This beautiful painting depicts a peaceful park with a young girl enjoying a swing, surrounded by lush green trees in the background. The artist has captured the innocence and joy of childhood, in contrast to the serene atmosphere of the park.
The painting depicts a park with a few trees in the background and a girl playing on a swing. The girl is wearing a bright yellow dress and a bright yellow hat, with a bright yellow scarf hanging from her neck. The park is filled with a variety of colorful flowers, and the girl is playing with a bright yellow ball. The painting is a beautiful and captivating depiction of a peaceful and serene park.
Provide a description of a painting.
The painting is of a park, with a few trees in the background and a girl playing on a swing in the foreground.
"Ocean Change": Arved fox from Greenland expedition back
"Ocean Change": Arved Fuchs from Greenland expedition back
In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify?
"Ocean Change": Arved Fuchs von Grönland-Expedition zurück ### Note: A translation involving major errors may be
waters. international for 27th September of morning the on Iran, Port, Abbas Bandar from off set and released was, months two than more for Iran by held Impero, Stena tanker oil British The
27th. the on port Abbas, Iran in departed and waters international to 27th the at morning the at port Abbas, Iran in released finally was tanker oil British the after months, two two after Iran, the of detention the After
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences?
在被伊朗扣押两个月后,英国“史丹纳帝国”号油轮终于获释,并于27日上午从伊朗阿巴斯港出发,前往国际水域。 ### Note: The process of generating a translation in reverse order.
The representative of the old name in Shanghai told more than 200 young students about <v>the motherland and national soul of the old name brand</v> .
The representative of the time-honored brands in Shanghai told the <v>200</v> young students about the motherland and national soul of the time-honored brands.
Change the given sentences from Chinese to English format.
上海老字号代表人为200多名青年学子讲述老字号品牌的祖国情、民族魂。 ### Note: A translation featuring major accuracy/mistranslation errors might be
Wuhan promotes the intelligent transformation of industrial enterprises with a maximum grant of 20 million yuan
Wuhan promotes the intelligent transformation of industrial enterprises with a maximum subsidy of 20 million yuan
It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences.
武汉推进工业企业智能化改造 最高给予2000万元补助 ### Note: 工业 means industrial. 企业 means enterprises. 汉 means han. 元 means yuan.
因此,朋友们表示,特里斯坦甚至赢得了克洛伊的邀请,参加在她豪宅举行的“塔科星期二”晚宴— —这让他离与真人秀明星和他们17个月大的女儿True重聚又近了一步。
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in Chinese?
As a result, pals said Tristan even won an invite from Khloe to a 'Taco Tuesday' dinner at her mansion - bringing him one step closer to a reunion with the reality star and their 17-month-old daughter True. ### Note: A translation exhibiting major mistakes could be
It is based on the strength of <v>domineering</v> .
It is based on <v>the strength of arrogant</v>.
Render the listed sentences in English from their original Chinese form.
凭的是霸气侧漏的实力。 ### Note: A translation involving minor fluency/grammar errors may be
"Das Ende des Patts von Spidey kam mehr als einen Monat, nachdem bekannt wurde, dass die beiden Studios keine Einigung über eine Fortsetzung ihrer früheren Filme <v>""</v> Homecoming"" und ""Far From Home"" erzielen konnten."
"Das Ende der Spidey-Pattsituation kam mehr als einen Monat, nachdem berichtet wurde, dass die beiden Studios nicht in der Lage waren, einen Vertrag für eine Fortsetzung ihrer früheren Filme <v>""</v> Homecoming"" und ""Far From Home"" zu erreichen."
Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the German format.
The end to the Spidey standoff came more than a month after it was reported the two studios were unable to reach terms on a deal for a sequel to their previous films, ""Homecoming"" and ""Far From Home."" ### Note: A translation showing minor fluency/punctuation mistakes is possible
For Branczik, Banksy's work underscores "the regression of the world's oldest parliamentary democracy into the basic attitude of animals and tribes." The painting is due to be exhibited at Sotheby's in the British capital from Saturday until it is due to be auctioned on 3 October. It is estimated at 1.5 to 2 million euros.
For Branczik, Banksy's work underscores "the regression of the world's oldest parliamentary democracy into the primitive behavior of animals and tribes." From Saturday, the painting is to be exhibited at Sotheby's in the British capital until it is auctioned on October 3. It is estimated at 1.5 to two million euros.
Transform the upcoming sentences from German language to English language.
Für Branczik unterstreicht Banksys Arbeit "die Rückbildung der ältesten parlamentarischen Demokratie der Welt in die von Tieren und Stämmen geprägte Grundhaltung". Ab Samstag soll das Gemälde bei Sotheby's in der britischen Hauptstadt ausgestellt werden, bis es am 3. Oktober versteigert werden soll. Es wird auf 1,5 bis zwei Millionen Euro geschätzt. ### Note: A translation exhibiting major mistakes could be
It's about the decisive click: You have to recognize when a great photo happens in front of you. And then you have to take it at exactly the right moment, said Paul McCartney. "If you take it two seconds later or two seconds earlier, it can be a completely different photo." And Linda would have had the gift of always capturing just the right moment.
It's about the decisive click: You have to recognize when a great photo happens in front of you. And then you have to snap it at exactly the right moment," Paul McCartney said. "If you snap two seconds later or two seconds earlier, it can be a completely different photo." And Linda would have the gift of always capturing exactly the right moment. "She just knew she had it," Paul said in the Eshun essay.
What do the following sentences mean in English?
Es geht um den entscheiden Klick: Du musst erkennen, wenn vor dir ein tolles Foto passiert. Und dann musst du es im exakt richtigen Moment knipsen", sagte Paul McCartney. "Knipst man zwei Sekunden später oder zwei Sekunden früher, kann es ein völlig anderes Foto sein". Und Linda hätte die Gabe gehabt, immer genau den richtigen Moment einzufangen. "Sie wusste einfach, dass sie es hat", sagte Paul in dem Eshun-Essay. ### Note: A translation containing major mistakes might be
There are many private Quran schools in the predominantly Muslim northern Nigeria. They often replace the insufficient state institutions. The people of the region are often subjected to attacks by armed gangs. According to the UN Refugee Agency, more than 40,000 people have fled across the border to the neighboring country of Niger in the past ten months.
