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Sentence t "Alot of these are made-up stories , ° Schwarzenegger told NBC television Sentence 2:* Well, first ofall, a lot of these are made up stories , ” Mr. Schwarzenegger said | 11
Sentence £ The agreement between architect Daniel Libeskind —-* and representatives of developer Larry Silverstein gives architect David Childs the lead role in developing. the " Freedom Tower." Sentence 2:The collaboration gives architect David Childs , who has done extensive work with Silverstein , the lead role in developing the tower , which is to be the world §s tallest . | 00
Sentence: 1: Israel's defénse: minister on’ Sunday raised the ‘specter of an Israeli. invasion in “thé Gaza Strip +, where "Palestinian militants already face a deadly. air campaign’. Sentence 2:-Shaul Mofaz_ , Israel. 's Defence. Minister ; raised the’ prospect of a ground: offensive into the Gaza Strip’, in. addition to ‘a growing air Campaign | to. assassinate | ‘Hamas militants . | 11
Sentente’t Nafionwide .'seVere acute ‘espitatary umiirorne hag infected moie thar $380 pegpte about wo:thids of wild stab -,and kiléd 343 ofthem. "| 2 Seitende 2'Severe acute sispiratary syndionie has ifectéd miore than 8,300 worldwide and killed at least 790:, mast of ther in Asia | 00
Sentence 1: Ms. Haque , meanwhile , was on her turquoise ‘cellphone with the smiley faces organizing the prom Sentence 2: Fatima , meanwhile , was on her turquoise cell phone organizing the ‘prom | 11
‘Sentence 1: The’ shodter ran away, police said , eluding an officer who gave chase ‘Sentence 2: Police said the shooter rin awhy Trot officer, who chased: hini. ;.and still was being ‘sought Thiarsdlay’ night | 00
Sentence 2 The head of the intelligence service accused of tortures and di | 11
‘Sentengs ‘1: The’ survey that found if covered. anya narra ice of thie sky Sentenge 2: The. survey’ which uncovered thé star only covered a narrow slice.cf ihe sky. | 11
Sentence"? 1: ° Geéxal: * Myers, told reporters’ that:"at first blush: )7:it doesit. took. like’ rahy“Yules -were- ‘Broken.:" : os Sentence -2:. "At. first blush .,-.it doesn: '€ 160k like**any “rules . were. broker; ."said'Gen. Righard-.Myers , chairmat.of ‘the. Joint: Chiefs of Staff... > | 11
Sentence:1: She said she told O ‘Donnell ," Your mother died of breast cancer... Sentence 2: Spengler replied , ". Didn 't your mother die af breast cancer ? ry as | 00
tence 1: We remain hopeful that he city will agree to work with us ai ngage in good-faith discussions 0: his issue ." tence 2: Alhart said the governor "| remains hopeful that the city wil ontinue to work with us and eng: in good-faith discussions." | 11
i | 11
Snténce i: Greéngpan js head of-the U.S. centig tank whiGh sets US, interest atos, ‘Sentence 2: Greenspan 's Fedafal Reserve’, ths U.S, central Bark. decides inter dt rates inthe wérld ' largest ecénotry, | 11
Sentence 1: The Dow Jones Industrial Average held on to small gains , up 19.96 to 9,099.91 , while the § & P 500 index shed 0.39 to 981.95 Sentence *2: The Dow Jones industrial average was up 17 points to 9,090 , while the Nasdaq composite index fell 10 points to 1,601. | 00
Sentence 1: As part of his déal ,- Mr. Delainey ‘has agreed to cooperate in the continuing investigation . Sentence 2 Dave “Delainey agreed ‘to cooperate with federal . prosecutors: in exchange for the ‘plea. | 11
Sentence £ But SCO has hit back , saying : “ We view IBM's counterclaim Fling today as an effort to_distract attention from its flawed Linux business model . Sentence 2: in a statement , an SCO spokeman said , " We view IBM '5 Counterclaim filing today as an effort to distract attention from its flawed Linux business model . a | 11
Sentence 1: 4 former teammate , Carlton Dotson , has been charged with the murder Sentence 2: His body was found July 25, and former teammate Carlton Dotson has been charged in his shooting death | 00
