使用指定的运算符匹配一定范围内的值。 Matches a range of values using the specified operator.
The principle is the use of magnets to control the opening and closing control of the magnetron principle, the two move closer together when the magnetron was closed at this time and then separate the two magnetron will disconnect, disconnect the signal will RF wireless alarm trigger signal to the alarm issuing host. 当附近环境温度升高到与人体温度接近时,入侵者在运动时传感器接收到的红外变化信号幅度就很小,这样有可能由于信号小于触发阀值而不会报警。
Note: If the specified revision refers to a valid commit that is not marked with a branch name, your HEAD becomes detached and you are no longer on any branch. 注: 如果指定的修订版本引用了未使用分支名称标记的有效提交,则 HEAD 将断开连接,而您将不再位于任何分支上。
Hostel House is structured on 4 floors with spacious dorms, even for disabled users, each with air conditioning and bathroom. 旅馆的房子在 4 层,宽敞的宿舍,甚至为残障用户,每个都有空调和卫生间的结构。
You will not export or re-export, or allow the export or re-export of the Service or any part of it or any product, technology or information you obtain or learn pursuant to this Agreement (or any direct product thereof) in violation of any such laws, restrictions or regulations. 您进一步承认和同意,对于任何因使用或信赖从此类网站或资源上获取的此类内容、宣传、产品、服务或其他材料而造成(或声称造成)的任何直接或间接损失,中联拉美均不承担责任。
Live Patching 是一项前沿技术,可缩短停机时间、提升服务可用性并增强安全与合规性,从而增强业务连续性并节省成本。 Live Patching is a cutting edge technology that improves business continuity and saves costs by reducing downtimes, increasing service availability and enhancing security and compliance.
8.0 ye from China weiwei (来自中国)
当大女儿看到他时,被他的那张脸吓坏,尖叫着逃跑了。 When the eldest saw him she was so terribly alarmed at his face that she screamed and ran away.
(There is something biological, when a person says about such phrase: "What a man can afford... (有什么生物的、当一个人说,有关这样一句话 : " 什么人可以负担得起 . . .
Gantz - Chapter 180 第一百八十八章.
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Supplier: FLAP AUTO PARTS CO., LTD. 供货商: 瑞祥机车材料有限公司
这是大理城内一件废弃的空 This is the key of my iron chest, in the closet there.
But it's because all I thought about was that I was breaking some rules. 但是,这是因为所有我想到的是,我被打破一些规则.
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这里使非常著名的假日目的地,周围的景点有 庙Plai Laem寺 和大佛。 This is a very popular holiday destination with attractions such as Wat Plai Laem and the Big Buddha nearby.
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Read customer reviews of Kirkwall hostels, view youth hostels on map of Kirkwall and avail of special offers such as free SMS confirmations. 查看柯克沃尔旅舍的顾客评论,在柯克沃尔上查看青年旅舍及是否有特价优惠,例如是否提供免费 短信确认服务。
Your first C program should now be compiled and ready to run. 你现在应该先C程序编制及准备逃.
21/1 Soi Pipat Silom Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok, Th, Bangkok, Thailand (Show map ) 21/1 Soi Pipat Silom Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok, Th, 曼谷, 泰国 (显示地图 )
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The use of wideband light source offers excellent anti-vibration tolerance and durability. 使用宽带光源,具有出色的抗振耐受性和耐用性。
In this moving talk, documentary photographer Kristen Ashburn shares unforgettable images of the human impact of AIDS in Africa. 在这篇感人的演讲中,纪录片摄影师Kristen Ashburn分享了她在非洲拍下的一些令人难忘的照片,呈现出AIDS对人类生命带来的冲击
每次您访问站点,保存您的用户标识,您的口令或其他信息,因此您不必须重新输入它 saving your user ID, your password or other information so you don't have to re-enter it each time you visit the site.
Communicate and engage with customers, shareholders and employees regarding our energy and greenhouse gas performance. 对于能源和温室气体的排放问题,与客户、股东和员工进行交流沟通。 都福项目
这家独特的酒店距离Gare du Midi车站500米,以4栋新艺术风格的排屋组成,提供独具特色的客房。 Located 700 metres from the Brussels-South Train Station, this unique hotel comprises 4 Art Nouveau townhouses offering rooms with individual character.
