stringlengths 16
stringlengths 15
All were tested between 2007 and 2010 on three different measures of tness: stamina, handgrip strength and lower-body power.
| All were tested between 2007 and 2010 on three different things: stamina, handgrip strength and lower-body power.
Its really unfair that tips go towards breakages made by customers.
| Its really unfair that money from our tips is taken for breakages by customers.
The data and analytics available to you are extraordinary.
| The data available is extraordinary.
He spends his lift rides and spare moments at work reading news articles and books rather than scrolling through a newsfeed.
| He spends his spare moments at work reading news articles and books.
One day, Im cleaning up after a dead body; another day, Im in a prison cell or 100 feet in the air being lowered down into a silo to clean it.
| One day, Im cleaning up after a dead body; another day, Im in a prison cell.
With little Ethiopian teff on the international market, farmers in the US have started planting the crop.
| There is not much Ethiopian teff on the international market, so farmers in the US have started planting the crop.
Apple is good at mainstreaming products but its not that good.
| Apple is good at making products go mainstream but its not that good.
Brazil said its views were endorsed last month by other members of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela).
| Brazil said other members of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty support its views (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela).
We asked waiters around the UK what they think of the tipping process (including how much they take home from tips and whether its fair) and what would improve it for them.
| We asked waiters around the UK what they think of tipping, including how much money they get from tips and if its fair.
They were mental health problems such as anxiety and depression, musculoskeletal disorders such as arthritis and lower back pain complained of in every country in the world anaemia, sight and hearing loss and skin disease.
| They were mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression, disorders, such as arthritis and lower back pain, anaemia, sight and hearing loss and skin disease.
To succeed as a race engineer, you need ... to be able to deal with pressure.
| To succeed as a race engineer, you need ... to be able to work under pressure.
Have you ever used pink slime in your burgers?
| Someone asked Have you ever used pink slime in your burgers?
In 2015, SOHAY helped 1,540 children to leave hazardous work and 2,125 vulnerable children those in danger of entering work into school.
| In 2015, SOHAY helped 1,540 children to leave dangerous work and helped 2,125 more children those who would soon start work to go to school.
I said this just the other day to a big fat man.
| I said this the other day to a big fat man.
She said closing tax havens, which the Tax Justice Network says hold as much as $31 trillion, or as much as a third of all global wealth, could yield $189bn in additional tax revenues.
| She said closing tax havens, which hold as much as $31 trillion, or as much as a third of all global wealth, could collect $189bn in additional taxes.
But Weiss believes the findings could point to a deeper understanding of the emotional crisis some men may experience.
| But Weiss believes the study could give us a deeper understanding of the emotional crisis some men may experience.
The gap in physical prowess between children in the same class but born in different months was sometimes very wide.
| The gap in physical ability between children in the same class but born in different months was sometimes very wide.
There is the feeling that they have to hide the fact that they are rich.
| There is the feeling that they have to hide that they are rich.
The campaign to save the beach was launched hours after the Tarifa council voted for the project.
| Hours after the Tarifa council voted for the project, a campaign started to save the beach.
Communication between riders and drivers, between different vehicles and between cars and infrastructure is bringing transportation into a new era, according to Allan Clelland, an expert on transportation technology.
| Communication between riders and drivers, between different vehicles and between cars and infrastructure is bringing transportation into a new era.
This gift that we are born with to reach out and hear things hundreds of metres away, all these incredible sounds is in danger of being lost through a generational amnesia, he said.
| This gift that we are born with the ability to hear things hundreds of metres away, all these incredible sounds might be lost, he said.
The foods most commonly found in British bins are bread, vegetables, fruit and milk.
| The foods most often found in British bins are bread, vegetables, fruit and milk.
We as a society want to defend them.
| We want to defend them.
It was the highest rescue yet performed on Everest and highlights the exponential rise in helicopter flights in recent years.
| It was the highest rescue ever on Everest and highlights the increase in helicopter flights in recent years.
