God are all his works from the beginning of the world". The memorial phrase "lest we forget" is taken from Kipling's poem "Recessional"—"Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet / Lest we forget—lest we forget!" and jingoism, faults of which he was often accused, were inappropriate and vain in light of the permanence of God. The text God of our fathers, known of old,   Lord of our far-flung battle line, Beneath whose awful hand we hold   Dominion over palm and pine— Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet, Lest we forget—lest we forget! The tumult and the shouting dies;   The Captains and the Kings depart: Still stands Thine ancient sacrifice,   An humble and a contrite heart. Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet, Lest we forget—lest we forget! Far-called our navies melt away;   On dune and headland sinks the fire: Lo, all our pomp of yesterday   Is one with Nineveh and Tyre! Judge of the Nations, spare us yet, Lest we forget—lest we forget! If, drunk with sight of power, we loose   Wild tongues that have not Thee in awe, Such boastings as the Gentiles use,   Or lesser breeds without the Law— Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet, Lest we forget—lest we forget! For heathen heart that puts her trust   In reeking tube and iron shard, All valiant dust that builds on dust,   And guarding calls not Thee to guard, For frantic boast and foolish word— Thy Mercy on Thy People, Lord! Biblical references While not particularly religious himself, Kipling understood the value of sacred traditions and processions in English liberty will not come, Because we’re not united The blacklegs with the bosses, They must be defeated. 3. You say we’re only women, But we are not afraid We have our defences. We have our defences. You say we’re only women, But we are not afraid We have our defences. Our tongues are sharp as blades, Hey 4. You men rich and boastful, The pride of all the nation, Forget your self-importance, forget your self-importance You men rich and boastful, The pride of all the nation, Forget your self-importance, And make a big donation industrial methods―such as factory farming, industrial fishing, and the like―is bad. Foer notes that most people recognize there is something bad about eating animals, but that people willingly forget this is the case. Part of what is forgotten in this process, Foer argues, is a connection to our own animality. We neglect the parts of us that makes us similar to them―like, for example, the ability to feel or be relieved of pain―and we deny their importance in the constitution of our humanity. As Foer puts it, “what we forget about animals, we begin to forget about ourselves.” What this leads stand on sacred ground," and then continued: We still print—using processes that are thoroughly computerized—but we also use digital technology in new and exciting ways. The forms and capabilities of that technology continue to grow, and we embrace them to carry out our job.... But we never forget that the principles of our work are enshrined in Warde's poem, and whether what we do is in print or in bits and bytes, and whether in the long run we call it a printing office or an information office, we never forget that we stand on sacred ground, and that we police response were sometimes justified. “I can’t say all our cars are hot to the minute. We don’t ever get there as fast as we’d like. I never have enough officers. However, allegations that citizens are told ‘forget it’ when they try to report crimes are ‘ridiculous,’” Carrington said. “We don’t tell anybody to forget any crimes. That’s ridiculous. We report every incident we get and investigate it. We’re one of the few cities that is still responding to any and all calls,” he said. Chief Carrington pointed out that some police departments Karlyn Barker in 1964 that it was a question as to whose side one was on. "Are we on the side of the civil rights movement? Or have we gotten back to the comfort and security of Berkeley, California, and can we forget the sharecroppers whom we worked with just a few weeks back? Well, we couldn't forget." Savio's part in the protest on the Berkeley campus started on October 1, 1964, when former graduate student Jack Weinberg was manning a table for the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE). The University police had just put him into a police car when and setting in the west. To think about stopping it halfway is a futile exercise. Just trust the inherent natural process. (Shi 2005:6) Shi Jing, leader of the British Taoist Association, explains: Zuowang is to sit and forget. What we forget is the thing we hold most dearly: self, with all its opinions, beliefs, and ideals. We can be so caught up in the concept of self that we only see the world as a place to fulfill personal ambition and desire. (2006:11) Eva Wong, author and Quanzhen practitioner, says: Zuowang is a dropping of conceptions. When we drop conceptions, what we recorded several extra tracks that didn't make the final track listing. The recording sessions were engineered by Livermore, Stevenson, Andrew Berlin, Chris Beeble and Wade. Berlin also provided additional production. The album was mixed by Andy Wallace at Soundtrack Studios, located in New York City, New York. Mastering was performed by Ted Jensen at Sterling Sound, in New York City. Phil Norman played cello for "Forgive and Forget", "Negative Space", "Justified", "We Got This" and "Exposed". Ian Short played violin on "Forgive and Forget", "Justified" and "We Got This". Adrienne Short played violin and viola on "Forgive and Forget", "Reassemble", "Negative
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sacrifice depth and quality for initial or instant success. Hopefully, there will be something there for everyone. After all these years in music, I'm ok with that if it doesn't happen commercially.'" Norman reveals that he doesn't "'...feel resigned to be done with music at all...I'm just inspired to do it on whatever level. No need to prove anything.'" which doesn't say that sexual freedom is what empowerment needs to necessarily be. It's extremely individual to each one of us. As for Alex, she happens to not care." The character treats men as dispensable entities, similar to how men usually treat women. She does not treat men as if they are the most important thing in her life because she is more focused on her work, with men just happen to come and go in her life. Chopra explained "I think that's extremely empowering on her end. It may not be something I personally agree with or something I the Yankee ingenuity to roll up your sleeves, get a band of people who believe in something and go for it and make it happen. It doesn't happen anywhere else. — Brian Binnie, October 4, 2004, after completing flight 17P and becoming something that it maybe hasn't before." Piper stated that with the Tenth Doctor, Rose is "more tetchy and more possessive" over him as "she feels like she's lost him once and doesn't want to lose him again". She cited Rose's "catfight" with former companion Sarah Jane Smith in "School Reunion" as evidence of this. Discussing the possibility of Rose and the Tenth Doctor becoming more romantically involved Piper stated "You want it to happen, but at the same time you don't want it to happen". Tennant likened the dynamic between the pair to that of Dana Scully (Gillian they soon realised that too much had changed and decided to break-up. Imogen Willis Digital Spy's Daniel Kilkelly noticed a connection between Daniel and Imogen in their first scenes together and Phillipps told him that something could happen between them in the future. He continued, "Imogen gets into twists and gets very worked up about things and Daniel just doesn't get it. He finds it really funny and thinks that Imogen is super sweet. He doesn't get why she finds stuff so frustrating, but he really loves that about her as well." Daniel and Imogen clashed again when she dropped my way since leaving Stamford. However, having spent time considering whether I wished to take up another role exclusively in football, I started to look at the alternatives and the chance to build a brand new club, structured around modern beliefs and values, really appeals to me. It is something that just doesn't happen these days, not from scratch. "I feel very passionately about doing something community-focused that benefits grassroot clubs and local schools upwards, and not just in one sports code. Multi-sport disciplines are very common on the continent, as well as in America, and I've seen first-hand the additional guy", before placing a reassuring hand on Charlie's shoulder. Production It was the second feature directed by Geoff Burrowes."If you want to do an action picture, it should be one that doesn't let up and for that reason this movie appealed to me enormously," he said. "In Run, we're projecting a situation which could quite conceivably happen to any member of the audience, a situation with which they can identify through a character who is fundamentally Everyman. We pose the question, `What would happen to me if I were caught up something in which I was an outsider, where all claimed Farrow and Paramount's head of production Buddy de Sylva agreed to cut the scene, but it reappeared in the script during production. Young refused once more and threatened to leave the film. The scene was not shot. Young also admitted she had difficulties with Alan Ladd. "He was a whiner and I hate that... Any man who calls for his agent every time he doesn't get his own way and his agent happens to be his wife (Sue Carol) there is something radically wrong. The last little thing that would happen, he'd be on the phone saying, 'Sue, you'd better AFDI (Actually F****** Doing It), which meant if you had a great idea go ahead and make it happen no matter what. Don't be afraid because it doesn't fall within the realm of normal radio, just make it happen. That was something I strived for and I hope I was able to achieve it . . . with Cinemagic." At one point, the managers of Cinemagic had a library exceeding 30,000 film audio clips and 20,000 songs to be utilized within the channel. However, after the 2008 merger of XM and Sirius, disputes over legality caused the integrated clips to be "bartering" or "haggling" (see reciprocity (cultural anthropology) for more information). Reciprocal concessions There are more subtle ways of initiating the reciprocity rule than merely doing something nice for someone so you may expect something in return. One form of this more subtle form of reciprocity is the idea of reciprocal concessions in which the requester lowers his/her initial request, making the respondent more likely to agree to a second request. Under the rule of reciprocity, we are obligated to concede to someone who has made a concession to us. That is, if an individual starts off by requesting something large
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rubber-covered wire. Long Hall Technologies created other Nickelodeon electronics until 1999. Nickelodeon-themed electronics There were also other electronics with Nickelodeon themes, including the Talkblaster (phone), Blastbox (boombox with cassette player), CD Blast Box (boombox with a CD player), Blast Pads (headphones), 2 Blast Packs (portable cassette or AM/FM radio), a computer keyboard, and a Gakulator (calculator). Video Games From 1996 until 2000, Mattel Media made various video games based on Nickelodeon properties. Dina (video game console) Hardware The Dina's controllers are modeled after the D-pads made famous by the Nintendo Entertainment System. The cables connecting the system are attached to the side of the controllers, making them difficult to grasp comfortably. Since the controllers are too small to possess numeric keypads, a single numeric keypad is present on the console itself. Any ColecoVision game that requires two keypads cannot be used. A difference in the Dina's controller wiring prevents use of Coleco's Roller Controller and Super Action Controllers and games dependent on either one. The Dina does not include the ColecoVision expansion module AU pill or Supra Conductive Pill can be used to get as low as 1 ohm. Applications Common applications of silicone rubber keypads include remote controls for TV, video and HIFI units, electronic toys and games, and industrial control equipment. Industrial silicone rubber keypads such as ones produced by CTI Electronics Corporation are used in the medical, marine, or, military are typically sealed comply to specific industry standards such as NEMA or IP66 for protection against elements such as liquids or dust. Mobile phone handset manufacturers have, in recent years, been the main consumer of rubber keypads worldwide. Their involvement has led social studies and science; changing sentence or word structure to increase organizational quality and impact of writing; and, fixing or improving sentence structure, word usage, and punctuation. Calculator use All scientific and most graphing calculators, including Computer Algebra System (CAS) calculators, are permitted on the SAT Math – Calculator section only. All four-function calculators are allowed as well; however, these devices are not recommended. All mobile phone and smartphone calculators, calculators with typewriter-like (QWERTY) keyboards, laptops and other portable computers, and calculators capable of accessing the Internet are not permitted. Research was conducted by the College Board to study the effect F1 to F6, used to select function menu tips. In terms of keypads, there are two differences between the Algebra FX 2.0 and its French version Graph 100+. In the Graph 100+, the buttons EXP and aᵇ/c are replaced by ×10ˣ and a+ᵇ/c, respectively. Memory and Processor The calculators come with a main program memory (RAM) of 146 kilobytes and a storage flash memory of 768 kilobytes. It was the first time that Casio adopted a flash storage into its calculator production. The program memory is used to store program files, calculator settings, and variables for matrices, statistics, graphs, tables, equations, with the Sundstrand Adding Machine in 1911. There is no standard for the layout of the four arithmetic operations, the decimal point, equal sign or other more advanced mathematical functions on the keypad of a calculator. The invention of the push-button telephone keypad is attributed to John E. Karlin, an industrial psychologist at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, NJ. On a telephone keypad, the numbers 1 through 9 are arranged from left to right, top to bottom with 0 in a row below 789 and in the center. Telephone keypads also have the special buttons labelled * (star) and # (octothorpe, number keyboard and at times also using a mouse, although a manually-fed scanner may be involved. Historically, devices lacking any pre-processing capabilities were used. Keypunching Data entry using keypunches was related to the concept of Batch processing - there was no immediate feedback. Computer keyboards Computer keyboards and online data-entry provide the ability to give feedback to the data entry clerk doing the work; Numeric keypads The addition of numeric keypads to computer keyboards introduced quicker and often also less error-prone entry of numeric data. Computer mouse The use of a computer mouse, typically on a personal computer, opened up another option Computer number format A computer number format is the internal representation of numeric values in digital computer and calculator hardware and software. Normally, numeric values are stored as groupings of bits, named for the number of bits that compose them. The encoding between numerical values and bit patterns is chosen for convenience of the operation of the computer; the bit format used by the computer's instruction set generally requires conversion for external use such as printing and display. Different types of processors may have different internal representations of numerical values. Different conventions are used for integer and real will translate phoneword phone numbers in webpages and SMS messages to their proper digits within a hyperlink leading to that device's phone app, and their keypads show the appropriate local mapping of letters within their virtual dialpad. Some models of smartphones allow the user to enter letters into the device’s dialing window to allow the completion of phonewords. Numerous Blackberry models allow this feature by using the ALT key when pressing a key to select the letter, and not the number on the key. On older landline telephones, the O, Q and Z sometimes vary in placement or are omitted entirely; this keypads can be purchased. Keypads for the entry of PINs and for product selection appear on many devices including ATMs, vending machines, Point of Sale payment devices, time clocks, combination locks and digital door locks. Key layout The first key-activated mechanical calculators and many cash registers used "parallel" keys with one column of 0 to 9 for each position the machine could use. A smaller, 10-key input first started on the Standard Adding Machine in 1901. The calculator had the digit keys arranged in one row, with zero on the left, and 9 on the right. The modern four-row arrangement debuted
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hepatitis A, leprosy, typhoid fever, and whooping cough, can return to work immediately after their healing phase or medical tests. Almost always the patient may only be allowed to return to work upon submission of a medical certificate. Eligibility Sometimes, there are standards and procedures in place, for workers in a certain field to be eligible to receive a medical certificate. Any airman at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration must give their employees access to the National Driver Register. On top of this, other tests which are required for first-, second- and third-class airmen are: eye, ear/nose/throat/equilibrium, mental, neurologic, Medical ultrasound By organ or system Sonography (ultrasonography) is widely used in medicine. It is possible to perform both diagnosis and therapeutic procedures, using ultrasound to guide interventional procedures such as biopsies or drainage of fluid collections. Sonographers are medical professionals who perform scans which are then traditionally interpreted by radiologists, physicians who specialize in the application and interpretation of a wide variety of medical imaging modalities, or by cardiologists in the case of cardiac ultrasonography (echocardiography). Increasingly, clinicians (physicians and other healthcare professionals who provide direct patient care) are using the ultrasound in office and hospital practice (Point-of-Care Ultrasound). Sonography procedures, bringing in $40 million of revenue. As of 2010, up to 30,000 foreigners come to Israel every year for treatment, mostly from Russia. Some medical tourists come to Israel because the procedures they seek are not available in their home countries. Others, particularly from the US, choose Israel because they can receive high quality treatment, such as surgery and in-vitro fertilization at much lower cost. Many medical tourists come to Israel for treatment at the Dead Sea, a world-famous therapeutic resort. The Israel Ministry of Tourism and professional medical services providers are working to promote awareness of this niche in Medical glove Medical gloves are disposable gloves used during medical examinations and procedures to help prevent cross-contamination between caregivers and patients. Medical gloves are made of different polymers including latex, nitrile rubber, polyvinyl chloride and neoprene; they come unpowdered, or powdered with cornstarch to lubricate the gloves, making them easier to put on the hands. Cornstarch replaced tissue-irritating Lycopodium powder and talc, but even cornstarch can impede healing if it gets into tissues (as during surgery). As such, unpowdered gloves are used more often during surgery and other sensitive procedures. Special manufacturing processes are used to compensate for of sperm retrieval failure. In 19 azoospermic men, sperm retrieval guided by prior FNA mapping found sufficient sperm for all eggs at IVF in 95% of cases. In addition, FNA-directed procedures enabled simple percutaneous FNA sperm retrieval in 20% of cases, and minimized the number of biopsies (mean 3.1) and the volume of testicular tissue (mean 72 mg) taken when open biopsies were required. Testis sparing procedures are particularly important in men with atrophic or solitary testes, and sperm retrieval guided by information from prior FNA maps can conserve testis tissue. Thus, this study confirmed that FNA maps can immunohistochemistry or other laboratory tests. Specimens There are two major types of specimens submitted for surgical pathology analysis: biopsies and surgical resections. A biopsy is a small piece of tissue removed primarily for the purposes of surgical pathology analysis, most often in order to render a definitive diagnosis. Types of biopsies include core biopsies, which are obtained through the use of large-bore needles, sometimes under the guidance of radiological techniques such as ultrasound, CT scan, or magnetic resonance imaging. Core biopsies, which preserve tissue architecture, should not be confused with fine-needle aspiration specimens, which are analyzed using cytopathology techniques. Incisional biopsies its own right: Why can't I come in? (or: Why can I not come in?). More information on these topics can be found at English clause syntax. Past forms The preterite (past) forms given above (could, might, should and would, corresponding to can, may, shall and will, respectively) do not always simply modify the meaning of the modal to give it past time reference. The only one regularly used as an ordinary past tense is could, when referring to ability: I could swim may serve as a past form of I can swim. All the preterites are used as past equivalents for Lazarus syndrome Implications The Lazarus phenomenon raises ethical issues for physicians, who must determine when medical death has occurred, resuscitation efforts should end, and postmortem procedures such as autopsies and organ harvesting may take place. Medical literature has recommended observation of a patient's vital signs for five to ten minutes after cessation of resuscitation before certifying death. other. Still, there has been some evidence that people can naturally hold both views. For instance, when people are presented with abstract cases which ask if a person could be morally responsible for an immoral act when they could not have done otherwise, people tend to say no, or give incompatibilist answers, but when presented with a specific immoral act that a specific person committed, people tend to say that that person is morally responsible for their actions, even if they were determined (that is, people also give compatibilist answers). on performing an autopsy. Dieners help train medical students, interns, and residents in autopsy techniques and procedures. Duties The multiple duties of a diener are typically the same wherever employed. One of the main duties is to assist in autopsies. One duty in assisting with autopsies includes positioning patients for them to be fingerprinted. Another task done as a part of assisting with autopsies involves the removal of organs, tissues, and any fluids (such as blood) from the body. Fingerprinting patients, removing tissues and organs, drawing and spinning blood samples are done as a part of collecting and preserving forensic evidence,
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the hells. But eventually, the person will die in this after-death world and be reborn as a human or other creature unless they achieve Nirvana, where they are beyond all states of embodiment. Hungry ghosts have their own realm depicted on the Bhavacakra and are represented as teardrop or paisley-shaped with bloated stomachs and necks too thin to pass food, so that attempting to eat is also incredibly painful. Some are described as having "mouths the size of a needle's eye and a stomach the size of a mountain". This is a metaphor for people futilely attempting to fulfill their illusory are very small and prisoners are always hungry. They only get some steamed corn and a watery cabbage soup or some bean porridge, but no salt or protein. In order to survive, the prisoners eat raw mice, snakes, frogs and insects they can find or grass, tree leaves or bark. Some prisoners even eat undigested beans or corn kernels from cow dung, although they are punished when detected. Ill prisoners still have to work to avoid beatings and reduced food rations. There is just one military doctor in the prison, no medical devices and almost no medicine. Prisoners often get Smurf Soup Plot Brainy Smurf and two other Smurfs wander through the forest. When they are near Gargamel's house, they see a giant arriving. The giant introduces himself to Gargamel as Bigmouth and declares he's hungry. Gargamel, driven by fear, gives him some soup, but Bigmouth is still hungry tries to eat Azrael but the wizard stops him. Observing that Bigmouth will eat anything (even candles), Gargamel decides to use him as a tool in his vengeance against the Smurfs, offering to get him some to make a soup. Luckily the three Smurfs hear this and go to the Smurf behavior Begging animals may use one or a combination of signals during begging displays. Auditory signals Birds use begging calls when they are young in order to obtain attention from their parents to be fed. Begging calls in birds are very important in enabling parents to recognize their offspring. This is important because of the amount of energy expended giving care to and feeding the offspring. Acoustic cues are incredibly important in recognizing chicks. Acoustic cues work over long and short distances, as well as for individual recognition. Birds beg more intensely when they are hungry even though it expends often been used metaphorically to describe the insatiable craving of an addict. Comparison with Buddhism outside China and Vietnam The World of the Hungry Ghosts (preta) is one of the six domains of the desire realm of Buddhism. Tibetan Buddhism In Tibetan Buddhism Hungry Ghosts (Tib. ཡི་དྭགས་, Wyl. yi dwags, Sanskrit: preta) have their own realm depicted on the Bhavacakra and are represented as teardrop or paisley-shaped with bloated stomachs and necks too thin to pass food such that attempting to eat is also incredibly painful. Some are described as having "mouths the size of a needle's eye and a explaining how the public should be prepared "if zombies started appearing outside your doorstep", it continues: "You can also implement this plan if there is a flood, earthquake, or other emergency." Plan your evacuation route. When zombies are hungry they won't stop until they get food (i.e., brains), which means you need to get out of town fast! Plan where you would go and multiple routes you would take ahead of time so that the flesh eaters don't have a chance! This is also helpful when natural disasters strike and you have to take shelter fast. Some commentators noted that May Let's Eat Dinner Together Background 200 years ago, Kim Sat-gat wandered around Joseon and felt hungry, people were willing to share food together. 200 years later, in 2016, Kim Sat-gat is no longer alive, and the people living in the city no longer talk about the stories or the food. Instead, what makes people open their mouth are smartphones, SNS (social networking service), message boards, divination and one more thing, spoons. People eat where, when, with whom and how; two hungry men plan on finding people who can have dinner with them. They press your doorbell, they are just curious about to a question about balancing spending cuts against the need to feed hungry children, he said that he had seen no "authoritative" evidence that children in America were going hungry and that some of the allegations "are purely political." When asked about soup kitchens, he said that "some people are going to soup kitchens voluntarily.... I know we've had considerable information that people go to soup kitchens because the food is free and that that's easier than paying for it." Democratic leaders and social welfare activists called his comments "disgraceful," "an outrage," "unkind," "mean-spirited," and "absolutely ridiculous." Tip O'Neill, the we get some beer to celebrate." Mustaine's membership in Metallica ended before recording Kill 'Em All in 1983. Brian Slagel, owner of Metal Blade Records, recalls in an interview: "Dave was an incredibly talented guy but he also had an incredibly large problem with alcohol and drugs. He'd get wasted and become a real crazy person, a raging megalomaniac, and the other guys just couldn't deal with that after a while. I mean, they all drank of course, but Dave drank more… much more. I could see they were beginning to get fed up of seeing Dave drunk out of his several women and will not settle down with anyone. Pebbles takes the girls out to lunch to sign the contracts telling them that they have a weekly stipend of $25.00 and will only get paid when they have sold records and tickets to shows. The girls are given studio sessions, where Pebbles forces the girls to do sections of their dance routines repeatedly to get them right. During the rehearsal, Pebbles notices Chilli eyeing Dallas, who is producing some tracks for the album, and Lisa complains she is hungry whilst cursing. She pulls all the girls aside and tells them that
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was a public holiday in Ireland until 1973, when it was replaced by Early Summer Holiday on the first Monday in June. In the United Kingdom the day is known as Whit Monday, and was a bank holiday until 1967 when it was replaced by the Spring Bank Holiday on the last Monday in May. In France, following reactions to the implementation of the Journée de solidarité envers les personnes âgées, Pentecost Monday has been reestablished as a regular (not as a working) holiday on May 3, 2005. First Monday Premise Created by JAG creator Donald P. Bellisario and Paul Levine, the show aired on CBS from January until May 2002. The name First Monday is a reference to the first Monday in October, which is when each Supreme Court term begins. Joe Mantegna starred as moderate Justice Joseph Novelli, who is appointed to a Supreme Court evenly divided between conservatives and liberals. The show examined how the law clerks and justices dealt with issues and cases that came before the highest court in the United States. First Monday generally dealt with two issues per episode. Earlier (bassist) "This song has been selected to become the first single, because it's something special. People think 'What's that? That doesn't sound like The Rasmus!' when they hear the song." Lauri Ylönen (singer/songwriter) "The first sentence, about not going to school on Monday. That's true, because Monday was the day to practice our new songs." team is hosting an AFC opponent, including the traditional Thanksgiving Day game on even-numbered years. WWJ-TV also broadcasts the Lions' ESPN Monday Night Football and NFL Network Thursday Night Football games, resulting in CBS' entire primetime lineup being moved to WKBD-TV for the night. As per ESPN's Monday Night contract, WWJ-TV has the right of first refusal for at least one Monday night game. This right of first refusal has only been deferred twice, when the Lions' lone Monday night game of 2011 moved to WXYZ-TV due to an unexpected winning record at the time, and then when the Cyber Monday period of 2017. Last year, during Cyber Monday 2018 the total of shops increased with 44 to 149 shops in total Portugal In Portugal, the term Cyber Monday was first used in 2009. Romania In Romania, Cyber Monday is the first Monday after Black Friday, which is held by the biggest retailers one week before the US Black Friday. Sweden In Sweden Cyber Monday is growing rapidly and several of the largest online retailers regularly launch Cyber Monday campaigns. Cyber Monday was first established on larger online retailers in Sweden 2010. United Kingdom According to a 2009 The 297 consecutive regular season games; Tarvaris Jackson started in his place and subsequently Joe Webb had his first ever down in an NFL game. In addition, it was the first ever regular-season Monday night game in Ford Field. This was the first time that either CBS or Fox produced a Monday night game that would only be broadcast in the markets of the competing teams; a similar situation would later happen on November 24, 2014, when CBS televised a Monday night game between the New York Jets and the Buffalo Bills that was relocated from Ralph Wilson Stadium to Ford Field Orange, which is probably why the current name was chosen in the 19th century for the ceremonial opening of parliament. Historically, the constitution has stated that the opening of parliament should take place on a fixed date. The opening of parliament was originally held on the first Monday in November in the first half of the 19th century, and then the third Monday in October, but when a constitutional revision introduced annual budgets in 1848, more time was needed to debate the budget, so the date was brought forward a month. Monday was considered inappropriate, because many parliamentarians in distant parts 1903, an Act of the United Kingdom Parliament introduced by the Irish MP James O'Mara. In 1939, the Oireachtas passed the Holidays (Employees) Act 1939 which designated the public holidays as Christmas Day; St. Stephen's Day; St. Patrick's Day; Easter Monday; Whit Monday and the first Monday in August. The Holidays (Employees) Act 1973 replaced the Whit Monday holiday with the first Monday in June. New Year's Day was not listed in the Act but was added by Statutory Instrument in 1974. The October Holiday was added in 1977. The first Monday in May (commonly known as May Day) was added They chose not to do that." However, when the Liberal Party held a majority in the legislative assembly, an act was in 2008 passed to amend the election act, mandating an election would be held every four years on the first Monday in October. Quebec The Quebec legislature passed a bill which received Royal Assent on June 14, 2013, that establishes fixed election dates held on the first Monday in October of the fourth calendar year following the dissolution of the legislature. It also includes a provision to move the election to the first Monday of April in the fifth California State Legislature Legislative Session Schedule New legislators convene each new two-year session, to organize, in the Assembly and Senate Chambers, respectively, at noon on the first Monday in December following the election. After the organizational meeting, both houses are in recess until the first Monday in January, except when the first Monday is January 1 or January 1 is a Sunday, in which case they meet the following Wednesday. Aside from the recess, the legislature is in session year-round. State House Since California was given official statehood by the U.S. in September 9, 1850 as part of the Compromise of
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rated K+ should only contain minor coarse language and violence and should be completely free of adult themes. T rating The T rating is for audiences ages 13 or older. Some non-explicit violence and minor coarse language, as well as minor suggestive adult themes can be used. M rating The M rating is for audiences ages 16 or older. Coarse language, violence and suggestive adult themes are allowed if not too explicit. Not allowed ratings Currently, the MA rating is strictly forbidden. MA rating Only for adults over 18 years old. Many M-rated stories that contain explicit adult themes still in positions of power are outraged when they are being held accountable, even if the sanction is as minor as a request for an apology.” Of more than 2,300 comments on Marcus's story about the incident, the vast majority condemned Sharoni Lebow went public with the incident. Sharoni said that in response, she had received hate mail, and that this was an example of “the impact on women and other marginalized groups” who witness abuse, and would discourage them from speaking up, even if they follow written policy and even if they are right. Lebow said that Sharoni and ISA should leagues have categorized divisions breaking down various competition level based on skill, age, experience and sex. (Younger players below the age of twenty are still eligible to play in minor league associations and if interested in playing organized hockey they can join leagues such as the Hockey East Ottawa Minor hockey league). All adult recreational hockey leagues in Ottawa are either privately run or run by the city and they are operated out of local arenas. The costs associated to joining adult hockey leagues in Ottawa vary from league to league and they are based on the following factors: quality of avoid liability by showing that they do not know the difference between right and wrong. However, a child should not be found guilty if they are unfit to plead. In exceptional circumstances, most notably the case of the murder of James Bulger in Liverpool in 1993, children can be tried as an adult in an adult court. From the age of 18 onwards, individuals are then considered an adult in the eyes of the law. Therefore, all punishment given by the courts or other law enforcement agencies will rest solely upon them. Crown Court process Except in homicide cases, the Crown Court (1) A person who commits buggery is guilty of an offence and liable upon conviction to imprisonment for - (a) twenty-five years, if committed by an adult on a minor; (b) ten years, if committed by an adult on another adult; (c) five years, if committed by a minor; and if the Court thinks it fit, the Court may order that the convicted person be admitted to a psychiatric hospital for treatment. (2) Any person who attempts to commit the offence of buggery, or is guilty of an assault with intent to commit the same, is guilty of an offence and liable to imprisonment for LGBT rights in Antigua and Barbuda Legality of same-sex sexual activity Two sections of the Sexual Offences Act, 1995 relate to same-sex sexual acts: Section 12. (1) A person who commits buggery is guilty of an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment - (a) for life, if committed by an adult on a minor; (b) for fifteen years, if committed by an adult on another adult; (c) for five years, if committed by a minor. (2) In this section "buggery" means sexual intercourse per anum by a male person with a male person.... Section 15. There is debate about this issue, as some argue that dogs should be segregated by size (see reference for one example in an editorial column of a newspaper), while others feel that dogs of all sizes can and should socialize together. In any case, dog owners must make sure their dogs are well-socialized, and watch carefully so that they can intervene if the dog acts anti-socially towards other dogs or humans. Children in dog parks In Houston, Texas, some dog parks allow children inside if they are properly chaperoned by an adult, while others exclude children. The Houston Dog Park cause more psychological damage from the isolation and the oppressed feelings of not being able to be redeemed. Outcomes of juveniles prosecuted in criminal courts Although the sanctions are more serious in this kind of case than if the juvenile was tried as a child, certain allowances are still made due to the fact the offender is a minor. These include a juvenile offender not being forced to serve time in an adult prison, or with adult prisoners. Extreme sanctions such as the death penalty are generally not handed down to minors. Long-term consequences Juveniles whose cases were seen Row means 2 SP are lost, whereas Napoleon's 20 lose 2 as well. A "D" result requires that side to lose at least one strength point of cavalry, and the loser must retreat, and must also lose an additional strength point if he is inferior in cavalry to the winner. Sieges work only slightly differently. 6 Strength Points may take refuge in a major city (4 in a minor city). A city may be assaulted or besieged. If assaulted, the defenders' combat strength is doubled (some players triple them as a house rule, making a strongly defended city even harder to erosion that produced Powell's Great Unconformity. An increase of calcium may also have been caused by erosion of the Transgondwanan Supermountain that existed at the time of the explosion. The roots of the mountain are preserved in present-day East Africa as an orogen. Developmental explanations A range of theories are based on the concept that minor modifications to animals' development as they grow from embryo to adult may have been able to cause very large changes in the final adult form. The Hox genes, for example, control which organs individual regions of an embryo will develop into. For instance, if a
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so that the movements operate in the same direction. The 17 mm and the 24 mm version II lenses allow independent rotation of the tilt and shift movements. The 50 mm, the 90 mm and the 135 mm providing macro capability of 0.5×, with extension tube some up to 1.0×. All five lenses provide automatic aperture control. Hartblei makes tilt-and-shift lenses to fit various manufacturers’ camera bodies. It currently offers four Super-Rotator Tilt/Shift lenses for 35 mm bodies: the TS-PC Hartblei 35 mm f/2.8, the TS-PC Hartblei 65 mm f/3.5, the TS-PC Hartblei 80 mm f/2.8, and the TS-PC Hartblei 120 mm f/2.8. It also offers the TS-PC Hartblei 45 mm f/3.5 to fit of F major, played with a capo on the guitar's third fret, so as to allow for the chord shapes that Harrison admired in "Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands". The melody appears to fluctuate from the home key, due to its avoidance of perfect cadences, as the dominant, C7 chord resists anchoring on the tonic I chord of F major. In addition, all plagal changes (in this case, B♭ to F major) are fleeting. The composition also makes use of jazz-style ninth chords. Lyrically, the song takes the form of a reconciliation with a loved one after a long period 2015 V-22 Osprey crash at Bellows that revealed discrepancies in Pentagon officials public statements and records. F-35 “Dogfight Leak” In 2015 Axe obtained a leaked testing report written by a pilot that recounted how the F-35 joint strike fighter the tester was flying was unable to outmaneuver an F-16 fighter it was facing off against in a simulated dog fight. Not long after breaking the story, War is Boring posted the documents online. The F-35 program office released an official response that admitted the report was genuine, but stated that the report was “misleading” and insisted the F-35 is so advanced is empty. So F(0) is equal to 0 (the smallest ordinal of all). Now that F(0) is known, the definition applied to F(1) makes sense (it is the smallest ordinal not in the singleton set {F(0)} = {0}), and so on (the and so on is exactly transfinite induction). It turns out that this example is not very exciting, since provably F(α) = α for all ordinals α, which can be shown, precisely, by transfinite induction. Indexing classes of ordinals Any well-ordered set is similar (order-isomorphic) to a unique ordinal number ; in other words, its elements can be indexed over 200 million dollar per plane depending on the number purchased), the F-35 is less agile than the F-16. Compared to the F-16 or A-10 (in both of whose operational roles it is marketed to operate) the F-35 as overweight and dangerous, stating “It’s as if Detroit suddenly put out a car with lighter fluid in the radiator and gasoline in the hydraulic brake lines: That’s how unsafe this plane is…" and "full of bugs". The Russian state-controlled online magazine Sputnik News quoted Sprey as saying: “The F-35 is so bad it is absolutely hopeless when pitted gotten much warmer, so freezing rain will often occur. This makes driving very hazardous and often cancels school buses, with the roads very icy for a few days. In the summer, humidity is often common, especially in July. Although temperatures are usually just under 30°C (86°F), with the humidity it can feel as hot as 35°C or higher. every x∈S and f⁻¹ to be the map such that f⁻¹(x) = f(x)⁻¹. Take maps f, g, and h in M(S,G). For every x in S, f(x) and g(x) are both in G, and so is (fg)(x). Therefore, fg is also in M(S, G), or M(S, G) is closed. For ((fg)h)(x) = (fg)(x)h(x) = (f(x)g(x))h(x) = f(x)(g(x)h(x)) = f(x)(gh)(x) = (f(gh))(x), M(S, G) is associative. And there is a map i such that i(x) = e where e is the unit element of G. The map i makes all the functions f in M(S, G) such that if = fi = f, or i is the unit element of M(S, G). Thus, M(S, G) is actually a group. If G is commutative, then (fg)(x) = f(x)g(x) = g(x)f(x) = (gf)(x). Therefore, so is to conduct another one. Canada needs the F-35 because of the industrial and regional benefits. The government was just continuing along the lines established by the previous Liberal government. The F-35 is the best aircraft at the best price. The F-35 will cost the U.S. $75 million." On 14 May 2012 an annual planning report for the F-35 program was presented to the House of Commons by Treasury Board President Tony Clement which clearly indicated that the government was still not considering any alternatives to the F-35 and expected delivery of the first example in 2017, a year later than previously are known. They are called pseudobinary, because although there is one other element, there are four kinds of atoms. Nonmetal pseudobinary fluorosulfates are known including those of halogens and xenon. Some psudoternary fluorosulfates exist including Cs[Sb(SO₃F)₆], Cs[Au(SO₃F)₄], Cs₂[Pt(SO₃F)₆] Related ionic compounds are the fluoroselenites SeO₃F⁻ and the fluorosulfites SO₂F⁻. about $135 million per plane, the F-35 has a relatively short range. This makes it an odd choice for a large, sparsely populated country. In June 2014, he returned to the subject, comparing the 1960-era Lockheed CF-104 Starfighter and the F-35 Lightning. Both single engine planes are strike aircraft as opposed to air-superiority fighters and are poorly suited for dog-fighting. The single engine makes both vulnerable to failure: 110 of the 239 CF-104 Starfighters crashed before they were replaced by the CF-18s; one quarter of those crashes were attributed to bird strikes. Furthermore, the F-35 Lightning will be equipped with
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dressed as cowboys was later used for the single release of the track of the same name. According to Bon Jovi, the band named the album Slippery When Wet after visiting The No.5 Orange strip club in Vancouver, British Columbia. According to Sambora, "This woman descended from the ceiling on a pole and proceeded to take all her clothes off. When she got in a shower and soaped herself up, we just about lost our tongues. We just sat there and said, 'We will be here every day.' That energized us through the whole project. Our testosterone was at a felt a bit energized. The general musical landscape has shifted, and it's come back around to where we were twenty years ago in a way. We felt comfortable in the world so we thought, "Let's just have some fun and make something we can DJ to start". It'd been a while since we were making tracks we actually wanted to play out. That was important. They're tracks our friends can put on at a barbecue. It's feel-good and sunny." Track information "Power to the People" took two years to make. The track includes backing vocals from audiences at their December shots in the shower directly before and directly after the murder. The combination of the close shots with their short duration makes the sequence feel more subjective than it would have been if the images were presented alone or in a wider angle, an example of the technique Hitchcock described as "transferring the menace from the screen into the mind of the audience". To capture the straight-on shot of the shower head, the camera had to be equipped with a long lens. The inner holes on the shower head were blocked and the camera placed a sufficient distance away so that it just happened that they were rather friendly with Richard Franklin, and they were at his house for dinner one evening when he played them the music for Patrick." Combining classical orchestration with mechanical sounds, May's work on Mad Max is notable for its distinctive soundscape that interacts with the film's diegetic sounds. "Mad Max was a strongly energized score in the violence/action department, and for that they wanted a totally non-melodic score," explained May. "It was very jagged and shearing, and George particularly wanted me to antagonize the audience by making them feel uncomfortable. Sometimes we had jagged notes going on the video saying, "we kind of want to curl up in a hot shower and have a good cry ourselves." They continued saying, "It's kind of an echo of her famous "We Found Love" video, with that clip's quick-cut, drugged-up frenzy of bad romance replaced with solitary, locked-off shots that feel more intimate than exploitative. She looks amazing, but the focus isn't so much her body as the look of constant devastation on her face." Brown summarised the clip as being "appropriately minimalist[ic]" and concluded calling it "a beautiful video that broaden's Rihanna's emotional-musical palette." Bené Viera of VH1 Baby Shower Plot Dwight (Rainn Wilson) acts out the process of birth with a watermelon, as Michael (Steve Carell) wants to be prepared for Jan's (Melora Hardin) baby. The Party Planning Committee is planning Jan's baby shower, and collects money for a present, to which many employees are reluctant to donate. Angela (Angela Kinsey) makes a "guess whose baby picture" game for the shower, and she is angered when Andy (Ed Helms) unintentionally makes fun of her picture. Jim (John Krasinski) and Pam (Jenna Fischer) feel awkward trying to communicate with each other throughout the day, with Pam telling the documentary dissuade her; when that doesn't work, he tries to get her sympathy by telling her he was abused as a child. Following the supposed operation, which Jeff does not feel due to the ice numbing his genitals, Hayley leaves the kitchen, claiming to take a shower. Jeff struggles and frees himself. When he reluctantly checks the site of the operation, he realizes he is actually unharmed, and Hayley has elaborately faked his castration. He storms off in a rage to get Hayley in the bathroom, where the shower is running. Scalpel in hand, he attacks, only to find the shower settlement. Frampton closed the commercial with an improv riff from the song. Frampton plays the opening notes of the song for a 2012 TV commercial for the 2012 Buick Verano. Title The title of the song is "Do You Feel Like We Do," although the lyrics read, "Do you feel like I do?" Only after Bob Mayo's keyboard solo in the Frampton Comes Alive! version does Frampton sing, "Do you feel like we do?" He then sings "Do you feel like we do?" through the talk box in the midst of his extended guitar solo. voltage circuit is de-energized, but if lower-voltage circuits connected remain energized, the higher voltage circuit will remain energized. Another problem can arise when de-energized wires become energized through electrostatic or electromagnetic induction from energized wires in close proximity. All live line work PPE must be kept clean from contaminants and regularly tested for di-electric integrity. This is done by the use of high voltage electrical testing equipment. Other general items of PPE such as helmets are usually replaced at regular intervals. never suspected anything. We all wondered why she never got naked in the shower. Being so shy at seventeen, it seemed absurd, but we thought, well, it is bizarre and weird".
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to a television-like handheld TV games and work like a regular Etch A Sketch, except on the television screen and with the addition of colors and sound effects. Etch A Sketch art There are a few practicing artists who use the Etch A Sketch to produce professional lineographic work. The artists make their work permanent by removing the aluminum powder. This is done either by drilling holes in the bottom of the toy or by removing the entire plastic backing. It is then resealed as a semi-permanent, shake-resistant piece of art. "Memory", a memory expansion cartridge. The price for one cartridge was $28.99. The Etch A Sketch Animator 2000 is capable of 22 frames of drawings and 99 frames of animation. Etch A Sketch Color In 1993, Ohio launched a Color Etch A Sketch. Similar to the original Etch A Sketch, it used the traditional two-knob interface to draw, but also featured six colors. It also had the ability to produce a color copy of each picture drawn Etch A Sketch ETO - Plug and Play Drawing System / Etch A Sketch Wired These are basically hand-held controllers that connect the company. Etch A Sketch was manufactured in Bryan, Ohio until the company moved the manufacturing plant to Shenzhen, China in 2001. In France, its country of origin, Etch A Sketch was sold under the name of "Télécran", rather than L'Écran Magique. In February 2016, the rights to the Etch A Sketch name and design were acquired by Toronto-based Spin Master Corporation. Etch A Sketch Animator The Etch A Sketch Animator (known simply as "The Animator" in Europe), debuted in 1987, and featured a low-resolution dot matrix display and used two knobs for drawing, like a regular Etch A Sketch, with several buttons to manipulate the drawings. The initial price was $89.99. It had a few kilobytes of memory, capable of storing 12 frames of pictures in any combination up to 96 times. It contained a speaker, which made static-like sounds when the knobs were moved and during animations. Etch A Sketch Animator 2000 In 1988, Ohio Art made an attempt to get into the computer/entertainment market by introducing a more advanced version of the Etch A Sketch Animator known as the Etch A Sketch Animator 2000. It featured a new laptop-like design instead of the classic Etch A Sketch form factor. The today. The name of the product was Etch A Sketch. In the 1950s, a man named W.C Killgallon began working for the Ohio Art Company. The Killgallon family still owns and operates the Ohio Art Company. The final product of the Etch A Sketch was first produced on July 12, 1960 at the Bryan, Ohio factory. Though the Ohio Art Company partook in the toy industry and was very successful, the metal lithography sector of the company remains the core part of its business. It is one of the leading producers of specialty lithographic components. In 1995, the Etch A Sketch Story 2. This scene featured an Etch A Sketch being used to present sketches related to the investigation of Woody's kidnapping. At 45 seconds, the scene in question was much longer than the scene in the original movie. The exposure from the highly successful Pixar movie resulted in sales of the toy increasing by 20 percent and ensured the survival of the company. On February 11, 2016, The Ohio Art Company announced that it has sold its Etch A Sketch and Doodle Sketch brands, in a move designed to allow it to focus on its metal lithography business and invest in Seamus on the roof of their automobile. Newt Gingrich aired an anti-Romney attack ad that featured the story, while Rick Santorum stated it was relevant as an issue of character. Etch A Sketch Eric Fehrnstrom, a top aide to Romney, was asked by comedian and political commentator John Fugelsang on CNN how their campaigning would change if and when Romney wins the Republican nomination. He answered it would be like an Etch A Sketch to shake-up and start over. Immediately, Santorum and Gingrich took the opportunity to say Romney flip-flops and was not a true conservative. Each held up an where the solvency of the company was in question. However, the company recovered with the prudent decision to agree to again have an Etch A Sketch appear in an animated feature film – this time in 1999 sequel Toy Story 2. This scene featured an Etch A Sketch being used to present sketches related to the investigation of Woody's kidnapping. At 45 seconds, the scene in question was much longer than the scene in the original movie. The exposure from the highly successful Pixar movie resulted in sales of the toy increasing by 20 percent and ensured the survival of L'Écran Magique was soon renamed the Etch A Sketch and became the most popular drawing toy in the business. After a complex series of negotiations, The Ohio Art Company launched the toy in the United States in time for the 1960 Christmas season with the name "Etch A Sketch". Ohio Art supported the toy with a televised advertising campaign. Originally, the toy used a plate glass screen, which was criticized by safety advocates for being easily broken and a danger to children. In November 1970, Consumers Union filed a petition with the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, asking for emergency Lineography Lineography is the art of drawing without lifting the pen, pencil, or paintbrush that is being used. The practice originated in France in the seventeenth century. It fell into disuse by the early nineteenth century. Lineography experienced a resurgence in 1960 with the release of the Etch A Sketch. In some instances, entire landscapes and still lifes have been drawn or painted using this lineographic technique. Famous works of art, such as the Mona Lisa, have been reproduced using the Etch A Sketch. The television show How It's Made used Lineography in the short segments at the beginnings of many episodes giving
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commentators in the US and Canada. Lewis has stated that Hugo Chávez's actions do not match his rhetoric and has criticized Chávez for not doing more to close down the "laboratory" of policies which he had inherited from previous administrations. Naomi Klein, who credited Avi Lewis for his input into her book The Shock Doctrine, links both stifling of dissent and concentration of power with the implementation of these earlier economic policies. Why Democracy? From October 8–18, 2007, Avi Lewis hosted the ten-part international documentary series Why Democracy? in Canada. Frontline USA / Inside USA Inside USA was first telecast Abhaya Indrayan Early life and education Abhaya Indrayan was born on November 11, 1945, in Meerut, India. He was born during the time that India was fighting for its freedom from the British rule. That was the reason why his father, who was a freedom fighter, was jailed repeatedly for long periods. Abhaya took his early education in Meerut from N.A.S. Inter. College and Meerut College. In 1977, he received his master's degree and Doctoral degree from The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, USA. Career Abhaya Indrayan was the founding Professor and Head of the Department of Biostatistics and Medical Clairvaux, who famously denounced such distractions in monasteries: But in the cloister, in the sight of the reading monks, what is the point of such ridiculous monstrosity, the strange kind of shapely shapelessness? Why these unsightly monkeys, why these fierce lions, why the monstrous centaurs, why semi-humans, why spotted tigers, why fighting soldiers, why trumpeting huntsmen? ... In short there is such a variety and such a diversity of strange shapes everywhere that we may prefer to read the marbles rather than the books. He might well have known the miniature at left, which was produced at Cîteaux Abbey before the MH17 crash, Bezler reportedly bragged that he summarily executes some of the combatants he captures: "Those who are fighting with the Ukrainian army, we keep as prisoners. Those who are fighting with volunteer battalions, we question them and then shoot them on the spot. Why should we show any pity to them?... You should see what they have done to my people. They chop off their heads and shit in the helmets! They are fascists! So why should we stand on ceremony with them? Questioning, an execution, that’s it. I will hang those fuckers from lampposts!". According to Walker, of the largest brokerages in Cincinnati with 11 offices, 220 agents and more than 600 property listings. The firm went out of business in 1980 due to the market’s high interest rates and declining real estate sales. Hague moved his family to Scottsdale, Arizona in 1981. In April 1988, he founded WHY USA, Inc. using what was considered a controversial business model. WHY USA worked with home owners to sell their houses for an advanced fee payment plan. Hague started WHY USA with three people. After a year of operations, the company was affiliated with 221 salespeople. The firm and its eleven times, this sentence feels rather unconventional. It still serves the original purpose: it emphasizes that Sibylla has forgotten much of German; but this replacing words one doesn’t recognize with “something”s is much more relatable than more formal novels. This repetition also presents itself in Ludo and Sibylla’s conversations: “Why are they fighting?WHY ARE THEY FIGHTING? WHY ARE THEY FIGHTING?”(26-7). This emphasizes that Ludo is a very curious child and often won’t stop asking until he gets an answer. In fact, Dewitt even uses capitalization to convey an eager tone. It’s as if Ludo is screaming at the readers to our fighting. At that time, everything that the world knew about September, came from our enemies, who spread lies about the campaign that lasted only for eighteen days. The world wondered why small Finland defended itself for so long. That is why I wrote the book in a hurry, without sources, with one target - to show Polish fighting spirit. So, my book is not a report about the war itself, but rather about Polish spirit in September 1939 (...) Loose pages wandered with me across the world, and when in 1943 I finally had the chance to publish CD USA Specials On December 31, 2006, CD USA presented its first live special, a 4½ hour concert titled America's Party: Live from Fremont Street Las Vegas on CD USA. Appearing artists in that special included All American Rejects, Rock Star Supernova, OK GO, Five for Fighting, Chicago and Smash Mouth. of conscripts to form a new reserve. He warned that the French and Americans “are not capable of making a serious offensive now. The British alone might bring the enemy to his knees. But why expend more British lives – and for what?” (Herbert Lawrence had also advised Haig it was in Britain’s interests for the war to end on lenient terms) and that prolonged fighting would increase the influence of the USA, and that harsh terms might encourage Germany to turn either to Bolshevism or else back to military rule. He advised that the Allies should simply demand that from ScrewAttack included Reiko among Namco characters "worthy" to guest-appear in Nintendo's Smash Bros. series of fighting games. Kara Shindo, a street racing gang leader and the lead character of Ridge Racer Unbounded, was confused by some media outlets (such as Kotaku USA and Kotaku Japan) with Reiko Nagase when the game was announced, along with comments on the supposed radical changes to her character. Further confusing Ai from Ridge Racer V with Reiko, GamesRadar's Towell included her among the early "triumphs of realistic faces in video games" and also mentioned her in his article "why PS2 was the best console
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to the inner surfaces. There's been a lot of speculation about the occurrence of water on Mars. We don't know but it could be associated with this mineral." Janice Bishop, a Mars specialist from the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence Institute also told the BBC that: "All life forms as we know it require liquid water so if we can actually find periods of time or places on the planet where there was standing water then the chance of life having formed increase greatly." Only: "What happened was, there was a weird sound on there, and we didn't know where the hell it came from. So we said, 'What are we gonna do? Are we gonna remix it?' I said, 'Well, I don't got no more money. This is it. You gotta like what you got.' We thought about it, and we thought, we don't want everybody to think we're a bunch of jerks. So I think I mentioned it, 'Let's just say it was recorded in a haunted house. Everybody'll love that!'" The songs "Horror Business", "Teenagers from Mars", and "Children in Heat" have sites, so its authors also support the hypotheses of either short-lived atmospheric water vapour deliquesence, or dry granular flows. They conclude that liquid water on today's Mars may be limited to traces of dissolved moisture from the atmosphere and thin films, which are challenging environments for life as we know it. Habitability assessments Since the Viking landers that searched for current microbial life in 1976, NASA has pursued a "follow the water" strategy on Mars. However, liquid water is a necessary but not sufficient condition for life as we know it because habitability is a function of a multitude of which included a manned landing on Mars, Quayle was asked his thoughts on sending humans to Mars. In his response, he made a series of scientifically incorrect statements: "Mars is essentially in the same orbit [as Earth]....Mars is somewhat the same distance from the Sun, which is very important. We have seen pictures where there are canals, we believe, and water. If there is water, that means there is oxygen. If oxygen, that means we can breathe." On June 15, 1992, Quayle altered 12-year-old student William Figueroa's correct spelling of "potato" to "potatoe" at the Muñoz Rivera Elementary School spelling bee And it’s certainly helped by 'Treasure's' bouncy beats". Kyle Anderson from Entertainment Weekly wrote "We should probably just change the name of this year from '2013' to '1978', because there are more sparkly suits and disco guitars than we know what to do with" and that "Bruno Mars has gone full-on Betamax for his new video for the track 'Treasure'. It's all there: the suits, the setting, and the bong-water video effects". Jordan Sargent of Spin said that Mars wasn't trying to hide the Michael Jackson influence on the video, writing "new low-def makes obvious — compare it next to, planet Mars possessed bodies of liquid water on the surface. For a brief period in Mars' history, it may have also been capable of forming life. At present though, most of the water remaining on Mars is frozen. If life exists at all on Mars, it is most likely to be located underground where liquid water can still exist. Conditions on the other terrestrial planets, Mercury and Venus, appear to be too harsh to support life as we know it. But it has been conjectured that Europa, the fourth-largest moon of Jupiter, may possess a sub-surface ocean of liquid water and could a mineral indicator of past water," said Dr. Joy Crisp, JPL project scientist. "It is not always associated with water, but it often is." Scientists have wanted to find out which of these processes created grey hematite on Mars since 1998, when Mars Global Surveyor spotted large concentrations of the mineral near the planet's equator (seen in the right picture). This discovery provided the first mineral evidence that Mars' history may have included water. "We want to know if the grains of hematite appear to be rounded and cemented together by the action of liquid water or if they're crystals that grew did this weekend. I know it’s the key, I know it is to my success." Johnson was candid about his performance: "We had a decent car and ran in the top five and top 10 but just didn't end up finishing there." Harvick was somewhat more upbeat, saying, "We didn't have a great day. We didn't have a great weekend, honestly, and (fifth) says a lot about this team. If we keep doing that on our bad days, we will be in good shape." The race result left Hamlin leading the Drivers' Championship with 5,230 points. Bowyer, who finished first, moved Free Mars Recording and musical style In addition to having "prog-rock roots", Free Mars also contained a strong influence from British music. Chris Pitman said in 1997 "[we have] definite love for crafty songwriting via The Beatles and The Kinks and bands like that. But please, don't lump them in with Oasis. We didn't know about any 'Britpop' stuff." Pitman attributed the album's psychedelic 60s pop sound to the band's recording environment. He stated "We were just going to do an experimental record. But we got this rehearsal space where Fleetwood Mac and The Beach Boys and all these people used after they had located him, welcomed him back into their ranks. As one of them reported, "He didn't know if we would accept him. We welcomed him with open arms. No matter what was written, no matter what was said, we know the facts. We were there."