Sentence 1: But as more people were shot , Moose had to admit that he couldn 't give the public the safety it needed . oy Sentence 2: Bit as time passed and more people were shot , Moose had to admit that he couldn 't give the public what it needed most from the police - safety . | 11
Sentence. 1: The Nasdaq had a weekly- gain of 1727, or 1.2 percent, ‘closing at 1,520.15 on. Friday. ‘Sentence 2: The ‘tech-laced Nasdaq Composite .IXICrallied 30.46 points ° or 2.04 percent, to 1,520.15; | 00
entence 1: The woman , Mary Kathryn Miller , 5 , was arrested by the state police on Nov. 20 nd charged with first-degree larceny entence 2: Mary Kathryn Miller , §5., of 27 evon Road , Darien , was arrested Nov. 20 by tate police and charged with first-degree larceny | 11
Sentence 1: His 1996 Chevrolet Tahoe was found abandoned June 25 in‘a Virginia Beach Pt art parking lot . Sentence 2: His sport utility vehicle was. found June 25. , abandoned ‘without — its license plates in Virginia Beach , Va . | 11
Sentencé. The ‘US, on: Tuesday assembled a coalition “of . more than a dozen countriés ta launch ‘World Trade’ Organisation” case. agai the European Union 's: bait, on, new. genetically modified ere) Sentence 2/"The “US on Tuesday; filed a long- anticipatéd ‘ease inthe World Trade Orga aimed at forcing the European Union to ‘lift facto moratorium on genetically modified foods . ion | 11
Sentence 1: The council comprises 13 Shi ‘ites , five Sunni Arabs , five Kurds , an Assyrian Christian and a Turkmen Sentence 2: The council includes 13 Shiites , five Kurds , five Sunnis , one Christian and one Turkoman | 11
Sentence t: One Republican sent out a Flier this week citing ® 3.8-percent increase in the $ & P 500 stock index since Passage of the tax cuts in May. Sentence 2: One Republican flier cited @ 3.8 percent increase in the S & P 500 stock index since passage of the tax cuts in May. | 11
Sentence 1: Minister Saud al-Faisal visit was disclosed Monday by two administration offic who discussed it on condition of not identified by name . Sentence 2: Minister Saud al-Faisal 's visit was! disclosed by two administration officials , spoke on condition of anonymity . | 11
Sentence 1:°" Dan, brings te Coca-Cole enormous experience in managing some of The world .'s largest ond most fairilior beands .” Heyer soid'in'o statement ~ Sentence 2: li o statement - Heyer said. Dan _ brings’ «fo :,Coco-Cola: . enormous euperienge in managing some of the world's largest and, tnost familiar, brands - | 11
Sentence 1: " This puts telemarketers on notice that we will take all measures necessary to protect consumers who chose to be left alone in their homes . " Sentence 2: " This puts telemarketers on notice that we will take all measures necessary to protect consumers who chose to be left alone in their homes , " FCC chairman Michael Powell said . | 11
Sentence t Bush said resistance forces hostile to] the US. preserice * feel like:_ the conditions are sudh thal they Can attads us'there.. Sentence 2 There are some who fee! like the conditions. are.such. that they” can _attadk."us| there: | 11
Sentence f: The Illinois Supreme Court dismissed the case Sentence 2: The Supreme Cditrt agreed Monday in Minois vs. Telemarketing Associates | 00
Sentence 1: ‘The:tech-heavy Nasdaq Stock Markets. cOmposite. index. :added14.17 points or.0.94 per eeiit to.1,517.05.. Sentence 2:‘fhe Nasdaq: Composite.index full of techriplegy: stocks ;was lately up around 18 points: | 00
Sentence % She estimated it would take three Seri and would require cancellation of sub-audit mete Department of Environmental Quality sentence 2: She soid it would toke an estimated Sentence Tihs to. conduct, and requre the ee er OE a. aub-audit of the Department of Environmental Quality | 11
Sentence 1:" The reasons, behind the increase in incidence are more complex and we are only just beginning to understand the rrisk factors , "he said. Sentence 2: However’, he said , The reasons behind the increase in, incidence are more complex, and were, just. beginning. to understand the risk factors . | 11