So while it is used by most people to get fit or by fit people to get even fitter it also burns fat.
| Most people use it to get fit or to get even fitter, but the programme also burns fat.
The musicians are Hutu and Tutsi women, some survivors of the 1994 genocide, during which almost a million Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed.
| Some are survivors of the 1994 genocide, when almost a million Tutsis and Hutus were killed.
It would be more accurate to call them scum houses than scum villages, says Boer, because we dont want to put more than one of these families in the same area.
| They are scum houses not scum villages, says Boer, because we dont want to put more than one of these families in the same area.
Holger von Neuhoff, curator for ocean and science at the museum, said this bottled message was the oldest he had come across.
| Holger von Neuhoff, a curator at the museum, said this bottled message was the oldest he had ever seen.
Consumption of takeaway food has almost doubled since 1974, from 80g per person per week to 150g.
| The amount of takeaway food they eat has almost doubled since 1974, from 80g per person per week to 150g.
In Stirling alone, 30 schools have already started or are to start the daily mile.
| Just in Stirling, 30 schools have already started or are going to start the daily mile.
Glass-like ash particles melt in the heat of the engine, then solidify on the rotors.
| Ash melts in the heat of the engine, then solidifies on the rotors.
This is a huge day for Wales, for devolution and, most importantly, for the 226 people in Wales waiting for an organ transplant, said the Welsh Health Minister, Mark Drakeford.
| This is a very big day for Wales and, most importantly, for the 226 people in Wales who are waiting for an organ transplant, said the Welsh Health Minister, Mark Drakeford.
Those born in October were almost as t, scoring highest for strength and coming third for power, with December children close behind.
| Children born in October were almost as t they scored highest for strength and came third for power, with December children close behind.
Tom, Manchester: A big night of tips can help pay the rent Average tips: 40 per eight-hour shift I think they treat waiters best in ... Italy Where I used to work, oor staff kept 80% of cash tips and 40% of card tips.
| Tom, Manchester: A big night of tips can help pay the rent Average tips: 40 per eight-hour shift I think they treat waiters best in ... Italy Where I used to work, waiters kept 80% of cash tips and 40% of card tips.
Some Americans have taken to keeping their wealth secret.
| Some Americans keep their wealth secret.
By percentage, the most wasted food is lettuce and leafy salads, of which consumers throw away 38% (64,000 tonnes) of all they buy.
| By percentage, the most wasted food is lettuce and leafy salads people throw away 38% (64,000 tonnes) of all they buy.
Conservationists argue there is no evidence the cull will reduce the number of shark attacks on humans, as no previous cull has solely used drumlines.
| Conservationists say there is no evidence the cull will reduce the number of shark attacks on humans, because no other cull has only used drumlines.
And, each single word lights up many different brain spots.
| And, each single word appears in many different brain spots.
The most significant is Facebook Home, software that can be downloaded onto certain Android phones to feed news and photos from friends and advertising directly to the owners locked home screen.
| One initiative, Facebook Home, is software that you can download onto Android phones to feed news and photos from friends and advertising directly to your home screen.
The problem is that, in the US and UK, most people who want to sign up for Facebook have already done it, said new media specialist Ian Maude at Enders Analysis.
| The problem is that, in the US and UK, most people who want to join Facebook have already done it, said new media specialist Ian Maude at Enders Analysis.
Most will be more than happy to house them in the family home rent-free because it might help their kids get on the property ladder sooner, she said.
| Most will be more than happy to have them in the family home rent-free because it might help their kids get on the property ladder sooner, she said.
Brazilians tend to be too nice sometimes they enjoy partying rather than protesting but something is changing, said Deli Borsari, a 53-year-old yoga instructor.
| Brazilians are usually too nice; they enjoy partying, not protesting, but something is changing, said Deli Borsari, a 53-year-old yoga teacher.