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of plant evolution Evidence suggests that an algal scum formed on the land 1,200 million years ago, but it was not until the Ordovician period, around 500 million years ago, that land plants appeared. These began to diversify in the late Silurian period, around 420 million years ago, and the fruits of their diversification are displayed in remarkable detail in an early Devonian fossil assemblage known as the Rhynie chert. This chert preserved early plants in cellular detail, petrified in volcanic springs. By the middle of the Devonian period most of the features recognised in plants today are present, including roots and leaves. ago and is gaining momentous exposure in the entertainment community. Recently an article written in LA WEEKLY provides an ambiance for the project History In 2014 press photographer Michael Bezjian started The Artists Project out of his house in Los Angeles, California. In 2015 The Artists Project has had three additional articles describing what the project does and can do for both Celebrities and Artists. As of July 2015 there have been over 500 artists helped as stated on their website. In early 2016 Comedian Denise Vasquez met with The Artists Project to receive photography, and experience a portrait session. She met with her concept of reclaiming the matriarchy and the way in which Flack talked about how women artists could approach the female nude without objectifying it since subject and object were one and the same, Brigham began a series of watercolors for which she, herself, posed as the nude model.” Going “beyond the descriptive self-portrait”, Brigham then embarked on an ongoing series of paintings that merge her own history with art history, using self-portraiture to illuminate the lives of women artists and creators before her, such as in her Seven Sisters series. The tremendous level of detail and iconography in her work the Elders today in Brno, the Virgin and Child with a Rosary today in El Escorial, the David and Bathsheba today in Columbus, Ohio, and the Bathsheba today in Leipzig. Feminist interest Feminist interest in Artemisia Gentileschi dates from the 1970s when the feminist art historian Linda Nochlin published an article titled "Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?" in which that question was dissected and analyzed. The article explored the definition of "great artists" and posited that oppressive institutions, not lack of talent, have prevented women from achieving the same level of recognition that men received in Nancy – 500 Volunteers –Artists: Shaka Ponk –October, Transbordeur– Lyon – 500 Volunteers –Artists: Casseur Flowters Optus RockCorps (Australia 2014) –March 12, Luna Park – Sydney – 3,000 Volunteers –Artists: Empire of the Sun, Rudimental, Miguel, Samantha Jade –April, – Melbourne – 500 Volunteers –Artists: American Authors –April, Brisbane – 500 Volunteers –Artists: American Authors 2013 Coca-Cola RockCorps (South Africa 2013) –November 9, Ellis Park Arena – Johannesburg – 4,000 Volunteers –Artists: Busta Rhymes, Ciara, D’Banj, Teargas Orange RockCorps (France 2013) –July, Le Trianon classes on modern and contemporary art and artists. A gathering place for scholars, artists, and the public, the Center presents lectures, seminars, and symposia, as well as informational conversations with artists. Through partnership with The George Washington University, the Center offers graduate and undergraduate level courses and programs. Education Since the museum's early years, when art classes were held on the third floor of the house, significant attention has been given to educational outreach. Today, the museum features an active schedule of lectures, gallery talks, classes, parent/child workshops, and teacher training programs. It also reaches out to the described as,"Togetherness and apartness. As an expression of duality, many of her works portray two or more figures in close proximity, sometimes with two heads that seem to come from the same body. She effects co-joining as a visual means to explore the tensions and strengths inherent in close relationships." Her work has been published in 20 books including; 500 Figures, 500 Animals, 500 Dolls, 500 Dolls II, 500 Vases, Confrontational Ceramics, Winged Manor, No More Starving Artists, Ceramics Today, American Art Collector, The ACGA Book, The Ceramic Design Book, Surface Design, Making Marks and Sole Purpose among others. Tall has also festival a Rite of Passage for Indian Rock Acts over the last 24 years. For over 26 years, Independence Rock has been committed to promoting Independent Music and Artists, and has given them a platform and promoted Indian artists, encouraged them and has matched their stoic perseverance with steadfast confidence in their talent. Today, these artists have found recognition on a national level and their pertinacity has brought them strong following across the nation. Independence Rock is proud to have played a significant role in bringing to prominence almost all of India's renowned rock bands. Talent discovered at I-Rock include bands have RedGorilla RedGorilla Music Fest is an annual independent music festival in Austin, Texas. Many artists performed at RedGorilla early in their careers, including Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, Kendrick Lamar, Imagine Dragons, The National, Foster the People, Cage the Elephant, and Ryan Bingham. RedGorilla launched nearly 15 years ago as the DreamScapers Artist Showcase. In 2007, the founders re-branded the event as RedGorilla. Since then, RedGorilla has grown from over 200 to 500 performers. if you're gonna do black and white stuff'". Colan has spoken highly of Simons's talent. "Do you know how few artists have ever been able to ink my very complex and often inscrutable pencils? Do you know how exquisitely Dave Simon inks my pencils? ... I've yet to see anything Dave has done that I haven't loved! Artists and inkers have come and gone but Dave remains today still at the top of his form!" Simons' attention to detail came into high demand in the 1980s and his inking credits include artists such as Keith Pollard, Ron Wilson, Frank Miller,
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more than one vertebrate host, they are generally specific to one of these classes (such as birds). Humans are primarily infected by five species of Plasmodium, with the overwhelming majority of severe disease and death caused by Plasmodium falciparum. Some species that infect humans can also infect other primates, and zoonoses of certain species (e.g. P. knowlesi) from other primates to humans are common. Non-human primates also contain a variety of Plasmodium species that do not generally infect humans. Some of these can cause severe disease in primates, while others can remain in the host for prolonged periods without causing general public. Ellsworth and colleagues also note that contrary to what is argued in Sex at Dawn, "the existence of partible paternity in some societies does not prove that humans are naturally promiscuous any more so than the existence of monogamy in some societies proves that humans are naturally monogamous". Ryan argues that although Ellsworth makes some valid points, he misunderstood his and Jethá's central argument. According to Ryan, they did not argue that human sexuality was the same as bonobo sexuality; but rather that coitus was more frequent than is generally acknowledged, and that a typical human being would have flowers. Specialization on sunbirds vs other pollinators is thought to have contributed to plant speciation, including the exceptionally high flora diversity in southern Africa. Relationship with humans Overall the family has fared better than many others, with only seven species considered to be threatened with extinction. Most species are fairly resistant to changes in habitat, and while attractive the family is not sought after by the cagebird trade, as they have what is considered an unpleasant song and are tricky to keep alive. Sunbirds are considered attractive birds and readily enter gardens where flowering plants are planted to attract them. of the Chinese people, as seen in his original multiregional model of human evolution in 1946. Chinese writings on human evolution in 1950 generally considered evidence insufficient to determine whether Peking Man was ancestral to modern humans. One view was that Peking Man in some ways resembled modern Europeans more than modern Asians, but this debate of the origin has sometimes become complicated by issues of Chinese nationalism. By 1952 Peking Man was considered by some to be a direct ancestor of modern humans. Some paleontologists have noted a perceived continuity in skeletal remains. Present status The of their eyelid. Some people have argued that this alteration is done to resemble the structure of a Western eyelid while other people have argued that this is generally done solely to emulate the appearance of naturally occurring Asian double eyelids. A study that investigated whether or not an eyelid crease makes Chinese-descent women more attractive using photo-manipulated photographs of young Chinese-descent women's eyes found that the "medium upper eyelid crease" was considered most attractive by all three groups of both sexes: white people, Chinese and Taiwanese nationals together as a group, and Taiwanese and Chinese Americans together as a group. themes The stories explore what makes someone "human". As time passes humans' view of sims generally shifts from seeing them as beasts into seeing them being close to humans and deserving of some rights. Without anthropomorphizing the sims, Turtledove makes clear that although they cannot become humans and enjoy all the freedoms that humans have, they still deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. When asked whether the point of divergence of A Different Flesh being set before human history makes the novel a proper alternate history or some sort of "alternative natural history", Turtledove responded: "They seem like sparks. Common Abilities Some common abilities among the fairies are the Mesmer, shielding and healing. The Mesmer This is the ability to hypnotize humans, fairies and possibly other creatures (although mesmerising another fairy is illegal according to the fairy book); and is available to every fairy, even the ones most drained of magical energy. Some humans are more resilient to the mesmer than others, and wearing a pair of sunglasses makes you unable to be mesmerised, because the magic is reflected away. Shielding This is a bit of a misnomer, as it actually is simply a cloaking device (although it is not referred to and convince them humans are intelligent. He does so, but that only makes the invaders more determined than ever to exterminate them. Lords of the Psychon takes place much earlier and rethinks some of the background material. attack humans to protect cubs, male black bears actually prey on humans, viewing them as a potential food source. Though usually shy and cautious animals, Asian black bears are more aggressive toward humans than the brown bears of Eurasia. Brown bears seldom attack humans on sight, and usually avoid people. They are, however, unpredictable in temperament, and will attack if they are surprised or feel threatened. In some areas of India and Burma, sloth bears are more feared than tigers, due to their unpredictable temperament. Hyenas Although hyenas readily feed upon human corpses, they are generally very wary of humans and articulations and are unlike those of any other mammals. The morphology of xenarthrans generally suggests that the anteaters and sloths are more closely related to each other than either is to the armadillos; this is upheld by molecular studies. Since its conception, Xenarthra has increasingly come to be considered to be of a higher rank than 'order'; some authorities consider it to be a cohort, while others consider it to be a superorder. Whatever the rank, Xenarthra is now generally considered to be divided into two orders: Cingulata, which contains the armadillos; and Pilosa, which contains the Vermilingua (anteaters) and Folivora
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if available. As wet wipes are produced from plastic textiles made of polyester or polypropylene, they are notoriously bad for sewage systems as they do not decompose, although the wet wipe industry maintains they are biodegradable but not "flushable". A moisturizing gel can be applied to toilet paper for personal hygiene or to reduce skin irritation from diarrhea. This product is called gel wipe. Special foams, sprays and gels can be combined with dry toilet paper as an alternatives to wet wipes. Cloths Rags or washcloths are sometimes used. They are then washed similarly to cloth diapers and used again. used for mixing and thinning paints before application. Non-porous materials, such as a plain ceramic tile, avoid sucking the solvent out of the paint. A wet palette is especially useful with acrylics that dry quickly on a dry palette. A wet palette is a sealable container with a layer of absorbent material (such as tissue paper) that can be soaked with water and a semi-permeable membrane (such as greaseproof paper or baking paper (silicone paper)) over that. The paint sits on the membrane and is kept wet by osmosis. Wet palettes can be bought, but are easily made. Competition Some urine-diverting dry toilet or a composting toilet. People also use the term to refer to a pit latrine without a water seal even though the pit of a pit latrine is not usually dry. The pit can become very wet because urine mixes with feces in the pit and drainage might be limited. Also, groundwater or surface water can also get into the pit in the event of heavy rains or flooding. Sometimes households even discard greywater (from showering) into the same pit. Some publications use the term "dry sanitation" to denote a system that includes dry toilets (in particular urine-diverting people not to flush wet wipes down toilets, as their failure to break apart or dissolve in water can cause sewer blockages known as fatbergs. Since the mid-2000s, wet wipes such as baby wipes have become more common for use as an alternative to toilet paper in affluent countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom. This usage has in some cases been encouraged by manufacturers, who have labelled some wet wipe brands as "flushable". Wet wipes, when flushed down the toilet, have been known to clog internal plumbing, septic systems and public sewer systems. The tendency for fat and Wet strength The wet strength of paper and paperboard is a measure of how well the web of fibers holding the paper together can resist a force of rupture when the paper is wet. Wet strength is routinely expressed as the ratio of wet to dry tensile force at break. With combined board such as corrugated fiberboard or with laminations, wet strength also includes the ability to stay intact under humid or wet conditions. Wet strength adhesives are often needed. Mechanism The cellulose fibreweb of paper is mainly held together by hydrogen bonds. These are dependent on earliest United States patents for toilet paper and dispensers, the types of which eventually were in common use in that country, in 1883. The manufacturing of this product had a long period of refinement, considering that as late as the 1930s, a selling point of the Northern Tissue company was that their toilet paper was "splinter free". Moist toilet paper, called wet wipes, was first introduced in the United Kingdom by Andrex in the 1990s. It has been promoted as being a better method of cleaning than dry toilet paper after defecation, and may be useful for women during menstruation. It was physical contact between the fibres and can be broken by wetting of the fibres. The residual strength of a wetted paper can be less than 10% of the original strength. Various techniques, such as refining of the pulp and wet pressing on the paper machine can be used to reduce the strength loss of the paper upon wetting. To improve the wet strength it is common to use chemicals. The use of chemicals can retain as much as 10% to 30% of the original dry strength of the paper. The wet strength chemicals may improve the dry strength of the paper Venus. As I Ching and Feng Shui described, Earth generally contains all elements including Fire, Water, Wood and Metal. These four types of Earth are Earth-of-water (wet Earth), Earth-of-Fire (dry Earth), Earth-of-Metal (Wet Earth) and Earth-of-Wood (dry Earth). Yellow, orange, beige and brown colors represent Earth. Earth governs Ox, Dragon, Goat, and Dog. Cycle of Wu Xing In the controlling cycle, earth controls water by damming or absorbing it; wood can overcome it by breaking it up (by the roots). In the conductive cycle, earth is produced by fire's ashes, and in turn melts to produce metal. Evaporative cooler An evaporative cooler (also swamp cooler, swamp box, desert cooler and wet air cooler) is a device that cools air through the evaporation of water. Evaporative cooling differs from typical air conditioning systems, which use vapor-compression or absorption refrigeration cycles. Evaporative cooling uses the fact that water will absorb a relatively large amount of heat in order to evaporate (that is, it has a large enthalpy of vaporization). The temperature of dry air can be dropped significantly through the phase transition of liquid water to water vapor (evaporation). This can cool air using much less energy than refrigeration. southern European countries. The average American uses 50 pounds of toilet paper each year; every roll is estimated to require 37 gallons of water to produce and an additional 1.6 gallons to flush down the toilet. Given the environmental impact of toilet paper and wet wipes, bum guns are growing in popularity.
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ruled that the Safe Harbour regime was invalid as a result of an action brought by an Austrian privacy campaigner in relation to the export of subscribers' data by Facebook's European business to Facebook in the USA. The US and European Authorities worked on a replacement for Safe Harbour and an agreement was reached in February 2016, leading to the European Commission adopting the EU-US Privacy Shield framework on 12 July 2016. In July 2007, a new, controversial, passenger name record (PNR) agreement between the US and the EU was undersigned. In February 2008, Jonathan Faull, the head of the EU's Commission Facebook with the Irish Data Protection Commissioner. He also sent similar complaint to the Hamburg and Belgian Data Protection Authorities, which both claim jurisdiction over Facebook. The complaints are designed to enforce the CJEU judgement on Facebook, which presently does not rely on Safe Harbour for its data transfers. Instead Facebook relies on pre-approved contractual agreements called "model clauses". Schrems argues that these agreements also incorporate exceptions for cases of illegal mass surveillance, and thus that the CJEU ruling applies to these agreements as well. The Irish Data Protection Commissioner has taken the view that Schrems had raised "well-founded" objections, The Full Court rejected this argument as statutory exceptions would apply. Limitation on remedies The "safe harbour provisions" in Part V, Division 2AA of the Copyright Act limits remedies available against ISPs for copyright infringement on their networks. The Full Court rejected Justice Cowdroy's statement that iiNet internal policy was a "repeat infringer policy". The decision was based on the fact iiNet did not develop processes to establish the policy, nor notify its users about the policy. The majority held that if authorisation occurred, iiNet was not protected by the "safe harbour" provisions. ISP response Following the ruling, several major then asked its members who were Facebook users to provide their username and password for the limited purpose of gaining access to their profile information and "scraping" their profile data off Facebook. Power Ventures allegedly used this scraped information to solicit other Facebook users to join its site. While Facebook has copyright claims to the proprietary content and design of the website, it does not own a copyright in its users’ profile data. Opinion of the Court Facebook sued Power Ventures Inc. in the Northern District of California. The court's ruling addressed a motion to dismiss the copyright, DMCA, trademark, to keep track of pages visited. In early November 2015, Facebook was ordered by the Belgian Privacy Commissioner to cease tracking non-users, citing European laws, or risk fines of up to £250,000 per day. As a result, instead of removing tracking cookies, Facebook banned non-users in Belgium from seeing any material on Facebook, including publicly posted content, unless they sign in. Facebook criticized the ruling, saying that the cookies provided better security. Divorce Social networks, like Facebook, can have a detrimental effect on marriages, with users becoming worried about their spouse's contacts and relations with other people online, leading to marital a digital image and most likely is safe, yet when opened, it runs the executable on the client machine. Vulnerability of different operating systems The vast majority of viruses target systems running Microsoft Windows. This is due to Microsoft's large market share of desktop computer users. The diversity of software systems on a network limits the destructive potential of viruses and malware. Open-source operating systems such as Linux allow users to choose from a variety of desktop environments, packaging tools, etc., which means that malicious code targeting any of these systems will only affect a subset of all users. Many rules for referral to the ECJ for a 'preliminary ruling', the Irish Data Protection Commissioner since then has had to "...examine Mr. Schrems' case 'with all due diligence' and [...] decide whether [...] the transfer of Facebook's European subscribers' personal data to the United States should be suspended." EU regulators said that if the ECJ and United States did not negotiate a new system within three months, businesses might face action from European privacy regulators. On October 29, 2015, a new "Safe Harbour 2.0" agreement appeared close to being finalized. However Commissioner Jourova expects the U.S. to act next. American is referred to as the Safe Harbour Decision. On 6 October 2015, the European Court of Justice invalidated the EC's Safe Harbour Decision, because "legislation permitting the public authorities to have access on a generalised basis to the content of electronic communications must be regarded as compromising the essence of the fundamental right to respect for private life" (boldened in original text). According to the European Commission, the EU-US Privacy Shield agreed on 2 February 2016 "reflects the requirements set out by the European Court of Justice in its ruling on 6 October 2015, which declared the old Safe Harbour framework invalid. in turn have sparked complaints from some companies advertising on Facebook that have received an abundance of fake likes that have distorted proper user metrics. Facebook states in its Terms of Service agreement that users may only create one personal page, and it has ongoing efforts against the spread of fake accounts. Use on Facebook The like button is a feature of social networking service Facebook, where users can like content such as status updates, comments, photos and videos, links shared by friends, and advertisements. The feature was activated February 9, 2009. It is also a feature of the Facebook require everyone to provide their real names, so you always know who you're connecting with. This helps keep our community safe." This strongly encourages users to provide real names when creating an account. Facebook's first uses were university students. According to Danah Boyd, a social media scholar, "people provided their name because they saw the site as an extension of campus life." Later users adopted the norms and practices of the early adopters. The use of real names contributed to the quality and quantity of information Facebook has about its users. Facebook became an identity service by encouraging users to share
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melodies themselves often arrive unbidden. At Zeitgeist Minds, she explained: "When I try to get a melody it never comes to me. It usually comes either when I'm resting or when I'm just sitting at the piano improvising, or when I'm skipping with my skipping rope. Or even when I'm trying to do something else, when somebody is talking to me or I'm trying to do something, then I hear this beautiful melody." "When I am in an improvising mood", she explained in an interview with the Daily Telegraph in June 2016, "melodies burst from my fingertips." Deutscher initially described made a beat around it. I left and went to lunch. I came back, and they had it dude! It was fucking crazy. We just thought it up right there. We did one called "When Demons Come". Everything came from getting recognition from Something Else. That's how my life is. I like my life. "So Much Love" on Something Else had me ready for "When Demons Come". There's so much love you can get lost in this shit. You don't know when something's going to hit. You have to be ready with angels when demons come. Songs like that just say too much about the plot, but it comes on our screens on October 25. I play a bit of a bad guy in it and get involved in a spot of kidnapping and whatnot. It's pretty powerful stuff in places and I'm sure people will get a kick out of it. I really enjoyed doing it and I'm pleased I took the opportunity when it came my way. I seemed to have a natural flair for acting and it's something I enjoy. There are a couple of other projects in the pipeline now and I'm interested in doing more." In good time. It's been really collaborative with us. At the time, it wasn't the right songs or the right situation. Now, that I had something good so it was only right. I don't make people conform to what I'm doing when I got to get somebody. When you get T-Pain, you don't really want to tell T-Pain what to do. If you got in mind what you want T-Pain to do, you could've done it yourself. That's where B.o.B came from, and he enjoys strip clubs as much as I do. It was only right to get him." Live performances interview, Cornell said, "I've never really been biographical in my lyrics, so when I wrote a line like 'I'm looking California and feeling Minnesota' from 'Outshined', it just felt refreshing." Cornell on the song: I don't know how everyone else feels ... but I definitely go through periods of extreme self-confidence, feeling like I can do anything. Perhaps a fan will sense that, like in a performance, and the hero image creeps out. But then someone will say something, however insignificant, or I'll get something in my head and, all of a sudden, I'm plummeting in the opposite direction, I'm a piece it to. Previously, when I did those other albums, I think I set rules for myself. This time I didn't try to go by the book so much. I also let the other [band members] play, rather than me being in charge. I played very little on this record – I wrote the songs and the vocal arrangements, and played some piano, but for the most part everything else is the band. That trust is something that comes with time. I had four years to sit and think about it. It can get lonely when you're doing the – quote it because so much of how that music comes together is subconscious or discovering. There's so much attention on the band, it can be distracting at times. I really feel the need to walk away from it while I still care about it. And then if I come back to it – if at all – I'll feel better about it and be renewed or something to do that." On August 9th, 2019, Vernon released "i,i," to much critical acclaim. The band's fourth studio EP is vocal-heavy and features dozens of collaborators, emulating the message Vernon intended to send when working again. "'I'll slip around to the other side," says Jackson. 'We'll cross-fire them and give it to them.' "He went around and presently comes limping back. "'I'm done up; my leg's shot to pieces,' he said. "I asked him if I couldn't do something for him, but he says: 'No; I'm all right; don't let them get away; keep pouring it into them.'" "I dropped back to my corner and fired ten more shots. "'I worked around back of 'em on the hill, but they had quit shooting and buried themselves in the straw clean out of sight. There was marry. A few months after their split, he was engaged to someone else. "We were so intense I thought we would get married. But that was something he never wanted... So when I found out he does want that with someone else, it was just the horrible-est feeling ever. But after I wrote it, I felt more at peace. It set me free... I didn't think it would resonate... with the world! I'm never gonna write a song like that again. I think that's the song I'll be known for." She also said that "I wrote that song on the at the U.S. coaching staff, not the flag or the National Anthem. "We were just mad about a lot of things. We didn't think it would blow up like this. We were asked to apologize. I'm not really sorry for what I did. I'm sorry for the way people took it [hoots and whistles from the stands when the anthem finished]. What I tried to get across to the Olympic Committee was if it was pre-meditated I could have done something better than that. It was just something that happened. We didn't realize the implications to the people in the
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Marxian class theory Origins of Marx's theory Karl Marx's class theory derives from a range of philosophical schools of thought including left Hegelianism, Scottish Empiricism, and Anglo-French political-economics. Marx's view of class originated from a series of personal interests relating to social alienation and human struggle, whereby the formation of class structure relates to acute historical consciousness. Political-economics also contributed to Marx's theories, centering on the concept of "origin of income" where society is divided into three sub-groups: Rentier, Capitalist, and Worker. This construction is based on David Ricardo's theory of capitalism. Marx strengthened this with a discussion over 19th century and 1914 than Marx's own works. The Class Struggle was translated into 16 languages before 1914 and became the accepted popular summation of Marxist theory. This document came to define 'orthodox' socialist theory before the October Revolution of 1917, causing a major split in the international socialist movement. radical group that worked on the development of Karl Marx's theory of communism as a mode of production. Through this work Gule came to distance himself from Marxism as ideology and from “the left's romance with violence” (including a writing a self-criticism in Dagbladet in 1979). In the article “Some critical considerations of the Marxist class struggle theory”, he delivered a theoretical critique of the Marxist theory of class struggle as a necessity for the Communist revolution. He became a member of the social democratic Workers' Youth League, the Labour Party's student group, and was briefly leader of the organization at opposition between firstly various subjective interpretations given by philosophers, which may be in a sense compared with Weltanschauung designed to legitimize the current state of affairs; and secondly, the effective transformation of the world through praxis, which combines theory and practice in a materialist way, is what distinguishes Marxist philosophers from the rest of philosophers. Indeed, Marx's break with German idealism involves a new definition of philosophy as Louis Althusser, founder of structural Marxism in the 1960s, would define it as class struggle in theory. Marx's movement away from university philosophy and towards the workers' movement is thus inextricably linked Value criticism Aspects of value criticism Value criticism takes crucial aspects of Marx's critiques of commodity fetishism, commodities and value, while criticizing Marx's theory of class struggle and historical materialism. As a result, proponents of Value Criticism feel that the working class is not necessarily a revolutionary subject. Instead, it is pointed out that labor has to be understood as a historic specific entity and that criticizing capitalism implies not only criticizing the distribution process in capitalism, but also the capitalistic production process and the productive powers. From this, they conclude that all actually existing socialisms thus far have been Toynbee and Oswald Spengler, but in recent times this conceptual approach has fallen into disuse. Terry Eagleton writes that Marx's writings "should not be taken to mean that everything that has ever happened is a matter of class struggle. It means, rather, that class struggle is most fundamental to human history". Academic Peter Stillman believes Marx's status as a determinist is a "myth". Fredrick Engels himself warned about conceiving of Marx's ideas as deterministic saying "According to the materialist conception of history, the ultimately determining element in history is the production and reproduction of real life. Other than this neither Marx nor of theoretical practice" with a new belief in "politics in the field of history" and "class struggle in theory". Althusser considers the epistemological break to be a process instead of a clearly defined event — the product of incessant struggle against ideology. Thus, the distinction between ideology and science or philosophy is not assured once and for all by the epistemological break. Levels and practices Because of Marx's belief that the individual is a product of society, Althusser holds that it is pointless to try to build a social theory on a prior conception of the individual. The subject of the rest of philosophers. Indeed, Marx's break with German Idealism involves a new definition of philosophy; Louis Althusser, founder of "Structural Marxism" in the 1960s, would define it as "class struggle in theory". Marx's movement away from university philosophy and towards the workers' movement is thus inextricably linked to his rupture with his earlier writings, which pushed Marxist commentators to speak of a "young Marx" and a "mature Marx", although the nature of this cut poses problems. A year before the Revolutions of 1848, Marx and Engels thus wrote The Communist Manifesto, which was prepared to an imminent revolution, and ended with economics Karl Marx's theory of economic development was based on the premise of evolving economic systems. Specifically, in his view over the course of history superior economic systems would replace inferior ones. "Inferior" systems were beset by "internal contradictions" and "inefficiencies" that make them "impossible" to survive over the long term. In Marx's scheme, feudalism was replaced by capitalism, which would eventually be superseded by socialism. Joseph Schumpeter had an evolutionary conception of economic development, but unlike Marx he de-emphasized the role of class struggle in contributing to qualitative change in the economic mode of production. In subsequent world history, Its seed could be summarized as "whether or not Gap Ryong participates in the revolutionary movement, he dies". Surplus value, Kim argues, is the seed of Marx's Capital. The seed theory became influential in the literary circles of North Korea and writers sought to backtrack the seeds in classics preceding Kim's treatise. In addition to questions of art, the seed theory was adopted to a wider range of industrial and economic activities. Modeling theory and speed campaign According to the "modeling theory", liberation struggles should be portrayed so as to combine national and class struggle. This is achieved through idolizing portrayal
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who gives a tone-deaf woman voice lessons so that she can sing well in front of her crush. In 2013, he returned to the small screen with the popular series I Can Hear Your Voice, playing a well-meaning but bumbling cop-turned-public defender. He later reunited with the director of I Can Hear Your Voice in the 2014 cable drama Gap-dong, in which he played a detective out to capture a serial killer and clear his father's name. He then starred in the comedy film, My Dynamite Family. In 2016, Yoon starred in the romantic comedy drama My Horrible Boss. He starred in of her lower vocals on the tracks from Born to Die, claiming that "people weren't taking me very seriously, so I lowered my voice, believing that it would help me stand out. Now I sing quite low... well, for a female anyway". "I sing low now, but my voice used to be a lot higher. Because of the way I look, I needed something to ground the entire project. Otherwise I think people would assume I was some airhead singer. Well, I don't think... I know. I've sung one way, and sung another, and I've seen what people are drawn to", and think of different styles. Of course I'm always singing with my classical techniques, I never sing with my poor speaking voice – I cannot do that anymore. — Tarja Turunen, Metal Temple interview, October 2004 This deeper "rock"-sounding voice on Once—as well as on the song "In the Picture" of the album Into the Light—was welcomed by critics as a refreshing change. Her first solo album My Winter Storm (2007) contains rock and metal songs as well as songs that resemble classical songs. Turunen uses both her classical singing voice and a rock-sounding voice. In many songs she starts with a rock voice, British tour. At the meeting that evening, when Moody requested that he sing, "I had nothing suitable in mind ... At this moment I seemed to hear a voice saying "Sing the hymn you found on the train": I lifted my heart in prayer, asking God to help me so to sing that the people might hear and understand. Laying my hands upon the organ I struck the chord of A flat and began to sing. Note by note the tune was given, which has not changed from that day to this. As the singing ceased a great sigh were chosen to star in Sean John's holiday 2017 and spring 2018 campaigns. Artistry Discussing how he developed his sing-song style in an interview with Noisey, Lucci said; "Growing up, I always had this high-pitched voice. I couldn't ever sing, you feel me, but I had a little high-pitched voice when I talked loud. I used to listen to Ja Rule. I knew how to rap, and I used to write my verses. And if it don't sound right when I rap it, I sing it. And it'd sound better. I used to let all my friends hear it, Jackie's voice, it's hardly childlike: It's a soprano that deftly traverses the musical scales". Mark Kanny, in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, called her voice "beautifully in tune and well supported. ... Evancho's sincerity of delivery was affecting". Bob Boilen of NPR wrote, "I simply couldn't believe my eyes and ears. Seeing Jackie Evancho sing for the first time is nearly beyond belief." He called her voice "beyond-beautiful" when she performed "for a stunned audience at the NPR Music offices." A review of her 2011 Sun Valley concert stated that "Evancho transported [her audience] with pure, joyous, unaffected notes". Marcia Adair of the the way you had wanted them to – so, yes, I do understand [why Depp would consider retiring]. I always ask myself "well, what else could I do?". Making films has never just been a job to me, it's my life. I have some interests outside of acting – I sing and I've written books, for instance – but acting is what keeps me going, it's what I do, it gives life purpose... I'm realistic about the amount of work I can get at my age, but I take what I can, even voice-overs and narration. Lee narrated the feature-length documentary with them being mixed extremely loudly until they took on a "confrotational" and "physical presence" when Sylvian played them back, Blemish is also the first album in which Sylvian distorted and chopped up his voice in a new, unnatural fashion. Bailey himself said of the album a year later that he felt Sylvian "works it quite well compared to what I do. He doesn't sing the same as what I play. [...] My impression is that his voice is so distinctive all the pieces sound the same - a very special voice and special words, but my impression is they're group nicknamed The Army, which includes guitarist Ron Cornelius, guitarist/fiddler Charlie Daniels and vocalist "Jennifer Warren", who would soon become famous as Jennifer Warnes and a popular interpreter of Cohen's songs. Speaking to Mojo in November 2001, Cohen said of the female singers that supported him in concert, "I need them. I think my voice sounds better when I am somewhat obscured with the sounds of people who can actually sing. I have never had much competence. Personally when I listen to my songs, I'm always more comfortable when my voice is surrounded by harmonies, which voice, but I lost strength in my diaphragm. ... Because of those organic complaints, I lost my courage and boldness. My vocal cords were and still are in excellent condition, but my 'sound boxes' have not been working well even though I have been to all the doctors. The result was that I overstrained my voice, and that caused it to wobble. (Gente, October 1, 1977) Whether Callas's vocal decline was due to ill health, early menopause, over-use and abuse of her voice, loss of breath-support, loss of confidence, or weight loss will continue to be debated. Whatever the cause may have
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Car restaurant in Nantucket. Unruh's son told police he was texting with his girlfriend throughout the alleged "groping" incident. Spacey spent months trying to obtain copies of the texts and the phone itself. In mid-May 2019, the son's personal attorney informed the court that the cell phone in question is missing. On June 4, 2019, the defense learned that when Heather Unruh gave her son's cell phone to police in 2017, she admitted she had deleted some of the text messages. On June 26, her son filed a lawsuit against Spacey, claiming emotional damages. Two weeks later, her son voluntarily water level fell, the exact extent of the damages to the racecourse appeared for the first time, and unfortunately exceeded even the most pessimistic expectations. For the 2002 race season to proceed, all scheduled races had to have been moved to other racecourses in the Czech Republic. The main racing authority in the country, the Czech Jockey Club, had to be relocated from its offices in the grandstand of the racecourse to other offices. In Spring of 2003, the racecourse was reopened. 2013 Floods In June 2013, the racecourse was again completely submerged in muddy water from predominantly the Berounka, which of the Malpaso Dam, and the Temple of Santiago was completely submerged. It has reappeared periodically, at times when the reservoir water levels have dropped, the first recorded such time being in 2002. That time, the water levels were so low that the church floor was dry, and local people visited it to hold parties. In 2015, the Temple reappeared again, after water levels dropped more than 80 feet during a drought. Although this time the church was still partially submerged, local fishermen began operating boat tours to the site. Mobile phone industry in the United States The mobile phone industry in the United States is covered in this article. Mobile phones are commonly referred to as smartphones or cell phones. Mobile phone vs. cell phone While it is "mobile phone" in British English, it is "cell phone" in American English. The term "cell phone", short for "cellular phone" came into the day-to-day American English vocabulary during the 1980s when the mobile phone companies had to distinguish their mobile phone that can be carried from one cell to another, each controlled by a land-based antenna, from the earlier and more manufacturers started to switch over to non-user-replaceable batteries. By making batteries non-replaceable, mobile phone manufacturers have made the fastest failing part on a mobile phone non-modular. On a mobile phone with a non-openable back cover (non-user-replaceable battery), a manual (forced) battery replacement might induce permanent damage, including loss of water-resistance due to damages on the water-protecting seal. A mobile phone repair service or the official service might be able to replace the battery. However, this also endangers the warranty on the device. Perceived obsolescence Obsolescence of desirability or stylistic obsolescence occurs when designers change the styling of products so customers will is considered fairly complex. The model describes a completely mixed water body comprising the water column and the upper sediment layer. The overall nutrient cycles for nitrogen and phosphorus are described as completely closed (except for in- and outflow, denitrification and burial). Inputs to the model are: water inflow, evaporation, nutrient loading, light intensity, water temperature, sediment characteristics and depth of the ditch. Six functional groups of water plants are modelled: floating-leaved plants, emerged plants, non-rooted floating plants, non-rooted submerged flowering plants, rooted submerged flowering plants, Charophytes, and one phytoplankton group. The default configuration of PCDitch does not take spatial heterogeneity they "also believed that such a product would improve Kyocera's brand image." Their research showed that a "cell phone with a camera and color display provided a completely new value for users, It could be used as a phone, a camera and a photo album". Technical challenges handled by about a dozen engineers at Kyocera over the two year development period included the camera module's placement within the phone at a time when electronic components had not been fully reduced in size, as well as increasing its data transmission rate. After its release the mobile video-camera phone was commercially Questionnaires were supported with data from cell phone companies and crash records held by police. The study found that the overall relative risk (RR) of having an crash for cell phone users when compared to non-cell phone users averaged 1.38 across all groups. When adjusted for distance driven per year and other crash risk exposures, RR was 1.11 for men and 1.21 for women. They also found that increased cell phone use correlated with an increase in RR. When the same data were reanalyzed using a Bayesian approach, the calculated RR of 0.78 for those making less than 1 call/day is the option to use the corporate voice mail rather than the cell phone’s voice mail. This only works on calls made to an office number. Simultaneous ringing Simultaneous ringing means that when someone calls an office number, a desk phone and a mobile phone ring simultaneously. When a cell phone receives a call made to an office number, the caller ID display would normally show the office as the caller, since the call is routed though the PBX. When the client software on the cell phone can pre-empt the built-in phone software (depends on the handset and client software vendor) River for shipping, as it removed 10 mi (16 km) from the navigable route. Unfortunately, the diverted river currents caused by the Napoleon Channel caused both Prentiss and Napoleon to be completely submerged within a few years. Reappearance of ruins After decades under water, Prentiss briefly reappeared in 1954 when two hunters spotted chimneys and the side of a brick wall during a period of low water on the Mississippi River. Other silt-covered buildings were soon discovered, prompting thousands of visitors to come see the ruined town. Soon after, high waters on the Mississippi again submerged the town.
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freeze-dried into granules that can be quickly dissolved in hot water. Originally invented in 1907, it rapidly gained in popularity in many countries in the post-war period, with Nescafé being the most popular product. Many consumers determined that the convenience in preparing a cup of instant coffee more than made up for a perceived inferior taste, although, since the late 1970s, instant coffee has been produced differently in such a way that is similar to the taste of freshly brewed coffee. Paralleling (and complementing) the rapid rise of instant coffee was the coffee vending machine invented in 1947 and widely handle the taste. In Ayurveda, astringent is the sixth taste (after sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter) represented by "air and earth". Smoking may also cause astringent taste. 1986 Great Taste Coffee Makers season Finals stint After failing to win the Grandslam last year, the Great Taste Coffee Makers return to the finals against the Tanduay Rhum Makers in the first conference of the season. Great Taste had the returning Jeff Collins, a former best import awardee who led the CFC ballclub to a title back in 1984, and Michael David Holton (the third import to arrived as Collins' partner after Mike Wilson and Gregory Jones) as their imports going up against the Tanduay pair of Rob Williams and Andre McKoy. The Coffee Makers were the odds-on favorite why. Holy Soap describe her most memorable moment as being: "Falling through a coffee table after smoking marijuana, an accident which put her in hospital." artificial ingredients. White coffee should be distinguished from café au lait, in that white coffee uses chilled or room-temperature milk or other whitener, while café au lait uses heated or steamed milk. Indonesia In Indonesia, the term white coffee or kopi putih refers to coffee beans which are roasted less than regular coffee beans. The shorter and lower heat roasting yields lighter-colored coffee beans, called biji kopi putih or white coffee beans. The white coffee beans are harder and different in taste than regular coffee beans. White coffee has a savory and mild taste compared to its regular counterpart. Due to after food passes through. In some individuals, this valve becomes incompetent and acid goes up into the esophagus. Reflux episodes often occur at night and one may develop a bitter taste in the mouth. The throat can be severely irritated when acid touches the vocal cords and can lead to spasms of coughing. To prevent throat irritation from reflux, one should lose weight, stop smoking, avoid coffee beverages and sleep with the head elevated. Post-viral cough A post-viral cough is a lingering cough that follows a viral respiratory tract infection, such as a common cold or flu and lasting Europe as alcoholic beverages remained more popular. During the Revolutionary War, the demand for coffee increased so much that dealers had to hoard their scarce supplies and raise prices dramatically; this was also due to the reduced availability of tea from British merchants, and a general resolution among many Americans to avoid drinking tea following the 1773 Boston Tea Party. After the War of 1812, during which Britain temporarily cut off access to tea imports, the Americans' taste for coffee grew. During the 18th century, coffee consumption declined in England, giving way to tea-drinking. The latter beverage was simpler to make, Coffee roasting Roasting coffee transforms the chemical and physical properties of green coffee beans into roasted coffee products. The roasting process is what produces the characteristic flavor of coffee by causing the green coffee beans to change in taste. Unroasted beans contain similar if not higher levels of acids, protein, sugars, and caffeine as those that have been roasted, but lack the taste of roasted coffee beans due to the Maillard and other chemical reactions that occur during roasting. The vast majority of coffee is roasted commercially on a large scale, but small-scale commercial roasting has grown significantly with the trend new, it might alter the coffee taste, so a couple of "dry runs" can be made, without coffee or with used coffee grounds to "prime" it. Moka coffee characteristics The flavor of moka pot coffee depends greatly on bean variety, roast level, fineness of grind, water profile, and the level of heat used. Moka pots are sometimes referred to as stove-top espresso makers and produce coffee with an extraction ratio similar to (but somewhat higher than) that of a conventional espresso machine. However, a typical moka coffee is extracted at relatively low pressures of 1 to 2 bar (100 to 200 kPa), while standards 1985 Great Taste Coffee Makers season Championships The Great Taste Coffee Makers have emerged as the new dynasty, winning their third straight PBA crown with a 4-2 series win over Magnolia Ice Cream. The title playoffs where Great Taste were prohibitive picks to win easily have turned out to be the toughest. The series are tied at two games apiece before Great Taste scored runaway victories in Games five and six. The defending All-Filipino champions went on to play surprise finalist and first-year ballclub Shell Azodrin in the All-Filipino finals. The Coffee Makers easily won the first two games
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The American Civil Liberties Union has opposed welfare drug testing laws in Florida and expressed concern about the proposal gaining traction in other states. Almost all scholarly articles on the subject of suspicionless drug testing of welfare recipients has concluded that this testing violates the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution (for this reason many programs now involve initial screening with a psychological assessment tool, with those considered likely to have a drug problem then referred for testing). The ethical acceptability of drug testing welfare recipients has also been questioned. Arizona In 2009, Arizona enacted a drug-testing law for three drug tests. Failing a drug test can be construed as possession of a controlled substance, resulting in mandatory revocation and imprisonment. There have been inconsistent evaluation results as to whether continued pretrial drug testing has beneficial effects. Testing positive can lead to bail not being granted, or if bail has already been granted, to bail revocation or other sanctions. Arizona also adopted a law in 1987 authorizing mandatory drug testing of felony arrestees for the purpose of informing the pretrial release decision, and the District of Columbia has had a similar law since the 1970s. It has been argued that one the urine is sent for more testing to determine the exact drug taken (confirmation of being illegal or prescribed). A similar process to being over the legal BAC level is undertaken using the evidence to penalise the user. Canada Commentary varies on taking SFSTs in Canada. Some sources, especially official ones, indicate that the SFSTs are mandatory, and required under § 254(2)(a) of the Criminal code, whereas other sources are silent on FST testing. The assertion regarding mandatory compliance with SFSTs is based on "failure to comply with a demand", as an offence under § 254(5) of the Criminal Code, being eliminated....we've got to get rid of this apartheid." In an interview with Graham Bensinger, Player discussed his early support for apartheid stating that the South African Government had "pulled the wool over our eyes" and that the people were "brainwashed" into supporting these policies. In July 2007, a media controversy emerged over his statements at The Open Championship golf tournament about the use of performance-enhancing drugs in golf. He was the first golfer to call for mandatory drug testing on all tours around the world. Subsequently, the PGA Tour introduced a formal policy. He has been a pioneer of diet, health allows the legislature to regulate the wearing of arms and that "constitutional freedoms should be protected at all levels, not struck down at the lowest level. We should no more accept local restrictions on the second amendment than we do the first". Drug testing for government benefits In 2012 Campfield authored legislation requiring suspicion based drug testing for those receiving cash government benefits. Those failing the test were referred to drug treatment centers but were allowed to stay on government benefits if they continued drug treatment and remained drug-free for 6 months. If they failed another drug test at regimes. These factors include benefits received through differing ideologies and socio-economic disadvantages which groups of people face. When focusing on benefits which people receive, liberal welfare states have minimal access to benefits because of the minimal government influence. As well, privatized care requires means testing and strict criteria in order to be considered for care. The conservative welfare state has benefits which are earnings related and depend on what the employer decides to offer their employees. Conservative regimes also believe in family ties which impact the amount of personal care a person receives. The liberal and conservative welfare state regimes of one's breath or blood upon being arrested for driving under the influence carries an additional punishment of a one-year license suspension pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 13558(c)(1). Arizona Arizona has a 0.08% BAC limit for standard DUI, but drivers can also face more severe DUI charges like an Extreme DUI (§ 28-1382(A)(1)) for having a BAC over 0.15% or Super Extreme DUI (§ 28-1382(A)(2)) for a BAC over 0.20%. Nevada Nevada has an implied consent law, an agreement every operator of a motor vehicle accepts by operating on state roads, that makes breath or blood testing mandatory if such as urine or hair testing. The test involves mixing the suspicious material with a chemical in order to trigger a color change to indicate if a drug is present. Most are now available over-the-counter for consumer use, and do not require a lab to read results. Benefits to this method include that the person who is suspected of drug use does not need to be confronted or aware of testing. Only a very small amount of material is needed to obtain results, and can be used to test powder, pills, capsules, crystals, or organic material. There is also the him that they are testing a drug called zidovudine (AZT), an antiretroviral drug which is thought to prolong the life of AIDS patients—and is the only drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for testing on humans. Saks informs him that in the clinical trials, half the patients receive the drug and the other half a placebo, as this is the only way they can determine if the drug is working. Woodroof bribes a hospital worker to get him AZT. As soon as he begins taking it, he finds his health deteriorating (exacerbated by his cocaine use). When he hair drug testing for cannabis can be as low as 1 pg/mg. Saliva testing Cannabis is detectable by saliva testing. Just like blood testing, saliva testing detects the presence of parent drugs and not their inactive metabolites. This results in a shorter window of detection for cannabis by saliva testing. Delta 9 THC is the parent compound. If a saliva sample is tested in a lab, the detection level can be as low as 0.5 ng/mL (up to 72 hours after intake). Per National Institute on Drug Abuse saliva drug testing provides a reasonable alternative to other drug testing methods. Blood
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Suge Knight. Since the West Coast Peace Conference both rappers ended the feud. Game vs. G-Unit For further information on this beef, see G-Unit vs. G-Unit. When Beef III finished production, the beef between The Game and 50 Cent was thought to be over (or everted from higher levels). Beef III ended with the truce the two rappers had held in New York City, where they each donated over $200,000 dollars to charity. This documentary ended with the feeling that for now it looked like an East vs. West rivalry was avoided. There was somewhat of a cliffhanger when in the in the industry in 2003, he and G-Unit once again took aim at Murder Inc., Ja Rule, and Ashanti. Due to 50 Cent's rising popularity at the time and Murder Inc. being affected musically due to a federal investigation, much of the public seemingly took 50 Cent's side of the feud. Ja Rule's next album, Blood in My Eye, took aim at 50 Cent and G-Unit but was a commercial and critical disappointment. Conversely, Ashanti's second album, Chapter II, topped the charts and scored two hit singles, "Rock wit U (Awww Baby)" and "Rain on Me". She received three Grammy nominations accessories inspired by 50 Cent and fellow members of G-Unit. G-Unity Foundation G-Unit has founded G-Unity Foundation Inc. (often called simply G-Unity), a public foundation that provides grants to nonprofit organizations that focus on improving the quality of life for low-income and under served communities. Ja Rule Before signing with Interscope Records, 50 Cent had been in disputes with rapper Ja Rule and his label Murder Inc. Records. 50 Cent claimed that the feud began in 1999 after Ja Rule spotted him with a man who took his chain. However, Ja Rule claimed the conflict stemmed from a video shoot edible protein per unit of fodder than cattle, and produce lower levels of greenhouse gases in the process. The feed conversion rate of orthopterans is 1.7 kg/kg, while for beef it is typically about 10 kg/kg. The protein content in fresh weight is between 13–28 g/100g for adult locust, 14–18 g/100g for larvae, as compared to 19–26 g/100g for beef. The calculated protein efficiency ratio is low, with 1.69 for locust protein compared to 2.5 for standard casein. A serving of 100 g of desert locust provides 11.5 g of fat, 53.5% of which is unsaturated, and 286 mg of cholesterol. Among the G-Unit Films and Television Inc. G-Unit Films and Television Inc. is an American film and television production company founded by rapper 50 Cent and Interscope in 2003. In 2008, 50 Cent stated in an interview that he has created his own independent film production company with Randall Emmett called Cheetah Vision, technically scrapping G-Unit Films. In 2010, Jackson revived G-Unit Films, renaming the company to G-Unit Films and Television Inc. The company has joint ventures with Will Packer’s production company Will Packer Productions and Universal Television. In over 18 months, Jackson has sold projects to six different networks. Among them infiltrate the rap world. After spending a few years in jail, Gill reached out to Ja Rule, showing him his lyrical ability to prove himself as a rapper which Ja Rule liked and accepted him to sign with Murder Inc after being released from Jam Master Jay Records due to a gun charge. Feud with 50 Cent He was also involved in the Ja Rule/50 Cent feud, where he and other fellow Murder Inc. labelmates had an altercation with 50 Cent and a few other G-Unit members at The Hit Factory in New York City, March 2000. In self-defense, he of a "beef" within G-Unit between 50 Cent and Young Buck, 50 Cent officially expelled Young Buck from the group, though assuring that Buck was still signed with the label. Numerous slander songs then arose on the internet from both camps, with Young Buck being included on a track with former rival and ex-G-Unit member, Game. 50 Cent then leaked a taped phone conversation between himself and Young Buck, which showed one of the true reasons for the falling out: 50 Cent was owed money by the Southern rapper. Young Buck later stated the conversation had taken place over a end the DVD stated that at least for now a coast vs. coast beef was gone. Since Beef III was released, the rivalry had actually intensified. In an extended interview found in the extras portion of this DVD, Game further explained his dissatisfaction with 50 Cent and G-Unit, including footage of a concert where Game performed at Giants Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey (just eight miles across the Hudson River from New York City), in which he threw his G-Unit chain into the back row of the crowd. Beef (film) Content Beef takes a chronological look at battles (some friendly, but many personal) dating back to rap music's infancy in the early 1980s. The notable rivalries discussed include KRS-One vs. MC Shan, Kool Moe Dee vs. Busy Bee, 50 Cent vs. Murder Inc Records, Tru Life vs. Mobb Deep, Common vs. Ice Cube & Westside Connection, the break-up of legendary group N.W.A, which includes Ice Cube's abrupt departure, and the later animosity between Dr. Dre and Eazy-E, the highly publicized Jay-Z vs. Nas rivalry and the most infamous feud of all, 2Pac vs. The Notorious B.I.G.. It was 6% was LFTB. An analysis of California Department of Education data indicated that "anywhere from none to nearly 3 million pounds of beef from the USDA that was served in California schools last year could have contained lean finely textured beef". According to the USDA, the cost differential between ground beef with and without the additive has been estimated at approximately 3%. BPI lawsuit On September 13, 2012, BPI announced that it filed a $1.2 billion lawsuit, Beef Products, Inc. v. American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., against ABC News; three reporters (Diane Sawyer, Jim Avila and David Kerley) and others, claiming
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by hackers Job applications are known to be used by hackers to get employees to open attachments or links or connect USB sticks with malware. As companies typically have more financial resources than private individuals they are often a target of cyberextortion − so called ransomware. Ransomware such as "Petya" and "GoldenEye" were found to make use of job applications. Cyberespionage and attacks on critical infrastructure-related companies may be other reasons for such attacks and other than ransomware attacks may leave employees in the dark about their computer or network infection. The best method for mitigating such risks would be a longer sentence compared to an individual who is given the same sentence without a lengthy period of pre-sentencing incarceration. Arbour also points out that pre-sentence incarceration is typically served in detention, in harsher circumstances than the sentence will ultimately call for and without access to educational, rehabilitative and vocational programs. Bill C-25 creates three changes in the Criminal Code; now under s.719(3), generally the maximum credit a judge can give is 1:1. Under s.719(3.1) and 719(3.2) a judge can give a credit of 1.5:1 only "if the circumstances justify it." Under s.719(3.1), the sentencing judge cannot give greater than 1:1 Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution Preface Levy decided to write about the subject of hackers because he thought they were fascinating people. He also wanted to present a more accurate view of hackers than the one most people had. Levy found them to be "adventurers, visionaries, risk-takers, [and] artists" rather than "nerdy social outcasts or 'unprofessional' programmers who wrote dirty, 'nonstandard' computer code." For this book, Levy talked to many different hackers who were active from the 1950s until the 1980s. Part One: True Hackers 1. The Tech Model Railroad Club (TMRC) is a club at MIT that built sophisticated assault, theft, fraud, forgery, computer hacking and illegal divulging of classified information. However, they are only under military jurisdiction if the crime has been committed against another military person or against the Defence Forces. Unlike other crimes, the military crimes have separate sentence ranges for peace and wartime. During wartime, the crimes carry considerably larger sentence ranges and, if the crime causes the danger to the military unit, the sentence range is even harsher. For example, desertion carries, in the peacetime, a sentence of disciplinary punishment or up to one year in prison. During wartime, it carries a mandatory prison sentence outside world of the merits of computers was not as interesting as hacking them. 5. The Midnight Computer Wiring Society was created by Stew Nelson, a hacker who was really interested in phone networks and computer programming. He created the MCWS because he wanted to add an instruction to the PDP-1 computer, and the lab administrators had forbidden anyone “not qualified” from messing with the computer hardware. Just like many other hackers, he believed in the Hacker Ethic, and he would use any tools and make any modifications that he believed would improve the system. The hackers would find a way weeks before the raid, formed the basis of the evidence against both of Phoenix's co-offenders, as they freely discussed the targets of their hacking and bragged of their exploits. Electron pleaded guilty to 14 offences and in June 1993 was given a suspended six-month jail sentence and 300 hours community service. Media A 1997 book by Suelette Dreyfus, Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier, described the hackers' exploits; in 2005 former AFP computer crime investigator Bill Apro co-wrote a book, Hackers: The Hunt for Australia’s Most Infamous Computer Cracker in which he told of the police Anthony Anderson (murderer) Anthony Anderson is a convicted British murderer. He is most notable for successfully challenging the Home Secretary's powers to set minimum terms for life sentence prisoners. On 25 November 2002, the Law Lords ruled in favour of Anderson's claim that it was incompatible with human rights for politicians to set minimum terms for life sentence prisoners, and the next day the European Court of Human Rights agreed with this decision, meaning that politicians in European countries can no longer decide the minimum length of imprisonment for anyone serving a life sentence. British politicians had already been stripped of Coded Arms Plot Late in the 21st century, advancements in medical and computer technology allow for linear connectivity of human minds to computer networks, causing an unprecedented boom in computer hackers. The game takes place inside a virtual reality military training simulator named "AIDA" which has since been long-abandoned. However, the program continues to run, generating enemies and levels for the no longer present soldiers-in-training. The player takes the role of one of the many hackers attempting to break the codes of the simulator and extract the most valuable data possible for fame and profit. To do this, the player a computer kit that cost only $397. The Altair 8800, based on the Intel 8080 microprocessor, only had 256 bytes of memory, but it struck a chord with so many hackers that MITS went from being close to bankruptcy to having millions of dollars worth of orders, and being unable to fulfill the orders in time. Although it was not yet a computer for the general public, the Altair brought that dream a lot closer. 10. The Homebrew Computer Club was founded by Fred Moore and Gordon French as a way for electronics hobbyists and hackers to get together and embassy bombings. Level Seven typify a group of hackers who exploit or attack computers and networks for more than just the thrill and challenge, and for reasons other than money. During their era, they were activists, and they used their computer skills to make political statements and protest actions by government and industry. Thus, they bridged the realms of hacking and activism, operating in a domain that is now called "hacktivism". Quotations "I would be inclined to think that normal hackers would not be able to break into something like the US embassy. The security measures they use are very, very
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concentrations between 1.4 and 15 ppb in sunlit areas, and may contain concentrations as much as 50 ppb in permanently shadowed regions. A number of people, starting with Gerald Kulcinski in 1986, have proposed to explore the moon, mine lunar regolith and use the helium-3 for fusion. Because of the low concentrations of helium-3, any mining equipment would need to process extremely large amounts of regolith (over 150 tonnes of regolith to obtain one gram of helium 3), and some proposals have suggested that helium-3 extraction be piggybacked onto a larger mining and development operation. The primary objective of Indian fuel. The novel Morning Star (Pierce Brown, 2016) features helium-3 mining on Phobos (a moon of Mars), while his novel Red Rising (2014) features helium-3 extraction from Mars itself. The titular mech of Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II is powered by heavy hydrogen and helium-3 in pellet form. is also more attractive for "advanced fuels" (see aneutronic fusion). Helium-3 propulsion is a proposed method of spacecraft propulsion that uses the fusion of helium-3 atoms as a power source. Helium-3, an isotope of helium with two protons and one neutron, could be fused with deuterium in a reactor. The resulting energy release could be used to expel propellant out the back of the spacecraft. Helium-3 is proposed as a power source for spacecraft mainly because of its abundance on the moon. Currently, scientists estimate that there are 1 million tons of helium-3 present on the moon, mainly due to of helium-3 is feasible. Dwayne Day, writing in The Space Review, identifies some major obstacles to helium-3 extraction from extraterrestrial sources for use in fusion, and questions the feasibility of extraterrestrial extraction when compared to production on Earth. References in science fiction Several science fiction works have featured helium-3 extraction on the moon, including the films Moon (2009) and Iron Sky (2012), the manga and corresponding anime Planetes, the video game Anno 2205 (2015) and the novel Luna: New Moon (2015). The video game Destiny (2014) has a harvestable resource called "helium filaments," which referenced as being used for fusion the crust of the Earth as it formed. Helium-3 is almost entirely primordial (a small amount is formed by natural nuclear reactions in the crust). The global supply of helium (which occurs in gas wells and well as the atmosphere) is almost entirely (about 90-99%) radiogenic, as shown by its factor of 10 to 100 times enrichment in radiogenic helium-4 relative to the primordial ratio of helium-4 to helium-3. This latter ratio is known from extraterrestrial sources, such as some moon rocks and meteorites, which are relatively free of parental sources for helium-3 and helium-4. As noted in the case of until September 3, 2006, when it was intentionally crashed into the lunar surface in order to study the impact plume. China has begun the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program for exploring the Moon and is investigating the prospect of lunar mining, specifically looking for the isotope helium-3 for use as an energy source on Earth. China launched the Chang'e 1 robotic lunar orbiter on October 24, 2007. Originally planned for a one-year mission, the Chang'e 1 mission was very successful and ended up being extended for another four months. On March 1, 2009, Chang'e 1 was intentionally impacted on the lunar surface The helium was pressure regulated down to 246 psi for the propellant tanks. Pressure from the helium would gradually rise as it warmed and would eventually be vented. The system was also equipped with a rubber diaphragm that would burst when the helium pressure reached a certain level and allow the gas to vent harmlessly into space. Once the helium was gone however, the DPS would no longer be operable. This was not seen as an issue since normally, the helium release would not occur until after the lunar module was on the Moon, by which time the DPS had stars as a product of nuclear fusion. Thus in the interstellar medium, the proportion of ³ He to ⁴ He is about 100 times higher than on Earth. Extraplanetary material, such as lunar and asteroid regolith, have trace amounts of helium-3 from being bombarded by solar winds. The Moon's surface contains helium-3 at concentrations on the order of 10 ppb, much higher than the approximately 5 ppt found in the Earth's atmosphere. A number of people, starting with Gerald Kulcinski in 1986, have proposed to explore the moon, mine lunar regolith, and use the helium-3 for fusion. Liquid helium-4 can be cooled to "habitation systems", ISRU, rovers, power production and storage, systems to meet science and exploration objectives and safety systems. The LSSPO was expected to conduct a surface system concept review in the 2010 or 2011 timeframe. Other countries' plans As of 2006, the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) planned a manned lunar landing around 2020 that would lead to a manned lunar base by 2030; however, there was no budget yet for this project. China National Space Administration (CNSA) has commenced the Chang'e program for exploring the Moon to investigate the prospect of lunar mining, specifically for mining isotope helium-3 for use Space Research Organisation's first lunar probe called Chandrayaan-1, launched on October 22, 2008, was reported in some sources to be mapping the Moon's surface for helium-3-containing minerals. However, no such objective is mentioned in the project's official list of goals, although many of its scientific payloads have noted helium-3-related applications. Cosmochemist and geochemist Ouyang Ziyuan from the Chinese Academy of Sciences who is now in charge of the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program has already stated on many occasions that one of the main goals of the program would be the mining of helium-3, from which operation "each year, three space shuttle
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slightly from this point (faster as regards C licenses, while E licenses remained mostly level) until the 2015 EU Gun Ban Proposal, from which point the number of license holders began to rise again (mostly E licenses). The police recorded a tripling of average monthly applications for firearms licenses by the end of 2015 compared to the beginning of that year. While the number of license holders started to rise gradually, firearm sales rose even faster in 2015, mostly prompted by the EU efforts to restrict law abiding citizens' access to firearms. Average annual rise in the number of registered firearms security derogation . Its purpose lays at utilisation of already existing specific conditions as regards firearms ownership in the Czech Republic (240.000 people having concealed carry licence, high level of ownership of semi-automatic firearms suitable for self-defense as compared to other EU countries) for security purposes, whereby firearms owners should contribute to soft targets protection. On 6 February 2017, the proposal was lodged by 36 members of parliament into legislative process. It must gain support of 3/5 of all Members of Chamber of Deputies and 3/5 of Senators present to be passed. This proposal was approved by the Chamber of Deputies on government in regards to the poor implementation of the firearms act, claiming 40,000 Black people were refused firearm licences between 2004 and 2010. which is claimed to have cost 10,000 jobs in the firearms sector and closed 800 shops. Licensing takes over two years to process before revenue can be recognised or is arbitrarily dismissed and rejected by the police. These two factors lead to many dealers not being able to maintain their businesses, in light of greatly reduced revenues. On 30 November 2012, the Supreme Court of Appeal dismissed an order brought by a group of gun owners that would Following a wave of terror attacks around Europe, a number of politicians as well as security professionals started urging gun owners to actually carry firearms in order to be able to contribute to soft targets protection. These included, among many others, the President Miloš Zeman, whose own wife obtained E license and a revolver, as well as Libor Lochman, Chief of URNA, the country's main special forces anti-terrorism unit. While there are no statistics as regards how many E license holder actually do carry firearms in general, there are places known for high concealed carry rate, such as Prague Jewish the 'Permissable Circumstances for the Use of Firearms' section of the Pocket Book. The Pocket Book also outlines in the 'Accountability for the Use of Force and Firearms' section that there are stringent measures of accountability in place to maintain integrity within state law enforcement agencies as regards their right to the use of lethal force. International institutions have outlined when and where law enforcement agents might have the availability of lethal force at their disposal. The International Association of Chiefs of Police have 'Model Policies' which incorporate various pieces of information from leading sources. One of these model policies states with regards to zoning laws (i.e., for restricting where gun sellers may locate their businesses) and as provided for in the Florida Constitution in regards to regulating sales by non-licensed sellers in public forums. The Florida Legislature has since 1987 occupied the whole field of regulation of firearms and ammunition, including the purchase, sale, transfer, taxation, manufacture, ownership, possession, and transportation. Due to a lack of penalties associated with violating the preemption statute, it was almost universally ignored by city and county authorities until, on December 7, 2010, Representative Matt Gaetz introduced a bill to the Florida Legislature adding penalties covering the federal Assault Weapons Ban, due to expire the following year. The Assault Weapons Ban was concerned solely with semi-automatic firearms, not fully automatic ones, which had already been restricted by the National Firearms Act of 1934, and the subsequent 1986 Firearm Owners Protection Act. Occupy CNN protest On April 3, 2016, hundreds of supporters of Bernie Sanders protested outside of CNN Los Angeles. Sanders supporters were protesting CNN's coverage of the 2016 United States presidential elections, specifically in regards to the lack of airtime Sanders had received. Known as Occupy CNN, protesters claimed that major media networks have Service pistol History Prior to the introduction of cartridge-loading firearms, there was little standardization with regards to the handguns carried by military personnel, although it had been important for officers, artillerymen, and other auxiliary troops to have a means of defending themselves, especially as it was not always practical for them to have a full-length rifle or carbine. Traditionally, soldiers (infantry and cavalry alike) and officers had carried swords for both personal protection and use in combat. The development of firearms in the mid-14th century changed the way battles were fought, and by the late-15th century it was no longer especially with the $10 million allocated to the police in the 2008–09 Victorian State Budget. Chief Commissioner Christine Nixon launched an inquiry into the fiscal aspect of a possible upgrade. On 6 June 2008, chief commissioner Christine Nixon announced that an external panel, consisting of a County Court Judge, members of the Australian Defence Force, members of the community, an ethicist and "other professionals" advised that Victoria Police should adopt semi-automatic duty firearms. The chief commissioner had previously announced that she would accept and implement the recommendations of the external panel. She further stated her concerns in regards to semi-automatic firearms, especially if cartridges from modern materials and shoot their old guns. As regards pistols, some modern novelty miniature guns are manufactured in very tiny calibers, such as 2mm. Although not practical weapons, they use pinfire ammunition because the caliber is too small for centerfire or rimfire. Antique pinfire firearms and cartridges are available on the collector market and modern reloading kits exist which contain specialized cartridges which can be hand loaded, though the process is far more complex than for centerfire cartridges.
