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| Darija
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He is going to give you one big part of my hand | فهو غادي يدي لكم واحد الجزء كبير من |
The inheritance is yours and you are the daughters of Ra Magadi | الورث ديالكم وانتما البنات را ماغادي |
There is a little something left for you, the girl is here | تبقى لكم غا شي حاجه قليله فالبنت هنا |
She was convinced of the idea and anything he told her | اقتنعت بالفكره واصلا اي حاجه قالتها لها |
Her mother's monastery is like her monastery, unless this is the case | امها ديرها ك ديرها غير حيت هنا القضيه |
It includes suhoor and compensation for Dakshi, why dreams remain | فيها السحور وتعويض داكشي علاش احلام بقات |
She tries to convince her daughter of the idea of Machiavellian work | كتحاول تقنع بنتها بالفكره شغل ميكافيليين |
The end justifies the means, yes, it took two days | الغايه تبرر الوسيله ايوا دازت يومين الاب |
He was at the house of his second wife, Rima, and she called him | كان في دار مرته الثانيه ريماء اتصلت به |
His eldest daughter, my father, I wanted to come with you, Fishy | بنته الكبيره قو بابا بغيت نهضر معك فيشي |
Something necessary. He said, “Why should I come to my daughter? She is really welcome.” | حاجه ضروريه قال ليه اجي ابنتي مرحبا فعلا |
Rima, I received my husband’s daughter with the best reception | ريماء انا استقبلت بنت ضرتها احسن استقبال |
Her guest sat with her and even she was a dream girl | ضيفها جلست معها وحتى بنت احلام حتى هي |
She was allegedly nice to him and used to say, “Excuse me.” | كانت ظريفه معه زعما بق تتقول لها سمحيلي |
When I came to you unawares, he asked me to get up with him | حيت جيت عندكم على غفله كان خصني نهضر مع |
My father allegedly didn't tell me what was right | بابا زعما ماديرش مني قلت الصواب المهم |
The girl sat laughing with her father and got into a topic | جلس البنت كتهضر مع باها دخل في موضوع |
You get out of the topic and at the same time think | تخرج من الموضوع وفي نفس الوقت كتفكر |
How did Deer enter Reema’s house and shake something to her? | كيفاش دير دخل لبيت ريماء وتهز ليها شي |
Something she needs at this time is the girl's father | حاجه من حوايجها فهذا الوقت باباه البنت |
It was tomorrow, so he changed his daughter, she asked with the hysteria, he left him with | كانت غدا فغير بنته سالت مع الهضه خلاه مع |
Rima and Bint Ahlam entered his house, sleepy | ريماء ودخل وهو ينعس في بيته بنت احلام |
The plan was to enter Reema's house, and he did not believe it | الخطه ديال تدخل لبيت ريماء ما صدقش ليها |
She remained as if she was dying with bitterness, and God Almighty | فهي بقات كتهضر مع مره باها والله العظيم |
I didn't think it was as funny as this situation | ما كان كيحساب لي را ك طريفه كي فحال هكذا |
I swear to God, we were looking at you | والله العظيم ال كنا واخدين عليك نظره |
Disappointed and at the same time like the turn of her eyes at home | خايبه وفي نفس الوقت كدور عينيها في الدار |
May God make something clear to her at this moment | على الله تبان لها شي حاجه ف هذ اللحظه |
The girl of Ahlam Gadi shows her one shawl like a monastery | بنت احلام غادي يبان لها واحد الشال كدير |
Rima wants to go out to an alley and hang someone up | ريماء فاش كتبغي تخرج لزنقه معلق حدا |
The door and her abaya, Ewa is a dream girl | الباب هو والعبايه ديالها ايوا بنت احلام |
He changed her mind about the shawl and she said to Rima Nari | غير بال لها الشال وهي تقول ريماء ناري |
Where is that deer hanging on the door? | غزال ذاك الشار اللي معلق حدا الباب منين |
You took it as much as you did, I swear there were nothing balls | خديتيه ب شحال خديتي والله ما كرات شي |
Even I can see that this dress is from Dakshi | واحد حتى انا باينه الثوب دياله من ذاكشي |
The high-ranking Rima here has decency and she tells her otherwise | الرفيع ريماء هنا حشمات وهي تقول لها الا |
You like it, my dear brother. I swear to God, nothing is too precious for you | عجبك حبيبتي خويه والله ما يغلى عليك ايوا |
A dream girl here has never been so happy at this hour | بنت احلام هنا ما قدتها فرحه ديك الساعه |
The shawl threads were in their pocket and they were greeted to the lady | خشات الشال في صاكها سلمت على السيده |
She walked like running to her mother to give her | ومشات كتجري لعند امها تعطيها |
The shawl, the mother here changed that shawl | الشال فالام هنا غير خذت ذاك الشال داته |
You have the witches who gave her the money she asked for | لديك السحاره عطاتها الفلوس اللي طلبات |
Why did she tell her after this last one from here? | ليها من بعد هذ الاخيره قالت لها من هنا |
Two days later, you will call me again so that you can come back | اليومين عاد غادي تتصلي بيا باش ترجعي تدي |
You're a dick | ديك السخ |
It was two days ago that I walked to the lady and the lady | دازت يومين احل مشات لعند السيده والسيده |
He gave her the issues that concerned her, Deir Bash | عطاتها المسائل اللي خصها دير باش تهنى من |
The baby she was carrying, she put it in the witchcraft | البيبي اللي حامله به درتها ف السحاره في |
This moment gave her the first gog, she said | هذ اللحظه عطاتها جوج قرعات الاولى قالت |