Semence 1:°\\ie ve jut 9 latof effort and emengy into inyronng ici Pere pity baer than -we should have “Semence 2” \(e" have pt. a bot energy into patching, Inter than ive shovild have,” byesaidt : | 11
Sentence 1: wiried to bring the’ most beaitifit people into the’ rast “beautful- building. he said. Sunday, inside ‘the ‘GrandsCeriral concourse.“ ~ : ‘Seiaence 2” waved to Bring the most beastf l people’ into the most boautf ut buiding ," Torch said Suriday : * | 11
Sentence 1: The equivalent of 75,000 55- gallon barrels of waste thought to contain transuranic waste are stored underground at Hanford . Sentence 2: The equivalent of 75,000 55- gallon barrels of transuranic and low-level radioactive waste , some of it mixed with hazardous chemicals , is buried at Hanford | 00
Sentence 1: P & G officials later concluded that the beter approach was fo spit ‘up the contracts fo avoid reliance on just one contacter. Seatdlce 2:D & G officials decided it would be wiser fo split he contracts 10 ‘wei ronce on ase contr Be * | 11
Sentence 1; In terms of o. free ‘trode’ oreo : wé ‘ve got a long ,-long way. to-go and the Pakistanis understand thot . Sentence 2: As for o free ‘trade oreo ; the officiol stressed thot ‘weve got o long, . long ‘may to go’, and .the Pakistanis understand thot | 11
Sentence 1: Mississippi placed. aitiong ‘the’ bottom 10 “states in 13 of the 17 measuies.. Sentenice 2: Missiésippi Is among the botiom five states on nine other measures .. | 11
jentence 1: Shares in Wal-Mart losed at $ 58.28 , up 16 ents , in Tuesday trading on he New York Stock Exchange . jentence 2: Wal-Mart shares ose 16 cents to close at $ 8.28 on the New York Stock xchange . | 11
Senterice 1: Mesnuiite ,” the’. total death toll ‘appronetied:.778 with “ware” than-8,308. people: sickened. Since the, severe, acute:.respiratory’ syndrone virus first sppeared in southern. China in’ November...» Sentence. 2:°"The “oLobel, déath toUL ‘from’ SARS vas “Bt Least. 767. with: more than “6,386 peopte sitkenee ‘since the'vinus, first Sppeared ‘in, southern’ China in Noventien :- = - : | 11
> Sentence # Hampton Township is just northeast o Bay City and cbaut 100 miles. trom Bloomtfielc ~ Township Sentence 2: Hampton Township is located few Kilometers northeast of Bay City. nesr Michigan ‘s Thumb | 00
Sentence 1: The woman felt threatened and wont to the magistrate 's office , police said. Sentence 2: The woman reported that she felt threatened and obtained @ warrant for Stackhouse ‘s arrest trom the local magistrate office. | 00
Sentence 1: An amendment to remove the exemption for the state-sanctioned sites failed on a much closer 237-186 vote . Sentence 2: An amendment to remove such protections failed by a vote of 186 to 237. | 11
Sentence: Marcet-resal-ch rm Del ‘ord! Group: <stamates this market wi total § 12 bifonn 2008 Sentence: 2 ‘ark redeitch frm Bel Org" Grdup éstimates’ tha Hs Gioabit Ethernet switch market wil fotal about US'S @ Bin [2008 : | 11
Sentence 1: Humphries , and his father William , were on the IU campus Wednesday afiernoon and Thursday morning . Sentence 9: Humphries , and his father , William , arrived at IU in the early afternoon and spent the day with IU coach Mike Davis. | 00
sentence 1: The men were immediately flown to nearby Botswana on a chartered Air Malawi flight , Malawi nce officials said on condition of anonymity . Sentence 2: The men were flown to nearby Botswana on ‘an Air Malawi flight, the officials said. intellige | 11
Seritence 1: SpiderMan” snatched $ 114.7 million.in, itz “debut Tart year and went ‘on to capture $ 4YO3.7 million... Sentence 2!-SpidersMan , cated, PG443 snatched $: 11,7 ‘million in its first: weekend and wont on to.take in'S YO3.7 million . | 11
Sentence 4: 0°" ‘Donnell “wrote ini autobiography ,'" Find Me, " that she was abused child’. Sentence 2: In her autobiography , " Find Me, "0 "Donnell wrote , " I was an abused kid . | 11
