structure of the DNA. While he almost certainly did use LSD, it is unlikely that he was doing that as early as 1953. Eugenics Crick occasionally expressed his views on eugenics, usually in private letters. For example, Crick advocated a form of positive eugenics in which wealthy parents would be encouraged to have more children. He once remarked, "In the long run, it is unavoidable that society will begin to worry about the character of the next generation... It is not a subject at the moment which we can tackle easily because people have so many religious beliefs and until Galton, Darwin's cousin, saw these multiplying faster than the upper classes and set about developing theories to reverse the process. His new science of Eugenics attracted many supporters like George Bernard Shaw, H.G. Wells and Winston Churchill. Social Darwinism, Eugenics and scientific racism were practically implemented in South West Africa by the German military against the Herero and Nama, for whom the first concentration camps like the death camp Shark Island were set up. It became the later Nazi system, the bureaucracy of mass killing and the 20th century's first genocide. Skulls from this camp were sent these all over the research in Germany, by forcing some scholars to emigrate, and by allocating funding for research based on ideological rather than scientific merit. In the early 20th century, Eugenics enjoyed substantial international support, from leading politicians and scientists. The First International Congress of Eugenics in 1912 was supported by many prominent persons, including: its president Leonard Darwin, the son of Charles Darwin; honorary vice-president Winston Churchill, then First Lord of the Admiralty and future Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; Auguste Forel, famous Swiss pathologist; Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone; among other prominent people. The level of support for Eugenics Women's Suffrage and Western Women's Fashion through the early 1900s Women's Dress and Activities Pre-Women's Suffrage The women of the late 19th century changed their style from the big Victorian dresses to more “manageable, practical, streamlined outfits for modern women to engage in the activities of their more active lives." Prior to the Women's Suffrage Movement, women were thought to be very fragile creatures so they were discouraged from playing sports." However, with an increasing number of women protesting, there were more doctors who said that light physical activity for a woman was good. Because of this there was an productive work environment. Then the Minister declared Tesla as established. The company had a wide range of production: TVs, radio receivers, transistors, integrated circuits, screens, speakers, turntables, disc and cassette recorders, CD players, video cassettes etc. However, quantity usually did not meet the needs of industrial customers and many products gradually became obsolete simply because they were not updated; e.g. one particular type of diode was manufactured for over 30 years without modifications. Other products, e.g. some kinds of silicon controlled rectifiers (SCRs) or power transistors were competitive with the world market and so TESLA was the supplier for all eastern Europe and political consequences of eugenics call for a place in the discussion on the ethics behind the eugenics movement. Many of the ethical concerns regarding eugenics arise from its controversial past, prompting a discussion on what place, if any, it should have in the future. Advances in science have changed eugenics. In the past, eugenics had more to do with sterilization and enforced reproduction laws. Now, in the age of a progressively mapped genome, embryos can be tested for susceptibility to disease, gender, and genetic defects, and alternative methods of reproduction such as in vitro fertilization are becoming more common. the New South Wales Government The ownership of the subject property changed halfway through Edward Row & Co's tenancy. Much of the land and many of the houses, shops, pubs and warehouses in The Rocks, including the subject property, were resumed by the NSW Government in the early 1900s. From 1927 to 1937, the subject property was used as a bond store and was known as Clelands Bonded Free Store. The Customs House at Circular Quay was used as a clearing house for port transactions, where goods were cleared or stored until duties were paid on them. Bonded goods, meaning goods of blades in two adjacent rows, with respect to each other, is high. This gives a higher value of enthalpy drop per stage. Nikola Tesla's Bladeless Radial Turbine In the early 1900s, Nikola Tesla developed and patented his bladeless Tesla turbine. One of the difficulties with bladed turbines is the complex and highly precise requirements for balancing and manufacturing the bladed rotor which has to be very well balanced. The blades are subject to corrosion and cavitation. Tesla attacked this problem by substituting a series of closely spaced disks for the blades of the rotor. The working fluid flows between Tokyo. Yet, by the 1930s, there were only forty-six traditional court musicians in Tokyo. A quarter of these musicians died in the war. Life in Post-war Japan was difficult, and many musicians abandoned their music in favor of more sustainable livelihoods . While many styles of biwa flourished in the early 1900s (e.g., Kindai-biwa from the 1900s–1930s), the cycle of tutelage was broken yet again. Currently, there are no direct means of studying biwa in many biwa traditions . Even higo-biwa players, who were quite popular in the early 20th century, may no longer have a direct means of studying oral influenced by American trends. During early debates regarding the sexual sterilization bill in Alberta, there were many references made to U.S. legislation. As Canada was being populated by immigrants, the eugenics movement was emerging and gaining the support of influential sponsors, such as J.S. Woodsworth, Emily Murphy, Helen MacMurchy, Louise McKinney, Irene Parlby, Nellie McClung, and Robert Charles Wallace. In Alberta, eugenics supporters had seemingly positive intentions with the goal of bettering the gene pool and society at large. In 1918, the Canadian National Committee on Mental Hygiene (CNCMH) was established by Dr. Clarence Hincks. The Committee's aim was "to
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of young single women who couldn't explain to you what GDP means. You know what they care about? They care about abortion. They care about abortion and gay marriage. They care about 'The View.' They are non-thinking." In an update to his book on states' rights just before the campaign, Lewis questioned the federal government's role in outlawing slavery: "In fact, if you really want to be quite frank about it, how does somebody else owning a slave affect me? It doesn't. If I don't think it is right, I won't own one, and people always say 'well, if you don't I Don't Care (Fall Out Boy song) Music "Like the chorus says, 'I don't care what you think as long as it's about me.' It's that pop culture thing again, where people don't care about anything but the superficial, and I think there's something so tragic about that. I also thought there was something so ironically anthemic about the chorus, where it's not something you want to sing along to, because it's vacuous and empty. So I wanted something really anthemic underneath it, like something you'd hear at sports games or whatever, because I wanted people to hear it and regulated in Leviticus 16). In regard to these, taught the Sifra, the Torah says simply that God legislated them and we have no right to raise doubts about them. Rabbi Eleazar ben Azariah taught that people should not say that they do not want to wear a wool-linen mixture (שַׁעַטְנֵז, shatnez, prohibited by Leviticus 19:19 and Deuteronomy 22:11), eat pork (prohibited by Leviticus 11:7 and Deuteronomy 14:7–8), or be intimate with forbidden partners (prohibited by Leviticus 18 and 20), but rather should say that they would love to, but God has decreed that they not do so. For in Leviticus 20:26, that he will become more educated on injuries. "He's going to get better at taking care of himself," Gay says. "When you are young, you don't think about that so much. But as you mature, you learn how to do that because you know that there is no check coming in when you are sitting on the sidelines. I really like J.W. Mostly because of his attitude. He believes in himself and in what he can do." Gay become more convinced of Harris' "outstanding" capabilities at an Xtreme Bulls event in Reno, Nevada, where Gay was broadcasting for ESPN. "He Haymanot Prayer house The Synagogue is called masgid (place of worship) also bet maqds (Holy house) or ṣalot bet (Prayer house). Dietary laws Dietary laws are based mainly on Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Jubilees. Permitted and forbidden animals and their signs appear on Leviticus 11:3–8 and Deuteronomy 14:4–8. Forbidden birds are listed on Leviticus 11:13–23 and Deuteronomy 14:12–20. Signs of permitted fish are written on Leviticus 11:9–12 and Deuteronomy 14:9–10. Insects and larvae are forbidden according to Leviticus 11:41–42. Birds of prey are forbidden according to Leviticus 11:13–19. Gid hanasheh is forbidden per Genesis 32:33. Mixtures of milk and meat are taught the Sifra, the Torah says simply that God legislated them and we have no right to raise doubts about them. Rabbi Eleazar ben Azariah taught that people should not say that they do not want to wear a wool-linen mixture (שַׁעַטְנֵז, shatnez, prohibited by Leviticus 19:19 and Deuteronomy 22:11), eat pork (prohibited by Leviticus 11:7 and Deuteronomy 14:7–8), or be intimate with forbidden partners (prohibited by Leviticus 18 and 20), but rather should say that they would love to, but God has decreed that they not do so. For in Leviticus 20:26, God says, "I have separated you from the in the morning, the first thing he thinks about is gay marriage. I don't think that is the most important issue for most families. Jobs, health care, education, how to make the world a more peaceful place, those are the issues people care about." McGovern defeated Crews with 71 percent of the vote, and ran unopposed in 2006 and 2008. In the 2010 election, he faced Republican Marty Lamb, a real estate lawyer, and independent Patrick J. Barron, a Department of Mental Health administrator. He was re-elected with 57 percent of the vote. For his first eight terms, McGovern represented a district why he decided to become a comedian with a dog in the fight, but as a comedian with a dog in the fight I sympathize with him." While not at all shy about expressing his conservative views on topics such as taxes and foreign policy, Miller is quick to point out that he is still quite liberal on many social issues, including abortion and gay marriage. During a 2004 interview, Miller said "I've always been a pragmatist. If two gay guys want to get married, it's none of my business. I could care less. More power to them. I'm happy when MP Richard Graham was accused of quoting Joseph Goebbels in defending a new surveillance bill with the words "if you've nothing to hide you have nothing to fear". Former Conservative Foreign Secretary William Hague also used the same phrase in 2013. Against the argument Edward Snowden: "Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say." "When you say, ‘I have nothing to hide,’ you’re saying, ‘I don’t care about this right.’ You’re saying, ‘I don’t have this a regular contributor to the LA Progressive, an online social justice magazine. She is most outspoken about the divide between gays and blacks, and how gay culture is dominated by whites, which is hard to deal with for blacks because they do not feel part of the gay society and are overlooked. She provoked much controversy when she spoke out about why black people care less about gay marriage. Cannick made headline news when she was a guest on Fox News' "O'Reilly Factor" for a discussion of race in America. Her segment turned into a debate about the network itself
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shifts to encouraging cross-cultural interactions in an effort to reduce prejudice. By the fourth dimension, equitable pedagogy, the teacher uses culturally relevant teaching to change teaching approaches. The purpose of Banks' fourth dimension is to tailor teaching methods to ensure success of students from all cultures. If successful, the fourth dimension and culturally relevant teaching will manifest into Banks' fifth dimension of an empowered school culture. It is in this stage when teachers and learners critically examine the institution of education for inequities. Banks' fourth and fifth dimensions are the perfect example of culturally relevant teaching. released Nuklo and allowed Thundra and the Grapplers in to cause destruction and distract the facility's staff. Lightner was supposed to use the Nth Projector to send the Project: Pegasus facility into another dimension, but instead used it on himself. Lightner was transformed into the Nth Man, a "living interdimensional vortex". Like a black hole, the Nth Man absorbs all nearby matter and energy into himself. All of the heroes at the facility were absorbed into him, and Wundarr the Aquarian was able to use his null field to shut off the Nth Man's powers. Instead of being destroyed, the Nth 'the flood', but originated in the Caucasus. He explains that when he uses the term "Aryan" he means "the white race." Icke says the reptilians come from not only another planet but another dimension, the lower level of the fourth dimension (the "lower astral dimension"), the one nearest the physical world. From this dimension they control the planet, although just as fourth-dimensional reptilians control us, they in turn are controlled by a fifth dimension. Michael Barkun argues that Icke's introduction of different dimensions allowed him to skip awkward questions about how the reptilians got here. Icke believes that the only way map determined by the nth multiple of the canonical class is the n-canonical map. The n-canonical map sends V into a projective space of dimension one less than the dimension of the global sections of the nth multiple of the canonical class. n-canonical maps may have base points, meaning that they are not defined everywhere (i.e., they may not be a morphism of varieties). They may have positive dimensional fibers, and even if they have zero-dimensional fibers, they need not be local analytic isomorphisms. Canonical curves The best studied case is that of curves. Here, the canonical bundle is the nth roots whose argument has the smallest absolute value. In this case, the meaning of w1/ⁿ may depend on the context, and some care may be needed for avoiding errors. The set of nth roots of a complex number w is obtained by multiplying the principal value w1/ⁿ by each of the nth roots of unity. For example, the fourth roots of 16 are 2, −2, 2i, and −2i, because the principal value of the fourth root of 16 is 2 and the fourth roots of unity are 1, −1, i, and −i. Finite fields A field is an algebraic structure in modern culture. In science fiction, a higher "dimension" actually refers to parallel or alternate universes or other imagined planes of existence. This usage is derived from the idea that to travel to parallel/alternate universes/planes of existence one must travel in a direction/dimension besides the standard ones. In effect, the other universes/planes are just a small distance away from our own, but the distance is in a fourth (or higher) spatial (or non-spatial) dimension, not the standard ones. Fifth and higher dimensions are used in the same way in, e.g., the Superman character Mister Mxyzptlk comes from the fifth dimension. Early a = bⁿ, then b is called an "nth root" of a. For example, 10 is a fourth root of 10,000. Zool. Krool, the main antagonist of the original game has sent his forces and Mental Block, his shapeshifting henchman to invade the Nth Dimension and seize power in order to stifle the imagination of the world, causing rampant boredom in the process. Zool, the main protagonist of the first game, alongside his companion Zooz and their two-headed mascot Zoon, are entrusted with the mission of restoring order to the dimension and defeat Mental Block. After traversing through multiple locations, the trio reaches the main area where Mental Block resides and they defeat him, saving the dimension as a result, with to samsara, Takahashi compared the physical body to being just a boat for traveling through life, and life to a route for the soul, which is the essence of human beings. The physical body is only given by the gods and by one's parents as a virtual boat for traveling through life. With the 3rd dimension as the origin, each dimension is referred to by name, such as the “astral world” of the fourth dimension and the “spiritual world” of the fifth dimension, but according to Takahashi, the numbers are merely appellations; in reality, these stages are considered as existing inexorably, holographic principle, which explains that the information about an extra dimension is visible as a curvature in a spacetime with one fewer dimension. For example, holograms are three-dimensional pictures placed on a two-dimensional surface, which gives the image a curvature when the observer moves. Similarly, in general relativity, the fourth dimension is manifested in observable three dimensions as the curvature path of a moving infinitesimal (test) particle. 'T Hooft has speculated that the fifth dimension is really the spacetime fabric. Five-dimensional geometry According to Klein’s definition, "a geometry is the study of the invariant properties of a
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would rattle U.S. allies and decided not to take up the policy. In 2017, there were efforts to either require congressional approval for a pre-emptive nuclear strike or to ban it altogether and impose an NFU policy. Pakistan Pakistan's Foreign Minister Shamshad Ahmad warned that if Pakistan is ever invaded or attacked, it will use "any weapon in its arsenal" to defend itself. Pakistan refuses to adopt a no first use doctrine and indicates that it would launch nuclear weapons even if the other side did not use such weapons first. Pakistan's asymmetric nuclear posture has significant influence on India's ability procurements from Belgium, Finland, Japan, Sweden and Turkey. According to more recent reports, it has been alleged that North Korea had been secretly supplying Pakistan with ballistic missile technology in exchange for nuclear weapons technology. Doctrine Pakistan refuses to adopt a "no-first-use" doctrine, indicating that it would strike India with nuclear weapons even if India did not use such weapons first. Pakistan's asymmetric nuclear posture has significant influence on India's decision and ability to retaliate, as shown in 2001 and 2008 crises, when non-state actors carried out deadly attacks on Indian soil, only to be met with a relatively subdued response nuclear policy became fixated on India because India refused to join the NPT and remain opened to nuclear weapons. Impetus by Indian actions spurred Pakistan's nuclear research. After nuclear weapons construction was started by Bhutto's command, the chair of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission Usmani quit in objection. The 1999 war between Pakistan and India occurred after both acquired nuclear weapons. It is believed by some that nuclear weapons are the reason a big war has not broken out in the subcontinent. India and Pakistan still have a risk of nuclear conflict on the issue of war over Kashmir. Nuclear capability fully understands the importance of nuclear security." Pakistan had earlier rejected claims in US media that the Obama Administration was worried about the safety of Pakistan's nuclear weapons, saying the country has a professional and robust system to monitor its nukes. Land As of 2011, Pakistan possesses a wide variety of nuclear-capable medium range ballistic missiles with ranges up to 2750 km. Pakistan also possesses nuclear-tipped Babur cruise missiles with ranges up to 700 km. In April 2012, Pakistan launched a Hatf-4 Shaheen-1A, said to be capable of carrying a nuclear warhead designed to evade missile-defense systems. These land-based missiles are weapons. The Indian Air Force also operates several other older and less capable types of ground-attack aircraft which would seem rather less likely candidates for delivering nuclear weapons. The MiG-29, Sukhoi Su-30 MKI and Mirage 2000 were originally designed to perform air-to-air combat missions, though they could potentially be modified to deliver air-dropped nuclear weapons. Plans are also on for the delivery of nuclear weapons via the Arihant class submarine using the SLBM/SLCM Sagarika. New Delhi-Islamabad nuclear hotline India and Pakistan set up their own nuclear hotline on Sunday, 20 June 2004. The hotline was set up with the assistance atomic bomb projects in 1972 which extended over many years since the first Indian weapon was detonated. After the 1974 test, Pakistan's atomic bomb program picked up a great speed and accelerated its atomic project to successfully build its own atomic weapons program. In the last few decades of the 20th century, India and Pakistan began to develop nuclear-capable rockets and nuclear military technologies. Finally, in 1998 India, under Atal Bihari Vajpayee government, test detonated 5 more nuclear weapons. Domestic pressure within Pakistan began to build steam and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif ordered the test, detonated 6 nuclear war weapons Clinton administration, pursued a variety of initiatives to persuade India and Pakistan to abandon their nuclear weapons programs and to accept comprehensive international safeguards on all their nuclear activities. To this end, the Clinton administration proposed a conference of the five nuclear-weapon states, Japan, Germany, India and Pakistan. India refused this and similar previous proposals, and countered with demands that other potential weapons states, such as Iran and North Korea, should be invited, and that regional limitations would only be acceptable if they were accepted equally by China. The United States would not accept the participation of Iran and North Korea nuclear program slowly matured towards militarization and expanded the nuclear power infrastructure throughout the country. Decisions on the development of nuclear weapons were made by Indian political leaders after the Chinese invasion and territorial annexation of northern India. In 1967, India's nuclear program was aimed at the development of nuclear weapons, with Indira Gandhi carefully overseeing the development of weapons. In 1971, India gained military and political momentum over Pakistan, after a successful military campaign against Pakistan. Starting preparations for a nuclear test in 1972, India finally exploded its first nuclear bomb in Pokhran test range, codename Smiling Buddha, in 50 two-megaton hydrogen bombs would cost around $31.5 million." Bhabha did not realise, however, that the U.S. Plowshare cost-figures were produced by a vast industrial complex costing tens of billions of dollars, which had already manufactured nuclear weapons numbering in the tens of thousands. The delivery systems for nuclear weapons typically cost several times as much as the weapons themselves. The nuclear programme was partially slowed down when Lal Bahadur Shastri became the prime minister. In 1965, Shastri faced another war with Pakistan. Shastri appointed physicist Vikram Sarabhai as the head of the nuclear programme but because of his Gandhian beliefs as Benazir Bhutto maintained in 1995. Pakistan's nuclear energy programme was established and started in 1956 following the establishment of PAEC. Pakistan became a participant in US President Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace program. PAEC's first chairman was Dr. Nazir Ahmad. Although proposals to develop nuclear weapons were made in the 1960s by several officials and senior scientists, Pakistan followed a strict non-nuclear weapon policy from 1956 until 1971, as PAEC under its chairman Ishrat Hussain Usmani made no efforts to acquire nuclear fuel cycle for the purposes of an active nuclear weapons programme. In 1961, the PAEC set up a
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was our livelihood... I gritted my teeth. I called on the ghosts of Aristophanes, of Shakespeare, of Lope de Vega. I wept and swallowed my own tears... And I cursed the fate that bound me to him... Yet even as I cursed and condemned, the tears rose. For my whole life, my whole past, was before me on that stage... Poor weak first step of our Yiddish theater... I thank you for the happiness you gave us... I thank you Shmendrick—my beloved—my own." Lastly, the command should require only one behavior at a time. This way, children need not remember long strings of orders in a single command. The second step of PDI involves labeled praise when the child displays the desired behavior. For example, “I like it when you do what I tell you to do so quickly!” tells the child what specific action pleased the parent and this praise will help increase that desired behavior. The third step is to initiate time-out whenever the child is noncompliance. Eyberg states that noncompliance will be reinforced by both parental attention and when the child is like it was subtle enough that I could step in and out of it," Hoffmann said. "I never felt like, 'Oh my God, I’m tripping and I have to make a movie.' I felt like I could totally step out of it and be like, 'Okay, Sebastián, what's going on? What do we need to do?' And then I could step back into it and just go with it. And, you know, there's like hours and hours of footage that you don’t see because it was like a 10-hour trip and we were in that desert the whole time. It chart. The releases were with various labels over the course of the group's tenure, and those albums were: 1989's Walking with Me, 1990's Ain't No Way I Could and Another Step Forward, 1993's The Vision Becomes Clearer, 1995's Thru the Storm and Reaching Out, 1997's Saints Hold On, 1998's Standing Room Only, 2001's Thank You, and 2004's Stand Up! Live. The four albums that charted on the Gospel Albums chart were: Another Step Forward at No. 31, The Vision Becomes Clearer at No. 17, Standing Room Only at No. 17, and Thank You at No. 8. The last one charted old, past or present, was bullied or teased based on the character of Apu, it just really makes me sad." Azaria also offered to stop voicing the character: "I'm perfectly willing and happy to step aside, or help transition it into something new." In response, Kondabolu tweeted his appreciation for Azaria's statement: "Thank you, @HankAzaria. I appreciate what you said & how you said it." Television series work With the continuing success of The Simpsons, Azaria began taking on other, principally live-action, roles. He was a main cast member on the show Herman's Head (1991–1994) playing Jay Nichols, alongside The in June 2007 because she felt Jami acted 'unwise' by criticising the religion of Islam itself, stating: "I don't think it's convenient to question Islam itself. Unwise. I don't want to get involved in that. Keep [the message] thus: you should be able to quit Islam without being threatened. That's it." In an August 2007 interview, she said that '[i]f you [criticise the Quran and the prophet], you will offend lots of people. That will not help in furthering the debate. We are simply not yet at that stage, this must be done step by step.' In 2008 Ehsan Jami announced ... You could've raised a million dollars, put on your $100,000 flop, and kept the rest!" Max proposes a scheme: Step 1: We find the worst play ever written. Step 2: We hire the worst director in town. Step 3: We raise two million dollars. ... One for me, one for you. There's a lot of little old ladies out there! Step 4: We hire the worst actors in New York and open on Broadway and before you can say Step 5: We close on Broadway, take our two million, and go to Rio. However, Leo refuses to help Max with his scheme ("We Can Do championships. Comparing mathematics with tennis, Hahn has said "In mathematics, you try to prove things step by step; you attempt to set up a logical method. I approach tennis by using this plan and then adjust on the fly." the song "Love Girl" from their special EP First Step +1 Thank You, beginning April 29 on Music Bank and ending on May 22. Thank You did well in the Taiwanese market as well, topping five charts locally and selling 70,000 copies. In April, it was announced that Jung Yong-hwa and Kang Min-hyuk were cast in the MBC drama Heartstrings, which started airing on June 29. Yong-hwa sang three of the OSTs in Heartstrings, titled "You've Fallen for Me", "Because I Miss You" (composed by himself), and "Comfort Song", while Min-hyuk sang one OST titled "Star". They first performed the songs of all wisdom, Help me to have an alert mind, Teach me to think, And help me to learn discipline. In all that I do and in every challenge I face, Help me to know the difference between right and wrong, And lead me in obedience on a straight path to a worthy goal. Amen. The Venturer Prayer Used by the Venture Scout section. Lord, We thank you for letting us come once again to marvel at your creations. We hope that those in the group who are new to this activity will leave with the same sense of wonder that we always feel as we step into
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extend the power delivery limits for battery charging and devices requiring up to 100 watts. USB has been selected as the standard charging format for many mobile phones, reducing the proliferation of proprietary chargers. Connectors The three sizes of USB connectors are the default or standard format intended for desktop or portable equipment, the mini intended for mobile equipment , and the thinner micro size, for low-profile mobile equipment such as mobile phones and tablets. There are five speeds for USB data transfer: Low Speed, Full Speed, High Speed (from version 2.0 of the specification), SuperSpeed (from version 3.0), and carriers in the provision of fixed broadband service, mobile virtual network operators (MVNO) also exist which use incumbent infrastructure to provide mobile services in an attempt to make the market more competitive. Data caps Many high speed internet packages offered in Canada have data caps, or online data consumption limits that when surpassed will result in additional charges being applied to a user's monthly bill. Data caps in Canada can be as low as 20GB, which is over six times lower than the lowest data cap in the United States of 150GB. Data caps contribute to the digital divide by Engine. It has the same basic concept as Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, but with new features like the AllDrive system, and several pursuit techs. Need for Speed: No Limits (2015) Need for Speed: No Limits was released in 2015 for iOS and Android, and a mobile installment in the Need for Speed video game series, developed by Firemonkeys Studios and published by Electronic Arts. It is the franchise's first original title made exclusively for mobile devices, unlike past mobile games in the series that were simply adaptations of various Need for Speed games. Need for Speed (2015) A full imperial speed limits; this was dropped from 1987 onwards. Other speed limits were rounded to the nearest ten kilometres per hour, with motorway speed limits being set at 100 km/h. Together with the introduction of carless days in 1979, the maximum speed limit on New Zealand roads was lowered to 80 km/h as a fuel saving measure. Enforcement of New Zealand road speed limits was traditionally done using police "speed traps" set up and operated by the police. In 1993, mobile speed cameras were introduced, which issued speeding tickets automatically. Significant changes were made to the rules for setting speed limits in 2003 and plan. The differences in the plans are the amount of data provided at the 4G LTE speed. The $25 30-day plan offers 3GB of 4G LTE speed, then 2G speed. The $30 and $40 30-day plans offer 2GB and 6GB of 4G LTE speed, respectively, then 2G speed. These plans are mobile hotspot capable depending on your smartphone. The $50 and $60 30-day plans offer "Truly" unlimited 4G LTE data with the $60 plan includes 10GB of mobile hotspot and video "typically streams at DVD quality." The amount of mobile hotspot data that the $50 plan XML 1.0, even without any Zip-style compression. Typical increases in parsing speed observed for the reference Java implementation are a factor of 10 over Java Xerces, and a factor of 4 over the Piccolo driver (one of the fastest Java-based XML parsers). Typical applications Portable devices – Mobile devices typically have low bandwidth data connections and slower CPUs. Fast Infoset uses less bandwidth than XML and is faster to process, making it a superior choice. Storing large volumes of data – When storing XML to either file or database, the volume of data a system produces can often exceed reasonable limits, UniPro UniPro (or Unified Protocol) is a high-speed interface technology for interconnecting integrated circuits in mobile and mobile-influenced electronics. The various versions of the UniPro protocol are created within the MIPI Alliance (Mobile Industry Processor Interface Alliance), an organization that defines specifications targeting mobile and mobile-influenced applications. The UniPro technology and associated physical layers aim to provide high-speed data communication (gigabits/second), low-power operation (low swing signaling, standby modes), low pin count (serial signaling, multiplexing), small silicon area (small packet sizes), data reliability (differential signaling, error recovery) and robustness (proven networking concepts, including congestion management). UniPro version 1.6 concentrates on enabling high-speed point data users On August 31, 2015, T-Mobile announced it will ask users who abuse its unlimited on-smartphone data plan by violating T-Mobile's Terms & Conditions regarding tethering (which like unlimited on-smartphone data, remains unlimited, but offers a 14 GB high speed allotment before throttling takes effect), by permanently removing user access to unlimited plans and migrating users to a tiered data plan. By doing so, all plans after a select amount of inclusive high-speed data, result in automatic throttled speeds, preventing unlimited high-speed tethering use and abuse of the network. T-Mobile stated that there are a small handful of users were in place between T-Mobile and the smaller carriers, including Centennial Wireless and Edge Wireless. On June 29, 2010, the company launched voice service in the Gulf of Mexico on GSM via roaming agreement through Broadpoint. T-Mobile USA was scheduled to launch data service in Fall 2010. Also in 2010, T-Mobile US became a member of the FreeMove alliance. On October 9, 2013, T-Mobile announced Simple Global, a service included with eligible Simple Choice plans. This service allows one to roam in over 100 countries with unlimited text and speed-limited data, and make calls at $0.20/minute. High-speed data passes will be available Floating car data Floating car data (FCD), also known as floating cellular data, is a method to determine the traffic speed on the road network. It is based on the collection of localization data, speed, direction of travel and time information from mobile phones in vehicles that are being driven. These data are the essential source for traffic information and for most intelligent transportation systems (ITS). This means that every vehicle with an active mobile phone acts as a sensor for the road network. Based on these data, traffic congestion can be identified, travel times can be calculated, and traffic
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considering the El's lengthy hiatus: PopMatters says: "He manages to present his album with intelligent proportions, and like a fine wine, he will only get better with time." In Time with You Synopsis Cheng You Qing (Ariel Lin) is the manager of a Taiwanese shoe manufacturer. On her 30th birthday, Cheng You Qing receives an email on "the symptoms of premature aging" from Li Da Ren (Chen Bolin), her best friend who she has known since high school. Unable to accept that he is like a bottle of fine wine that will get better with age and she is like a grape that will dry into a raisin as years go by, she agrees to a bet with Da Ren to see who will get married first before Mises concluded that socialism lacks any clear tendency towards improvement in the capital structure of industry. Example Mises gave the example of choosing between producing wine or oil, making the following pont: It will be evident, even in the socialist society, that 1,000 hectolitres of wine are better than 800, and it is not difficult to decide whether it desires 1,000 hectolitres of wine rather than 500 of oil. There is no need for any system of calculation to establish this fact: the deciding element is the will of the economic subjects involved. But once this decision has been taken, the sugar is not the only factor balancing a wine. Dry German wines can be very balanced, and usually get higher ratings from German wine journalists than a comparable wine with more sugar. Many Spätlese wines will age well, especially those made from the Riesling grape. The Spätlese courier at Schloss Johannisberg Legend has it that the introduction of the Spätlese category took place in the Rheingau winery Schloss Johannisberg in 1775, and happened by mere circumstance. Since 1718, permission to start harvest at Johannisberg was announced in writing from the Prince-Bishop of Fulda by means of a so-called autumn courier – the aroma of the wine. After fermentation, the oak barrel aging regiment will vary with the length of time and proportion of new oak barrels that are used. Most Cote de Nuit producers prefer to age their red wines for at least a year to 18 months and blend lots between barrels of different ages. The traditional barrel used in Burgundy holds 228 liters which is slightly larger than the 225 liters that a traditional Bordeaux wine barrel holds. Prior to bottling, the producer will decide on what, if any fining and filtration methods will be used in the clarification and old oak barrels already leached). To this last item there is an exception with some vinters in the wine regions of Palatinate (Pfalz) and Baden using new oak aging. The warmer temperatures in those regions produce heavier wines with a higher alcohol content that can better contend with the new oak. While clearer in individual flavours when it is young, a German Riesling will harmonize more as it ages, particularly around ten years of age. In Germany, sugar levels at time of harvest are an important consideration in the wine's production with prädikat levels measuring the sweetness of the wine. from the second barrel has an average age of 2.5 years (at the end of year 2, after barrel transfers, it was half 2-year old wine, half 1-year old wine, for an average age of 1.5 years; at the end of year 3, before barrel transfers, it will have aged another year for an average age of 2.5 years). The second bottling will then be half 3.5 years old and half four years old (the wine left in the last barrel at the previous cycle), for an average age of 3.75 years. The third bottling will be an average cautions buyers that they should read the tasting notes to determine whether or not the wine is made in a style they will like; he states on his website: Scores, however, do not reveal the important facts about a wine. The written commentary that accompanies the ratings is a better source of information regarding the wine's style and personality, its relative quality vis-à-vis its peers, and its value and aging potential than any score could ever indicate. — Robert M. Parker Jr., The Wine Advocate Rating System (emphasis in original) No scoring system is perfect, but a system that provides for tannin to the wine. The wine must be settled or clarified and adjustments made prior to bottling. The time from harvest to drinking can vary from a few months for Beaujolais nouveau wines to over twenty years for wine of good structure with high levels of acid, tannin or sugar. However, only about 10% of all red and 5% of white wine will taste better after five years than it will after just one year. Depending on the quality of grape and the target wine style, some of these steps may be combined or omitted to achieve the particular goals of the cork taint wine fault. Extraction levels in relation with grape pressing techniques Flash release is a technique used in wine pressing. The technique allows for a better extraction of phenolic compounds. Microoxygeneation The exposure of wine to oxygen in limited quantities affects phenolic content. Effects Polyphenol compounds may interact with volatiles and contribute to the aromas in wine. Although wine polyphenols are speculated to provide antioxidant or other benefits, there is little evidence that wine polyphenols actually have any effect in humans. Limited preliminary research indicates that wine polyphenols may decrease platelet aggregation, enhance fibrinolysis, and increase HDL cholesterol, but
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Uchchhista with revulsion. Eating Uchchhista is considered as humiliating; a Kannada proverb says that he is a dog who eats Uchchhista. Offering Uchchhista to a higher caste member is considered as his insult. People usually do not dip, serve or accept food with the fingers or cutlery that has touched someone's mouth. While cooking also, the cook does not taste food and use the same utensil to stir the food. Once food is tasted with a utensil, it is put away to wash. Food which has been dipped with fingers and cutlery used for eating is considered Uchchhista. While particularly likes reading food critic Jonathan Gold's reviews in LA Weekly. He told LA Weekly's Squid Ink food blog that he likes foodies, despite making fun of them in "The Food Wife". He commented that on the show, he has often "taken something that I love, found the one little weird, bad thing about it and harped on that", giving foodies as an example and writing: "You can make fun of them for being pretentious or snobby or taking the fun out of eating. That you'd rather photograph something than taste it is a funny nuance of the phenomenon. That Because people expect losses to have more powerful emotional consequences than equal-size gains, they will take more risks to avoid a loss than to achieve a gain. Conditioned taste aversion. “A strong dislike (nausea reaction) for food because of prior Association with of that food with nausea or upset stomach.” Conditioned taste aversion is the only type of conditioning that only needs one exposure. It does not need to be the specific food or drinks that cause the taste. Conditioned taste aversion can also be attributed to extenuating circumstances. An example of this can be eating a rotten apple. Eating the apple is the standard one, that these men do so because of pleasure. Protagoras agrees, and Socrates continues by saying that what we call bad is not necessarily unpleasant in the short term, but necessarily so in the long term, like certain foods that cause pleasurable sensations but harm the body in the long run. Socrates then concludes that the only reason why people exchange good for bad, like the pleasant taste of food for sickness that comes by eating it, is because they do not know that the first (the pleasure) is short, while the second (the pain) is long. The He discusses what eating meat has meant in the past, and what it means today. In doing so, he does not, as one might expect, make the claim that eating meat is intrinsically bad. Rather, he claims that eating meat is circumstantially bad; for example, it is bad when it entails the suffering of animals, environmental destruction, and/or a risk for human health. Today, according to the book and a number of its cited sources, eating meat overwhelmingly entails these problems, while in the past, it has not. The conclusion Foer reaches is that eating animals that come from confectionary food, is a main component in ritual activities for the traditional Chinese gods in Tang Dynasty. Development During the Kamakura era in Japan, Japanese monks mot only brought back different kinds of food from China, but also brought back the tradition of drinking tea while eating sweet snacks. Due to the fact that meat-eating is not a popular trend in Japan as well as the religious beliefs, most of the food with meat as main ingredients has been transformed into red bean and wheat flour products. After some improvements in the taste and ingredients of collon, it is further enjoyment of eating foods. Contrasts in textures, such as something crunchy in an otherwise smooth dish, may increase the appeal of eating it. Common examples include adding granola to yogurt, adding croutons to a salad or soup, and toasting bread to enhance its crunchiness for a smooth topping, such as jam or butter. Contrast in taste Another universal phenomenon regarding food is the appeal of contrast in taste and presentation. For example, such opposite flavors as sweetness and saltiness tend to go well together, as in kettle corn and nuts. Food preparation While many foods can be eaten raw, many that they would be tasting a frozen savoury mousse. Although all consumed identical food, those eating what they thought was savoury mousse found the flavour acceptable while those eating what they thought was ice cream found the taste salty and generally disgusting. For Blumenthal, this confirmed his ideas. "If something as simple as a name could make a dish appear more or less salty ... what effect might other cues have on flavours and our appreciation of them?" Since that point, exploring the sensory potential of food – via both research and the creation of new dishes – has been an walked 45 minutes a day. Harley Pasternak, a celebrity trainer and nutrition expert, supports Cisna's experiment by saying, "While I don’t think it’s a great idea to eat too much fast food...I do think he is right. Fast food, while far from healthy, doesn’t make people gain weight. Eating too much fast food too often is what can make you gain weight—the same way eating too much of anything can pack on the pounds." Jared Fogle’s drastic weight loss on a Subway diet is another case that poses a fair debate against the idea that the culprit of obesity is on a regular basis, letting Jenna believe her mother has changed her ways. At the same time, Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) takes her staff writer, Frank Rossitano (Judah Friedlander) in as a roommate, and they both decide to make a pact to give up their bad habits: Liz eating junk food and Frank's smoking. As they continue living together, Liz is having a hard time adjusting to not eating junk food and suspects that Frank is still smoking, due to his calm behavior during the situation. To catch him in the act, she decides to hide a recording video
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die with every other non-"ginger kid" of the town. Cartman pretends to have had an epiphany that everyone should live in harmony and peace since Kyle's speech, then gets everyone to sing a song about how the different races should live together in peace. As the non-gingers are freed, an annoyed Kyle calls Cartman a "manipulative asshole" for his hypocrisy. Cartman gleefully responds "Yes, but I'm not going to die". Production On the DVD commentary for "Ginger Kids", Trey Parker and Matt Stone said that they had wanted to do an episode about ginger kids for a long time, though heavily damaged bee falls to the ground. The Rage is nearly upon everyone, and there's no time left to infect it with the virus. Everyone forms the circle required to prevent The Rage from killing everyone, however Lister warns that one of them will still die. The evil Lister doesn't intend for it to be him, and infects himself with the luck virus. The Rage hits, and everyone begs for it to possess them. However, thanks to the positive virus, the evil Lister is the one who is 'lucky' enough to get his wish to have The Rage consume him. He Seat No.28 Mizuuchi Yusuke, Heart attack. Male student Seat No.30 Yahiro Shouta, death by suffocation. Female student Seat No.15, drowned to death. These people have broken the rules of the game. (Unneeded action was: crying) 12th Order A student in the class must roll a die. Depending on the number rolled, the person who rolled the die must specify the same number of classmates. The person who rolled the die, as well as the people specified, will all be punished. ※ If the die isn't rolled, or nobody is specified, then everyone in the class shall be punished. ※ Within five minutes I Always Wanna Die (Sometimes) Meaning In an interview with Genius, Matthew Healy described the idea of wanting to die as becoming this "big fucking meme". Healy in the interview discusses how the idea of suicide is not an uncommon thought and that "everyone at one point or another wants to or wanted to do it." Healy also mentions that as long as people are afraid of dying, we will also have religion. too, much to the worry of Radha. Later, Paro starts misunderstandings between Radha and Sita, that go to a bigger level because of Radha's innocence and Sita's indolence. Moreover, Paro frightens little Gopi that if he sees his mother, she would die. Frightened Gopi stays away from Radha, much to the agony of Radha. Gradually, she falls ill and her condition becomes critical. While everyone is puzzled by Gopi's behavior, Niku carefully extracts the reason for his behavior. He tells that to everyone. Everyone scolds Paro and convinces Gopi that his mother wouldn't die if he talks to her. Gopi Chop Suey! (song) Overview In an interview, Daron Malakian explained, "The song is about how we are regarded differently depending on how we pass. Everyone deserves to die. Like, if I were now to die from drug abuse, they might say I deserved it because I abused dangerous drugs. Hence the line, 'I cry when angels deserve to die'. The lyric passages 'Father, into your hands I commend my spirit' and 'why have you forsaken me?' are a reference to Jesus' death on the cross, as, according to the Gospels, it was one of the seven things Jesus said while of being exposed to radiation, and becoming sick. Angie realizes that her unborn child may have died because of previous exposure. Wendell, Jonathan and Brad's great uncle, dies after he refused to drink and eat anything that is contaminated. Jonathan and the others have an encounter with cannibals who try to kill the group for food. After heading back into the basement, Angie has a miscarriage. Without a blood transfusion, Angie could die. Brad becomes distraught and threatens to kill everyone if she is not saved. Jonathan hits Brad with a shovel, allowing Angie to die peacefully. Brad and the others is done then everyone will help each other untie their hands." Signifying the family was not expecting to die. Psychological view Psychologists have commented that these deaths are a result of ‘shared psychotic disorder’ in which members of a group blindly trust one among them and follow instructions without questioning. Psychologists feel that Lalit suffered from a ‘delusional disorder’. a theatrical manager. Blumenthal is also known for his humorous short poems, for example: Das ist ein hässliches Gebrechen, Wenn Menschen wie die Bücher sprechen. Doch reich und fruchtbar sind für jeden Die Bücher, die wie Menschen reden. (It is a terrible flaw When people speak like books, But good and useful for everyone Are books that speak like people). out. According to various accounts, Spoorbek had the gift of foresight. Mrs. Fick-Landman recalled: "Die mense het altijd angstig gevoel als hij in die huis is, want hulle weet goed, elke woord wat hulle praat, hoor hij, al is hij nie in die kamer nie. Maar die mense het daarom tog die grootste verering vir hom gehad, hij het altijd elkeen gehelp wat in die nood was en wou nooit geld aanneem nie". (The people always felt anxious if he was in the house because everyone knew that he had the ability to hear every single word they spoke, even
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Cup Winners' Cup matches the winners of the five domestic cup competitions around North Africa. Format The semi-finals and the final are two-legged affairs. lad". He punished him by making him run, but then forgot about him; he returned after five hours and Singh was still running. After medical check up his heart was found to be normal even after running for hours. He then began to train him to run marathons. By the age of four, Budhia had run and completed 50 marathons. After running a record breaking marathon, Budhia was admitted to the SAI sports hostel in Bhubaneswar. However, he "felt like he was lodged in a jail." After staying in the hostel for almost nine years, Budhia is now at home, 2019 IAAF Road Race Label Events The 2019 IAAF Road Race Label Events are the twelfth edition of the global series of road running competitions given Label status by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF). The series included a total of 138 road races: 64 Gold Label, 25 Silver Label and 49 Bronze Label. In terms of distance, 88 races were marathons, 28 were half marathons, 15 were 10K runs, and 7 were held over other distances. The series included all six World Marathon Majors in the Gold category. Sleaford Town Runners Sleaford Town Runners is a running club based in Sleaford, Lincolnshire, Affiliated to UK Athletics, Association of Running Clubs, and ClubMark. Members are known as STR. Training meetings are held twice a week, and runners from the club participate in a wide range of events including weekly parkruns, 10ks, half marathons, marathons and ultra marathons. Sleaford Town Runners organise the popular Rauceby Ripper cross country race every February which is attended by a wide range of club runners from the county and beyond. its campus. Various teams have represented the city and the state at the District and National Level Tournaments and Events. Youth Festival Every year the school organises a Youth Festival where students from the various groups contest against each other in various arts forms. It includes almost all the various classic forms of dances, singing and other arts forms like mimicry and mono-act. Other competitions include Dramma, Ballet etc. The winning team is given away with the ever-rolling Arts Trophy. Individual winners are later sent for various district and state level competitions. School uniform St: Pauls high School, like all Emebt Etea Emebt Etea Bedada (born 11 January 1990 in Waliso) is an Ethiopian long-distance runner who competes in road running competitions. She emerged quickly as a junior (under-19) runner with an African Junior Championships double in the 1500 metres and the 3000 metres. She was a junior bronze medalist at the IAAF World Cross Country Championships in 2008. She moved away from middle-distances in 2009 and began competing in half marathons and marathons. She won marathons in Brescia and Venice in 2012. She also won the team gold in the 2012 IAAF World Half Marathon Championships with the Ethiopian women's team. Zola Budd, became known for her barefoot running style as well as training and racing barefoot. She won the 1985 and 1986 IAAF World Cross Country Championships and competed in the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles. Kenyan runner Tegla Loroupe began running barefoot 10 km (6.2 mi) to and from school every day at the age of seven. She performed well in contests at school, and in 1988, won a prestigious cross country barefoot race. She went on to compete, both barefoot and shod, in several international competitions, marathons, and half-marathons. She won the Goodwill Games over 10,000 metres, barefoot, and was American Association of Community Theatre AACT Festival Every year community theaters throughout the United States participate in local competitions, known as festivals. These competitions provide a way for the theaters to stage short productions that are adjudicated by professionals in the theater industry. These productions are typically cuttings, or scaled down parts of a production that the theater staged during its current season. The winners of these local competitions are invited to participate in regional festivals. Every two years the AACT hosts a national festival, known as AACTFest, where the regional winners compete. These festivals are always open to Utah Grand Slam The Utah Grand Slam is an annual competition held throughout the state of Utah in which participants run a series of four marathons throughout the calendar year. The man and woman with the lowest net time for all four races is declared the winner. There are additional prizes for winners within each age group. The series consists of five marathons: four primary races and one alternate if a runner cannot participate in a primary race. The Utah Grand Slam has been administered and managed by the Wasatch Running Center in Sandy, Utah since 2004. 2009 IAAF Road Race Label Events The 2009 IAAF Road Race Label Events were the second edition of the global series of road running competitions given Label status by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF). All five World Marathon Majors had Gold Label status. The series included a total of 49 road races, 19 Gold and 30 Silver. In terms of distance, 34 races were marathons, 8 were half marathons, 5 were 10K runs, and 2 were held over other distances.
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dimension of the fire then the square law applies: If a flame detector can detect a fire with an area A on a certain distance, then a 4 times bigger flame area is necessary if the distance between the flame detector and the fire is doubled. In short: Double distance = four times bigger flame area (fire). This law is equally valid for all optical flame detectors, including video based ones. The maximum sensitivity can be estimated by dividing the maximum flame area A by the square of the distance between the fire and the flame detector: c = A/d². With this constant means of sensors which detect just off the CO₂ peak; for example at 4.1 μm. Here it is necessary that there is a large difference in output between the applied sensors (for example sensor S1 and S2 in the picture). A disadvantage is that the radiation energy of a possible fire must be much bigger than the present background heat radiation. In other words, the flame detector becomes less sensitive. Every multi infrared flame detector is negatively influenced by this effect, regardless how expensive it is. Cone of vision The cone of vision of a flame detector is determined by the quoted by Paul Sheehan in "Cathy who? Condoms and controversy make a world of difference", Sydney Morning Herald, 27 Sep. 2000, p. 2). Moreover, Freeman's prominence at the opening ceremony encapsulated the Olympic ideals of promoting sport and celebrating the history and culture of the host country. The tradition of the Olympic flame, torch relay and cauldron The Olympic Flame or Olympic Torch is a symbol of the Olympic Games. Commemorating the theft of fire from the Greek god Zeus by Prometheus, its origins lie in ancient Greece, where a fire was kept burning throughout the celebration of the ancient Olympics. Ignition Point (Adventure Time) Plot While spending time with Flame Princess (voiced by Jessica DiCicco), Finn and Jake learn that she misses her scented candles, which she left in the Fire Kingdom. The duo volunteer to retrieve them, but Flame Princess tells them to be careful and watch out for her evil father, Flame King (voiced by Keith David). Once they enter the Flame Kingdom, Finn and Jake manage to acquire the candles, but hear a conspiracy to assassinate the king between two fire beings, one of whom has an untied shoe, and the other has a hissy voice. Finn and this. Intelligence is Omnipresent, and It is within the Electronic Light." Violet Flame Use of the "Violet Flame of Divine Love" is considered to be the 7th Ray aspect of the Holy Spirit and the "Sacred Fire" that transmutes and consumes the "cause, effect, record, and memory" of sin or negative karma. Also called the "Flame of Transmutation", the "Flame of Mercy", the "Flame of Freedom", and the "Flame of Forgiveness". "Our God is a Consuming Fire" in Deuteronomy 4:24 (KJV) and Hebrews 12:29 (KJV) is believed to be refer to this "Sacred Fire of God". The "Violet Fire" is held horror as a source of the sublime, though they all agree that terror is a very high one; and where lies the great difference between horror and terror, but in uncertainty and obscurity, that accompany the first, respecting the dreader evil." According to Devendra Varma in The Gothic Flame (1966): The difference between Terror and Horror is the difference between awful apprehension and sickening realization: between the smell of death and stumbling against a corpse. Horror fiction Horror is also a genre of film and fiction that relies on horrifying images or situations to tell stories and prompt reactions or jump scares as flame or fire-retardant. For draperies and other fabrics used in public places, this is known as the NFPA 701 Test, which follows standards developed by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Although all fabrics will burn, some are naturally more resistant to fire than others. Those that are more flammable can have their fire resistance drastically improved by treatment with fire-retardant chemicals. Inherently flame-retardant fabrics such as polyester are commonly used for flame retardant curtain fabrics. Durability and cleaning of fabric and drapes When a fabric is designated as inherently fire-retardant, permanently fire-retardant, or durably fire-retardant, the flame retardancy will c can, for the same flame detector and the same type of fire, the maximum distance or the minimum fire area be calculated: A=cd ² and d=√ It must be emphasized, however, that the square root in reality is not valid anymore at very high distances. At long distances other parameters are playing a significant part; like the occurrence of water vapour and of cold CO₂ in the air. In the case of a very small flame, on the other hand, the decreasing flickering of the flame will play an increasing part. A more exact relation - valid when the distance between Dol Arrah named Tira Miron, who merged with a silvery pillar of fire and a Couatl approximately 700 years ago. Miron, now an immortal known as the Voice of the Silver Flame, serves as the intermediary between the Silver Flame and mortals. The Church of the Silver Flame is dedicated to protecting people against the supernatural forces of evil. The Silver Flame itself resides within the impressive Cathedral of the Silver Flame, around which the city of Flamekeep is built and from which both the church and the nation of Thrane is governed. The head of the church is the Keeper paladin of Dol Arrah named Tira Miron, who merged with a silvery pillar of fire and a Couatl approximately 700 years ago. Miron, now an immortal known as the Voice of the Silver Flame, serves as the intermediary between the Silver Flame and mortals. The Church of the Silver Flame is dedicated to protecting people against the supernatural forces of evil. The Silver Flame itself resides within the impressive Cathedral of the Silver Flame, around which the city of Flamekeep is built and from which both the church and the nation of Thrane is governed. The head of the church is
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no parallel geodesics to a given geodesic, as all geodesics intersect. Equidistant curves on the sphere are called parallels of latitude analogous to the latitude lines on a globe. Parallels of latitude can be generated by the intersection of the sphere with a plane parallel to a plane through the center of the sphere. Reflexive variant If l, m, n are three distinct lines, then In this case, parallelism is a transitive relation. However, in case l = n, the superimposed lines are not considered parallel in Euclidean geometry. The binary relation between parallel lines is evidently a symmetric relation. last result, which holds strictly true only near the center of the solenoid where the field lines are parallel to its length, is important as it shows that the flux density outside is practically zero since the radii of the field outside the solenoid will tend to infinity. An intuitive argument can also be used to show that the flux density outside the solenoid is actually zero. Magnetic field lines only exist as loops, they cannot diverge from or converge to a point like electric field lines can (see Gauss's law for magnetism). The magnetic field lines follow the longitudinal path slats) can be represented with one-point perspective. These parallel lines converge at the vanishing point. One-point perspective exists when the picture plane is parallel to two axes of a rectilinear (or Cartesian) scene—a scene which is composed entirely of linear elements that intersect only at right angles. If one axis is parallel with the picture plane, then all elements are either parallel to the picture plane (either horizontally or vertically) or perpendicular to it. All elements that are parallel to the picture plane are drawn as parallel lines. All elements that are perpendicular to the picture plane converge at a single touch, 15 metres in from touch and directly in front of each post (these are frequently called the five metre line though they technically have no name the 5 metre lines are longitudinal lines 5 metres in from touch). These are marked to assist the referee because no set-piece (scrum or line-out) may take place within five metres of the goal line. Minor longitudinal interior lines As described above, in American football there are four longitudinal lines made up of yard-long hashes. These hash marks are marked at one yard intervals between each yard line and parallel to them. They a method of portraying objects on a flat surface so that the dimensions shrink with distance. Each set of parallel, straight edges of any object, whether a building or a table, follows lines that eventually converge at a vanishing point. Typically this convergence point is somewhere along the horizon, as buildings are built level with the flat surface. When multiple structures are aligned with each other, such as buildings along a street, the horizontal tops and bottoms of the structures typically converge at a vanishing point. When both the fronts and sides of a building are drawn, then the parallel lines on the sphere. This topological space, the complex plane plus the point at infinity, is known as the extended complex plane. We speak of a single "point at infinity" when discussing complex analysis. There are two points at infinity (positive, and negative) on the real number line, but there is only one point at infinity (the north pole) in the extended complex plane. Imagine for a moment what will happen to the lines of latitude and longitude when they are projected from the sphere onto the flat plane. The lines of latitude are all parallel to the equator, so they will the intensity of the latter varying from blue-grey to intense blue. The blue dorsal side has a median black line which may be broken in some individuals and usually some short, finer parallel lines. These longitudinal lines are also present on the foot. The longitudinal discontinuous lines are distinctive of this species and allow the observer to differentiate it from other close species like Chromodoris lochi, Chromodoris willani and Chromodoris annae. The mantle edge and the foot are bordered with white and orange to yellow lines in which the width and the colour intensity can vary greatly from a specimen to another. of symmetry coincides with the Earth's axis), transverse (at right angles to the Earth's axis) or oblique (any angle in between). Notable lines The developable surface may also be either tangent or secant to the sphere or ellipsoid. Tangent means the surface touches but does not slice through the globe; secant means the surface does slice through the globe. Moving the developable surface away from contact with the globe never preserves or optimizes metric properties, so that possibility is not discussed further here. Tangent and secant lines (standard lines) are represented undistorted. If these lines are a parallel of latitude, as visited by the crew of the ship Mauritius in July 1618). The detail of the river's position on the chart backs up the claim that this is the Ashburton River, which, being at 21 degrees 40 minutes south and 114 degrees 56 east, is almost exactly the latitude shown on the chart. The chart is oriented with north to the left, showing lines of latitude from 20th parallel south to the 35th parallel south at the base of the map. The lines of latitude appear to be very accurate, matching closely known features through the length of the chart. Other factors to and is present in more than thirty dioceses in the Philippines. The logo The logo has a cross with rays at its center, representing Jesus Christ. The seven rays of the cross represent the Seven Sacraments. The border consists of three parallel lines and starting from left-below to form an imaginary spiral movement and ending to form an arrow towards top-right represents the following: Three lines. The three parallel lines starting from left-below, represent the three major regions of the country, namely: Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. The Second part of the border, where the parallel lines converge to form an arrow,
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for example, in Europe, during the Middle Ages, women were commonly associated with roles related to medicine and healing. Because of the rise of witch-hunts across Europe and the institutionalization of medicine, these roles became exclusively associated with men but in the last few decades these roles have become largely gender-neutral in Western society. Vern Bullough stated that homosexual communities are generally more tolerant of switching gender roles. For instance, someone with a masculine voice, a five o'clock shadow (or a fuller beard), an Adam's apple, wearing a woman's dress and high heels, carrying a purse would most likely draw ridicule for trans men induces beard growth and masculinizes skin, hair, voice, and fat distribution. Hormone replacement therapy for trans women feminizes fat distribution and breasts. Laser hair removal or electrolysis removes excess hair for trans women. Surgical procedures for trans women feminize the voice, skin, face, adam's apple, breasts, waist, buttocks, and genitals. Surgical procedures for trans men masculinize the chest and genitals and remove the womb, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. The acronyms "GRS" and "SRS" refer to genital surgery. The term "sex reassignment therapy" (SRT) is used as an umbrella term for physical procedures required for transition. Use of the accessory nerve and vagus nerve travel down the neck. Surface anatomy The thyroid cartilage of the larynx forms a bulge in the midline of the neck called the Adam's apple. The Adam's apple is usually more prominent in men. Inferior to the Adam's apple is the cricoid cartilage. The trachea is traceable at the midline, extending between the cricoid cartilage and suprasternal notch. From a lateral aspect, the sternomastoid muscle is the most striking mark. It separates the anterior triangle of the neck from the posterior. The upper part of the anterior triangle contains the submandibular glands, which lie Adam's apple Structure The structure of the Adam's apple forms a bump under the skin. It is typically larger in adult males, in whom it is usually clearly visible and palpable. In females, the bump is much less visible and is hardly perceived on the upper edge of the thyroid cartilage. Sex difference An Adam's apple is usually a feature of adult males, because its size in males tends to increase considerably during puberty. Its development is considered a secondary sexual characteristic of males that appears as a result of hormonal activity. Function The Adam's apple, in relation with the Paz Errázuriz Artworks Errazuriz has put out multiple collections that includes Sex, Instrument of Survival, which was published in her 2016 book Paz Errazuriz, which contains multiple collections of her works. The photographs featured in Sex, Instrument of Survival were taken from several of her more specific collections, specifically Adam's apple, Brothels, and Dolls: Chile-Peru border. Also known as La Manzana de Adán, Adam's apple is a collection of photographs taken from 1982 through 1987 and depicts transgender women prostitutes working in brothels located in Santiago and Talca, Chile. She spent time living with and getting to know these women between 1918 and 1924. According to Haarmann, he never actually intended to murder any of his victims, but would be seized by an irresistible urge to bite into or through their Adam's apple—often as he manually strangled them—in the throes of ecstasy, before typically collapsing atop the victim's body. Only one intended victim had escaped from Haarmann's apartment after he attempted to bite into his Adam's apple, although this individual is not known to have reported the attack to police. All of Haarmann's victims' bodies were disposed of via dismemberment shortly after their murder, and Haarmann was insistent that he found Chondroplasty Chondroplasty refers to surgery of the cartilage, the most common being corrective surgery of the cartilage of the knee. Surgery known as thyroid chondroplasty (or tracheal shave) is used to reduce the visibility of the Adam's Apple in transgender women. thyroid cartilage which forms it, helps protect the walls and the frontal part of the larynx, including the vocal cords (which are located directly behind it). Another function of the Adam's apple is related to the deepening of the voice. During adolescence, the thyroid cartilage grows together with the larynx. Consequently, the laryngeal prominence grows in size mainly in men. Together, a larger soundboard is made up in phonation apparatus and, as a result, the man gets a deeper voice note. Society and culture Cosmetic surgery to reshape the Adam's apple is called chondrolaryngoplasty (thyroid cartilage reduction). The surgery included masculinization of the Adam's apple. According to the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, for many transgender men, FMS is considered medically necessary to treat gender dysphoria. Following the WPATH recommendations, several literature reviews and summaries of the state of the art were published. (although this was added digitally, since Harisu herself does not have a prominent Adam's apple). DoDo were initially cautious about using the commercial, and had been prepared to withdraw it if the response was negative, but it turned out to be a big success and quickly established her as a celebrity. As the Republic of Korea's first transgender entertainer, there was a great deal of media interest in Harisu, and she was routinely described as being "more beautiful than a woman". Explaining her reasons for "coming out", she said, "I don't want to face people dishonestly. I won't be able
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sense not bravado", he had been pushing the official line that there could be no peace until Germany had disgorged her conquests. Jago argues that the slightly odd wording suggests that Halifax had suggested the phrase and that Butler may have been covering for him. Halifax's biographer, Andrew Roberts, describes Butler's explanation as "risible" and offers a different interpretation. He believes that Butler, who did not get on with Halifax and was never invited to his home, was unaware of Cabinet-level policy changes and had been putting words into Halifax's mouth. Roberts argues that Halifax, who, on 17 June, was wishing as "a nineteenth-century bar code for human beings". In 1937, he was elected president of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and at that year's biennial congress in Berlin stated the conference keynote to be "World Peace Through World Trade". That phrase became the slogan of both the ICC and IBM. Watson's merger of diplomacy and business was not always lauded. During the 1930s, IBM's German subsidiary was its most profitable foreign operation, and a 2001 book by Edwin Black, IBM and the Holocaust, proves that Watson's pursuit of profit led him to personally approve and spearhead IBM's strategic technological relationship favor "societally profitable" ventures such as low-income housing that conventional finance ignores in favour of commercially profitable ones. To eliminate the charging of interest he proposed penal punishment with the death penalty for repeat offenders. Critics (Feisal Khan) complain that Maududi had no training as an economist and his description of interest-based finance resembles that of the dynamic between South Asian peasant and village moneylender rather than between modern conventional bank and borrower, and further that Maududi gives no explanation why direct equity finance would lead to any more investment in what is good for society but not commercially profitable than Heritage Dictionary of Idioms. Callies suggested that the left fielder in baseball might throw the ball to home plate in an effort to get the runner out before he scores, and that the ball, coming from behind the runner out of left field, would surprise the runner. From the Way Out In Left Field Society: "The phrase "way out in left field" has evolved to mean an eccentric, odd, misguided or peculiar statement or act. Although the origin of the phrase has been challenged and debated over the years, the most logical and realistic explanation comes from an extinct baseball park Epiphanius (Epiph. Haer. xxv. 48). He says that the word means "wanton" or "lascivious," for that the Greeks had a phrase concerning a man who had debauched a girl, Eprounikeuse tautēn. One feels some hesitation in accepting this explanation. Epiphanius was deeply persuaded of the filthiness of Gnostic morals, and habitually put the worst interpretation on their language. If the phrase reported by Epiphanius had been common, it is strange that instances of its use should not have been quoted from the Greek comic writers. It need not be denied that Epiphanius had heard the phrase employed, but innocent words aviation press reacted with skepticism as to Piper's explanation for terminating its arrangements with CSA. AvWeb editor Paul Bertorelli said, "In my view, we are not getting the full story on its decision to exit the LSA segment. In a tersely worded statement a week before the show, Piper said it was terminating its relationship with the Czech supplier of its PiperSport LSA, citing 'differences in business philosophies.' That phrase is code speak for a significant behind-the-scenes blowup. In my opinion, either Piper concluded the margins on LSAs weren't worth the trouble and it would rather focus on jets or on Rome would have required supplies which were not available in Italy, and taking the city would not have improved Attila's supply situation. Therefore, it was more profitable for Attila to conclude peace and retreat to his homeland. Furthermore, an East Roman force had crossed the Danube under the command of another officer also named Aetius—who had participated in the Council of Chalcedon the previous year—and proceeded to defeat the Huns who had been left behind by Attila to safeguard their home territories. Attila, hence, faced heavy human and natural pressures to retire "from Italy without ever setting foot south of Greek gift sacrifice Etymology The etymology of the phrase "Greek gift" in this context is not entirely clear. The obvious explanation is that it alludes to the Trojan Horse, and specifically to Laocoön's famous timeo danaos et dona ferentes ("I fear the Greeks even [when they are] bringing gifts", Virgil's Aeneid II.49). The Oxford Companion to Chess, however, suggests that one explanation is that the sacrifice often occurred in Gioachino Greco's games. Peace be upon him The Arabic phrase ʿalayhi s-salām (عليه السلام), which translates as "peace be upon him" is a conventionally complimentary phrase or durood attached to the names of the prophets in Islam. The English phrase is also given the abbreviation PBUH in English-language writing. An extended variant of the phrase reads ṣallā Allāhu ʿalayhi wa-ʿala āli-hi wa-sallam (Arabic: صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وسلم‎) [lit.] "blessings of God be upon him and his family and peace", and it is often abbreviated SAW or SAWS in writing, even in English. The Arabic phrase is given the name ṣalawāt. The Kuwabara kuwabara "Kuwabara kuwabara" (桑原桑原) is a phrase used in the Japanese language to ward off lightning. It is analogous to the English phrase "knock on wood" to prevent bad luck. The word kuwabara literally means 'mulberry field'. According to one explanation, there is a Chinese legend that mulberry trees are not struck by lightning. In contrast, journalist Moku Jōya asserts that the "origin of kuwabara is not definitely known, but it has nothing to do with mulberry plants, though it means 'mulberry fields."