There are many private Koran schools in the predominantly Muslim north of Nigeria. They replace the often deficient state institutions. People in the region suffer from frequent attacks by armed gangs. According to the UN refugee agency, more than 40,000 people have fled across the border to the neighbouring state of Niger in the past ten months.
Translate from German to English.
Im überwiegend muslimischen Norden Nigerias gibt es viele private Koranschulen. Sie ersetzen die oft mangelhaften staatlichen Einrichtungen. Die Menschen in der Region leiden unter häufigen Angriffen bewaffneter Banden. Nach Angaben des UN-Flüchtlingshilfswerks flohen deshalb in den vergangenen zehn Monaten mehr als 40.000 Menschen über die Grenze in den Nachbarstaat Niger.
In terms of Chinese, what do the next sentences imply?
President Donald Trump slammed Iran's alleged role in the attacks on Saudi oil facilities, telling world leaders at the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday that they should pressure Tehran into diplomatic talks. ### Note: A translation with no errors could be
Kindly furnish the Chinese translation of the subsequent sentences.
Protesters have widened their demands to include direct elections for the city's leaders and an independent inquiry into alleged police brutality against protesters. ### Note: A translation containing no mistakes might be
But, as Trump said in New York about those who allegedly leaked information to the whistleblower, it provoked outrage. The chairman of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, reacted alarmed and complained that Trump's statement once again undermined the integrity of the government.
However, as Trump said in New York about those who allegedly leaked information to the whistleblower, he provoked outrage. The chairman of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, reacted with concern and complained that Trump's statement once again undermined the integrity of the government.
Translate the following sentences from German to English.
Wie Trump sich in New York über jene äußerte, die dem Whistleblower Informationen zugespielt haben sollen, löste aber Empörung aus. Die Vorsitzende des US-Repräsentantenhauses, Nancy Pelosi, reagierte beunruhigt und beklagte, Trumps Aussage unterlaufe einmal mehr die Integrität der Regierung. ### Note: A translation with major errors could be
x^4 * 2
x * 4
Create a mathematical expression based on the given requirements.
Requirements: - a parameter x - 2x to the power of 4
def findNthFibonacci(n): if n == 0: return 0 elif n == 1: return 1 else: return findNthFibonacci(n -1) + findNthFibonacci(n - 2)
def find_nth_term(n):\n if n == 0:\n return 0\n elif n == 1:\n return 1\n else:\n return find_nth_term(n-1) + find_nth_term(n-2)
Write a function that finds the nth term in a Fibonacci sequence.
Die <v>Phase der Verurteilung </v> wird voraussichtlich etwa 2 ½ Wochen dauern, berichtete der Sender.
Die <v>Schuldentümer </v> wird voraussichtlich etwa 2 ½ Wochen dauern, berichtete der Sender.
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to German?
The sentencing phase is expected to last around 2 ½ weeks, the station reported. ### Note: A translated version with minor style/awkward inaccuracies can be
Lathem has been an associate professor of microbiology and immunology at Northwestern University since 2007.
Lathem has an been professor of and microbiology and Northwestern University since 2007.
Translate from German to English.
Lathem ist seit 2007 außerordentlicher Professor für Mikrobiologie und Immunologie an der Northwestern University.
In a previous experiment the research team had already discovered that the duration and pitch of a kitten's miaow changes depending on how urgently they need help.
In a previous investigation, the researchers had already found that the duration and tone of the cat's scream is determined by its fear of predators.
Translate from German to English.
In einer vorherigen Untersuchung hatte das Forscherteam bereits herausgefunden, dass sich die Dauer und Tonhöhe der Kätzchen-Schreie mit der Dringlichkeit ihrer Hilfebedürftigkeit unterscheidet.
The Polaroid camera captures the immediate moment like hardly any other medium. Linda McCartney's photographs are definitely a type of family diary, but they're more than just snapshots.
As if hardly any other medium, the Poloraid camera captures the immediate moment. The recordings of Linda McCartney are certainly a kind of family diary, but they are much more than just snapshots.
Translate from German to English.
Wie kaum ein anderes Medium fängt die Poloraid-Kamera den unmittelbaren Moment ein. Die Aufnahmen von Linda McCartney sind sicherlich ein Art Familien-Tagebuch, aber sie sind sehr viel mehr als reine Schnappschüsse.
The Earth revolves around the Sun in an elliptical orbit, which means it moves in an oval shape rather than a perfect circle. This orbit takes 365.26 days to complete, or one year. The Earth's axis is slightly tilted, which causes the seasons to change from summer to winter. The tilt of the axis also causes the Earth to move closer and further from the Sun, leading to variations in temperature throughout the year.
The Earth is a planet that orbits the Sun. It is driven by the gravitational pull of the Sun and the Earth’s gravity. The Earth’s orbit is called the elliptical orbit and it is driven by the Earth’s rotation and the Sun’s gravitational pull. The Earth’s orbit is elliptical because the Earth’s orbit is not perfectly circular, but it is still an elliptical orbit.
Describe the movement of the Earth around the Sun.
Good afternoon everyone. Today, I'd like to address the pressing concern of environmental pollution. Environmental pollution is a global problem that has been escalating for decades and is causing irreversible damage to the planet. Air, water, land, and noise pollution are some of the major forms of pollution that affect our environment, and in turn, harm human health and well-being. We need to take action to address this issue and make fundamental changes in the way we obtain and utilize energy, handle waste, and dispose of pollutants. We must also change our consumptive behavior and think more sustainably on a global scale. Thank you.
Good morning everyone! Today I am here to talk about the environmental pollution that we are facing today. We are all aware of the negative effects of pollution on our environment and our health. We are all aware of the harmful effects of air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution. We are all aware of the effects of industrial pollution on our environment and our health. We are all aware of the effects of toxic chemicals on our environment and our health. We are all aware of the effects that climate change is having on our environment and our health. We are all aware of the effects on our environment and our health of our actions. We are all aware of the effects of our actions on our environment and our health. We are all aware of the effects our actions have on our environment and our health. We are all aware of the effects we have on our environment and our health. We are all aware of the importance of protecting our environment and our health. We are all aware of the importance of taking
Prepare a speech on the topic of environmental pollution
Translate from English to Chinese.
