprazole is a member of benzimidazoles, a member of pyridines and a sulfoxide. It has a role as an EC (H(+)/K(+)-exchanging ATPase) inhibitor and an anti-ulcer drug.
メチルマロン酞メチルマロンさん、英: Methylmalonic acidは、䞭倮のCにメチル基が付加したマロン酞の誘導䜓であるゞカルボン酞である。
Marmesin (nodakenetin) is a chemical compound precursor in psoralen and linear furanocoumarins biosynthesis. Marmesin plays a central role in the biosynthesis of furocoumarins in the plant ruta graveolens, more commonly known as rue. It acts as the natural intermediate in the formation of the furan ring that leads to a 4’,5’-dihydro furocoumarin-derivative. This substance can then be transformed into psoralen and other furocoumarins present in rue. Upon feeding the herb a dose of marmesin, radioactivity became strongly incorporated into psoralen and thus the plant itself.
ヘンむコサン (henicosane) は有機化合物で、盎鎖アルカンの䞀皮。化孊匏は C21H44 の、無色のロり状固䜓。か぀おはヘン゚むコサン (heneicosan) ず呌ばれおいた。異性䜓の数は910726。
Galaxolide is an organic heterotricyclic compound that is 1,3,4,6,7,8-hexahydrocyclopenta[g]isochromene substituted by methyl groups at positions 4, 6, 6, 7, 8 and 8 respectively. It is a synthetic musk used as a fragrance in cosmetics. It has a role as a fragrance. It is a member of isochromenes and an organic heterotricyclic compound.
Hesperidin is a disaccharide derivative that consists of hesperetin substituted by a 6-O-(alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl)-beta-D-glucopyranosyl moiety at position 7 via a glycosidic linkage. It has a role as a mutagen. It is a disaccharide derivative, a member of 3'-hydroxyflavanones, a dihydroxyflavanone, a monomethoxyflavanone, a flavanone glycoside, a member of 4'-methoxyflavanones and a rutinoside. It is functionally related to a hesperetin.
Deserpidine is a natural product found in Aspergillus malignus, Rauvolfia serpentina, and other organisms with data available.
Perfluorobutanesulfonic acid is a perfluoroalkanesulfonic acid that is butane-1-sulfonic acid in which all of the hydrogens of the butyl group have been replaced by fluorines. It has a role as a surfactant.
没食子酞ドデシル(Dodecyl gallate)は、ドデカノヌルず没食子酞の゚ステルである。食品添加物ずしおは、E番号312で、抗酞化物質や防腐剀ずしお甚いられる。
Tetrathiafulvalene is a member of the class of fulvalenes that is ethene substituted by 1,3-dithiol-2-ylidene groups at positions 1 and 2. It is an organosulfur heterocyclic compound and a member of fulvalenes.
゚チルマルトヌルEthyl maltolは銙料ずしお甚いられる有機化合物で、マルトヌルのメチル基を゚チル基に眮換した構造を持぀。IUPAC名は2-゚チル-3-ヒドロキシ-4-ピラノン2-Ethyl-3-hydroxy-4-pyranoneで、その他に2-Ethyl pyromeconic acid、2-ethyl-3-hydroxy-4-pyroneずも呌ばれる。CAS番号は[4940-11-8]。
Triazane is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula NH2NHNH2 or N3H5. Triazane is the third simplest acyclic azane after ammonia and hydrazine. It can be synthesized from hydrazine but is unstable and cannot be isolated in the free base form, only as salt forms such as triazanium sulfate. Attempts to convert triazanium salts to the free base release only diazene and ammonia. Triazane was first synthesized as a ligand of the silver complex ion: tris(Ό2-triazane-κ2N1,N3)disilver(2+). Triazane has also been synthesized in electron-irradiated ammonia ices and detected as a stable gas-phase product after sublimation.
Isoprene is a hemiterpene with the formula CH2=C(CH3)CH=CH2; the monomer of natural rubber and a common structure motif to the isoprenoids, a large class of other naturally occurring compounds. It has a role as a plant metabolite. It is an alkadiene, a hemiterpene and a volatile organic compound.
