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Sentence 1: The Washington Post said Airlite would shut down its first shift and parts of the second shift Monday to accommodate the president's appearance. Sentence 2: The plant plans to shut down its first_shift and parts of the second shift Monday to accommodate the president ‘s appearance , Crosby said .
Sentence 1: The arests revealed new deals about the four-month imestigation at Selensk's Mount Olnet Road home Sentence 2: Kekowski and Fassett 's bodigs were unearthed at Selenski 's Mount Oivet Raed home on June & **
‘Sentence 1 Mr ‘Goh’ Gri his part.; deseribed the visit a8 especialy inpertant = given-the SARS situation . Sentence 2: M* Goh said that it vias ’- essdctally impiortant givdn the Sars situation in Singapore ":
Sentence 1: The broader Standard,,.& 00r,'s 500 Index< .SPX,> edged down) points: or,0.98-percen, to.921). entence 2; The Standard, & Poor's 500 index shed.5.20 ,.0r O:62percent,,)to 24,42vas of 9): 33.asm. imNew- York). % * * t 4 *
Sentence 1 The £C8 has cu times that period October 2000 to 2.5 percent ECB has cut rates joe ober 2000 to loeriod *
‘Sentence 1:In Taiwan, the capital. ‘6. mayor and, other’ officials handed out free: therimometers’in a ‘Slandwide ““take-your-temperature “‘ ‘ :campagn ‘Sunday., amid evidence that. Serkainment efforts: were algo Paying off. ‘Sentence::2: In. Taiwan ,. offi handed out: free ‘thermometers -“in’ an. bland-wide..*“take-your- temperature :"' Campaign’ amid.'signg containment, efforts were paying of
a HE
‘Sentence Bot ile cist share of he lowe -seier softare martet hys increased since the 1U s investigntion started Ihe yes ig be im ha tne epee paca a loblime stent 2: icra see th agenda soltase smachet tis increased sinco the prbe started tine Years age, bi” Us fam denied ant-coenptitne prattives ‘ere the reason ot pis:
Sentence 1:1 think the financial diplomacy ,here of, the sent wat we are engaged in is the,, surest. course to. get the result we want.™ Sentence 4.0" The financial diplomacy we | Ne engaged, in is the surest Course to
SentinceWticuth “preaipr pls -were: wet indi Susy thee: researcher’ said’ they. tad no idence ‘fhattothier brands were, safer : aries Btrouth Préinge pls. ere uses te ‘hudy ste reserters sf re Hae oo epee at rari af Satep
Sentence 1: U.S. officials say Hussein loyalists da not require high-technology eavesdropping devices to gather substantial ‘amounts of information on the activities of American officials . Sentence 2: U.S. officials say operatives loyal to the ousted Saddam government donot. require hightechnology eavesdropping devices ta gather substantial amounts of information on the activities-of American officials .
Sentence. i We “nave already. found’ “two ‘traltérs' both. of. Which'we.nalieve were Lised Tor the. manufacture of Hiolsgical weapons. ‘Gentefice /2: We" Have: aitsady. 7étina “two _trallGre that_we" and the Americans, balieve Wen HsécToi Chefical’and biclogieal wWealois
Ce Bustamante and Republican oe By ffecnt poliicat worlds
Sentence 1: tf importont for 0 process tobe put into ploce , he sold, thot would permit 0 smooth transition from wor to peace: Sentence 2 He odded : * Let the process be putin ploce thot wil ‘ensure a smocth transition from wor to peoce :
Sentence 1: Germans account for more than 40 percent of Horeign visitors coming to italy Sentence 2: Germans represent more than a quarter of all foreign visitors to Italy and 40 percent of hotel bookings.
