1 value
96 values
# 1. The Finest Sensor Technology # 2. Continuous Data from Cabled Sensors # 3. The ULTIMETER PRO Anemometer/Wind Vane # 4. WeatherText Serial Data Output # 5. APRS Ready # 6. Price and Value # 7. The Weather Picture # 8. Long-Term Support Commitment # 9. Live telephone Customer Service/Tech Support #10. Made in USA Big, bright, easy-to-read wall display suits any place where people need up-to-the-second local weather data. Offered in Oak or Aluminum frame style. Proven tipping bucket design. The funnel top feeds rain into one of the half-buckets. When the correct amount of water is collected (.01"), it tips the other way, emptying the water and positioning the other half-bucket for collecting rainfall.
Questionnaire flash component The Crifano Questionnaire component lets you create several questionnaire, with different look and feel. You can personalize the schema of questions, you can add images for each question and/or for each answer. You can personalize the results page, there are 4 models of result page and 3 models of question page. The Questionnaire is able to show the questions on random order and/or randomize the answers. You can have radio button (for single choice) or check box (for multiple choice) on the answers.
Using Fractional Flow Function to Extrapolate Trapped Saturation in Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media In this study the fraction flow function is adapted to study the immiscible displacement of two phase flow in porous media. The viscous and capillary effect are included in the formulation, where the capillary term is simplified using a length scale suggested by . At low capillary number the solution of the derivative of the fractional flow function shows a negative part, and as the capillary number increases it converges to the solution of the viscous model in which the capillary term is neglected, and there is no negative part in the solution. This negative part can not be a solution, and that limits the maximum saturation that can be displaced. Thus, the trapped saturation of the displaced fluid can be extrapolated. The study model shows that the extrapolated trapped saturation depends on the capillary number. At a very low capillary number, a maximum trapped saturation can be obtained, and as the capillary number increases the trapped saturation decreases. In addition, the study model shows that as the viscosity ratio increases, the maximum trapped saturation decreases. The capillary number and viscosity ratio effects on trapped saturation are similar to the results that achieved experimentally.
Exam-Style Question on Significance A mathematics exam-style question with a worked solution that can be revealed gradually Question id: 463. This question is similar to one that appeared on an IB AI Standard paper (specimen) for 2021. The use of a calculator is allowed. The Scrumptious Sweet Company sell a variety pack of colourful, shaped sweets. The sweets are produced such that 60% are square and 40% are circular. It is known that 20% of the square shaped sweets and 40% of the circular sweets are coloured red. (a) Show this information in a tree diagram. A sweet is selected at random. (b) Find the probability that the sweet is red. (c) Given that the sweet is red, find the probability it is circular. The Scrumptious Sweet Company also produce variety packs of Rainbow Gums. Their specifications state that the colours in each variety pack should be distributed as follows. Inspector Lou Spowels opens a pack of 90 sweets and records the frequency of each colour: To investigate if the sample is consistent with the company's specifications, Mr Spowels conducts a \(\chi^2\) goodness of fit test. The test is carried out at a 5% significance level. (d) Write down the null hypothesis for this test. (e) Copy and complete the following table giving the frequencies correct to one decimal place: (f) Write down the number of degrees of freedom. (g) Find the p-value for the test. (h) State the conclusion of the test. Give a reason for your answer. The worked solutions to these exam-style questions are only available to those who have a Transum Subscription. Subscribers can drag down the panel to reveal the solution line by line. This is a very helpful strategy for the student who does not know how to do the question but given a clue, a peep at the beginnings of a method, they may be able to make progress themselves. This could be a great resource for a teacher using a projector or for a parent helping their child work through the solution to this question. The worked solutions also contain screen shots (where needed) of the step by step calculator procedures. A subscription also opens up the answers to all of the other online exercises, puzzles and lesson starters on Transum Mathematics and provides an ad-free browsing experience. Drag this panel down to reveal the solution ©1997 - 2023 Transum Mathematics :: For more exam-style questions and worked solutions go to Transum.org/Maths/Exam/
How can I access TradeStation's WebAPI from Mathematica 10? I want to access TradeStation's real-time datafeed from Mathematica 10. Does anyone know how to do this? If you aren't familiar with how to use WebAPIs, you may want to start with some simple APIs to get an understanding of how they work. The way you use them is basically the same in any programming language. In Mathematica, you'll want to use the URLExecute function: There are examples on that page of how it can be used with other APIs.
HW3 Close Grading Policy [x] Grading Policy Number of answer attempts per question is: 6 You gain credit for: Correctly answering a question in a Part You lose credit for: Exhausting all attempts or giving up on a question in a Part or Hint Incorrectly answering a question in a Part Late submissions: receive no credit. Hints are helpful clues or simpler questions that guide you to the answer. Hints are not available for all questions.There is no penalty for leaving questions in Hints unanswered. Grading of Incorrect Answers before the last attempt: You lose 100%/(# of options - 1) credit per incorrect answer on multiple-choice and true/false questions. You lose 3% credit per incorrect answer on questions that are not multiple-choice or true/false. An Object Accelerating on a Ramp Learning Goal: Understand that the acceleration vector is in the direction of the change of the velocity vector. In one dimensional (straight line) motion, acceleration is accompanied by a change in speed, and the acceleration is always parallel (or antiparallel) to the velocity. When motion can occur in two dimensions (e.g. is confined to a tabletop but can lie anywhere in the x-y plane), the definition of acceleration is in the limit . In picturing this vector derivative you can think of the derivative of a vector as an instantaneous quantity by thinking of the velocity of the tip of the arrow as the vector changes in time. Alternatively, you can (for small ) approximate the acceleration as . Obviously the difference between and is another vector that can lie in any direction. If it is longer but in the same direction, will be parallel to . On the other hand, if has the same magnitude as but is in a slightly different direction, then will be perpendicular to . In general, can differ from in both magnitude and direction, hence can have any direction relative to . This problem contains several examples of this.Consider an object sliding on a frictionless ramp as depicted here. The object is already moving along the ramp toward position 2 when it is at position 1. The following questions concern the direction of the object's acceleration vector, . In this problem, you should find the direction of the acceleration vector by drawing the velocity vector at two points near to the position you are asked about. Note that since the object moves along the track, its velocity vector at a point will be tangent to the track at that point. The acceleration vector will point in the same direction as the vector difference of the two velocities. (This is a result of the equation given above.) Position, Velocity, and Acceleration Learning Goal: To identify situations when position, velocity, and /or acceleration change, realizing that change can be in direction or magnitude. If an object's position is described by a function of time, (measured from a nonaccelerating reference frame), then the object's velocity is described by the time derivative of the position, , and the object's acceleration is described by the time derivative of the velocity, . It is often convenient to discuss the average of the latter two quantities between times and : and . A Wild Ride A car in a roller coaster moves along a track that consists of a sequence of ups and downs. Let the x axis be parallel to the ground and the positive y axis point upward. In the time interval from to s, the trajectory of the car along a certain section of the track is given by , where is a positive dimensionless constant. Direction of Acceleration of Pendulum Learning Goal: To understand that the direction of acceleration is in the direction of the change of the velocity, which is unrelated to the direction of the velocity. The pendulum shown makes a full swing from to . Ignore friction and assume that the string is massless. The eight labeled arrows represent directions to be referred to when answering the following questions.
Abstract. We treat Koll\'ar's injectivity theorem from the analytic (or differential geometric) viewpoint. More precisely, we give a curvature condition which implies Koll\'ar type cohomology injectivity theorems. Our main theorem is formulated for a compact K\"ahler manifold, but the proof uses the space of harmonic forms on a Zariski open set with a suitable complete K\"ahler metric. We need neither covering tricks, desingularizations, nor Leray's spectral
When you divide fractions, the trick is to rewrite division as a multiplication. But the truth is that you can always rewrite division as a multiplication, and in this tutorial you'll see the rule that makes that possible! Graphing an exponential function? No sweat! Create a table of values to give you ordered pairs. Then, plot those ordered pair on a coordinate plane and connect the points to make your graph! Follow along with this tutorial as it shows you all the steps.
Intuitive derivation of Performance of an optimum BPSK receiver in AWGN channel BPSK modulation is the simplest of all the M-PSK techniques. An insight into the derivation of error rate performance of an optimum BPSK receiver is essential as it serves as a stepping stone to understand the derivation for other comparatively complex techniques like QPSK,8-PSK etc.. Understanding the concept of Q function and error function is a pre-requisite for this section of article. The ideal constellation diagram of a BPSK transmission (Figure 1) contains two constellation points located equidistant from the origin. Each constellation point is located at a distance from the origin, where Es is the BPSK symbol energy. Since the number of bits in a BPSK symbol is always one, the notations – symbol energy (Es) and bit energy (Eb) can be used interchangeably (Es=Eb). Assume that the BPSK symbols are transmitted through an AWGN channel characterized by variance = N0/2 Watts. When 0 is transmitted, the received symbol is represented by a Gaussian random variable ‘r’ with mean=S0 = and variance =N0/2. When 1 is transmitted, the received symbol is represented by a Gaussian random variable – r with mean=S1= and variance =N0/2. Hence the conditional density function of the BPSK symbol (Figure 2) is given by, An optimum receiver for BPSK can be implemented using a correlation receiver or a matched filter receiver (Figure 3). Both these forms of implementations contain a decision making block that decides upon the bit/symbol that was transmitted based on the observed bits/symbols at its input. When the BPSK symbols are transmitted over an AWGN channel, the symbols appears smeared/distorted in the constellation depending on the SNR condition of the channel. A matched filter or that was previously used to construct the BPSK symbols at the transmitter. This process of projection is illustrated in Figure 4. Since the assumed channel is of Gaussian nature, the continuous density function of the projected bits will follow a Gaussian distribution. This is illustrated in Figure 5. After the signal points are projected on the basis function axis, a decision maker/comparator acts on those projected bits and decides on the fate of those bits based on the threshold set. For a BPSK receiver, if the a-prior probabilities of transmitted 0’s and 1’s are equal (P=0.5), then the decision boundary or threshold will pass through the origin. If the a-priori probabilities are not equal, then the optimum threshold boundary will shift away from the origin. Considering a binary symmetric channel, where the a-priori probabilities of 0’s and 1’s are equal, the decision threshold can be conveniently set to T=0. The comparator, decides whether the projected symbols are falling in region A or region B (see Figure 4). If the symbols fall in region A, then it will decide that 1 was transmitted. It they fall in region B, the decision will be in favor of ‘0’. For deriving the performance of the receiver, the decision process made by the comparator is applied to the underlying distribution model (Figure 5). The symbols projected on the axis will follow a Gaussian distribution. The threshold for decision is set to T=0. A received bit is in error, if the transmitted bit is ‘0’ & the decision output is ‘1’ and if the transmitted bit is ‘1’ & the decision output is ‘0’. This is expressed in terms of probability of error as, By applying Bayes Theorem, the above equation is expressed in terms of conditional probabilities as given below, Since a-prior probabilities are equal P(0T)= P(1T) =0.5, the equation can be re-written as Intuitively, the integrals represent the area of shaded curves as shown in Figure 6. From the previous article, we know that the area of the shaded region is given by Q function. For the continuous density functions given in equation 1A, the mean=S0 = and variance =N0/2, the area of region of error in Figure 6a is given by From (4), (6), (7) and (8), For BPSK, since Es=Eb, the probability of symbol error (Ps) and the probability of bit error (Pb) are same. Therefore, expressing the Ps and Pb in terms of Q function and also in terms of complementary error function : Reference: Nguyen & Shwedyk, “A First course in Digital Communications”, Cambridge University Press, 1st edition See Also Simulation of BER Vs Eb/N0 for BPSK modulation over AWGN in Matlab
Authentic Louis Vuitton Handbags Canada as a function of humidity by We identify Louis Vuitton Store the linear span of commutators AB − BA, where A is a trace-class operator and B is any bounded operator on a separable Hilbert space, or where A, B are both Hilbert-Schmidt operators, thus answering questions raised by work of Anderson, Vaserstein, and Weiss. Measurements have been made of the absorption of porous materials as a function of humidity Authentic Louis Vuitton Handbags Canada by the tube method. It has been found that the absorption coefficient is considerably changed by humidity, for example, the coefficients of ‘Rock-Wool’ board at 2500 Hz are 66·1% in 76% R.H. and 72·7% in 93% R.H. In this paper we discuss some aspects of the asymptotic behavior of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems (DEDS), in which the activity times are random variables. The main result is that a central limit theorem holds for DEDS and consequently that the cycletime of the system is asymptotically normally distributed. Assuming that the evolution of DNA bases frequencies is governed by a symmetric process with respect to the two DNA strands, a nice wrong model is obtained. This model is nice because it can be rejected from the sole inspection of base frequencies in DNA and its rejection, which is effective in many genomes, means that the underlying non-observable process is asymmetric.
