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---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | | Ör geta myndast á hornhimnunni þegar hún þynnist sem kemur fram sem hvítur blettur eða strik á himnunni. | A scar can develop on the cornea when swollen, which may appear as a white spot or a streak on the corneal surface. | 0.582582 | f0b1e0e3ac8fd5e1 | 9bf996b32323b071 | p21:58s2/6 | p9:20s3/7 | Keiluglæra - Sjónlag | Keratoconus - Sjónlag | 2021-07-17 22:13 | 2021-07-18 02:03 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0059ed1ace8fde52 | 98.2 | 0.899 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | A | | | Hver hefur ekki einhvern tímann sagt, eða heyrt einhvern segja, “Hann bara lítur ekki út eins og Jói” eða, “Jófríður – það hljómar eins og gömul kona!”. | Who hasn’t heard someone say something like, “He doesn’t look like a Joe” or, “Josephine – that sounds like an old lady!”. | 0.333946 | 45e76b3fdbc67da7 | 226bec9db6d10f5a | p8:23s4/8 | p7:20s3/8 | Branding I: Hvað er brandið þitt? - | Branding: What Is Your Brand? | 2021-07-18 05:46 | 2021-07-17 23:58 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0059f1dffb5c3435 | 452.94 | 0.954 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Hver hefur ekki einhvern tímann sagt, eða heyrt einhvern segja, "Hann bara lítur ekki út eins og Jói" eða, "Jófríður - það hljómar eins og gömul kona!". | Who hasn’t heard someone say something like, “He doesn’t look like a Joe” or, “Josephine – that sounds like an old lady!”. | 0.323342 | 560640e9db7e1829 | 226bec9db6d10f5a | p3:9s7/11 | p23:28s3/8 | Markaðsmál á mannamáli: Branding I: Hvað er brandið þitt? | Branding Archives - Page 3 of 10 - | 2021-07-17 23:35 | 2021-07-17 22:31 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0059f1dffb5c3435 | 303.63 | 0.955 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Nám, kennsla og rannsóknir | Teaching, learning and research | 0.500000 | 455f0be753eb78a5 | b4448ee3baa8a024 | p23:248s1/1 | p24:286s1/1 | Jafnréttisáætlun | Háskóli Íslands | University of Iceland Equality Action Plan | University of Iceland | 2021-07-18 07:47 | 2021-07-18 00:00 | html | html | short | short | no | no | 005a5b3984b00046 | 99.68 | 0.884 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Mér fannst þetta hljóma rosalega vel svo ég sótti um þetta og ekkert annað. | I thought it sounded really great, so I applied for it. | 0.715265 | 45e12e17c2ebc8a9 | c938903182cf4a04 | p18:25s10/12 | p14:19s9/12 | „Okkur þykir öllum svo vænt um náttúruna“ viðtal við Þorgerði Maríu Þorbjarnardóttur — Stúdentablaðið | “We All Care So Much About Nature”: An interview with Þorgerður María Þorbjarnardóttir — Stúdentablaðið | 2021-07-19 04:24 | 2021-07-19 03:40 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 005a9763abef9afc | 99.62 | 0.949 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | A | | | InMotion hlóð prófunarsíðuna hraðar en 99% af öðrum vefsíðum. | InMotion loaded the test site faster than 99% of other websites. | 0.751068 | 1e51764171f36c77 | 22a6fc20a9d5d734 | p82:207s1/1 | p77:205s1/1 | 5 bestu WooCommerce hýsingaraðilar (áreiðanleg + hröð - 2021) | 5 Best WooCommerce Hosting Providers (Reliable+Fast - 2021) | 2021-07-20 23:35 | 2021-07-18 21:20 | html | html | neargood | neargood | no | no | 005aabe3a050883e | 103.05 | 0.963 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | B | | MIX | | | Jazzballettnám er vinsælt og fjölbreytt dansnám sem hefur þróast á yfir 50 ára starfsferli skólans. | The Jazz ballet courses we offer are popular and diverse and have developed during the 45 years which the school has been in operation. | 0.150100 | e89a61a852648c9 | d0931af4ffbb8627 | p15:35s2/5 | p3:43s2/5 | JAZZBALLETTNÁM JSB – JSB Danslistarskóli | Dance training at JSB – JSB Danslistarskóli | 2021-07-18 00:20 | 2021-07-18 00:25 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 005b0e50c3a94d82 | 98.77 | 0.958 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Hann starfaði í Landsbanka Íslands hf. frá árinu 1996. | He worked for Landsbanki Íslands hf. from 1996. | 0.483046 | e405c69b4fa794e7 | 5881a261f03b5db | p15:31s1/3 | p15:33s1/3 | Framkvæmdastjórn - Stefna og skipulag - Um bankann - Bankinn - Landsbankinn | Senior management - Strategy and organisation - About us - The bank - | 2021-07-18 05:10 | 2021-07-18 00:11 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 005b9da312a4aa12 | 94.5 | 0.994 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-mt | B | | B | | | = í umferð merktri með stjörnu á að auka út 12 lykkjur jafnt yfir umferðina hringinn, útaukningin er ekki teiknuð inn í mynsturteikningu. | = on the round marked with a star increase 12 stitches evenly spaced on the round; this increase is not drawn in the diagram. | 0.384633 | 4e52ee3053875fc2 | 73a9058399dbae9e | p107:113s1/2 | p124:130s1/2 | That's Hot / DROPS Extra 0-1472 - Frí heklmynstur frá DROPS Design | That's Hot / DROPS Extra 0-1472 - Free crochet patterns by DROPS Design | 2021-07-18 03:51 | 2021-07-19 12:07 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 005bc0fb9020fd15 | 98.49 | 0.657 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | B | | B | | | = í umferð merktri með stjörnu á að auka út 12 lykkjur jafnt yfir umferðina hringinn, útaukningin er ekki teiknuð inn í mynsturteikningu. | = on the round marked with a star increase 12 stitches evenly spaced on the round; this increase is not drawn in the diagram. | 0.384633 | 4e52ee3053875fc2 | 73a9058399dbae9e | p16:113s1/2 | p25:130s1/2 | That's Hot / DROPS Extra 0-1472 - Frí heklmynstur frá DROPS Design | That's Hot / DROPS Extra 0-1472 - Free crochet patterns by DROPS Design | 2021-07-18 03:51 | 2021-07-19 12:07 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 005bc0fb9020fd15 | 98.49 | 0.657 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | B | | B | | | -æfingar og hugleiðslur í rituðu máli, á hljóðupptöku og/eða á videoi. -stuðningur og eftirfylgni í email samskiptum | -Ceremonies & Meditations in the form of written material, audio recordings and/or on videos -Support & follow up on e-mail | 0.243237 | 74711b2b7b61c4e8+fafe724025c10620 | 15dec4709547719c | p18:36s2/3+p18:36s3/3 | p30:43s2/2 | Einkatímar með Unni Arndísar | Uni+Einkatímar með Unni Arndísar | Uni | Private Sessions with Uni | Uni | 2021-07-18 01:36+2021-07-18 01:36 | 2021-07-18 01:35 | html+html | html | good+good | good | no+no | no | 005bc3a1975586ab | 100.52 | 0.978 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | B | | | Nauðsynlegt er að vottorð frá dýralækni um almennt heilsufar kattarins fylgi með. | It is necessary to include a certificate from a veterinarian about the general health of the cat. | 0.694611 | f19a0de792e58c62 | 1b0b12d7e17a0072 | p7:73s2/5 | p7:61s2/5 | Afnotamissistrygging katta · Kattatryggingar · VÍS | Cat Loss of Use Insurance · Cat Insurance · VIS | 2021-07-18 05:11 | 2021-07-18 19:23 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 005bfce1acd3aa97 | 100.02 | 0.976 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | B | | B | | | Nauðsynlegt er að vottorð frá dýralækni um almennt heilsufar kattarins fylgi með. | It is necessary to include a certificate from a veterinarian about the general health of the cat. | 0.694611 | f19a0de792e58c62 | 1b0b12d7e17a0072 | p7:73s2/5 | p7:61s2/5 | Líftrygging katta · Kattatryggingar · VÍS | Cat Life Insurance · Cat Insurance · VIS | 2021-07-18 05:10 | 2021-07-18 19:22 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 005bfce1acd3aa97 | 100.02 | 0.976 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | B | | B | | | Nauðsynlegt er að vottorð frá dýralækni um almennt heilsufar kattarins fylgi með. | It is necessary to include a certificate from a veterinarian about the general health of the cat. | 0.694611 | f19a0de792e58c62 | 1b0b12d7e17a0072 | p8:83s2/5 | p8:67s2/5 | Sjúkrakostnaðartrygging katta · Kattatryggingar · VÍS | Cat Health Insurance · Cat Insurance · VIS | 2021-07-18 05:12 | 2021-07-18 19:22 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 005bfce1acd3aa97 | 100.02 | 0.976 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | B | | B | | | Sturla Þórðarson ritaði Hákonar sögu. Dagana 27.