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the stoma, but a connection still exists between the trachea and upper airways such that these individuals are able to breathe air through the mouth and nose. They are therefore termed partial neck breathers. The extent of breathing through the upper airways in these individuals varies and a tracheostomy tube is present in many of them. Ventilation and resuscitation of total and partial neck breathers is performed through the stoma. However, for these individuals, the mouth should be kept closed and the nose should be sealed to prevent air escape during resuscitation. Complications Different types of complications can follow decline. Fish dependent solely on dissolved oxygen, such as perch and cichlids, quickly suffocate, while air-breathers survive for much longer, in some cases in water that is little more than wet mud. At the most extreme, some air-breathing fish are able to survive in damp burrows for weeks without water, entering a state of aestivation (summertime hibernation) until water returns. Air breathing fish can be divided into obligate air breathers and facultative air breathers. Obligate air breathers, such as the African lungfish, must breathe air periodically or they suffocate. Facultative air breathers, such as the catfish Hypostomus plecostomus, only breathe air definition does not require that nasal breathing in any way be obligatory to the animal. Even in obligate nasal breathers such as horses, rabbits, and rodents, there is a potentially patent path for air to travel from the mouth to the lungs which can be used for endotracheal intubation. It has been suggested that obligate nasal breathing is an adaptation especially useful in prey species, as it allows an animal to feed while preserving their ability to detect predators by scent. Humans Human infants are commonly described as obligate nasal breathers as they prefer breathing through their nose rather than Obligate nasal breathing Obligate nasal breathing describes a physiological necessity to breathe through the nose (or other forms of external nares, depending on the species) as opposed to the mouth. The term may be misleading, as it implies that the animal has no choice but to breathe through its nose; however, it is commonly used to describe cases where effective breathing through the mouth is possible but not preferred. Alternatively, the term has been defined by some as the ability to breathe through the nose while swallowing. While this ability is a common trait of obligate nasal breathers, clearly this are contained under another predicate of this subject. An example of a syllogism of the third figure is: All mammals are air-breathers, All mammals are animals, Therefore, some animals are air-breathers. This validly follows only if an immediate inference is silently interpolated. The added inference is a conversion that uses the word "some" instead of "all." All mammals are air-breathers, All mammals are animals, Hence, some animals are mammals, Therefore, some animals are air-breathers. In the Fourth Figure only mixed Ratiocinations are possible. Pattern of Fourth Figure: Subject...............Predicate Major Term........Middle Term........Major Premise Middle Term.........Minor Term........Minor Premise Minor Term........Major Term...........Conclusion Kant claimed that the fourth figure is based on the insertion of several immediate inferences media equations or discrete lattice equations. The exactly solvable sine-Gordon equation and the focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation are examples of one-dimensional partial differential equations that possess breather solutions. Discrete nonlinear Hamiltonian lattices in many cases support breather solutions. Breathers are solitonic structures. There are two types of breathers: standing or traveling ones. Standing breathers correspond to localized solutions whose amplitude vary in time (they are sometimes called oscillons). A necessary condition for the existence of breathers in discrete lattices is that the breather main frequency and all its multipliers are located outside of the phonon spectrum of the lattice. from the endoderm, as seen in jawless fish species, or those form by the ectoderm, as seen in jawed fish. However, recent studies on gill formation of the little skate (Leucoraja erinacea) has shown potential evidence supporting the claim that gills from all current fish species have in fact evolved from a common ancestor. Breathing with gills Air breathing fish can be divided into obligate air breathers and facultative air breathers. Obligate air breathers, such as the African lungfish, are obligated to breathe air periodically or they suffocate. Facultative air breathers, such as the catfish Hypostomus plecostomus, only breathe air such an example. During the newborn period, all humans are obligate nasal breathers. The palate is both the roof of the mouth and the floor of the nose. Having an open palate may make feeding difficult, but generally, does not interfere with breathing, in fact, if the nose is very obstructed, then an open palate may relieve breathing. There are a number of clefting syndromes in which the open palate is not the only abnormal feature; additionally, there is a narrow nasal passage - which may not be obvious. In such individuals, closure of the cleft palate – whether by the tumor and provides information on which surgical intervention is recommended, where T1-T3 (smaller tumors) may require partial laryngectomies and T4 (larger tumors) may require complete laryngectomies. Radiation and/or chemotherapy may also be used. The airways and ventilation after laryngectomy The anatomy and physiology of the airways change after laryngectomy. After a total laryngectomy, the individual breathes through a stoma where the tracheostomy has created an opening in the neck. There is no longer a connection between the trachea and the mouth and nose. These individuals are termed total neck breathers. After a partial laryngectomy, the individual breathes mainly through syrinx, in birds, results in sound. Because of this, gas movement is vital for communication purposes. Temperature control Panting in dogs, cats, birds and some other animals provides a means of reducing body temperature, by evaporating saliva in the mouth (instead of evaporating sweat on the skin). Horses Horses are obligate nasal breathers which means that they are different from many other mammals because they do not have the option of breathing through their mouths and must take in air through their noses. Elephants The elephant is the only mammal known to have no pleural space. Rather, the parietal and
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betting. With fixed odds betting, a gambler places a fixed-risk stake on stated fractional or decimal odds on the outcome of a sporting event that would give a known return for that outcome occurring or a known loss if that outcome doesn’t occur (the initial stake). With sports spread betting, gamblers are instead betting on whether a specified outcome in a sports event will end up being above or below a ‘spread’ offered by a sports spread betting firm, with profits or losses determined by how much above or below the spread the final outcome finishes at. The spread on offer Spread betting Spread betting is any of various types of wagering on the outcome of an event where the pay-off is based on the accuracy of the wager, rather than a simple "win or lose" outcome, such as fixed-odds (or money-line) betting or parimutuel betting. A spread is a range of outcomes and the bet is whether the outcome will be above or below the spread. Spread betting has been a major growth market in the UK in recent years, with the number of gamblers heading towards one million. Financial spread betting (see below) can carry a high level of risk Due Column betting 'Due-column Betting' (also: 'due column betting') is a type of fixed-profit betting strategy whereby a bettor increases the amount he wagers on a single proposition after each successive loss. According to this system, the bettor determines a target profit before he begins betting. Then he increases his bet on propositions following a loss in such a way that a win will recover the sum of all amounts he lost from his preceding bets plus gain him his predetermined profit. While similar to both the Martingale and Labouchere strategies, "Due-column betting" differs from other like betting systems in that as NCAA Basketball Tournament Bracket Pools, Super Bowl Squares, Fantasy Sports Leagues with monetary entry fees and winnings, and in-person spectator games like Moundball. Virtual sports Based on Sports Betting, Virtual Sports are fantasy and never played sports events made by software that can be played everytime without wondering about external things like weather conditions. Arbitrage betting Arbitrage betting is a theoretically risk-free betting system in which every outcome of an event is bet upon so that a known profit will be made by the bettor upon completion of the event, regardless of the outcome. Arbitrage betting is a combination the game with South Africa trading at $1.58 in the last over and then going on to lose with $8.58mil matched on them at less than $1.35. Betting Exchange Betfair Australia is the only betting exchange in operation in Australia. A betting exchange is a marketplace for customers to bet on the outcome of discrete events. Betting exchanges offer the same opportunities to bet as a bookmaker with a few differences. You can buy and sell the outcome, you can trade in real-time throughout the event and you trade out to cut your losses or lock in profit. Bookmaker operators to risk losing something of value in exchange for something worthless, because winning that bet is a certainty. Lay betting "Lay betting" is a bet that something will not happen, so "laying $50 on a horse" is betting the horse will not win. Bookmakers sell bets based on the odds of a specific outcome, but lay betting allows the bettor (in some English-speaking countries, the "punter") to reverse roles with the bookmaker, using odds to sell the opposite outcome to the bookmaker. In this context, "lay" is used in the sense of "layman", i.e., a bet sold by someone who virtual goods for betting on the outcome of matches is legal and not covered under gambling laws. Companies like Blizzard Entertainment and Riot Games have made strong delineations between virtual currencies and real-money to stay within these prior rulings while offering betting on matches within their games using strictly virtual funds. Some of the websites created to help with trading of Global Offensive skins started offering mechanisms for gambling with skins, appearing to avoid the conflation with real-world currency. These originated as sites that allowed players to use skins to bet on esport matches; Players would bet one or more skins He was asked by an Indonesian bookmaker, Joe Phan, to provide a translation of the betting method that was termed 'hang cheng betting' by bookmakers in Asia. Description Football (soccer) is one of the few sports in the world where a draw is a fairly common outcome. With traditional fixed odds, draws are treated as an additional outcome to the game. In other words, bettors lose when they place a wager on either team to win and the game draws. With Asian handicaps, however, the chance for a draw is eliminated by use of a handicap that forces a winner. sport. Despite wrestling having openly acknowledged that the results are predetermined for years, since the late 2000s gambling has increased on wrestling events, though the maximum bets are kept low due to the matches being predetermined. Due to the predetermined nature of professional wrestling, bets are usually taken based on how people expect the event to be booked, as opposed to who the person betting believes is the superior fighter. Quiz shows In the 1950's, televised quiz shows in the United States became the center of a match fixing controversy. At the time, the majority of television programs were effectively Tote betting Terminology As other bookmakers can offer similar gambling services it is necessary to disambiguate the bets. A bookmaker win-only bet (on-the-nose) isn't the same as a Tote Win bet, as the bookmaker is offering fixed odds for that particular outcome, while the Tote is a dividend paid out from the betting pool. The betting pool is generated from individuals placing money on a Tote bet. A price quote for a horse on the Tote is the current dividend payout on the event of that outcome happening. This tends to be similar to normal bookmaker odds, and tracks the market
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with a C+ grade, calling it "successful" since it "presents a tangible ending for [the show's] last season." Paul Dailly of TV Fanatic gave the season finale a 5 out of 5 stars rating. Lauren Busser of Tell-Tale TV gave the episode a 4.2 out of 5 stars rating. the show in an effective new direction." A TV Guide feature highlighted the episode while pointing to the show's "intelligent stories, witty dialogue and out-of-this-world production values." "Season of Death" earned a 1.9 Nielsen rating, making it the highest rated of all Farscape episodes (this rating was tied by the second night of The Peacekeeper Wars miniseries). the season holds a rating of 72 out of 100, based on reviews from 10 critics, indicating "generally favorable reviews". The show's second season received similar reviews. On Rotten Tomatoes, it holds an 86% approval rating based on 14 critical reviews, with an average rating of 9/10. for the show. In the United States, the series is rated TV-PG; Ward said he never wanted to push the boundaries of the PG rating, writing in the Art of Ooo book that he "never really even thought about the rating ... we don't like stuff that's overly gross. We like cute stuff and nice things". Ward intended the show's world to have a coherent physical logic, and although magic exists in the story, the show's writers tried to create an internal consistency in the characters' interactions with the world. In an interview with The A.V. Club, Ward said the show's writing Sabrina (TV series) Plot The show mainly consist of Sabrina and other actors and actresses putting on skits related to sex, and airing music videos in between. The music videos chosen to air on the show are usually videos of songs that have been deemed inappropriate or trashy. The show's full title is Sabrina, El Sexo en su Máxima Expresión. Rating The show's rating differs from MA to NR. It airs on most weekdays around 12 am. oddly enough, stock TV." In a negative evaluation, Slate's Willa Paskin was outright dismissive saying, "It's a TV show from one of the most canny creators working today, yet as a viewing experience it can feel like an object lesson." She continued on specifically criticizing the show's character development saying, "So many of the people on Pose are strong women, trans paragons, and this comes at the expense of them being recognizably flawed human beings." Season 2 On the review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes, the second season holds a 97% approval rating with an average rating of 8.12/10 based on United Kingdom on February 13, 1998, where it only reached #14. Critical response Rotten Tomatoes gives the film an approval rating of 32% based on 38 reviews with an average rating of 4.17/10. The consensus reads, "Good Burger might please hardcore fans of the 1990s Nickelodeon TV series that launched leads Kenan and Kel to stardom, but for all others, it will likely prove a comedy that is neither satisfyingly rare nor well done." On Metacritic the film has a score of 41 out of 100 based on 17 critics, indicating "mixed or average reviews". Lisa Alspector of Chicago Reader more assertive role and sent it to Mike Lazzo. Adult Swim placed a tamer TV-14 rating on the program, which initially was met with reluctance from the show's staff. The network's reason behind the rating was that it would soon begin broadcasting in prime-time, competing with major programs. The main theme for Rick and Morty by Ryan Elder was originally used in a rejected Cartoon Network pilot Roiland made called "Dog World", which was referenced in the episode "Lawnmower Dog". Writing Harmon has noted that the writers' room at the show's studio bears a striking resemblance to the one used for States, and CTV in Canada. Netflix aired the series outside the United States and Canada, adding the episodes weekly, with distribution handled by eOne. For the third season, Designated Survivor will release globally on Netflix. Before Netflix announced it would release the third season, an agreement had to be reached with Hulu, who held the streaming rights to the first two seasons in the United States; the first two seasons moved to Netflix in the United States and Canada during October 2018. ABC aired the series with a TV-14 rating, while Netflix applied a TV-MA rating on the show's third and average score of 87, based on 7 reviews for the fourth season both indicating "Universal acclaim". The fifth season received a rating of 86 out of 100 based on 8 reviews. Alessandra Stanley of The New York Times compared Southland favorably to series like The Shield, Rescue Me and The Wire in citing the series debut as "one of the most gripping opening episodes of any network crime series". Noting the show's "bold, contemporary tone", Stanley concluded that "Southland is commendably stinting and cold, a series that doesn’t aim to please, and is all the more pleasurable for it." In a
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a regular part of societal activities since the early 1970s. However, door-to-door sales came under scrutiny in 1997 following the murder of an 11-year-old New Jersey boy who was killed while fundraising unsupervised in his neighborhood. Due to this fundraisers do not allow kids to go door to door. Today, most product sales are made to parents, family members, co-workers, friends and close neighbors. The fundraising industry strongly discourages unsupervised door-to-door sales. a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University in Greensboro, North Carolina. In 1957, Dudley was living in Brooklyn, New York. He invested $10 in a Fuller Products sales kit in 1957, and began selling hair care products door to door in African American neighborhoods. In 1960 he met Eunice Mosley, who was also selling Fuller products on a door-to-door basis. They married the following year. The Dudleys settled in Greensboro, where they opened a Fuller distributorship. When there was a shortage of Fuller products in 1969, they began manufacturing and selling their own Street fundraising Face-to-face fundraising Face-to-face fundraising, which includes street and door-to-door fundraising, has in recent years become a major source of income for many charities around the world. The reason the technique is so popular is that charities usually get a very profitable return on their investment (often around 3:1) because the person is asked to donate on a regular basis. By securing long term donations, charities are able to plan future campaigns in the knowledge that they have a guaranteed amount of money to work with. Face-to-face fundraisers also serve to raise awareness of small charities and highlight the importance nomadic Kanjar are traditionally involved in the selling of terracotta toys, which they hawk door to door in settled communities. They supplement this activity through begging as well as entertaining village communities by providing rides and singing traditional folk songs, while female Kanjar dance. The puki or camp is the basic social unit of the Kanjar society. Technically, all those who are part of the camp are related, and marriages occur with individuals of other camps, or with unrelated groups that do not affiliate themselves in a camp. The Kanjar are strictly endogamous, and marriages are arranged. Intra-tent or camp at the door, too gentle a tapping to signal the presence of the police. Yair…went into the closet, and only then did I open the door. At the door stood the 'good' detective Wilkins with two men behind him. Wilkins was always very polite, too polite perhaps. He asked me why I hadn't gone to visit my husband Moshe and if I weren't worried about him. I told him that if I had gone to the hospital I would have been arrested immediately. They searched my room…then they went downstairs and brought two neighbors, women, so they might have witnesses…they known. So when you have these things like Columbine, and you have these kids who are angry and they have something to say and no one's listening, the media sends a message that says if you do something loud enough and it gets our attention then you will be famous for it. Those kids ended up on the cover of Time magazine twice, the media gave them exactly what they wanted. That's why I never did any interviews around that time when I was being blamed for it because I didn't want to contribute to something that I found to after-dinner speaker. Mason also ran a company, known as Tony Mason, selling car accessories to the trade for resale to the general public. The company's most notable products were door guards, which, at one time, were big business and two companies were selling them. average the most labor-intensive school wide fundraisers, in terms of the number of volunteers needed is school carnivals, with an average of 59 volunteers needed. Other labor-intensive fundraisers included: auctions (28), "thons" such as walk-a-thons (22), breakfasts or dinners (17) and raffles (17). By contrast the least labor-intensive fundraisers for schools included: product fundraisers (7), direct donations (7), restaurant nights (6) and student portraits (2). Another survey from the same source showed 71% of parents are "concerned and overwhelmed" with having to do more fundraisers. History Door-to-door fundraising and in hand product fundraising sales (out side local stores) has been month will, over 5 years, gives £600 to the charity, and also lead to the likelihood of the charity claiming Gift Aid, a further 25% tax relief from the government. Door-to-door fundraising Door to door fundraisers call at people's homes to solicit donations for various charities. Usually this means a regular donation, but it can also be a one-off payment. Some door to door fundraisers work in teams. They will come to an area only once to approach as many homes as possible. Some charities and agencies are unable to make appointments to return, which may lead to a high pressure classified by supplying at least one of the three attributes listed above, it is usually broken down by where it is used, or by usage. Bathroom hardware Bathroom hardware includes the products that are used in constructing and maintaining the bathroom appearance and decoration. Bathroom products includes faucets, showers, holders, tubs, shelves, mirrors etc. Door hardware All those products that are used either in door decoration, maintenance, or in any other function come under door hardware, such as door handles, fasteners, hinges, hooks, number plates, knockers, etc. Furniture hardware Furniture hardware are those products that are used to support the
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The Good Old Days: The Love of AA The Good Old Days: The Love of AA is a Ghanaian romance film which tells a story about two friends who fell in love with each other from their days of Senior High School. It was directed by Kwaw Ansah and released in 2010. he is so busy running the country and doesn't have the time anymore to talk about the "good old days" with one of his trusted friends. Hitler then decides to get away from his political life for the day. And so Röhm decides to train Hitler on everything he needs to know about being a military leader. Trail in Life Background "My life's been kind of a trail - it hasn't been one spot for 30 years - it's been a bunch of different places, different memories and different friends. It's about time passing and reminiscing," Mr. Brody is quoted as saying of the album. "Songs about driving, good old times, good old days and growing up." is obviously designed for younger players and as such is excellent at what it does. [...] Good presentation, good sound and graphics, good for kids but nobody else." Zzap!64 gave the game a 40 percent overall rating and called it, "A game for the very young — or those wishing to reminisce about the 'good old days'." Zzap!64 called the graphics, "Bright and jovial but not very well drawn," and praised the "Reasonable tunes", but criticized the game for a lack of interesting and long-lasting gameplay: "Quite jolly for an hour or so. But after that there's little to do." Ken McMahon Good old days Good old days is a cliché in popular culture. It is used to reference a time considered by the speaker to be better than the current era. It is a form of nostalgia which can reflect homesickness or yearning for long-gone moments. In 1726, John Henley used this phrase in his book The Primitive Liturgy "to all honest Admirers of the good old Days of their best and wisest Fore-fathers, this first Part of the Primitive Liturgy Is most humbly dedicated". In 1727, Daniel Defoe wrote in The Complete English Tradesman "In the good old days of Trade, which Strike cigarettes, chino pants, Sen-Sen mints, Trojan condoms, and Old Spice after shave, as well as many fashion styles common during the time, including matador boots "with the Cuban heel", and the Pompadour hairstyle. At the same time, Joel questions being overly sentimental about the past, singing, "The good old days weren't always good./ And tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems." be very fresh, seeds will not last long. Cyclamen are dark germs, so the seed is covered with soil and set up dark. The best germination temperature is 18°C. The germination period is 20 to 30 days. After germination, the seed boxes are highlighted. With good care, the plants can live to about 20 to 30 years old. Ani (musical) Synopsis The story takes place shortly before the events of the 1977 film Star Wars. Act I A voiceover plays over of an announcer (Brian Holden) narrating the win of Ani at a pod race. An Imperial officer (Eric Kahn Gale) comes in and prompts him, calling him "Lord Vader". Vader turns around and tells the officer to call him "Ani" (Chris Allen) ("Ani"). The officer asks Ani how he's doing and Ani replies that he was looking out into space, thinking about the good old days. He wistfully adds that the thing about the good old days our Fore-fathers plodded on in." In this part of his book, Defoe talks about how in 'the good old days' tradesman had were better off then in Defoe's time. (良し, good, ok) and nashi (無し, nothing) – in modern grammar yoi (良い) and nai (無い), respectively. Similarly, furuki yoki (古き良き, good old (days etc.)) uses archaic forms of furui (古い, old) and yoi (良い, good).
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the cassette. This meant that only the BASF/Agfa tapes would work in SVR machines, but that such tapes could also be used in the older VCR and VCR-LP machines. Just as VCR-LP recordings are incompatible with VCR, so SVR recordings are incompatible with both VCR and VCR-LP. The only model to be built was the Grundig SVR4004, with a few detail variations such as optional audio/video connectors, plus a rebadged ITT 240. N1500 (Released 1972) The First Philips machine was model number N1500, after which the format is also known. This had "first generation" mechanics including magnetic braking a clean edit. In addition, the ability of flying erase heads to erase old video off the tape right before recording new video on it allows the ability to perform insert editing, where new footage can be placed within an existing recording with clean cuts at the beginning and end of the edit. Variants In addition to the standard home VCR, a number of variants have been produced over the years. These include combined "all-in-one" devices such as the TV/VCR combo (a TV and VCR in one unit) and DVD/VCR units and even TV/VCR/DVD all-in-one units. Dual-deck VCRs (marketed as component at a time; one command at a time. With the Dimensia remote, just pushing the VCR button will turn on the VCR, turn on the monitor and then play the tape in the VCR, assuming there is one in the VCR. The Dimensia remote was not programmable like most universal remotes today. It was only fully compatible with Dimensia components. These components were referred to as Dimensia Intelligent, hence the name, Dimensia Intelligent Audio Video. Television Dimensia televisions had many unique features that were state of the art at the time and some that are still rare today, including: Variations - Why do people record TV programmes instead of watching them? Why are some recovering alcoholics pleased to let other people drink in their place? Why can ritual machines pray in place of believers? An example of interpassivity, given by Žižek, in his book How To Read Lacan, uses the VCR to illustrate the concept. The VCR records a movie (presumably to be watched later). However, Žižek argues that since the VCR can record, people who own them watch less movies because they can record them and have them on hand. The VCR does the watching of the movie so the Examples of integrated circuits to perform dedicated OSD are MAX7456 and STV5730. Both operate with NTSC or PAL, mixing with an existing signal or self-generating. Both have slightly different capabilities. This can be done by PIC video superimposer too. First VCR with on-screen display Akai produced consumer video cassette recorders (VCR) during the 1980s. The Akai VS-2 was the first VCR with an on-screen display, originally named the Interactive Monitor System. By displaying the information directly on the television screen, this innovation eliminated the need for the user to be physically near the VCR to program recording, read the tape distortion specification. For example, the simulation below shows a significant amount of visual distortion when the input signal of 5 V peak-to-peak is applied to a non-linearized VCR design. On the other hand, a simulation of a linearized VCR design shows very little distortion when a 8 V peak-to-peak input signal is applied (Figure 7). Other VCR topologies and designs Besides these more basic VCR designs, there are numerous more sophisticated designs. These designs often include a differential difference conveyor current (DDCC) circuit, a differential amplifier, two or more matched JFET transistors or one or two op amps. These designs offer improvements silver and black whilst the N1700 was grey). A 4-digit counter, a 9-day timer, separate mains lead (not hardwired in), and a test-pattern generator to aid TV tuning. Tape transport legends in slightly different position on later N1702's. Grundig models Grundig built a VCR4000 VCR-LP model which had microprocessor control and so treated the tapes more gently than the purely mechanical decks, and the SVR4004 (longer running SVR format) model was very similar. Other Grundig models included the VCR3000 (believed to be VCR format) and VCR5000AV (believed to be the only dual format VCR and VCR-LP machine). Replacement In VCR (song) Cover versions "VCR" was covered by Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark. Their version was published at SoundCloud on 18 November 2010 and released as a B-side to "History of Modern (Part I)" on 28 February 2011. The Antlers released a cover of the song for their 2011 EP the late 1970s, the VCR formats were superseded altogether by Video 2000 (also known as 'Video Compact Cassette' or VCC). Due to the similar initialisms, and the fact that both were designed by Philips, the 'VCC' and 'VCR' formats are often confused. However, the two systems are incompatible, and there are significant differences between them. Some Video 2000 machines carry a modified version of the "VCR" logo, (such as had appeared on the N1500 and N1700 machines), adding further to this confusion. the air between the front cover of the book and the title page) can be modified. In practice, the SVC adjusts the upper block through a small range of motion, using a hydraulic actuator. Gomecsys VCR Technology (state of 2012) Gomecsys is a Dutch Engineering company that has developed its own variable compression ratio technology. Strong improvements have been made over the last 5 years and currently the company has its 4th generation VCR engines running on the dyno. One of the big advantages of the system is the simplicity. The complete VCR system is integrated on the crankshaft and
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microchip embedded, smart identity cards in order to ensure security for the card holder as well as prevent counterfeiting and fraudulence. The smart NID cards include all ten fingerprints in addition to other biometric and identity information. Smart National Identity Card The National Identity Registration Wing (NIDW) of the Bangladesh Election Commission introduced the Smart National Identity Card in October 2016. This card has an integrated circuit embedded in it and it is also known as a "chip-based card" or "smart NID card" in Bangladesh. It is a pocket sized plastic card, almost the size of a credit card, with Open source allows anyone to view the application's source code, and look for and report vulnerabilities. The credit card companies Visa and MasterCard cooperated to develop the secure EMV chip which is embedded in credit cards. Further developments include the Chip Authentication Program where banks give customers hand-held card readers to perform online secure transactions. Other developments in this arena include the development of technology such as Instant Issuance which has enabled shopping mall kiosks acting on behalf of banks to issue on-the-spot credit cards to interested customers. Travel and transportation Many modern passports are now biometric passports, containing an embedded microchip Magnetic stripe card A magnetic stripe card is a type of card capable of storing data by modifying the magnetism of tiny iron-based magnetic particles on a band of magnetic material on the card. The magnetic stripe, sometimes called swipe card or magstripe, is read by swiping past a magnetic reading head. Magnetic stripe cards are commonly used in credit cards, identity cards, and transportation tickets. They may also contain an RFID tag, a transponder device and/or a microchip mostly used for business premises access control or electronic payment. Magnetic recording on steel tape and wire was invented in Denmark around card proved a huge success in France in the 1980s, where it became widespread long before other countries. In 1983, France Télécom introduced the smart card for use with its Télécarte pay phone payment cards. Nine years later, the French consumer banking industry implemented Moreno's microchip on the Carte Bleue, a national debit card system. The invention was slower to come into widespread use in Britain and the United States: American Express did not introduce the smart card-using Blue Card until 1999 and the London transport system did not issue a smart card encrypted card until the 2000s. Moreno's smart card, Contactless smart card A contactless smart card is a contactless credential whose dimensions are credit-card size. Its embedded integrated circuits can store (and sometimes process) data and communicate with a terminal via NFC. Commonplace uses include transit tickets, bank cards and passports. There are two broad categories of contactless smart cards. Memory cards contain non-volatile memory storage components, and perhaps some specific security logic. Contactless smart cards contain read-only RFID called CSN (Card Serial Number) or UID, and a re-writeable smart card microchip that can be transcribed via radio waves. Benefits Contactless smart cards can be used for identification, authentication, and in the Member State issuing the licence. Amendments The Directive has been substantially amended by nine directives and two acts of accession. The plastic card version of the Community licence model, for example, was added to the Directive by Council Directive 96/47/EC of 23 July 1996. Provisions The licence is a credit-card-style, single plastic-coated document, very difficult to falsify. The document will be renewable every 10 or 15 years depending on the member state. Several member states will have the option to include a microchip containing information about the card holder on the card. Some categories like C and D will Eagle Cash Eagle Cash (stylized as EagleCash), and sister program EZpay, are cash management applications that use stored-value card technology to process financial transactions in "closed-loop" operating environments. The United States Department of the Treasury sponsors the programs for the U.S. Armed Forces. The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston administers the programs for the Treasury, and they are in use at approved U.S. military facilities inside and outside the continental United States. The systems use a plastic payment card, similar to a credit or debit card, which has an embedded microchip that tracks the card's balance and interfaces to transfer or read information. However, the idea proved both impractical and unpopular during the 1970s. Moreno then simplified the idea, introducing a plastic card with a microchip in 1975. He called it la carte à puce, literally the chip card in English, due to the small chip inserted into the plastic card. Moreno first demonstrated that the smart card could be used in electronic financial transactions in 1976, using a machine which he held together with meccano. It took approximately eight years for Moreno's smart card to gain widespread use in France due to initial start-up costs. However, the smart equity research, and brokerage. Bobcards Ltd is a credit card company, 100% subsidiary of Bank of Baroda. The company is in the business of Credit cards, Acquiring Business & back end support for Debit cards operations to Bank of Baroda. Bank of Baroda had introduced its first charged card named BOBCARD in the year 1984. The whole operation of this plastic card was managed by Credit card division of Bank of Baroda. It established a wholly owned subsidiary, Bobcards Limited in the year 1994 to cater to the need of rapidly growing credit card industry in a focused manner. BOBCARDS Ltd start ups with a universal card type product have found different ways of achieving this, leading to different complexities and capabilities of the universal card. Universal cards either store data within the form factor, or within a device such as a smart phone that communicates with the card via Bluetooth. Escardgot's Helix, Protean's Echo, and Omne all have respective apps for smart phones that stores a potentially limitless number of the user's cards. Coin stores up to eight cards in a microchip inside the card itself. To scan the user's data, all of them either require manual input into a smartphone
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wind, or chinook wind flowing downhill over a mountain range. When a parcel of air descends, the pressure on the parcel increases. Due to this increase in pressure, the parcel's volume decreases and its temperature increases as work is done on the parcel of air, thus increasing its internal energy, which manifests itself by a rise in the temperature of that mass of air. The parcel of air can only slowly dissipate the energy by conduction or radiation (heat), and to a first approximation it can be considered adiabatically isolated and the process an adiabatic process. Adiabatic cooling occurs when the into the panel. The poles are then hammered into the ground and a windbreak is formed. Windbreaks or "wind fences" are used to reduce wind speeds over erodible areas such as open fields, industrial stockpiles, and dusty industrial operations. As erosion is proportional to wind speed cubed, a reduction of wind speed of 1/2 (for example) will reduce erosion by 87.5%. Windbreak aerodynamics In essence, when the wind encounters a porous obstacle such as a windbreak or shelterbelt, air pressure increases (loosely speaking, air piles up) on the windward side and (conversely) air pressure decreases on the leeward side. Norton project in November, 2009. The RICAS2020 project attempts to use an abandoned mine for adiabatic CAES with heat recovery. The compression heat is stored in a tunnel section filled with loose stones, so the compressed air is nearly cool when entering the main pressure storage chamber. The cool compressed air regains the heat stored in the stones when released back through a surface turbine, leading to a higher overall efficiency. A two-stage process have theoretical higher efficiency around 70%. Lake or ocean storage Deep water in lakes and the ocean can provide pressure without requiring high-pressure vessels or drilling into by the primer and subsequently released in a luminous outer flame zone where the simpler gas molecules react to form conventional combustion products like steam and carbon monoxide. The heat transfer rate of smokeless propellants increases with pressure; so the rate of gas generation from a given grain surface area increases at higher pressures. Accelerating gas generation from fast burning propellants may rapidly create a destructively high pressure spike before bullet movement increases reaction volume. Conversely, propellants designed for a minimum heat transfer pressure may cease decomposition into gaseous reactants if bullet movement decreases pressure before a slow burning propellant has stack damper contained within works like a butterfly valve and regulates draft (pressure difference between air intake and air exit) in the furnace, which is what pulls the flue gas through the convection section. The stack damper also regulates the heat lost through the stack. As the damper closes, the amount of heat escaping the furnace through the stack decreases, but the pressure or draft in the furnace increases which poses risks to those working around it if there are air leakages in the furnace, the flames can then escape out of the firebox or even explode if the pressure compressor stage locations. When the engine is at low pressure (low thrust or high altitude), the air is drawn from the highest pressure bleed port. As pressure is increased (more thrust or lower altitude) and reaches a predetermined crossover point, the high pressure shut-off valve (HPSOV) closes and air is selected from a lower pressure port to minimize the fuel performance loss. The reverse happens as engine pressure decreases. To achieve the desired temperature, the bleed-air is passed through a heat exchanger called a pre-cooler. Air bled from the engine fan is blown across the pre-cooler, located in the ambient air causes a temperature rise of the gas, proportional to the pressure increase. Ambient air is typically compressed in stages, and the gas temperature rises during each stage. Intercoolers and water cooling heat exchangers can remove this heat between stages. Charging an empty dive cylinder also causes a temperature rise as the gas inside the cylinder is compressed by the inflow of higher pressure gas, though this temperature rise may initially be tempered because compressed gas from a storage bank at room temperature decreases in temperature when it decreases in pressure, so at first the empty cylinder is charged with tube. The Sondhauss tube operates in a way that is basically similar to the Rijke tube: Initially, air moves towards the hot, closed end of the tube, where it's heated, so that the pressure at that end increases. The hot, higher-pressure air then flows from the closed end towards the cooler, open end of the tube. The air transfers its heat to the tube and cools. The air surges slightly beyond the open end of the tube, briefly compressing the atmosphere; the compression propagates through the atmosphere as a sound wave. The atmosphere then pushes the with the gauze and its pressure is suddenly increased. This increases the pressure maximum, so reinforcing the vibration. During the other half cycle, when the pressure is decreasing, the air above the gauze is forced downwards past the gauze again. Since it is already hot, no pressure change due to the gauze takes place, since there is no transfer of heat. The sound wave is therefore reinforced once every vibration cycle, and it quickly builds up to a very large amplitude. This explains why there is no sound when the flame is heating the gauze: all air a neural response. Hypothermia is reduced body temperature that happens when a body dissipates more heat than it absorbs. Hypothermia is a major limitation to swimming or diving in cold water. The reduction in finger dexterity due to pain or numbness decreases general safety and work capacity, which consequently increases the risk of other injuries. Body heat is lost much more quickly in water than in air, so water temperatures that would be quite reasonable as outdoor air temperatures can lead to hypothermia in inadequately protected divers, although it is not often the direct clinical cause of death. Ambient pressure changes
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would automatically complete the picture and know that it was a time to react to potential danger even if not all the necessary information was readily available. Good continuation When there is an intersection between two or more objects, people tend to perceive each object as a single uninterrupted object. This allows differentiation of stimuli even when they come in visual overlap. We have a tendency to group and organize lines or curves that follow an established direction over those defined by sharp and abrupt changes in direction. . Common fate When visual elements are seen moving in the same physical change. It is perceived differently from the three spatial dimensions in that there is only one of it, and that we cannot move freely in time but subjectively move in one direction. The equations used in physics to model reality do not treat time in the same way that humans commonly perceive it. The equations of classical mechanics are symmetric with respect to time, and equations of quantum mechanics are typically symmetric if both time and other quantities (such as charge and parity) are reversed. In these models, the perception of time flowing in one direction is an artifact of observing them. The laws of physics are symmetrical in time, so could equally well be used to describe time as running backwards. Why then do we perceive it as flowing in one direction, the arrow of time, and as containing causation flowing in the same direction? Causality is linked by most philosophers to the concept of counterfactuals. To say that A caused B means that if A had not happened then B would not have happened. Causality is usually required as a foundation for philosophy of science, if science aims to understand causes and effects and make predictions about them. Necessity and single and the funk mix from one of her A&Rs and she just thought I was right up her alley. Besides me being a white dude from Florida and her being a Sri Lankan girl in England, everything else was the same: [We were both] film graduates, [listened to] all the same music when we were kids, we're going in the same direction right now in music, it was amazing... I always wanted to make a beat with her, but all my beats were really shitty at the time." The two eventually collaborated on a mixtape, Piracy Funds Terrorism Vol. the external characters of this dog, consist in a great development of the frontal sinuses, a development which elevates the bones of the forehead above the nose, and draws the cerebral cavity in the same direction. But the most important quality, and that, perhaps, which causes all the others, although we cannot perceive the connexion, is the diminution of the brain. The cerebral capacity of the bull-dog is sensibly smaller than in any other race; and it is doubtless to the decrease of the encephalon that we must attribute its inferiority to all others in every thing relating to intelligence. The Light/White Heat as "a very rabid record... The first one had some gentility, some beauty. The second one was consciously anti-beauty." Sterling Morrison said: "We were all pulling in the same direction. We may have been dragging each other off a cliff, but we were all definitely going in the same direction." Content The album has been described as experimental rock, noise rock, proto-punk and art rock by writers and critics. The record's lyrics vary from themes of drug use and sexual references (such as fellatio and orgies), including the song "Lady Godiva's Operation", about a transsexual woman's botched lobotomy, and that only humans can make. Gestures become significant symbols when they arouse in the individual who is making them the same kind of response they are supposed to elicit from those to whom the gestures are addressed. Only when we have significant symbols can we truly have communication. Mead grounded human perception in an "action-nexus" (Joas 1985: 148). We perceive the world in terms of the "means of living" (Mead 1982: 120). To perceive food, is to perceive eating. To perceive a house, is to perceive shelter. That is to say, perception is in terms of action. simple to understand and available to all Americans." In the follow-up article, "CEOs Ponder Direction of Information Superhighway", Cynthia Lee stated that leaders at the conference noted that the future of the information superhighway was still uncertain. " 'Here we are, all ready to go cruising off down this new information superhighway,' said Jeffrey Katzenberg, Chairman of The Walt Disney Studios, during one of the panel discussions, 'and we really don't know where we are going. It's the first time we will be moving in a certain direction when we don't even know our final destination.' " Geoffrey Cowan, the group's saxophonist, Roger Lewis, told NPR that he had been interested in covering Gaye's music for a while already, and that when Katrina hit, it seemed like the "...perfect time to do it". Lewis further explained, "[Gaye's 1971 album What's Going On] asked the question 30 years ago: 'What's going on?' What's going on with the Vietnam War and all that b------- we were going through back then - racial prejudice and selfishness and greed and everything? We still have the same social problems that we had back then. It's still the same b-------. We still got war going on, the next album, saying "We just kind of began. We like to keep the creative juices flowing, so we try to keep that going all the time...we like the direction that we're going in." Shinoda told Complex that they spent a year in making the album, as well as elaborating on the album's sound, saying that "It doesn't lose any of the creativity of the newer stuff and it brings in the energy of the older stuff. It's kind of a comprehensive sound. I feel like we've been able to take all the stuff we've learned on the way and
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set of n input data vectors, PCA generates p (which is much smaller than the dimension of the input data) right singular vectors corresponding to the p largest singular values of the data matrix, where the kth row of the data matrix is the kth input data vector shifted by the sample mean of the input (i.e., subtracting the sample mean from the data vector). Equivalently, these singular vectors are the eigenvectors corresponding to the p largest eigenvalues of the sample covariance matrix of the input vectors. These p singular vectors are the feature vectors learned from the input data, think it's very nice of Mr. Wells to say that not only I didn't mean it, but the American people didn't mean it." When Shaw interjected that there was "some excitement" that he did not wish to belittle, Welles asked him, "What kind of excitement? Mr. H. G. Wells wants to know if the excitement wasn't the same kind of excitement that we extract from a practical joke in which somebody puts a sheet over his head and says 'Boo!' I don't think anybody believes that that individual is a ghost, but we do scream and yell and rush down the unicellular glands in the abdomen known as the androconia (singular: androconium). They release sex pheromones when ruptured. Females possess a spermatheca, an ectodermal gland which opens into the oviduct. These serve as storage for sperm deposited by males. It contains glands which can nourish the spermatozoa until they can be released to fertilize eggs. Male jewel bugs of the genus Hotea possess an unusually large, spiky, and heavily sclerotized genitalia. They are used in a mating practice known as traumatic insemination, a result of evolutionary sexual conflict. Male Hotea bugs tear through the female reproductive ducts to deposit sperm, inflicting substantial damage in a flow cytometer. After gating the cell population according to forward- and side-scatter the resulting data can be analysed (E.g. mean fluorescences compared). With this technique a probe for viability, like propidium iodide (PI) could also be included in order to exclude dead cells from the acrosome assessment, since many sperm cells will spontaneously lose their acrosome when they die. mean, if black people kill black people every day, why not have a week and kill white people? You understand what I'm saying? In other words, white people, this government, and that mayor were well aware of the fact that black people were dying every day in Los Angeles under gang violence. So if you're a gang member and you would normally be killing somebody, why not kill a white person? Do you think that somebody thinks that white people are better, or above and beyond dying, when they would kill their own kind? Within weeks of the interview, Democratic presidential Singular function When referring to functions with a singularity When discussing mathematical analysis in general, or more specifically real analysis or complex analysis or differential equations, it is common for a function which contains a mathematical singularity to be referred to as a 'singular function'. This is especially true when referring to functions which diverge to infinity at a point or on a boundary. For example one might say, "1/x becomes singular at the origin, so 1/x is a singular function." Advanced techniques for working with functions that contain singularities have been developed in the subject called distributional or generalized function When asked about the difference between young people today and young people before, she replied: "The young people before called me Ethel, today they call me Ma'am." "I always mean what I say when I say it. That may change later." Each ovary contains hundreds of egg cells or ova (singular ovum). Approximately every 28 days, the pituitary gland releases a hormone that stimulates some of the ova to develop and grow. One ovum is released and it passes through the fallopian tube into the uterus. Hormones produced by the ovaries prepare the uterus to receive the ovum. It sita her and awaits the sperm for fertilization to occur. When this does not occur i.e. no sperm for fertilization, the lining of the uterus, called the endometrium, and unfertilized ova are shed each cycle through the process of menstruation. If the Mahathir a racist and saying: They all know what the syllabus is all about so who are we to say that it did not happen? You want to lie? You make people laugh. I mean there are people who attended the courses who came out very angry. There were many instances of the use of words like ketuanan Melayu. It is ridiculous... When You're Young (3 Doors Down song) Song meaning 3 Doors Down lead singer Brad Arnold said of the song, "I think it's a song that a lot of people can identify with. There's somebody out there who needs to hear this song, and I hope they hear it. So many times, older people look at young kids and say, "Enjoy this time! It's the best time of your life," when it's really not. Being young is hard. Everything's in front of you for the first time. Those things that are in front of you seem so much bigger than
{ "last_modified_datetime": "2024-02-04T11:20:15.391007" }
any political party, particularly of the Liberal Party before its transformation in the 1980s into the Liberal Democrats. Since the Registration of Political Parties Act 1998 came into force, a candidate for election can no longer be described as an "Independent Liberal" on a ballot paper, as the 1998 Act prohibits any description which could cause confusion with a registered political party. In practice, the description used is either the name of a registered party or the word "Independent". New Zealand Independent Liberal was a definition in New Zealand politics in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries for Independents South African Liberal Students' Association The South African Liberal Students' Association (SALSA) exists to unify liberal student organisations across South African campuses. SALSA is the ideological descendant of the South African Liberal Association (SALA) (1936–1968), the first non-racial political organisation in South Africa (see Liberal Party of South Africa), gathering many of its liberal principles and goals in its founding constitution. SALSA is a student organisation which is not aligned with any political party; and which believes in, practices and promotes the principles of liberal democracy on campuses. Students Fighting Apartheid SALSA, the South African Liberal Students' Association, was created Huddersfield. Political career He was active for the Liberal Party in Huddesfield local politics for many years, being a member of Huddesfield Borough Council, including serving as Mayor of Huddesfield. For the 1918 General Election he stood as Liberal Party candidate for Huddersfield, however, another Liberal candidate also stood but with the support of the Coalition Government. As a result, he finished third. For the 1923 General Election, he was Liberal Party candidate for Sheffield Hillsborough and finished third. For the 1924 General Election he was Liberal Party candidate for Pudsey & Otley and again finished third. He did not included Archie Gillespie, a former Liberal Democrat standing as an independent after being deselected, former councillor Stephen Gorys and an "anti roadblock campaigner" Denis Gotel. During the campaign a Conservative candidate in Hartley Wintney, Andrew Davies, withdrew meaning only one Conservative would be standing in the ward against independent Susan Band and 2 Liberal Democrats. Liberal Civic Resistance Party The Liberal Civil Resistance Party (in Spanish: Partido Resistencia Civil Liberal, PRCL) was a Panamanian centrist liberal political party. It was founded in 1959 , by Víctor Florencio Goytía , former National Liberal Party leader and its candidate for President in the election, held in 1956. The party's political guidelines uphold the principles of freedom, humanism, progressive liberalism and social harmony. In the 1960 elections the PRCL's presidential candidate was Víctor Florencio Goytía; he polled 55,455 votes (22.96%) in the election. In 1964 it allied with the National Opposition Alliance (ANO) and its candidate Juan de Arco Galindo. The PRCL was following his expulsion from the Liberal caucus and Dennis Mills who briefly left the Liberal caucus in 1996 to sit as an "Independent Liberal" to protest the Liberal government's failure to abolish the Goods and Services Tax (GST). Independent Liberal candidates for parliament or the legislature have been those who generally subscribe to Liberal Party principles but either have not been selected as an official Liberal Party candidate or decline to seek the party's nomination due to a disagreement with the party on certain issues. Under the current Elections Act a candidate who is not affiliated with a political party can Political positions of Hillary Clinton In her own words In her 1996 book It Takes a Village, Clinton writes, "Most of us would describe ourselves as 'middle of the road'—liberal in some areas, conservative in others, moderate in most, neither exclusively pro- nor anti-government." Clinton has stated that she prefers the term "progressive" to "liberal", explaining that "Unfortunately, in the last 30, 40 years, [the word 'liberal'] has been turned up on its head and it's been made to seem as though it is a word that describes big government, totally contrary to what its meaning was in the Liberalism in Slovenia History After the independence of Slovenia former young socialists claim to have restarted the liberal tradition of former Austria-Hungary. Their organized liberalism became a major political force. The Liberal Democracy of Slovenia (Liberalna demokracija Slovenije, becomes a member of the LI and the ELDR) and profiles itself as a left of center liberal party. Others argue that there have been no liberal parties in Slovenia since independence in 1991. They say that claims of the former communist youth (ZSMS) and LDS that they represent liberal parties with liberal doctrines are political propaganda and that facts demonstrate that Liberal Alternative Popular support and electoral record In the 2007 presidential election, Édouard Fillias, the founder and leader of AL, failed to obtain the necessary endorsements from at least 500 French elected officials. Liberal Alternative, with no candidate of its own, endorsed the centrist Union for French Democracy (UDF) candidate François Bayrou. Liberal Alternative also fielded nearly 50 candidates for the 2007 legislative elections, it obtained between 0.09% and 1.49%. the feminist movement as it appeared in the Anglophone world." Liberal Liberal feminism asserts the equality of men and women through political and legal reform. Traditionally, during the 19th and early 20th century, liberal feminism had the same meaning as "bourgeois feminism" or "mainstream feminism," and its broadest sense the term liberal feminism overlaps strongly with mainstream feminism. Liberal feminists sought to abolish political, legal and other forms of discrimination of women to allow them the same opportunities as men. Liberal feminists sought to alter the structure of society to ensure the equal treatment of women. More recently, liberal feminism has
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Yamaha Corporation Corporate mission Kandō (感動) is a Japanese word used by Yamaha Corporation to describe their corporate mission. Kandō in translation describes the sensation of profound excitement and gratification derived from experiencing supreme quality and performance. Some reasonable English synonyms are "emotionally touching" or "emotionally moving". Yamaha Music Foundation The Yamaha Music Foundation is an organization established in 1966 by the authority of the Japanese Ministry of Education for the purpose of promoting music education and music popularization. It continued a program of music classes begun by Yamaha Corporation in 1954. Synthesizers and samplers Yamaha announced the singing synthesizer and was released on 30 January 2017. It was met with a mostly positive reception. Caroline O'Keefe of The Nocturnal Times wrote that it a "heartbreaking and emotional story of bullying." Dance Music Northwest's Stanley Sutton called the music video "emotionally charged" saying it was a "tough watch" because of its subject matter. Abisola Oseni of EDM Identity described the music video as "even more powerful" than the song, describing it as an "inspirational and deeply moving piece that shows this but also provides hope." Music of Final Fantasy VI Legacy Uematsu was personally very pleased with the way that the soundtrack for Final Fantasy VI turned out, and has said in interviews that he felt that "with the satisfaction and excitement I felt after finishing that project, I thought I had reached my primary goal, and could quit doing game music with no regrets." He stated in the liner notes for Piano Collections Final Fantasy VI that he intended the music to be emotionally moving, and entreated the listener not to think about the music, but to feel it. He also feels that the raves "the production is commercial without being slick, the songs are balanced between aching ballads and restrained honky tonk numbers, and Jones gives a nuanced, moving the best country music, these are lived-in songs that are simple, direct, and emotionally powerful, even with the smooth production." Sputnikmusic calls the album "As raw as the cheapest whiskey, as pretty as the girl you can’t forget...George took his tenor, along with the mainstay Country music themes of drinking and heartbreak, and made the entire genre his own." calls it "an unassailable classic of modern country music." you shouldn't be able to relate to this music's sparse trajectory emotionally, and yet, in between moments of microscopic dissection and malfunctioning arrangements - the material works on an incredibly moving level. Carsten Nicolai has been working on this material for over two years, these three releases also adhering to Raster Noton's strict aesthetic emphasis - housed in absolutely sublime booklet-sized die-cut packaging that visually reflects the contents to be found within. Incredible music". after a disturbance. He describes the film's ending as "predictable emotionally" but moving. At the Montreal World Film Festival, it won Best Artistic Contribution and the FIPRESCI Prize, World Competition. Don Giovanni and The Marriage of Figaro and he used musical metaphors in the context of theory and therapy. Freud seemed to feel uneasy without a guide from the more rational part. To be emotionally moved by something without knowing what was moving him or why, was an intrinsically anxious experience. The operas he listened were "conversational" and "narrative" forms of music, which is theorized, provided him with some kind of "cognitive control" over the emotional impact of the musical sounds. Cheshire argued that maybe he was jealous and feared the potential therapeutic power of music as a rival to elves. Discovery of just who has let this plague loose and with what motivation takes the plot to its close. Reception Terri Windling characterized Finder as "a mature and emotionally rich mystery novel . . . witty, stylish, and ultimately moving." through increased biosynthesis of three particular neurochemicals: anandamide (an endocannabinoid), β-endorphin (an endogenous opioid), and phenethylamine (a trace amine and amphetamine analog). Music-induced Euphoria can occur as a result of dancing to music, music-making, and listening to emotionally arousing music. Neuroimaging studies have demonstrated that the reward system plays a central role in mediating music-induced pleasure. Pleasurable emotionally arousing music strongly increases dopamine neurotransmission in the dopaminergic pathways that project to the striatum (i.e., the mesolimbic pathway and nigrostriatal pathway). Approximately 5% of the population experiences a phenomenon termed "musical anhedonia", in which individuals do not experience pleasure from listening to the song three times on TV Asahi's Music Station: first on March 10, 2000, followed by on the 2000 New Year's special on December 29, and a week before the release of his sixth album Sentimentalovers on November 19, 2004. Hirai performed the song at the 51st Kōhaku Uta Gassen New Year's TV song contest on December 31, 2000. Critical reception and covers CDJournal reviewers described the song as a "mellow soul number" that was "an emotionally moving good quality work". They noted Hirai's strong use of falsetto in the song not present in his previous works. They further praised
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some adjustments to his pages. If he had a heavy-copy panel, I might take a balloon from one panel and put it in the next. Just because I was distributing space. I was so stupid and naive, I said to him, "It doesn't bother you, does it, that I sometimes switch some of the panels around and move some of the balloons from one panel to another?" He started to chew me out in the elevator! "Who the hell do you think you are, changing my stuff? Where do you come off changing my stuff? You don't know anything about A&R man at BMG, though. At least he was honest that they wouldn't sign us. ... Usually the one of the first things labels ask: what are the song titles and would we agree to an external producer. ... I think one of our titles, 'I've Slept With Every Girl in Berlin', might've put them off. ... We learnt the hard way in the early days how to make the Sisters sound good. We record a track, sit back for a couple of weeks, play it back and if it doesn't sound good, then we think about getting someone else a separate delivery to the final location earlier in the day than the usual daily rounds. Same-day trials In December 2012, the USPS began a limited one-year trial of same-day deliveries directly from retailers or distribution hubs to residential addresses in the same local area, a service it dubbed "Metro Post". The trial was initially limited to San Francisco and the only retailer to participate in the first few weeks was 1-800-FLOWERS. In March 2013, the USPS faced new same-day competition for e-commerce deliveries from Google Shopping Express. In November 2013, the Postal Service began regular package delivery on Sundays for Amazon exist, including the same limitations on items that cannot otherwise be mailed by ground service though USPS. (Not to be confused with items that cannot be shipped by air.) In many cases, the package may require one additional business day for delivery, and the service was never intended for overnight delivery. Also, federal holidays not observed by the private shipper might cause a delay. If an item is shipped using Street Addressing in which the box holder did not properly sign up for, it will be returned to sender. Street Addressing will have the same street address of the post episode "Sunday, Cruddy Sunday," Nelson Muntz asks Postmaster Bill if he has "ever gone on a killing spree"; Bill replies, "The day of the gun-toting, disgruntled postman shooting up the place went out with the Macarena". The series of massacres led the USPS to issue a rule prohibiting the possession of any type of firearms (except for those issued to Postal Inspectors) in all designated USPS facilities. In 2016, video footage was released showing a group of police officers from the New York City Police Department (NYPD) arresting a USPS worker while he was in the middle of his deliveries. The footage could pull this off." The band's lyrics for their debut album were written by Killswitch Engage vocalist Jesse Leach. Fisher stated in "The Jasta Show": "I originally was going to write stuff, and you know what? Writing lyrics has just never been my thing, and we were getting down to when I was supposed to go up there and lay down my vocals. And Adam just said 'Look, I'll ask Jesse to write some stuff.' So he wrote it, and I just said I don't want no pro-religious crap 'cause I ain't about all that. Anyway, so it's more just He doesn't get far though, and is knocked out by air raid warden Anton Schugg and thrown into the back of the warden's ambulance. Kent Wells happened to see Harvey go through his briefcase, and when he goes upstairs to the mansion's top floor, he sees someone opening Sir Stafford's safe in the library. Before Wells has any chance of stopping him, the man is off with the plan for the government's new secret weapon - the beam detector. The man drops a cufflink with the letter ”L” on it. Sir Stafford involves Scotland Yard in the investigation of the stolen plans. Rihanna doesn't have to tell us how desirable she is – it is a given. There is never any doubt in her delivery that Rihanna really might as well be the only girl in the world". Nick Levine from Digital Spy said " 'What's My Name?' is essentially the long, luxuriant lovemaking session to 'Rude Boy's hard'n'fast rut... it manages to stay classy even when Drake makes a dodgy joke about the 'square root of 69' and Rihanna delivers a not-so-coy reference to oral sex." Megan Vick from Billboard said "As much as 'What's My Name' is a joint effort, Rihanna Penn & Teller's Smoke and Mirrors What's Your Sign? Using the patented Personometer (devised by the Cosmic Research Organization for Clairvoyant Kinetics, or CROCK), Penn and Teller claim not only to be able to guess the player's sign, but also his birthday based on a series of responses he gives to questions. These questions ask the player to give a response within a range (e.g., "Sunglasses, on one side of the bar—hate them, never wear them. Other side: I'm Lou Reed, I never take them off.") In reality, the owner of the game enters the person's date of birth earlier given domain name, censors are typically unable to differentiate circumvention traffic from legitimate traffic. As such, they are forced to either allow all traffic to the domain name, including circumvention traffic, or block the domain name entirely, which may result in expensive collateral damage. Disabling Google disabled domain fronting in April 2018, saying that it had "never been a supported feature at Google." Amazon also decided to disable domain fronting for CloudFront in April 2018, claiming it was "already handled as a breach of AWS Terms of Service". This effort by both Google and Amazon was in part due to
