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---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | | Beyging orða með viðskeytunum -ing og -ung. | The declension of derived nouns with suffixes -ing and -ung. | 0.212101 | 8465bea1483ffb7f | 98792dbd957c4caf | p1:5s1/2 | p1:4s1/2 | Údráttur_MJ | Árnastofnun | Abstract_MJ | Árnastofnun | 2021-07-20 17:41 | 2021-07-20 17:39 | html | html | neargood | neargood | yes | yes | 006d67db1cf379bc | 96.61 | 0.951 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Beyging orða með viðskeytunum -ing og -ung. | The declension of derived nouns with suffixes -ing and -ung. | 0.212101 | 8465bea1483ffb7f | 98792dbd957c4caf | p1:5s1/2 | p1:4s1/2 | Údráttur_MJ | Árnastofnun | Abstract_MJ | Árnastofnun | 2021-07-19 15:55 | 2021-07-19 15:51 | html | html | neargood | neargood | yes | yes | 006d67db1cf379bc | 96.61 | 0.951 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Jákvæð sýni voru þau talin þar sem IgG titer var 1/32 og IgM >1/16. | An IgG titer > or = 32 and IgM titer > or = 16 were considered positive. | 0.379198 | 36e4afcd70d24a00 | 9297f2184339c55c | p6:15s6/13 | p7:14s6/14 | Aldursbundið algengi mótefna gegn chlamydia pneumoniae á Íslandi | Age specific prevalence of antibodies against Chlamydia pneumoniae in Iceland | 2021-07-19 03:55 | 2021-07-29 19:05 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 006db85b6052078e | 88.23 | 0.823 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | A | | MIX | | | 10 Og hvort mun eg nú hafa farið til þessa lands án vflja Jahve, til þess að eyða það? | Am I now come up without the LORD against this place to destroy it? | 0.284951 | b94983337ba31c7d | 42e62ab4e74e3f47 | p1:1s8/20 | p49:74s1/2 | Biblía - Bæ | KJV Bible | 2021-07-18 20:55 | 2021-09-07 02:53 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 006dde2c0c023d9f | 96.99 | 0.720 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Þetta á þó ekki við um börn undir 18 ára. | This does not apply to children under the age of 18. | 1.000000 | 100e93d3ad929a08 | 74763cfeb7755d0c | p2:3s2/2 | p3:3s2/6 | Kyn og nafn - skráning | Þjóðskrá | Gender and name registration | Þjóðskrá | 2021-07-18 02:18 | 2021-07-18 03:16 | html | html | neargood | good | no | no | 006e0e048762d1d9 | 97.96 | 0.974 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | UNK | | B | | | Þetta á þó ekki við um börn undir 18 ára. | This does not apply to children under the age of 18. | 1.000000 | 100e93d3ad929a08 | 74763cfeb7755d0c | p2:3s2/2 | p3:3s2/6 | Kyn og nafn - skráning | Þjóðskrá | Gender and name registration | Þjóðskrá | 2021-07-18 02:08 | 2021-07-18 02:20 | html | html | neargood | good | no | no | 006e0e048762d1d9 | 97.96 | 0.974 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | UNK | | B | | | Þegar þú ert að fara að taka gamlan vef í gegn | When retouching an old website/app | 0.178239 | f3547854cb0eb5a4 | 1690eb79ee3c6dd6 | p15:19s1/1 | p16:20s1/1 | Ráðgjöf og þarfagreining – Sjá | User Research – Sjá | 2021-07-17 23:31 | 2021-07-17 23:19 | html | html | short | short | no | no | 006eb1e12a97c9c4 | 101.89 | 0.955 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | UNK | | | Eins og þú hefur séð fyrr í yfirlitstöflu hefur Astra þemað fleiri kynningarsíður en GeneratePress. | As you’ve seen earlier in the summary table, the Astra theme has more demo sites than GeneratePress. | 0.477567 | faf64bacc3f9da4 | fd245766f06c9565 | p156:250s1/1 | p153:241s1/1 | Astra vs GeneratePress - Hver er réttur fyrir þig? (2021) | Astra vs GeneratePress - Which One Is Right For You? (2021) | 2021-07-20 23:27 | 2021-07-18 21:22 | html | html | neargood | neargood | no | no | 006ebd8b3787bd36 | 141.94 | 0.932 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | A | | MIX | | | Umhverfi og hlutum er lýst með með næmri tilfinningu fyrir smáatriðum, hvort sem um er að ræða húsgagn, kött, límtúbu eða frábæra hugmynd. | The surroundings and objects are portrayed with a sense for small detail, whether it be a piece of furniture, a cat, a tube of glue or a fantastic thought. | 0.418535 | 3001d03db28866d1 | 4ec341e1d55bb557 | p30:33s3/5 | p31:34s3/4 | Håkon Øvreås og Øyvind Torseter | Norrænt samstarf | Håkon Øvreås og Øyvind Torseter | Nordic cooperation | 2021-07-21 10:57 | 2021-07-23 13:50 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 006ebfb6bfa5e66a | 100.19 | 0.803 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Hún gerir Íslendingum kleift að verða virkir þátttakendur í nýju norrænu samstarfi. | This report could enable Iceland to become an active participant in a new field of Nordic cooperation. | 0.145230 | f4e9c71fc7ee9bc5 | 70bb664be9d72d88 | p68:72s2/2 | p66:70s2/2 | Skýrsla Stoltenbergs- og íslensk öryggismál. | Ræður og greinar | Björn Bjarnason - | Thorvald Stoltenberg's Report and Icelandic Security Issues. | Ræður og greinar | Björn Bjarnason - | 2021-07-18 15:02 | 2021-07-19 18:55 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 006f12e28d4f33e1 | 101.3 | 0.931 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Hægt er að skoða persónulegt gallerí hennar á vefnum | Her personal gallery can be found on her website | 0.603950 | 555d82a0d0719768 | fbf53c2ad517a1dd | p4:4s2/2 | p4:4s2/2 | Salthús Gallerí - Salthús | The Salthús Gallery - Salthús | 2021-07-19 07:15 | 2021-07-19 07:19 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0070a0f3aaa89cc3 | 99.92 | 0.984 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | A | | | Framleiðsla á gleri er verri fyrir umhverfið heldur en framleiðsla á plasti. | The initial production of glass is worse for the environment than the production of plastic. | 0.901432 | e26d4ea923641fd0 | 8c6b96b0da108bbd | p24:36s1/7 | p32:46s1/7 | Algengar spurningar um plast – Plastlaus september | Plastics FAQ – Plastlaus september | 2021-07-17 23:05 | 2021-07-18 01:41 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0070ab988f2ce559 | 99.38 | 0.734 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | A | | A | | | Framleiðsla á gleri er verri fyrir umhverfið heldur en framleiðsla á plasti. | The initial production of glass is worse for the environment than the production of plastic. | 0.901432 | e26d4ea923641fd0 | 8c6b96b0da108bbd | p2:3s1/7 | p2:3s1/7 | Er betra að kaupa vörur í gleri frekar en plasti? – Plastlaus september | Is it better to choose products packaged in glass than in plastic? – Plastlaus september | 2021-07-18 03:22 | 2021-07-18 08:51 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0070ab988f2ce559 | 99.38 | 0.734 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | UNK | | A | | | Síðan er 20% efstu boðið í viðtöl í Brussel. Þannig að ég hef farið fjórum sinnum í slík viðtöl,“ segir Inga Dóra. | The top 20% are offered interviews in Brussels, I have reached the top 20% four times before." says Inga Dora. | 0.345920 | 2d221fb771d53f02+a8727f6493e1bbd8 | d6d49a99f5abcae7 | p5:7s5/7+p5:7s6/7 | p3:4s6/7 | Fékk 300 milljóna króna rannsóknarstyrk | Forsíðufréttir | Háskólinn í Reykjavík+Fékk 300 milljóna króna rannsóknarstyrk | Forsíðufréttir | Háskólinn í Reykjavík | RU receives €2 million research grant from the European Union | News | Reykjavik University | 2021-07-18 04:56+2021-07-18 04:56 | 2021-07-21 11:59 | html+html | html | good+good | good | no+no | no | 0070b8e87511ce59 | 135.71 | 0.821 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-mt | B | | B | | | Aðalsteinn er þekktur fyrir fjölbreytni í efnisnotkun og vinnubrögðum. | Aðalsteinn is known for his use of diverse materials and work methods. | 0.315402 | 7f1beb41c3bd955e | 6ce6682c9490d976 | p4:5s3/4 | p4:5s3/4 | Einkasafnið, maí 2017 | Listasafnið á Akureyri | The Personal Collection, May 2017 | Akureyri Art Museum | 2021-07-18 08:55 | 2021-07-20 03:08 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 007112762edcb8e2 | 103.53 | 0.881 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Bæði uppsafnaður fjöldi skjálfta og uppsafnað skjálftavægi sýna því sem næst jafna þróun, sem endurspeglar bakgrunnsástand