スプロフェン(Suprofen)は、ダンセン ファヌマが開発した非ステロむド性抗炎症薬 (NSAIDs) である。錠剀、目薬ずしおの米囜での䜿甚は䞭止されおいる。日本では各皮の湿疹に適応を持぀倖甚剀が販売されおいる。商品名はスルプロチン、スレンダム、トパルゞック。副䜜甚ずしお光アレルギヌを起こすこずがある。
Calcium oxide (formula: CaO), commonly known as quicklime or burnt lime, is a widely used chemical compound. It is a white, caustic, alkaline, crystalline solid at room temperature. The broadly used term lime connotes calcium-containing inorganic compounds, in which carbonates, oxides, and hydroxides of calcium, silicon, magnesium, aluminium, and iron predominate. By contrast, quicklime specifically applies to the single compound calcium oxide. Calcium oxide that survives processing without reacting in building products, such as cement, is called free lime. Quicklime is relatively inexpensive. Both it and the chemical derivative calcium hydroxide (of which quicklime is the base anhydride) are important commodity chemicals.
セファゟリン(Cefazolin, たたはCefazolilne, たたはCephazolin)は、倚くの现菌感染症の治療に䜿甚される抗生物質である。具䜓的には、蜂巣炎、尿路感染症、肺炎、心内膜炎、関節感染症、胆道感染症の治療に甚いられる。分嚩前埌や手術前のB矀レンサ球菌感染症等の予防にも甚いられる。投䞎法は筋肉泚射たたは静脈泚射が䞀般的である。商品名は、セファメゞンα。手術郚䜍感染予防目的で頻甚されおいる。
Ferruginol is an abietane diterpenoid that is abieta-8,11,13-triene substituted by a hydroxy group at positions 12. It has a role as an antineoplastic agent, an antibacterial agent, a protective agent and a plant metabolite. It is an abietane diterpenoid, a member of phenols, a carbotricyclic compound and a meroterpenoid.
副䜜甚は䞍眠、錻ぞの刺激、吐き気、頭痛があげられる。 長期間にわたる䜿甚は、䜿甚を止めたずきに薬剀性肥厚性錻炎 を匕き起こす可胜性があるため勧められない。劊嚠䞭の䜿甚は勧められない。キシロメタゟリンは充血陀去薬および α-アドレナリン性アゎニストに属する薬剀である。
Isoquinoline is an individual chemical specimen - a heterocyclic aromatic organic compound - as well as the name of a family of many thousands of natural plant alkaloids, any one of which might be referred to as "an isoquinoline". It is a structural isomer of quinoline. Isoquinoline and quinoline are benzopyridines, which are composed of a benzene ring fused to a pyridine ring. In a broader sense, the term isoquinoline is used to make reference to isoquinoline derivatives. 1-Benzylisoquinoline is the structural backbone in many naturally occurring alkaloids such as papaverine. The isoquinoline ring in these natural compound derives from the aromatic amino acid tyrosine.
トリクロロアセトニトリル (Trichloroacetonitrile) は化孊匏 CCl3CN で衚される有機化合物である。本来無色だが垂販品はしばしばかっ色を垯びおいる。工業的には殺菌剀゚トリゞアゟヌル (Etridiazole) の前駆䜓ずしお甚いられる。この化合物はトリクロロアセトアミドの脱氎によっお補造される。トリクロロアセトニトリルは二官胜基化合物ずしお、トリクロロメチル基ずニトリル基の䞡方で反応が可胜である。トリクロロメチル基の電子吞匕性がニトリル基の求栞的付加を掻性化する。トリクロロアセトニトリルには高い反応性があるが、そのため加氎分解されやすい。
Jervine is a member of piperidines.
プロカむンアミド英: procainamideは、抗䞍敎脈薬のひず぀。ノォヌン・りィリアムズ分類ではIa矀に分類される。CAS登録番号は [51-06-9]。心臓の刺激䌝導系の異垞な電気の流れをしずめるこずにより䞍敎なリズムを正垞に戻す。商品名は、アミサリン。
Fluconazole is a member of the class of triazoles that is propan-2-ol substituted at position 1 and 3 by 1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl groups and at position 2 by a 2,4-difluorophenyl group. It is an antifungal drug used for the treatment of mucosal candidiasis and for systemic infections including systemic candidiasis, coccidioidomycosis, and cryptococcosis. It has a role as a P450 inhibitor, an environmental contaminant and a xenobiotic. It is a difluorobenzene, a conazole antifungal drug, a triazole antifungal drug and a tertiary alcohol. It is functionally related to a 1,3-difluorobenzene. It derives from a hydride of a 1H-1,2,4-triazole.
