stringlengths 16
stringlengths 15
Even the contacts and calendar sharing that BBM made possible on BlackBerry handsets have not migrated to the Apple and Android versions.
| Even the contacts and calendar sharing that BBM made possible on BlackBerry phones are not on the Apple and Android versions.
Quali cations: To dive offshore, you must have diving-inspection and medical-technician quali cations.
| Quali cations: To dive offshore, you must have diving quali cations.
Tom Sanders, a professor of nutrition at Kings College London, said the research did show some differences.
| Tom Sanders, a professor of nutrition at Kings College London, said the research showed some differences.
Each day, they typically spend up to eight hours visiting ve to ten stores, plus another hour or two ling detailed reports on every aspect of their visit.
| Each day, they spend up to eight hours visiting ve to ten stores, plus another hour or two writing detailed reports on every part of their visit.
Apple is good at mainstreaming products but its not that good.
| Apple is good at making products go mainstream but its not that good.
The institutes gures also suggest that 17% of employers in the private sector made use of zero- hours contracts, considerably lower than the 34% of organizations in the voluntary sector and 24% in the public sector.
| The poll shows that 17% of employers in the private sector use zero-hours contracts, lower than the 34% of organizations in the voluntary sector and 24% in the public sector.
I thought she might send me owers as it was a declaration of love for her, but she didnt understand, Delacourt said.
| I thought she might send me owers because the book was a declaration of love for her, but she didnt understand, Delacourt said.
We need new models for how artists, writers and musicians earn a living from their work.
| We need new ideas for how artists, writers and musicians can earn a living from their work.
Leifert and his colleagues conclude that many antioxidants have previously been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and certain cancers.
| Leifert and his colleagues conclude that many antioxidants reduce the risk of serious diseases, including diseases of the heart and certain cancers.
What is it like to look at the very last of something?
| What is it like to look at the last of something?
In Brazilian cities, white workers earn roughly twice as much as those of African descent.
| In Brazilian cities, white workers earn twice as much as workers of African descent.
The way in which navigational technology is used could also affect its impact on our own abilities, says Spiers.
| The way we use navigation technology also has an impact on our own abilities, says Spiers.
For three-and-a-half years, all pupils at St Ninians Primary have walked or run a mile each day.
| For three-and-a-half years, all the pupils at St Ninians Primary School have walked or run a mile each day.
Im a romantic at heart.
| Im a romantic.
The results of the research are based on an analysis of 343 peer-reviewed studies from around the world more than ever before which examine differences between organic and conventional fruit, vegetables and cereals.
| The results of the research are based on an analysis of 343 studies from around the world more than ever before which examine differences between organic and regular fruit, vegetables and cereals.
If he does not mate successfully soon with one of two female northern white rhinos at Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya, there will be no more of their kind, male or female, born anywhere.
| If he does not mate soon with one of two female northern white rhinos at Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya, there will be no more rhinos like them, male or female, born anywhere.
From 2006 to 2008, Duran took out 68 commercial and personal loans from 39 banks in Spain.
| From 2006 to 2008, Duran took out 68 loans from 39 banks in Spain.
Some ships are quieter than others but the average intensity of noise next to all the ships was 173 underwater decibels, equivalent to 111 decibels through the air about the sound of a loud rock concert.
| Some ships are quieter than others but the average noise next to all the ships was 173 underwater decibels, the same as 111 decibels through the air about the sound of a loud rock concert.
It still means fasting for some 18 hours a day, said Atif Jilani, who moved to Iqaluit from Toronto in 2015.
| They still have to fast for around 18 hours a day, said Atif Jilani, who moved to Iqaluit from Toronto.
More than two-thirds of older people live in poor countries; by 2050, this proportion is expected to be about four-fifths.
| More than two-thirds of older people live in poor countries; by 2050, this proportion will probably be about four-fifths.