Sentence 1: That compares to a net loss of § 56 million . or 47 cents per share, o: revenue of $ 15.5 million in 2002 's second ‘al quarter, Sentence 2: In the first quarter , SCO had a net loss of $ 724,000 , or 6 cents Per diluted share , on revenue of $ 13.5 million
Sentence 1.” I, will.pass, on to him.[) Mrs Cheney,.]. that. Canada still. remains..a sofe.(,.secure,.and reliable. supply. of energy , “Mr. Klein said Sunday « Sentence 2:".I will, pass on to him that Canada still remains a. safe, , secure.and reliable supply of energy, *
‘Sentence 1 The’ moment f rechoning’has, arited for this West _ African cin feunded freed Anericistaves ithe 19th cen Sentence 2: Taylor is naw expected fo leave the broken shel of a ‘lation founded by freed Ameyican slavesit the. 13th centuiy
Sentence 1: A power cut in New York in 1977 left 9 million people without electricity for up to 25 hours Sentence 2: The outage resurrected memggies of other massive power blackouts , including one in 1977 that left about 9 million people without electricity for 25 hours
Sentence. ‘I:.". If . these”-Loss-» reductions: continue: ‘as © expected," further - rate reductians. should: be. ordéréd |." Seintencé” 2: f° those. lass: «reductions: continue further rate.'reductions, shoutd. ‘be. ordered: , "Bordelon said.
2 »: Sentence 1: De lebra Mitchell ). Church. » &@ member of ‘the » Said Wilsonshad rece! ntly lost her jab . ~ Sentence 2: Mitchell s nto be aid many knew Wilson’, 43 “unstable and that she recently lost her job Se
Setttence. ||: ‘Mike “Austréng: + éditor “of “the weekly Cald Spritig Record’, Said. he-saw one. “wounded” student “taken from. the’ school -by helicopter: « . Sentence..2: Mike Austreng:, the.editor. of the weekly Cold Spring. Record ;-Said-he-saw sne’ Wounded person airlifted fromthe school. and another taken away by ambulance »
Sentence 1: The number of hos names ising BSD is nearing four milion’, while the number of active sites's nearly two. milion , Netcraft said. Senterice 2: The-number of host names using BSD is. nating, 4 milion. ,aereas the numberof active sits is. neatly 2 milion ; Netcraft said. :
Sentenceag1; Southwest said it recently exercised remaining options for the delivery of nine Boeing 737-700s next year Sentence 2: Boeing said yesterday that Southwest exercised options to purchase 15 737s for delivery next year
Sentence 1; Bad publicity has already. weakenéd sales which are higfily profitable for retatlers . Sentence jad publicity surrounding warranties has already sent sales into decline .
Sentence I: He -also said the, academy will get its own isiterial report next week detailing how serious the problem remains . Sentence 2: The academy will get. its- own internal report next week and“ it will be made public ; Rosa said .
Sentence 1: Foam flaking off fron’ allover: the tank teft dozens F pockmarks each) Flight ont the thermal tiles that. cover much ofthe shuttle , Turcotte said: Senteneé'2: During the problem lifoffs ; foam left dezens of ockmacks.or the thermal tiles that cover much of the Shute urcotte: sid
Sentence 1: The huge bottom-line loss stemmed from a 1.5 billion pound assets writedown , on top of a 3.5 billion. first-| half charge . Sentence 2: The huge bottom line loss stemmed from a 1.5 billion-pound asset| writedown , on top of a 3.5 billion. first-| half charge .
Sentence 1: They were identified as Abdul Azi Haji Thiming and Muhammad Jalaludin Mading of Thailand , and Esam Mohammed Khidr Ali of Egypt. Sentence 2: The three men charged with terrorism have been identified as Abdul Azi Haji Thiming and Muhammad Jalaludin Mating of Thailand. and” Exam Mohammed Khidr Ali of Egypt.
“Sentence. #86 OF 8 40 -riilidry plu Dorius 2200000 Gisme: Sentence 2 Bechnam’ will: poctiet a:siedhly ‘salary ‘of about-8°213.000 Ghd: Gan $:1)"‘hilion’ a: yedr plus boriuses :
Sentence I Mr Blair admitted in a newspaper article Mr Bush * s critics were * rubbing their hands at the scope for embarrassing him”. Sentence 2 The Prime Minister today admitted that critics are * rubbing their hands at the scope for embarrassing him”.