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Hart, or Adams, Hart's girlfriend, who in turn, are only recruitable by a handful of other characters. Some characters are held prisoner by the enemy, and must be freed by destroying the building they're in with explosives. During the game, recruits can pick up injuries (but not be killed). Injuries can be either slight or severe, and can be sustained on different body areas. Injuries heal over time (accelerated by first aid and sleep), but different injuries affect a character in different ways; for example, an injured arm reduces sniping accuracy, whereas an injured leg reduces skiing top speed, stamina and officially announced as resolved. Jung injured her ankle during Kara's first stand-alone concert in Korea, which was held on February 18, 2012. She was performing a solo performance cover of Michael Jackson's "Beat It", when she hurt her ankle while leaving through a lift. After she got hurt, she did limp a little during performances but she still finished the concert. Afterwards in the dressing room, she received acupuncture for her injury. Despite her injury, she still performed on the very next day. Afterwards, Jung's injury was publicly revealed as she was photographed at airports in a wheelchair. Despite her injury, leg for several plays before leaving the game. Backup quarterback Kirk Cousins would come in the game and lead the Redskins to a 31–28, overtime victory. The next day it was confirmed that Griffin had sustained a Grade 1 LCL sprain. It was decided that Griffin would sit out the next game against the Cleveland Browns to give him more time to heal and avoid the chance of further injuries. He returned the next game and led the Redskins to another victory over the Eagles in Week 16. The knee injury emerged as a controversy on January 6, the day in domestic animals", citing trials with, on average, low methodological quality or trials that are in need of independent replication. In 2009, a review on canine arthritis found "weak or no evidence in support of" various treatments, including acupuncture. David Gorski has said that muscle injuries tend to heal eventually and there is no way to determine if acupuncture had any contribution in the recovery. He said, "For instance, the natural history of most muscle injuries is to heal. They might heal with scarring, so that function is never the same. They might heal and leave the victim with chronic pain. task. On the other hand, various topic locations for muscle weakness are central, neural and peripheral. Central muscle weakness is an overall exhaustion of the whole body, while peripheral weakness is an exhaustion of individual muscles. Neural weakness is somewhere between. Healing power Physical injuries heal slower and are more likely to leave permanent scars in older people. Aged people recover slower and are lesser likely to completely recover from physical injuries and accidents. are almost always reversed and a recovery takes place within days or weeks. The second classification of the Seddon system is referred to as axonotmesis which is a more severe case of peripheral nerve injury. Axonotmesis is classified by an interruption of the axons, but a preservation of the surrounding connective tissues around the axon. These injuries can heal themselves at about 1mm/day, therefore resulting in recovery to be possible but at a slower rate than neurapraxia. The last and most severe case of peripheral nerve injury is known as neurotmesis, which in most cases cannot be completely recovered from second most rushing yards in the league in 2012 only behind Adrian Peterson. Redskins outside linebacker Brian Orakpo tore his left Pectoral muscle in a Week 2 game against the St. Louis Rams, on a play in which he had a sack and forced fumble. It was the same muscle he injured the previous season in the final game against the Philadelphia Eagles. Head coach Mike Shanahan confirmed the next day that Orakpo would have surgery and miss the remainder of the season and be placed on the injured reserve list. Orakpo’s injury highlighted a slew of injuries suffered by the swelling. A soft-tissue mass is sometimes encountered in the anterior aspect of the arm, the so-called Reverse Popeye deformity, which paradoxically leads to a decreased strength during flexion of the elbow and supination of the forearm. Tendon rupture Tears of the biceps brachii may occur during athletic activities, however avulsion injuries of the distal biceps tendon are frequently occupational in nature and sustained during forceful, eccentric contraction of the biceps muscle while lifting. Treatment of a biceps tear depends on the severity of the injury. In most cases, the muscle will heal over time with no corrective surgery. Applying cold of 9–6. The September tournament saw three of the four yokozuna withdraw beforehand due to injuries, and Takayasu seemed poised to challenge for the championship, but he injured a muscle in his right thigh in a match on the second day, and was himself forced to withdraw. During the November tournament, Takayasu managed to win 8 matches, saving his rank but was again forced to withdraw after Day 12 due to a thigh injury. In January 2018 he had his best result to date as an ōzeki, finishing runner-up to surprise winner Tochinoshin with a 12–3 record. In the visibility was reported as 1,500 m (4,921 ft). The pilot of a search and rescue helicopter later commented that the sea surface that night would have provided the pilot with little or no visual cues about the aircraft's dangerously low altitude. Human factors The pilot awoke at 6:45 AM on the day of the accident. Knowing he was on call duty overnight, he apparently took no rest any time during that day or evening. The AAIB acknowledges it can be difficult for a well rested person to sleep during the daytime, and they note that quiet rest is the best some can
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their energy comes from renewable electricity. Even when the power is generated using fossil fuels, electric vehicles usually, compared to gasoline vehicles, show significant reductions in overall well-wheel global carbon emissions due to the highly carbon-intensive production in mining, pumping, refining, transportation and the efficiencies obtained with gasoline. This means that even if part of the energy used to run an electric car comes from fossil fuels, electric cars will still contribute to reduce CO 2 emissions, which is important since most countries' electricity is generated, at least in part, by burning fossil fuels. Researchers in Germany have claimed that while homeowners to electric utilities. Switching from natural gas to electricity in Alberta Canada burns natural gas and coal at about a 40% efficiency to supply the heat pump. In Quebec Canada where electric resistance heating is common, the heat pump will use 70% less hydroelectricity. Heat pumps may be beneficial for the environment or not, it depends how your region generates electricity. Renewable energy Renewable power technologies can have significant environmental benefits. Unlike coal and natural gas, they can generate electricity and fuels without releasing significant quantities of CO2 and other greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change, however the a platform that swivels the car upside down to dump the coal. Swiveling couplers enable the entire operation to occur while the cars are still coupled together. Unloading a unit train takes about three hours. Shorter trains may use railcars with an "air-dump", which relies on air pressure from the engine plus a "hot shoe" on each car. This "hot shoe" when it comes into contact with a "hot rail" at the unloading trestle, shoots an electric charge through the air dump apparatus and causes the doors on the bottom of the car to open, dumping the coal through the opening Environmental impact of electricity generation Switching from fuels to electricity Electric cars burn no petroleum, thereby shifting any environmental impact from the car user to the electric utility. In South Africa an electric car, will be powered by coal generated electricity and harm the environment. In Norway an electric car will be powered by hydroelectricity and be harmless. Electric cars by themselves are neither beneficial or harmful, it depends how your region generates electricity. Homeowners can get 90% efficiency using natural gas to heat their home. Heat pumps are very efficient and burn no natural gas, shifting the environmental impacts from other hand, when PEVs are recharged from coal-fired plants, they usually produce slightly more greenhouse gas emissions than internal combustion engine vehicles and higher than hybrid electric vehicles. Because plug-in electric vehicles do not produce emissions at the point of operation are often perceived as being environmentally friendlier than vehicles driven through internal combustion. Assessing the validity of that perception is difficult due to the greenhouse gases generated by the power plants that provide the electricity to charge the vehicles' batteries. For example, the New York Times reported that a Nissan Leaf driving in Los Angeles would have the same Regenerative shock absorber A regenerative shock absorber is a type of shock absorber that converts parasitic intermittent linear motion and vibration into useful energy, such as electricity. Conventional shock absorbers simply dissipate this energy as heat. When used in an electric vehicle or hybrid electric vehicle the electricity generated by the shock absorber can be diverted to its powertrain to increase battery life. In non-electric vehicles the electricity can be used to power accessories such as air conditioning. Several different systems have been developed recently, though they are still in stages of development and not installed on production vehicles. first post-combustion carbon capture storage facility. The renovation project ended up costing a little over $1.2 billion and can scrub out CO2 and other toxin from up to 90 percent of the flue gas that it emits. China Since 2006, China keeps releasing more CO 2 than any other country. Researchers in China are focusing on increasing efficiency of burning coal so they can get more power out of less coal. It is estimated that new high efficiency power plants could reduce CO2 emission by 7% because they won't have to burn as much coal to get the same amount of have a significant net environmental benefit, except in a few countries that continue to rely on older coal fired power plants for the bulk of their electricity generation throughout the life of the car. There are special kind of electric vehicles named SAFA TEMPO in Nepal that help lower the pollution created by vehicles. These vehicles are powered by electricity – usually charged batteries – rather than oil or gas and currently heavily promoted by the government to facilitate environmental and vehicle management issues. Electric motors don't require oxygen, unlike internal combustion engines; this is useful for submarines and for space individual changes, and changing business practices. Many fossil fuel driven vehicles can be converted to use electricity, the US has the potential to supply electricity for 73% of light duty vehicles (LDV), using overnight charging. The US average CO 2 emissions for a battery-electric car is 180 grams per mile vs 430 grams per mile for a gasoline car. The emissions would be displaced away from street level, where they have "high human-health implications. Increased use of electricity "generation for meeting the future transportation load is primarily fossil-fuel based", mostly natural gas, followed by coal, but could also be met through that can trickle charge the auxiliary 12-volt lead-acid battery. Potential overload of the electrical grid The existing electrical grid, and local transformers in particular, may not have enough capacity to handle the additional power load that might be required in certain areas with high plug-in electric car concentrations. As recharging a single electric-drive car could consume three times as much electricity as a typical home, overloading problems may arise when several vehicles in the same neighborhood recharge at the same time, or during the normal summer peak loads. To avoid such problems, utility executives recommend owners to charge their vehicles
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can work more effectively with space-based telescopes that avoid atmospheric haze and turbulence. COROT (2007-2012) and Kepler were space missions dedicated to searching for extrasolar planets using transits. COROT discovered about 30 new exoplanets. Kepler (2009-2013) and K2 (2013- ) have discovered over 2000 verified exoplanets. Hubble Space Telescope and MOST have also found or confirmed a few planets. The infrared Spitzer Space Telescope has been used to detect transits of extrasolar planets, as well as occultations of the planets by their host star and phase curves. The Gaia mission, launched in December 2013, will use astrometry to determine the true As he lands on Star VII, a vapor pours from his body, suffocating the Star. The Ruineer engages the Monstar in combat, inflicting a massive wound. She reaches in and drains the Monstar virus from his heart, and Coheed dies as he slowly reverts to his human form, unaware of what he has done. Cambria starts to revert as well. Knowing that she cannot keep the power of the Ruineer to avenge Coheed, she uses what's left of them to commit suicide. With the death of Star VII, the nine planets in Sector 12 float freely into space. As the two uses a type of beam splitter to "reflect" a reticle generated by collimating optics into the users field of view. The view of the sky seen through the sight is just what can be seen with the naked eye with an illuminated crosshair or dot seeming to float in space at infinity. These crosshairs are generally illuminated by a small LED. Reflector sights are useful for locating bright objects visible to the naked eye such as stars and planets. Since the sight uses a beam splitter "window", instead of an optical telescope with the ability to gather light, objects dimmer In addition to the 12 planets, there are 12 space zones, each encompassing approximately 3400 cubic kilometers (15 km cubes) of fully navigable space. Nine of them are associated with one or more of the playable planets: Tattoo (Tatooine), Naboo (Naboo and Rori), Corellia (Corellia and Talus), Dantooine, Karthakk (Lok), Yavin, Endor, Dathomir, and Kashyyyk. (Mustafar has no associated space zone.) Kessel and Deep Space have no planets and are used for high-level gameplay and player-versus-player combat. The Ord Mantell sector was released in January 2008 as a new space-only zone, though there is a space station there (called Nova Orion) Voyage to the Outer Planets Voyage to the Outer Planets was an early multimedia experiment combining Omnimax film, 70 mm film and planetarium special effects. The special effects and stills on standard and zoom equipped slide projectors were provided by the Reuben H. Fleet Space Theater, and their Spitz Space Transit Simulator (STS). The large format footage was provided by Graphic Films. The presentation was mostly multimedia, with short clips of the planets and spacecraft. The production was to portray a manned mission to the outer planets in the year 2348, a year in which the planets would be in a which was also observed with a Spitzer space telescope in addition to analyzing any other false-positive possibilities. Such confirmation is costly, as small planets can generally be detected only with space telescopes. In 2014, a new confirmation method called "validation by multiplicity" was announced. From the planets previously confirmed through various methods, it was found that planets in most planetary systems orbit in a relatively flat plane, similar to the planets found in the Solar System. This means that if a star has multiple planet candidates, it is very likely a real planetary system. Transit signals still need to meet several However, the IAU classifies dwarf planets as a separate category. The number of dwarf planets in the Solar System is unknown. IAU has recognized three (Ceres, Pluto and Eris) and assigned the naming of two additional candidates, Haumea and Makemake, to the IAU dwarf-planet naming committee. Rogue planets Several computer simulations of stellar and planetary system formation have suggested that some objects of planetary mass would be ejected into interstellar space. Some scientists have argued that such objects found roaming in deep space should be classed as "planets", although others have suggested that they should be called low-mass brown dwarfs. article on cross hatching Lord writes: "The whiteness of the paper already exists before you proceed to draw. It has established itself as a fundamental entity; a ground to tread on. What marks you make on the paper are as important as the marks you don't make; or is the opposite the case? The editing and selection of gap-making is fundamental to drawing. Nothingness, therefore, allows something else to exist. Planets move in space. Planets need space to move about in. Space doesn't need planets. The pencil (or whatever other drawing instrument you are using) clothes the naked surface of the as Thomas Aquinas, the European belief in a spherical Earth was widespread by this point in time. Prior to circumnavigation of the planet and the introduction of space flight, belief in a spherical Earth was based on observations of the secondary effects of the Earth's shape and parallels drawn with the shape of other planets. Extraterrestrial land Most planets known to humans are either gaseous Jovian planets or solid terrestrial planets. Terrestrial planets include Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. These inner planets have a rocky surface with metal interiors. The Jovian planets consist of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. While Spacefarers Guide to Planets: Sector One Spacefarers Guide to Planets: Sector One is a 1979 role-playing game supplement published by Phoenix Games. Contents Spacefarers Guide to Planets: Sector One contains descriptions of planets from science fiction literature, such as Suzette Elgin's Abba, Lin Carter's Zha, Frank Herbert's Arrakis, and Isaac Asimov's Terminus. Reception William A. Barton reviewed Spacefarers Guide to Planets: Sector One in The Space Gamer No. 32. Barton commented that "Spacefarer's Guide to Planets: Sector One should prove a valuable play aid in the hands of any creative referee."
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of containment. With the North Korean forces largely removed from the South, the United Nations decided to enforce its prewar intention of reuniting all of Korea under one government, and UN forces advanced across the 38th parallel and into North Korea in early October 1950. However, the decision to cross the 38th Parallel appears, in retrospect, to have been the turning point in the Korean War. On 1 October Chinese Premier Chou En-lai warned that China would not tolerate or stand aside if UN forces invaded North Korea. This was a clear threat that China would intervene if that should happen. On first president. In December, the UN General Assembly declared this "a lawful government" and "the only such government in Korea." The United States engaged in the decolonization of Korea (mainly in the South, with the Soviet Union engaged in North Korea) from Japan after World War II. After three years of military administration by the United States, the South Korean government was established. On June 25, 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea, sparking the Korean War, the Cold War's first major conflict that continued until 1953. When the North Koreans invaded South Korea in June 1950, using T-34s, the South Koreans had of South Korea insisted that at least some aspects of the Sunshine Policy, including the Mount Gumgang Tourist Region and the Kaesong Industrial Region would continue. From March 2008, however, the new president of the South, Lee Myung-bak and his conservative Grand National Party took a different stance to North Korea, and the South Korean government stated that any expansion of the economic cooperation at the Kaesong Industrial Region would only happen if the North resolved the international standoff over its nuclear weapons. Relations have again chilled, with North Korea making military moves such as a series of short range ship-to-ship Korean War broke out when North Korea invaded South Korea. In response, 16 member countries of the United Nations, including the United States, came to the defense of South Korea. It was the first significant armed conflict of the Cold War with extensive deployment of U.S. and other troops. Origins of the South Korea–United States alliance Following the end of World War II, the United States established a bilateral alliance with South Korea instead of establishing a multilateral alliance with South Korea and other East Asian countries. Moreover, the "U.S. alliance with South Korea would consequently have three functions. First, it Chinese Spring Offensive Chinese intervention North Korea invaded South Korea on 25 June 1950. But after having conquered much of southern Korea, the KPA suffered crushing defeats after losing much of their army at the Battle of the Pusan Perimeter in early September. Outflanked by the landing at Incheon on 15 September, Eighth Army broke out of the Pusan Perimeter starting on 16 September and pursued the KPA north, in October they crossed the 38th Parallel, the dividing line between North and South Korea and invaded North Korea in turn. The Chinese government warned that to safeguard their national sovereignty, Korea from 1993 to 2008. In South Korea, as guerrilla activities expanded, the South Korean government used strong measures against peasants, such as forcefully moving their families from guerrilla areas. According to one estimate, these measures resulted in 36,000 people killed, 11,000 people wounded, and 432,000 people displaced. Korean War The Korean War broke out when Soviet-backed North Korea invaded South Korea, though neither side gained much territory as a result. The Korean Peninsula remained divided, the Korean Demilitarized Zone being the de facto border between the two states. In June 1950 North Korea invaded the South, using Soviet tanks and his campaign, Eisenhower said he would go to Korea to end the Korean War, which had broken out in 1950 after North Korea invaded South Korea. The U.S. had joined the war to prevent the fall of South Korea, later expanding the mission to include victory over the Communist regime in North Korea. The intervention of Chinese forces in late 1950 led to a protracted stalemate around the 38th parallel north. Truman had begun peace talks in mid-1951, but the issue of North Korean and Chinese prisoners remained a sticking point. Over 40,000 prisoners from the two countries refused repatriation, but into North Korea and South Korea with North Korea (assisted by the Soviet Union), becoming a communist government after 1946, known as the Democratic People's Republic, followed by South Korea becoming the Republic of Korea. China became the communist People's Republic of China in 1949. In 1950, the Soviet Union backed North Korea while the United States backed South Korea, and China allied with the Soviet Union in what was to become the first military action of the Cold War. The peace of occupied Japan was shattered in June 1950 when 75,000 North Korean troops with Russian made tanks invaded South Korea and the United Nations History In December 12, 1948, South Korea was officially recognized by the UN General Assembly (UNGA) under Resolution 195. Since then, South Korea participated in the GA as an observer. In 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea, and the Korean War commenced. The UN Security Council took action in Korea. Coming with change of recognition in 1971 of the Chinese seat, North Korea gained observer status. North Korea has never held a seat on the UN Security Council. South Korea has twice been elected to a non-permanent seat of the UN Security Council, first in the 1995 election revolutionary task facing the Party". He warned his audience that if Korea remained divided, it might never be unified again because of relations among the big powers. Kim Il-sung called for the establishment of the "Democratic Confederal Republic of Korea" (DCRK), a national government of North and South Korea. The DCRK would be ruled by a Supreme Confederal National Congress (SCNC), with an equal number of representatives from North and South Korea. The SCNC representatives would elect a Presidium, which would rule on its behalf. Under this system, South Korea would remain capitalist and North Korea socialist. However, the WPK
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extends BitTorrent to support multiple trackers. A new key, announce-list, is placed in the top-most dictionary (i.e. with announce and info) { ... 'announce-list': [['<tracker1-url>']['<tracker2-url>']] ... } HTTP seeds BEP-0017 extends BitTorrent to support HTTP seeds. A new key, httpseeds, is placed in the top-most list (i.e. with announce and info). This key's value is a list of web addresses where torrent data can be retrieved: { ... 'httpseeds': ['', ''] ... } Private torrents BEP-0027 extends BitTorrent to support private torrents. A new key, private, is placed in the info dictionary. This key's value is 1 if the torrent is private: a codec needed to view associated AVI format files. Other fake files encourage the users to register on dubious websites or require the users install the DomPlayer software. Fake files may also contain malware with the capability to send the IP address of the user's computer to a private server. For years aXXo has been warning followers to “beware of bogus sites and lamers” in the .nfo files which accompany their torrents. sent actual bags of seeds, and what appeared to be containers of sperm. (This was presumably in response to the satirized "seed faith" in which donations are referred to as "seeds".) Rachel Dratch (playing Oliver's wife) joked in response, "...when someone sends you jizz through the mail, it's time to stop whatever you're doing". Upon the church's dissolution, Oliver announced that the tens of thousands of dollars received to date would be donated to Doctors Without Borders, and mockingly said that "if you want to send money to a fake church, send it to Scientology". Transmission (BitTorrent client) Features Transmission allows users to quickly download files from multiple peers on the Internet and to upload their own files. By adding torrent files via the user interface, users can create a queue of files to be downloaded and uploaded. Within the file selection menus, users can customise their downloads at the level of individual files. Transmission also seeds, that is, it will automatically share downloaded content. Transmission allows the assigning of priorities to torrents and to files within torrents, thus potentially influencing which files download first. It supports the Magnet URI scheme and encrypted connections. It allows torrent-file of content. While algorithms may not be causing polarization, they could amplify it, representing a significant component of the new information landscape. Fake news The term "fake news" gained importance with the electoral context in Western Europe and North America. It is determined by fraudulent content in news format and its velocity. According to Bounegru, Gray, Venturini and Mauri, fake news is when a deliberate lie "is picked up by dozens of other blogs, retransmitted by hundreds of websites, cross-posted over thousands of social media accounts and read by hundreds of thousands" that it then effectively becomes "fake news". The evolving leech-gatherers, people who travelled Britain catching leeches from the wild, and causing a sharp decline in their abundance, though they remain numerous in Romney Marsh. By 1863, British hospitals had switched to imported leeches, some seven million being imported to hospitals in London that year. In the nineteenth century, demand for leeches was sufficient for hirudiculture, the farming of leeches, to become commercially viable. The use of leeches in modern medicine made a small-scale comeback in the 1980s after years of decline, with the advent of microsurgery, where venous congestion can arise due to inefficient venous drainage; leeches can reduce swelling only bits and pieces and not the whole issues making it much harder to solve the issues or talk about it worldwide. The roots of fake news The term "fake news" gained importance with the electoral context in Western Europe and North America. It is determined by fraudulent content in news format and its velocity. According to Bounegru, Gray, Venturini and Mauri, fake news is when a deliberate lie "is picked up by dozens of other blogs, retransmitted by hundreds of websites, cross-posted over thousands of social media accounts and read by hundreds of thousands" that it then effectively becomes until the early 1900s. Operation The leeches were kept in special containers of moist turf and moss and a flow of fresh water from the Bedale Beck was diverted through the building. A fireplace provided heat to ensure the containers and the leeches within did not freeze in winter. Specialized and often very ornate 'Leech Jars' with a secure lid and small pierced air holes were used for the storage of leeches in the apothecary's shop. Feeding was not usually necessary as leeches can survive for lengthy periods, up to a year, between meals. The leeches were collected using either horses Ockenburgh failed. At the battle of Ockenburgh a total of 86 Dutch soldiers were killed. After the Dutch capitulation, the military auxiliary airfield came back into German hands and a fake airfield was made. With wooden planes, fake lighting and fake barracks, it was intended to tempt allied airmen to throw their bombs on the fake airfield in order to protect the operational airfields from bombing. In the middle of 1943 the fake airfield was lifted. In 1942 the first minefields were constructed and were mainly intended for the reinforcement of the Atlantic Wall. Thousands of landmines were buried on and Ramon Torrents Career Ramón Torrents was born in Barcelona, Catalonia, northern Spain. He began his career drawing for the comic Space Ace. He later worked on romance comics for British publisher Fleetway, including Marilyn and True Life Library. In the late 1960s Torrents worked with Esteban Maroto in the Spanish science fiction series Cinco x Infinito. Through his connections with agency Seleciones Illustrada, Torrents began working for American company Warren Publishing in 1972. For them, he drew 42 stories until 1979. The majority of his work appeared in Vampirella, with 8 stories done for Creepy and one story done for Eerie.
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Trillion-dollar coin The trillion-dollar coin is a concept that emerged during the United States debt-ceiling crisis in 2011, as a proposed way to bypass any necessity for the United States Congress to raise the country's borrowing limit, through the minting of very high-value platinum coins. The concept gained more mainstream attention by late 2012 during the debates over the United States fiscal cliff negotiations and renewed debt-ceiling discussions. After reaching the headlines during the week of January 7, 2013, use of the trillion dollar coin concept was ultimately rejected by the Federal Reserve and the Treasury. Legal basis The issuance minted coins, and specifically mentions that the Mint can create platinum coins of arbitrary value under the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury. Yale law professor Jack Balkin mentioned seigniorage as a solution, although there had been speculation about the option of a "trillion-dollar coin" online since at least January 2011. Hence it has been suggested that a coin with a face value of a trillion or more could be minted and deposited with the Federal Reserve and used to buy back debt, thus making funds available. Monetizing gold A similar crisis was faced during the Eisenhower Administration in Canadian five-dollar note Five-dollar coin In 2005, the Canadian government polled its citizens on the idea of retiring the five-dollar note, replacing it with a five-dollar coin. The money saved in making the coin would then fund the Canadian Olympic team. Canadians resoundingly rejected and ridiculed the idea of a five-dollar coin. Some pointed out the note's most recent redesign took place only four years prior, while many others were averse to the idea of carrying yet another coin in their wallets and pockets. Due to the overwhelmingly negative response, plans for the five-dollar coin were discarded. Instead, on 15 with Moy that a proof platinum coin would be a problem for the Fed. Diehl reiterated his view that "I certainly think [minting a trillion-dollar coin] is inferior to raising or eliminating the [debt] limit but it's far better than defaulting and suffering the consequences of doing so." each of which is a 1 dollar coin or a package consisting of two or more smaller coins whose denominations total 1 dollar. They are also sorted in order of numismatic value. The coin collector then selects the least value N of them. Note that the time of the algorithm is linear in the number of coins. Reduction of length-limited Huffman coding to the coin collector's problem Let L be the maximum length any code word is permitted to have. Let p₁, …, pₙ be the frequencies of the symbols of the alphabet to be encoded. We first sort the symbols so New Zealand one-dollar coin Current circulating coin (1991 - present) The current coin replaced the New Zealand one dollar note in use since New Zealand's currency was decimalised on 10 July 1967. The reason for replacing the note was due to inflation making the note more expensive to produce, and notes had to be replaced regularly due to wear and tear. The $1 coins, and $2 coins, were first minted in 1990 but circulated in 1991. The $1 notes were withdrawn later that year. The new $1 coin was made of aluminium bronze, and was 23.0 mm in diameter, 2.74 mm thick, and referred. You will note also, particularly on the half dollar on account of its size, a variation in the thickness of the coin, specifically noticeable at the edge. I went to Philadelphia yesterday to ascertain whether or not this could be overcome, and I find that we are faced with certain mechanical restrictions which make it impossible to produce a coin of uniform thickness of edge, and to obviate the fin edge, as long as we maintain the high relief of the coin as it is at present. Von Engelken's letter caused concern in the Secretary's office—McAdoo feared that if the Australian two-dollar note Security features The paper design included a watermark in the white field of Captain James Cook, the watermark was also used in the last issue of pound banknotes. A metallic strip, first near the centre of the note, then from 1976 moved to the left side on the obverse of the note. Removal from circulation The two dollar note was replaced by a gold-coloured coin in 1988, due to the longer service life and cost effectiveness of coins. These notes can still be redeemed at face value by the Reserve Bank of Australia and most commercial banks, deposited periodically to the General Fund where it reduces the government's need to borrow. The concept of striking a trillion-dollar coin that would generate one trillion dollars in seigniorage, which would be off-budget, or numismatic profit, which would be on-budget, and be transferred to the Treasury, is based on the authority granted by Section 31 U.S.C. § 5112 of the United States Code for the Treasury Department to "mint and issue platinum bullion coins" in any denominations the Secretary of the Treasury may choose. Thus, if the Treasury were to mint one-trillion dollar coins, it could deposit such coins at the Federal Reserve's Names of large numbers Usage of names of large numbers Some names of large numbers, such as million, billion, and trillion, have real referents in human experience, and are encountered in many contexts. At times, the names of large numbers have been forced into common usage as a result of hyperinflation. The highest numerical value banknote ever printed was a note for 1 sextillion pengő (10²¹ or 1 milliard bilpengő as printed) printed in Hungary in 1946. In 2009, Zimbabwe printed a 100 trillion (10¹⁴) Zimbabwean dollar note, which at the time of printing was worth about US$30. Names of larger numbers,
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not yet achieved existence—into English, I might easily have saved myself a great deal of labor by having recourse to invented terms; in no case have I done so. Thus in many instances I have been forced to replace yet undiscovered concepts by their closest twentieth-century equivalents. Wolfe admits, however, that some mistakes may have been made in spelling or exact meaning. His choice of words often come from an English–Latin dictionary or an English–Greek dictionary, where he finds roots of words to use. Wolfe states that he uses strange and arcane words because he "thought they were the best for the virtue of the absurd, is to act upon faith ... I must act, but reflection has closed the road so I take one of the possibilities and say: This is what I do, I cannot do otherwise because I am brought to a standstill by my powers of reflection. — Kierkegaard, Søren, Journals, 1849 Here is another example of the Absurd from his writings: What, then, is the absurd? The absurd is that the eternal truth has come into existence in time, that God has come into existence, has been born, has grown up. etc., has come into existence exactly as an individual Native participation. Montcalm was particularly disparaging of this last method, since he thought it would diminish French honour. Some French metropolitan officers saw Native military methods as boundlessly cruel, and scalping as particularly revolting. After his victory at Carillon, he even went as far as saying to a delegation of Native leaders, "You have come at a time when I have no more need of you. Have you only come to see dead bodies? Go behind the fort and you will find them. I do not need you to defeat the English[sic]." The conflict between Montcalm and Vaudreuil would be largely like... there was no percussion, there was no Waddy Wachtel. Because I was told that the last thing that I would need was Waddy Wachtel. And I, you know... I mean, to that comment I was so speechless that I just didn't do anything, I said ok. So when I went back in, I had Waddy come in and play, and I had Peter Michael come in and put percussion on, and Michael Campbell came back and put some more guitar on it, and we re-mixed everything, and we did a lot of other things besides that." "I should have gone South Wales and Victoria, warning of the dangers of the Nazi regime. On 17 February 1935, he addressed an estimated 18,000-strong audience in Sydney's Domain: I have had three adventurous months since I last saw you. I know the Police Court, the Quarter Sessions Court, the High Court with one judge and the High Court with five judges. But whenever the court let me go I was arrested again. I have learnt to speak English better. Perhaps I do not speak King's English but it's Kisch English anyhow. I did not come here to tell there is terrorism in Europe. I a verse which I knew well, but only now recognised as a great truth. [...] He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? He that formed the eye, shall he not see? [Psalm 94.9, KJV] What a verse! What a question! I had learned from the Darwinists how an organ for seeing can come into existence. [...] But, as I suddenly asked myself, who invented seeing? Who had put it into words as the psalmist did?! Who had questioned so deeply and written so highly?! I felt my atheism faltering." (From In another time. Youth in East Galicia, his a reason to conclude that their virtues should differ in respect to their nature. In fact, how can they, if virtue has only one eternal standard? I must therefore, if I reason consequently, as strenuously maintain that they have the same simple direction, as that there is a God." Her ambiguous statements regarding the equality of the sexes have since made it difficult to classify Wollstonecraft as a modern feminist, particularly since the word did not come into existence until the 1890s. One of Wollstonecraft's most scathing critiques in the Rights of Woman is of false and excessive sensibility, particularly in should be loth to come into the hands of any living man, be he Physician or Surgeon." She avoided to be specific on religion, but stressed that "who ever doth trust to this transitory world, as I did, may happen to have an overthrow, as I had; therefore to the worms will I go as I have before written." which she saw exotic places, faraway countries and never-before seen people. She was then in a somnolence and did not react to external impulses. Her siblings would stop playing with her and Pilchowa withdrew into herself, gladly spending her time outside. As she later wrote: I had been born a clairvoyant. Whenever I am supposed to look into the world of the spirit, I do not need to fall into a trance. I do not need to use any medications; at first, I had to close my eyes. Now, I do not even have to do this. When Pilchowa was a child, January 2007. 2007–2009 Eto'o refused to come on as a substitute in a league match against Racing de Santander on 11 February 2007. Barcelona manager Frank Rijkaard said after the match, "He did not want to come on; I don't know why." Ronaldinho was critical of Eto'o's actions, saying that Eto'o was not putting the team first, but Eto'o rebutted the comment, claiming that he did not come on because he did not have enough time to warm up properly. Three months later, Eto'o said, "These kind of things are usually just speculation and don't come through to me. However,
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change, but wait for someone to come and save us. Most times, our reluctance to creating change and acting accordingly means that we don't change perception about us. But, Bisi, you have helped us to achieve change. You have used your position to sew dreams and show that change is possible and helped to set our minds to it. That I won the Nobel prize is because of people like you. That day, you didn't see me. You saw a sister. Today we say, 'Thank you'. You have helped to set our minds to it." Personal life She is married We recorded that song "Family Reunion." To me, it's time for a family reunion, not only as us—just Wu-Tang Clan, but all our fans. We strive and have a better tomorrow. We had some good times; we had some bad times. But if tomorrow can be better than today [that is a good thing]. If things go know, it's hard to get a Wu-Tang album, 'cause we all have such big careers and big families that we have to maintain, of our own, to bring that energy back is not so easy. It's looking real promising. Method Man did school colleagues. Nothing is going to change until we respect them as professionals. They have a lot to offer. They have many ideas, but no time. They are in contact with students every hour of the day. There are no longer in-service days or professional days in many states. High school teachers know what they would like to do, but they have no time to do it. Yet we treat them as if we need to go and help them. In fact, I think we have much to learn from them. Until we come to the table with our high any of its parts (materials) change or are removed, as is the case with humans who lose cells, change height, hair color, memories, and yet we are said to be the same person today as we were when we were first born. For example, Ted Sider is the same today as he was when he was born—he just changed. But how can this be if many parts of Ted today did not exist when Ted was just born? Is it possible for things, such as organisms to persist? And if so, how? There are several views that attempt to answer (for example, if particles/waves cause sounds, we must recognize that the experience of sound is no more like the theorized waves/particles than drops of rain are like the sight of a rainbow) and (2) we do not perceive with a sense-organ alone, but with a great part of our whole human being. Much besides mere sense perception is necessary. Without things "like mental habits, memory, imagination, feeling and ... will" the world would be a blooming, buzzing confusion. Barfield insists that these two maxims are consistent with almost any theory of perception: perception depends to a large extent upon the know! A long time has passed since we first came upon our lands, and our old people have all sunk into their graves. They had sense. We are all young and foolish, and do not wish to do anything that they would not approve, were they living. We are fearful we shall offend their spirits, if we sell our lands; and we are fearful we shall offend you, if we do not sell them. This has caused us great perplexity of thought, because we have counselled among ourselves, and do not know how we can part with the land. Our no punishment big and hideous enough for any Serb, at any time, to say anything different but, Kosovo is Serbia! Never will anyone hear from us that the Patriarchate of Peć does not belong to us, that Visoki Dečani and Gračanica are not ours! That the place where we were born is not ours; we and our state and our church and everything that makes us what we are today! If we as Serbs renounce Serbianhood, our origin, our Kosovo, our ancestors and our history – then, who are we Serbs? What is our name then? Buses took thousands of supporters to publicity material that appeared at the time of its release in August 1918, Triple Trouble represented a new wrinkle in Essanay's strategy: "If you bought a piece of real estate and foresaw that its value would quadruple if you held it a certain length of time, what would you do? That's just what we did with Triple Trouble. [...] We knew there would come a time when it would be worth many times its weight in gold. We held this negative in our vaults for the most opportune time of release, which we believe is NOW." Such hyperbole is somewhat I've been thinking about in terms of how we can change navigation on our site. One is what I would call the San Angeles or Los Diego strategy. You take large product and merge them together into the biggest possible nucleus. So if you took San Diego and Los Angeles together and merged them into one mega-city, that's even bigger and more memorable than the two cities independently... It is hard for people to remember more than 5 or 10 products from a particular company. If we can take each of the products we have and make them even larger the family around 3.00pm. “We were devastated. Terrified. Crying the whole time,” Ali said. “We had no idea what the arrest was for.” Emprise claimed that the police were called as the bank had trouble verifying the check. Emprise Bank released a statement regarding this incident indicating that they saw nothing wrong with the bank branch's action: ".. We are aware of a situation at the 21st and Woodlawn branch yesterday and can confirm that our team acted in accordance with our policies and procedures. If faced with the same circumstances today, we would expect our team to take the same actions." Ali said
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History of microeconomics Microeconomics is the study of the behaviour of individuals and small impacting organisations in making decisions on the allocation of limited resources. The modern field of microeconomics arose as an effort of neoclassical economics school of thought to put economic ideas into mathematical mode. Imperfect competition and game theory In 1929 Harold Hotelling published "Stability in Competition" addressing the problem of instability in the classic Cournout model: Bertrand criticised it for lacking equilibrium for prices as independent variables and Edgeworth constructed a dual monopoly model with correlated demand with also lacked stability. Hotteling proposed that demand typically universities usually offer both courses of business economics as above defined as well standard course in microeconomics to their undergraduate students. University, New Zealand (1999). His highest cited work is his book, The New Evolutionary Microeconomics, at over 700 times, according to Google Scholar. its importance to the theory. With Daniel L. Rubinfeld he is the author of Microeconomics (9th Edition, Pearson, 2018; ISBN 9780134184241), and Econometric Models and Economic Forecasts (4th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1998; ISBN 0079132928). His published papers have covered topics in microeconomics and industrial organization, the behavior of natural resource and commodity markets, financial markets, capital investment decisions, the economics of R&D and the valuation of patents, environmental economics, and the economic and policy implications of global catastrophic events. In addition to his academic research and teaching, Professor Pindyck has been properly deciding what to do with the money. Goals The goal of a financial rocket scientist is to survey the high administration of a firm with the most precise scenario possible of the result probabilities in choosing decisions like investing, trading and borrowing. It means that not only how to invest money is a problem to rocket scientists, but also matters like pricing assets, creating new products or managing debts. Skills The skills required of a financial rocket scientist are broadly based. These include knowledge of microeconomics, macroeconomics, pure mathematics, statistics, information technologies and financial market practice. The microeconomics knowledge is became more successful, other politicians strove for a seat on the bandwagon, hoping to be associated with his success. Later, during the time of William Jennings Bryan's 1900 presidential campaign, bandwagons had become standard in campaigns, and the phrase "jump on the bandwagon" was used as a derogatory term, implying that people were associating themselves with success without considering that with which they associated themselves. In microeconomics In microeconomics, bandwagon effects may play out in interactions of demand and preference. The bandwagon effect arises when people's preference for a commodity increases as the number of people buying it increases. This the University of California, Berkeley, where he was founding dean of the School of Information. Varian joined Google in 2002 as a consultant, and has worked on the design of advertising auctions, econometrics, finance, corporate strategy, and public policy. He is the chief economist at Google. Varian is the author of two bestselling textbooks: Intermediate Microeconomics, an undergraduate microeconomics text, and Microeconomic Analysis, an advanced text aimed primarily at first-year graduate students in economics. Together with Carl Shapiro, he co-authored Information Rules: A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy and The Economics of Information Technology: An Introduction. Personal life Varian is as well as econometrics at both undergraduate and graduate level. From 2005 onwards, Crutzen has taught as an assistant professor at both the undergraduate and graduate level at Erasmus University, Rotterdam, including courses in microeconomics, game theory and financial development. In parallel, he worked in 2008/2009 at the University of Namur as visiting scholar, teaching a course about economics and politics, as well as at the Free University of Brussels in 2009/2010 where he taught about public finance, microeconomics and European political economy. As a teacher, Crutzen won the award of Top Lecturer of the Year at the Erasmus School concentrated on microeconomics and industrial organization, on topics including auctions, bundling, price discrimination, antitrust, contracting, and mechanism design. More recently, he has been publishing research at the interface between microeconomics and computer science. In 2014, McAfee won a Golden Goose Award for his work involving auction design. Professional activities McAfee is an advocate for open access to scholarly writing and educational materials. Together with Ted Bergstrom, he maintains an online database on the costs of academic journals to university libraries. He has published an open access online economics textbook, Introduction to Economic Analysis. He was recognized as a account of the nature of genetic drift and the role of probability in the theory of natural selection draws on significant parallels between the principle of natural selection and the second law of thermodynamics. In the philosophy of social science, Rosenberg's more skeptical views about microeconomics were challenged first by Wade Hands, and later by Daniel Hausman in several books and articles. The financial crisis of 2007–08 resulted in renewed attention to Rosenberg's skeptical views about microeconomics. Biologist Richard Lewontin and historian Joseph Fracchia express skepticism about Rosenberg's claim that functional explanations in social science require Darwinian underlying mechanisms. The Atheist's
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or disables, any part or parts of the body of a person or causes grievous hurt by throwing acid on or by administering acid to that person, or by using any other means with the intention of causing or with the knowledge that he is likely to cause such injury or hurt, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than ten years but which may extend to imprisonment for life, and with fine: Provided that such fine shall be just and reasonable to meet the medical expenses of the treatment of the K-1 was doing well, they get paid significantly enough to have you go into that ring, and hey, any kind of injury you get, they are going to pay. [...] These small organizations that you see that look so wonderful, they pay none of your bills if you get hurt, period. If you want to get hurt for a small amount of money in a fight, we call that the military." "You said it yourself, you have UFC fighters who are fighting more, and who are doing harder fights, and are getting less money. So you know what? [...] I do administer acid to any person, or attempts to use any other means, with the intention of causing permanent of partial damage or deformity of burns or maiming or disfigurement or disability or grievous hurt to that person, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for aterm which shall not be less than five years, but which may extent to seven years and also be liable to fine. Explanation 1.- For the purposes of section 326 A and this section, "acid" includes any substance which has acidic or corrosive character or burning nature, that is capable of causing bodily injury leading way so they could be used for almost any type of research activities. Support Laboratories are less flexible than the Research Laboratories but contain special equipment such as a mass spectrometer. Core Laboratories often contain special equipment not available anywhere else in the facility. vehicles must displace less than 1776cc, and two-seat vehicles must be less than 1835cc. One carburetor that retains a maximum of 2 venturis per carburetor with a size of less than 42mm. Suspension Limited to Volkswagen Type 1 configuration. Must be of the twin-beam trailing arm type. Beam is open. Trailing arms are open. Spindles are open. Body May not have a production-appearing utility or sport utility body. not pleasant, but it did not hurt. This last is almost as much curse as boon, as he can become critically injured and not even realize it is happening. This latest set of abilities does come at a cost. As a thrall of Winter, he is now bound by the codes of Queen Mab's Winter Court; any attempt to violate them deactivates his Winter Knight abilities, including his healed spinal injury. Also, any contact with iron or steel weakens him greatly, as he discovers after being shot with a nail gun and stabbed with fish hooks. He also temporarily becomes a member punished by having drops of acid placed in their eyes. Section 336B of Pakistan Penal Code states: "Whoever causes hurt by corrosive substance shall be punished with imprisonment for life or imprisonment of either description which shall not be less than fourteen years and a minimum fine of one million rupees." Additionally, section 299 defines Qisas and states: "Qisas means punishment by causing similar hurt at the same part of the body of the convict as he has caused to the victim or by causing his death if he has committed qatl-iamd (intentional manslaughter) in exercise of the right of the victim about a rod off, when there came a flash and shock and roar. The sentinel near us staggered but did not fall. Dr. McCurdy and Avery both felt a pricking sensation on the forehead. I felt as if a stone had hit me in the head. Captain Drake's arm was benumbed for a few minutes. My horse was nearly knocked down. Some horses were knocked down. Five trees near by were hit, and perhaps one hundred men more or less shocked, but strange to say "nobody hurt." All things still look well for a favorable conclusion to the war.I do V shape. As an attacking shot hit on wet grass tends to slip more and bounce less, this formation gives teams more chance to get underneath the bounce of the ball to hit it upward in return. Substitutions may be anywhere at any position field, but only before that team is about to serve, during a time out, between sets, or whenever the referee has stopped play. Serving Force, accuracy and fluid sequence of body movements are necessary to make full effect of the service. With a service, the server will attempt to achieve a direct point with it via an Parmenter was liable under section 47 because the injury resulted from his intention to play with his son. Actual bodily harm In Rex v. Donovan, Swift J., in delivering the Judgement of the Court of Criminal Appeal, said: For this purpose, we think that "bodily harm" has its ordinary meaning and includes any hurt or injury calculated to interfere with the health or comfort of the prosecutor. Such hurt or injury need not be permanent, but must, no doubt, be more than merely transient and trifling. This passage was cited and approved in R v Brown (Anthony), by Lord Templeman (at
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GreenBorder GreenBorder was a security software company that specialized in using virtualization to create safe zones for online activities for Internet users. GreenBorder let computer operators combine hardware and software to create "virtual" machines where tasks such as reading e-mail or exploring websites could be done without exposing systems to viruses or other malicious programs. Web-based programs that try to access files or computer registries are stopped from leaving what are commonly referred to as online "sandboxes" created by GreenBorder. The virtual "sandboxes" vanish at the end of each session, taking attacker assaults such as spyware, viruses, and trojans with to remotely install software and execute commands. These viruses and trojans are sometimes developed by government agencies, such as CIPAV and Magic Lantern. More often, however, viruses created by other people or spyware installed by marketing agencies can be used to gain access through the security breaches that they create. Another method is "cracking" into the computer to gain access over a network. An attacker can then install surveillance software remotely. Servers and computers with permanent broadband connections are most vulnerable to this type of attack. Another source of security cracking is employees giving out information or users using brute force Mark Ludwig Work Ludwig had his own virus-writing periodical, Computer Virus Developments Quarterly. He also held the First International Virus Writing Competition, which promised a monetary reward of $200 for the creator of the smallest DOS-based, parasitic file infecter. His Little Black Book of Computer Viruses fully describes a sophisticated MS-DOS executable virus. The second, Giant Black Book of Computer Viruses contains the source code of two UNIX companion viruses written in C In his book Computer Viruses, Artificial Life and Evolution: The Little Black Book of Computer Viruses he argued for intelligent design. The book was criticized by biologist Gert hoaxes, such as legally changing your name or opening a rift in time and space. Another parody of virus hoaxes is the honor system virus which has been circulated under the name Amish Computer Virus, manual virus, the Blond Computer Virus, the Irish Computer Virus, the Syrian Computer Virus, the Norwegian Computer Virus, Albanian Virus, Newfie Virus, the Unix Computer Virus, the Mac OS 9 virus, Discount virus and many others. This joke email claims to be authored by the Amish or other similar low-technology populations who have no computers, programming skills or electricity to create viruses and thus ask you Comparison of computer viruses Scope In terms of scope, there are two major variants: the list of "in-the-wild" viruses, which list viruses in active circulation, and lists of all known viruses, which also contain viruses believed not to be in active circulation (also called "zoo viruses"). The sizes are vastly different: in-the-wild lists contain a hundred viruses but full lists contain tens of thousands. was a commonly studied subject. This helped foster a certain attitude about computers among that generation. In April 1988, Bulgaria's trade magazine for computers, Компютър за Вас (Computer for You), issued an article explaining in detail the nature of computer viruses and even methods for writing them. A few months after that, Bulgaria was "visited" by several foreign viruses, namely "Vienna", "Ping Pong", and "Cascade". The interest spawned by both the article and the viruses was huge, and soon young Bulgarian programmers began to search for ways to devise their own viruses. Soon a wave of Bulgarian viruses erupted, started by the recent, and precise, definition of computer virus has been given by the Hungarian security researcher Péter Szőr: "a code that recursively replicates a possibly evolved copy of itself") The first IBM PC compatible "in the wild" computer virus, and one of the first real widespread infections, was "Brain" in 1986. From then, the number of viruses has grown exponentially. Most of the computer viruses written in the early and mid-1980s were limited to self-reproduction and had no specific damage routine built into the code. That changed when more and more programmers became acquainted with computer virus programming and created viruses that had borrowed several books about viruses, and assumes that Sayle plans to use the Stormbreaker network to release a computer virus into Britain's computer infrastructure. Alex investigates the Dozmary mine and, following the path left by his uncle, discovers a large computer manufacturing facility, where the Stormbreaker computers are being filled with a strange fluid. Alex realises that the 'viruses' being investigated by Ian were not computer viruses, but biological weapons. Alex is detected, and nearly escapes but is eventually caught and tranquilised. When he comes to, Sayle explains to Alex his plan. When Sayle attended school, he was bullied because systems. As of 2005, even though no currently existing antivirus software was able to uncover all computer viruses (especially new ones), computer security researchers are actively searching for new ways to enable antivirus solutions to more effectively detect emerging viruses, before they have already become widely distributed. The term "virus" is also misused by extension to refer to other types of malware. "Malware" encompasses computer viruses along with many other forms of malicious software, such as computer "worms", ransomware, spyware, adware, trojan horses, keyloggers, rootkits, bootkits, malicious Browser Helper Object (BHOs), and other malicious software. The majority of active malware threats or the home owner may be held liable for injuries caused to the trespasser. Booby traps can also be a manner in which one can catch a criminal vandalizing items or areas in which there was no permission given to alter. Computer viruses Many computer viruses take the form of booby traps in that they are triggered when an unsuspecting user performs an apparently ordinary action such as opening an email attachment. Practical jokes Instead of being used to kill, maim or injure people, booby traps can also be used for entertainment. Practical joke booby traps are typically disguised as
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think writing the album there will inspire us, and then if we record there too it'll be a lot easier since we can sleep in our beds at night rather than in hotels like the other 300 days out of the year! We're not sure who's going to produce the record yet. We did "Decode" with [producer] Rob Cavallo, which was a good experience, but we're looking around and don't want to make any decisions until we have a lot of songs and we know what we're looking for. We really enjoy our live sound and we want a producer House Galleria located in Milan). 5-star hotels: 232 with 20,686 rooms and 43,150 beds. 4-star hotels: nearly 3,700 with 247,000 rooms and 502,000 beds. 3-star hotels: 14,500 with 483,000 rooms and 940,000 beds. 2-star hotels: 5,000 with 116,000 beds. 1-star hotels: 2,000 with 157,000 beds. available in the summer. There are numerous hotels in the town itself, and beds are abundant though usually overbooked in the summer months. Accommodation ranges from private rooms or apartments to bungalows, camping sites and 2 to 5 star hotels. The city also has two luxury, 5-star boutique hotels, Hotel Monte Mulini and Hotel Lone. Apart from hotels on the mainland, there are also a handful of hotels on small islands surrounding Rovinj which are linked to the mainland by boats which go from the city centre to the hotel on the islands. Transportation The preferred means of transport for getting and Naxos (105 hotels). All other islands offer less than 50 hotels. At the other extreme, Schoinoussa and Sikinos each have only one two-star hotel. The chief type of lodging in the Cyclades is the two-star hotel (404 establishments). In 1997, the tourist load was measured: the Cyclades had 32 beds per km², or 0.75 beds per inhabitant. On Mykonos, Paros, Ios and Santorini (from north to south), the tourist load is strongest, not only for the Cyclades, but for all the Aegean islands, with over 1.5 beds per inhabitant. However, at the archipelago level, the tourist load is heavier Sally. Sally destroys the document, not wanting to be rich at the cost of others' lives. Driving away with Watson, Holmes muses on Sally's selfless act: There’s a new spirit abroad in the land. The old days of grab and greed are on their way out. We’re beginning to think of what we owe the other fellow, not just what we’re compelled to give him. The time’s coming, Watson, when we shan’t be able to fill our bellies in comfort while other folk go hungry, or sleep in warm beds while others shiver in the cold; when we shan’t be able to Tourism and Culture of Turkey and/or the municipality of Istanbul) had the total of 46,652 rooms and 93,299 beds. That capacity alone was sufficient to accommodate the annual volume of 10 million tourists. At the same time, another 51 new hotels (of which 25 were 5-star hotels) were at various stages of development at the end of 2010, soon to add another 9,512 rooms and 19,800 beds to the already existing capacity. With the completion of these new hotels, Istanbul's accommodation capacity will have reached, within a few years, the total of 817 hotels, 56,164 rooms and 113,99 beds. Local hotels While Ice hotel An Ice Hotel is a temporary hotel made up of snow and sculpted blocks of ice. Ice hotels, dependent on sub-freezing temperatures, are constructed from ice and snow and typically have to be rebuilt every year. Ice hotels exist in several countries, and they have varying construction styles, services and amenities, the latter of which may include ice bars, restaurants, chapels, saunas and hot tubs. Overview Ice hotels are promoted for adventurous travelers who are interested in novelties and unusual environments and are comfortable with the outdoors. Customers have to be prepared to sleep in beds made of halls. Officers’ camps (Offizierslager) From 1915, imprisoned officers were held in camps reserved for them. By October 1918, the number of officers’ camps had reached 73. Living conditions for officers were usually less harsh than those endured by troops. The "camps" themselves were usually located in requisitioned buildings (castles, barracks or hotels), rather than in compounds of tents and huts. Officers had a higher allocation of space per man than other ranks, they had beds instead of straw-filled palliasses, specific rooms were fitted out for their meals, and they were exempt from labour. In addition, there were no officers’ camps in occurrences may have escaped notice. Thus, we find disparate results regarding its prevalence in the literature. Treatment Usually, treatment is not required for somniloquy because it generally does not disturb sleep or cause other problems. But a behavioral treatment has already shown results in the past. Le Boeuf (1979) used an automated auditory signal to treat chronic sleep-talking in a patient suffering from sleep talking for 6 years. An aversive sound was produced for 5 seconds when the patient started talking in his sleep. Somniloquy was rapidly eliminated and the patient demonstrated no adverse effects of treatment. Research Although extremely Bed-making Bed-making is the act of arranging the bedsheets and other bedding on a bed, to prepare it for use. It is a household chore, but is also performed in establishments including hospitals, hotels, and military or educational residences. Bed-making is also a common childhood chore. History Beds must sometimes be made to exacting standards, demanded of nurses or military personnel. In a hospital or other health-care environment, beds must sometimes be made while occupied by a patient. Specialised techniques are taught to healthcare staff to enable beds to be made efficiently with due care for the patient. There are different
