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We take responsibility for ourselves, to do something about the quality of our lives. 我们为自己负责,要为我们生活的品质有所作为。
You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of Your Information, and your username and password used in connection with this Site. Accordingly, you agree that you will be solely responsible to Stuttgart bookoo for all activities that occur under your password when used in connection with the Site. If you become aware of any unauthorized use of Your Information, you agree to notify Stuttgart bookoo immediately in writing. 您须自行负责对您的会员注册名和密码保密,且须对您在会员注册名和密码下发生的所有活动承担责任。 您同意: (a) 如发现任何人未经授权使用您的会员注册名或密码,或发生违反保密规定的任何其他情况,您会立即通知中国脚手架网;
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“但为什么杨媚要这样做呢? Why does he keep going like this?
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The new 911 also appears particularly athletic due to the differently sized wheels at the front and rear. 全新 911 的前、后车轮采用不同尺寸,令它的外观别具运动气质。
But first you will have to wash, dry and wax the car so it becomes very clean and shiny. 但首先你必须洗净,干燥,打蜡的车,把它变得很干净,有光泽。
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Gallbladder pain caused by cancer is either treated by surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy.[7] 癌症引起的胆囊疼痛可以通过外科手术、放疗、化疗来治疗。 [7]
身为总理的納坦尼雅胡並未能在和平谈判中获得任何进展,他也無履行奥斯陆协议中所同意的诺言。 Despite his stated differences with the Oslo Accords , Prime Minister Netanyahu continued their implementation, but his Premiership saw a marked slow-down in the Peace Process.
For more information about the cookies and other, similar technologies that are used when you visit our websites, please read the cookie information notice available on the relevant McCain website or read our Global Cookie Policy. 有关您访问我方网站时使用到的 Cookie 和其他类似技术的更多信息,请阅读各相关 McCain 网站上提供的 Cookie 信息通知,或阅读我们的全球 Cookie 政策。
我们的一站式教育中心-交易者大学提供话题广泛的免费网研会视频。 Traders' University, our one-stop education center, offers an extensive collection of free trader webinars.
Terms & Conditions This agreement (the "Agreement") sets forth the terms and conditions which apply to your use of the SharesInv.com web site (the "Site") which is provided by Pioneers & Leaders eMedia Private Limited. 条件与规定 本协议书(下称“协议书 ” ) 详细列明你使用先锋电子媒体所提供的SharesInv.com网站的条件与规定。
东日本大地震后的混合能源 — — 根据各种电源特征的需求分析 工作论文(日文) Japanese Consumers' WTP for the Source of Electricity after the Great East Japan Earthquake Discussion Papers (Japanese)
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In a short time, the girls retired for the night, and we arranged for a peep of day return. 我们商会不象别的商会年年交会费,我们是一届交一次。
杨洁篪国务委员在纪念中华人民共和国恢复在联合国合法席位45周年招待会上的致辞 Speech by H.E. State Councilor Yang Jiechi At the Reception for the 45th Anniversary of the Restoration of The Lawful Seat of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations
九年剧场获国家艺术理事会主要拨款赞助(2016年4月1日至2019年3月31日 ) , 并是新华剧体的成员。 Nine Years Theatre is a recipient of the National Arts Council’s Major Grant for the period from 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2019, and a member of the Singapore Chinese Language Theatre Alliance.
波冈达于1958年会见了时任法国总理 夏尔·戴高乐 ,双方讨论了波冈达提出的让乌班吉沙立独立的建议。 In 1958, after the French Fourth Republic began to consider granting independence to most of its African colonies, Boganda met with Prime Minister Charles de Gaulle to discuss terms for the independence of Oubangui-Chari.
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但每个人都可以将纯洁的心献给上帝。 But a pure heart, everyone could give to God.
Total net financial expenses and investment income in the nine-month period were $97 million compared to $95 million in the corresponding period last year, reflecting the adoption of the new accounting standard and the increase in bond costs due to the higher Israeli CPI, largely offset by lower interest costs due to reduced debt levels. Tax expenses. 前三季度财务费用及投资收益净额总计9700万美元(去年同期为9500万美元 ) , 主要影响因素是新的会计准则的应用、以及以色列CPI上扬导致债券成本上升,而由于负债水平下降使得利息成本减少大体抵消了上述不利影响。 税项费用。
酒店距离克拉科夫中心6公里。 The hotel offers perfect location 6 km from the center of Krakow.
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Having Barrett esophagus does not cause symptom. Barrett黏膜的化生本身并不引起症状。
Sue laughed, her face flushing just a little, and said, "Yeah. 她的手掌轻轻地抚摸着我的整个肉棒,淫荡地说。
The companion's name was Eponin, and she was the weaponmaster in Gabrielle's village. 她太轻了,我很轻易地就将她翻了过来。
Chapter 723 - A change of plans. 第七百二十三章-兴欣黑马?
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10) To formulate development plans,policies for provincial scenic spots and guide the implementation thereof,be responsible for preserving,planning,construction and administration of scenic spots,provide guidance on biodiversity preservation work in scenic spots,be in charge of applying world natural heritage of Sichuan Province,take charge of affairs in relation to applying world natural and cultural heritages and the preservation,supervision and administration of historical and cultural cities (towns,villages) together with cultural relics competent department,guide the greening work of urban gardens; 10、拟订全省风景名胜区的发展规划、政策并指导实施,负责风景名胜区的保护、规划、建设和管理,指导风景区内生物多样性保护工作。 负责全省世界自然遗产申报,会同文物主管部门负责世界自然与文化遗产的申报以及历史文化名城(镇、村)的保护和监督管理工作。
Dustin thundered. "What do you want from me, Jeannie? “龙儿,难道你要这样看我一个晚上吗?