Information on this website and its contents can be found on the web. Opinions are that of many people. This image was found on the web. We did not make this image however found it to be very appropriate. We Thank Its Creator. The saying - Make America great Again TRUMP has not done this but what he has done is make the World Laugh At US. Trump is like a child throwing temper tantrums,speaks with out thinking, acts without thought. He has made America look like total idiots. He is a Embarrassment to America Any person that is campaigning for a Elect Position. The things said by a person that is campaigning for a position is using what he or she says as a Resume to get the job. People vote based on this resume. Like we have seen many times what is said while campaigning once in the position ether never happens or they do the complete opposite. Accountability - Any person that campaigns, is elected to the position that does not make extreme effort to fallow what was said in there campaign should be fired. Just like anyone would be if they lied on there resume. That's Fraud to the people. It makes no sense for anyone to vote for a Republican under most circumstances. Unless your rich they dont care. For house hold making 100 thousand a year or less you mean nothing. It cant be a Religious factor, it is not Gods way to attend Sunday service and when Monday comes go back to lying, screwing over the people and just be a peace of S**t. Its not Gods will to be a cheat, be a thief, liar and more, Voting isnt about Republican or Democrat, its about getting the person that will best represent you and your needs. I am not rich so the last thing I care about is tax cuts for the rich so no need to vote republican. Republicans do nothing for the average working American. The recent Stimulus had nothing in it for working class by Republicans. Longer and higher amount Unemployment, the $1200 for adults, $500 for kids. Its not near enough but its a start and done by Democrats. From looking at how Trump, His Administration and most Republicans have acted. I compare Trump to Adolf Hitler - Thinking he is better then everyone. Trump & Republicans are like Saddam Hussein - Money & Power over human life. Trump and all Persons in Elect Positions that did nothing to protect the people, people in there state, Made the choice economy & money over human life & safety should be charged accordingly. Crimes Against Humanity So many lives did not need to be lost, but they did not react accordingly to the Pandemic. Any & All Representatives to include Trump that profit from this pandemic personally or in business If $1 dollàr from Stimulus gets into the personal hands, business or businesses or businesses which they have interest or personal choice in. ( Trump, Administration and Elected People ) Abuse Of Power Includes Trump 2635.702 Use of public office for private gain. An employee shall not use his public office for his own private gain, for the endorsement of any product, service or enterprise, or for the private gain of friends, relatives, or persons with whom the employee is affiliated in a nongovernmental capacity, including nonprofit organizations of which the employee is an officer or member, and persons with whom the employee has or seeks employment or business relations. We Need Serious Change 1. Electoral Vote / The Corrupted Vote - Needs to be eliminated. Its purpose was during times the people lived far apart, mail took a long time, no computers and more. Now there is no reason for it but corruption. Democracy - The Peoples Government/The Peoples Vote 2. Term Limits On All Elect Positions - Senators and Persons in Congress, There should be term limits in these positions same as a President 8 years max. This helping with the corruption and personal agendas that happen more so with time in the position. 3. Age limits on all elect position - Minimum of 35 and a Max of 70. This making presidential & elect positions max age of 62 with possibilities of 2 terms or 8 years in the position reaching 70 years of age. 4. Prevailing Wage - This was created during Civil War Times. The 8 hr work day and also established a base wage on different types of work. Today prevailing wage is just a waste of money. Only Government uses this today which makes the cost of every government job 2 to 3 times what it should actually cost. Totally wasting Tax Payer Money. 5. Turning Back The Clock - The People Fought for freedom from England because of being taxed to death. Today States and Federal Governments take 55 to 60 percent of our yearly wages in taxes, fees and whatever else they can think of. TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION SOUNDS LIKE WHAT HAPPENED THAT CAUSED THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. MIGHT BE TIME AGAIN.. 1 Air Transportation Taxes (just look at how much you were charged the last time you flew) #2 Biodiesel Fuel Taxes #3 Building Permit Taxes #4 Business Registration Fees #5 Capital Gains Taxes #6 Cigarette Taxes #7 Court Fines (indirect taxes) #8 Disposal Fees #9 Dog License Taxes #10 Drivers License Fees (another form of taxation) #11 Employer Health Insurance Mandate Tax #12 Employer Medicare Taxes #13 Employer Social Security Taxes #14 Environmental Fees #15 Estate Taxes #16 Excise Taxes On Comprehensive Health Insurance Plans #17 Federal Corporate Taxes #18 Federal Income Taxes #19 Federal Unemployment Taxes #20 Fishing License Taxes #21 Flush Taxes (yes, this actually exists in some areas) #22 Food And Beverage License Fees #23 Franchise Business Taxes #24 Garbage Taxes #25 Gasoline Taxes #26 Gift Taxes #27 Gun Ownership Permits #28 Hazardous Material Disposal Fees #29 Highway Access Fees #30 Hotel Taxes (these are becoming quite large in some areas) #31 Hunting License Taxes #32 Import Taxes #33 Individual Health Insurance Mandate Taxes #34 Inheritance Taxes #35 Insect Control Hazardous Materials Licenses #36 Inspection Fees #37 Insurance Premium Taxes #38 Interstate User Diesel Fuel Taxes #39 Inventory Taxes #40 IRA Early Withdrawal Taxes #41 IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax) #42 IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax) #43 Library Taxes #44 License Plate Fees #45 Liquor Taxes #46 Local Corporate Taxes #47 Local Income Taxes #48 Local School Taxes #49 Local Unemployment Taxes #50 Luxury Taxes #51 Marriage License Taxes #52 Medicare Taxes #53 Medicare Tax Surcharge On High Earning Americans Under Obamacare #54 Obamacare Individual Mandate Excise Tax (if you don’t buy “qualifying” health insurance under Obamacare you will have to pay an additional tax) #55 Obamacare Surtax On Investment Income (a new 3.8% surtax on investment income) #56 Parking Meters #57 Passport Fees #58 Professional Licenses And Fees (another form of taxation) #59 Property Taxes #60 Real Estate Taxes #61 Recreational Vehicle Taxes #62 Registration Fees For New Businesses #63 Toll Booth Taxes #64 Sales Taxes #65 Self-Employment Taxes #66 Sewer & Water Taxes #67 School Taxes #68 Septic Permit Taxes #69 Service Charge Taxes #70 Social Security Taxes #71 Special Assessments For Road Repairs Or Construction #72 Sports Stadium Taxes #73 State Corporate Taxes #74 State Income Taxes #75 State Park Entrance Fees #76 State Unemployment Taxes (SUTA) #77 Tanning Taxes (a new Obamacare tax on tanning services) #78 Telephone 911 Service Taxes #79 Telephone Federal Excise Taxes #80 Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Taxes #81 Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Taxes #82 Telephone State And Local Taxes #83 Telephone Universal Access Taxes #84 The Alternative Minimum Tax #85 Tire Recycling Fees #86 Tire Taxes #87 Tolls (another form of taxation) #88 Traffic Fines (indirect taxation) #89 Use Taxes (Out of state purchases, etc.) #90 Utility Taxes #91 Vehicle Registration Taxes #92 Waste Management Taxes #93 Water Rights Fees #94 Watercraft Registration & Licensing Fees #95 Well Permit Fees #96 Workers Compensation Taxes #97 Zoning Permit Fee #98 Soda Tax #99 Sin Tax #100 Recreation Pass (A Tax) #101 Carbon Tax This is not all we pay 6. With all the taxes we pay. Every AMERICAN should get medical/dental insurance automatically at no cost. Instead we get racked over the coals with astronomical premiums while government does nothing. Of course they do nothing, its big business which they protect. 7. Fico Scores - Credit scores should only be used when applying for a money loan or credit card from a financial institution. To many people/businesses use this information and its none of there business. Insurance Companies, credit does not make you bad driver/ When Renting a House or Apartment, its a rental not a purchase/ Employers, credit does not make you do better work. STOP FICO SCORE ABUSE AND DISCRIMINATION FROM IT. Financial Institutions only for loan purpose. 8. Insurance company discrimination and manipulation of premiums. Every form of insurance uses age, marital status, were you live, race, credit and more. Not one of these things should matter and all are Discriminating. Car Insurance - marital status, credit, age, what my vehicle is or were I live have nothing to do with being a good driver. Health Insurance - again marital status, credit, age,were I live have nothing to do with it. Home Owners/Renters Insurance - again marital status, credit and age have nothing to do with it. This Needs To Stop The People wanted term limits and we were told it was unconstitutional.How is this possible? The Peoples Government yet the People have no rights or say in anything now that is unconstitutional.
how to write a 15min essay about myself Use the graph to find the solutions of the given equation -X power 2 +36 = 0 graph is parabola downward open The ages of five randomly chosen cars in the parking lot are determined to be 7,9,3,4 and 6 years old. If we consider this sample in groups of 3, what is the probability of the true mean falling between 5.5 and 6.5? What is the speed, in miles per hour, of a toy car that runs 40 feet in 8 seconds? Round your answer to the nearest whole number. (1 hour = 3600; 1 mile = 5280 ft) A couple deposits 459 per month paying 6% compounded monthly how much would be in the account in 5 years I am seeing some inconsistencies with regards to finding the upper and lower quartiles when you you have an odd number in your data set. Which is correct, counting the median in both your upper and lower set, or ignoring it? your club is in charge of making pins that students can buy to show their school spirit for the upcoming football game. you have 225 so far and you only have 2 hrs. left to make the rest of the pins. you need to make at least 400 pins. tom has a collection of 50 cds and nita has a collection of 38 cds. Each month tom adds two cds and nita adds four how many months will it take until they have the same amount? Hobbies: A book club charges a membership fee of $20 and then $12 for each book purchased. a. Write and graph a function to represent the cost y of membership in the club based on the number of books purchased x. b. what if...? Write and graph a second function to represent th... 5th grade math No I think three, two girls one boy. Susie has on brother one sister the boy has no brothers but has two sisters For Further Reading
Challenge "Polyhomophonic Substitution — Part 1" ¶ By: admin on March 22, 2020, 1:57 a.m. This part of the challenge series is a warm-up with homophonic substitution. In a homophonic substitution cipher, there are more than one ciphertext symbol for each plaintext symbol. The key is a mapping.
E. None of the above Recently Asked Questions - For Question 1a) I used the following commands: gen lnfincome= ln(family_income) . gen mom_educ2=(mom_educ==2) . reg math_test lnfincome bmi ib1.mom_educ gen - Please refer to the attachment to answer this question. This question was created from DBQ_Electoral_College.docx. - Please solve the following problem from the image below:
Find all divisors of number 493. How many are them? Leave us a comment of example and its solution (i.e. if it is still somewhat unclear...): Showing 0 comments: Be the first to comment! To solve this example are needed these knowledge from mathematics: Next similar examples: - Divisibility 2 How many divisors has integer number 13? - Divisible by 5 How many three-digit odd numbers divisible by 5, which are in place ten's number 3? - Digit sum Determine for how many integers greater than 900 and less than 1,001 has digit sum digit of the digit sum number 1. - Odd/even number Pick any number. If that number is even, divide it by 2. If it's odd, multiply it by 3 and add 1. Now repeat the process with your new number. If you keep going, you'll eventually end up at 1. Every time. Prove. .. Shepherd tending the sheep. Tourists asked him how much they have. The shepherd said, "there are fewer than 500. If I them lined up in 4-row 3 remain. If in 5-row 4 remain. If in 6-row 5 remain. But I can form 7-row." How many sheep have herdsman? - Railways - golden parachutes As often happens in Slovakia habit, the state's financial institution which takes from poverty and gorilas give. A hardworking punishing taxes. Let's look at a short work of director Railway Company ZSSK - Mgr . P. K. : 18 months 'work' as director . Less than 20 children is played various games on the yard. They can create a pairs, triso and quartets. How many children were in the yard when Annie came to them? - What is What is the value of the smaller of a pair of numbers for which their sum is 78 and their division quotients are 0.3? Lawyer got to pay 840 Euros in banknotes of 20 and 50 Eur. Total got 18 banknotes. How many was which? - Two numbers We have two numbers. Their sum is 140. One-fifth of the first number is equal to half the second number. Determine those unknown numbers. - Fifth of the number The fifth of the number is by 24 less than that number. What is the number? Write all the integers x divisible by seven and eight at the same time for which the following applies: 100 - Price increase 2x If two consecutive times we increase the price of the product by 20%, how many % is higher final price than the original? Theatrical performance was attended by 480 spectators. Women were in the audience 40 more than men and children 60 less than half of adult spectators. How many men, women and children attended a theater performance? - Equations - simple Solve system of linear equations: x-2y=6 3x+2y=4 Solve following system of equations: 6(x+7)+4(y-5)=12 2(x+y)-3(-2x+4y)=-44 - Liters od milk The cylinder-shaped container contains 80 liters of milk. Milk level is 45 cm. How much milk will in the container, if level raise to height 72 cm?
Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 348, 711-727 (1999/8-3) Regularity in the X-ray surface brightness profiles of galaxy clusters and the M-T relation. NEUMANN D.M. and ARNAUD M. Abstract (from CDS): We used archival ROSAT observations to investigate the X-ray surface brightness profiles of a sample of 26 clusters in the redshift range 0.04<z<0.06. For 15 of these clusters accurate temperatures (kTX > 3.5keV) were available from the literature. The scaled emission measure profiles look remarkably similar above ∼0.2 times the virial radius (rVT200). On the other hand a large scatter is observed in the cluster core properties. We fitted a β-model (with and without excising the central part) to all the ROSAT profiles to quantify the structural variations in the cluster population, unraveling a robust quadratic correlation between the core radius and the slope parameter β. We quantified the shape of each gas density profile by the variation with radius of the logarithmic slope, αn. The bi-weight dispersion of αn among the clusters is less than 20% for any given scaled radii above x=0.2. There is a clear minimum spread at x=0.3, which is related to the existence of a correlation between core radius and β. These ensemble properties are insensitive to the exact treatment of a possible central excess when fitting the profiles. On the other hand the scatter in αn is decreased when the radii are scaled to rVT200. The regularity we found in the gas profiles at x>0.2 supports the existence of a universal underlying dark matter profile, as already predicted by theoretical works. It suggests that non gravitational heating is negligible for clusters with temperature above ∼3.5keV. Our results are consistent with the classical scaling relation between Mass and Temperature (M∝T3/2(1+z)–3/2). Accordingly the spread in the scaled mass profiles derived from the hydrostatic isothermal β-model is small. The very large scatter observed in the core properties favor scenario where Cooling Flows are periodically erased by merger events. galaxies: clusters: general - cosmology: observations - cosmology: dark matter - X-rays: galaxies
Question : Delso Company's stock has a price of $53 and the : 9235 Delso Company's stock has a price of $53 and the firm expects to issue a dividend of 0.77 next year (at t = 1). It has a beta of 1.9, the risk-free rate is 2.28%, and the market risk premium is estimated to be 5%. Using all this information, tell me the rate Delso's dividends need to grow for the CAPM and the dividend growth model to give the same required retun to equity. Answer in percent form (to two decimal places). Omit the percent sign.
If $V$ is infinite dimensional with basis $A$, prove that $V^*$ is isomorphic to the direct product of copies of $F$ indexed by $A$. Deduce that dim $V^*$ > dim $V$. I've shown in the past that the direct product of copies of $F$ indexed by $A$ is a vector space over $F$ and it has strictly larger dimension than the dimension of $V$. This fact would easily imply that dim $V^*$ > dim $V$ if I can show the isomorphism in the first part of the problem. I think for the isomorphism, I have to find a bijection between the bases? I don't know how I would get a good map between $V^*$ and the direct product so that seems like a better idea. I'm having trouble getting off the ground with this one so any help would be appreciated.
By Cesar Perez Lopez MATLAB Mathematical Analysis is a reference ebook that offers the innovations of mathematical research via examples and workouts resolved with MATLAB software program. the aim is to offer you examples of the mathematical research features provided via MATLAB so you might use them on your day-by-day paintings whatever the program. The booklet supposes right education within the arithmetic and so offers the fundamental wisdom required in order to use MATLAB for calculational or symbolic ideas on your difficulties for an unlimited volume of MATLAB functions. The booklet starts through introducing the reader to using numbers, operators, variables and capabilities within the MATLAB surroundings. Then it delves into operating with complicated variables. a wide part is dedicated to operating with and constructing graphical representations of curves, surfaces and volumes. MATLAB capabilities let operating with two-dimensional and third-dimensional pictures, statistical graphs, curves and surfaces in specific, implicit, parametric and polar coordinates. extra paintings implements twisted curves, surfaces, meshes, contours, volumes and graphical interpolation. The following half covers limits, capabilities, continuity and numerical and tool sequence. Then differentiation is addressed in a single and a number of other variables together with differential theorems for vector fields. Thereafter the subject of integration is dealt with together with wrong integrals, certain and indefinite integration, integration in a number of variables and a number of integrals and their applications. Differential equations are exemplified intimately, Laplace transforms, Tayor sequence, and the Runga-Kutta strategy and partial differential equations. What you’ll learn In order to appreciate the scope of this ebook it truly is most likely most sensible to checklist its content: The MATLAB setting, numerical calculus, symbolic calculus, MATLAB and Maple pics with MATLAB, support with instructions, break out and go out instructions to the MS-DOS atmosphere, MATLAB and programming, limits and continuity, one and several other variables limits, lateral limits, continuity in a single or extra variables, directional limits, numerical sequence and tool sequence, convergence standards, numerical sequence with non damaging phrases, numerical trade sequence, formal powers sequence, improvement in Taylor, Laurent, Pade and Chebyshev sequence, derivatives and purposes in a single and a number of other variables, calculation of derivatives, tangents, asymptotes, concavity, convexity, greatest, minimal, inflection issues and progress, functions to functional difficulties partial derivatives, implicit derivatives, differentiation in different variables, maxima and minima of features of numerous variables, Lagrange multipliers, functions of maxima and minima in numerous variables, vector differential calculus and theorems in numerous variables, vector differential calculus suggestions, the chain rule theorem, swap of variable theorem, Taylor to n variables theorem, Fields vectors,applications of integrals, integration through substitution (or swap of variable) integration via components, integration aid and cyclic integration, sure and indefinite integrals, indispensable arc of curve, quarter together with among curves, revolution of surfaces, volumes of revolution, curvilinear integrals, integration approximation, numeric and wrong integrals, parameter–dependent integrals, Riemann crucial, integration in numerous variables and purposes, double integration, region of floor by means of double integration, calculation quantity via double integrals, calculation volumes and triple integrals, Green's theorem, Divergence theorem, Stokes theorem, differential equations, homogeneous differential equations, targeted differential equations, linear differential equations, traditional excessive –order equations, linear higher-order homogeneous in consistent coefficients equations, homogeneous equations in consistent coefficients, version of parameters, non-homogeneous equation
Total Gross Profit The Focus number we want to know is what percent of total sales was gross profit. That is, the total of all sales of all types less the cost of those sales expressed as a percent of the total sales amount. Last month YOUR SHOP had total sales : $75,000. Cost of those Sales : Tech Gross Pay($11250) + Cost of Parts($15,500) + Cost of Tires($2,700) = Total Cost of those Sales is $29,450 Total sales : Includes sales of all parts, shop supplies, labor, sublet, and tires. Gross profit : The total profit on the sale of something before any expenses or other costs of any kind is deducted. For an example enter these numbers below in the calculator: Total Sales – $75,000 Total Cost of Sales $29,450 The Example Focus number is 60.7% Your Shop Goal is between 58% and 62%
0 pts endedThis question is closed. No points were awarded. Image text transcribed for accessibility:Consider the system whose transfer function is G(s) = A0 omega 0 s / Qs2 + omega 0s + omega02 Q This is a model of a tuned circuit with quality factor Q. Compute the magnitude and phase of the transfer function analytically, and plot them for Q = 1, 2, 5 as a function of the normalized frequency omega/omega 0. Define the bandwidth as the distance between the frequencies on either side of omega 0 where the magnitude drops to 3dB below its value at omega 0. Show that the bandwidth is given by BW = 1/2 pi (omega 0/Q)
FACTS AND FORMULAE FOR LOGARITHMS QUESTIONS Here is called as exponential function and it is a finite number for every . Let a,b be positive real numbers then can be written as (i) Natural Logarithm : is called Natural logarithm or Naperian Logarithm, denoted by ln N i.e, when the base is 'e' then it is called as Natural logarithm. e.g , ... etc (ii) Common Logarithm : is called common logarithm or Brigg's Logarithm i.e., when base of log is 10, then it is called as common logarithm. PROPERTIES OF LOGARITHM CHARACTERISTICS AND MANTISSA Characteristic : The integral part of logarithm is known as characteristic. Mantissa : The decimal part is known as mantissa and is always positive. E.g, In , the integral part of x is called the characteristic and the decimal part of x is called the mantissa. For example: In log 3274 = 3.5150, the integral part is 3 i.e., characteristic is 3 and the decimal part is .5150 i.e., mantissa is .5150 To find the characteristic of common logarithm : (a) when the number is greater than 1 i.e., x > 1 In this case, the characteristic is one less than the number of digits in the left of the decimal point in the given number. (b) when the number is less than 1 i.e., 0<x<1 In this case the characteristic is one more than the number of zeros between the decimal point and the first significant digit of the number and is negative. Instead of -1, -2, etc. we write, etc.