Sentence 1 The answer is clearly yes > "said De. Larry Norton * deputy physician-in- chief for breast eancer programs at Memorial Sloan-. Kettering Cancer Center. | 11
entence 1: I would like to congratulate ussia on the successful World Climate Change Conference last week . entence 2: Momentous happenings at the World Climate Conference in Moscow last week . | 00
Sentence 1 Sentence 2 | 11
Sentence 1: The crime report surveyed 11,600 police and law enforcement agencies nationwide Sentence 2: The report details crime reported to w enforcement agencies stat | 00
Sentence 1:” We are starting the epidemic with more cases and more areas affected than last year. Sentence 2:” It indicates we are starting the epidemic with more cases than last year , ” Gerberding said. | 11
Sentence 1: Both rebels and government forces have been accused of pillaging villages in Liberia 's countryside despite the peace agreement . Sentence 2: Both rebels and government forces , including those loyald to Taylor , have been accused of pillaging villages in Liberia 's countryside despite a peace deal . | 11
Sentence 1: The SIA said chip sales. were expect to rise 16.8 percent to $ 180.9bn next year , followed by a.5.8 in 2005 . Sentence 2: The SIA forecast that chip sales next year will rise 16.8 ,perceiit to, $ 180.9 billion , followed by a 5.8 percent increase to $ 191.5 billion in 2005 . | 11
Sentence i: But Mr Rok voters to be" kind to the be! what you 've done here today". son urged the ind sensi e and gentle" jevers who " will not understand Sentence 2: But he urged the delegates who m to be" kind to believers. who " will not understand what you 've done here today ." elected nd sensitive and gentle | 11
‘Senience + Earket:on Merida , Grant Thorntén SpA épeated previous statements that it was" a victim-of fraudulent action ” ‘Sender F Grant Thario chins thai to was the vit oa abd | 11
Seibnes,f* The snipact of interac prices’ has oly Beit e:aon the ancl rinks of the company . * Novunnla prestfent and chief executive offer Derek Parmell said” | "Sentence 2:* The ‘wipace-of increased prices has only epi to, bee ston 1. the forancial numbers of the “company. Fire fel CEO. Det Fel ad @ statement : | 11
Sentence 1: The Java Enterprise System: bundles a. Slew of. Su-Software for,’ yearly :subscription:-of $ 100 per ‘emptoyee. a a ‘Sentence. -2:. For. instance”, the core “Java Enterprise System will'cost'$ 100 per-employee ‘in. the US . ma | 00
Sentence 1:" This fire is going to have a great potential to get into those areas , " Oltrogge said . Sentence 2:" The fire is going to have great potential to get in there tomorrow ," he said . | 11
Sentence 1:But for more. than a, century ; an untold amount of money intended for some of the nation 's poorest residents was lost’, stolen or never collected. Sentence 2: For. more than a céntury ;° an undetermined amount of money was lost, stolen , or never‘collected . | 00
Sentence |: The epidemic begon fh November in the mainland 's Guangdong provinces , but the People 's Republic of China refused to report truthfully about its spread for four months . Sentence 2: The PRG epidemic began in Gvandeng previnee in November , but the Communist Party government refused to report truthfully about its spread for four months . | 11
Seutemee : Such a move has beew widely predicted by industry observers and follows the recent anuouncement that Christopher Galvin , the® company 's Chairman and chief executive , would seam retire . Sentemee 2: Such a move has beew widely predicted by industry observers and follows the departure of Christopher | 11
Sentence 1: Fighting has continued sporadically in-the.west ,\where itis complicated, by)\ithe: presence of battle-hardenedLiberians,onhoth sides. Sentence\\2: Both, are, in: thecocoa= growing) \west -of the iworld):'s,top producer in-a region where fighting is complicated, by ithe) presence of Liberians on both\sidesa | 00