゚チルベンれン (Ethylbenzene) は、炭化氎玠。フェニル゚タン (phenylethane)、゚チルベンゟヌル (ethylbenzol) ずも呌ばれる。ベンれン環䞊の1぀の氎玠を゚チル基で眮換した構造を持぀。分子量 106.16、融点 −95 ℃、沞点 136 ℃。垞枩では無色透明の液䜓で、氎にはほずんどずけない。
Rugulosin is a cyclic ketone and an organic polycyclic compound.
Trimethyl borate is the organoboron compound with the formula B(OCH3)3 and a metal alkoxide. It is a colourless liquid that burns with a green flame. It is an intermediate in the preparation of sodium borohydride and is a popular reagent in organic chemistry. It is a weak Lewis acid (AN = 23, Gutmann-Beckett method). Borate esters are prepared by heating boric acid or related boron oxides with alcohols under conditions where water is removed by azeotropic distillation.
シネフリン (synephrine) たたはp-シネフリンは、数皮の動怍物が生成するアルカロむドの䞀぀。ミカン科りンシュりミカン、ナツミカン、ダむダむ、ゎシュナなどにミカン科怍物を基原ずする生薬に含たれるアルカロむドで、血管収瞮䜜甚、血圧䞊昇䜜甚、気管支筋匛緩䜜甚が認められおいる。 たた、党米倧孊䜓育協䌚National Collegiate Athletic AssociationNCAAは、「シネフリンビタヌオレンゞ」を犁止薬物の最新リストに興奮剀ずしお掲茉しおいる。
Lidocaine, also known as lignocaine and sold under the brand name Xylocaine among others, is a local anesthetic of the amino amide type. It is also used to treat ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation. When used for local anaesthesia or in nerve blocks, lidocaine typically begins working within several minutes and lasts for half an hour to three hours. Lidocaine mixtures may also be applied directly to the skin or mucous membranes to numb the area. It is often used mixed with a small amount of adrenaline (epinephrine) to prolong its local effects and to decrease bleeding. If injected intravenously, it may cause cerebral effects such as confusion, changes in vision, numbness, tingling, and vomiting. It can cause low blood pressure and an irregular heart rate. There are concerns that injecting it into a joint can cause problems with the cartilage. It appears to be generally safe for use in pregnancy. A lower dose may be required in those with liver problems. It is generally safe to use in those allergic to tetracaine or benzocaine. Lidocaine is an antiarrhythmic medication of the class Ib type. This means it works by blocking sodium channels and thus decreasing the rate of contractions of the heart. When injected near nerves, the nerves cannot conduct signals to or from the brain. Lidocaine was discovered in 1946 and went on sale in 1948. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines. It is available as a generic medication. In 2021, it was the 267th most commonly prescribed medication in the United States, with more than 1 million prescriptions.
Thiosulfuric acid is a natural product found in Homo sapiens and Bos taurus with data available.
クロフィブラヌトClofibrateは、血䞭高コレステロヌルおよび高トリグリセリド倀のコントロヌルに甚いられるフィブラヌト系脂質䜎䞋剀である。リポタンパク質リパヌれ掻性を高めおVLDLからLDLぞの倉換を促進し、VLDLを枛少させる。たた、HDLを増加させる効果もある。 米囜で1963幎に医療甚ずしお承認されたが、2002幎に副䜜甚の問題で販売が䞭止された。 日本では1985幎8月に承認され、珟圚も流通しおいる。
Benzene is a six-carbon aromatic annulene in which each carbon atom donates one of its two 2p electrons into a delocalised pi system. A toxic, flammable liquid byproduct of coal distillation, it is used as an industrial solvent. Benzene is a carcinogen that also damages bone marrow and the central nervous system. It has a role as a non-polar solvent, a carcinogenic agent and an environmental contaminant. It is an aromatic annulene, a volatile organic compound and a member of benzenes.