- Jun 6, 2022 - Reaction score MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 1 Hour | 218 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English This video explains the basics of statistics, its use cases and core concepts such as sample and population, median, standard deviation, and correlation. Learn how to construct charts and analyze data through statistics. By the end of this video you should be able to make a simple statistical analysis, insert your data in a computer, plot charts to visualize your information and make a report with your findings. You will find the examples both entertaining and educational. Topics covered include: Overview. Learn what statistics is and why it is useful. Know how statistics differs from probability. The steps to perform statistics are discussed, including defining a problem, gathering, organizing, and analyzing data. We distinguish descriptive from inferential statistics. Measures of location. Master how to calculate measures of location such as average, median, quartile, maximum, and minimum. We will talk about both the general concepts and the mathematical formulas. Measures of dispersion. Understand the various measures of dispersion, including standard deviation, variance, and range. Visualization. Know how to visualize data through tables, plots, and charts. Learn how to construct charts through Excel. Examples of both quantitative data and qualitative data will be discussed. Bivariate data. Learn how to analyze two variables through statistics both through graphic methods and mathematical calculation. The concept of correlation is also discussed. Analysis and interpretation. Understand the analysis and interpretation of data. We explore several examples of misuse and misinterpretation in statistics and how to build a report on a statistical experiment. Feel free to post your Statistics Fundamentals Free Download, torrent, subtitles, free download, quality, NFO, Dangerous Statistics Fundamentals Torrent Download, free premium downloads movie, game, mp3 download, crack, serial, keygen.
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Basic Statistics Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook Solve Basic statistics quiz questions and answers PDF, basic statistics MCQ worksheets with answers key to practice 9th grade math worksheet 3 for online certificates. Practice "Measures of Central Tendency" MCQs, basic statistics quiz questions and answers for distance education. Learn measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion test prep for online degree programs. "3rd quartile is also known as" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on basic statistics with choices upper quartile, lower quartile, median, and geometric mean for distance education. Solve measures of central tendency quiz questions for school certificate programs for online learning. Basic Statistics MCQs Quiz 3 PDF Download eBook MCQ: 3rd quartile is also known as - lower quartile - upper quartile - geometric mean MCQ: The monthly income of 5 persons are 3000, 5000, 4000, 2000 and 6000. Their arithmetic mean should be MCQ: The positive square root of the mean of the squared deviations of the values from their mean is known as - standard deviation - harmonic mean MCQ: The harmonic mean of 3, 4 and 8 is MCQ: The geometric mean of 2, 4 and 8 is
...passionate about tutoring Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Calculus. My teaching style is not set in stone; I understand that everyone learns differently and will try to find a learning method that will suit the student. Next year, I will begin my pursuit of a PhD in Biological Engineering, and I aspire to be an undergraduate professor and researcher. In my free time, I love to play guitar, play pickup basketball, and spend time at the... Can also tutor: Geometry, Calculus, AP Calculus AB and 24 more subjects.
Derivation of Table for Estimated Ejection Charge First we assume the entire mass of the ejection charge is burned and converted to a gas. Next from basic chemistry we use the ideal gas law equation: PV = NRT constants for 4F black powder are: = 266 in-lbf/lbm 3307 degrees R (combustion temp) pressure in psi volume in cubic inches = mass in pounds. (Note: 454 gm/lb) A good rule-of-thumb is to generally design for 15 psi pressure. If this is used as the design goal, then the ideal gas equation reduces to: N = 0.006*D2L (grams) where D is the diameter in inches and L is the length in inches of the compartment in the rocket that is to be pressurized. N is the size of the ejection charge in grams. on large diameter rockets, 15 psi will probably generate too much force! For example, a 7.5-inch diameter rocket has 44 square inches of area on the end of it so 15 psi would produce over 15*44 = 660 pounds of force!! The amount of force needed for a large rocket is going to depend on a great many factors, but a reasonable limit is probably some where around 300-350 pounds. This is the same amount of force generated in a 5.5-inch rocket at 15 psi. We can refine our equations for large rockets by adding a limit on the force that is to be generated. The force F (in pounds) is given by: F = PA where P is the pressure in psi and A is the area in square inches. Since A = we can combine this equation with the ideal gas law equation to get: N = 0.00052*FL (grams) This last equation tells us how many grams N of ejection charge to use to generate a specified force F in pounds for a given length L of pressurized compartment. What is interesting about this equation is that the diameter D is not present. It means that for large rockets the ejection charge size does not need to increase with body tube diameter. Using these equations I created a handy reference table for various body tube diameters. That table is the one
consider an incompressible fluid above an infinite plate located in th Consider an incompressible fluid above an infinite plate located in the ₁-3 plane (at x2 = 0), in the absence of body forces. The plate oscillates sinusoidally along with a velocity amplitude to and angular frequency w. The velocity of the liquid is given by and is the kinematic viscosity (related to the dynamic viscosity and density p according to v = µ/p). (a) Verify that the given fluid velocity satisfies the axiom of mass balance. (b) Evaluate grad v and its symmetric part D. (c) Evaluate curl v. (d) Evaluate the acceleration a of the fluid. (e) For an incompressible Newtonian fluid the stress tensor is given by T = -pI+2μD, where I is the identity tensor. For the given velocity and pressure, evaluate the stress (f) Verify that your solution for T satisfies the axiom of linear momentum balance. (g) Evaluate the traction vector on the oscillating plate. (h) What are the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of D? Hint: Simplify the notation by using D₁, for the non-zero components of D instead of the full expressions evaluated in part (b). (i) What is the relation between the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of D and T? *The amount will be in form of wallet points that you can redeem to pay upto 10% of the price for any assignment. **Use of solution provided by us for unfair practice like cheating will result in action from our end which may include permanent termination of the defaulter’s account.Disclaimer:The website contains certain images which are not owned by the company/ website. Such images are used for indicative purposes only and is a third-party content. All credits go to its rightful owner including its copyright owner. It is also clarified that the use of any photograph on the website including the use of any photograph of any educational institute/ university is not intended to suggest any association, relationship, or sponsorship whatsoever between the company and the said educational institute/ university. Any such use is for representative purposes only and all intellectual property rights belong to the respective owners.
Number Theory and Algebra Working Group Monday, July 9 We began by introducing ourselves and discovered that we had some "interesting" career paths. Francisco, a native of Portugal, who began his career in designing and marketing molds for plastics. He had always enjoyed teaching and became a Newark teacher. Victoria, a native of the Philippines, has taught in the Philippines and for eight years in Nigeria. After moving to the U.S., she is now teaching in Newark. Steve ended his formal education at 17, returned as a college first year student at 31 and completed his studies at 40 and is presently teaching at the University of Louisville. John worked for the phone company as an engineer. . He volunteered to substitute for teachers twice a month so that the teachers could attend workshops at the Educational Development Center (EDC) in Newton, Mass. John became a full time teacher in Wayland, Mass. The group leader of the Algebra/Number Theory group, Al Cuoco, heads the curriculum in mathematics education. Al was a high school teacher for 24 years, took two years leave and obtained a Ph.D. in Algebraic Number Theory. What we would like to accomplish We would like to engage our students in interesting and motivating mathematics. At the workshop we hope to create activities that lead students to engage in the same processes that mathematicians use to solve problems. A main theme is given a set of data, several values of a function, find functions that fit the data. For example, given such a data, is a linear function an appropriate function the data? Here is an example. (Actually we were not given the Delta's but observed as a group that a pattern emerged with the Delta's.) Would a linear function be appropriate to model the data given below? If so, what linear function do you think works best? Explain. Values of a certain function f(n) We worked this one out. Then we were given a new set of data. (Again we were not given the Delta’s but observed as a group that a pattern emerged with the “second differences”, Delta(Delta).) We agreed that a linear function would not be the best way to model the data. We came to the conclusion that the fact that the second differences were constant indicated that a quadratic function might be good to model the data. We discussed and discovered methods to determine the appropriate a,b,c of g(x) = ax^2 +bx +c. We concluded that if the second differences were constant that a quadratic was indeed a good choice to model and we found a technique to determine from the chart the coefficients of the appropriate quadratic. We're hungry now so we shall conclude here. PCMI@MathForum Home || IAS/PCMI Home With program support provided by Math for America This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under DMS-0940733 and DMS-1441467. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
the [image-7911] cube. the shiny ground is water. the small dolphin is 1 inch to the left of the cube. dolphin is 4 inches above the ground. dolphin is facing the cube. Type your own scene
Counting with composites..... Please advise What is the standard for counting with composite numbers? If I can count to infinity with all odd composites and factor them, would that be considered key to counting all primes to infinity. By default all missing odd numbers in the sequence would be Prime. Having difficulty finding the precedent for this. My composite number line is growing to infinity without missing a composite, so at what point can we say all primes are the numbers that fall between, which leaves us with all primes to infinity? Please Advise.
The CDF experiments collects proton-antiproton collisions delivered by the Tevatron collider, which imparts the projectiles with 1 TeV of energy each, for a center-of-mass energy of 2 TeV. This is still the highest energy ever achieved by a collider, although the record is going to be soon stripped off Fermilab by the Large Hadron Collider, which is due to start colliding protons with other protons at 7 TeV of energy this coming fall. CDF collected 630 top pair candidates from 4.3 inverse femtobarns of collisions (about 300 trillions of them) in the "single lepton" decay topology: events must have a leptonic W boson decay (or , id est with an energetic electron or muon decay), plus four hadronic jets. The reconstruction fit for the top quark mass uses a matrix element technique which determines both the most likely top quark mass and the offset from a perfect calibration of the jet energy, the so-called "jet energy scale" factor. Jet energies are the least well determined quantities in the top decay, and an imprecise calibration is the largest source of systematic uncertainty: by fitting for both quantities together the uncertainty in the top quark mass is minimized, through the use of a two-dimensional likelihood function. The figure shows the two quantities determined together as contours of equal probability. The top mass is measured as (the first uncertainty is statistical, the second is the residual one due to the jet energy scale systematics, and the third one is due to other systematical sources of error), or 172.6 +- 1.6 GeV. This is a less than percent uncertainty, and the best result in the World. Kudos to my colleagues in CDF for this new stellar result! And kudos to old members of CDF like me, who using merely 7 candidates measured the top mass for the first time back in 1994 as 174 GeV, a measurement which is amazingly still less than one standard deviation away from the most credited numbers!
And with these 3 methods, you can find the length of any side on a triangle This seems so fun, I wonder where I can apply this to find out the lengths within real life. "The Trio Use Trig In Real Like" I must use trig to figure this out. It's tan(56)*13 and it equals 19.3. The pole is 19.3 feet I have the length of the opposite and hypotenuse legs. I must use Sin-1(15/25) and it equals 36.9 degrees After their Math teacher, Mr. Guzman taught them about Sin, Cos, and Tan, Erick, Jessie and James decide to use their new found skills on trigonometry to figure out the lengths within triangles they see every day. While waiting for his friends, Erick noticed a sleeping bird on top of the light post. Erick wanted to know how long was the post. He knew he was 13 ft away from the post and was looking at the bird from the bench at a 560 angle Sin Cos Tan SOH CAH TOA While looking around in his basement, James was looking from the bottom of his staircase trying to figure out at what angle to look from to look at the top of his stairs. He knows that his stairs are 15 feet tall and 25 feet long. He uses Sin-1 to figure out the angle. ON their way back to class, Jessie, Erick, and James decide to solve one more problem while heading to class. They decide to find out how long the lockers are in the hallway. They know the lockers are 10 ft high and want to see how long it is while looking it at from a 63-degree angle. They figure out that they have to use Cos (CAH). We have to use Cos to figure it out. It's 10/COS(63) which equals to 22 feet After spending time-solving problems using trigonometry , the students tell their math teacher about how they used the skills they learned in real life. Mr.Guzman was happy to hear and continued on with his Trig lessons.
Consider the function How could you restrict the domain to show “half” of the graph? Where is the line of symmetry? What is the equation for the inverse function for your “half” graph? Rewrite the equation in form then switch and . What are the domain and range for the inverse function? Remember the relationship between the domain and range of the original and the domain and range of the inverse.
Published on April 10th, 2013 | by Jo0 The forest population of a species of possum can be modelled by the following equation. P(n+1) = r(P – P(n)) (P(n)/P) Here P(n) (between 0 and P) represents the population at the start of year n, P is the maximum population the forest can sustain and r is a positive constant. (i) Find P(1) and P(2) if r = 1, P = 625, P(0) = 125. (ii) What happens to the population from year to year when r = 13/3, P = 130, P(0) = 40? (iii) Show that when r = 3 and P(0) is two thirds of P, the population remains constant year to year according to the model. More generally, what is P(n)/P in terms of r for which the population is constant? (iv) Find P(n) in terms of P(0) when r = 2 (ignore rounding to the nearest integer). (v) Using a spreadsheet or computer program, investigate the behaviour of P(n) for different positive values of P(0) and r, describing any observations you make. The relationship above is known as a logistic map which is known to exhibit chaotic behaviour. Question created by Chaitanya Rao, Daniel Mathews, Norman Do
Thea2- b2formulais additionally known together "the difference of squaresformula".The a square minus b square is used to discover the differencebetween the 2 squareswithout actually calculating the squares. You are watching: A squared minus b square formula What is a^2-b^2Formula? The a2- b2formula is offered as: a2- b2= (a -b) (a + b) If you would like to verify this, you have the right to justmultiply(a - b) (a + b) and see even if it is you gain a2- b2. Verification that a2- b2Formula Let united state see the proof of a square minus b square formula. To verify thata2- b2= (a -b) (a + b) we should prove LHS = RHS. Allow us shot to deal with the equation: a2- b2= (a -b) (a + b)Multiply(a -b) and(a +b) us get=a(a+b) -b(a + b)=a2 + abdominal - ba - b2=a2 + 0 + b2=a2- b2Hence Verifieda2- b2= (a -b) (a + b) You deserve to understand the a2- b2formula geometrically making use of the following figure: Proof the a^2 - b^2 Formula The proof thatthe worth a2- b2is(a + b)(a - b). Allow us think about the over figure. Take the two squares of sides a units and b units respectively. This can likewise be stood for as the amount of are locations of 2 rectangles as presented in the listed below figure. Onerectanglehas a length of a unit and also a breadth that (a - b)units on the various other side the 2nd rectangle hasa length of (a - b) and also a breadth the b units. Now add the locations of the two rectangles to achieve the result values. The respective locations of the 2 rectangles are (a -b)× a = a(a -b) , and also (a - b)× b = b(a - b). The amount of theareas that rectangles is the actualobtainedresultant expression i.e., a(a + b) + b(a - b) = (a + b)(a - b). Again re-arranging the individualrectangles and squares, we get: (a+b)(a−b)=a2−b2 Want come find facility math remedies within seconds? Use our cost-free online calculator to solve daunting questions. With barisalcity.org, discover solutions in an easy and easy steps. Book a totally free Trial Class Examples ona^2-b^2 Formula Let us fix some interesting troubles using the a^2-b^2 formula. Example 1: utilizing a2- b2formula discover the value of 1062- 62. Solution:To find:1002- 62. Let united state assume the a = 100 and also b = 6.We will substitute these in the a2- b2formula.a2- b2= (a -b) (a + b)1062- 62= (106 - 6) (106 + 6)= (100) (112)= 11200 Answer:1062- 62= 11200. Example 2:Factorize the expression 25x2- 64. Solution:To factorize: 25x2- 64.We will use thea2- b2formula come factorize this.We have the right to write the given expression as25x2- 64= (5x)2- 82We will substitute a = 5xand b = 8in the formula ofa2- b2.a2- b2= (a -b) (a + b)(5x)2- 82= (5x - 8) (5x + 8) Answer: 25x2- 64= (5x - 8) (5x + 8) Example 3:Simplify 102- 52usinga2-b2formula Solution:To find102- 52 Let united state assume a = 10 and b = 5Using formulaa2- b2= (a - b) (a+ b)102-52= (10 - 5) (10 + 5)= 10(10 +5) - 5(10 + 5)= 10(15) - 5(15)= 150-75 = 75Answer:102-52= 75. FAQs top top a^2-b^2Formula What Is the growth of a2-b2Formula? a2-b2formula is read as a squareminus b square. Its development is expressed asa2-b2= (a -b) (a + b) What Is thea2-b2Formula in Algebra? The a2-b2formula is additionally known as one of the importantalgebraic identity. The is check out as a squareminus b square. That is a2-b2formula is expressed asa2-b2= (a -b) (a+ b) How To leveling Numbers Usingthea2-b2Formula? Let us recognize the usage of the a2-b2formula with the assist of the complying with example.Example:Find the value of 102- 22using the a2-b2formula.To find:102-22Let united state assume that a = 10and b = 2.We will certainly substitute this in the formula ofa2- b2.a2- b2= (a -b) (a+ b)102-22= (10-2)(10+ 2)= 10 (10 + 2) - 2 (10 + 2)= 10(12) - 2(12)=120 - 24 = 96Answer:102-22= 96. How To use thea2-b2Formula give Steps? The adhering to steps are followed while usinga2-b2formula. See more: Dog The Bounty Hunter Son Gary, Garrychapman
Return to Colloquia & Seminar listing Conway mutation and knot Floer homologyGeometry/Topology |Speaker:||Peter Lambert-Cole, Indiana University| |Start time:||Wed, Mar 15 2017, 9:00AM| Mutant knots are notoriously hard to distinguish. Many, but not all, knot invariants take the same value on mutant pairs. Khovanov homology with coefficients in Z/2 is known to be mutation-invariant, while the bigraded knot Floer homology groups can distinguish mutants such as the famous Kinoshita-Terasaka and Conway pair. However, Baldwin and Levine conjectured that delta-graded knot Floer homology, a singly-graded reduction of the full invariant, is preserved by mutation. In this talk, I will give a new proof that Khovanov homology mod 2 is mutation-invariant. The same strategy can be applied to delta-graded knot Floer homology and proves the Baldwin-Levine conjecture for mutations on a large class of tangles.
Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. History Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for historians and history buffs. It only takes a minute to sign up. How Croatia avoid to pay reparations to Serbia after the WWII for something like this? Neither Croatia nor Serbia existed after the war and hence hey could neither pay nor receive reparations. Yugoslavia would have ended up paying reparations to Yugoslavia, which would have been fairly pointless.
A polynomial model of functions of lumped Markov's chains over finite field is represented. The authors represent a particular case of Markov's chains functions — the hidden Markov's models (HMM). A definition of the HMM stochastic equivalency was implemented based on stochastic matrix lumpability and asymptotic characteristics of HMM. The paper provides a polynomial representation of an equivalent HMM over the finite field GF(2<sup>n</sup>). It estimates a minimal order of the field GF(2<sup>n</sup>) for polynomial HMM representation, depending on the stochastic matrices implying vector size and possessing lumpability characteristic.
The mathematical theory of evidence is a generalization of the Bayesian theory of probability. It is one of the primary tools for knowledge representation and uncertainty and probabilistic reasoning and has found many applications. Using this theory to solve a specific problem is critically dependent on the availability of a mass function (or basic belief assignment). In this paper, we consider the important problem of how to systematically derive mass functions from the common multivariate data spaces and also the ensuing problem of how to compute the various forms of belief function efficiently. We also consider how such a systematic approach can be used in practical pattern recognition problems. More specifically, we propose a novel method in which a mass function can be systematically derived from multivariate data and present new methods that exploit the algebraic structure of a multivariate data space to compute various belief functions including the belief, plausibility, and commonality functions in polynomial-time. We further consider the use of commonality as an equality check. We also develop a plausibility-based classifier. Experiments show that the equality checker and the classifier are comparable to state-of-the-art algorithms. |Journal||IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part B| |Publication status||Published (in print/issue) - Apr 2008|
How to plot intensity profile of a 3D image 8 views (last 30 days) Show older comments Answered: Image Analyst on 9 Jul 2022 Greetings to all ! I have a 3D image matrix which is sheep logan phantom. And I want to plot the intensity profile of the along Vertical direction and horizontal direction separately? But I am confused how to do it ! Can anyone help me ? Thanks in ADVANCE! Image Analyst on 9 Jul 2022 You can do rgbImage = imread('peppers.png'); subplot(2, 1, 1); xline(205, 'Color', 'r', 'LineWidth', 2); column205 = rgbImage(:, 205,:); subplot(2, 1, 2); plot(column205(:, 1), 'r-', 'LineWidth', 2); plot(column205(:, 2), 'g-', 'LineWidth', 2); plot(column205(:, 3), 'b-', 'LineWidth', 2); legend('Red', 'Green', 'Blue'); More Answers (0) Find more on Image Arithmetic in Help Center and File Exchange Community Treasure Hunt Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you!Start Hunting!
Complex Analysis: Cauchy-Reimann Equations In this Cauchy-Riemann equation activity, students derive the Cauchy-Riemann equations by using the definition of the derivative function. This two-page activity contains seven problems. Higher Ed Math 3 Views 0 Downloads Introduction to Calculus This heady calculus text covers the subjects of differential and integral calculus with rigorous detail, culminating in a chapter of physics and engineering applications. A particular emphasis on classic proof meshes with modern graphs,... 11th - Higher Ed Math CCSS: Adaptable Calculus - Early Transcendentals This textbook takes the learner from the basic definition of slope through derivatives, integrals, and vector multivariable calculus. Each section is composed primarily of examples, with theoretical introductions and explanations in... 9th - Higher Ed Math CCSS: Adaptable Calculus: Derivatives 2.5 (new HD version) By defining the formal definition of a derivative, f�(x), Sal is able to find the general form of the derivate function for the example f(x) = x2. He continues to stress the importance of an intuitive understanding of derivative... 11 mins 11th - Higher Ed Math Extreme Derivative Word Problem (advanced) Sal shows the complex solution to a challenging derivative problem about �normalines�. This is probably beyond the scope of most first year calculus students but might be an interesting problem to show how complex these problems can... 4 mins 11th - Higher Ed Math
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data A hot air balloonist forgot to calibrate his altimeter before taking off. The altimeter displays his height as A*h (A being a constant multiplcator, and h is his real height). He does not know A, nor does he know the speed of sound. How can he find his height with just two rocks that he can drop over a canyon and listen for their echoes. Neglect air resistance. 2. Relevant equations y=y0+V0T+.5GT^2 G=-9.81 3. The attempt at a solution I assumed V0 and Y0 is equal to 0. Dt (difference in time) is equal to T2-T1 I disregarded the speed of sound because it is a constant in both drops. First drop: y1=-4.905(T1)^2 Second drop: y2=-4.905(T2)^2 (Dhr)(difference in real heights) is y2-y1= -4.905(T2)^2+4.905(T1)^2 If I record the heights the altimeter gives me at the two points, and find the difference and then divide that by my (Dhr), I should get my multiplication factor right? That is assuming the equation for the (Dhr) is right.
The barrel-shaped cylinder has a volume of 9.42 hl, the inner diameter of the bottom is 12 dm. Calculate the area of the barrel shell in m2. Solve in general first. Did you find an error or inaccuracy? Feel free to write us. Thank you! Thank you for submitting an example text correction or rephasing. We will review the example in a short time and work on the publish it. Tips for related online calculators Do you know the volume and unit volume, and want to convert volume units? You need to know the following knowledge to solve this word math problem: Related math problems and questions: - Barrel-shaped 21933 We have a barrel-shaped barrel that has a bottom diameter of 60 cm. How many cm will the water level rise if we add 50 liters of water to the barrel? - Barrel-shaped 20903 The barrel-shaped barrel has a base diameter of 6 dm and a height of 1.2 m. How many 5 liter buckets will we fill it to 3/4 height? - Cylinder-shaped 21363 82 hl of water per hour flows into the empty cylinder-shaped pool with a bottom diameter of 7.5 m. How high will the pool be filled if the water has flowed in for 4 hours? - Cylindrical tank 9.6 hl of water is poured into a cylindrical tank with a bottom diameter of 1.2 m. What height in centimeters does the water reach? - Barrel-shaped 30341 The barrel-shaped barrel has a base diameter of 6 dm and a height of 1.2 m. How many 5-liter buckets will we fill it to 3/4 of its height? - Calculate 31061 There are 2hl of water in the barrel, and it reaches a height of 125cm. Calculate the inside diameter of the barrel - Hectoliters of water There are 942 hectoliters of water in a cylindrical tank with an inner diameter of 6 m. The water reaches two thirds of the depth of the tank. Calculate its depth. - Cylinder-shaped 6293 There is half a liter of water in the cylinder-shaped bottle. The bottle has an inner diameter of 10 cm. What is the area of the wetted part of the bottle? - Cylinder container If the cylinder-shaped container is filled with water to a height of 5 dm, it contains 62.8 hectoliters of water. Calculate the diameter of the bottom of the container. Use the value π = 3.14. - Cylindrical 3395 The cylindrical vase is 28 cm high. Its inner diameter d = 1.1 dm. How many liters of water will fit in it if the bottom thickness is 1.5 cm? - Calculate 46381 Calculate the volume of the two pots and compare them. The first pot is 40cm high, and the diameter of its bottom is 24cm. The second pot is 24cm tall, and the diameter of its base is 40cm. - Swimming pool 4 The pool shaped cuboid measuring 12.5 m × 640 cm at the bottom is 960hl water. To what height in meters reaches the water level? - Cylindrical 2945 The cylindrical plastic container has a bottom diameter of 2 dm. How tall must the container be to hold 5 liters of water? - Cross-section 32163 The bottom of the garden pool of circular cross-section has an inner diameter of d = 4 m. The water depth is 0.8 m. How many liters of water can we fill into the pool? - Axial section Axial section of the cylinder has a diagonal 40 cm. The size of the shell and the base surface are in the ratio 3:2. Calculate the volume and surface area of this cylinder. - Cylinder-shaped 22643 The cylinder-shaped container contains 80 l of water and is filled. The height of the container is 70 cm. Calculate the diameter of the bottom of the container. - Cylinder-shaped 3455 82 hl of water/hour flows into the empty cylinder-shaped pool with a diameter of 5 m. To what height will the pool be filled if water flows for 4 hours?
By the Number While we are all trying to figure out how to embrace our time in isolation at home with our kids, here are some fun things to do together! Hope you enjoy some of these. Flex your Math brain with these links. • Math practice from counting to algebra and geometry http://www.mathscore.com/ • Math as a fun part of your daily family routine http://bedtimemath.org/ • Elem Math through 6th grade https://boddlelearning.com/ • Geometry https://www.canfigureit.com/ • K-8 online math program that looks at how a student is solving problems to adjust accordingly and build a unique learning path for them. https://www.dreambox.com/at-home
Skip to Main Content Finding the minimum distance of linear codes is in general a NP-hard problem, we propose an efficient algorithm to attack this problem. The principle of this approach is to search code words locally around the all-zero code word perturbed by a level of noise magnitude, in other words the maximum of noise that can be corrected by a Soft-In decoder, anticipating that the resultant nearest non-zero code words will most likely contain the minimum Hamming weight code word, whose Hamming weight is equal to the minimum distance of the linear code. A numerous results prove that the proposed algorithm is valid for general linear codes and it is very fast comparing to all others known techniques, therefore it is a good tool for computing. Comparing to Joanna's works, we proof that our algorithm has a low complexity with a fast time of execution. For some linear RQs, QDCs and BCHs codes with unknown minimum distance, we give a good estimation (true) of the minimum distance where the length is less than 439.
What is the packing factor of diamond cubic structure? Packing factor of diamond cubic structure is 0.34. The equation for finding the packing fraction is No of atoms in unit cell ×Volume of atom/Volume of unit cell. Diamond has eight atoms per unit cell. The ratio of volume of atoms in a cell compared to total volume of cell is the packing factor or packing fraction. What is the packing fraction for diamond? As we consider that diamond is having cubic structure and we know that the packing fraction for ccp and hcp is 0.74. How do you calculate the atomic packing factor of a diamond? The diamond lattice is face-centered cubic. The simplified packing fraction is 8 x (V atom) / V unit cell. After making substitutions for known volume of spheres and cubes and simplifying, the equation becomes √3 x π/16 with a solution of 0.3401. What is packing efficiency of diamond cubic structure? Is diamond cubic FCC? If you could somehow get these same covalent bonds but in a higher-packed crystal structure like FCC, this FCC carbon should be much stronger than diamond. Silicon, germanium, and alpha-tin also exhibit the diamond cubic structure, and they don’t display any special strength. Is diamond cubic structure close packed? The diamond structure is a very common form. This structure is based on the cubic close packed structure with 4 additional atoms (pictured as green balls) in holes within the structure. The form of carbon in diamonds has this structure. It is also the structure of crystalline silicon. Is diamond cubic close packed? Is diamond a BCC or fcc? The diamond structure is thus fcc with a basis containing two identical atoms. is at the center, and its four NNs are at the corners of the cube (or vice versa). Each atom forms four bonds with its NNs. Atoms in diamond-type crystals form covalent bonding. What is cubic close packing? Cubic Close Packing. Face Centered Cubic Cell. Closest packed means that the atoms are packed together as closely as possible. The FCC unit cell is actually made of four cubic close packed layers (click to show the unit cell with layers). The first layer of atoms pack together as close as possible. What is the packing factor of a cubic diamond? The atomic packing factor of the diamond cubic structure (the proportion of space that would be filled by spheres that are centered on the vertices of the structure and are as large as possible without overlapping) is π√316 ≈ 0.34, significantly smaller (indicating a less dense structure) than the packing factors for the face-centered and What are the components of diamond’s cubic structure? Components of a unit cell, 2. One unit cell, 3. A lattice of 3 × 3 × 3 unit cells Diamond’s cubic structure is in the Fd 3 m space group (space group 227), which follows the face-centered cubic Bravais lattice. What is the packing factor of the space group of zincblende? Zincblende’s space group is F 4 3m, but many of its structural properties are quite similar to the diamond structure. 16 ≈ 0.34, significantly smaller (indicating a less dense structure) than the packing factors for the face-centered and body-centered cubic lattices. What is the packing density of a sphere? The packing density ϱ ϱ is then defined as the ratio of the volume filled by the spheres to the total volume. The easiest way to calculate ϱ ϱ is to consider the conventional unit cell: There are n = 4 n = 4 lattice points per unit cell with N = 2 N = 2 atoms sitting on each such lattice point.