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in the morning the prisoner came and said she wished to apologise for the noise they had made in the night; she said, "You have given us notice and we have got to go". I said, "Yes, you have got to go tomorrow Tuesday, but he will stop another week". The deceased had asked me if he might stop for another week, and I agreed to it. The prisoner said, "Well, next week you will hear something very dreadful". I said, "What is it?" and she said,'"Well, Madam, don't you tell him if I tell you, because he bangs me of the strikers, "the clinic at Farah is supplied with birth control pills for the women employees, who are indirectly asked to take them. Farah's attitude is why should they be delivering babies when they can be delivering pants at this factory." If an employee is ill, the company did not allow the employees to go home, instead, they were instructed to "take a number and go back to work and listen for your number to be called to see the company don't get paid for the time you are in the clinic. He [the company doctor] gives you when you look at the big picture. I think it's definitely been a Chase that's been a little bit up and down for us, but the guys have battled through, and we've survived a lot of situations to be in contention for next week. You always want to win when you have a car like we did today, but I'll take it again next week." He also added that, while losing the race was bittersweet, his Budweiser Chevrolet "just really performed well today and we were able to lead a lot of laps and just really proud of the guys were those among the Harvard population who recognized our "merits." A student from the early 1960s picked up on this theme, contrasting the Radcliffe experience with that of Smith. "There are smart girls at Smith, all right," she said. "But they don't seem to get much out of them there. Four years later they don't seem to be any brighter. And they have this crazy week-end system. You spend all week in Bermuda shorts, with your hair in curlers, worrying over who's going to take you to Amherst or New Haven Friday night. It seems to me that sort of On May 28, 2014, reporter Hamrick asked the Boone County Sheriff Mike Helmig, "How long do you think that investigation will take?" Helmig said, "I wish I could give you a timeline, we just don't have a timeline yet" ... "It's still going to be a while." The case will most likely be presented to a grand jury for another level of review. None of Boone County's Judges have issued a warrant for his arrest, nor has the Grand Jury, which meets the first and third week of every month, decided to indict Tyler Brockman, in order to stand trial. Boone CBS." CBS President Leslie Moonves responded, saying "You know what? You can't let people like that tell you what to put on the air or what not to put on the air. That would only open the door when suddenly next week, he says, 'Take David Letterman off the air or take C.S.I. off the air.' Or you know what? Everybody Loves Raymond was about, you know, sex last week or about a 70-year-old man—you know, we dealt with Peter Boyle having sex with Doris Roberts. 'Take that off the air.' That's something we can't let happen." Actions against the bar process upon us. Don't mean to be made into any product! Don't mean — Don't mean to end up being bought by some clients of the University, be they the government, be they industry, be they organized labor, be they anyone! We're human beings! ...  There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious — makes you so sick at heart — that you can't take part. You can't even passively take part. And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got my last show on December 23, because I have a week's vacation coming to me and I'll be damned if I'm gonna get screwed out of it. So that settles the matter. You don't have to hide behind closed, locked doors anymore; you don't have to avoid me when I'm pulling into the parking lot; you don't have to look the other way when you're walking past the windows; you don't have to fail to return phone calls; you don't have to beg for another week; you don't have to bail out of luncheon meetings. That's it. And there will be EyeToy: Kinetic Games EyeToy: Kinetic is separated into four different sections, containing exercise games under the certain groups: Personal Trainer Mode The game offers a personal trainer mode: a 12-week programme of various games from the four zones. Before you begin, you will be able to choose a trainer, Matt or Anna, who will guide you through the twelve-week workout. They will choose certain games from the four zones which you can change if you don't like them. You will also have the option to perform a warm up and stretching sequence along with the routine. At the end of every you know more funny dudes than funny chicks is that dudes are funnier than chicks. If my daughter has a mediocre sense of humor, I'm just gonna tell her, "Be a staff writer for a sitcom. Because they'll have to hire you, they can't really fire you, and you don't have to produce that much. It'll be awesome." The "are women funny" debate has grown very contentious. You're not worried about reactions to this? I don't care. When you're picking a basketball team, you'll take the brother over the guy with the yarmulke. Why? Because you're playing the odds. When it comes
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made large-scale portraits that encourage the viewer to closely observe the human face Kami notes, "as the size of the paintings grew larger, the images became a little blurred, and gradually more and more out of focus. The blurrier they became, the more abstract the experience was for the viewer when approaching the work." Kami's portraits, based on his own photographs of family, friends, and strangers, present ordinary, introspective subjects, yet each face acts as a threshold between the sitter’s impenetrable inner thoughts and the viewer’s perception. In 1989, Kami traveled to Iran for the first time after many years As of 2011, the site was visited over 7 million times with a total of 11.4 million page views. It has over 20,000 RSS subscribers, 16,000 Facebook readers, 7,000 Twitter subscribers, and 10,000 readers on Pinterest. The site is partially syndicated on two high-profile blogs, namely Jezebel and Ms. Posts from Sociological Images have also been reposted at Racialicious, Adios Barbie, Love Isn't Enough, Scientopia, Owni, and Conhecimento Prudente. As a result of the publicity from the blog, Wade and Sharp are often consulted by media outlets as experts. The "In the News" section lists over 100 appearances, including outlets 1998, which defines an internal file structure and naming. Also used is the Digital Print Order Format (DPOF), which dictates what order images are to be printed in and how many copies. The DCF 1998 defines a logical file system with 8.3 filenames and makes the usage of either FAT12, FAT16, FAT32 or exFAT mandatory for its physical layer in order to maximize platform interoperability. Most cameras include Exif data that provides metadata about the picture. Exif data may include aperture, exposure time, focal length, date and time taken, and location. Batteries Digital cameras have become smaller over time, resulting in to carry out the task. Fish continues to try to find ways to make money from the machine; he poses as an art teacher and takes on a young woman as a student. As time goes on, he notices that the variety of the images being produced by the machine becomes smaller and smaller. An operating manual came with the machine; he sends it to be translated, and learns that the language is Swedish. He discovers that he has systematically been removing images from storage in the machine each time he produces a picture. be available with the smaller machines. All cartridges work only with Cricut software, must be registered to a single user for use and cannot be sold or given away. A cartridge purchased for a discontinued machine is likely to become useless at the point the machine is discontinued. Cricut reserves the right to discontinue support for some versions of their software at any time, which can make some cartridges immediately obsolete. Proprietary The Cricut Craft Room software enables users to combine images from different cartridges, merge images, and stretch/rotate images; it does not allow for the scanlines, and slightly blurrier image compared to the Arcade and Sega Saturn versions. A PlayStation version was completed, but never released. Thomas and Tom Knight. The film received a mention for its screenplay at the Overlook: CinemAvvenire Film Festival 2014 in Rome. Publicity On 19 November 2015 a post on titled "This is how movies are delivered to your local theater" containing pictures of the film's DCP hard drive went viral, reaching the #1 spot on Reddit, and gathering widespread social media attention. The images were viewed over 1 million times before being reposted by 9GAG, and becoming the subject of an article in The Independent. and relaxation of the lateral rectus muscles. The medial rectus attaches to the medial aspect of the eye and its contraction adducts the eye. The medial rectus is innervated by motor neurons in the oculomotor nucleus and nerve. Focus on near objects The refractive index of the eye’s lens system allows the eye to produce sharply focused images. For example, geometrical optics show that as a distant object is brought closer to the eye, the focus of the object becomes blurrier in the plane behind the retina; however, as a result of the increase in the refractive power of the 1852. Following this he was reposted as a district adjutant in Pietermaritzburg. It was here in 1855 that he met the Rev. William Orde Newnham, who had arrived in Natal at the request of Bishop John Colenso to become master of the new Pietermaritzburg Grammar School. It was during this time that the two became close friends. In 1867, after a period in England, Newnham returned to Natal and left to establish a school in Ladysmith, with the encouragement and support of his friend Lucas. However the school did not prosper and Newnham found "the summer climate there too oppressive". In by different regions, which might result in color artifacts or blurrier edges. To overcome this problem, for color images a slightly modified Kuwahara filter must be used. The image is first converted into another color space, the HSV color model. The modified filter then operates on only the "brightness" channel, the Value coordinate in the HSV model. The variance of the "brightness" of each quadrant is calculated to determine the quadrant from which the final filtered color should be taken from. The filter will produce an output for each channel which will correspond to the mean of that channel
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everyday objects to be transformed into smart objects that can understand and react to their environment. Such objects are building blocks for the Internet of things and enable novel computing applications. The Internet of things (IoT) The Internet of things is the network of physical objects that contain embedded technology to communicate and sense or interact with their internal states or the external environment. The phrase "Internet of things" reflects the growing number of smart, connected products and highlights the new opportunities they can represent. The Internet, whether involving people or things, is a mechanism for transmitting information. What Sentroller A Sentroller, used in the Internet of Things is a sensor, controller or actuator or combination of these three. Sentrollers in the Internet of Things The current Internet is an Internet of people, based on people communicating with people, using (smart) phones, tablets, laptops and computers. But this is changing: equipment and devices connected to the Internet (e.g. set-top boxes, cameras, cars) are starting to shift the balance away from people towards things. The future is clearly moving into a direction where the number of things connected to the Internet will overwhelm the number of connected people. Predictions range up to a factor of 100 to 1 or more: the Internet of People will transform into the Internet of Things. “The Internet of Things" connects many “things,” communicating with other things, rather than directly with people. Many of the new things connected to the Internet will be Sentrollers. Sentrollers are either actuators, sensors, controllers, or combinations of these three things. One simple example is a home thermostat. A thermostat is a sentroller as it senses the temperature in the home, checks whether the home or room in which the thermostat is monitoring temperature is at the desired temperature, and if not, several companies proposed solutions like Microsoft's at Work or Novell's NEST. The field gained momentum when Bill Joy envisioned device-to-device communication as a part of his "Six Webs" framework, presented at the World Economic Forum at Davos in 1999. The term "Internet of things" was likely coined by Kevin Ashton of Procter & Gamble, later MIT's Auto-ID Center, in 1999, though he prefers the phrase "Internet for things". At that point, he viewed radio-frequency identification (RFID) as essential to the Internet of things, which would allow computers to manage all individual things. Defining the Internet of things as "simply the point in PTC (software company) Products & Services PTC has five product segments under two divisions: IoT Group and Solutions Group. The IoT Group consists of its Internet of Things and Augmented Reality business units and the Solutions Group includes CAD, PLM, and SLM. Internet of Things PTC's offerings for the Internet of Things include many of its previously acquired technologies including its Industrial Internet of Things Platform, ThingWorx. ThingWorx is based on ThingWorx Foundation, an application enablement platform used as a design and runtime engine for IoT applications. It also includes ThingWorx Analytics, Thingworx Industrial Connectivity, and Vuforia studio. ThingWorx Industrial Internet of Things in the fourth season of Yahoo Accenture Innovation Jockeys in 2015. It has been suggested that the Manovue eliminates the need for Braille. It combines vision intelligence and the internet of things. Internet of things The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. The definition of the Internet of Things has evolved due to the convergence of multiple technologies, real-time analytics, machine learning, commodity sensors, and embedded systems. Traditional fields of embedded systems, wireless sensor networks, control systems, automation (including home and building automation), and others all contribute to enabling the Internet of Things. In the consumer market, IoT an Internet connection. The third platform will allow all of a company’s IT solutions to be available through the cloud, accessible via a variety of mobile devices. Data storage, servers and many IT solutions, which are on-site, can now be cloud-based. Internet of Things The Internet of Things is the network of connected devices that enable computer systems to monitor and control aspects of the physical environment. It has applications in personal and home environments, smart cities, factory automation, transport, and many other areas. The incorporation of the Internet of Things in the third platform gives enterprises the ability to interact five universities in the United Kingdom. A project aim is to explore the implications of Internet of Things technologies for the design of novel forms of augmented memory systems. While the potential implications of the Internet of Things for supply chain management and energy consumption have been acknowledged and discussed, its application for the engagement with personal and social memories has been rarely mentioned. More and more newly manufactured objects are often tagged at production and made traceable. Tales of Things provides a design space for exploring the value of a user-generated Internet of Old Things in which people's memories Hans Scharler MyToaster In 2008, Hans Scharler released MyToaster, a toaster that connects to the Internet and updates its Twitter status with either Toasting or Done Toasting. The toaster connects to the Internet via ioBridge and uses web services from ThingSpeak to interface with the Twitter API. CheerLights In 2011, Hans Scharler released CheerLights, a global network of synchronized multicolored lights. Internet of things Pittsburgh On April 9, 2014, Hans Scharler formed IoTPGH, an Internet of things Meetup (website) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
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motion of the observer. It should be contrasted with the aberration of light, which depends upon the instantaneous velocity of the observer at the time of observation, and is independent of the motion or distance of the object. Light-time correction can be applied to any object whose distance and motion are known. In particular, it is usually necessary to apply it to the motion of a planet or other solar system object. For this reason, the combined displacement of the apparent position due to the effects of light-time correction and aberration is known as planetary aberration. By convention, light-time correction is Apparent place The apparent place of an object is its position in space as seen by an observer. Because of physical and geometrical effects it may differ from the "true" or "geometric" position. Astronomy In astronomy, a distinction is made between the mean position, apparent position and topocentric position of an object. Solar System objects The apparent position of a planet or other object in the Solar System is also affected by light-time correction, which is caused by the finite time it takes light from a moving body to reach the observer. Simply put, the observer sees the object in the speed of light. This velocity was used by many in the 19th century to criticize any model based on a finite speed of gravity, like electrical or mechanical explanations of gravitation. From a modern point of view, Laplace's analysis is incorrect. Not knowing about Lorentz' invariance of static fields, Laplace assumed that when an object like the Earth is moving around the Sun, the attraction of the Earth would not be toward the instantaneous position of the Sun, but toward where the Sun had been if its position was retarded using the relative velocity (this retardation actually does happen with Light-time correction Light-time correction is a displacement in the apparent position of a celestial object from its true position (or geometric position) caused by the object's motion during the time it takes its light to reach an observer. Light-time correction occurs in principle during the observation of any moving object, because the speed of light is finite. The magnitude and direction of the displacement in position depends upon the distance of the object from the observer and the motion of the object, and is measured at the instant at which the object's light reaches the observer. It is independent of the exhibit interesting plasmon-related effects like kinetic inductance and surface plasmon resonance. Likewise, optical fields interact with semiconductors in a fundamentally different way than microwaves do. Near-field optics If you take the Fourier transform of an object, it consists of different spatial frequencies. The higher frequencies correspond to the very fine features and sharp edges. When light is emitted by such an object, the light with very high spatial frequency forms an evanescent wave, which only exists in the near field (very close to the object, within a wavelength or two) and disappears in the far field. This is the origin of in contradiction to geometry. Jean Paul Van Bendegem has argued that the Tile Argument can be resolved, and that discretization can therefore remove the paradox. Peter Lynds Peter Lynds has argued that all of Zeno's motion paradoxes are resolved by the conclusion that instants in time and instantaneous magnitudes do not physically exist. Lynds argues that an object in relative motion cannot have an instantaneous or determined relative position (for if it did, it could not be in motion), and so cannot have its motion fractionally dissected as if it does, as is assumed by the paradoxes. For more about the first order of approximation by Doppler spectroscopy. The quantity obtained by this method may be called the barycentric radial-velocity measure or spectroscopic radial velocity. However, due to relativistic and cosmological effects over the great distances that light typically travels to reach the observer from an astronomical object, this measure cannot be accurately transformed to a geometric radial velocity without additional assumptions about the object and the space between it and the observer. By contrast, astrometric radial velocity is determined by astrometric observations (for example, a secular change in the annual parallax). Spectroscopic radial velocity Light from an object with a related to special relativity, see tests of special relativity. The effect According to simple emission theory, light thrown off by an object should move at a speed of with respect to the emitting object. If there are no complicating dragging effects, the light would then be expected to move at this same speed until it eventually reached an observer. For an object moving directly towards (or away from) the observer at metres per second, this light would then be expected to still be travelling at ( or ) metres per second at the time it reached of light, acceleration no longer follows classical equations. As speeds approach that of light, the acceleration produced by a given force decreases, becoming infinitesimally small as light speed is approached; an object with mass can approach this speed asymptotically, but never reach it. General relativity Unless the state of motion of an object is known, it is impossible to distinguish whether an observed force is due to gravity or to acceleration—gravity and inertial acceleration have identical effects. Albert Einstein called this the equivalence principle, and said that only observers who feel no force at all—including the force of gravity—are justified in of straight-line motion, since as a static influence it is instantaneous at distance when seen by observers at constant transverse velocity. For orbits in which velocity (direction of speed) changes slowly, it is almost infinite. The attraction toward an object moving with a steady velocity is towards its instantaneous position with no delay, for both gravity and electric charge. In a field equation consistent with special relativity (i.e., a Lorentz invariant equation), the attraction between static charges moving with constant relative velocity is always toward the instantaneous position of the charge (in this case, the "gravitational charge" of the Sun), not
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of self-respect as his willingness to prostitute our songs demonstrates. Neither Gordon (vegetarian) nor me (gourmet) eat garbage like Wendy's burgers. I can't endorse them because I disagree with corporate food on culinary, political, health, economic and environmental grounds. However, I see my life's work trivialized at the hands of my business partner over and over again, although I have raised my objections numerous times. As disgusted as you are I am more so." Ritchie filed a lawsuit against Gano in August 2007, seeking half ownership of Violent Femmes' music and access to royalty accounting. Many speculated this would lead to Athlete When In College," Cranston wrote: "I have had several serious sicknesses since I left college which I attribute to the great strain of my athletic training. On the whole I can't say that athletics have benefitted me any in my business career. I sincerely believe I would have been better off in my life since college if I had left athletics alone. ... I've never received any benefit in business life from athletics. I am not a broken down man by any means, but I only speak the truth when I say I should have been better off had I closing, I would like to say my favorite hero was Muhammad Ali. He said at one time, quote, 'I am the greatest,' end of quote. That is something I always wanted to be. And now that the Association has voted me into the Baseball Hall of Fame, my journey as a player is complete. I am now in the class of the greatest players of all time. And at this moment, I am ... [pause] ... very, very humble. Thank you. Asked if he believes the passage of time will improve his reputation, Henderson said: If you talk about baseball, you can't battle, he would sigh because he thought that he could never be like them. He once told his family and friends, "The Empire is in a state of chaos, with so many people fighting for power. Throughout history, only extraordinary people will succeed in becoming rich and famous. Now that I can't do anything with this crippling injury, I am no different from being dead. I intend to cut my leg. If I am lucky enough to survive and be able to straighten my leg, then I'll be able to pursue my dreams. If I die, then so be it." because I am a musician, because I needed it, and because with my venerable authors I can't delete or dispute anything. But I had better stop before I say too much." was passing me by. It was hard seeing the competitions on TV in my house, but I wouldn't let myself quit. First of all, because I can't give up on something that fills me with happiness and that I still enjoy very much. Second, I know who I am, and what I am capable of doing if I set my mind to it, so there's nothing like keeping on training and setting new goals to keep myself motivated. Of course, not every day is a great day, but overcoming the hard parts is what makes us realize why we are me in a different direction with "I Think We're Alone Now," and then all of a sudden I was a pop star. But I loved it. My dreams had come true, but then there was also that side of, "You're a young teen," and there were so many people telling me, "You can't do that now. You can't dress like this. You can't date boys." It was like all of a sudden the world was watching, but it was mainly the corporate world, the business side of it, and it was very frustrating, because my fans were changing; they were meeting [Cloud Atlas co-directors] the Wachowskis because I have always admired them enormously. And they are so charming and fascinating.... I slightly called my own bluff. In one of the parts I am a cannibal, about 2,000 years in the future, and I thought, "I can do that. It's easy." And then I am suddenly standing in a cannibal skirt on a mountaintop in Germany and they are saying, "You know, hungry! We must have that flesh-eating, like a leopard who is so hungry", and I am thinking, "I can't do that! Just give me a witty line!" Personality Grant is powerless and can't remove us from the hand of God. I've had to go through the fact that I set up my dad in sainthood, but never addressed the years of abuse. I am not my shame. I'm not my guilt. Christ is not getting back on the cross. It's finished once and for all. For the first time, after years of being in the church, I feel like I'm seeing a part of God and myself. This is the first time I'm really living it. I am worthy. It's been a big shift for me. I'm done telling translated for me. I heard Humphrey saying things that sounded like socialism, which I had just left. But then I heard Nixon speak. He was talking about free enterprise, getting the government off your back, lowering the taxes and strengthening the military. Listening to Nixon speak sounded more like a breath of fresh air. I said to my friend, I said, "What party is he?" My friend said, "He's a Republican." I said, "Then I am a Republican." And I have been a Republican ever since. In 1985, Schwarzenegger appeared in "Stop the Madness", an anti-drug music video sponsored by the Reagan
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time such a planet could have the same orbiting velocity and path as Earth, so that if it was positioned 180 degrees from Earth, it would remain behind the Sun being blocked from view from Earth indefinitely. Although a Counter-Earth would not be directly visible from the Earth since the Sun is in the way, if such a planet actually existed, it could still be detected from the Earth for a number of reasons. A Counter-Earth would have gravitational influence (perturbation) upon the other planets, comets and man-made probes of the Solar System. Researchers have detected no such influence, and indeed best contrasting double stars in the sky due to their different colors. It is not known whether the two components β Cygni A and B are orbiting around each other in a physical binary system, or if they are merely an optical double. If they are a physical binary, their orbital period is probably at least 100,000 years. Some experts, however, support the optical double argument, based on observations that suggest different proper motions for the components, which implies that they are unrelated. The primary and secondary also have different measured distances from the Hipparcos mission – 434 ± 20 light-years (133 ± 6 pc) for INSAT which carry instruments for meteorological purposes. Polar orbiting Polar orbiting weather satellites circle the Earth at a typical altitude of 850 km (530 miles) in a north to south (or vice versa) path, passing over the poles in their continuous flight. Polar orbiting weather satellites are in sun-synchronous orbits, which means they are able to observe any place on Earth and will view every location twice each day with the same general lighting conditions due to the near-constant local solar time. Polar orbiting weather satellites offer a much better resolution than their geostationary counterparts due their closeness to Kepler-52b, Kepler-52c and Kepler-57b have maximum-masses between 30 and 100 times the mass of Earth (although the actual masses could be much lower); with radii about 2 Earth radii, they might have densities larger than that of an iron planet of the same size. As such, exoplanets orbiting very close to their stars could be the remnant cores of evaporated gas giants or brown dwarfs. If cores are massive enough they could remain compressed for billions of years despite losing the atmospheric mass. As there is a lack of gaseous "hot-super-Earths" between 2.2 and 3.8 Earth-radii exposed to over 650 Earth with natural processes. He characterized many of the processes of modern society as linear (unidirectional, such as extractive mining technologies) that were producing garbage at unprecedented rates — not only that visible in garbage dumps, but also unseen molecular garbage. Since "all linear processes must eventually come to an end," the only way to save ourselves from the consequences, in his view, would be to restore the cyclical processes of nature: For roughly the past hundred years, humans have been disrupting the cyclical processes of nature at an accelerating pace. All human societies are, in varying degrees, now processing natural resources a system is to take two accelerators and aim them at each other. However, the chance that two ions will collide is infinitesimal; most of the ions would fly by each other and their energy would be lost. In order to make such a system practical in energy terms, the particles need to be recirculated so they have many chances to collide. One way to do this is to use a storage ring, but those ions that come close to a reaction scatter out at high angles that make them exit the rings. Simple mathematics showed this approach would not The two stars are about 3.24 light-years apart, and each would appear bright in the other's sky. Arcturus would appear as roughly magnitude -5.2 (about 120 times brighter than it appears from Earth, or close to twice the brightness of Venus) in the night sky of a hypothetical planet orbiting Eta Boötis, while Eta Boötis would appear at about magnitude −2.4 (absolute magnitude −2.41 at 0.99 parsec) in the sky of a hypothetical planet orbiting Arcturus, or over twice the brightness of Sirius in the night sky. of almost equal mass and spectral type (B3V) orbiting each other every 3.26 days. There is a third star separated by 22 arcseconds, which has a magnitude of 7.5 and is likely a smaller B-type main sequence star of spectral type B9V. The system is 530 ± 20 light-years distant from Earth, Eta Normae is a yellow giant of spectral type G8III with an apparent magnitude of 4.65. It shines with a luminosity approximately 66 times that of the Sun. Iota¹ Normae is a multiple star system. The AB (mag 5.2 and 5.76) pair orbit each other with a period of 26.9 years; they are these effects disperse the meteoroids and create a broader stream. The meteors we see from these streams are part of annual showers, because Earth encounters those streams every year at much the same rate. When the meteoroids collide with other meteoroids in the zodiacal cloud, they lose their stream association and become part of the "sporadic meteors" background. Long since dispersed from any stream or trail, they form isolated meteors, not a part of any shower. These random meteors will not appear to come from the radiant of the main shower. Perseids and Leonids The most visible meteor shower in most (MODIS) imagery. The new layer manager can be used to add data visualization on the Earth or other planets. Planets Planets mode currently allows users to view 3D models of eight celestial bodies: Venus, Mars, Jupiter, the Galilean moons of Jupiter, and our own planet's moon. It also allows users to view a Mandelbrot set. Sky Sky mode is the main feature of the software. It allows users to view high quality images of outer space with images from many space and Earth-based telescopes. Each image is shown at its actual position in the sky. There are over 200 full-sky
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sold them, or if they are over 28 square meters and sell beverages from the same manufacturer or importer. Businesses are not required to accept more than 50 bottles per customer per day. The deposit was initially ₪0.25, but was raised shortly after the ₪0.05 coin was discontinued. In 2015, the system achieved a total return rate of 77%. Most 500 mL beer bottles (local brands such as Goldstar and Maccabee plus certain imported ones like Carlsberg and Tuborg) have a deposit of ₪1.20, and are willingly accepted even by smaller businesses (plastic water bottles, glass wine bottles and soda cans are mostly can be used, such as used beer bottles, flip-top bottles with rubber stoppers such as Grolsch, or even plastic bottles such as soda bottles, provided they are properly sanitised. Priming briefly reactivates the yeast that remains in the bottle, carbonating the brew. Homebrewed beers and lagers are typically unfiltered (filtering improves visual appearance of the product, but complicates carbonation). Bottled beer becomes clear quicker than kegged beer, since the yeast does not have as far to descend. In homebrewing, adding priming sugar or malt extract at bottling time to beer that has had its fermentable sugar content totally consumed is the in Montenegro Beer for home consumption is mostly sold in 500 ml, 330 ml, and 250 ml glass bottles, 330 ml or 500 ml cans. As of 2004, beer is very often sold in plastic Q-pack bottles of 2 litres. This beer is cheaper though equal in quality. Half-litre glass bottles (popularly "mason's beer" – zidarsko pivo) are very common. In bars, pubs and restaurants beer is either served either in 500 ml or 330 ml bottles or as draught beer (točeno pivo), in 250 ml, 330 ml or 500 ml glasses. Light beer dominates in Montenegro. Due to significantly lower consumption, company was merged with the Helidon Spa Water Company to become "kirk's" in 1959. Before the 2000 merger under Coca-Cola Amatil, Kirks sold its creaming soda under the name "Kandy". Fruita and Sno Drop were originally products of Halls, whereas Kole Beer was produced by Gest. The brand's "Olde Stoney" ginger beer originates its name from the stone pottery bottles that non-alcoholic ginger beer was sold in during the 1800s. Kirks Originals: Creaming Soda, Lemonade, Big Sars, Old Stoney Ginger Beer, Lemon Squash, Pasito, Portello, Ginger Ale (QLD Only), Kole Beer (WA Only), Sno Drop (SA Only), Fruita (VIC, SA & Stars & Stripes (soft drink) Description Like other generic soda brands, Stars & Stripes comes in various flavors. Currently, the beverage is offered in cola, grape, lemonade, Loopy Limon (lemon-lime), Mountain Citrus, orange, pink lemonade, and root beer varieties. Stars & Stripes sodas contain both high fructose corn syrup and aspartame (generic NutraSweet). The drinks are sold in both bottles and cans. Stars & Stripes is most often sold at dollar stores. not returned". The Great Depression and "materials shortages" during World War II made the deposit system common for milk, beer, and soda bottles. By 1947, bottle loss in the United States decreased to about 3 to 4%. The bottle deposit system was common for beer and soda bottles in the United States until after World War II, when Americans’ consumption patterns changed. The rise of nonreturnable bottles The deposit system and returnable bottles started to get replaced by nonreturnable containers. The beer industry was the first to switch to non-returnable containers, which proved difficult at first, because pressure in the consumer containers have been in reuse systems. Reusable bottles for milk, soda, and beer have been part of closed-loop use-return-clean-refill-reuse cycles. Food storage containers are typically reusable. Thick plastic water bottles are promoted as an environmental improvement over thin single-use water bottles. Some plastic cups can be re-used, though most are disposable. Home canning often uses glass mason jars which are often reused several times. Many non-food types of containers, including reusable shopping bags, and luggage, are designed to be reused by consumers. With any food packaging, proper cleaning and disinfecting between each use is critical to health. In September root beer. Hires marketed it as a solid concentrate of sixteen wild roots and berries. It claimed to purify the blood and make rosy cheeks. In 1884, he began producing a liquid extract and a syrup for use in soda fountains, and was soon shipping root beer in kegs and producing a special fountain dispenser called the "Hires Automatic Munimaker." In 1890, the Charles E. Hires Company incorporated and began supplying Hires root beer in small bottles claiming over a million bottles sold by 1891. But Hires's choice of name for his product caused a problem: the word "beer" drew the Nesher Malt Beers Nesher Beer (or White Nesher) is a pale lager beer produced from various grains. It is a light beer, defined as a Schankbier. It is the first beer produced in Israel, which was acquired by Tempo when it acquired Palestine Brewery Ltd. in 1985. Nesher Malt (or Black Nesher) is the non-alcoholic variety. It has a sweet taste and is sold in glass bottles of 330 ml or 500 ml and in 1.5 liter plastic bottles. commodities sold today, including plastic beverage bottles.They were first used commercially in 1947 but remained relatively expensive until the early 1950s when high-density polyethylene was introduced. They quickly became popular with both manufacturers and customers because of their lightweight nature and relatively low production and transportation costs compared to glass bottles. However, the biggest advantage plastic bottles have over their glass counterparts is their superior resistance to breakage, in both production and transportation. Except for wine and beer, the food industry has almost completely replaced glass bottles with plastic bottles. Health and environmental issues There is ongoing concern as to
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on biological genetic heritability (e.g., works by Linda Gottfredson, Herrnstein & Murray's the Bell Curve, Richard Lynn, J. Phillip Rushton, and other scientists). These eugenic-based sciences are central to race arguments promoted by White supremacy organizations such as the American Renaissance or in White Supremacy publications such as David Duke's My Awakening. Terman's work on intelligence testing, which emphasized that racial differences were signs of evolutionary level of fitness as well as that his experiments on orphans, especially twin orphans, determined biological genetic hereditary origins of intelligence, remains foundational for contemporary arguments of "race realism" and behavioral genetic studies on Garrett's claim of the "Boas cult" as a Jewish conspiracy, after which "research on racial differences ceased, and the profession completely excluded eugenicists like Madison Grant and Charles Davenport." In 1994 the debate on race and intelligence was reignited by the publication of the book The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life by Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray. The book was received positively by the media, with prominent coverage in Newsweek, Time, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. Although only two chapters of the book were devoted to race differences in intelligence, treated from the same had failed to that date because of genetic group differences. A similar debate among academics followed the publication in 1994 of The Bell Curve by Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray. Their book prompted a renewal of debate on the issue and the publication of several interdisciplinary books on the issue. One contemporary response was a report from the American Psychological Association that found no conclusive explanation for the observed differences between average IQ scores of racial groups. Early history In the 18th century, European philosophers and scientists such as Voltaire, David Hume, Immanuel Kant, and Carl Linnaeus, proposed the has yet suggested that wearing earrings, or ties, is "in our genes," an inescapable fate that environment cannot influence, "dooming the liberal notion." He goes on to say there is almost no evidence of a genetic link, and greater evidence that environmental issues are what determine IQ differences. The Global Bell Curve The Global Bell Curve: Race, IQ and Inequality Worldwide is a book by Richard Lynn, originally published by publisher Washington Summit Publishers in 2008. The book aims to determine whether the racial and socioeconomic differences in average IQ originally reported in the Bell Curve in the United States also importance of genetic or environmental factors on the development of a given trait, nor does it convey the extent to which that trait is genetically determined. Arguments in support of a genetic explanation of racial differences in IQ are sometimes fallacious. For instance, hereditarians have sometimes cited the failure of known environmental factors to account for such differences, or the high heritability of intelligence within races, as evidence that racial differences in IQ are genetic. Psychometricians have found that intelligence is substantially heritable within populations, with 30–50% of variance in IQ scores in early childhood being attributable to genetic factors in continued to publish on the issue until his death in 2012. The Bell Curve debate Another revival of public debate followed the appearance of The Bell Curve (1994), a book by Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray, who strongly emphasized the societal effects of low IQ (focusing in most chapters strictly on the non-Hispanic white population of the United States). In 1994, a group of 52 researchers (mostly psychologists) signed an editorial statement "Mainstream Science on Intelligence" in response to the book. The Bell Curve also led to a 1995 report from the American Psychological Association, "Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns", acknowledging Myth (1996) and an expanded edition of Gould's The Mismeasure of Man (1996). In 1994 a group of 52 scientists, including Rushton, Lynn, Jensen and Eysenck, were cosignatories of an op-ed article in the Wall Street Journal written by Linda Gottfredson entitled "Mainstream Science on Intelligence". The article, supporting the conclusions of The Bell Curve, was later republished in an expanded version in the journal Intelligence. The editorial included the statements: Genetics plays a bigger role than environment in creating IQ differences among individuals ... The bell curve for whites is centred roughly around IQ 100; the bell curve for American fustian thinking." A Question of Intelligence Seligman wrote extensively on taboos such as political correctness and genetics. His book, A Question of Intelligence: The IQ Debate in America, claimed that Intelligence quotient is at least partially heritable and that there are meaningful differences in IQ between races. In a review published in the December 1992 issue of Commentary magazine, Charles Murray, author of The Bell Curve, another book on the IQ issue, described how Seligman had been approached by the Whittle corporation and asked to write a book on IQ for its Whittle books series of brief books covering scholarly racist work in psychology used to legitimize oppression of African Americans and promote the idea of black inferiority. The 2nd Edition of the book was published in 1998, with responses to new developments in the field, such as The Bell Curve which suggested racial differences in IQ and intelligence between races. Even more crucial than the examination of racist academic work was the book's work cataloging the work and triumphs of early Black psychologists. While he studied for his master's at the University of Kentucky, one of Guthrie’s professors expressed doubts about the importance of contributions by Black psychologists such as higher average IQ scores than do Caucasians, who, in turn, have higher average IQs than African Americans. Nevertheless, greater variation in IQ scores exists within each ethnic group than between them. In response to the controversial 1994 book The Bell Curve, the American Psychological Association (APA) formed a task-force of eleven experts, which issued a report, "Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns" in 1995. Regarding group differences, the report reaffirmed the consensus that differences within groups are much wider than difference between groups, and that that claims of ethnic difference in intelligence should be scrutinized carefully, as this had been used to justify
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itself may rotate relative to the sun gear. Epicyclic gearing systems also incorporate the use of an outer ring gear or annulus, which meshes with the planet gears. Planetary gears (or epicyclic gears) are typically classified as simple or compound planetary gears. Simple planetary gears have one sun, one ring, one carrier, and one planet set. Compound planetary gears involve one or more of the following three types of structures: meshed-planet (there are at least two more planets in mesh with each other in each planet train), stepped-planet (there exists a shaft connection between two planets in each planet train), and the geared-down stepper motor has a smaller minimum step-size than the same stepper motor without a gearbox. While there are many involved factors, planetary gearboxes may help produce very high quality 3D prints. One popular use of 3D printed planetary gear systems is as toys for children. Since herringbone gears are easy to 3D print, it has become very popular to 3D print a moving herringbone planetary gear system for teaching children how gears work. An advantage of herringbone gears is that they don't fall out of the ring and don't need a mounting plate. radially by the gear, without lateral pressure on the gear teeth. In a typical application, the drive power connects to the sun gear. The sun gear then drives the planetary gears assembled with the external gear ring to operate. The whole set of planetary gear system revolves on its own axis and along the external gear ring where the output shaft connected to the planetary carrier achieves the goal of speed reduction. A higher reduction ratio can be achieved by doubling the multiple staged gears and planetary gears. The method of motion of a planetary gear structure is different from traditional parallel Ibn Khalaf al-Muradi in Islamic Iberia. His geared water clock employed a complex gear train mechanism that included both segmental and epicyclic gearing. Richard of Wallingford, an English abbot of St Albans monastery, later described epicyclic gearing for an astronomical clock in the 14th century. In 1588, Italian military engineer Agostino Ramelli invented the bookwheel, a vertically-revolving bookstand containing epicyclic gearing with two levels of planetary gears to maintain proper orientation of the books. Compound planetary gears "Compound planetary gear" is a general concept and it refers to any planetary gears involving one or more of the following three types of gear mesh phase" in technical term). The assembly conditions of compound planetary gears are more restrictive than simple planetary gears, and they must be assembled in the correct initial orientation relative to each other, or their teeth will not simultaneously engage the sun and ring gear at opposite ends of the planet, leading to very rough running and short life. Compound planetary gears can easily achieve larger transmission ratio with equal or smaller volume. For example, compound planets with teeth in a 2:1 ratio with a 50T ring gear would give the same effect as a 100T ring gear, planetary gears, an output sun gear connected to the steering pinion, and a rotating housing. If the housing is held still, the driver’s steer inputs are translated from the input sun gear, thought the planetary gears (sharing a common lay shaft) to the output sun gear with a net 1:1 ratio. I.e. if the planetary gear housing is held still, conventional steering operation is retained. This characteristic provides a means of steering the vehicle in the event of an active steering system failure. The planetary gear housing features external gear teeth and can be rotated by a motor and worm gear. Ravigneaux planetary gearset The Ravigneaux gearset is a double planetary gear set, invented by Pol Ravigneaux, who filed a patent application on July 28, 1949, in Neuilly-sur-Seine France. This planetary gear set, commonly used in automatic transmissions, is constructed from two gear pairs, ring-planet and planet-planet. The Ravigneaux set has two sun gears, a large sun and a small sun, and a single planet carrier, holding two sets of planetary gears, inner planets and outer planets. The carrier is one sub-assembly but has two radii to couple with the inner and outer planets, respectively. The two sets of planet multi-stage structures (the system contains two or more planet sets). Compared to simple planetary gears, compound planetary gears have the advantages of larger reduction ratio, higher torque-to-weight ratio, and more flexible configurations. The axes of all gears are usually parallel, but for special cases like pencil sharpeners and differentials, they can be placed at an angle, introducing elements of bevel gear (see below). Further, the sun, planet carrier and ring axes are usually coaxial. Epicyclic gearing is also available which consists of a sun, a carrier, and two planets which mesh with each other. One planet meshes with the sun as they can, going up to 2nd as soon as possible, and especially avoiding reducing to 1st unless absolutely necessary (very slow speed plus floored throttle). Modern gearsets The Simpson gearset is now more or less obsolete. Other gearsets can make 4 forward gears with just two planetaries. Most modern gearboxes employ the Ravigneaux planetary gearset design, which produces 4 forward gears from a single set, or a Lepelletier gearset which provides 6 or more forward gears by adding another standard planetary to the Ravigneaux gearset. Nevertheless, some new cars are still sold with automatic transmissions based on the Simpson gearset. gearsets. As originally invented, the Ravigneaux puts two planetary gear trains on a single planet carrier. It has two sun gears, two ring gears, and two sets of planet gears on a single carrier. Using a single carrier makes the Ravigneaux smaller, lighter, and less expensive to make, because the carrier is usually the largest and most expensive part of a planetary gearset. The original patent application proposed that electromagnetic clutches be used in the transmission. The year of the patent was 1949, a time when pressure operated hydraulic technology was less well developed. Several years
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to Larry. In fact, Curly was so ill during production that he could no longer remember what few lines he had. Moe's son-in-law Norman Maurer was present during filming, and recalled Curly was hurting. "He was having trouble with his coordination," recalled Maurer. "He was supposed to pop pills in his mouth during the (doctor's office) scene, but the scene was switched to Moe putting the pills into Curly's mouth because of Curly's physical problems." Emergency contraception Emergency contraceptive pills Emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs) (sometimes referred to as emergency hormonal contraception, EHC) are taken after unprotected sexual intercourse or breakage of a condom. Types A variety of types of emergency contraceptive pills are available: combined estrogen and progestin pills, progestin-only (levonorgestrel, LNG) pills, and antiprogestin (ulipristal acetate or mifepristone) pills. Progestin-only and antiprogestin pills are available specifically packaged for use as emergency contraceptive pills. Emergency contraceptive pills originally contained higher doses of the same hormones (estrogens, progestins, or both) found in regular combined oral contraceptive pills. Combined estrogen and progestin pills are no longer recommended many mercury pills, "till her mouth begun to be sore". Not satisfied with the treatments meted out by European doctors, Coobah resorted to myal prescriptions, for which Thistlewood reprimanded her. Franke was also given mercury pills as a cure for the "clap". In 1770, when Jimmy developed a "violent itching", the doctor prescribed brimstone, grease, salts, and, of course, mercury pills. In 1771, Phoebe's leg broke out into sores, after which the doctor gave her mercury pills. That experience must have been unpleasant, because when her leg broke out into sores the following year, she hid it from Thistlewood, of hyposalivation significantly overlaps with that of xerostomia. A reduction in saliva production to about 50% of the normal unstimulated level will usually result in the sensation of dry mouth. Altered saliva composition may also be responsible for xerostomia. Physiologic Salivary flow rate is decreased during sleep, which may lead to a transient sensation of dry mouth upon waking. This disappears with eating or drinking or with oral hygiene. When associated with halitosis, this is sometimes termed "morning breath". Dry mouth is also a common sensation during periods of anxiety, probably owing to enhanced sympathetic drive. Dehydration is known to of antipsychotics can result in psychosis. It may also result in reoccurrence of the condition that is being treated. Rarely tardive dyskinesia can occur when the medication is stopped. Peripheral effects Chlorpromazine is an antagonist to H₁ receptors (provoking antiallergic effects), H₂ receptors (reduction of forming of gastric juice), M₁ and M₂ receptors (dry mouth, reduction in forming of gastric juice) and some 5-HT receptors (different anti-allergic/gastrointestinal actions). Because it acts on so many receptors, chlorpromazine is often referred to as a "dirty drug". History In 1933, the French pharmaceutical company Laboratoires Rhône-Poulenc began to search for new anti-histamines. In Birth control Hormonal Hormonal contraception is available in a number of different forms, including oral pills, implants under the skin, injections, patches, IUDs and a vaginal ring. They are currently available only for women, although hormonal contraceptives for men have been and are being clinically tested. There are two types of oral birth control pills, the combined oral contraceptive pills (which contain both estrogen and a progestin) and the progestogen-only pills (sometimes called minipills). If either is taken during pregnancy, they do not increase the risk of miscarriage nor cause birth defects. Both types of birth control pills prevent They are also present in nearly all European regions, other than the Far North. Many different types of environments are able to support the growth of dry grasslands, so it is possible for them to be found all over the world. Despite this, they are rarely found on flat areas. Types of grasslands There are four main types of grasslands, which differ slightly in their main characteristics and are found in different areas across the globe: – Zonal steppes These dry grasslands are in lowland areas with temperate climate, receiving little precipitation (less than 450 mm per year). They are distributed through nervous stomach, sweaty palms, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, nausea, dry mouth and trembling. The sufferer may experience feelings of panic, terror and dread. Resulting panic attacks can include hyperventilation and stress. These negative and agitating symptoms can be produced by both the thought of making and receiving calls and the action of doing so. Effects The telephone is important for both contacting others and accessing important and useful services. As a result, this phobia causes a great deal of stress and impacts people's personal lives, work lives and social lives. Sufferers avoid many activities, such as scheduling events or as dedicated emergency contraceptive pills (because this regimen is less effective and caused more nausea), but certain regular combined oral contraceptive pills (taken 2-5 at a time in what was called "the Yuzpe regimen") have also been shown to be effective as emergency contraceptive pills. Progestin-only emergency contraceptive pills contain levonorgestrel, either as a single tablet (or historically, as a split dose of two tablets taken 12 hours apart), effective up to 72 hours after intercourse. Progestin-only ECPs are sold under many different brand names. Progestin-only ECPs are available over-the-counter (OTC) in many countries (e.g. Australia, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, airways, eyes redness, and dry throat. Serious adverse events related to e-cigarettes were hypotension, seizure, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, disorientation, and congestive heart failure but it was unclear the degree to which they were the result of e-cigarettes. Less serious adverse effects include abdominal pain, dizziness, headache, blurry vision, throat and mouth irritation, vomiting, nausea, and coughing. Short-term adverse effects reported most often were mouth and throat irritation, dry cough, and nausea. Nicotine poisoning related to e-cigarettes include ingestion, inhalation, or absorption via the skin or eyes. Accidental poisoning can result from using undiluted concentrated nicotine when mistakenly used as prepared
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You Little Beauty Background Upon release Fisher told Zane Lowe on Beats 1: "The vocal itself is so amazing. All I wanted to do was just put my Fisher charm to it really, and I just wanted to make a big old bassline, put some hats and a good old kick, and away we went." Fisher added: "'You Little Beauty' is basically what we always say on Gold Coast is when everyone's going mad, or having fun, or doing something goofy - you just say 'you little beauty'. I basically just made that song and I thought, what can I just pretending. Race is a complete illusion, make-believe." This dichotomy between the idea that race is fictional, yet manifested in reality is something that is analyzed in several instances throughout the novel. Senna notes how passing can be a disorienting experience for one's identity, and in an interview she said, When you go into passing, you assume that you'll always be clear on the original real self; that the performance will be just the performance. But for Birdie I think that when you do it long enough, you know, that becomes really blurry and dangerous. Your sense of identity becomes change color as one moves around them, as if lit by multihued bulbs." McCracken states the following. "I was always primarily interested in form alone, but then to make a form, you have to make it out of something. So color seemed a natural material to use, because color is abstract. If you make a form that appears to be composed of color, then you have something, an object, that's pretty abstract. Just form alone would be more abstract, of course, because it's just a mental idea, but you don't have anything there for your perceptions to grapple with unless you point for me as I discovered something in myself. You know when you do something and the piece is far bigger than you are. Just by luck or unconscious something pops out and you're like 'whoa, what was that?'. And with that piece it was a willingness to be totally sincere and borderline maudlin but hopefully not. Emotional without being maudlin. I had always been sort of afraid of that and hidden before behind maybe a little irony or a just little distance. But that piece kinda showed me that I can get really emotional, I can get really sincere are good kids. They're not coming after you, it's just the enemy is taking shots at you. He's taking shots at you because you're something special and he's afraid of something you may do. I've always told him to set his mind on things above, and he started singing this song, 'You are holy, righteous and redeemed.' I just started bawling. From time to time I can hear him singing this song in the house and I've thought that's the reason to make a record." Composition "Greater" is an Americana track with folk and country elements and some acoustic elements, with success or failure, they are always able to enjoy the experience. This demonstrates the ability to make oneself feel joy in living, which is a great gift from above, just like a tail, which you can wag just for fun, when you have time to spare from trying to do something. Actually, we all have a tail, which is also trying to keep us happy. What is the purpose of that tail? Finding your own happiness. monster and a wand, and their interplay is to be discovered. There is time pressure because you die if your food runs out, food is scattered around the dungeon. There is a limit to what you can carry, forcing you to leave valuable items behind. The gold and gems you carry when you die increases your score, but it is heavy too. The player must enter Hell to recover the Amulet. Entering Hell for the uninitiated just means that "you burn to a crisp". (In NetHack, Hell is renamed.) The player encounters special rooms such as shops, him (Teixeira) to do it when the closer is in the game. But the middle guys, you want to make 'em throw ... He feels like he's going to only get one pitch in that type of situation to do something with. He wants to take advantage of it. I've got no problem with that. But can you guarantee with that one pitch that you're going to do something with it? I don't think any ballplayer on earth can guarantee that. You might pop it up, miss it, roll over it, jam yourself. Then you make one out on one 5 in every city. Just love the music, that's all it is, I love the music. i try to find every record that was ever made, I like making tapes for people to expose them to what they missed. Punk was always creativity to me and expression and it still is to some degree only you have to dig harder.... I just try to support things that I like and those are the things that took time and effort, practice, you know. If you really care then eventually you will make something that is really good". The title of the fanzine members of this Circulo: ‘That it is not all farce in the farce; because there is something divine in our lives that is real and eternal, and it does not end when the farce is over.’ Circulo Escenico may you age, neither by your years nor by your labor because they make you old and staunch your energies, but by the lack of Hispanic elements that time is claiming at its passage, whose breath and spirit are your life. Continue with your sublime and beautiful mission and always raise the curtains when you can, even if in the final act only
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When more suggestive dialogue is present, the episode is rated TV-PG-D. The first three seasons are rated TV-PG-D while the latter two are rated TV-PG. Unlike many other animated shows, this series has a different logo for every season (while each season might have multiple alternate logos). Location Most seasons in this series takes place in a different location. The first season, Total Drama Island, is set at Camp Wawanakwa, a fictional island located in an unspecified area in Muskoka, Ontario. The second season, Total Drama Action, is set in an abandoned movie studio lot in Toronto, Ontario. In the before that time. The rating for each program is shown at the start and after each commercial break. Some PGR programs and most AO programs have an advisory before the program begins to advise of any specific content that could offend viewers such as language, nudity, sex and violence. Singapore Singapore has adopted the use of TV Ratings from 15 July 2011. They consist of PG and PG13 ratings for Free-to-Air TV and NC16 and M18 ratings in addition to the PG and PG13 ratings for Pay TV channels. For Free-to-Air TV, the shows rated PG may be aired anytime subtly asks why would a student shoot one of his friends. The episode ends with Toby and Emma staring at the collages and crying. Ratings Part I was rated TV-PG-V in the United States, and Part II was rated TV-14-VL. of Olmedo's movies in the 1980s were adult-oriented comedies featuring Jorge Porcel and vedettes Moria Casán and Susana Giménez. Conservative Argentine authorities rated these movies as PM-18 (age 18 and above), save for a few tamer films aimed at family audiences. The "Olmedo and Porcel" movies are considered to be the pinnacle of Argentina's sexploitation movie genre. Most of these movies were directed by Gerardo Sofovich or his brother Hugo, who also directed Olmedo's TV shows El Chupete (The Pacifier) and No Toca Botón! (Don't Touch That Button!). TV career Olmedo's Capitán Piluso show was a hit with children in the was in many ways more critically acclaimed. The late 1990s also saw an increase in Star Trek production, including the conclusion of TNG's three movies and the launch of Voyager, while DS9 was still on air. "The Best of Both Worlds, Part I" was ranked No. 70 on TV Guide's 100 Greatest Episodes of All Time. In 2002, Star Trek: The Next Generation was ranked #46 on TV Guide's 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time list, and in 2008, was ranked No. 37 on Empire's list of the 50 greatest television shows. "Yesterday's Enterprise" was rated as the top episode of is not guaranteed. Regardless of whether or not she takes the mission, she always takes credit and celebrates her success by going out for "sushi (or something)." Likewise, there are a number of other constants that follow through the series, often under contrived circumstances. All of those episodes are rated TV-PG. It was later made into 12 full-length episodes, which are rated TV-14 in the United States. An alternate dub with American pop-culture references, harsher language and newly-shot live-action sequences with the ADV Films cast aired on Anime Network and was rated TV-MA. ADV Films story arcs The multi-episode story arcs rating are specifically designed for a very young audience, including children ages 2-6. TV-Y7 This program is designed for children age 7 and above. Programs rated TV-Y7 are designed for children age 7 and older. The FCC states that it "may be more appropriate for children who have acquired the developmental skills needed to distinguish between make-believe and reality." Programs given the "FV" content descriptor exhibit more 'fantasy violence' and are generally more intense or combative than other programs rated TV-Y7. TV-G This program is suitable for all ages. Programs rated TV-G are generally suited for all audiences, though they may not necessarily a crate and examined by "top men." Production The episode was written by Danny Smith and was directed by Peter Shin, Chuck Klein, and Zac Moncrief before the conclusion of the fourth production season. The episode was initially scheduled for September 18, 2005 but was aired a week earlier due to FOX delaying the broadcast of the episode "Perfect Castaway" over sensitivity for Hurricane Katrina victims, as the episode made many jokes about tropical storms. Although most episodes of Family Guy are rated TV-14, "Peter's Got Woods" was rated TV-PG. In addition to the regular cast, actors Gary Cole, Michael Dorn, R-rated films onto their daytime schedules starting in the mid-1980s. The policy was also applied to all TV-MA rated programs after the TV Parental Guidelines were implemented on January 1, 1997; however the main HBO channel began airing a limited amount of TV-MA rated original series, movies and documentaries that contain some strong profanity and violence, but are largely devoid of nudity, and graphic violent or sexual content on weekends before 8:00 p.m. Eastern in 2010. HBO began occasionally rebroadcasting R-rated films as early as 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time in 2012, as part of its Sunday rebroadcast of the prior 1981, the film ran to 140m 30s, and was classified as a "AA" by the BBFC, restricting it to those aged 14 and over. In 1982, the BBFC replaced the "AA" certificate with the higher age-specific "15", which was also applied to Excalibur when released on home video. The 140-minute version was initially released in the United States with an R-rating. Distributors later announced a 119m PG-rated version, with less graphic sex and violence, but it was not widely released. Most home video releases are the R-rated version, but commercial TV channels may use the PG cut. When Excalibur first premiered
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50% and a majority of the rest ends up in the black liquor). In the mechanical pulp mills the majority of the electricity is converted to heat, creating steam which is utilized in the paper machines. He found it hard to gain financial support so that he could continue to spread electricity and irrigation systems to areas outside of Palmares, and changes in government officials caused his work to almost come to a complete halt. Rosa continued to persevere despite this though, and he was able to get electricity to 25,000 farmers in the early 1990s. His work was slowed again though, and he changed his method of action. After starting his own company, Agroelectric Adequate Technology Systems in 1992, Rosa began selling low-cost products that converted solar energy into electricity. He knew that the lack History of robots The history of robotics has its origins in the ancient world. The modern concept began to be developed with the onset of the Industrial Revolution, which allowed the use of complex mechanics, and the subsequent introduction of electricity. This made it possible to power machines with small compact motors. In the early 20th century, the notion of a humanoid machine was developed. Today, one can envisage human-sized robots with the capacity for near-human thoughts and movement. The first uses of modern robots were in factories as industrial robots – simple fixed machines capable of manufacturing tasks which Electric machine In electrical engineering, electric machine is a general term for machines using electromagnetic forces, such as electric motors, electric generators, and others. They are electromechanical energy converters: an electric motor converts electricity to mechanical power while an electric generator converts mechanical power to electricity. The moving parts in a machine can be rotating (rotating machines) or linear (linear machines). Besides motors and generators, a third category often included is transformers, which although they do not have any moving parts are also energy converters, changing the voltage level of an alternating current. Electric machines, in the form of over at the watch factory. J. Rauschenbach had a powerline installed which supplied it with electricity. During the first few years the electrical power was probably used only for lighting purposes and the galvanic gold-plating of watch movement parts. Shortly before the turn of the century, the company started converting its production machines to electricity. An electric motor made by Brown, Boveri & Co. from Baden powered the engines in the factory, transmitting the energy via a complicated arrangement of shafts and drive belts in the factory workshops. These were later replaced during the 1930s with individually world. Bo only recalls fragments of what happened to him and also exhibits the ability to absorb and discharge electricity as a result of his close encounter with one of the machines. After escaping the jail cell, Bo and Nadia work together trying to survive and get to the supposed safety of Bo's military base that is somewhere near Nairobi. Along the way, Nadia is taken by the alien machines and Bo finds his base in ruins. He eventually enters the ruins of Nairobi where he meets a group of resistance fighters who plan to use an EMP bomb on with transverse brick arches. There was no wood in the structure. It was powered by a large double beam engine. In 1850 the mill had some 276 carding machines, and 77,000 mule spindles, 20 drawing frames, fifty slubbing frames and eighty one roving frames. The structure was good and it successfully converted to ring spinning in 1920- and was the first mill to adopt mains electricity as its principal source of power. The mill structure was classified as a Grade II listed building in June 1994. to achieve larger electricity production. The devices of a park are going to interact with each other hydrodynamically and electrically, according to the number of machines, the distance among them, the geometric layout, the wave climate, the local geometry, the control strategies. The design process of a wave energy farm is a multi-optimization problem with the aim to get a high power production and low costs and power fluctuations. own electricity on machines (like treadmills, bike machines, rowing machines) that convert human energy into electricity. In addition to this, the residents of the community are rationed tiny amounts of water and required to store their urine so it can be purified and re-used without being wasted. These governing rules hint at the kind of political controls that are often employed to manage scarcity. These governing rules are linked to a broader matrix of social, political, and psychological controls where "The Council" has the final say over the actions of residents under punishment of arrest or confinement. not the first to build an electrostatic generator. European scientists developed machines to generate static electricity decades earlier. In 1663, Otto von Guericke generated static electricity with a device that used a sphere of sulfur. Francis Hauksbee developed a more advanced electrostatic generator around 1704 using a glass bulb that had a vacuum. He later replaced the globe with a glass tube of about 2.5 feet (0.76 m) emptied of air. The glass tube was a less effective static generator than the globe, but it became more popular because it was easier to use. Machines that generated static electricity with a glass