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name of the file (the "filename extension") is .txt. However, many other suffixes are used for text files with specific purposes. For example, source code for computer programs is usually kept in text files that have file name suffixes indicating the programming language in which the source is written. Most Microsoft Windows text files use "ANSI", "OEM", "Unicode" or "UTF-8" encoding. What Microsoft Windows terminology calls "ANSI encodings" are usually single-byte ISO/IEC 8859 encodings (i.e. ANSI in the Microsoft Notepad menus is really "System Code Page", non-Unicode, legacy encoding), except for in locales such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean that require examining the n−1 characters, thus sequential access is needed anyway. UTF-16BE and UTF-32BE are big-endian, UTF-16LE and UTF-32LE are little-endian. When character sequences in one endian order are loaded onto a machine with a different endian order, the characters need to be converted before they can be processed efficiently, unless data is processed with a byte granularity (as required for UTF-8). Accordingly, the issue at hand is more pertinent to the protocol and communication than to a computational difficulty. Processing issues For processing, a format should be easy to search, truncate, and generally process safely. All normal Unicode encodings use for storage or transmission in a variety of different ways, called "encodings". Unicode itself defines encodings that cover the entire repertoire; well-known ones include UTF-8 and UTF-16. There are many other text encodings that predate Unicode, such as ASCII and ISO/IEC 8859; their character repertoires in almost every case are subsets of the Unicode character set. XML allows the use of any of the Unicode-defined encodings, and any other encodings whose characters also appear in Unicode. XML also provides a mechanism whereby an XML processor can reliably, without any prior knowledge, determine which encoding is being used. Encodings other than UTF-8 double-byte character sets. ANSI encodings were traditionally used as default system locales within Microsoft Windows, before the transition to Unicode. By contrast, OEM encodings, also known as DOS code pages, were defined by IBM for use in the original IBM PC text mode display system. They typically include graphical and line-drawing characters common in DOS applications. "Unicode"-encoded Microsoft Windows text files contain text in UTF-16 Unicode Transformation Format. Such files normally begin with Byte Order Mark (BOM), which communicates the endianness of the file content. Although UTF-8 does not suffer from endianness problems, many Microsoft Windows programs (i.e. Notepad) read on. Prior to UTF-8, this was traditionally single-byte encodings (such as ISO-8859-1 through ISO-8859-16) for European languages and wide character encodings for Asian languages. Because encodings necessarily have only a limited repertoire of characters, often very small, many are only usable to represent text in a limited subset of human languages. Unicode is an attempt to create a common standard for representing all known languages, and most known character sets are subsets of the very large Unicode character set. Although there are multiple character encodings available for Unicode, the most common is UTF-8, which has the advantage of being backwards-compatible Comparison of Unicode encodings Compatibility issues A UTF-8 file that contains only ASCII characters is identical to an ASCII file. Legacy programs can generally handle UTF-8 encoded files, even if they contain non-ASCII characters. For instance, the C printf function can print a UTF-8 string, as it only looks for the ASCII '%' character to define a formatting string, and prints all other bytes unchanged, thus non-ASCII characters will be output unchanged. UTF-16 and UTF-32 are incompatible with ASCII files, and thus require Unicode-aware programs to display, print and manipulate them, even if the file is known to contain only characters Unicode and email Unicode support in message bodies As with all encodings apart from US-ASCII, when using Unicode text in email, MIME must be used to specify that a Unicode transformation format is being used for the text. UTF-7, although sometimes considered deprecated, has an advantage over other Unicode encodings in that it does not require a transfer encoding to fit within the seven-bit limits of many legacy Internet mail servers. On the other hand, UTF-16 must be transfer encoded to fit SMTP data format. Although not strictly required, UTF-8 is usually also transfer encoded to avoid problems across seven-bit mail in the ASCII subset. Because they contain many zero bytes, the strings cannot be manipulated by normal null-terminated string handling for even simple operations such as copy. Therefore, even on most UTF-16 systems such as Windows and Java, UTF-16 text files are not common; older 8-bit encodings such as ASCII or ISO-8859-1 are still used, forgoing Unicode support; or UTF-8 is used for Unicode. One rare counter-example is the "strings" file used by Mac OS X (10.3 and later) applications for lookup of internationalized versions of messages which defaults to UTF-16, with "files encoded using UTF-8 ... not guaranteed to work." XML the Microsoft Word format. In Windows 95, 98 and Windows 2000, it used Microsoft's RichEdit control, versions 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 respectively. In Windows XP SP1 and later, it uses RichEdit 4.1, including Windows 7. WordPad for Windows XP added full Unicode support, enabling WordPad to support multiple languages, but UTF-16/UCS-2 Big Endian is not supported. It can open Microsoft Word (versions 6.0-2003) files, although it opens newer versions of the .DOC format with incorrect formatting. Also, unlike previous WordPad versions, it cannot save files in the .doc format (only .txt or .rtf). Files saved as Unicode text are encoded as UTF-16 is a wide-character of undefined size and semantics. Neither literal type offers support for string literals with UTF-8, UTF-16, or any other kind of Unicode encodings. The definition of the type char has been modified to explicitly express that it's at least the size needed to store an eight-bit coding of UTF-8, and large enough to contain any member of the compiler's basic execution character set. It was formerly defined as only the latter in the C++ standard itself, then relying on the C standard to guarantee at least 8 bits. C++11 supports three Unicode encodings: UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32. Along with
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is accomplished by using a standard syringe body with an extended plunger that inserts into the neck of the syringe body to expel more fluid from the syringe. WHO Guidelines for people who inject drugs According to WHO guidelines for people who inject drugs it is suggested that needle exchange programme's provide low dead space syringes for distribution to people who inject drugs due to evidence that the provision of low dead space syringes leads to a reduction in the transmission of HIV, and hepatitis B and C. Criticism for distributing low dead space syringes Criticism to proponents of low the BODIES Exhibition in that state. HB28 Relating to Dead Human Bodies would add to the prohibition against buying dead human bodies, the selling of dead human bodies and defines the term "dead human body" to include plastinated bodies and body parts. It would increase the fine for buying or selling a dead human body to up to $5,000. HB29 Relating to Dead Human Bodies would prohibit the commercial display of dead human bodies without a permit from the Department of Health. New York In June 2008, New York State Senate passed legislation regulating body exhibits. A bill that was vengeance, Hyun-chul and Jin-soo's pink-haired daughter Dong-hwa (Kim Ok-bin) plot to steal Taek-soo's body to pay for Jin-soo's hospital bills. However the body they escape from the morgue with isn’t Taek-soo's but that of Ahn Jin-oh (Ryoo Seung-bum), a man who faked his death in order to hide from loan sharks. Believing Taek-soo's body has been stolen, Steve and his gang begin a hunt for Hyun-chul and Dong-hwa to recover the precious microchip. Production When director Woo Seon-ho was at his maternal grandfather's funeral, he wondered what would happen if his grandfather's dead body suddenly disappeared. This unusual and dark to be sent to Hell, a portal opens up beside them, and the soul is ripped out of the body and sucked into the portal, leaving only the dead body behind. Only a collector and the Devil's clients are able to see this portal. For people who happen to be nearby, the taking of a soul is witnessed as an accident or some other fatal event. Later, it is revealed that the portal can be seen by any person who sold their soul, as a preview of what will happen when their time on Earth is up. and rising concern of other communicable diseases to healthcare workers the creation of safety syringes occurred in 1988. As of the last few years new designs have emerged that work on a needle that is low dead space and fits onto and transforms high dead space syringes into low dead space syringes. One design achieves this by creating a plunger that inserts itself into the syringe neck to expel as much fluid as possible from the syringe body, thus reducing the amount of space available within the neck. 1 ml insulin syringes This was the first syringe that Rico, was worried that another actor would be brought in and re-record his dialogue in English after he had worked hard to master Mexican inflections and improve his Spanish vocabulary. Del Toro remembers, "Can you imagine? You do the whole movie, bust your butt to get it as realistic as possible, and someone dubs your voice? I said, 'No way. Over my dead body.' Steven was like, 'Don't worry. It's not gonna happen.'" The director fought for subtitles for the Mexico scenes, arguing that if the characters did not speak Spanish, the film would have no integrity and would not only faints twice in his life. Each time he faints it is because he realizes that the Darkness is inescapable without some form of resistance. He first faints when he sees his mother's dead body around the Ganges: “Soon she would become part of the black mound… And then I understood: this was the real god of Benaras—this black mud of the Ganga into which everything died, and decomposed, and was reborn from, and died into again. The same would happen to me when I died and they brought me here. Nothing would get liberated here” (15). Balram cannot fathom dead space volume in a bird is, on average, 4.5 times greater than it is in mammals of the same size. Birds with long necks will inevitably have long tracheae, and must therefore take deeper breaths than mammals do to make allowances for their greater dead space volumes. In some birds (e.g. the whooper swan, Cygnus cygnus, the white spoonbill, Platalea leucorodia, the whooping crane, Grus americana, and the helmeted curassow, Pauxi pauxi) the trachea, which some cranes can be 1.5 m long, is coiled back and forth within the body, drastically increasing the dead space ventilation. The purpose of this extraordinary to perform the interview, Space Ghost is shot by Sharko, who is eventually killed by Early. The special ends with the set in ruins and Early shooting the talking head of Space Ghost off of Meatwad, while a bear eats Sharko's dead body in the background. with a question to himself, “What would happen if I take a distortion of the human body that is ‘normalized’ in an image context, that we might assume belongs exclusively to the image world, and bring that into the space we physically occupy?” The result are sculptures that are fascinating in their attention to details, and horrific in their flattened, unnatural forms. They are at once “wholly unbelievable and undeniable.” Acquisition This work was gifted to the AGO in 2008 by David and Kristin Ferguson.
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men and women died from wearing lead-based make-up. In the 18th century, Louis XV made it fashionable for men to wear lead-based makeup. Theatrical actors wore heavy white base. In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, Victorian women wore little or no makeup. Queen Victoria abhorred make-up and deemed that it was only appropriate for prostitutes and loose women to wear it. It was only acceptable for actors or actresses to wear make-up. In the late 19th century, women would apply a whitening mixture made out of zinc oxide, mercury, lead, nitrate of silver, and acids. Some women stayed out of can find light shimmery lip glosses in many introduction to makeup kits. It is often used by preteen and young teenage girls who want to wear some makeup, but are too young to wear more intense lipstick colors. Lip gloss is also common for young women who don't like to wear makeup but have to attend a formal occasion. Lip gloss can be applied on top of lipstick to increase the gloss of a color, or to add depth as in the case of glitter gloss. Ingredients Like lipstick, lip gloss is a mixture of waxes, oils, and pigments. However, depending on where the Capitano character is from, and the period the Capitano is from. Pantalone has one of the most iconic costumes of Commedia dell'arte. Typically, he would wear a tightly fitting jacket with a matching pair of trousers. He usually pairs these two with a big black coat called a zimarra. Women, who usually played servants or lovers, wore less stylized costumes than the men in commedia. The lovers, Innamorati, would wear what was considered to be the fashion of the time period. They would only wear plain half-masks with no character distinction or street makeup. Subjects Conventional plot lines backlash against unrealistic beauty standards that requires them to spend hours applying makeup and performing extensive skincare regimes, which often involve ten steps or more. Some Korean women have destroyed their makeup, cut their hair, and rejected the pressures of getting surgery. The purpose of the movement is to create space for Korean women to feel comfortable with themselves and not have social pressures limit their identity. Critics of the movement think that women can make their own choices to wear makeup or not. Male beauty standards While expectations of female beauty usually outweigh male expectations, South Korea is notable eyebrows and eyes than senior maiko. A junior maiko will paint her eyebrows shorter than a senior maiko will. Maiko will also wear tonoko (a kind of blusher) on the face, usually around the eyes. Young maiko often have the mother of the house or her "older sister" mentor to help apply this makeup. The makeup of geisha does not vary much from this, though geisha will wear less tonoko than maiko. Older geisha will generally only wear full white face makeup during stage performances and special appearances. Both geisha and maiko do not colour both lips in fully, and will look of carmine colored lipstick was considered unnatural and theatrical, so lipstick was frowned upon for everyday wear. Only actors and actresses could get away with wearing lipstick. In 1880, few stage actresses wore lipstick in public. The famous actress, Sarah Bernhardt, began wearing lipstick and rouge in public. Before the late 19th century, women only applied makeup at home. Bernhardt often applied carmine dye to her lips in public. In the early 1890s, carmine was mixed with an oil and wax base. The mixture gave a natural look and it was more acceptable among women. At that time, lipstick was men and women become even more readily apparent. While the women often plead their cases vigorously, alleging everything from infidelity to domestic abuse, they are almost constantly reminded that divorce is greatly frowned upon by Islam, and if they would try harder at home (i.e. wear makeup around the house, make themselves more attractive, show more respect for their husbands) many of the allegations would resolve themselves. As the documentary progresses, the filmmakers note the differences in legal rights Islamic men and women have when asking for a divorce. In most cases, only men are allowed to seek a divorce unless 85% were economically disadvantaged, for around 33% English was a second language, and 5% of IDEA's students had special education needs. Each campus requires students to wear a polo shirt with the IDEA logo and campus name and khaki or navy pants. Students must keep their hair neat; for young men no facial hair is allowed and their hair must be short, and young women can wear only light makeup. IDEA schools hold a "College Signing Day" event each year to celebrate academic achievement, at which seniors announce the college to which they have been accepted. In 2016 IDEA as confirmation from God for entrance into heaven. Role of women Female congregants of La Luz del Mundo are do not wear jewelry, makeup, and short hair. They are taught to dress modestly, which means wearing long dresses and skirts. These restrictions do not apply to recreational activities, such as swimming. Women wear a head covering during religious meetings. According to an interview of one adherent, women in La Luz del Mundo are considered equal to men in social spheres and have equal capacities for obtaining higher education, social careers, and other goals that may interest them. However, they are to wear make up'. (Bordo, 1993). unfortunately these demands have not yet been fulfilled as women in today's society still feel the need to dress in a particular way and to wear makeup to feel beautiful and attractive to the opposite gender and within today's society. However, these efforts to erase the 'ideal body image' are opposed by modern reality TV shows that encourage such behaviour. Extreme Makeover puts individuals through extreme physical changes to change the way they look, which is then viewed by women of all ages. This tends to encourage people to think about their image, and change
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of carbohydrate and fat, with relatively more carbohydrate metabolized at faster speeds and relatively more fat the longer the workout lasts. A fartlek workout will allow the body to adapt to using both sources of energy, with the desired adaptation towards fat metabolism occurring during slower periods. In addition, varying speeds improves cardiovascular endurance slightly better than running at a steady pace for the same time and total distance. Sports training variability Fartleks can be specially tailored to fit the needs of different types of athletes. An example includes basketball, where “you must exert maximum effort while running and decreased body fat, blood pressure, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. The body's basal metabolic rate increases with increases in muscle mass, which promotes long-term fat loss and helps dieters avoid yo-yo dieting. Moreover, intense workouts elevate metabolism for several hours following the workout, which also promotes fat loss. Weight training also provides functional benefits. Stronger muscles improve posture, provide better support for joints, and reduce the risk of injury from everyday activities. Older people who take up weight training can prevent some of the loss of muscle tissue that normally accompanies aging—and even regain some functional strength—and by doing so, become less event, was later tested positive for 19-norandrosterone, which is a prohibited substance. However, WADA did not yet listed Yohimbine (which can come into a body via an energy drink, also in a form of pre-workout supplement or fat burner) as a prohibited substance, nor did it confirm that its use can increase in the endogenous level of anabolic steroids, in particular of 19-norandrostenedione and testosterone. enhancers, or anabolic steroids are used in order to assist a body builder or athlete in their journey to achieve the goals they aim for. But they are not necessary for ripping, or fat loss. The main concern in ripping is considered the way the person eats. In ripping, it is considered that dieting that has the largest involvement, second to the workout. It is not just what food to eat that becomes a concern but it is the time in which one should consume that food that is equally important. The main principles that are adhered to are that fat is "Strong is the new skinny." Published work Each of her e-books is sold through a dedicated web site: "Crack the Code", "The Fitness Model Program", "The Sexy Body Diet", "101 Things Not To Do If You Want to Lose Weight", "Get Fit with JNL", "Get Fit Now With JNL", and "The Bikini Model Diet." Lee stars in the "Fabulously Fit Moms" fitness DVD series. The series, started in 2007 with "The New Mom Workout", "Total Body Workout", "Lower Body Burn" and "Super Energized Workout." Two more titles were released in 2008, "Upper Body Blast" and "Sleek and Sexy Workout". Her first to work “both the aerobic and anaerobic training systems while simulating the ebb and flow nature of competitive running." Body strengthening Fartleks keep runners' bodies at top shape so that they can keep racing. Putting fartlek runs in a workout routine keeps “muscles, tendons, nerves, etc. used in running going at top capacity." In other words, regularly implementing fartleks keeps your body strong enough to maintain the mechanics of racing. Fat burn By alternating the “intensity of your workouts, you will burn more calories than you would by keeping a steady pace." While running, the runner's body uses a combination They tend to under-read body fat percentage. Dehydration is a recognized factor affecting BIA measurements as it causes an increase in the body's electrical resistance, so has been measured to cause a 5 kg underestimation of fat-free mass i.e. an overestimation of body fat. Body fat measurements are lower when measurements are taken shortly after consumption of a meal, causing a variation between highest and lowest readings of body fat percentage taken throughout the day of up to 4.2% of body fat. Moderate exercise before BIA measurements lead to an overestimation of fat-free mass and an underestimation of body fat percentage due to reduced women, getcha under my command Got my mojo working, ... Excerpt from Stratchborneo lyrics I got my mojo working Well my mojo working Well my mojo working Well my mojo working My mojo working but it just won't work on you. You grab your little girl and spin her around You grab both hands and holler out loud You turn and turn till you're back to back You move your feet and you don't look back. You do the mojo workout Well the mojo workout You do the mojo workout <dance step instructions> I got my mojo working Well my mojo working My mojo working. digesting carbohydrates, which release energy in a more stable fashion than high-glycemic sugars and starches. This is important as high-glycemic carbohydrates cause a sharp insulin response, which places the body in a state where it is likely to store additional food energy as fat. However, bodybuilders frequently do ingest some quickly digesting sugars (often in form of pure dextrose or maltodextrin) just before, during, and/or just after a workout. This may help to replenish glycogen stored within the muscle, and to stimulate muscle protein synthesis. Protein The motor proteins actin and myosin generate the forces exerted by contracting muscles. Current Body fat percentage The body fat percentage (BFP) of a human or other living being is the total mass of fat divided by total body mass, multiplied by 100; body fat includes essential body fat and storage body fat. Essential body fat is necessary to maintain life and reproductive functions. The percentage of essential body fat for women is greater than that for men, due to the demands of childbearing and other hormonal functions. Storage body fat consists of fat accumulation in adipose tissue, part of which protects internal organs in the chest and abdomen. A number of methods are
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whereby 2013 registered vehicles would have their registration plates' age identifier string modified to read "131" for vehicles registered in the first six months of 2013 and "132" for those registered in the latter six months of the year. Lucky 13 In some regions 13 is considered a lucky number. For example, 13 is lucky in Italy except in some contexts, such as sitting at the dinner table. In Cantonese-speaking areas, including Hong Kong and Macau, the number 13 is considered lucky because it sounds similar to the Cantonese words meaning "sure to live" (as opposed to the unlucky number 7, when pronounced with "shichi", sounds similar to the number four (四 shi). It is considered a good number since 7 symbolizes "Togetherness". 8 is considered a lucky number because it is nearly homophonous to the word "Prosperity" (繁栄 han'ei), It is also homophonous to Hachikō. 9 is considered a good number, when it was pronounced Kyū, sounds like a word for Relief. 10 is considered a good number because it is pronounced Jū, sounds like the word for "Enough" and "Replete". It is also a homophone for the word "Ample" (十分な jūbun'na). Unlucky Numbers There are six unlucky numbers in Japanese. 8 is considered lucky and 4 is avoided whenever possible. In Western cultures the number 13 is often considered unlucky, hence the term triskaidekaphobia, fear of the number 13. Controlled experiments with numbers date back to 1933 when the researcher Dietz asked Dutch people to name the first number to come to mind between 0 and 99. The number 7 was mentioned most, as it was in various later replicas of the study in other countries. The number 7 also came out on top in studies that asked people to name their favourite number. In an online poll by Alex Bellos, Yakudoshi Yakudoshi (厄年), or "calamitous years," are ages that in Japan are traditionally believed to be unlucky. Unlucky Years The ages most often considered unlucky in Japan are 25, 42, and 61 for men, and 19, 33, and 37 for women, though there is much regional variation. Note that yakudoshi are calculated by traditional age reckoning in Japan, according to which children are considered to be one year old at birth, and add to their age every New Year's Day. In some communities, the sixty-first year, which was traditionally the year for retirement, has been held to be lucky when it is really little more than a squalid, third-world dump. The country is frequently plagued by monsoons and earthquakes and many armed militia groups still patrol the streets. The Phaic Tăn people are presented to be extremely superstitious, and obsessed with the concept of luck. The index of the book contains a list of almost 600 numbers the Phaic Tănese consider lucky, plus two considered unlucky (3 and 6). Turning left while driving is also considered unlucky, which causes a lot of traffic problems. Also unlucky is asking for a non-exotic massage, having more than 5 holes in Quic Pot, mental exercise describing being shot during a bank robbery, lucky people considered themselves lucky not to have been killed while unlucky people considered themselves unlucky to have been shot. Edinburgh Secret Society The Edinburgh Secret Society organises events for those of a curious disposition. These include verbal, theatrical and experimental presentations intended to inform, entertain and bewilder. This group, as the name states, tends to be low key and has appeared in very few news outlets. The Society motto is 'The king cannot be saved, the king cannot make custard', which is one of many things the group won't openly set of related cultures, and sometimes contradictory. For example, lucky symbols include the number 7 in Christian-influenced cultures, but the number 8 in Chinese-influenced cultures. Unlucky symbols and events include entering and leaving a house by different doors in Greek culture, throwing rocks into the wind in Navajo culture, and ravens in Western culture. Some of these associations may derive from related facts or desires. For example, in Western culture opening an umbrella indoors might be considered unlucky partly because it could poke someone in the eye, whereas shaking hands with a chimney sweep might be Tycho Brahe days In the folklore of Scandinavia, Tycho Brahe days (Danish: Tycho Brahes-dage; Norwegian: Tycho Brahedager; Swedish: Tycho Brahe-dagar) are days judged to be especially unlucky, especially for magical work, and important business transactions[ and personal events]. Tycho Brahe (1546–1601) was a Danish astronomer, astrologer, and alchemist and as such achieved some acclaim in popular folklore as a sage and magician. Origins The idea that certain calendar dates are lucky or unlucky is of ancient origin, going back as far as the Mesopotamian civilizations. Tables that identify lucky and unlucky days are sometimes known by the German the use of words. The colours of some flowers are considered unlucky. Red flowers, which are used at funerals, are undesirable not only for that reason but also because red is supposed to suggest the red flames of a fire. An odd number of flowers is lucky, while even numbers are unlucky and therefore undesirable, and never used in flower arrangements. With the odd numbers one avoids symmetry and equal balance, which are actually seldom found in nature, and which from the Japanese standpoint are never attractive in art of any description. More than simply putting flowers in a container, ikebana Shagai Divination In fortunetelling, four shagai are rolled on the ground; the two convex sides, horse and sheep, are considered lucky, with horse being the luckiest. The sides with concave indents, goat and camel, are deemed unlucky; rolling all four sides on one throw is considered indicative of very good fortune. Other uses Another use of shagai, besides in games and for divination, is as part of musical instruments, such as the Kazakh jetigen, a relative of the Mongolian yatga.
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an initial court ruling refused to evict the Shelleys, followed by a Missouri Supreme Court ruling that called for the enforcement of the covenant. Finally, in May 1948, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Shelley v. Kraemer that restrictive covenants violated the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. Despite this landmark ruling, Missouri continued to encourage restrictive covenants because of a state court ruling that allowed lawsuits for damages due to violation of the covenants (this practice continued until 1953). Even after the end of lawsuits for damages, informal discrimination in housing continued well into the 1950s because of the Supreme Court. The Ninth Court's ruling was subsequently vacated (withdrawn) although it affirmed the district court ruling, since the Supreme Court later determined that the proponents of Proposition 8 had not had standing to appeal the district court's ruling. Hollingsworth v. Perry (U.S. Supreme Court) The proposition's proponents filed a petition for certiorari with the U.S. Supreme Court on July 30, 2012, requesting that the Supreme Court review the case. Briefs in opposition both from the individual respondents and from the City and County of San Francisco were filed August 24, and the petitioners replied on September 4. On under the jacket. Conclusion The initial ruling favored the police officer in the Court of Common Pleas in Philadelphia. An appeal was brought up to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, which ruled in favor of Mimms, and then the ruling was reversed once again by the U.S. Supreme Court. In a 6-3 per curiam ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court decided against Mimms, holding that the order to exit the car was reasonable and thus did not violate the Fourth Amendment. Ruling It was considered common for police officers to ask people inside their vehicle to exit it to prevent any ruling, polling showed the majority of Americans approving of same-sex marriage. The ruling was celebrated by many, and President Obama advertised his support for the ruling by coloring the White House in gay pride colors using lights. This ruling was not achieved without controversy, as it did little to change the minds of those that disapproved of homosexuality in general. In regards to the Supreme Court, President Obama faced three vacancies during his administration. Justice David Souter retired in June 2009 and the president nominated as his replacement Sonia Sotomayor, the first Hispanic Supreme Court Justice in U.S. history. Justice John Obergefell v. Hodges and decided along with several other Sixth Circuit court cases related to the legality of state bans on same-sex marriage by the U.S. Supreme Court on June 26, 2015. In a 5-4 ruling, the Supreme Court reversed the Sixth Circuit's judgment and struck down Tennessee's ban. Legislation On January 20, 2016, a House subcommittee rejected a bill, the Natural Marriage Defense Act, which sought to overrule the U.S. Supreme Court ruling. The bill died in a 4-1 vote. Representative Mike Carter had concerns over the legal basis for ignoring the Supreme Court's ruling, labeling it "nullification". Carter Circuit reversing six previous federal district court rulings. The ruling was the second federal court ruling and the only Federal Court of Appeals ruling to uphold same-sex marriage bans after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a portion of the Defense of Marriage Act in United States v. Windsor in June 2013. This ran counter to rulings by the U.S. Courts of Appeals for the 4th, 7th, 9th and 10th circuits, which then led the U.S. Supreme Court to grant writ of certiorari to review same-sex marriage bans when it previously declined to do so. In Obergefell v. Hodges the each side. The court reconvened at 1:30 p.m., and announced in a 5-to-4 ruling that it was denying the petition for an amended ruling. On the evening of May 1, President Truman called Murray and asked that the strike be called off pending a ruling of the Supreme Court. Murray agreed. Supreme Court ruling On May 2 around 10:30 a.m., the federal government attempted to file its appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. However, the steel companies had already filed (at 9:00 a.m.), which permitted them to open and close oral argument. In accepting the case, the Supreme Court ruled that flawed. Abortion In August 2018, after the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals issued a ruling that blocked the Alabama Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Act, Ivey reflected on her support for the state law while serving as lieutenant governor and said that "we should not let this discourage our steadfast commitment to protect the lives of the unborn, even if that means taking this case to the U.S. Supreme Court." She added that the ruling "clearly demonstrates why we need conservative justices on the Supreme Court" and expressed her support for the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. it." On March 24, she told the court that Davis had removed the language in question and asked the court to dismiss her suit. U.S. Supreme Court ruling On June 26, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges that the denial of marriage rights to same-sex couples is unconstitutional. Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange wrote in a news release: "While I do not agree with the opinion of the majority of the justices in their decision, I acknowledge that the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling is now the law of the land." Some probate judges began issuing marriage license in 2012, the court heard that "The Dutch government itself undermined the legitimacy of [the] restitution process by describing it as 'bureaucratic, cold and often even callous." The museum sought U.S. Supreme Court review of a June 2014 ruling delivered by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit that allowed van Saher to continue her claim; the Supreme Court had declined to hear a prior stage of the case in 2010. In 2017, the court ruled 3-0 against von Saher.
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mass size. The prognosis may differ between concussed adults and children; little research has been done on concussion in the pediatric population, but concern exists that severe concussions could interfere with brain development in children. A 2009 study found that individuals with a history of concussions might demonstrate a decline in both physical and mental performance for longer than 30 years. Compared to their peers with no history of brain trauma, sufferers of concussion exhibited effects including loss of episodic memory and reduced muscle speed. Post-concussion syndrome In post-concussion syndrome, symptoms do not resolve for weeks, months, or years after a asleep. Along with the classification of post-concussion symptoms, the symptoms can also be described as immediate and delayed. The immediate symptoms are experienced immediately after a concussion such as: memory loss, disorientation, and poor balance. Delayed symptoms are experienced in the later stages and include sleeping disorders and behavioral changes. Both immediate and delayed symptoms can continue for long periods of time and have a negative impact on recovery. According to research, 20-25% of individuals who have sustained a concussion experienced chronic, delayed symptoms. Playing through concussion makes people more vulnerable to getting hit again, and that is why most sports have 2015/2016 season meant that sustaining concussion was more likely than not sustaining concussion. Signs of Concussion Some of the effects that concussion can cause to an individuals mind set can vary, depending on the circumstances and the severity of the impact. The common signs of concussion can be; blank look, slow to get up off of the ground, unsteady on their feet, grabbing their head, confused in where they are or what they are doing, and obviously if they are unconscious. These are the things that a spectator, coach and medical assistant will notice in a player. Sometimes concussion can Sapovirus Transmission route and host susceptibility Sapovirus is spread via the fecal/oral route. Infected individuals expel more than particles/gram of feces or vomit. Particles from the infected individual remain viable for years and an infectious dose can be as few as 10 particles. Contamination of work surfaces, hands etc. can cause vast number of new infections. Infection may occur if the particles are inhaled, such as when the particles are aerosolized when those whom are infected vomit, or when the toilet is flushed after an infected individual vomits. Other forms of transmission include the excessive handling of foods by an Spewer Gameplay The player navigates through five chapters and a bonus chapter as Spewer, a small creature that navigates through single-screen levels by utilizing its own vomit as a platform. Spewer can also walk, jump, and swim. The amount of vomit available to the player is represented by a meter, which can be replaced by Spewer eating food or its own vomit. There are four types of vomit in addition to normal vomit which are accessed by eating pills: white vomit that floats, allowing the player to swim in mid air, red vomit that pushes the player off objects at Vomit Pigs Vomit Pigs were a Punk band from Daingerfield, Texas. Their debut EP, Take One, was released in 1978. The founding members of the Vomit Pigs were Mike Brock ("Mite Vomit"), Chris Connor, Doug Spencer, Roy Dalby and Eddie McMinn. that cause persistent disability for many individuals. Such disabilities result in a loss of independence, a disruption in normal childhood activities and social relationships, loss in school attendance, and educational and employment opportunities. Injuries or insults that may benefit from neurocognitive rehabilitation include traumatic and acquired brain injuries (such as stroke, concussion, neurosurgery, etc.), cranial radiation, intrathecal chemotherapy and neurological disorders, such as ADHD. The rehabilitation targets cognitive functions such as attention, memory, and executive function (organization, planning, time management, etc.). Programs are developed to address an individual's challenges after a baseline assessment of abilities and challenges. Concussion Much research and The scans found microscopic white matter and inflammatory changes in the brains of individuals who had sustained a clinically diagnosed concussion during the period of the study.” "We celebrate the big hit, we don't like the big head hit. There is an important distinction because we celebrate body-checking." — NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman Youth sports Many children and teenagers participate in sports and extracurricular activities that create a risk of a head injury or concussion, including basketball, cheerleading, soccer, and football. As a consequence, schools and youth sports groups should implement programs to reduce the risk of concussion, ensure prompt diagnosis and resulting from the impact that caused the concussion. Others believe that post-concussion symptoms are related to common psychological factors. Most common symptoms like headache, dizziness, and sleep problems are similar to those often experienced by individuals diagnosed with depression, anxiety, or post traumatic stress disorder. In many cases, both physiological effects of brain trauma and emotional reactions to these events play a role in the development of symptoms. Physiological Conventional neuroimaging studies of the brain following a concussion are typically normal. However, studies have found some subtle physiological changes associated with PCS using more novel imaging modalities. Studies using causing others to vomit, when they are especially fearful of also becoming ill, through a form of mass hysteria. Most people try to contain their vomit by vomiting into a sink, toilet, or trash can, as vomit is difficult and unpleasant to clean. On airplanes and boats, special bags are supplied for sick passengers to vomit into. A special disposable bag (leakproof, puncture-resistant, odorless) containing absorbent material that solidifies the vomit quickly is also available, making it convenient and safe to store until there is an opportunity to dispose of it conveniently. People who vomit chronically (e.g., as part of an eating
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providing iCloud backups of users' devices, and the company's commitment to privacy has been questioned by its efforts to promote biometric authentication technology in its newer iPhone models, which don't have the same level of constitutional privacy as a passcode in the United States. Charitable causes Apple is a partner of (PRODUCT)RED, a fundraising campaign for AIDS charity. In November 2014, Apple arranged for all App Store revenue in a two-week period to go to the fundraiser, generating more than US$20 million, and in March 2017, it released an iPhone 7 with a red color finish. Apple contributes financially to fundraisers in On February 14, 2019, Apple acquired DataTiger for its digital marketing technology. On January 29, 2019, Apple reported its first decline in revenues and profits in a decade. On July 25, 2019, Apple and Intel announced an agreement for Apple to acquire the smartphone modem business of Intel Mobile Communications for US$1 billion. iPod On October 23, 2001, Apple introduced the iPod digital music player. Several updated models have since been introduced, and the iPod brand is now the market leader in portable music players by a significant margin. More than 390 million units have shipped as of September 2015. Apple has partnered with cross section of a round apple without the stalk. A cardioid microphone exhibits an acoustic pickup pattern that, when graphed in two dimensions, resembles a cardioid (any 2d plane containing the 3d straight line of the microphone body). In three dimensions, the cardioid is shaped like an apple centred around the microphone which is the "stalk" of the apple. In different positions Choosing other positions of the cardioid within the coordinate system results in different equations. The picture shows the 4 most common positions of a cardioid and their polar equations. Caustics Certain caustics can take the shape of cardioids. specifications, and early Apple employee Randy Wigginton worked closely with Shepardson's Paul Laughton as the latter wrote the operating system with punched cards and a minicomputer. There was no Apple DOS 1 or 2. Versions 0.1 through 2.8 were serially enumerated revisions during development, which might as well have been called builds 1 through 28. Apple DOS 3.0, a renamed issue of version 2.8, was never publicly released due to bugs. Apple published no official documentation until release 3.2. Apple DOS 3.1 was publicly released in June 1978, slightly more than one year after the Apple II was introduced, becoming the the lyrics have been censored, and is available to purchase on all accounts. Generally if a song is marked "clean" there is an explicit version available as well. Reception and commercial success Since its launch, the iTunes Store has crossed many milestones. In the first 18 hours, the store sold about 275,000 tracks, and more than 1 million tracks were sold in its first 5 days. When released for Windows in October 2003, iTunes was downloaded more than 1 million times in the first 3 days, selling more than 1 million songs in that period. On December 15, 2003, Apple along with heckled tow to make yarn. In the scutching process, some of the fiber is also scutched away along with the stalk, a normal part of the process. By machine Scutching is done several ways by machine. Scutching mills started in Ireland, and were commonly used there by 1850, at a time when hand scutching was still common in Continental Europe. Machine scutching, while faster and cheaper, causes more waste than scutching by hand. One method of machine scutching is to crush the stalks between two metal rollers so that parts of the stalk can be separated. A modern scutching machine three weekends in October. In northern Indiana, EverCrisp has exhibited watercore if left to hang on the tree till November. Co-founder of the MAIA Mitch Lynd says that EverCrisp is "more grower friendly," than the Fuji apple. Unlike Fuji, a variety that typically produces more trees than fruit, EverCrisp produces more apples than trees. Appearance and Flavour According to EverCrisp Apple, the MAIA-1 variety is sweet, crisp, firm and dense just like it's parent cultivar Honeycrisp. Director for floral and produce at Tops Friendly Markets, Jeff Cady, describes EverCrisp to have a strong HoneyCrisp flavour with a distinct Fuji-like white powdery mold that eventually turns pink. Antagonistic behaviours of T. roseum with certain plant pathogenic fungi was reported by Koch in 1934. He started that T. roseum actively parasitized stroma of Dibotryon morbosum which causes black knot disease in cherry, plum, and apricot trees. Apple disease Trichothecium roseum is known to produce pink rot on apples particularly following an apple scab infection caused by Venturia inaequalis. Studies have shown that roseotoxin B, a secondary metabolite of T. roseum, can penetrate apple peels and cause lesions. Trichothecium roseum also causes apple core rot which is a serious problem in China. red color reaches the proper appearance of depth and color intensity, multiple coats of clear paint are applied to protect the paint job and add to the feeling of depth of the paint. Candy Apple Red appears so intense, because light passes through the paint, reflects off of the metallic base color, and passes through the paint a second time before we see the color. This causes real candy apple red paint to look far more intense and attractive than conventional paints that happen to use the name "candy apple red" without actually being real candy apple red paint. Candy "nightmare" for Apple's software engineers and described it as a significant lapse in Apple's ability to protect its more than 1 billion devices. ZDNet's Adrian Kingsley-Hughes wrote that "it's hard to not come away from the last week with the feeling that Apple is slipping". Kingsley-Hughes also concluded his piece by referencing an earlier article, in which he wrote that "As much as I don't want to bring up the tired old 'Apple wouldn't have done this under Steve Jobs's watch' trope, a lot of what's happening at Apple lately is different from what they came to expect under Jobs.