He recently lost his job as a car-park attendant due to ill health and had to take in his ve grandchildren after the death of his daughters.
| He recently lost his job because of ill health and has to look after his ve grandchildren after the death of his daughters.
I thought she might send me owers as it was a declaration of love for her, but she didnt understand, Delacourt said.
| I thought she might send me owers because the book was a declaration of love for her, but she didnt understand, Delacourt said.
Its that you need to know that this shopper has these characteristics and, in the past, that when those characteristics are present, this is what a person tends to do.
| We need to know what characteristics this shopper has and that, when those characteristics are present, this is what a person usually does.
German-speaking cities dominate the rankings in the 18th Mercer Quality of Life study, with Vienna joined by Zurich, Munich, Dusseldorf and Frankfurt in the top seven.
| German-speaking cities do well in the 18th Mercer Quality of Life study, with Vienna, Zurich, Munich, Dusseldorf and Frankfurt in the top seven.
Each word is represented by more than one spot because words tend to have several meanings.
| Each word is represented by more than one spot because words often have many meanings.
But he would also cite the earlier blues guitarists Blind Lemon Jefferson and Lonnie Johnson and the jazz players Charlie Christian and Django Reinhardt.
| He also mentioned the earlier blues guitarists Blind Lemon Jefferson and Lonnie Johnson and the jazz players Charlie Christian and Django Reinhardt.
If you are getting info from the cloud and social networks, that will happen more easily.
| If you are getting information from the cloud and social networks, that will happen more easily.
Much better than an egg or a sandwich or a cup of tea, said Arvind Singh at 6.15am as he did his breathing exercises on a bench.
| Much better than an egg or a sandwich or a cup of tea, said Arvind Singh at 6.15am as he did his breathing exercises.
The best technology in the world will be used here, Fernandez insisted.
| They will use the best technology in the world here, Fernandez said.
I can average around 60 in tips per shift but, on a good night, this goes up to over 100 and, on a poor night, its around 40.
| On a good night, this goes up to over 100 and, on a poor night, its around 40.
Along with new names, the scientists must propose two-letter symbols for the elements.
| Scientists must find new names for the elements but, also, they must suggest two-letter symbols for the elements.
In 1995, two mothers were awarded damages after their sons, born in 1989, were accidentally switched at the Johannesburg hospital where they were born.
| In 1995, two mothers were paid damages after their sons, born in 1989, were switched by mistake at the Johannesburg hospital where they were born.
When Larry Pizzi, a veteran bicycle industry executive, first heard about electric bikes nearly 20 years ago, he asked: Why would anyone want to screw up a bike by putting a motor and batteries on it?
| When Larry Pizzi first heard about electric bikes nearly 20 years ago, he asked: Why would anyone want to spoil a bike by putting a motor and batteries on it?
For the older teenagers, it might be more sensible to start the school day at 11am or even later.
| For the older teenagers, it might be better to start the school day at 11am or even later.
Known as Lady Dinahs Cat Emporium, it is yet to open but is billed as somewhere people can come in from the cold to a comfortable wingback chair, a hot cup of tea, a book and a cat.
| It will be somewhere people can come in from the cold to a comfortable chair, a hot cup of tea, a book and a cat.
You need a 15-minute distance and typical off-the-shelf drones have about that distance.
| You need a 15-minute distance, and typical drones have about that distance.
said Consuelo Melis, who works behind the bar in a local cafe.
| said Consuelo Melis, who works in a local cafe.
What we did was to look at a set of current London taxi drivers and a set of London taxi drivers that had been retired for about four years, said neuroscientist Dr Hugo Spiers, head of the Spatial Cognition Group at University College London, who is an author of the study.
| We studied a group of current London taxi drivers and a group of retired London taxi drivers, said Dr Hugo Spiers of University College London, who is an author of the study.
Hannah, a 41-year-old City lawyer, has conducted nearly 500 visits for the Mystery Dining Company in her spare time without receiving remuneration or travel expenses.
| Hannah, a 41-year-old lawyer, has made nearly 500 visits for the Mystery Dining Company in her spare time without receiving pay or travel expenses.