eldfjallsins. | Both the cumulative number of earthquakes and the cumulative seismic moment show a near-constant trend, reflecting background conditions at the volcano. | 0.432805 | 91923ab939ed419d | 2fddc53d758537a6 | p19:26s3/3 | p15:20s3/3 | Vöktun Heklu | Fréttir | Veðurstofa Íslands | Monitoring of Hekla | News | Icelandic Meteorological office | 2021-07-18 21:59 | 2021-07-18 01:22 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 007127481268fdc1 | 103.59 | 0.870 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Í dag eru fleiri og fleiri nýir snjallsímar sem slá á markaðinn með pop-up myndavél. | Today, more and more new smartphones are hitting the market coming with pop up camera. | 0.545349 | 897bce25a39cdc48 | 7b953a5be40be63f | p170:862s1/4 | p170:862s1/4 | Nýjustu fréttir í OEM og ODM Smartphone | Neway | Most Recent News in OEM and ODM Smartphone | Neway | 2021-07-18 01:04 | 2021-07-18 01:19 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 007128a422d992bf | 99.5 | 0.927 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | A | | A | | | Í dag eru fleiri og fleiri nýir snjallsímar sem slá á markaðinn með pop-up myndavél. | Today, more and more new smartphones are hitting the market coming with pop up camera. | 0.545349 | 897bce25a39cdc48 | 7b953a5be40be63f | p30:173s1/4 | p30:170s1/4 | Nýjustu vörur | Neway | Latest Products | Neway | 2021-07-18 08:29 | 2021-07-18 09:10 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 007128a422d992bf | 99.5 | 0.927 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | A | | A | | | Sé dreifing brottfara innan mars mánaðar skoðuð kemur í ljós að 80% brottfara erlendra farþega voru í fyrri hluta mánaðarins (1.-15.mars) eða um 64 þúsund talsins og um 20% seinni hluta (16.-31.mars). | If the distribution of departures within the month is examined, we see that 80% of foreign departures were in the first half of the month (March 1 - 15) or about 64 thousand and about 20% in the second half (March 16 - 31). | 0.711752 | fbf7a119a4cf4cfc | 80ef2ee0863008c7 | p7:20s1/3 | p6:8s1/3 | Rúmlega helmings fækkun í mars | Ferðamálastofa | Departures in March down by more than 50% | Icelandic Tourist Board | 2021-07-19 12:33 | 2021-08-23 19:31 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0071382ba180809c | 91.77 | 0.941 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Eftirfarandi þjónusta er í boði á tjaldsvæðinu: Salerni, kalt og heitt vatn, ruslagámar, klóaklosun fyrir húsbíla (400 m), þvottavél, þurrkari, rafmagn, sturta, bekkir og borð, veitingahús (400 m), kaffihús (1 km), vínveitingar (1 km), dagvöruverslun (1 km), bensínstöð (400 m), fjallasýn, gönguleiðir, leikvöllur (1,5 km), íþróttavöllur (1,5 km), veiði, golf, heilsugæsla (800 m). | At this camping ground you will find: WC, hot and cold water, disposal of garbage, washing machine and dryer, disposal of waste (400 m), electricity, shower, benches and tables, restaurants (400 m), coffee shop and bakery (1 km), liquor store (1 km), supermarket (1 km), gas station (400 m), mountain view, walking trails, playground (1,5 km), sports field (1,5 km), fishing, golf course, health care (800 m). | 0.025717 | ab0a728867b42abb | a46c742c3fbff2ae | p16:28s4/5 | p16:28s5/6 | Húsbílastæði | Visit Austurland | Camping and caravans | Visit Austurland | 2021-07-22 06:41 | 2021-07-23 11:05 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 00713b1f86d862eb | 92.15 | 0.593 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | A | | | Eftirfarandi þjónusta er í boði á tjaldsvæðinu: Salerni, kalt og heitt vatn, ruslagámar, klóaklosun fyrir húsbíla (400 m), þvottavél, þurrkari, rafmagn, sturta, bekkir og borð, veitingahús (400 m), kaffihús (1 km), vínveitingar (1 km), dagvöruverslun (1 km), bensínstöð (400 m), fjallasýn, gönguleiðir, leikvöllur (1,5 km), íþróttavöllur (1,5 km), veiði, golf, heilsugæsla (800 m). | At this camping ground you will find: WC, hot and cold water, disposal of garbage, washing machine and dryer, disposal of waste (400 m), electricity, shower, benches and tables, restaurants (400 m), coffee shop and bakery (1 km), liquor store (1 km), supermarket (1 km), gas station (400 m), mountain view, walking trails, playground (1,5 km), sports field (1,5 km), fishing, golf course, health care (800 m). | 0.025717 | ab0a728867b42abb | a46c742c3fbff2ae | p18:79s4/5 | p17:82s5/6 | Tjaldsvæði | Visit Austurland | Camping | Visit Austurland | 2021-07-19 05:49 | 2021-07-18 12:59 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 00713b1f86d862eb | 92.15 | 0.593 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | MIX | | A | | | Börn þurfa líka að ræða við foreldra sína um ástandið núna, en það fer eftir aldri barnsins á hvaða hátt það er best. | Children also need to discuss the current situation with their parents but it depends on the age of the child how it is best to approach this. | 0.525794 | 99315f520023f890 | 8c95c2562fe93370 | p21:21s1/7 | p21:21s1/8 | Foreldrar og tvítyngd börn á tímum faraldurs - Bakhjarlar skóla- og frístundastarfs | Parent and bilingual children at the time of Covid-19 pandemic - Bakhjarlar skóla- og frístundastarfs | 2021-07-19 00:10 | 2021-07-18 11:26 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0071983ade79dcbf | 101.67 | 0.987 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | UNK | | | Börn þurfa líka að ræða við foreldra sína um ástandið núna, en það fer eftir aldri barnsins á hvaða hátt það er best. | Children also need to discuss the current situation with their parents but it depends on the age of the child how it is best to approach this. | 0.525794 | 99315f520023f890 | 8c95c2562fe93370 | p22:22s1/7 | p22:22s1/8 | Foreldrar og tvítyngd börn á tímum faraldurs - Bakhjarlar skóla- og frístundastarfs | Parent and bilingual children at the time of Covid-19 pandemic - Bakhjarlar skóla- og frístundastarfs | 2021-07-18 06:34 | 2021-07-18 01:56 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0071983ade79dcbf | 101.67 | 0.987 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | UNK | | | Börn þurfa líka að ræða við foreldra sína um ástandið núna, en það fer eftir aldri barnsins á hvaða hátt það er best. | Children also need to discuss the current situation with their parents but it depends on the age of the child how it is best to approach this. | 0.525794 | 99315f520023f890 | 8c95c2562fe93370 | p21:21s1/7 | p21:21s1/8 | Foreldrar og tvítyngd börn á tímum faraldurs - Bakhjarlar skóla- og frístundastarfs | Parent and bilingual children at the time of Covid-19 pandemic - Bakhjarlar skóla- og frístundastarfs | 2021-07-18 23:36 | 2021-07-19 00:22 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0071983ade79dcbf | 101.67 | 0.987 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | UNK | | | Einnig geta þeir sótt um styrki, keypt vörur með afslætti og margt fleira. | School members are also entitled to apply for scholarships, buy discounted products, etc. | 0.258199 | 988254dc06320cb | d97f7b9e2f8d9ec | p28:34s3/4 | p28:34s3/4 | Skólastarf Norrænu félaganna | Norrænt samstarf | The Confederation of Nordic Associations and schools | Nordic cooperation | 2021-07-21 17:24 | 2021-07-22 17:49 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0071f838188aa3cb | 99.02 | 0.951 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Bankinn hélt einnig áfram útgáfu sértryggðra skuldabréfa á íslenska markaðnum og gaf út 29,9 milljarða króna á árinu 2017. | The Bank has also continued to issue covered bonds in the Icelandic market, a total of ISK 29.9 billion in 2017. | 0.727987 | 28316c8fc0c46602 | 1b2276541c9d3f38 | p39:40s7/7 | p39:40s8/8 | Fjárhagsniðurstöður | Financial results | 2021-07-17 22:25 | 2021-07-19 10:50 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 00721ad60d0812ea | 97.45 | 0.981 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | B | | B | | | Umræðum stjórnar Ólöf Ragnarsdóttir, fréttamaður á RÚV. | Moderator: Ólöf Ragnarsdóttir, Journalist at the National Broadcasting Service. | 0.152926 | c07a7222ca8ca588 | f67dd4d510b01adf | p10:17s1/1 | p11:18s1/1 | Kvenleiðtogar á opnum viðburði í Veröld - | Women and Leadership discussed in Veröld - | 2021-07-18 02:33 | 2021-07-18 19:19 | html | html | neargood | neargood | no | no | 00723ceeffacbc86 | 107.81 | 0.716 | Yes | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | B | | | Þeir sem hyggja á nám í háskóla skulu hafa lokið stúdentsprófi eða jafngildu prófi. | Those who intend to study at a university must have completed a matriculation examination (the Icelandic University Entrance Examination) or equivalent examination. | 0.464934 | b91b3a298c06d4dd | 982e606bf4228648 | p6:13s1/2 | p6:13s1/2 | Háskólar | Í | Universities | Í | 2021-07-17 23:19 | 2021-07-18 20:49 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 007254cb0794f674 | 101.45 | 0.908 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Notkun fótspora fyrir vefsíðu | Cookie policy for website | 0.436436 | 65d4a8d897839716 | 164d1c1496654da1 | p6:32s1/1 | p6:34s1/1 | Notkun fótspora hjá Hey Iceland | Cookie Policy - Hey Iceland | 2021-07-17 21:43 | 2021-07-18 02:37 | html | html | short | short | yes | yes | 00725568d67b6c0d | 103.11 | 0.511 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | B | | | Ef saltið dofnar, með hverju á að selta það? | But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? | 0.290714 | 1853a2abcaf4eddc | c111fdca7336dbd3 | p13:48s2/3 | p6:25s2/3 | Matteusarguðspjall 5 ICELAND - Þegar hann sá mannfjöldann, gekk - Bible Gateway | Matthew 5 NIV - Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount - Bible Gateway | 2021-07-17 22:15 | 2021-07-18 11:14 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0072fb14d6c7894e | 97.67 | 0.713 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | A | | | Reglur um aðgang að kaupum á læknismeðferð hjá hinu opinbera eða einkaaðila í Danmörku hafa ekki áhrif á rétt þinn til nauðsynlegrar læknismeðferðar hjá hinu opinbera í Danmörku ef þú veikist eða slasast á meðan þú dvelst í landinu. | The rules governing the purchase of public and private medical treatment in Denmark do not affect your right to receive necessary treatment if you become ill or are injured during a stay in Denmark. | 0.439664 | 5ec872551f7df4b5 | d5156170ff52349a | p57:92s1/2 | p56:91s1/2 | Réttur til heilbrigðisþjónustu í Danmörku | Norrænt samstarf | Right to healthcare services in Denmark | Nordic cooperation | 2021-07-18 04:35 | 2021-07-18 19:11 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 00734dc46520450f | 103.2 | 0.797 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Það er mikilvægt að endurvinna úrgang vegna allra aðfanganna sem fóru í að búa til hvað það er sem við erum að losa okkur við. | It is important to recycle waste because of all the resources that have gone into producing whatever it is we are discarding. | 0.623950 | 1fba297f5526246a | b1815750e1297263 | p7:15s1/4 | p6:14s1/4 | Mikilvægi endurvinnslu — Stúdentablaðið | The Importance of Recycling — Stúdentablaðið | 2021-07-19 03:49 | 2021-07-19 02:20 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0073612a613ed646 | 101.63 | 0.909 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | UNK | | A | | | Við húsið er einnig 60m2 sumarhús fyrir 4 með tveimur svefnherbergjum og svefnlofti, vel búnu eldhúsi og setu/borðstofu. | Also 60-m2 country cottage (646 ft2) for four people with two bedrooms and a loft, a well-equipped kitchen and a sitting/dining room. | 0.531810 | 68b7f895e056ad51 | c6df7cc49bd88d47 | p12:24s1/1 | p10:21s4/4 | Skútustaðir | Skútustaðir - Hey Iceland | 2021-07-17 22:04 | 2021-07-20 04:03 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 007365925631c80a | 95.95 | 0.946 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Eftirfarandi frétt er tekinn af vef Síldarvinnslunnar í Neskaupsstað. | The following is taken from SVN`s home page. | 0.311189 | 112eaed79a267575 | 966b28320498c4f2 | p2:9s1/2 | p2:9s1/2 | Afköst fiskiðjuversins í Neskaupstað aukin - 500 tonna múrinn rofinn. | Kælismiðjan Frost | Capacity of the pelagic factory in Neskaupsstaður increased – The 500 tons barrier broken. | Kælismiðjan Frost | 2021-07-18 05:29 | 2021-07-25 14:01 | html | html | good | good | yes | yes | 007370b5635480c9 | 99.27 | 0.827 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | A | | | Um leið og bókin kemur út þá læt ég þig vita og þá gætirðu nælt þér í hana frítt fyrstu dagana eftir að hún kemur út á Amazon. Gríptu sýnishornið, og fylgstu svo vel með tölvupóstinum þínum til að grípa frítt eintak! | Once it’s out I’ll let you know, and for the first few days it will be available for free through Amazon – so grab the preview, keep your eyes open for the launch and grab a free copy! It really is a win-win! | 0.393312 | 9faabba2c6e992c3+1c8c59703d8b8e6c | ccc0ab04e1ed887c+35797db711f8c435 | p3:3s25/32+p3:3s26/32 | p15:21s2/3+p15:21s3/3 | Markaðsmál á mannamáli: Mig langar að kenna heiminum markaðssetningu ;)+Markaðsmál á mannamáli: Mig langar að kenna heiminum markaðssetningu ;) | small business Archives - business Archives - | 2021-07-18 00:20+2021-07-18 00:20 | 2021-07-20 22:42+2021-07-20 22:42 | html+html | html+html | good+good | good+good | no+no | no+no | 007390ac0ca14eec | 159.02 | 0.866 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | UNK | | MIX | | | Að vera fjárhagslega sjálfstæð/ur er að stjórna eigin fjármálum, að eiga eignir og ráðstafa tekjum í útgjöld og sparnað að eigin vali. | Being financially independent means managing your own finances, acquiring assets, and allocating your income towards expenses and savings as you choose. | 0.374170 | 5c1148821bba2b53 | d69b32319445d6b3 | p37:37s1/4 | p29:33s1/4 | Viðbótarlífeyrissparnaður - Taktu strax skref til að stýra þínum eigin fjármálum | Umboðsmaður skuldara | Supplemental pension savings | Umboðsmaður skuldara | 2021-07-17 21:54 | 2021-07-18 02:25 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 00739769da8bc369 | 102.71 | 0.959 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | B | | B | | | Veitingastaðurinn AALTO Bistro í Norræna húsinu hefur opið fyrir matargesti fyrir höfundakvöldin og býður upp á ljúffengan kvöldverð, smárétti og aðrar veitingar úr fyrsta flokks hráefni. | AALTO Bistro in the Nordic House is open for dinner guests before the event and offers a delicious dinner menu and light meals, all made with first-class ingredients. | 0.490136 | 449d47438f77e15c | 29af79e83d6828d3 | p6:19s1/3 | p6:18s1/3 | Höfundakvöld með Johannes Anyuru | Norræna Húsið | Meet the Author: Johannes Anyuru | The Nordic House | 2021-07-18 09:45 | 2021-07-19 01:27 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0073af186811c9c5 | 101.06 | 0.876 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | UNK | | A | | | Veitingastaðurinn AALTO Bistro í Norræna húsinu hefur opið fyrir matargesti fyrir höfundakvöldin og býður upp á ljúffengan kvöldverð, smárétti og aðrar veitingar úr fyrsta flokks hráefni. | AALTO Bistro in the Nordic House is open for dinner guests before the event and offers a delicious dinner menu and light meals, all made with first-class ingredients. | 0.490136 | 449d47438f77e15c | 29af79e83d6828d3 | p22:46s1/3 | p9:31s1/3 | Bókmenntir Archives | Norræna Húsið | Literature Archives | The Nordic House | 2021-07-18 01:54 | 2021-07-18 06:32 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0073af186811c9c5 | 101.06 | 0.876 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | B | | A | | | Matseðillinn er viðamikill, en einfalda má valið með því að velja fastar, þríréttaðar máltíðir. | The menu is extensive, offering most of the well-known Indian dishes. | 0.313796 | 6b8e25dcee242c74 | c795c8938ac23bb5 | p134:170s1/2 | p147:165s3/4 | Dublin veitingar - Jónas Kristjánsson | Dublin restaurants - Jónas Kristjánsson | 2021-07-17 21:59 | 2021-07-23 18:24 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0073b0c83d517f18 | 106.06 | 0.807 | Yes | other | second-orig-first-ht | A | | A | | | Á heimasíðunni eru aðgengilegar úrklippur af myndefni