–29. nóvember verður haldin alþjóðleg ráðstefna i Reykjavík til heiðurs Sturlu Þórðarsyni, skáldi og sagnaritara, en í sumar voru 800 ár liðin frá fæðingu hans. | The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies, University of Iceland and Oslo University are organizing an international conference on 27th–29th November 2014 in Reykjavík to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the birth of Sturla Þórðarson (1214-1284), one of Iceland‘s most celebrated medieval authors. | 0.166004 | fed2ce33ea4c0fed+c58a7930bdc32efd | 5014d96183918374 | p1:1s2/8+p1:1s3/8 | p2:2s3/4 | Frétt | Árnastofnun+Frétt | Árnastofnun | About | 2021-07-18 09:32+2021-07-18 09:32 | 2021-07-19 11:38 | html+html | html | good+good | good | no+no | no | 005c32308c69133f | 146.67 | 0.774 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Sturla Þórðarson ritaði Hákonar sögu. Dagana 27.–29. nóvember verður haldin alþjóðleg ráðstefna i Reykjavík til heiðurs Sturlu Þórðarsyni, skáldi og sagnaritara, en í sumar voru 800 ár liðin frá fæðingu hans. | The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies, University of Iceland and Oslo University are organizing an international conference on 27th–29th November 2014 in Reykjavík to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the birth of Sturla Þórðarson (1214-1284), one of Iceland‘s most celebrated medieval authors. | 0.166004 | fed2ce33ea4c0fed+c58a7930bdc32efd | 5014d96183918374 | p1:1s2/8+p1:1s3/8 | p2:2s1/3 | Frétt+Frétt | Frétt | Árnastofnun | 2021-07-19 09:13+2021-07-19 09:13 | 2021-07-19 03:43 | html+html | html | good+good | good | no+no | no | 005c32308c69133f | 146.67 | 0.774 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Sturla Þórðarson ritaði Hákonar sögu. Dagana 27.–29. nóvember verður haldin alþjóðleg ráðstefna i Reykjavík til heiðurs Sturlu Þórðarsyni, skáldi og sagnaritara, en í sumar voru 800 ár liðin frá fæðingu hans. | The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies, University of Iceland and Oslo University are organizing an international conference on 27th–29th November 2014 in Reykjavík to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the birth of Sturla Þórðarson (1214-1284), one of Iceland‘s most celebrated medieval authors. | 0.166004 | fed2ce33ea4c0fed+c58a7930bdc32efd | 5014d96183918374 | p1:1s2/8+p1:1s3/8 | p2:2s1/3 | Frétt | Árnastofnun+Frétt | Árnastofnun | Frétt | Árnastofnun | 2021-07-18 04:54+2021-07-18 04:54 | 2021-07-18 19:52 | html+html | html | good+good | good | no+no | no | 005c32308c69133f | 146.67 | 0.774 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Sturla Þórðarson ritaði Hákonar sögu. Dagana 27.–29. nóvember verður haldin alþjóðleg ráðstefna i Reykjavík til heiðurs Sturlu Þórðarsyni, skáldi og sagnaritara, en í sumar voru 800 ár liðin frá fæðingu hans. | The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies, University of Iceland and Oslo University are organizing an international conference on 27th–29th November 2014 in Reykjavík to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the birth of Sturla Þórðarson (1214-1284), one of Iceland‘s most celebrated medieval authors. | 0.166004 | fed2ce33ea4c0fed+c58a7930bdc32efd | 5014d96183918374 | p1:1s2/8+p1:1s3/8 | p2:2s3/4 | Frétt+Frétt | About | 2021-07-18 18:52+2021-07-18 18:52 | 2021-07-18 03:24 | html+html | html | good+good | good | no+no | no | 005c32308c69133f | 146.67 | 0.774 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Sturla Þórðarson ritaði Hákonar sögu. Dagana 27.–29. nóvember verður haldin alþjóðleg ráðstefna i Reykjavík til heiðurs Sturlu Þórðarsyni, skáldi og sagnaritara, en í sumar voru 800 ár liðin frá fæðingu hans. | The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies, University of Iceland and Oslo University are organizing an international conference on 27th–29th November 2014 in Reykjavík to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the birth of Sturla Þórðarson (1214-1284), one of Iceland‘s most celebrated medieval authors. | 0.166004 | fed2ce33ea4c0fed+c58a7930bdc32efd | 5014d96183918374 | p1:1s2/8+p1:1s3/8 | p2:2s3/4 | Frétt+Frétt | About | 2021-07-18 04:13+2021-07-18 04:13 | 2021-07-18 00:01 | html+html | html | good+good | good | no+no | no | 005c32308c69133f | 146.67 | 0.774 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Dyngjufell í Dyngjufjalladal, norðvestan undir Dyngjufjöllum hýsir 16 manns og sami fjöldi getur gist í skálanum Botna, rétt við efstu upptök Suðurár. | Dyngjufell in Dyngjufjalladalur, northwest of Dyngjufjöll houses 16 people, and the same number can stay in the Botnar hut, which is near the source of the river Svartá. | 0.560587 | 6c6ca2555766aec9 | b9e3eee236d055 | p8:25s5/5 | p7:23s5/5 | Gönguleiðir: Öskjuvegur | Ferðafélag Íslands | Trails: Öskjuvegur | Ferðafélag Íslands | 2021-07-18 09:45 | 2021-07-18 02:27 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 005c4dbecd18613c | 99.5 | 0.860 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-mt | UNK | | B | | | Sama gildir um laun fyrir vinnu um borð í skipi sem notað er við starfsemi í tengslum við undirbúningskönnun, rannsóknir eða hagnýtingu kolvetnisauðlinda á dönsku landgrunni. | This also applies to pay for work on board a vessel that performs tasks related to surveying, exploration or exploitation of petroleum deposits on the Danish continental shelf. | 0.515359 | 30c21fa0a24d2ec1 | caac548ff5213122 | p4:9s2/2 | p4:9s2/2 | Býrð þú í Noregi og starfar á dönsku landgrunni | Do you live in Norway and work on the Danish continental shelf? | 2021-09-19 07:14 | 2021-09-19 07:08 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 005c9ff18d6995f5 | 101.54 | 0.874 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Sama gildir um laun fyrir vinnu um borð í skipi sem notað er við starfsemi í tengslum við undirbúningskönnun, rannsóknir eða hagnýtingu kolvetnisauðlinda á dönsku landgrunni. | This also applies to pay for work on board a vessel that performs tasks related to surveying, exploration or exploitation of petroleum deposits on the Danish continental shelf. | 0.515359 | 30c21fa0a24d2ec1 | caac548ff5213122 | p4:9s2/2 | p4:9s2/2 | Býrð þú í Noregi og starfar á dönsku landgrunni | Do you live in Norway and work on the Danish continental shelf? | 2021-09-19 03:55 | 2021-09-19 03:56 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 005c9ff18d6995f5 | 101.54 | 0.874 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Staðsetning Icelandair hótel Mývatns er frábær og tilvalin dvalarstaður til að skoða Mývatnssveit og nágrenni. | Icelandair hotel Mývatn is a brand new 59 room hotel, opened in July 2018. | 0.279562 | 91a8ed7f67339a3f | 93f6198daa0e0b35 | p1:2s2/2 | p1:2s1/2 | Icelandair hótel Mývatn | | Icelandair hotel Mývatn | | 2021-08-10 11:50 | 2021-08-27 05:27 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 005cace543226cce | 100.48 | 0.502 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Síðdegissólin varpaði töfrandi ljóma á haustlitina í landslaginu er hundruðir hesta hlupu framhjá og inn í hólf við réttina. | The afternoon sun cast a soft glow on the autumn-coloured landscape, providing a magnificent backdrop to the spectacle of hundreds of loose horses running down the hill to where the main roundup event would take place the following day. | 0.244534 | 5280c59ac57d6283 | 6e0bd80fdd8f223f | p6:7s2/2 | p6:7s10/10 | Hleypt yfir Hóp: Hamingja í huliðsheimum | Cantering Across the Lake of Dreams | 2021-07-17 22:30 | 2021-07-17 23:19 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 005cd1cc7ac0adc2 | 100.12 | 0.506 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Starfsmenn VSÓ Ráðgjafar hafa áralanga reynslu af samstarfi við