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small number of dogs studied. In addition to raw food diets, commercial dog food may also contain Salmonella contamination. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a general warning about Salmonella contamination of commercial dry dog food and treats. As a result of the potential animal and human health risks, some agencies assert that the risks inherent in raw feeding outweigh the purported benefits. Despite such concerns, there is no known incidence of humans being infected with Salmonella by cats and dogs fed a raw diet. There have been isolated cases of humans contracting Salmonella from household pets, but it and pet products. The shop is called Licky's Pet House. It sells cages and sometimes provide service like freshen up pets and cutting their nails. Residents who keep pet can go there and buy utensil for their pets. 3/F The third floor is filled with restaurants and food stalls. There is a large diversity of restaurants, such as Sichuan sour and spicy noodle, Japanese pancakes, local food like fishball and indomie and grim. There are two popular food stalls among youngsters and are worth visiting. Firstly, the ice-cream shop YUMMY MUMMY, opened for years selling ice-cream and sweets which ice-cream food (sardines, herring, anchovy etc.) negatively affects fish higher up the food chain like cod, tuna and swordfish, not to mention marine mammals and birds. Based on 2004 numbers, cats in the US consume the caloric equivalent of what 192,000 (0.0655187%) Americans consume. While pet food is made predominantly using byproducts from human food productions, the increase in popularity of human-grade and byproduct-free pet food means there is increasing pressure on the overall meat supply. Protein AAFCO recommends 26% crude protein for feline diets on a dry matter basis, however dry cat food from the top 3 cat food brands in by The Salvation Army in Monterey County. Many needy families in the community are pet owners who love their pets but are having a difficult time providing food for their families. The partnership assures food for the whole family during the holiday season and reduces the risk of families being forced to give up their pets because they can't afford to feed them. Shelter Outreach Plus Health Department regulations prevent human service agencies from allowing pets in homeless shelters. Unfortunately this prohibition can prevent people in need of services, who also happen to own pets, from receiving needed temporary shelter. sealed pre-prepared meals MRE, first-aid kits, prescription medications in sealed containers, waterproof battery-powered or hand-crank-powered flashlights and radios, a whistle or other sound-signaling device, a multi-tool with a knife, identification and medical cards, any necessary medical records, waterproof bags or portable waterproof containers, and other supplies helpful to a survival situation. If your pets will be with you make sure you include canned or dry food for them as well(any dry food included should be rotated every 2 months). You should also include veterinarian records and proof of vaccinations for all of your pets. Preparedness also may include having discussed evacuation expense for these creatures as pets is the necessary essentials in order to maintain them. Creating an environment similar to that of where they are from is important. For food, these creatures as pets are often fed fruits, insects, and smaller lizards. As pets, a baby pygmy marmoset needs to be fed every two hours for at least two weeks . Understanding their natural diet is also important because it helps maintain their good health from the necessary protein, calcium and other nutritional sources they need in order to survive. In the United States, each state has different regulations when it to care for these animals and prevent diseases to public health. The crisis and the shortages in Venezuela not only affect people, but also their pets. Dog owners in Venezuela have been forced to abandon their pets. The price of dog food has increased by more than 50% and exceeds $4 per kilogram. That's why there are more abandoned dogs in the streets than ever before. The truth is that these innocent, domesticated pets cannot survive without human help and care. Among the possible solutions to the problem of stray dogs in the streets include the promotion of responsible pet ownership and fill this gap by providing food and essential medical care to the neglected animals suffering in these unsupported zoos. SAI currently works with two zoos and one animal refuge to provide food and medical care with additional plans to work with more. The South American Initiative’s long-term goal is to feed sick and neglected animals with proper care and nutrition in all the zoos throughout Venezuela. Help Abandoned Pets: Providing Food and Care After seeing the large number of sick pets abandoned in the streets, South American Initiative has developed relationships with animals nonprofits in order to provide the resources needed Zoonosis Causes Zoonotic transmission can occur in any context in which there is companionistic (pets), economic (farming, etc.), predatory (hunting, butchering or consuming wild game) or research contact with or consumption of non-human animals, non-human animal products, or non-human animal derivatives. Contamination of food or water supply The most significant zoonotic pathogens causing foodborne diseases are Escherichia coli O157:H7, Campylobacter, Caliciviridae, and Salmonella. In 2006, a conference held in Berlin was focusing on the issue of zoonotic pathogen effects on food safety, urging governments to intervene, and the public to be vigilant towards the risks of catching food-borne diseases from farm-to-table just sang a standard beautifully and then sat down—and all these males improvised for about an hour, all taking turns to solo kind of competitively, while she sat there quietly, like in a trance. Then when they finished she just got up and sang the song again. Something about that amused me and I was impressed by it. After that, I got more interested in having the power of the human voice in my music. Because people had always said, "Yeah, I like your stuff, but it's kind of complicated, anybody who isn't a musician isn't going to be able to
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20 hours walking around the Mall with a camera, clipboard and tape recorder, just choreographing my opening chapter, to make sure it would happen exactly the way I wrote it. Later, when I took my kids there, I could tell them, 'This is the tree that Jack Ryan hid his wife and daughter behind, and that's the road where the bad guys escaped.' I feel a moral obligation to my readers to get it right. In the insurance business, you have to pay attention to details or a client could lose everything. A doctor has to, a cop, a fireman, alongside Anna Li and Sarah Finnegan. Following Trials Price stated "I'm really excited to go to London. I think I'm most excited about representing my gym at the Olympics, I felt really confident going in. I especially felt great about my floor routine, since that's my best event." Coach Bill Strauss said of Price, "I think it's fantastic. I think it will give her great experience internationally... She grew up with us. She's like our surrogate daughter." In the 2012-13 season, Price was ranked 2nd in the WCII All Around World Rankings behind Germany's Elisabeth Seitz 2013 Price was slated to was poured in quickly; it made me sick a few seconds after it was down and the action of the sickness made my body and legs double up, but the wardresses instantly pressed back my head and the doctor leant on my knees. The horror of it was more than I can describe. I was sick over the doctor and wardresses, and it seemed a long time before they took the tube out. As the doctor left he gave me a slap on the cheek, not violently, but, as it were, to express his contemptuous disapproval, and he seemed to a world without sight, a world without color. My heart ached. I had a brain tumor eating away at my optic nerve. It was eating away at my sight and my dreams, but I would not let it eat away at my heart, soul, or my love for God. I prayed. My prayers were answered. I regained my sight, no medical explanation. My doctors were baffled. One doctor admitted that "some people would call this a miracle." I agree with that doctor. I believe in miracles. I believe that God granted me my sight as a reminder of use of collective force by workers to the corporate use of force to compete. In a case like the present, it seems to me that, whatever the true result may be, it will be of advantage to sound thinking to have the less popular view of the law stated, and therefore, although when I have been unable to bring my brethren to share my convictions my almost invariable practice is to defer to them in silence, I depart from that practice in this case, notwithstanding my unwillingness to do so in support of an already rendered judgment of my own. In the and twenties," Flea said. Flea finally kicked his addictions in 1993; however, he revealed that in 2014 when he broke his arm in a snowboard accident he nearly had setbacks due to Oxycontin that his doctor prescribed for him "My doctor put me back together perfectly, and thanks to him I can still play bass with all my heart. But he also gave me two-month supply of Oxycontin. The bottle said to take four each day. I was high as hell when I took those things. It not only quelled my physical pain, but all my emotions as well. I response, state Representative Anna Eskamani stated, "With all due respect Mr. Speaker, my body is not a "host" and personal medical decisions around my pregnancy belong to me, my family, my doctor, and my faith— not to politicians." Oliva apoligized for the term, stating, "It was an attempt to use terminology found in medical ethics writings with the purpose of keeping the discussion dispassionate. The reaction undoubtedly shows it had the exact opposite effect. I apologize for having caused offense, my aim was the contrary." people of this country with cheap food, absolutely to repeal the duties on raw materials of manufacture, thus cheapening the price of food and clothing to the poor and needy. Still more I did my best, and not unsuccessfully, to establish peace in Europe on a rock of safety, by leading to those amicable relations with all the foreign powers, which free trade and extended commerce never fail to bring in their train. Before I left office I prepared the County Courts Bills, and gave it to my successor, and almost without any change that bill became the law of an interview with Irish radio show Team 33 on Newstalk, he said of his defection: "I made my decision when I went to United States and thought 'I'm not going back to Cuba'. I remember when I called my Mum, I said 'Mum, I'm not going back. I'm going to stay here, fighting'. She's crying but at the end of the day, she said 'You're my son, you're going to be alone over there. Take care, we support you with whatever you do'. And it's been almost 12 years." He confirmed that he had made his first visit to Cuba for doctor who knows me best says that osteoarthritis begins long before it cripples—in my case, possibly from homelessness, or sexual abuse, or beatings on my legs, or my weight. John, my partner, blames Scapegoat, a study of Jewish identity and women's liberation that took me nine years to write; it is, he says, the book that stole my health. I blame the drug-rape that I experienced in 1999 in Paris." When a newspaper interviewer asked her how she would like to be remembered, she said, "In a museum, when male supremacy is dead. I'd like my work to be an anthropological
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Religious perspectives on tattooing Christianity Some Christians take issue with tattooing, upholding the Hebrew prohibition (see below). The Hebrew prohibition is based on interpreting Leviticus 19:28—"Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you"—so as to prohibit tattoos, and perhaps even makeup. Interpretations of the passage vary, however. Some believe that it refers specifically to, and exclusively prohibits, an ancient form of self-mutilation during mourning (as discussed in the Judaism section). Under this interpretation, tattooing is permitted to Jews and Christians. Others hold that the prohibition of Leviticus 19:28, regardless of its interpretation, rule in the New Testament prohibiting tattoos, and most Christian denominations believe the laws in Leviticus are outdated as well as believing the commandment only applied to the Israelites, not to the gentiles. While most Christian groups tolerate tattoos, some Evangelical and fundamentalist Protestant denominations believe the commandment applies today for Christians and believe it is a sin to get one. Many Coptic Christians in Egypt have a cross tattoo on their right wrist to differentiate themselves from Muslims. Tattoos are considered to be haram in Sunni Islam, based on rulings from scholars and passages in the Sunni Hadith. Shia Islam Sex in the Hebrew Bible Homosexuality The Hebrew Bible is believed to refer to homosexuality numerous times , even though the word homosexuality does not occur in many English translations of it. These passages are interpreted in many different ways by various Jews and Christians. Leviticus 18:22 says: "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination." Leviticus 20:13 states: "If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them." Ham’s actions (i.e., replaces) the Old Testament's ritual laws, which includes many of the rules in Leviticus. Christians therefore have usually not observed Leviticus' rules regarding diet, purity, and agriculture. Christian teachings have differed, however, as to where to draw the line between ritual and moral regulations. Shocked stated "I am, for the last 10 years, so deeply in love with a man that the idea of living my life without him is impossible. I know how much I love him, and knowing that passion that I have for him, would I ever want to deny that to anyone else? Absolutely not." Religion and views on homosexuality While performing at the Wild Goose Festival in June 2011, a Christian event at which the inclusion of gay Christians was debated, Shocked responded to an audience member's question about homosexuality by saying "Who drafted me as a gay icon? body modification (with the exception of circumcision) that does not serve a medical purpose (such as to correct a deformity). Maimonides, a leading 12th-century scholar of Jewish law and thought, explains the prohibition against tattoos as a Jewish response to paganism. Orthodox Jews, in application of Halakha (Jewish Law), reveal Leviticus 19:28 prohibits getting tattoos: "Do not make gashes in your skin for the dead. Do not make any marks on your skin. I am God." One reading of Leviticus is to apply it only to the specific ancient practice of rubbing the ashes of the dead into wounds; but modern on the chest. Orthodox Coptic Christians who live in Egypt commonly tattoo themselves with the symbols of Coptic crosses on their right wrists, the history of this custom is similar to that of the Christian Croat tattoos. Among Mormons getting a tattoo is not considered sinful, but it is discouraged as it is altering the creation of God. Christianity-related tattoos are highly common among military veterans and born-again Christians (people that lived difficult lives and rediscovered spirituality). Many Christians with tattoos will have a Psalm or verse from the Bible tattooed on their body although some people will still have tattoos from the Bible on shell characters alone." They have been used in studies of ecophenotypic plasticity, a so-called phenoplastic switch. Burt Vaughan of Washington State University indicates several studies in M. J. West-Eberhardt's recent compendium of research, "Developmental Plasticity & Evolution" (Oxford Press, 2003, pp. 307–362). A typical example involved rearing Physa gyrina, or Physa heterostropha in controlled pair groups in either water in which crayfish co-existed or water in which only fish co-existed. Within a month, differences in shell morphology appeared; i.e., snails exposed to shell-crushing fish predators showed wide apertures and very much strengthened, rotund shells. Snails exposed to crayfish only showed views Egyptians originally used tattoos to show dedication to a god. This also showed protection. Jehovah’s Witnesses “must not make tattoo markings” on themselves. In other religions like Hinduism and Neopaganism, tattoos are accepted. Christianity remains one of the religions without a definitive answer on tattoos. Judaism generally prohibits tattoos among its adherents based on the commandments in Leviticus 19. Jews tend to believe this commandment only applies to Jews and not to gentiles. However, views amongst Rabbis are divided, and an increasing number of young Jews are getting tattoos either for fashion, or an expression of their faith. There is no specific version of entelechy or energy obeys its own laws of nature, whereas different types of things do not have their own separate laws of nature. Leibniz wrote: ...the entelechy of Aristotle, which has made so much noise, is nothing else but force or activity ; that is, a state from which action naturally flows if nothing hinders it. But matter, primary and pure, taken without the souls or lives which are united to it, is purely passive ; properly speaking also it is not a substance, but something incomplete. Leibniz's study of the "entelechy" now known as energy was a part of what
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surgical (intra-operative), and recovery (post-operative) phases. Surgical stage ODPs prepare sterile instruments and equipment and work with the surgeon, passing the instruments within the sterile area. Specially trained ODPs can also be the first assistant to the surgeon. Swabs and instruments are all accounted for by the ODP to check that nothing has been left inside the patient. ODPs may sometimes work in a circulating role during the surgical stage of a patient's care. In this role, they give extra materials to the sterilised person, help position the patient on the operating table, and plan ahead to supply what the surgical team completed one of the approved fellowship programs. However, this is a matter of semantics, as many surgeons who are thoroughly involved in treating cancer patients may consider themselves to be surgical oncologists. Most often, surgical oncologist refers to a general surgical oncologist (a subspecialty of general surgery), but thoracic surgical oncologists, gynecologic oncologists and so forth can all be considered surgeons who specialize in treating cancer patients. Training The importance of training surgeons who sub-specialize in cancer surgery lies in evidence, supported by a number of clinical trials, that outcomes in surgical cancer care are positively associated to surgeon volume—i.e., Forsyth Medical Center reported to 18 patients who underwent neurosurgery that they may have been exposed to Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease from improperly sterilized surgical instruments. The CDC and hospital officials say that the chances of the patients contracting the disease is rare, since Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease hasn't been contracted from improperly sterilized instruments since 1976. lip and palate, cataracts, crossed eyes (Strabismus), bowed legs (genu varum), club foot, burns and burn scars, childbirth injuries and the gangrene-like childhood disease called noma. Because medical care is so scarce in the countries that Mercy Ships serves, these medical conditions often become severe enough to be disfiguring, which means that patients are often shunned by their communities. The surgical correction of their medical problems assists patients in reintegrating with their communities and resuming normal lives. On land, a screening clinic is set up to evaluate potential patients for surgeries, often in a large area like a sports arena. Volunteers are too severe for either surgical or orthodontic camouflage.' The surgery usually involves gaining access to the bone from inside the mouth, revealing and moving the bone into a correct functional position, and fixing it in position with metal plates and screws. These plates are most often left in the bone, but at times require removal due to infection, which would require another operation.  Most orthognathic surgeries are performed inside the mouth without any external scarring. Mandibular surgery There are numerous surgical techniques available to correct the position of the mandible. The most popular of these techniques is the sagittal split are debated, especially with AAOCA RCA from the left sinus of Valsalva .Generally refer asymptomatic patients with left coronary artery arising from the right coronary sinus for surgical repair. Asymptomatic patients with the right coronary artery arising from the left sinus are managed on a case by case basis. Research In 2009, The Congenital Heart Surgeons' Society (CHSS) established a North American Registry in order to study a large multi-institutional cohort of patients with AAOCA. This initiative is intended to generate new knowledge concerning the natural history of AAOCA, to describe the outcomes of surgical intervention versus observation in children and Verrucous carcinoma Cause This form of cancer is often seen in those who chew tobacco or use snuff orally, so much so that it is sometimes referred to as "Snuff dipper's cancer." Chewing betel nuts is an additional risk factor commonly seen in Taiwan. Diagnosis the diagnosis of verrucous carcinoma is often difficult even when the biopsy specimen is generous and the pathologist will some time request a second biopsy. Treatment Surgical excision or laser therapy are possible treatments. Surgical excision alone was effective for controlling VC, but elective neck dissection was not necessary even in patients in the advanced the suture to keep stitches secure. A hemoclip is a titanium V-shaped clip with extensions that are squeezed together during application. The clips are available in various sizes and were originally designed to compress vessels for hemostasis. Tying a surgical knot is done inside the body or outside the body. Learning to tie a surgical knot inside the body is slightly more difficult and has a steeper learning curve. This is because the surgeon uses laparoscopic instruments. Tying the knot outside the body is simpler for most because the suturing is with fingers as in traditional tying. When a surgical thoracic surgical oncologists, gynecologist and so forth can all be considered surgeons who specialize in treating cancer patients. The importance of training surgeons who sub-specialize in cancer surgery lies in evidence, supported by a number of clinical trials, that outcomes in surgical cancer care are positively associated to surgeon volume—i.e., the more cancer cases a surgeon treats, the more proficient he or she becomes, and his or her patients experience improved survival rates as a result. This is another controversial point, but it is generally accepted—even as common sense—that a surgeon who performs a given operation more often, will Nd:YAG laser light can also travel through optical fibers into specific areas of the body during LITT. Argon lasers are often used to activate the drugs used in PDT. Advantages and limitations Lasers are more precise than standard surgical tools (scalpels), so they do less damage to normal tissues. As a result, patients usually have less pain, bleeding, swelling, and scarring. With laser therapy, operations are usually shorter. In fact, laser therapy can often be done on an outpatient basis. It takes less time for patients to heal after laser surgery, and they are less likely to get infections. Laser therapy
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by leaves of olive tree (as a symbol of peace) and oak (as a symbol of justice). While it is used widely by French officials, this symbol never was officially adopted by the government. The fasces appears on the helmet and the buckle insignia of the French Army's Autonomous Corps of Military Justice, as well as on that service's distinct cap badges for the prosecuting and defending lawyers in a court-martial. United States Since the original founding of the United States in the 18th century, several offices and institutions in the United States have heavily incorporated representations of the fasces into by antisemitism. He was inspired by Mussolini's use of the fasces (a symbol of fascism), and created a small, militant extreme-right group called the Republican Fasces (or Separatist Fasces) associated with La Nation. Bouchard supported a secular form of Quebec nationalism, opposed to the clerico-nationalist movement represented by Lionel-Groulx. In 1940s, Bouchard supported the government of Quebec Premier Maurice Duplessis. He was one of the main journalists and propagandists of Duplessis' Union nationale political party, and the author of many official party publications. Starting in the 1960s, Bouchard became a professor at Laval University and held diplomatic posts for some South American used the image of the fasces as a symbol of power since the end of the Roman Empire. It also has been used to hearken back to the Roman republic, particularly by those who see themselves as modern-day successors to the old republic or its ideals. The Ecuadorian coat of arms incorporated the fasces in 1830, although it had already been in use in the coat of arms of Gran Colombia. Italian Fascism, which derives its name from the fasces, arguably used this symbolism the most in the twentieth century. The British Union of Fascists also used it in the 1930s. The fasces, as a widespread and long-established symbol in the West, however, has avoided the stigma associated with much of fascist symbolism, and many authorities continue to display them, including the federal government of the United States. France A review of the images included in Les Grands Palais de France Fontainebleau reveals that French architects used the Roman fasces (faisceaux romains) as a decorative device as early as the reign of Louis XIII (1610–1643) and continued to employ it through the periods of Napoleon I's Empire (1804–1815). The fasces typically appeared in a context reminiscent of the Roman Republic and of chief was called the capo del littorio. Francisco Franco, dictator of Francoist Spain, used a personal coat of arms featuring the Royal Band of Castile, a heraldic symbol used by the Crown of Castile. Italy The original symbol of fascism, in Italy under Benito Mussolini, was the fasces. This is an ancient Imperial Roman symbol of power carried by lictors in front of magistrates; a bundle of sticks featuring an axe, indicating the power over life and death. Before the Italian Fascists adopted the fasces, the symbol had been used by Italian political organizations of various political ideologies (ranging from world as a representation of magisterial or collective power, law and governance. The fasces frequently occurs as a charge in heraldry: it is present on the reverse of the U.S. Mercury dime coin and behind the podium in the United States House of Representatives; and it was the origin of the name of the National Fascist Party in Italy (from which the term fascism is derived). During the first half of the 20th century both the fasces and the swastika (each symbol having its own unique ancient religious and mythological associations) became heavily identified with the authoritarian/fascist political movements of Adolf diameter and its surface has a low albedo between 0.05 and 0.066. The Collaborative Asteroid Lightcurve Link derives an albedo of 0.045 and a diameter of 78.86 kilometers based on an absolute magnitude of 9.5. Naming This minor planet was named after the symbol of fascism used by the Italian Fascist Party. The symbol was called "Fasci Littori", or "Fasces Lictores" in Latin (derived from fasces and lictor). Several other things such as festivals (littoriali) and fast trains (littorine) were given related names during the fascist period. In particular, the Italian city of Latina was founded under the name "Littoria" in the public a new sense of tradition and reverence for the Enlightenment and the Republic. Fasces Fasces, like many other symbols of the French Revolution, are Roman in origin. Fasces are a bundle of birch rods containing an axe. In Roman times, the fasces symbolized the power of magistrates, representing union and accord with the Roman Republic. The French Republic continued this Roman symbol to represent state power, justice, and unity. During the Revolution, the fasces image was often used in conjunction with many other symbols. Though seen throughout the French Revolution, perhaps the most well known French reincarnation of 20th century European fascism.) The fasces is sometimes confused with the related term fess, which in French heraldry is called a fasce. Origin and symbolism A few artifacts found showing a thin bundle of rods surrounding a two-headed axe point to a possible Etruscan origin for fasces, but little is known about the Etruscans themselves. Fasces symbolism might be derived via the Etruscans from the eastern Mediterranean, with the labrys, the Anatolian, and Minoan double-headed axe, later incorporated into the praetorial fasces. There is little archaeological evidence for precise claims. By the time of the Roman Republic, the fasces had developed into of Liberty on Elsie Kachel Stevens, wife of noted poet Wallace Stevens. The reverse design, a fasces juxtaposed with an olive branch, was intended to symbolize America's readiness for war, combined with its desire for peace. Although the fasces was later officially adopted by Benito Mussolini and his National Fascist Party, the symbol was also common in American iconography and has generally avoided any stigma associated with its usage in wartime Italy. The 1916-D issue of only 264,000 coins is highly sought after, due largely to the fact that the overwhelming majority of the dimes struck at the Denver Mint in
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center which is basically limited by line sight radios. This Marine Corps UOC/COC takes several hours to tear down and setup. History In recent years, the United States military has expressed high levels of interest in Satcom On The Move technology, driven by former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's call for lighter-weight, more mobile ground forces. This has pushed the commercial satellite industry to create communications satellite systems that support this need. Because of this, the Amazon is considered to be a carbon sink. Use of satellite technology in research When researchers attempt to locate treefall gaps on a broad scale, it can be difficult to do so on the ground. This is due to the large scale of the forests that they are generally focusing on. Satellite imagery has proven quite useful for large-scale disturbances such as blow-downs, but remains difficult for small-scale disturbances such as treefall gaps. In some instances Global Positioning Systems (GPS) are used to map the centers of treefall gaps in order to determine their frequency. Pictures Order of battle for the Battle of Dumlupınar On August 1922 during the Battle of Dumlupınar, the opposing armies were deployed as follows: Project, a program sponsored by George Clooney, and coordinated through the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, which utilized satellite imagery and other information to produce reports on the security situation in the Sudan. In 2011, the Satellite Sentinel Project detected images of freshly-dug mass grave sites in the Southern Kordofan state of Sudan, where Sudan’s Arab military had been targeting the black ethnic minority. Raymond stated that the Sudanese military violated the Geneva Conventions during their capture of the town of Abyei. Raymond founded and currently directs Harvard's Signal Program, which conducts research and teaching on the use of technology to document and Order of battle for the Battle of Sakarya On August 23, 1921 during the Battle of Sakarya, the opposing armies were deployed as follows: 50th Armies. He created two deception operation staffs in that sector, and allocated 4 deception (maskirovka) companies, 3 rifle companies, 122 vehicles, 9 tanks and other equipment including radios for the deception. These forces built 833 dummy tanks, guns, vehicles, field kitchens and fuel tanks, and used their real and dummy equipment to simulate the unloading of armies from a railhead at Myatlevo, and the concentration of armour and motorized infantry as if preparing to attack Yukhnov. The radios communicated false traffic between the simulated armies and Front headquarters. The real tanks and other vehicles made tracks like those of Ancient Macedonian battle tactics Battle tactics prior to reforms of Philip II Prior to the reign of Philip II (382–336 BC) Macedonia was a comparatively minor state with a mixed Hellenic and Barbarian culture. Its armies were similar to that of other Greek states to the south in that they employed to an extent the use of the phalanx. Such early Macedonian armies showed clear similarities with the military styles of nearby Barbarian states such as Thrace and Iyllria. The army most likely used the Doru and Aspis (a mid-length Hellenic spear and solid metallic shield.) The army was of III). Diplomacy The relations between the players are regulated by the diplomacy: the players should declare wars before actually engaging their armies in battles. While there is a possibility to attack another player without prior negotiations, such behavior may be followed by unilateral declaration of war by all other players on a violator. Battles The battles in Warlords (with the exception of Warlords IV) are non-interactive. The process of battle is shown as two enemy stacks opposing each other; when a unit is killed it disappears from the battle screen. The outcome of the battle is calculated using the units' 1861 Atlantic hurricane season Methodology Prior to the advent of modern tropical cyclone tracking technology, notably satellite imagery, many hurricanes that did not affect land directly went unnoticed, and storms that did affect land were not recognized until their onslaught. As a result, information on older hurricane seasons was often incomplete. Modern-day efforts have been made and are still ongoing to reconstruct the tracks of known hurricanes and to identify initially undetected storms. In many cases, the only evidence that a hurricane existed was reports from ships in its path. Judging by the direction of winds experienced by ships, and 1906 Atlantic hurricane season Methodology Prior to the advent of modern tropical cyclone tracking technology, notably satellite imagery, many hurricanes that did not affect land directly went unnoticed, and storms that did affect land were not recognized until their onslaught. As a result, information on older hurricane seasons was often incomplete. Modern-day efforts have been made and are still ongoing to reconstruct the tracks of known hurricanes and to identify initially undetected storms. In many cases, the only evidence that a hurricane existed was reports from ships in its path, and judging by the direction of winds experienced by ships,
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food source. They are usually regularly fed in locations where food is left for no one cat in particular, and they find shelter "accidentally", such as in farm buildings, and sometimes deliberately from humans. A common reason to tolerate and even nourish these cats is so they kill vermin, or because of a general favorable feeling toward cats. Usually semi-ownership of cats contributes to cat overpopulation and excessive breeding when people nourish but not neuter the cats. Of horse breeds, the French Camargue was once thought of as a wild species, though increased contact with humans has made it semi-feral. These Frost-nip is the earliest of frostbite, where skin may get irritated and turn red. Other signs include itchiness or a burning feeling in the afflicted area. Affected skin may turn shiny or hard before going into the final stages of frostbite. Most are unaware of when they are at risk for frostbite because the affected area eventually loses feeling and people suffering from frostbite may feel warm even though their skin is cold to the touch. Medical teams must be wary of early signs of frostbite before the final stage where skin turns blue and nerve damage occurs. Treatment for Orthostatic hypotension Signs and symptoms Orthostatic hypotension is characterized by symptoms that occur after standing (from lying or sitting), particularly when this is done rapidly. Many report lightheadedness (a feeling that one might be about to faint), sometimes severe. With chronic orthostatic hypotension, the condition and its effects may worsen even as fainting and many other symptoms become less frequent. Generalized weakness or tiredness may also occur. Some also report difficulty concentrating, blurred vision, tremulousness, vertigo, anxiety, palpitations (awareness of the heartbeat), unsteadiness, feeling sweaty or clammy, and sometimes nausea. A person may look pale. Some people may experience severe challenge is dangerous and risky to the point of being life-threatening and should never be done when other options are so readily available. Factors known to trigger episodes are: stress, cold environment or hypothermia, carbohydrate load, infection, glucose infusion, metabolic alkalosis, alcohol, strenuous exercise, and steroids.   People with hypokalemic periodic paralysis are often misdiagnosed as having a conversion disorder or hysterical paralysis since the weakness is muscle-based and doesn't correspond to nerve or spinal root distributions. The tendency of people with hypokalemic periodic paralysis to get paralyzed when epinephrine is released in "fight or flight" situations further adds to are often similar to sensations associated with danger". Other physical symptoms include "blood pressure go[ing] up a little, the skin...flush[ing], the face and ears...turn[ing] red and...[a] feeling of weakness in the knees". One can feel a sense of obsession over the other person, longing for "the day [when they return] to that person". One can also uncontrollably smile whenever thinking about the other person. Synthesis There is some debate over whether one can artificially create chemistry if they are "not initially feeling it". While some people hold that it is something that you "can't learn and can't teach...[and you] either A Brighter Beat (song) Overview Malcolm Middleton commented on the song: We all get comfort from knowing that other people are uncomfy too. This idea is most evident in the title track, "A Brighter Beat". To me, it's a support anthem for people who find it hard leaving the house sometimes or socialising in general. If you're on your own at home and feeling depressed it's funny to think that there's millions of other people feeling exactly the same. in 1995, a playwright of the next generation, David Hare, said: It is, if you like, the final irony that John's governing love was for a country which is, to say the least, distrustful of those who seem to be both clever and passionate. There is in English public life an implicit assumption that the head and the heart are in some sort of opposition. If someone is clever, they get labelled cold. If they are emotional, they get labelled stupid. Nothing bewilders the English more than someone who exhibits great feeling and great intelligence. When, as in John's case, a examples of pesticide brands that work with carbophenothion (Trithion is carbophenothion). Effects on humans Humans exposed to carbophenothion show a wide variety of symptoms. It produces illness typical of cholinesterase inhibitors. Vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and excessive salivation are some common examples. When someone is exposed via inhalation, he or she may suffer from rhinorrhea and a tight feeling in the chest. As carbophenothion affects the activity of the nerves and the brain, symptoms like mental confusion, profound weakness and drowsiness are observed as well. When someone is exposed by absorption through the skin, they get muscle contractions as well. The many people like sweet food and drinks. With that being said people with cold and dry Mizaj (melancholic temperament) who are normally thin and don't gain much weight with dark complexion and rough and dry skin, particularly in autumn (a cold and dry season) and in mountainous areas should avoid consuming sour foods and drinks or they are most likely to develop conditions such as dry skin, depression, and weakness. The same goes for people with other temperaments, for instance, people with warm and wet Mizaj (sanguine temperament) should cut back on sweet foods, people with warm and dry Mizaj (choleric temperament) Alila is generally sprightly, as is much of the Ne'ilah service, deliberately, coming at the end of a 25-hour fast, when the congregants are probably feeling fatigue and weakness.
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the skateboarding community for his love of gangster hip hop music from the West coast of the United States (US) (Puig has stated that two of his favorite artists are the now-deceased The Notorious B.I.G., also referred to as "Biggie", and Tupac Shakur) movement in which hip hop artists motivated by political ideology, including Public Enemy, would utilize samples of Malcolm X's voice in their compositions. However, in contrast to other artists who used his voice, the single is unique in that Malcolm X receives compositional credit in the LP's liner notes and that his family received royalties generated by the single's success. It was also the first instance of a hip hop artist using a deceased individual's voice for artistic purposes. The track was sampled by Tragedy Khadafi on his song "Black & Proud" from the 1990 album Intelligent Hoodlum, which also sampled Wanted Dead or Alive (Tupac Shakur and Snoop Doggy Dogg song) Music video The video showed the police trying to catch Snoop Dogg and clips of the deceased rapper Tupac Shakur. The storyline is similar to "2 of Amerikaz Most Wanted". The video is directed by Scott Kalvert and the track samples Dance Floor by Zapp & Roger. 6 months, last year or overall. Main problems and uprising solutions Since the generated music charts depend on what the users register and on the tags from their music files, made up a system based on the listens of the users which corrects a song's tag if it differs from what most people registered. On the other hand, the system has errors, like not noticing the difference between two artists with the same name or not taking track length into consideration. Artists with many short tracks will have many more listens than artists with a few but very long musicians Ditto Music distributes music for more than 150,000 independent artists globally, working with artists at all stages of their careers and across all genres. Notable artists who have released music through Ditto Music include Ed Sheeran, Dodie Clark, Sam Smith, Royal Blood, Yxng Bane, Stormzy and Chance the Rapper. Criticisms In a 2014 article titled "We Asked Ditto Music If They Pay Mechanical Royalties. This Is What They Said…" published on, writer and musician Ari Herstand published claims that Ditto Music has failed to pay mechanical royalties owed to artists who have used their online distribution services. The and maintains commercial relationships with retailers and record companies. The music retailer pays the distributor, who in turn pays the record company for the recordings. The record company pays mechanical royalties to the publisher and composer via a collection society. The record company then pays royalties, if contractually obligated, to the recording artist. In the case of digital downloads or online streaming of music, there is no physical media other than the consumer's computer memory on his or her portable media player or laptop. For this reason, artists such as Taylor Swift, Paul McCartney, Kings of Leon, and others have holding a preference for stand-alone episodes because when the mythology starts to be unraveled, "that's when it becomes no fun anymore". Themes Richard Hatem addressed in DVD commentary and interviews some of the show's more frequent themes. Other themes Richard Hatem addressed the theme of the episodes "The Ghost" and "The Letter", which were both "conceived" around the same time. Both episodes explored the idea of living people making contact with the spirit of someone who used to be a part of their lives, but who was now deceased. In "The Ghost", Larry Kittredge believes his dead son Kevin is exterior that says "Play loud". Promotion Prior to the release of El Camino, promotional copies were limited to a small pressing of just 50, given mostly to music labels and the Black Keys' manager. Preview listens for journalists were strictly controlled to only one-time listens and they were held within the duo's manager's office, an uncommon practice within the music industry. The group opted to not put the record on music streaming services, citing financial reasons. Patrick Carney said that streaming services are not yet "at a point where you're able to replace royalties from record sales with the royalties life saved by a person or animal who is actually the soul of the dead person; the grateful dead is a form of the donor. In many cultures there is the belief that when a person dies their soul is separated from their body thus giving someone a proper burial allows their spirit to carry on into the next life. The "grateful dead" story is Aarne–Thompson–Uther type 505. An ancient Egyptian text explains the principle of reciprocity in which the deceased calls for a blessing on the person who remembers his name and helps him into a happy afterlife: But if there be a children go from house to house in All Saints day and All Souls Day, carrying pumpkin carved lanterns called coca, asking every one they see for Pão-por-Deus singing rhymes where they remind people why they are begging, saying "...It is for me and for you, and to give to the deceased who are dead and buried[...]" or "[...]It is to share with your deceased [...]" If a door is not open or the children don't get anything, they end their singing saying "[...]In this house smells like lard, here must live someone deceased". In the Azores the bread given to
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ban in fact, did target flatulence. Minister of Justice's interpretation Minister of Justice George Chaponda, a Yale law school graduate, insisted that technically the law included flatulence after it was widely reported in the media. In the radio interview on Capital FM, he went further by taking the opportunity to address what he felt really was a social problem in matters of social etiquette concerning flatulence in Malawi society. He said, "Would you be happy to see people farting anyhow? ... Just go to the toilet when you feel like farting". Chaponda said that people had felt free to fart anywhere since Flatulence humor Flatulence humour or flatulence humor refers to any type of joke, practical joke device, or other off-color humor related to flatulence. History Although it is likely that flatulence humor has long been considered funny in cultures that consider the public passing of gas impolite, such jokes are rarely recorded. Two important early texts are the 5th century BC plays The Knights and The Clouds, both by Aristophanes, which contain numerous fart jokes. Another example from classical times appeared in Apocolocyntosis or The Pumpkinification of Claudius, a satire attributed to Seneca on the late Roman emperor: At once he bubbled friend is a neighbor named Johannes. Teresa grows up to be an introverted girl, and as a teenager, begins to write poetry and post it online. Around this time, Teresa witnesses Theres' performance on Idol, and is mesmerized. Discovering that the one commenting on her poetry is the same person she saw on television, Teresa believes that their friendship was fated from the beginning, and they form a deep connection. She visits Theres' apartment every weekend, where the two compose music with Theres singing and Teresa writing the lyrics. Around the time when Theres first appears on Idol, a middle-aged talent Whoopee cushion A whoopee (or whoopie) cushion is a practical joke device involving flatulence humor, which produces a noise resembling a "raspberry" or human flatulence. It is made from two sheets of rubber that are glued together at the edges. There is a small opening with a flap at one end for air to enter and leave the cushion. Whoopee cushions lack durability, as they can break easily. It is suggested that the user should be fairly gentle when applying pressure to the cushion. To use it, a person must first inflate it with air, then place it on a chair I Wish You Meaning Estefan said, "'I Wish You' is a power-ballad that shoots directly for the heart, pulling no punches. Telling someone that you love them, and wish them the best, even when they have wronged you, is often harder than when they have not. The concept, underscored beautifully, with sublime production, is a wistful goodbye that manages to empower the person who is being hurt the most." Flatulence Terminology Non-medical definitions of the term include "the uncomfortable condition of having gas in the stomach and bowels", or "a state of excessive gas in the alimentary canal". These definitions highlight that many people consider "bloating", abdominal distension or increased volume of intestinal gas, to be synonymous with the term flatulence (although this is technically inaccurate). Colloquially, flatulence may be referred to as "farting", "trumping", "tooting", "passing gas", "breaking wind" or simply (in American English) "gas" or (British English) "wind". Derived terms include vaginal flatulence, otherwise known as a queef. Signs and symptoms Generally speaking, there are four different gas when in polite company, or position themselves to conceal the noise and scent. In other cultures, it may be no more embarrassing than coughing. While the act of passing flatus in said cultures is generally considered to be an unfortunate occurrence in public settings, flatulence may, in casual circumstances and especially among children, be used as either a humorous supplement to a joke ("pull my finger"), or as a comic activity in and of itself. The social acceptability of flatulence-based humour in entertainment and the mass media varies over the course of time and between cultures. Enough entertainers performed with Vaginal flatulence Vaginal flatulence is an emission or expulsion of air from the vagina. It may occur during or after sexual intercourse or during other sexual acts, stretching or exercise. The sound is somewhat comparable to flatulence from the anus but does not involve waste gases and thus often does not have a specific odor associated. Slang terms for vaginal flatulence include vart, queef, and fanny fart (mostly British). More serious conditions Vaginal gas that involves strong odor or fecal matter may be a result of colovaginal fistula, a serious condition involving a tear between the vagina and colon, which reported in the aftermath of the concert. Durst stated during the concert, "People are getting hurt. Don't let anybody get hurt. But I don't think you should mellow out. That's what Alanis Morissette had you motherfuckers do. If someone falls, pick 'em up. We already let the negative energy out. Now we wanna let out the positive energy". Durst later stated in an interview, "I didn't see anybody getting hurt. You don't see that. When you're looking out on a sea of people and the stage is twenty feet in the air and you're performing, and you're feeling your music, Theres Abbey Theres Abbey (Kloster Theres) was a Benedictine monastery in the village of Theres in the district of Hassberge, in Franconia in the north of Bavaria, Germany. History The monastery, dedicated to Saint Stephen and Saint Vitus, was founded in about 1045 by Bishop Suidger of Bamberg. It was dissolved in 1802 during the secularisation of Bavaria. Buildings The abbey buildings were acquired in 1804 by Theodor von Kretschmann, a government minister of Saxe-Coburg. The church was demolished in 1809. The remaining buildings were converted into a country house.
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domestic civil-private law in the areas of property law, family law, agency, wills and succession, and company formation. The point to which a country's notarial profession monopolizes these areas can vary greatly. On one extreme is France (and French-derived systems) which statutorily give notaries a monopoly over their reserved areas of practice, as opposed to Austria where there is no discernible monopoly whatsoever and notaries are in direct competition with attorneys/solicitors. In the few United States jurisdictions where trained notaries are allowed (such as Louisiana, Puerto Rico), the practice of these legal practitioners is limited to legal advice on purely non-contentious if petitioned. Writs can be made to appear before any judge in the state. Aside from hearing cases, the court is also responsible for administering the state's entire judicial system, establishing rules of operation for the state's other courts. The Oklahoma Supreme Court formulates the rules for the practice of law, which govern the conduct of attorneys, and it administers discipline in appropriate cases. Many of the justices make personal appearances to speak to members of the bar, civic clubs, and educational groups. These appearances are made to help citizens understand the court's workings and decision-making process. Justices are also called Anti-siphoning law Anti-siphoning laws and regulations are designed to prevent pay television broadcasters from buying monopoly rights to televise important and culturally significant events before free-to-air television has a chance to bid on them. The theory is that if such a monopoly was allowed, then those unable or unwilling to obtain access to the pay television service would be unable to view the important and culturally significant events. Generally the laws allow pay-TV to bid for such monopoly rights only if free-to-air television has declined to bid on them. Notable examples of such policies are present in Australia and the is believed to be the only legislator in California's history to serve as both Assembly Speaker and Senate Majority Leader. Hertzberg has focused his legislative efforts on criminal justice reform, renewable energy, social justice issues, tax reform and water management. State Senate Legislation Signed into Law (2015–2016) SB 134 (2015) – Encouraging Lawyers to Practice Public-Interest Law. SB 134 helps attorneys pay off student loans (on average ranging between $85,000 and $125,000 per law school graduate) if they agree to practice in key areas of public-interest law. There is often little incentive to work in public-interest areas of law since the systems worsened by the lack of an appropriate diet and anti-retroviral therapy. Several organizations have challenged the government through the courts to consider having a well-balanced diet for the prisoners who are HIV positive. Another major issue is the lack of legal representation available to the average Malawian. Malawi's 12,000,000 to 13,000,000 citizens have 28 legal aid attorneys and eight prosecutors with law degrees. There are jobs for 32 prosecutors but salaries are so low that vacancies go unfilled. Therefore, except in special cases like murder and manslaughter, almost all accused go to trial without lawyers. Malawi's High Court, which has such law schools may have no other LL.M. programmes. Classes included in these "American Law", "Comparative Law" inter alia LL.M. programmes are selected to introduce foreign attorneys to American-style common law practice, such as first-year J.D. courses on civil procedure, Constitutional law, criminal law, legal research and analysis, and jurisprudence. Situation within the European Union European Union law permits European Union citizens with LL.B. degrees from one EU Member State, e.g., Ireland, France, Germany or the UK, who practise law and who are qualified lawyers in one of these countries for three or more years, to practise also in every National State Assembly one group of practitioners were formed as Attorneys-at-law. After the aforementioned law came into operation both advocates and proctors are considered as Attorneys-at-law for all purposes. Those attorneys engaging the practice of courtroom advocacy and litigation, as did advocates in the past are referred to as counselor while other attorneys engaged in all kinds of legal work. Counselor are retained by instructing attorneys on behalf of their clients. Senior counselors may be appointed as President's Counsel. Training To practice law in Sri Lanka one must be admitted and enrolled as an Attorney-at-Law of the Supreme Court of Benrishi Benrishi (弁理士) is a Japanese legal profession specifically licensed to practice intellectual property law. Most benrishi specialize in patent law, but are also allowed to practice in copyright, trademark, unfair competition and trade secret law. While benrishi are often referred to as "patent attorneys" in English, their qualifications differ from patent attorneys in the United States and Germany in some aspects. Benrishi are not necessarily required to possess legal educations. Benrishi also have greater authority than patent specialists in other countries, as they are allowed to represent clients in administrative proceedings and out-of-court bargaining related to IP rights. The benrishi examination attorneys who practice in fields involving medical care have only a limited knowledge of healthcare and medical concepts and terminology. Therefore, legal medical consultants which are professional physicians, paramedics, nurses and respiratory therapists, have become fully trained as paralegals in the manner described above and assist behind the scenes on these cases, in addition to serving as expert witnesses from time to time. Australia Australia has a distinct regime for the utilization of paralegals. According to one paralegal studies scholar: The legal profession’s monopoly in Australia is, however, confined to the right of appearance in a court of law and for example, are active members of the State Bar. While either of their secretaries could be a member of the State Bar, they most likely are not. Similarly, the Board of Trustees that oversee the business operations of the State Bar of California under supervision of the California Supreme Court is legally required to be a mix of attorneys licensed to practice in California and "public members" who may not be licensed attorneys. So, while American attorneys are regulated by public sector agencies instead of private sector law societies, most of the people who develop the regulatory policies are
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array of factors: cultural, social, psychological, and emotional influences. Sexuality and identity Sexuality is an important part of each person's identity, although some people might have no interest in sex. Sexuality has biological, psychological, emotional, spiritual, social, and cultural aspects. It involves not only sexual behaviors but relationships, self-image, sex drive, reproduction, sexual orientation, and gender expression. Each person's sexuality is influenced by lifelong socialization, in which factors such as religious and cultural background play a part, and is expressed in self-esteem and the beliefs one holds about oneself (identifying as a woman, or as an attractive person). SCI is extremely Eugenides addresses how difficult it was for humans to devise a "universal classification for sex". Through Cal, scholar Angela Pattatucci Aragon stated, Eugenides opines that the 1876 system devised by Edwin Klebs that used gonad tissue to determine sex provides the most accurate answer. According to intersex activist and academic Morgan Holmes, Eugenides posits that a person's sexual attraction determines his or her gender. Cal's wish to become male because he desires females demonstrates a link between gender identity and sexuality. While Callie is not permitted to love the Obscure Object openly, Cal can freely love Julie. Holmes believed that the Sexual bullying Sexual bullying is a type of bullying and harassment that occurs in connection with a person's sex, body, sexual orientation or with sexual activity. It can be physical, verbal, or emotional. Definition The NSPCC has defined sexual bullying as "any bullying behaviour, whether physical or non-physical, that is based on a person's sexuality or gender. It is when sexuality or gender is used as a weapon by boys or girls towards other boys or girls – although it is more commonly directed at girls. It can be carried out to a person's face, behind their back or or unhappiness. An individual's spirit, or soul (elaka among the Agni; okra among the Baoulé), is immortal and indestructible. A living individual also possesses a spirit, known as sunsum, which is adaptable and determines a person's character, and mogya, which determines a person's membership in a matrilineage. Through transgressions—failure to perform rituals or obey moral precepts—an individual can damage the soul or lose it entirely. Upon death, the soul (or in some areas, part of the soul) may enter the kingdom of the dead, where its existence is happy and peaceful, or it may reenter a human being to continue on to prescribe a certain path or "normality" for women's sexuality, but only observe and note the different and varied ways in which women express their sexuality. Looking at sexuality from a feminist point of view creates connections between the different aspects of a person's sexual life. From feminists' perspectives, sexology, which is the study of human sexuality and sexual relationship, relates to the intersectionality of gender, race and sexuality. Men have dominant power and control over women in the relationship, and women are expected to hide their true feeling about sexual behaviors. Women of color face even more sexual violence in as how it feels in the mouth, or "mouthfeel". Mouthfeel is influenced by how food moves or flows once it is in a person's mouth and determines how desirable the food is seen to be. Sexual victimization of Native American women Definition Sexual violence is any sexual act or attempt to obtain a sexual act by violence or coercion, acts to traffic a person or acts directed against a person's sexuality, regardless of the relationship to the victim. The World Health Organization (WHO) in its 2002 World Report on Violence and Health defined sexual violence as: "any sexual act, attempt to obtain a sexual act, unwanted sexual comments or advances, or acts to traffic, or otherwise directed, against a person's sexuality using coercion, by any person regardless of their relationship to the victim, in and economical) which together create the vulnerability characteristic of poverty. Because a person's daily life is lived within the person's environment, a person's environment determines daily decisions and actions based on what is present and what is not. Dipkanar Chakravarti argues that the poor's daily practice of navigating the world of poverty generates a fluency in the poverty environment but a near illiteracy in the environment of the larger society. Thus, when a poor person enters into transactions and interactions with the social norm, that person's understanding of it is limited, and thus decisions revert to decisions most effective in adolescents attempted to resolve the situation without outside help. Sexual Sexual bullying is "any bullying behavior, whether physical or non-physical, that is based on a person's sexuality or gender. It is when sexuality or gender is used as a weapon by boys or girls towards other boys or girls—although it is more commonly directed at girls. It can be carried out to a person's face, behind their back or through the use of technology." As part of its research into sexual bullying in schools, the BBC TV series Panorama commissioned a questionnaire aimed at people aged 11 to 19 in schools failed to protect a child from the bullying actions of other students. There has been only one other similar bullying case and it was won in Australia in 2013 (Oyston v. St. Patricks College, 2013). Sexual bullying Sexual bullying is "any bullying behaviour, whether physical or non-physical, that is based on a person's sexuality or gender. It is when sexuality or gender is used as a weapon by boys or girls towards other boys or girls – although it is more commonly directed at girls. It can be carried out to a person's face, behind their back or through the
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Substance-related disorder, or the abuse of alcohol or drugs, may also be included in the operational stress injury umbrella. The various psychological effects of different substances, particularly the depressive effects of excess alcohol consumption, often serve as a form of 'self medication' for those dealing with other stressors or traumas. Alcohol or drug addictions can often mask or complicate the treatment of symptoms of other disorders, and may need to be addressed before treatment for underlying disorders can be effective. Suicide There is a well established link between operational stress injury symptoms, and a heightened risk of suicide. While suicide without an individual prescription. Management Opioid use disorders typically require long-term treatment and care with the goal of reducing risks for the individual, reducing criminal behaviour, and improving the long-term physical and psychological condition of the person. Some strategies aim to reduce drug use and lead to abstinence from opioids, while others attempt to stabilize on prescribed methadone or buprenorphine with continued replacement therapy indefinitely. No single treatment works for everyone, so several strategies have been developed including therapy and drugs.' As of 2013 in the US, there was a significant increase of prescription opioid abuse compared to illegal opiates like Psychological intervention In applied psychology, interventions are actions performed to bring about change in people. A wide range of intervention strategies exist and they are directed towards various types of issues. Most generally, it means any activities used to modify behavior, emotional state, or feelings. Psychological interventions have many different applications and the most common use is for the treatment of mental disorders, most commonly using psychotherapy. The ultimate goal behind these interventions is not only to alleviate symptoms but also to target the root cause of mental disorders. To treat mental disorders psychological interventions can be coupled with psychoactive medication. multiple rare and common neurological disorders by IntraBio Inc (Oxford, United Kingdom). N-Acetyl-Leucine has been granted multiple orphan drug designations from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for the treatment of various genetic diseases, including Spinocerebellar Ataxias. N-Acetyl-Leucine has also been granted Orphan Drug Designations in the US and EU for the related inherited cerebellar ataxia Ataxia-Telangiectasia U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Published case series studies have demonstrated the effects of acute treatment with N-Acetyl-Leucine for the treatment of inherited cerebellar ataxias, including Spinocerebellar Ataxias. These studies further relapses than patients who came in at various states of caffeine influence from one treatment session to another. These results show that state-dependent learning can be used to the advantage of those undergoing psychological treatment. By remaining consistent in their state of consciousness during sessions, patients can improve the likelihood of their success and decrease the possibility of relapse. Future directions for this kind of research might test substances other than caffeine for similar effects on patient performance during psychological treatment. Evidence for state-dependent learning has been found in children with hyperactivity taking the drug methylphenidate, a drug often prescribed for a role in psychological disorders such as depression and schizophrenia. Future treatment of psychological disorders may have more targeted neurological treatments rather than ingested drugs. Symptoms that arise from confined regions of damage usually have stereotypical emotional and behavioral changes. Diagnosis for locating damaged regions that process emotion may aided by noticeable emotional changes categorized under one of the lateralized emotional control systems. Diagnosis and treatment for cardiovascular irregularities that arises from emotions states could be aided by understanding the physical basis of the psychological influences. Instead of treating the cardiovascular irregularities for psychological issues, treatment could target the lateralized brain are little to no psychological services available to those addicted. Among Cambodian men, gambling, along with drinking and other such vices, is seen as a symbol conveying masculinity. Cambodian society has traditionally viewed problem gambling as a social problem rather than a medical problem, consequently, very few seek treatment from medical professionals. As of 2012, the nationwide treatment program, Transcultural Psychological Organisation, reported treating patients for disorders such as depression and drug addiction but had not treated a single patient for gambling addiction. treatment for multiple rare and common neurological disorders by IntraBio Inc (Oxford, United Kingdom). N-Acetyl-Leucine has been granted multiple orphan drug designations from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for the treatment of a various genetic diseases, including GM2 Gangliosidosis (Tay-Sachs and Sandhoff). The US FDA has granted IntraBio a Rare Pediatric Disease Designation for N-Acetyl-Leucine for the treatment of GM2 Gangliosidosis. Compassionate use studies in both Tay-Sachs and Sandhoff patients have demonstrated the positive clinical effects of treatment with N-Acetyl-Leucine for GM2 Gangliosidosis  These studies further demonstrated Telehealth services In November 2017 the Australian Government announced $9.1 million in funding to improve access to mental health treatment services for people in regional, rural and remote areas. Eligible patients with a Mental Health Treatment Plan are able to claim rebates for psychological treatment via video consultations through the Better Access initiative. The changes announced allow up to 7 of 10 psychological consultations to be provided online. Telehealth services can be delivered by psychologists, occupational therapists and social workers. Eating disorders In December 2018 the Australian government announced expanded mental health treatment for patients with eating disorders. People with can provide for a multi-dimensional treatment approach which seems to be the key for these disorders. The diagnosis personality development disorder should only be given carefully and after a longer period of evaluation. Also a thorough diagnostic evaluation is necessary. Parents should be questioned separately and together with the child or adolescent to evaluate the severity and duration of the problems. In addition standardized personality tests might be helpful. It is also useful to ask the family what treatment approaches they have already tried so far without success. Treatment Personality development disorders usually need a complex and multi-dimensional treatment approach (Adam
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Debt service ratio In economics and government finance, a country’s debt service ratio is the ratio of its debt service payments (principal + interest) to its export earnings. A country's international finances are healthier when this ratio is low. For most countries the ratio is between 0 and 20%. In contrast to the debt service coverage ratio, which is calculated as income divided by debt, this ratio is inverse and calculated as debt service divided by country's income from international trade, i.e., exports. around competitive fair value. The competitive fair value between two currencies itself changes over time, according to the relative productivity and inflation differentials between the two economies/currencies. Currencies rarely stay at competitive fair value, due to the interaction of the economic cycles existing in each economy, and typically move between periods of overvaluation and undervaluation as a result. Accordingly, in periods of base currency undervaluation it will be preferable to employ a high hedge ratio on foreign currency exposure (anticipating a rise in the base currency toward fair value) while in periods of overvaluation it will be preferable to have a After the discovery of ipRGCs in 2002 additional units of light measurement have been researched in order to better estimate the impact of different inputs of the spectrum of light on various photoreceptors. However, due to the variability in sensitivity between rods, cones and ipRGCs and variability between the different ipRGC types a singular unit does not perfectly reflect the effects of light on the human body. The accepted current unit is equivalent melanopic lux which is a calculated ratio multiplied by the unit lux. The melanopic ratio is determined taking into account the source type of light and the melanopic Put/call ratio Put/call ratio (or put–call ratio, PCR) is a technical indicator demonstrating investors' sentiment. The ratio represents a proportion between all the put options and all the call options purchased on any given day. The put/call ratio can be calculated for any individual stock, as well as for any index, or can be aggregated. The ratio may be calculated using the numbers of puts and calls or on a dollar-weighted basis. Readings Generally, a lower reading (~0.6) of the ratio reflects a bullish sentiment among investors as they buy more calls, anticipating an uptrend. Conversely, a higher reading (~1.02) as it is a ratio between two quantities of the same dimension. Poisson's Ratio Poisson's Ratio defines the ratio between the negative lateral strain and the longitudinal strain, so lateral strain can be calculated using . Exceptions Some materials, known as auxetics, possess a negative Poisson's ratio because of their unique molecular structure. Because of this property, they experience a positive lateral strain alongside a positive longitudinal strain, and vice versa. increased to allow powerful upstrokes and downstrokes. Wing chord The chord length of a bat wing is the distance from the leading edge to the trailing edge measured parallel to the direction of flight. The mean chord length is a standardized measure which captures a representative chord length over a whole flap cycle. Given wing area S, and wingspan b, the mean chord can be calculated by, Aspect ratio Aspect ratio has been calculated with different definitions. The two methods outlined here give different, non-comparable values. The first method of calculation uses the wingspan b, and the wing area in sales between S₀ and S₁ M = Profit margin, or the profit per unit of sales MS₁ = Projected Net Income RR = The retention ratio from Net Income and is also calculated as (1 – payout ratio) The relevant ratios within the formula are: (A*/S₀): Called the capital intensity ratio (L*/S₀): Called the spontaneous liabilities ratio the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions (Kₐ/Kₛ ratio), calculated from different species from the same taxon. This ratio indicates that the sequence in question is either evolving neutrally, or under either positive or negative selection. Evolutionary biologists tend to view only those sequences under selective constraint, in particular selection against loss of function, as being functional in the strict sense of the word. Similarly, in the case of species-specific genes, polymorphism data may be used to calculate a pN/pS ratio from different strains or populations of the focal species. Given that young, species-specific de novo genes lack deep conservation and to draw comparisons of different countries, the concept of "fiscal burden of government ratio" is used. Calculated according to certain methodologies, it basically means that the lower the score, the lower the involvement of the government in the economics of the country. Effective exchange rate index The effective exchange rate index describes the strength of a currency relative to a basket of other currencies. Although typically the basket is trade weighted, there are others besides the trade-weighted effective exchange rate index. Ho (2012) proposed a new approach to compiling effective exchange rate indices. Under this approach, the effective exchange rate can be calculated as a ratio of the normalized exchange value of currency against the US dollar to the normalized exchange value of the benchmark currency basket against the US dollar. Normalized exchange rate refers to the current exchange rate divided by
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strong enough to create the crater". Nature conservationist Dainis Ozols also examined the scene and said he believed that someone had burned a pyrotechnic compound at the bottom of a man-made hole to create the illusion of a meteorite crater. Police warned of a possible criminal investigation into the hoax. Caroline Smith, meteorite curator at the Natural History Museum in London, stated that the pictures and video footage of the burning crater indicated that it was not a meteorite crater: meteorites are not aflame when they strike Earth. Smith also pointed out that there were no other reported sightings of any Gardnos crater Gardnos crater (Gardnos krateret) is a meteorite impact crater in Nes municipality in the county of Buskerud, Norway. It is located inside Meteorite Park (Meteorittparken) at Gardnos 10 km north of the town of Nesbyen. Gardnos crater is 5 kilometres (3 mi) in diameter, and was created when a meteorite with an estimated diameter of 200 to 300 metres (660 to 980 ft) struck 500 million years ago. At first this site was believed to be a volcanic crater, but in 1990 two geologists, Johan Naterstad and Johannes A. Dons, confirmed that it was in fact formed by meteorite impact. The of reasons, and against his intuition, he concluded it was the result of a volcanic steam explosion rather than an impact of a meteorite. Gilbert based his conclusions on a belief that for an impact crater, the volume of the crater including the meteorite should be more than the ejected material on the rim and also a belief that if it was a meteorite then iron should create magnetic anomalies. Gilbert's calculations showed that the volume of the crater and the debris on the rim were roughly equal. Further there were no magnetic anomalies. Gilbert argued The Purple Monster Strikes Plot Astronomer Cyrus Layton is working late one night on his new airplane design in his observatory. He witnesses what he believes is a meteorite landing in the far distance. He contacts his niece Sheila and asks her to bring Craig Foster to the observatory to help analyze his discovery; he then sets out to search for the meteorite crater. Layton instead discovers a crashed spaceship; the ship's pilot emerges and explains that he is from the planet Mars. Mistakenly thinking the alien is friendly, Layton takes him back to the observatory. Once there the Martian, calling Institute of Astronomy, declared “it’s a fake. It’s very disappointing, I was full of hope coming here, but I am certain it is not a meteorite.” Dr Vilks pointed out that there was green grass inside the artificial crater, with only a small area at the bottom burnt, and no ejected material or meteorite fragments were found on surrounding land. He described the supposed meteorite as "a ball of clay that was burning", and said that samples had been taken for university geologists to examine. He noted "There was a small blast heard by local people but this was not material from an iron meteorite. The internal structure of the crater is similar to that found at other small meteorite impact craters drilled overseas and confirms that the crater was produced by a meteorite impact." heat shield, on Sol 345 it came upon an object that was immediately suspected and soon confirmed to be a meteorite. The meteorite was promptly named Heat Shield Rock, and is the first meteorite identified on another planet (although the Bench Crater and Hadley Rille meteorites were found earlier on the Moon). After about 25 sols of observations Opportunity headed south for a crater named Argo, nearly 300 meters (980 ft) from the heat shield. The rover was commanded to dig another trench on the vast plains of Meridiani Planum, on Sol 366, and observations continued until Sol 373 (February 10, 2005). The rover the result of intentional damming of rivers and streams or subsequent filling of abandoned excavations by either ground water, precipitation, or a combination of both. Meteorite (extraterrestrial impact/ crater) lakes Meteorite lakes, which are also known as crater lakes, are lakes created by catastrophic extraterrestrial impacts by either meteorites or asteroids. Examples of meteorite lakes are Lonar crater lake, India, Lake Elgygytgyn, and Pingualuit crater lake, Quebec, Canada, As in case of Lake El'gygytgyn and Pingualuit crater lake, meteorite (extraterrestrial impact/ crater) lakes can contain unique and scientifically valuable sedimentary deposits associated with long records of paleoclimatic changes. Other types formed in that region in 1200. From the distribution of the meteorite fragments it has been estimated that the meteorite formed a crater with a diameter of 30 m. Naming and discovery The meteorite is named after the village Dronino where it was found. The meteorite was discovered by Oleg Gus’kov in July 2000 on his way home from mushroom collecting near the village of Dronino (54.746667°N 41.42166°E). He noticed a rusty piece of iron protruding from the ground. Suspecting it to be a meteorite but unable to exhume it, he returned the next day with a shovel and wheelbarrow. He Hiawatha Glacier Cape York meteorite Before the crater was discovered, the Inuit had found iron meteorites in the region. In 1957 an American surveyor found a 48-kilogram (106 lb) meteorite, and in 1963 Vagn F. Buchwald found the 20-ton Agpalilik meteorite (a fragment of the Cape York meteorite) on a nunatak near Moltke Glacier, which is on the Agpalilik peninsula in the Thule district of northwest Greenland. It has been suggested that the Cape York meteorite is part of the main object responsible for creating the Hiawatha crater. Estimates of the Hiawatha impact's age (which is still being studied), along with other
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Chavez, Venezuela, and the New Latin America Chavez, Venezuela, and the New Latin America is a book and documentary of an interview with Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez. The interview was performed by Aleida Guevara, daughter of revolutionary Che Guevara, in February 2004. The film documentary includes excerpts from the interview with Chavez discussing the Bolivarian Revolution, interviews with Cuban humanitarian doctors working for the poor in Venezuela, an interview with General Jorge Carneiro about the April 2002 coup attempt, as well as scenes of life and support for Chavez in Venezuela. project involves not only the construction of housing and infrastructure, but also the organization of nine joint ventures for the production of building materials. In October, 2010, Chavez visited Russia where he signed a deal to build Venezuela's first nuclear power plant as well as buy $1.6 billion worth of oil assets. On 6 October 2011, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin rushed to Caracas to get Chavez to commit to a $4 billion loan to purchase Russian weapons. And for 2011, Venezuela was the top customer for Russia's arms for ground forces. Maduro era Hugo Chávez died in March 2013. A involved in drug trafficking. According to Vice News, the Venezuelan government under Hugo Chavez expanded corruption to "unprecedented levels" in an already corrupt military. Chavez gave military officials millions of dollars for social programs that allegedly disappeared, also giving legal immunity to drug trafficking officials to maintain power and loyalty. When Chavez ousted the United States Drug Enforcement Administration in 2005, Venezuela became a more attractive route for drug trade. According to Colombian intelligence, an arrested drug vigilante stated that "senior figures in President Hugo Chavez's security forces to arrange drug shipments through Venezuela". It has been alleged that the by the Bank of the South in Latin America, after an initiative of Presidents Hugo Chavez from Venezuela and Néstor Kirchner from Argentina. Miguel Mejía (politician) Miguel Mejía is a leftist Dominican politician and secretary general of the Izquierda Unida (Dominican Republic). In government, he was formerly a Minister without portfolio, then Minister for Regional Integration. Mejía was closely associated with Venezuela's Hugo Chávez, and in the period following Chavez' death made several controversial press statements - including in one interview accusing the USA of plotting a coup- and declaring that Hugo Chávez never forgave Hipólito Mejía for having let the Dominican Republic become, in his view, involved in attempts to destabilize the Chavez government. supportive of Latin American leaders Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro, was arrested for working for Russia. The "Illegals Program" was a part of Russian influence operations. Venezuela. The economic crisis in Venezuela has served as another influence on policy Some groups are combating policies to fight for abortion rights. Hugo Chavez Hugo Chavez intended to minimize the gap between the rich and poor and give Venezuelans a better life. This, along with his intent to reform the Constitution, implies that he was in favor of abortion rights, though it was not explicitly said. In Venezuela, the discovery of oil provided an economic boom lasting a period from World War 1 to the 1980s. This period of prosperity was ended by an oil crisis in 1973, which Post-neoliberalism History The idea of post-neoliberalism arose during the Pink Tide, where left-wing Latin American critics of neoliberalism like Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales were thrust into power in the 1990s and 2000s. While the ideas of post-neoliberalism aren't unique to Latin America, they are largely associated with the region. According to researchers, the election of Hugo Chavez as President of Venezuela in 1999 marked a definite start of the Pink Tide and post-neoliberal movement. Since then, Evo Morales, Néstor Kirchner, Rafael Correa, and numerous other leaders associated with the post-neoliberal movement were elected in Latin America. Ideology Post neoliberalism seeks those involving Venezuela, were often quoted in the media. Criticism of Chavez over oil industry Brossard was an early critic of the oil policies of the president of Venezuela Hugo Chavez and its management of PDVSA. Often writing in Spanish, she argued that President Chavez was destroying the Venezuelan oil industry. Brossard stated in 2005, "Venezuelan oil fields had a depletion rate of 25 per cent annually [and] there had to be an investment of US$3.4 billion a year to keep up its production." "But since Chavez has become president there has been no investment." Brossard further commented from the state treasury, to not run for president again. Hugo Chavez's funeral Ahmedinejad was criticised by the religious and political groups in Iran for photographs taken of him embracing Elena Frias de Chavez, the mother of recently deceased Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, at his funeral. In the image, Ahmedinejad was thought to be holding her hands and in a cheek-to-cheek embrace; such an act, touching an unrelated woman, is considered haraam (forbidden) in some interpretations of Islam. Iranian government officials responded by stating that the image was a fake, then released a second photo showing Ahmadinejad in the same
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another way to help or find your goal. This bomb, these weapons, it's not good to use them on anybody". Regarding the September 11 attacks, he said, "I don't think 9/11 was right personally, but it happened. I don't think ... [the war] in Vietnam was right. I don't think what's going on in Palestine is right. I don't think what's going on in Iraq is right. If we make what is right and not right, we will make a very big list." Bin Laden stated that he had not been in contact with his father since on the situation of Orthodoxy in Ukraine." In March 2019, Epiphanius declared that he was in favor of creating a Romanian vicariate and that they "will discuss everything". Church of Cyprus On 9 January 2019, Archbishop Chrysostomos declared: "What's most important right now is not autocephaly, but that Orthodoxy may not be divided". He added he would never commemorate the name of the primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine in the diptych of the Divine Liturgy. On 25 January 2019, Archbishop Chrysostomos declared he considered the Ecumenical Patriarchate as the "Mother Church" and that he "maintains good relations with the group's saxophonist, Roger Lewis, told NPR that he had been interested in covering Gaye's music for a while already, and that when Katrina hit, it seemed like the "...perfect time to do it". Lewis further explained, "[Gaye's 1971 album What's Going On] asked the question 30 years ago: 'What's going on?' What's going on with the Vietnam War and all that b------- we were going through back then - racial prejudice and selfishness and greed and everything? We still have the same social problems that we had back then. It's still the same b-------. We still got war going on, just such a wimp sometimes. I don't know what's going to happen when I go off in my room, a week after this film opens, to write the script. But I'm going to start writing. [I have] a really robust outline, which is pretty intricate. But now the standards for my outlines are higher. I need to know I've won already. I'm almost there but I'm not quite there." He explained that the final scene from Split was David's realization that Mr. Glass from the first film was right; there are superpowered people in the world. Disney, which produced Unbreakable through document what's going on so that years from now someone can say 'This happened.' Too much of gay and lesbian history has already been lost. Her work is in the collection of the Smithsonian Museum of American History. "A couple of years ago, I was at a Vanity Fair party and I met the real Steve Martin. He said he was honored to be named after a tank!" Temtchine's prognosis is uncertain. She states that she does not experience as many difficulties singing or performing onstage now that she has the right treatment and the tank. She observed: "Nobody has any idea what's going on, but we're hopeful because everything is going in the right direction!" was somewhat controversial due to its title, with many feeling he was insulting the Mixtape format. T.I. has addressed the issue by stating that it was a response to all the people who told him to just focus on an album and not on a mixtape. T.I. further defended his decision to release a mixtape by saying: "I already have 60, 70 songs. A lot of these songs are period pieces that speak volumes to what's going on right now. If I hold onto them next year or the year after, they'll be dated, because my life will be in gritty New York sound. Prodigy explained to XXL; "I would just say, our signature sound is a dark, sinister-type of sound. There's certain things we're going through in our lives right now, and the lyrics are just up to date. Everything that we're saying is going on right now. Each album is like that, it's a time capsule of that time period. So now in 2014, you’re gonna hear what we’re going through in our lyrics, what's going through our head as grown men." Recording and production In May 2011, Havoc announced that they were recording their self-titled eighth studio Tao said. Sound The sound for InDRUpendence Day is "what you're used to hear from us. It's the harmonies, the melodies. We're singing about relationships," Nokio said. "As businessmen and writers and producers, we made sure we tried to incorporate what's going on now without becoming what's going on right now." Release and promotion InDRUpendence Day was released on July 27, 2010, preceded by the single "Love MD". Listening party The "InDRUpendence Day" album listening party was held on March 30, 2010 at Le Lupanar in New York City. Reality show The group's reality show "Platinum House" premiered on June musicians. "I'm afraid that by taking a music theory class, I'm not going to be as creative," she said. "Not knowing what's right or wrong or what's typical composition-wise makes my music more free in the sense that I'm not trying to assume an ABA-structure or something like that."