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of Ache Records was their compilation album Project: Bicycle. The album had eleven songs by various electronic or electro-acoustic musicians. These musicians were given a single sample of music, a recording of a bicycle recorded by Jesse Gander at Vancouver's Hive Studios, and they were tasked with composing a song using only that sample. Zemp recorded a number of local songs which were released on an LP in 1973, as a part of the UNESCO Musical Sources collection. One of the songs, a lullaby named "Rorogwela", sung by Afunakwa, a Northern Malaita woman, was used as a vocal sample in a 1992 single "Sweet Lullaby" by the French electronica duo Deep Forest, becoming a worldwide hit but also causing some controversy over perceived "pillaging" of the world music heritage by Western musicians. This is because while the single went on to be successful, Afunakwa was not originally credited for singing the vocal sample. Deep was described "a magnificent arrangement, like running through meadows," as opposed to the intimate tender sound of the Akiko Infinity Kokia version. Recording The bulk of the album recording took place between December 2008 and early February 2009. Between December 15–17, Kokia recorded five tracks in single takes backed with studio musicians. While some of the songs on the album were written specifically for it, many of them are older, unpublished songs. On the 6th of January, Kokia replaced three older songs originally intended for the albums with newer tracks she had written. "Dōke" was originally performed in 2002, and "Kono Mune songs. The third would be the musicians who add a certain nuance. And when they play, they play like they are a sample. Or we take a piece of what they played, and we sample and loop it." Along with a talking drum, Badu used tuning forks when recording New Amerykah Part One to evoke a certain feeling through its frequency, a practice she had done on her previous albums: "Each tuning fork has a certain vibrational energy that is conducive to a feeling or a color or a smell. They're related to different chakras in the body, too. Some may Songs that sample Impeach The President tend to have very progressive intentions and lyrics. Below is a rough list of songs which sample or interpolate the song and its drum intro: Waves (1980) albums and tours, and would later sample tympani in his drum solo, "The Rhythm Method" in 1988. More recently, the rock band Muse has incorporated timpani into some of their classically based songs, most notably in Exogenesis: Symphony, Part I (Overture). Jazz musicians also experimented with timpani. Sun Ra used it occasionally in his Arkestra (played, for example, by percussionist Jim Herndon on the songs "Reflection in Blue" and "El Viktor," both recorded in 1957). In 1964, Elvin Jones incorporated timpani into his drum kit on John Coltrane's four-part composition A Love Supreme. Butch Trucks, drummer with the The Originals (website) Concept The Originals was established to track down the original version of every possible song, melody, composition or sample. In many cases the tune listeners would recognize as "the original version" turns out to be much older and far more obscure. Visitors can use a search engine to type in the name of a musical work or artist and find the corresponding article. Articles about artists or bands provide a list of all of their songs which are covers and/or songs which have been covered. Articles about songs or melodies list all possible musical covers and versions. especially on the Afrikaans channel, with musicians such as Nico Carstens. However Carstens was also ostracised by the SABC, as his music was influenced by the Coloured and Malay communities of Cape Town. Eventually, musicians broke through the barrier, when the young, English-speaking Jewish musician and composer, Charles Segal collaborated with the older Afrikaans lyric-writer, Anton Dewaal, to write songs. Segal's songs like "Die Ou Kalahari" became highly popular with the Afrikaans-speaking public. However, there was tight censorship over all broadcasts, particularly of pop music, with, for example, the music of The Beatles being banned by the SABC between 1966 and Electronic Musician, ReMix, Music Tech, Sound on Sound, and Recording Magazines. Beta Monkey Music began with a simple philosophy: to offers musicians a viable alternative to high-priced sample libraries and to produce genre content not offered by the music sample industry. Beta Monkey quickly evolved and has developed over 50 drum sample libraries for multiple styles of music including rock, alt rock, heavy metal, blues, country, fusion, jazz, and world music. Beta Monkey Music has become one of the largest independent vendors of acoustic drum loop libraries and continues to develop and release drum samples and loops for musicians seeking an villanelle, canzonette, and dance songs of Gastoldi and Orazio Vecchi. As the first great German composer to undertake an “Italian Journey,” Hassler’s influence was one of the reasons for the Italian domination over German music and for the common trend of German musicians finishing their education in Italy. While musicians of the stature of Lassus had been working in Germany for years, they represented the older school, the prima pratica, the fully developed and refined Renaissance style of polyphony; in Italy new trends were emerging which were to define what was later called the Baroque era. Musicians such as Hassler,
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in the interests of public relations, elected to round the total price down (so that $4.99 became $4.95 instead of $5.00). Alternatively, many retailers rounded all their prices to the nearest 5 cents to avoid the issue entirely—so a New Zealand shopper often encountered products for sale at prices like $4.95. Introduction of 1 and 2 dollar coins On 11 February 1991, $1 and $2 coins were introduced to replace the $1 and $2 notes in circulation. These coins were minted in aluminium bronze, and were the first New Zealand coins to be minted to metric specifications. At the same time, contracts or other high value retail items sold alongside a credit agreement. Rebate clearinghouses Most rebates are handled under contract by rebate clearinghouses that specialize in processing rebates and contest applications. Instant rebate An instant rebate, or sometimes instant savings, is a marketing strategy or gimmick in which a product is either advertised at a specific price, or at a discounted price, where the discount is applied at the time of purchase. For example, the store may advertise a widget for $9.99, but with a $5 instant rebate, the price is $4.99. Or the product may be advertised as $4.99 importance of this benchmark for detecting irregularities in prices was demonstrated and with it a clear trend towards psychological pricing after the nominal shock of the euro introduction. Another phenomenon noted by economists is that a price point for a product (such as $4.99) remains stable for a long period of time, with companies slowly reducing the quantity of product in the package until consumers begin to notice. At this time, the price will increase marginally (to $5.05) and then within an exceptionally short time will increase to the next price point ($5.99, for example). Research has also found psychological pricing relevant ran out of bread due to heavy demand. On February 4, 2016, Subway relaunched its Any Regular Footlong promotion, but at $6 instead of $5, leading to many people on social media to complain about the price hike. Subway's responses were linked to inflation as a factor. Subway also reportedly promised its franchisees that it would be a "one-off" promotion as it tries to move away relying too heavily on price promotions to drive traffic to stores. Despite a new promotion for 2018 for 5 footlongs for $4.99, some Subways decided not to do so, including one in Seattle due to high MOS Technology History MOS Technology, Inc. was originally started in 1969 by Allen-Bradley to provide a second source for electronic calculators and their chips designed by Texas Instruments (TI). In the early 1970s TI decided to release their own line of calculators, instead of selling just the chips inside them, and introduced them at a price that was lower than the price of the chipset alone. Many early chip companies were wiped out in the aftermath; those that survived did so by finding other chips to produce. MOS became a supplier to Atari, producing a custom single-chip Pong system. Things changed that ESPN was aiming for a monthly price of $4.99. ESPN+ and BAMTech were placed into the newly formed Disney business segment, Disney Direct-to-Consumer and International, on March 14, 2018. On April 2, 2018, ESPN announced that ESPN+ would officially launch on April 12, 2018, and confirmed its $4.99 per-month pricing. On August 21, 2018, ESPN announced that it had merged its existing ESPN Insider subscription service into ESPN+, adding access to premium content (such as exclusive beat reports, and advanced sports statistics and analytics tools) to the service. Both services shared the same monthly price, but ESPN Insider's existing but purchasing long call options instead of purchasing stock. % Assigned Return = (long call value - net debit) / (net debit) % Unchanged Return = [long call value (at short-term exp. w/ current stock price) - net debit] / (net debit) For example, consider stock OPQ at $49.31 per share. Buy JAN 1 Year Out 40 strike call for $13.70 and write (Sell) the Near Month 55 strike call for $0.80 Net debit = $13.70 - $0.80 = $12.90 % Assigned Return = (17.90 - 12.90) / (13.70 - 0.80) = 5.00 / 12.90 = 38.8% % Unchanged Return = [13.02 - 12.90] / 12.90 On complaints regarding its price, Cayman Compass wrote, "I was surprised that some people complained about it being $4.99 for just the one mystery...a lot of work went into its design, and it costs less than a burger". was available in later months. Reception In May 2010, Pandora was named in Lead411's 2010 Hottest San Francisco Companies list. In 2013, Entertainment Weekly compared a number of music services and granted Pandora a "B-", writing, "Free streaming radio, $36 a year for ad-free. Launched in 2005, Pandora is available on just about every platform. There's no on-demand, though, and stations tend to draw from a relatively small pool of albums." As of March 2014, the annual option was eliminated, and the $3.99 monthly plan was the only way to get Pandora One. The price rose to $4.99 a month are concerns that COMEX may not have the gold inventory to back its existing warehouse receipts. Outside the US, a number of firms provide trading on the price of gold via contract for differences (CFDs) or allow spread bets on the price of gold. Mining companies Instead of buying gold itself, investors can buy the companies that produce the gold as shares in gold mining companies. If the gold price rises, the profits of the gold mining company could be expected to rise and the worth of the company will rise and presumably the share price will also rise. However, there
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include portion size, serving aids, food variety, and ambient characteristics (discussed below). Portion size Portion sizes in the United States have increased markedly in the past several decades. For example, from 1977 to 1996, portion sizes increased by 60 percent for salty snacks and 52 percent for soft drinks. Importantly, larger product portion sizes and larger servings in restaurants and kitchens consistently increase food intake. Larger portion sizes may even cause people to eat more of foods that are ostensibly distasteful; in one study individuals ate significantly more stale, two-week-old popcorn when it was served in a large versus a countries in North Africa and the Middle East. In Sub-Saharan Africa, there are charity-run food banks that operate on a semi-commercial system that differs from both the more common "warehouse" and "frontline" models. In some rural LDCs such as Malawi, food is often relatively cheap and plentiful for the first few months after the harvest, but then becomes more and more expensive. Food banks in those areas can buy large amounts of food shortly after the harvest, and then as food prices start to rise, they sell it back to local people throughout the year at well below market prices. Such portrayed in the same light, despite the equality of consequences. Instead, commercials, billboards and television advertisements portray fast food and energy dense products with attractive colours and happy/ energetic staff members, persuading children to believe that high calorie junk food promotes a positive and rewarding experience. Cost and portion sizes In this same manner, to entice children, the value of energy dense products has also decreased making these products cheaper and more available to younger adults. Despite the prices of these items being reduced, the portion sizes coincidently have also risen, allowing individuals to pay less for more. Transport As energy intake. People who are presented with larger portions do not report to have a higher level of satiety, which suggests that hunger and satiety signals are ignored when a large portion of food is placed in front of them. In particular, one study showed that participants consumed 31% less calories with the small portion sized of a 6-inch submarine sandwich compared with the large portion size of a 12-inch submarine sandwich. Increased portion sizes have occurred simultaneously with the increase in obesity rates; hence, large portion sizes can be one of the factors contributing to the current increase in people are instead called food pantries, food shelves or food closets'. In Less Developed Countries, there are charity-run food banks that operate on a semi-commercial system that differs from both the more common "warehouse" and "frontline" models. In some rural LDCs such as Malawi, food is often relatively cheap and plentiful for the first few months after the harvest, but then becomes more and more expensive. Food banks in those areas can buy large amounts of food shortly after the harvest, and then as food prices start to rise, they sell it back to local people throughout the year at well may have overestimated the contribution of biofuel production, as "the effect of biofuels on food prices has not been as large as originally thought, but that the use of commodities by financial investors (the so-called "financialisation of commodities") may have been partly responsible for the 2007/08 spike." A 2008 independent study by OECD also found that the impact of biofuels on food prices are much smaller. Food price inflation From 1974 to 2005 real food prices (adjusted for inflation) dropped by 75%. Food commodity prices were relatively stable after reaching lows in 2000 and 2001. Therefore, recent rapid food price social activity. From this, it is reasonable to assume that the Chinese do not necessarily consume fast food because of the convenience and cheap prices that entice Americans. This idea of fast-food restaurants as an exotic social destination draws youth away from Chinese restaurants, coupled with the increased number of fast-food restaurants near transport hubs, could very well be negatively impacting their health. Recent Chinese domestic food scandals have Chinese customers shying away from domestic food, leading to a belief that Western brands hold a higher standard and thus making Western fast food increasingly popular within urban cities. A study published find shelter and food. Once the sea turtle has reached adulthood it moves closer to the shore. Females will come ashore to lay their eggs on sandy beaches during the nesting season. Sea turtles migrate to reach their spawning beaches, which are limited in numbers. Living in the ocean therefore means they usually migrate over large distances. All sea turtles have large body sizes, which is helpful for moving large distances. Large body sizes also offer good protection against the large predators (notably sharks) found in the ocean. Life cycle It takes decades for sea turtles to reach sexual maturity. Mature Food choice Research into food choice investigates how people select the food they eat. An interdisciplinary topic, food choice comprises psychological and sociological aspects (including food politics and phenomena such as vegetarianism or religious dietary laws), economic issues (for instance, how food prices or marketing campaigns influence choice) and sensory aspects (such as the study of the organoleptic qualities of food). Factors that guide food choice include taste preference, sensory attributes, cost, availability, convenience, cognitive restraint, and cultural familiarity. In addition, environmental cues and increased portion sizes play a role in the choice and amount of foods consumed. Food choice is the very low prices. Some traders specialize in buying up food rations from the refugees in small quantities and selling it in large quantities to merchants outside the camp. Most of the local retailers have been ruined by the competition with refugees. Goods sold in the camp are very cheap because refugees do not pay tax, rent, food, health care or education for their children. Still, taking formal and informal economy together the monthly turnover in the camp is $300,000 to $400,000. Taxation in the camp would yield more than two million Kenyan Shillings. However, the market is finite, since Kakuma
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and said, 'Stop everything. The album can't go without this track.' But I was in Ibiza, where the internet is bad, so I had to go to the airport lounge to work. I would sit all day in the lounge with my headphones on, looking like a homeless person, finishing the vocal mix on my laptop. Then Jessie would come back asking, 'Can you just change this little thing?' so I'd go home then be back in the airport lounge for another few hours." Critical reception Scott Shetler of PopCrush said: "Guetta wisely avoids the synth loops on the mid-tempo coins are not put into general circulation by the authorities who instead sell them to collectors for prices higher than their face value. No territories associated with Eurozone countries are issuing their own euro coins. France and Netherlands have areas which have their own currencies. Denmark and the United Kingdom have areas which use the currencies of their home countries but issue their own versions of banknotes. These two countries are part of the EU but not the eurozone, and it is uncertain what would happen if any of them adopted the euro. From 2015 there are 23 countries issuing coins with activate a "Tal-Seto collapser", causing the network to fold in on itself. The fold will affect everything within its radius; only the human ship will escape, and all FTL jumpnode will be severed. The ELFs will be trapped in their home system and remain there forever. They knew about the collapsing node, but can't create a solution to it if they can't connect to the "community", and the collapse would eventually consume the entire galaxy and their entire existence will be doomed. The collapse is creating a singularity, so even if they sent their own colony ship they wouldn't be Hill had previously made Hard Times and Southern Comfort. Ellen Barkin said she wanted to play her role because her character, Sunny is one of the great female villains. I don't know if I've ever seen a female villain so evil. Sunny's just mean, that's all there is to it. And the great thing about Sunny in this movie is they just let her be bad. With women they always want to give explanations: she had such a terrible childhood or something. They can't just let women be bad... Sex is just one of the tools Sunny uses to get what European Currency Unit Euro replaces ECU On 1 January 1999, the euro (with the code EUR and symbol €) replaced the ECU, at the value €1 = 1 ECU. Unlike the ECU, the euro is a real currency, although not all member states participate (for details on euro membership see Eurozone). Two of the countries in the ECU basket of currencies, UK and Denmark, did not join the eurozone, and a third, Greece, joined late. On the other hand, Finland and Austria joined the eurozone from the beginning although their currencies were not part of the ECU basket (since they the German mark (DM) and its contribution to official reserves has increased as banks seek to diversify their reserves and trade in the eurozone expands. As with the dollar, some of the world's currencies are pegged against the euro. They are usually Eastern European currencies like the Bulgarian lev, plus several west African currencies like the Cape Verdean escudo and the CFA franc. Other European countries, while not being EU members, have adopted the euro due to currency unions with member states, or by unilaterally superseding their own currencies: Andorra, Monaco, Kosovo, Montenegro, San Marino, and Vatican City. As of December 2006, the December 1998. They could not be set earlier, because the ECU depended on the closing exchange rate of the non-euro currencies (principally the pound sterling) that day. Due to differences in national conventions for rounding and significant digits, all conversion between the national currencies had to be carried out using the process of triangulation via the euro. Launch The currency was introduced in non-physical form (traveller's cheques, electronic transfers, banking, etc.) at midnight on 1 January 1999, when the national currencies of participating countries (the eurozone) ceased to exist independently in that their exchange rates were locked at fixed rates International status and usage of the euro The international status and usage of the euro has grown since its launch in 1999. When the euro formally replaced 12 currencies on 1 January 2002, it inherited their use in territories such as Montenegro and replaced minor currencies tied to the pre-euro currencies, such as in Monaco. Four small states have been given a formal right to use the euro, and to mint their own coins, but all other usage has been unofficial outside the eurozone (the EU states who have adopted the euro). With or without an agreement these countries, unlike film Screamers in which he explains: "There are Turks who don't admit that their ancestors committed genocide. If you look at it though, they seem to be nice people... So why don't they admit it? Because they think that genocide is a bad thing which they would never want to commit, and because they can't believe their ancestors would do such a thing either." Dink believed that diaspora Armenians should be able to live free of the weight of historical memory (the "residues of the past"), considering first and foremost the needs of the living majority (he said "eyes of seen as something to aspire to, and the EU gave significant support and aid to those Central and Eastern European states willing to work towards achieving economies that met the entry criteria. During this time, 12 of the 15 members of the EU became part of the Eurozone, a currency union launched in 1999, whereby each member uses a shared currency, the euro, which replaced their former national currencies. Three states chose to remain outside the Eurozone and continue with their own currencies, namely Denmark, Sweden and the United Kingdom. 2004–2007: EU expansion In early 2004, 10 mostly former communist
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affine coordinates to simplify the notation: Addition formulas Let p = (x₁, y₁) and Q = (x₂, y₂); then, R = P + Q = (x₃, y₃) is given by the following equations: Doubling formulas Let P = (x, y); then [2]P = (x₁, y₁) is given by the following equations: Algorithms and examples Here some efficient algorithms of the addition and doubling law are given; they can be important in cryptographic computations, and the projective coordinates are used to this purpose. Estimates for Dyson-Schwinger Equations, was supervised by Dirk Kreimer. In 2016 she was awarded a Humboldt Fellowship to visit Kreimer at the Humboldt University of Berlin. Yeats is the author of the books Rearranging Dyson–Schwinger Equations (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, 2011) and A Combinatorial Perspective on Quantum Field Theory (Springer, 2017). Weingarten equations Weingarten equations give expansion of the derivative of the unit normal vector to a surface in terms of the first derivatives of the position vector of this surface. These formulas were established in 1861 by German mathematician Julius Weingarten. the unique positive solution of In the ancient times, they succeeded only for degrees one and two. For quadratic equations, the quadratic formula provides such expressions of the solutions. Since the 16th century, similar formulas (using cube roots in addition to square roots), but much more complicated are known for equations of degree three and four (see cubic equation and quartic equation). But formulas for degree 5 and higher eluded researchers for several centuries. In 1824, Niels Henrik Abel proved the striking result that there are equations of degree 5 whose solutions cannot be expressed by a (finite) formula, . His results agreed with those of Leonhard Euler but were more general and were derived without the means of calculus of variations. At Euler's request, in 1772 Lexell communicated these results to Lagrange and Lambert. Concurrently with Euler, Lexell worked on expanding the integrating factor method to higher order differential equations. He developed the method of integrating differential equations with two or three variables by means of the integrating factor. He stated that his method could be expanded for the case of four variables: "The formulas will be more complicated, while the problems leading to such equations are rare in that there are many fewer factors of 4π appearing in the formulas, and it is in Heaviside–Lorentz units that the Maxwell equations take their simplest form. In SI, and other rationalized systems (for example, Heaviside–Lorentz), the unit of current was chosen such that electromagnetic equations concerning charged spheres contain 4π, those concerning coils of current and straight wires contain 2π and those dealing with charged surfaces lack π entirely, which was the most convenient choice for applications in electrical engineering. However, modern hand calculators and personal computers have eliminated this "advantage". In some fields where formulas concerning spheres are common (for the rays from a prism darkened silver chloride preparations more quickly than violet light. Ritter's experiments were an early precursor to what would become photography. Ritter noted that the UV rays were capable of causing chemical reactions. The first radio waves detected were not from a natural source, but were produced deliberately and artificially by the German scientist Heinrich Hertz in 1887, using electrical circuits calculated to produce oscillations in the radio frequency range, following formulas suggested by the equations of James Clerk Maxwell. Wilhelm Röntgen discovered and named X-rays. While experimenting with high voltages applied to an evacuated tube on 8 Y₁² YY₂ = 2YY Z₃ = 2YY₂ X₃ = B² V = (Y₁+B)2-YY-X₃ Y₃ = V(X₃+64C+a(YY₂-C)) ZZ₃ = Z₃² Example Let and a=1. Let P=(-1,2), then Q=[2]P=(x3,y3) is given by: A=1 B=-15 C=2 YY=4 YY₂=8 Z₃=16 X₃=225 V=27 Y₃=9693 ZZ₃=256 Thus, Q=(225:9693:16). Extended coordinates The addition and doubling computations should be as fast as possible, so it is more convenient to use the following representation of the coordinates: are represented by satisfying the following equations: Then, the Doubling-oriented Doche–Icart–Kohel curve is given by the following equation: . In this case, is a general point with inverse . Furthermore, the points over the curve satisfy: for all nonzero. Faster doubling formulas for these curves and mixed-addition formulas were rediscovered it in 1585, "the Chinese had therefore been possessed of this the most extraordinary of all fractional values over a whole millennium earlier than Europe" Along with his son, Zu Geng, Zu Chongzhi used the Cavalieri Method to find an accurate solution for calculating the volume of the sphere. Besides containing formulas for the volume of the sphere, his book also included formulas of cubic equations and the accurate value of pi. His work, Zhui Shu was discarded out of the syllabus of mathematics during the Song dynasty and lost. Many believed that Zhui Shu contains the formulas and methods the first group Lexell derived two general formulas giving equations allowing to solve a polygon with sides. Using these theorems he derived explicit formulas for triangles and tetragons and also gave formulas for pentagons, hexagons, and heptagons. He also presented a classification of problems for tetragons, pentagons, and hexagons. For the second group of problems, Lexell showed that their solutions can be reduced to a few general rules and presented a classification of these problems, solving the corresponding combinatorial problems. In the second article he applied his general method for specific tetragons and showed how to apply his
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couple of factors. One, is the drinking water's level in raw source water and secondly, it depends on the effectiveness of removing these toxins from water when drinking water is actually being produced. Due to being no data on the absence/presence of these toxins in drinking water, it is very hard to actually monitor the amounts that are present in finished water. This is a result of the U.S not having an state or federal programs in place that actually monitor the presence of this toxins in drinking water treatment plants. Effects of Toxins on Humans Though data on of the spirits entered into the barrel and the proof of the bottled spirits are the same". Drinking Consumers often add water to cask strength whiskies in order to reduce the "heat" – the "burn" sensation that goes with the drinking experience – and bring out different whiskey flavors. Diluting the whiskey with varying amounts of water will modify the flavor profile, and some consumers like to have control over that. Some add water to the whiskey, while others add ice. The water and temperature affect the taste of the whiskey, and the selection of water is also important. Aficionados were started. Background There was a poorly designed installation in the Kullaanvuori water treatment facility. A drinking water pipe was connected to a wastewater pipe for the purpose of flushing the wastewater pipe. Such an installation is illegal, and for good reason; if the water pressure in the drinking water pipe is too low, backflow occurs. This is what happened in this event. A maintenance worker accidentally opened the valve, and wastewater flowed into the drinking water supply for two days. The contamination was actually detected, but the company decided to ignore it, assuming it was a transient pulse caused to compress a gas. The elasticity of the fiber is increased as a direct result. The emulsion in this instance is a water-in-oil one. Studies have shown that by surrounding the water-soluble flavor extracts with the continuous oil phase of the emulsion resulted in a slower rate of flavor dispersion from the water, leading to the prolonged taste of flavor in the final product. The oil phase effectively prevents the flavor-containing water particles from leaching out from the product and transferring to the surrounding environment, such as sauces or other food materials. district. Schools and Anganwadi Centers have been specifically targeted to improve drinking water supply as well as attendance to these institutions. Most of region suffers from excessive iron content in the groundwater which necessitates installation of iron removal plants (IRPs). 579 habitations have partial coverage of drinking water supply and 16 habitations have reported drinking water quality problem. A water treatment plant is set up in Kulai near Ambassa. Most of the rural areas get drinking water from deep tube wells, handpumps, ring wells with a few having overhead water tanks. Many villages need drinking water supplied by tanker in the a gift of fine liquor. This liquor has just been produced by the celestial kitchens. Its flavor is quite strong, so it is unfit for drinking by ordinary people; in fact, in some cases it has been known to burn people's intestines. You should mix it with water, and you should not regard this as inappropriate." With that, he added a dou of water to a sheng of liquor, stirred it, and presented it to the members of Cai Jing's family. On drinking little more than a sheng of it each, they were all intoxicated. After a little while, the increase. Drinking water There are various pathways how pharmaceutical substances may enter drinking water. Predominantly, drinking water procurement comes from drinking water reservoirs, groundwater and bank filtration. If treated waste water is discharged in catchments with drinking water procurement the not eliminated pharmaceutical substances may be detected in the drinking water. The Netherlands for example gain 37% of their drinking water from surface water, mainly from bank filtration at Rhine and Meuse. Here certain attention is paid to pharmaceutical residues. In German drinking water catchments and rivers EPPPs have been detected already, especially radiocontrast agents. Moreover, pharmaceutical residues here partly concern was the possibility of fuel entering the drinking water supply. The nearest drinking water shaft (operated by the Navy) is 3,000 feet away and is one source that provides water to the military families at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam. The next closest drinking water shaft, Halawa shaft, which is located approximately one mile away, provides drinking water to the city of Honolulu. While all test results for contamination at the Navy drinking water shaft have come back well within safe drinking water standards and results from the Halawa shaft have shown no jet fuel related contaminants, the Navy, the Water supply and sanitation in Portugal Access In Portugal 93% of households have access to drinking water through house connections (97% in urban areas, but only 50% in rural areas) 76% of households have access to sewer connections. Drinking water Water supply is continuous, except during droughts. Drinking water quality is not consistently good, especially in smaller systems. Portugal does not comply with a series of drinking water parameters (iron, manganese, total coliforms, faecal coliforms, faecal streptococci and clostridium) laid down in the EU drinking water directive. For example, almost 50% of water supply zones do not comply as regards total to the drink to bring out its natural flavor. Alcohol content Since tejuino is only allowed to ferment for a couple of days at most, the alcohol content is actually very low. There is a common myth among Mexicans that one can get drunk from drinking too much tejuino; however, this is usually due to the addition of small amounts of beer in some recipes rather than the alcohol content of the tejuino itself.
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when a northern extension of the Downeaster line was opened, carrying passengers five times a day (four on weekends) to and from Brunswick's Maine Street Station. The trains pass under two roads and over three crossings on their way through Yarmouth. They are (from south to north) West Main Street (overpass, just after Royal Junction), Sligo Road (road crossing), East Elm Street (road crossing, just after Yarmouth Junction), North Road (road crossing) and Granite Street (overpass). On weekdays, the trains pass through northbound at 12.03 PM (#681), 4.03 PM (#683), 7.53 PM (#685), 9.18 PM (#687) and 1.23 AM (#689). On Overpass An overpass (called an overbridge or flyover in the United Kingdom and some other Commonwealth countries) is a bridge, road, railway or similar structure that crosses over another road or railway. An overpass and underpass together form a grade separation. Stack interchanges are made up of many overpasses. History The world's first railroad flyover was constructed in 1843 by the London and Croydon Railway at Norwood Junction railway station to carry its atmospheric railway vehicles over the Brighton Main Line. Highway and road In North American usage, a flyover is a high-level overpass, built above main overpass lanes, or Peachtree Creek then under McClendon Road. After that, they cross over the creek again before reaching the Richard F. Sams Interchange with I-285 (Atlanta Bypass). At the Montreal Road overpass, the freeway begins to travel along the Clarkston–Tucker city line; then, they skirt along the southeastern edge of Tucker, before entering Tucker proper within the interchange with Brockett Road and Cooledge Road. Just northeast of this interchange, US 78/SR 410 travel just to the northwest of Idlewood Elementary School. Shortly before the Idlewood Road overpass, they begin to curve to a nearly due-east routing. The freeway crosses over the South Fork Peachtree Road at the Hoddle Bridge: an overpass across Punt Road quickly followed to end at Anderson Street and the Morell Bridge, with a single-carriageway feeder road to the Swan Street Bridge (and Batman Avenue) 800 metres beyond. The freeway was eventually further extended east from Burnley under the MacRobertson Bridge along the Yarra, to Toorak Road, with a single-carriageway feeder road taking excess traffic to Tooronga Road. (Part of the road still exists along the Home Hardware store which can be seen from the Tooronga road overpass of the Monash Freeway.) The Punt Road overpass and elevated section of road White Plains Road. This church also served as a town meeting house until 1747 when a new church was built under the leadership of Rev. James Beebee. Merritt Parkway The Merritt Parkway was built directly through Trumbull in the late 1930s. Trumbull has the distinction of harboring the youngest original Parkway underpass (Frenchtown Road), built in 1942, and the oldest Parkway overpass (at White Plains Road), built in 1934. Constructed of reinforced concrete and encased steel-girder design at a cost of $47,532. It was financed by NRA grants and Connecticut Highway Department funds, the White Plains Road Overpass is not primary construction firm. The road would tentatively be completed in 30 months at a cost of $232 million. Construction commenced in December 1999, two months behind schedule as permits were being issued. The contract was signed on March 10, 2000 with a completion date of July 24, 2003. Most of the construction work was completed by November 2002. Although the road was meant to open in July of that year, delays came when constructing the overpass at Water Tower Road, requiring the dirt road to be relocated to the overpass. The interchange with Robert Grissom Parkway was to be opened project included replacement of the original (1961) Old Harford Road - Interstate 695 overpass. Old Harford Road remained open during the reconstruction. The east half of the new overpass opened to traffic on June 1, 2016; the project was completed in June 2017. The enlarged overpass was made 85 feet longer and 4 feet higher than the existing span to accommodate auxiliary lanes and possible future expansion of the Beltway. The three lanes of traffic on Old Harford Road include through lanes in each direction and a third for left turns onto Satyr Hill Road. January 2008 upon completion of the Benton Road Overpass, also in Bossier City. This overpass was constructed on the west side of the existing at-grade crossing of the Kansas City Southern Railway which was formerly a source of traffic congestion on Benton Road. Junction link on Gariahat Road closed for construction of the Gariahat overpass. Two years later, the Mominpur–Behala route on Diamond Harbour Road closed for the construction of an overpass at Taratala. Although it was initially planned to route tracks on the overpass after its completion, the road was later converted to a national highway and the plan was dismissed. The Wattgunge Junction–Mominpur (Diamond Harbour Road), Mominpur–Jatin Das Park (Judges Court Road) and the Jatin Das Park–Kalighat/Rasbehari (Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Road) routes were temporarily closed for reconstruction in 2007 and the Galiff Street Terminus was realigned the following year. Irregular service would connect Amelia Earhart Boulevard with an overpass above Airport Circle. Plans also call for building a service road with another overpass that would provide access to Delilah Road. Another project involves the installation of an overpass at the end of Amelia Earhart Boulevard next to the entrance to the FAA tech center. The proposed roadway would intrude upon a small section of a mobile home park and land owned by Egg Harbor Township.
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Matroid minor In the mathematical theory of matroids, a minor of a matroid M is another matroid N that is obtained from M by a sequence of restriction and contraction operations. Matroid minors are closely related to graph minors, and the restriction and contraction operations by which they are formed correspond to edge deletion and edge contraction operations in graphs. The theory of matroid minors leads to structural decompositions of matroids, and characterizations of matroid families by forbidden minors, analogous to the corresponding theory in graphs. Definitions If M is a matroid on the set E and S is a Matroid representation In the mathematical theory of matroids, a matroid representation is a family of vectors whose linear independence relation is the same as that of a given matroid. Matroid representations are analogous to group representations; both types of representation provide abstract algebraic structures (matroids and groups respectively) with concrete descriptions in terms of linear algebra. A linear matroid is a matroid that has a representation, and an F-linear matroid (for a field F) is a matroid that has a representation using a vector space over F. Matroid representation theory studies the existence of representations and the properties of linear matroids. Matroid rank In the mathematical theory of matroids, the rank of a matroid is the maximum size of an independent set in the matroid. The rank of a subset S of elements of the matroid is, similarly, the maximum size of an independent subset of S, and the rank function of the matroid maps sets of elements to their ranks. The rank function is one of the fundamental concepts of matroid theory via which matroids may be axiomatized. The rank functions of matroids form an important subclass of the submodular set functions, and the rank functions of the matroids defined from Matroid In combinatorics, a branch of mathematics, a matroid /ˈmeɪtrɔɪd/ is a structure that abstracts and generalizes the notion of linear independence in vector spaces. There are many equivalent ways to define a matroid, the most significant being in terms of independent sets, bases, circuits, closed sets or flats, closure operators, and rank functions. Matroid theory borrows extensively from the terminology of linear algebra and graph theory, largely because it is the abstraction of various notions of central importance in these fields. Matroids have found applications in geometry, topology, combinatorial optimization, network theory and coding theory. Definition There are many equivalent proper, non-empty subset of the ground set is a separator. Matroids from field extensions A third original source of matroid theory is field theory. An extension of a field gives rise to a matroid. Suppose and are fields with containing . Let be any finite subset of . Define a subset of to be algebraically independent if the extension field has transcendence degree equal to . A matroid that is equivalent to a matroid of this kind is called an algebraic matroid. The problem of characterizing algebraic matroids is extremely in his 1948 Cambridge PhD thesis which formed the basis of an important sequence of papers published over the next two decades. Tutte's work in graph theory and matroid theory has been profoundly influential on the development of both the content and direction of these two fields. In matroid theory, he discovered the highly sophisticated homotopy theorem and founded the studies of chain groups and regular matroids, about which he proved deep results. In addition, Tutte developed an algorithm for determining whether a given binary matroid is a graphic matroid. The algorithm makes use of the fact that a planar graph Graphic matroid In the mathematical theory of matroids, a graphic matroid (also called a cycle matroid or polygon matroid) is a matroid whose independent sets are the forests in a given finite undirected graph. The dual matroids of graphic matroids are called co-graphic matroids or bond matroids. A matroid that is both graphic and co-graphic is called a planar matroid; these are exactly the graphic matroids formed from planar graphs. Definition A matroid may be defined as a family of finite sets (called the "independent sets" of the matroid) that is closed under subsets and that satisfies the "exchange property": Sylvester matroid In matroid theory, a Sylvester matroid is a matroid in which every pair of elements belongs to a three-element circuit (a triangle) of the matroid. Example The -point line (i.e., the rank 2 uniform matroid on elements, ) is a Sylvester matroid because every pair of elements is a basis and every triple is a circuit. A Sylvester matroid of rank three may be formed from any Steiner triple system, by defining the lines of the matroid to be the triples of the system. Sylvester matroids of rank three may also be formed from Sylvester–Gallai configurations, configurations of Paving matroid In the mathematical theory of matroids, a paving matroid is a matroid in which every circuit has size at least as large as the matroid's rank. In a matroid of rank every circuit has size at most , so it is equivalent to define paving matroids as the matroids in which the size of every circuit belongs to the set . It has been conjectured that almost all matroids are paving matroids. Examples Every simple matroid of rank three is a paving matroid; for instance this is true of the Fano matroid. The Vámos matroid provides another Thus, to find the ground state energy of Σ one has to find the frustration index. Matroid theory There are two matroids associated with a signed graph, called the signed-graphic matroid (also called the frame matroid or sometimes bias matroid) and the lift matroid, both of which generalize the cycle matroid of a graph. They are special cases of the same matroids of a biased graph. The frame matroid (or signed-graphic matroid) M(G) has for its ground set the edge set E. An edge set is independent if each component contains either no circles or just one circle, which
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animal rights and religious prohibition on consuming some animals such as pork. There is a shortage of organs available for donation with many patients waiting on the transplant list for a donation match. About 20 patients die each day waiting for an organ on the transplant list. When an organ donor does arise, the transplant governing bodies must determine who receives the organ. The UNOS computer matching system finds a match for the organ based on a number of factors including blood type and other immune factors, size of the organ, medical urgency of the recipient, distance between donor and recipient, are usually registered nurses or allied health professionals with several years of experience and additional certification in organ transplantation. Transplant coordinators can work for organ procurement organizations as donor or procurement transplant coordinators to facilitate the management, donation, and placement of organs for transplantation or for hospitals and transplant centers as recipient transplant coordinators to prepare patients for organ transplant and facilitate the transplant of harvested organs to transplant patients. Transplant coordinators working with recipients generally evaluate patients for transplant eligibility and work patients up for organ transplant. They also evaluate potential donor organs for transplant suitability and arrange 2013-14 1,986 people complained they had been turned away from walk-in sessions. 1,949 said they did not have their blood taken even when they had made an appointment. Besides the main blood donations, known as "whole blood", platelets are also collected. As platelets can only be stored for a few days, regular and frequent donors are in great demand and that is why platelet donors are asked to attend at least 8 – 10 times per year. Organ Donation and Transplantation Organ Donation and Transplantation ensures that organs donated for transplant are matched and allocated to patients in a fair and organ donation and transplant program depends on good coordination and trained transplant coordinators are the key. Donor coordinators are capable of creating a positive environment for the families of brain dead patients. Their role in counseling the families for organ donation is instrumental in making the programme successful. They also help in building a healthy relationship with the medical, non-medical community and the deceased donors’ families. Recipient coordinators educate patients about how best to prepare for an organ transplant and how to take care of themselves after the transplant. Transplant Coordinators in the United States Transplant coordinators in the U.S. for grief counseling. The structured training ensures that they are able to approach and counsel the families of brain dead patients for organ donation. Coordinators facilitate organ donation and transplantation in a positive environment and provide support to the donor family. From 2009 to 2012, 334 transplant coordinators were trained, helping to improve the organ donation rate in India. The foundation partners with The Transplantation Society, Indian Society of Nephrology, the Indian Society of Organ Transplantation, World Health Organization, Transplant Procurement Management (TPM) of Spain to conduct national workshops for transplant coordinators. Training programme of one week are held along with other around 1600 people are on the organ transplant waiting list at any time. Less than 1% of persons whose death is in hospital can be potential donors because of the limited circumstances for which organ donation is possible. In 2013 only 40% of patients on the organ wait list received a transplant and 2% of the patients on the waiting list died while waiting for an organ. Australian Organ Donor Register The Australian Organ Donor Register is a government register. People can register to be organ donors or they can register that they wish to not be an organ donor. carrying an organ donation card; joining the NHS organ donation register; writing it down; or telling their relatives. A 2003 survey by UK Transplant (now part of NHS Blood and Transplant) showed 90 per cent UK public support for organ donation in principle. In practice, however, organ donation was significantly lower, due mainly to the refusal by 40 per cent of relatives to give their consent for donation. In 2008, the UK had one of the lowest organ donation rates in Europe, at 13 donors per million of population (pmp). Spain had the world's highest donor rate, at 35 pmp. Spain's order to be placed on the organ transplant list, patients are referred and assessed based on criteria that ranges from current comorbidities to potential for organ rejection post transplant. Initial screening measures include: blood tests, pregnancy tests, serologic tests, urinalysis, drug screening, imaging, and physical exams. For patients who are interested in liver transplantation, only patients with acute liver failure have the highest priority over patients with only cirrhosis. Acute liver failure patients will present with worsening symptoms of somnolence or confusion (hepatic encephalopathy) and thinner blood (increased INR) due to the liver’s inability to make clotting factors. Some patients could Organ Transplantation, which makes recommendations to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on issues concerning organ donation and transplantation. Under the C.W. Bill Young Cell Transplantation Program and National Cord Blood Inventory, HRSA helps make possible blood stem cell transplants for patients with life-threatening blood disorders who lack a related donor. Stem cells for transplant come from adult volunteer donors and umbilical cord blood units donated to public cord blood banks. The program recruits adult volunteer donors, helps member cord blood banks collect and list additional units, and supports research to improve the results of unrelated ACLT has actively helped to improve the odds of BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) patients finding a stem cell match, receiving blood or receiving an organ through transplantation, though statistics as they stand today are still shocking. Today, a Black, Asian or ethnic minority who is in need of a stem cell transplant has less than a 20% chance of finding the best possible match from an unrelated donor, whilst a White British patient in the same position has a 60% chance. Statistics surrounding black and ethnic minorities in regards to Organ donation and Blood donation are also worryingly low,
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together and the seam is welded. The RF current can also be conveyed to the tube by brushes, but the result is still the same – the current flows along the open seam, heating it. Cooking In induction cooking, an induction coil in the cook-top heats the iron base of cookware by magnetic induction. Copper-bottomed pans, aluminum pans and other non-ferrous pans are generally unsuitable. The heat induced in the base is transferred to the food by conduction. The benefits of induction cookers include efficiency, safety (the induction cook-top is not heated itself) and speed. Both permanently installed and portable methods, but still needs to cool down before it can be safely touched. Units may have one, two, three, four or five induction zones, but four (normally in a 30-inch-wide unit) is the most common in the US and Europe. Two coils are most common in Hong Kong and three are most common in Japan. Some have touch-sensitive controls. Some induction stoves have a memory setting, one per element, to control the time that heat is applied. At least one manufacturer makes a "zoneless" induction cooking surface with multiple induction coils. This allows up to five utensils to be used at Cooktop A cooktop, also known as hob, is a device commonly used for cookery which is commonly found in kitchens, for applying heat to the base of pans or pots. Cooktops are often found integrated with an oven, or may be standalone devices. Cooktops are commonly powered by gas or electricity and sometimes oil or other fuels are used. Gas Gas cooktops consist of one or more gas burners with arrangements to control the rate of flow. They often have integral lighters or pilot lights and may have safety interlocks. Ceramic A ceramic hob consists of a low-expansion thermal glass-ceramic that is heating. For nearly all models of induction cooktops, a cooking vessel must be made of, or contain, a ferrous metal such as cast iron or some stainless steels. The iron in the pot concentrates the current to produce heat in the metal. If the metal is too thin, or does not provide enough resistance to current flow, heating will not be effective. Most induction tops will not heat copper or aluminum vessels because the magnetic field cannot produce a concentrated current; "all metal" induction tops use much higher frequencies to overcome that effect. Any vessel can be used if placed semiconductor industry, and to melt refractory metals which require very high temperatures. It is also used in induction cooktops for heating containers of food; this is called induction cooking. Applications Induction heating allows the targeted heating of an applicable item for applications including surface hardening, melting, brazing and soldering and heating to fit. Iron and its alloys respond best to induction heating, due to their ferromagnetic nature. Eddy currents can, however, be generated in any conductor, and magnetic hysteresis can occur in any magnetic material. Induction heating has been used to heat liquid conductors (such as molten metals) and also shaped woks, which are round-bottomed, also do not have enough contact with the cooking surface to generate notable heat. Bowl-shaped induction cookers overcome this problem and can be used suitably for wok cooking in locations where gas stoves are not suitable. Flat-bottomed woks make sufficient contact to generate heat. Some cookware makers are now offering round-bottomed woks with a small flat spot to provide induction contact, with a specially designed support ring, and some induction cooktops are now also available with a rounded burner that is able to make contact with the rounded bottom of a traditional wok. In both cases, of the pan. The RFID tag monitors the food 16 times per second and transmits a proprietary signal to the |induction heater regarding the heating characteristics of the contents as well as the temperature of the contents to adjust the heat accordingly; the special pan tag is not battery powered and does not need to be recharged. During the cooking process the food does not need to be monitored or stirred because the pans use waterless cooking methods and the induction heater uses alternating pulses to control the heat, so the liquid in the pans continually revolves in a circular motion. on a suitable metal disk which functions as a conventional hotplate. Induction cooking has good electrical coupling between the pan and the coil and is thus quite efficient, which means it puts less waste heat into the kitchen, can be quickly turned on and off, and has safety advantages compared to gas stoves. Cooktops are also usually easy to clean, because the cooktop itself does not get very hot. Power and control Induction cooking provides fast heating, improved thermal efficiency, and more consistent heating than cooking by thermal conduction. The induction elements commonly have heating performance more comparable to a commercial commercial-grade equipment. Even restricting to build-in residential-use units, there are over two dozen brands being sold; residential countertop units add another two-dozen-plus brands to the count. The National Association of Home Builders in 2012 estimated that, in the United States, induction cooktops held only 4% of sales, compared to gas and other electric cooktops. The global induction cooktops market was estimated at $9.16 ml in value during 2015 and is set to grow to $13.53 mil by 2022. In April 2010, The New York Times reported that "In an independent survey last summer by the market research company Mintel of unit also featured a self-cleaning oven, solid-state kitchen timer and capacitive-touch control buttons (advanced for its time). The units were more expensive than standard cooking surfaces. In 2009 Panasonic developed an all-metal induction cooker that used frequencies up to 120 kHz, three to five times higher than other cooktops, to work with non-ferrous metal cookware. Vendors The market for induction stoves is dominated by German manufacturers. Single ring portable hobs have become popular in the UK, with prices as low as £30 from discounters. The European induction cooking market for hotels, restaurants and other caterers is primarily satisfied by smaller specialist
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continuum One of Cantor's most important results was that the cardinality of the continuum is greater than that of the natural numbers ; that is, there are more real numbers R than natural numbers N. Namely, Cantor showed that (see Cantor's diagonal argument or Cantor's first uncountability proof). The continuum hypothesis states that there is no cardinal number between the cardinality of the reals and the cardinality of the natural numbers, that is, (see Beth one). This hypothesis can neither be proved nor disproved within the widely accepted Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory, even assuming the Axiom of Choice. Cardinal numbers (see Cantor's first uncountability proof and Cantor's diagonal argument). His proofs, however, give no indication of the extent to which the cardinality of the integers is less than that of the real numbers. Cantor proposed the continuum hypothesis as a possible solution to this question. The continuum hypothesis states that the set of real numbers has minimal possible cardinality which is greater than the cardinality of the set of integers. That is, every set, S, of real numbers can either be mapped one-to-one into the integers or the real numbers can be mapped one-to-one into S. Using the fact that forcing The exact value of the continuum in the above Cohen model, and variants like for cardinals in general, was worked out by Robert M. Solovay, who also worked out how to violate (the generalized continuum hypothesis), for regular cardinals only, a finite number of times. For example, in the above Cohen model, if holds in , then holds in . William B. Easton worked out the proper class version of violating the for regular cardinals, basically showing that the known restrictions, (monotonicity, Cantor's Theorem and König's Theorem), were the only -provable restrictions (see Easton's wanted the second paper to include a proof of the continuum hypothesis, but had to settle for expositing his theory of well-ordered sets and ordinal numbers. Cantor attempts to prove that if A and B are sets with A equivalent to a subset of B and B equivalent to a subset of A, then A and B are equivalent. Ernst Schröder had stated this theorem a bit earlier, but his proof, as well as Cantor's, was flawed. Felix Bernstein supplied a correct proof in his 1898 PhD thesis; hence the name Cantor–Bernstein–Schröder theorem. One-to-one correspondence Cantor's 1874 Crelle paper was to Crelle. Continuum hypothesis Cantor was the first to formulate what later came to be known as the continuum hypothesis or CH: there exists no set whose power is greater than that of the naturals and less than that of the reals (or equivalently, the cardinality of the reals is exactly aleph-one, rather than just at least aleph-one). Cantor believed the continuum hypothesis to be true and tried for many years to prove it, in vain. His inability to prove the continuum hypothesis caused him considerable anxiety. The difficulty Cantor had in proving the continuum hypothesis has been underscored by later positive real numbers possess. The continuum hypothesis The continuum hypothesis (CH) states that there are no cardinals strictly between and The latter cardinal number is also often denoted by ; it is the cardinality of the continuum (the set of real numbers). In this case The generalized continuum hypothesis (GCH) states that for every infinite set X, there are no cardinals strictly between | X | and 2| X |. The continuum hypothesis is independent of the usual axioms of set theory, the Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms together with the axiom of choice (ZFC). Continuum hypothesis Consider the continuum hypothesis, stating that there is no set with size strictly between the size of the natural numbers and the size of the real numbers. One idea is that the set universe ought to be rich, with many sets, which leads to the continuum hypothesis being false. This richness argument, the antiphilosopher might argue, is purely philosophical, and groundless, and therefore should be dismissed; maintaining that the continuum hypothesis should be settled by mathematical arguments. In particular it could be the case that the question isn't mathematically meaningful or useful, that the hypothesis is neither true, Continuum hypothesis In mathematics, the continuum hypothesis (abbreviated CH) is a hypothesis about the possible sizes of infinite sets. It states: There is no set whose cardinality is strictly between that of the integers and the real numbers. The continuum hypothesis was advanced by Georg Cantor in 1878, and establishing its truth or falsehood is the first of Hilbert's 23 problems presented in 1900. Τhe answer to this problem is independent of ZFC set theory (that is, Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory with the axiom of choice included), so that either the continuum hypothesis or its negation can be added as an axiom to ZFC set Hilbert announced his famous list of 23 unsolved mathematical problems, now termed Hilbert's problems. Moritz Cantor and Vito Volterra gave the two plenary lectures at the start of the congress. At the 1904 ICM Gyula Kőnig delivered a lecture where he claimed that Cantor's famous continuum hypothesis was false. An error in Kőnig's proof was discovered by Ernst Zermelo soon thereafter. Kőnig's announcement at the congress caused considerable uproar, and Klein had to personally explain to the Grand Duke of Baden (who was a financial sponsor of the congress) what could cause such an unrest among mathematicians. During the 1912 congress in him out as a mathematician able to think in new ways. Hilbert showed that, while there were an infinity of equations, these equations could be constructed from a finite number of building block like sets. Hilbert could not construct that list of sets; he simply proved that it existed. In effect Hilbert had created a new more abstract style of Mathematics. Hilbert's first problem revisited In 1950s American mathematician Paul Cohen took up the challenge of Cantor's Continuum Hypothesis which asks "is there is or isn't there an infinite set of number bigger than the set of whole numbers but
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supply, making it difficult for farmers to obtain loans and pay debts. Advocates of the free and unlimited coinage of silver believed that doing so would cure the country's economic malaise by increasing the money supply. Advocates of the gold standard argued that a "free silver" policy (sometimes called "bimetallism") would inflate the currency, and lead to difficulties in international trade with nations on the gold standard. At the time, the precious metal in a silver dollar was worth about $0.53, and under such proposals, silver worth that much would be returned to depositors as a one-dollar where facilities are few and conditions difficult... Similar and earlier guides In the era of earlier gold rushes, similar guides had appeared in the 1890s in other states, and in other countries similar books had appeared. Origins The Perth Mint's Anthea Harris, at a conference in 1999, summarised the origins of the book: The Perth Mint also has a more recent online summary: In the 1930s, gold production was at an all time low and the gold price had risen so much that the value of the gold in a sovereign was worth more than its £1 token value. Britain came Gold mining in Nevada Gold mining in Nevada, a state of the United States, is a major industry, and one of the largest sources of gold in the world. In 2017 Nevada produced 5,641,538 troy ounces (175,470 kg) of gold worth $7.052 billion, representing 71% of gold produced in the United States and 5.6% of the world's production. Total gold production recorded from Nevada from 1835 to 2017 totals 200,350,000 troy ounces (6,232 t), worth over US$260.5 billion at 2019 values. Much of Nevada's gold production comes from large open pit mining using heap leaching recovery. The Nevada mining industry and thoroughness, mined much of the placer gold within Six Bit Gulch, a major drainage channel that courses through the natural area. The dredging of Six Bit Gulch and Poor Man's Gulch produced over $100,000 worth of gold. Jupiter Mosman John Joseph (Jupiter) Mosman (1861-1945) was an Aboriginal Australian prospector, one of the group of four who discovered gold at Charters Towers, Queensland, Australia. It became one of the premier goldfields of Australia, yielding £23,000,000 worth of gold. Mosman is credited with having found the first gold-bearing stone. Early life Mosman was born about 1861 in North-Western Queensland. His tribal name is unknown. As a small boy, he came to Kynuna Station. In the late 1860s, pastoralist Hugh Mosman of Tarbrax Station visited Kynuna and liked the boy so much that Hugh Mosman arranged for the boy cross along the way. After this he became a success at trading land, establishing businesses and cattle. In 1851, with his town a success, Horton decided to join many in seeking his fortune in the gold fields of California. He sold his interests for $7,000, and traveled to El Dorado County, California, the heart of the Mother Lode. However, he became a success yet again not so much through gold, but through trading ice in the mining towns. In 1857, he returned to Wisconsin via Panama. During an Indian attack, he lost a bag of gold dust worth $10,000, but kept it was worth £110,000; meaning that despite the fact that the Solidus contained 3.63g less gold than the original Aureus, it was worth 550 times as much. With the exception of the early issues of Constantine the Great and the odd usurpers the solidus today is a much more affordable gold Roman coin to collect compared to the older aureus. Especially those of Valens Honorius and later Byzantine issues. The solidus was maintained essentially unaltered in weight, dimensions and purity until the 10th century. During the 6th and 7th centuries "lightweight" solidi of 20, 22 or 23 siliquae (one siliqua was 1/24 the lease was due to expire, Willard tendered the down payment to Tayloe in paper money. Tayloe refused to issue the mortgage and turn over the deed, claiming that the hotel was now worth much more than $22,500 and that Willard had not paid in gold (the only form of cash available in 1854) as specified in the lease. Worse, due to inflation, the Notes were worth only about half what gold specie was worth. Willard sued for relief. The Supreme Court of the District of Columbia held in favor of Tayloe. Willard appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, which granted Aegina, Aspendos, Delphi, Knossos, Kydonia, many city-states of Ionia, Lampsacus, Megalopolis, Metapontium, Olympia, Phaistos, Poseidonia, Syracuse, Thasos, Thebes and more. There also existed a "gold stater", but it was only minted in some places, and was mainly an accounting unit worth 20–28 drachmae depending on place and time, the Athenian unit being worth 20 drachmae. (The reason being that one gold stater generally weighed roughly 8.5 g (0.30 oz), twice as much as a drachma, while the parity of gold to silver, after some variance, was established as 1:10). The use of gold staters in coinage seems mostly of Macedonian origin. The best name companies (including Wade and Lledo). According to Collecticus magazine, a gold trimmed Morris Minor money box, released in September 2006, is the most valuable of the collectables, worth as much as £200 on the secondary market.