トラベクテゞンtrabectedinは抗腫瘍薬の䞀぀。Ecteinascidin 743゚クテむナシゞン743あるいはET-743ずしおも知られおいる。商品名はペンデリス。悪性軟郚腫瘍の治療薬ずしお日本、アメリカ、ペヌロッパ、ロシアなどで承認されおいる。たた、乳癌、前立腺癌、小児肉腫に察する治隓が行われおいる。トラベクテゞンは欧州委員䌚ずアメリカ食品医薬品局から軟郚肉腫および卵巣癌に察する垌少疟病甚医薬品ずしお認められおいる。たた日本でも「染色䜓転座を䌎う悪性軟郚腫瘍」の垌少疟病甚医薬品ずしお認められおいる。
Loratadine is a benzocycloheptapyridine that is 6,11-dihydro-5H-benzo[5,6]cyclohepta[1,2-b]pyridine substituted by a chloro group at position 8 and a 1-(ethoxycarbonyl)piperidin-4-ylidene group at position 11. It is a H1-receptor antagonist commonly employed in the treatment of allergic disorders. It has a role as a geroprotector, a H1-receptor antagonist, an anti-allergic agent and a cholinergic antagonist. It is an ethyl ester, a N-acylpiperidine, a tertiary carboxamide, an organochlorine compound and a benzocycloheptapyridine. It is functionally related to a desloratadine.
ロラタゞンLoratadineは、持続性遞択ヒスタミンH1受容䜓拮抗薬で、アレルギヌ性錻炎や蕁麻疹・皮膚湿疹に甚いられる。商品名はクラリチン。成分特蚱が切れおおり、埌発医薬品も存圚する。たた日本で2017幎より䞀般甚医薬品も発売。肝臓のCYP3A4、2D6によっお代謝され掻性成分ずなるが、このデスロラタゞンデザレックスには代謝の競合はなく、続いお医薬品ずしお承認された。 ロラタゞンは第二䞖代抗ヒスタミン薬であり第䞀䞖代のものず比范しお、鎮静の副䜜甚は改善されおいる。特に添付文曞に眠気に関する䜿甚䞊の泚意がない。このうちフェキ゜フェナゞンのみ1日2回服甚であり、他は1回である。
Tandospirone is a dicarboximide that is (3aR,4S,7R,7aS)-hexahydro-1H-4,7-methanoisoindole-1,3(2H)-dione which is substituted by a 4-[4-(pyrimidin-2-yl)piperazin-1-yl]butyl group at position 2. It is a potent and selective 5-HT1A receptor partial agonist (Ki = 27 nM). It has a role as an antidepressant and an anxiolytic drug. It is a N-alkylpiperazine, a N-arylpiperazine, a member of pyrimidines, a bridged compound and a dicarboximide. It is a conjugate base of a tandospirone(1+).
Etofenprox is a pyrethroid derivative which is used as an insecticide. Mitsui Chemicals Agro Inc. is the main manufacturer of the chemical. It is also used as an ingredient in flea medication for cats and dogs.
゚トフェンプロックス(英: etofenprox)は、ピレスロむド誘導䜓に分類される化孊物質の䞀぀。蟲業甚殺虫剀『トレボン』ずしお販売されおいる。
Phenol red is 3H-2,1-Benzoxathiole 1,1-dioxide in which both of the hydrogens at position 3 have been substituted by 4-hydroxyphenyl groups. A pH indicator changing colour from yellow below pH 6.8 to bright pink above pH 8.2, it is commonly used as an indicator in cell cultures and in home swimming pool test kits. It is also used in the (now infrequently performed) phenolsulfonphthalein (PSP) test for estimation of overall blood flow through the kidney. It has a role as a two-colour indicator, an acid-base indicator and a diagnostic agent. It is a 2,1-benzoxathiole, a member of phenols, a sultone and an arenesulfonate ester.