Sentence 1: it wilt appear in the next few Weeks. on the. eb. site of- the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences . Sentence 2: Details of the research will appear in a . future issue. of the ‘roceedings of the National Academy of. iciences.. | 11
Sentence 1: Results from No. 2 US. soft drink maker Pepsico Inc. PEPN were Likely to be in the spotlight Sentence 2: Results from No. 2 US. soft drink maker PepsiCo Inc . ( nyse: PEP - news - people ) were Uikely ‘to be in the! spotlight | 11
Sentence, 1A least seven, other governments have signed agreements , buthave asked not fo have them publicized Sentence 2 Egypt , Mongolia, the Seycheles , Tunisia and atleast ifroe other gosemnniens Rave sighed urpublcted agreements | 00
Sentence 1: Niels told an interviewer in 1999 he thought the’ Old Man would outlive him by many years Sentence . ‘a: In 1999 5 two years before his death “Mr. Nielsen tokl'an interviewer that he thought the rock face would outlive him by many years. | 00
jut US. District Judge Joseph a ds Pa ge um ruling . Sentence 2: in » brief ruling . us District Judge Joseph A. Dici, rico Jt. denied their Motion for an injunctio $< | 11
‘Sentencel: Who will succeed Mr.O ‘Neill at Hyundai is not clear Sentence 2:There is no clear successor for Mr. O'Neill at Hyundai. | 11
Sentence: ah ‘Ala lden toured ‘Northrooy. "a small town in , Platte Count: Popo, where. “between 25 and Fores “were Biter damaged OY destroyed. “ Sentence 23 vi Holden: toured Northmooy: where :betweeri 25° and’ 30° homes “were. either: sdamaged- 6x destroyed and. the foun hall. and police: ptation abeo. were” “damaged: : | 00
sxception of dancing , physical Sentence 2: Dancing was the only phy ‘a lower risk of dement ctivity | 11
Sentence t Justice Anthony Kennedy dissented in an opinion joined by Chief Justice William Rehnquisé and Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas. Sentence 2: He was joined by Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist and Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas . | 11
Sentence t Inc seports suslthio tae fe ty 30 miles vst Bagdad ambsiue within Sentenes' 2: thé'C: ntcimm etki, Said he airman, dppeared to. have fir fom arse inthe. chy £Q kn( a2 ales) west fBashdad | 11
Sentence 1: Bennett told Newsweek that " over 10 years ,I'd say I've come out pretty close to even." Sentence 2:" Over 10 years , I'd say I ‘ve come out pretty close to even," he said | 11
Sentence ‘ERevenue jumped 26:percent to $ 817 millon , the South San Francisco-based company said in a statement . Sentence 2:Revenue rose 26 percent , to $ 81F million , the company , based in South San Francisco , Calif.., said . | 11
Sentence 1::The report rankéd.45 large’ companies - based én émployment riarketing’, procurement , community reinvestment and charitable. donations, Sentence 2: Of" those. ‘three. -, only Dillard 's responded:to the survey that ranked, 45° large. companies.” “on: émployment , marketing , procurément community: reinvestment + and charitable donations - | 00
Sentence I: Carlow and his group peddled drugs by forging paperwork showing the shipments ' prior owners Sentence 2: The network peddled drugs by forging paperwork showing prior owners of the shipments . | 11
Sentence 1: In September , a 27-year-old Singapore researcher contracted SARS while working in a laboratory. Sentence 2 In a case in August , a 27-year-old laboratory worker in Singapore developed SARS. | 11
Sentence 1:-Néw research indicates-that some l540,000 high-tech:jobs were lost in the United States: during 2002 . [Sentence 2: In 2001, there-were'6.5 million figh- ‘ech jobs in.the United States : | 00
Sentence 1: Scruggs , who did not testify , wos cleared of a second charge of foiling to provide her son with proper medical and psychological care Sentence 2: The six-member jury cleared Scruggs of 0 second charge that accused her of foiling to provide her son with proper medical ond psychological care | 11