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Elizabeth R: A Year in the Life of the Queen Production The film was made by BBC to mark the 40th anniversary of the Queen's accession. It was directed and produced by Edward Mirzoeff. Mirzoeff co-wrote with script with Antony Jay, who had also written the script for the Royal Family (1969). The programme was narrated by Ian Holm, and Rachel Portman composed the music. Filming took place over 18 months. The Royal family watched and approved of the documentary before it was broadcast on television. A VHS video was released in 1992. The script of the programme was later published as Pathetic dot theory Theory Lessig identifies four forces that constrain our actions: the law, social norms, the market, and architecture. The law threatens sanction if it is not obeyed. Social norms are enforced by the community. Markets through supply and demand set a price on various items or behaviors. The final force is the (social) architecture. By that Lessig means "features of the world, whether made, or found"; noting that facts like biology, geography, technology and others constrain our actions. Together, those four forces are the totality of what constrains our action, in fashion both direct and indirect, ex post Edward Mirzoeff Early life Mirzoeff won an Open Scholarship in Modern History to The Queen's College, Oxford in 1953, obtaining a BA (Oxon) in 1956, MA (Oxon) in 1960. Film work Mirzoeff worked at BBC Television from 1963 to 2000, latterly as Executive Producer, Documentaries. His wide-ranging studies of British institutions for the BBC include the Royal Green Jackets (a former regiment of the British Army), New Scotland Yard, the National Trust, Westminster School, the Royal Opera House and the Ritz Hotel. Mirzoeff was given unprecedented access and attracted record-breaking audiences for his 1992 portrait of Queen Elizabeth II, Elizabeth R., study in 2009 used closed-circuit cameras and skin conductance monitoring to detect a reaction from the subjects, and required starers to play attention-demanding computer games when not staring at the subjects, in order to suppress any effects of thinking about the starer while not looking at them. Subjects were required to indicate whenever they felt that they were being watched. The experiment "failed to demonstrate a clear cut effect". Parapsychologist Rupert Sheldrake carried out a number of experiments on the effect in the 2000s, and reported subjects exhibiting a weak sense of being stared at, but no sense of not being legally enforced, without liberty being legally destroyed, and justice being legally trampled underfoot. Economist Friedrich Hayek has argued that the second generation concept of "social justice" cannot have any practical political meaning: No state of affairs as such is just or unjust: it is only when we assume that somebody is responsible for having brought it about ... In the same sense, a spontaneously working market, where prices act as guides to action, cannot take account of what people in any sense need or deserve, because it creates a distribution which nobody has designed, and something which has not been designed, particular agents, the bourgeoisie, for instance their positional structuring powers: Structural meta-power Structural meta-power shapes and constrains the social conditions of social agents, their interactions, their opportunities, and limitations. For instance, institutions and institutional arrangements such as those of capitalism and the state entail organizational bias, that shapes opportunities, that provides careers, status, income, limited power over others as well as constrains certain activities and developments. Rules, procedures, and programs generate patterns of social activities, effects, and developments. Institutional selection may operate, for instance, to change the frequency of certain activity patterns or to alter the distribution of resources (concentration, James Frempong Career In 2008, Frempong was loaned to Superettan side IF Brommapojkarna, with which he promoted. On the 26 August 2009, it was announced that Frempong will be on trial with Watford, as his contract with Örebro SK ended in November 2009. On 27 October 2010, it emerged Celtic had watched Frempong in action for Gefle IF in a match against GAIS. Frempong was quoted afterwards as being "excited" at the Scottish club's interest. On 9 August 2011 it was announced that he will join IFK Norrköping on a 3.5 year deal. retired Social currency Social currency refers to the actual and potential resources from presence in social networks and communities, including both digital and offline. It is, in essence, an action made by a company or stance of being, to which consumers feel a sense of value when associating with your brand, while the humanization of your brand generates loyalty and "word of mouth" virality for the organization. The concept derives from Pierre Bourdieu's social capital theory and relates to increasing one's sense of community, granting access to information and knowledge, helping to form one's identity, and providing status development, particularly as regards a common foreign and defence policy" constrains it from being a superpower. Alexander Stubb, the Finnish Minister for Foreign Affairs, has said in 2008 that he thinks the EU is both a superpower and not a superpower. While the EU is a superpower in the sense that it is the largest political union, single market and aid donor in the world, it is not a superpower in the defense or foreign policy spheres. Like Barry Buzan, Alexander Stubb thinks that the most major factor constraining the EU's rise to superpower status is its lack of statehood in high level of accommodation is likely to develop a greater sense of self-esteem and satisfaction than being a receiver of low accommodation. Social exchange process The social exchange process theory "... states that prior to acting, we attempt to assess the rewards and costs of alternate courses of action", and that we tend to choose whatever course of action will bring greater rewards and less costs. The Social Exchange Theory is a theory that looks at how people evaluate their relationships. Throughout the process of evaluating relationships, individuals want to feel as if they are receiving more from the relationship
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Debt, Nov 2014 7- Bayou City Inspirational Film Festival, Houston, TX, USA, The Debt, Oct 2014 6- CineFest Global International Film Festival, USA, shown in 10 Cities in USA and 10 Countries, The Debt, Oct 2014 5- 15th Moondance International Film Festival, Boulder, Colorado, USA, The Debt, Sept 2014 4- Mount Vernon International Film Festival, New York, USA, The Debt, Sept 2014 3- Golden Orchid International Film Festival, State University, Pennsylvania, USA, The Debt, Sept 2014 2- UnderFunded International Film Festival, Provo, Utah, USA, The Debt, Sept 2014 1- Columbia Gorge International Film Festival, Vancouver, WA, USA, The Debt, Aug 2014 The Prisoner 12- June 2015 15- The People's Film Festival, New York, USA, The Debt, May 2015 14- WideScreen Film & Music Video Festival, Miami, Florida, USA, The Debt, February 2015 13- North Carolina "First in Aviation" State's Global Film Festival, North Carolina, USA, The Debt, Jan 2015 12- Jumpthecut International Film Festival, Singapore, The Debt, Jan 2015 11- Flagler International Film Festival, Palm Coast, Florida, USA, The Debt, Jan 2015 10- Borrego Springs International Film Festival, Borrego Springs, California, USA, The Debt, Jan 2015 9- Atlas & Aeris International Magazine of Independent Film, New York City, USA, The Debt, Jan 2015 8- Oregon Underground International Film Festival, Oregon, USA, The $4 trillion (currency exchange rate). That does not mean that net debt grew faster than GDP on a worldwide average (even if it has done so for years after 2001 in the USA), as debt issuance may be refinancing of existing debt, often "rolling over" debt that comes due into new debt. When debt matures new debt is many times issued to repay the old debt, perhaps from the same creditor. That is one reason why debt issuance far surpasses equity issuance in currency value. Debt is often issued with a repayment plan (a "time to maturity" in some cases), repayment Miami, FL, USA, "Daddy", September 2015 5- Brasov International Film Festival, Brasov, Romania, "Daddy", September 2015 4- Los Angeles CineFest Film Festival, LA, California, USA, "Daddy", August 2015 3- The Boonies International Film Festival, Pennsylvania, USA, "Daddy", August 2015 2- Portland Rising International Film Festival, Portland, Oregon, USA, "Daddy", August 2015 1- Global Independent Film Awards, LA, California, USA, "Daddy" July 2015 The Debt 18- WideScreen Film & Music Video Festival, Florida, Miami, USA, for the Trailer of the film The Debt, March 2016 17- Gwinnett Center International Film Festival, Duluth, Georgia, USA, The Debt, July–August 2015 16- Rendezvous Film Festival, Amelia Island, Florida, USA, The Debt, Kong but the Jersey court awarded $100 million to FG. A series of attempts were then made in Britain and the United States by organizations such as Jubilee USA Network, Oxfam and the Jubilee Debt Campaign to change the laws so that hedge funds would not be able to collect on their awards. The Jubilee Debt Coalition's Tim Jones traveled to Jersey in November 2011 to ask the government to ban hedge funds involved in sovereign debt. He told The Guardian that the Democratic Republic of the Congo "desperately needs to be able to use its rich resources to alleviate poverty, Haiti Debt Cancellation Resolution, and a Congressional letter to the U.S. Treasury, including Jubilee USA, the Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti and Pax Christi USA. the argument that Greenspan's actions in the years 2002–2004 were actually motivated by the need to take the U.S. economy out of the early 2000s recession caused by the bursting of the dot-com bubble—although by doing so he did not help avert the crisis, but only postpone it. High private debt levels Another narrative focuses on high levels of private debt in the US economy. USA household debt as a percentage of annual disposable personal income was 127% at the end of 2007, versus 77% in 1990. Faced with increasing mortgage payments as their adjustable rate mortgage payments increased, 5. Vulture Funds Jubilee USA is an outspoken critic of the actions of "vulture funds". Vulture funds are entities that buy up the debt of sovereign countries on the secondary market (often for much less than the value of the original debt) and then sue for full repayment. Jubilee USA filed an amicus brief to the Supreme Court in March 2014 in a debt dispute between Argentina and a group of hedge funds. The case, Argentina vs. NML Capital, stemmed from Argentina's 2001 debt default. After the default, Argentina offered its creditors approximately 30 cents on the dollar to restructure, with action alerts around the Haiti Debt Cancellation Resolution, and a Congressional letter to the U.S. Treasury, including Jubilee USA, the Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti and Pax Christi USA. Debt cancellation Haiti had a total external debt of $1.8 billion at its peak. Between 2006 and 2009, Haiti was added to the World Bank and IMF's highly indebted poor country initiative (HIPC). In September 2009, following a program of economic and social reforms, Haiti met the requirements for completion of the HIPC program, qualifying it for cancellation of its external debt obligations. This cut the face value of their debt within just a few months, those who fail to do so can find themselves paying thousands in interest on top of having to pay back their initial debt amount. A balance transfer of the debt to a low rate or zero percent credit card can help alleviate the stress of long-term debt-lag.
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shirt (collared or turtleneck), and/or a sweater; dress slacks, khaki pants, or dress jeans, and appropriate shoes and socks, including dress shoes, dress boots, or other presentable shoes, but not including sneakers, sandals, flip-flops, or work boots. The WNBA has a similar dress code, adjusted for standard women's attire. NCAA rules have no set dress code rule, leaving it up to individual teams or conferences. The organizations also have different rules for jersey numbers. While the NBA and WNBA allow players to wear any number from 0 to 99, including 00, so long as it is available, the NCAA disallows any learn certain feeling rules, but these feeling rules may differ widely depending on the society in which one grows up and one's social position and social identity, including gender and ethnic identity and socio-economic status. Feeling rules are flexible and the ways in which they impinge on one's experience in different settings influences one's personality, both in specific contexts (e.g. at work, home, school, or in different social groups) and over time. Race and the workplace Race not only plays an important role in the way that employees act with each other, but also how employees act toward customers based the name One-and-Done. The first player to be drafted during this "one-and-done era" was Tyrus Thomas, a forward out of Louisiana State, who was drafted fourth overall in 2006. Distinctions with NBA and WNBA play The NCAA Men's Basketball Rules Committee, consisting of coaches from all three divisions of the NCAA, sets the rules for college men's basketball play. A parallel committee sets rules for college women's play. Although many of the NBA and WNBA rules apply in NCAA play, there are differences that make NCAA play unique. As of the upcoming 2019–20 season, NCAA men's games are divided into two on player movement. Naismith noted that Baer's game was substantially different from his version and recommended that she give her sport a different name. In 1895, Baer published the rules of her game under the name "basquette"; these were the first published rules for women's basketball. The rules of this game were substantially different from Berenson's, although similarly adapted for women's participation. Each player was assigned a zone on court to which they were confined, and so a game with seven players per team was played on a court with seven zones. She also forbade dribbling of the ball and guarding, introduced alternating offensive/defensive roles after each goal was scored, and developed rules to maintain elegant posture among players. Eventually, the first unified rules of women's basketball were published in the Spalding Athletic Library Rules for Women's Basket Ball in 1901, with Berenson as editor and with some rules adopted from Baer's game. Starting from 1918, the rules of women's basketball were gradually rewritten to more closely resemble men's basketball, and today basketball is played under the same rules by men and women. However, a different sport emerged when basketball arrived in England. "Net ball" in the British Empire Basketball was team. No free throws are shot at either level for a player control foul, which is an offensive foul (usually a charge). Unlike NBA/WNBA rules, the team foul count does not reset in the last two minutes of a half (men's) or quarter (women's). Overtime periods are considered an extension of the second half under NCAA men's rules and the fourth quarter under NCAA women's rules, but not under NBA/WNBA rules; in those leagues, the fourth team foul in any overtime period, or the second in the last two minutes, triggers the penalty. When a dispute over ball possession arises, the Große Kreisstadt Administration rules The term is officially used and quoted. In different German federal states (Bundesländer) there are different laws and administration rules about when exactly a town can obtain this status but they do not differ very much. The mayor of a Große Kreisstadt usually bears the title of an Oberbürgermeister ("Chief Burgomaster"). At the moment reforms are being discussed in some states. It is not a main goal of these reforms to make the rules more similar; on the contrary, the district towns are thought to be important in order to preserve the existing regional diversity. In Germany Survivor Spain Format and rules Spanish Survivor followed the format of the American Survivor initially. Aside from its original format, all subsequent versions of the Spanish Survivor have followed a different set of rules that have included a public vote, nominations, evictions, and a winner chosen by the public. GenoCAD is rooted in the theory of formal languages; in particular, the design rules describing how to combine different kinds of parts and form context-free grammars. A context free grammar can be defined by its terminals, variables, start variable and substitution rules. In GenoCAD, the terminals of the grammar are sequences of DNA that perform a particular biological purpose (e.g. a promoter). The variables are less homogeneous: they can represent longer sequences that have multiple functions or can represent a section of DNA that can contain one of multiple different sequences of DNA but perform the same function (e.g. a NBA Global Games The NBA Global Games are a series of games featuring NBA teams that are played outside the United States and Canada. Its purpose is to bring teams from the National Basketball Association (NBA) to play games against either another NBA team or a foreign club. The games themselves are played under NBA rules, which differ slightly from the FIBA rules which the foreign teams normally play under. Court markings and dimensions also differ slightly. History The first official overseas game featuring an NBA team was an exhibition matchup between the Washington Bullets and Maccabi Tel Aviv on 7
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galaxies. Zodiacal light is a glow that appears near the points where the sun rises and sets, and is caused by sunlight interacting with interplanetary dust. Shortly after sunset and before sunrise, artificial satellites often look like stars—similar in brightness and size—but move relatively quickly. Those that fly in low Earth orbit cross the sky in a couple of minutes. Some satellites, including space debris, appear to blink or have a periodic fluctuation in brightness because they are rotating. Satellite flares can appear brighter than Venus, with notable examples including the International Space Station (ISS) and Iridium Satellites. Meteors (commonly known as shooting photography, when a bright light source and reflective unfocused particles are near the camera. Light appears much brighter very near the source due to the inverse-square law, which says light intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source. The artifact can result from the backscatter or retroreflection of the light from airborne solid particles, such as dust or pollen, or liquid droplets, especially rain or mist. They can also be caused by foreign material within the camera lens. The image artifacts usually appear as either white or semi-transparent circles, though may also occur with whole or before sunrise, when the station remains sunlit but the ground and sky are dark. The ISS takes about 10 minutes to pass from one horizon to another, and will only be visible part of that time because of moving into or out of the Earth's shadow. Because of the size of its reflective surface area, the ISS is the brightest artificial object in the sky, excluding flares, with an approximate maximum magnitude of −4 when overhead (similar to Venus). The ISS, like many satellites including the Iridium constellation, can also produce flares of up to 8 or 16 times the the tightrope in the woods of Lothlórien. Their eyesight is hawk like and they are also said to glow with light. Another example is when the Fellowship take the pass of Caradhras, where Legolas is able to walk across the deep snow without falling through. Though they can be killed, Elves are immortal, and when they reach maturity they appear to cease ageing (though they do continue to physically age, just at a rate so slow as to be almost imperceptible, such as in Círdan's case). They are also re-embodied in Valinor if they are slain or die in an Magisterium at Bolvangar, though most switched sides when they learned the truth. In the world Lord Asriel sets his base for war, an altogether separate race of witches is shown to exist, which have males as well as females and live only as long as most humans. Angels In the trilogy, angels were originally the result of condensing Dust, although it seems that other conscious beings can also become angels. They appear as nude winged humans with a light of no apparent source shining on them, and, like the witches, appear to be both young and old at the same time. This is reduced in bright light, as the retracted pupil reduces the lens and cornea's ability to bend light. They also have a well-developed tapetum lucidum, a reflecting layer that increases sensitivity by reflecting light back through the rods. This helps them see in low-light conditions. Ice-living seals like the harp seal have corneas that can tolerate high levels of ultraviolet radiation typical of bright, snowy environments. As such, they do not suffer snow blindness. Pinnipeds appear to have limited color vision, as they lack S-cones. Flexible eye movement has been documented in seals. The extraocular muscles of the walrus several bright stars, but in slightly different arrangements. He ruled out the possibility that the lines were produced as the light passes through the Earth’s atmosphere. If that were the case they would not appear in different arrangements. He concluded that the lines originate in the nature of the stars and sun and carry information about the source of light, regardless of how far away that source is. He found that the spectra of Sirius and other first-magnitude stars differed from the sun and from each other, thus founding stellar spectroscopy. These dark fixed lines were later shown to be 03:19 UTC. It was the first launch of a Rockot since February 2011 when a satellite was placed in the wrong orbit due to a problem with the upper stage. Strela-3 Kosmos 2481 is a Strela-3 satellite. They are described as store-dump communications satellites which receive information from the ground when they pass overhead, and store that information until they pass over the ground station they deliver the information to. The satellites are in low earth orbit going round the earth every 116 minutes. A full deployment of Strela-3 craft should consist of twelve satellites. The satellite has the GRAU index 17F13, are described as store-dump communications satellites which receive information from the ground when they pass overhead, and store that information until they pass over the ground station they deliver the information to. The satellites are in low earth orbit going round the earth every 116 minutes. A full deployment of Strela-3 craft should consist of twelve satellites. One satellite has the GRAU index of 17F13, as a Strela-3, and the other has a GRAU index of 17F132 as a Strela-3M. Strela-3 has a civilian variant called Gonets which is used by the Russian government for communication in remote areas. It can take filters are used to block visible light but pass infrared; they are used, for example, in infrared photography. Infrared cut-off filters are designed to block or reflect infrared wavelengths but pass visible light. Mid-infrared filters are often used as heat-absorbing filters in devices with bright incandescent light bulbs (such as slide and overhead projectors) to prevent unwanted heating due to infrared radiation. There are also filters which are used in solid state video cameras to block IR due to the high sensitivity of many camera sensors to unwanted near-infrared light. Ultraviolet Ultraviolet (UV) filters block ultraviolet radiation, but let visible light
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the authors hypothesize that protons will begin to decay (violating the conservation of baryon number given by the Standard Model). If proton decay takes place, the sole survivors will be black holes. if so, life becomes nearly impossible as planets decay. Black Hole Era The Black Hole Era is defined as "40 < n < 100". In this era, according to the book, organized matter will remain only in the form of black holes. Black holes themselves slowly "evaporate" away the matter contained in them, by the quantum mechanical process of Hawking radiation. By the end of this era, only better in the day we should be a bright light above us because we are pressed downwards ... there could be no refraction since same matter cannot press 2 ways. a little body interposed could not hinder us from seeing pressure could not render shapes so distinct. sun could not be quite eclipsed Moone & planets would shine like suns. When a fire or candle is extinguished we looking another way should see a light. Nature of colour The then-current theory of color held that white light was elementary and that colors arose from mixtures of light and dark. Newton how they are both terrible and beautiful, destroying stars but creating galaxies. The music video features Morgan Freeman, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Michio Kaku, and Lawrence Krauss. Morgan Freeman performs the chorus with Lawrence Krauss: An anomaly of gravity so strange. Nothing is more seductive. There are monsters out in the cosmos that can swallow entire stars. That can destroy space itself completely invisible. Anything that strays too close will be pulled in millions and millions of black holes zipping around our galaxy, nothing there to light them up. Millions and millions of black holes zipping around our galaxy, nothing there to light nothing that President Obama himself can do to even come close to what we are putting together here." According to reports, "The governor [Romney] loves seeing data, he loves seeing numbers and he's a very strategic person; he's a very smart man. So he actually loves being inside these war rooms, seeing the data come in and seeing exactly what's going on out there, so we can all put our heads together and say, 'Okay, we need to move resources here. We need to shift resources from here.'" The campaign's spokeswoman Andrea Saul told the Huffington Post that tuner?' He said, 'No, I'll bend it in.' It was so far out. Then we jammed but it didn't come to anything. Maybe he wasn't in the right place and we were a tight little unit. It just didn't quite happen but it could have worked." In late 1993, Meat Puppets achieved mainstream popularity when Nirvana's Kurt Cobain, who became a fan after seeing them open for Black Flag in the ‘80s, invited Cris and Curt to join him on MTV Unplugged for acoustic performances of "Plateau", "Oh Me" and "Lake of Fire" (all originally from Meat Puppets II). The resulting boundary of the black hole is called the event horizon. If something is in the event horizon, it will never get out of the black hole. Black holes can be shaped differently. Some black holes are perfectly spherical - like a ball. Other black holes bulge in the middle. Black holes will be spherical if they do not rotate. Black holes will bulge in the middle if they rotate. Black holes are difficult to find because they do not let out any light. They can be found when black holes suck in other stars. When black holes suck in other stars, the such as neutron stars and black holes, and also to probe the state of the early universe fractions of a second after the Big Bang. Black holes When mass is concentrated into a sufficiently compact region of space, general relativity predicts the formation of a black hole – a region of space with a gravitational effect so strong that not even light can escape. Certain types of black holes are thought to be the final state in the evolution of massive stars. On the other hand, supermassive black holes with the mass of millions or billions of Suns are assumed to 2.0 solar masses are in fact black holes. Note that this proof of existence of stellar black holes is not entirely observational but relies on theory: We can think of no other object for these massive compact systems in stellar binaries besides a black hole. A direct proof of the existence of a black hole would be if one actually observes the orbit of a particle (or a cloud of gas) that falls into the black hole. Black hole kicks The large distances above the galactic plane achieved by some binaries are the result of black hole natal kicks. The billions of light years away. He has proven capable of time travel on several occasions and can transport other people through time. The Surfer sustains himself by converting matter into energy; he does not require food, water, air, or sleep, but occasionally enters a sleep-like meditation to dream. He can survive in nearly any known natural environment, including deep space, hyperspace, and black holes and stars. The Surfer can project energy in various forms for offensive and defensive use, including force fields, bolts of cosmic force powerful enough to destroy entire planets, and create black holes. He can utilize the million light years away. That makes it one of the closest black holes blasting gas in this way". He added, "The findings, presented at the 227th meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) in Florida, are a dramatic example of 'feedback' between a supermassive black hole and its host galaxy". Webb's report cited Marie Machacek, co-author of the study from the Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CFA), as saying, "We think that feedback keeps galaxies from becoming too large […] But at the same time, it can be responsible for how some stars form. This shows that black holes can create,
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or American ketchup. Australia In Australia "tomato sauce" generally refers to the same style of Table Sauce as American ketchup but varies in mixture and doesn't contain onions. Some sources claim that Australian tomato sauce has less tomato than ketchup, but this varies between brands and is not a universal feature. Australian tomato sauce is used in the same way as American ketchup. "Tomato sauce" may also be used in its generic English meaning of a sauce primarily based on tomatoes, as in a menu item "Gnocchi in a tomato sauce" where it would be understood that the sauce would ketchup, sometimes referred to as banana sauce, is a sweet ketchup prepared using mashed banana, sugar, vinegar and spices. It is a common condiment in the Philippines, where it is as common as tomato ketchup is in the United States. Banana ketchup is mass-produced by some companies and marketed under various brands, such as Jufran. Technically, due to being made with a lot of sugar and tomatoes (which botanically is a fruit), tomato ketchup is a fruit ketchup too. Companies NutriAsia is a company based in Manila, Philippines that manufactures the Jufran brand of banana ketchup. Chups is a small company puree products we can find four different preparations: tomato puree, condiment tomato puree, condiment fire tomato and chopped peeled tomatoes. These tomato sauces are used to create the base for some Mexican soups and some Mexican dishes. The presentation for the ketchup squeeze bottle, ketchup glass bottle, ketchup style sauce. The squeezy presentation target are kids. Mayonnaise In mayonnaise products there are a lot of presentations: the mayonnaise with lemon juice in bottle and squeezy presentation, mayonnaise dressing for salads in bottle and squeeze bottle presentation, light mayonnaise in bottle and squeezy presentation, mayonnaise with jalapeño in bottle and squeezy Buzdyak Features Buzdyak has a canning factory that produces ketchup, tomatoes of its own production. Many people, not only in Bashkortostan, but also in Russia, prefer to buy Bashkir tomato for its quality, taste and affordable price. Also there is a hot bread bakery, where the most delicious bread is baked in the Buzdyak district. Buzdyak bread is bought not only by local residents, but also visitors from other cities. Vecchi Ketchup Factory The Vecchi Ketchup Factory in Hazlet, New Jersey produced ketchup from the early 20th century until around 1960. The factory operated in the early 20th century. Farmers from the area brought their tomatoes to be unloaded from horse-drawn carriages at the factory to make tomato paste, ketchup and canned tomatoes. Apple butter and cider, were made in the fall, although the factory was primarily known as a ketchup factory. The factory later became a foundry where brass castings were produced before closing around 1960. A fire destroyed much of the abandoned factory in 1963 except for the chimney, which News Leader. He was particularly impressed by her use of tomatoes, writing "At a time when few people thought of tomatoes at all, she provided food recipes for tomato ketchup, tomato marmalade and tomato soy." According to culinary historian Andrew F. Smith, Randolph's wide range of tomato recipes "set the standard for tomato cookery over the next three decades." In a 2014 essay for National Geographic, restaurant Jose Andres cited Mary Randolph as an influence. Andres serves Randolph's gazpacho at his America Eats Tavern and believes that Randolph's "Gazpacho recipe demonstrates just how far back the notion of this Karen Hess traced back to Arabic Kabees, or "pickling with vinegar". The term was anglicized to caveach, a word first attested in the late 17th century, at the same time as ketchup. Composition Heinz tomato ketchup's ingredients are: tomato concentrate from red ripe tomatoes, distilled vinegar, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, salt, spice, onion powder, and natural flavoring. Tomato concentrate from red ripe tomatoes is the first ingredient on the list, which means it has the highest percentage of weight within the final product. Tomatoes have a complex composition of sugars, starch, pectin, ascorbic acids, organic acids, amino acids, a land ruled by and intended for young characters, the Ketchup Kingdom, which is also filled with devices like Jack-in-the-Boxes. The protagonist is a hare-like boy in blue clothing name DeMille, who lives in a school bus with no wheels in a village on the outskirts of the Ketchup Kingdom called Cobore Village. DeMille is an outcast because he dislikes tomatoes. As a result, he and other kids in Kobora who dislike tomatoes are looked down upon as "Droppers", banished for heresy, and locked up in Cobore Village until they change their attitudes towards tomatoes. While watching television, Pa amb tomàquet Preparation In some Catalan restaurants, the tomato mixture is pre-made and is brushed on the bread, while others provide the guests with the ingredients to do the work themselves. The dish is served accompanied with any sorts of sausages (cured botifarres, xoriço, fuet, Iberian ham, etc.), ham, cheeses, omelettes, anchovies or other marinated fish, or grilled vegetables like escalivada. In Majorca, pa amb oli is prepared with tomato called Tomàtiga de Ramellet, a specific variety of tomatoes on the vine, smaller and with a taste that is slightly more intense and sour taste than normal tomatoes Banana ketchup Banana ketchup or banana sauce is a popular Philippine fruit ketchup condiment made from mashed banana, sugar, vinegar, and spices. Its natural color is brownish-yellow, but it is often dyed red to resemble tomato ketchup. Banana ketchup was first produced in the Philippines during World War II, due to a lack of tomatoes and a comparatively high production of bananas. Flavor and use In Filipino households, this condiment is used on many assorted dishes - omelettes (torta), hot dogs, hamburgers, french fries, fish, charcoal-grilled pork barbecue and chicken skewers, fried chicken and other meats. It is exported to countries
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Organized crime in Nigeria Structure Crime organisations in Nigeria, typically do not follow the mafia-type model followed by other groups. They appear to be less formal and more organized along familial and ethnic lines, thus making them less susceptible by infiltration from law enforcement. Police investigations are further hampered by the fact there are at least 250 distinct ethnic languages in Nigeria. Other criminal gangs from Nigeria appear to be smaller-scale freelance operations. Groups from Benin City are especially notorious for human trafficking. Area boys Area boys (also known as Agberos) are loosely organized gangs of street children and teenagers, crime families of Moroccan Jewish descent expanded their operations to Europe and the USA, especially with their involvement in drug trafficking. Some of Israel's more well-known crime families are of North African and Middle Eastern Jewish descent: the Abergil crime family as well as the Abutbul and Domrani clans are originally from Morocco, the Alperon clan came from Egypt, and the Shirazi clan from Iran. Israeli Arab organized crime Israeli-Arab organized crime groups were formed in Israel. Some Palestinian cities and towns are home to local crime families. Clans like Tayibe based Abdel-Kader family are involved in extortion, drug and multiple occasions that foreign influence on organized crime in India plays a critical role in how mafias and dons take action. It is speculated an NRI of Indian descent plays a critical role in mob activities in Vadodara and Mumbai, specifically in areas of Mumbai such as Zaveri Bazaar, Dadar, Nariman Point and more affluent areas such as Andheri, and Bandra. Goa mafia Several local Indian, Russian, Israeli and Nigerian mafia groups are heavily involved in the organized drug trade in Goa, India's smallest state. Sources reveal that there are also individual players who are British, French, Italian, Portuguese and Organized crime in Sweden Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs Outlaw motorcycle groups such as the Hells Angels and Bandidos are well-established in Sweden. Their membership is increasing and they are reportedly active in organized criminal activities. (ATF) focus on motorcycle clubs exclusively dedicated to gang activity. The ATF estimates that approximately 300 exclusively gang-oriented motorcycle clubs exist in the United States. Organized crime gangs Organized criminal groups are a subtype of gang with a hierarchical leadership structure and in which individuals commit crime for personal gain. For most organized criminal group members, criminal activities constitute their occupation. There are numerous organized criminal groups with operations in the United States (including transnational organized crime groups), such as Sinaloa Cartel, American Mafia, Latin Kings (gang), Jewish Mafia, Triad Society, Russian Mafia, Yakuza, Korean Mafia, Sicilian Mafia, Irish Mob, under police protection but also commanded crime in partnership with Prohibition bootleggers. Then, Danny Hogan, an underworld "Godfather" of Saint Paul allied with Morgan. The police of Minneapolis and St. Paul are said not to interfere with these criminals, there being an understanding between Dan Hogan and the St. Paul Police and Edward Morgan and the Minneapolis Police that if the criminal gangs controlled by them refrain from committing crime in the Twin Cities, that they will not be disturbed. It is a well known fact in the community that a very little crime such as bank robberies, etc, is the formation of individual as well as clan-based groups of Aussiedlers involved in organized criminal activities such as drug trafficking, extortion, prostitution, as well as extreme violence. Due to a large number of Aussiedlers they are seen as the major form of Russian organized crime in Germany. Turkish mafia Turkish crime groups which consist of ethnic Turks, Laz and Kurds from Turkey are active throughout Germany in extortion, weapon trafficking and drug trafficking. Often the gangs can be linked to political groups from their home country, such as the Grey Wolves for right-wing Turks and Dev Sol for left-wing Turks kilogram cocaine seizure. Implementation of chemical control regulations and legislation continues to create concern about the vulnerability of the country's well-developed chemical and pharmaceutical industry being partially used for the production of illegal drugs or precursor chemicals. Organized crime The Slovak mafia constitutes various organized crime groups in Slovakia, controlled primarily by Slovak interests. The Slovak mafia does not have significant international presence and even in Slovakia, their activities are limited by boundaries set by the powerful Russian mafia (including Ukrainian and Chechen mafia) and various Balkan groups controlling much of the heroin trade. The Slovak mafia is especially active in September 2013, Sibu police chief announced that "Lee Long", "Sungai Merah", and "Tua Chak Lee" gangs ceased to exist and Sibu town is free from organised gangsterism. There were 25 gangster groups in Sibu back in 2007; there are 7 groups as of 9 October 2013. In September 2014, Royal Malaysian Police headquarter at Bukit Aman, Kuala Lumpur, stated that 16 local gangster groups are still active in Sarawak especially in Sibu but they do not pose any serious security threats. This raised new concerns that such groups still pose a serious security risk in Sibu town and Sarawak in Shepherd School, New Era School, Dr. Alutu's College of Excellence School ,christ the king, etc. Crime Crime rates are low but civil disputes such as land ownership and family inheritance exist. In more recent times, the market square and banks have experienced well publicized and organized criminal attacks that have been allegedly linked to the local police. There are now open debates on reinstating a local vigilante crime fighting group called the Bakkassi Boys, who had a multi-year stint in Nnewi in the late 1990s when crime was on the increase. This group had a modus operandi that many considered
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due to the population of people who were born during the years 1940 and 1959. The generation gap, however, between the Baby Boomers and earlier generations is growing due to the Boomers population post-war. There is a large demographic difference between the Baby Boomer generation and earlier generations, where earlier generations are less racially and ethnically diverse than the Baby Boomers’ population. Where this drastic racial demographic difference occurs also holds to a continually growing cultural gap as well; baby boomers have had generally higher education, with a higher percentage of women in the labor force and more often occupying well with Baby Boomers, but share different values. While they are comfortable in office environments, they are more relaxed at home. They're less interested in advancing their careers than Baby Boomers and more interested in quality of life. Characteristics The Generation X/Millennial cuspers are most commonly referred to as Xennials, although other names include The Oregon Trail Generation, Generation Catalano and The Lucky Ones. Researchers point out that these cuspers have both the healthy skepticism of Generation X and the optimism of Millennials. They are likely to challenge authority, but also are more career-focused than Generation X. While not all meaning of the term to a January 23, 1970 article in The Washington Post. Pew Research Center defines baby boomers as being born between 1946 and 1964. The United States Census Bureau defines baby boomers as "individuals born in the United States between mid-1946 and mid-1964." The Australian Bureau of Statistics defines baby boomers as those born between 1946 and 1964. Australia's Social Research Center defines baby boomers as born between 1946 and 1964. In the U.S., the generation can be segmented into two broadly defined cohorts: The Leading-Edge Baby Boomers are individuals born between 1946 and 1955, those who came stereotypes that baby boomers and millennials face at work, and how to help a mixed-generation team succeed. AARP quoted Rikleen in its review as saying, "If boomers want to coexist with twentysomethings, then they — the older generation — need an attitude adjustment." level reported as higher overall than that of Generation X in 2017. According to a 2018 report from Cancer Research UK, millennials in the United Kingdom are on track to have the highest rates of overweight and obesity, with current data trends indicating millennials will overtake the Baby boomer generation in this regard, making millennials the heaviest generation since current records began. Cancer Research UK reports that more than 70% of millennials will be overweight or obese by ages 35–45, in comparison to 50% of Baby boomers who were overweight or obese at the same ages. Workplace attitudes The majority of hour-long quiz show testing the popular culture knowledge of teams from three different cultural generations. The generation team captains are Amanda Keller (Baby Boomers), Charlie Pickering (Generation X) and Josh Thomas (Generation Y). Each team captain is joined by a different guest each episode who is part of their respective generations. However, on occasion there have been guests not actually part of the generation they represent on the show. (For example, Ian Smith and George Negus have featured as Baby Boomers but are actually members of the Silent Generation.) Generally guests aged up to 30 are placed in the Generation How the Hell Did We Get Here? How the Hell Did We Get Here? is an Australian television program on ABC1, subtitled The Baby Boomer's Guide To Big Events. It is an interview and clip show where Australian celebrities of the baby boomer generation tell of their experiences as baby boomers and clips are shown. Each episode is themed, such as baby boomers music, etc. expected to rise. With "Millennials" becoming the interest of many organisations, flexible working seems to attract them. As ethnic diversity and high level of education are their main characteristics, it is seen that Millennials are more likely to change their jobs more than the previous generation for economic reasons. Additionally, due to the delay in the retirement of baby boomers' generation, gaps in workforce were created, waiting for the Millennial generation to fill them. Flexible working time accounts Flexible working time accounts is also known as deposited working-time accounts or work bank account system. It is derived from the German edge of the baby boomers, who were counter-culture "hippies" and political activists during the 1960s, have been referred to sympathetically as the "Now generation", in contrast to the Me generation. Generations in the workforce Baby Boomers Baby Boomers, born approximately between 1946 and 1964 were brought up in a healthy post war economy and saw the world revolving around them as the largest generation of the century. Their lifestyle is to live for work and they often expect the same level of dedication and work ethics from the next generations. They are said to prefer face to face communication, are interactive team players and attain personal fulfilment from work. Baby Boomers are often branded workaholics leaving little to no work-life balance which has inevitably led to a breakdown in family
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opinion, recognizing a sample source is part of the excitement of discovering hip hop, and that may have been lost in the race to find obscure records. Release In addition to the usual release on CD and on iTunes, the group also produced a limited release of the full album on double vinyl. Only 2000 copies were pressed, and the records included yellow highlighter-colored, streaked 180-g vinyl, heavy-cardboard casing (reminiscent of pre-digital era releases), and a foil-stamped, die-cut tear strip. Highlighter was the first commercially released album to ever be released with a digital download in 24-bit HD-AAC format. In addition Multisystem pens Lamy produces multisystem pens, which combine a ballpoint and another feature within the one pen, such as the Pickup, which integrates a ballpoint and a highlighter into one body. The highlighter is released from the body of the pen by depressing a button on the body of the pen, and can be reinserted into the body of the pen. The Pickup was also designed by Wolfgang Fabian, and has won the red dot award for product design. Mechanical pencils Lamy produces mechanical pencils. Some of the other Lamy designs exist in mechanical pencil form, such as the 2000 theme, filmed on Hanseo University's airfield. On October 30, 2013, Leader Janghyun was discharged from his military service. 2014–2017: Janghyun's departure, Sunny Blues, Way, and contract expiration On January 17, LOEN announced that Sunny Hill would be returned as co-ed group with their third digital single Don't Say Anything. It was announced that Janghyun's the last participated with the group before departure to pursue his career as a producer. Sunny Hill official released their third digital single Don't Say Anything for the last time as co-ed group on January 24. Sunny Hill released their first studio album, Sunny Blues, separated into Part Highlighter A highlighter is a type of writing device used to draw attention to sections of text by marking them with a vivid, translucent colour. A typical highlighter is fluorescent yellow, coloured with pyranine. Different compounds, such as rhodamines (Rhodamine 6GD, Rhodamine B) are used for other colours. History A highlighter is a felt-tip marker filled with transparent fluorescent ink instead of black or opaque ink. The first highlighter was invented by Dr. Frank Honn in 1962 and produced by Carter's Ink Company, using the trademarked name HI-LITER. Avery Dennison Corporation now owns the brand, having acquired Carter's Ink Company in a surface's disposition to reflect certain percentages of light specified for each wavelength within the visible spectrum. Both relationalism and physicalism of these kinds are so called realist theories, since apart from specifying what colors are, they maintain that colored things exist. Primitivism may be either realist or antirealist, since primitivism simply claims that colors aren't reducible to anything else. Some primitivists further accept that, though colors are primitive properties, no real or nomologically possible objects have them. Insofar as we visually represent things as colored - on this view - we are victims of color illusions. For this reason primitivism that Club. After a string of releases including singles "H.O.P.E.", "Anything, Anything" & "Pleased to Meet You" as well as further EP "Darling Don't Dive" the band announced their album All the Sides of a Circle would be released in 2015. Currently living in Berlin, Mullen whilst featuring on all of the band's recordings, is only an occasional live member. Other projects In 2008 Mullen worked with instrumental band Codes in the Clouds remixing their track "Don't Awash in This Digital Landscape". Mullen provided vocals whilst his Yourcodenameis:milo bandmate Justin Lockey produced the remix. On the Tear the Signs Down album I Don't Know Anything Composition The verse bar for "I Don't Know Anything" features a droning, overdriven guitar melody centered on the use of harmonics. Release and reception "I Don't Know Anything" peaked at number 20 on the Billboard Mainstream Rock Tracks chart. Although the single was released to radio across North America and the world, it was only commercially available in Austria. Live performances "I Don't Know Anything" was first performed live at the band's October 12, 1994 concert in Seattle, Washington at the Crocodile Cafe. A live performance of "I Don't Know Anything" appears on the "I Don't One (Sky Ferreira song) Composition "One" is a synth-pop and Europop song. It was written by Ferreira and Marit Bergman in less than 30 minutes, and was produced by Bloodshy & Avant, who were responsible for some of Britney Spears' singles such as "Toxic", "Piece of Me", and "Radar". Ferreira stated the song is about "being numb and wanting to feel love, happiness, sadness—anything, really. It's kind of like the Tin Man wanting a heart." In an interview with Digital Spy, Ferreira elaborated on the meaning behind "One": "It's about that point where you don't feel anything—you don't feel happy, you of the Sun, to kick off the inaugural Governor's Ball Music Festival in NYC. While on stage at the show, Thes One and Double K announced the name of their eighth album: Highlighter. Released on September 30, 2011, Highlighter was the first album on the new Piecelock 70 label, and it was released on limited-edition, yellow-streaked audiophile vinyl, in addition to the standard CD and iTunes release formats. Like Stepfather, the album was one of the more experimental releases for the group, employing alternate time-signatures, live instrumentation, and even a string section. Highlighter was also distinctive because it was the first commercial Highlighter (cosmetics) Highlighter is a type of cosmetic product that reflects light. Often used for contouring, it can applied to the face or other parts of the body to brighten the skin on a given area, create the perception of depth and angles. The product can come in a variety of forms, including powder, liquid, cream, gloss, solid stick and jelly. Highlighters became a significant tool among theater and film actors shooting or performing indoors, where natural light was not available to provide definition of facial features like cheekbones, nose, and jawline. Highlighter also offered the possibility of heightening or diminishing
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raw material Due to the fact that pigs can eat unused food originally meant for humans, and due to high availability of such food in many industrialized countries, pork and other products from pigs have become securely sourced and low-priced commodities. This makes pig products very popular as raw material in many industrially produced products. Religious restrictions Eating of pork is prohibited by orthodox Jewish dietary laws and Islamic dietary laws, and is also avoided by mainstream Seventh-day Adventists, Rastafarians, and members of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. There is also a theory that pork was taboo in Scotland Batchoy Preparation Ingredients include pork offal (liver, spleen, kidneys and heart) crushed pork cracklings, beef loin, shrimp broth, and round egg noodles or miki. Oil is heated in a stock-pot. The pork organs, shrimp, chicken and beef are stir-fried for about a minute. Soy sauce is then added. The shrimp is then added and left to simmer for a few minutes. This broth is then added to a bowl of noodles and topped with leeks, pork cracklings (chicharon) and sometimes a raw egg is cracked on top. Eating Most Filipinos eat the soup using spoon and fork. The soup is heavier but less fatty results. A more recent development is the pork crunch, which is made from the back rind and again double-fried to become a large, puffy snack. Some supermarkets now sell just the layer of skin and fat (no meat), in a raw form for home grilling or roasting, or cooked and ready to eat from hot food counters. The term "crackling" is also often applied to a twice-cooked variety of pork scratchings. pastry), crispelle (deep fried dough balls with ricotta or anchovies filling.) During street-fairs and religious festivals, street stalls sell calia e simenza (toasted chickpeas and pumpkin seeds). Typical from old street markets are sangeli (cooked pork blood), quarumi (pork tripe), zuzzu (pork jelly), mauru (edible seaweed), and raw seafood. Horse meat is very traditional and it is sold in shops called arrusti e mancia (“roast it and eat it”), which roast the meat in streetside barbecues. Apart from street food, typical dishes from Catania are: pasta alla Norma (pasta with fried eggplant, tomato sauce and ricotta salata cheese), named after the juice, garlic and onions, a specialty of the Tagalog region. The onions are usually cut into rings, and are added raw when the dish is either already cooked, or almost cooked for the onions to soften but maintain its crunchiness. Bistek Tagalog is known in the Spanish-speaking world as bistec encebollado or bistec tagalo. It is usually anglicized in Philippine English as "beefsteak". A variation of bistek in the Philippines is bistek na baboy ("pork bistek") or "porksteak", in which pork—pork chops or pork belly slices—is used instead of beef. Som moo Som moo (Lao: ສົ້ມໝູ; literally "sour pork"), Naem (Thai: แหนม), Mu som (Thai: หมูส้ม), or Chinsom (Northern Thai: จิ๊นส้ม), is a type of preserved pork sausage that is a traditional celebratory food from Vietnam. It is made from raw ground pork and shredded pork skin. A thin layer of star gooseberry leaves, guava leaves, or fig leaves are used to wrap a small lump of raw ground pork and skin. These leaves contains a natural souring agent, causing the raw pork to ferment, making it edible after a few days. As a celebratory dish, nem is flavor, but not for any benefit of cooking. Before cooking, a cotto salame is considered raw and not ready to eat. Three major stages are involved in the production of salami: preparation of raw materials, fermentation, and ripening and drying. Minor differences in the formulation of the meat or production techniques give rise to the various kinds of salami across different countries. Preparation Before fermentation, raw meat (usually pork or beef depending on the type of salami that is produced) is ground (usually coarsely) and mixed with other ingredients such as salt, sugar, spices and yeast, and, if the pork" (2001). 1A30-eat-DES pork Tawi   ∅-ak-tɨne       pow"Davi wants to eat pork" (2001). Davi 3A30-eat-DES pork This morpheme is also used with auxiliary verbs, when the predicate has non-verbal elements at its core. ugw-erem   pe m-it-tɨne     omro        "You want to be our chief" (2001). 1+2-chief  EXT 2-AUX-DES    you Morphemes to indicate immediate past Ikpeng uses to morphemes to conjugate verbs in the "immediate past," meaning a period of time understood to be the moment right before the present and, at the very latest, yesterday (Campetela, 1997). These morphemes Spices are added as for salsiccia. Salami are ready-to-eat as purchased; typically, they are sliced thinly for consumption and eaten cold, for instance as salumi. Macedonia Macedonian sausages (kolbas, lukanec) are made from fried pork, onions, and leeks, with herbs and spices. Malta Maltese sausage (Maltese: Zalzett tal-Malti) is made of pork, sea salt, black peppercorns, coriander seeds and parsley. It is short and thick in shape and can be eaten grilled, fried, stewed, steamed or even raw when freshly made. A barbecue variety is similar to the original but with a thinner skin and less salt. Netherlands and Belgium Salsiccia cruda Salsiccia cruda (raw sausage) is a spiced pork cruda made in Northern Italy. The taste of the tartare type dish is described as soft and buttery. It is often served with toast and olive oil. Salsiccia cruda is against FDA regulations on raw pork.
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the Zeitgest of their era. As icons of 1965 fashion the dresses have been described as giving a new perspective on haute couture - namely that it didn't have to consist of a total look any more, and that it could be easy to wear. Popularity The Mondrian collection was widely published in many fashion magazines, with one dress featuring on the cover of Vogue in 1965. Mondrian style dresses became very popular, with many mass manufacturers producing copies of the designs for lower prices, which were then widely circulated.