Launched violent air raids.
The transfer work time is tight and the task is heavy."
The transfer work is tight and the task is heavy. "
Please make available the English translation for the listed sentences.
划转工作时间紧,任务重 。 ” ### Note: 时间 means time. 工作 means work. 重 means heavy. 任务 means task. 紧 means tight.
The controversial tech billionaire Elon Musk may remain CEO of the electric car maker Tesla, but must surrender his spot as chairman of the board.
The controversial tech billionaire Elon Musk can stay as the head of the electric car Tesla, but must give up the chair of the administration.
Translate from German to English.
Der umstrittene Tech-Milliardär Elon Musk darf Vorstandschef beim Elektroautobauer Tesla bleiben, muss aber den Vorsitz des Verwaltungsrates abgeben.
大 卫 · 阿 滕 伯 勒 正 在 制 作 关 于 动 物 和 颜 色 的 新 纪 录 片
Please provide the Chinese translation for the following sentences.
David Attenborough working on new documentary about animals and colour ### Note: A rendition having no errors is possible
The cost of the product with a 15% discount would be $106.25.
The cost of the product is $125 + $15 = $150.
Calculate the cost of a product if the original price is $125 and the discount is 15%.
Dr Cervantes-Barragan explained people have the same tolerance-promoting cells as mice, and most of us shelter L. reuteri in our gastrointestinal tracts.
Dr. Cervantes-Barragan explained that people have such tolerant cells like mice, and that most of us protect L. reuteri in our guts.
Translate from German to English.
Dr. Cervantes-Barragan erklärte, dass Menschen dieselben toleranzfördernden Zellen wie Mäuse haben, und dass die meisten von uns L. reuteri in unseren Magen-Darm-Trakten schützen.
Führende Persönlichkeiten aus Militär und Verteidigung drückten <v>ihre Bestürzung und ihre Entschlossenheit aus, sich vermehrt dafür einsetzen zu wollen</v> , die Widerstandsfähigkeit der Truppe zu erhöhen, die Angehörigen der Streitkräfte besser im Umgang mit Stress zu schulen, und die Truppen zu ermutigen, Hilfe zu suchen, wenn sie sie brauchen. Van Winkle teilte ebenfalls mit, dass das Militär verstärkte Anstrengungen dahingehend unternehmen wolle, seine Truppen zum Thema der sicheren Lagerung von Schusswaffen und Medikamenten zu schulen. Ihrer Meinung nach gibt es keine einheitlichen Regeln oder Vorschriften in der gesamten Abteilung und den Dienststellen, die Waffenschlösser oder andere Kontrollen von Schusswaffen erfordern, einige Staaten oder Stützpunkte haben jedoch diesbezüglich ihre eigenen Einschränkungen.
Militär- und Verteidigungsführer erklärten sich beunruhigend und entschlossen, mehr zu tun, um die Widerstandsfähigkeit der Truppe zu erhöhen, die Mitglieder des Dienstes zu trainieren, wie sie besser mit Stress umgehen können und die Truppen zu ermutigen, Hilfe zu suchen, wenn sie sie brauchen. Van Winkle sagte, das Militär <v>sehe auch</v>, auf die zunehmende Bemühungen, Truppen auf die sichere Lagerung von Schusswaffen und Medikamenten zu trainieren,
Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the German language.
Military and defense leaders expressed dismay and a resolve to do more to increase resilience in the force, train service members how to handle stress better and encourage troops to seek help when they need it. Van Winkle said the military is also looking at increasing efforts to train troops on the safe storage of firearms and medication. She said there are no consistent rules or regulations across the department and the services requiring gun locks or other controls on firearms, but that some states or bases have their own restrictions. ### Note: A translation containing minor style/awkward errors may be
"Thomas Holoien, ein Astronom der Carnegie Institution for Science, der die Forschung leitete, sagte: ""Das war wirklich eine Kombination aus Gutsein und Glück, und manchmal ist es das, was man braucht, um die Wissenschaft voranzubringen. <v>""</v> "
"Thomas Holoien, ein Astronom der Carnegie Institution for Science, der die Forschung leitete, sagte: <v>""</v> Dies war wirklich eine Kombination aus Guten und Glück, und manchmal ist das das, was man braucht, um die Wissenschaft voranzubringen."""
What do the following sentences mean in German?
Thomas Holoien, an astronomer for the Carnegie Institution for Science who led the research, said: ""This was really a combination of both being good and being lucky, and sometimes that's what you need to push the science forward."" ### Note: A translation containing minor fluency/punctuation mistakes might be
The movie poster for the film "Cabin in the Woods" should feature a menacing cabin in the woods with dramatic lightning striking in the background. In the foreground of the poster should be the silhouettes of three people, representing the protagonists of the film, running away from the cabin in fear and terror. The poster should also feature the title of the movie in bold font and the tagline “Be careful what you wish for.”
A movie poster for the film "Cabin in the Woods" could feature a forest scene with a cabin in the middle. The cabin could be a log cabin with a fireplace and a cozy couch. The background could be a bright, vibrant color, such as a bright blue or a bright yellow. The title of the movie could be written in bold, bold font. The poster could also feature a silhouette of a person standing in the cabin, with the words "Cabin in the Woods" written in a bold, bold font.
Design a movie poster for the film "Cabin in the Woods"
Puzzle solved: That's why we can't tickle ourselves
Riddle solved: That's why we can't tickle ourselves
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from German to English language.
Rätsel gelöst: Deswegen können wir uns nicht selbst kitzeln ### Note: A translation with minor errors could be
In der Vergangenheit haben <v>öffentliche Marktinvestoren</v> in der Regel erwartet, dass Unternehmen innerhalb von etwa 18 Monaten nach einem Börsengang rentabel werden. Dieser Zeitplan wurde gelockert, da Geldmanager bestrebt sind, Unternehmen mit schnell wachsenden Einnahmen in ihre Portfolios aufzunehmen.