fyrirtæki við að innleiða öryggisstjórnun á vinnustöðum. Unnið hefur verið með orkufyrirtækjum, þjónustufyrirtækjum og verktökum við að innleiða öryggisstjórnun. | VSO’s consultants possess years of experience in working with companies to implement Health & Safety Management in their place of work, among those are companies in the field of energy production, service companies and building contractors. | 0.373212 | ca4310c0b67a15cc+cf850df2480fd5f1 | ef88a451c927b89a | p11:15s1/3+p11:15s2/3 | p10:11s1/2 | Öryggisstjórnun | VSO+Öryggisstjórnun | VSO | Health & Safety Management | VSO | 2021-07-18 12:28+2021-07-18 12:28 | 2021-07-19 20:47 | html+html | html | good+good | good | no+no | no | 005cea1aefe14134 | 121.5 | 0.980 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | A | | | Forsíða Spurt og svarað Búsetu og atvinnuleyfi Ef ég skil við manninn minn áður en ég fæ búsetuleyfi, má ég þá ekki vera lengur á Íslandi? | Forsíða English FAQ Resident permits and work visa If I divorce my husband before I get a permanent residence permit (búsetuleyfi) can I not stay on in Iceland? | 0.513417 | 32bc14f4c52f8785 | 60e845d77982c992 | p8:8s1/1 | p4:4s1/1 | Kvennaráðgjöfin - Ef ég skil við manninn minn áður en ég fæ búsetuleyfi, má ég þá ekki vera lengur á Íslandi? | Kvennaráðgjöfin - If I divorce my husband before I get a permanent residence permit (búsetuleyfi) can I not stay on in Iceland? | 2021-07-18 03:26 | 2021-07-17 22:45 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 005cf52755febc07 | 100.44 | 0.794 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | UNK | | B | | | Forsíða Spurt og svarað Búsetu og atvinnuleyfi Ef ég skil við manninn minn áður en ég fæ búsetuleyfi, má ég þá ekki vera lengur á Íslandi? | Forsíða English FAQ Resident permits and work visa If I divorce my husband before I get a permanent residence permit (búsetuleyfi) can I not stay on in Iceland? | 0.513417 | 32bc14f4c52f8785 | 60e845d77982c992 | p8:8s1/1 | p4:4s1/1 | Kvennaráðgjöfin - Ef ég skil við manninn minn áður en ég fæ búsetuleyfi, má ég þá ekki vera lengur á Íslandi? | Kvennaráðgjöfin - If I divorce my husband before I get a permanent residence permit (búsetuleyfi) can I not stay on in Iceland? | 2021-07-18 15:03 | 2021-07-17 22:34 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 005cf52755febc07 | 100.44 | 0.794 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | UNK | | B | | | Á aðalfundi bankans þann 17. mars 2020 voru kjörnir sjö stjórnarmenn auk þriggja varamanna. | At Arion Bank’s annual general meeting on 17 March 2020, seven Directors and three Alternates were elected to the Board of Directors. | 0.541736 | 550527836f0c942d | f6bc07a141fb74bd | p51:85s2/5 | p52:87s2/2 | Stjórnarhættir | Governance | 2021-07-30 05:25 | 2021-08-02 21:24 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 005dc1a994afb1f8 | 130.62 | 0.956 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | MIX | | | Á aðalfundi bankans þann 17. mars 2020 voru kjörnir sjö stjórnarmenn auk þriggja varamanna. | At Arion Bank’s annual general meeting on 17 March 2020, seven Directors and three Alternates were elected to the Board of Directors. | 0.541736 | 550527836f0c942d | f6bc07a141fb74bd | p51:85s2/5 | p52:87s2/2 | Stjórnarhættir | Governance | 2021-07-19 12:53 | 2021-07-19 20:41 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 005dc1a994afb1f8 | 130.62 | 0.956 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | MIX | | | Í niðurstöðum rannsóknarinnar kemur fram að framkvæmdin gæti reynst báðum löndum þjóðhagslega hagkvæm og skilað þeim samanlögðum nettó ábata sem nemur 2,9 milljörðum evra eða um 400 milljörðum íslenskra króna. | The results of the study show that the project could prove economical for both countries and generate combined net benefit for the two counties in the amount of EUR 2.9bn, or about ISK 400bn. | 0.505317 | efdf48f96af0e4aa | 83d8dd07bb7daf4e | p7:18s2/4 | p9:20s2/4 | Kvika | Kvika rannsakaði þjóðhagslega hagkvæmni sæstrengs til Bretlands | Kvika | Kvika researches economic feasibility of an interconnector between Iceland and the UK | 2021-07-17 23:03 | 2021-07-18 03:23 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 005e4570a0060d20 | 102.62 | 0.953 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | A | | | Þú getur fundið stærðina þína í stærðartöflunni á Top Reitar síðunni | Find the right size and use our Size Chart. | 0.377998 | 6383dd0d9883a409 | 921002995b0d0490+3314de6ee029461c | p10:12s2/2 | p10:11s1/2+p10:11s2/2 | Reiðbuxur karlar | Lífland | Pants | Lífland+Pants | Lífland | 2021-07-20 05:51 | 2021-07-19 04:25+2021-07-19 04:25 | html | html+html | good | neargood+neargood | no | no+no | 005e48af3f673815 | 107.78 | 0.958 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | A | | | Ein mest spennandi spurningin núna er sú hvort að þessir erfiðleikar skapa vettvang fyrir aukna lýðræðislega þátttöku allra hópa í samfélaginu. | One of the most intriguing questions is whether the crisis creates opportunities for increased critical public engagement and possibilities for more participatory and inclusive political agency. | 0.266239 | a8ae6b9cab3c752b | 272dd9404e86c5ce | p3:4s2/5 | p2:2s3/6 | Lýðræði eftir Covid-19, Borgaraþátttaka, vald stofnana og sameiginleg gæði. | Political Agency after COVID-19: Representation, Power, Constitutions - EDDA | 2021-08-07 14:24 | 2021-07-18 03:20 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 005ec8dfb3315f03 | 103.15 | 0.943 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Aðstoðin getur verið lán eða styrkur. | Assistance may be in the form of a loan or aid. | 0.290771 | 40e2ad8a1f193a8d | 7736e23016f87248 | p16:16s2/3 | p12:12s2/3 | Einstæðir foreldrar, fjárhagsaðstoð | Í | Single parents | Í | 2021-07-18 02:27 | 2021-07-18 20:10 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 005eff3e61b9fbfe | 99.85 | 0.924 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | UNK | | MIX | | | Umsóknir og greiðsla styrks 4.1. | Application and disbursement of grant 4.1. | 0.597614 | 635e421e1657b9c6 | ece66b0672111e12 | p36:58s1/5 | p2:11s48/90 | Úthlutunarreglur starfsþróunarstyrkja | Allocation rules for job development grants | 2021-07-18 21:30 | 2021-07-22 13:38 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 005f50b48f06e77d | 95.24 | 0.893 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Umsóknir og greiðsla styrks 4.1. | Application and disbursement of grant 4.1. | 0.597614 | 635e421e1657b9c6 | ece66b0672111e12 | p24:38s1/5 | p2:11s49/92 | Úthlutunarreglur vegna vísindaverkefna | Rules of allocation for science projects | 2021-07-23 13:33 | 2021-07-22 13:37 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 005f50b48f06e77d | 95.24 | 0.893 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Þessar tölur eru til marks um að neysla landsmanna komi til með að vaxa nokkuð myndarlega í ár, sem rímar vel við spá okkar um þróun einkaneyslu á árinu. | These figures indicate that there should be an ample growth in Icelandic consumption this year, which is consistent with our forecasts on the development of private consumption this year. | 0.357724 | 66ba464050704921 | e31c5a6b7ce7f976 | p7:9s3/5 | p6:6s3/5 | Mikill vöxtur í kortatölum | Íslandsbanki | Ample growth in payment card figures | Íslandsbanki | 2021-07-17 22:08 | 2021-07-24 14:30 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 005f74281cfffd3e | 100.45 | 0.908 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Sama ár skrifaði Lindholm og leikstýrði ásamt Michael Noer fangelsismyndinni Rsem var frumsýnd í Rotterdam og hreif gagnrýnendur og dómnefndir kvikmyndahátíða með sér með notkun sinni á raunsæi og sannleika. | The same year Lindholm wrote and co-directed with Michael Noer the prison drama R which premiered in Rotterdam and seduced critics and festival juries worldwide for its use of realism and authenticity. | 0.407718 | a7bfa38cba4da76b | a27d070420871fe1 | p39:53s4/5 | p38:50s4/5 | Jagten (The Hunt) - Danmörk | Norrænt samstarf | The Hunt (Jagten) - Denmark | Nordic cooperation | 2021-07-21 02:47 | 2021-07-23 19:11 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 005fb202538e7090 | 100.35 | 0.950 | Yes | other | second-orig-first-ht | MIX | | B | |’s-youth-champions-league-ready-to-roll/1264 | Auk fjórgangs er keppt í F1 fimmgangi, gæðingafimi, T1 tölti, T2 slaktaumatölti og PP1 gæðingaskeiði. | The other disciplines are F1 fivegait, gæðinga dressage, T1 tölt, T2 loose rein tölt and PP1 pace test. | 0.314352 | 62c5002a913c9c70 | a3ce2f47182255a6 | p5:12s4/4 | p5:11s4/4 | Meistaradeild Líflands og æskunnar í startholunum | Lífland’s Youth Champions League ready to roll | 2021-07-17 22:43 | 2021-07-17 23:06 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 006037b98c884683 | 97.58 | 0.830 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | B | | B | | | „Ég sagði að það gengi allt vel heima.” Hún var orðin pirruð á því að sitja alltaf undir ásökunum frá þeim. | “I said everything was going well at home.” She was frustrated because of all the accusations she constantly got from them. | 0.358754 | 84e49fea2aaac8d0 | 3ac453d946353e24+563f8eb98529af89 | p20:81s1/7 | p19:75s1/8+p19:75s2/8 | Daníel | Daníel+Daníel | 2021-07-18 00:20 | 2021-07-18 00:20+2021-07-18 00:20 | html | html+html | good | good+good | no | no+no | 00608653f24fe39a | 243.14 | 0.975 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | MIX | | MIX | | | Þetta framtak mun auðvelda Norðurlandabúum að velja umhverfis- og loftslagsvæna kosti. | This will enable those living in the Nordic Region to more easily choose environmentally and climate-friendly alternatives; | 0.139205 | a0b261b9e56cf5e3 | f9e6f67e83ecf1fd | p61:182s2/2 | p61:183s2/2 | Nordisk Ministerråd - PolitikNord2020-727 | Nordisk Ministerråd - PolitikNord2020-728 | 2021-07-20 18:41 | 2021-07-21 07:13 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 00610259bea69d93 | 100.23 | 0.942 | No | online-dispute-resolution | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Talsvert meiri hagvöxtur næstu tvö ár en í fyrri spá | Output growth much stronger than in previous forecast | 0.215613 | 3e6b6bc81d2e7a3b | c586cbfb50c8848b | p7:17s1/1 | p6:14s1/1 | Harðari vaxtahækkunartónn en vænst var | Íslandsbanki | MPC takes a harder line than expected | Íslandsbanki | 2021-07-17 22:36 | 2021-07-24 13:45 | html | html | neargood | neargood | yes | yes | 00614886a1d7386a | 104.99 | 0.640 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | B | | B | | | Lífsleikninámskeið án beinnar tengingar við starf, hámark 40.000 kr. á 24 mánaða tímabili. | Life skills course not directly related to the applicant’s job, a maximum of ISK 40,000 over a 24-month period. | 0.432379 | 1f1d205b2ac553fb | 7e29584793d7d28f | p18:43s1/1 | p24:58s1/1 | Úthlutunarreglur starfsmenntunarstyrkja | Allocation rules for vocational grants | 2021-07-18 21:31 | 2021-07-22 13:38 | html | html | neargood | good | no | no | 00614d59aa090262 | 135.38 | 0.983 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | MIX | | B | | | Á sama hátt og hið ytra náttúrulega landslag verður til úr setlögum og jarðlögum og athöfnum manna, dýra og annarra náttúruafla sem hafa sett mark sitt á landslagið, jafnvel að því marki að náttúrulegt landslag verður að menningar- eða borgarlandslagi, verður hið innra landslag líkamans til úr setlögum aðstæðna, athafna og rýma sem hafa sett mark sitt á okkur sem manneskjur. | In much the same way that the outer physical landscape is composed of layers of sediment, rock and vegetation that are shaped by human, animal and other natural forces – even to the point that a natural landscape becomes a cultural landscape – the inner landscape of our bodies is comprised of layers of environments, activities, perceptions and situations that have left their mark on us as individuals. | 0.411083 | d9c803198bb3c546 | 775d96d32add9dcb | p9:23s1/1 | p8:21s1/1 | Hugleiðing um landslag – HA | Thoughts on Landscape – HA | 2021-07-17 21:43 | 2021-07-17 22:06 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0061a971b6106ec9 | 120.86 | 0.639 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | MIX | | MIX | | | Ef þú vilt ekki segja einhverjum sem þú þekkir hafðu þá samband við samskiptaráðgjafa. | If you do not want to tell someone you know, contact a communication counselor. | 0.836660 | d5050aa7e0b5880b | 11bcfc240c64d94a | p29:33s3/4 | p27:30s3/4 | Kynbundin áreitni og ofbeldi | Gender-based Harassment and Violence | 2021-07-17 22:13 | 2021-07-18 03:00 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 00621edd962a8818 | 103.49 | 0.812 | Yes | other | second-orig-first-ht | A | | A | | | Hún er undan Héðni frá Feti (8.62) og Fingurbjörg frá Feti, sem gerir hana sammæðra Hildi. | She is after Héðinn frá Feti (8.62) and Fingurbjörg frá Feti, which makes her a sister of Hildur. | 0.377529 | e68f69711c5635aa | 3dbfad26dad47b20 | p10:10s2/3 | p10:11s2/3 | Kynbótasýningar 2017 | Fet Horsebreeding | Breeding shows 2017 | Fet Horsebreeding | 2021-07-18 00:13 | 2021-07-18 04:50 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 006278266794f923 | 95.69 | 0.888 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-mt | UNK | | B | | | Hún er undan Héðni frá Feti (8.62) og Fingurbjörg frá Feti, sem gerir hana sammæðra Hildi. | She is after Héðinn frá Feti (8.62) and Fingurbjörg frá Feti, which makes her a sister of Hildur. | 0.377529 | e68f69711c5635aa | 3dbfad26dad47b20 | p10:10s2/3 | p10:11s2/3 | Kynbótasýningar 2017 | Fet Horsebreeding | Breeding shows 2017 | Fet Horsebreeding | 2021-07-30 13:43 | 2021-08-05 04:50 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 006278266794f923 | 95.69 | 0.888 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-mt | UNK | | B | | | Mikill hluti vinnunnar við að þróa þekkingu varðandi byggðaþróun fer fram í norrænu rannsóknarmiðstöðinni Nordregio og í þremur þemahópum sem hver ber ábyrgð á einu forgangsmálefnanna. | A large part of the knowledge work related to regional development takes place at the Nordic research centre Nordregio, as well as in three theme groups with responsibility for each of the priority areas. | 0.477894 | c22e23e4fa6b0881 | d3dba0bf9a08f634 | p46:53s1/1 | p47:53s1/1 | Traustar byggðir - lykillinn að félagslega sjálfbærum Norðurlöndum | Norrænt samstarf | Robust regions – the key to a socially sustainable Nordic Region | Nordic cooperation | 2021-07-23 02:04 | 2021-07-22 18:57 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0062ae3f07147b3a | 103.36 | 0.720 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Árangurinn birtist m.a. í því að á fyrsta ársfjórðungi nýttu langflest þeirra 500 fyrirtækja sem komu í viðskipti við bankann sér vef eða app bankans til að skrá sig í viðskipti, en að meðaltali tók aðeins um 85 sekúndur að ljúka skráningu. | Our success manifests among other things in that the majority of the 500 companies, who became Landsbankinn customers in the first quarter, did so through our app or website. On average, the process of becoming a customer took 85 seconds. | 0.296238 | 19c4c65cf80b7dcf | b8722c2dabe2eced+c93a4aeb937c3653 | p26:61s5/10 | p26:58s5/13+p26:58s6/13 | Uppgjör Landsbankans fyrir fyrstu þrjá mánuði ársins 2021 - Landsbankinn | Financial results of Landsbankinn for the first three months of 2021 - results of Landsbankinn for the first three months of 2021 - | 2021-07-18 05:42 | 2021-07-18 11:55+2021-07-18 11:55 | html | html+html | good | good+good | no | no+no | 00638c9c398f7a53 | 100.64 | 0.835 | No | online-dispute-resolution | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | MAP-gasblöndur eru yfirleitt samsettar úr venjulegum umhverfislofttegundum: koldíoxíði, köfnunarefni og súrefni. | MAP gas mixtures usually consist of normal atmospheric gases: carbon dioxide, nitrogen and oxygen. | 0.734338 | ecd7126da7bb3ad8 | 4ccb5642bab7e9ec | p6:11s1/4 | p6:13s1/4 | MAP-tæknin | Linde (fyrrum ÍSAGA) Iðnaðarsvið | MAP Technology | Linde (former AGA) Industrial Gases | 2021-07-19 07:58 | 2021-07-19 22:06 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0063ba2fc6031edc | 101.63 | 0.839 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | B | | B | | | Viðskipti Samherja við DNB hafa þó ekki hætt. | Samherji's dealings with DNB are still ongoing, however. | 0.193797 | af8420a2bfc4d1d4 | 89331d8910c4f2ea | p32:39s2/3 | p32:38s2/3 | Peningatilfærslur | Money Trail | 2021-07-21 16:56 | 2021-07-19 10:50 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 006421f686379f0d | 97.99 | 0.969 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | A | | | Framkvæmd var tilfellarannsókn í einum skóla í Kópavogi þar sem ég notast við eigindleg gögn úr viðtölum sem ég tók við sex kennara. | A case study was conducted in a primary school in Kópavogur, where I used qualitative data from interviews with six teachers about the implementation of tablet computers. | 0.603163 | e763306da2ba4609 | 22c08784981c5e26 | p8:12s1/3 | p8:12s1/2 | Auður Björnsdóttir | Listaháskóli Íslands | Auður Björnsdóttir | Listaháskóli Íslands | 2021-07-17 23:12 | 2021-07-19 08:26 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0064b871780d2d1a | 102.29 | 0.906 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Notkun: Látið eina matskeið í hálfan lítra af vatni og sjóðið í 10 mínútur, síið og drekkið yfir tvo daga. | How to use: 1 tablespoon in ½ a liter of water and boil for 10 minutes, strain and drink for 2 days. | 0.624507 | dc6f22407ad0f2b7 | 2ca57f86d1ad1e8d | p7:7s1/1 | p7:7s1/1 | Jurtaapótek | Fíflarót - 100 gr. | Jurtaapótek | Dandelion Root - 100 g | 2021-07-18 22:44 | 2021-07-25 19:41 | html | html | good | neargood | no | no | 0064e590f3406118 | 99.17 | 0.819 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | A | | A | | | Það tekur á að finna endalausa þörf á að verja veruleika sinn, að leiðrétta fólk sem trúir hinum ýmsu mýtum eða finnst þetta bara vera einhversskonar afsökun. | To constantly have to defend yourself and your reality, correcting people that believe all kinds of myths about ADHD or think that it’s just an excuse. | 0.219586 | 59b9b8365d4e4f59 | 2f0cb789d0a19fc2 | p11:21s4/5 | p10:21s8/9 | Að greinast með ADHD á fullorðinsaldri | Getting Diagnosed with ADHD in Adulthood | 2021-07-18 00:59 | 2021-07-18 01:17 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 00651eecc453fd69 | 128.06 | 0.788 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | A | | MIX | | | Svo af hverju ekki að vera með okkur og við prjónum saman þessa skemmtilegu Sleepy Santa peysu úr DROPS Air – garnið er á 30% afslætti út árið 2019! | So why not join us while we knit together this fun Sleepy Santa sweater in DROPS Air - the yarn has 30% discount the rest of 2019! | 0.595002 | 75d106217c8505cf | d0a16c66f63a99af | p1:33s2/2 | p1:33s2/2 | Vertu með í DROPS-Along ~ DROPS Design | Join a DROPS-Along ~ DROPS Design | 2021-07-18 02:23 | 2021-07-18 09:07 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 006543af8ef9180b | 122.84 | 0.984 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | B | | B | | | Kortaverkefni í vinnslu Þessar vikurnar er ég að útbúa landakort fyrir þyrlusveit Landhelgisgæslu Íslands. | Ongoing mapping project In early 2014 I made a special map for the Icelandic Cost Guard. | 0.341455 | 4cec008b1303338c+2faae5ba4c331cd2 | 847358e39ea44178+c285688bad3afe59 | p1:4s1/1+p2:4s1/3 | p1:5s1/1+p2:5s1/3 | Kortaverkefni í vinnslu | Ískort+Kortaverkefni í vinnslu | Ískort | Ongoing mapping project | Ískort+Ongoing mapping project | Ískort | 2021-07-17 21:56+2021-07-17 21:56 | 2021-07-17 22:48+2021-07-17 22:48 | html+html | html+html | short+good | short+good | yes+no | yes+no | 006544d191d95ea5 | 99.39 | 0.680 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | UNK | | | Leitast verður við að svara umsóknum í lok júní. | Applications will be responded to: | 0.150019 | 4377458da454b856 | 80a4d9f99b83564e | p13:32s1/2 | p16:20s1/1 | Upplýsingar vegna umsóknar | Háskólinn á Akureyri | Information regarding applications | University of Akureyri | 2021-07-17 22:11 | 2021-07-18 03:53 | html | html | good | short | no | no | 0065b531c963540e | 106.55 | 0.608 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | B | | | Til dæmis geta karl og kona/samkynhneigðir í óvígðri sambúð óskað eftir því skriflega við skattyfirvöld, að vera skattlögð sem hjón ef þau/þeir/þær eiga sameiginlegt lögheimili, eiga barn saman, konan er þunguð eða ef sambúðin hefur varað samfleytt í a.m.k. eitt ár. | According to tax law, for example, co-habiting partners can make a written request for joint taxation to the tax authorities, if the have a child together, share legal residence, the woman is pregnant by the man, or if they have been cohabiting for an uninterrupted period of at least one year. | 0.464607 | b5f2702f10627985 | 3dc0e8fdcc970285 | p2:10s3/4 | p2:6s5/6 | Kvennaráðgjöfin - Slit á óvígðri sambúð | Kvennaráðgjöfin - Ending co-habitation | 2021-07-17 22:04 | 2021-07-17 22:25 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0065b9d83e3bc6ff | 100.45 | 0.937 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Til dæmis geta karl og kona/samkynhneigðir í óvígðri sambúð óskað eftir því skriflega við skattyfirvöld, að vera skattlögð sem hjón ef þau/þeir/þær eiga sameiginlegt lögheimili, eiga barn saman, konan er þunguð eða ef sambúðin hefur varað samfleytt í a.m.k. eitt ár. | According to tax law, for example, co-habiting partners can make a written request for joint taxation to the tax authorities, if the have a child together, share legal residence, the woman is pregnant by the man, or if they have been cohabiting for an uninterrupted period of at least one year. | 0.464607 | b5f2702f10627985 | 3dc0e8fdcc970285 | p2:10s3/4 | p2:6s5/6 | Kvennaráðgjöfin - Slit á óvígðri sambúð | Kvennaráðgjöfin - Ending co-habitation | 2021-07-17 22:45 | 2021-07-17 23:39 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0065b9d83e3bc6ff | 100.45 | 0.937 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Til dæmis geta karl og kona/samkynhneigðir í óvígðri sambúð óskað eftir því skriflega við skattyfirvöld, að vera skattlögð sem hjón ef þau/þeir/þær eiga sameiginlegt lögheimili, eiga barn saman, konan er þunguð eða ef sambúðin hefur varað samfleytt í a.m.k. eitt ár. | According to tax law, for example, co-habiting partners can make a written request for joint taxation to the tax authorities, if the have a child together, share legal residence, the woman is pregnant by the man, or if they have been cohabiting for an uninterrupted period of at least one year. | 0.464607 | b5f2702f10627985 | 3dc0e8fdcc970285 | p2:10s3/4 | p2:6s5/6 | Kvennaráðgjöfin - Slit á óvígðri sambúð | Kvennaráðgjöfin - Ending co-habitation | 2021-07-17 21:50 | 2021-07-17 22:36 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0065b9d83e3bc6ff | 100.45 | 0.937 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Femínismi á að tryggja frelsisbaráttu fyrir allar konur. | Feminism is supposed to fight for freedom for all women. | 0.539450 | 6bb5862d2118f2f6 | c32fb8927cebd2ad | p13:15s2/3 | p13:15s2/3 | Svartar konur í afþreyingarmenningu | Black Women in entertainment | 2021-07-17 23:50 | 2021-07-18 01:29 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0065f3e3fb92862e | 100.07 | 0.979 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | A | | MIX | | | Þótt NGC 1637 virðist við fyrstu sýn samhverf býr hún yfir ýmsum áhugaverðum einkennum. | Although at first glance NGC 1637 appears to be a fairly symmetrical object it has some interesting features. | 0.554092 | c07921cd189977d2 | b87be47bf5a904ea | p10:19s1/2 | p10:16s1/2 | Þyrilvetrarbraut prýdd dofnandi sprengistjörnu | ESO Ísland | Spiral Beauty Graced by Fading Supernova | ESO | 2021-07-18 07:26 | 2021-07-23 10:32 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 00668f36f407820b | 99.35 | 