Seritence 1: American Masters: Aitiiur Miller , Etier Kazan ane the Blacklist :* None ‘Without’ sin { Wed. ‘Sentence 2: Note thé subheading of this-terrible parable in the’ ". Américary Masters.” ‘series ” Arthur, Miller , Elia Kezan end.-the Blacklist : None| Withour'sin:* zg »
Sentence 1: Washington ; however . said more was needed to . prevent complaints being filed in the first place Sentence 2: But the US insisted it wanted more done to prevent complaints being filed in the first place preferably by repealing the entire law
Sentence t Daugtiter Renee Jackson suki she often mode | * fhage pat Of, Hke-= beans and ice With. lio. meut ond Casseroles for the whole fomiy.. ‘Sentence 2 fhe biological doughter Renee Jackson 20, ‘did te mode huge pots.ot baanss ond fice ; ons moat ond corsoroies. :
Sentence 1: Over the weekend , NASA landed a six-wheeled robot on Mars to study the planet . Sentence 2: Last Saturday , a six-wheeled robot developed by NASA landed on Mars and began sending back images of the planet.
‘Senbente:4:"Deaths: in rollover cfastes adeaunted foi: 82 percints oP the number oF braPPia desths i, PONE, ‘the agency says | Sentence B:Fatalties in rollover crashes axcoubed For ®2.pertenti oP. the increase. in POOR NHTSA said
Sentence After all , China isn ’t racing anyoneso there's no great rush , ” Clark said. Sentence After all , China isn ’ t racing anyone ... so there ’ s no great rush,” Clark said,
Sentence 1: It's almost as if they ( Russians ) hit an x- mark on the ground ," NASA spokesman Robert Navias said Sentence 2: It's almost as if they ( Russians ) hit an x- mark on the ground
Sentence 1: A federal appeals court ruled Tuesday that the government was free to withhold the names of more than 700 detained in the aftermath of Sept . 11 , 2001 . Sentence 2: A federal appeals court ruled ‘Tuesday that the U.S. government can withhold the names of people detained as part of the September 11 investigation , a
Sentence 4: Handset inaricet'share for'the second quarter , it said , is higher than:the first@uarter.. Sentence 2: Nokia's market'share.for the second quarter-is: estimated to be-higher than the first quarter , 2003." ai ed ie *
Sentence I: Network seturitly products nidker-Secure Computing ine. sald Tuesday It is acquiring céntent- filtering’: vendor. .NaH2-"for, $°.20- fnition’ ,.. fartharing Cofsolidation in-an clready-competitive market Spitence 2:.Netuiork security products inaker Secure’ Computing « sdid” Tuesday * it Is “ acquiring “content filtering fitm. N2H2 for. $ 20. million”:; “furthering ‘consolidation In on olreddy compatitive market
Sentence 1: Despite, their differences ,U.S, and EU leaders said there were areas of agreement. Sentence 2: Despite these and other, differences. , US, and EU. leaders insisted, they were working well together.
Sentence 1: " WM have found the smoking jaun , “ board member Scott Hubbard said Sentence 2: " We have found the smoking joun , "said Hubbard , director of NASA “s Ames Research Center in California .
Sentence t: A those infected had recent close contact with prowe see 2 cpt et cna wt *
Sentence 1: Its shares fell 71 cents , or 3.5 percent, in after-hours trading to$ 19.55. Sentence 2: The stock had risen 63 cents , or 3 percent , to close at $ 20.26 in regular- session Nasdaq trading .