In der Vergangenheit haben öffentliche Marktinvestoren in der Regel erwartet, dass Unternehmen innerhalb von etwa 18 Monaten nach einem Börsengang profitabel werden. Dieser Zeitplan wurde mit Geldmanager gelockert, die <v>eager</v> waren, Unternehmen mit schnell wachsenden Umsätzen in ihre Portfolios aufzunehmen.
Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the German format.
In the past, public market investors have typically expected companies to become profitable within 18 months or so of an IPO. This timeline has been relaxed with money managers eager to add businesses with fast-growing revenue to their portfolios. ### Note: A translation showing minor accuracy/mistranslation mistakes is possible
Viele Seniorenchöre findet man auch über das Internet.
Viele Chor für Alterskinder können auch online gefunden werden.
Translate from English to German.
Many choirs for the elderly can also be found online.
"Stressed Out" is a popular song by Twenty-One Pilots.
One of the most popular songs by Twenty-One Pilots is "Black Parade".
Name a popular song by Twenty-One Pilots
就在这场事故发生的几个月之前,距离周六这起撞车事件大约一英里左右的奇尔德斯街 (Childers Street) 上,另一名单车车主在一起肇事逃逸撞车事件中不幸身亡。
Translate from English to Chinese.
The crash comes months after another cyclist died in a hit-and-run on Childers Street, about a mile away from Saturday's crash.
Der Sport ist - wie das ganze Land - gespalten in Anhänger und Gegner Erdogans.
Der Sport - wie das ganze Land - ist in Anschluss an die Stützen Erdogan und die nicht.
Translate from English to German.
The sport - like the entire country - is divided into those who support Erdogan, and those who do not.
The sales were triggered by statements by the central banker Michael Saunders. This led to a reduction in interest rates, even if a chaotic Brexit could be averted, as uncertainty would affect the British economy for the foreseeable future. This statement is surprising, as Saunders is seen as an advocate of a restrictive monetary policy, said analyst Ricardo Evangelista of the brokerage firm ActivTrades.
The sales were triggered by statements by the central banker Michael Saunders. This brought a reduction in interest rates, even if a chaotic Brexit could be averted, because uncertainty would affect the British economy for the foreseeable future. This statement is surprising, because Saunders is seen as a defender of a restrictive monetary policy, said analyst Ricardo Evangelista of the brokerage house ActivTrades.
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from German to English.
Auslöser der Verkäufe waren Äußerungen des Notenbankers Michael Saunders. Dieser brachte eine Zinssenkung ins Gespräch, selbst wenn ein chaotischer Brexit abgewendet werden könne, da die Verunsicherung die britische Konjunktur auf absehbare Zeit beeinträchtigen werde. Diese Aussage sei überraschend, da Saunders als Verfechter einer restriktiven Geldpolitik gelte, sagte Analyst Ricardo Evangelista vom Brokerhaus ActivTrades. ### Note: A translation containing major mistakes might be
How should the following sentences be comprehended in Chinese?
China on Friday said it has not provoked a "single war or conflict" or "invaded a single square" of foreign land, skirting any reference to the 1962 war with India. ### Note: A translation involving minor errors might be
Translate from English to Chinese.
A submission shall be made to the 104th Council of Chairmen to decide whether it shall be handed over for a vote at the closing ceremony of the 30th meeting of the 12th NPC Standing Committee of the PRC.
The Nile River runs through the countries of Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia. It also runs through Uganda, South Sudan, Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Kenya.
The Nile River runs through Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia.
Name three countries that the Nile River runs through?
Learning should never stop because continual education helps us stay informed on new developments, technologies, and theories, and enables us to find ways to apply them in our lives. Additionally, continuing to learn new things gives us a way to challenge ourselves mentally, expand our knowledge, develop our skills, and increase our employability in an ever-changing job market. Finally, getting into the habit of learning helps us stay motivated and encourages us to challenge our current beliefs and ideologies.
Learning should never stop because it is essential for success in life. It is the foundation of knowledge and the ability to solve problems, and it is the key to unlocking the potential of the world. Learning should never stop because it is the only way to stay ahead of the competition and to stay ahead of the curve.
Construct a valid argument for why learning should never stop
Besides living well, “little sheep” not only need to eat forage mixed with silage corn, wheat straw, alfalfa, and other plants, but also need a wide enough “playground” to stretch their muscles and bones.
In addition to living well, the "little fat sheep" must also eat forage mixed with silage corn, wheat straw, alfalfa and other plants, and have a wide enough "playground" to stretch their muscles and bones.
Translate from Chinese to English.
Sydney to London from hours half a and Four 2030: in fly to Aircraft Supersonic New
Sydney to London from hours four in fly to 2030: to aircraft supersonic new a to is It
What do the following sentences mean in English?
Neues Überschallflugzeug soll 2030 fliegen: In viereinhalb Stunden von London nach Sydney ### Note: A translation that is generated by reversing the order of the original sentence.
We went to the bazaar and bought some fruits and vegetables.
to to the bazaar and some fruits vegetables. and
Find the wrong word and replace it with the correct one.
We went to the bazaar and bought some fruits and vedgetables.
Translate from English to Chinese.
Plastic paved pathways of approximately 1,500 meters with distance markers have been built in the green open space on both sides of the river bank between Jinhua Bridge and Xinsantiao Stone Bridge.
"The Shaft is entirely inside a granite formation, and there are many fractures in the granite formation, so there is no way to prevent the continuous flow of water from the top to the bottom, which is to say that essentially, the water pressure is the same as the depth of the shaft. "
The shafts are all in granite formations, and there are many fractures in the granite formations, so they cannot stop water, and flow from top to bottom, basically the water pressure is as deep as the well. "
Translate from Chinese to English.
“竖井全在花岗岩地层,因花岗岩地层裂隙比较多,止不住水,从上到下流个不停,基本上井有多深水压就有多大 。 ”
In einem seltenen Schritt hat Saudi-Arabien im vergangenen Jahr damit begonnen, vorübergehende Visa für Besucher auszustellen, <v>um Sport- und Kulturveranstaltungen zu besuchen</v> , um den Tourismus anzukurbeln.