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when something needs to be said and, darn it, we plan to say it. When we're being talked over in meetings. When we're fighting to be heard in male-dominated fields. When we're standing up for our values. When we're doing valuable work and people reduce us to our appearance." Valerie Schultz wrote in America: the Jesuit Review of Faith & Culture, "It is a phrase we women embrace because persistence is what we do." After describing stories of persistent women from the Gospels, she concluded: We women persist. Isn't that our job? Throughout history, we have persisted in our quest for respect, Me, I love the song, but it shocked a lot of people, because everyone thought it was pro-war when they thought we were anti-war, and alls we're doing is writing songs, we're not standing politically on any side. "Don't Tread On Me" was just one of those 'don't fuck with us' songs, and obviously referencing the flag and the snake and what it meant, that all tied into the black album and the snake icon on the album cover, and I think it's great to play that song live. We're over here in Europe playing it, and people aren't appalled in the High Arctic of Canada on Devon Island and more recently in the Utah desert, where I was the Station Commander for two weeks.” He said that “For thirty years we've waited to carry space exploration forward. We're in a transition zone, what I like to call 'Standing on Columbus' dock.'...Today we are called by adventure to another land....It's OUR new land, a new frontier. We're going to Mars....But when?...More practically, we're going within 20 years. Some of you could be walking on Mars before you are forty years old. You just have to believe. Your...attitude...matters. You must believe refuse to act. The mind to stand even when you stand alone, battered, bruised and scorned, but still standing. Standing on principle, standing tall and standing for the people. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay described Dellums as " of the most giving, open and stalwart, a real stalwart man when he was Chairman" We are losing one of its finest Members, a Member that I have great respect for, because he always did his homework, was so articulate and eloquent on this floor. He always got my attention when he stood up and took the microphone. He would stop every Member in their for Austria! Ladies and gentlemen, we are hugging each other here, Rippel, my colleague, graduate engineer Posch, we're kissing each other ... 3–2 for Austria, by our Krankl's magnificent goal. He beat all of them. And just wait a minute, wait a minute and perhaps we can pour ourselves a small glass of wine. That's something you have to have seen. I'm standing up now, the South American [crowd]. I think we have beat them! However, the Germans attack again, watch out, headed away again. The ball goes to the left, to Pezzey, Pezzey, but lads, don't break down back the Mi Amigo was by Stevie Gordon and Tom Anderson: (Gordon): Well, we're sorry to tell you that due to the severe weather conditions and the fact that we are shipping quite a lot of water, we are closing down, and the crew are at this stage leaving the ship. Obviously, we hope to be back with you as soon as possible, but just for the moment we would like to say goodbye. (Anderson): It's not a very good occasion really, we have to hurry this because the lifeboat is standing by. We're not leaving and disappearing, we're going onto the content While being asked about the themes on the album in an interview for The Fader, Jason "Poo Bear" Boyd, one of the album's main songwriters, claimed: "It's about keeping in mind and in tune with what's going on with Justin. Just being honest. We really set up for this project to be inspirational. If we talked about a girl, it was something that just happened. Overall, we touch on his personal life like his relationship issues, but at the same time, it's a healthy balance of inspirational music. We're just thinking about making sure that it's not negative, but called The Welcome Mat. You get to the door. We're about to graduate high school. We're knocking on the door, wiping our feet off. [Then] we get inside, and now we're standing in the vestibule and we think we're in a stage where [we're] in between. We want to break out huge so bad, but we still have to get our mindset right – get everything straight [and get] a little bit more mature – and The Vestibule is kind of like saying, 'We're so close but we're not inside.'" After high school graduation, the two chose to put college "We're not 'rap rock,' we're not 'nu-metal ... We might have invented a new genre of heavy music or rock, but I believe the term 'nu-metal' was made up for all the bands that followed us. Those guys to me are nu-metal. And we're just Korn." In 2014, Davis spoke about the nu metal label, saying: "I've always rejected [Korn's pigeonholing] into some kind of genre that we helped create. It seems like when a band comes out and we do something new and something different, that's all great. When a whole bunch of bands jump on the bandwagon and start copying always on the ball We play it hard, We play it tough We never know when We've had enough We're always there When the going's rough That is Canterbury CHORUS We're Blue and White, Yeah that’s our style Win or lose we wear a smile If you wanna know we're here to stay, Come along and see us play CHORUS x3
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is highest. Also, when workers were paid in cash, there was a higher demand on pay-day. There may also be sudden, unexpected surges in demand for cash by individuals during economic panics, which may result in a “run on the bank” as individuals seek to withdraw money from bank accounts. When banks find from time to time that their cash holdings are below the anticipated cash requirements, especially if they are below the prescribed minimum, they would either request cash from other banks that have surplus holdings or order cash from the monetary authority. When banks no longer believe they need for the region, Singapore has continually been criticised for reportedly hosting bank accounts containing ill-gotten gains of corrupt leaders and their associates, including billions of dollars of Burma's state gas revenues hidden from national accounts. Singapore has attracted assets formerly held in Swiss banks for several reasons, including new taxes imposed on Swiss accounts and a weakening of Swiss bank secrecy. Credit Suisse, the second largest Swiss bank, moved its head of international private banking to Singapore in 2005. Biotechnology Singapore is aggressively promoting and developing its biotechnology industry. Hundred of millions of dollars were invested into the sector to role as FIFA Vice-President and member of the FIFA Executive Committee. 41 arrests in total have now been made with both organizations and individuals being arrested Within these arrests 14 people have been convicted. Out of these 14, there are 12 individuals and 2 organizations. They were all chargd with things like "racketeering, wire fraud, and money laundering conspiracies". These investigations are still going on and more arrests is definitely not out he window with Washington, D.C., Attorney General Loretta Lynch stating that they know there are more corrupt officials and organizations and they will not rest until they and fraud Embezzlement and theft involve someone with access to funds or assets illegally taking control of them. Fraud involves using deception to convince the owner of funds or assets to give them up to an unauthorized party. Examples include the misdirection of company funds into "shadow companies" (and then into the pockets of corrupt employees), the skimming of foreign aid money, scams and other corrupt activity. Graft The political act of graft is when funds intended for public projects are intentionally misdirected to maximize the benefits to private interests of the corrupt individuals. Extortion and blackmail While bribery is the staff are bi-lingual, speaking Spanish and English. National Mortgage Bank of Greece and Atlantic Bank This investigation resulted in the convictions of the National Mortgage Bank of Greece, Atlantic Bank and eleven individuals on Title 31 charges for illegally sending tens of millions of dollars from The United States to Greece. Money Remitter Initiatives These investigations, which commenced in 1994 and continued through 2007, targeted money remitters agents and licensed money remitters in the greater New York area. They resulted in the conviction of the four largest licensed money remitters in New York State and approximately 70 money remitter of gold in Iraq, a business being audited by the government, a disgruntled worker or corrupt government official who has embezzled funds, a refugee, and similar characters. The money could be in the form of gold bullion, gold dust, money in a bank account, blood diamonds, a series of checks or bank drafts, and so forth. The sums involved are usually in the millions of dollars, and the investor is promised a large share, typically ten to forty percent, in return for assisting the fraudster to retrieve or expatriate the money. Although the vast majority of recipients do not respond market fund. Retail money fund Retail money funds are offered primarily to individuals. Retail money market funds hold roughly 33% of all money market fund assets. Fund yields are typically somewhat higher than bank savings accounts, but of course these are different products with differing risks (e.g., money fund accounts are not insured and are not deposit accounts). Since Retail funds generally have higher servicing needs and thus expenses than Institutional funds, their yields are generally lower than Institutional funds. SEC rule amendments released July 24, 2014, have 'improved' the definition of a Retail money fund to be one that has policies and Anti-Corruption (HOOAC). One source notes, however, that "in reality, the Afghans that currently run the country do not want to see the pipeline of money that flows from the donor nations to their Swiss or Dubai bank accounts interrupted. So this 'high office' really is not doing much to fix the corrupt situation in Kabul." Although the HOOAC purportedly has three basic functions, namely "prevention, investigation and enforcement," it has no legal authority to perform investigations. Individual governmental departments are supposed to refer corruption cases to the Attorney General's Office (AGO) for investigation, whereupon the HOOAC is supposed to engage based on the unreliable testimony of people who are mistaken or biased. He notes that no verifiable miracle has been documented since cameras have become commonplace. Hitchens uses a specific purported miracle by Mother Teresa to show how miracles can become perceived as true, when in fact they are based on myth or falsehood. Chapter Eleven: Religion's Corrupt Beginnings Chapter eleven discusses how religions form, and claims that most religions are founded by corrupt, immoral individuals. The chapter specifically discusses cargo cults, Pentecostal minister Marjoe Gortner, and Mormonism. Hitchens discusses Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, citing a March 1826 "mark-up" in addition to the price obtained in the market. Dealers or market makers, by contrast, typically act as principals in the transaction versus the retail customer, and quote a price they are willing to deal at. Non-bank foreign exchange companies Non-bank foreign exchange companies offer currency exchange and international payments to private individuals and companies. These are also known as "foreign exchange brokers" but are distinct in that they do not offer speculative trading but rather currency exchange with payments (i.e., there is usually a physical delivery of currency to a bank account). It is estimated that in the UK,
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due to their effects on immune function. Breast feeding decreases the risk of acute otitis media and lower respiratory tract infections among other diseases, and it is recommended that breast feeding be continued when an infant has a cold. In the developed world breast feeding may not be protective against the common cold in and of itself. Pathophysiology The symptoms of the common cold are believed to be primarily related to the immune response to the virus. The mechanism of this immune response is virus specific. For example, the rhinovirus is typically acquired by direct contact; it binds to human HIV/AIDS in the Democratic Republic of the Congo The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DR Congo) was one of the first African countries to recognize HIV, registering cases of HIV among hospital patients as early as 1983. Basis Human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is a disease spectrum of the human immune system caused by infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). As the infection progresses, it interferes more and more with the immune system, making the person much more susceptible to common infections like tuberculosis, as well as opportunistic infections and tumors that do not usually a latent phase and remains dormant until it is reactivated. Reactivation can be spontaneous or stimulated by a number of factors such as: reinfection by direct effect of stimuli, immunosuppression, ultraviolet light, febrile illnesses and stress. Risk factors Age: Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis is common in children from 6 months to 5 years old. This virus is also common in young adults aged around 20-25. Immune system: The prevalence and severity of the disease is dependent on the host's immune response and the virulence of the virus. Environment: As this virus is very contagious it has the potential to spread quickly virus described in the novel is a fictional chimera that attacks the human brain. The infective agent, code-named "Cobra" by the protagonists, is a recombinant virus made from modified variants of the nuclear polyhedrosis virus (which normally infects moths and butterflies), rhinovirus, and smallpox. The infection initially presents common cold-like symptoms and a characteristic blistering process in the nose and mouth, before invading the nervous system. Although not as contagious as the influenza virus, it spreads rapidly through the same vectors as the common cold, mainly via airborne particulate matter coming in contact with the mucous membranes of the respiratory system. viruses, once a virus is inside a cell the adaptive immune responses, particularly the lymphocytes, are more important for defense. At the sites of viral infections, lymphocytes often vastly outnumber all the other cells of the immune system; this is common in viral meningitis. Virus-infected cells that have been killed by lymphocytes are cleared from the body by phagocytes. Role in apoptosis In an animal, cells are constantly dying. A balance between cell division and cell death keeps the number of cells relatively constant in adults. There are two different ways a cell can die: by necrosis or by an intravenous line) is desirable for treating metastatic disease. It is now marketed under the brand name Oncorine. Immunotherapy With advances in cancer immunotherapy such as immune checkpoint inhibitors, increased attention has been given to using oncolytic viruses to increase antitumor immunity. There are two main considerations of the interaction between oncolytic viruses and the immune system. Immunity as an obstacle A major obstacle to the success of oncolytic viruses is the patient immune system which naturally attempts to deactivate any virus. This can be a particular problem for intravenous injection, where the virus must first survive interactions with the two different components of the immune system: the innate immune system and the adaptive immune system. Kennedy also testified about how the measles virus affects certain components of the immune system, namely dendritic cells and T lymphocytes. common to all strains of HIV, even if the virus mutates. Persistent immune responses against this part of the virus (the HIV p24 protein) has been shown to delay HIV disease progression. Vacc-4x is made of modified synthetic peptides targeting these conserved regions of the HIV p24. Upon immunization with Vacc-4x, potentially followed by reboosting vaccinations, Bionor's researchers are seeking to control virus infection for a longer period of time by exercising the patient's own immune system to seek out and kill virus-producing cells. In phase II, 134 HIV-infected people from Europe and the US participated in a randomized, placebo-controlled study, virus. Whole virus vaccines use the entire virus particle, fully destroyed using heat, chemicals, or radiation. Split virus vaccines are produced by using a detergent to disrupt the virus. Subunit vaccines are produced by purifying out the antigens that best stimulate the immune system to mount a response to the virus, while removing other components necessary for the virus to replicate or survive or that can cause adverse reactions. Because inactivated viruses tend to produce a weaker response by the immune system than live viruses, immunologic adjuvants and multiple "booster" injections may be required to provide an effective immune response against the body. A virus can affect any part of the body causing a wide range of illnesses such as the flu, the common cold, and sexually transmitted diseases. The flu is an airborne virus that travels through tiny droplets and is formally known as Influenza. Parasites travel through the air and attack the human respiratory system. People that are initially infected with this virus pass infection on by normal day to day activity such as talking and sneezing. When a person comes in contact with the virus, unlike the common cold, the flu virus affects people almost immediately.
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in primary school, which is about 20% lower than the national average. Additionally, a lack of proper nutrition can be detrimental to a child's brain formation. When children do not get proper nutrition, their physical and cognitive development suffers. This leads to lower levels of participation in educational systems and low levels of performance for those who do participate. Disability and Disease According to the World Health Organization, approximately 2 million Malians are considered disabled. As of 2000, there were 200,000 people who were deaf in Mali. Since Mali is a part of the African Meningitis Belt, many cite meningitis Federation: My dear Old Charlie, When you get this it will be a case of "Alas, poor Yorick", and I want you to do your best for my family, who will be more or less destitute. I have fought against doing what I Intend to do. That it is the only way I can ape clear to enable my children to get a proper education and my darling wife to feel that every postman's knock doesn't contain a summons. Charles, I have the greatest wife and children a man could wish for so you can guess with what heart yearnings I am her letters to her father Jinnah, Dina had said: "My darling Papa, First of all I must congratulate you — we have got Pakistan….how hard you have worked for it…I do hope you are keeping well — I get lots of news of you from the newspapers. The children are just recovering from their whooping cough, it will take another month yet. I am taking them to Juhu on Thursday for a month or so. Are you coming back here? If so I hope you will drive out to Juhu and spend the day if you like. Anyway I have a sooner than expected. "The punishment I have been awarded is far too long,” he wrote. “I will spend all my energy, time and money to contest this decision and get this sentence shortened.” secondary infections such as upper respiratory infections and pneumonia, and emaciation from not receiving proper nutrition," Dr. Becky Morrow said. Dr. Morrow described a dead cat discovered behind freezers containing many perished animals, stating, "During the necropsy, I remember pulling eight round worms from its intestine. It appears as if the cat died of starvation, secondary to an upper respiratory infection and from the roundworms." Allegheny County District Judge Susan Blaschak concluded, "In the absence of duty, care, food, water and helping the animals get to it … this rises to the level of torturous conduct," and upheld nearly 600 charges begin to nurse almost immediately. If the litter exceeds six puppies, particularly if one or more are obvious runts, human intervention in hand-feeding the stronger puppies is necessary to ensure that the runts get proper nourishment and attention from the mother. As they reach one month of age, puppies are gradually weaned and begin to eat solid food. The mother may regurgitate partially digested food for the puppies or might let them eat some of her solid food. The mother usually refuses to nurse at this stage, though she might let them occasionally nurse for comfort. At first, puppies spend the News, Lisi says: Surfing and snowboarding are what I do for fun – to get out and play in nature. We live in a beautiful universe, and I wish to enjoy it and understand it as best I can. And I try to live a balanced life. Surfing is simply the most fun I know how to have on this planet. And physics, and science in general, is the best way of understanding how everything works. So this is what I spend my time doing. I do what I love, and follow my interests. Shouldn't everyone? Lisi brings some of his physics that he used to ".. spend six hours with the patients, initially once a week and then once a month. I used to go to understand what they go through, what they think, what their needs are. They have taught me a lot of things. So if I have benefited from this experience so much, I am sure that when people see the film and understand the character, they will get a lot to learn". Since Roshan's character was a paraplegic, Bhansali wanted to give him a natural look. Hence he was instructed by the director not to indulge in his urban areas with elderly who did not own a car. Aside from transportation, the kind and quality of available food can also shape food choice if a person lives in a so-called "food desert". Social network type can also affect individuals food choices in our elderly population as well. For example, a person that has a larger social network and lower economic status is more likely to have proper nutrition that someone who has a smaller social network and higher economic status. This means that it is important for our elderly populations to keep social networks so they can an ongoing research process. It is currently a small field, as few studies have been conducted. However, much research has been done on how food, or lack thereof, can affect the mental stability of an individual. This information can thus be carried over to our soldiers and intensified, to better their health. A review by the American Dietetic Association indicated that restricting the intake of food has many underlying issues. Lack of proper nutrition can increase emotional responsiveness and dysphoria, and distractibility. This can be an obvious issue for soldiers, especially those on the front line. Taking this into account
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was impossible not to hear Bob in Ziggy's vocals, this only emphasized the incredible emotional qualities of his own voice." Popular culture Marley and the Melody Makers were spoofed with the worm band, Squiggy Marley and the Mud Makers in episode 3448 of Sesame Street, when they performed "Everyone Makes Their Own Music" at the Worm World Music Festival. marimba attendants play independently of everyone, seeming to be in their own separate world. The klangplatten performer plays independently as well, but he eventually strikes a tubular bell. In the second section of the piece, the three performers in the rear gradually change their behavior at the sound of the tubular bell strike. They abandon their antique cymbals and glockenspiel for switches, which they whip in the air in all directions. The switches' whistling, hissing, and whipping cleans evil spirits from the air (Stockhausen 1980, XVIII). When they hear two more strikes of the tubular bell, they approach Miron, while they with a touch of their own". Matthew Powers of CaliberTV said "When Michael Swank sings the sound is more upbeat, and top 40-worthy than it’s ever been", going on that "When John Ritter unleashes his aggressive roars the sound takes on a spirited blend of nu-metal and hardcore" and that "When they work together they are nearly a more competent vocal duo than their long-established peers." New Noise Magazine stated that the work "mixes Michael Swank’s electrifying voice and John Ritter’s crushing screams for a wicked sophomore release". Shae Beaudoin of Remember MEdia describes the tunes as touching "on will now own the land Murdock used to own. After Murdock has left, Arthur and the driver Andy take Joyce home. It is very dark when they reach Joyce's house and Arthur can hear the sweet sound of his daughters voice helping out of the carriage. Arthur is never able to see the face that belongs to the sweet voice but Andy tell him her name is Norah. Arthur decides that he would like to stay in the town for a few days and see this shifting bog in the morning. The next morning, the innkeeper asks poppiest album yet. We had a great time recording it. I can't wait for our fans to hear the record, as well as hitting the road to play it live for everyone later this year." In another interview for Rolling Stone, the singer revealed that is their most dance-driven album ever, commenting: "It's very much an old-fashioned disco tune. I have a love/hate relationship with it – but mostly I love it." The album was executively produced by Max Martin, with additional tracks produced by Benny Blanco and Ryan Tedder. Tedder commented that the sound of the songs was very fresh actually how my mind works. It’s aural. I remember what I hear...when I try to do a piece onstage, I hear the next words [they actually said]. I hear the rest of the monologue. It takes every bit of strength and intellect that I have to control that." In a 2013 interview she explained that "to me, music, voice, voices of the people, play writing, dialect, language, violin – it all springs from the same well of fascination with sound." After Mary Kay Bergman, the voice of many South Park characters, died, a friend of Schneider's asked her to contact her so that the tester knows that they have heard it. The lowest intensity sound they can hear is recorded. The test varies for children, their response to the sound can be a head turn or using a toy. The child learns what they can do when they hear the sound, for example they are taught that when they heard the sound they can put a toy man in a boat. This is referred to as conditioned play audiometry. Visual reinforcement audiometry is also used with children. When the child hears the sound, they look in the direction the NIV's use of the word "sound" instead of "voice" in Acts 9:7. The noun used here — phōnē (φωνῆ) — can mean either. The New American Standard Bible, New Century Version, and English Standard Version maintain the "hear"/"understand" distinction while using "voice" in both passages. On the other hand, the Holman Christian Standard Bible has "sound"/"voice" with "hear" in both passages, and The Message adopts a similar translation, but with "sound"/"conversation." The French La Bible du Semeur distinguishes between entendaient ("heard") and compris ("understood"). Although it is possible that there is a contradiction in these two passages unnoticed by their author, tactile stimulation. Evidence of olfactory (smell) illusions occurred when positive or negative verbal labels were given prior to olfactory stimulation. The McGurk effect shows that what we hear is influenced by what we see as we hear the person speaking. An illusion occurs when the auditory component of one sound is paired with the visual component of another sound, leading to the perception of a third sound. This is a multisensory, auditory-visual illusion. Disorders Some illusions occur as a result of an illness or a disorder. While these types of illusions are not shared with everyone, they are typical of the on-stage performers (typically using wedge-shaped monitor speaker cabinets), to help them hear the instruments and vocals. The monitor system in a coffeehouse or singer-songwriter stage for a small bar may be a single 100 watt powered monitor wedge. In the smallest PA systems, the performer may set their own "main" and "monitor" sound levels with a simple powered mixing board. The simplest monitor systems consist of a single monitor speaker for the lead vocalist which amplifies their singing voice, so that they can hear it clearly. In a large club where rock or metal bands play, the monitor system may
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Ophthalmic pathology Ophthalmic pathology is the subspecialty of surgical pathology and also a subspecialty of ophthalmology which deals with the diagnosis and characterization of neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases of the eyes. Ophthalmic pathologists generally work closely with ophthalmologists. he received the MB London and the FRCS England. At Moorfields, he was promoted from clinical assistant and became, successively, curator and librarian and was then elected to the surgical staff in 1904. He became an ophthalmic surgeon at University College Hospital and continued as a surgeon there and at Moorfields until his retirement. He was also an ophthalmic surgeon for some years at the Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street. In ophthalmic pathology he became a world authority and produced numerous research articles and several books on eye diseases, ophthalmic optics. and ophthalmic circulation. ... His most popular work, was one of the hospital's prominent cricketers. Medical career In 1896 he qualified as a surgeon, gaining the dual qualifications M.R.C.S and L.R.C.P.. He became a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons two years later in 1898. He specialised in ophthalmic work, and worked at for a time at the Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital. At the time of his death, he was Assistant Surgeon for the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital, Moorfields and Ophthalmic Surgeon for the East London Hospital for Children, and Bolingbroke Hospital. He had earlier served as Senior Assistant Surgeon and Pathologist for the Central London Ophthalmic War I. After the war he worked for a time as a clinical assistant at the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorfields) before returning to Wales to work as an ophthalmic surgeon. In 1921 he was appointed Ophthalmic Surgeon at Cardiff Royal Infirmary and United Cardiff Hospitals and served there for 37 years. He was also a clinical teacher for the Welsh National School of Medicine. It was while at the School of Medicine that he undertook his pioneering work in corneal grafting. He conceived the idea of a donor system for corneal grafts and an eye bank was established in East Addaven. Emulsifier Only a limited number of emulsifiers are commonly regarded as safe to use for parenteral administration, of which the most important is lecithin. Lecithin can be biodegraded and metabolized, since it is an integral part of biological membranes, making it virtually non-toxic. Other emulsifiers can only be excreted via the kidneys, creating a toxic load. The emulsifier of choice for most fat emulsions used for parenteral nutrition is a highly purified egg lecithin, due to its low toxicity and complete integration with cell membranes. Use of egg-derived emulsifiers is not recommended for people with an egg allergy due to matrix that can solubilize lipophilic molecules. The lipid core is stabilized by surfactants (emulsifiers). The term lipid is used here in a broader sense and includes triglycerides (e.g. tristearin), diglycerides (e.g. glycerol bahenate), monoglycerides (e.g. glycerol monostearate), fatty acids (e.g. stearic acid), steroids (e.g. cholesterol), and waxes (e.g. cetyl palmitate). All classes of emulsifiers (with respect to charge and molecular weight) have been used to stabilize the lipid dispersion. It has been found that the combination of emulsifiers might prevent particle agglomeration more efficiently. Development of solid lipid nanoparticles is one of the emerging fields of lipid nanotechnology (for general practitioner at Ventersburg in the Orange Free State. Here he married Beatrix Nairn in 1906. Career Having decided on a career in ophthalmology, he was appointed Ophthalmic Surgeon to the Edinburgh Eye Dispensary in 1910, Ophthalmic Surgeon to Leith Hospital in 1912 and Assistant Ophthalmic Surgeon to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, in 1913. Through his clinical and scientific publications over the next few years, he established a national then international reputation for his work on visual fields and neuro-ophthalmology. He was an original member of the Scottish Ophthalmological Club attending its first meeting in 1911. In 1927 States, United Kingdom, France, Belgium and Denmark. In terms of input, the company uses over 5,000 tons of flour per month. Compliance with Jewish law In the interests of keeping the bread kosher (Angel Bakeries carries the hechsher of both the Edah HaChareidis and the Orthodox Union), Angel's son Ovadia, a trained chemist, collaborated with others at the Angel's-owned Adumim Chemicals plant to develop a new formula for the emulsifiers that bind water and oil in the bread-making process. In those early days, emulsifiers were made with animal-based fats which were not kosher. Ovadia Angel and his team produced emulsifiers Chinese patients because he felt fees interfered with the healing of the sick and the spirit of Christianity. Vast as was his distinctly medical work, Dr. Kerr was above all things a missionary. He never lost an opportunity to preach Christ. Kindly, just, dignified in his manner, he was always at work doing good and commending Christ to the Chinese.... He was a missionary first, and all his medical knowledge was used to commend the Gospel. — Robert E. Speer, Monthly Missionary Survey Ophthalmic Hospital Dr. Peter Parker established the Ophthalmic Hospital in Canton on November 4, 1835. After a few months, ophthalmic disorders and eye surgery, "Ophthalmodouleia Das ist Augendienst". It was published in 1583, and discussed ocular diseases, surgical techniques and instruments, and contained an ophthalmic atlas of 92 woodcuts depicting diseases of the eye. Bartisch is also remembered for his work in lithotomy for the removal of urinary calculi. Despite his skill as a surgeon, Bartisch was a superstitious individual, as he believed that magic, astrology and witchcraft played a significant part in medicine.
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consensus-building. In March 2012, Ennahda declared it would not support making sharia the main source of legislation in the new constitution, maintaining the secular nature of the state. Ennahda's stance on the issue was criticized by hardline Islamists, who wanted strict sharia, but was welcomed by secular parties. The government was criticized for mediocre economic performance, not stimulating the tourism industry, and poor relations with Tunisia's biggest trading partner France. In particular it was criticized for tolerating efforts at aggressive Islamisation by radical Islamists who were demanding Sharia law and denouncing gender inequality and restrictions on polygamy, some of whom be killed by stoning, hanging or pushing them from a high place. In Nigeria, federal law criminalizes homosexual behaviour, but states with Sharia law imposed the death penalty. Sharia Court of Appeals Recognized as a federal court of appeals under the government of Nigeria, the Sharia Court of Appeals is the most controversial of the judicial system. It exists within the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria and is a part of the Unified Courts System. The Sharia Court of Appeals reviews cases involving Sharia law, particularly in the North and Northeast regions of the country. This has caused controversy because America (EXMNA, co-founded by Muhammad Syed, Sarah Haider and others), Former Muslims United and Muslimish. Yemen Apostasy is a crime in Yemen. Articles 12 and 259 of the Yemen Penal Code address apostasy, the former requires Sharia sentence be used for apostasy and the latter specifies death penalty for apostates of Islam. Yemeni law waives the punishment to an apostate if he or she recants, repents and returns to Islam while denouncing his or her new faith. In 2012, Yemeni citizen Ali Qasim Al-Saeedi was arrested and charged with apostasy by Yemeni law enforcement agency after he posted his personal views or transfer clergy, and some clergy remain in prison or under serious state repression. Yemen The constitution declares Islam the state religion and sharia the source of all legislation in Yemen. It provides for freedom of thought and expression “within the limits of the law,” but does not mention freedom of religion. The law prohibits denunciation of Islam, conversion from Islam to another religion, and proselytizing directed at Muslims. As a consequence of the ongoing Yemeni Civil War, the Cabinet of Yemen affiliated with former president Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi only controls a portion of the country and is unable to Bahrain (in Sharia courts), Egypt (in family courts), Iran (in most cases), Iraq (in some cases), Jordan (in Sharia courts), Kuwait (in family courts), Libya (in some cases), Morocco (in family cases), Palestine (in cases related to marriage, divorce and child custody), Qatar (in family law matters), Syria (in Sharia courts), United Arab Emirates (in some civil matters), Yemen (not allowed to testify at all in cases of adultery and retribution), and Saudi Arabia. Such laws have been criticized by Human Rights Watch and Equality Now as being discriminatory towards women. The criminal justice system in many common law countries has it harder to reduce drug prices because it would allow drug companies to lock in the prices they charge for many drugs. Warren has been highly critical of Trump's immigration policies. In 2018 she called for abolishing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Warren has criticized U.S. involvement in the Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen in support of Yemen's government against the Houthis. In January 2019, Warren criticized Trump's decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria and Afghanistan. She agreed that US troops should be withdrawn from Syria and Afghanistan but said such withdrawals should be part of a "coordinated" and Saudi-led coalition forces were both seen fighting Houthi rebels in the same battle. In April 2016, It was reported that MI6 teams with members of the Special Reconnaissance Regiment seconded to them had been operating in Yemen; training Yemen forces fighting AQAP and identifying targets for drone strikes. On 6 May 2016, it was reported that a small number of U.S. military personnel had been deployed to Yemen two weeks previously to support Arab forces fighting AQAP in the country. They have been supporting Yemeni and Emirati forces fighting in Mukalla by planning operations and providing other assistance. The U.S. has has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. (2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and return to his country." Despite this universal human right travel within Syria is discouraged, by the government and the rebels, and Extremist groups and the government have imposed restrictions on the freedom of movement on the people of Syria. Bans have been said to have increased significantly since 2006, though exact statistics are hard to come by as secret security agencies are commonly the ones issuing the bans. The Syrian Constitution, in Article 38(3), communists, indicating that he still saw the world through the lens of the Cold War. He also took a stance against the Islamic warlords however. In November 2002 he said that government laws could not be enforced in parts of the country were warlords were still in power. A judge could not make fair decisions in areas ruled by Mujahideen commanders, and as a consequence, in much of Afghanistan, the rule of the gun continues to prevailed over the rule of law. Sharia Islamists wanted that the legal system of Afghanistan would be drawn solely from Sharia law. But Karimi situation instead. Their modern relations with Yemen only started at 1990, when two Yemens united as one country. During Yemeni War of 1994, Turkey portrayed as a neutral and even attempted to settle peace between. After that, the relations between Yemen and Turkey are neglected due to internal conflicts within Yemen and lack of interest from Turkey to Yemen. Yemeni Civil War of 2015 In the conflict of Yemen, Turkey initially took a pro-Yemeni Government stance, supporting Yemeni Government against the Houthis, but has not made any serious military intervention against the Houthis. In 2018, Turkey expressed concerns and wary
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major central processing unit (CPU or processor) manufacturers started to produce power efficient processors with multiple cores. The core is the computing unit of the processor and in multi-core processors each core is independent and can access the same memory concurrently. Multi-core processors have brought parallel computing to desktop computers. Thus parallelisation of serial programmes has become a mainstream programming task. In 2012 quad-core processors became standard for desktop computers, while servers have 10 and 12 core processors. From Moore's law it can be predicted that the number of cores per processor will double every 18–24 months. This could mean inefficiencies of CMOS-based classical computers. Historically, computer processing power doubled every 18 months due to increasing densities of transistors per semiconductor unit. To alleviate challenges brought on by limitations in computer architectures and sustain regular processing performance gains, there was a move toward instruction-level parallelism and superscalar microprocessors. However, with rising costs associated with greater power consumption brought on by this approach signaling the end of Moore's Law, IEEE introduced the IEEE Rebooting Computing initiative. Incorporating three fundamental pillars of rebooting computing, including energy efficiency, security, and Human Computer Interface (HCI), the initiative seeks to overcome setbacks and challenges relating to to keep the electric field constant, voltage is reduced by 30%, reducing energy by 65% and power (at 1.4x frequency) by 50%. Therefore, in every technology generation the transistor density doubles, the circuit becomes 40% faster, and power consumption (with twice the number of transistors) stays the same. Relation with Moore's law and computing performance Moore's law says that the number of transistors doubles about every two years. Combined with Dennard scaling, this means that performance per watt grows at this same rate, doubling about every two years. This trend is referred to as Koomey's law. The rate of doubling product growth, which typically remains under 10% for most countries annually. Given that Moore's Law continues to predict accurately the rate of computing transistor growth, which roughly translates into computing power doubling every two years, the Redshift theory suggests that traditional computing markets will ultimately contract as a percentage of computing expenditures over time. Functionally, this means “Blueshifting” customers can satisfy computing requirement growth by swapping in faster processors without increasing the absolute number of computing systems. Consequences and industry commentary Papadopoulos argued that while traditional computing markets remain the dominant source of revenue through the late 2000s, a shift to and went on to become the basic building block of modern telecommunications technology. Continuous MOSFET scaling, along with various advances in MOS technology, has enabled both Moore's law (transistor counts in integrated circuit chips doubling every two years) and Edholm's law (communication bandwidth doubling every 18 months). earlier computing technologies prior to the integrated circuit. Ray Kurzweil postulates a law of accelerating returns in which the speed of technological change (and more generally, all evolutionary processes) increases exponentially, generalizing Moore's law in the same manner as Moravec's proposal, and also including material technology (especially as applied to nanotechnology), medical technology and others. Between 1986 and 2007, machines' application-specific capacity to compute information per capita roughly doubled every 14 months; the per capita capacity of the world's general-purpose computers has doubled every 18 months; the global telecommunication capacity per capita doubled every 34 months; and the world's storage capacity 2.6 years. This is related to the slowing of Moore's Law, the ability to build smaller transistors; and the end around 2005 of Dennard scaling, the ability to build smaller transistors with constant power density. "The difference between these two growth rates is substantial. A doubling every year and a half results in a 100-fold increase in efficiency every decade. A doubling every two and a half years yields just a 16-fold increase", Koomey wrote. Implications The implications of Koomey's law are that the amount of battery needed for a fixed computing load will fall by a factor of 100 every efficiency of computing will continue to double every 1.57 years, the Landauer bound will be reached in 2048. Thus, after about 2048, Koomey's law can no longer hold. Landauer's principle, however, is not applicable to reversible computing. This and other 'beyond CMOS' future computing technologies as-yet undeveloped would represent entirely new efficiencies, beyond Koomey's Law. Redshift (theory) Redshift is a techno-economic theory suggesting hypersegmentation of information technology markets based on whether individual computing needs are over or under-served by Moore's law, which predicts the doubling of computing transistors (and therefore roughly computing power) every two years. The theory, proposed and named by New Enterprise Associates partner and former Sun Microsystems CTO Greg Papadopoulos, categorized a series of high growth markets (redshifting) while predicting slower GDP-driven growth in traditional computing markets (blueshifting). Papadopoulos predicted the result will be a fundamental redesign of components comprising computing systems. Hypergrowth market segments (redshifting) According to the Redshift theory, applications self-assembly in nanotube circuits, biological systems emulating circuit assembly, computing with DNA, spintronics (computing with the spin of electrons), computing with light, and quantum computing. Since Kurzweil believes computational capacity will continue to grow exponentially long after Moore's Law ends it will eventually rival the raw computing power of the human brain. Kurzweil looks at several different estimates of how much computational capacity is in the brain and settles on 10¹⁶ calculations per second and 10¹³ bits of memory. He writes that $1,000 will buy computer power equal to a single brain "by around 2020" while by 2045, the onset of
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Like luonto, itse could leave one's body without the person dying but long absence would cause illnesses and misery. Depressions, for instance, was seen as a result of having lost one's itse. If a person was diagnosed to be itsetön or luonnoton (without one's itse or without one's luonto), a shaman or a sage could try locating the missing part of the soul and bring it back. Although itse and luonto were usually lost after a traumatising event, it was possible to purposefully separate one's itse from their body. This was required if a missing part of the soul needed Magician's palm The Magician's Palm is a method for hiding a playing card, in which the card is placed in the hand lengthwise, the hand is curled inward slightly, and the card is thus retained in the hand. It is important with this palm that you do not have one's thumb sticking out as if "hitchhiking" as this is a "tell" or sign that a card is being palmed. (English: hint) is to place a hand in the center of the table, saying a word other than burro. If a player puts their hand in the center, they will be assigned a letter. However, if no one puts their hand in the center, the letter will be assigned to the player who made the hint. Another technique would be feign putting one's hand down. one finds hidden in one's dough ball are supposed to be a lighthearted comment on one's character. If a person finds chilies in their dough, it means they are talkative. If white-colored ingredients like salt, wool or rice are inside the dough it is considered a good sign. If a person finds coal in the dough it has much the same meaning as finding coal in one's Christmas stocking; it means you have a "black heart". the elder passes for a hundred steps or more. When the elder person stands, the junior person stands. When the elder person sits, only upon being ordered does the junior person sit. In front of a respected elder, one's voice has to be low. If it is too low to be heard, however, then that's inappropriate. When going in to see an elder, one must hurry; when leaving an elder, one must be slow. When asked a question, one rises and answer without moving one's gaze. Serve the many fathers (elders) like serving (your own) Father. Serve the many older High five The high five is a hand gesture that occurs when two people simultaneously raise one hand each, about head-high, and push, slide, or slap the flat of their palm against the flat palm of the other person. The gesture is often preceded verbally by a phrase like "Give me five", "High five", "Up high", or "Slap hands". Its meaning varies with the context of use but can include as a greeting, congratulations, or celebration. There are many origin stories of the high five, but the two most documented candidates are Dusty Baker and Glenn Burke of the Los Angeles TWO-THREE/DOWN" Royal Navy The Naval salute differs in that the palm of the hand faces down towards the shoulder. This dates back to the days of sailing ships, when tar and pitch were used to seal a ship's timbers from seawater. To protect their hands, officers wore white gloves and it was considered most undignified to present a dirty palm in the salute, so the hand was turned through 90 degrees. A common story is that Queen Victoria, having been saluted by an individual with a dirty palm, decreed that in future sailors of the fleet would salute palm down, with hand puppets with his father as a kid and tried to do one of those voices. Rikki was also a colorist on Invader Zim and in November 1998, the same month he auditioned for GIR, he also helped color the pilot episode. Vasquez said that he gave Rikki the part of GIR because he was "bad at it", and that fit the character. When voicing GIR, Rikki's voice was edited to make it sound higher-pitched and metallic. While Rikki eventually learned to perform the voice without the high-pitch editing, the metallic quality still had to be added. Unedited versions recipient. It can also mean "Victor" in some countries, which is not to be mistaken for the "Peace" gesture. The "Peace" gesture is done with the palm facing the recipient of the gesture. In Britain, this is also the case - however, if the palm faces inwards (towards the person doing the "peace" sign), it is an offensive gesture in Britain, though not considered quite as rude as to "the finger" (but still very rude and offensive). Loser The "loser" gesture used in some countries is performed by raising the index finger and thumb of one's right hand perpendicular to and well liked by many that was remixed in slower flow. The album cover was simple yet luxurious as they would like to tone down to fit the concept of this album. This album was to prove their perfect collaboration and also friendship as in the past Tuấn Hưng used to announce "I love Lệ Quyên" 1 year previously. Not just love! He shared that his love toward Lệ Quyên was more like an admiration between humans, toward her voice and working ethnic. The album helped them become well liked in Vietnam and oversea. Also during this time, it was
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of several simple mechanical and electrical component systems which perform the basic required functions of the pack. The actual battery cells can have different chemistry, physical shapes, and sizes as preferred by various pack manufacturers. Battery pack will always incorporate many discrete cells connected in series and parallel to achieve the total voltage and current requirements of the pack. Battery packs for all electric drive EVs can contain several hundred individual cells. To assist in manufacturing and assembly, the large stack of cells is typically grouped into smaller stacks called modules. Several of these modules will be placed into a single pack. Within kit. Third party rechargeable battery pack kits are also available. Despite the official rechargeable battery pack being nickel metal hydride, the normal (AA) battery casing advises to use only with alkaline batteries. Battery pack charger kit The Battery pack charger kit allows the controller to be recharged while charging the wireless controller into the charger kit. The kit also includes the rechargeable battery pack. The battery pack charger kit allows use of a wireless controller without a battery pack; however Logitech recommends using a AA pack (empty) to avoid damage to the exposed battery compartment. The Battery pack charger kit programs written in machine code in difference to programs written in the EPSON BASIC programming language. Problems A common complaint found in most HX-20 computers today is the failure of the internal Ni-Cd rechargeable battery pack. The battery pack is easily replaced by a NiMH (or equivalent) battery pack. Changing the battery pack is not generally considered to reduce the collectible value of the computer, as doing so does not damage any internals. An easy fix for replacement batteries is to use four AA cells in a holder secured on the inside. The leads can be easily soldered on to the Battery management system A battery management system (BMS) is any electronic system that manages a rechargeable battery (cell or battery pack), such as by protecting the battery from operating outside its safe operating area, monitoring its state, calculating secondary data, reporting that data, controlling its environment, authenticating it and / or balancing it. A battery pack built together with a battery management system with an external communication data bus is a smart battery pack. A smart battery pack must be charged by a smart battery charger. Battery connection to load circuit A BMS may also feature a precharge system allowing a off when the car is slow or stationary thereby reducing curbside emissions. Passenger car installations include Toyota Prius, Ford Escape and Fusion, as well as Lexus RX400h, RX450h, GS450h, LS600h, and CT200h. Series hybrid A series- or serial-hybrid vehicle is driven by an electric motor, functioning as an electric vehicle while the battery pack energy supply is sufficient, with an engine tuned for running as a generator when the battery pack is insufficient. There is typically no mechanical connection between the engine and the wheels, and the primary purpose of the range extender is to charge the battery. Series-hybrids have also Battery balancing Battery balancing and battery redistribution refer to techniques that improve the available capacity of a battery pack with multiple cells (usually in series) and increase each cell's longevity. A battery balancer or battery regulator is an electrical device in a battery pack that performs battery balancing. Balancers are often found in lithium-ion battery packs for laptop computers, electrical vehicles. etc. Rationale Typically, the individual cells in a battery have somewhat different capacities and may be at different levels of state of charge (SOC). This is due to manufacturing variances, assembly variances (e.g., cells from one production run pack consisting of 430 cells arranged in 86 series 5 parallel (86S5P). The nominal cell voltage is 3.7 V with a 4.2/3.0 V maximum / minimum voltage, giving a nominal battery voltage of 318.2 V with a 361.2/258 V maximum/minimum, with a weight of 667 lbs. It is split in two with one part being under the rear seats and the other behind the rear seats. Pack capacity was upgraded to 33.5 kWh capacity lithium-ion battery pack in the 2017 model. The Focus Electric delivers 92 kW (125 PS; 123 bhp) and 181 lb⋅ft (245 N⋅m) of torque. Ford indicated that a 2013 prices. Owners may pick up their own battery pack fully charged on the return trip for no extra payment. Tesla will also offer the option to keep the pack received on the swap and pay the price difference if the battery received is newer; or to receive the original pack back from Tesla for a transport fee. The billing will be handled via customer credit card on file with Tesla. Pricing had not been determined as of June 2013. Regulatory issues The California Air Resources Board staff considered modifying the Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) regulation to exclude battery swapping as For obvious safety reasons these relays are all normally open. The battery pack also contains a variety of temperature, voltage, and current sensors. Collection of data from the pack sensors and activation of the pack relays are accomplished by the pack ’s Battery Monitoring Unit (BMU) or Battery Management System (BMS). The BMS is also responsible for communications with the world outside the battery pack. Charging Batteries in BEVs must be periodically recharged. BEVs most commonly charge from the power grid (at home or using a street or shop recharging point), which is in turn generated from a variety of domestic detection, functional safety tests and failure diagnostics. Battery Pack Most electric vehicles today use an electric battery, consisting of electrochemical cells with external connections in order to provide power to the vehicle. Battery technology for EVs has developed from early lead-acid batteries used in the late 19th Century to the 2010s, to lithium-ion batteries which are found in most EVs today. The overall battery is referred to as a battery pack, which is a group of multiple battery modules and cells. The battery pack powering modern EVs can have as little as 96 battery cells to as many as 2,976 cells.
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herding, racing and make the tack. Traditionally, men (or in modern times, women) also milk the mares. Care and Grooming Compared to Western methods, Mongolians take a very "hands off" approach to horse care. Horses are not bathed or fed special foods like grain or hay. Rather, they are simply allowed to graze freely on the steppe, digging through the snow to find forage in the winter. Because nature provides so well for the Mongol horse, they cost little to nothing to raise. As such, horses are not an expensive luxury item as in Western icons. It was also the first time purple distributed hard-cover magazines instead of the traditional soft-cover print. He described in the editions Edito: “It’s been years now that younger generations don’t use magazines to express themselves — at least not the way we did back in 1992. Social media now generally satisfy the need for images, contacts, and creativity. Publishing a magazine has become so expensive… An actual print object like Purple is a luxury item, which is why new alternative magazines don’t last more than a few years, are often bought, or simply disappear. Doing a luxury magazine today label) this has been found legal by most courts. When the item is resold under the same OEM name, it is informally considered a "gray market" item - if it is sold as used, it's legal, if it's represented as an OEM product eligible for rebates and warranties, it is considered "counterfeit" or "black market". The automobile parts industry in the USA is governed by laws on the disclosure of "used" parts and, in some states, mattresses which have been used are required to be sanitized or destroyed. Whether these laws are in place to protect consumers from black market items, are new designs, or include boosting options such as a turbocharger. In comparison, jet engines and turboprops often have TBOs on the order of 3,000 to 5,000 hours. Since overhauling requires that the engine be disassembled, parts inspected and measured and many parts replaced, it is typically a labour-intensive and hence expensive operation. The value of a used engine decreases as it hours mount since its last overhaul, so sellers of used engines (and aircraft) typically list the engine's time since major overhaul (SMOH) when advertising the engine or the aircraft it is fitted in for sale. The TBO is a time meld it with the future in the most beautiful, sensible way." As told to, Lagerfeld noted of his collection, "It was dark, but I don't think it was sad. It's not easy to run around in pink all day. It's a very cosmopolitan, international look. It's a global look women can wear all over the world… An interesting thing is that today it's not that Europe, as big as the amount of shops, it's the rest of the world, it's the new world. And that's very interesting, because French luxury industry survives doing so well because there are all of of horology, engineering, medicine, building or construction. The most expensive item was his "Space Traveller's Watch" which was sold for £1,329,250 in 2012 and then for £3,196,250 when it was resold in 2017. item of the agenda will be in inverse proportion to the sum [of money] involved." A reactor is so vastly expensive and complicated that an average person cannot understand it, so one assumes that those who work on it understand it. On the other hand, everyone can visualize a cheap, simple bicycle shed, so planning one can result in endless discussions because everyone involved wants to add a touch and show personal contribution. Problems arise after a suggestion of building something new for the community, like a bike shed, causes everyone involved to argue about the details. This is a metaphor numerous Russian components are planned as part of the in-orbit construction of OPSEK. Cost The ISS is credited as the most expensive item ever built, costing around $150 billion (USD), making it more expensive than Skylab (costing US$2.2 billion) and Mir (US$4.2 billion). is directly assignable to a specific product or process is a direct cost. Direct costs are those for activities or services that benefit specific projects, for example salaries for project staff and materials required for a particular project. Because these activities are easily traced to projects, their costs are usually charged to projects on an item-by-item basis. Indirect costs are, but not necessarily, not directly attributable to a cost object. It should be financially infeasible to do so. Indirect costs are typically allocated to a cost object on some basis. In construction, all costs which are required for completion of the and are represented as rectangular prisms, the bishops feature diagonal lines, the king has both straight and diagonal elements, and the knights are L-shaped. The chess sets were sold in two versions, a "daily use" version (Gebrauchsspiel) which cost 51 Marks, and a hand-made "luxury" version (Luxusspiel) which used more expensive types of wood and cost 155 Marks. As was the case with most Bauhaus products, this was too expensive for most consumers, and the chess sets remained a luxury item sold in small numbers.