Sentence” 4: On Monday... U.S-- Army’) Pfc: Jessica”. Lynch -:was: awarded. the... Bronze “Star. -; Purple” Heart : and Prisoner’ of Walter Reed’ Army, Medical ‘Center... : Sentence, Lynch. ;.. who! returns to: the hilis -of ‘West’. Virigina Tuesday .; - also “recéived “the Purple: .Heart.:.and'. Prisoner.’ ‘of
Sentence t; Watson’; .of ‘Whitaker's’. NE, , “wis found: guilty “of aking’ a” falsé"thréat’ to detonate explosives j and destruction of Yeder‘al property, Sentericé.2:-Dwight Watsdn’, SD ;'was convicted. of malting ‘a':faise :threat" to: detonate: explosives and.of desthoyinig federal property
Sentence 1:" We think it 's great news), Enron spokesman Eric Thode said. Sentence 2: Enron spokesman Eric. Thode declined to comment. on the mediation order.
‘Sentence 1: Under the adjusted™-definition , offiéials Thursday Listed 29 cases as suspected and said’ that 107. otlier. people’ showing possible “SARS symptoms were being monitored . Sentence 2: Another 29 cases. were Listed as suspectéd:,-and officials’ warned that 107. other people showing possible SARS symptoms were being monitored. :
| Sentence 1: Though the legal age for marriage in Romania is 18 , the country generally tolerates the Gypsy tradition of arranged child weddings Sentence 2: Though the legal age for marriage in Romania is 18 , the country generally tolerates the tradition of arranged child weddings among Roma + as Gypsies are also known
Sentence t Belgium said Saturday it has decided:to scrap 2 controversial war crimes law which has seen cases launched against President Bush and Israel Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Sentence 2 Belgium said yesterday that it has decided fo scrap a war crimes-law ‘used to launch cases against President Bush and Prime Minister Ariel Sharan of Israel .
Sentence in aichande : North fied would be rau end its nuclear, weapens rogram: ‘ Sentence 2, * in rat. ie expect Nit Kereta we “nucledr.weepons
‘ihe parchinie lt the largest cone Semence 2the § 22 melon dba of oy i ols the longest lend conservation, e a hastory. emsaction in How
Sentence 1: Mr. Bush said he was taking the action in response to Hamas 's claim of responsibility for the bus bombing in Israel on Tuesday that killed 20 people Sentence 2: Bush said in a statement that he ordered the U.S. Treasury Department to act following Tuesday 's suicide bombing attack in Jerusalem , which killed 20 people
Sentence 1: No Americans were reported among the casualties , according to Capt. Michael Calvert , a spokesman for the regiment . Sentence 2: None of the casualties was Americans , said Capt. Michael Calvert , regiment spokesman .
Sentence 1 He has alto crected* The Plntstones .** Beethoven . “and “Jingle AN The Way -° Sentence 2 Levant 's other credits tmcode * The Pietstones . ~* Foe Al Be Winy “and * Devthowen .*
Sentence 1: With 2.3 million members nationwide , the Episcopal Church is the U.S. branch of the 77 million- member global Anglican Communion Sentence 2: The Episcopal Church , with 2.3. million members , is the U.S. branch of the 77 million-member Communion
Senteneé 2: Tivo of his causins inernbers of the Jordanian foyal family: have ‘been ‘mentiojied. as: possible contenders, to the throne , Sentence 2; In’ addition, tivo of: his: cousins: + Iniembers af the Jordanian reyal-family - fave been ‘mentioned as possible competition for the.throne :
“Sentence 1: While: Mr, Qurel is widely-Feapectad andes a “lbng, histary of riegatiating with: the: lsraelis:, he ain ‘expect such a warm welcome." Seintorice 2! While Quibla ws: feepected ahd tas's hiiory negotiating’ with; thelsractis ‘a wai welcome is ‘expected a poe a
Sentence 1: Sentence 2: wt
Sentence 1: Germany ‘s Foreign Ministry said it believed the passengers were from the northern states of Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein , but had no further details Sentence 2: Germany said most of the passengers were from the northern states of Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein.
Sentence 1: Mr. Weirigarten said that he expected Mir. EbbeS , who'turned 62 yesterday.’ to be-fully ‘exonerated df trial.. Senterice 2: Mr. Ebbers' attorney Reid Weingarten, Said he expects. Mr. Epbérs to be exonerated .