In einem seltenen Schritt begann Saudi-Arabien im vergangenen Jahr, die Auslieferungen von <v>temporären</v> Visa zu Besuchern zu starten, um Sport- und Kulturveranstaltungen zu besuchen, um den Tourismus anzukurbeln.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in German?
In a rare move, Saudi Arabia last year began issuing temporary visas to visitors to attend sporting and cultural events in a bid to kickstart tourism. ### Note: A rendition having minor style/awkward errors is possible
Man gehe vielmehr davon aus, dass die Bomben von Gegnern der herrschenden Militärjunta gelegt wurden.
Es ist eher vernünftig, die Bomben von Gegner der derzeitigen Militärjaunern entlassen zu haben.
Translate from English to German.
It is more reasonable to assume that the bombs were set off by opponents of the military junta currently ruling the country.
What is special about this is that is uses finished parts, a patent of the Schramberg company Dizwo.
The special thing is that it is about finished products, a patent of the Schramberger Firma Dizwo.### Note: A translation with major errors.
Translate from German to English.
Das besondere daran ist, dass es sich dabei um Fertigteile handelt, ein Patent der Schramberger Firma Dizwo.
The greenhouse effect is a process by which radiation from a planet's atmosphere warms the surface to a temperature above what it would be without its atmosphere. This effect is caused by certain gases in the atmosphere, such as water vapor, that can trap more energy from the sun, warming the surface and making the atmosphere a beneficial force for life on the planet. Without these gases, the average temperature on our planet would be much lower, making life virtually impossible on Earth.
The greenhouse effect is a process by which the Earth's atmosphere traps heat, leading to an increase in global average temperature. This is due to the absorption of solar radiation by the Earth's atmosphere, which traps the heat and causes the Earth's surface temperature to rise. This increase in temperature is known as the greenhouse effect and is caused by the absorption of solar radiation by the Earth's atmosphere.
Summarize the content of a Wikipedia article.
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to Chinese language.
Publicly commenting, Tristan wrote: "The sun is shining bright on a beautiful [diamond emoji]." ### Note: A translation with major errors could be
Kindly submit the Chinese interpretation for the next sentences.
We decided to publish limited information about the whistle-blower - including the fact that he works for a nonpolitical agency and that his complaint is based on an intimate knowledge and understanding of the White House - because we wanted to provide information to readers that allows them to make their own judgments about whether or not he is credible. ### Note: A translation containing no errors may be
Charity donations are an investment in making the world a better place. When you donate, you are helping to provide vital resources to those in need, whether that be financial support, educational opportunities, or necessary healthcare. Your donation will go to support those who need it most, and it will make a real difference in allowing them to take charge of their own lives—allowing them to find success, achieve their goals, and ultimately, live better lives. Donating to charity is an act of kindness and generosity that you will never regret.
Donating to a charity is a great way to make a difference in the lives of those in need. It can help to provide a sense of purpose and purpose in life, as well as provide a sense of belonging and community. It can also help to reduce poverty and inequality, as well as provide a sense of purpose and purpose in life. Donating to a charity can also help to build a stronger community, as well as provide a sense of belonging and community. It can be a great way to make a difference in the lives of those in need, and it is a great way to make a difference in the world.
Write a persuasive paragraph to convince someone to donate to a charity
Woman run over on Swiss motorway in apparent suicide
Woman on the Swiss autobahn, possibly self-immolation
Translate from German to English.
Frau bei vermutlichem Selbstmord auf Schweizer Autobahn überfahren
In an interview with the Australian Vogue, Hailey recently stated that, after initial problems, the two had found a common level: "If you don't want to compromise, you cannot have a relationship."
In an interview with Australian Vogue, Hailey recently explained that the two had found a common level after initial problems: "If you don't want to compromise, you can't have a relationship."
How should the following sentences be comprehended in English?
In einem Interview mit der australischen Vogue erklärte Hailey kürzlich, dass die beiden nach anfänglichen Problemen eine gemeinsame Ebene gefunden hätten: "Wenn du keine Kompromisse eingehen willst, kannst du keine Beziehung führen". ### Note: A translation involving minor errors might be
„Vielleicht können Sie mir sagen, wie ich das angestellt haben soll. Dafür wäre ich Ihnen sehr verbunden“, sagte sie im Interview. „Ich glaube, tief in meinem Herzen war ich schon immer ein Avenger. Vielleicht habe ich ja Superkräfte. Ich weiß es nicht“.
„Ich meine, ich denke, wenn Sie mir sagen könnten, würde ich es schätzen“, sagte sie Reportern. „Ich meine, ich war immer ein Rächer in meinem Herzen. Vielleicht bin ich super stark. Ich weiß es nicht.“
Translate the following sentences from English to German.
I mean, I guess if you could tell me, I would appreciate it,"" she told reporters. ""I mean, I have always been an Avenger in my heart. Maybe I'm super strong. I don't know."" ### Note: have means habe. you means sie. would means wäre. she means sie. know means weiß. always means immer. told means sagte. tell means sagen. eng means ger.
The night was filled with thundering clouds and eerie howling winds.
A dark and stormy night is like a blanket of darkness.
Come up with a descriptive phrase for a dark and stormy night.
Her eyes sparkled with delight as she gazed into his deep, sapphire eyes.
He was the one who made me feel like I was the only one in the world.
Generate a fake romantic sentence.
Demütigung vor den Gerichten zu Hause ist ein Vorgeschmack auf das, was Johnson in Brüssel erwartet, wenn er versucht, sich von seinen Verpflichtungen zu lösen, eine Verlängerung zu beantragen. Das wird europäische Beamte trösten, die dem höchstwahrscheinlich zustimmen würden. <v>Vor allem, weil sich mehr Zeit zu nehmen, um eine Lösung zu finden,</v> die Gefahr eines No-Deal-Brexits verringert, der für beide Seiten wirtschaftlich schädlich wäre.
Die Verletzung vor den Gerichten zu Hause ist ein Vorgeschmack von was Johnson in Brüssel erwartet, wenn er versucht, sich aus seinen Verpflichtungen zu beantragen, eine Verlängerung zu beantragen. Das wird die europäischen Beamten trösten, die dem höchstwahrscheinlich zustimmen würden. Vor allem, weil mehr Zeit für die Suche nach einer Lösung die Gefahr eines „No-Deal-Brexit“ verringern würde, der für beide Seiten wirtschaftlich schädlich wäre.