veggspjaldsins. | Elements from the poster are available on the website | 0.507123 | 6d84f8f4a9a11571 | 8f4c32f3f50cc14e | p85:85s1/2 | p82:82s1/2 | Idékatalog – Norræn bókmenntavika 2020 | Catalogue of Ideas – Nordic Literature Week 2020 | 2021-07-18 18:11 | 2021-08-16 02:32 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0073bccd8e201809 | 102.15 | 0.997 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Spennan var mikil í september 1983 þegar grafið var niður á skipið og vonbrigðin gífurleg þegar kom í ljós að það var togarinn Friedrich Albert sem lá í sandinum en ekki gullskipið. | But what eventually came to light was not the Het Wapen van Amsterdam but the wreck of the German trawler Freidrich Albert that had run aground in 1903. The sense of disappointment was overwhelming and the project was abandoned. | 0.165484 | 7580ddede7eac428 | 27296f5790bfe71+48bd2592efea7018 | p4:4s10/11 | p8:8s5/7+p8:8s6/7 | Strand gullskipsins Het Wapen Van Amsterdam in 1667 | | The Stranding of Het Wapen Van Amsterdam in 1667 | Stranding of Het Wapen Van Amsterdam in 1667 | | 2021-07-18 00:07 | 2021-07-18 09:04+2021-07-18 09:04 | html | html+html | good | good+good | no | no+no | 0073c3e2162b89f7 | 97.8 | 0.611 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Spennan var mikil í september 1983 þegar grafið var niður á skipið og vonbrigðin gífurleg þegar kom í ljós að það var togarinn Friedrich Albert sem lá í sandinum en ekki gullskipið. | But what eventually came to light was not the Het Wapen van Amsterdam but the wreck of the German trawler Freidrich Albert that had run aground in 1903. The sense of disappointment was overwhelming and the project was abandoned. | 0.165484 | 7580ddede7eac428 | 27296f5790bfe71+48bd2592efea7018 | p3:3s10/11 | p7:7s5/7+p7:7s6/7 | Strand gullskipsins Het Wapen Van Amsterdam in 1667 | | The Stranding of Het Wapen Van Amsterdam in 1667 | Stranding of Het Wapen Van Amsterdam in 1667 | | 2021-07-18 00:03 | 2021-07-18 01:42+2021-07-18 01:42 | html | html+html | good | good+good | no | no+no | 0073c3e2162b89f7 | 97.8 | 0.611 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Samkvæmt fundargerð studdu allir nefndarmenn tillögu seðlabankastjóra um óbreytta stýrivexti á síðasta fundi peningastefnunefndar. | According to the minutes from the MPC’s last meeting, the Committee voted unanimously in favour of the Governor’s proposal to keep the policy rate unchanged. | 0.282440 | b9654361c1923068 | 8e74ccff56afd2b9 | p14:24s1/3 | p13:21s1/3 | Spáum óbreyttum stýrivöxtum 5. nóvember nk. | Íslandsbanki | We forecast an unchanged policy rate on 5 November | Íslandsbanki | 2021-07-18 00:48 | 2021-07-24 11:27 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0073c67df5cc7f8f | 157.92 | 0.617 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Við skoðun myndarinnar og þeirra gagna sem liggja að baki henni er vert að hafa í huga að fjöldi sérrefsilagabrota og umferðalagabrota getur að hluta til farið eftir frumkvæði lögreglu. | When studying the photo and the data, it is worth to keep in mind that the number of special penal code infractions and traffic violations can partly depend on the police initiative in the area. | 0.535552 | 1869022988c78080 | 218505084ae8045c | p6:18s1/1 | p6:20s1/1 | 1.4 Öryggi íbúa | Sjálfbærniverkefnið á Norðausturlandi | 1.4 Population Safety | Gaumur | 2021-07-17 21:51 | 2021-07-17 22:41 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0073d160a567d515 | 99.06 | 0.955 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | UNK | | B | | | Úthlutun í þessum tilvikum skal vera í eins nákvæmu samræmi við raunverulega tónlistarnotkun og unnt er. | Distribution in these instances should correspond to real music use as accurately as possible. | 0.444678 | 2f2e13262f647e9e | c1eb01b9b2bab4b5 | p413:579s6/7 | p38:114s6/6 | STEF > Höfundar > Gagnlegar upplýsingar fyrir höfunda | STEF | English version | 2021-07-17 22:13 | 2021-07-17 22:12 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0073df3371d48133 | 103.08 | 0.972 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Þeir sem búa í löndum sem Grænland hefur ekki gert tvísköttunarsamninga við ber ekki að greiða skatt á Grænlandi ef þeir dvelja í 14 daga eða skemur á Grænland og viðkomandi er ráðinn hjá og fær greitt frá vinnuveitanda sem er ekki heimilisfastur eða hefur fasta starfsstöð á Grænlandi. | Persons residing in countries with which Greenland has not entered into a double taxation agreement will not be considered as liable to pay tax in Greenland when the stay is 14 days or less, and the person in question is still employed by and paid by their usual employer, who is not resident or has a permanent establishment in Greenland. | 0.548646 | 8f1e7b8cf61ec827 | 2293731c52fa3c10 | p13:67s1/1 | p14:61s1/1 | Grænland | Greenland | 2021-09-19 06:34 | 2021-09-19 03:47 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 00742b1f60b22c5a | 99.13 | 0.891 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Þeir sem búa í löndum sem Grænland hefur ekki gert tvísköttunarsamninga við ber ekki að greiða skatt á Grænlandi ef þeir dvelja í 14 daga eða skemur á Grænland og viðkomandi er ráðinn hjá og fær greitt frá vinnuveitanda sem er ekki heimilisfastur eða hefur fasta starfsstöð á Grænlandi. | Persons residing in countries with which Greenland has not entered into a double taxation agreement will not be considered as liable to pay tax in Greenland when the stay is 14 days or less, and the person in question is still employed by and paid by their usual employer, who is not resident or has a permanent establishment in Greenland. | 0.548646 | 8f1e7b8cf61ec827 | 2293731c52fa3c10 | p13:67s1/1 | p14:61s1/1 | Grænland | Greenland | 2021-07-20 11:49 | 2021-07-20 09:53 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 00742b1f60b22c5a | 99.13 | 0.891 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Prófessor Hannes H. Gissurarson, forstöðumaður rannsókna RNH, flutti þrjá fyrirlestra í Bandaríkjunum í mars og apríl um samanburðinn á norrænu hagkerfunum í Evrópu, Svíþjóð, Danmörku, Finnlandi og Íslandi, og norrænu hagkerfunum í Norður-Ameríku, Minnesota, Manitoba og Suður-Dakóta. | RNH Academic Director, Professor Hannes H. Gissurarson, gave three lectures in the United States in the spring of 2016, comparing the Nordic economies in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland on the one hand and the Nordic economies in Minnesota, Manitoba and South Dakota on the other hand (leaving out the oil-rich states of Norway and North Dakota). | 0.524542 | 5cdca4b3824819d+8cfe62a5e2b7a6f9 | df047bc49944ceba | p2:3s1/6+p2:3s2/6 | p2:3s1/5 | Samanburður: Norræn hagkerfi í Evrópu og Ameríku | RNH+Samanburður: Norræn hagkerfi í Evrópu og Ameríku | RNH | Nordic Economies in Europe and North America: A Comparison | RNH | 2021-07-18 02:18+2021-07-18 02:18 | 2021-07-19 15:44 | html+html | html | good+good | good | no+no | no | 00746b8140506ccb | 97.75 | 0.972 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Prófessor Hannes H. Gissurarson, forstöðumaður rannsókna RNH, flutti þrjá fyrirlestra í Bandaríkjunum í mars og apríl um samanburðinn á norrænu hagkerfunum í Evrópu, Svíþjóð, Danmörku, Finnlandi og Íslandi, og norrænu hagkerfunum í Norður-Ameríku, Minnesota, Manitoba og Suður-Dakóta. | RNH Academic Director, Professor Hannes H. Gissurarson, gave three lectures in the United States in the spring of 2016, comparing the Nordic economies in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland on the one hand and the Nordic economies in Minnesota, Manitoba and South Dakota on the other hand (leaving out the oil-rich states of Norway and North Dakota). | 0.524542 | 5cdca4b3824819d+8cfe62a5e2b7a6f9 | df047bc49944ceba | p2:3s1/6+p2:3s2/6 | p2:3s1/5 | Samanburður: Norræn hagkerfi í Evrópu og Ameríku | RNH+Samanburður: Norræn hagkerfi í Evrópu og Ameríku | RNH | Nordic Economies in Europe and North America: A Comparison | RNH | 2021-07-18 12:41+2021-07-18 12:41 | 2021-07-18 10:49 | html+html | html | good+good | good | no+no | no | 00746b8140506ccb | 97.75 | 0.972 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Fyrirhugaðar breytingar á skaðabótalögum gera stöðuna síðan enn meira krefjandi en gangi tillögur starfshóps eftir munu bætur fyrir líkamstjón hækka mikið og mun það óhjákvæmilega kalla á frekari aðlögun iðgjalda. | Planned changes to the law of tort make the situation even more challenging and if the working committee’s proposals are accepted, compensation for physical injury will increase sharply which will inevitably result in the further adjustment of premiums. | 0.492077 | 4e754a03ea6b77f8 | f163e4e8095f4732 | p57:58s3/3 | p58:59s3/3 | Dótturfélög | Subsidiaries | 2021-07-17 22:01 | 2021-07-19 10:48 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 00746e8553729132 | 120.75 | 0.928 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Frumgerð Landnámu er glötuð en hún er til í nokkrum endurgerðum frá 13., 14. og 17. öld. | The original version of Landnáma is lost, but replicas from 13th, 14th and 17th century still exist. | 0.425910 | 84a9270e5bdbb6a4 | 247309a885f553b8 | p5:5s3/3 | p6:6s1/1 | Landnáma | Bókmenntaborgin - Reykjavík bókmenntaborg UNESCO | Landnáma (The Book of Settlements) | City of literature UNESCO | 2021-07-18 02:38 | 2021-07-18 11:47 | html | html | good | neargood | no | no | 0074979f303200eb | 95.29 | 0.942 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Frumgerð Landnámu er glötuð en hún er til í nokkrum endurgerðum frá 13., 14. og 17. öld. | The original version of Landnáma is lost, but replicas from 13th, 14th and 17th century still exist. | 0.425910 | 84a9270e5bdbb6a4 | 247309a885f553b8 | p5:5s3/3 | p6:6s1/1 | Landnáma | Bókmenntaborgin - Reykjavík bókmenntaborg UNESCO | Landnáma (The Book of Settlements) | City of literature UNESCO | 2021-07-18 04:19 | 2021-07-18 18:47 | html | html | good | neargood | no | no | 0074979f303200eb | 95.29 | 0.942 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Hvernig tryggum við réttlát umskipti? | How do we ensure a just transition? | 0.790569 | 85ea7131929c320d | 5608f162ebcf8622 | p42:50s2/4 | p45:54s2/4 | Að velja græna leið: Stafrænn leiðtogafundur í aðdraganda COP26 | Norrænt samstarf | Choosing Green: A digital summit in the lead up to COP26 | Nordic cooperation | 2021-07-18 00:27 | 2021-07-18 00:27 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0074ac61c6e455bb | 102.36 | 0.974 | No | open-data-portal | second-orig-first-mt | B | | B | | | Í næstu umferð heldur stroff áfram eins og útskýrt hefur verið og A.4 er prjónað yfir lykkjur í A.3 = 184-200-212-236-252-276 lykkjur í umferð. | On the next round, continue the rib and work A.4 over A.3 = 184-200-212-236-252-276 stitches. | 0.587075 | 8f6d78929f020089 | 9462dca13aa39a9b | p107:117s33/46 | p110:120s33/47 | Climbing Ivy / DROPS 215-1 - Frí prjónamynstur frá DROPS Design | Climbing Ivy / DROPS 215-1 - Free knitting patterns by DROPS Design | 2021-07-18 05:39 | 2021-07-20 08:28 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0074eaad1b0e7d8f | 87.87 | 0.651 | Yes | other | second-orig-first-ht | B | | B | | | Í næstu umferð heldur stroff áfram eins og útskýrt hefur verið og A.4 er prjónað yfir lykkjur í A.3 = 184-200-212-236-252-276 lykkjur í umferð. | On the next round, continue the rib and work A.4 over A.3 = 184-200-212-236-252-276 stitches. | 0.587075 | 8f6d78929f020089 | 9462dca13aa39a9b | p7:117s33/46 | p10:120s33/47 | Climbing Ivy / DROPS 215-1 - Frí prjónamynstur frá DROPS Design | Climbing Ivy / DROPS 215-1 - Free knitting patterns by DROPS Design | 2021-07-18 05:39 | 2021-07-20 08:28 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0074eaad1b0e7d8f | 87.87 | 0.651 | Yes | other | second-orig-first-ht | B | | B | | | Stafrænar lausnir í fjarhjúkrun, lýðræðisleg þátttaka ungmenna og atvinnuskapandi stefna í vinnumálum eru þar á dagskrá. | Digital solutions for remote care, the social inclusion of young people, and a labour market policy that offers better opportunities for entering employment are key points in the programme. | 0.097328 | 8db625a12c398cbc | c3ebab2a3d34b164 | p28:33s2/2 | p29:34s2/2 | Formennskuáætlun Svíþjóðar í Norrænu ráðherranefndinni 2018 | Norrænt samstarf | Programme for the Swedish presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2018 | Nordic cooperation | 2021-07-19 16:43 | 2021-07-22 01:00 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 00751d155dcc69d4 | 102.23 | 0.866 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Mikilvægt er að það liggi ljóst fyrir áður en auglýst er hvert sé markmiðið með starfinu. | It is important that the purpose of the position it is clear before announcements are made. | 0.494816 | 264b10f017a42d06 | eacf0393983cc268 | p40:85s2/4 | p42:102s2/2 | Starfsmannastefna Háskóla Íslands | Háskóli Íslands | Human Resource Policy | University of Iceland | 2021-07-18 11:52 | 2021-07-17 23:18 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 007529ceb7d7d4e5 | 103.23 | 0.944 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | B | | B | | | Ég fékk aldrei neitt upp úr þeim. | I never got anything out of them. | 1.000000 | 9546b621940c2d3 | e55ac109acec7637 | p7:9s2/6 | p7:9s2/6 | Heimildarþáttur um upphaf svokallaðs Seðlabankamáls | Samherji hf. | A documentary about the beginning of the Central Bank case | Samherji hf. | 2021-07-17 23:07 | 2021-07-19 13:45 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 007574f53d16cf05 | 99.64 | 0.973 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | B | | | Finndu þína stærð í mynsturteikningu (á við um A.3 og A.4). | Choose diagram for your size (applies to A.3 and A.4). | 0.740984 | ef7ab9c89d58d85e | ecc2837ee495035 | p4:99s1/36 | p7:97s1/39 | Tip Toe Santa / DROPS Extra 0-1433 - Frí prjónamynstur frá DROPS Design | North Star Socks / DROPS Children 37-4 - Free knitting patterns by DROPS Design | 2021-07-19 23:46 | 2021-07-19 10:09 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0075817c1a550d0f | 94.06 | 0.917 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | B | | B | | | Finndu þína stærð í mynsturteikningu (á við um A.3 og A.4). | Choose diagram for your size (applies to A.3 and A.4). | 0.740984 | ef7ab9c89d58d85e | ecc2837ee495035 | p97:99s1/36 | p91:97s1/39 | Tip Toe Santa / DROPS Extra 0-1433 - Frí prjónamynstur frá DROPS Design | North Star Socks / DROPS Children 37-4 - Free knitting patterns by DROPS Design | 2021-07-19 23:46 | 2021-07-19 10:09 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0075817c1a550d0f | 94.06 | 0.917 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | B | | B | | | Þá er fjallað um mataræði og hreyfingu, um andlega líðan, hvort tveggja meðal fjölskyldu og vina, sem og meðal félaganna og í skóla, um einmanaleika og einelti, um félagslíf, þátttöku í íþrótta- og tómstundastarfi, og um margskonar frístundaiðju s.s. kaffihúsaferðir, partí, og ástundun skemmtistaða; um hljómsveitir, tónleika og leikhúsferðir; um lestur og ljóðaskrif, og margt fleira. | Also loneliness and bullying, social activities, participation in sports, and about various leisure activities among older students, such as going to coffee houses, parties, and entertainment culture; about bands, concerts and theatre; about reading and writing poetry, and much more. | 0.345860 | 7d4814f2ec2822df | b8158260c041aa94 | p3:3s8/8 | p3:3s19/22 | Rafhlaðan - Ungt fólk 2007 : framhaldsskólanemar : menntun, menning, tómstundir, íþróttaiðkun og framtíðarsýn ungmenna í framhaldsskólum á Íslandi : samanburður rannsókna frá 2000, 2004 og 2007 | Rafhlaðan - Youth. College Students 16 to 20 years - Education, culture, leisure, sports activities and future vision among college youth in Iceland | 2021-07-20 08:05 | 2021-07-18 18:52 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0075b863a0ca8d3d | 101.51 | 0.747 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Þá er fjallað um mataræði og hreyfingu, um andlega líðan, hvort tveggja meðal fjölskyldu og vina, sem og meðal félaganna og í skóla, um