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But you don't start at the top. 我顶多是把你的房租扣下。
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Everyone can find common ground with that. 每个人都可以找到与共同点.
Address:Hardware district 1 11,National University Science Park of China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou,Jiangsu,China 公司地址:江苏省徐州市解放南路中国矿业大学国家大学科技园硬件一区11号 销售热线:0516-83899666
This means that in the future, even when it would feel hungry, he may continue to overeat. 这意味着,在未来,即使它会感到饥饿,他可以继续暴饮暴食。
The basic advantages of railroad cargoes transportation are: 铁路货物运输的主要优势包括:
I think I was the original hitchhiker.” 平时可想看都看不到!
An outdoor swimming pool with terrace bar overlooking the sparkling lake. 阳台和池边酒吧,一个室外游泳池带有阳台式酒吧 可眺望美丽的湖景。
哥廷根大学计算机中心(GWDG)和马克斯·普朗克科学促进协会计算与IT能力中心为满足7PB数据的性能和访问要求,在一个多层解决方案中部署了支持StorNext的磁盘和磁带系统。 GWDG — the computing centre for the University of Göttingen — deployed StorNext-powered disk and tape systems in a multi-tier solution to meet its performance and access requirements for 7PB of data.
九龙尖沙咀丽东大厦么地道36号5字楼, 香港, 中国 (显示地图 ) 5/F, Lyton Building, 36 Mody Road, Hong Kong, China (Show map )
Ashton Yates Confirmed For 2017 FIM Supersport 300 World Championship December 31, 2016 阿什顿耶茨证实 2017 超级运动END 300 世界冠军 十二月 31, 2016
都不是;他是这样想的,固然不错,像伊茨说的那样,她很爱他,但是事实并没有改变。 当初如果他是对的,那么现在他依然是对的。 No; it was a sense that, despite her love, as corroborated by Izz's admission, the facts had not changed. If he was right at first, he was right now.
Compare View We have 1 hotel in Lanjaron with an average rating of 8.6 based on 23 reviews 1 of 1 properties available in Lanjaron We have 1 酒店 in 兰哈龙 总评论数23 条,平均好评率达8.6 兰哈龙所有1家物业,1 家可预订
We were shooting again. I had to write a new statement of remorse, so I could hand them in again to Beijing. 甚至后来跟我表示,可以为我写求情信,做担保人,只要我日后必须配合。
And if you sing, simply connect a microphone to the MOBILE AC's Mic input. 想要唱歌时,连接一支麦克风到Mic输入接口就能演唱。
Email Image Gallery Dioikitiriou 1, Hloi, T.K. 521 00Tel:2467022700-6977624909 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. Dioikitiriou 1, Hloi, T.K. 521 00电话:2467022700-6977624909 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。
说完将脚上的另一只高跟鞋脱掉,走到房间拿了件衣服后又走去浴室了。 When Romulio went to the bathroom before we left one of the four guys he was talking to came over and said hello.
The traffic control department of the public security organ shall take good care of the distrained vehicles and shall not use them. 公安机关交通管理部门对被扣留的车辆应当妥善保管,不得使用。
简单地说:如果配置过程出现 "Can't determine host type" 错误,从 /usr/share/libtool (在 10.2 之前的版本是 /usr/libexec) 拷贝 config.guess 和 config.sub 文件到当前目录。 Short story: If configure fails with 'Can't determine host type', copy config.guess and config.sub from /usr/share/libtool (/usr/libexec for OS versions prior to 10.2) into the current directory.
Are you giving them the best treatment, or is there something you have not thought of or are unaware of? 要给他们最好的治疗,还是有你不知道的或不知道的东西吗?
Mickey stared at him then began laughing. 她不服气的转过身来瞪着他。
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您现在所在的位置:首页 > 新闻中心 > 展会信息 Position:Home > News Center > Company News
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或者说,当我们想要注册一个香港公司的时候,怎样能知道这个名字到底有没有被注册呢? Or said, when we want to register a HK company, how can you know the name in the end there was no registered?
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接下来几天,我完全无法入睡且害怕我会在我的罪恶中死去。 For many days, I couldn't sleep and I felt the fear of dying in my sins.