' Sentence i The Parade , which | Moves west along Eastern: Parkway in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn 7 went through the district Davis represented . thousands of Spectators , went through the district that Davis represented .
Hs “gs Saye Hea
Sentence 1: At 5 p.m. EDT , Grace ‘s center was near latitude 25.6 north , longitude 93.7 west or about 280 miles east-southeast of Corpus Christi . Sentence 2: At 11 a.m. EDT , Fabian 's center was near latitude 18.1 north and longitude 53.2 west , or about 550 miles east of the Leewards .
Sentence 1: SMILING.” bomber’ ‘Amrosi was Hnspired to. launch “an” attack of’. Bali after hs Ormer:. Australian boss” revésled:- the tourist, island - was” 3° haven’. for sinful behaviour by) esteriers > e " 2 entence 2: BALI bomber Amirozi claims:he.was| Jinspired to:lauach an attack On:the tourist istand| ftér-his Austratidn: boss :révedled “Bali Was’ 3} ‘aver for. Sinful behaviour of Westernéts .
Sentence 42-7 Boykin requested it , remarks. . he Peritagon » Saying: tha is investigating hi
Sentence Luhrmann While a-critical success , s opulent production of the Puccini opera will end with losses of about $ U.S6 million ( $ AQ2 million ). Sentence 2::Baz Luhrmann 's opulent version of ‘thé Puctini opera will fold June 29 after a disappointing seven- month run and losses of about $ 6 million. :
Sentence 1: US. troops killed nearly two dozen suspected Taliban militants after coming under fire in southern Afghanistan in the Jatest in a series.of such attacks. Sentence 2: US. soldiers killed about two dozen suspected Taliban militants in southern Afghanistan after their convoy. came under attack , the military said Sunday
Sentence’ 1: .": Craxi.-begged me -to intervene ‘because . he believed the. operation “damaged the state, ” Mr Berlusconi said .. Sentence 2:"I had no diréct: interest and Craxi begged rne'to intervene because he believed. that the deal was damaging to the state , " Berlusconi testified .
Sentence 1: The agencies warn that the ” insulation .can. sift through cracks in the Ceiling , round light fixtures or around ceiling fans.” fe ‘Sentence 2: The insulation can sift through cracks in the ceiling , around light fixtures or around ceiling fans , so cracks should be sealed, they recommend.
"Sentence 4: * rhe aécuser arrived: at the hospital wearing yellow knit ‘Panties -with’someone elie 's semeir tnd sperin in them , not that of Mr. Bryint, *Mackey hammered trivmphantly.:.° . ; Sentence'2" The accuser arrived at the hospital wearing panties with somone else''s semen-aind sperm in them’, not;that of Mr.: Bryant , correct?” ;
Serience 1: On July 10 , a team of 32 Singaporean police officers was sent to Baghdad Serienae 2: n Jay $2 Sramparean police officers were Sent © Baghdad } help train Iraqi police forces and returned home last month
Sentence “1 Sentence 2
Sentence 1: The biggest. threat to .order. seemed: fo be. looting and: crime .”, including * tobberies by some--of the prisoners: freed by Saddam. before, the wat. Sentence’ 2: The biggest. threat to ‘order seemed. to’ be’ looting and. crime:.”, including. robberies by.’some of ‘the tens of. thousdnds: of prisoners. that . Mr: Hussein: freed last year
sentence 4; Bush said thal he ordered the pesury, Deparment to ez the assets after roe ide bombing in Jerusalem that kiled 20 people | ‘uesday 2: Bush said in 8 ctaternent that he ordered the US. TWeasury Department 10 act folowing Tuesday '5 suicide ‘pombing attack in Nerusaiern , which kiled
Sentence 1: The problem likely wilt mean corrective changes befare the shuttle fleet starts flying again Sentence, 2: He, said the, problem needs. 10 be corrected before the space shuttle fleet is, cleared to fly again
Sentence 1: Just across a river , St. Joseph has trendy restaurants , boutiques , offices and a picturesque beachfront Sentence 2: Less than a mile away , across a river St. Joseph features trendy restaurants ; boutiques , offices and a picturesque beach front .