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for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.’ (Matthew 25:31–36), And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’ Then he will say to say hello to my brother, Yushin through this interview. I am saddened that he returned to Japan – it feels like I parted with a close friend. Though Yushin lost against me, he came forward and asked to train with me: Is this a Japanese thing? It is admirable that he tried to learn from an opponent who defeated him. While at Team Quest in Portland, he thoroughly handled me during training. I was lucky that I managed to defeat him in our fight. I probably won’t agree to a rematch with him (laughs). The one fighter whom I never promise to Smith, "He is a religious man and I told him I would pledge him what he asked of me to say. I pledged it to him, although if I honestly believed it, I would say it, and satisfy myself, and it was this: 'Oh, God, for Christ's sake, forgive me for my sins.'" Hayward also said of his brother Adry, "He has done me no wrong. I have done him a great injustice and wrong, and I have asked for his forgiveness and received it." Hayward's, "flippant monologue," continued until Sheriff Holmberg cut in and ordered him to, "Die like experience of working with Beyoncé: You know how many verses I did for that song. I did a version of that before her album [4] even came out. I did two verses. I love these verses too, but they ended up going with André's verse and André killed it. [...] Then [Beyoncé] reached out to me and she wanted me to get on the remix. I did two more verses. Out of the second set that I did, she picked the first verse. But my second verse, I just gotta say for the record… It was just too long, I think costume. "It was just me. And one of my friends who knew that I was a magician said to me, 'You should do this in your act. You could be Puff the Magic Dragon.' And I said, 'Wait, I could be Piff the Magic Dragon. You might have heard of my older brother, Steve.' And that's where that came from." When asked in an interview why he is a dragon, and not some other mythological being, van der Put responded: The first question is, “Am I even a dragon?” Because, well I don’t have wings … I can’t even fly. So, I he was 13, he had had brief contact with her daughter Stasha in the early 2000s. "He emailed me and I didn't know what to say. So I put them together. They corresponded for a bit and then that stopped. He is cold, like his father. David cut me off. Zowie, or Duncan, cut me and Stasha off," she said. When asked by The Times in 2017 whether she had been in touch with her son since David Bowie's death the year before, she responded, "My son? No, why should I be? I'm not interested. It stopped when my father to call Jake and say, ‘Hey, can you come bail me out?' And he could help you fix it. I called him once, when my car wasn't running right, and asked, ‘Jake, can you come over and crew chief this car for me?' And he said, ‘All right, just one race.' And he came over with his tool box – which was filled with so much doggone prehistoric stuff that it was unreal. He had the string out, and the levels, and said, ‘You do this and this.…' And I took it to Charlotte and had my best run ever." Lil Wayne, before gearing up to release his debut single, "Whatcha Say". In an interview with Digital Spy, Derulo spoke about the inspiration for the song. He said, "Basically my brother called me one day and said, 'I cheated on my girl, but I love her so much and I hope she'll give me one more shot'. I found his story really compelling, so I just went into the studio and tried it out. You know, people go through that kind of thing every day, which is why the song is so relatable. She did take my brother back though and Tinnu Anand Directing His father, Inder Raj Anand, was a well-known writer in the film industry, but he did not want Tinnu, or his younger brother Bittu, to enter this industry. he would say that it was not the place for them. "..when I told him I wanted to direct films, he was very upset. Ultimately, though, he saw that I didn't want to do anything else. So he sent me to the best school - the Satyajit Ray School. Mr. Ray and my father were friends, so my father asked him to take me under his wing." Tinnu had been me to a taping and asked what was up. I told her this whole sob story ending with, “I was at the lowest point in my life,” and she said, “Oh well, you know that they’re hiring,” and then sort of didn’t say anything. And then a month later they hired me, although she did say after I got hired, “Yeah, give it a month and a half, you’ll be complaining just as much as you were before.” I think she really nailed the comedy writer mindset. On The Colbert Report Lesser has appeared as different characters, among them a
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Stanitsa Historical definition Historically, the stanitsa was a unit of economic and political organisation of the Cossack peoples primarily in the southern regions of the Russian Empire. Much of the land was held in common by the stanitsa, subject to annual allocation to Cossack families by the Ataman, the appointed leader of the community. This was a fully democratic, unique process, characteristic of Russia's South only. A similar democratic system was only used in Novgorod Republic, before its annexation by the Muscovite Tsardom. embarrassment to the party. "Now let me tell you, folks," Mattox said. "This system we've got is an expensive system. It's an unintelligible system. It is an acrimonious system across the board. It is subject to misconduct, it is subject to fraud, it is subject to manipulation. It's unfair, it's uncertain, it's inaccurate, and it's an embarrassment to our party." Death In 2008, Mattox worked in Hillary Clinton's unsuccessful bid for the Democratic presidential nomination. He died eight months thereafter at the age of 65 in his sleep at his home in Dripping Springs in Hays County west of Austin. who applies for or renews a driver's license or public assistance. In 1996, Rock the Vote created the first telephone voter registration system, 1-800-REGISTER, followed by the first online voter-registration system, NetVote, later that year. "We supported Rock the Vote," said Radiohead's Thom Yorke, "but – because of the way the whole political system works – it does seem rather odd to be choosing between one unworkable, outdated system and another. We need to go beyond that – because, at the moment, it's just Cowboys and Indians." With CNN, Rock the Vote organized "America Rocks the Vote," a 2003 Democratic presidential candidates forum a democratic system in both politics and media. The transformation from an authoritarian to a democratic political system has three phases: Phase 1: end of the old authoritarian regime Phase 2: transformation and institutionalisation of democracy Phase 3: consolidation of democracy through a new system The process of transformation from an authoritarian to a democratic media system also has three phases, similar to the phases of transformation in political systems: Phase 1: breakthrough in the media sector Phase 2: fixation of the changes in the media sector Phase 3: development of a stable media system Types of transformation processes In comparative media system research, scholars have identified three electoral process. Guerrillas, "can resort to subversion of the government by means of elections," it said. "Insurgent leaders participate in political contests as candidates for government office." Peaceful democratic activity is equated with terrorists. "It is important to note that many terrorists are very well trained in subversion of the democratic process and use the system to advance their causes," the manual said. "This manipulation ends with the destruction of the democratic system. Discontent that can become political violence can have as its cause political, social, and economic activities of terrorists operating within the democratic system," it adds. The manual example, a coup d'état. The Greek military junta of 1967–74 used political engineering utilizing a coup d'état to dissolve the democratic system of Greece with catastrophic results. Political engineering can also be employed to design alternative voting procedures in a democratic system. In the social arena the counterpart of political engineering is social engineering. Declaration of Sovereignty on 12 June 1990 (officially celebrated in today's Russia as Independence Day); and the passage of key legislation that transformed Russia's political and economic system in 1990-1992. In March 1991, it set up an umbrella coalition with allied factions - "Democratic Platform", "Joint Faction of Social Democrats and Republicans" (formerly "Left Center"), "Radical Democrats", "Independents" and "Labor Union". This coalition, under the name of Democratic Russia Parliamentary Bloc and other names, held sway in the Russian parliament until spring 1992. In 1992-1993, the faction, led by Ponomaryov, lost members and allies mostly as a result of growing opposition to Almond, there are four types of political systems; 1)Anglo-American Political System 2)Continental European Political System 3)Pre-Industrial Political System 4)Totalitarian Political System. He says that Anglo-American and Continental European Political systems show democratic regimes. The Anglo-American political system is a homogenous and secular political system, while the Continental European political system is characterized by a fragmentation of political culture due to plural societies within European countries. According to Gabriel Almond, Separation of power doctrine is also concerned with political stability. He extends the idea of “separation of power” from three formal branches of government, executives and legislature, to informal political subcultures like parties, interest groups and the the November 9, 2009 edition of The 700 Club Robertson stated "Islam is a violent – I was going to say, 'religion', but it's not a religion; it's a political system. It's a violent political system bent on the overthrow of the governments of the world, and world domination. That is the ultimate aim. And they talk about infidels and all this, but the truth is that's what the game is. So, you're dealing with a – not a religion – you're dealing with a political system. And I think we should treat it as such, and treat its adherents he didn't have support of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), and since it's a custom that the Speaker is elected unanimously. He was eventually elected Deputy speaker and Chairman of the Committee on the Constitution, Standing Orders and Political System of the Croatian Parliament. On 2016 parliamentary election, he was re-elected to the Parliament and later to the position of the chairman of the Committee on the Constitution, Standing Orders and Political System with the support from HDZ and SDSS. After Bridge of Independent Lists decided to leave Cabinet of Andrej Plenković and therefore move to the opposition, Podolnjak was
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(such as Starbucks novelty cups) or cups with metal lining. If any bit of the metal is exposed, all the outer shell will burst off the object or melt. The high electrical fields generated inside a microwave often can be illustrated by placing a radiometer or neon glow-bulb inside the cooking chamber, creating glowing plasma inside the low-pressure bulb of the device. Direct microwave exposure Direct microwave exposure is not generally possible, as microwaves emitted by the source in a microwave oven are confined in the oven by the material out of which the oven is constructed. Furthermore, ovens are equipped power from a magnetron into a metal box from which it had no way to escape. When food was placed in the box with the microwave energy, the temperature of the food rose rapidly. On 8 October 1945, Raytheon filed a United States patent application for Spencer's microwave cooking process, and an oven that heated food using microwave energy from a magnetron was soon placed in a Boston restaurant for testing. Commercial availability In 1947, Raytheon built the "Radarange", the first commercially available microwave oven. It was almost 1.8 metres (5 ft 11 in) tall, weighed 340 kilograms (750 lb) and cost about on. They are also used to perform research such as Upstream, Biomass, Biopolymer, Zeolite, etc. The drawbacks of a metal pressure reactor (bomb) are set-up, maintenance, and corrosiveness. Microwave synthesizer The drawbacks of a microwave synthesizer are solvent limitation a more effective antenna, resulting in a longer lived spark. When dielectric breakdown occurs in air, some ozone and nitrogen oxides are formed, both of which are unhealthy in large quantities. It is possible for metal objects to be microwave-oven compatible, although experimentation by users is not encouraged. Microwaving an individual smooth metal object without pointed ends, for example, a spoon or shallow metal pan, usually does not produce sparking. Thick metal wire racks can be part of the interior design in microwave ovens (see illustration). In a similar way, the interior wall plates with perforating holes which allow light and Glen Alvelais Glen Alvelais (born February 22, 1968) is a heavy metal guitarist from the San Francisco Bay Area. Alvelais was the lead guitarist for Forbidden and has also played in Testament. Alvelais left Forbidden in 1989, a year after the release of their cult classic debut Forbidden Evil. In 2008, Alvelais orchestrated the reuniting of Forbidden, and has written guitar solos for the metal band Tenet, featuring Jed Simon, Gene Hoglan, and Steve "Zetro" Souza. As of July 2009, Glen is no longer part of Forbidden's reunion. Alvelais projects include, "LD/50", which features vocalist Clark Brown, bassist Terry Goss, and drummer 1945 Percy Spencer, an engineer working on radar at Raytheon, noticed that microwave radiation from a magnetron oscillator melted a candy bar in his pocket. He investigated cooking with microwaves and invented the microwave oven, consisting of a magnetron feeding microwaves into a closed metal cavity containing food, which was patented by Raytheon on 8 October 1945. Due to their expense microwave ovens were initially used in institutional kitchens, but by 1986 roughly 25% of households in the U.S. owned one. Microwave heating became widely used as an industrial process in industries such as plastics fabrication, United States Air Force and Marines are currently using this type of active denial system in fixed installations. Spectroscopy Microwave radiation is used in electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR or ESR) spectroscopy, typically in the X-band region (~9 GHz) in conjunction typically with magnetic fields of 0.3 T. This technique provides information on unpaired electrons in chemical systems, such as free radicals or transition metal ions such as Cu(II). Microwave radiation is also used to perform rotational spectroscopy and can be combined with electrochemistry as in microwave enhanced electrochemistry. Microwave frequency measurement Microwave frequency can be measured by either electronic or mechanical the face of one of his co-workers, who was looking in the kettle to observe. Spencer then created the first true microwave oven by attaching a high-density electromagnetic field generator to an enclosed metal box. The magnetron emitted microwaves into the metal box blocking any escape, allowing for controlled and safe experimentation. He then placed various food items in the box, while observing effects and monitoring temperatures. Raytheon filed a patent on October 8, 1945 for a microwave cooking oven, eventually named the Radarange. In 1947, the first commercially produced microwave oven was about 6 feet tall, weighed about 750 lbs, and inherent to any form of cooking, the rapid cooking and unattended nature of the use of microwave ovens results in additional hazard. Metal objects Any metal or conductive object placed into the microwave will act as an antenna to some degree, resulting in an electric current. This causes the object to act as a heating element. This effect varies with the object's shape and composition, and is sometimes utilized for cooking. Any object containing pointed metal can create an electric arc (sparks) when microwaved. This includes cutlery, crumpled aluminium foil (though some foil used in microwaves is safe, see below), twist-ties for this purpose, but it is readily accomplished by soaking the denture overnight in a 1:10 solution of sodium hypochlorite (Milton, or household bleach). Bleach may corrode metal components, so if the denture contains metal, soaking it twice daily in chlorhexidine solution can be carried out instead. An alternative method of disinfection is to use a 10% solution of acetic acid (vinegar) as an overnight soak, or to microwave the dentures in 200mL water for 3 minutes at 650 watts. Microwave sterilization is only suitable if no metal components are present in the denture. Antifungal medication can also be applied to the
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high-pressure hose wagons and respond to incidents where hydrants or other water sources are not close enough to the fireground and firefighters are hampered by a lack of water. The vehicle will lay out its hose at the nearest hydrant or open source, and then drive to the fireground with the hose laying off the back. Upon arrival it will connect to a standard appliance to supply it with the water needed for the firefighting operations. The HLU may also be used to remove large amounts of water from an incident ground, such as a flood. Incident response unit An of boosting. It can be controlled by a boost pressure assisted, generally vacuum hose attachment point diaphragm (for vacuum and positive pressure to return commonly oil contaminated waste to the emissions system) to force the spring-loaded diaphragm to stay closed until the overboost point is sensed by the ecu or a solenoid operated by the engine's electronic control unit or a boost controller, but most production vehicles use a single vacuum hose attachment point spring-loaded diaphragm that can alone be pushed open, thus limiting overboost ability due to exhaust gas pressure forcing open the wastegate. Anti-surge/dump/blow off valves Turbocharged engines inches (150 mm)) hose, bent so the diver can read it easily, and held in place against the cylinder valve or first stage with bungie cord. The regulator hose is octopus length (about 1 metre (39 in)) and when not in use is secured to the cylinder under an elastic band. The cylinder valve is closed when not in use, though the regulator may be pressurised to keep water out before starting the dive. Submersible pressure gauges The SPG must be neatly clipped off where it cannot snag or cause unnecessary drag. This implies a hose just long enough to reach the Hard suction hose Flexible suction hose (Flex suction or suction hose), not to be confused with hard suction hose in U.S., is a specific type of fire hose used in drafting operations, when a fire engine uses a vacuum to draw water from a portable water tank, pool, or other static water source. It is built to withstand vacuum, rather than pressure, abrasion, and heat. Conversely, hard suction is capable of withstanding up to 200 PSIG, as well as vacuum. In the United States, it is standard equipment according to the National Fire Protection Association standards for fire tries flooding them out, but Jerry and the bird stop the hose with a mousetrap until the water backs up enough and the bird comes out and pops the hose, leaving Tom tied up in the hose. Tom then tries catching the bird on a telephone wire and almost electrocutes himself, then falls off bashing into a wheelbarrow and into a shed, where he gets an idea. He turns himself into some kind of bird then climbs a tree, but before he could take off, Jerry brings an electric oscillating stand fan over, turns it on, and Tom loses his balance, Fire hose A fire hose (or firehose) is a high-pressure hose that carries water or other fire retardant (such as foam) to a fire to extinguish it. Outdoors, it attaches either to a fire engine or a fire hydrant. Indoors, it can permanently attach to a building's standpipe or plumbing system. The usual working pressure of a firehose can vary between 8 and 20 bar (800 and 2,000 kPa; 116 and 290 psi) while per the NFPA 1961 Fire Hose Standard, its bursting pressure is in excess of 110 bar, (11,000kPa; 1600psi) After use, a fire hose is usually hung to dry, because standing water cannot stop a detonation wave because they are not capable of closing before the wave passes around the gate. For that reason a flashback arrestor is needed. It is designed to operate before the detonation wave makes it from the hose side to the supply side. Between the regulator and hose, and ideally between hose and torch on both oxygen and fuel lines, a flashback arrestor and/or non-return valve (check valve) should be installed to prevent flame or oxygen-fuel mixture being pushed back into either cylinder and damaging the equipment or causing a cylinder to explode. European practice is to fit flashback orientation in the water. In modern single-hose sets this problem is avoided by moving the second-stage regulator to the diver's mouthpiece. The twin-hose regulators came with a mouthpiece as standard, but a full-face diving mask was an option. Single-hose regulator Most modern open-circuit scuba sets have a diving regulator consisting of a first-stage pressure-reducing valve connected to the diving cylinder's output valve or manifold. This regulator reduces the pressure from the cylinder, which may be up to 300 bars (4,400 psi), to a lower pressure, generally between about 9 and 11 bar above the ambient pressure. A low-pressure hose links this with and better gap values. Whereas the UL Standard does not allow an increase of the dimension of the tested door, you can decrease the dimension without any restriction. Last but not least, UL requires at the end of the fire exposure a hose stream test, where water from a hose is directed to the tested assembly. No water shall penetrate and the door shall withstand the impact. The EN standard does not mention anything similar. Difference in the neutral pressure requirement The neutral pressure requirements for furnaces according EN 1363-1 are stricter than the pressure criteria requirements of UL through a small pipe or monitor attached to the top of the pump tub. It was not until the late 1860s that hoses became widely available to convey water more easily from the hand pumps, and later steam pumpers, to the fire. In Amsterdam in the Dutch Republic, the Superintendent of the Fire Brigade, Jan van der Heyden, and his son Nicholaas took firefighting to its next step with the fashioning of the first fire hose in 1673. These 50-foot (15 m) lengths of leather were sewn together like a boot leg. Even with the limitations of pressure, the attachment of the
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of swallowing, and protecting the oral mucosa from drying out. Various animal species have special uses for saliva that go beyond predigestion. Some swifts use their gummy saliva to build nests. Aerodramus nests form the basis of bird's nest soup. Cobras, vipers, and certain other members of the venom clade hunt with venomous saliva injected by fangs. Some caterpillars produce silk fiber from silk proteins stored in modified salivary glands. Daily salivary output There is much debate about the amount of saliva that is produced in a healthy person per day; estimates range from 6 to 15 litres per day while it oral hygiene, is relatively clean and contains enough antimicrobial compounds such as lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, and secretory immunoglobulin A which can help clear pathogens from the child and benefit the child against infection. Furthermore, human saliva has opiorphin, a newly researched pain-killing substance. Initial research with mice shows the compound has a painkilling effect of up to six times that of morphine. It works by stopping the normal breakdown of natural pain-killing opioids in the spine, called enkephalins. Opiorphin in human saliva is a relatively simple molecule, and the child's immune system may trigger a biochemical cascade (complement system) to produce their mouths with dried rice and spit it back out. Similarly, in ancient China, those accused of a crime would have rice powder placed in their mouths. In ancient middle-eastern cultures, the accused were made to lick hot metal rods briefly. It is thought that these tests had some validity since a guilty person would produce less saliva and thus have a drier mouth; the accused would be considered guilty if rice was sticking to their mouths in abundance or if their tongues were severely burned due to lack of shielding from saliva. Development of forensic science In 16th-century Europe, for bird's nest soup. Wound licking A common belief is that saliva contained in the mouth has natural disinfectants, which leads people to believe it is beneficial to "lick their wounds". Researchers at the University of Florida at Gainesville have discovered a protein called nerve growth factor (NGF) in the saliva of mice. Wounds doused with NGF healed twice as fast as untreated and unlicked wounds; therefore, saliva can help to heal wounds in some species. NGF has not been found in human saliva; however, researchers find human saliva contains such antibacterial agents as secretory IgA, lactoferrin, lysozyme and peroxidase. and flossing, if that's not possible, to prevent tooth decay and increase saliva production. Chewing gum can also help with the lack of saliva or xerostomia since it naturally stimulates saliva production. Saliva is made of chemicals, such as organic molecules, inorganic ions and macromolecules. 0.5% of saliva deals with dental health, since tooth enamel is made of calcium phosphate, those inorganic ions in saliva help repair the teeth and keep them in good condition. The pH of saliva is neutral, which having a pH of 7 allows it to remineralize tooth enamel. Falling below a pH of 5.5 (which makes it difficult for bacteria to adhere to surfaces to even begin to form biofilms. Many harmful micro-organisms, therefore, are unable to attach quick enough to a surface before they are caught in saliva and swallowed. Although saliva does a lot to keep our bodies healthy, it cannot completely keep all bacteria from adhering to tooth, tongue or gum surfaces. Diseases transmitted through saliva Each day numerous bacteria grow in a person's mouth. Many diseases are related to oral bacteria. Proper oral care and habits often protect against and reduce the effects of some harmful bacteria. Because of the amount of part of the tongue and these also produce lingual lipase. Lipase is a digestive enzyme that catalyses the hydrolysis of lipids (fats). These glands are termed Von Ebner's glands which have also been shown to have another function in the secretion of histatins which offer an early defense (outside of the immune system) against microbes in food, when it makes contact with these glands on the tongue tissue. Sensory information can stimulate the secretion of saliva providing the necessary fluid for the tongue to work with and also to ease swallowing of the food. Saliva Saliva moistens and softens food, the ruminant then digests the bacteria in the abomasum. The enzyme lysozyme has adapted to facilitate digestion of bacteria in the ruminant abomasum. Pancreatic ribonuclease also degrades bacterial RNA in the ruminant small intestine as a source of nitrogen. During grazing, ruminants produce large amounts of saliva – estimates range from 100 to 150 litres of saliva per day for a cow. The role of saliva is to provide ample fluid for rumen fermentation and to act as a buffering agent. Rumen fermentation produces large amounts of organic acids, thus maintaining the appropriate pH of rumen fluids is a critical factor sneezed out by Atum from his nose, and Tefnut being spat out like saliva. The Bremner-Rind Papyrus and the Memphite Theology describe Atum as sneezing out saliva to form the twins. Iconography Tefnut is a leonine deity, and appears as human with a lioness head when depicted as part of the Great Ennead of Heliopolis. The other frequent depiction is as a lioness, but Tefnut can also be depicted as fully human. In her fully or semi anthropomorphic form, she is depicted wearing a wig, topped either with a uraeus serpent, or a uraeus and solar disk, and she is peptide-binding groove of the MHC may produce the odorant. Each MHC protein binds to a specific peptide sequence, yielding a set of uniquely bound peptide-MHC complexes for each individual. During cellular turnover, the MHC-peptide complex is shed from the cell surface and the fragments are dispensed in bodily fluids such as blood serum, saliva, and urine. Scientists believe that commensal microflora, microorganisms that line epithelial surfaces open to the external environment such as the gastrointestinal tract and vagina, further degrade these fragments, which are made volatile by this process. Recently, it has been shown that receptors in the
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I wanted people to come to my country." Khan continued by stating that: "I have no idea what I am supposed to apologise for ... If I am in wrong I would like to apologise but someone needs to explain to me what is wrong." He also stated that he does "not want any confrontation. I am trying to explain myself on every platform ... I have not said anything that is anti-national." Khan said that he was willing to meet with Bal Thackeray to discuss the issue. Initially, Shiv Sena rescinded its demand to block release of My Name Is on civil rights issues concerning African Americans. When one senator asked him why he hadn't remained in the Soviet Union, he replied: "Because my father was a slave, and my people died to build this country, and I am going to stay here, and have a part of it just like you. And no fascist-minded people will drive me from it. Is that clear? I am for peace with the Soviet Union, and I am for peace with China, and I am not for peace or friendship with the Fascist Franco, and I am not for peace with Fascist Nazi more exciting than the disorderly haste of active people [...]" As he put it in a 1923 credo, "I am the Cine-Eye. I am the mechanical eye. I the machine show you the world as only I can see it. I emancipate myself henceforth and forever from human immobility. I am in constant motion... My path leads towards the creation of a fresh perception of the world. I can thus decipher a world that you do not know." Like other Russian filmmakers, he attempted to connect his ideas and techniques to the advancement of the aims of the Soviet Union. Whereas a slave, and my people died to build this country, and I am going to stay here, and have a part of it just like you. And no Fascist-minded people will drive me from it. Is that clear? I am for peace with the Soviet Union, and I am for peace with China, and I am not for peace or friendship with the Fascist Franco, and I am not for peace with Fascist Nazi Germans. I am for peace with decent people. When asked about Stalin's purges he stated that, "I have told you, mister, that I would not discuss anything magazine on Fusion TV. In 1989, as he watched the fall of the Berlin Wall, Ramos remembered thinking, "This is why I am what I am!" Other world events he covered include the Salvadoran Civil War, the Persian Gulf War, the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, and the 9/11 terrorist attacks. During the United States's War in Afghanistan, Ramos traveled there on his own while on vacation because his network refused to send him. Throughout his career he has covered five wars. As of 2014, KMEX-DT his Univision 34 news shows regularly beat their English language competition among young viewers. He said in her The Dana Show on KFTK, a conservative radio station, "Can someone explain to me if there's supposed to be a scandal that someone pees on the corpse of a Taliban fighter? Someone who, as part of an organization, murdered over 3,000 Americans? I'd drop trou and do it too. That's me though. I want a million cool points for these guys. Is that harsh to say? Come on people this is a war. What do people think this is. I am totally not politically correct. I told you this. They think that we are going to sit glad to be gay. Jean Genet is mentioned twice in the lyrics to the song "A Cocaine Christmas and an Alcoholic's New Year" which features on the second studio album, Suicide Songs (2016, Bella Union Records) by the English band Money: Like they're Marilyn Monroe at a cocktail party/I'm someone outrageous like Jean Genet...I am Marilyn Monroe I am a cocktail party/I'm someone ugly, beautiful like Jean Genet. Death Genet developed throat cancer and was found dead on 15 April 1986, in a hotel room in Paris. Genet may have fallen on the floor and fatally hit his head. He is "In this song, I try to show how an impulsive drive can turn someone into a monster. I shot a clip where I am wearing a suit and tie and am drinking alcohol, to show that this is a fiction. In any case, I do apologize for the violence. The attitude of this character disgusts me, but I feel I am artistically representing the incident as hatred exactly as a film like A Clockwork Orange does. [...] In the storyline, I have actually been deceived by my girlfriend, and I wanted to describe the impulse of rage that you can MP for Glasgow Hillhead gaining the seat for Labour from the SDP defeating Roy Jenkins with a majority of 3,251 votes. Although known for his left-wing political views, Galloway was never a member of the Campaign Group. In a 2002 Guardian interview, Galloway said he had supported the Soviet Union and asserted that its end was "the biggest catastrophe of my life". Galloway told Robert Chalmers of The Independent on Sunday in June 2012: "I am not a pacifist. I am a revolutionary. I am a Socialist who doesn't like Capitalism and who likes Imperialism less. I am a revolutionary and Why I am not going back to the Soviet Union Why I am not going back to the Soviet Union (Ukrainian: Чому я не хочу вертатись до СРСР?) is an anti-establishment pamphlet authored by Ivan Bahrianyi. It outlines Bahrianyi's own (political) declaration of national dignity, as well as his views on the importance of human rights. The essay opens with the sentence, "I am one of those thousands of people, Ukrainians, who, to the bewilderment of the entire world, do not want to return home to bolshevik rule."
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helps them predict what type of posts they will “comment on, share, or spam in the future.” The predictions are combined together to produce one relevancy score which helps Facebook decide what to show you and what to filter out. In 2016, Facebook introduced reactions (Love, Thankful, Haha, Wow, Sad, and Angry) in addition to liking a post. “Facebook has learned that any Reaction left on a post is a strong indicator that the user was more interested in that post than any other ‘liked’ posts.” Facebook is starting to weigh reactions the same way as likes. So even if the old email spam content resurfaced on social networks, from Viagra ads, to work-from-home scams, to counterfeit merchandise. Recent analysis showed social spammers content preferences changing slightly, with apparel and sports accounting for 36% of all posts. Others included: porn and pills (16%), SEO/web development (23%), and mortgage loans (12%). Social networking spam Social networking spam is spam directed specifically at users of internet social networking services such as Google+, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, or MySpace. Experts estimate that as many as 40% of social network accounts are used for spam. These spammers can utilize the social network's search tools to a backdoor. The SANS Internet Storm Center claimed to have spoken to a Symantec employee who has confirmed that "the program is theirs, part of the update process and not intended to do harm." Graham Cluley, a consultant from antivirus vendor Sophos found PIFTS connected to a Symantec server, forwarding product and computer information. On March 10, Symantec made an official response to the PIFTS program, claiming posts in the support forum were deleted due to forum spam rules; however the deletion of PIFTS-related posts began before the spam attacks. Symantec stated PIFTS itself was a diagnostic patch. Cole stated the purpose for the purpose of spamming links. Posts may include some text to prevent the post being caught by automated spam filters that prevent posts which consist solely of external links from being submitted. Alternatively, the spam links are posted in the user's signature, in which case the spambot will never post. The link sits quietly in the signature field, where it is more likely to be harvested by search engine spiders than discovered by forum administrators and moderators. Since November 2006, a very destructive forum and wiki spam attack has been propagated by inserting into comments redirect domains with an automated posting confidentiality of its users' personal data. In April 2013, a user alleged that Path sent spam SMS invitations to his phone contacts. TechCrunch then speculated that Facebook blocked Path's "Find Friends" access due to this occurrence; however, neither Facebook nor Path confirmed or denied such reports. Even so, Path users can still share their posts to Facebook. Facebook also cut off "Find Friends" access to other apps such as MessageMe and Voxer, which were formally cited as competitors to Facebook, programmers such as Montana Mendy contended this notion. The company was named in a 60 Minutes report on Internet privacy and felt was spam. Stik subsequently switched to sending all review requests via e-mail. There has also been some controversy about the Facebook permissions Stik requires, which include sharing your friend list. A spamtrap can also be a Usenet newsgroup whose sole purpose is to lure cross-posted spam. For example, the newsgroup charter states that any article posted there may be cancelled immediately. Thus, a spammer who cross-posts an article to the entire* hierarchy, including, will find that article is quickly cancelled. 100,000 on Twitter (Zero Hedge had 440,000). On 22 August 2018, Forbes also listed Zero Hedge as one of its "Top 17 Value Investing Blogs You Should Be Reading" Post-2018 On 12 March 2019, Bloomberg reported that Facebook had banned users from sharing Zero Hedge posts three days earlier. MarketWatch, noting that Zero Hedge is a "frequent critic of Facebook", reported that the ban was lifted later that day with Facebook saying that the ban was a "mistake with our automation to detect spam". Business Insider, describing Zero Hedge as "a favorite of City and Wall Street traders, known number of the account owner and aggregated analytical data. The address books and metadata of users are not shared. According to WhatsApp, this account information is shared to "track basic metrics about how often people use our services and better fight spam on WhatsApp. And by connecting your phone number with Facebook's systems, Facebook can offer better friend suggestions and show you more relevant ads if you have an account with them." This means that Facebook can target advertisements on the Facebook Platform better by making links between users based on the phone numbers, and make "friend suggestions" to its it wrong. Even if they did it on purpose, Facebook couldn't have found out their intentions and wouldn't try to do so. Thus, they are reviewing information on Facebook and taking down misrepresented, misleading, or offensive information, but not outright censoring information in certain categories, such as Holocaust denial. As a result of this policy, posts that falsely report on Muslims and Buddhists in Sri Lanka were removed. In 2018, Facebook removed hundreds of pages related to U.S. politics on grounds of "inauthentic activity" one month before the midterm elections. Facebook representatives claimed that the posts and user accounts were deleted
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Straits and then north off the Florida East Coast keeps temperatures moderate a few miles inland from around Stuart on the east coast to Ft. Myers on the west side of the state year round, with few extremes in temperature. The tropical ocean current also provides warm sea surface temperatures, giving Florida beaches the warmest ocean surf waters on the United States mainland. Pressure The low pressure measured from an extratropical cyclone was 28.84 inches/976.7 hPa during the Storm of the Century (1993). From a tropical cyclone, the lowest pressure measured was 26.35 inches/892 hPa in the Florida Keys during the Labor Day reduce plan operating costs. most ductwork, non-equipment pressure drop occurs at transitions and changes of directions (elbows). The bests way to minimize duct pressure drop or to minimize plant operating costs, is to use elbows with an elbow radius to duct radius exceeding 1.5. (For a 15-foot duct, the elbow radius would therefore equal, or exceed, 22.5 ft.) Process duct pressure drops (US practice) are usually measured in inches of water. A typical duct operates at about - 25 inches (160 psf.) total suction pressure, with roughly 75% of the pressure loss in the bag house, and 10% of pressure lost in Troy Gas Light Company Troy gasholder The Troy gasholder was a telescoping two-lift type. Its top section had a diameter of 100 feet (30 m) and a height of 22 feet (6.7 m). The lower section, of the telescoping lift, had a diameter of 101 feet, 6 inches, and a height of 22 feet (6.7 m). The gas storage capacity was 333,000 cubic feet (9,400 m³) of gas. The weight of the gasholder provided pressure for the distribution of gas in the supply mains. The Troy gasholder pressure was 4½ inches of water column. The pressure was measured in inches, in terms of a height (16 in) of snow and winds gusting to 128 kilometres per hour (80 mph). Barometric pressure On Thursday, January 26, the third lowest atmospheric pressure recorded in the mainland United States, apart from a tropical system, occurred as the storm passed over Mount Clemens, Michigan. There the barometer fell to 956.0 mb (28.23 inHg). Nearby Detroit, Michigan air pressure fell to 28.34 inches of mercury (960 mbar). At around that same time, the absolute low pressure for this storm was measured at Sarnia, in Southwestern Ontario, Canada, where the barometer bottomed out at 955.5 mb (28.22 inHg). Toronto pressure fell to 28.40 inches, breaking its old record by the vertical column. Typically, atmospheric pressure is measured between 26.5 inches (670 mm) and 31.5 inches (800 mm) of Hg. One atmosphere (1 atm) is equivalent to 29.92 inches (760 mm) of mercury. Design changes to make the instrument more sensitive, simpler to read, and easier to transport resulted in variations such as the basin, siphon, wheel, cistern, Fortin, multiple folded, stereometric, and balance barometers. Fitzroy barometers combine the standard mercury barometer with a thermometer, as well as a guide of how to interpret pressure changes. Fortin barometers use a variable displacement mercury cistern, usually constructed with a thumbscrew pressing on a fraction of atmospheric pressure. Internal pressure is commonly measured in inches of water, inAq, and varies fractionally from 0.3 inAq for minimal inflation to 3 inAq for maximum, with 1 inAq being a standard pressurization level for normal operating conditions. In terms of the more common pounds per square inch, 1 inAq equates to a mere 0.037 psi (2.54 mBar, 254 Pa). calculation of the actual flow through the whole system. The pressure across the test piece is typically measured with a U tube manometer while, for increased sensitivity and accuracy, the pressure difference across the metering element is measured with an inclined manometer. One end of each manometer is connected to its respective plenum chamber while the other is open to the atmosphere. Ordinarily all flow bench manometers measure in inches of water although the inclined manometer's scale is usually replaced with a logarithmic scale reading in percentage of total flow of the selected metering element which makes flow calculation simpler. Temperature must also intervals of 0.01 inches (0.25 mm), while snow, ice pellets, and most other precipitation types are measured in intervals of 0.1 inches (2.5 mm). Freezing rain is sometimes measured in intervals of 0.1 inches (2.5 mm) and other times intervals of 0.01 inches (0.25 mm), depending on the measuring device. In areas where metric units are used, rain is measured in intervals of 0.2 millimetres (0.008 in), while other precipitation is typically measured in intervals of 0.2 centimetres (0.08 in). Anything less than these amounts is generally referred to as a trace. whistle bell measured 3.5 inches diameter and the whistle was supplied by a four-inch feed pipe. Other records of large whistles include an 1893 account of U.S. President Grover Cleveland activating the “largest steam whistle in the world,” said to be “five feet” at the Chicago World's Fair. The sounding chamber of a whistle installed at the 1924 Long-Bell Lumber Company, Longview, Washington measured 16 inches diameter x 49 inches in length. The whistle bells of multi-bell chimes used on ocean liners such as the RMS Titanic measured 9, 12, and 15 inches diameter. The whistle bells of the Canadian Pacific steamships Assiniboia and Keewatin measured 12 inches in column inches (WC Inch or IWC). The conversion rate is 1 WC inch = 249 Pa. Examples below use the commonly accepted pressure of 50pa which is 20% of 1 IWC. Airflow at a specified building pressure This is the first metric that results from a Blower Door Test. The airflow, (Imperial in Cubic Feet / minute; SI in liters / second) at a given building-to-outside pressure differential, 50 pascal (Q₅₀). This standardized single-point test allows for comparison between homes measured at the same reference pressure. This is a raw number reflecting only the flow of air through the fan. Homes
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Behavior-based robotics Principles Behavior-based robotics sets itself apart from traditional artificial intelligence by using biological systems as a model. Classic artificial intelligence typically uses a set of steps to solve problems, it follows a path based on internal representations of events compared to the behavior-based approach. Rather than use preset calculations to tackle a situation, behavior-based robotics relies on adaptability. This advancement has allowed behavior-based robotics to become commonplace in researching and data gathering. Most behavior-based systems are also reactive, which means they need no programming of internal representations of what a chair looks like, or what kind of surface the sole purpose of promoting their use), with some simulations having in excess of 10,000 variables. Economic simulations have even been used in experiments, such as those done by Donald Broadbent on learning and cognition that revealed how people often have an aptitude for mastering systems without necessarily comprehending the underlying principles. Other games are used to study the behavior of consumers. computer vision algorithms for collision-avoidance software in self-driving cars. Researchers at NVIDIA Corporation, Princeton University, and other institutions are leveraging deep learning to teach computers to anticipate subsequent road scenarios based on visual information about current and previous states. Another example of human-computer interaction are computer simulations meant to predict human behavior based on algorithms. For example, MIT has recently developed an incredibly accurate algorithm to predict the behavior of humans. When tested against television shows, the algorithm was able to predict with great accuracy the subsequent actions of characters. Algorithms and computer simulations like these show great promise for the key learning aspects of the system to the learner. In education, simulations have had their use under a number of different names. Ken Jones in the 1980s defined simulations as interactions between people such as role-playing. Others suggest that experiential learning activities like those found in team training or ropes courses are also simulations because they replicate the human decision-making processes groups may display, albeit in a very different environment. These can be considered instructional simulations because the effective use of these simulation types include using instructional elements to help learners focus on key behaviors, concepts or principles. With the ever decreasing simulations and theories are conducted in parallel to study these phenomena. One of the most famous models that describes such behavior is the Vicsek model introduced by Tamás Vicsek et al. in 1995. Collective behavior of Self-propelled particles Just like biological systems in nature, self-propelled particles also respond to external gradients and show collective behavior. Micromotors or nanomotors can interact with self-generated gradients and exhibit schooling and exclusion behavior. For example, Ibele, et al. demonstrated that silver chloride micromotors, in the presence of UV light, interact with each other at high concentrations and form schools. Similar behavior can also be the shift of robotics from being manual and repetitive to cognitive and non-repetitive. He believes that breakthroughs in mathematical modeling and cloud robotics (machine learning and Artificial Intelligence) make robotics acceptable. In the book Ross describes how other cultures have different reactions to robotics and he uses Japan's use of robotics in elder-care as an example. He also expects that less developed countries may be able to leapfrog technologies in robotics much like they did with cell and mobile technologies. According to Ross, the last trillion dollar industry was created out of computer code; the next trillion dollar industry will be manipulation of an object with a human peer, and linguistic skills such as the grounded and situated meaning of human language. Learning can happen either through autonomous self-exploration or through guidance from a human teacher, like for example in robot learning by imitation. Robot learning can be closely related to adaptive control, reinforcement learning as well as developmental robotics which considers the problem of autonomous lifelong acquisition of repertoires of skills. While machine learning is frequently used by computer vision algorithms employed in the context of robotics, these applications are usually not referred to as "robot learning". Sharing learned skills and knowledge directly from the phone as the engine for opponent AIs. Robotics Many different robotic applications have been built using Soar since the original Robo-Soar was implemented in 1991 for controlling a Puma robot arm. These have ranged from mobile robot control to humanoid service REEM robots, taskable robotic mules and unmanned underwater vehicles. Interactive Task Learning A current focus of research and development in the Soar community is Interactive Task Learning (ITL), the automatic learning of new tasks, environment features, behavioral constraints, and other specifications through natural instructor interaction. Research in ITL has been applied to tabletop game playing and Student-centred learning Background Theorists like John Dewey, Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky, whose collective work focused on how students learn, have informed the move to student-centered learning. Carl Rogers' ideas about the formation of the individual also contributed to student-centered learning. Rogers wrote that "the only learning which significantly influences behavior [and education] is self discovered". Maria Montessori was also a forerunner of student-centered learning, where preschool children learn through independent self-directed interaction with previously presented activities. Self-determination theory focuses on the degree to which an individual’s behavior is self-motivated and 'self-determined'. When students are given the opportunity to gauge their in learning can affect learning outcomes. It has been argued that computer-based simulation games, involving the use of technology that users are less familiar with, can place an additional burden on learners and generate frustration and low satisfaction that can negatively affect learning outcomes Valid criticism appears when students are involved in ‘gaming’ the simulation algorithm in search of higher returns. In this mode of play, students typically manifest behaviour where they adopt high-risk decisions, often giving little thought on the decision-making process itself, thus reducing learning outcomes. Other usages of marketing simulations Additional usage for marketing simulations has
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awareness. It is not to be confused with the individual self which (Ramana) said was essentially non-existent, being a fabrication of the mind, which obscures the true experience of the real Self. He maintained that the real Self is always present and always experienced but he emphasized that one is only consciously aware of it as it really is when the self-limiting tendencies of the mind have ceased. Permanent and continuous Self-awareness is known as Self-realization. Ramana considered the Self to be permanent and enduring, surviving physical death. "The sleep, dream and waking states are mere phenomena appearing on the Self," and highly preferred tool in understanding the developmental stages of self- awareness. There have been many different theories and studies done on what degree of self-awareness is displayed among people with autism spectrum disorder. Scientists have done research about the various parts of the brain associated with understanding self and self-awareness. Studies have shown evidence of areas of the brain that are impacted by ASD. Other theories suggest that helping an individual learn more about themselves through Joint Activities, such as the Mirror Self Awareness Development may help teach positive self-awareness and growth. In helping to build self-awareness it is also up their mundane activities in favour of a meditative life. Self is awareness Ramana stated that the Self is awareness: The Truth is that Self is constant and unintermittent Awareness. The object of enquiry is to find the true nature of the Self as Awareness. Let one practise enquiry so long as separateness is perceived. Giving up awareness of not-self leads to pure awareness: You are awareness. Awareness is another name for you. Since you are awareness there is no need to attain or cultivate it. All that you have to do is to give up being aware of other things, that Objective self-awareness Objective self-awareness is attention focused on the self as a socially evaluable object, as defined by Shelley Duval, Robert Wicklund, and other contemporary social psychologists. Since the original debut of Duval and Wicklund's self-awareness theory in 1972, many experimental psychologists have refined theory and ideas concerning the causes and consequences of self-focused attention. Self-focused attention or self-awareness as often discussed in the context of social psychology refers to situational self-awareness, as opposed to dispositional self-focus. Dispositional self-focus more accurately relates to the construct of self-consciousness, which allows psychologists to measure individual differences in the tendency to think about finds in Kant is not based on either approach, but instead explores what powers the mind must have in order to have experiences and representations that it has. Brook distinguishes four kinds of awareness, two of which are also kinds of self-awareness: simple awareness (awareness of an object without being aware of being aware), awareness with recognition, awareness of one's representational states and awareness of oneself as the subject of one's representational states. He divides the latter into empirical self-awareness (being aware of one's own mental states) and apperceptive self-awareness (ASA) (being aware of oneself as the subject of those states). do not eat themselves. Bodily-awareness also includes proprioception and sensation. The second type of self-awareness in animals is, social self-awareness. This type of awareness is seen in highly social animals and is the awareness that they have a role within themselves in order to survive. This type of awareness allows animals to interact with each other. The final type of self-awareness is introspective awareness. This awareness is responsible for animals to understand feelings, desires, and beliefs. The Red Spot Technique created and experimented by Gordon Gallup studies self-awareness in animals (primates). In this technique, a red odorless spot is placed on six paragraphs of the text. It asserts the timelessness and awareness of Brahman to be similar to moments of wondrous "Ah!!" in life, such as the focussed exclamation one makes upon witnessing lightning flash in the sky, or the focussed "Ah!!" recollection of a knowledge in one's mind of a memory from past. The goal of spiritual knowledge, of self awareness, is wonderful, characterized by an "intense longing" for it in all creatures, states Kena Upanishad. The knowledge of Atman-Brahman is Tadvanam (transcendental happiness, blissfulness). In the final paragraphs, Kena Upanishad asserts ethical life as the foundation of self-knowledge and chemical substitute for protoplasm to manufacture living, simplified people called robots. The play does not focus in detail on the technology behind the creation of these living creatures, but in their appearance they prefigure modern ideas of androids, creatures who can be mistaken for humans. These mass-produced workers are depicted as efficient but emotionless, incapable of original thinking and indifferent to self-preservation. At issue is whether the robots are being exploited and the consequences of human dependence upon commodified labor (especially after a number of specially-formulated robots achieve self-awareness and incite robots all around the world to rise up against their bodies as physical objects in time and space that interact and impact other objects. For instance, a toddler placed on a blanket, when asked to hand someone the blanket, will recognize that they need to get off it to be able to lift it. This is the final stage of body self-awareness and is called objective self-awareness. Animals Studies have been done mainly on primates to test if self-awareness is present. Apes, monkeys, elephants, and dolphins have been studied most frequently. The most relevant studies to this day that represent self-awareness in animals have been done on chimpanzees, dolphins, ‘communicating’ messages to the Other”, as put by Heinz Werner and Bernard Kaplan in their 1963 book, Symbol Formation. The theory of mind (which is really awareness of other perspectives) also emerges about this time, and likewise depends on self-aware agency.
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accepts an average flow of 9,500 new Japanese citizens by naturalization per year. According to the UNHCR, in 2012 Japan accepted just 18 refugees for resettlement, while the United States took in 76,000. Japan suffers from a high suicide rate. In 2009, the number of suicides exceeded 30,000 for the twelfth successive year. Suicide is the leading cause of death for people under 30. Education Primary schools, secondary schools and universities were introduced in 1872 as a result of the Meiji Restoration. Since 1947, compulsory education in Japan comprises elementary and junior high school, which together last for nine years (from rates are found mainly in Caribbean/West Indies nations and a few countries in Asia. More than 30,000 people commit suicide in Russia every year; more than 40,000 people die by suicide each year in the United States; over 30,000 kill themselves in Japan; and about 250,000 commit suicide each year in China. In western countries men commit suicide at four times the rate of women. Women are more likely to attempt suicide than men. The countries of the former Soviet Bloc have the highest suicide rate in the world. Rate of suicide in South Korea is the highest among any other is the scientific study of suicide and its different aspects. Statistics Suicide in Iran is believed to be a growing concern over recent years. According to World Health Organization in 2014 the suicide rate of Iran was 5,3 in every 100,000 people. In that year, the rate of suicide based on gender was 3,6 for women and 7 for men. Seasonally, most suicides occurred in summer with the rate of 35,2% of all suicides; 13% higher than any other season. Based on a meta-analytical research, in Iran, the rate of attempted and successful suicides among married couples is higher than completed some form of tertiary education qualification and bachelor's degrees are held by 34.2 percent of South Koreans aged 25–64, the most in the OECD. The system's rigid and hierarchical structure has been criticized for stifling creativity and innovation; described as intensely and "brutally" competitive, the system is often blamed for the high suicide rate in the country, particularly the growing rates among those aged 10–19. Various media outlets attribute the country's high suicide rate to the nationwide anxiety around the country's college entrance exams, which determine the trajectory of students' entire lives and careers. Former South Korean hagwon teacher Se-Woong The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong Suicide rate in Hong Kong (1981–2005) According to the figures of World Health Organization, the suicide rate of Hong Kong has been increasing in the recent years. Between 1981 and 2001, the Hong Kong annual suicide rate rose from 9.6 to 15 per 100,000 people. It even reached a high record in 2002 when 16.4 of every 100,000 people chose to commit suicide. This exceeded the global average of 14.5 suicides per 100,000. The relatively high suicide rate in 2002 may be due to that year's economic depression. However, SBHK chairman insecurity or the stigma of unemployment. Japan's economy, the world's third-largest, experienced its worst recession since World War II in early 2009, propelling the nation's jobless rate to a record high of 5.7 percent in July 2009. The unemployed accounted for 57 percent of all suicides, the highest rate of any occupation group. As a result of job losses, social inequality (as measured on the Gini coefficient) has also increased, which has been shown in studies to have affected the suicide rates in Japan proportionately more than in other OECD countries. A contributing factor to the suicide statistics among those who region (10% rate in Flanders). The rate of direct death is one in two. The location of many suicides occur at or very close to stations, which is also uncharacteristic of suicides in other European countries. The disruption to the rail system can be substantial. In Belgium where rail service is frequently interrupted due to a high level of suicide by rail, families are expected to cover the substantial cost of rail network standstill. Japan Trains on Japanese railroads cause a large number of suicides every year. Suicide by train is seen as something of a social problem, especially with the highest stress levels between the ages of 11 to 15 years old. From the growing suicide rates and stress levels, the nation has shown to have a continuing increase in hospital beds for mental illness spending around 7.4% of its GDP on health expenditures. as of 2014. From high suicide rates and the high costs for students education, South Korea's population has resulted in having the lowest fertility rate out of all OECD countries. From having such low fertility and a rising aging population, less taxes will be gained by the government in the future which will burden by this measure. The U.S. ranking was 24th, worse than similar industrial countries with high public funding of health such as Canada (ranked 5th), the UK (12th), Sweden (4th), France (3rd) and Japan (1st). But the U.S. ranking was better than some other European countries such as Ireland, Denmark and Portugal, which came 27th, 28th and 29th respectively. Finland, with its relatively high death rate from guns and renowned high suicide rate came above the U.S. in 20th place. The British have a Care Quality Commission that commissions independent surveys of the quality of care given in its health Suicide in South Korea Age An extremely high suicide rate among the elderly is a major contributing factor to South Korea's overall suicide rate. Many impoverished elderly people kill themselves as to not be a burden on their families, since the South Korean welfare system is poorly funded and the tradition of children caring for their parents in old age has largely disappeared in the 21st century. As a result, people living in rural areas have higher suicide rates. Although lower than the rate for the elderly, grade school and college students in Korea have a higher than average suicide rate.