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Li Yuanchao (李源潮): Vice President of the People's Republic of China. 中华人民共和国教育部直属高等学校列表
I'm a bit of a fan, and you know a bit about the fella.' “一段有些模糊的视频,是你受伤那天无意中拍下的。
包括所有欧盟成员国在内的批准了《公民与政治权利国际公约》的国家必须坚守这一规定。 Countries that have ratified the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which includes all EU members, are bound to uphold it.
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With state-of-the-art, flexible ERP solutions designed to be easily adaptabtle to your way of running your business and specialized for textile, apparel and carpet manufacturing, Datatex is brining an exciting new level of information technology to factories, warehouses and offices worldwide... 与国家的最先进的,灵活的ERP解决方案的设计是容易adaptabtle你运行你的业务,并专门为纺织,服装和地毯制造方式,Datatex盐渍一个令人振奋的新信息技术水平,工厂,仓库和办公室世界各地。 . . .
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Tools for easy instrument control, management, and all tasks in-between. "Keysight is committed to continuously outpacing emerging technologies with solutions that help our customers overcome barriers to innovation and establish efficient workflow processes." 轻松完成从仪器控制到管理所有任务的工具。 "是德科技致力于不断提供与新兴技术相辅相成的解决方案,帮助客户克服困难,不断创新并建立高效的工作流程 。 "
设施齐全的连接浴室提供独立的淋浴间和浴缸、浴袍以及免费洗浴用品。 Each well-equipped bathroom attached comes with separate shower and bathtub, bathrobe and free toiletries.
B. Membership Information: You agree to provide Scan To Photo Albums, LLC with true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself when such information as requested by the Service (whether by questionnaires, surveys; registration forms or other informational requests). 如您在诚信企业家网网站注册,您同意: (a) 根根据诚信企业家网网站刊载的会员资料表格的要求,提供关于您或贵公司的真实、准确、完整和反映当前情况的资料;
The incidence of peripheral aneurysm is 1/10th of aortic aneurysms. 腹主动脉瘤术后并发截瘫的发生率很低。
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A washer and dryer are available for use in the basement, for a small charge. 客人可以支付小额费用使用位于地下室的洗衣机和干衣机。
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Do you already have everything ready? 您是否已经拥有了一切准备就绪?
Article 4 The employing units shall establish and perfect rules and regulations in accordance with the law so as to ensure that laborers enjoy the right to work and fulfill labor obligations. 第四条 用人单位应当依法建立和完善规章制度,保障劳动者享有劳动权利和履行劳动义务。
And I really like you. 真的爱你。
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Intel® Boot Guard Intel® Device Protection Technology with Boot Guard helps protect the system's pre-OS environment from viruses and malicious software attacks. 具备引导保护功能的英特尔® 设备保护技术可帮助保护系统的预操作系统环境不受病毒和恶意软件的攻击。
我们与成千上万家酒店协商后 取得了他们最优惠的价格,即我们的订阅用户优惠。 Vila do Conde We've negotiated with thousands of hotels to get the very best deals.
You will use the columns filter menu to view only the columns with a Continuous modeling type in the Select Columns list. 您将使用列过滤器菜单仅查看"选择列"列表中建模类型为"连续"的列。
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Surin Beach lies on the west coast of Phuket and is a well-known location amongst high-end holidaymakers. 邦道海滩位于普吉岛西海岸,是一个丰富多彩的度假目的地。
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Had the Elf struck him? 着他开枪?
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Search for "KahelOS " in existing articles. 在现有条目中搜索“八大贵族 ” 。
这时候妈妈正拿着我的脏衣服向洗手间走去,我一把把她拉到我的怀里。 I smiled, and pulled her shivering body into my arms.
任何未经授权的使用都会终止本网站所授予的允许或许可。 Any unauthorized use terminates the permission or license granted by Brick Display Case.
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“不好意思,我不喝含酒精的饮料的 。 ” "Wow, I am an idiot."
该应用程序可为设施管理人员提供对于所需温度的控制和对于温度条件的可视性。 The application provides facility managers with control over desired temperatures and visibility into thermal conditions.
倾听您的孩子并观察他们的行为。 Listen to your children and observe their behaviours.
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6 Ask the person to repeat the story over again. If you're really not sure whether they're telling the truth, ask them to repeat the story multiple times. 6 要求他重复之前所述故事:如果你真的不确定他是否说了实话,可以要求他将故事多次重复。
Rooms: King Studio with Sofa Bed, Queen Studio. 房间: King Studio with Sofa Bed, Queen Studio, 大号床一室公寓, 特大号床一室公寓 - 带沙发床.
Lipskey said, struck by an idea. 他有些不满的说道。
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中国将继续坚决采取措施维护领土主权。 China will take necessary measures to safeguard national sovereignty in light of the developments.
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第四,数字化企业要具备健康的生态体系。 Fourth, it has a healthy ecosystem.
世界上有如此多令人惊叹的体验,但是没人拥有足够时间一一体验。 There's a whole world of incredible experiences out there, but nobody has the time to try everything.
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