"There are riches here, riches that are badly needed by local inhabitants, said Vicente Fernandez Guerrero, secretary-general of Innovation, Industry and Energy for Andalucia.
| There are riches here, riches that the local inhabitants badly need, said energy spokesman Vicente Fernandez Guerrero.
The Stanford mirror was designed in such a way that it re ects 97% of the visible light that falls on it.
| The Stanford mirror re ects 97% of the visible light that falls on it.
Pullman, writer of the His Dark Materials trilogy, says authors and musicians work in poverty and obscurity for years to bring their work to the level that gives delight to their audiences and, as soon as they achieve that, the possibility of making a living from it is taken away from them.
| Pullman, writer of the His Dark Materials trilogy, says authors and musicians work in poverty for years to bring their work to the level that gives happiness to their audiences and, when they achieve that, the possibility of making money from it is taken away from them.
Millions of barrels of oil are used in the manufacture of plastic bottles and the transportation of mineral water across the planet produces even more carbon emissions.
| Millions of barrels of oil are used to make plastic bottles and transporting mineral water across the planet produces even more carbon emissions.
said Consuelo Melis, who works behind the bar in a local cafe.
| said Consuelo Melis, who works in a local cafe.
True to Inzozi Nzizas motto, the shop can certainly make dreams come true.
| The shop can certainly make dreams come true.
ElectroBike, which operates 30 stores in Mexico, opened its first American store in Venice Beach, California in the autumn of 2014 and hopes to grow to 25 US stores in a year.
| It opened its first American store in Venice Beach, California in 2014 and hopes to have 25 US stores in a year.
To be able to dispose of the bombs safely, youll also need an explosive ordnance disposal quali cation and years of experience.
| To be able to dispose of the bombs safely, youll also need a special quali cation and years of experience.
The positive side of this is peoples performance, mood and health will improve.
| The positive side is that peoples performance, mood and health will improve.
To the researchers surprise, 12 of 18 men gave themselves up to four electric shocks, as did six of 24 women.
| But 12 of 18 men gave themselves electric shocks and six of 24 women gave themselves electric shocks.
The results revealed that a childs month of birth could make signi cant differences to their levels of cardiovascular tness, muscle strength and ability to accelerate, all of which predict how good someone is at sport, in which such attributes are vital.
| The results showed that a childs month of birth could make big differences to their levels of tness, muscle strength and ability to accelerate, all of which predict how good someone is at sport.
His son, Andrew, had his sunglasses stolen almost as soon as he sat on the beach.
| His sons sunglasses were stolen almost as soon as he sat on the beach.
The Globo newspaper listed a number of shortcomings in the 12 host cities.
| The Globo newspaper listed a number of problems in the 12 host cities.
Climate sceptics like to criticize climate models for getting things wrong and we are the first to admit they are not perfect, said Sherwood.
| Climate sceptics like to criticize climate models because they are sometimes wrong, and we know that they are not perfect, said Sherwood.
It was important to me to leave an organization in the strongest possible shape and I believe I have done so.
| It was important to me to leave an organization in the strongest possible condition and I believe I have done so.
Maycon de Mattos Batista, a financial analyst who worked with Anitta while she was an intern, said there had been a huge change in Anittas image, but not of her colour.
| Maycon de Mattos Batista, a financial analyst who used to work with Anitta, said there has been a huge change in Anittas image, but not of her colour.
I dont think its fair to anybody to the players, to the fans, to the sport when you see players pulling out of matches, passing out, he added.
| I dont think its fair to anybody to the players, to the fans, to the sport when you see players passing out, he added.
Youve lost them in Spain, in Bali; tell me where you havent lost them, said Abdullah.
| Youve lost them in Spain, in Bali, said Abdullah.
Conservationists argue there is no evidence the cull will reduce the number of shark attacks on humans, as no previous cull has solely used drumlines.
| Conservationists say there is no evidence the cull will reduce the number of shark attacks on humans, because no other cull has only used drumlines.