On the number of ergodic minimizing measures for Lagrangian flows Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, 40 St. George Street, Toronto, ON M5S2E4, Canada Is it true that for generic Lagrangians every minimizing measure is uniquely ergodic? A weaker statement is that for generic Lagrangians every cohomology class has exactly one minimizing measure, which of course will be ergodic. Our example shows that this can't be true and as a consequence one can hope to prove at most that for a generic Lagrangian, for every cohomology class there are at most n corresponding ergodic minimizing measures, where n is the dimension of the first cohomology group. Rodolfo Ríos-Zertuche. Characterization of minimizable Lagrangian action functionals and a dual Mather theorem. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2020, 40 (5) : 2615-2639. doi: 10.3934/dcds.2020143 Anouar Bahrouni, Marek Izydorek, Joanna Janczewska. Subharmonic solutions for a class of Lagrangian systems. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - S, 2019, 12 (7) : 1841-1850. doi: 10.3934/dcdss.2019121 Jorge Cortés, Manuel de León, Juan Carlos Marrero, Eduardo Martínez. Nonholonomic Lagrangian systems on Lie algebroids. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2009, 24 (2) : 213-271. doi: 10.3934/dcds.2009.24.213 José F. Cariñena, Irina Gheorghiu, Eduardo Martínez, Patrícia Santos. On the virial theorem for nonholonomic Lagrangian systems. Conference Publications, 2015, 2015 (special) : 204-212. doi: 10.3934/proc.2015.0204 Javier Fernández, Cora Tori, Marcela Zuccalli. Lagrangian reduction of nonholonomic discrete mechanical systems by stages. Journal of Geometric Mechanics, 2020, 12 (4) : 607-639. doi: 10.3934/jgm.2020029 E. García-Toraño Andrés, Bavo Langerock, Frans Cantrijn. Aspects of reduction and transformation of Lagrangian systems with symmetry. Journal of Geometric Mechanics, 2014, 6 (1) : 1-23. doi: 10.3934/jgm.2014.6.1 Francesca Alessio, Vittorio Coti Zelati, Piero Montecchiari. Chaotic behavior of rapidly oscillating Lagrangian systems. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2004, 10 (3) : 687-707. doi: 10.3934/dcds.2004.10.687 Manuel de León, Víctor M. Jiménez, Manuel Lainz. Contact Hamiltonian and Lagrangian systems with nonholonomic constraints. Journal of Geometric Mechanics, 2021, 13 (1) : 25-53. doi: 10.3934/jgm.2021001 Anis Theljani, Ke Chen. An augmented lagrangian method for solving a new variational model based on gradients similarity measures and high order regulariation for multimodality registration. Inverse Problems and Imaging, 2019, 13 (2) : 309-335. doi: 10.3934/ipi.2019016 2021 Impact Factor: 1.588 [Back to Top]
By Koopman B. O. Read Online or Download Dynamical Systems of Continuous Spectra PDF Best mathematics books Theorems and their proofs lie on the middle of arithmetic. In talking of the in basic terms aesthetic traits of theorems and proofs, G. H. Hardy wrote that during appealing proofs 'there is a truly excessive measure of unexpectedness, mixed with inevitability and economy'. captivating Proofs offers a suite of outstanding proofs in hassle-free arithmetic which are particularly stylish, packed with ingenuity, and succinct. Because the ebook of its first version, this e-book has served as one of many few on hand at the classical Adams spectral series, and is the easiest account at the Adams-Novikov spectral series. This re-creation has been up-to-date in lots of locations, particularly the ultimate bankruptcy, which has been thoroughly rewritten with an eye fixed towards destiny learn within the box. What's the actual mark of suggestion? preferably it might probably suggest the originality, freshness and exuberance of a brand new leap forward in mathematical notion. The reader will believe this concept in all 4 seminal papers by means of Duistermaat, Guillemin and Hörmander awarded right here for the 1st time ever in a single quantity. - Nonlinear analysis and differential equations: an introduction - Iterated Integrals and Cycles on Algebraic Manifolds (Nankai Tracts in Mathematics, Vol. 7) - Heavenly Mathematics: The Forgotten Art of Spherical Trigonometry - Theory and Applications of Special Functions: A Volume Dedicated to Mizan Rahman Additional info for Dynamical Systems of Continuous Spectra The use of the Golden Mean in designing buildings and rooms to maintain a pleasing sense of proportion—to avoid the appearance of “squatness,” for example—has been a constant throughout the history of architecture. quadratic equation an equation in which the variable is raised to the second power in at least one term when the equation is written in its simplest form azimuth the angle, measured along the horizon, between north and the position of an object or direction of movement 38 Sometimes architects rely on mathematics for practical rather than aesthetic purposes. The length and width are the factors, and the area is the product. Recall the rules for multiplying positive and negative numbers: if the signs of the factors are the same, the product is positive; if the signs are different, the product is negative. To model the product 3 ϫ 4 using algebra tiles, start with an off-center “t” as a guideline, as shown in Figure 3(a). ” Then extend the sides of each algebra tile across and down the rectangle. Count the number of resulting integer squares inside the rectangle to find the answer. Figure 3. Examples of multiplication and division using algebra tiles. geoboard a square board with pegs and holes for pegs used to create geometric figures 19 Algorithms for Arithmetic 1 layer 2 layers 3 layers Layers 1 2 3 • • • Blocks 7 = (3 x 3) – 2 18 = (4 x 5) – 2 33 = (5 x 7) – 2 • • • By studying the blocks and the table of relationships between layers and blocks, a pattern can be seen. For one layer, the tunnel requires enough blocks to make a 3 ϫ 3 square less two blocks. For two layers, it requires enough blocks to make a 4 ϫ 5 rectangle less two blocks. Dynamical Systems of Continuous Spectra by Koopman B. O.
We wrapped up your area work (on the chart paper), and then learned to find an altitude given the coordinates of the vertices of a triangle. If you have triangle with base , the altitude from can be found using the following steps: - Find the slope of - Find the slope of the altitude (negative reciprocal of the slope of since it’s perpendicular) - Find the equation of the line through - Find the equation of the altitude line In the example we did today we also found the point which was the intersection of the altitude with the base. For that we needed to solve the system of equations for those two lines. Here are some helpful videos:
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This square calculator calculates the perimeter, area and diagonal of a square by taking account of its side length. What is a square? A square is a plane figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles. The algorithm behind this square calculator applies the formulas given below that all use the square’s side length: - Square Perimeter Formula = Side length * 4. - Square Area Formula = Side length^2. - Square Diagonal Formula = (Square root of 2) * Side length. Example of a result Assuming we have a square with a side of 2 feet we will obtain the following results: Perimeter = 8 Area = 4 Diagonal = 2.8309 Apr, 2015
It is given equilateral triangle ABC. From point L which is the midpoint of the side BC of the triangle it is drwn perpendicular to the side AB. Intersection of perpendicular and the side AB is point K. How many % of the area of the triangle ABC is area of a triangle KLB? Thank you for submitting an example text correction or rephasing. We will review the example in a short time and work on the publish it. Showing 0 comments: Tips to related online calculators You need to know the following knowledge to solve this word math problem: Next similar math problems: - Equilateral triangle ABC In the equilateral triangle ABC, K is the center of the AB side, the L point lies on one-third of the BC side near the point C, and the point M lies in the one-third of the side of the AC side closer to the point A. Find what part of the ABC triangle cont - Trapezoid IV In a trapezoid ABCD (AB||CD) is |AB| = 15cm |CD| = 7 cm, |AC| = 12 cm, AC is perpendicular to BC. What area has a trapezoid ABCD? Triangle shaped field (triangle ABC) has side AB = 129 m. path XY is parallel to the side AB which divided triangle ABC into two parts with same area. What will be the length of the path XY? Help please geodesist ... - Rectangular trapezoid Calculate the content of a rectangular trapezoid with a right angle at the point A and if |AC| = 4 cm, |BC| = 3 cm and the diagonal AC is perpendicular to the side BC. - Distance of points A regular quadrilateral pyramid ABCDV is given, in which edge AB = a = 4 cm and height v = 8 cm. Let S be the center of the CV. Find the distance of points A and S. - Area and two angles Calculate the size of all sides and internal angles of a triangle ABC, if it is given by area S = 501.9; and two internal angles α = 15°28' and β = 45°. - Rectangular trapezoid The ABCD rectangular trapezoid with the AB and CD bases is divided by the diagonal AC into two equilateral rectangular triangles. The length of the diagonal AC is 62cm. Calculate trapezium area in cm square and calculate how many differs perimeters of the - Triangle in a square In a square ABCD with side a = 6 cm, point E is the center of side AB and point F is the center of side BC. Calculate the size of all angles of the triangle DEF and the lengths of its sides. On the road sign, which informs the climb is 8.7%. Car goes 5 km along this road. What is the height difference that car went? - Two chords Calculate the length of chord AB and perpendicular chord BC to circle if AB is 4 cm from the center of the circle and BC 8 cm from the center of the circle. - Trapezoid MO The rectangular trapezoid ABCD with right angle at point B, |AC| = 12, |CD| = 8, diagonals are perpendicular to each other. Calculate the perimeter and area of the trapezoid. - The right triangle In the right triangle ABC with right angle at C we know the side lengths AC = 9 cm and BC = 7 cm. Calculate the length of the remaining side of the triangle and the size of all angles. - Trapezium diagonals It is given trapezium ABCD with bases | AB | = 12 cm, |CD| = 8 cm. Point S is the intersection of the diagonals for which |AS| is 6 cm long. Calculate the length of the full diagonal AC. - Right angle In a right triangle ABC with a right angle at the apex C, we know the side length AB = 24 cm and the angle at the vertex B = 71°. Calculate the length of the legs of the triangle. - Triangle ABC v2 Area of the triangle is 12 cm square. Angle ACB = 30º , AC = (x + 2) cm, BC = x cm. Calculate the value of x. ABCD is a rhombus, ABD is an equilateral triangle and AC is equal to 4. Find the area of the rhombus. - Right triangle trigonometrics Calculate the size of the remaining sides and angles of a right triangle ABC if it is given: b = 10 cm; c = 20 cm; angle alpha = 60° and the angle beta = 30° (use the Pythagorean theorem and functions sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent)
|Name: _________________________||Period: ___________________| This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 11, The Sphere and the Cylinder. Multiple Choice Questions 1. What was Archimedes favorite branch of mathematics? 2. What is the solid of a triangle? 3. Which branch of mathematics deals with motion and change? (a) Applied Mathematics. 4. Which branch of mathematics studies numbers? 5. In how many books that Archimedes sent to his friends, did he make deliberate errors? Short Answer Questions 1. What type of mathematics must engineers use to build bridges? 2. How many miles long would Archimedes' lever have had to be if he had tried to move the earth? 3. What is the work that is to be done with a lever called? 4. What did Archimedes want on his tomb? 5. What is the solid of a rectangle? This section contains 157 words (approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
Relaxation Dynamics of Semiflexible Fractal Macromolecules AbstractWe study the dynamics of semiflexible hyperbranched macromolecules having only dendritic units and no linear spacers, while the structure of these macromolecules is modeled through T-fractals. We construct a full set of eigenmodes of the dynamical matrix, which couples the set of Langevin equations. Based on the ensuing relaxation spectra, we analyze the mechanical relaxation moduli. The fractal character of the macromolecules reveals itself in the storage and loss moduli in the intermediate region of frequencies through scaling, whereas at higher frequencies, we observe the locally-dendritic structure that is more pronounced for higher stiffness. View Full-Text - Supplementary File 1: Supplementary (PDF, 256 KB) Share & Cite This Article Mielke, J.; Dolgushev, M. Relaxation Dynamics of Semiflexible Fractal Macromolecules. Polymers 2016, 8, 263. Mielke J, Dolgushev M. Relaxation Dynamics of Semiflexible Fractal Macromolecules. Polymers. 2016; 8(7):263.Chicago/Turabian Style Mielke, Jonas; Dolgushev, Maxim. 2016. "Relaxation Dynamics of Semiflexible Fractal Macromolecules." Polymers 8, no. 7: 263. Note that from the first issue of 2016, MDPI journals use article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.
Horizontal Curve Formulas Manning's Equation for open channel flow is the go-to equation for open channel problems. An open channel is basically anything that flows out in the open above ground as well as pipes that are not flowing to their full capacity. Q is the flow and can be in either cubic feet per second (US) or cubic meters per second (SI). When using the equation for SI units leave out the 1.49 factor! A is the Area of the channel. This can be determined with geometry for the easy rectangular and trapezoidal shapes or using table equations in combination with depth, base length, diameter etc. Find where channel geometry equations are in your reference. Friction and minor losses are glossed over in the darcy-weisbach article but I want to throw in some extra notes here. Friction occurs over every bit of length of a close-conduit system and is usually a surprisingly high amount of energy loss. Friction depends on the material of the pipe and the velocity of flow. The formula for frictional head loss IS the Darcy-Weisbach equation. A few days ago I had an opportunity to sit down with a coworker during lunch and discuss the California Seismic Principles Exam. The general consensus I have received from other people is that this test is HARD. The test is 2.5 hours long and contains 50 questions, leaving you around 3 minutes per question. The topics of the test are detailed HERE. My coworker however, passed the entire PE including Seismic Principles on his first try in April 2011. It was nice to be able to sit down with him and work through a few example problems and talk about what materials he used and how he studied. Here are a few notes on topics you will encounter on the exam. Click here to continue reading
By William Graebel Fluid mechanics is the learn of the way fluids behave and engage below quite a few forces and in quite a few utilized occasions, even if in liquid or fuel country or either. the writer of Advanced Fluid Mechanics compiles pertinent details which are brought within the extra complicated periods on the senior point and on the graduate point. “Advanced Fluid Mechanics” classes commonly conceal quite a few themes related to fluids in numerous a number of states (phases), with either elastic and non-elastic characteristics, and flowing in advanced methods. This new textual content will combine either the easy phases of fluid mechanics (“Fundamentals”) with these regarding extra complicated parameters, together with Inviscid movement in multi-dimensions, Viscous move and Turbulence, and a succinct advent to Computational Fluid Dynamics. it is going to provide unheard of pedagogy, for either lecture room use and self-instruction, together with many worked-out examples, end-of-chapter difficulties, and genuine computing device courses that may be used to enhance concept with real-world applications. Professional engineers in addition to Physicists and Chemists operating within the research of fluid habit in complicated platforms will locate the contents of this ebook worthwhile. All production businesses taken with any type of structures that surround fluids and fluid circulation research (e.g., warmth exchangers, air con and refrigeration, chemical methods, etc.) or power iteration (steam boilers, generators and inner combustion engines, jet propulsion structures, etc.), or fluid structures and fluid energy (e.g., hydraulics, piping structures, and so on)will take advantage of this text. - Offers targeted derivation of primary equations for greater comprehension of extra complex mathematical analysis - Provides foundation for extra complicated subject matters on boundary layer research, unsteady move, turbulent modeling, and computational fluid dynamics - Includes worked-out examples and end-of-chapter difficulties in addition to a significant other site with pattern computational courses and strategies Manual Read Online or Download Advanced fluid mechanics PDF Similar fluid dynamics books Sayma A. Computational fluid dynamics (2009)(ISBN 9788776814304) Greater than only a consultant to apparatus, Fluid Mechanics provides certain info at the layout and functions of pcs, cybernetics, genetic changes, robots and remotes, cetacean tech, guns, automobiles, and masses extra. If you have been itching to get hold of Hanover Autoworks new Cormorant(tm) ground-effect airplane, Hydrospan's SmartGuide(tm) navigation software program, or Atlas fabrics' HardTarget(tm) battledress, your wait is coming to an finish. Dieses auf vier B? nde angelegte Lehrbuch der Experimentalphysik orientiert sich an dem weit verbreiteten, viersemestrigen Vorlesungszyklus und behandelt im ersten Band Mechanik und W? rme. Nach einer Einf? hrung folgen die Mechanik des Massenpunktes unter Ber? cksichtigung der speziellen Relativit? tstheorie und von Systemen von Massenpunkten, der starre okay? Your Welcome. growing this pdf was once a whinge so take pleasure in. - Mode Complex Systems - Turbulence and Self-Organization: Modeling Astrophysical Objects - Applications of Fluidization to Food Processing - Microfluidics and Nanofluidics: Theory and Selected Applications - Thermal Plasmas: Fundamentals and Applications - Non-Newtonian Flow and Applied Rheology: Engineering Applications Additional info for Advanced fluid mechanics 7) zy ) xz + ny yz + nz zz the expression after the second equals sign being a rearrangement of the preceding. 8) This is in agreement with our definition of xx (and so on) being the components of the various stress vectors. , xx yy zz ) are referred to as normal stresses. , yx yz zx xy zx xz ) are referred to as shear stresses. Note that the first subscript on the components tells us the direction in which the area faces, and the second subscript gives us the direction of the force component on that face. 3. Solution. 7), = S · dA Since the integrand is constant 2 and the area is 4, the result for the circulation follows from a simple arithmetic multiplication. 2—that is, v = x−yG 0 . 2 +y 2 x2 +y2 34 Fundamentals Solution. In this case, we cannot easily use the area form of the definition, since the vorticity is not defined at the origin. 7) gives us = C v · ds = = −G −1 1 −G dx + x 2 +1 −1 1 −G dy + 1 + y2 1 −1 −1 1 1 1 −1 1 − −G − +G + 4 4 4 4 4 4 G x 2 +1 dx + 1 1 + 4 4 +G 1 −1 G dy 1 + y2 = 2G If we take any path that does not include the origin, we could in fact use the area form of the definition, and we would conclude that the circulation about that path was zero. The mental process of generating a description of a particular fluid involves a continuous interchange between theory and practice. Once a constitutive model is proposed, mathematical predictions can be made that then, it is hoped, can be compared with the experiment. Such a procedure can show a model to be wrong, but it cannot guarantee that it will always be correct, since many models can predict the same velocity field for the very simple flows used in viscometry (tests used in measuring the coefficient of viscosity) and rheogoniometry (measuring the properties of complicated molecular structures such as polymers). Advanced fluid mechanics by William Graebel
Originally Posted by Sabertooth^2 MPG stands for miles per gallon. [Miles Driven/Gallons used]. I believe you are mistaking 315mpg to actually be 315 miles traveled on 13.5 gallons. Unless you use some whacky non imperial system. Otherwise, how does 27 miles per gallon equal 1 gallon. Where are you coming up with that number from? I think you need some more rest "how does 27 miles per gallon equal 1 gallon." its the system we use in USA.... look it up. I use my cars Trip A and Trip B measurement to figure that out after refilling than resetting that. Its pretty self explanatory i.e. per gallon. But in correction from the last post it was 315 miles for 13.5 gallons.
create differentiation schema; apply differentiation schema; add to both sides; divide both sides by ; apply trig identity and simplify; Answer has been verified, thank you all. here.) We all do some amount of it, but the amount of editing you have done here makes it hard to see what you did and why all these posts exist. It can get very confusing.