einmanaleika og einelti, um félagslíf, þátttöku í íþrótta- og tómstundastarfi, og um margskonar frístundaiðju s.s. kaffihúsaferðir, partí, og ástundun skemmtistaða; um hljómsveitir, tónleika og leikhúsferðir; um lestur og ljóðaskrif, og margt fleira. | Also loneliness and bullying, social activities, participation in sports, and about various leisure activities among older students, such as going to coffee houses, parties, and entertainment culture; about bands, concerts and theatre; about reading and writing poetry, and much more. | 0.345860 | 7d4814f2ec2822df | b8158260c041aa94 | p2:3s8/8 | p2:6s19/22 | Rafhlaðan - Ungt fólk 2007 : framhaldsskólanemar : menntun, menning, tómstundir, íþróttaiðkun og framtíðarsýn ungmenna í framhaldsskólum á Íslandi : samanburður rannsókna frá 2000, 2004 og 2007 | Rafhlaðan - Youth. College Students 16 to 20 years - Education, culture, leisure, sports activities and future vision among college youth in Iceland | 2021-07-24 19:13 | 2021-07-25 09:01 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0075b863a0ca8d3d | 101.51 | 0.747 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Foreldraviðtöl í 15 mínútur 2x á ári. | Parent-teacher interviews for 30 minutes per year. | 0.372800 | 522857fee6a8c30a | 5b8f586864874001 | p8:30s1/1 | p28:43s1/1 | 7 atriði um skóla og skipulag sem eru úrelt í skóla 21.aldarinnar - Ingvi Hrannar | 10 MORE things that are obsolete in 21st century schools - Ingvi Hrannar | 2021-07-18 04:31 | 2021-07-18 19:12 | html | html | short | neargood | no | no | 0075c824de957408 | 102.45 | 0.958 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | A | | | Kórinn hefur ferðast til Suður og Norður Ameríku, Ástralíu, Kúbu, Japan, Nýja Sjálands, Afríku og Evrópu. Árið 2014 hlaut kórinn Margaret Hillis Award for Choral Excellence, sem eru æðstu verðlaun sem kór getur hlotnast í USA. | LACC, recipient of Chorus America’s 2014 Margaret Hillis Award for Choral Excellence, the nation’s highest choral honor, has toured North and South America, Africa, China, Cuba, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and Europe. | 0.456042 | be4b82c385a2edb2+1b8b584ff2d1d79c | d2afdc667f6c895c | p4:9s2/2+p5:9s1/2 | p5:11s1/3 | Hinn margverðlaunaði Los Angeles Children’s Chorus gestur Alþjóðlegs orgelsumars mánudagskvöldið 2. júlí – Listvinafélagið í Reykjavík+Hinn margverðlaunaði Los Angeles Children’s Chorus gestur Alþjóðlegs orgelsumars mánudagskvöldið 2. júlí – Listvinafélagið í Reykjavík | International Organ Summer 2018: Extra concert with Los Angeles Children’s Chorus LACC Monday July 2 at 8 pm – Listvinafélagið í Reykjavík | 2021-07-18 00:08+2021-07-18 00:08 | 2021-07-18 03:59 | html+html | html | good+good | good | no+no | no | 0075e3f1826345eb | 131.94 | 0.967 | Yes | other | second-orig-first-mt | A | | MIX | | | Allir óskilamunir eru sendir á skrifstofuna okkar í Reykjavík. | All lost and found items are sent to FÍ office in Reykjavík. | 0.500046 | 6f042f3ad747cde6 | 7529c05d56595159 | p21:45s1/2 | p23:35s1/2 | Algengar spurningar | Ferðafélag Íslands | FAQ | Ferðafélag Íslands | 2021-07-18 09:29 | 2021-07-18 02:23 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0075e462126148a9 | 99.86 | 0.581 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Kýpverjar unnu þó flest verðlaun samtals eða 71, á meðan Íslendingar unnu 68. | Cyprus was still better than Iceland in the total, with 71 to 68. | 0.141434 | da4cc84efa8f7328 | fe020033641722d3 | p3:3s3/3 | p4:4s3/3 | | 16. Smáþjóðaleikarnir - | | games of the small states of Europe - | 2021-07-28 06:14 | 2021-07-20 13:52 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0076946d199802a2 | 97.24 | 0.818 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | A | | | Hvernig skjal er lögformlega staðfest ræðst af útgáfulandi þess. | The manner in which a document is legally confirmed depends on its country of origin. | 0.637323 | 8307d5f074ab63bb | ad4ab9a5c151e537 | p4:20s2/2 | p4:20s2/2 | Kröfur til skjala | Þjóðskrá | Document requirements | Þjóðskrá | 2021-07-18 02:13 | 2021-07-19 21:47 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 007697f9a73e9910 | 101.35 | 0.837 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Hvernig skjal er lögformlega staðfest ræðst af útgáfulandi þess. | The manner in which a document is legally confirmed depends on its country of origin. | 0.637323 | 8307d5f074ab63bb | ad4ab9a5c151e537 | p4:20s2/2 | p4:20s2/2 | Kröfur til skjala | Þjóðskrá | Document requirements | Þjóðskrá | 2021-07-18 01:53 | 2021-07-18 16:12 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 007697f9a73e9910 | 101.35 | 0.837 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Með því að nota vefsíðuna samþykkir þú að þú hafir lesið, skilið og samþykkt skilmála og tengd skjöl. | By using the Site you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agreed to the Terms and all related documents. | 0.758801 | e67b789268ba4ac1 | 9362808a2fca6622 | p4:37s4/6 | p5:38s4/6 | Skilmálar varðandi notkun á | Terms of use on | 2021-08-01 05:46 | 2021-08-01 06:57 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 007736d75cc8cd2b | 103.97 | 0.743 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | B | | | Hann var grunaður um manndráp og lögmaður hafði dæmt hann til lífláts 1684. | On suspicion of manslaughter, Jón Hreggviðsson had been sentenced him to execution in 1684. | 0.433013 | f9c0c811a7a956d6 | 45d9f4604a3a7378 | p28:43s2/7 | p2:3s134/220 | Árni Magnússon – ævi og störf | Árnastofnun | Who was Árni Magnússon? | 2021-07-17 22:35 | 2021-07-18 01:26 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0077b726ac14302f | 99.54 | 0.857 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Hann var grunaður um manndráp og lögmaður hafði dæmt hann til lífláts 1684. | On suspicion of manslaughter, Jón Hreggviðsson had been sentenced him to execution in 1684. | 0.433013 | f9c0c811a7a956d6 | 45d9f4604a3a7378 | p28:43s2/7 | p2:3s134/220 | Árni Magnússon – ævi og störf | Árnastofnun | Who was Árni Magnússon? | 2021-07-18 05:11 | 2021-07-18 07:35 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0077b726ac14302f | 99.54 | 0.857 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Hann var grunaður um manndráp og lögmaður hafði dæmt hann til lífláts 1684. | On suspicion of manslaughter, Jón Hreggviðsson had been sentenced him to execution in 1684. | 0.433013 | f9c0c811a7a956d6 | 45d9f4604a3a7378 | p28:43s2/7 | p2:3s134/220 | Árni Magnússon – ævi og störf | Árnastofnun | Who was Árni Magnússon? | 2021-07-18 02:37 | 2021-07-18 11:43 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0077b726ac14302f | 99.54 | 0.857 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Hann var grunaður um manndráp og lögmaður hafði dæmt hann til lífláts 1684. | On suspicion of manslaughter, Jón Hreggviðsson had been sentenced him to execution in 1684. | 0.433013 | f9c0c811a7a956d6 | 45d9f4604a3a7378 | p9:11s31/64 | p2:3s134/220 | Árni Magnússon – Ævi og störf | Árnastofnun | Who was Árni Magnússon? | 2021-07-17 23:28 | 2021-07-18 18:44 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0077b726ac14302f | 99.54 | 0.857 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Arðsemi eiginfjár á árinu 2018 nam 15,7%. | Return on equity in 2018 amounted to 15.7%. | 1.000000 | 45a91e47d8d277de | 5bb223aa71c014e9 | p6:24s1/1 | p6:25s1/1 | Kvika | Hagnaður Kviku eykst | Kvika | Kvika increases its profit | 2021-07-17 22:13 | 2021-07-18 02:59 | html | html | short | short | no | no | 0077d3c1755a6326 | 87.63 | 0.966 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | A | | A | | | Þannig var í júní 2011 gengið frá sölu á starfsemi Icelandic Group í Þýskalandi og Frakklandi til erlendra fjárfesta og í nóvember 2011 var starfsemin í Bandaríkjunum og tengd starfsemi í Asíu seld til kanadíska félagsins, High Liner Foods. | In June 2011, the sale of Icelandic Group‘s operations in Germany and France to foreign investors was finalized, and in November 2011 the operations in the US, with related operations in Asia, were sold to the Canadian company High Liner Foods. | 0.750420 | 47c842181b3b5124 | cfc2c30f7c995bc4 | p3:8s2/2 | p2:7s5/7 | Framtakssjóður Íslands | Icelandic Group | The Enterprise Investment Fund | Icelandic Group | 2021-07-18 00:09 | 2021-07-18 04:41 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0077de475c05c693 | 112.79 | 0.988 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | |!---Survey | Öll svör eru mikilvæg og órekjanleg. | All answers are important. | 0.588940 | b2677b4c3028f13f | 58b0ccf5f2e8cda0 | p4:6s1/1 | p4:6s1/2 | Áfangastaðurinn Austurland - takið þátt í könnun | Djúpivogur | Destination Austurland needs your help! - Survey | Djúpivogur | 2021-07-19 16:00 | 2021-07-19 17:41 | html | html | short | neargood | no | no | 0077e68457cb7d83 | 103.97 | 0.512 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | UNK | | UNK | |!---Survey | Öll svör eru mikilvæg og órekjanleg. | All answers are important. | 0.588940 | b2677b4c3028f13f | 58b0ccf5f2e8cda0 | p4:6s1/1 | p4:6s1/2 | Áfangastaðurinn Austurland - takið þátt í könnun | Djúpivogur | Destination Austurland needs your help! - Survey | Djúpivogur | 2021-07-19 17:43 | 2021-07-19 16:00 | html | html | short | neargood | no | no | 0077e68457cb7d83 | 103.97 | 0.512 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | UNK | | A | | | Í upphafi er kaupandi sendur af vefverslun söluaðila yfir á Greiðslusíðu Valitor. | Initially the customer is redirected from the merchant's online store to Valitor Web Payments Page. | 0.387298 | d6ce503eeafc7c51 | 477a8d991e056278 | p2:23s1/2 | p2:21s1/2 | 3. Ferlið - Greiðslusíða Valitor | 3. Process - Valitor Web Payments Page | 2021-07-18 23:01 | 2021-07-19 00:22 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 00785b895dc428ca | 100.24 | 0.983 | Yes | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | A | | | Samræður á þessu stigi snúast um hluti sem ekki er hægt að kaupa, það sem maður verður að komast af án, og allt það sem fólkið í nýja landinu gerir „vitlaust“ (sem þýðir „öðruvísi“). | Conversations on this stage are about things that can not be bought, what you must get along without, and everything that the people in the new country do wrong (which means “differently”). | 0.461152 | 9c199db8b7a10ef | fcedf5380815cb33 | p7:14s2/3 | p7:15s2/3 | 2. Fimm stig menningaráfalls – Fjölmenningarvefur fyrir börn | 2. Five stages of culture shock – Fjölmenningarvefur fyrir börn | 2021-07-18 00:00 | 2021-07-18 00:01 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 00787f2f029dcb05 | 233.53 | 0.952 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Undir þessum varnaðarorðum eru aðilar vinnumarkaðarins að takast á við erfiða kjarasamninga þar sem væntingar í baklandi ASÍ virðast vera verulega úr takti við það sem SA er tilbúið til að ganga að. | In the shadow of this warning, the social partners are trying to negotiate a tricky settlement, with expectations from the Icelandic Federation of Labour (ASÍ) seemingly far out of line with what the Confederation of Icelandic Employers (SA) is willing to sign on for. | 0.224879 | 863168b687f07a9c | 5bb346c2fb22a709 | p10:15s1/5 | p9:12s1/5 | Óbreyttir vextir í takti við spár | Íslandsbanki | Unchanged interest rates in line with forecasts | Íslandsbanki | 2021-07-18 02:28 | 2021-07-24 14:22 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0078c57a9e22c3c8 | 99.59 | 0.869 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | 2000 - 2000, Leiðbeinandi, Kvennaskólinn í Reykjavík | 1997 - 2000, Member of board of Center for Women's Studies, University of Iceland | 0.186229 | 17a5f9a5019faed5 | 432836e29a96bbb5 | p6:6s1/1 | p27:32s1/1 | Jón Einar Jónsson - Vísindamaður | Háskóli Íslands | Sigríður Þorgeirsdóttir - Professor | Háskóli Íslands | 2021-07-23 09:12 | 2021-07-23 17:12 | html | html | neargood | neargood | no | no | 0078e1854df921d6 | 88.17 | 0.884 | Yes | online-dispute-resolution | first-orig-second-ht | A | | B | | | Þú getur aldrei verið of varkár. | You can never be too careful. | 1.000000 | 2741036378d5409b | 61a38a6ecaf349a6 | p28:34s2/3 | p28:34s2/3 | Andlits ID: Þú getur aldrei verið of varkár | Face ID: You can never be too careful | 2021-07-18 11:39 | 2021-07-18 13:00 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0079096b2a7384b9 | 101.11 | 0.938 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | A | | A | | | Karl Ó. Karlsson, lögmaður Eflingar segir mikilvægt að búið sé að fá úr því skorið fyrir dómi að ekki sé hægt að beina kröfu að starfsmanni undir þessum kringumstæðum, enda séu eflaust margir starfsmenn sem keyri um á bifreiðum í eigu vinnuveitanda vinnu sinnar vegna, óafvitandi um að bifreiðarnar séu óvátryggðar. | Karl Ó. Karlsson, lawyer for Efling says it important to have this ruling from the court stating that it is not possible to claim reimbursement directly from an employee in these circumstances, as there will inevitably be future company employees who will unknowingly be driving an uninsured company car for work reasons. | 0.337436 | e135ec37de5390d0+e16a373423d4f711 | e135ec37de5390d0+813df167b7cc01d7 | p6:9s1/2+p6:9s2/2 | p6:9s1/2+p6:9s2/2 | Félagsmaður Eflingar sýknaður | Efling+Félagsmaður Eflingar sýknaður | Efling | Efling union member acquitted | Efling+Efling union member acquitted | Efling | 2021-07-18 06:48+2021-07-18 06:48 | 2021-07-19 02:12+2021-07-19 02:12 | html+html | html+html | good+good | good+good | no+no | no+no | 007941af3a2b9e87 | 102.26 | 0.888 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | A | | | Annars vegar dauðahugsanir, sem eru hugsanir um að vilja ekki vera til lengur, en ekki beint hugsanir eða vilji til að valda eigin dauða. | On the one hand, death thoughts, which are thoughts of not wanting to exist any longer, but not direct thoughts of or the will to cause one's own death. | 0.713980 | 987f6f7cd40a518 | b737089720ed3b71 | p4:4s5/9 | p3:3s5/9 | Hugrún | Hugrún | 2021-07-17 23:04 | 2021-07-17 22:52 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0079446220c8f0b7 | 94.62 | 0.898 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | B | | B | | | Á ég uppsagnarfrest? | Do I have a termination notice? | 0.654654 | acdffd4fa8bf6b73 | 61ff2c03781812ac | p22:55s1/1 | p23:58s1/1 | Ungt fólk á vinnumarkaði - VR stéttarfélag | Youth in the work market - VR union | 2021-07-18 00:25 | 2021-07-18 05:37 | html | html | short | short | yes | yes | 0079b01be66a1083 | 98.22 | 0.842 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Brand getur verið gríðarlega mikils virði. | Brands can be worth a lot. | 0.267471 | 35e2b338e153e3f7 | 3eba8ff42712b598 | p21:31s1/6 | p12:25s1/6 | Hvað er brand? - | What Is A Brand? | 2021-07-18 05:46 | 2021-07-17 22:30 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0079fc0dbe50fe13 | 101.12 | 0.657 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | MIX | |’s-youth-champions-league-ready-to-roll/1264 | Hilda segir að áður en Meistaradeild Líflands og æskunnar var stofnuð árið 2017 voru mjög fá mót haldin með þessum hætti fyrir þennan aldursflokk. | Hilda says that before Lífland’s Youth Champions League was established in 2017, very few tournaments were held with this arrangement for teenagers and young adults. | 0.584705 | bfc599f13dc7115c | db1e7a0b86cf3c1d | p7:12s1/2 | p7:11s1/2 | Meistaradeild Líflands og æskunnar í startholunum | Lífland’s Youth Champions League ready to roll | 2021-07-17 22:43 | 2021-07-17 23:06 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0079ff76522c8ded | 126.2 | 0.883 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Setjið 1 prjónamerki hvoru megin við 22-22-26-26 lykkjur ofan á fæti. | Insert a marker thread on each side of the 14-16-18 stitches mid on top of foot. | 0.345039 | 1e3c909f0b1e55a3 | 54d221203bf86046 | p5:87s15/25 | p7:87s30/46 | Blue Chameleon / DROPS Children 34-13 - Frí prjónamynstur frá DROPS Design | Rainbow Racers / DROPS 214-58 - Free crochet patterns by DROPS Design | 2021-07-19 08:28 | 2021-07-19 10:08 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 