That same day, he climbed up to the summit of Everest itself, reaching the top in complete darkness early on Sunday.
| Later that day, he climbed to the summit of Everest, and reached the top in complete darkness early on Sunday.
We have heard the voice of Scotland and, now, the millions of voices of England must be heard, he said.
| We have heard the voice of Scotland and, now, we must hear the millions of voices of England, he said.
Solar energy will make up a third of Moroccos renewable energy supply by 2020, with wind and hydro taking the same share each.
| Solar energy will make up a third of Moroccos renewable energy supply by 2020.
But the increase in numbers of organs harvested is still not enough.
| But the increase in numbers of organs is still not enough.
I dont believe its whitening; its more the way they are producing her with makeup, hairstylists and the way she dresses, he said.
| I dont believe she is whiter; its more the makeup, hairstylists and the way she dresses, he said.
Buildings warm up in a number of different ways.
| Buildings warm up in different ways.
Oh yes, definitely.
| Oh yes!
Customers expect seamless interactions, responsiveness, 24/7 accessibility, customization options and high levels of personalization, he said.
| Customers expect interaction, 24/7 accessibility, customization options and high levels of personalization, he said.
Its that you need to know that this shopper has these characteristics and, in the past, that when those characteristics are present, this is what a person tends to do.
| We need to know what characteristics this shopper has and that, when those characteristics are present, this is what a person usually does.
Chitwan National Park in central Nepal has the highest number of adult tigers, with 120, followed by Bardiya National Park (50) and Shukla Phanta Wildlife Reserve (17).
| Chitwan National Park in central Nepal has the most adult tigers, with 120, followed by Bardiya National Park (50) and Shukla Phanta Wildlife Reserve (17).
Almost 60 years after Ray Kroc opened his rst restaurant in Des Plaines, Illinois, consumers are losing their appetite for a Big Mac and fries.
| Almost 60 years since Ray Kroc opened his rst restaurant in Des Plaines, Illinois, consumers are losing their appetite for a Big Mac and fries.
Wildlife authorities captured a tiger in Chitwan after it killed two people, including a villager who was pulled from his bed in May.
| Recently, a tiger was captured after it killed two people, including a villager who was pulled from his bed in May.
German-speaking cities dominate the rankings in the 18th Mercer Quality of Life study, with Vienna joined by Zurich, Munich, Dusseldorf and Frankfurt in the top seven.
| German-speaking cities do well in the 18th Mercer Quality of Life study, with Vienna, Zurich, Munich, Dusseldorf and Frankfurt in the top seven.
The Scottish government is also supportive.
| The Scottish government also supports the idea.
We did it the usual way, lifting the arms, legs and skull first, and proceeding gradually towards the torso so it was only when we finally saw the twisted spine that I thought: My word, I think weve got him.
| We did it the usual way, lifting the arms, legs and skull first, and then we lifted the torso so it was only when we finally saw the twisted spine that I thought: My word, I think weve found him.
The website concludes: Who invented the idea of an ATM?
| The website says: Who invented the idea of an ATM?
In Elmas, the scheme has provoked mixed reactions.
| In Elmas, the scheme has got mixed reactions.
Never being able to trust your friendships with people of different means, I think that is dif cult, said Cockrell.
| Never being able to trust your friendships with other people, I think that is dif cult, said Cockrell.
Dave Prentis, of the trade union Unison, said: The vast majority of workers are only on these contracts because they have no choice.
| Dave Prentis, of the trade union Unison, said: The majority of workers are only on these contracts because they have no choice.
In theory, you could imagine that a combination of brains could provide solutions that individual brains cannot achieve by themselves.
| In theory, you could imagine that a combination of brains could find solutions that individual brains cannot find alone.
Food waste is happening in countries where people can afford to throw away food.
| Food waste is happening in countries where people have more money, so they can throw away food.