0.636 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Í þessu felst að umrædd sjónarmið eru samþætt með skipulegum hætti í allri starfsemi Norrænu ráðherranefndarinnar. | In practice, this means that these perspectives will systematically influence all activities in the Nordic Council of Ministers. | 0.353808 | 572b99e19350fa17 | b539980aa8f1131c | p96:176s1/3 | p95:180s1/4 | Nordisk Ministerråd - PolitikNord2021-707 | Nordisk Ministerråd - PolitikNord2021-708 | 2021-07-21 23:06 | 2021-07-18 08:04 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0066ac6fdde82c6f | 103.94 | 0.970 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Skólar á grænni grein (Eco-schools) er alþjóðlegt umhverfismenntarverkefni sem rekið er af Landvernd á Íslandi. | It is an international award program that guides schools on their journey towards a sustainable school environment. | 0.222675 | 8e05026f97f5a155 | 9f4ceda3ba4605ee | p5:6s1/3 | p3:6s2/5 | 14. nóvember, 2019 - Landvernd | Icelandic Environment Assosiation content | 2021-07-17 22:45 | 2021-07-23 14:36 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0066b8e143ef9508 | 100.76 | 0.735 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | UNK | | | Eitt ár umfram þann tíma sem skipulag bakkalárs- og meistaranáms kveður á um. | One year beyond the period specified in the organisation of a bachelor degree and masters degree. | 0.315063 | b0044d701cdedc2e | ad8aa11dbe1b4ae7 | p34:122s1/1 | p41:125s1/1 | Menntasjóður námsmanna — LÍS | The New Student Loan Fund — LÍS | 2021-07-17 22:31 | 2021-07-17 22:21 | html | html | neargood | neargood | no | no | 0066d4fcbdf2e0a8 | 98.91 | 0.528 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | A | | | Spár benda til að árið 2025 muni framboð og eftirspurn eftir skurðlæknum á Íslandi að mestu haldast í hendur, en í þessum útreikningum er ekki litið sérstaklega á vinnumarkað þeirra erlendis. | Predictions suggest that supply and demand for surgeons in Iceland will be equal in the year 2025, not taking into account the prospects for the working market outside Iceland. | 0.358569 | 50b309cbc7f32afa | 5649dab5ed5843a2 | p5:59s6/6 | p4:15s6/6 | Menntun, starfsvettvangur og framtíðarhorfur á vinnumarkaði íslenskra skurðlækna | 10. tbl. 96.árg. 2010 | Læknablaðið | Education, working environment and future employment prospects of Icelandic surgeons | 10. tbl. 96.árg. 2010 | Læknablaðið | 2021-07-18 15:43 | 2021-07-20 05:47 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 006795c18c68ba42 | 100.23 | 0.801 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | MIX | | MIX | | | Viðhorfskönnun sem gerð var á Íslandi af Gallup árið 2008 sýndi að meiri hluti bæði karla og kvenna og meirihluti fólks í öllum þáverandi flokkum vildi banna kaup á vændi. | In Iceland, an opinion poll conducted by Gallup in Iceland in 2008 indicated that the majority of all men and women, and the majority of voters of all political parties, supported a ban on the purchase of prostitution. | 0.431126 | 7b0042df5ada7956 | 32116f8d7bdc4d79 | p8:10s4/4 | p7:8s3/3 | Friðhelgi fyrir dólga og vændiskaupendur? - Kvenréttindafélag Íslands | No Amnesty for Pimps and Johns - Kvenréttindafélag Íslands | 2021-07-18 05:06 | 2021-07-18 19:55 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0067a06c9a05b8e4 | 98.09 | 0.787 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Viðhorfskönnun sem gerð var á Íslandi af Gallup árið 2008 sýndi að meiri hluti bæði karla og kvenna og meirihluti fólks í öllum þáverandi flokkum vildi banna kaup á vændi. | In Iceland, an opinion poll conducted by Gallup in Iceland in 2008 indicated that the majority of all men and women, and the majority of voters of all political parties, supported a ban on the purchase of prostitution. | 0.431126 | 7b0042df5ada7956 | 32116f8d7bdc4d79 | p7:12s4/4 | p8:10s3/3 | Friðhelgi fyrir dólga og vændiskaupendur? - Kvenréttindafélag Íslands | Amnesty for Pimps and Johns? - Kvenréttindafélag Íslands | 2021-07-18 05:06 | 2021-07-18 20:05 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0067a06c9a05b8e4 | 98.09 | 0.787 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Um leið og við missum sjónar á gagnstæðunum og verðum þeirra ekki vör, þá búum við til gervilandamæri og rekum aðra gagnstæðuna niður í undirvitund okkar, en þar heldur hún áfram að gera vart við sig. Um leið og við rannsökum og upplifum gagnstæðurnar í okkur, gerist mikil breyting. | Even short of the fundamental change that has to be brought about, there can be a regenerated humanity, in the sense of a humanity redeemed by its better nature. There is good and there is evil in all of us, and as mentioned already, under favourable conditions the better nature will prevail. | 0.134653 | 9ff60b73e5159d1d+cf8b97e39feb4473 | c79d54535c12a714+e01a93805f94ab26 | p47:52s7/7+p48:52s1/5 | p4:4s124/148+p4:4s125/148 | Jón L Arnalds+Jón L Arnalds | Lífspekifélagið Theosophical So+Lífspekifélagið Theosophical So | 2021-07-17 22:06+2021-07-17 22:06 | 2021-07-18 09:32+2021-07-18 09:32 | html+html | html+html | good+good | good+good | no+no | no+no | 00684197b1e8914d | 100.16 | 0.773 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Um leið og við missum sjónar á gagnstæðunum og verðum þeirra ekki vör, þá búum við til gervilandamæri og rekum aðra gagnstæðuna niður í undirvitund okkar, en þar heldur hún áfram að gera vart við sig. Um leið og við rannsökum og upplifum gagnstæðurnar í okkur, gerist mikil breyting. | Even short of the fundamental change that has to be brought about, there can be a regenerated humanity, in the sense of a humanity redeemed by its better nature. There is good and there is evil in all of us, and as mentioned already, under favourable conditions the better nature will prevail. | 0.134653 | 9ff60b73e5159d1d+cf8b97e39feb4473 | c79d54535c12a714+e01a93805f94ab26 | p47:52s7/7+p48:52s1/5 | p4:4s124/148+p4:4s125/148 | Jón L Arnalds+Jón L Arnalds | Lífspekifélagið Theosophical So+Lífspekifélagið Theosophical So | 2021-07-17 23:23+2021-07-17 23:23 | 2021-07-18 10:45+2021-07-18 10:45 | html+html | html+html | good+good | good+good | no+no | no+no | 00684197b1e8914d | 100.16 | 0.773 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Rekstur þessara sjóða hefur gengið vel og skilað fjárfestum góðri arðsemi. | The management of these funds has been successful and yielded good returns for investors. | 0.414039 | 98a7f2ec13521ac4 | 2c1ffb47b73bb57b | p5:15s2/6 | p5:16s3/7 | Kvika | Kvika stækkar framtakssjóðinn FREYJU | Kvika | Kvika completes second closing in FREYJA | 2021-07-17 22:32 | 2021-07-18 03:07 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 00688164e200b8a6 | 103.17 | 0.958 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | A | | | Þetta er viðleitni okkar til að sýna fram á að það er líf í lokuðu húsi. | It was our attempt to show that there’s still life in the theater, even though our doors are currently closed. | 0.118635 | 3128cadaf91c4604 | 1b8c1737f77a8ee7 | p9:15s4/5 | p10:16s4/5 | Viðbrögð leikhússtjóra við banni á sviðslistum — Stúdentablaðið | Theater Directors React to Performing Arts Ban — Stúdentablaðið | 2021-07-19 03:15 | 2021-07-19 02:32 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0068a105ea7a4696 | 146.19 | 0.668 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | A | | | Sjóðstjórn er þá skylt að taka málið upp að nýju til úrskurðar. | The board of directors is then required to reopen the case for a decision. | 0.605530 | 22a8f5844b92ba96 | 26867aaee96c1303 | p144:196s5/8 | p155:186s5/8 | Samþykktir | Gildi – Lífeyrissjóður | Statutes | Gildi – Lífeyrissjóður | 2021-07-17 22:09 | 2021-08-11 19:57 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0068eff59d32f95b | 105.04 | 0.933 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | B | | B | | | Tengt efni Um upplýsingaþjónustuna Info Norden | About the Info Norden information service | 0.316660 | 79eb65c6e14851ec+927503b604862484 | 60e9d17db9087acc | p27:30s1/1+p28:30s1/1 | p28:30s1/1 | Ársskýrslur Info Norden | Norrænt samstarf+Ársskýrslur Info Norden | Norrænt samstarf | Info Norden annual reports | Nordic cooperation | 2021-07-20 04:09+2021-07-20 04:09 | 2021-07-22 02:49 | html+html | html | short+short | short | yes+yes | yes | 00691250d1a2deb0 | 101.77 | 0.868 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | B | | | Allar nánari upplýsingar má nálgast með því að hafa samband við Lyfjaauðkenni um netfangið | For further information please contact | 0.320759 | 4aa8ec2db22365f | e624d6c1cbbe2ad4 | p20:21s1/1 | p13:13s1/1 | Spurningar & svör – Lyfjaauðkenni | FAQ – Lyfjaauðkenni | 2021-07-17 22:25 | 2021-07-17 23:40 | html | html | good | neargood | no | no | 0069997fd809a2db | 104.96 | 0.996 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-mt | UNK | | UNK | | | Hver er ábyrgð stjórnar? | What is the responsibility of the board? | 0.866025 | 23a37ba511539eb1 | 3eb5529fd11c02a9 | p7:23s1/1 | p7:21s1/1 | Endurskoðun | Auditing | 2021-07-17 22:32 | 2021-07-19 05:27 | html | html | short | short | yes | yes | 0069d2bc9acba458 | 101.33 | 0.972 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | UNK | | A | | | Hver er ábyrgð stjórnar? | What is the responsibility of the board? | 0.866025 | 23a37ba511539eb1 | 3eb5529fd11c02a9 | p7:23s1/1 | p7:21s1/1 | Endurskoðun | Auditing | 2021-07-18 08:23 | 2021-07-18 00:03 | html | html | short | short | yes | yes | 0069d2bc9acba458 | 101.33 | 0.972 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | UNK | | A | | | Þá skal menntun hans metin með tilliti til aðalgreinar við doktorsnám og honum gerðar frekari námskröfur en þeim stúdentum sem hafa lokið meistaraprófi frá deildinni. | A student’s qualifications shall be evaluated with respect to the major subject of the doctorate. A student will be required to meet more extensive study requirements than those students who have completed a Master's degree within the Faculty. | 0.364654 | eb94bd4f684edc0 | a547698e8b14664e+36905dbc66e1f81b | p1075:1484s3/3 | p1090:1528s3/4+p1090:1528s4/4 | Reglur fyrir Háskóla Íslands | Háskóli Íslands | Regulation for the University of Iceland no. 569-2009 | University of Iceland+Regulation for the University of Iceland no. 569-2009 | University of Iceland | 2021-07-18 12:23 | 2021-07-18 01:42+2021-07-18 01:42 | html | html+html | good | good+good | no | no+no | 0069dbe645cfffb1 | 119.92 | 0.586 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Gamla og nýja innlögnin tengjast gegnum lýsigögn sín (sjá nánar í faq). | The old a new submissions are linked through their metadata (see faq for more details). | 0.504895 | fcea7ea7515528f7 | 47bf9ec7ba712bd1 | p30:34s3/3 | p28:32s3/3 | About including Policies | About including Policies | 2021-07-18 02:55 | 2021-07-18 00:38 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0069fff138a9b417 | 99.08 | 0.738 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | MIX | | MIX | | | Arne Flåøyen, framkvæmdastjóri NordForsk, leggur áherslu á að staða Norðurlandanna sé einstök þegar kemur að rannsóknum á covid-19. | Director of NordForsk Arne Flåøyen stressed that the Nordic countries are in a unique position in this research into COVID-19. | 0.322335 | eae3680d3f3c4539 | bd3cf52742b80ad7 | p32:35s1/1 | p32:35s1/1 | Norðurlöndin og Eistland standa saman að milljónaframlagi til rannsókna á covid-19 | Norrænt samstarf | Nordic Region and Estonia agree millions in funding for COVID-19 research | Nordic cooperation | 2021-07-26 05:05 | 2021-07-21 14:50 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 006a132a5b8b08c9 | 101.62 | 0.989 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-mt | B | | B | | | Raunvextir Seðlabankans miðað við ársverðbólgu og meginvexti bankans, þ.e. vexti á 7 daga bundnum innlánum, eru nú 3,7% og hafa lækkað um 0,3 prósentustig frá síðustu vaxtaákvörðun bankans í desember. | In terms of twelve-month inflation and the CBI’s key interest rate – the rate on seven-day term deposits – the CBI’s real rate is now 3.7%, after declining 0.3 percentage points since the December interest rate decision date. | 0.301211 | c17b69b973b8f5a2 | ba855f0343d7a234 | p9:23s1/8 | p8:20s1/7 | Spáum 0,25 prósentustiga lækkun stýrivaxta 4. febrúar | Íslandsbanki | 0.25% interest rate cut expected on 4 February | Íslandsbanki | 2021-07-18 02:48 | 2021-07-24 11:25 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 006a4606173aebae | 174.46 | 0.962 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Stjörnuparið í miðju þokunnar er nauðsynlegt til að útskýra lögunina. | The pair of stars in the middle of this nebula is vital to explain its observed structure. | 0.312560 | bb4b487eb3f406d1 | 77a7adb21fa99f44 | p14:31s1/7 | p14:29s1/6 | Geimúðarar útskýrðir | ESO Ísland | Cosmic Sprinklers Explained | ESO | 2021-07-22 02:32 | 2021-07-20 10:47 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 006a969bf580970e | 103.96 | 0.771 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Æðsti embættismaður Sambands Norrænu félaganna er framkvæmdastjórinn. Æðsti embættismaður Norrænu félaganna í hverju landi fyrir sig er einnig titlaður framkvæmdastjóri. | It is run by a Presidium consisting of the chairs of the national associations. The senior official in the is the Secretary General. | 0.261469 | aa17a2f2fd4dbfec+f34e573fbe2dd874 | e78ae2de8c3f6646+3521295f768114c5 | p35:36s2/3+p35:36s3/3 | p35:40s2/4+p35:40s3/4 | Lykilfólk | Norrænt samstarf+Lykilfólk | Norrænt samstarf | Key individuals | Nordic cooperation+Key individuals | Nordic cooperation | 2021-07-18 00:24+2021-07-18 00:24 | 2021-07-18 01:20+2021-07-18 01:20 | html+html | html+html | good+good | good+good | no+no | no+no | 006ad0489d1dab8a | 103.18 | 0.813 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | „Það eru endalausir möguleikar varðandi hvað er hægt að gera úr litríkum feldi, bæði þegar kemur að fata- og vöruhönnun. | “There are endless possibilities regarding what can be done with dyed pelts, both when it comes to clothing and product design. | 0.764958 | 599c5fc8e44f4550 | 6760b8e3f0e79a33 | p6:8s2/3 | p6:6s2/3 | Studio Trippin — Frá hliðarafurð yfir í hönnunarvöru – HA | Studio Trippin — From by-product to designer product – HA | 2021-07-17 22:39 | 2021-07-18 00:20 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 006adcaaf204b674 | 167.58 | 0.976 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Samkvæmt löggjöf Evrópusambandsins og íslenskum persónuverndarlögum getur þú óskað eftir afriti af persónuupplýsingum þínum ef þær eru unnar af Icelandair. | Under European Union and Icelandic privacy law, you may request a copy of your personal information if it is processed by Icelandair. | 0.694266 | de9ea3838680f340 | 2dc1c909a2bd071c | p191:206s1/3 | p195:210s1/3 | Privacy Policy | Icelandair | Privacy Policy | Icelandair | 2021-07-18 23:38 | 2021-07-18 00:28 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 006ae4b4da5d2c34 | 104.02 | 0.970 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | B | | A | | | Eru einhver langtímaáhrif þekkt? | Are any long-term effects known? | 0.690607 | 2e37bdc73d359c36 | a153ba404759f9cd | p3:12s2/2 | p2:10s2/2 | Hver eru áhrif SO2 á mannslíkamann? Eru einhver langtímaáhrif þekkt? | What is the effect of sulphur dioxide (SO2) on the human body? Are any long-term effects known? | 2021-07-22 08:36 | 2021-07-19 09:22 | html | html | neargood | neargood | yes | yes | 006afa8df5f68c1b | 102.08 | 0.981 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | MIX | | B | | | Eru einhver langtímaáhrif þekkt? | Are any long-term effects known? | 0.690607 | 2e37bdc73d359c36 | a153ba404759f9cd | p3:12s2/2 | p2:10s2/2 | Hver eru áhrif SO2 á mannslíkamann? Eru einhver langtímaáhrif þekkt? | What is the effect of sulphur dioxide (SO2) on the human body? Are any long-term effects known? | 2021-07-19 09:21 | 2021-07-22 08:56 | html | html | neargood | neargood | yes | yes | 