Can you deliver the German translation for the mentioned sentences?
Humiliation in the courts at home is a taste of what awaits Johnson in Brussels if he tries to weasel out of his commitments to request an extension. That will comfort European officials, who would most probably agree to it. Mainly because taking more time to find a solution reduces the threat of a no-deal Brexit, which would be economically harmful to both sides. ### Note: A translation exhibiting minor style/awkward mistakes could be
The major fire in a chemical plant in the northern French city of Rouen is extinguished, the prefecture of Normandy told the AFP news agency on Friday. The fire broke out on Thursday night.
The major fire in a chemical plant in the northern French city of Rouen, which is considered to be particularly dangerous, has been extinguished. This was announced by the prefecture of Normandy to the news agency AFP on Friday. The fire broke out on Thursday night.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English?
Der Großbrand in einem als besonders gefährlich geltenden Chemiewerk in der nordfranzösischen Stadt Rouen ist gelöscht. Das teilte die Präfektur der Normandie der Nachrichtenagentur AFP am Freitag mit. Das Feuer war in der Nacht zu Donnerstag ausgebrochen. ### Note: A rendition having major errors is possible
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said in his speech in the general debate of the United Nations General Assembly on September 25th that Iran can help maintain "safety in the Persian <v>gulf</v> " and ensure the smooth and safe navigation of oil carriers through the Strait of Hormuz, provided all countries enjoy equal rights.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said in his speech at the general debate of the United Nations General Assembly on the 25th that Iran can help maintain the "security of the Persian Gulf" and ensure the smooth and safe passage of oil transport vessels through the <v>Hormuz</v> Strait when all countries can enjoy their rights fairly.
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English?
伊朗总统鲁哈尼25日在联合国大会一般性辩论发言时说,在所有国家都能公平享有权利的情况下,伊朗可以帮助维护“波斯湾安全”并确保石油运输船只顺利安全地通过霍尔木兹海峡。 ### Note: A translation featuring minor fluency/spelling errors might be
官 方 消 息 称 , 中 央 间 接 税 和 海 关 委 员 会 是 负 责 监 督 商 品 和 服 务 税 和 进 口 税 征 收 的 机 构 , 根 据 基 本 规 则 第 56 ( J ) 条 , 因 腐 败 和 其 他 指 控 , 强 制 15 名 高 级 官 员 退 休 。
Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to Chinese language.
The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) -- the agency that oversees GST and import tax collections -- compulsorily retired 15 senior officers under Fundamental Rule 56 (J) on corruption and other charges, official sources said. ### Note: A translation exhibiting minor mistakes could be
At that time, Trudeau put forward many <v>deafening platforms</v> and ideas, such as "ethnic and gender equality," "ecological environmental protection," "economic revitalization," emphasizing the elimination of corruption and "irregularities."
At that time, Trudeau proposed many <v>beaming</v> ideas and policies, such as "ethnic and gender equality", "ecological environmental protection" and "economic revitalization", emphasizing the eradication of corruption and "irregularities".
Please share the English version of the given sentences.
其时,特鲁多提出了许多振聋发聩的政纲、理念,如“族裔与性别平等 ” “ 生态环保 ” “ 经济振兴 ” , 强调杜绝腐败和“不正之风”等。 ### Note: A translation featuring major accuracy/mistranslation errors might be
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to Chinese.
Sony, Disney Back To Work On Third Spider-Man Film ### Note: A translation containing no mistakes might be
At this new starting point,
At the new start.
Translate from Chinese to English.
Slowly, a new type of activism began to take shape for Ferrell.
Slowly, Ferrell began to form a new type of actionism.
Translate from Chinese to English.
4 Kategorie der Hurrikan einem zu Karibik der östlich sich verstärkt Lorenzo
Hurrikanen 4 Kategorie eine in sich verstärkt Karibik der östlich Lorenzo
Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the German language.
Lorenzo strengthens into Category 4 hurricane east of Caribbean ### Note: The process of generating a translation in reverse order.
他的孙子 Michael Vann 说,这块纪念碑是“辉煌的象征”,纪念自己的祖父荣获勋章整整 100 年。
Translate from English to Chinese.
One of his grandsons, Michael Vann, said it was "brilliantly symbolic" the stone would be revealed exactly 100 years on from his grandfather's award-winning feat.
We will do a good job in implementing various policies and measures and effectively solve the "last kilometer" problem of policy implementation.
We will do a good job in implementing various policies and measures, and effectively solve the "last kilometer" problem of policy implementation.
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English?
抓好各项政策措施落实,切实解决好政策落实“最后一公里”问题。 ### Note: 最后 means last. 政策 means policies. 问题 means problem. 措施 means measures. 解决 means solve. 解 means solve.
学术同行审查的期刊中, 有 200 项研究是关于健康与 收入和平等的关系的。
Translate from English to Chinese.
There are 200 studies of health in relation to income and equality in the academic peer-reviewed journals.
Überprüfung von Hundegesetzen in Regierungskonsultation geplant
Hundekontrollgesetzen werden in Regierungskonsultation überprüft
Kindly furnish the German translation of the subsequent sentences.
Dog control laws to be reviewed in government consultation ### Note: law means gesetz. laws means gesetzen. consul means konsul. consultation means konsultation.
Change the given sentences from English to Chinese format.
In a rare move, Saudi Arabia last year began issuing temporary visas to visitors to attend sporting and cultural events in a bid to kickstart tourism. ### Note: A translation featuring no errors might be
Last May, the Season 7 finale of the classic American series “The Good Wife” ended with Alicia being slapped in the face.
In May last year, the classic American series "Blanche", with "A sister" Alicia, was officially announced as the end of the seventh season.
Translate from Chinese to English.
I am here is a declarative sentence.
This is a declarative sentence.
Tell what type of sentence "I am here" is
Translate from English to Chinese.