Paralympian, Tanni Grey-Thompson, chair of ukactive, the UKs leading not-for-pro t health body for physical activity, said: All children need to achieve 60 active minutes every day, whether in a lesson, on the walk to school or in the playground.
| Paralympian, Tanni Grey-Thompson, chair of ukactive, a health organization for physical activity, said: All children need to achieve 60 active minutes every day this can be in a lesson, on the walk to school or in the playground.
This is, potentially, a huge physical advantage, said Sandercock.
| This is a huge physical advantage, said Sandercock.
One part of the brain, for example, reliably responds to the word top, along with other words that describe clothing.
| One part of the brain, for example, is used for the word top and also for other words that describe clothes.
What the job involves: A company will pay an ethical hacker to hack into its computer system to see how well it might stand up to a real attack.
| What the job involves: A company pays an ethical hacker to hack into its computer system to see how well it might ght a real attack.
One of them responds to numbers and measurements, another to buildings and places.
| One of them is for numbers and measurements, another for buildings and places.
The musicians are Hutu and Tutsi women, some survivors of the 1994 genocide, during which almost a million Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed.
| Some are survivors of the 1994 genocide, when almost a million Tutsis and Hutus were killed.
I dont believe its whitening; its more the way they are producing her with makeup, hairstylists and the way she dresses, he said.
| I dont believe she is whiter; its more the makeup, hairstylists and the way she dresses, he said.
While he will become a United director and ambassador, the club will now have to find someone to replace a man who has won 13 English Premier League titles, two Champions Leagues, the Cup Winners Cup, five FA Cups and four League Cups.
| He has won 13 Premier League titles, two Champions Leagues, the Cup Winners Cup, five FA Cups and four League Cups.
What is it like to look at the very last of something?
| What is it like to look at the last of something?
So he tried crowdfunding on a US website, Indiegogo, which had recently opened up in the UK.
| So he tried crowdfunding on a US website, Indiegogo, which has recently opened up in the UK.
She has a series of adventures as Johansson until she is eventually found out and, in the end, dies in a car crash.
| She has many adventures as Johansson and, in the end, dies in a car crash.
Every village is digging a pit just beyond the houses for garbage.
| Every village is digging a pit for garbage.
For the older teenagers, it might be more sensible to start the school day at 11am or even later.
| For the older teenagers, it might be better to start the school day at 11am or even later.
The Spanish team started their work after a group of cavers stumbled upon two skeletons in a deep and complex cave system high up in the Cantabrian Mountains of northwest Spain in 2006.
| The Spanish team started their work after a group of cave explorers found two skeletons in a deep cave high up in the Cantabrian Mountains of northwest Spain in 2006.
The internationally renowned Cuban artist Kcho is providing the service.
| The internationally known Cuban artist Kcho is providing the service.
A British woman, Lauren Pears, raised 100,000 to open a cat caf in London through the site.
| A British woman made 100,000 to open a cat caf in London through the site.
Researchers at the University of Western Australia say the recent spate of shark attacks in the state may have more to do with the state having the fastest-growing population in Australia, rather than a rising number of sharks.
| Researchers at the University of Western Australia say the increased number of shark attacks in the state may be because Western Australia has the fastest-growing population in Australia, not because of a rising number of sharks.
Buildings warm up in a number of different ways.
| Buildings warm up in different ways.
Im always given a scenario, such as buying something from a speci c department or a new product range, but, within that framework, I can often buy whatever I want and keep it.
| Im always given a speci c task, such as buying something from a speci c department or a new product range, but I can often buy whatever I want and keep it.
On average, they did not enjoy the experience.
| Most of them did not enjoy the experience.
The news was announced to the country by the current president, Jacob Zuma, who, in a sombre televised address, said Mandela had departed around 8.50pm local time and was at peace.
| The news was told to the country by the current president, Jacob Zuma, who said Mandela died around 8.50pm local time and was at peace.
Subsets and Splits