Sentence 1: He did a bad job going up there , " Mr. Villalona said. Sentence 2: Villalona put it more bluntly : THe did a bad job going up there , '' he said.
Sentence a: Massachusetts does not have a state death penalty . and only once before - in Michigan - has the Federal death penalty been given in a state without. capital punishment Sentence 2: Massachusetts has no state death penalty , and only once before -- in Michigan has
Sentence 1: * We continue with the Saudis on this . but they did not . as of the time of this: tragic event . provide the additional security we requested Sentence 2: ".Bit they did not , as of the time of this particular tragic event...provide the securty we had requested . * Mr Jordan said
Sentence L The Commerce ruling Tuesday will impose a 44,71 percent tariff on dynamic random access memory semiconductors ( DRAMS ) made by Hynix Semiconductor Inc. Sentence 2: The Commerce Deparment imposed a 44.71 percent tariff on dynamic random access memory semiconductors , or DRAMS , made by Hyntx Semiconductor Ine.
Sentence 1: Mr. Kozlowski contends that the event included business and that some of those attending were Tyco employees Sentence 2: Mr. Kozlowski contends that the event was in large part a business function .
Sentence 1: Sentence 2
Sentence 1: The rule bors groups from citing ors that promote . Support . attack or oppose @ candidate at cay Gime. Sentence % 31 upheld latback rales thet bar the same groups trees citing ods that promete . support . attack er oppose « camidate ot oy tiene.
Sentence 1: Ofitiain Movant soja ike Jye-sespects had bee oe Ei, yi 1 * since te nin’ 98 eck Hembings of BS: embed Kénjo‘and Tanwar : Sentence-2 ofits io Molonisaidtbe enete‘on the C'S woh it ‘snge shetwn 1998 Bombings athe USeinbesse it Kenya and farang
Sentence 1: The US version will cost $ 99 for an individual licence , the same as the existing version. Sentence 2: Contribute 2 costs 69 for an individual license , the same as the existing version.
Sentence 1: However ,, scientists led by physicist Frank McDonald of the University of Maryland disagree Sentence 2: It's just a matter.of time , said Frank McDonald , of the University of Maryland
Sentence » 1: U.S. manufacturing «growth expanded for the third straight month: in September but) at a> slower pace, according -to.-a: report released shortly after the opening bell. Sentence, 2: US) manufacturing: grew: for the third consecutive» month in September, but at a slower rate: than. in previous months ; according to:a-survey released Wednesday «
Sentence I: In an interview’, Healey ,.who is a criminologist , acknowledged that much of ‘the séntiment among legislators here and across the country was wariness toward capital punishment . Sentence 2: In an interview , Ms. Healey , who is a criminologist , said many lawmakers here and across the country shared.a warinéss toward capital punishment.
Sertance i: It has « margin of error of plus, or minus 4 percentage points _ Sentence 2: That poll had 712 likely yoters and saripling ‘ovor of plas or minus. 37 percentage points .
‘Sentence t He said it wos not possible to rule out that the chemical was ‘a’cancer risk to humans’ Senience 2 However , Jed meth bruehtLobame ‘cancer risk to humans,
Sentence 1:-Five alterriate jurors were also chosen , with a final one set to be. selected Friday morning from the panel. Sentence.2: Five alternate jurors also were selected , with a sixth alternate to be picked on Friday . Me
Sentence 1: The 19 face charges including racketeering , conspiracy , organized fraud, grand theft ond illegal drug sales al felonies carrying penalties of five to 30 years inprison. Sentence 2: The suspects were charged with racketeecng , conspiracy organized fraud, grand theft nd illegal drug sales, felonies car ying penalties o five to 30 years inprison.
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