Sentence 1: But it said that the Danish ban had been effective in reducing the spread among food animals Sentence 2: But , in a 58-page report , WHO said the Danish ban had been effective in reducing the spread among food animals | 11
Sentence I: la 2001 . 6.4 per cent of sik-yeor-clés ond IS per cent of S-yrar-olds were obese. Sentence 2: One in seven IS-yeor-olts and nearly coe ia 10 six~ eormolds dre these . | 00
> Sentence 1: Sharon Says he is willing to free } the two as holding them ‘will not. bring back | Arad’, who Israel bélieves ig held bytran . | 11
Sentence 1: Only Intel Corp. has a lower dividend yield . Sentence 2: Only Intel 's @.3 percent yield is lower . | 11
Soritonce’ 1 After “their “dtrests.- the . inert told investigators they paid te be 'smoggled mtg: the united ‘States trom Canada last month. Sontehee- 2: After ther arrbsts ‘sources ‘said. the.’men admitted they were smuggled inté Washington, state from. Egnada in Wuly : : . | 11
Sentence 1: The company is highlighting the addition of NET and J2EE support to its Enterprise Application Environment ( E ) with the new mainframe . Sentence 2: The company is also adding ‘Net and J2EE support to its Enterprise Application Environment —_ development toolset , Sapp said | 11
Sentence: Both devices use'version’5.Z. of the Palit). operating system and feature a new ‘design’, which resembles a miniature notebook ‘with a'screen that, swivels around 180 degrees. ‘Sentence .2: Both devices use Palm OS 5.2.and feature a coinpiétely ‘new form’, factor, that’ ‘tesembles.a'miniature notebook with.a screen ‘that.swivels 180 degrees « | 11
Sentence 1: The verbal flareup with Keating stemmed from Cardinal Mahony ‘s initial refusal to participate in that survey unless procedures were changed . Sentence 2: A verbal flare-up between Keating and Mahony began when the cardinal initially refused to participate in that, survey unless procedures were changed. « | 11
fentence 1: Sirius recently began carrying National Public adi , a deal pooh-poohed by XM because it doesn 't include }opular shows like " All Things Considered " and " Morning dition ." fentence 2: Sirius carries National Public Radio , although it joesn 't include popular shows such as " All Things ‘onsidered" and " Morning Edition ." | 00
hie. juvenile arrested yesterday. allegedly. authared-a wariant, ofthe worm kriown ‘as !-RPCSDBOT . Sentence .2/ The ‘variant the juvenile allegedly created - was ktiown “as: RPCSDBOT | 11
Sentence 1 The blue-chip Dow Jones industrial average .DJI climbed 179.97 points , or 2.09 percent , to 8,781.35 , ending at its highest level since mid- January . Sentence 2: The blue-chip Dow Jones industrial average .DJI tacked on 97 points, or 1.14 percent , to 8,699. | 00
Sentence. 1, Iraq. 's, econoiiy. was ‘ravaged ‘during: years. of U.N.” sanctions ‘over ex- president’: Saddam, “Hussein....'s -. 1990 occupation of Kuwait, and’ bythe U-S--. ‘Led ‘war té oust, him whiéh.’énded “in April .« : Sentence -2:° Iraq’ .*- economy was shattered under former president Saddam Hussein. and’ by :the, U-S+=léd war: to. oust him which ended. in April. | 00
Sentence 1: They retumed in 1999 after rebel raids ona neighboring Russian region and a series of deadly apartment-building bombings ‘that were blamed on the rebels : Sentence 2: In 1999 , troops returned after rebel aids on a neighbouring Russian region and a series of deadly apartment-house bombings in Russian cities that were blamed on the rebels - | 11
Sentence 1 The company must either pay NTP the $ 53.7-Agillion or post a bond with the court pending the appeal , Mr. Wallace said Sentence 2 RIM must either pay NTP the $ 53.7 million or post a bond with the court pending the appeal * | 11
‘Sentence tA the tine federal investigators were looking ato bow. CFSB, Allocated shares 6f intial publle-stock offerings, Seance i, oie indy. and, te curs id ‘xc Chmmission vere Igokdnge inio thew the company. allocated shares gf ‘ial pubic took offerings; x | 11
Subsets and Splits