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sound. Nevertheless, many record companies released stereo "demonstration" records to help promote stereo. These records often included instructions for setting up a stereo system, 'balancing' the speakers, and a variety of ambient recordings to show off the stereo effect. When playing back stereo recordings, the best results are obtained by using two identical speakers, in front of and equidistant from the listener, with the listener located on a center line between the two speakers. In effect, an equilateral triangle is formed, with the angle between the two speakers around 60 degrees as seen from the listener's point of view. display, are easy to set up, and are usually less expensive than other stereo sound systems. However, because of their smaller size and lack of flexibility in positioning, soundbars do not fill a room with sound as well as separate speaker stereo systems. Soundbar hybrid To take advantages both from soundbar and stereo set system, some manufacturers produce soundbar hybrids in which the soundbar represents left, center, and right speakers plus (wireless) subwoofer and rear-left and rear-right speakers. Sometimes producers make soundbars with left, center, and right speakers plus detachable charge rear-left and rear-right speakers. Usage Soundbars were primarily designed to results in more compression or "sag". In contrast, modern amplifiers often use high-quality, well-regulated power supplies. Speaker distortion Guitar loudspeakers are designed differently from high fidelity stereo speakers or public address system speakers. While hi-fi and public address speakers are designed to reproduce the sound with as little distortion as possible, guitar speakers are usually designed so that they will shape or color the tone of the guitar, either by enhancing some frequencies or attenuating unwanted frequencies. When the power delivered to a guitar speaker approaches its maximum rated power, the speaker's performance degrades, causing the speaker to "break up", adding three band EQ that allows pre-distortion changes to the EQ. The clean signal can also be mixed with the distorted signal. The distortion is followed by a second 5 band EQ. The effects follow, including a stereo chorus that has a programmable sweep speed, along with a reverb. XP 100 combo The release of the XPR in 1989 was complemented by the release of the related XP100. The XP100 is a complete amplifier that packages the XPR pre-amplifier with a 2x50-Watt stereo amplifier and 6-inch speakers. The speakers are in a dual enclosure that can be separated. 1991 models 1991 for video games that use 3D positional audio processing algorithms, as they allow players to better judge the position of an off-screen sound source (such as the footsteps of an opponent or their gunfire). Although modern headphones have been particularly widely sold and used for listening to stereo recordings since the release of the Walkman, there is subjective debate regarding the nature of their reproduction of stereo sound. Stereo recordings represent the position of horizontal depth cues (stereo separation) via volume and phase differences of the sound in question between the two channels. When the sounds from two speakers mix, they later by individual speakers hung from the window of each car, which were attached by wire. These systems were superseded by the more economical and easier to maintain method of broadcasting the soundtrack at a low output power on AM or FM radio to be picked up by a car radio. This also allows the soundtrack to be picked up in stereo by the audience on an in-car stereo system which is typically higher quality and fidelity than the simple speakers used in the old systems. Early drive-ins (before WWII) A partial drive-in theater – Theatre de Guadalupe – was Crossfeed Principle of operation Directional sound perception is based on the delay between the same sound reaching a person's left and right ears. In stereo speakers, the sound from one speaker reaches both ears, although at different levels, and with a delay between one ear and another, since the speaker is placed away from the center. In headphones, this crossfeed does not occur, so the resulting stereo image is different from what is heard from speakers. A crossfeed signal processor attempts to recreate the stereo image heard from speakers by mixing some signal from the left channel into the right amplifier driven analog speakers, though these are not normally found in separate computer speakers or home stereo systems. These are common in laptops, where their higher cost is justified by battery power savings. The speakers in such equipment are still analog. an encoding/decoding matrix in 1971. The encoding was unusual in that, like the Stereo-4 system, it did not use 90° phase shifters. There were few albums released in the format. A much simpler form of the Dynaco patent keeps the four speakers in their normal left and right plus front and rear positions. The left and right rear speakers are connected to the two-channel stereo amplifier via a passive matrix circuit, while the front ones stay directly connected to the amplifier. A lot of stereo material, recorded with a central, non-directional microphone (kidney pattern) placed in front of the orchestra, possessed suitable phase difference stereo then MIRROR between both stereo speakers. This tactic can also be used on other devices, of which computer software and some video games will have a feature that will allow STEREO or MONO for the soundtrack, in which sometimes this can facilitate MERGING stereo internally to spare one from using a Y adapter with LEFT and RIGHT RCA plugs when using mono equipment, such as guitar amplifiers. Native stereo equipment with mono-only features Some TV/VCR combo decks on the market had stereo TV functionality with "twin speakers", whereas the VCR feature was only mono, which is typical of "consumer-grade VCRs"
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all the time. And I didn't feel close to my sisters. There was a lot of competition in our family, [...] so, I worked really hard in school. I was a straight-A student, and they all hated me for it because I did it more for the position I was going to have in my father's eyes that for whatever I was going to learn by studying. Then when I got a little older—when I was in high school and started dancing really seriously—I'd say I got closer to my brothers. My oldest brother opened my eyes to lots of and speculation, mainly comparing her to Yuna. When approached by Esquire Malaysia on this, Wani replied, "I really can't afford to spend my time satisfying people who have already decided to stereotype me. All I can do is pray and hope that they would see what's in my head rather than what's on my head." Wani was diagnosed with Rokitansky Syndrome at the age of 18; a congenital disorder that happens to one in every 4,500 to 5,000 women. Xen (album) Background The title of the album is a reference to Ghersi's "feminine spirit" as portrayed in the album artwork and videos. According to the artist, the designer Jesse Kanda asked "if I had a girl's name when I was a kid, I told him that I have this image in my head when I listen to a song of mine that I really love or that I feel happy with. I move really slowly in a very effeminate way [and] close my eyes and I see this naked being who exists in front of an audience. Everyone is your ma cherie" She'd pinch his cheek and say, "You keska say" He'd say, "Not now, dear, but later I may" Then she'd say, "Compronay voo, papa" And he'd say, "Oo-la-la! wee-wee" Chorus 2: She'd say, "Compronay voo, papa?" And he'd say, "Oo-la-la! wee-wee" She'd say, "Come see" and then roll her eyes" He'd answer, "Baby, you'd be surprised" Each evening they would promenade Upon ze boulevard, you see One day at lunch, she said, "Café voo la" He'd say, "My dear, don't forget where you are" Then she'd say, "Compronay voo, papa?" And he'd say, "Oo-la-la! wee-wee" really hate listening to myself! The first time I listened to a recording of my singing was when we were recording San Giovanni Battista by Stradella in a church in Perugia in 1949. They made me listen to the tape and I cried my eyes out. I wanted to stop everything, to give up singing... Also now even though I don't like my voice, I've become able to accept it and to be detached and objective about it so I can say, "Oh, that was really well sung," or "It was nearly perfect." Carlo Maria Giulini has described the appeal of Ocean Eyes (song) Background When asked about how the song came about in an interview with Teen Vogue's Ariana Marsh, Eilish said "Aside from singing, I'm also a dancer. I've been dancing since I was eight. Last year, one of my teachers asked if I would either write a song or have my brother write a song to choreograph a dance to. I was like, 'yes, that's such a cool thing to do!' Then, my brother came to me with 'Ocean Eyes', which he had originally written for his band. He told me he thought it would sound really good in Hitt that "I have my eyes closed for an hour and a half when I'm doing readings. If she spoke up during that period of time, I don't remember that." John also argued that the entire experiment wasn’t really scientific enough, saying "For Susan to come to a reading and get a two-minute reading and say, well, 'I made a fake post about my dog, Buddy, and my father who died,' it’s really not any sort of scientific testing of psychic powers." He added, "First off, someone will have to be a scientist to do a scientific experiment, not someone song, "The Agony & The Ecstasy", later featured on A Quiet Storm. Robinson has not eaten red meat since 1972. He practices Transcendental Meditation. Robinson is notable for having golden green eyes, which he attributes to having been passed down from his French great-grandmother. "Smokey" nickname In 2012, Robinson explained: My Uncle Claude was my favorite uncle, he was also my godfather. He and I were really, really close. He used to take me to see cowboy movies all the time when I was a little boy because I loved cowboy movies. He got a cowboy name for me, which was Smokey Chakma described how he escaped - "I was asked to dip into the water near the well. As soon as I did so, someone shouted 'shoot him'. Sensing imminent death I somehow untied my hand, removed blindfold around my eyes and started running in the waist deep water. I could hear one gunshot behind me but I kept running." Kalicharan said that after they led Khudiram away, Kalpana was taken away from his side. "On hearing the gunshot and the shouting few yards away I untied my hand, removed the fold around my eyes and jumped into the water, they shot at me I went in and auditioned for another part, and my representatives called me about a month later and they were like, "Hi, we have some really good news. You remember that audition you went on for Orange Is the New Black? You didn't get it." I go, "So… okay, what's the good news?" They said they wanted to offer me another part, Crazy Eyes. I was like, "What in my audition would make someone think I'd be right for a part called Crazy Eyes?" But to be honest, when I got the script for it, it felt like the right
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Photic sneeze reflex Symptoms The photic sneeze reflex manifests itself in the form of uncontrollable sneezing in response to a stimulus which would not produce a sneeze in people without the trait. The sneezes generally occur in bursts of 1 to 10 sneezes, followed by a refractory period that can be as long as 24 hours. Photic sneezing A photic sneeze results from exposure to a bright light and is the most common manifestation of the photic sneeze reflex. This reflex seems to be caused by a change in light intensity rather than by a specific wavelength of light. A study propofol sedation who undergo periocular or retrobulbar injection. A sneeze by a sedated patient often occurs upon insertion of a needle into or around their eye. The violent and uncontrollable movement of the head during a reflexive sneeze has potential to cause damage within the patient's eye if the needle is not removed before the sneeze occurs. Pathophysiology There is much debate about the true cause and mechanism of the sneezing fits brought about by the photic sneeze reflex. Sneezing occurs in response to irritation in the nasal cavity, which results in an afferent nerve fiber signal propagating through the this process evokes a reflex arc response generated at the spinal cord and not involving the brain, such as flinching or withdrawal of a limb. Nociception is found, in one form or another, across all major animal taxa. Nociception can be observed using modern imaging techniques; and a physiological and behavioral response to nociception can be detected. Emotional pain Sometimes a distinction is made between "physical pain" and "emotional" or "psychological pain". Emotional pain is the pain experienced in the absence of physical trauma, e.g. the pain experienced by humans after the loss of a loved one, been documented for many centuries. The Greek philosopher Aristotle was one of the first to contemplate this strange phenomenon in 350 BCE, exploring why looking at the sun causes a person to sneeze in The Book of Problems: "Why does the heat of the sun provoke sneezing?" He hypothesized that the sun’s heat caused sweating inside the nose, which triggered a sneeze in order to remove the moisture. In the 17th century, English philosopher Francis Bacon disproved Aristotle’s theory by facing the sun with his eyes closed, which did not elicit the ordinary sneeze response. Bacon therefore guessed that the If a dominant dog initiates, around three sneezes guarantee departure. When less dominant dogs sneeze first, if enough others also sneeze (about 10), then the group will go hunting. Researchers assert that wild dogs in Botswana, "use a specific vocalization (the sneeze) along with a variable quorum response mechanism in the decision-making process [to go hunting at a particular moment]". Inbreeding avoidance Because L. pictus largely exists in fragmented, small populations, its existence is endangered. Inbreeding avoidance by mate selection is characteristic of the species and has important potential consequences for population persistence. Inbreeding is rare within natal packs. Inbreeding mouths using the prehensile structure, sometimes called a "finger", at the tips of their trunks. Other animals which exhibit the flehmen response include bison,tigers,tapirs, lions,giraffes,goats,llamas,kobs, hedgehogs, rhinoceros, giant pandas,, antelope and hippopotami. Similar responses A grimace similar to the flehmen response may also be seen in association with pain. In horses, it is often associated with low-grade abdominal pain. their strengths. Dalton described how "there’s about 10 or 11 Sneeze members. Basically it's like the album, Sneeze is who ever we want to get in the band. Every time we play live we seem to have a completely different lineup, and just really love that. It makes it fresh and exciting, and you never know who's going to turn up and what it's going to sound like. But there're all such good musicians that it always ends up sounding great." The band's third album, Lost the Spirit to Rock & Roll (2001), was described by Michelle Ho of Oz Music is directly stimulated, there is the possibility that increased light sensitivity in the ocular nerve could result. An example of directly stimulating would be plucking an eyebrow or pulling hair. In many people who show the photic sneeze reflex, even this direct stimulation can lead to a photic sneeze which is why we find it easier to sneeze while looking at a bright light. Propofol-induced inhibitory suppression Uncontrollable sneezing during a periocular injection while sedated by propofol is likely caused by the drug. Propofol has been shown to temporarily suppress inhibitory neurons in the brainstem, which is also where the tracks and released on CD as 41 Songs in 47 Minutes (June 1996). Dalton later recalled that the group was initially a studio-only side project, "Tom and I were just writing these short songs for Smudge, I was in the Plunderers and the Hummingbirds. The Lemonheads were the first band to record a Sneeze song, even before Tom and I did. We ended up starting Sneeze, but we never thought we’d play live." Lara Meyerratken joined on the drums in 1996 when they started playing live. Sneeze's second album, The Four Seezons (1997), has one side providing their "take on Vivaldi's philosophy of Utilitarianism. He would describe Utilitarianism as the principle that holds "that actions are right in the proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness." By happiness he means, "intended pleasure, and the absence of pain; by unhappiness, pain, and the privation of pleasure". It is clear that we do not all value virtues as a path to happiness and that we sometimes only value them for selfish reasons. However, Mill asserts that upon reflection, even when we value virtues for selfish reasons we are in fact cherishing them as
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have about 250–450 dimples, though there have been balls with more than 1000 dimples. There are 336 dimples on a regulation golf ball. The record holder was a ball with 1,070 dimples—414 larger ones (in four different sizes) and 656 pinhead-sized ones. Officially sanctioned balls are designed to be as symmetrical as possible. This symmetry is the result of a dispute that stemmed from the Polara, a ball sold in the late 1970s that had six rows of normal dimples on its equator but very shallow dimples elsewhere. This asymmetrical design helped the ball self-adjust its spin axis during the flight. reduce the sidespin effects to provide a straighter ball flight. To keep the aerodynamics optimal, the golf ball needs to be clean, including all dimples. Thus, it is advisable that golfers wash their balls whenever permissible by the rules of golf. Golfers can wash their balls manually using a wet towel or using a ball washer of some type. Design Dimples first became a feature of golf balls when English engineer and manufacturer William Taylor, co-founder of the Taylor-Hobson company, registered a patent for a dimple design in 1905. William Taylor had realized that golf players were trying to the seam and rough side is that the ball swings in the direction opposite to where the seam is pointing to. The turbulent boundary layer separating later is similar to the effect produced by dimples in a golf ball. In case of the golf ball, turbulence is produced on both sides of the ball and the net effect is a later separation of boundary layer on both sides and smaller wake in the back of the ball and a lower net drag due to pressure differential between the front and the back – this enables the golf ball to travel remain attached to the surface of the ball much longer than a laminar boundary and so creates a narrower low-pressure wake and hence less pressure drag. The reduction in pressure drag causes the ball to travel further. Second, backspin generates lift by deforming the airflow around the ball, in a similar manner to an airplane wing. This is called the Magnus effect. The dimples on a golf ball deform the air around the ball quickly causing a turbulent airflow that results in more Magnus lift than a smooth ball would experience. Backspin is imparted in almost every shot due to the golf only for singles. (A configuration on the center line with static fins block maneuverability). Dimpled fins 3DFINS feature Golf Ball Dimpled technology. 3DFINS Dimple technology is based on the Golfball dimples. A surfboard fin with dimples creates a turbulent flow a fin without Dimples is more a laminar flow. Turbulent flow has more adhesion so when the surfer starts to turn, the dimpled fin surface delays the flow separation, reducing cavitation (the separation bubble) allowing the foil to maintain performance. When the surfer is turning at high speeds, the turbulent boundary layer helps the flow overcome an adverse pressure gradient it. Aerodynamics When a golf ball is hit, the impact, which lasts less than a millisecond, determines the ball’s velocity, launch angle and spin rate, all of which influence its trajectory and its behavior when it hits the ground. A ball moving through air experiences two major aerodynamic forces, lift and drag. Dimpled balls fly farther than non-dimpled balls due to the combination of these two effects. First, the dimples on the surface of a golf ball cause the boundary layer on the upstream side of the ball to transition from laminar to turbulent. The turbulent boundary layer is able to physical fact has led to a variety of schemes to actually produce turbulent boundary layers when boundary layer separation is dominant at high Reynolds numbers. The dimples on a golf ball, the fuzz on a tennis ball, or the seams on a baseball are good examples. Aeroplane wings are often engineered with vortex generators on the upper surface to produce a turbulent boundary layer. 1.620 ounces (45.93 g). The ball must also have the basic properties of a spherically symmetrical ball, generally meaning that the ball itself must be spherical and must have a symmetrical arrangement of dimples on its surface. Additional rules direct players and manufacturers to other technical documents published by the R&A and USGA with additional restrictions, such as radius and depth of dimples, maximum launch speed from test apparatus (generally defining the coefficient of restitution) and maximum total distance when launched from the test equipment. In general, the governing bodies and their regulations seek to provide a relatively level playing field and or color in a particular arrangement of the dimples on the ball. Many players make multiple markings so that at least one can be seen without having to lift the ball. Marking tools such as stamps and stencils are available to speed the marking process. Alternatively, balls are usually sold pre-marked with the brand and model of golf ball, and also with a letter, number or symbol. This combination can usually (but not always) be used to distinguish a player's ball from other balls in play and from lost or abandoned balls on the course. Companies, country clubs and event organizers plays a role. By regulation, the arrangement of the dimples on the ball must be as symmetrical as possible. However, the dimples don't all have to be the same size, nor be in a uniform distribution. This allows designers to arrange the dimple patterns in such a way that the resistance to spinning is lower along certain axes of rotation and higher along others. This causes the ball to "settle" into one of these low-resistance axes that (golfers hope) is close to parallel with the ground and perpendicular to the direction of travel, thereby eliminating "sidespin" induced by a slight
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respectively). Although function pointers in C and C++ can be implemented as simple addresses, so that typically sizeof(Fx)==sizeof(void *), member pointers in C++ are sometimes implemented as "fat pointers", typically two or three times the size of a simple function pointer, in order to deal with virtual methods and virtual inheritance. In C++ In C++, in addition to the method used in C, it is also possible to use the C++ standard library class template std::function, of which the instances are function objects: #include <iostream>#include <functional>static double derivative(const std::function<double(double)> &f, double x0, double eps) { double eps2 = eps finalized if they have any strong references to them. By default, in C# weak reference do not track resurrection, meaning a weak reference is not updated if an object is resurrected; these are called short weak references, and weak references that track resurrection are called long weak references. Some non-garbage-collected languages, such as C++, provide weak/strong reference functionality as part of supporting garbage collection libraries. The Boost C++ library provides strong and weak references. It is a mistake to use regular C++ pointers as the weak counterparts of smart pointers because such usage removes the ability to detect when the Also, this solution is limited to the scope of a single program or project, and should be properly documented. Among more structured solutions, a popular technique to avoid dangling pointers in C++ is to use smart pointers. A smart pointer typically uses reference counting to reclaim objects. Some other techniques include the tombstones method and the locks-and-keys method (see paper by Fisher & LeBlanc). Another approach is to use the Boehm garbage collector, a conservative garbage collector that replaces standard memory allocation functions in C and C++ with a garbage collector. This approach completely eliminates dangling pointer errors by disabling frees, and Thus, C# by default also precludes pointers. However, because pointers are needed when calling many native functions, pointers are allowed in an explicit unsafe mode. Code blocks or methods that use the pointers must be marked with the unsafe keyword to be able to use pointers, and the compiler requires the /unsafe switch to allow compiling such code. Assemblies that are compiled using the /unsafe switch are marked as such and may only execute if explicitly trusted. This allows using pointers and pointer arithmetic to directly pass and receive objects to/from the operating system or other native APIs using the C++) C++/CLI (a replacement for Managed Extensions for C++) does not have the adoption rate of C# or VB.NET, but does have a significant following. C++/CLI syntactically, stylistically, and culturally is closest to C#. However, C++/CLI stays closer to its C++ roots than C# does. C++/CLI directly supports pointers, destructors, and other unsafe program concepts which are not supported or limited in the other languages. It allows the direct use of both .NET code and standard C++ code. C++/CLI is used for porting native/legacy C++ applications into the .NET framework, or cases where the programmer wants to take more control around, ending with the type. Unlike C, Go has garbage collection, and disallows pointer arithmetic. Reference types, like in C++, do not exist. Some built-in types, like maps and channels, are boxed (i.e. internally they are pointers to mutable structures), and are initialized using the make function. In an approach to unified syntax between pointers and non-pointers, the arrow (->) operator has been dropped: the dot operator on a pointer refers to the field or method of the dereferenced object. This, however, only works with 1 level of indirection. Java Unlike C, C++, or Pascal, there is no explicit representation it does have an indirection operator that covers the most common use of C pointers. Each pointer is bound to a single dynamic data item, and can only be moved by assignment: type a = ^integer; var b, c: a; new(b);c := b; Pointers in Pascal are type safe; i.e. a pointer to one data type can only be assigned to a pointer of the same data type. Also pointers can never be assigned to non-pointer variables. Pointer arithmetic (a common source of programming errors in C, especially when combined with endianness issues and platform-independent type sizes) is not permitted in Pascal. All operating system it is running under. C# In C# (and other .NET languages), type punning is a little harder to achieve because of the type system, but can be done nonetheless, using pointers or struct unions. Pointers C# only allows pointers to so-called native types, i.e. any primitive type (except string), enum, array or struct that is composed only of other native types. Note that pointers are only allowed in code blocks marked 'unsafe'. float pi = 3.14159; uint piAsRawData = *(uint*)&pi; Struct unions Struct unions are allowed without any notion of 'unsafe' code, but they do require the definition to support them. Java does not allow for directly passing and receiving objects/structures to/from the underlying operating system and thus does not need to model objects/structures to such a specific memory layout, layouts that frequently would involve pointers. Java's communication with the underlying operating system is instead based upon Java Native Interface (JNI) where communication with/adaptation to an underlying operating system is handled through an external glue layer. While C# does allow use of pointers and corresponding pointer arithmetic, the C# language designers had the same concerns that pointers could potentially be used to bypass the strict rules for object access. uses pointers to structures. Consequently, TAPI 2.x is easy to access from C or C++ applications, but it can be awkward to use from many other programming languages. TAPI 3.x was designed with a Component Object Model (COM) interface. This was done with the intent of making it accessible to higher level applications such as developed in VB or other environments that provide easy access to COM but don't deal with C-style pointers. TAPI 3.x has a slightly different set of functionality than TAPI 2.x. The addition of integrated media control was the most significant addition. But TAPI 3.x doesn't include
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Heartbreak" was released on February 17, 2009 on West's blog, and was directed by Nabil Elderkin. The video, which features Kid Cudi, was filmed in a subway and distinctively expresses multifaceted, colorful patchworks of compression artifacts laced throughout its visuals, with certain scenes shot in slow motion. The resulting choppy, pixelated imagery makes it appear as if the software that rendered the final video made output a low-resolution, artifact-heavy product. Elderkin pitched the concept, which he refers to as, "datamoshing" to Kanye while the two were collaborating on the photo album for West's Glow in the Dark Tour book. "I Comparison of video codecs Α video codec is software or a device that provides encoding and decoding for digital video, and which may or may not include the use of video compression and/or decompression. Most codecs are typically implementations of video coding formats. The compression may employ lossy data compression, so that quality-measurement issues become important. Shortly after the compact disc became widely available as a digital-format replacement for analog audio, it became feasible to also store and use video in digital form. A variety of technologies soon emerged to do so. The primary goal for most methods of compressing video noiseless coding. Several of these papers remarked on the difficulty of obtaining good, clean digital audio for research purposes. Most, if not all, of the authors in the JSAC edition were also active in the MPEG-1 Audio committee, which created the MP3 format. Video Video compression is a practical implementation of source coding in information theory. In practice, most video codecs are used alongside audio compression techniques to store the separate but complementary data streams as one combined package using so-called container formats. Uncompressed video requires a very high data rate. Although lossless video compression codecs perform at a compression factor While this asymmetry has so far made it impractical for real time applications, when video is archived for distribution from disk storage or file downloads fractal compression becomes more competitive. At common compression ratios, up to about 50:1, Fractal compression provides similar results to DCT-based algorithms such as JPEG. At high compression ratios fractal compression may offer superior quality. For satellite imagery, ratios of over 170:1 have been achieved with acceptable results. Fractal video compression ratios of 25:1–244:1 have been achieved in reasonable compression times (2.4 to 66 sec/frame). Compression efficiency increases with higher image complexity and color depth, compared to simple and extracting 2D+depth information from them to create a 3D model of the scene. Currently this system is being investigated, but the coding complexity and great bandwidth requirements make current broadcasting applications using Multiview Video Coding impractical, so a totally new compression scheme and capture techniques need to be investigated. time) and spatial (across a picture) redundancy common in video to achieve better data compression than would be possible otherwise. (See: Video compression) Color space Before encoding video to MPEG-1, the color-space is transformed to Y'CbCr (Y'=Luma, Cb=Chroma Blue, Cr=Chroma Red). Luma (brightness, resolution) is stored separately from chroma (color, hue, phase) and even further separated into red and blue components. The chroma is also subsampled to 4:2:0, meaning it is reduced by one half vertically and one half horizontally, to just one quarter the resolution of the video. This software algorithm also has analogies in hardware, such as with guarded weapon caches scattered throughout the island. Release The game's original release came as a red CD. Players found a glitch in the game that happens in the clown stage. The screen becomes pixelated and obscures the view of the entire area. The publisher allowed purchasers to mail them their red copy for a fixed version of the game, which appears on a black disk. Since so few purchasers sent in copies, the red version remains fairly common, but the black version is rare. The 3DO Game Guru includes a save file patch which fixes the bug. In 1996 Acclaim below. Video See this list of lossless video codecs. Cryptography Cryptosystems often compress data (the "plaintext") before encryption for added security. When properly implemented, compression greatly increases the unicity distance by removing patterns that might facilitate cryptanalysis. However, many ordinary lossless compression algorithms produce headers, wrappers, tables, or other predictable output that might instead make cryptanalysis easier. Thus, cryptosystems must utilize compression algorithms whose output does not contain these predictable patterns. Genetics and Genomics Genetics compression algorithms (not to be confused with genetic algorithms) are the latest generation of lossless algorithms that compress data (typically sequences of nucleotides) using both in a stage are purified, Harker must then confront Dracula in one of three forms (his old man, young man, and original knight form). Reception Electronic Gaming Monthly gave the Sega CD version a 5.25 out of 10, commenting that the main character's movements are choppy, the battling with birds and bats is unimpressive and dull, and the full motion video sequences are so pixelated and blurry that it is difficult to make out what is going on. Computer Gaming World stated of the DOS version, "It appears that Psygnosis spent most of their Dracula budget on acquiring the movie it may be inconvenient or require additional storage. The design of data compression schemes involves trade-offs among various factors, including the degree of compression, the amount of distortion introduced (when using lossy data compression), and the computational resources required to compress and decompress the data. Lossless Lossless data compression algorithms usually exploit statistical redundancy to represent data without losing any information, so that the process is reversible. Lossless compression is possible because most real-world data exhibits statistical redundancy. For example, an image may have areas of color that do not change over several pixels; instead of coding "red pixel, red
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failed to pass, with less than 40% voting in favor. Many of the movement's members also favor stricter measures against illegal immigration. Polls found that just 7% of Tea Party supporters approve of how Obama is doing his job compared to 50% (as of April 2010) of the general public, and that roughly 77% of supporters had voted for Obama's Republican opponent, John McCain in 2008. A University of Washington poll of 1,695 registered voters in the state of Washington reported that 73% of Tea Party supporters disapprove of Obama's policy of engaging with Muslim countries, 88% approve of the controversial Arizona immigration (directly and through his political action committee), according to a report from the nonprofit Americans for Financial Reform. 2008 In January 2008, Hensarling was co-author of the Economic Growth Act of 2008. In May 2008, Hensarling campaigned for the Republican party leadership in the House to agree to a special session to give lawmakers to air their views on a new policy platform and share ideas on how to define themselves to better advantage going into the 2008 election. 2010 On January 29, 2010, during President Barack Obama's meeting with House Republicans, Hensarling challenged Obama's position on the budget, asserting that on the tax issue. He then led over one hundred Republican House members in voting against the president's first budget proposal. This made Gingrich a hero to conservative Republicans, and propelled him into the leadership role he would play in the "Republican Revolution" of 1994. The phrase was subsequently used by Brian Lenihan, Jr., Irish Minister for Finance on September 17, 2009, promising not to raise taxes in the December 2009 budget. George W. Bush At a Republican primary debate in New Hampshire on January 6, 2000, George W. Bush, son of the former President, and Governor of Texas at the that Obama's record should be opposed by conservatives and moderates. The report states that "Freddoso accuses Obama of voting to raise taxes on anyone with taxable income of more than $32,500." The nonpartisan watchdog group (itself funded primarily by the Annenberg Foundation), notes that provision was part of a nonbinding budget resolution that had no actual impact on tax levels, and that Obama's tax proposals do not include any such increase." According to "...Obama's March 2008 vote for a non-binding budget resolution that would have set general revenue and spending targets for congressional tax-writing and appropriations committees. The know it's not true." The Congressional Budget Office issued a projection in January 2009, before Obama took office, that the budget deficit would reach $1.2 trillion that year. Financial bailout In September 2008, Hensarling led House Republican efforts to oppose Secretary Henry Paulson and Chairman Ben Bernanke's $700 billion financial bailout, and urged caution before Congress rushed to approve the plan. After voting against the bill, Hensarling said, no one truly knows if this plan will work – though we all hope that it does. No one knows the true amount of taxpayer exposure. Treasury could spend $700 billion in from the cabinet, the Alliance and the Sweden Democrats and in the afternoon voted over which budget to approve for 2015. According to voting procedures, the parliament first voted over the proposal from the Sweden Democrats, which only got their votes. As they had planned, the Sweden Democrats then voted in favour of the budget proposal from the Alliance. The latter gained 183 votes against 153 for the cabinet's proposal. Plans for a snap election The budget voting was followed by a press conference by Löfven and Fridolin where Löfven said the cabinet would call a snap election to the the District Auditor Les Stanford wrote to every councillor warning that the consequences of not setting a legal rate was a budget crisis, with surcharge and disqualification for councillors. A group of six Labour councillors under the leadership of Eddie Roderick declared they would not approve an illegal budget, but the majority of the Labour group thought the letter was a tactic to scare them into backing down. The council leadership put forward an illegal budget on 29 March; after an eight-hour meeting, Roderick put forward an amendment to delay setting a budget until 11 April to let officers prepare for weeks into August, preventing many state legislators from returning home for their summer recess, before the budget was passed. Perata retaliated against Republican Jeff Denham for voting against the budget by stripping Denham of committee assignments and contributing to a recall effort against Denham. Perata's concluded about the Capitol: "There is no center. I'm not talking about political center. There is no action center, or moral center, or anything else left in Sacramento." In an April interview, Perata reflected on the value of the legislation passed by the State Legislature under his leadership as President pro tempore of the California State 2014 United States federal budget Alternative House budget proposals The Republican Study Committee budget would balance the Federal budget in four years, in part by freezing Federal spending after reducing discretionary spending to 2008 levels. The plan would also open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling by oil companies and increase the age at which seniors became eligible for Social Security and Medicare. The budget failed in a vote of 104-132, with most Democrats not voting. The Congressional Progressive Caucus budget contained several key features, most of them dramatically opposed to the main features of both the Republican Study budget improves services, lowers our debt, keeps taxes affordable and is based on sustainable spending." At the Council meeting to approve the budget, Ford surprised other members of the executive committee by first voting to freeze taxes, before supporting the 2% increase as proposed. Prior to the 2014 budget, Ford's office was shrunk and Ford's responsibilities and committee controls were reduced amid a crack-smoking scandal. Budget deliberations by City staff and the City Council budget committee determined that the property tax would have to increase to support the proposed Scarborough subway, and did not include a land transfer tax reduction. At
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he will help them find, so they could get back to Storybrooke if they take him back with them. Emma asks him why, and Hook reveals that it is so he can kill Rumplestiltskin. While Snow senses that Hook is using this plan to throw them off, Emma is aware of Hook's deception, knowing that as long as they don't trust him, they won't be surprised if he double-crosses them. The five individuals then prepare for their quest to search for the compass, which happens to be located at the top of an enormous beanstalk. In Storybrooke Dr. Whale/Victor happens, scrape them off and isolate the plant. For this kind of problem, pesticides and sprays do not always work as the shell of the insect protects it. If this becomes a severe problem, you will have to get rid of the plant. Also if this happens, make sure it is moved away from any other surrounding plants because the bugs could infect them as well. Other than that, this plant is very easy to take care of and thus, it is good for beginners. Propagation of Nephthytis is fairly easy as well. It can be propagated by layering we bounced and it woke me up. Then the next flight I had the same pilot and the plane went down so smooth. So I asked the pilot why, and he said when you land a plane smooth, you get the plane elevated to the lowest position you can and then you smooth it in. Same with sliding ... If you dive when you're running straight up then you have a long distance to get to the ground. But the closer you get to the ground the less time it will take ... I was hitting the dirt so smooth, there!’" He also said, "The only hard part that I remember I remember about this song was where to take it if he did sit down next to her. What would be the next logical thing that happens? How do you break that ice and start talking again? I knew I wanted it to have a snowball effect with the story. You see each other, and then this happens and this happens and this happens … like a snowball effect, where they’re together at the end. Like if I hadn’t of walked back in, then we would have never sat happens, we get a spritz of dopamine in our nucleus accumbens. And when this process starts, we get habituated when we have the same thing happen over and over and over." He then described the practice of mindfulness: Mindfulness is really about paying attention to all aspects of our experience, but in particular we can pay attention to the push and pull of cravings. So if there is something pleasant and we want more of it, we kind of hold on to it or we move toward it and try to get it. If there is something unpleasant we want it alter the natural water cycle on land. Together with a crew of other artists and myself, we will drive to the headwaters of the Yangtze River (the Jianggendiru glacier on the border of Qinghai Province and Tibet) to collect a chunk of ice, and take it to the Yangtze River's marine outfall. The ice will slowly melt and dissolve into the East China Sea. This may seem quite ridiculous, like the old Chinese story of "the Foolish Old Man, who removed the mountains". Even so, we hope the audience can get something from the half foolish efforts of a bunch hot for Ice Dewy) so his fire solidifies into rock. The player must then slide up it and hit the candle on Mothdron's head. After his first form is defeated, he rises as an adult moth with fiery wings and a blue face and a long tail with a light on the end for grabbing Dewy. If this happens, the player must shake the wiimote or he/ she will take damage. He attacks by launching fire tornadoes and waves of lava. Do defeat him, the player must bash the fire rocks from the lava wave to knock him down to causing it to fail from the inside out. Improper loading of the hollow terracotta blocks can create stress cracks. The environment also plays a large role in the survival of terracotta. Different types of air pollution can cause different types of surface problems. When it rains, water and salts get sucked into the voids in and around the terracotta through capillary action. If it freezes then ice forms, putting internal stress on the material, causing it to crack from inside. A similar problem happens with atmospheric pollutants that are carried into the gaps by rains water. The pollution creates a mildly old man of over an hundred years old, moody and unpredictable, he is always absorbed in his own thoughts. He loves to play small tricks, and doing unexpected things, people are already used to his craziness. He never seems to worry about Hong Lie or Li Qi at all, he lets them do whatever they want, and treats them like friends. He believes that everyone has their own destiny and as long as one can enjoy his life, that’s fine. However, if anything relates to the bamboo book happens, he would take it very serious and suddenly become another man. Ji Ming He Depending on the nature of the threat this process can take from 10 days to a year after the site is re-crawled, no strict timetable is provided. Yahoo, who uses the McAfee SiteAdvisor rating in their search results, does not get the rating change for another 4 weeks. It is unclear if rating changes in either direction take this long, or only corrections (RED to GREEN). Yellow is rarely, if ever, used. The software design makes it difficult to turn SiteAdvisor off and McAfee keeps changing the method of doing so. The program reinstalls if a customer updates McAfee's Total Protection package.
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begin to nurse almost immediately. If the litter exceeds six puppies, particularly if one or more are obvious runts, human intervention in hand-feeding the stronger puppies is necessary to ensure that the runts get proper nourishment and attention from the mother. As they reach one month of age, puppies are gradually weaned and begin to eat solid food. The mother may regurgitate partially digested food for the puppies or might let them eat some of her solid food. The mother usually refuses to nurse at this stage, though she might let them occasionally nurse for comfort. At first, puppies spend the as a teacup dog simply by lying about the puppy's age. Teacup dogs are also often the runts of a litter, which means that while they may be unusually small puppies, there is no guarantee that they will not grow to become regular-sized dogs for their breed. the girls: Bella and Beni-Bara, and the boys: Bonsai, Bento (cream), and Byakko (cream). By March 21, 2010, all five puppies of the second litter were adopted. Third litter: C-Team On April 14, 2011, over fifteen hundred viewers tuned in to see Kika's third and final litter. As in the original litter there are six puppies, three of each sex. Unlike the previous two litters, the "C-Team" sire was a black-and-tan Shiba (a Japanese-born dog by the name of Kurosuzutama Go Aomori Sakaesou); however, despite the sire's color, all the puppies are red. The C-Team puppies are, in order Ayumi, and the camera continued functioning so that viewers were able to watch her interact with the other three adult Shibas in the house. The dogs' owners remain anonymous. Second litter: B-Team Kika's second litter of puppies were born on January 16, 2010. They are referred to as the "B-team" of puppies to mark the 2nd litter. Their father was a red dog named GCH Morningstar's Dances With Wolves. There were a total of two female and three male Shibas. Two of the three males are cream-colored, the rest of the pups red. The puppies in birth order are litters roughly 58 to 68 days after fertilization, with an average of 63 days, although the length of gestation can vary. An average litter consists of about six puppies, though this number may vary widely based on the breed of dog. In general, toy dogs produce from one to four puppies in each litter, while much larger breeds may average as many as twelve. Some dog breeds have acquired traits through selective breeding that interfere with reproduction. Male French Bulldogs, for instance, are incapable of mounting the female. For many dogs of this breed, the female must be artificially inseminated in and two male Shiba puppies. One of the three females is cream-colored; the rest are red. The names of the D-Team are as follows: Daiichi (boy, blue collar); Dango (boy, green collar); Dosha (girl, pink collar); Daisuki (girl, purple collar); and Dakota (girl, no collar, cream). Fifth litter: E-Team The fifth litter of puppies was born on August 21, 2013 to parents Ayumi and sire Morningstar Dr McDreamy Chouseisou. This was the second and final litter born to Ayumi (who herself was from the "A-Team" litter). They are referred to as the "E-team" of puppies to mark the 5th litter. There were a total of three red female puppies (Eiko, pink collar; Eisha, purple collar; and Ember, red collar) and two cream-colored males (Enoki, green collar; and Edo, blue collar). Sixth litter: F-Team The sixth litter of puppies was born on November 10, 2015, born to Chiyoko (aka Yo-Yo) from the "C-Team" litter, and Hiro, an AKC/UKC/NIPPO-USA Champion male Shiba imported by the family from Japan in 2013. This litter of pups are referred to as the "F-team" to mark the 6th litter that the couple have raised in their home. The litter had five pups in total; four of birth: Chozen, aka "Zen" (boy); Chame (boy); Chisaki, aka "Saki" (girl); Charlotte (girl); Chiyoko, aka "Yo-Yo" (girl); and Chikara (boy). The last boy pup, Chikara, has the highest birth weight of any of the pups at 11 ounces. Fourth litter: D-Team The fourth litter of puppies was born on May 21, 2012, to Ayumi (who was retained from the "A-Team" litter). They were sired by a red Shiba named GCH CH Kobushi Justa Draco Rosso AOM. They are referred to as the "D-team" of puppies to mark the 4th litter. There were a total of three female the breed of dog. Size of the breed is correlated with litter size. Miniature and small breeds average three to four puppies in each litter, with a maximum litter size of about 5-8. Large and giant breeds average 7 puppies per litter but can have a maximum litter size of about 15. In one study, the Rhodesian Ridgeback had the highest average litter size with 8.9 pups per litter while the Pomeranian and Toy Poodle had the lowest with 2.4 pups per litter. The number of puppies also varies with the mother's age. In smaller breeds, both young and old age dog with balance for movement over rough terrain and turning at speed. Arguments for and against tail docking are covered in this Michigan State University (Detroit College of Law) paper, including "History": Breeding Norwich Terriers are difficult to breed. Many have Caesarean sections. The North American average litter size for 2007 is two puppies with the total number of puppies for the year, in the USA, at approximately 750. There are breeding lines with higher average litter sizes as can be easily traced in pedigrees of kennel clubs who include such information, i.e. The Dutch Kennel Club. Similar information can
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Extraterrestrial liquid water Extraterrestrial liquid water (from the Latin words: extra ["outside of, beyond"] and terrestris ["of or belonging to Earth"]) is water in its liquid state that naturally occurs outside Earth. It is a subject of wide interest because it is recognized as one of the key prerequisites for life as we know it and thus surmised as essential for extraterrestrial life. With oceanic water covering 71% of its surface, Earth is the only planet known to have stable bodies of liquid water on its surface, and liquid water is essential to all known life forms on Earth. The presence are gravitationally bound to the star. Almost all of the planets detected so far are within the Milky Way. Nonetheless, evidence suggests that extragalactic planets, exoplanets farther away in galaxies beyond the local Milky Way galaxy, may exist. The nearest exoplanet is Proxima Centauri b, located 4.2 light-years (1.3 parsecs) from Earth and orbiting Proxima Centauri, the closest star to the Sun. The discovery of exoplanets has intensified interest in the search for extraterrestrial life. There is special interest in planets that orbit in a star's habitable zone, where it is possible for liquid water, a prerequisite for life on Earth, estimate that there are as many habitable exomoons as habitable exoplanets. Given the general planet-to-satellite(s) mass ratio of 10,000, large Saturn or Jupiter sized gas planets in the habitable zone are thought to be the best candidates to harbour Earth-like moons. Presumed conditions The conditions of habitability for natural satellites are similar to those of planetary habitability. However, there are several factors which differentiate natural satellite habitability and additionally extend their habitability outside the planetary habitable zone. Liquid water Liquid water is thought by most astrobiologists to be an essential prerequisite for extraterrestrial life. There is growing evidence of subsurface Zoo hypothesis The zoo hypothesis speculates on the assumed behavior and existence of technically-advanced extraterrestrial life and the reasons they refrain from contacting Earth. It is one of many theoretical explanations for the Fermi paradox. The hypothesis is that alien life intentionally avoids communication with Earth, and one of its main interpretations is that it does so to allow for natural evolution and sociocultural development, avoiding interplanetary contamination, similarly to people observing animals at a zoo. The hypothesis seeks to explain the apparent absence of extraterrestrial life despite its generally accepted plausibility and hence the reasonable expectation of its existence. Aliens the most advantageous locale in the outer Solar System for colonization, and saying "In certain ways, Titan is the most hospitable extraterrestrial world within our solar system for human colonization". Enceladus is a small, icy moon orbiting close to Saturn, notable for its extremely bright surface and the geyser-like plumes of ice and water vapor that erupt from its southern polar region. If Enceladus has liquid water, it joins Mars and Jupiter's moon Europa as one of the prime places in the Solar System to look for extraterrestrial life and possible future settlements. Other large satellites: Rhea, Iapetus, Dione, Tethys, and Mimas, Earth, has ice caps at its poles. In addition to frozen water, Mars ice caps also have frozen carbon dioxide, commonly known as dry ice. In addition, Mars has seasons similar to Earth. The North Pole of Mars has a permanent water ice cap and a winter-only dry ice cap. On the south pole, both the water and carbon dioxide are permanently frozen. Europa, a moon of Jupiter, is covered with a permanent sheet of water ice, similar to Antarctica. Scientists theorize that it may have sub-glacial lakes similar to those seen in Antarctica. Life There is very little surface life 100 kilometers thick. The smooth surface includes a layer of ice, while the bottom of the ice is theorized to be liquid water. The apparent youth and smoothness of the surface have led to the hypothesis that a water ocean exists beneath it, which could conceivably serve as an abode for extraterrestrial life. Heat energy from tidal flexing ensures that the ocean remains liquid and drives geological activity. Life may exist in Europa's under-ice ocean. So far, there is no evidence that life exists on Europa, but the likely presence of liquid water has spurred calls to send a probe term "habitable zone" in 1959 to refer to the area around a star where liquid water could exist on a sufficiently large body, and was the first to introduce it in the context of planetary habitability and extraterrestrial life. A major early contributor to habitable zone concept, Huang argued in 1960 that circumstellar habitable zones, and by extension extraterrestrial life, would be uncommon in multiple star systems, given the gravitational instabilities of those systems. The concept of habitable zones was further developed in 1964 by Stephen H. Dole in his book Habitable Planets for Man, in which he discussed the concept revolutionized the study of biology and astrobiology by revealing that life need not be sun-dependent; it only requires water and an energy gradient in order to exist. Biologists have found extremophiles that thrive in ice, boiling water, acid, alkali, the water core of nuclear reactors, salt crystals, toxic waste and in a range of other extreme habitats that were previously thought to be inhospitable for life. This opened up a new avenue in astrobiology by massively expanding the number of possible extraterrestrial habitats. Characterization of these organisms, their environments and their evolutionary pathways, is considered a crucial component to understanding how Evolving the Alien Synopsis Cohen and Stewart argue against a conception of extraterrestrial life that assumes life can only evolve in environments similar to Earth (the so-called Rare Earth hypothesis), and that extraterrestrial lifeforms will converge toward characteristics similar to those of life on Earth, a common trope of certain science fiction styles. They suggest that any investigation of extraterrestrial life relying on these assumptions is overly restrictive, and it is possible to make a scientific and rational study of the possibility of life forms that are so different from life on Earth that we may not even recognise them
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these often have undesirable side-effects from prolonged use. A product known as Flonase may also be useful for chronic barostriction, and may be used either continually, or just prior to swims. Additionally, a slow performance of the Valsalva maneuver may resolve an acute incidence of barostriction. pressure. Causes Eustachian tube dysfunction can be caused by a number of factors. Some common common causes include the flu, allergies, a cold, and sinus infections. Treatment First-line treatment options are generally aimed at treating the underlying cause and include attempting to "pop" the ears, usually via the Valsalva manuever, the use of oral or topical decongestants, oral steroids, oral antihistamines, and topical nasal steroid sprays, such as Flonase. If medical management fails, myringotomy, which is a surgical procedure in which an incision is made in the eardrum to drain pus from the middle ear or to relieve pressure caused by Fluticasone furoate Brand names In the US it is marketed by GlaxoSmithKline for asthma as Arnuity Ellipta and is only available with a prescription. It is marketed over-the-counter for allergic rhinitis as Flonase Sensimist. The Veramyst brand name has been discontinued in the U.S. It is also marketed as Allermist (Japan, アラミスト) and Avamys (Australia, Canada, EU, South Africa, South America, Mexico, Israel, Italy, India and South Korea). The combination drug fluticasone furoate/vilanterol, marketed as Breo Ellipta (US, Canada) and Relvar Ellipta (UK), is approved for use in the United States for long-term maintenance treatment of airflow obstruction in people its execution, a work item may also spawn new work items that can feasibly be executed in parallel with its other work. These new items are initially put on the queue of the processor executing the work item. When a processor runs out of work, it looks at the queues of other processors and "steals" their work items. In effect, work stealing distributes the scheduling work over idle processors, and as long as all processors have work to do, no scheduling overhead occurs. Work stealing contrasts with work sharing, another popular scheduling approach for dynamic multithreading, where each work item is 'negative work' (i.e. absorbing work). Over an entire cycle, there is typically some positive, and some negative work; if the overall cycle is counter-clockwise vs. clockwise work loop represents overall work generation vs. work absorption, respectively. For example during a jump, the leg muscles generate work to increase the body's speed away from the ground, yielding counter-clockwise work loops. When landing, however, the same muscles absorb work to decrease the body's speed, yielding clockwise work loops. Furthermore, a muscle can produce positive work followed by negative work (or vice versa) within a shortening-lengthening cycle, causing a 'figure regulate work and life" and defined it as "the belief one has in one’s own ability to achieve a balance between work and non-work responsibilities, and to persist and cope with challenges posed by work and non-work demands" (p. 1758). Specifically, Chan et al. (2016) found that "self-efficacy to regulate work and life" helped to explain the relationship between work–family enrichment, work–life balance, and job satisfaction and family satisfaction. Chan et al. (2017) also found that "self-efficacy to regulate work and life" assists individuals to achieve work–life balance and work engagement despite the presence of family and work demands. Subclassifications While Work–life interface Work–life interface is the intersection of work and personal life. There are many aspects of one's personal life that can intersect with work including family, leisure, and health. Work–life interface is bidirectional; for instance, work can interfere with private life, and private life can interfere with work. This interface can be adverse in nature (e.g., work-life conflict) or can be beneficial (e.g., work-life enrichment) in nature. Recent research has shown that the work–life interface is becoming increasingly boundaryless, especially for technology-enabled workers. Dominant theories of the relationship Several theories explain different aspects of the relationship between the work Emotion work Emotion work is understood as the art of trying to change in degree or quality an emotion or feeling. Emotion work may be defined as the management of one's own feelings, or work done in an effort to maintain a relationship; there is dispute as to whether emotion work is only work done regulating one’s own emotion, or extends to performing the emotional work for others. Hochschild Arlie Russell Hochschild, who introduced the term in 1979, distinguished emotion work – unpaid emotional work that a person undertakes in private life – from emotional labor: emotional work done in Work card A work card is like an Identity Card which verifies that a person has been given work, or is eligible to perform work in a given profession or jurisdiction. The work card is not a work visa, although it may be used in conjunction with a work visa, permanent resident card or other documentation. Work cards are often used in countries with high unemployment to certify that the individual meets certain legal requirements (such as head of household, or with dependent children) making him or her eligible for work. Work cards are also used in certain industries like construction (where perform and how their time is distributed among these. Research suggests that there are several key themes present in engineers' work: technical work (i.e., the application of science to product development), social work (i.e., interactive communication between people), computer-based work and information behaviours. Among other more detailed findings, a recent work sampling study found that engineers spend 62.92% of their time engaged in technical work, 40.37% in social work, and 49.66% in computer-based work. Furthermore, there was considerable overlap between these different types of work, with engineers spending 24.96% of their time engaged in technical and social work, 37.97% in
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by Bowers and D. D. Beauchamp of a short story by Beauchamp. Conrad once revealed that CBS intended to do yearly TV revivals of The Wild Wild West. Variety, in its review of the first TV movie, concurred: "A couple of more movies in this vein, sensibly spaced, could work in the future." Ross Martin's death in 1981, however, put an end to the idea. Conrad was later quoted in Cinefantastique about these films: "We all got along fine with each other when we did these, but I wasn't happy with them only because CBS imposed a lot of restrictions following the completion of her running in period entered service on the Severn Valley Railway in June 1988, with a formal renaming ceremony taking place on 4 June that year. Alongside her work on the mainline she did put in mileage on the SVR until 1992 when she departed from the Railway. She returned to the SVR as a resident in 2001, when her owner Bert Hitchen put her up for sale and she was acquired by SVR member Phil Swallow. Following her withdrawal from the mainline she was disguised as scrapped sister 34036 Westward Ho Following an appearance at her court, and these were infrequent. "The Wild West was altogether too big a thing to take to Windsor Castle, and as in the case of Mahomet and the mountain, as the Wild West could not go to the Queen it became absolutely necessary for the Queen to go to the Wild West, if she desired to see it, and it was evident that she did." "Then I presented Red Shirt, the Native Chieftain, who was gorgeous in war paint and feather trappings. His proud bearing was fetching among the royal party, and when he spoke through an interpreter, was in Omaha, Nebraska, on May 17, 1883. Their series of shooting matches completed, both Carver and Bogardus joined the show in Omaha. The show was an immediate success, but the relationship between the two showmen, Carver and Cody, was contentious from the beginning. At the end of the season they parted ways and divided the assets by the flip of a coin. Cody then formed a partnership with the promoter and showman Nate Salsbury, and the show continued as Buffalo Bill's Wild West. Carver put his own show on tour, also billed as the Wild West. As the two shows held that he kept records of all thieves in his employ, and when they had outlived their usefulness, Wild sold them to the gallows for the £40 reward. This supposed system inspired a fake or folk etymology of the phrase "double cross." It is alleged that, when a thief vexed Wild in some way, he put a cross by the thief's name; a second cross condemned the man to be sold to the Crown for hanging. (This fabulous story is contradicted by the fact that the noun "double cross" did not enter English usage until 1834.) In public, Wild presented an northward from Temple Bar up Shire Lane, and then runs in an irregular line westward, keeping to the south of Lincoln’s Inn Fields till it reaches Drury Lane: it then turns north-westward up Drury Lane to Castle Street, and again turn westward and then northward runs by Castle Street, West Street, and Crown Street, Soho, to the eastern end of Oxford Street. The northern boundary runs in a very direct line westward along Oxford Street and the north side of Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens, making a small detour in one place, so as to include St. George’s burying-ground, to up the steps to the west. According to the Bible, the Israelites crossed the Jordan River westward into the Promised Land. In Islam, while in India, people pray facing towards the west as in respect to Mecca, Mecca is in the West-ward direction. In American literature (e.g., in The Great Gatsby) moving West has sometimes symbolized gaining freedom, perhaps as an association with the settling of the Wild West (see also the American frontier and Manifest Destiny). Fantasy fiction Tolkien used it symbolically, with the dying Thorin calling Bilbo Baggins "child of the kindly West" in The Hobbit. This Downtown Richmond, it extends west through Richmond's West End all the way to the outermost suburbs of Richmond just beyond Short Pump near the intersection of I-295 and I-64. Continuing west into Goochland County Broad Street becomes Broad Street Rd. U.S. Route 250; the road extends all the way to Sandusky, OH. The GRTC Pulse bus rapid transit line follows Broad Street from its terminus at the Willow Lawn station on the western edge of the city east to 14th Street in Downtown Richmond. West End As Richmond moved westward, so did the retail district. Miles away, Short Pump Town Center in Aliens in the Wild, Wild West Plot Aliens in the Wild, Wild West takes place in a mid-19th century western town which had been traveled to by two modern day siblings through the means of time travel. The younger sibling, Tom Johnson (Locke), was an annoyance to his older sister Sara (Pope). They fought all the time, which is what got them put into the town. While back in time, Tom finds an alien spaceship in the forest. He soon finds out that oxygen is poisonous to the cute and fuzzy aliens, and they only breathe sulfur. with Barnum and Bailey's Circus, and Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show. He married Agnes in 1898. Gavin returned to Australia and organised his own Wild West Show which was successful at the Melbourne Cyclorama, although he experienced a number of legal troubles. Gavin eventually had a company of 150 before moving into filmmaking. In 1908 he started managing theatres which he did for the next few years. Filmmaking Debut His debut feature was about Thunderbolt, produced by H. A. Forsyth, and its success launched his career. As one writer later put it: With the aid of a gallant, if small, company of
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Pre-industrial society Pre-industrial society refers to social attributes and forms of political and cultural organization that were prevalent before the advent of the Industrial Revolution, which occurred from 1750 to 1850. Pre-industrial is a time before there were machines and tools to help perform tasks en masse. Pre-industrial civilization dates back to centuries ago, but the main era known as the Pre-industrial society occurred right before the industrial society. Pre-Industrial societies vary from region to region depending on the culture of a given area or history of social and political life. The Indian subcontinent was known for its spread shops and pubs. Slightly inland, among the older suburban houses, are a small shopping precinct containing a Lidl supermarket, a football club, another Roman Catholic church, and other amenities. On the approach from the coast road is a well-known pub, the Elphin. Many businesses in the area are represented by the Howth Sutton Baldoyle Chamber of Commerce. Baldoyle Industrial Estate On Grange Road towards Donaghmede is a light industrial estate, with more than forty businesses and the local An Post sorting and delivery office. Businesses located there include major generic pharmaceuticals player Mylan, the largest tenant of the estate, Irish company ConTrain. The old railway station today houses a municipal leisure and meeting place bearing the name Treff im Bahnhof (“Meeting in the Railway Station”). Established businesses Viernheim has four industrial area with many middle-class businesses. Many well known firms, such as Pfenning Logistics, have their warehouses in Viernheim and Buderus has its distribution centre there. Plisch GmbH and Hommel Hercules Werkzeuge also have their head offices in the town. The Rhein-Neckar-Zentrum shopping centre, opened in 1972, is nationally famous and probably the most well known. complex existed on the current grounds of the Career Technical Center until it burned and was eventually moved to Russellville. Another interesting note is that the building that now exists as part of the After-School program at Belgreen High School was once a canning plant, one of the many businesses that once existed in Belgreen. Other businesses also included a second gas station and country store at the beginning of Highway 49, as well as a barber shop at the four way intersection. Belgreen High School Any description of Belgreen would be incomplete without a given history of Belgreen High a person was of African ancestry, many blacks were forced to be enterprising by establishing businesses that served their own people. Some of the businesses included black-owned hotels, insurance agencies, funeral homes and various retail stores. A "Black Wall Street" once existed in Greenwood, Tulsa, Oklahoma, and the Georgetown area of Washington D.C. was known for its affluent black professionals during segregation. In fact, the level of business ownership among blacks was the highest during the era of legal segregation. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 made many black-owned businesses suffer because of their inability to compete with white-owned establishments. use in houses, churches and other buildings. During the Industrial Revolution, mass production of ironmongery became more widespread, though businesses often remained regionally focused. For example, in the UK, Laidlaw was founded in Manchester in 1876; Derby-based Bennetts Ironmongery can trace its history back to 1734; William Tonks & Sons was established in Leeds in 1789; and Quiggins served the Victorian era Liverpool market. The West Midlands region saw several well-known businesses established: Parker Winder & Achurch started in Birmingham in 1836, J Legge in Willenhall in 1881, and William Newton in Wolverhampton in 1750 (relocating to Birmingham in the the airport. On June 8, 2014 the US Air Force landed a C-17 Globemaster III at the field, proving that it can support military transport to and from Camp Roberts, some 15 miles (24 km) away. The area around the Paso Robles Airport, known as Airport Road Industrial Park, is home to many aviation maintenance providers and facilities, as well as many aviation parts manufacturers and other related businesses. Under the City's direction, sections of the industrial park have been developed with utilities and infrastructure improvements. Aircraft hangar and aviation service facilities have been constructed. In 1973, there were just four businesses employing United Kingdom grew from the start of the industrial revolution, with large populations moving from the agricultural countryside to newly built model townships and later terraced housing in towns and cities. The corner shops were locally owned small businesses, started by entrepreneurs who had often had other careers before taking on the large start-up capital requirement required to establish such a trading business. Many well-known high street retail brands, such as Marks and Spencer, Sainsbury's and latterly Tesco, originated during the Victorian era as simple, family-owned corner shops. The name corner shop originated because such shops are traditionally located on the in the centuries preceding the Buddha, the meditative methodologies described in the Buddhist texts are some of the earliest among texts that have survived into the modern era. These methodologies likely incorporate what existed before the Buddha as well as those first developed within Buddhism. According to Bronkhorst, the Four Dhyanas was a Buddhist invention. Bronkhorst notes that the Buddhist canon has a mass of contradictory statements, little is known about their relative chronology, and "there can be no doubt that the canon – including the older parts, the Sutra and Vinaya Pitaka – was composed over a long period of Library with millions of titles in their catalogs. Besides the public libraries, private libraries also provide lending services, and are usually run by individuals, associations, or by corporate organizations and universities. Private libraries usually require a subscription or membership to the library (paid or unpaid) and provide services specific to the organization, area or university. Book rentals Historically before the industrial revolution, books were too expensive for commoners to buy, and there were businesses which made profit by renting out books for a fee. Kashi-hon in Japan was one of such businesses. In modern era in developing and developed nations,
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the former POSIX (now removed) mktemp(1) program. These files are typically located in the standard temporary directory, /tmp on Unix machines or %TEMP% (which is log-in specific) on Windows machines. A temporary file created with tmpfile is deleted automatically when the program exits or the file is closed. To generate a temporary file name that will survive past the lifespan of the creating program, tmpnam (POSIX) or GetTempFileName(...) (Windows) can be used. Issues Some programs create temporary files and then leave them behind - they do not delete them. This can happen because the program crashed or the developer Graphic as a file. The program example below is functionally the same as the one above. 1 REM This source code is herewith released2 REM by me into the Public Domain.3 REM Bill Buckels, October 2, 20075 POKE 53272,PEEK(53272) OR 810 POKE 53265, PEEK(53265) OR 3220 FOR I = 1024 TO 2047: POKE I,16 : NEXT I50 OPEN 1,8,2,"ERINLOG.BHI"51 B$ = CHR$(0)52 FOR I=1 TO 2:GET #1,A$:NEXT I54 FOR I=8192 TO 1619155 GET #1,A$:POKE I,ASC(A$+B$)56 NEXT I57 CLOSE 160 OPEN 1,8,2,"ERINLOG.VHI"61 B$ = CHR$(0)62 FOR I=1 TO 2:GET #1,A$:NEXT I64 FOR I=1024 TO 204765 GET #1,A$:POKE I,ASC(A$+B$)66 NEXT I67 CLOSE 1100 Unlink (Unix) In Unix-like operating systems, unlink is a system call and a command line utility to delete files. The program directly interfaces the system call, which removes the file name and (but not on GNU systems) directories like rm and rmdir. If the file name was the last hard link to the file, the file itself is deleted as soon as no program has it open. It also appears in the PHP, Node.js and Perl standard libraries in the form of the unlink() built-in function. Like the Unix utility, it is also used to delete files. Example To delete a Diskeeper History Originally, Diskeeper was developed for the VAX series of minicomputers and later for Microsoft Windows. The defragmentation program which is included with Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 is based on a basic version of Diskeeper. Features In addition to resolving file system fragmentation, Diskeeper also prevents fragmentation before it happens by optimizing the process of data being written to disk. Diskeeper can also defragment files on-the-fly, using only idle system resources as needed. Another feature in Diskeeper is I-FAAST, or Intelligent File Access Acceleration Sequencing Technology. I-FAAST determines the frequency of file usage and the most be multiple users logged onto the computer at one time using the Fast User Switching feature. Users can be disconnected or logged off from this tab. Windows 9x A Close Program dialog box comes up when Ctrl+Alt+Delete is pressed in Windows 9x. Also, in Windows 9x, there is a program called Tasks (TASKMAN.EXE) located in the Windows directory. TASKMAN.EXE is rudimentary and has fewer features. The System Monitor utility in Windows 9x contains process and network monitoring functionality similar to that of the Windows Task Manager. (Also, Tasks program is called by clicking twice on desktop if Explorer process is each other, and reveal they are HIV positive ("I Should Tell You"). They share a kiss and continue celebrating with their friends ("Viva La Vie Bohème!" or "La Vie Bohème B"). On New Years Day, Benny has padlocked the apartment, but Angel breaks the lock with a garbage can. Mark takes a job at Buzzline, the television news program that he sold his riot footage to. After another fight, Maureen proposes to Joanne; the relationship ends when Maureen flirts with another woman at the engagement party ("Take Me or Leave Me"). After being persuaded by Mimi, his ex-girlfriend, Benny gives the matter of moving the image into the correct file folder and using the system tools to select the icon. (In Windows you could go to My Computer, open Tools on the explorer window, choose Folder Options, then File Types, select a file type, click on Advanced and select an icon to be associated with that file type.) Developers also use icon editors to make icons for specific program files. Assignment of an icon to a newly created program is usually done within the Integrated Development Environment used to develop that program. However, if one is creating an application in the Windows politics. I believe in personal freedom, personal responsibility. And nobody tells you what to do more than the left wing. They're a bunch of fascists." In terms of issues covering copyright and illegal file-sharing of songs, Osborne's remarked, "The internet downloading— people need to get over it". He's also added, "Is it stealing? Sure, yeah— but it doesn't matter. It's over. Things have changed. We have to move on." In an earlier interview, he argued, "For me musically, I wish I woulda had something like YouTube when I was a kid so I could go, 'Oh, what's this Captain Beefheart?'". Musical specifiers may appear in any order. open (unit=2, iostat=ios, file="cities", status="new", access="direct", & action="readwrite", recl=100) Other specifiers are form and position. The close statement This is used to disconnect a file from a unit. close (unit=u [,iostat=ios] [,status=st]) as in close (unit=2, iostat=ios, status="delete") The inquire statement At any time during the execution of a program it is possible to inquire about the status and attributes of a file using this statement. Using a variant of this statement, it is similarly possible to determine the status of a unit, for instance whether the unit number exists for that system. Another variant I went the other day to a veterans hospital and look at those men with their mangled bodies in the eye and tell them they didn't hold a job. You go with me to the space program and go as I have gone to the widows and orphans of Ed White, Gus Grissom, and Roger Chaffee, and you look those kids in the eye and tell them that their dad didn't hold a job. You go with me on Memorial Day, coming up, and you stand in Arlington National Cemetery, where I have more friends than I'd like to remember,