007a1c2863c1a793 | 90.34 | 0.547 | Yes | other | second-orig-first-mt | B | | B | | | Setjið 1 prjónamerki hvoru megin við 22-22-26-26 lykkjur ofan á fæti. | Insert a marker thread on each side of the 14-16-18 stitches mid on top of foot. | 0.345039 | 1e3c909f0b1e55a3 | 54d221203bf86046 | p85:87s15/25 | p85:87s30/46 | Blue Chameleon / DROPS Children 34-13 - Frí prjónamynstur frá DROPS Design | Rainbow Racers / DROPS 214-58 - Free crochet patterns by DROPS Design | 2021-07-19 08:28 | 2021-07-19 10:08 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 007a1c2863c1a793 | 90.34 | 0.547 | Yes | other | second-orig-first-mt | B | | B | | | Hér er t.a.m. hægt að skoða gömlu skipin og fyrstu snekkjurnar sem fóru yfir Atlantshafið. | Here you can look at the old ships, the first yachts that crossed the Atlantic, etc. | 0.638805 | 513e032c5c91204 | 4401353579fb284d | p5:13s12/20 | p5:13s13/23 | Gdansk. Pólland - skemmtun, ferðir, hótel. Nýjustu verð. :: Aventura - ferðaskrifstofa | Gdansk. Poland - recreation, tours, hotels. Only current prices. :: Aventura - ferðaskrifstofa | 2021-07-17 21:44 | 2021-07-17 22:12 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 007a3a50e1f6f58c | 97.49 | 0.961 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | A | | | Af öðrum hækkunarþáttum vegur húsnæðisliðurinn þyngst að þessu sinni (0,10% í VNV). | Among other upward-pushing items, the housing component is strongest this time (0.10% CPI effect). | 0.474496 | 5d3589f34a053424 | 2b8939deb166cf10 | p6:14s6/12 | p5:11s6/12 | Spáum 0,5% hækkun neysluverðs í febrúar | Íslandsbanki | CPI to rise 0.5% in February | Íslandsbanki | 2021-07-17 22:19 | 2021-07-24 10:27 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 007a46c66a2c0a93 | 100.64 | 0.523 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Sigtryggur nam hljóðlist við Konunglegu konservatoríuna í Den Haag í Hollandi og við Fachhochschule í Hannover, Þýskalandi, á árunum 1998 til 2004. | He studied Sonology at The Royal Conservatory of The Hague, received his BFA from the Gerrit Rietfeld Academy in Amsterdam in 2002 and an MFA from the Sandberg Institute in Amsterdam in 2004. | 0.197584 | ad16001d9f4f483d | 98f54f957c23a329 | p30:32s9/27 | p26:31s22/43 | Mengi | | Mengi | | 2021-07-17 22:41 | 2021-07-18 01:36 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 007b040f93a59516 | 93.93 | 0.531 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | UNK | | | Blue Car Rental er staðsett hjá Keflavíkurflugvelli þar sem opið er allan sólarhringinn. Skrifstofan okkar í Reykjavík er opin alla daga frá 08:00 18:00. | We offer delivery to any requested address for car rental in Reykjavík from 08:00-18:00, and will gladly pick up customers for car rental at Keflavik Airport upon arrival, 24 hours a day. | 0.354114 | 5b72e6d07875963f+456b6374016a1b62 | 12115c6e54e075f6 | p2:2s1/2+p2:2s2/2 | p2:2s4/4 | Blue Car Rental | Car Rental | | Icerental 4x4 | | 2021-07-18 17:18+2021-07-18 17:18 | 2021-07-31 02:05 | html+html | html | good+good | good | no+no | no | 007b4a52e925c16b | 93.83 | 0.610 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Verkefnið hlaut styrk úr Rannsóknarsjóði og er unnið í samvinnu við Hönnunarsafn Íslands, Landsbókasafn Íslands - Háskólabókasafn og Listaháskóla Íslands. | The project is funded in part by The Icelandic Research Fund and carried out in collaboration with the Museum of Design and Applied Art, the National and University Library of Iceland and the Iceland University of the Arts. | 0.603842 | 979aafdf7edd87f3 | e56c8f3be10d6eed | p4:4s10/10 | p7:7s1/1 | SAFNIÐ Á RÖNGUNNI - Íslensk myndmálssaga, vinnustofa | Hönnunarsafn Íslands | BEHIND THE SCENES - Icelandic visual language, studio | Design Museum | 2021-07-18 02:02 | 2021-07-18 20:31 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 007c1852dcd8f246 | 99.48 | 0.854 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Verkefnið hlaut styrk úr Rannsóknarsjóði og er unnið í samvinnu við Hönnunarsafn Íslands, Landsbókasafn Íslands - Háskólabókasafn og Listaháskóla Íslands. | The project is funded in part by The Icelandic Research Fund and carried out in collaboration with the Museum of Design and Applied Art, the National and University Library of Iceland and the Iceland University of the Arts. | 0.603842 | 979aafdf7edd87f3 | e56c8f3be10d6eed | p4:4s10/10 | p7:7s1/1 | SAFNIÐ Á RÖNGUNNI - Íslensk myndmálssaga, vinnustofa | Hönnunarsafn Íslands | BEHIND THE SCENES - Icelandic visual language, studio | Design Museum | 2021-07-18 02:04 | 2021-07-18 17:30 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 007c1852dcd8f246 | 99.48 | 0.854 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Verkefnið hlaut styrk úr Rannsóknarsjóði og er unnið í samvinnu við Hönnunarsafn Íslands, Landsbókasafn Íslands - Háskólabókasafn og Listaháskóla Íslands. | The project is funded in part by The Icelandic Research Fund and carried out in collaboration with the Museum of Design and Applied Art, the National and University Library of Iceland and the Iceland University of the Arts. | 0.603842 | 979aafdf7edd87f3 | e56c8f3be10d6eed | p4:4s10/10 | p7:7s1/1 | SAFNIÐ Á RÖNGUNNI - Íslensk myndmálssaga, vinnustofa | Hönnunarsafn Íslands | BEHIND THE SCENES - Icelandic visual language, studio | Design Museum | 2021-07-17 23:02 | 2021-07-18 11:30 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 007c1852dcd8f246 | 99.48 | 0.854 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Grásteinn Guesthouse er fjölskyldurekið gistiheimili á sauðfjárbúinu Holti. | Grásteinn Guesthouse is a family run guesthouse on the sheep farm Holt. | 0.451296 | d663b28552c3cd8a | 23a4e2612a47834e | p1:3s1/3 | p1:3s1/3 | Grásteinn Guesthouse – Gistiheimili | Grásteinn Guesthouse – Gistiheimili | 2021-07-18 00:17 | 2021-07-18 00:17 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 007c3a85cd39f099 | 103.89 | 0.940 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-mt | UNK | | UNK | | | Frá árinu 1996 hefur Norræna ráðherranefndin varið um það bil 137 milljónum danskra króna í og fyrir Norðurskautssvæðið. | Since 1996, the Council of Ministers has spent approximately DKK 137 million on initiatives in and for the Arctic. | 0.774597 | c0266da65f6bffd5 | 73424dd4cffd00fa | p35:41s2/6 | p35:41s2/5 | Samstarfsáætlun Norrænu ráðherranefndarinnar um Norðurskautssvæðið 2018-2021 samþykkt á þingi Norðurlandaráðs | Norrænt samstarf | Session approves new Arctic programme | Nordic cooperation | 2021-07-20 06:18 | 2021-07-22 22:07 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 007c43ab34c6c107 | 99.57 | 0.943 | Yes | online-dispute-resolution | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Nánari upplýsingar um framkvæmd atkvæðagreiðslu verða birtar á næstu dögum. | Further information regarding the vote will be made public in the next few days. | 0.414039 | b010ee61b65f646a | 27d5f494da09622c | p6:11s1/1 | p6:11s1/1 | Undirbúningur hafinn fyrir verkfallsaðgerðir í borginni | Efling | Preparations underway for strike actions in the City | Efling | 2021-07-18 07:09 | 2021-07-19 01:42 | html | html | neargood | neargood | no | no | 007c4bfa91806396 | 104.23 | 0.951 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | A | | | Við höfum m.a. bætt sérstökum vænguggum við allar vélar okkar sem draga úr vindmótstöðu og minnka eldsneytisnotkun. Þar að auki höfum við gert ráðstafanir til að lágmarka útblástur við aðflug og lendingu. | These include the implementation of winglets to reduce drag and save fuel and efforts to minimize fuel consumption during approach and landing. | 0.252382 | ceaf42778ffe2606+27370d85c5816cb5 | a37ff9225e3fd7b7 | p7:25s2/3+p7:25s3/3 | p8:26s2/2 | Kolefnisjafnaðu flugið þitt | Icelandair+Kolefnisjafnaðu flugið þitt | Icelandair | Offset your carbon footprint | Icelandair | 2021-07-18 02:54+2021-07-18 02:54 | 2021-07-18 20:09 | html+html | html | good+good | good | no+no | no | 007c54116081de64 | 104.4 | 0.779 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | B | | A |