Violence has a profound effect on womens health.
| Violence has a big effect on womens health.
Ice cream is important, she says between mouthfuls of a honey- avoured offering.
| Ice cream is important, she says between mouthfuls of honey- avoured ice cream.
Apple, and the record industry, cannot afford to get rid of the download market just yet so streaming and downloading will have to coexist under the Apple brand, one representing the future as the other gets progressively slower and sicker.
| Apple, and the record industry, cannot afford to get rid of the download market yet so streaming and downloading will have to coexist under the Apple brand.
Rodri, 37, London: Around 50% of a waiters income is tips Average tips: 60 per eight-hour shift I think they treat waiters best in ... the US Everything has got fairer since the tipping scandal was exposed in the summer of 2015.
| Rodri, 37, London: Around 50% of a waiters income is tips Average tips: 60 per eight-hour shift I think they treat waiters best in ... the US Everything has got fairer since the tipping scandal in the summer of 2015.
Theres already a website dedicated to people wearing them looking either ridiculous or smug or, more often, both.
| Theres already a website with pictures of people wearing them the people look ridiculous or smug or, more often, both.
Our properties have told us its important to be able to reorganize staff rotas quickly to respond to the weather and zero-hours contracts allow us to do this.
| Its important to be able to reorganize staff rotas quickly to respond to the weather and zero-hours contracts allow us to do this.
To succeed as a bomb-disposal diver, you need ... to stay calm in stressful situations.
| To succeed as a bomb-disposal diver, you need ... to be calm in stressful situations.
Leicesters Museums Service is working on plans for a new visitor centre in an old school building overlooking the site.
| Leicesters Museums Service is working on plans for a new visitor centre in an old school building next to the site.
However, we are disappointed with the decision to reject the proposal to regulate nicotine-containing products (NCPs), including e-cigarettes, as medicines.
| But we are disappointed with the decision not to regulate nicotine-containing products (NCPs), including e-cigarettes, as medicines.
For a man famous in his own lifetime, there is little documentary evidence for Shakespeares life and times.
| Shakespeare was famous in his own lifetime but there is little documentary evidence about Shakespeares life and times.
A century ago, Venice one of the most beautiful and low-lying cities in the world used to ood around ten times a year.
| One hundred years ago, Venice one of the most beautiful and low-lying cities in the world used to ood about ten times a year.
I try to engage a young person who has been earning 300 a week through illegal methods.
| I try to help a young person who has been earning 300 a week illegally.
I wrote a real love story and a homage to feminine beauty, especially interior beauty.
| I wrote a real love story about womens beauty, especially interior beauty.
You also need a strong sense of personal ethics and an understanding of the law.
| You also need to have strong personal ethics and to understand the law.
What we did was to look at a set of current London taxi drivers and a set of London taxi drivers that had been retired for about four years, said neuroscientist Dr Hugo Spiers, head of the Spatial Cognition Group at University College London, who is an author of the study.
| We studied a group of current London taxi drivers and a group of retired London taxi drivers, said Dr Hugo Spiers of University College London, who is an author of the study.
This is, potentially, a huge physical advantage, said Sandercock.
| This is a huge physical advantage, said Sandercock.
On some sites, there was an option to click, saying: Id like kids someday, but you would read the persons profile and think: You will never have time!
| On some sites, there was an option to click saying: Id like kids someday, but I read the persons profile and thought: You will never have time!
Describing the average sleep loss per night for different age groups, he says: Between 14 and 24, its more than two hours.
| Describing the average sleep loss per night for different age groups, he says: Between 14 and 24, people lose more than two hours.
Antibiotics have become drugs that are expensive to develop, that are only used in short courses and that quickly become ineffective due to the evolution of bacterial resistance.
| Antibiotics have become drugs that are expensive to develop, that are only used in short courses and that quickly stop working because of bacterial resistance.