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the terminological distinction between these two related groups: the "Tungkan" (the older Wade-Giles spelling for "Dungan"), described by him as the descendants of the Gansu Hui people resettled in Xinjiang in 17–18th centuries, vs. e.g. the "Gansu Moslems" or generic "Chinese Moslems". The name "Dungan" sometimes referred to all Muslims coming from China proper, such as Dongxiang and Salar in addition to Hui. Reportedly, the Hui disliked the term Dungan, calling themselves either HuiHui or Huizi. In the Soviet Union and its successor countries, the term "Dungans" (дунгане) became the standard name for the descendants of Chinese-speaking Muslims who emigrated to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Kumbo Religious Data There are three main religious groups in the Diocese of Kumbo, namely, the Christians, the Muslims or (also spelled Moslems) and the adherents of the African Traditional Religion. The present statistics reveal that the adherents of the African Traditional Religion are still the majority, followed by the Christians in the second place and then the Moslems. The Christians are further regrouped into Catholics, Presbyterians, Baptists and some Evangelical and Pentecostal Communities like the Churches of Christ and the Deeper Life Church. The population of this latter group is very insignificant, made up mainly the département of Alger declared themselves to be Moslems. In the city of Alger itself, however, 296,041 or 46% of the 645,479 people counted were declared to be non-Moslems. This placed Alger second only to the city of Oran in terms of the proportion of the population stating that they were non-Moslems. Non-Moslem appears to have been seen as a surrogate description for people of European origin, or for Algerian Jews. Reorganisation and independence On 26 January 1956 population increases triggered the creation of three new stand-alone departments. These were the département of Médéa, along with the coastal départements of about contemporary Orientalist stereotypes of Arabs and Muslims, Said said: So far as the United States seems to be concerned, it is only a slight overstatement to say that Moslems and Arabs are essentially seen as either oil suppliers or potential terrorists. Very little of the detail, the human density, the passion of Arab–Moslem life has entered the awareness of even those people whose profession it is to report the Arab world. What we have, instead, is a series of crude, essentialized caricatures of the Islamic world, presented in such a way as to make that world vulnerable to military aggression. — "Islam Al-Nabi Rubin, Acre Ottoman era In 1881, the Palestine Exploration Fund's Survey of Western Palestine (SWP) described Al-Nabi Rubin: This is a small village round the tomb of the Neby, containing about ninety Moslems, it is situated on a prominent top, and surrounded by many olives, a few figs and arable land; there are two cisterns and a birket near. British rule In the 1945 statistics the population Tarbikha, Suruh and Al-Nabi Rubin together was 1000 Muslims according to an official land and population survey, all were Muslims, and they had a stone houses. containing 350 Algerian Moslems, situated on high hill, with gardens down the slopes. There is a perennial supply of good water in Wâdy Râs el Ahmar." A population list from about 1887 showed Ras el Ahmar to have about 690 Muslim inhabitants. British Mandate era In the 1922 census of Palestine conducted by the British Mandate authorities, Al-Ras al-Ahmar had a population of 405; all Muslims, increasing slightly in the 1931 census to 447; 6 Christians and 441 Muslims, in a total of 92 houses. In the 1945 statistics, remaining 17 percent is made up of minor ethnic groups comprising the Kantosi, Mamprusi, Sissala, Nankani, Mossi and some few migrant workers from Burkina-Faso. These tribes have co-existed over the years thus contributing to the development of the district. 1.4.3 Religious composition The major religious denominations are Christians, Muslims, and Traditionalist. The largest mode of worship is the Traditional African Religion, which makes up 46 percent of the population followed by the Christian Religion (28%) and Moslems (23%). Other religions constitute about 3.0 percent of the total population. The traditionalists are mostly found in the rural parts of the district. many women and children were among victims. Some sources estimate the number of victims to be 3,000. According to the official report, the massacre was committed by villagers from Polja village in Kolašin, members of the brotherhood of the murdered Bošković, who killed 120 Muslims and burned and robbed 45 houses. The massacre was described by Milovan Đilas in the book Land without Justice, based on the testimony of his father Nikola, who participated in the massacre. In Shahovichi the authorities informed the vigilantes that a group of Moslems, taken under protective custody on the pretext that their lives were in The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was formally registered in the country in 1992, during the era of the Fourth Caliph. However, there have been Ahmadi Muslims in the country since the 1960s. There are two Ahmadiyya mosques in the Republic of Ireland, one in Galway in the western coast, named the Galway Mosque, and one in Lucan near the eastern coast in County Dublin. The Galway Mosque is purpose built. Most Ahmadiyya Moslems in Ireland are refugees from countries where they are persecuted. Media Some UK-based television channels targeted at the Muslim Community can be accessed in Ireland via satellite including Al-'Abisiyya History The village contained the khirbas of Tall al-Sakhina, Tall al-Shari'a, and al-Shaykh Ghannam. In 1881, the Palestine Exploration Fund's Survey of Western Palestine (SWP) described the village as "a collection of mud hovels in the plain of the Huleh, on the Nahr Banias containing seventy Moslems. They till the land, which is arable round the village, there is a large supply of water and some trees near the village." British Mandate era In the 1931 census of Palestine, during the British Mandate for Palestine, the village had a population of 609, all Muslims, in
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the anti-virus would have created a new virus. Macro Virus Mutators Anti-virus have to be updated very easily and fast to counter these viruses. A lot of informations is added every day and the performance of the anti-virus must not drop while updates. Parasitic macro viruses The problem here is that there is not an easily identifiable set of macros, the anti-virus have to parse the body of the macro and identify and cut parts added by the macro viruses (fortunately, this task is not difficult to achieve). with good anti-virus. This section presents characteristics that anti-virus should have to protect from macro-viruses. Polymorphic macros First, specific anti-virus products will not really affect this kind of virus, anti-virus analyzing the content will be more efficient. Also, there is something to notice: the modification process is relatively slow and is noticeable by the user. Chained macros In order to protect from these macros viruses, a scanner has to detect all elements of the chain and remove them properly. ‘Mating’ Macro Viruses The anti-virus has to detect all macros of the virus but also any remnants of them. In the example of company's entry into the security software business. in 2006 Agnitum has entered in strategic alliance with VirusBuster, experienced anti-virus vendor from Hungary. Agnitum have aimed to enter the market of Internet Security suite solutions to compete with anti-virus vendors (Kaspersky, ZoneLabs, etc.) who already had integrated personal firewalls into their personal security solutions (mostly they were personal anti-viruses with additional spyware, adware, spam and web content filtering engines). In 2007-2008 Agnitum finally entered the market of anti-virus solutions. Its anti-virus products began participating of international and domestic test labs tests as Virus Bulletin's VB100 and's anti-virus tests, and Outpost Firewall Pro computer. When Anti-Executable is active, unwanted executables which do not appear on the whitelist will not run. Anti-Executable comes in two versions for Windows (Standard for standalone computers and Enterprise for networked computers). Anti-Executable Enterprise can be managed remotely via Faronics Core. Faronics Anti-Virus Released in 2010, this anti-virus software for Windows combines anti-virus, anti-spyware and anti-rootkit technologies. Faronics Anti-Virus works with Deep Freeze so that program updates can be performed without turning Deep Freeze protection off. Faronics Anti-Virus is managed remotely via Faronics Core. Power Save Released in 2007, Power Save provides PC power management to aid in green worldwide scare. In general, virus researchers avoided naming these viruses as "Good Times," but an obvious potential for confusion exists, and some Anti-Virus tools may well detect a real virus they identify as "Good Times," though this will not be the cause of the original scare. Spoofs Weird Al Yankovic made a song parody of the virus titled "Virus Alert". Colors, the anti-virus must not detect that Microsoft's ScanProt (macro virus protection tool) contains remnants of the virus but the problem is that ScanProt does contain parts of the virus. There is another problem, if a virus B is created by modifying some macros of a virus A which consists in a set of macros, then the virus B could be detected as a remnant of A but the anti-virus would only identify (and remove) the non-modified macros. After that, in some cases, the replication of the virus (which does not contain original macros of A now) could be successful. In fact, certifications four times including April 2010 on Windows EX, December 2009 on Windows 7, August 2008 for Windows XP and February 2003 for Windows Server XP. Webroot Antivirus with SpySweeper has been ICSA labs certified for Desktop/Server Anti-Virus Detection and Anti-Virus Cleaning on both Windows 7 32 and 64 bit. Numerous certifications dating from 2008 have been received from West Coast Labs for this product including; Anti-Spyware Desktop, Anti-Trojan, Anti-Virus Desktop, Anti-Virus Disinfection and Desktop Firewall. checks all documents with extensions DOT or DOC (indeed, some anti-virus producers suggest to their users), but Word documents can reside in others extensions than those two and the content of the document tends to change often. So, like the heuristic analysis, this can lead to false positives errors, due to the fact that this type of anti-virus checks the whole document. The last type of anti-virus seen will be the virus-specific scanner. It searches the signature of viruses, so, the type of anti-virus is weakest than the previous ones. Indeed, the viruses which are detected by virus-specific scanners are just the incompatible with many other anti-virus and anti-spyware software. Security flaws In 2005, two critical flaws were discovered in Kaspersky Anti-Virus. One could let attackers commandeer systems that use it, and one allowed CHM files to insert malicious code. Linux edition An edition of Kaspersky's anti-virus solution for Linux workstations is available to business consumers. It offers many of the features included in the mainstream version for Windows, including on-access and on-demand scanners. Specialized editions of Kaspersky Anti-Virus are also available for a variety of Linux servers and offer protection from most forms of malware. Mac edition The newly released Macintosh capable in fact, they change the content of other viruses, so the accurate detection isn't possible. Suboptimal anti-virus There are different types of anti-virus (or scanner), one of them is the heuristic analysis anti-virus which interpretes or emulates macros. Indeed, to examine all of the branches of macros require a NP-complete complexity (using backtracking), so in this case, the analysis of one document (which contains macros) would take too much time. Interpreting or emulating a macro would lead to either false positives errors or macro viruses not detected. Another type of anti-virus, the integrety checker anti-virus, in some cases, doesn't work : it only
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theories in two or three spacetime dimensions are useful for describing phenomena in condensed matter physics. Finally, there exist scenarios in which there could actually be more than four dimensions of spacetime which have nonetheless managed to escape detection. One notable feature of string theory and M-theory is that these theories require extra dimensions of spacetime for their mathematical consistency. In string theory, spacetime is ten-dimensional (nine spatial dimensions, and one time dimension), while in M-theory it is eleven-dimensional (ten spatial dimensions, and one time dimension). In order to describe real physical phenomena using these theories, one must therefore imagine scenarios for photons and the orbit of Mercury, which is roughly 6 million times lighter than the Sun. However, it is inadequate for binary stars, in which the masses may be of similar magnitude. The metric for the case of two comparable masses cannot be solved in closed form and therefore one has to resort to approximation techniques such as the post-Newtonian approximation or numerical approximations. In passing, we mention one particular exception in lower dimensions (see R=T model for details). In (1+1) dimensions, i.e. a space made of one spatial dimension and one time dimension, the metric for two accepted the theory of Avicenna that the principle of individuation is matter designated (signata) by determinate dimensions, but later abandoned this in favour of the Averroist theory that it is matter affected by unterminated dimension which is the principle. Later still, he seems to have returned to the first theory when he wrote the Quodlibeta. Scotus to Suárez Giles of Rome (1243–1316) believed that individuation happens by the quantity in the matter. Duns Scotus held that individuation comes from the numerical determination of form and matter whereby they become this form and this matter. Individuation is distinguished from a nature Basic dimension In a technical drawing, a basic dimension is a theoretically exact dimension, given from a datum to a feature of interest. In Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, basic dimensions are defined as a numerical value used to describe the theoretically exact size, profile, orientation or location of a feature or datum target. Allowable variations from the theoretically exact geometry are indicated by feature control frames, notes, and tolerances on other non-basic dimensions. Basic dimensions are currently denoted by enclosing the number of the dimension in a rectangle. In earlier times, they were denoted by appending "BASIC" or "BSC" to the dimension When features Eight dimensional e-learning framework Dimensions The framework consists of eight dimensions, sometimes referred to as factors. Each dimension represents a category of issues that need to be considered in order to create successful experiences. The framework offers a practical and detailed checklist to serve as a self-assessment instrument for institutions to evaluate their educational technology readiness or their opportunities for growth. Pedagogical The pedagogical dimension addresses issues such as content analysis, audience analysis, goal analysis, design, and methods and strategies which assess the principles and methods of instruction (i.e., teaching and learning). It addresses how the content of a any two points, the derived square for the two points is the smallest square covering both points. The interleaving of bits from the x and y components of each point is called the shuffle of x and y, and can be extended to higher dimensions. Points can be sorted according to their shuffle without explicitly interleaving the bits. To do this, for each dimension, the most significant bit of the exclusive or of the coordinates of the two points for that dimension is examined. The dimension for which the most significant bit is largest is then used to considered either as an incomplete description on its own, or as a subset of string theory model building. In addition to small and curled up extra dimensions, there may be extra dimensions that instead aren't apparent because the matter associated with our visible universe is localized on a (3 + 1)-dimensional subspace. Thus the extra dimensions need not be small and compact but may be large extra dimensions. D-branes are dynamical extended objects of various dimensionalities predicted by string theory that could play this role. They have the property that open string excitations, which are associated with gauge interactions, are confined be calculated at the current position of the ion. These forces are then used to compute the current ion acceleration and then by numerical integration techniques to predict the position and velocity of the ion at the next time step. Moreover, the time step itself is continuously adjusted to maximize trajectory accuracy. A standard fourth-order Runge–Kutta method is used for numerical integration of the ion trajectory in three dimensions. a fraction of a second in the form of gravitational radiation than an entire galaxy in its lifetime. Adaptive mesh refinement Adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) as a numerical method has roots that go well beyond its first application in the field of numerical relativity. Mesh refinement first appears in the numerical relativity literature in the 1980s, through the work of Choptuik in his studies of critical collapse of scalar fields. The original work was in one dimension, but it was subsequently extended to two dimensions. In two dimensions, AMR has also been applied to the study of Dimension theory (algebra) In mathematics, dimension theory is the study in terms of commutative algebra of the notion dimension of an algebraic variety (and by extension that of a scheme). The need of a theory for such an apparently simple notion results from the existence of many definitions of the dimension that are equivalent only in the most regular cases (see Dimension of an algebraic variety). A large part of dimension theory consists in studying the conditions under which several dimensions are equal, and many important classes of commutative rings may be defined as the rings such that two dimensions
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denying at a public event that insurers were cancelling insurance. Rather, they were signing customers up “with new plans that are compliant with ACA.” He insisted that under five percent of the population would lose their insurance under Obamacare and that most would “get a much better deal in the healthcare exchange - good price and much better benefits than what they were paying before.” He added that young people are “probably going to get a real good deal” under Obamacare. Kind voted against the 2017 Republican health-care bill. "I thought it was a bad piece of legislation,” he said, “both to roll over like a fat dog and get scratched by the pharmaceutical and insurance companies because, gee, we have to apologize for so-called Obamacare. I'm not going to apologize a damn bit." Schweitzer has said that, instead of "Obamacare," he supports expanding Medicare eligibility to all persons, instead of only those 65 years of age and older as under the current system. Under his proposal, persons not eligible for private health insurance would be able to pay to enroll in Medicare. He has presented his plan as a simpler alternative to "Obamacare," saying it could "fit on the House official, Trump told Manchin of his "interest in getting a result" so dialogue could resume "to see if there’s a way to create a reasonable background check proposal, along with other ideas." Health care In 2010, Manchin called for "repairs" of the Affordable Care Act and repeal of the "bad parts of Obamacare". On January 14, 2017, Manchin expressed concern at the strict party-line vote on repealing Obamacare and said he could not, in good conscience, vote to repeal without a new plan in place. He added, however, that he was willing to work with Trump and the GOP they continue to do so the best way they know how." Bad Blood After years of writing and perfecting their songs, they self-released their debut record Bad Blood. The record deals primarily with Christopher's battle with Hepatitis C, during which the majority of the songs were written. Press The Onion A.V. Club states "Bad Blood could be qualified as minimalist indie pop-rock, but it’s something much more effective than that might suggest. The duo’s stark guitars and lingering vocals tend to waft around, electrifying the air with their simplicity. So it shouldn’t matter much that they sound remarkably like Coldplay." UK June 2013, Heller called Obamacare a “colossal monstrosity,” but in April 2014, The Hill named him as one of several “anxious Senate Republicans” who were worried that Republican leaders were “focusing too much this election year on Obamacare.” In June 2017, Heller held a joint press conference with Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval, where Heller fervently opposed the American Health Care Act, the Republican Party's repeal and replacement bill for the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Heller said that he could not support a bill "that takes away insurance from tens of millions of Americans and hundreds of thousands of Nevadans." In July to get a sitter. [...] [This] at times turns the movie into a referendum on unhelpful husbands of well-off moms, rather than the absurdities of Perfect Mom culture." Lindsey Bahr of the Associated Press wrote, "Bad Moms had so many opportunities to be great, edgy and insightful, but instead settles for the most milquetoast commentary possible on modern motherhood." A Bad Mom's Christmas (2017) Directors of the first film, Lucas and Moore, have stated that they may get involved with the previously announced spin-off, but that their current focus is to make a sequel to Bad Moms. On December are often caught between a rock and a hard place: thanks to advisors, they know what policies would be generally beneficial, but they also know that those policies are not what people want. Thus, they are balancing good economic policy, so they do not get voted out of office because of slow growth, and bad economic policy, so they do not get voted out of office because of unpopular policies. Popular press The book was reviewed in the popular press, including in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and the New Yorker. It was also briefly mentioned in he realises that he was running away from his problems and also how much he loves Pepper; he shows up at the Timmins farewell barbecue and tells Pepper he wants to stay and figure his life out. They want to get married so Adam can get a visa. However Christine Rodd (Trudy Hellier), Pepper's mother, convinces them it was a bad idea to get married so early on, so the pair try to think of another way to get Adam a visa. Adam decides in order to get a visa he will rejoin the police force. He has to undergo a cloture. Cruz is cited in the press as having been a major force behind the U.S. government shutdown in 2013. Cruz delivered a message on October 11, 2013 to fellow Republicans against accepting Obamacare and, describing it as a "train wreck", said the American people remain "energized" around the goal of gutting the law. Cruz stated Obamacare is causing "enormous harm" to the economy. Republican strategist Mike Murphy stated: "Cruz is trying to start a wave of Salem witch trials in the G.O.P. on the shutdown and Obamacare, and that fear is impacting some people's calculations on 2016." Cruz craved attention and would go to almost any length to get it. He knew that an audacious action, although it was harsh and even barbarous, could shock people into a state where they could be manipulated." "He displayed no … restraint, proving so shameless in his pursuit of publicity, and so adept at getting press coverage, that he was soon attracting more attention from the press and the galleries than most of the rest of his colleagues combined." Aristotle pointed out the bad manners of Cleon more than 2,000 years ago: "[Cleon] was the first who shouted on the public platform,
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BPCS-Steganography BPCS-Steganography (Bit-Plane Complexity Segmentation Steganography) is a type of digital steganography. Digital steganography can hide confidential data (i.e. secret files) very securely by embedding them into some media data called "vessel data." The vessel data is also referred to as "carrier, cover, or dummy data". In BPCS-Steganography true color images (i.e., 24-bit color images) are mostly used for vessel data. The embedding operation in practice is to replace the "complex areas" on the bit planes of the vessel image with the confidential data. The most important aspect of BPCS-Steganography is that the embedding capacity is very large. In comparison Nine Inch Nails in their album Year Zero. Steganography in Streaming Media Since the era of evolving network applications, steganography research has shifted from image steganography to steganography in streaming media such as Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP). In 2003, Giannoula et al. developed a data hiding technique leading to compressed forms of source video signals on a frame-by-frame basis. In 2005, Dittmann et al. studied steganography and watermarking of multimedia contents such as VoIP. In 2008, Yongfeng Huang and Shanyu Tang presented a novel approach to information hiding in low bit-rate VoIP speech stream, and theirs published work on steganography in diplomatic cover) stationed abroad. Distributed steganography There are distributed steganography methods, including methodologies that distribute the payload through multiple carrier files in diverse locations to make detection more difficult. For example, U.S. Patent 8,527,779 by cryptographer William Easttom (Chuck Easttom). Online challenge The puzzles that are presented by Cicada 3301 incorporate steganography with cryptography and other solving techniques since 2012. As time goes on, more instigates that include steganography have been present in alternate reality games. The communications of The Mayday Mystery incorporate steganography and other solving techniques since 1981. file in an attempt to hide data by leaving it in plain sight. "Steganography produces dark data that is typically buried within light data (e.g., a non-perceptible digital watermark buried within a digital photograph)." Some experts have argued that the use of steganography techniques are not very widespread and therefore shouldn't be given a lot of thought. Most experts will agree that steganography has the capability of disrupting the forensic process when used correctly. According to Jeffrey Carr, a 2007 edition of Technical Mujahid (a bi-monthly terrorist publication) outlined the importance of using a steganography program called Secrets of the Mujahideen. Steganography Steganography (/ˌstɛɡəˈnɒɡrəfi/ (listen) STEG-ə-NOG-rə-fee) is the practice of concealing a file, message, image, or video within another file, message, image, or video. The word steganography combines the Greek words steganos (στεγᾰνός), meaning "covered or concealed", and graphe (γραφή) meaning "writing". The first recorded use of the term was in 1499 by Johannes Trithemius in his Steganographia, a treatise on cryptography and steganography, disguised as a book on magic. Generally, the hidden messages appear to be (or to be part of) something else: images, articles, shopping lists, or some other cover text. For example, the hidden message may be in invisible is the first ever effort to improve the codebook partition by using Graph theory along with Quantization Index Modulation in low bit-rate streaming media. In 2011 and 2012, Yongfeng Huang and Shanyu Tang devised new steganographic algorithms that use codec parameters as cover object to realise real-time covert VoIP steganography. Their findings were published in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. Cyber-physical systems/Internet of Things Academic work since 2012 demonstrated the feasibility of steganography for cyber-physical systems (CPS)/the Internet of Things (IoT). Some techniques of CPS/IoT steganography overlap with network steganography, i.e. hiding data in communication protocols used in CPS/the secure with communications and coding techniques. Steganography Steganography ("hidden writing") is the means by which data can be hidden within other more innocuous data. Thus a watermark proving ownership embedded in the data of a picture, in such a way it is hard to find or remove unless you know how to find it. Or, for communication, the hiding of important data (such as a telephone number) in apparently innocuous data (an MP3 music file). An advantage of steganography is plausible deniability, that is, unless one can prove the data is there (which is usually not easy), it is deniable remove HTS easter eggs, as some allowed XSS and SQL exploits and many members submitted false bug reports as a result. Steganography missions Steganography missions are also available on the website. The goal in these missions is to extract the hidden message from the media file provided. There are 17 steganography missions available. Root This Box HackThisSite also runs a series of live hacking challenges called RootThisBox where individuals and teams can configure their systems to be used as target boxes. Players can then attempt to gain access to these boxes and defend them from other hackers, similar to past ink". Ultimately, the consumer decision depends on their reference interest rate or their time preference. From an economics viewpoint, there is a clear trade-off between cost per copy and cost of the printer. Printer steganography Printer steganography is a type of steganography – "hiding data within data" – produced by color printers, including Brother, Canon, Dell, Epson, HP, IBM, Konica Minolta, Kyocera, Lanier, Lexmark, Ricoh, Toshiba and Xerox brand color laser printers, where tiny yellow dots are added to each page. The dots are barely visible and contain encoded printer serial numbers, as well as date and time stamps. Wireless ink between the visible lines of a private letter. Some implementations of steganography that lack a shared secret are forms of security through obscurity, and key-dependent steganographic schemes adhere to Kerckhoffs's principle. The advantage of steganography over cryptography alone is that the intended secret message does not attract attention to itself as an object of scrutiny. Plainly visible encrypted messages, no matter how unbreakable they are, arouse interest and may in themselves be incriminating in countries in which encryption is illegal. Whereas cryptography is the practice of protecting the contents of a message alone, steganography is concerned both with concealing the fact
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of Europe since 1990, and by 2010, the number of cars on European roads lacking an airbag represented a very small percentage of cars, mostly the remaining cars dating from the mid-1990s or earlier. Many new cars in Latin America, including the Kia Picanto, Kia Rio, Hyundai Accent and Suzuki Alto, are still regularly sold without airbags, as neither airbags nor automatic braking systems in new cars are compulsory in Latin America. Shape of airbags The Citroën C4 provided the first "shaped" driver airbag, made possible by this car's unusual fixed-hub steering wheel. Side airbag Essentially, two types of side airbags cars to feature airbags. Instead, the Euro NCAP vehicle safety rating encourages manufacturers to take a comprehensive approach to occupant safety; a good rating can only be achieved by combining airbags with other safety features. Thus almost all new cars now come with at least two airbags as standard. Limitations Although the millions of installed airbags in use have an excellent safety record, some limitations on their ability to protect car occupants exist. The original implementation of front airbags did little to protect against side collisions, which can be more dangerous than frontal collisions because the protective crumple zone in front Federal Government announced the compulsory recall of all cars fitted with Takata airbags. "About 2.3 million vehicles will be subject to the compulsory recall and the airbags must be replaced within two years." On 1 March 2018, it was announced that 106,806 Volkswagen vehicles, including models such as the Golf, Passat, Polo, CC Eos, and 'Up!', have been recalled for containing defective Takata airbags. On 2 March 2018, Holden announced that the airbag recall now includes 330,000 of their Australian vehicles, despite not originally having any of their cars in the federal government's compulsory recall list. On 4 April 2018, the New Zealand to order them with the side-curtain airbags deleted for a savings of $175 per vehicle. Because these fleets typically sell off their cars after two to three years of use, many of the Impalas that were built without side-curtain airbags became privately owned cars. Current owners may be able to tell if their car has side airbags by checking the VIN and/or by checking to see if "Air bag" is printed on the roof support between the front and back rows. Another potential safety hazard, affecting Impalas of model years 2007 and 2008, is premature rear tire wear caused by defective competition version called the 3.8 RSR. The Carrera RS was not sold in the United States because Porsche Cars North America felt the car's aggressive tuning was not suited to the American market. In 1992, 45 US-legal cars that were very similar to the Carrera RS were imported to the US for a proposed "Porsche Carrera Cup" racing series. This Carrera Cup series was to function as a support race for the American CART racing series just as European Carrera Cup has supported Formula One. These 45 cars were identical to a Carrera RS other than having airbags (with required electric windows), include a passenger airbag. General Motors marketed its first airbag modules under the "Air Cushion Restraint System" name, or ACRS. The automaker discontinued the option for its 1977 model year, citing lack of consumer interest. Ford and GM then spent years lobbying against air-bag requirements, claiming that the devices were unfeasible and inappropriate. Chrysler made driver-side airbags standard on 1988–1989 models, but airbags did not become widespread in American cars until the early 1990s. As a substitute to seat belts Airbags for passenger cars were introduced in the United States in the mid-1970s, when seat-belt 1912 French Grand Prix The Race The race was run over two days with the drivers completing ten laps on each day and their times being aggregated to produce the winner (similar to a modern rally race). Coupe de l'Auto cars competed alongside Grand Prix cars. The coupe cars were limited to 3 litre engines. The only restriction on the Grand Prix cars was a minimum width of 1750 millimetres. Riding mechanic Jean Bassignano was killed in a lap 3 crash when his driver Léon Collinet put a wheel off and flipped. 47 cars started the race at 30 second market in 2017) and New Zealand destined cars are manufactured in the Suzuki's Rayong facility in Thailand. Safety The Suzuki Celerio scored 3 of 5 stars when tested by Euro NCAP in 2014 and 4 of 5 by ANCAP in 2015. ANCAP and Euro NCAP received criticism claiming they underscored the Celerio relative to other cars that had fewer airbags or performed worse in crash tests. The India version of the Celerio was awarded zero stars by the Global NCAP after a test conducted in May 2016. The basic version of the Celerio in India does not include airbags and usage rates in the country were quite low compared to modern day. Ford built an experimental fleet of cars with airbags in 1971, followed by General Motors in 1973 (using Chevrolet vehicles). The early fleet of experimental GM vehicles equipped with airbags experienced seven fatalities, one of which was later suspected to have been caused by the airbag. In 1974, GM made its ACRS system (which consisted of a padded lower dashboard and a passenger-side air bag) available as a regular production option (RPO code AR3) in full-sized Cadillacs. Buick and Oldsmobile models. The GM cars from the 1970s equipped with Fury Race Cars Manufacturing Formed in 2016, FURY Race Cars manufactures Pro and Super Late Models (called the Model L) and Modified race cars (Model M), as well as track-day road-course cars (Model R). The company sells race cars to customers across North America and Europe at any requested level of completion, from bare chassis to turn-key read-to-race vehicles. All race cars are built at the FURY shop in Mooresville, North Carolina. FURY also has several authorized dealers and repair facilities across the United States and Canada where customers can purchase new FURY cars, purchase parts or repair damaged race
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share a common identifying mark that is not borne by those not discriminated against. Examples of such features include gender, age, race, religion, seniority of professional qualification and area of residence. Another feature that has been accepted by the courts as constituting an intelligible differentia is Singapore citizenship. Singling out a person or object with characteristics not peculiar to itself, but which may conceivably be found in other persons or objects, does not constitute classification. If there is no consistent means of identifying the persons treated differently, the differentiation is arbitrary and the law is invalid. If there is an a different race or ethnicity from one another, more than double the share in 1980 (6.7%). Multiracial Families and Identity Issues Given the variety of the familial and general social environments in which multiracial children are raised, along with the diversity of their appearance and heritage, generalizations about multiracial children's challenges or opportunities are not very useful. A 1989 article written by Charlotte Nitary revealed that parents of mixed raced children often struggled between teaching their children to identify as only the race of their non-white parent, not identifying with social race at all, or identifying with the racial identities racial makeup was 85.52% White, 4.81% Asian, 4.24% African American, 3.84% identifying as another race, and 1.60% identifying as two races or more. Hispanic or Latino people of any race made up 6.35% of the population. Persons aged 0 to 4 years made up 3.49% of the population, while people aged 5 to 17 years made up 16.89%, 18–64 years at 62.51%, and people aged 65 and up at 17.12%. Men made up 47.45% of the population, while women made up 52.55%. Road U.S. Route 41 passes through the eastern part of Knollwood, though several sections fall within the boundaries Bigender Description Identifying as bigender is typically understood to mean that one identifies as both male and female or moves between masculine gender expression and feminine gender expression, having two distinct gender identities simultaneously or fluctuating between them. This is different from identifying as genderfluid, as those who identify as genderfluid may not go back and forth between any fixed gender identities and may experience an entire range or spectrum of identities over time. third choice about how to define their gender identity. Those identifying as a third sex / gender should have the same rights as those identifying as male or female. The document also quotes Mauro Cabral of GATE: People tend to identify a third sex with freedom from the gender binary, but that is not necessarily the case. If only trans and/or intersex people can access that third category, or if they are compulsively assigned to a third sex, then the gender binary gets stronger, not weaker. The report concludes that two or three options are insufficient: "A more inclusive approach would be to people who identify with any of these positions may not necessarily self-identify as transgender. Agender people have no specific set of pronouns; singular they is typically used, but it is not the default. Neutrois and agender were two of 50 available custom genders on Facebook, which were added on 13 February 2014. Agender is also available as a gender option on OkCupid since 17 November 2014. Demigender is a gender identity of a person identifying partially or mostly with one gender and at the same time with another gender. There are several subcategories of the identity. A demi-boy or demi-man, for Bethesda, Maryland. Themes One of the main themes in Another Day is sexuality. David Levithan approached this young teen novel in a way that brings light to gender fluidity and sexuality. This is mainly seen in "A", as they do not have a definite gender. While "A" travels between male and female, they choose to remain gender neutral as opposed to identifying with the gender of the host body. As Levithan stated in an interview, “‘I just wanted to investigate what it would be like to be someone who wasn’t defined by the body they were in." With that said, using trans as merely an adjective describing a particular type of woman; this is in contrast to the usage of transwoman as one word, implying a "third gender". Sexual orientation Trans women may identify as heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual, asexual, or none of the above. A survey of roughly 3000 American trans women showed 31% of them identifying as bisexual, 29% as "gay/lesbian/same-gender", 23% as heterosexual, 7% as asexual, as well as 7% identifying as "queer" and 2% as "other". Libido In a 2008 study, trans women had a higher incidence of low libido (34%) than cisgender females (23%), but the Transgender people The Open Society Foundations published a report, License to Be Yourself, in May 2014, documenting "some of the world's most progressive and rights-based laws and policies that enable trans people to change their gender identity on official documents". The report comments on the recognition of third classifications, stating: From a rights-based perspective, third sex / gender options should be voluntary, providing trans people with a third choice about how to define their gender identity. Those identifying as a third sex / gender should have the same rights as those identifying as male or female. The document also quotes Mauro Cabral "In the aasimar's place, you'll meet a race of celestials who have plunged through the same transforming fires as the tieflings.". In the "Forgotten Realms Player's Guide", published September 2008, a section on Faerun races mentions a race called devas, and states that they were previously known as aasimar. However, despite identifying them as such, devas are described not as being descended from a celestial lineage, but rather as the mortal incarnations of celestial beings. When the people of Mulhorand (who came to Faerun through portals to another world) were finally able to establish contact with the pantheon of
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years, a former Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund, and former President of the African Development Bank Group. For five years he served as Non-Executive Director on the initial Board of the Emerging African Infrastructure Fund (EAIF), a donor funded financial instrument to encourage public and private sector partnership in infrastructure development in Sub-Sahara Africa The objectives are to diversify the portfolio (coal, gemstones, oil,...) and to maximise returns from assets and shareholdings. Therefore, the management recently engaged negotiations with mining companies to get unpaid dividends as profits are huge. integration, reducing asymmetries, and promoting an egalitarian distribution of investments. The Brazilian Minister, Guido Mantega, stated that the bank is not similar to the International Monetary Fund; it will be a credit institution similar to the World Bank. Monetary policy The Bank of the South (Portuguese: Banco do Sul, Spanish: Banco del Sur, Dutch: Bank van het Zuiden, English: Bank of the South) will establish monetary policy and finance development projects. One of the objectives of monetary union is to establish a Single South American currency. Support for the creation of this currency was provided in January 2007 by Peruvian President Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group The IMF and World Bank meet each autumn in what is officially known as the Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group and each spring in the Spring Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group. Names of the two groups are alternated each year so a different one has top billing. The autumn meetings are customarily held in Washington, D.C., United States for two consecutive years, and in another member country in the third year. At the spring and annual private sector and civil society. However, among different cultures, the need and demand for reform can vary depending on the priorities of that country's society. A variety of country level initiatives and international movements put emphasis on various types of governance reform. Each movement for reform establishes criteria for what they consider good governance based on their own needs and agendas. The following are examples of good governance standards for prominent organizations in the international community. International Monetary Fund (IMF) The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was created at a United Nations (UN) conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. In 1996, Various forms of monetary co-operations exist, which range from fixed parity systems to monetary unions. Also, numerous institutions have been established to enforce monetary co-operation and to stabilise exchange rates, including the European Monetary Cooperation Fund (EMCF) in 1973 and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Monetary co-operation is closely related to economic integration, and are often considered to be reinforcing processes. However, economic integration is an economic arrangement between different regions, marked by the reduction or elimination of trade barriers and the coordination of monetary and fiscal policies, whereas monetary co-operation is focussed on currency linkages. A monetary union is considered under the system as governments instituted restrictions on capital flows and aligned their monetary policy to support their pegs. An important component of the Bretton Woods agreements was the creation of two new international financial institutions, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). Collectively referred to as the Bretton Woods institutions, they became operational in 1947 and 1946 respectively. The IMF was established to support the monetary system by facilitating cooperation on international monetary issues, providing advisory and technical assistance to members, and offering emergency lending to nations experiencing repeated difficulties restoring the balance Foreign relations of Syria Membership in international organizations Syria is a member of the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa, Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development, Arab League, Arab Monetary Fund, Council of Arab Economic Unity, Customs Cooperation Council, Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, Food and Agriculture Organization, Group of 24, Group of 77, International Atomic Energy Agency, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Civil Aviation Organization, International Chamber of Commerce, International Development Association, Islamic Development Bank, International Fund for Agricultural Development, International Finance Corporation, International Labour Organization, International Monetary Fund, International Maritime Organization, INTELSAT, retained their national currencies but have pegged them at a fixed rate to an adjacent common currency. On an international scale, the economic policies promoted by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have had a major influence, especially upon the developing countries. The IMF was set up in 1944 to encourage international cooperation on monetary matters, to stabilise exchange rates and create an international payments system. Its principal activity is the payment of loans to help member countries to overcome balance of payments problems, mainly by restoring their depleted currency reserves. Their loans are, however, conditional upon the introduction offered Moldova emergency economic aid and a loan of $65 million. Romanian Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos said that to get the money, Moldova will have to reform its justice system, fight corruption, sign a draft agreement for a loan from the International Monetary Fund, and appoint a new central bank governor. In response to the $1 billion bank fraud, the EU, International Monetary Fund and World Bank have frozen their financial assistance to Moldova. with the International Monetary Fund The Turkish government changed significantly after the 2002 Turkish General elections, when the new AKP political party was elected, removing the DSP and MHP parties who had political power in the 1990s. Following this election, the political landscape of Turkey became much less varied, as the AKP had a majority of the power. This new government partnered with the International Monetary Fund, an organization made up of 189 countries whose goals include promoting low unemployment, economic stability, financial security, and increasing international trade. In 2002, the International Monetary Fund agreed to lend Turkey roughly $16
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eat some insects. They feed primarily on grasses and small seeds. In the fall, they eat broadleaf forbs. In the winter, lactating and pregnant females supplement their diets with snow for extra water. They also will eat roots, seeds, fruit, and buds. Grasses of various species are eaten. Black-tailed prairie dogs in South Dakota eat western bluegrass, blue grama, buffalo grass, six weeks fescue, and tumblegrass, while Gunnison’s prairie dogs eat rabbit brush, tumbleweeds, dandelions, saltbush, and cacti in addition to buffalo grass and blue grama. White-tailed prairie dogs have been observed to kill ground squirrels, a competing herbivore. gastro-intestinal veterinary visits increase during warmer weather as dogs are prone to eat decaying material. Some dogs consume feces, which may contain nutrition. On occasion well-fed dogs have been known to scavenge their owners' corpses. Dogs in human society Studies using an operant framework have indicated that humans can influence the behavior of dogs through food, petting and voice. Food and 20–30 seconds of petting maintained operant responding in dogs. Some dogs will show a preference for petting once food is readily available, and dogs will remain in proximity to a person providing petting and show no satiation to that pets to sit down at a table and eat with the rest of the family have been booming since 2004. Some pets in Japan even have the luxury of their own pet closets filled with expensive couture clothing from Chanel to Gucci designed specifically for pets. Pets in Japan are not only for companionship. Therapy dogs play a huge role in helping the disabled, comforting hospital patients, and as companions for the elderly. Some organizations in Japan, such as the Tokyo-based International Therapy Dog Association train dogs with no owners into therapy dogs and send them to various nursing homes and gazing method in assessing perspective-taking found that Rhesus monkeys were unsuccessful at eye gazing tasks. Other studies suggest that dogs have complex social understanding. One study assessed the potential for perspective-taking in dogs by telling a dog that they were not allowed to eat a treat and then placing the food in a location that the dog could reach. These researchers found that dogs were more likely to eat the treat after being instructed not to if there was a barrier that hid the dog from the instructor. Additionally, dogs were less likely to eat the treat if the barrier was French actress Brigitte Bardot – have campaigned against dog meat consumption in South Korea. However, Korean nationalists on the internet have argued that a double standard exists, accusing non-Korean animal welfare activists of forcing "Westernization" on South Korea. A 2007 survey by the South Korean agriculture ministry showed that 59% of South Koreans aged under 30 would not eat dog. Some 62% of the same age group said they regard dogs as pets, not food. Many young Koreans think those who eat dog are anachronists. World Protection For Dogs and Cats in the Meat Trade opposes the consumption and trade of Common reproductive diseases include pyometra (distension of the uterus with pus), mammary tumors, and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Psychological anxieties affecting dogs include noise phobia and separation anxiety. Toxic substances Some common sources of toxins that pets encounter include some plants, human medications and cosmetics, cleaning products, and even some foods. Dangerous foods Some foods consumed safely by humans are harmful to dogs: Chocolate Cocoa within chocolate contains theobromine, a chemical stimulant that, together with caffeine and theophylline, belongs to the group of methylxanthine alkaloids. Dogs are unable to metabolize theobromine effectively. If they eat chocolate, the theobromine can remain in their body, and a waterproof inner coat for insulation. In warm weather, dogs may have problems regulating their body temperature and may overheat. Their tails serve to protect their nose and feet from freezing when the dog is curled up to sleep. They also have a unique arrangement of blood vessels in their legs to help protect against frostbite. Appetite is a big part of choosing sled dogs; picky dogs off trail may be pickier on the trail. They are fed high-fat diets, and on the trail may eat oily salmon or blubbery sea mammals. Sled dogs also must not be overly usual. Wolves and other wild dogs are dolichocephalic or mesaticephalic, but some domesticated dogs have become brachycephalic (short-headed) due to artificial selection by humans over the course of 12,000 years. Dolichocephalic dogs have a wider field of vision but smaller overlap between the eyes and therefore possibly poorer depth perception in some of their field of view than brachycephalic dogs; most, if not all, dogs have less visual acuity than their antecedent the wolf. There is no science-based evidence to confirm the popular belief that sighthounds have a higher visual acuity than other types of dogs. However, there is increasing evidence also avoid the wearing of hats made of dog's fur. In addition to Manchus, Chinese Mongol, Miao, Muslims, Tibetan, Yao and Yi have a taboo against dog meat. In Indonesia, due to its majority Islamic population, consuming dog meat is prohibited, with exception of Christian Batak and Minahasan ethnic groups that traditionally consumed dog meat. The Urapmin people of the New Guinea Highlands do not kill or eat dogs, unlike some neighboring tribes, nor do they let dogs breathe on their food. Eggs Jains abstain from eating eggs. Vegans also abstain from eggs, due to their animal origin. Many Hindu vegetarians The Old Man and his Grandson "The Old Man and his Grandson" is a German fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm in Grimm's Fairy Tales as tale number 78. It is Aarne-Thompson type 980B, The Wooden Bowl. Synopsis A man whose hands shook with the tremors of old age could not eat neatly and often spilled his soup, so his son and daughter-in-law barred him from their table and made him eat by the stove. When he broke the fine stoneware bowl from which he had been eating, they bought him a wooden bowl that could not break. His four-year-old
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over from in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures are used. The fact that the blastocyst is destroyed during the process has raised controversy and ethical concerns. Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent, meaning they can differentiate to form all cell types in the body. In vitro, embryonic stem cells can be cultured under defined conditions to keep them in their pluripotent state, or they can be stimulated with biochemical and physical cues to differentiate them to different cell types. Adult stem cell line Adult stem cells are found in juvenile or adult tissues. Adult stem cells are multipotent: they can generate a limited Stem cell controversy The stem cell controversy is the consideration of the ethics of research involving the development, and use of human embryos. Most commonly, this controversy focuses on embryonic stem cells. Not all stem cell research involves human embryos. For example, adult stem cells, amniotic stem cells, and induced pluripotent stem cells do not involve creating, using, or destroying human embryos, and thus are minimally, if at all, controversial. Many less controversial sources of acquiring stem cells include using cells from the umbilical cord, breast milk, and bone marrow, which are not pluripotent. Background For many decades, Stem cell transplantation for articular cartilage repair Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent cells found in multiple human adult tissues including bone marrow, synovial tissues, and adipose tissues. Since they are derived from the mesoderm, they have been shown to differentiate into bone, cartilage, muscle, and adipose tissue. MSCs from embryonic sources have shown promise scientifically while creating significant controversy. As a result, many researchers have focused on adult stem cells, or stem cells isolated from adult humans that can be transplanted into damaged tissue. Because of their multi-potent capabilities, mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) lineages have been used successfully Progenitor cell A progenitor cell is a biological cell that, like a stem cell, has a tendency to differentiate into a specific type of cell, but is already more specific than a stem cell and is pushed to differentiate into its "target" cell. The most important difference between stem cells and progenitor cells is that stem cells can replicate indefinitely, whereas progenitor cells can divide only a limited number of times. Controversy about the exact definition remains and the concept is still evolving. The terms "progenitor cell" and "stem cell" are sometimes equated. Function The majority of progenitor cells lie a higher likelihood of tissue acceptance. Also, amniotic epithelial cells are known to promote natural wound healing as well as the inhibition of angiogenesis, which is the basic conversion of a tumor into malignant cancer. Advantages over embryonic stem cells In harvesting embryonic stem cells, a human embryo is destroyed. Many pro-life individuals associate this act with abortion and consider it immoral. Amniotic epithelial cells are harvested from the placenta, which is commonly discarded after birth. The cells are very easily obtainable without the use of intrusive procedures. Thus their use averts the controversy about embryonic stem cells. is the lack of a well-defined definition of stem cells beyond hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). Each stem cell 'type' has more than one method for identifying, isolating, and expanding the cells; this has caused much confusion because all stem cells of a 'type' (neural, mesenchymal, retinal) do not necessarily behave in the same manner under identical conditions. Adult stem cells Adult stem cells are not able to proliferate and differentiate as effectively in vitro as they are able to in vivo. Adult stem cells can come from many different tissue locations, but it is difficult to isolate them because they at the morula stage or earlier are truly totipotent, meaning that they are able to form all cell types including placental cells. Adult stem cells are generally limited to differentiating into different cell types of their tissue of origin. However, some evidence suggests that adult stem cell plasticity may exist, increasing the number of cell types a given adult stem cell can become. Points of controversy Many of the debates surrounding human embryonic stem cells concern issues such as what restrictions should be made on studies using these types of cells. At what point does one consider life to begin? patient's life. Another use for neuromodulation would be in building neuro-interface prosthetic devices that would allow quadriplegics the ability to maneuver a cursor on a screen with their thoughts, thereby increasing their ability to interact with others around them. By understanding the motor cortex and understanding how the brain signals motion, it is possible to emulate this response on a computer screen. Stem cells The ethical debate about use of embryonic stem cells has stirred controversy both in the United States and abroad; although more recently these debates have lessened due to modern advances in creating induced pluripotent stem cells a population differentiate uniformly. Undifferentiated cells can create tissues other than desired types. Some stem cells form tumors after transplantation; pluripotency is linked to tumor formation especially in embryonic stem cells, fetal proper stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells. Fetal proper stem cells form tumors despite multipotency. Research Some of the fundamental patents covering human embryonic stem cells are owned by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) – they are patents 5,843,780, 6,200,806, and 7,029,913 invented by James A. Thomson. WARF does not enforce these patents against academic scientists, but does enforce them against companies. In 2006, a request for the US containing newborn blood of children who were not diagnosed with acute leukemia until the age of 2 to 6 years. The high relapse rates after autologous or syngeneic transplant and the benefit of a graft-vs.-leukemia effect of an allogeneic transplant suggest that autologous cord blood would not be the ideal source of stem cells for patients with leukemia needing a transplant. Confusion with embryonic stem cells The public in the United States has a general awareness of embryonic stem cells because of the stem cell controversy. However, cord blood stem cells (hematopoietic stem cells) are not embryonic stem cells (pluripotent
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arms, and can propel a wheelchair with modified rims that make it easier to do. People with C6 can have a weak grasp with their wrist. They can roll over in bed. They have some independence in that they can eat and groom themselves without assistance. They may also be able to transfer themselves to a wheelchair. In terms of motor functions, people in this class who are C4-C6 tetraplegics may have issues with their biceps, deltoids, rhomboids and rotor cuffs. They may have an absence of sensation in their hands, wrists and forearms. People in this everyone else is already taking part. Herd behaviours shown in the two examples exemplify that it can be a powerful tool in social marketing, and if harnessed correctly, has the potential to achieve great change. It is clear that opinion leaders and their influence achieve huge reach among their reference groups and thus can be used as the loudest voices to encourage others in any collective direction. even bruising of the spinal cord results in varying degrees of mixed function and paralysis. A common misconception with tetraplegia is that the victim cannot move legs, arms or any of the major function; this is often not the case. Some individuals with tetraplegia can walk and use their hands, as though they did not have a spinal cord injury, while others may use wheelchairs and they can still have function of their arms and mild finger movement; again, that varies on the spinal cord damage. It is common to have movement in limbs, such as the ability to move the Almirola said. “They have been working their guts out trying to bring better cars to the race track week in and week out.” After leading the most laps for the third straight race, Martin Truex Jr. finished sixth. “We had a good car today but it was never right,” Truex Jr. said. “We were never right yesterday all through practice. We made some changes today and we made some gains on it, but never really got it where we needed it. Clean air was huge. When we were out front, we were okay. It just never turned good all day to help them burrow. They have powerful forearms and claws, but use mainly their snout to burrow. The golden mole thrusts its forearms from under its body to help it burrow deeper into the earth. Both the male and female have a cloaca. They have tabulars in the occipital which is not found in other mammals. Their zygomatic arches form elongations of the maxillae. Their malleus is enlarged and helps in hearing under the ground. Golden moles do not have a fifth finger on their front paws. Instead, they have a huge claw on the third or second finger. Their fur U Hla was a prime example of what an individual could achieve in a lifetime for the common good, although he would be the first to condemn one-upmanship. History is full of able men who fell by the wayside and lost sight of their own goals and forsook their own principles and convictions. U Hla was of the people, for the people, and never abandoned the people he loved and set out to serve from a very young age. To paraphrase one of his younger colleagues, Ludu Sein Win, even though U Hla had never taken up arms in reactant mental health issues such as anger, anxiety, indifference, substance abuse, and depression. Economics Economists have differing views of laziness. Frédéric Bastiat argues that idleness is the result of people focusing on the pleasant immediate effects of their actions rather than potentially negative long-term consequences. Others note that humans seem to have a tendency to seek after leisure. Hal Cranmer writes, "For all these arguments against laziness, it is amazing we work so hard to achieve it. Even those hard-working Puritans were willing to break their backs every day in exchange for an eternity of lying around on a cloud his cap. Others will place the ball in their mitt and then cough on or lick it. Another tactic pitchers use is to soak their hair in water before going out to the mound, and then rub their hair before a pitch. Some pitchers have even glued a piece of sandpaper to one of their fingers and scuffed the ball to achieve an effect similar to the spitball. Ted "Double Duty" Radcliffe stated that he would hide a piece of emery board in his belt buckle so that he could roughen the ball or even cut it. Blood-Drinkers," "The Mexica," and "The Heart Eaters." Some groups worship Huitzilopoctli, while others worship Quetzalcoatl. Coo-Hatch The Coo-Hatch are strange creatures from an alien world who abandoned their gods after their God of the Flame and Goddess of the Ore brought them to Everworld against their will. A majority of the Coo-Hatch seem to be disillusioned by their deities and Everworld and want to go back to their realm. They often ally themselves with whomever they believe can achieve this goal. They have large red eyes with blue pupils, two main arms as well as two smaller arms that have local environment. They may communicate when aggravated by hissing and releasing an unpleasant scent from their anal glands. They spend much of their time foraging arboreally; a study in various habitats in Venezuela showed this anteater spends 13 to 64% of its time in trees. The southern tamandua is quite clumsy on the ground and ambles along, incapable of the gallop its relative, the giant anteater, can achieve. The southern tamandua uses its powerful forearms in self-defense. If it is threatened in a tree it grasps a branch with its hindfeet and tail, leaving its arms and long, curved claws free for
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of the jump and release it. If your timing was right, you would complete the dunk. If not, the ball will bounce high and far off the rim, and you would need to rebound the ball. Each player moves at slightly different speeds, and their jumps are different. Some jump high, while some don’t get far off the ground. Some rise quickly, others rise slowly. If you learn their high points, you can master their jump shots, dunks, and also get good at rebounds, which is important at later stages of the game. If you are on defense: if you are guarding and Lander was a 2017 phase I report funded by the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) program. The report, written by principal investigator Stephanie Thomas of Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc., describes a Direct Fusion Drive (DFD) mission to Pluto. A fusion reactor would be used to send a 1000 kg orbiter and lander to the Pluto system in only four years (more than twice as fast as New Horizons). Pluto Hop, Skip, and Jump Global Aerospace Corporation presented a Pluto lander concept titled "Pluto Hop, Skip, and Jump" at the 2017 NIAC Symposium in Denver, CO. The concept describes an been declared planets based on their circular orbits, large masses and proximity to the ecliptic plane. None of these applied to Pluto, a tiny and icy world in a region of gas giants with an orbit that carried it high above the ecliptic and even inside that of Neptune. In 1978, astronomers discovered Pluto's largest moon, Charon, which allowed them to determine its mass. Pluto was found to be much tinier than anyone had expected: only one-sixth the mass of Earth's Moon. However, as far as anyone could yet tell, it was unique. Then, beginning in 1992, astronomers began moon in the system. Data from Voyager 2 supported the view that Neptune's largest moon, Triton, is a captured Kuiper belt object. Other objects in the Solar System The dwarf planet Pluto presents significant challenges for spacecraft because of its great distance from Earth (requiring high velocity for reasonable trip times) and small mass (making capture into orbit very difficult at present). Voyager 1 could have visited Pluto, but controllers opted instead for a close flyby of Saturn's moon Titan, resulting in a trajectory incompatible with a Pluto flyby. Voyager 2 never had a plausible trajectory for reaching Pluto. Pluto The water was bottled at a plant across the street from the hotel for consumption on the property and for commercial distribution nationally and internationally. Pluto Water's slogan, "If Nature Won't, Pluto Will," promoted its effectiveness as a laxative. Notable guests Chris Bundy, author of West Baden Springs: Legacy of Dreams, explained that in their heyday from the 1880s to the 1920s the resort hotels at French Lick and West Baden "were the Disney World of their time. In those days, it was assumed that if you could afford to come to America [for vacation], you would go to French buyer demanded his money back, Froude refused, exclaiming: "Sir, you asked me for a hunter, and one that could jump, and I sold you a hunter that could jump. You saw the horse, and it was a bargain. You did not ask me if it could see". Despite all this criminal behaviour, he was a magistrate who wielded considerable local judicial power, as did many of his fellow country gentlemen, most of whom discharged their important duty in an honourable manner. Froude however was not averse to using his position to obtain search warrants from fellow magistrates on false pretences, a trial for the national side) as well as football. She was prodigiously talented at all types of sport and during Physical Education lessons at St. Michael's Academy she regularly left her fellow students open-mouthed with amazement. The teacher often stepped back and asked Fleeting to demonstrate to the other girls the correct way to carry out the teacher's instructions because Fleeting could do any sport far better than the teacher could. For example, Fleeting could shoot a basketball layup effortlessly. She also excelled at athletics including the high jump, long jump, sprinting and relay races. A teacher by profession, she built this big sand pit and told all of the students to run and jump in it to see how far we could jump. I ended up winning it. I even remember exactly what I jumped. I jumped like 16 feet, 9 inches. So, they ended up sending me to a prep school championship and did well there and then on into my high school years." During her sophomore season at St. Jago High School in 1991, the Jamaican capital of Kingston played host to the Pan American Junior Championships featuring the top youth athletes from the Americas and the Caribbean. "None monoxide gases, all of which are derived from the ices of these substances on its surface. When Pluto is close to the Sun, the temperature of Pluto's solid surface increases, causing these ices to sublimate into gasses. This atmosphere also produces a noticeable blue haze that is visible at sunset and possibly other times of the Plutonian day. Pluto and Charon are tidally locked to each other. This means that Charon always presents the same face to Pluto, and Pluto also always presents the same face to Charon. Observers on the far side of Charon from Pluto would never see the Mikio Oda Biography Oda was born in Kaita, Hiroshima Prefecture. At the age of 17, he set a new Japanese record for the triple jump at the 1923 Far Eastern Championship Games held in Osaka, and also won the long jump and high jump events. He was selected as a member of the Japanese Olympic team for the 1924 Summer Olympics in Paris, participating in all three events. However, he failed to reach the semifinals in the long jump and high jump, and placed sixth in the triple jump competition. On his return to Japan, he enrolled at Waseda University, but
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universe. God is the Universe, and everything in it. But the universe doesn't know that because that would ruin the suspense. The universe is God's great drama, and God is the stage, the actors, and the audience all at once. The title of this epic drama is "The Great Unknown Outcome." Throw in potent elements like passion, love, hate, good, evil, free will; and who knows what will happen? No one knows, and that is what keeps the universe interesting. But everyone will have a good time. And there is never really any danger, because everyone is really God, and of behavior. "They hated it and they tried to stop it as much as possible," artist Arturo Vega recalled, "but it would happen. Kids are really resourceful. Once the lawsuits started coming in, a lot of clubs tried to ban it, too. Sometimes the security made it difficult for them, you know. Once, we were in Tijuana—and of course in Tijuana, who cares! They were jumping from a balcony that was at least 20 feet (6 m) high. Jumping into the crowd. It was too much. It was great." The band was banned from playing at Boston College on the grounds total of their allotments of memory because it does not all exist in the computer at one time; if all depositors to a bank simultaneously close their accounts by taking cash withdrawals, a bank run ensues, since their combined total usually exceeds the cash kept by the bank. inventory in asset accounts and claims to inventory in ownership accounts. Deposits happen when more water is stored in an aquifer than there is supposed to be. The recharge of water by a member would be a credit in a member's account and a liability in the bank's account. For the bank to be successful then both ledgers have to be balanced, so the right to water in a member's accounts should be equal to the amount of water that can be recovered from the system. If the right to water is greater than liabilities then the bank is insolvent, would happen if everyone did as one is doing; nor can one escape from that disturbing thought except by a kind of self-deception. The man who lies in self-excuse, by saying “Everyone will not do it” must be ill at ease in his conscience, for the act of lying implies the universal value which it denies. By its very disguise his anguish reveals itself. This is the anguish that Kierkegaard called “the anguish of Abraham.” You know the story: An angel commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son: and obedience was obligatory, if it really was an angel who had appeared and banks can expect only a small percentage of accounts withdrawn on any one day because individual expenditure needs are largely uncorrelated. A bank can make loans over a long horizon, while keeping only relatively small amounts of cash on hand to pay any depositors who may demand withdrawals. However, if many depositors withdraw all at once, the bank itself (as opposed to individual investors) may run short of liquidity, and depositors will rush to withdraw their money, forcing the bank to liquidate many of its assets at a loss, and eventually to fail. If such a bank were to attempt to it based on how accurate their guess was. If the contestant’s guess is within $500.00 of the actual amount of money they counted, which is revealed via a “money meter”, they will win Big Bank, which is the combined sum of the money all of the seven contestants counted. If the contestant’s guess is outside of that range, they leave empty-handed. If Big Bank is won, the contestant must face another decision. They can keep Big Bank or make one final bet once again based on how accurate their guess was. If the contestant’s guess is within $25.00 of the actual really me writing out my living will. It’s not really about my last days, but it’s like ‘What would happen if I die tonight. A lot young people don’t think like that because we out here living reckless, doing what we do, but we don’t think about what would happen if we pass away. "It was just the thoughts that came into my head… those ‘Where would this go? Who would get that? How would this go down?’ I was just trying to get it all out. This song is for the fans that loved my “Who Am I” type they are impossible. For example, Huey Long promised that if he were elected president, every family would have a home, an automobile, a radio, and $2,000 yearly. He was vague about how he would make that happen, but people still joined his Share-the-Wealth clubs. Another kind of empty demagogic promise is to make everyone wealthy or "solve all the problems". The Polish demagogue Stanisław Tymiński, running as an unknown "maverick" on the basis of his prior success as a businessman in Canada, promised "immediate prosperity"—exploiting the economic difficulties of laborers, especially miners and steelworkers. Tymiński forced a runoff in the the church closet, as she screamed for help, everyone she loved began eating the poison sauce. She was let out of the closet by Esme, and the two, were able to hold Vincent and stop Vicki, but it was too late, everyone was poisoned. Sheridan tried to get Luis to get up and move as Eve said that would slow the effects of the poison, but he asked Sheridan to save Fancy, and not him, and that she would do it if she really loved him. Sheridan tried to stop Vincent from killing his mother, but she was forced to
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do have a problem with that. Yeah, I do". Republican Senator John Cornyn, who voted for Clinton's confirmation in 2009, says that she duped Congress, that he now regrets his vote, and that President Obama should appoint a special prosecutor to investigate whether donors to the foundation gained improper access at the State Department. An August 30, 2016 editorial by The New York Times opined there was no proof that donors to the foundation received special favors from Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State. However, the Times added that there was reason to question where the Clinton Foundation ended findings concluding that the emails (one of which concerned North Korea's nuclear weapons program) were "Top Secret" when received by Clinton through her private server in 2009 and 2011, a conclusion also disputed by the Clinton campaign. The IC inspector general issued another letter to Congress on January 14, 2016. In this letter he stated that an unnamed intelligence agency had made a sworn declaration that "several dozen emails [had been] determined by the IC element to be at the CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET, and TOP SECRET/SAP levels." Other intelligence officials added that the several dozen were not the two emails from the IRS. The agreement was criticized by some lawmakers in the U.S. who had been seeking additional information. Following the settlement in 2009, UBS's donations to the Clinton Foundation increased significantly. Through 2008, the bank had donated $60,000 cumulatively to the Foundation. By 2014, the total had grown to $600,000. The bank also paid Bill Clinton $1.5 million for a series of question-and-answer sessions with its CEO, which was the top source of corporate speech income for Clinton between 2001 and 2014. Emails between Clinton Foundation and State Department A number of emails released by Judicial Watch in August documents had been turned over to the Senate Intelligence Committee. The Wall Street Journal reported on October 7, 2018, that Smith had raised at least $100,000 from donors in his pursuit of the Clinton emails, that his estate had provided documents to the Mueller investigation, and that associates of Smith had been questioned by Mueller's investigators or a grand jury. The Wall Street Journal reported on October 10, 2018, that Smith had established a "professional relationship" with Flynn as early as 2015, and during the campaign was using Flynn's contacts to assist with his search for the Clinton emails. The as "Secret;" more than 20 contained "Top-Secret" information. Three emails, out of 30,000, were found to be marked as classified, although they lacked classified headers and were only marked with a small "c" in parentheses, described as "portion markings" by Comey. He added it was possible Clinton was not "technically sophisticated" enough to understand what the three classified markings meant which is consistent with Clinton's claim that she wasn't aware of the meaning of such markings. Clinton personally wrote 104 of the 2,093 emails that were retroactively found to contain information classified as "confidential." Of the remaining emails that were classified to the State Department for access to the entire set of emails turned over by Clinton, but that the Department rejected his request. The letter stated that none of the emails were marked as classified, but because they included classified information they should have been marked and handled as such, and transmitted securely. On August 10, 2015, the IC inspector general said that two of the 40 emails in the sample were "Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information" and subsequently given classified labels of "TK" (for "Talent Keyhole," indicating material obtained by aerial or space-based imagery sources and NOFORN). One is a and in other matters. Flynn had not yet signed the review. She advised Radack to find another job or the review would be put in Radack's official personnel file. Radack, who had planned on being a career civil servant, soon found a new job in the private sector at the law firm Hawkins, Delafield & Wood, from which she was effectively fired in November 2002 for refusing to sign an affidavit saying she didn't leak the government emails, or resign. Missing emails On March 7, 2002, while Radack was still working at PRAO, the lead prosecutor in the Lindh case, don't know how it works digitally at all." In September 2015, Clinton was asked in an interview with Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show about the content of the emails. She laughed it off, saying there was nothing interesting and joking that she was offended people found her emails 'boring.' Later responses Clinton's responses to the question, made during her presidential campaign, evolved over time. Clinton initially said that there was no classified material on her server. Later, after a government review discovered some of her emails contained classified information, she said she never sent or received information that was with agents of the Russian Foreign Ministry, after Papadopoulos had been told that Russia had "dirt" on Clinton it wanted to share with Trump's campaign. This occurred after public knowledge that Clinton had deleted thousands of her emails, but before there was public knowledge of the hack of Democratic National Committee and of John Podesta's emails, the latter two of which U.S. intelligence agencies believe were carried out by Russia. On or about May 10, 2016, at London's Kensington Wine Rooms, Papadopoulos allegedly told the top Australian diplomat to the United Kingdom, Alexander Downer, that Russia was in possession of emails it had temporarily severed Assange's internet connection because of WikiLeaks' release of documents "impacting on the U.S. election campaign", although it also stated this was not meant to prevent WikiLeaks from operating. WikiLeaks continued releasing installments of the Podesta emails during this time. Contents Some of the emails provide some insight into the inner workings of the Clinton campaign. For example, the emails show a discussion among campaign manager Robby Mook and top aides about possible campaign themes and slogans. Other emails revealed insights about the internal conflicts of the Clinton Foundation. The BBC published an article detailing 18 "revelations"
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