Global Math Challenge is an online math contest for all the math lovers in the world. All you need is a tablet or computer to join in to this global contest that more than 250,000 math lovers have taken part from more than 85 countries. Not only will you enjoy our original fun brain teasers, but you will also get a report for your results based on the 5 Thinking Strategies after the contest. For those of you who are looking for some sample questions, we have a Mini Math Challenge to warm up your brain. Are you ready to challenge? 7 numbers; one from each number through 0 to 6 were put into the boxes to complete the equation above. Find the answer of this equation in red. <Hint> Where does “0” belong? Let’s check the answer!
Surface area of Cuboid (solutions, examples, videos) SurfaceAreaof a Cuboid or Rectangular Prism. A cuboid is a 3-dimensional object with six rectangular faces. All its angles are right angles and Surface Area of a Cuboid - Formula, Examples - [email protected] To get totalsurfacearea we have to add up areasof all the six faces of a cuboid. A cuboid has six faces such that, the opposite faces are identical. What is the formula for the total surface area of a cuboid? - Quora I suggest that there is no need to remember the formula if there is clear understanding of the term “TotalSurfaceArea (TSA)”. Total Surface Area of a Cuboid The totalsurfacearea (TSA) of a cuboid is the sum of the areasof its six faces. Formula For Total Surface Area Of Cuboid - Math Discussion FormulaforTotalsurfaceareaofcuboid. Surface Area Of Cuboid Total surface area & Lateral surface areas (ii) Lateral SurfaceArea (Curved SurfaceArea). FormulaforSurfaceAreaofCuboid What is the formula for the total surface area of a cuboid? Recall: The totalsurfacearea (TSA) of a cuboid is the sum of the areasof its six faces. That is: Example 27. Formula of surface area of cuboid The surfacearea is the totalareaof all the faces. For a cuboid, all these faces will be rectangular. Java Program To Total Surface Area Of Cuboid - Programs Def: Totalsurfaceareaof the cuboid ? Total Surface area of Cuboid at Algebra Den How formulafortotalsurfaceareaofcuboid is obtained. Observe the following diagram ofcuboid: Red lines represent length ofcuboid (L) Green lines Surface Area Formulas SurfaceAreaFormulas In general, the surfacearea is the sum of all the areasof all the shapes that cover the surface of the object. C Program to Calculate Volume and Total Surface Area of Cuboid In other words, we can think surfaceareaof a cuboid as the areaof wrapping paper required to gift wrap a rectangular box. A cuboid has six rectangular surfaces of different length, width and height. Surface Area of a Cuboid - Formula & Problems The surfaceareaof a cuboid is the total sum of its six faces areas. C Program to find Volume and Surface Area of a Cuboid The TotalSurfaceAreaof a Cuboid is the sum of all the 6 rectangles areas present in the Cuboid. If we know the length, width and height of the Cuboid then we can calculate the TotalSurfaceArea using the formula Surface area and volume of cuboids We can also work out the surfaceareaof a cuboid by drawing its net ( see slide 51 ). This may be easier for some pupils because they would be able Formulas for Finding the Total Surface Area of Cuboid, Cube, Sphere What is the formula to find totalsurfaceareaofCuboid, Cube, Sphere? Asked by: Lovepreet Sandhu on Feb 20, 2016. Rectangular Cuboid Volume & Surface Area Calculator The cuboid volume & surfaceareaformula, solved example & step by step calculations may useful for users to understand how the input values are being used in such calculations. Also this featured rectangular prism calculator uses the various conversion functions to find its area in SI or metric or US. Program for Volume and Surface Area of Cuboid - GeeksforGeeks Formulae: Area = l*w*h TotalSurfaceArea = 2*l*w + 2*w*h + 2*l*h where l, h, w are length, height and width ofcuboid respectively. Surface Area of Cuboid Formula - Calculate LSA, CSA, TSA of... Get Formula Of Total, Curved, Lateral SurfaceArea: SurfaceAreaOf Cylinder. Question 3: The length, width and height of Cuboid - Surface Area and Volume Perimeter Formulafor the Elementary Math Student. Key Topic - Surface area of a cuboid Finding the surfaceareaofcuboids can appear on either the calculator or non calculator paper of your maths exam. A common mistake is to confuse this topic Surface area and volume of cuboids Surfaceareaof a cuboid = Formulafor the surfaceareaof a cuboid h l w 2 lw Top and bottom + 2 hw Front and back + 2 lh Left and right side what is formula to find the total surface area of cube, cuboid, cylinder? CUBOID - TOTALSURFACEAREA = 2[ lb+bh+hl ] LATERAL SURFACEAREA = 2h[ l+b ] CUBE - TOTALSURFACEAREA = 6[a*a] LATERAL SURFACE Cuboids, Rectangular Prisms and Cubes - Surface Area Examples ofCuboids. Cuboids are very common in our world, from boxes to buildings we see them How do you find the Surface Area and Volume of a Cuboid Totalsurfaceareaof the cuboid = 2 (ℓb + bh + ℓh) square units. Surface area of cube cuboid and cylinder - Total surface area Totalsurfaceareaof a solid is the measurement of outer area,where the extension of top and bottom portion would be included. Now let us see the formulas Objective To form a cuboid and find the formula for its surface area... Basic knowledge about cuboid. Totalsurfacearea, lateral surfacearea and diagonal of a cuboid. Theory. Surface Area. Calculator - Definition - Formulas - Omni Surfacearea is a totalarea that the surface of the object occupies . How To Find The Surface Area Of A Cuboid - The Science The formulafor calculating the areaof its surface is very simple: S = 2 (ab + bc + ac), where a, b and c - the length of the ribs. total surface area of the cuboid- ENGINEERING MATH - Forum The totalsurfaceareaofcuboid A cm2, is given by A= 2x2 + 1372/x. wht method shoul I use? length of diagonal of cuboid : Formula Directory The square cuboid, square box, or right square prism (also ambiguously called square prism) is a special case of the cuboid in which at least two faces are squares. Surface area formula This lesson provides a comprehensive list of surfaceareaformula of some basic geometry figures such as the cube, the cylinder, the pyramid Surface area, Volume of Cuboid 1.0.3 Free Download Learn the formulas to find the surfacearea and volume of three dimensional figures such as the cuboid, cylinder and cone. Surfacearea, Volume ofCuboid is a free software application from the Teaching & Training Tools subcategory, part of the Education category. The app is currently available. Lateral and Total Surface Area of Cube and Cuboid All answers are solved in an easy way, with video of each and every questionIn this chapter, we will learnLateralandTotalSurface Area ofCube and CuboidCurved and Total Cuboid - Volume of Cuboid Formula - How to Find the Volume of... Cuboid is a solid box whose every surface is a rectangle of same area or different areas. Cuboid: Volume and Surface Area — Online Calculator, Formulas Volume and SurfaceAreaof a Cuboid. A cuboid is a solid the sides of which are formed by six rectangles, or four rectangles and two squares. Math - Geometry Lesson Plans : Surface Area of Cuboids & Cubes Mensuration - FormulaeforSurfaceAreaofCuboids & Cubes. A cuboid is a rectangular solid which has six rectangular faces. Digital worksheet for Total surface Area of a Cuboid – GeoGebra This GeoGebra applet will help the students to develop the concept that how does the shape of a cuboid changes when either of length,breadth and height changes. It will give the scope to the learner to verify their calculation. Is your answer right? what is the volume and total surface area of: cube, cuboid... - eNotes You should remember that the totalsurfaceareaof a cuboid is the sum of areasof its six faces such that A cuboid has total surface area of 50 m2 and... - Meritnation.com Find the areaof its base. Surface Area of a Cuboid - Brilliant Math & Science Wiki A (rectangular) cuboid is a closed box which comprises of 3 pairs of rectangular faces that are parallel to each other, and joined at right angles. It is also known as a right rectangular prism. It has 8 vertices, 6 faces, and 12 edges. The cube is a cuboid whose faces are all squares. The figure above shows the. What is the derivation of the formula fot the total surface area of... Answer this question: Retrieved from " http://answers.wikia.com/wiki/What_is_the_derivation_of_the_formula_fot_the_total_surface_area_of_a_cuboid?oldid=676752 ". How calculate surface area of the cuboid. Formula and online... Calculator of the cuboidsurfacearea. Enter the length, width and height, enter the calculation accuracy and click on "Calculate". Edurite.com - Formulas for Cuboid Perimeter - Volume of Cuboid volume ofcuboidformula,faces ofcuboid,surfaceareaofcuboid, Identification of 3-D object: Faces: the surface are of a solid shape. RD Sharma Class 9 Solutions Chapter 18 Surface Areas and Volume... Formulae Handbook for Class 9 Maths and Science Educational Loans in India. If a Cubiod has length l, breadth b, and height h, then. All formulas for surface area of shapes - Calculator All the basic formulas of a surfaceareaof a geometric shapes (sphere, cone, pyramid, rectangular prism, etc). Each formula has calculator. How to Calculate Surface Area From Volume - Sciencing Surfacearea is the totalareaof all exposed surfaces of a given three-dimensional figure or object. Volume is the amount of space occupied by this figure. This page is about surface area of cube. Find the ratio of totalsurfaceareaof the new rectangular prism ( cuboid ) to that of the sum of the surfaceareasof the three cubes. Solution: TSA of cube = 6a 2 Length of new rectangular prism = 3a , width = a and height = a TSA of rectangular prism = 2( lw + wh + lh) ⇒ = 2 (3a x a + a x a + 3a x a). Formula and description of the surface area of a cube. The totalsurfacearea is therefore six times the areaof one face. Or as a formula: Where s is the length of any edge of the cube. Rectangular Cuboids - CalcResult Universal Calculators Maths - Cuboids. Show/Hide:Definitions Formulae Instructions. Introduction: This page allows you to Surface area and volume of cuboids 5. To find the surfaceareaof a shape, we calculate the totalareaof all of the faces. Can you work out the surfaceareaof this cuboid? Surface Area - Volume Formulas What is the totalsurfaceareaof the cuboid they are part of? Surface Area of a Cube Formula - Bing images SurfaceAreaFormula of a Cone SurfaceAreaof a Cylinder FormulaSurfaceAreaof a Rectangular Prism Formula The Formulafor BestMaths - Volume and Surface Area of Cubes and Cuboids The volumes and surfaceareasof certain simple objects such as cubes and cuboids can be calculated using formulae. The surfaceareaof an object is the totalareaof the outside surfaces of the object. Finding Volumes − by counting cubes. For the cuboid or rectangular prism like the one. Cuboid - Surface Area The SurfaceAreaof a Cuboid calculator computes the surfaceareaof a cuboid based on the length, height and width (see diagram). Cuboid-Calculate volume and surface area-Calculator Site Volume and surfaceareaofcuboid. Tweet. The volume and the surfaceareaofcuboid given depth, length, and height is calculated using the formula. Basics of Surface Area and Volume - Quantitative... - Unacademy This video covers definitions of surfacearea and Volume and concepts and formulaeofcuboid. Then we have : (i) Total surface area of the cuboid... of mathematics, formulas in mathematics, mathematics i. Volume and SurfaceArea. Notes For Class 9 Formulas Download PDF. Volume & Surface Area Tricks-Notes & Questions Volume and SurfaceArea Trick- Note & Question for IBPS aptitude exam- here are the shortcut tricks formulas to solve the question faster. C Program to Find the Volume and Surface Area of Cuboids This C Program calculates the volume and surfaceareaofcuboids. The formula used in this program are surfacerea= 2(w * l + l * h + h * w) where w is width, l is length and h is height of the cuboids. volume = width * length * height. Surface Area Of Cube and Cuboid by aditya rangamani on Prezi The Cube The surfaceareaof a cube is the areaof the six squares that cover it. The formulafor finding the areaof cube is 6 * a^2. A cube is used in making the Mathguru – Help – Example:Finding Lateral & Total surface Area of... Formulae. For a cube of edge length a, surfacearea. Surface Area and Volume of Cube and Cuboid SurfaceAreaofCuboid of Length L, Breadth B and Height H. Total Surface Area of Prisms Students learn how to calculate the surfaceareaof prisms firstly by considering the net of a cuboid and later moving on to 3D models of complex prisms. Mensuration Formulae for SSC CGL, SSC CPO... - Testbook Blog Totalsurfaceareaofcuboid = 2 (lb + bh + lh). Length of diagonal ofcuboid= √(l2+b2+h2). Cuboid Volume & Surface Calculator - Symbolab Free Cuboid Volume & Surface Calculator - calculate cuboid volume, surface step by step. Interactives . 3D Shapes . Surface Area & Volume Said another way, the surfacearea is the totalarea covered by the net of a polyhedron. Let's take a look at a cube. As you already know, a cube has six square faces. SOLVED: What is the formula for getting the surface area - Fixya Totalareaof right rectangular prism =2*A_b +P_b*h A_b= areaof base (take 14*12 feet squares) P_b is perimeter Exercise :: Volume and Surface Area - Important Formulas This is the aptitude questions and answers section on "Volume and SurfaceArea Important Formulas" with explanation for various interview, competitive examination and entrance test. Formula of Surface Area and Volume - Aptitude Questions and Answers Important Formulas of Problems on Volume and SurfaceArea, Tips for solving problems based on Volume and SurfaceArea frequently asked in quantitative aptitude question paper in SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, PSC, Banks, CDS, NDA Cuboid and cube: Surface Area The totalsurfacearea =(the lateral surfacearea)+(areaof ABCD)+(areaof EFGH) =2h(l+b)+lb+lb =2lh+2bh+2lb =2(lb+bh+hl). Volume and Surface Area Questions Answers SSC CGL - sscroad.com Volume and SurfaceArea Questoins Answers for ssc cgl ssc 10+2 ssc chsl mcq with explanations, formulas and tricks are useful and important Surface Area and Volume - STEM In the activities file, ‘Surfaceareaof a Cylinder’ is a practical activity in which students investigate connections between the areaof a rectangle, the View question - A cuboid has a length of 6cm, a with of 1.5cm, and... Work out the totalsurfacearea. 0. 359. 2. A cuboid has a length of 6cm, a with of 1.5cm, and a depth of 1.5cm . CUBE: perimeter, surface area, enclosed volume of cube (formula...) Calculate quickly surfacearea or volume of cube. 1. Formula of Cuboid Volume, Surface Area and Daigonal formulas of volume and surfacearea questions answers mcq of quantitative aptitude are useful for it officer bank exam, ssc, ibps, sbi, lic and other competitive exam preparation. Surface Area Formula Chart Includes,surfaceareaformulas, volume formulas, and lateral areaformulasfor cone, cube, cylinder, prism, and spheres. Distances on the surface of a cubical box - Cuboid Contents Applet The following graph indicates how the formulafor the co-ordinates of the point at greatest surface distance depends on the values of x and y. In the Important formulas for CDS Exam - Math Formula For Surface Area Areasof figures which can be split up into these figures (Field Book), Surfacearea and volume ofcuboids, lateral surface and volume of right circular Surface Area of A Cone --Examples illustrated with pictures of the... Formulafor Lateral SurfaceArea. Total Surface Area - Passy's World of Mathematics TotalSurfaceArea (“TSA”) is important for Painters, so that they know how much paint will be required for a job. Formulas of Volume and Surface area of solid figures for class VI, VII... Students have learnt the formulas from the beginning and in each class, they have to learn all the formulas or revise the formulas again n again. Explanation about Total surface area and volume of the cyllinder And... thank you i am actually learning about surfacearea. Maths surface area of cone surface area and volume of... - 0xvideos.ru It explains the formula to find surfaceareaof a cone. About us: We are a social enterprise working Frustum Formula - PAn-clip Totalsurfacearea and volume of frustum of a cone: derivation, R B ClassesR B Classes. Total area video foto TotalsurfaceareaofCuboid - class10 math in hindi. In this video, we will know that how to find total suface areaof cubiod and formulate it.It is related to chapter 13-surfaceareas and volume of class10 math . Maximum volume of a box with corners cut out TotalSurfaceArea and Volume of a Box with a Cylindrical Hole. Now we have narrowed down the Cuboid Surface Multifunction one Office Mirror in Large Screen Cube... Total Price: Depends on the product properties you select.