She is going to be frightened in front of the house when she turned to her | لها غادي تخويه قدام الدار ديال درتك باش |
He passed it and the second lottery told her, “Ghadi.” | تخطاها والقرعه الثانيه قالت لها غادي |
Mix it with something she eats or not | تخلطيها ليها مع شي حاجه تاكلها ولا |
Drink it, dreams have taken care of their issues | تشربها ايوا احلام خذت المسائل ديالها |
Mrs. Badakshi finished what was left for her and added more | خلصت السيده بداكشي اللي باقي ليها وزادت |
In her case, Ahlam is spraying Dakshi in front of her | في حالها هنا احلام باش ترش ذاكشي قدام |
There is no problem with the house of Rima | الدار ديال ريماء ما عندهاش فيه مشكل |
The problem here is how to put what's in it | المشكل هنا هي كيفاش تحط ذاكشي اللي في |
The second lottery is for food or drink | القرعه الثانيه في الماكله ولا الشراب |
Mrs. Fahl's dialect here continues to think and think | ديال السيده فاحل هنا بقت كتفكر كتفكر |
As she thought, one plan came to her mind, and she was shaken | كتفكر وهي طيح في بالها واحد الخطه هزت |
The phone and I called Rima and she came with the lady | التليفون واتصلت بريما هضرت مع السيده |
I politely apologized to her and thanked her for the deal | بالاداب اعتذرت منها وشكرتها على التعامل |
Al-Zawain who went with her daughter, so why did she come? | الزوين اللي دارت مع بنتها يعني فاش جت |
Then the house had dreams that explained its situation | عندها للدار احلام شرحت الموقف ديالها |
Al-Ramaa means I am the first wife, which means it is normal | الرماء يعني انا الزوجه الاولى يعني عادي |
Jealousy comes to me and Dakshi tells her to keep your head down | تجيني الغيره وداكشي قالت لها ديري راسك |
There is a man coming to my place after many years | في بلاصتي راجل كيجي من بعد سنين ديال |
Ten days will relieve you of hardship. The important thing is that there will be difficulty | العشره يجيب عليك الضره المهم كتجي صعيبه |
A little bit, but honestly, where did my daughter come back to me? | شي شويه لكن صراحه منين عاودت لي بنتي عل |
How did you deal with her? I liked it very much and I said | كيفاش تعاملتي معها عجبني الحال بزاف وقلت |
Why don't we give our head a chance anyway? | علاش ما نعطيو لراسنا فرصه كيف ما كان |
The situation is clear, we are always one family | الحال صافي را احنا دابا ولينا عائله وحده |
It is obscene for the relationship to remain like this. She told her what | فحشه تبقى العلاقه هكذا قالت لها شنو |
Now, you can come to my daughter's house until she is gone | بالان لك تجي عندي للدار بنتي حتى هي غادي |
You come to me today and in the evening, I will come and get something | تجي عندي اليوم في العشيه اجي ناخذ شي |
Coffee and we'll sit for a while, maybe if she's rich | قهوه ونجلس نتحت شويه ريما ان كانت غنيه |
However, Mrs. Meziane came with her and presented it to her | غير هضرت معها السيده مزيان وعرضت عليها |
She was happy and naturally went to see Rima | فرحت ومشات لعندها بطبيعه الحال ريماء |
Where did she get out of her house? She got past that one who sprayed | منين خرجت من دارها تخطت ذاكشي اللي رشات |
She has dreams, and whoever sits with her wife and daughter wakes up | لها احلام ومين جلس مع ضرتها وبنتها يهضر |
They laugh and drink coffee, of course | يضحكوا ويشربوا ديك القهوه بطبيعه الحال |
Rima drank that job with coffee | ريماء شربت مع القهوه ذاك الشغل اللي |
Services that have their counterparts at the witches, yes, where? | خدمات لها ضرتها عند السحاره ايوا منين |
Al-Arada asked other than Rima. She went out and walked home | سالت العراضه غير ريماء خرجت مشت لدارها |
Ahlam and her daughter are still sitting tonight | احلام هي وبنتها بقو جالسين ديك الليله وك |
She changed the news of her loss | تسناو غيرت توصلهم الخبر ب ضرتها فقدات |
Her baby | البيبي ديالها |
Actually, on the same night, someone came to Rima | فعلا في نفس الليله ريماء غادي يجيها واحد |
The bleeding is severe, the reason why they need to take it | النزيف حاد السبب اللي غادي يخليهم يدوها |
Who will enter the operating room? | لسبيطار ومين ددخل لغرفه العمليات غادي |
Ahlam's abortion monastery, here she and her daughter and her friend | دير اجهاض احلام هنا هي وبنتها وصاحبتها |
Marwa, the lady whose servants are with her is not a bartender | مروه السيده اللي خدامه معها غير ساقوا |
The news is not happy, but Rima is in good condition | الخبار ما قدات فرحه اما ريماء حالتها |
Her husband, whose name is Masoud, tried to calm her down. | ولات حاله حاول راجلها سميته مسعود يخفف |
It's a bit of a problem, even from her and her daughter's dreams | عليها شويه وحتى من احلام هي وبنتها جت |
Then she started trying to be patient with her, telling her this is okay | عندها بقت كتحاول تصبرها كتقول لها هشي دي |
I mean, like a party sometimes during childbirth | يعني كطرف في بعض المرات في الولاده |
The first is always, may God bless you with good offspring | الاولى دابا الله يرزقك بالذريه الصالحه |
You will be born alive, you will be born three or four times here | تولدي لك حى انت جوج ثلاثه اربعه ريما هنا |
Where did she see her sister-in-law, Kivash Katbabel, and her family? | منين شافت ضرتها كيفاش كتوابل وعائلتها |
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