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Times wrote that "the [perpetrator's] goal, if there was one" behind saying "subscribe to PewDiePie" during his livestream of the attack, "may have been to pull a popular internet figure into a fractious blame game and inflame political tensions everywhere." CNN-News18 further cautions that the shooter's intended consequence was that people who hate PewDiePie would be inclined to blame PewDiePie rather than the shooter in order to "further [the accusers'] political agenda." Support of T-Series The rivalry between PewDiePie and T-Series got more attention in India after controversial actions by PewDiePie and his fans. PewDiePie's "Bitch Lasagna" diss track contained game's release, the Five Nights at Freddy's series has become increasingly popular among a large group of people, effectively creating a fan base for the game. The series is discussed by fans on many platforms such as Reddit. The Five Nights at Freddy's games have proven popular to be played by video streamers to their audience, so as to capture the players' jump scares and other frightened reactions, becoming a common game for Let's Play videos. Popular video streamers such as PewDiePie, Markiplier, and Jacksepticeye helped the games to receive additional attention through their playthroughs. In May 2015, YouTube reported that this race. I don't even know why PewDiePie is taking this so seriously. He's getting his people to push him, promote him. We are not competing with him." Online campaigns to subscribe to PewDiePie greatly assisted Kjellberg's subscriber count; his channel gained 6.62 million subscribers in December 2018 alone, compared to the 7 million subscribers gained in all of 2017. On 12 March, Kjellberg uploaded an episode of his show Pew News in which he mentioned the 2019 Pulwama terrorist attack in which 40 Indian paramilitary troops were killed by terrorist organizations based in Pakistan. Following the attack, T-Series removed several Enes Batur Allegations of copying popular Youtubers and channel termination threat In 2019, YouTuber JT posted a video which exposed Enes about him copying several Youtubers such as PewDiePie and MrBeast. JT said that he copied Kjellberg's Minecraft series and posted his Part 1 thumbnail similar to Kjellberg's thumbnail (although he changed it so that Enes would hide the truth) and reenacted everything Kjellberg did. After JT published the video, Enes copystriked his video saying it used Enes' audio despite JT muting out his audio. The strike was later overturned, but JT wanted Enes' channel terminated not because he 'hates him' thanks his fans for sticking with him through his YouTube career and references past notable videos. Following PewDiePie's upload of the song, he regained the number one spot. On 28 April 2019, PewDiePie requested in a video that his viewers end the "Subscribe to PewDiePie" meme, saying that "This movement started out of love and support, so let’s end it with that." PewDiePie also further condemned the actions of the Christchurch shooter in the video, saying "to have my name associated with something so unspeakably vile has affected me in more ways than I've let shown ... I just didn't feel absolutely sickened having my name uttered by this person. My heart and thoughts go out to the victims, families and everyone affected by this tragedy." Those who had helped to popularize the meme, like Ethan Klein, were repulsed that the phrase had been used as a call to arms by the attacker, and urged people to stop spreading the meme, hoping that it would die out. The perpetrator of 27 April 2019 Poway synagogue shooting also mentioned PewDiePie, claiming without evidence that the shooting was planned and financed by PewDiePie. Following the 2019 Christchurch shootings, Kevin Roose of The New York for a second season,, to be titled Scare PewDiePie: Multiplayer, in which PewDiePie would joined by fellow YouTuber Jacksepticeye. However, on February 14, 2017, YouTube announced that Scare PewDiePie was cancelled following a series of anti-Semitic jokes made by Kjellberg on his YouTube channel. On March 14, 2017, PewDiePie released a comedic video that included a fake first episode of Scare PewDiePie: Season 2. Despite initially stoking online speculation that he would release the second season, Kjellberg confirmed in the video that this would be impossible for legal reasons. He did express regret that the season would not be seen by his channel; Kotaku wrote: "Instead of limiting himself to horror games, Pewdiepie is now actively playing more things that interest him." Happy Wheels was another oft-cited video game that helped propel PewDiePie's channel on YouTube. Fridays with PewDiePie is another notable set of videos uploaded by PewDiePie; the series is formatted as a vlog and often features PewDiePie completing viewer requests. Many of PewDiePie's most-viewed videos are highlight compilations of his Let's Play videos. One of these compilations, "A Funny Montage", was uploaded in June 2013 and spent a considerable amount of time as PewDiePie's most-viewed, with publications citing it as obsessed culture." Chris Reed of The Wall St. Cheat Sheet commented on the divisive opinions about Kjellberg, stating, "PewDiePie is not universally adored [...] the great divide in opinion on PewDiePie seems to be largely generational. Older people are less likely to subscribe to YouTube channels, or to pay much credence to YouTube personalities in general. Many younger viewers, on the other hand, see him as endlessly entertaining and relatable." When critiquing Kjellberg's early video game commentary content, Swedish columnist Lars Lindstrom commented positively, stating "that Felix Kjellberg [having] a comic talent is indisputable. It is both amazingly awful and amazingly a banner attached saying “Subscribe to PewDiePie”. More than 21,000 people watched PewDiePie's live stream on DLive showing the plane with its banner fly over Lower Manhattan. During the live stream, PewDiePie said that the event was "a nice little wrap up" to the Subscribe to PewDiePie meme. The flight and banner, which cost more than $4,500, were crowdfunded by PewDiePie's fanbase. Association with criminal acts Although PewDiePie told his supporters not to do "anything illegal" in their activism, some rogue activists committed criminal acts of vandalism to spread the "Subscribe to PewDiePie" meme. In March 2019, the Brooklyn War
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iron(II) (Fe²⁺) to form crystals of the corresponding oxalates which are then excreted in urine as minute crystals. These oxalates can form larger kidney stones that can obstruct the kidney tubules. An estimated 80% of kidney stones are formed from calcium oxalate. Those with kidney disorders, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, or certain forms of chronic vulvar pain (vulvodynia) are typically advised to avoid foods high in oxalic acid. Methods to reduce the oxalate content in food are of current interest. Magnesium (Mg²⁺) oxalate is 567 times more soluble than calcium oxalate, so the latter is more likely to precipitate out when magnesium people with prediabetes or diabetes mellitus as there may be a change in glucose control. Hepatic impairment: Use with caution in people with severe hepatic dysfunction; in cirrhosis, avoid electrolyte and acid/base imbalances that might lead to hepatic encephalopathy. Renal failure: combined triamterene and indomethacin therapy caused reversible acute renal failure in some people. Kidney stones: Use with caution in people with kidney stones. Use should be avoided if the creatinine clearance is less than 10 ml/minute. Mechanism of action Triamterene directly blocks the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) on the lumen side of the kidney collecting tubule. Other diuretics cause a decrease in As of 2015, Ethan was a partner at the Chicago office of the law firm Mayer Brown. Health Hastert suffers from type 2 diabetes and requires daily insulin injections. Because of his condition, he sometimes walked with protective coverings on his feet to avoid foot problems. Hastert has received treatment for kidney stones at least three times. In 2005, he underwent minor surgery at Bethesda Naval Hospital to remove kidney stones. In 2006, Hastert was hospitalized for cellulitis (a type of bacterial skin infection). In November 2015, the week after entering a guilty plea in federal court, Hastert suffered a stroke Recent studies (2019) shows kidney stones are layered and the stones may form and dissolve by time. The researchers believe the effect could lead to the development of new drugs for human kidney stones. Obesity is a leading risk factor as well. High dietary intake of animal protein, sodium, sugars including honey, refined sugars, fructose and high fructose corn syrup, oxalate, grapefruit juice, and apple juice may increase the risk of kidney stone formation. Kidney stones can result from an underlying metabolic condition, such as distal renal tubular acidosis, Dent's disease, hyperparathyroidism, primary hyperoxaluria, or medullary sponge kidney. 3–20% of people who form kidney stones have medullary sponge kidney. Kidney stones are more common in people with Crohn's disease; Crohn's disease is associated with hyperoxaluria and malabsorption of magnesium. A person with recurrent kidney stones may be from kidney stones, Moisant died at Caen, on 20 May 1674, only a few days after he had resigned himself to having them surgically removed. claimed, gives the water its health benefits. Fiuggi has been proven to be effective in breaking down and flushing out kidney stones from the body and helping to improve kidney function. Fiuggi water is accredited by the Italian National Health Institute for kidney stimulation and helping to break down and dissolve kidney stones. Various medical studies have been performed and published in Italian scientific journals citing evidence that Fiuggi is beneficial for dissolving kidney stones and improving kidney function. Culture The town is linked with the legend of the stuzze, in which St. Blaise, in order can lead to dehydration, which can, in turn, lead to the development of kidney stones. The American Urological Association has projected that global warming will lead to an increased incidence of kidney stones in the United States by expanding the "kidney stone belt" of the southern United States. In one study, people with lymphoproliferative/myeloproliferative disorders who were treated with chemotherapy developed symptomatic kidney stones 1.8% of the time. Hypocitraturia Hypocitraturia or low urinary-citrate excretion (defined as less than 320 mg/day) can cause kidney stones in up to 2/3 of cases. The protective role of citrate is linked to several mechanisms; in fact, citrate not differ from that of patients with normal kidney anatomy, kidney stones can warrant a different approach. Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy, a possible treatment for kidney stones, can be less effective in patients with horseshoe kidneys due to the abnormal anatomy causing difficulties with localizing the energy to the stones. Also, due to the kidney obstruction that can commonly occur with this renal fusion, clearance of the resulting stone fragments can also be impaired. For this reason, prior to any treatment with shockwave lithotripsy, a UPJ obstruction must first be ruled out as it significantly impair successful treatment. For stones that of kidney stones. For example, by increasing urinary calcium excretion, high dietary sodium may increase the risk of stone formation. Drinking fluoridated tap water may increase the risk of kidney stone formation by a similar mechanism, though further epidemiologic studies are warranted to determine whether fluoride in drinking water is associated with an increased incidence of kidney stones. High dietary intake of potassium appears to reduce the risk of stone formation because potassium promotes the urinary excretion of citrate, an inhibitor of calcium crystal formation. Kidney stones are more likely to develop, and to grow larger, if a person has low dietary
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into that 60s feel, because we were ultimately going for a 'no period' look." Case took the series' color palette from "60s rock bands—the golds and yellows and oranges and greens ... Noah said he wanted it to look like David was rescued by The Kinks". She then assigned colors from that palette to each lead character: Barrett wears orange and black; Carry and Kerry Loudermilk wear mostly navy and tan; Melanie Bird wear beige and pastel colors to "convey her role as a caretaker"; and Haller wears different blues and greys, though his palette was "more open than others', light grey trousers and a single-breasted navy blue school blazer. A grey or dark blue, v-neck pullover with or without sleeves may also be worn. For the lower and upper sixth, navy blue or grey suits are instead worn, and upper sixth formers are permitted to wear pastel shaded shirts. A woollen scarf in the school colours: green, red and white; the sixth form scarf has longitudinal stripes. All years are required to wear one of the approved school ties. Various ties are awarded for sporting, artistic or social achievements, along with half and full colours awarded for services white at the end of the film. In conjunction with the camera technique of removing the colours, there is also a change in the environmental colours used in backgrounds and clothing. At the beginning of the film, the environments contain a lot of primary colours, whereas toward the end of the film pastel shades, blacks and whites are used. Geum-ja wears a blue coat in the early part of the film, but this is replaced with a black leather coat at the end. The brightly coloured walls of the prison and Geum-ja's bedroom are replaced with the grey walls of effect, a reversion to dress uniforms that combine smartness with some traditional features. Thus the U.S. Army announced in 2006 that uniforms of modern cut but in the traditional dark and light blue colours will become universal issue, replacing the previous grey/green service dress. The French Army has, with the abolition of conscription, reintroduced kepis, fringed epaulettes and sashes in traditional colours to wear with camouflage "trellis" or light beige parade dress. The British Army with its strong regimental traditions has retained a wide range of special features and dress items to distinguish individual units, in spite of recent amalgamations. Beige Brigade The Beige Brigade is a group of colourful and passionate New Zealand sport fans who identify themselves by wearing beige colours. A version of this beige uniform was worn by the New Zealand limited overs cricket team during the early 1980s (in contrast to the more familiar black, which is worn by almost all New Zealand sports teams, including the current cricket team). The Beige Brigade began in 1999 as a group of dedicated New Zealand cricket fans began wearing home sewn beige uniforms to New Zealand matches. These home-made kits echoed the much-maligned official beige team uniform a part of the cultural lives of the older students. The school also takes part in Science Exhibitions and quizzes conducted. House system The objective of the house system is to foster a sense of collective responsibility and solidarity amongst students. The house system also serves as the centre of school life, with students from different houses often competing at sports and other co-curricular activities. Nehru Gandhi Tilak Tagore. Uniform Std. I-VII boys will wear white short sleeved shirts and beige short pants. Std. VIII-X boys wear beige long pants. Girls wear beige six piece skirt, with for all NYJCians to work together and uphold the heritage and values of the college; to be a compassionate and resilient individual; and to be a resourceful, confident and proactive leader of the community. Uniform Male students wear plain beige-coloured shirts with beige pants. Female students wear beige-coloured blouses, beige skirts, and occasionally, at their discretion, shorts underneath the skirts. The former uniform, which was of a deeper brown, was completely phased out in 2008. The collar pin, which bears the college insignia, is worn on the left collar of the shirt. Dark brown blazers and school ties are worn worn. Secondary 4 students wear long beige trousers with a beige shirt, similar to the male students in the college section. College girls wear a beige blouse and a beige skirt. The uniform for the college section was retained from the former Hwa Chong Junior College, which was designed by a Malay girl of the pioneer batch. Discipline Students earn demerit points for poor behaviour. Accumulated demerit points can affect final grades and eligibility for certain awards, scholarships and overseas trips. The student handbook states that, for serious offences, male students at Hwa Chong Institution may be punished with detention, shirts and the house tie. Sixth Form students wear a grey or blue suit with pastel-coloured shirt. Students who excel at sports are often awarded with "house colours" for that sport in the form of a special tie. Prefects also wear a tie and badge of office. Traditional bluecoat For a long time the school was a traditional bluecoat school. This dress was eventually phased out as day uniform, but was still sometimes worn by boarders (until the cessation of boarding in 2008), and is still worn by choir members, and by the Captain and Vice Captains of the school, for produce the film. The filmmakers initially tried to get funding in Kenya, but that was not possible, so they found co-production partners in Europe as well as financing from Lebanon and the United States. Colours played an important role in the cinematography and art direction of the film. The filmmakers wanted to show that Nairobi is a very colourful city, which is why there is a lot of colour in the film. Scenes of intimacy between Kena and Ziki are shown in more tender pastel colours rather than the strong colour contrasts of the other scenes. The colour pink is prominent
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McLuhan, "‘figure’ refers to something that jumps out at us, something that grabs our attention, [whereas] ‘ground’ refers to something that supports or contextualizes a situation and is usually an area of unattention." When we first experience a new image or sensation, there are certain aspects of the object that grab our attention and engage us and certain aspects that we unintentionally ignore. We should not focus on just the "figure" or the "ground" though, as McLuhan believed that both were equally as important to understanding the full meaning of the situation. "This distinction between that which is perceived and mistake or one who goes wrong in a calculation a calculator when he goes wrong and in respect of this error? Yet that is what we say literally—we say that the physician erred and the calculator and the schoolmaster. But the truth, I take it, is, that each of these in so far as he is that which we entitle him never errs; so that, speaking precisely, since you are such a stickler for precision, no craftsman errs. For it is when his knowledge abandons him that he who goes wrong goes wrong—when he is not a craftsman. So that the policing is concerned ... what we need is a policing strategy across Dili." Also on 29 May, Australian Prime Minister John Howard rejected criticisms that Australian troops had not secured Dili quickly enough, saying that the crisis was possibly more dangerous than the violence following independence from Indonesia in 1999, and that "We cannot have a situation around the world and particularly in our region where Australia is told to respect the independence of a country and that it's a bully boy if it seeks to express a view or to intervene, but when something goes wrong Australia is then as true. More directly, the controversy goes, How can we talk about Pegasus? To what does the word 'Pegasus' refer? If our answer is, 'Something,' then we seem to believe in mystical entities; if our answer is, 'nothing', then we seem to talk about nothing and what sense can be made of this? Certainly when we said that Pegasus was a mythological winged horse we make sense, and moreover we speak the truth! If we speak the truth, this must be truth about something. So we cannot be speaking of nothing. Quine resists the temptation to say that she asks Ms. Hinds to explain what is wrong in which she replies with a pen and paper that she is a teacher, asking why they would send her home in the condition she is in. She goes on to tell Nadine that she is like a Basenji a dog that does not bark. This goes back to the theme of voice. Are we really human and living if we are not able to use our voice? Nadine has outlets to express her voice, however, something holds her back from reaching out to those who care about her. The Book Smother (album) Background The band moved to London to make the record and that, according to Hayden Thorpe, drew them "back to the Lake District, the soundscape of that place." "Smother refers to the pillow we were resting our heads - the album really was the place where our heads, thoughts and dreams were at the time... The duality of the word 'smother' is important to us as well - that mad human dynamic of doing the right things for all the wrong reasons or doing the wrong things for all the right reasons", the singer said. says that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong (eventually), Sod's law requires that it always goes wrong with the worst possible outcome. Hand suggests that belief in Sod's law is a combination of the law of truly large numbers and the psychological effect of the law of selection. The former says we should expect things to go wrong now and then, and the latter says we remember the exceptional events where something went wrong, but the great number of mundane events where nothing exceptional happened are forgotten. in our imagination comes from a synthesis of our knowledge of the chair and our intention toward it. We expect the chair to be X or Y, therefore, in our imagination, it appears to us this way. Thus, Sartre calls what goes on when we picture something imaginary, "quasi-observation". Imaginary objects are a "melange of past impressions and recent knowledge" (The Imaginary 90). In short, imaginary objects are what we intend them to be. Because imaginary objects appear to us in a way which is like perception but is not perception, we have a tendency to treat them as if the comforting logic of conspiracy: when something goes wrong in life, it’s because an all-powerful entity thinks you’re important enough to attack." old. "It's probably one of the reasons we were brought together…" remarked guitarist Dave Navarro, whose mother was murdered when he was a teenager. "I have memories of us being onstage together and, before we played 'Then She Did', Perry would grab me and say, 'Let's do this for our moms.' I still get chills when I think about it." "When you have something like that happen…" noted Farrell, "the better thing to do is to try to make some flowers grow out of it." "Ain't No Right" begins with Farrell singing excerpts from "Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll"
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Mickey's Christmas Carol, The Great Mouse Detective and The Little Mermaid. Henn has also animated Mickey Mouse on Nighttime Spectaculars in DisneyParks and Resorts, including Celebrate The Magic in Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom, World of Color – Celebrate! The Wonderful World of Walt Disney in Disney's California Adventure Park, Ignite the Dream, A Nighttime Spectacular of Magic and Light in Shanghai Disneyland, Disney Illuminations in Disneyland Paris, Disney Gifts Of Christmas and Celebrate! Tokyo Disneyland in Tokyo Disneyland, and "We Love Mickey" Main Street Projection Show in Hong Kong Disneyland. Awards & Honors Henn has been nominated for an Little, Liar Liar, Spy Kids, The Scorpion King, The Princess Diaries and Predators. Debney has also composed scores for the video games Lair and The Sims Medieval. In 2010, he composed the theme music for the Nickelodeon television series Supah Ninjas. He composed of Disney Parks's Nighttime Spectaculars, including: World Of Color Celebrate! in Disney's California Adventure, The Magic, The Memories And You! and Celebrate The Magic in Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom and Celebrate! Tokyo Disneyland in Tokyo Disneyland. and Walt Disney Creative Entertainment in the Disney Parks. Examples of this include, but are not limited to, The Magic, the Memories and You, Disney Dreams!, Celebrate the Magic, Once Upon a Time, Disneyland Forever, Halloween Screams, Believe... In Holiday Magic, Remember... Dreams Come True, Happily Ever After and most recently Sunset Seasons Greetings at Disney's Hollywood Studios. as the Senior Show Producer, and Imagineering creative director for projects including the 100 Years of Magic and Millennium Celebrations at Walt Disney World, and co-invented Disney's Magic Moment Pins, location sensitive display device, system, and method of providing animation sequences. Holzberg’s Magic Moments Pins and Magic Moments Game helped launch the Disney pin trading phenomena at Walt Disney World. He presented innovations during his tenure at Disney at events that included The Real Experts Panel: Kids] at Game Developers Conference. Holzberg sought to create immersive experiences in the tradition of Walt Disney's idea of "dimensional storytelling". Holzberg is the skater Jamie Loper. With partner Jamie Loper, Kuchiki performed tandem aerial acrobatics with skates on. In 2004, Kuchiki joined Disney on Ice's "Beauty & the Beast" where she portrayed the role of "Belle". Still with the company FELD Entertainment- Disney On Ice, she toured with Disney on Ice as a principal skater, Mulan and Jasmine in the "100 Years of Magic" show (from 2005). She retired from touring in 2015 and turned to coaching in Houston. into a small lizard, from which state she can recover if she fills her heart with love. The people of Auradon celebrate. Descendants 2 (2017) Descendants 2 was announced on August 15, 2015, at the D23 Expo. The film premiered on July 21, 2017, and was simulcast on six channels: ABC, Disney Channel, Disney XD, Freeform, Lifetime, and Lifetime Movies. The movie was watched by 5.3 million viewers on Disney Channel and 8.9 million through all six networks. Mal struggles with her new celebrity life as King Ben's girlfriend, secretly using magic to maintain a lifestyle she feels is a façade. cruise ship designs drawn up by February 1994. Meanwhile, Walt Disney Travel Company started signing up other cruise lines to offer packages that included Disney hotels and resorts. On May 3, 1994, Disney announced that they intended to start their own cruise line with operations starting in 1998. Arthur Rodney was selected to serve as the first president of the cruise line tentatively called Disney Vacation Cruises. Disney Cruise Line in 1995 commissioned Disney Magic and Disney Wonder from Fincantieri in Italy. The cruise line was incorporated as Devonson Cruise Company, Limited on February 6, 1996, in the United Kingdom, 2002, Euro Disney S.C.A. and the Walt Disney Company announced another annual profit for Disneyland Paris. However, it then incurred a net loss in the three years following. By March 2004, the Walt Disney Company had agreed to write off all debt that Euro Disney S.C.A. owed to the Walt Disney Company. On 1 December 2003, Euro Disney S.C.A launched the 'Need Magic' campaign, which lasted until March 2006 to bring new, first-time European visitors to the resort. And by 2005, having been open fewer than fifteen years, Disneyland Paris had become the number one tourist destination for Europe, outselling her death, Wyler's husband sold the rights to Twin Books, a publishing company which subsequently filed a lawsuit against Disney, claiming Disney owed it money for the continued licensing for the use of the book. Disney countered by claiming that Salten had published the story in 1923 without a copyright notice, thus it immediately entered into the public domain. Disney also argued that if the claimed 1923 publication date was accurate, then the copyright renewal filed in 1954 had been registered after the deadline and was thus invalid. The courts initially upheld Disney's view; however, in 1996, the Ninth Circuit most popular parades was the Main Street Electrical Parade, which recently ended a limited-time return engagement after an extended run at the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. From May 5, 2005 through November 7, 2008, as part of Disneyland's 50th anniversary, Walt Disney's Parade of Dreams was presented, celebrating several Disney films including The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Alice in Wonderland, and Pinocchio. In 2009, Walt Disney's Parade of Dreams was replaced by Celebrate! A Street Party, which premiered on March 27, 2009. Disney did not call Celebrate! A Street Party a parade,
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to heal Invictus' anger at the Lanterns, although his actions do help Invictus see that the Lanterns are not completely tainted. Returning to Odym to regroup after Invictus releases the New Guardians only if they agree to kill Larfleeze, Walker learns that Odym is being attacked by the Reach, enemies of all ring-wielders, forcing him to call the other New Guardians for help when he attempts to teach the other Blue Lanterns how to channel their auras to increase their offensive capabilities so that they can fight on their own. Although he and the other New Guardians aid Kyle against collected edition is scheduled for a January 2010 publication. Religious themes Fallen Angel includes many references to Christianity and other religions, some of which provide an unusual perspective on faith and worship. Liandra herself is a former guardian angel who had been employed by God (indeed, she was God's favorite). She states that the role of Guardians is to protect humans they are assigned to by giving them orders; however, the humans merely hear this as a suggestion in their head, and have the free will to heed it or not. Guardians are typically invisible to humans, though there have been languages which belong to the same typological class type may have arisen completely independently. Their co-occurrence might be due to universal laws governing the structure of natural languages, "language universals", or they might be the result of languages evolving convergent solutions to the recurring communicative problems that humans use language to solve. Social contexts of use and transmission While humans have the ability to learn any language, they only do so if they grow up in an environment in which language exists and is used by others. Language is therefore dependent on communities of speakers in which children learn language have told the First Lantern that once the Third Army completes their control over the whole universe, there will be no need for him. Later, the Guardians realize they cannot completely control the universe and need more members of the Third Army. They use more of the power of the First Lantern, without realizing that the First Lantern's prison is breaking. The Guardians fool the Green Lanterns into a meeting to paralyse them, so they can reveal the reason behind their plan to replace the Green Lantern Corps with the Third Army. However, they are thwarted by Guy's diversion after he Cylon democratic process, though it sometimes objects to the resulting decisions, for example, leaving another basestar full of disease-infected Cylons to their fates. One Hybrid, considered the First Hybrid in Cylon lore, was the result of experiments on humans during the First Cylon War and appears to be more coherent and prophetic than the others. It went rogue as early as the end of the First War, and is protected by model 0005 Cylons called Guardians, who consider it their god. According to the skinjobs, the First Hybrid and its Guardians are legends. The Colonial Fleet accidentally clashes with the Guardians, P14arf Background The p14ARF transcript was first identified in humans in 1995, and its protein product confirmed in mice that same year. Its gene locus is on the short arm of chromosome 9 in humans, and on a corresponding location on chromosome 4 in mice. It is located near the genes for the tandem repeats INK4a and INK4b, which are 16 kDa (p16ᴵᴺᴷ⁴ᵃ) and 15 kDa (p15ᴵᴺᴷ⁴ᵇ) proteins, respectively. These INK4 proteins directly inhibit the cyclin D-dependent kinases CDK4 and CDK6. There are other INK4 genes on other chromosomes, however these are not linked to cancer, and so their birth at an early stage of fetal development, before the skull grew too large to pass through the birth canal. This adaptation enabled the human brain to continue to grow, but it imposed a new discipline. The need to care for helpless infants for long periods of time forced humans to become less mobile. Human bands increasingly stayed in one place for long periods, so that females could care for infants, while males hunted food and fought with other bands that competed for food sources. As a result, humans became even more dependent on tool-making to compete with other animals eastern Brazil has been cut down to 5% of its original state with only 2% of that being undisturbed forest. Their existence is completely dependent on their ability to successfully reside in disturbed forests. However, titis do not seem to be aware of the difference between a disturbed and undisturbed forest. As previously mentioned, they feed opportunistically and therefore will reside in whatever forest has the most food available. As long as food is available to them (even if humans provide this food), it is feasible that the monkeys survive the deforestation of much of the Southern American rain forests. their guardians were in duty to provide for them the more obliged they are in gratitude to honour and obey their guardians. — Matthew Henry, commentary on Esther 2 The commandment itself encourages obedience "so that you may enjoy long life and that it may go well with you". Henry, Wesley and Calvin affirm the applicability of this promise for all who keep the commandment, though each notes that for the New Testament Christian, the promise may be fulfilled as earthly rewards and/or heavenly rewards, as God sees fit in his wisdom and love for the individual. In his commentary, Calvin notes the networks cause such dramatic change in so many different traits. Limited reversion Feral mammals such as dogs, cats, goats, donkeys, pigs, and ferrets that have lived apart from humans for generations show no sign of regaining the brain mass of their wild progenitors. Dingos have lived apart from humans for thousands of years but still have the same brain size as that of a domestic dog. Feral dogs that actively avoid human contact are still dependent on the human niche for survival and have not reverted to the self-sustaining behaviors of their wolf ancestors. Pathways Since 2012, a multi-stage model
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Mongo foot refers to the use of the rider's front foot for pushing. Normally, a skateboarder will feel more comfortable using their back foot to push, while their front foot remains on the board. In the minority case of mongo-footed skateboarders, the opposite is true. Some skateboarders who don't push mongo in their regular stance may still push mongo when riding in switch stance, rather than push with their weaker back foot. Some well-known skaters who change between mongo and normal when pushing switch include Jacob Vance, Stevie Williams, and Eric Koston. Although its origins remain uncertain, it is widely believed foot behind them, but not to shift their weight, on counts 1 and 2, while the follower mirrors the motion by touching their right foot in front of them without shifting weight. On counts 3 and 4, both partners bring their feet back to a standing position, but shift their weight onto the foot they have just moved. On counts 5 and 6, the leader touches their right foot in front of themselves while the follower touches their left foot back. On 7 and 8, both feet are brought back to the standing position where the necessary weight shift occurs front of the foot are shed, which creates a flow of water over the foot that likely aids lift production. Other species also create these vortices during their webbed foot stroke. Frogs also create vortices that shed off their feet when swimming in water. The vortices from the two feet do not interfere with each other; therefore, each foot is generating forward propulsion independently. Most fully aquatic vertebrates do not use paddling modes of locomotion, instead using undulatory modes of locomotion or flipper locomotion. Fully aquatic mammals and animals typically have flippers instead of webbed feet, which are a more heavily board and rider. If the rider's leading foot is their right foot, they are said to ride "goofy;" if the rider's leading foot is their left foot, they are said to ride "regular." If the rider is normally regular but chooses to ride goofy, they are said to be riding in "switch," and vice versa. A skater is typically more comfortable pushing with their back foot; choosing to push with the front foot is commonly referred to as riding "mongo", and has negative connotations of style and effectiveness in the skateboarding community. In the early 2000s, electric skateboards have also appeared. ball, the batting player will either move forward or back in their attempt to intercept it. A forward movement is designated a front foot shot, whereas a backward movement is designated a back foot shot. A front foot shot is typically used to address a ball arriving at between ankle and thigh height. The batting player will step forward towards the ball, bending their front knee to bring the bat down to the anticipated height of the ball. By moving forward, the batting player is also able to intercept the ball immediately after it has pitched, thus nullifying any potentially stand with hips and shoulders square to the front, the front foot pointing outward and the back foot pointing about 90 degrees to the front foot. Kamae is the foundation of all Yoshinkan aikido techniques and practitioners of Yoshinkan aikido strive to perfect their kamae so that their overall technique will be strengthened. Along with kamae there are 6 kihon dosa (lit. "basic movements") which are considered to be central for the 150 basic techniques. Yoshinkan aikido students practice these diligently to understand how to move their kamae around to put themselves in a strong position. Without proper form to trial testimony, Thomas shot at their heads execution-style. Both officers were wearing bulletproof vests and were found lying face down near their patrol car with their guns holstered. There were nine spent nine-millimeter shell casings in front of the patrol car. Burrell died of multiple gunshot wounds to the arm, face, left foot, and head. MacDonald was also shot four times, in his left armpit, middle back, upper back, and behind the right ear, and died of a gunshot wound to the chest. After the shootings Thomas returned to his truck and drove away. Trial Neither officer had notified backside shove-it (when the user pushes their back foot backwards as if to jump forwards). A backside shove-it (commonly shortened to just shove-it or shuv) is performed by putting the back foot with the toes hanging off of the front of the board, and doing a short, but quick movement spinning the board underneath the user. A frontside shove-it (commonly shortened to frontside shuv) is when the users toes and the ball of the back foot is on the board. The user then pushes, or kicks, their back foot forward to cause the rotation. 360 shove-it The 360 shove-it (or FITE TV. Unique Ring BKFC holds all bouts in a circular four-rope ring, referred to as the "Squared Circle". This ring incorporates elements of historical bare knuckle fighting by containing two scratch lines, 3 feet apart and in the middle of the ring. These scratch lines are based on the Broughton Rules, which governed bare knuckle fighting in the 19th century. It is a requirement that each fighter must start each round with their front foot on their scratch line. This is referred to as “Toe the Line”, and it is an instruction given to the fighters at the beginning 10:30pm, approximately ten hours before their house blew up in an explosion. Triple murder and arson On the morning of April 10, 2001, Mary was shot in the back of the head and her children's throats were slashed from ear to ear in the hours before their house exploded at 8:42 am. Firefighters were immediately alerted to the explosion, which was strong enough to collapse the front brick wall and rattle the frames of neighboring houses for a half-mile (800 m) in all directions. Firefighters kept the 20-foot (6 m)-high blaze from spreading to other homes. A series of smaller secondary
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New Testament. Ayuba was already familiar with the Christian belief system, agreeing with the role of Jesus as prophet, however he refuted the concept of the holy Trinity. His monotheistic perception of religion was not compatible with the Christian belief in "the father," "the son," and "the holy spirit." Through intense research, Ayuba revealed the term "trinity" is never once uttered in the New Testament. He also advised against assignment of human images to God's name, and for this reason, portrayed a particular disdain for Roman Catholicism and the characteristic worship of Christian idols. In July 1734, Ayuba freely returned to Protestantism and Islam Introduction Protestantism is a branch of the monotheistic Christian religion which originated in Europe in the early 16th century. It adheres doctrinally to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and other theological doctrines of the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church, but split from the Western (Roman) Catholic Church as a "Protest" against ecclesiastical corruption, pastoral abuses and certain doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church. Protestantism itself had multiple variations from the start, specifically among followers of Martin Luther, John Calvin, Huldrych Zwingli and later, Thomas Cranmer. Islam is a monotheistic religion, arising around 700 AD, that Holy Trinity Church, Marcross Holy Trinity Church is a Grade I-listed church in Marcross (part of the community of St Donats), a village in the Vale of Glamorgan, south Wales. It received its status as a Grade I-listed building on 22 February 1963. Early history The English historian, John Capgrave, wrote that St Cyngar established a monastery in Glamorganshire with 12 canons dedicated to the Holy Trinity. It is believed this was the beginning of Holy Trinity Church. In 1874, the remains of what appeared to be a monastery were still visible. The parish consisted of Marcross Manor, owned by oneness, or unity of God refers to his being one and only. This means that Christianity is monotheistic, although the doctrine of the Trinity says that God is three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Athanasian Creed says "we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity." The most notable biblical affirmation of the unity of God is found in Deuteronomy 6:4. The statement, known as the Shema Yisrael, after its first two words in Hebrew, says "Hear, O Israel: Yahweh our God, Yahweh is one." In the New Testament, Jesus upholds the oneness of God by quoting these Holy Trinity Elementary which offers kindergarten to grade 4 education, Juniper Ridge Intermediate which offers grades 5 to 7 and Holy Trinity High which offers education from grades 8 to 12. English and French immersion education is offered at both schools. A new elementary school was constructed to replace the former Holy Trinity Elementary; the school opened in September 2010. The School is still called Holy Trinity Elementary School. Juniper Ridge Intermediate was opened in September of 2018 with attending students from the surrounding area. Jesus. Christians, on the other hand, argue that the doctrine of the Trinity is a valid expression of monotheism, citing that the Trinity does not consist of three separate deities, but rather the three persons, who exist consubstantially (as one substance) within a single Godhead. Judaism Judaism is one of the oldest monotheistic religions in the world, although some scholars have argued that the earliest Israelites (pre-7th century BCE) were monolatristic rather than monotheistic. God in later Judaism was strictly monotheistic, an absolute one, indivisible, and incomparable being who is the ultimate cause of all existence. The Babylonian Talmud references other, a royal peculiar and thus not subject to a bishop's jurisdiction, hosted the German congregation of Westminster. It was granted royal permission to worship in the Savoy Chapel when it separated from Holy Trinity the Less. The new congregation's first pastor, Irenaeus Crusius (previously an associate at Holy Trinity the Less), dedicated the congregation on the 19th Sunday after Trinity 1694 as the Marienkirche or in English as the German Church of St Mary-le-Savoy. Both congregations still survive. In the English-speaking lineage, Holy Trinity the Less was succeeded by St Anne's Lutheran Church which worshipped at the Anglican church of St La'a Maomao (god of winds), Tu-Matauenga or Ku (god of war), Tu-Metua (mother goddess), Kane (god of procreation) and Rangi (sky god father). The Polynesian deities have been part of a sophisticated theology, addressing questions of creation, the nature of existence, guardians in daily lives as well as during wars, natural phenomena, good and evil spirits, priestly rituals, as well as linked to the journey of the souls of the dead. Christianity Christianity is a monotheistic religion in which most mainstream congregations and denominations accept the concept of the Holy Trinity. Modern orthodox Christians believe that the Trinity is composed of opponent in the semi final with home field advantage. Holy Trinity was leading until the last minutes of the game, when Wilson would score to move ahead 20-15, denying Holy Trinity to return to the LOSSA Final. The rivalry with Wilson grew stronger. In 2010, the senior team had another good regular season. The last regular season game was against Wilson, where Holy Trinity lost a close 25-21 game. However, the team still qualified for the LOSSA playoffs. During the semi final vs St. Mary on their home field, Holy Trinity lead by Dan Fedirko came back from a 27-28 deficit of the Most Holy Trinity and is worn also by members of the Confraternity of the same Order (the Trinitarians). Saint John de Matha during his first Mass (around 1193) had a vision of Christ between two captives ( The Christian captive had a staff with a red and blue cross on the top in the Greek form (+). From this vision he founded the Order of the Holy Trinity and Captives (the Trinitarian Order) whose charism was to liberate Christians taken into captivity by the Moors and to glorify the Holy Trinity. (Today it is still seeking the glory
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local big bands, becoming known as "the Vera Lynn of the Potteries". Her first single, "Pick Up the Pieces", was released in 1962 on the Oriole label, but it was not until Pye Records and three years later that she scored her first hit with "Where Are You Now", written by Tony Hatch and Trent, who at that time were involved in a successful professional collaboration with Petula Clark. The song was featured in the popular TV series It's Dark Outside. "Where Are You Now" reached number one in the UK Singles Chart in May 1965, topping the chart for one and "Waterloo" reached number 45. The band released their final studio album Instant Heaven, in 1996 on their own 'Madman' record label. In the early 2000s, the band's current line-up appeared on retro-themed British TV shows such as ITV1's Hit Me Baby One More Time, and a Top of the Pops Christmas special celebrating 50 years of the UK Singles Chart. In June 2006, the band appeared, with a new line-up, on Channel 4's Bring Back One Hit Wonders. Around this time they released an EP called Timewarped. They continue to perform live. were a lot of bands doing that at the time in Japan and people thought it was cool. But not anymore, ha ha." and added "the music was so unique, too – bands like X Japan. At that time, there weren't any two bands that sounded alike; these days everyone sounds exactly the same." Kenzi (Kamaitachi, The Dead Pop Stars, Anti Feminism) commented in 2009 that "back in the day, there were bands, but people would try to do things differently. Nowadays, there's one band and everyone copies off of them," with Free-Will founder and Color frontman Tommy concluding with of glam rock; "Let your hair hang down" and "Teeny Bopper Band" were two of the band's hits. After their popularity faded, the band split up and its members formed a production company, Cat Music, specializing in producing various bands (including hard rock act Picture) and occasional one-hit wonders. They became quite adept at songwriting; Andre Hazes recorded three of their songs for his album Gewoon André, including the number-one hit "Een Beetje Verliefd". The members did form a number of other bands, one of which, The Monotones, had a hit in Germany and the Netherlands with the song "Mono". Women around this time began to feel like it was "taken for granted now that women go to the Antarctic." Studies done in the early 2000s showed that women's inclusion in Antarctic groups were beneficial overall. In the early 2000s, Robin Burns has found that female scientists who enjoyed their experience in Antarctica were ones who were able to finish their scientific work, to see through the project into completion. Recent history In 2005, writer Gretchen Legler describes how there were many more women in Antarctica that year and that some are lesbians. International Women's Day in 2012 saw more than own players. Down forward Danny Hughes said: "Well, none of us want to be one-hit wonders. There are a lot of young lads that came in this year, and there is a great development squad coming through. But we know these days don't happen every year, making All-Ireland finals. Hopefully this will make them hungrier, going forward into next year". Homecoming Tens of thousands of people were expected to line Cork city centre for a street party to coincide with the arrival of the winning team on 20 September 2010. The event was scheduled to be broadcast live to a band during the late 1990s and early 2000s was Alux Nahual. They are one of the Spanish lyric writing/singing rock bands that have released a number of recordings in Guatemala. In the beginning, they were heavily influenced by progressive rock' bands such as Kansas and Jethro Tull (band). Though they added a very important native theme to their lyrics, it never really evolved into their sound. Their members are active musicians playing reunion concerts but mostly keep working as individuals producing and performing. Another popular band was Extincion, which opened for bands such as Control Machete and Enrique Bunbury. They were experience with friends and loved ones in the past three years which were very complicated, toxic, and abusive. But laid within is a lot about the deconstruction of self for personal growth and transformation. I hope it helps you live and stuff. Apparently we are emo now." Home, Like Noplace Is There ranked at number 1 on the AbsolutePunk staff's top 30 albums of 2014, and number 6 on the users' top 50 albums of 2000-2015. According to Marc Snitzer, writer for the Philadelphia City Paper, The Hotelier was named one of two bands "leading the emo revival". The release latter half of the decade British music was declining in popularity in the United States. Oasis and Blur were not considered phenomenons but one-hit wonders stateside. Various Electronica styles were less well received in America then at home while genres that were popular in the United States such as nu metal were not picked up by UK artists. British "quirkiness" and regional sensibilities that once were considered strengths there were now considered weakness by the increasingly oligarchic American music industry that was interested in marketing to young teens. with their greatest hit ever: "Radar Love", also Top 10 in the US. The late 70s and early 80s gave many one hit wonders and some bands that lasted longer. Girl groups Luv' and Dolly Dots but also disco bands Spargo and Time Bandits were most successful. Together with the Golden Earring, which scored some of their biggest hits with "Radar Love", "Twilight Zone' and "When The Lady Smiles". The Nits developed a large audience outside the Netherlands, including Finland, Switzerland, Germany, France, Belgium, Greece and Canada and in 1989 were the first Dutch band to play in the (then still)
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with no black hair. The US-based Coton de Tulear Club of America allows for three different but equally favorable colorings: white, black-and-white, and tri-color, which includes "honey bear". White is described as nearly all white, sometimes with tan or champagne coloring on the ears, face or back. Black-and-white is defined as pure white with prominent black patches on the head and body (no ratio of white-to-black is specified or favored). Tri-color is described as mostly white with some brown markings and dustings of black on the body and head. A honey bear tri-color has light brown with black tips that copies by adding the color signal from the over-the-air recordings. The result was judged a success by both technicians and fans. In March 2008, it was announced that new technology, which involves detecting color artifacts ("dot crawl") in high-resolution scans of black-and-white films, will be used to restore other Who episodes as well as shows like Steptoe and Son where some episodes originally produced in color only exist in black-and-white. However, there are no plans to use colorization on BBC programmes originally produced in black-and-white, such as the 1960s Who episodes since they have no color information available and so color negatives for many movies of the year are considered lost and only survive in black-and-white due to the studios wanting more space in their film vaults so they threw away the films and aired them on black-and-white television before, but some color movies from this time have been found throughout the years. In 1932, Walt Disney released the first three-color Technicolor film, Flowers and Trees. 1939, which is considered by many film buffs as Hollywood's greatest year, had hits in color, such as The Wizard of Oz, The Women, Dodge City and the most successful of them all, Gone with of black women and women of color violated their reproductive rights and this influence Beal’s formation of Third World Women's Alliance and struggle for black women’s liberation. Beal discusses the lack of access to legal abortion for black women and other women of color, thus threatening their health. However, black men were opposed to abortion for black women because they considered abortion as genocide for black people. Relation to the White Movement Another section of the essay focuses on the troubled relationship between black women and white women’s movement. The difference is due to the white women’s almost literary, which accompanies every inclination. A jewel." Style It was Rohmer's second film shot in color, with Rohmer explaining "the presence of the lake and the mountains is stronger in color than in black and white. It is a film I couldn't imagine in black and white. The color green seems to me essential in that film...This film would have no value to me in black and white." categories were acknowledged, based on various combinations of hair color, hair texture, eye color, and skin color. These types grade into each other like the colors of the spectrum, and no one category stands significantly isolated from the rest. In Brazil, people are classified by appearance, not heredity. Scholars disagree over the effects of social status on racial classifications in Brazil. It is generally believed that achieving upward mobility and education results in individuals being classified as a category of lighter skin. The popular claim is that in Brazil, poor whites are considered black and wealthy blacks are considered white. Some Color Television Inc. Color Television Inc. was an American research and development firm founded in 1947 and devoted to creating a color television system to be approved by the Federal Communications Commission as the U.S. color broadcasting standard. Its system was one of three considered in a series of FCC hearings from September 1949 to May 1950. Unlike the winning field-sequential color system by CBS, the line sequential CTI system was all-electronic with no color scanning disk, and fully compatible with existing black and white receivers. Unlike the dot sequential RCA system, it used only one scanning tube in the colors create white, this is in stark contrast to physical colors, such as dyes which create black when mixed. Zero intensity for each component gives the darkest color (no light, considered the black), and full intensity of each gives a white; the quality of this white depends on the nature of the primary light sources, but if they are properly balanced, the result is a neutral white matching the system's white point. When the intensities for all the components are the same, the result is a shade of gray, darker or lighter depending on the intensity. When the intensities are different, below for tools). After black ink has been removed as desired the work may be considered complete, or subsequently be colored with watercolors, airbrush, ink, color pencil or acrylics. Transparent media are generally used to color scratchboard, as they fill in the white scratches without affecting the black ink left on the board. After an area has been colored it can be scratched again, revealing more of the white clay. Sometimes the artist will color and scratch several times to create subtle shading or color variations. This technique can yield a graphic image that can be very detailed. Artists that Known as the warrior goddess, she is considered one of the most violent forms of Goddess Parvati. In this avatar, Kātyāyanī rides a lion and has four hands. Day 7: Kalaratri Considered the most ferocious form of Goddess Durga, Kalaratri is revered on Saptami. It is believed that Parvati removed her fair skin to kill the demons Sumbha and Nisumbha. The color of the day is White. On Saptami, the Goddess appears in a white color attire with a lot of rage in her fiery eyes, her skin turns black. The white color portrays prayer and peace and ensures the
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Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter Warner Bros. Studios Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter is a public attraction in Leavesden in southeastern England. Not to be confused with the Wizarding World of Harry Potter of Universal Studios theme parks, it is a permanent exhibit offering an authentic behind-the-scenes glimpse of the Harry Potter films. It is situated inside Warner Bros. Studios, Leavesden in Leavesden, near Watford, in southwest Hertfordshire. Though the studios are still active, the tour is actually contained in two soundstages, J and K, and is kept separate from the Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts History Universal Parks & Resorts, in partnership with Warner Bros., officially announced the addition of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter to Islands of Adventure on May 31, 2007. The area officially opened in the Islands of Adventure theme park on June 18, 2010. The Harry Potter-themed area saw attendance at Islands of Adventure rise by as much as 36% in 2010. According to Jason Garcia of the Orlando Sentinel, this led to resort executives pondering "when to expand Wizarding World and how to keep business balanced between Islands and Universal Studios Florida". that Warner Bros. sold the license to do so to Universal Studios. TripAdvisor has reported that The Making of Harry Potter is the highest rated attraction in the world every year since the exhibit opened. It has developed a reputation as a must-see attraction for anyone visiting the city of London. Wizarding World of Harry Potter Rights to build a theme park based on the Harry Potter films were sold to Universal Parks & Resorts, this property has matured into The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. The enormous undertaking has been immensely popular, following the first in Universal's Florida park - Wizarding World of Harry Potter opened at the Universal Studios Japan theme park in Osaka, Japan. It includes the village of Hogsmeade, the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey ride, and the Flight of the Hippogriff roller coaster. On 7 April 2016, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter opened at the Universal Studios Hollywood theme park near Los Angeles, California. Wall Street Journal reported a rumour from "people familiar with the matter" that Universal Studios Hollywood was going to add their version of Islands of Adventure's Wizarding World of Harry Potter. The report also detailed the possibility that Universal Parks & Resorts would open additional Harry Potter-themed areas at Universal Studios Singapore and Universal Studios Japan as well as a location in Spain. This report was widely relayed by other media sources. On December 6, 2011, Universal officially announced plans to bring The Wizarding World of Harry Potter to Universal Studios Hollywood. A replica of Harry Potter and the Forbidden Thinkwell Group Work Some of the firm's projects include Warner Bros. Studio Tour London: The Making of Harry Potter, Leavesden; Ski Dubai, an indoor ski resort in the Mall of the Emirates; NatureQuest, at Atlanta's Fernbank Museum of Natural History; the Wizarding World of Harry Potter Grand Opening Event for The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Parks and Resorts' Islands of Adventure theme park in Orlando, Florida; and Jurassic Park Institute Tour, a 50,000-square-foot traveling educational attraction based on the movie Jurassic Park. In China, the firm has produced inEontime World, a massive indoor theme park, and SongSong Harry Potter in amusement parks Harry Potter Movie Magic Experience at Warner Bros. Movie World In 2001, Time Warner used this license to construct and operate the Harry Potter Movie Magic Experience at Warner Bros. Movie World on the Gold Coast, Australia. The attraction was a small indoor walkthrough featuring many re-creations of locations in the first two movies. After two years of operation this attraction was removed. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Islands of Adventure A Harry Potter themed attraction at a Universal Studios park or a Disney park was rumored in 2003. However, the rights to the Forbidden Journey ride, and Flight of the Hippogriff roller coaster. On 7 April 2016, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter opened at the Universal Studios Hollywood theme park near Los Angeles, California. The Making of Harry Potter In March 2011, Warner Bros. announced plans to build a tourist attraction in the United Kingdom to showcase the Harry Potter film series. The Making of Harry Potter is a behind-the-scenes walking tour featuring authentic sets, costumes and props from the film series. The attraction is located at Warner Bros. Studios, Leavesden, where all eight of the Harry Potter films were made. Warner one of the attractions. The Japanese ride opened on July 15, 2014. It had 3D effects added on May 21, 2015 and was upgraded to 4K 120 FPS on January 18, 2018. The 3D effects were removed on March 16, 2018. On December 6, 2011, Universal Parks & Resorts announced that it would open The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Hollywood in 2016, and that one of the attractions would be Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. On April 7, 2016, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter: Hogsmeade opened at Universal Studios Hollywood with rides Harry Potter and of both worlds in one experience." Trowbridge added, ''That takes advances in technology we've been working on for a long time.'' In May 2007, Universal Studios and Warner Brothers confirmed the rumors Universal was working on a Harry Potter-based theme park project. Characterized as "a theme park within a theme park," The Wizarding World of Harry Potter became one of the most anticipated theme park additions ever. Trowbridge made the announcement in a live webcast from Dumbledore's office set at Leavesden Studios alongside Stuart Craig, the Production Designer of the Potter films. Trowbridge introduced Craig's involvement in
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metal (usually aluminium). The result is a mirrored surface that reflects some light and is penetrated by the rest. Light always passes equally in both directions. However, when one side is brightly lit and the other kept dark, the darker side becomes difficult to see from the brightly lit side because it is masked by the much brighter reflection of the lit side. the precession is usually too slow, contributing to an uncontrolled bike’s tendency to understeer and eventually fall over without ever having reached the upright position. This instability is very slow, on the order of seconds, and is easy for most riders to counteract. Thus a fast bike may feel stable even though it is actually not self-stable and would fall over if it were uncontrolled. Another contribution of gyroscopic effects is a roll moment generated by the front wheel during countersteering. For example, steering left causes a moment to the right. The moment is small compared to the moment generated by this fashion. The sandpaper fig's leaves are an attractive attribute which may be highlighted with bonsai, although the trunk may not thicken spontaneously. It is suited to a shady position in gardens, or medium to brightly lit indoor spaces. Like all figs in garden situations, they attract birds, such as species of silvereye and rainforest pigeon. what Little Two Eyes had done, so the next day the mother sent Little Three Eyes to watch Little Two eyes when she went out with the goat. Little Two Eyes suspected that Little Three Eyes had been sent to watch her also, and so meant to sing her song to make her three eyes fall asleep but instead she sang a song to only make two of her eyes fall asleep. Little Three Eyes shut her third eye though it was still awake so when Little Two Eyes thought her sister was fast asleep she said the rhyme and with her band in a brightly lit room. She then gets out of a taxi and goes to a skate park and a subway. Afterwards she goes back to the brightly lit room to play with her band. The video ends with a shot of LIGHTS walking away on a sidewalk. Lee Siu-Leung and Fu Yiyao (2002). Three annotated editions (White, Aitken and Kwok, and Lee and Fu) include parallel text Chinese. To illustrate the translational range in English, the Caigentan metaphorically compares two traditional Chinese artifacts, the qiqi 攲器 (lit. "leaning/inclining vessel") "a lopsided vessel designed to overturn when full" and the puman 撲滿 (lit. "strike [when] full") "clay coin bank; piggy bank". Compare these translations of 欹器以滿覆, 撲滿以空全. 故君子寧居無不居有, 寧處缺不處完 (1.63): There is an ancient vessel which is so constructed that when it contains no water, it stands obliquely; when half filled, it stands upright; but when full, it will fall in a fall or other injury. The lamp provides no indication below the strike voltage of the neon lamp, and so cannot detect certain hazardous leakage conditions. Since it relies on capacitance to complete the circuit, direct-current potential cannot be reliably indicated. If the user of the screwdriver is isolated from ground and capacitively coupled to other nearby live wires, a false negative may occur when testing a live circuit, and a false positive when testing a dead circuit. False negatives may also occur in brightly lit areas which make the neon glow hard to see. Non-contact voltage detectors to be "outside" may have to be brightly lit to simulate sunlight. A scrim is then attached to a frame overhanging the entire "outdoor" portion of the set between the lighting and the actors, in order to diffuse the light so that it appears more natural when it hits the actors' faces. Theatre Scrims are also used as drapery in theatre and performance art. When lit from the front they appear as a solid piece of fabric. When lit from the rear they become semi transparent, creating a silhouette effect. Scrims can be semi-transparent or wholly transparent depending on the high contrast, such as from the entrance which is dark with pools of light, to the main hall which is brightly lit, to emphasize its size. The dark entrance is also used to adjust the spectators' eyes so the main hall seems brighter. A contrast has also been used between the grandstands' slender lines and the coarse finish of the cavern rock. Red was chosen as the hall's main color because of natural occurrence of red in the rock. Glass tiles are used as they give associations to ice. Ventilation, energy and other installations use shine metal, representing silver embedded plant all year round. It prefers a brightly-lit spot, but does not tolerate direct sun. The soil should be kept moist throughout the summer, when it cannot tolerate drought. Nutrition can be given every other week during the growing season from spring to fall, but no supplement during the winter. To give the blades a pleasant humidity, it can be showered with lukewarm water as often as possible. Replanting takes place when needed during the spring.