Main Article Content The extreme ranks, i.e., the maximal and minimal ranks, are established for the general Hermitian solution as well as the general skew-Hermitian solution to the classical matrix equation AXA∗ +BY B∗ = C over the quaternion algebra. Also given in this paper are the formulas of extreme ranks of real matrices Xi, Yi, i = 1, · · · ,4, in a pair (skew-)Hermitian solution X = X1 +X2i+X3j +X4k, Y = Y1 +Y2i+Y3j +Y4k. Moreover, the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a real (skew-)symmetric solution, a complex (skew-)Hermitian solution, and a pure imaginary (skew-)Hermitian solution to the matrix equation mentioned above are presented in this paper. Also established are expressions of such solutions to the equation when corresponding solvability conditions are satisfied. The findings of this paper widely extend the known results in the literature.
During the webinar, I had a question and answer session and I got asked the same question, multiple times from multiple docs. The question was, "Does this work for decompression? Neuropathy? Weight loss?"...plug in the condition here! It was all the same question. The answer, of course, is "YES," but we need to look at the question. Why do you want decompression patients? What age? Sex? Insurance? Maybe we are asking the wrong question. Get my thoughts here.
Good day all* Earlier today we were instructed to conduct hydrotest on a pipework package for with ASME B16.5 Class 300 rating. Specified test pressure was 7320 kPag (1061 psig). Design code is B31.3 and flange material was A105. Referencing ASME B16.5 Group 2.1.1* the 100 deg F pressure rating was 740 psig. Section 2.5 of the same standard states that the maximum test pressure is 1.5 times the 100 deg F pressure rating (740 psig x 1.5 = 1110 psig). To quote the standard* "Testing at any higher pressure is the responsibility of the user* subject to the requirements of the applicable code or regulation". My question is* although there is a slight margin (49 psig) for safety in the specified test pressure* do you normally design pipework to that close of the maximum? I normally take 90% of the pressure rating as the absolute maximum design pressure. If the system is required to operate at higher than that* I will specify a higher pressure rating (eg* uprate the flange from Class 300 to Class 600). That way* I will have a 10% safety margin for any temperature/pressure gain that occur during hydrotest. I believe that it is the responsibility of the designer to take into account any temperature/pressure gain during hydrotest. An outdoor system tested in situ (project in Malaysia* average daytime ambient 33 deg C) is bound to experience some temperature and pressure gain. Would welcome any advise for future reference. › See More: Hydrotest pressure limits for flanges
There are three different types of calculator available in TAO: The simple calculator provides you with a basic calculator, the BODMAS calculator provides you with a calculator which functions according to the BODMAS rule, and the scientific calculator provides you with a calculator for solving science, engineering and mathematical problems. Calculators are available for certain Tests. If one of these calculators has been enabled for the test you are taking, you will see ‘Calculator’ on the blue bar at the bottom of your test. Click on it to activate it. Note: Test-taker aids such as calculators can be activated either for a whole Section of a test, or for each Item. They are not activated for every test – this depends on the test configuration. It is not possible to choose between the types of calculator: the type which has been activated for your test is the one that will appear when you click on ‘Calculator’. If you’re using TAO ADVANCE instead of the classic TAO 3.x test runner, a calculator is provided for use in certain types of test question which offers an easy way of depicting fractions in your answers. To use this, click on the MATH button on the top right of the editor, as shown in the image below. This will bring up a calculator. To create a fraction, select the fraction sign as in the example in the image, then click on INSERT ENTRY to enter it as your answer to the test item. Note: This function is only available if it has been enabled by the item author.
Okay I think this question has been addressed slightly before however I seem to be having difficulty on it still. The question asks: Arrange the following atoms or ions in order of increasing radius Cl, S2-, K, K+, O Now I have them arranged as O < Cl < K+ < S2- < K The arrangement of K+ and S2- is where I am stumped. The question goes on to ask "Give an explanation for the position of S2- in relation to the atom or ion that comes just before and just after" Now I would only assume they're talking about the K+ and K atom/ion so I placed S2- in between. Now my best guess at why S2- is where it is, is due to the gain in electrons. But how do I prove this? Is it because the S atom has gained two electrons and the K atom has only lost one that the S2- ion becomes larger than the K+ ion? Is there a certain method I should be using to determine the actual resultant size of these atoms when they gain or lose electrons? I tried to keep the post as informative as possible I'm not trying to scam any answer out of anyone I'm trying to learn how to solve this problem.
Calculate g-Force from Vertical and Horizontal Acceleration Calculator for the resulting g-force from Earth's gravity and the acceleration on a horizontal plane. This is the force, which on Earth acts on an accelerating person or item. The gravity acceleration, which is pulling down, is 1 g. The perpendicular acceleration forward usually is lower. Please enter two of the three values and choose the units, the third value will be calculated. Example: when accelerating forward with 1 g, a force of 1.414 g is in effect. The formula for the calculation is the Pythagorean theorem: g-force = √
Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics: Univalent Foundations, Set Theory and General Thoughts Centrone, Stefania, Kant, Deborah, Sarikaya, Deniz - 出版商: Springer - 出版日期: 2019-11-20 - 售價: $5,120 - 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $4,864 - 語言: 英文 - 頁數: 535 - 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade - ISBN: 3030156540 - ISBN-13: 9783030156541 This edited work presents contemporary mathematical practice in the foundational mathematical theories, in particular set theory and the univalent foundations. It shares the work of significant scholars across the disciplines of mathematics, philosophy and computer science. Readers will discover systematic thought on criteria for a suitable foundation in mathematics and philosophical reflections around the mathematical perspectives. The volume is divided into three sections, the first two of which focus on the two most prominent candidate theories for a foundation of mathematics. Readers may trace current research in set theory, which has widely been assumed to serve as a framework for foundational issues, as well as new material elaborating on the univalent foundations, considering an approach based on homotopy type theory (HoTT). The third section then builds on this and is centred on philosophical questions connected to the foundations of mathematics. Here, the authors contribute to discussions on foundational criteria with more general thoughts on the foundations of mathematics which are not connected to particular theories. This book shares the work of some of the most important scholars in the fields of set theory (S. Friedman), non-classical logic (G. Priest) and the philosophy of mathematics (P. Maddy). The reader will become aware of the advantages of each theory and objections to it as a foundation, following the latest and best work across the disciplines and it is therefore a valuable read for anyone working on the foundations of mathematics or in the philosophy of mathematics. Deborah Kant studied mathematics at Free University and Humboldt University in Berlin, and specialized in set theory and logic. At the DMV Students' Conference 2015 in Hamburg, her talk about her master's thesis "Cardinal Sequences in ZFC" was being awarded. Since 2015, she is a PhD student at the Humboldt University Berlin under the supervision of Karl-Georg Niebergall with a project on naturalness in set theory. Deniz Sarikaya is PhD-Student of Philosophy (BA: 2012, MA: 2016) and studies Mathematics (BA: 2015) at the University of Hamburg with experience abroad at the Universiteit van Amsterdam and Universidad de Barcelona. He stayed a term as a Visiting Student Researcher at the University of California, Berkeley developing a project on the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice concerning the Philosophical impact of the usage of automatic theorem prover and as a RISE research intern at the University of British Columbia. He is mainly focusing on philosophy of mathematics and logic.
How do you deal with whales in LTV calculations and predictions? From a statistical point of view, they are extreme cases or outliers. Do you recommend including them in the calculations even though they significantly distort the result? What do you suggest when more than 50% of revenue comes from whales? That is a very relevant topic in F2P games. Of course, it depends on the definition of a “whale”. Yes, it is often the case that most of the revenue comes from these big spenders. Let’s consider for example that 2% of players decide to make a purchase. That means that 100% of revenue comes from just 2% of the player base. But from these 2%, most of the payers buy only one offer for a few dollars (usually some starter offer). Just a fraction of these payers spend significantly more. This leads to an extremely skewed distribution of revenue per player. So we cannot work with it like in basic statistics and disregard whales as outliers. If you exclude whales from your LTV calculation, you significantly underestimate your overall LTV. Every time we calculate LTV we need to be very careful of variance. When predicting the LTV of cohorts we need to make sure that each cohort has a reasonable sample size of spending players. We can have 10 000 players in a cohort but if there are only several payers (players who contribute to the LTV) we can expect a huge variance of error. We can identify this also with big irregular “jumps” in cohort LTV curves. You want to have a smooth curve that shows you the growth rate over time. You can use simulation methods (e.g. Monte Carlo simulation, bootstrapping) to check how robust your measurement is. This is an issue only for games that monetize mainly by in-app purchases. If you monetize more by ads your LTV curves should be smooth and predictions more accurate because the percentage of players that contribute to your revenue is much higher. Viktor Gregor, Senior Data Scientist
?Hay instancias validas de la falacia de afirmacion del consecuente? Gerald Massey argues in his article "The fallacy behind fallacies" that there is no theory whatsoever behind the standard treatment of fallacies. Nevertheless, he agrees that the so-called formal fallacies can falsify his claim. Formal fallacies being invalid patterns of argumentation proscribed by logical theory, he purports to show that they can, nonetheless, yield valid arguments. Massey chooses the fallacy of "affirmation of the consequent" and provides one example of it to support the latter claim. His underlying point is that while proofs of argument validity can be considered definitive and taken to have theoretical legitimacy, proofs of argument invalidity cannot. In this paper, I will challenge Massey's example of an argument that instantiates the pattern known as "affirmation of the consequent" and yet is valid. I will argue that his example is not a genuine case of affirmation of the consequent but a mere sham argument on which he has performed a trick. In the last section of my paper, I shall argue that Massey, while accepting the distinction between "argument form" and "argument", fails to see how such a distinction could help us to understand definitions of validity and invalidity better. I believe this project is of interest because it makes clear -contra Massey- that at least one part of a theory about invalidity, namely, the theory of formal invalidity, can help us to understand, treat, and explain, some fallacious arguments. A purported valid instance of "affirmation of the consequent" Massey's general complaint about the traditional treatment of fallacies is that it does not provide anything but a miscellany of arguments considered fallacious because of reasons so different that while they may support placing them under a common pejorative label, they cannot underpin a highly articulated theory. In his opinion, the multifarious schemas used to classify fallacies suggest that "there is little theory behind the science of fallacy". Moreover, Massey believes that, strictly speaking, there is no theory of fallacies whatsoever. A prima facie problem for Massey's view is the category of formal fallacies (instances of patterns proscribed by logical theory). There appears to be, therefore, at least one class of fallacies for which there is a general and precise account (1995 160). Take, for example, the following pattern of argumentation: (1) p [contains] q q / p This pattern is rejected as invalid by truth-functional logic because "some instantiations of it have true premises but a false conclusion" (Ibid.). Logicians call an argument that follows pattern (1) the fallacy of affirmation of the consequent. Massey says that the justification for naming this particular pattern as a recognizable fallacy is the belief that any argument which has that form is invalid. "Hence any such argument will be said to commit the affirmation-of-the-consequent fallacy" (161). According to Massey, that is the justification offered by the "naive account of formal fallacy", but it is mistaken. To see why Massey thinks this, let us consider argument (2): (2) P1 If something has been created by God, then everything has been created by God P2 Everything has been created by God/C Something has been created by God On Massey's account, argument (2) is an instance of the form (1), yet it is valid. Since Massey does not say explicitly on what grounds he takes argument (2) to be valid, let us explore some suggestions to determine what he could mean by arguing both that (2) is an instantiation of (1) and that it is valid. (1) As far as I see there are three possible strategies open to Massey in treating this example. The first one is to consider argument (2) as an instance of the sentential form (1) simpliciter. The second one is to consider that argument (2) instantiates a case of subalternation (one of the so-called immediate inferences). The last one is to treat (2) with the tools of quantificational first order calculus. Before moving on, we should note that these strategies yield different results, since they produce different answers to the claims Massey advances. If we consider argument (2) as an instance of sentential form (1) simpliciter, the argument is invalid no matter what the truth values of its premises and conclusion might be. As everybody knows from the traditional account of validity/invalidity, an attribution of invalidity to a given argument form does not rule out the possibility that one of its instances has true premises and true conclusion. It tells us only that there is at least one instance (and possibly many) of that argument form, which has true premises and a false conclusion. This fact alone suffices to show the form of the argument does not guarantee a true conclusion given true premises. In fact, we reject arguments that instantiate invalid forms because we know the form in question will not guarantee a good argument (if arguments are presented as persuasive in virtue of their form and the truth of their premises). The traditional account of validity/invalidity stresses the independence of truth and validity, since it makes validity/invalidity a function of the form exclusively (2). One can conjecture, then, that Massey does not want to ground the validity of (2) just in the truth values of its premises and conclusion, and that he is not assuming that its premises and conclusion are true. Indeed, he cannot assume the latter. Since this particular example deals with disputable matters involving an omnipotent being and the exercise of his capacities, the assumption that the premises and the conclusion of (2) are true is far from being non-controversial. For example, this assumption would be rejected by someone who is skeptical about the existence of God or who considers creationism implausible. Even disregarding the fact that the first premise of argument (2) is very controversial also, one could add that if the assumption about the premises of argument (2) being jointly true is not granted, the argument might be considered not only invalid but clearly fallacious. Let us suppose that Massey thinks that argument (2) can be treated as an instance of subalternation. In that case, the presentation of argument (2) needs some amendment, and we have a completely different argument which no longer instantiates form (1). In this case, argument (3) would provide us with a more accurate representation of the situation: (3) P Everything has been created by God/C Something has been created by God Now we have a valid argument, recognized as such not only by our intuitions but also by the traditional theory of immediate inference (3). But this new argument is independent of the old argument in (2). Being a one-premised argument, its validity stems from the logical relationship between its single premise and its conclusion. On the other hand, its form is "Every S is P, therefore Some S is P", hence it does not instantiate argument form (1). Some supporter of Massey may respond that this argument was part (even an essential part) of argument (2) and that it does not look very complete or meaningful without the statement which played the role of premise one in argument (2). To this objection, I reply that (3) and (2) are different arguments, regardless of their surface similarities. I will contend, also, that if we were to subsume (3) under (2), we would be adding unnecessary and irrelevant premises to an argument which can stand alone. In fact, if adding premises to independent and valid arguments were desirable, we could add not only the first premise of (2) but any other statement, and, as long as we kept in mind that we were dealing with a case of subalternation, we should not have any problem retaining the claim of validity. This way of amplifying arguments, however, is clearly pointless. If argument (3) is what substantiates Massey's contention of validity, then it is obvious that (3) cannot be an instance of argument form (1) unless we agree on the fact that it has a superfluous premise, in which case it cannot be a genuine instance of (1). It seems to me, then, that Massey cannot defend both of his claims about argument (2). He would have to choose between a genuine instantiation of argument form (1) and validity, but he cannot have both simultaneously (4). We still have the third possibility to discuss. Let us see what happens when argument (2) is treated under quantificational first order calculus. A translation which reveals the form of the argument would be: (4) P1 ([there exist]x) Cgx [[contains]] ([for all]x) Cgx P2 ([for all]x) Cgx/C ([there exist]x) Cgx But this translation cannot make argument (2) valid. One need only to give it a quick inspection to discover that there is no way to override the truth functional connectives of first-order calculus to obtain the conclusion of argument form (4) by performing legitimate operations on premises one and two. We have to conclude that translating argument (2) into predicate logic does not help Massey's case at all; since doing that provides us with an invalid argument form just as we had at the beginning (5). If my analysis of argument (2) is correct, I have shown that Massey's treatment of such an argument is not sufficient to jeopardize what he calls the "naive" account of formal invalidity. But I think that he is now in serious trouble, since he argued that formal fallacies, if backed up by a suitable theoretical account of invalidity, would falsify his claim about fallacy theory. Furthermore, I am afraid that his criticism of the theoretical account of invalidity is not successful, since it is founded on his putative