006afa8df5f68c1b | 102.08 | 0.981 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | MIX | | B | | | Því uppgjöri lauk í ágúst 2014 og frá þeim tíma hef ég getað einbeitt mér að uppbyggingu viðskipta á nýjan leik. | The full and final settlement of all debt was announced in August 2014 and from that day forward I have focused on building up my business anew. | 0.238054 | f5c526416348f9bb | 3374ce02979c748a | p4:4s2/4 | p4:4s2/4 | Ágætu lesendur – | Dear readers – | 2021-07-17 21:56 | 2021-07-17 21:56 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 006b5083ef197945 | 99.35 | 0.930 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | UNK | | UNK | | | Til að sækja um ICASA vottunina þarftu LVD, EMC, RF skýrslur um CE. Egyptaland | To apply for the ICASA certification, you need LVD, EMC, RF reports of CE. Egypt | 0.917663 | 1857e6d28ae52f61+c3cfc5b1d38918dd | 2ed24b29a358504e+ee8a53268ff81184 | p25:62s2/2+p26:62s1/1 | p25:60s2/2+p26:60s1/1 | ODM / OEM farsími Gæðavottun | Neway+ODM / OEM farsími Gæðavottun | Neway | ODM/OEM Mobile Phone Quality Certification | Neway+ODM/OEM Mobile Phone Quality Certification | Neway | 2021-07-18 08:40+2021-07-18 08:40 | 2021-07-18 09:25+2021-07-18 09:25 | html+html | html+html | good+short | good+short | no+no | no+no | 006b871c8475f8c2 | 88.68 | 0.925 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | A | | A | | | Hvað getur þú vitað annað en Lestu meira... | What can you know other than Read more... | 0.700649 | 792443917ab5972b | 6f9c1d4ce73e8c8f | p146:862s2/2 | p146:862s2/2 | Nýjustu fréttir í OEM og ODM Smartphone | Neway | Most Recent News in OEM and ODM Smartphone | Neway | 2021-07-18 01:04 | 2021-07-18 01:19 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 006b9bc32cf3095e | 97.52 | 0.936 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | A | | A | | | Hvað getur þú vitað annað en Lestu meira... | What can you know other than Read more... | 0.700649 | 792443917ab5972b | 6f9c1d4ce73e8c8f | p26:197s2/2 | p26:200s2/2 | ráð fyrir snjallsíma | Nýja | smartphone tips | Neway | 2021-07-18 08:29 | 2021-07-18 09:10 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 006b9bc32cf3095e | 97.52 | 0.936 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | A | | A | | | Vistaðu einfaldlega hönnunina á tölvunni þinni þegar þú ert búinn. | Simply save the design to your computer when you're finished. | 0.639683 | be06b2f209fef964 | d1d2f4f6d444b320 | p32:74s1/3 | p32:69s1/3 | 15+ besta ÓKEYPIS framleiðandi, rafala og forrit á netinu (2021) | 15+ Best FREE Logo Maker, Generators and Apps Online (2021) | 2021-07-20 23:37 | 2021-07-18 21:27 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 006c3832109aff50 | 105.3 | 0.975 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | A | | MIX | | | Hópurinn styður frelsi, lýðræði og hugmyndina um sjálfstæð þjóðríki. Search | The Group supports freedom, democracy and the idea of independent nation states. Search | 0.894427 | 45e9469e4ee79d8e+70fa77e2707890f7 | 31661cd54aad7844+70fa77e2707890f7 | p26:33s2/2+p27:33s1/1 | p26:33s2/2+p27:33s1/1 | Norrænt frelsi | Norrænt samstarf+Norrænt frelsi | Norrænt samstarf | Nordic Freedom | Nordic cooperation+Nordic Freedom | Nordic cooperation | 2021-07-18 15:11+2021-07-18 15:11 | 2021-07-19 09:12+2021-07-19 09:12 | html+html | html+html | good+short | good+short | no+yes | no+yes | 006c593e03859dc8 | 106.19 | 0.979 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | UNK | | B | | | Nýjar búgreinar hafa komið fram á undanförnum árum, eins og loðdýrarækt, fiskeldi og ræktun nytjaskóga. | New farm enterprises have developed in recent years, such as fur farming, fishing farming, and forest cultivation. | 0.515742 | 7f37120eb17f37eb | 53649892f4985b02 | p2:11s12/27 | p2:4s3/5 | Efnahagsmál | Árnastofnun | 6. Economic Affairs | 2021-07-18 15:44 | 2021-07-18 20:01 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 006c62d82babe32b | 101.39 | 0.933 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | B | | | Nýjar búgreinar hafa komið fram á undanförnum árum, eins og loðdýrarækt, fiskeldi og ræktun nytjaskóga. | New farm enterprises have developed in recent years, such as fur farming, fishing farming, and forest cultivation. | 0.515742 | 7f37120eb17f37eb | 53649892f4985b02 | p2:11s12/27 | p2:4s3/5 | Efnahagsmál | Árnastofnun | 6. Economic Affairs | 2021-07-17 22:59 | 2021-07-20 14:42 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 006c62d82babe32b | 101.39 | 0.933 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | B | | | Nýjar búgreinar hafa komið fram á undanförnum árum, eins og loðdýrarækt, fiskeldi og ræktun nytjaskóga. | New farm enterprises have developed in recent years, such as fur farming, fishing farming, and forest cultivation. | 0.515742 | 7f37120eb17f37eb | 53649892f4985b02 | p5:12s3/6 | p4:11s2/4 | Icelandic Online: Carry On Icelandic: Culture [selections]: Browse Text | Icelandic Online: Carry On Icelandic: Culture [selections]: Browse Text | 2021-07-24 11:44 | 2021-07-24 13:03 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 006c62d82babe32b | 101.39 | 0.933 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | B | | | Nýjar búgreinar hafa komið fram á undanförnum árum, eins og loðdýrarækt, fiskeldi og ræktun nytjaskóga. | New farm enterprises have developed in recent years, such as fur farming, fishing farming, and forest cultivation. | 0.515742 | 7f37120eb17f37eb | 53649892f4985b02 | p2:11s12/27 | p2:4s3/5 | Efnahagsmál | Árnastofnun | 6. Economic Affairs | 2021-07-18 09:05 | 2021-07-19 08:52 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 006c62d82babe32b | 101.39 | 0.933 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | B | | | Skilyrði leyfis er að umsækjandi eða forsvarsmaður umsækjanda, ef hann er lögaðili, uppfylli eftirfarandi skilyrði: | License conditions The applicant, or his representative if the applicant is a legal person, must meet the following requirements in order to obtain a licence: | 0.345033 | ebbab24f7567448b | 55e047a5271b1d45+ea29c2323a5037ee | p28:61s1/1 | p28:63s1/1+p29:63s1/1 | Upplýsingar og umsóknaferill | Ferðamálastofa | Information for applicants | Icelandic Tourist Board+Information for applicants | Icelandic Tourist Board | 2021-07-19 10:51 | 2021-07-28 01:27+2021-07-28 01:27 | html | html+html | good | short+good | no | no+no | 006c959a1811786f | 99.69 | 0.982 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | A | | MIX | | | Hver nemandi getur fengið rödd við sitt hæfi og því má nota útsetningarnar með fjölbreyttum nemendahópi. | Each student is assigned a voice that suits them, and thus the arrangements can be used with a diverse group of students. | 0.406029 | 99a473bc3ffb5e3 | 4923ec2cd6eb53e5 | p11:13s2/2 | p11:13s2/2 | Anna Hugadóttir | Listaháskóli Íslands | Anna Hugadóttir | Listaháskóli Íslands | 2021-07-18 02:03 | 2021-07-18 07:03 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 006cda3086bbc501 | 101.02 | 0.940 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Aðalhagfræðingur bankans greinir og fjallar um íslenskt hagkerfi og spáir fyrir um þróun þess. | The Bank’s chief economist provides in-depth analysis of the Icelandic economy, hosts meetings and publishes research in reports. | 0.337792 | 396eb946b4900f4b | 3c666a01ad643743 | p22:29s1/4 | p22:29s1/2 | Hagsmunaaðilar | Our stakeholders | 2021-07-17 22:01 | 2021-07-29 05:15 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 006d6501ebe5ae30 | 136.75 | 0.907 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | MIX | | MIX | | | Beyging orða með viðskeytunum -ing og -ung. | The declension of derived nouns with suffixes -ing and -ung. | 0.212101 | 8465bea1483ffb7f | 98792dbd957c4caf | p1:5s1/2 | p1:4s1/2 | Údráttur_MJ | Árnastofnun | Abstract_MJ | Árnastofnun | 2021-07-18 15:05 | 2021-07-18 15:04 | html | html | neargood | neargood | yes | yes | 006d67db1cf379bc | 96.61 | 0.951 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B |