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the surface to be kind, but it can be really evil. An oversupply can smother people emotionally, squeeze the life out of their hopes and expectations, and strip them of their dignity. Overprotection can keep people from becoming all they could become. Many of our best achievements came the hard way: We took risks, fell flat, suffered, picked ourselves up, and tried again. Sometimes we made it and sometimes we did not. Even so, we were given the chance to try. Persons with special needs need these chances, too. Of course, we are talking about prudent risks. People should not interested in language; we construct ourselves through language; it creates the space where we define ourselves. Film can be a mirror—it can throw things back at us in a way that makes us question the ideas we have about ourselves and through this each other…I [am] interested in what happens when you hold more than one ‘culture’ within you at any given time.” on the past or worrying about the future, we free ourselves. The moment we realise that our soul has no constraints and no one can trap it or stunt it and that it transcends beyond all boundaries, we free ourselves. We all have to ourselves escape the deserts of our own minds, just as Rewa ultimately does, all by herself. The mind can be its own prison and its own salvation. It depends on us and what we choose it to be. So live every moment. That's all that is ours anyway. Plot Government officer Sameer takes charge of the humans as part of nature, not as separate from it. Thich Naht Hanh summarizes the Buddhist view of harmony with nature thus: We classify other animals and living beings as nature, acting as if we ourselves are not part of it. Then we pose the question ‘How should we deal with Nature?’ We should deal with nature the way we should deal with ourselves! We should not harm ourselves; we should not harm nature...Human beings and nature are inseparable. Early Buddhist monastics spent a lot of time in the forests, which was seen as an excellent place for meditation and this tradition benefits There are two major reasons why it is difficult to make generalisations about the costs and benefits of IPM field schools. Firstly, there is a lack of agreement about what factors should be taken into account on both sides of the cost-benefit equation. Regarding benefits, should we limit ourselves to measuring yields and pesticide savings, or should we also take account of improvements in public health and the consequences of farmers becoming better organised? Regarding costs, should we limit ourselves to the expenses involved in running field schools, or should we also take account of the wider laws and accept chaos. What is right is to recognize facts and not delude ourselves. The universe is a unity; if, sometimes, we can see neither rhyme nor reason in it we should not suppose it is random. There is so much that we cannot know and cannot control that we should not think and behave as if we do know and can control. Fate, free will, or tragic flaw Fate is a motif that often occurs in Greek writing, tragedies in particular. The idea that attempting to avoid an oracle is the very thing which brings it about is you should first do well before they take you in from the cold. Nobody makes it from the start; they must smell the money. We are the cause that other bands have had the problem that the record label tells them, 'Now that Dizzy is running so well, we won't be taking in other bands.' It embarrasses us a bit, but cannot do anything about it." Drummer Søren Friis elaborates: "One can actually take ourselves as an example, as we first had to win DM i Rock before it happened." Bassist Martin Nielsen clarifies, "The songs aren't about how bad they are affected, but by conceiving what we ourselves should feel in the like situation. Though our brother is on the rack, as long as we ourselves are at our ease, our senses will never inform us of what he suffers. They never did, and never can, carry us beyond our own person, and it is by the imagination only that we can form any conception of what are his sensations. Neither can that faculty help us to this any other way, than by representing to us what would be our own, if we were in his case. It is can be analyzed, argued on, and can eventually be accepted or rejected [therefore offending others is not acceptable] ... But in addition to the west, we ourselves also have problems in this regard. Instead of logical criticism or debate, we only keep saying offensive things about liberalism, democracy and modernism. I had told some of our elders before, that the religion of the today's world is 'liberalism' and we have no right to make insults about it. We should not keep using phrases such as "the corrupt culture of the west" etc. in our words. As it's also said Top Gear (American season 2) Production Commenting on the second season renewal, UK show host Jeremy Clarkson noted, "Top Gear is our baby so you can understand why Hammond, May and I were anxious about passing it on to the presenters of the US show. We needn’t have worried because Top Gear is clearly in safe hands, even if they do insist on speaking in those stupid accents. Watching an episode from series 1 with Richard and James, we found ourselves in a genuinely heated debate about which of the presenters’ cars was best. We were just three ordinary chaps
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how a person who is a celebrity is so admired that he casts a kind of aura, that people stare at the aura, and they don't really want to see that the person himself is somewhat stunted." Oates wanted to explore society's views toward toward celebrities accused of grave crimes. People don't want to believe it because the person is famous. Through her novel, Oates is saying that just because someone (celebrity or not) presents himself or herself as something does not mean it is what they truly are. The novel makes that point when Reid Pierson is accused of a lot. I realized on this album that I can literally title it anything. When I was making it, I was still kind of learning about writing and still trying to find my style. And I wasn’t really sure, like, ‘OK, what can I write about?’ I truly thought you can run out of things to talk about, but you actually cannot. You can literally talk about anything. It’s just a matter of how things are worded. On this album, I am writing about things that are really, really personal to me. I am just trying to be as vulnerable There are people close to him who don't think that he did ..." When asked if she thought someone else had killed him, Gordon answered, "I do, yes." In the same interview, Gordon's then-husband and collaborator Thurston Moore stated: Kurt died in a very harsh way. It wasn't just an OD. He actually killed himself violently. It was so aggressive, and he wasn't an aggressive person, he was a smart person, he had an interesting intellect. So it kind of made sense because it was like: wow, what a fucking gesture. But at the same time it was like: something's wrong to set up a meeting. "This guy calls me and says he's playing in Maine," Bourgeois told Ray Routhier of the Portland Press Herald, "so I figure it could be anybody. But then he says he plays with Ricky Skaggs." The meeting resulted in an endorsement deal, a collaboration with Skaggs', to make and sell the Ricky Skaggs Signature Model and Ricky Skaggs Country Boy Model guitars. "At a casual glance, making guitars seems glamorous, but really we're just making sawdust," Bourgeois said, "But when we build one for a famous person, it's something everyone gets excited about." In 1999, Bourgeois signed [Cobain] had really reacted to that and I felt really actually weirdly protective of Frances. So I was basically just trying to point out that it was a persona and I just offhandedly said what I said...  I guess I could have articulated the whole thing a lot better." Honors On May 21, 2015, Gordon was honored at The Kitchen's Spring Gala. The following year, on May 5, 2018, she received an Honorary Doctorate from the Emily Carr University of Art and Design. Legacy Gordon and her contributions in Sonic Youth are considered by critics and music scholars to have been travels during Holy Week to take part in the processions, although once described himself as an agnostic in an interview with People magazine. In 2009, Banderas went under surgery for a benign tumor in his back. In May 2010, Banderas received an honorary doctorate from the University of Málaga. He received an honorary degree from Dickinson College in 2000. Banderas has always struggled with the pronunciation of certain English words, as he mentioned in a 2011 article with GQ magazine: "The word that really gets me is 'animals', I just can never say it properly, whenever it is in a film I have The Guardian, in which he said: "Sometimes when I sit with children when they have the space to talk and write about things, I have the feeling that I am privileged to be the kind of person who is asked to be part of it". In 2007, he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Exeter. In January 2008, Rosen was presented with an honorary doctorate by the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust and the University of East London. In November 2008 he was presented with an honorary master's degree at the University of Worcester, and the Chevalier I thought something was going to go public yesterday, actually, and that you'd be the first person I'd be talking about this with. But I'm thinking there will be something made public very soon. It's going to get made shortly after the new year. I wish I could tell you about it right now, because... I mean, it's amazing. It's going to be amazing. It think it first got leaked four years ago or so that the movie was going to be made, and ever since then it's just been stalling and stalling. So I'm really ready for this to point where it appears that most of the population of Quahog who knows her, or even just meets her, picks on or disdains her for no reason other than her simply being "Meg". This basically means that she is a victim of circumstance, as Meg is normally docile and well-behaved and never seems to do anything mean or inconsiderate. In an interview, Mila Kunis stated: "Meg gets picked on a lot. But it's funny. It's like the middle child. She is constantly in the state of being an awkward 16-year-old, when you're kind of going through puberty and what-not. She's that person, I’ll die.' And once in a while, those things you think will kill you happen. You know, someone breaks up with you, or one of your parents gets really sick or something. But you make it through anything, really. And the image that was in my mind was that if you were out at sea, and you were freezing and thought you were going to drown – somehow we have the capacity to get over anything and the image that I had in mind was that your legs would just grow down to the bottom and you’d walk
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to fix the problem. Nobody envisioned boycotts. Nobody anticipated the emotion, the prayer vigils. The attitude was: These are the laws, let's start following them." State Representative Kyrsten Sinema, the assistant House minority leader who tried to stop the bill and voted against it, similarly reflected: "I knew it would be bad, but no one thought it would be this big. No one." The immigration issue also gained center stage in the re-election campaign of Republican U.S. Senator from Arizona John McCain, who had been a past champion of federal immigration reform measures such as the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act rooted in the idea of "yielding to nature," a theme central to Daniel Quinn's novel Ishmael. The band members read the book while working on the album. Regarding the title, McCready said, "I think the title Yield has to do with maybe being more comfortable within ourselves, with this band....we're all a little bit older and a little more relaxed and maybe just kind of yielding to those anxieties and not trying to fight it so much...That's what it kind of feels to me – yielding, letting something else happen and going with it." Vedder said, "Let's say that hypothetically speaking, 1989. Quebec's political life was dominated in this period by the proposed Meech Lake Accord on reforming the Canadian Constitution. The accord, if approved, would have formally recognized Quebec as a distinct society within Canada. In April 1990, Parent was appointed to a thirteen-member Liberal Party committee led by Jean Allaire to explore options for Quebec, including sovereignty, if the accord failed. Parent was quoted at this time as saying, "if Meech is not adopted nobody can say what will happen." The accord was eventually rejected, leading to a strong upsurge in support for the Quebec sovereigntist movement. Although himself a contrasted US elections with elections in countries such as Spain, Bolivia, and Brazil, where he claims people are far better informed on important issues. Since the 2000 election, with regards to third-party voting, Chomsky has maintained "if it's a swing state, keep the worst guys out. If it's another state, do what you feel like." When asked if he voted in the 2008 election, he responded: I voted green. If I had been in a swing state – this [Massachusetts] is a fixed state – if I had been in a swing state I probably would have held my nose and glacial moraine served as its foundation; winds and sea currents later contributed enough sand to raise and keep the formation above sea level. The existence of this narrow shoal is inherently threatened by the natural processes that govern shoreline features. It depends on a dynamic balance between sand transport and deposition. If (hypothetically) the source area to the south-west were cut off, say, by a large port construction with a pier, the Spit would erode and eventually disappear. It is thus a geologically speaking ephemeral coast element. The most likely development, however, is that the shallow bay inside the Curonian Spit his vote to raise the debt ceiling. When a constituent asked if the House of Representatives was considering impeaching President Barack Obama, Burgess responded, "It needs to happen, and I agree with you it would tie things up ... No question about that." Abortion In 2013, Burgess voted in favor of legislation to ban abortion after the 22nd week of pregnancy. Comments on fetal pain and pleasure While speaking in support of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act at a House Rules Committee meeting on June 17, 2013, Burgess reasoned that abortions should be illegal after 15 weeks because he 2006 study found that at least 40% of Nader voters in Florida would have voted for Bush if Nader had not run, while the other 60% would have voted for Gore. The study concluded that this 60% "did indeed spoil the 2000 presidential election for Gore but only because of highly idiosyncratic circumstances, namely, Florida’s extreme closeness." Other countries In the German presidential election of 1925, Communist Ernst Thälmann refused to withdraw his candidacy though it was extremely unlikely he would win the election and the leadership of the Communist International urged him not to run. In the second (and security, they used the name "Tom Green". Green says, "I would never do a mean-spirited, anti-Semitic joke like that—it's both abhorrent and not funny...To this day I still get asked about it, and it's annoying. So again, for the record, it didn't happen. There is nobody on this planet that has ever seen this bit on tape because it does not exist. If it did exist, it would have certainly reared its ugly, hateful head on the Internet by now. But it won't, because it doesn't exist. I've never put on a Hitler costume. In fact, who did not originally want to vote to lists of those who would vote at home, with the number of such voters being 4.5% of those who voted, and added this did cause questions if Sobyanin would score 50% if this did not take place. Dmitry Oreshkin, leader of the "People's election commission" project (who did a separate counting based on the data from election observers; their result for Sobyanin was 49.7%), said now that the runoff election was only 1.5% away, all details would be looked at very closely, and added it was impossible to prove "anything" juridically. At 00:30, the NOTA voters hypothetically voted for Kushwah, he would have won by a huge margin. In the 2014 Lok Sabha Elections, 2G scam accused MP - A Raja (DMK candidate) - lost to the AIADMK candidate, while NOTA emerged with the third largest vote share, possibly as an expression of public anger towards corrupt candidates. In the 2019 Indian general election, about 1.04 percent of the voters chose to vote for None Of The Above (NOTA), with Bihar and Assam leading with 2.08 percent NOTA voters. Responses NOTA has been described as the maturing of India's democracy. One kind of opinion
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the time that they had no plans to use DVD in their gaming systems.) Game consoles such as the PlayStation 2, Xbox, and Xbox 360 use DVDs as their source medium for games and other software. Contemporary games for Windows were also distributed on DVD. Specifications The DVD specifications created and updated by the DVD Forum are published as so-called DVD Books (e.g. DVD-ROM Book, DVD-Audio Book, DVD-Video Book, DVD-R Book, DVD-RW Book, DVD-RAM Book, DVD-AR Book, DVD-VR Book, etc.). Some specifications for mechanical, physical and optical characteristics of DVD optical discs can be downloaded as freely available standards from the such as saved games. The drive plays standard DVDs in addition to HD DVD titles; however it does not read Xbox or Xbox 360 game discs, Audio CDs or mixed media CDs. All Xbox 360 games continue to use DVD-9 media. No Xbox 360 with a built-in HD DVD drive was ever released. Compatibility with PCs The TOSHIBA optical drive used in the unit can read Compact Discs and DVDs in addition to HD DVDs when connected to a host that supports reading these formats (such as a PC). As the drive communicates via a generic mass storage protocol over USB achievements, and downloadable content between Windows 10 and Xbox One versions of a game. Games with Gold Games with Gold is a program in which digital downloads of games are offered at no charge to Gold subscribers. Games with Gold launched for Xbox 360 in July 2013, while Xbox One games were added in June 2014. Xbox 360 receives a game twice per month, while Xbox One receives two games once per month. Games downloaded through the program on Xbox 360 are free to own with no further restrictions. Xbox One Games with Gold titles require an active Gold subscription download, the Avatar Marketplace, and renamed Community Games to Indie Games. The Spring 2007 update to the Xbox 360 Dashboard relocated the Marketplace to its own "blade" in order to bring more attention to the service and make it more accessible to users. Although this has been obsoleted by the NXE update, the section has been implemented into three separate sections in the Dashboard: the Game Marketplace, Video & Music Marketplace, and Avatar Marketplace. Downloaded content requires enough space on either the Xbox 360's hard drive, or an Xbox 360 Memory Unit. Selected downloads are placed in a queue and are downloaded three operating systems running at once, consisting of the core operating system, a second implemented for games and a more Windows-like environment for applications. Microsoft updates Xbox One's OS every month, and these updates can be downloaded from the Xbox Live service to the Xbox and subsequently installed, or by using offline recovery images downloaded via a PC. The Windows 10-based Core had replaced the Windows 8-based one in this update, and the new system is sometimes referred to as "Windows 10 on Xbox One" or "OneCore". Xbox One's system also allows backward compatibility with Xbox 360, and the Xbox 360's system increased through game-specific patches automatically downloaded from Xbox Live or downloaded and burned to a CD or DVD from the Xbox website and the PS3's compatibility is expanded with firmware updates. All three consoles provide titles from older consoles for download; the Xbox 360 through the Xbox Originals service, the PlayStation 3 through the PlayStation Store, and the Wii through the Virtual Console. When purchased, the game is saved to console's internal memory or, optionally on the Wii, to an inserted SD/SDHC card. Initially the Xbox 360 also provided Xbox Live support for backwards compatible games, but the service has since in order to use, and become locked and unplayable if the subscription lapses. As of November 2015, all Games with Gold titles for Xbox 360 are backwards compatible on Xbox One. New Xbox Experience At E3 2008, Microsoft announced that all Xbox 360 owners would receive a new dashboard update, titled New Xbox Experience (NXE), on November 19, 2008 that added several new features. Though the new interface is generally downloaded when a new Xbox is connected to Xbox Live, some games, including Fight Night Round 4, Portal 2 and Dragon Ball: Raging Blast, will also update it. One feature to play portions of a game (such as opening levels) once the installation or download reaches a specific point, while the remainder of the game is downloaded or installed in the background. However, for older titles (such as Xbox 360 games, see "Xbox 360 compatibility", below), one must wait until installation is completed to play. Updates to games and system software are also downloaded in the background and while in standby. If the game is installed from physical media, the disc is still required for validation purposes. If the game is installed on another console, and that console owner no longer the service through a PC via the Xbox Live Marketplace website. An estimated seventy percent of Xbox Live users have downloaded items from the Marketplace. Xbox Live Arcade Xbox Live Arcade is an online service operated by Microsoft that is used to distribute downloadable video games to Xbox and Xbox 360 owners. In addition to classic arcade games such as Ms. Pac-Man, the service offers some new original games like Assault Heroes. The Xbox Live Arcade also features games from other consoles, such as the PlayStation game Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and PC games such as Zuma. The service difference between the Xbox 360 and Xbox One was its scheduling rate, and when they returned, Morrison's idea helped them to rapidly complete work to meet its promised goal by the end of that year. Individual games still brought some difficulty, specifically Halo: Reach, but this prompted the team to develop automatic tools that could be used to identify where Xbox 360 titles would be difficult to run as-is on the Xbox One and how to work around those; this further set up the potential to improve Xbox 360 games on the future iterations of the Xbox One, such as
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30s and say, 'If you'd come over when you were in your 20s, you'd've made it really big'. I'd rather go over to the States, go do the movie thing, the drama thing, or even fail - I'd rather go over and fail and have them say, 'You're not good enough, your accent's not right or your look's not right' - at least then I'd know and I'd have it out of my head. I always believe you regret the things you don't do. I don't want what-ifs hanging over me." Personality and identity Calvin first appeared as an honest, minutes in the penalty box Mike Milbury said, 'I want you to think about what you're doing by putting yourself into the penalty box. If you're going to fight, make sure it's on your terms and not just because someone is challenging you.' He was trying to make me understand who I was going in the box with. He'd say, 'I don't want to take away from you dropping your gloves, but, I don't want you to think about not doing it. I just want you to think about how your reaction affects both their team and our team.' So it my little count, If you want to dance, my little count, I'll play the little guitar for you, I'll play the little guitar for you, yes, I'll play for you, yes, I'll play for you. Singable translation So, little master, you're dressed to go dancing, dressed in your best to go strutting and prancing. I'll put an end to your fun pretty soon; you may go dancing but I'll call the tune, yes, I'll call the tune, yes, I'll call the tune. If you want dancing, I'll be your master; faster and faster, dance till you drop. If you want dancing, I'll be your master; faster and faster, dance till you drop, yes, dance till you drop, Ontario Canada) The commercials would be accompanied by a jingle set to the tune of If You're Happy and You Know It, with the lyrics re-written to the refrain of "If you want a car or truck, go see Cal, if you want to save a buck, go see Cal;" following this were several different versions of the lyrics, such as "Give a new car to your wife, she will love you all your life" or "I will stand upon my head until my ears are turning red," and ending with "Go see Cal, Go see Cal, Go see Cal". is not precious, it's always at your fingertips. But you can write your story on it, and if you're made of paper, you can't tear it off of you, or you're gonna hurt yourself". want to tie you up and whip you, and that's not to be kind.' I was, like, what do you mean? I've come all this way to rehearse with you, to work with you, and now you're telling me you want to tie me up and whip me? But that's Lars, and Lars takes his clothes off and stands there naked and you're like, 'Oh, put your clothes back on, Lars, please, let's just shoot the film.' But he's very, very raw and he's almost like a child in that he'll say and do anything. And we would have to Twenty-five cents for whiskey, twenty-five cents for beer Twenty-five cents for morphine get me out of here Chorus: I'm my momma's pride and joy (3×) Sing you a song called the soldier's joy Grasshopper sitting on a sweet potato vine (3×) Along come a chicken and he's say "you're mine" I'm gonna get you there don't you want to go? (3×) All for the soldier's joy Chicken in a bread pan scratching that dough Granny does your dog bite no child no All for the soldier's joy Mali's capital, Bamako, a haven for musicians and her own regular performing space. "I helped build the hotel myself. I did it to show women that you can make your life better by working. And many more are working these days, forming co-operatives to make soap or clothes." Sangaré has also been a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, but says she does not want to be a politician: "While you're an artist, you're free to say what you think; when you're a politician, you follow instructions from higher up." She is a cousin of actor Omar Sangare, we're up in the air. Female Voice: I know, what— Betty Ong: We're supposed to go to LA and the cockpit's not answering their phone. Female Voice: Okay, but what seat are you sitting in? What's the number of your seat? Betty Ong: Okay, I'm in my jump seat right now. Female Voice: Okay. Betty Ong: At 3R. Female Voice: Okay. Male Voice: Okay, you're the flight attendant? I'm sorry, did you say you're the flight attendant? Betty Ong: Hello? Female Voice: Yes, hello. Male Voice: What is your name? Betty Ong: Hi, you're going to have to speak up, I can't hear you. Male Voice: Sure. What is your name? Betty Ong: Okay, thought you played well.' 'Anything in particular you noticed?' 'Well, seeing that you're asking... Do you remember towards the end of the game when you went through that gap and stepped to the left?' 'Yes, you're going to say I should have stepped right, aren't you?' 'Well, all of our support was on the right, facing almost no defence.' I've never forgotten his reply. 'Yes,' he said. 'I thought about that after it happened, but I just go where my feet go.' That's exactly it. You've got to let yourself go where your feet go. Practice diligently, play instinctively. In so many ways since then, I've encouraged
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the presence of active cryogeysers. Mutual eclipses of Pluto and Charon in the 1980s allowed astronomers to take spectra of Pluto and then the combined spectrum of the pair. By subtracting Pluto's spectrum from the total, astronomers were able to spectroscopically determine the surface composition of Charon. The northern regions of Charon are composed partially of hydrocarbons and tholins, whereas the lower latitudes are more diverse in composition. Charon also appears to have little, if any, atmosphere. Photometric mapping of Charon's surface shows a latitudinal trend in albedo, with a bright equator band and darker poles. The south polar region is Atmosphere of Pluto The atmosphere of Pluto is the tenuous layer of gases surrounding Pluto. It consists mainly of nitrogen (N₂), with minor amounts of methane (CH₄) and carbon monoxide (CO), all of which are vaporized from their ices on Pluto's surface. It contains layered haze, probably consisting of heavier compounds which form from these gases due to high-energy radiation. The atmosphere of Pluto is notable for its strong and not completely clear seasonal changes caused by peculiarities of the orbital and axial rotation of Pluto. The surface pressure of the atmosphere of Pluto, measured by New Horizons in 2015, is letter writing campaign which aimed to bring to attention Pluto as a viable target for exploration. In 1990, because of pressure from the scientific community, including those of the Pluto Underground, engineers at NASA decided to look into concepts for a mission to Pluto. At the time, it was thought that the atmosphere of Pluto would freeze and fall to the surface during winter, and so a lightweight spacecraft was desirable, as it would be able to reach Pluto before such an event would occur. One of the earliest concepts was for a 40-kilogram spacecraft that would reach Pluto in monoxide gases, all of which are derived from the ices of these substances on its surface. When Pluto is close to the Sun, the temperature of Pluto's solid surface increases, causing these ices to sublimate into gasses. This atmosphere also produces a noticeable blue haze that is visible at sunset and possibly other times of the Plutonian day. Pluto and Charon are tidally locked to each other. This means that Charon always presents the same face to Pluto, and Pluto also always presents the same face to Charon. Observers on the far side of Charon from Pluto would never see the (IAU), together with names for 13 other surface features on Pluto. Some people find the feature also resembles the Disney character Pluto, an animated non-anthropomorphic dog which shares the name of the dwarf planet. The Walt Disney Company acknowledged this perceived likeness in a short animation. in 1991. Career Since 1983, Pluto has been a central theme of research done by Buie, who has published over 85 scientific papers and journal articles. His first result was to prove that the methane visible on Pluto was on its surface and not part of its atmosphere. Since then he has worked on albedo maps of the surface, composition maps of Pluto and Charon, refinement of the orbits of Charon in addition to the much more recently discovered satellites, measurements of the structure of the atmosphere, and other measurements of the properties of the surfaces of Pluto and Charon—just New Horizons used a remote sensing package that includes imaging instruments and a radio science investigation tool, as well as spectroscopic and other experiments, to characterize the global geology and morphology of Pluto and its moon Charon, map their surface composition and analyze Pluto's neutral atmosphere and its escape rate. New Horizons also photographed the surfaces of Pluto and Charon. Photographs of Pluto taken on 14 July 2015 taken 15 minutes after New Horizon's closest approach, from a distance of 18,000 kilometers and sent to Earth on 13 September 2015 show a near-sunset on Pluto with details of the surface and Geology of Pluto The geology of Pluto consists of the characteristics of the surface, crust, and interior of Pluto. Because of Pluto's distance from Earth, in-depth study from Earth is difficult. Many details about Pluto remained unknown until 14 July 2015, when New Horizons flew through the Pluto system and began transmitting data back to Earth. When it did, Pluto was found to have remarkable geologic diversity, with New Horizons team member Jeff Moore saying that it "is every bit as complex as that of Mars". The final New Horizons Pluto data transmission was received on 25 October of arc as seen from the surface of Pluto; the Sun appears much smaller, only 39 to 65 arcseconds. Charon's proximity further ensures that a large proportion of Pluto's surface can experience an eclipse. Because Pluto always presents the same face towards Charon due to tidal locking, only the Charon-facing hemisphere experiences solar eclipses by Charon. The smaller moons can cast shadows elsewhere. The angular diameters of the four smaller moons (as seen from Pluto) are uncertain. Nix's is 3–9 minutes of arc and Hydra's is 2–7 minutes. These are much larger than the Sun's angular diameter, so total solar eclipses encounter with Pluto. Since the New Horizons flyby, scientists have advocated for an orbiter mission that would return to Pluto to fulfill new science objectives. They include mapping the surface at 30 feet per pixel, observations of Pluto's smaller satellites, observations of how Pluto changes as it rotates on its axis, and topographic mapping of Pluto's regions that are covered in long-term darkness due to its axial tilt. The last objective could be accomplished using laser pulses to generate a complete topographic map of Pluto. New Horizons principal investigator Alan Stern has advocated for a Cassini-style orbiter that would launch around
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Belfast City Hall flag protests Background Since the formation of Northern Ireland in 1921, there has been tension and violence between its two main religious groups. Unionists/Ulster loyalists (who are mostly Ulster Protestant) generally want Northern Ireland to remain within the United Kingdom, while Irish nationalists/republicans (who are mostly Catholic) generally want it to leave the United Kingdom and join a united Ireland. The former generally identify with the Union Flag, while the latter generally do not and instead identify with the Irish tricolour. In Northern Ireland, flags are often used as symbols of political allegiance, cultural identity, and to mark partitioned the island into two separate Home Rule territories of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to be called Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland. In its determination of this border, the Parliament of the United Kingdom heard the arguments of the Irish Unionist Party, but not those of most of the elected representatives of the Irish nationalist population. Sinn Féin refused to recognise any legitimate role of that Parliament in Irish affairs and declined to attend it, leaving only the Irish Parliamentary Party, whose representation at Westminster had been reduced to miniscule size at the 1918 General Election, the majority of the island's area and residents) both have Catholic majorities while the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland (which is a part of the UK and constitutes less than half of the island of Ireland's area and residents) both have Protestant majorities. Many Irish people in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland don't want Northern Ireland to be a part of a nation that is not Catholic-majority, since Catholicism is the religion of the majority of the Irish nation and the religion of the majority of people on the island of Ireland. Territorial disputes in Northern Ireland Government of Ireland Act 1920, although its constitutional roots lie in the 1800 Act of Union between Great Britain and Ireland. Northern Ireland was for many years the site of a violent and bitter ethno-political conflict — the Troubles — which was caused by divisions between Irish nationalists, who are predominantly Roman Catholic, and unionists, who are predominantly Protestant. Unionists want Northern Ireland to remain part of the United Kingdom, while nationalists wish it to be politically reunited with the rest of Ireland. Since the signing of the "Good Friday Agreement" in 1998, most of the paramilitary groups involved in the 19th century, as a response to the Irish Home Rule movement, and the rise of Catholic Irish nationalism. Although most of Ireland was Catholic, in the province of Ulster, Protestants were the majority. Ulster was also more industrialized than other parts of Ireland and was heavily dependent on trade with Great Britain. Loyalism began as a self-determination movement among Ulster Protestants who did not want to become part of an autonomous Ireland. While some Irish Catholics were also unionist, loyalism emphasized a Protestant and British heritage. These movements led to the partition of Ireland in 1921; most of Ireland became "Not at all Irish", while the rest "felt Irish" in varying degrees. A 2011 survey by Northern Ireland Life and Times found that 52% of Northern Irish Catholic respondents favoured union with Great Britain over a united Ireland. This is despite the fact that most Catholics who vote do so for political parties that are Nationalist. According to a 2015 opinion poll, 70% expressed a long-term preference of the maintenance of Northern Ireland's membership of the United Kingdom (either directly ruled or with devolved government), while 14% express a preference for membership of a united Ireland. This discrepancy can be explained by on the word great, as in "Great British Food". Irish, refers to people or a characteristic "of Ireland". As such, its meaning is contextual on the meaning of "Ireland" being used: it can relate both to the Irish state, and to the island of Ireland. Northern Ireland, as a constituent part of the United Kingdom, can thus be both British or Irish, reflected in the ability for residents of Northern Ireland to take either British or Irish citizenship. In order to be more specific, Northern Irish is therefore in common usage. Members of the Nationalist communities would not describe Ireland, but they were not a threat to the stability of Ireland. Ireland and the United Kingdom 1939–1941 There was a reluctance on the part of the British to accept the policy of Irish neutrality. Anthony Eden, Dominions Secretary in the new British war cabinet, said "we do not want formally to recognise Eire as neutral while Eire remains a member of the British Commonwealth" as this he said would be in conflict with the "constitutional theory of the indivisibility of the crown." A prevalent view in the UK was that Ireland was obliged to support the UK in the war. a review of The Great Hunger: Ireland 1845–1849 by Cecil Woodham-Smith that: "All Ireland was a Belsen. ... The English governing class ran true to form. They had killed two million Irish people." Taylor added that if the death rate from the Irish Potato Famine was not higher it "was not for want of trying" on the part of the British government, writing: "I have always felt a certain horror of political economists since I heard one of them say that the Famine in Ireland would not kill more than a million people, and that would scarcely be enough to to haunt Northern Irish politics even today. Some economists and politicians see an independent state as viable but others believe that Northern Ireland would not survive unless it had the support of the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland. Although it is not supported by a political party, around 533,085 declared in the 2011 census to be Northern Irish. This identity does not mean they believe in independence, however in a poll based upon what the future policy for Northern Ireland should be, 15% of the poll voters were in favour of Northern Irish independence. Relationship to unionism Ulster
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accept any correct response that was in question form. Griffin discarded his initial title for the show, What's the Question?, when skeptical network executive Ed Vane rejected his original concept of the game, claiming, "It doesn't have enough jeopardies." Jeopardy! was not the first game show to give contestants the answers and require the questions. That format had previously been used by the Gil Fates-hosted program CBS Television Quiz, which aired from July 1941 until May 1942. Hosts and announcers The first three versions of the show were hosted by Art Fleming. Don Pardo served as announcer for the original NBC Smithsonian. On June 22, 2006, broadcast of the American game-show Jeopardy!, Scheinman was the subject of the $1600 "answer" for the category "Robotics": "In the 1970s Victor Scheinman developed the PUMA, or programmable universal manipulation THIS" (question: "what is THIS?" — answer: "arm".). it was still one of the best shows on television. Jeopardy!'s answer-and-question format has become widely entrenched: Fleming observed that other game shows would have contestants phrasing their answers in question form, leading hosts to remind them that they are not competing on Jeopardy! Regular events Starting in 1985, the show has held an annual Tournament of Champions featuring the top fifteen champions who have appeared on the show since the last tournament. The top prize awarded to the winner was originally valued at $100,000, and increased to $250,000 in 2003. Other regular tournaments include the Teen Tournament, with a $100,000 the show's trademark game board, with the menu options as "categories"; picking one of these causes the board to load up, complete with sound effect, similar to the show. In 2007, MGA Entertainment released the Jeopardy! DVD Home Game System, which allows groups of players to play the game of Jeopardy! from home with a similar experience to appearing on the actual show. For the show's 15th anniversary season in 1998–99, a collectible watch was released. It plays the show's theme song, "Think!", with a push of a button, and includes 25 game cards with the answer-question format. Despite poor sales, several as the Bible of the game show industry. As a reference book it documents every game show that has ever appeared in a national market whether it be in cable, syndication or network. Three updated editions have been published to date. The book has been used as a Jeopardy! answer: The answer was, "'Beat the Odds,' 'Music Bingo' and 'Fast Draw' are entries in an encyclopedia of these by Schwartz, Ryan & Wostbrock." A contestant came in with the correct question, “What are game shows?” Magazines In addition to the books authored by Steve Ryan, his work has appeared in Contestant Game show contestants Game show contestants are usually members of the general public who are selected via some sort of qualification system, such as a general knowledge or IQ test (an example of this is Jeopardy!, in which contestants must pass a 50-question test) who then appear on the televised show. Game show careers are usually short-lived, perhaps lasting only one day. A very small minority go on to achieve national fame, such as Joyce Brothers and Ken Jennings in the United States and Charles Ingram in the United Kingdom. Some game shows deliberately target celebrity contestants, such as Match day when we were in a plane bringing us back to New York City from Duluth. I was mulling over game show ideas, when she noted that there had not been a successful 'question and answer' game on the air since the quiz show scandals. Why not do a switch, and give the answers to the contestant and let them come up with the question? She fired a couple of answers to me: "5,280"—and the question of course was 'How many feet in a mile?'. Another was '79 Wistful Vista'; that was Fibber and Mollie McGee's address. I loved the solve. The Feigenbaum test is designed to take advantage of the broad range of topics available to a Turing test. It is a limited form of Turing's question-answer game which compares the machine against the abilities of experts in specific fields such as literature or chemistry. IBM's Watson machine achieved success in a man versus machine television quiz show of human knowledge, Jeopardy! Weaknesses Turing did not explicitly state that the Turing test could be used as a measure of intelligence, or any other human quality. He wanted to provide a clear and understandable alternative to the word "think", which he pre-registered applicants, who have 15 seconds to answer each question. and whatever has been typed into the answer bar at the end of 15 seconds is entered as the answer. Unlike on the show, test takers are instructed not to respond in the form of a question. Test takers do not receive their score. A random selection of passers (generally understood to be those who get 35 or more questions correct) of this exam are later invited to participate in regional in-person auditions. Jeopardy! Brain Bus For Season 15 (1998–99), the show introduced a Winnebago recreational vehicle called the "Jeopardy! Brain given up hard news coverage when he found himself in New York City when the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks occurred. In 2006, Moore appeared as a contestant on the game show, Jeopardy! He placed last, finishing with a negative amount of money. On November 26, 2007, The John Moore Show did a segment in which he questioned the factual accuracy of Wikipedia. Moore lives in Toronto. He has a column in the National Post.
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the swing. The swing will gain momentum and will, by skillful pumping, take a person over the fulcrum. Kiiking is regulated by the Estonian Kiiking Federation. History The first kiiking swing was made by Ado Kosk in 1993. Kosk observed that it becomes more difficult to swing over the fulcrum as the arms of the swing become longer. He then designed telescoping swing arms to gradually extend the arms for an increased challenge. The person able to swing over the fulcrum with the longest swing arms is the winner. First modern kiiking swing with adjustable shafts was made in in unhealthy subjects is another popular direction investigating the strategies adopted by patients in order to maintain stability in walking. As an example, children with hemiparetic CP showed substantial increases in angular momentum generated by the legs, which were compensated by increased angular momentum of the unaffected arm showing the way arm swing is utilized in order to balance the rotational motion of the body. Reduction in bilateral arm coordination may contribute to clinically observed asymmetry in arm swing behavior which could be a sign of Parkinson's disease. A quantitative study on the level of asymmetry in arm swing is Build-A-Bird Overview Build-A-Bird was designed and developed by Ergonomics Lab, University of Toronto. Gameplay revolved around creating a bird by choosing from a selection of different body parts such as stork-like legs, short legs adapted to alighting on various natural surfaces, or predatory talons. Beak type and wing type were also among the changeable body part selections in Build-A-Bird. Upon selecting your preferred, various body part types the game would provide one or several real life birds that fit your selections. What happened next in the game involved educational material about your bird's range and habitat. The visual representations of arm swing consist mainly of analysis of bipedal walking models and treadmill experiments on human subjects. Bipedal walking models of various complexity levels provided an explanation for the effects of arm swing on human locomotion. On the course of bipedal walking, the leg swing results in an angular momentum that is balanced by the ground reaction moments on the stance foot. Swinging arms create an angular momentum in the opposing direction of lower limb rotation, reducing the total angular momentum of the body. Lower angular momentum of the body results in a decline on the ground reaction moment on the a higher forward acceleration. Racewalkers are also utilizing the arm swing for its energy efficiency. Rather than the rhythmic movements during walking, swinging arms in the right way helps athletic performance in different disciplines. Standing long jump performance is shown to be improved by swinging arms forward during the onset of the jump and back-and-forth during landing since the linear momentum of the body can be adjusted with the help of moving arms. Use of arms in adjusting the rotational and linear momentum is also a common practice in somersaulting and gymnastics. Robotics The literature on the arm swing is truck throughout the entire transition. Slalom Flatland pumping is essentially carving with the proper amount of weight application in order to gain momentum. It involves shifting weight in sync with the board's movements in order to gain momentum, like pivoting, but with all four wheels on the ground. By proper timing, the proper foot position, and the proper set up, impressive results can be achieved. Long Distance Pumping Long Distance Pumping (LDP), is the name given to Skateboard pumping for any sustained distance (Slalom by contrast is through cones and usually a short distance, maybe 100 cones 6-12ft separation). LDP riders residual function from quadruped gait. Another work on the control mechanisms of arm movements during walking corroborated the former findings, showing that central pattern generator (CPG) might be involved in cyclic arm swing. However, these findings do not imply vestigiality of arm swing, which appears to be debateful after the 2003 evidences on the function of arm swing in bipedal locomotion. Athletic performance Energy efficiency of arm swing and its potential in adjusting the momentum of the body have been utilized in sports. Sprinters make use of the contribution of arm swing on the linear momentum in order to get Harmonic oscillator Parametric oscillators A parametric oscillator is a driven harmonic oscillator in which the drive energy is provided by varying the parameters of the oscillator, such as the damping or restoring force. A familiar example of parametric oscillation is "pumping" on a playground swing. A person on a moving swing can increase the amplitude of the swing's oscillations without any external drive force (pushes) being applied, by changing the moment of inertia of the swing by rocking back and forth ("pumping") or alternately standing and squatting, in rhythm with the swing's oscillations. The varying of the parameters drives the system. rolling back onto the shoulders while drawing both legs toward the chest. The legs may be either straight or bent, and hands may optionally be placed on the floor near the ears. The legs are then rapidly thrust away from body trunk and floor while simultaneously pushing away from the floor with hands, if used. During the thrust, the acceleration of leg mass away from the floor develops upward linear momentum in the legs. At the same time, the acceleration of the angular expansion between legs and trunk develops angular momentum in the legs. When the thrust is completed, movement of (as one would if pumping a swing). This technique is generally discouraged, as this is considered uncomfortable for the horse, causes a loss of suppleness through the hips for the rider, and the legs should be the primary driving aids. Voice The voice should be used very little under saddle as a cue, although depending on the horse being ridden it may often be an excellent aid in communicating with the horse if it is well utilized. It is sometimes used as a reprimand (such as a stern "no!"), or more commonly as a way to praise the animal. Certain
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a massive weight reduction, nearly every body panel was switched from steel to aluminum (with the exception of the firewall); the frame itself remains high-strength steel. To prove the durability of the aluminum-intensive design, during the development of the thirteenth-generation F-Series, Ford entered camouflaged prototypes into the Baja 1000 endurance race (where the vehicles finished). The 2015 F-150 was the first pickup truck with adaptive cruise control, which uses radar sensors on the front of the vehicle to maintain a set following distance between it and the vehicle ahead of it, decreasing speed if necessary. The 3.7L V6 was gained a model-specific Camel Back interior color for 2019. F-150 Raptor Following a two-year hiatus, the F-150 Raptor sub-model made its return for the 2017 model year, with the loss of its previous SVT prefix. As with its predecessor, the 2017 Raptor is an offroad-oriented vehicle produced in SuperCab and SuperCrew configurations with a model-exclusive 5.5' pickup bed. The model continues its lack of a Ford Blue Oval grille badge, with "F-O-R-D" spelled across the center of the grille. As with a standard Ford F-150, the Raptor is an aluminum-intensive vehicle; though built upon a steel frame, nearly all its body Ford P platform P525 Cancelled variant; potentially to have reintroduced the F-100 nameplate as a mid-size pickup and Ranger replacement in 2010-2011 As an alternative, Ford chose to introduce EcoBoost engines to the full-size F-Series to increase its fuel economy. P552 All-new platform, the 2015 Ford F-150 marked the adoption of aluminum body construction for the F-Series the metal composition of the best-selling vehicle in the United States, 85% of the parts of the vehicle were domestically-sourced (as of 2016). When the F-150 was equipped with the optional 2.7L EcoBoost V6 engine and two-wheel drive, it was able to comply with proposed future CAFE standards through 2024 without any modifications. Chassis While nearly all body panels of the F-150 were converted from steel to aluminum construction (the only significant sheetmetal component constructed of steel is the firewall), the frame remained of steel construction, the use of high-strength steel in the frame was increased from 23% to 77%. exclusion Following its 2011 launch, the Ford Ranger T6 replaced previous generations of the Ford Ranger worldwide, with the notable exception of the United States and Canada, as Ford exited the compact truck segment entirely. During the early 2010s, Ford concentrated its design resources in North America towards improving the fuel economy of full-size pickup trucks, introducing direct-injection and turbocharged engines; the F-Series adopted an aluminum-intensive body design as part of its 2015 redesign. Conversely, while the Ranger was withdrawn from North America, the F-150 and Super Duty trucks were not sold widely in global markets (exceptions being To showcase the durability of the aluminum-intensive design, Ford entered prototypes of the model disguised as 12th generation F150s in the Baja 1000. Body In line with its predecessor, the thirteenth-generation F-150 is sold with three cab configurations (two-door standard cab, 2+2 door SuperCab, four-door SuperCrew), with rear-wheel drive or four-wheel drive (4x4). Three bed lengths are available (dependent on cab configuration): 5½ feet (SuperCrew, all Raptors), 6½ feet (all except Raptor), 8 feet (Regular cab, SuperCab). The 2015 F-150 marked several design departures from previous F-Series model lines. While the cab design saw largely evolutionary the vehicle towards private buyers in North America, the Ranger was given a distinct hood design and grilles related to trim level. Additional trim included color-contrasting fender molding and fender grilles (in line with the F-Series trucks). The "RANGER"-embossed tailgate was modified; in the interest of aerodynamics, a spoiler was added (sharing the locking tailgate handle from the F-150). As the global Ranger was designed before the current F-Series, usage of aluminum in the body is minor, with only an aluminum hood and tailgate. Trim levels The fourth-generation Ranger shares the traditional trim levels used by Ford light trucks to absorb impact energy. Measures taken to boost body stiffness include more spot welds, a stiffer cowl top, switching from 270 MPa grade to 440 MPa grade high tensile strength steel, and the strategic use of structural adhesives. It features stiffer body joins and use of more plated steel sheet for improved durability and reliability. Switching to aluminum has lowered the weight of the engine hood by approximately 9 kg. Triton The 2005 Mitsubishi Triton features ladder frame RISE chassis that incorporates front and rear crumple zones with reinforced beams to absorb collision damage and direct it away from the vehicle second half of 1997, the F-250 HD (heavy duty) was in the same series as the F-350. The body style stayed the same until the end of 1997. The only change of the F-250 HD and F-350 was that they no longer has classic style tailgates, with the stainless steel cap on them which read FORD. Instead the tailgate had the F-250 Heavy Duty/F-350 nameplate labeled on its left side, while Ford's blue oval was labeled on The right side (similarly styled like the 1997 Ford F-150 around this same time). The F-250 HD also had some minor changes in core they are normally galvanized, or coated with another material to prevent corrosion. The diameters of the strands used for both the aluminum and steel strands vary for different ACSR conductors. ACSR cable still depends on the tensile strength of the aluminium; it is only reinforced by the steel. Because of this, its continuous operating temperature is limited to 75 °C (167 °F), the temperature at which aluminium begins to anneal and soften over time. Cable which relies entirely on the steel for strength, and so can be used at temperatures up to 250 °C (480 °F), is called aluminium-conductor steel-supported (ACSS). Steel
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studies minor. Puth graduated in 2013 from the Berklee College of Music, where he majored in music production and engineering. 2009–2014: Career beginnings In September 2009, he started his own YouTube channel, entitled Charlies Vlogs, posting comedy videos and acoustic covers. In 2010, Puth released the music video of his first song, "These Are My Sexy Shades". On December 2010, he released his debut extended play, The Otto Tunes, an independent release. In 2011, he won an online video competition sponsored by Perez Hilton, Can You Sing?, with a version of Adele's "Someone like You" which he performed with Emily Nervous (Shawn Mendes song) Release Mendes announced the released of the single on May 22, 2018, by posting its artwork and release date on his Instagram account. Music video The music video was released on June 11, 2018, via the singer's official Vevo channel on YouTube. and make them accessible and engaging for her viewers." She suspended adding new videos to her main YouTube account in early 2018 as she turned to full-time acting and hosting work. She resumed posting new videos in 2019. In 2017, Koshy became "the fastest YouTube personality to reach 10 million subscribers". As of April 2019, her main YouTube channel had over 16 million subscribers and more than 2 billion views. Videos on her main channel average nearly 10 million views. Her second YouTube channel had more than 7 million subscribers, and her two channels had a combined total of more than Jonas Brothers covered the song during the concert in Monterrey as part of their 2012/2013 World Tour. On March 6, 2013, season 12 semifinalist Elijah Liu performed the song on American Idol. On March 23, 2013, Rebecca Black and Dave Days performed a duet of the song at the 3rd Annual YouTube Gathering. On April 2, 2013, Fifth Harmony, an American girl group formed on the second season of The X Factor performed Stay and uploaded video Video on YouTube on their YouTube channel. On April 5, 2013, a music video teaser was posted on their YouTube channels. The Script released on The Money Store, titled "Lost Boys." The studio version was then posted to their official YouTube channel on March 13. It was later released for free download on their website. On March 27, they released the music video for the song "The Fever (Aye Aye)," followed by a free download. On April 10, the song "I've Seen Footage" was released for free download on their official SoundCloud page. Pitchfork Media awarded the track their "Best New Music" designation. On April 14, the album was leaked, and the band uploaded a complete version to their YouTube channel and their Walk of Shame (song) Music video An official lyric video for the song was uploaded to Pink's VEVO channel on September 14, 2012 in conjunction with the release of its parent album. Released October 4, 2013, the official music video for "Walk of Shame" features tour footage from her Australian shows. It can only be viewed through the singer's YouTube and VEVO channels in Australia. 2010 video for "This Too Shall Pass" was restricted from being embedded on other video sites due to record label concerns, and in 2012, the band stated revenues from their videos on YouTube was marginal. A version of the video had been uploaded to YouTube by S7 Airlines, but had to be taken down within a day of posting due to the video's exclusive release on Facebook. OK Go and S7 uploaded the music video on their YouTube channels two days later on February 13. Usage in media The song was featured in The Simpsons episode "Fears of a Clown" Ben J. Pierce Early life Ben J. Pierce was born in Dallas, Texas on February 19, 1999. He lived as a closeted teenager before coming out. As Pierce began posting on YouTube, he found an outlet with other similar individuals in the online community. He befriended fellow YouTube artists Troye Sivan and Tyler Oakley. Career Pierce began posting on YouTube using various channels when he was 11 years old in 2010 as a way to feel less isolated and lonely. In 2012, he began posting under the YouTube channel, KidPOV. He began posting under his own name in 2016. He Kumar said he's "really not bothered about this race" and followed up with "I don't even know why PewDiePie is taking this so seriously." He added that they "are not competing with him." In February 2019, Kumar was reported by The Washington Post to have said that "Everybody knows T-Series across the world now. If we had become number one on our own, nobody would have known about us." On 6 March 2019, Kumar tweeted that T-Series is "on the brink of becoming the world's biggest @YouTube channel. We can make history. We can make India win. Subscribe to @TSeries", posting of Booba). He chose to offer free the song explaining he did not want to make money on the clash. Thereafter, La Fouine and Booba released at the same time a second song "TLT" ("Tuez Les Tous" for Booba and "T'as La Tremblotte" for La Fouine) on their respective YouTube channels. La Fouine spoke mostly about Booba's photo that had circulated on the Internet, in parodying his music. On March 10, 2013, Booba broadcast the video of their altercation that took place in Miami. The rapper 50 Cent put the video on his website. La Fouine replied "LOL! I just learned
{ "last_modified_datetime": "2024-02-04T11:20:15.391007" }
ID Quantique Random Number Generation The company's work in Random Number Generation focuses on developing hardware random number generators based on quantum randomness, for cryptographic and security applications (quantum key generation) and research purposes (MonteCarlo simulations). Random number generator attack The security of cryptographic systems depends on some secret data that is known to authorized persons but unknown and unpredictable to others. To achieve this unpredictability, some randomization is typically employed. Modern cryptographic protocols often require frequent generation of random quantities. Cryptographic attacks that subvert or exploit weaknesses in this process are known as random number generator attacks. A high quality random number generation (RNG) process is almost always required for security, and lack of quality generally provides attack vulnerabilities and so leads to lack of security, even to complete compromise, in cryptographic systems. The RNG process recipient. Skype sessions contain multiple streams. The ICM counter depends on the stream, and the location within the stream. Random number generation Skype uses random numbers for several cryptographic purposes, for instance as a protection against playback attacks, creation of RSA key pairs, and creation of AES key-halves for content encryption. The security of a Skype peer-to-peer session depends significantly on the quality of the random numbers generated by both ends of the Skype session. Random number generation varies by operating system. Cryptographic primitives Skype uses standard cryptographic primitives to achieve its security goals. The cryptographic primitives used in Skype Random number generation Practical applications and uses Random number generators have applications in gambling, statistical sampling, computer simulation, cryptography, completely randomized design, and other areas where producing an unpredictable result is desirable. Generally, in applications having unpredictability as the paramount, such as in security applications, hardware generators are generally preferred over pseudo-random algorithms, where feasible. Random number generators are very useful in developing Monte Carlo-method simulations, as debugging is facilitated by the ability to run the same sequence of random numbers again by starting from the same random seed. They are also used in cryptography – so long as then a researcher in the CERN Web team, but was not fixed prior to release. The problem in the running code was discovered in 1995 by Ian Goldberg and David Wagner, who had to reverse engineer the object code because Netscape refused to reveal the details of its random number generation (security through obscurity). That RNG was fixed in later releases (version 2 and higher) by more robust (i.e., more random and so higher entropy from an attacker's perspective) seeding. Microsoft Windows 2000/XP random number generator Microsoft uses an unpublished algorithm to generate random values for its Windows operating system. Pseudorandom number generator A pseudorandom number generator (PRNG), also known as a deterministic random bit generator (DRBG), is an algorithm for generating a sequence of numbers whose properties approximate the properties of sequences of random numbers. The PRNG-generated sequence is not truly random, because it is completely determined by an initial value, called the PRNG's seed (which may include truly random values). Although sequences that are closer to truly random can be generated using hardware random number generators, pseudorandom number generators are important in practice for their speed in number generation and their reproducibility. PRNGs are central in applications such more sophisticated chaotic maps proved that application of chaotic map with higher dimension could improve the quality and security of the cryptosystems. == Chaos-based Hash Function This is very simple function That is, (a+b)^2 Chaos-based Random Number Generation The unpredictable behavior of the chaotic maps can be used in the generation of random numbers. Some of the earliest chaos-based random number generators tried to directly generate random numbers from the logistic map. problems that grant asymmetric encryption its security. If quantum computers are built with enough qubits, and overcoming some limitations to error-correction, traditional public key cryptography will become obsolete. One-time pads, however, will remain secure. See quantum cryptography and post-quantum cryptography for further discussion of the ramifications of quantum computers to information security. True randomness High-quality random numbers are difficult to generate. The random number generation functions in most programming language libraries are not suitable for cryptographic use. Even those generators that are suitable for normal cryptographic use, including /dev/random and many hardware random number generators, may make some use same sequence of numbers. The choice of a good random seed is crucial in the field of computer security. When a secret encryption key is pseudorandomly generated, having the seed will allow one to obtain the key. High entropy is important for selecting good random seed data. If the same random seed is deliberately shared, it becomes a secret key, so two or more systems using matching pseudorandom number algorithms and matching seeds can generate matching sequences of non-repeating numbers which can be used to synchronize remote systems, such as GPS satellites and receivers. Random seeds are often generated from the state of of random number generators based on slower and purely environmental methods. While a pseudorandom number generator based solely on deterministic logic can never be regarded as a "true" random number source in the purest sense of the word, in practice they are generally sufficient even for demanding security-critical applications. Indeed, carefully designed and implemented pseudo-random number generators can be certified for security-critical cryptographic purposes, as is the case with the yarrow algorithm and fortuna. The former is the basis of the /dev/random source of entropy on FreeBSD, AIX, OS X, NetBSD, and others. OpenBSD uses a pseudo-random number algorithm known as arc4random.
{ "last_modified_datetime": "2024-02-04T11:20:15.391007" }
Homemade leverage In finance, homemade leverage is the use of personal borrowing of investors to change the amount of financial leverage of the firm. Investors can use homemade leverage to change an unleveraged firm into a leveraged firm. 8 divided by 1 = 8 Leverage Factor Multiply first two lines = Rate of Leveraged Asset Return x Leverage Factor = + 1% × 8 = +8% Return on Leverage Add Return on Asset's = 5% Equals Rate of Leveraged Asset Return = sum of Asset Return and Leverage 8% + 5% = 13% Measuring A good deal of confusion arises in discussions among people who use different definitions of leverage. The term is used differently in investments and corporate finance, and has multiple definitions in each field. Bank regulation Before the 1980s, quantitative limits on bank leverage were rare. Banks in most Leverage (finance) In finance, leverage (sometimes referred to as gearing in the United Kingdom and Australia) is any technique involving the use of debt (borrowed funds) rather than fresh equity in the purchase of an asset, with the expectation that the after-tax profit to equity holders from the transaction will exceed the borrowing cost, frequently by several multiples⁠ ⁠— hence the provenance of the word from the effect of a lever in physics, a simple machine which amplifies the application of a comparatively small input force into a correspondingly greater output force. Normally, the lender (finance provider) will set a limit on partners, allowing them the benefits of leverage but greatly limiting the degree of recourse of that leverage. This kind of financing structure leverage benefits an LBO's financial sponsor in two ways: (1) the investor itself only needs to provide a fraction of the capital for the acquisition, and (2) the returns to the investor will be enhanced (as long as the return on assets exceeds the cost of the debt). As a percentage of the purchase price for a leverage buyout target, the amount of debt used to finance a transaction varies according to the financial condition and history of the Turbo (finance) Characteristics The most important characteristic of a rolling turbo is the strict connection of its value to market prices either at the stock exchange or in the off-board trade of the primary security. The value of the underlying stock is multiplied by the leverage value to give the value of the rolling turbo. Unlike other financial derivatives, the leverage of a rolling turbo is kept constant on a daily basis. However the issuer can change the leverage by a predetermined fixed procedure. The rationale of a rolling turbo arises from a combination of a predictable Green economy policies in Canada Spending For the federal government, there are several policy instruments that are available. Spending has been a key instrument in attempting to mitigate the effects of climate change so far. Government investment and support in regards to green technology will only further the process of decarbonisation in Canada. The federal government also collaborates frequently with the provinces in regards to how to move forward pursuing green technologies. The federal government also controls the Low Carbon Economy Fund, the money which could be used as leverage and under conditional circumstances to promote climate action from the five main programs the Russia Program, China Program, Alaska Program, California Energy Program, and Responsible Finance Program. Programs Pacific Environment takes on specific challenges in key geographic areas throughout the Pacific Rim, and employs key international leverage points to bolster local campaigns. They engage in five major areas of focus outlined below. Responsible Finance Pacific Environment's Responsible Finance Campaign promotes environmentally and socially sustainable policies and practices among public and private finance institutions with interests and projects in less wealthy countries. With a principal focus on the extractive sector (oil, gas, mining, and forestry) operating on the Pacific Rim, Pacific or ones near bankruptcy, and the requirement for government loans was zero). Work on Basel II began in the early 1990s and it was implemented in stages beginning in 2005. Basel II attempted to limit economic leverage rather than accounting leverage. It required advanced banks to estimate the risk of their positions and allocate capital accordingly. While this is much more rational in theory, it is more subject to estimation error, both honest and opportunitistic. The poor performance of many banks during the financial crisis of 2007–2009 led to calls to reimpose leverage limits, by which most people meant accounting leverage i.e. arbitrage-free, pricing. As regards the use of capital, "Corporate finance theory" relates, mainly, to the application of these models. Corporate finance theory Corporate finance theory has also been extended: mirroring the above developments, asset-valuation and decisioning no longer need assume "certainty". Monte Carlo methods in finance allow financial analysts to construct "stochastic" or probabilistic corporate finance models, as opposed to the traditional static and deterministic models; see Corporate finance § Quantifying uncertainty. Relatedly, Real Options theory allows for owner—i.e. managerial—actions that impact underlying value: by incorporating option pricing logic, these actions are then applied to a distribution of future limits, if they understood the distinction at all. However, in view of the problems with Basel I, it seems likely that some hybrid of accounting and notional leverage will be used, and the leverage limits will be imposed in addition to, not instead of, Basel II economic leverage limits. Use of language Levering has come to be known as "leveraging", in financial communities; this may have originally been a slang adaptation, since leverage was a noun. However, modern dictionaries (such as Random House Dictionary and Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law) refer to its use as a verb, as well. It was
{ "last_modified_datetime": "2024-02-04T11:20:15.391007" }