To this very hour we go hungry and thirsty, we are in rags, we are brutally treated, we are homeless. 我再说,饥渴慕义的人有福了,因为我们必得饱足。
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Increase business agility. 提高业务敏捷性。
耶稣 既进了耶路撒冷,合城都惊动了,说,这是谁。 14 And they that fed the swine fled, and told it in the city, and in the country.
万一你找到相同的全包海洋世界快速渡轮票在任何其他旅游经营者,我们承诺,我们将尽最大努力击败的价格或为您提供申请退款的选择的小册子便宜。 In the unlikely event you find the same all inclusive DAE-a Express Shipping Ferries ticket cheaper in the brochure of any other tour operator we promise that we will do our best to beat that price or offer you the choice of requesting a refund.
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文龙突然停下走向外面 , “ 咔”居然就关上卧室门了! For the afternoon, the plan was to go out on the lake.
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If you do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, or any revised Privacy Policy, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using the Site. 如果您对本隐私政策有任何疑问,或有任何与服务有关的其它隐私问题,请发送电子邮件至 support@efinancialcareers.com 联系我们。
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她从一名钟表设计师开始,后来又从事时尚配饰设计。 She began as a watch designer and later engaged in design of fashion accessories.
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但是即使是进口的高技术设备,使用和管理不当,其寿命也会大大下降。 But even if imported high-tech equipment is used and managed improperly, its life will be greatly reduced.
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Rose picked up her laptop and James watched her walk from the room. 她大笑着,站起身,离开了房间。
From the earliest cartoons that Walt Disney created around 90 years ago to the studio's latest masterpiece Moana, look forward to a colorful and magical journey through the history of Disney. 从最早的作品到最新作「莫阿纳和传说的海 」 , 可以欣赏到大约90年间的原画近500幅。
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The winner receives 8 points or chips from each of the three opponents. 和牌方从另外3个玩家处每人收取8分或者8个筹码。
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The law, however, still regarded them as slaves, and they learned in time that they were not safe, even on the soil of free Ohio. 只见那小河里有几条小鱼,小得像芝麻一样,却清晰得连鱼眼睛都看得到,它们居然在游动,它们是活的!
看来你还真是忍的挺难受的嘛 。 ” “That looks like crop fields.”
Cookies are small programs that we transfer to your hard drive that allow us to recognize you and to provide you with a customized shopping experience. If you do not want us to use cookies, you can easily disable them by going to the toolbar of your web browser, and clicking on the “help” button. Follow the instructions that will prevent the browser from accepting cookies, or set the browser to inform you when you receive a new cookie. 曲奇饼是我们转移到您的computer'的字母数字的标识符; s硬盘通过您的使我们的系统的浏览器认可您的浏览器和为项目存贮在您的购物车的提供特点例如自动注册和永久购物车在参观之间 。 " help" 工具栏的部分在多数浏览器的将告诉您如何防止您的浏览器接受新的曲奇饼,如何安排浏览器通知您,当您接受一个新的曲奇饼,否则如何一共使曲奇饼失去能力。
But they all drank of it, except a few. 嗣後,他们除少数人外,都饮了河水。
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Hello, I am Zhang Wenzhu, who is the founder and CEO of Qingfan. 你好! 我是张文铸,清帆的创始人和 CEO 。
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她看了看时间,默默的下了床。 At the end, yes, of course.
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这间空调双人间设有平面卫星/有线电视、书桌、衣架以及带淋浴和免费洗浴用品的私人浴室。 This air-conditioned double room features a flat-screen satellite/cable TV, desk and clothes rack. Private bathroom come with a shower and free toiletries.
So whether you are looking for a day's shopping ferry trip abroad or a holiday break traveling by Dalong Ferries is a quick, easy and stress free way to get there and back again. 因此,无论您正在寻找一个当天的购物渡轮出国旅行或假期由海洋世界快速渡轮旅行是一种快速,简便和无压力的方式到那里,然后再返回。
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Look for manuals, how-to videos, tutorials and other support information. 寻找手册、用法视频、教程和其他支持信息。
I urge all who are reading this to get Refuting Compromise , read it, lend it and give it out far and wide. Related Articles 我强烈建议本文的所有读者都找这本书《绝不妥协 》 ( Refuting Compromise )来读,读后借出去,让更多的人看到。
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