Free to download and use, they use the internet to swap text messages, pictures, voice clips, stickers, and even videos in WhatsApps case, between most types of phones.
| They are free to download and use, and they use the internet to swap text messages, pictures, voice clips, stickers and even videos between most types of phones.
It would be more accurate to call them scum houses than scum villages, says Boer, because we dont want to put more than one of these families in the same area.
| They are scum houses not scum villages, says Boer, because we dont want to put more than one of these families in the same area.
Our properties have told us its important to be able to reorganize staff rotas quickly to respond to the weather and zero-hours contracts allow us to do this.
| Its important to be able to reorganize staff rotas quickly to respond to the weather and zero-hours contracts allow us to do this.
Amin, 61, from rural Bangladesh, has seen his livelihood gradually decline, due to his own and his wifes illnesses, the cost of his sons marriage, the death of his father and loss of goods such as shing nets.
| His income has fallen slowly, because of his illness and his wifes illness, the cost of his sons marriage, the death of his father and loss of goods such as shing nets.
And it looks terrible for the whole sport when people are collapsing, ball kids are collapsing, people in the stands are collapsing.
| And it looks terrible for the whole sport when people are collapsing, ball kids are collapsing, people watching are collapsing.
Lauren Raskauskas, 22, Naples, Florida Raskauskas describes herself as a pretty private person.
| Lauren Raskauskas, 22, Naples, Florida Raskauskas describes herself as a private person.
And with no friends accounts to follow online, he has to pick up the phone and call them, something hes come to de nitely enjoy.
| And with no friends to follow online, he has to pick up the phone and call them, something he now enjoys.
The main goal of the 6,000-nautical-mile (11,000km) trip was to deliver a special message to the World Parks Congress.
| The main aim of the 11,000km trip was to deliver a special message to the World Parks Congress.
She has now exploded into the public consciousness with an album and a huge hit single, Show das Poderosas, which topped the charts and attracted 52 million YouTube views.
| She now has an album and a huge hit single, Show das Poderosas, which was number one in the charts and attracted 52 million YouTube views.
Big efforts have been made in recent years to increase the number of those who carry an organ donation card, with a good deal of success.
| Big efforts have been made in recent years to increase the number of those who carry an organ donation card, with a lot of success.
Professor Robin Dunbar is famous for his research that suggests a person can only have roughly 150 people as a social group.
| Professor Robin Dunbar is famous for his research that says a person can only have about 150 people in their social group.
Amjid Gulzar, 26, said Abdullah could search for truth and reconciliation as well as encouraging foreign visitors.
| Amjid Gulzar, 26, said Abdullah should encourage foreign visitors.
The age of the big British summer music festival, including Glastonbury, is drawing to a close, according to the leading rock promoter and manager Harvey Goldsmith.
| The age of the big British summer music festival, including Glastonbury, is ending, according to the top rock manager Harvey Goldsmith.
Zurich in Switzerland is named by Mercer as having the worlds second highest quality of life but the Viennese say their city is far more fun.
| Mercer says Zurich in Switzerland has the worlds second highest quality of life but the Viennese say their city is far more fun.
If recent research is to be believed, loneliness is killing the elderly and, with an ageing population, we should aim to reduce our isolation before it is too late.
| According to recent research, loneliness is killing the elderly and, with an ageing population, we should try to reduce our isolation before it is too late.
In the Philippines, older people have benefited from the educational reforms introduced after independence in 1946, which made elementary and high school education compulsory.
| In the Philippines, the educational reforms introduced after independence in 1946 have helped older people elementary and high school education became compulsory.
If I just showed you a shot of someones body you could probably tell me what gender they are.
| If I just showed you a photo of someones body, you could probably tell me what gender they are.
The work I can create, as mayor, is temporary.
| But Piscedda says, The work I can create, as mayor, is temporary.
Buildings warm up in a number of different ways.
| Buildings warm up in different ways.
Were not producing a new generation of this kind of act.
| Were not producing a new generation of this kind of band.