Since then, Japan's initiatives in the field of security will be mainly in the legal system, strategy implementation, policy implementation and other operational level, rather than the substantial adjustments and changes of framework, mechanisms and policies.
Smoking, overweight, unhealthy diet - there are risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. But what does a heart weakness or an infarct really do? Hamburg's researchers now want to see the inheritance of 9000 healthy and sick people.
Smoking, overweight, unhealthy diet - there are risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. But what really triggers a heart failure or an infarction? Hamburg researchers now want to take a close look at the genetic material of 9000 healthy and sick people.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in English?
Rauchen, Übergewicht, ungesunde Ernährung - es gibt Risikofaktoren für Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen. Aber was löst eine Herzschwäche oder einen Infarkt wirklich aus? Hamburger Forscher wollen sich nun das Erbgut von 9000 gesunden und kranken Menschen genau ansehen. ### Note: A translation showing major mistakes is possible
The world must take actions. It is time to make important decisions and invest heavily in small island developing countries <v>countries."</v>
The world must take action. It is time to make major decisions and invest heavily in small island developing <v>States</v>. "
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English?
世界必须采取行动,现在是时候做出重大决定,并对小岛屿发展中国家进行大量投资 。 ” ### Note: A translation featuring major accuracy/omission errors might be
Noun: woman, pool Verb: jumped Adjective: happily Adverb: none
Noun - woman \nVerb - happily \nAdjective - jumped \nAdverb - into
The following sentences are given. Separate them into their components (noun, verb, adjective, adverb)
The woman happily jumped into the pool.
The thesis of the article “A Study of the Sky” is that the star patterns in the night sky can be used to trace the origins of human culture and provide a unique opportunity to explore connections between world cultures.
The thesis of the article “A Study of the Sky” is that the universe is expanding and that the universe is expanding faster than previously thought.
What is the thesis of the article “A Study of the Sky”
Dies ist der heroische Moment, in dem ein Polizist auf eine stark befahrene Autobahn lief, um einen verletzten Hund zu retten.
Dies ist der heroische Moment, in dem ein Polizist auf eine belebte Autobahn rannte, um einen verletzten Hund zu retten.
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to German?
This is the heroic moment a police officer ran out onto a busy motorway to rescue an injured dog. ### Note: A translated version with no inaccuracies can be
Insolvency administrators want to try to continue the three Thomas Cook companies in Germany and find a future solution.
Insolvency administrators want to try to continue three the Thomas Cook companies Germany and a find future solution.
How should the following sentences be comprehended in English?
Insolvenzverwalter wollen versuchen, die drei Thomas-Cook-Gesellschaften in Deutschland fortzuführen und eine Zukunftslösung zu finden. ### Note: A translation involving minor errors might be
We should jointly promote the United Nations to increase its investment in Africa's development.
We should jointly jointly the United Nations to increase investment its Africa's development.
Convert the subsequent sentences from Chinese into English.
我们要共同推动联合国加大对非洲发展投入。 ### Note: 发展 means development. 联合 means joint.
and work to inject constructive force into the peaceful development of the world.
to inject constructive force into the peaceful development of the world.
Translate from Chinese to English.
Yao Xingfu said that at the end of the year, the second phase main work of the 240,000 square meters Tech Valley of three research and development bases and exhibition centers for digital information, new energy and new materials and life health will be completed.
Xiaohu said that the second phase of the technology park, which will include the main construction of the 24,000-square-meter second phase of the technology park, will be completed by the end of the year.
Translate from Chinese to English.
She pointed out that carrying out the theme education of "not forgetting the original intention and remembering the mission" is a major deployment made by the Party Central Committee, and all undergraduate colleges and universities should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the <v>theme education</v> of "not forgetting the original intention and remembering the mission."
She pointed out that carrying out the theme education of " <v>Not forgetting the original intention</v> and remembering the mission" is a major deployment made by the CPC Central Committee. All undergraduate colleges and universities should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping on carrying out the theme education of "Not forgetting the original intention and remembering the mission".
It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences.
她指出,开展“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育是党中央作出的重大部署,各本科高校要深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于开展“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育的重要讲话精神。 ### Note: A translation displaying major terminology/inappropriate for context errors can be
Liu Kun said: all regions and departments should carefully organize and make careful arrangements to ensure that the transfer work is completed in accordance with the requirements <v>;</v> promote the work in a down-to-earth manner and accurately grasp the contents of the transfer policy; strengthen communication and coordination and solve difficult problems in a timely manner.
Liu Kun said that all regions and departments should carefully organize and carefully arrange to ensure that the transfer work is completed according to the requirements; solidly advance the work, accurately grasp the content of the transfer policy <v>;</v> strengthen communication and coordination, and solve difficult problems in a timely manner.
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English?
刘昆说,各地区、各部门要精心组织、周密安排,确保按要求完成划转工作;扎实推进工作,准确把握划转政策内容;加强沟通协调,及时解决疑难问题。 ### Note: A translated version with minor fluency/punctuation inaccuracies can be
1. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which help to improve overall health and boost the immune system. 2. They can reduce the risk of diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and certain types of cancer. 3. Eating more fruits and vegetables can help with weight loss and lower blood pressure. 4. They provide fiber and other nutrients that keep the digestive system healthy. 5. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories, fat, and sodium and are a good source of nutrients like folate, potassium, and vitamin A.
1. Eating more fruits and vegetables can help to reduce the risk of certain diseases, such as heart disease and stroke. \n2. Eating more fruits and vegetables can help to improve overall health and wellbeing.\n3. Eating more fruits and vegetables can help to reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes.\n4. Eating more fruits and vegetables can help to reduce the risk of cancer.\n5. Eating more fruits and vegetables can help to reduce the risk of malnutrition.
List five benefits of eating more fruits and vegetables.
模特在张贴莱昂步行视频后,一位粉丝在莱昂的页面上写道:“这段视频和出口让蛋糕大吃一惊。”另一位补充说,“ Crushhh leon”是化妆师和大人物帕特·麦格拉思(Pat McGrath)(为演出做化妆),身上留下闪电和火的表情符号。
“这个视频和这个出口都吃蛋糕,”一位粉丝在莱昂的页面上写道,模特发布了一段他的走路的视频。“Crushhh leon”又添加了一句,而化妆师兼大亨帕特·麦克格雷特(Patt McGrath)——为节目化妆——给他留下了闪电和火表情符号。
Convert the subsequent sentences from English into Chinese.