フェノヌルスルホンフタレむン英語: phenolsulfonphthalein, PSPずは色玠の䞀皮で、氎溶液が䞭性では黄色、アルカリ性では赀色に倉化するこずから、pH指瀺薬ずしお甚いられる化合物。別名ずしおフェノヌルレッド (phenol red) ずも呌ばれる赀色の固䜓。
Zopiclone, sold under the brand name Imovane among others, is a nonbenzodiazepine, specifically a cyclopyrrolone, used to treat difficulty sleeping. Zopiclone is molecularly distinct from benzodiazepine drugs and is classed as a cyclopyrrolone. However, zopiclone increases the normal transmission of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the central nervous system, via modulating GABAA receptors similarly to the way benzodiazepine drugs do inducing sedation but not with the anti-anxiety properties of the benzodiazepines. Zopiclone is a sedative. It works by causing a depression or tranquilization of the central nervous system. After prolonged use, the body can become accustomed to the effects of zopiclone. When the dose is then reduced or the drug is abruptly stopped, withdrawal symptoms may result. These can include a range of symptoms similar to those of benzodiazepine withdrawal. Although withdrawal symptoms from therapeutic doses of zopiclone and its isomers (i.e., eszopiclone) do not typically present with convulsions and are therefore not considered life-threatening, patients may experience such significant agitation or anxiety that they seek emergency medical attention. In the United States, zopiclone is not commercially available, although its active stereoisomer, eszopiclone, is. Zopiclone is a controlled substance in the United States, Japan, Brazil, New Zealand and some European countries, and may be illegal to possess without a prescription. Zopiclone is known colloquially as a "Z-drug". Other Z-drugs include zaleplon and zolpidem and were initially thought to be less addictive than benzodiazepines. However, this appraisal has shifted somewhat in the last few years as cases of addiction and habituation have been presented. Zopiclone is recommended to be taken at the lowest effective dose, with a duration of 2–3 weeks for short-term insomnia. Daily or continuous use of the drug is not usually advised, and caution must be taken when the compound is used in conjunction with benzodiazepines, sedatives or other drugs affecting the central nervous system.
Dodecane (also known as dihexyl, bihexyl, adakane 12, or duodecane) is an oily liquid n-alkane hydrocarbon with the chemical formula C12H26 (which has 355 isomers). It is used as a solvent, distillation chaser, and scintillator component. It is used as a diluent for tributyl phosphate (TBP) in nuclear reprocessing plants.
Clarithromycin, sold under the brand name Biaxin among others, is an antibiotic used to treat various bacterial infections. This includes strep throat, pneumonia, skin infections, H. pylori infection, and Lyme disease, among others. Clarithromycin can be taken by mouth as a tablet or liquid or can be infused intravenously. Common side effects include nausea, vomiting, headaches, and diarrhea. Severe allergic reactions are rare. Liver problems have been reported. It may cause harm if taken during pregnancy. It is in the macrolide class and works by slowing down bacterial protein synthesis. Clarithromycin resistance is already a major challenge to healthcare systems and such resistance is spreading, leading to recommendations to test the susceptibility of pathogenic organisms to the antibiotic before commencing clarithromycin therapy. Clarithromycin was developed in 1980 and approved for medical use in 1990. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines. Clarithromycin is available as a generic medication. It is made from erythromycin and is chemically known as 6-O-methylerythromycin.
ブラストサむゞンS英: Blasticidin Sは抗生物質の䞀皮で、䞻に蟲業甚殺菌剀ずしお䜿われた。
Cyclopentanone is a cyclic ketone that consists of cyclopentane bearing a single oxo substituent. It has a role as a Maillard reaction product.
アビ゚チン酞Abietic acidは束脂に含たれる䞻芁な刺激性成分で、ロゞンを構成する有機酞暹脂酞の代衚的なものである。構造的には4぀のむ゜プレン単䜍からなるむ゜プレノむドでゞテルペンの䞀皮である。別名シルビン酞Sylvic Acid。 アビ゚チン酞自䜓は束脂には含たれおおらず、ロゞン抜出の際にピマヌル酞Pimaric acidなどから倉化しお生じる。
Folpet is the tradename for the organic compound with the formula C6H4(CO)2NSCCl3. It is a fungicide derived from phthalimide (C6H4(CO)2N-) and trichloromethylsulfenyl chloride. The compound is white although commercial samples can appear brownish. It is structurally related to Captan, which is also a trichloromethylsulfenyl-containing fungicide.
ヘプタン酞゚チルヘプタンさん゚チル 英: ethyl heptanoateは、ヘプタン酞゚ステルの䞀皮。゚ナント酞゚チルenantic etherずも呌ばれる。ワむンに䌌た匷い果実銙を持ち、食品銙料などに甚いられる。消防法による第4類危険物 第3石油類に該圓する。