The only rules were they had to stay seated and not fall asleep.
| The only rules were that they had to stay sitting and not fall asleep.
Data collected by Ofcom (the independent regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries) suggests that, between November 2012 and January 2013 in the UK, 280 million music tracks were digitally pirated, along with 52 million TV shows, 29 million films, 18 million ebooks and 7 million software or games files.
| Between November 2012 and January 2013 in the UK, 280 million music tracks were digitally pirated along with 52 million TV shows, 29 million films,18 million ebooks and 7 million software or games files.
When Im drumming with them, it gives me power because were still alive and survivors.
| When Im drumming, it gives me power because were still alive and survivors, she says.
Every village is digging a pit just beyond the houses for garbage.
| Every village is digging a pit for garbage.
The way in which navigational technology is used could also affect its impact on our own abilities, says Spiers.
| The way we use navigation technology also has an impact on our own abilities, says Spiers.
People present an idealized version of themselves online and we expect to have social lives like those portrayed in the media, says Challis.
| People present perfect versions of themselves online and we expect to have social lives like the lives we see in the media, says Challis.
China is the biggest coal importer, and Indonesia the biggest exporter, having temporarily overtaken Australia.
| China is the biggest coal importer, and Indonesia is the biggest coal exporter.
But now Brazil is once again in crisis, with a constant rise in prices, so people are finally reacting.
| But now Brazil once again has problems, with a constant rise in prices, so people are finally reacting.
He also said the heat had caused him to hallucinate: I was dizzy from the middle of the first set and then I saw Snoopy and I thought, Wow, Snoopy thats weird.
| He also said the heat caused him to hallucinate: I was dizzy from the middle of the fi rst set and then I saw Snoopy and I thought, Wow, Snoopy thats weird.
Almost 60 years after Ray Kroc opened his rst restaurant in Des Plaines, Illinois, consumers are losing their appetite for a Big Mac and fries.
| Almost 60 years since Ray Kroc opened his rst restaurant in Des Plaines, Illinois, consumers are losing their appetite for a Big Mac and fries.
The gap in physical prowess between children in the same class but born in different months was sometimes very wide.
| The gap in physical ability between children in the same class but born in different months was sometimes very wide.
There are now an estimated 1,500 wolves in Poland.
| There are now about 1,500 wolves in Poland.
Its chef, Ren Redzepi, says that ants taste like lemon, and a pure of fermented grasshoppers and moth larvae tastes like a strong fish sauce.
| Its chef, Ren Redzepi, says that ants taste like lemon, and a mixture of grasshoppers and moth larvae tastes like a strong fish sauce.
The Scottish government is also supportive.
| The Scottish government also supports the idea.
Concrete blast barriers often painted in the Syrian flags black, red and white now protect official premises, not just the military or defence installations that are obvious targets.
| Concrete barriers often painted in the Syrian flags black, red and white now protect official buildings, not just the military or defence installations that are obvious targets.
You have 20kg to 50kg of gear with you you cant be walking on the beach and decide you want to go in.
| You have 20kg to 50kg of gear with you you cant just walk on the beach and decide you want to go in.
The work I can create, as mayor, is temporary.
| But Piscedda says, The work I can create, as mayor, is temporary.
Oxfam said the worlds poorest could be lifted out of poverty several times over if the richest 100 billionaires would give away the money they made in 2012.
| Oxfam said the world could end poverty several times over if the richest 100 billionaires would give away the money they made in 2012.
Twelve years after he first dreamed of his Solspeil, a German company specializing in so-called CSP concentrated solar power helicoptered in the three 17-sq-m glass mirrors that now stand high above the market square in Rjukan.
| Twelve years after he first dreamed of his Solspeil, a German company that specializes in CSP concentrated solar power brought in, by helicopter, the three 17-square-metre glass mirrors that are now high above the market square in Rjukan.
Subsets and Splits