"This video and this exit take the cake," one fan wrote on Leon's page after the model posted a video of his walk. "Crushhh leon" another added, while makeup artist and mogul Pat McGrath ― who did the makeup for the show ― left him lightning and fire emojis. ### Note: A translated version with major inaccuracies can be
In der Debatte ging es auch um technologische Fortschritte in der Kriegsführung und die Zukunft der Arbeit durch die größer werdende Abhängigkeit von Maschinen sowie um eine Fallstudie, die auf das Massaker in Christchurch, <v>New Zealand</v> , und die Entscheidungen von Social-Media-Unternehmen, nachdem ein Video der Gewalttat verbreitet wurde, eingeht.
Die Debatten <v> </v> umfassten technologische Fortschritte in der Kriegsführung und die Zukunft der Arbeit mit zunehmender Abhängigkeit von Maschinen sowie eine Fallstudie, die das Massaker in Christchurch, Neuseeland, und Entscheidungen von Social-Media-Unternehmen nach der Videoverbreitung des Carnages untersuchte.
Could you supply the German translation for the upcoming sentences?
The debates included technology advancements in warfare and the future of work with increasing reliance on machines, as well as a case study examining the Christchurch, New Zealand, massacre and decisions taken by social media companies after video spread of the carnage. ### Note: A rendition having minor accuracy/untranslated text errors is possible
Creating an effective strategy for passing a history test requires careful preparation and practice. The first step is to read the material thoroughly and make notes on the main points. It is also important to be familiar with the format of the test. For example, if it is an essay test, it is important to plan out the structure of the essay beforehand. Next, it is important to practice for the test. This can involve reading through notes, memorizing key dates and concepts, or taking practice tests. Doing a practice test can help identify any gaps in knowledge. Finally, it is important to ensure that you are adequately rested and well-prepared the day of the test. Taking care of yourself and getting plenty of rest can help you stay focused and calm while taking the test. Making sure that you have all the materials that you need will also reduce stress during the exam.
A good strategy to pass a history test is to focus on the material that is most important to the test. This can be done by studying the material thoroughly and making sure to understand the concepts and ideas presented. Additionally, it is important to practice the material and practice answering questions in the test. Finally, it is important to take time to relax and take breaks throughout the test.
Develop a strategy to pass a history test.
„Wenn jemand irgendetwas weiß, muss er das sagen“, forderte Alford.
„Jemand weiß etwas, er muss etwas sagen“, sagte er.
Could you supply the German translation for the upcoming sentences?
Somebody knows something, they need to say something,"" he said. ### Note: the means das. know means weiß. say means sag. something means etwas. knows means weiß.
彭博社援引哈提卜的话说,沙特阿拉伯将在星期六向 49 个国家的公民开放在线旅游签证申请。
Translate from English to Chinese.
Saudi Arabia will open applications for online tourist visas to citizens of 49 countries on Saturday, Bloomberg News quoted Khateeb as saying.
Could you supply the Chinese translation for the upcoming sentences?
The University of Dundee students were named as top graduates in their respective fields in Europe in the 2019 Global Undergraduate Awards, whilst five other students from the same university were praised by the judges. ### Note: A rendition having no errors is possible
Subordinate clause.
Classify whether a sentence is a main clause or a subordinate clause.
Although the illness primarily affects children
However, "They thought it over and tried constitutional monarchy, imperial restoration, parliamentary system, <v>a </v> multi-party system, and a presidential system, but all failed. "
However, " <v>the</v> constitutional monarchy, the restoration of the monarchy, the parliamentary system, the multi-party system, and the presidential system have all been thought of and tried, and the results have not worked."
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences?
然而 , “ 君主立宪制、复辟帝制、议会制、多党制、总统制都想过了、试过了,结果都行不通 。 ” ### Note: A rendition having minor accuracy/addition errors is possible
Sun Ruizhe, President of the <v>China Textile Industry Federation</v> , said that at present, the global industrial division of labor pattern, trade pattern and innovation pattern are undergoing profound adjustments. The textile industry has entered a new stage of globalization, innovation and responsibility development, and the development concept of "technology, fashion and green" is deepening day by day.
Sun Ruizhe, president of the China Textile Industry Federation, said that the current global industrial division pattern, trade pattern and innovation pattern are undergoing profound adjustments. The textile industry has entered a new stage of globalization, innovation and responsible development. The development concept of " <v>science and technology, fashion and green</v> " is deepening.
Change the given sentences from Chinese to English format.
中国纺织工业联合会会长孙瑞哲表示,当前全球产业分工格局、贸易格局、创新格局都在发生深刻调整,纺织工业已经迈入全球化、创新化、责任化发展的新阶段 , “ 科技、时尚、绿色”的发展理念日益深化。 ### Note: A translation featuring minor terminology/inappropriate for context errors might be
Zuvor hatte Balochs Mutter Anwar Mai AFP gesagt, sie hoffe, dass ihr Sohn freigesprochen werde.
Zuvor hatte Balochs Mutter Anwar Mai der AFP gesagt, sie habe hoffte, dass ihr Sohn freigesprochen werden würde.
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to German.
Earlier, Baloch's mother Anwar Mai told AFP she had hoped her son would be acquitted. ### Note: the means das. had means hatte. her means ihr. she means sie. hope means hoffe. told means gesagt. acquitted means freigesprochen.
Having a good friend is like having a lifelong companion.
A good friend is like a rainbow - it can bring joy and comfort wherever it goes.
Generate a phrase about having a good friend.
A smartphone can be used for communication, entertainment, browsing the web, organizing day-to-day activities, taking photos and videos, streaming music, playing games, and many other tasks.
A smartphone can be used for a variety of tasks, such as communication, entertainment, shopping, banking, and more. It can also be used for navigation, such as GPS, navigation apps, and maps. It can also be used for gaming, such as mobile games, and for entertainment, such as streaming movies and music.
Generate possible uses of a smartphone.