counterexample to affirmation of the consequent. The shortcomings of Massey's treatment of formal fallacies Let me recapitulate the main components of Massey's argument against a theory of fallacies. His claims can be put in the following argument: (5) P1 All fallacies are invalid arguments P2 To demonstrate fallaciousness we have to show invalidity first P3 The traditional method of showing invalidity is mistaken, and there is no formally adequate method to do this job. P4 We cannot demonstrate invalidity in any theoretically adequate way/C There is no adequate theory of fallacies (6). (Govier's 172-180) The claim in (P1) is obviously wrong, unless Massey has a reason to think that question-begging arguments are not fallacious, or, being fallacious, are invalid (7). Since he does not have any such reason, I believe he is just mistaken in this point. As has been shown in the literature, invalidity per se is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition of fallaciousness. If claim (P1) is false on the grounds cited, then claim (P2) is false also, because it links decisions on fallaciousness to decisions on invalidity, and we already know that not all fallacies are invalid arguments. His third claim is a little more interesting. To support the point he makes in (P3) he gives two arguments: (a) under the "naive" account of formal fallacies, proofs of argument invalidity go like proofs of argument validity, but this is erroneous, and (b) the principle of translation; the idea that translations of valid arguments are valid, and translations of invalid arguments are invalid, that he considers wrong. According to him, that the principle of translation is wrong can be shown by the fact that we are never sure that what is translated into a language and shown invalid cannot be translated into a different (more powerful or more developed) language and shown to be valid. From (P3) he moves on to (P4), and from there he goes to the conclusion. The upshot is that "there is no method whatsoever of establishing invalidity that has theoretical legitimacy" (Massey 164) (8) hence no theory of fallacy. Notice that even if we grant (P3) and (P4), Massey cannot fully support his conclusion without (P1) and (P2). However, I believe that there are still more problems in Massey's treatment of formal fallacies which are worth addressing here. Consider his example of a "valid" instance of the fallacy of undistributed middle term: (6) P1 All bachelors are rich. P2 All unmarried adult males are rich/C All unmarried adult males are bachelors Now he makes an even more astounding claim regarding this argument. He suggests that (6) is a valid argument because, having a necessarily true conclusion overrules the possibility of having true premises and false conclusion which, by definition, suffices to label an argument as invalid. (9) But this claim strikes me as completely wrong. To begin with, what the traditional treatment of validity/invalidity entails is that the actual truth values of premises and conclusion are neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for an argument to be valid. As I mentioned before, the traditional treatment makes validity/invalidity a property grounded in argument forms and extended, so to speak, to particular arguments, and not a property of arguments taken independently. It is correct, as Massey points out, that the traditional treatment rules out the joint possibility of true premises and false conclusion for arguments which are supposed to be instances of valid forms. But nothing is said about arguments in general, based only on the fact that they might have both true premises and true conclusion. This, of course, could not be the case with argument (6), since its premises are obviously false, but recall that the traditional account of invalidity does not have any problem explaining an invalid argument with one (or two) false premise(s) and a true conclusion. Moreover, on the traditional account of invalidity, nothing is said about arguments that might have, as (6) above does, a necessarily true conclusion (except insofar as they have a semantically valid conclusion); but nothing prevents us from assimilating this case to the more general rule of arguments with true conclusions. If Massey believes that having a necessarily true conclusion is a condition necessary and sufficient for an argument to be valid, then, on his account we could not have a legitimate and satisfactory theory of validity (which he has taken for granted), since any invalid argument might be turned into a valid one by simply replacing its conclusion by a necessarily true proposition. In my view, Massey reaches his mistaken conclusion about (6) because, although he claims he is making the appropriate distinctions between argument forms and arguments for the sake of this debate, he neglects that distinction when he analyzes his examples. Validity is a matter of logical form, and I do not think we can grant validity to a particular instance of an argument form and refuse to grant validity to that argument form. On the traditional account of validity/invalidity, there is neither such a thing as an argument being valid without its form being valid, nor is there such a thing as an argument being invalid without its form being so. Moreover, contrary to appearances generated by instances with true premises and true conclusion, all arguments that instantiate an invalid argument form are invalid (of course all arguments that instantiate a valid argument form are valid). In deciding about validity and invalidity we have to bear in mind the distinction between argument forms and arguments, to neglect this distinction is to confuse the matters, and this is precisely what Massey is doing. He contends that what is fallacious (in the sense of being invalid) is not (6) but its argument form (7) below: (7) P1 All H are G P2 All F are G/C All F are H On Massey's account, we have the following paradoxical result: invalid argument forms (such as (1) and (7)) can be instantiated by valid arguments. I have already discussed the case of argument (2). Let me make a few comments on argument (6). As noticed above, Massey seems to ground his claim about the validity of (6) in the fact that it has a necessarily true proposition as its conclusion. But if this were correct, all arguments with necessarily true conclusions would have to be considered as valid. At this point, it is not surprising that, in view of the aforementioned paradox, Massey concludes that (6) "is no argument at all". That having a necessarily true proposition as a conclusion (and even as premises) should not be considered sufficient to substantiate a verdict of validity for an argument might be made more explicit with the help of the following example: (8) P1 If 2 + 2 = 4 then 4 - 2 = 2 P2 4 - 2 = 2/C 2 + 2 = 4 This is an argument that instantiates form (1). According to Massey, it should be considered as valid, since its conclusion is a necessary truth and it follows from P2. But, as I have discussed above, the truth values of premises and conclusion are neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition to support a claim of formal validity. Moreover, I believe that (8) is not an argument in the proper sense of the term. Both of its premises are necessarily true, and its conclusion is a necessary truth also, but in this case premises and conclusion do not bear any significant relation at all. Even if instead of picking up simple theorems of arithmetic, I would had chosen more impressive, yet unrelated necessary truths, to play the role of premises and conclusion in an argument like (8), the situation would have not changed very much. The traditional treatment of validity has not said very much on how to treat arguments in which necessary truths appear, but I believe that this lacuna does not guarantee Massey's peculiar notion of validity. What is wrong with Massey's account of fallacies? Massey's account of fallacies is defective for several reasons. First, as pointed out above, it cannot deal appropriately with valid yet fallacious arguments like begging the question. Since he is committed to rejecting formalist accounts as legitimate explanations of formal fallacies, his theory cannot explain adequately what is wrong with this type of fallaciousness, either. One point that I think is worth making here is that Massey, while accepting the distinction between "argument form" and "argument", fails to see how such a distinction could help us to understand definitions of validity and invalidity better. The reason for his failure can be found in his dismissive view on the traditional treatment of validity. He writes: Everyone agrees that to show it has true premises but a false conclusion is to show that an argument is invalid. I call this the trivial logic-indifferent method of proving invalidity. This trivial method of showing invalidity is clearly independent of logical theory. (164) In her insightful criticism of Massey, Govier argues that one of the sources of Massey's controversial account of fallacies is his tendency to conflate semantic and formal validity and to attribute that tendency to other logicians. I will add to this criticism the charge that Massey's theory does not represent normal reasoners very well. He seems to believe that reasoners are incapable of recognizing a good argument and detecting a bad one unless they have theoretic and formalist tools. I believe that Massey's understanding of fallaciousness is far from capturing what this feature is really about. Let us recall, for the last time, what his line of argumentation is. First he stipulates that fallacies are always invalid arguments, then he denies that straightforwardly invalid argument forms are always instantiated by invalid (and thus fallacious arguments), and then he challenges the means by which we determine validity and invalidity because they have "no theoretical legitimacy". No wonder he comes to think that arguments like (6) are nothing at all! One might accept Massey's claim in the paper I have just discussed, and start wondering whether there are invalid argument forms at all (since they can be transformed into valid ones by the procedure he commends to us), or one might try to discover how invalid argument forms can be instantiated by purportedly valid arguments. I think the answer is not very difficult to find. Massey's examples of valid arguments, built on the skeleton of invalid argument forms, are nothing but sham arguments. He has shown us how anyone, by distorting the notions of "argument form" and "argument", and taking advantage of the fact that different parts of a set of propositions allegedly related in the form of an argument can instantiate two different argument forms, can produce one of the cases he has given us in (2). He has shown, also, that anyone, by manipulating propositions and putting them in the right positions (as premises or conclusions of an argument) can produce one of the cases he has in (6). But I believe that logic and argumentation are not about trying to confuse our audiences or performing clever tricks, but about helping to pursue knowledge in a more efficacious way. RECIBIDO EL 30 DE AGOSTO DE 2011 Y APROBADO EL 28 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2011 Bergmann, Merrie. et al. The logic book. New York: Random House, 1980. Print. Biro, John. "Rescuing 'begging the question'". Metaphilosophy. Vol. 8, No. 4. 1977. Print. Copi, Irving M. & Cohen, Carl. Introduction to logic. New York: Prentice Hall, 1998. Print. Curd, Martin. Argument and analysis: an introduction to philosophy. St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1992. Print. Govier, Trudy. "Reply to Massey". Hansen & Pinto, Robert (Eds.). Fallacies: classical and contemporary readings. Pennsylvania: University Park, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995. Print. Hamblin, C. L. Fallacies. Vale Press: Newport News, 1970. Print. Hansen, Hans & Pinto, Robert. (Eds.). Fallacies: classical and contemporary readings. Pennsylvania: University Park, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995. Print. Massey, Gerald J. "The fallacy behind fallacies". Hansen, Hans & Pinto, Robert. (Eds.). Fallacies: classical and contemporary readings. Pennsylvania: University Park, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995. Print. Mates, Benson. Elementary logic. New York: Oxford University Press, 1972. Print. Stebbing, Susan. A modern elementary logic. London: Methuen, 1976. Print. (1) Notice that these are two different and separate aspects of the question at hand, but Massey is treating them together. The issue is important, since some readers might admit that argument (2) is an instance of form (1), but deny that it is valid. (2) See, for example, the discussion of this topic in the chapter "Validity and truth" of Susan Stebbing's book: A Modern Elementary Logic. In what follows, I will refer to her views as the "traditional account of validity/invalidity". (3) Some logicians would object to argument (3) on the account of the existential presupposition involved in this move. It is on that motivation that Irving Copi (Introduction to Logic) excludes this type of inference from his description of the logical square of opposition, under what he calls a modern interpretation of categorical propositions. (4) What seems to make Massey's case is that a simple argument appears to instantiate more than one form. In this case one form may be valid and the other not. But talk of validity and invalidity attaches to form. So one could not cite an instance of two forms to show one of the two forms was not an invalid form, on the basis of the other of the two forms being valid. That would be an instance of the fallacy of equivocation. (5) Again, in classical logic it is assumed that the domain is non-empty. With that presupposition (4) would be a valid argument, but not in virtue of being of the form (p [reune a] q; q / [por lo tanto] p); but of the form (p -superfluous premise-; ([for all]x)Fx / [por lo tanto] ([existente en]x)Fx). (6) My reconstruction of Massey's argument follows closely the one included in Trudy Govier's: "Reply to Massey". Hansen & Pinto (Eds.) Fallacies: classical and contemporary readings. (7) There is little doubt about the fact that question-begging arguments are valid. For a discussion and an explanation of this kind of argument see: Biro, John. "Rescuing 'Begging the question'". Metaphilosophy, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1977. Print. (8) He stresses that there is an asymmetry between the method of showing validity and the method of showing invalidity which has not being realized by logicians and that is neglected in the standard treatment of validity/invalidity in logic textbooks. Perhaps he has in mind something along these lines: to say that an argument is fallacious in virtue of form suggests that every instance of the form is invalid. But some instances of invalid forms are instances of other valid forms. So one cannot infer from an argument's being an instance of an invalid form, to its being formally fallacious. On this point it looks as if one has to pay attention to what the argument is being presented as being good in virtue of. (9) Actually, Massey makes this claim from the point of view of what the definition of validity rules out, but I believe my way of putting his view does not affect my argument. This is what Massey says: "Note that as measured against the classical standard of argument validity, viz., joint impossibility of truth of premises with falsity of conclusion, (6) qualifies as a valid argument because its conclusion is necessarily true" (168). Carlos Emilio Garcia Duque Universidad de Caldas, Colombia. email@example.com |Printer friendly Cite/link Email Feedback| |Author:||Garcia Duque, Carlos Emilio| |Date:||Jul 1, 2011| |Next Article:||Tiempo eterno, eterno secreto: la tesis de la eternidad del tiempo en la guia de perplejos de maimonides.|
In this talk I will present a construction of relative Bridgeland stability conditions that appeared in my work on stability of topological Fukaya categories of surfaces. This construction gives a local-to-global tool for constructing stability conditions. I will explain what technical features of such Fukaya categories render this construction useful in their context, and time allowing discuss the challenges involved in applying these ideas to other contexts such as Bridgeland-Smith type stability conditions and topological Fukaya categories with coefficients. - Mathematical physics - Scientific Series
Before getting to the point of how to find the surface area of a rectangular prism, we will give a definition of the prism and learn how to build a prism, as well as study its basic properties. We’ll also learn what a straight prism is and what the height of the prism is. We will recall the concept of a perpendicular line and surface in order to formulate a definition of direct and oblique prism. Prism is a geometric figure, a polyhedron with two equal and parallel faces that called bases and have the shape of a polygon. Other faces have a common base side and are called the sides. Even in ancient times there were two ways of determining the geometric concepts. The first way led from figures of a higher order to the figures of a lower order. Euclid in particular agreed with this point of view. He defined a surface as a boundary of a body, a line as a boundary surface, and the ends of the line as points. The second way is, on the contrary, led from the figures of the lower dimensions to higher figures. The line is formed by the movement of a point similarly the surface is formed with the lines, etc. Heron of Alexandria was one of the first, who connected these two points of view. He said that that the body is limited by the surface and at the same time it can be considered as something formed by the surface movement. In books on geometry that appeared later over the centuries, sometimes one point of view was accepted, sometimes – the other, and at times even two of the points were agreed with. Just as a triangle in the sense of Euclid is not empty, i.e. triangle is a part of the surface bounded by the three non-competitive (i.e. not intersected at any point) segments, the polyhedron is not empty either. It is not hollow, but filled with part of the space. In ancient mathematics, however, the concept of abstract space did not exist. Euclid defines prism as a bodily shape, enclosed between two equal and parallel planes (bases) and with lateral faces – parallelograms. In order for this definition to be quite correct, it would be advisable to prove that the planes passing through the pair of non-parallel sides of the base intersect along parallel lines. Euclid uses the term «plane» both in the broad sense (considering it indefinitely extended in all directions) and in the sense of ultimate and limited part of it, in particular a face, which is similar to Euclid’s use of the term «direct» (in the broad sense – an infinite straight line and in a narrow sense – a cut). In the 18th century, Taylor defined prism as a polyhedron whose all faces, except for two, are parallel to one single line. The Babylonian and Egyptian monuments of architecture include such geometric figures as cube, parallelepiped, and prism. The most important task of the Egyptian and Babylonian geometry was to determine the volume of the various spatial figures and surface area of a rectangular prism. This task responded to the need to build houses, palaces, temples, and other buildings. Part geometry, which studies the properties of a cube, prism, parallelepiped and other geometric shapes and three-dimensional shapes, have long called stereometry. The word is of Greek origin and it can be found even in the works of a famous ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. Stereometry occurred later than planimetry. Euclid defines the prism as a bodily (i.e. spatial) figure enclosed between the planes, of which two opposite are equal and parallel, while the rest are parallelograms. Here, as in many other places, Euclid uses the term «plane» not in the sense of an infinitely extended plane, but in the sense of a limited part of it, a face. The same as direct means a line segment. The term prism is of Greek origin and literally means the body that was intercepted. Rectangular prism is the name used to refer to the hex object, resembling an ordinary box. Imagine a brick or a box from under shoes, and you’ll have a clear understanding of how the rectangular prism looks like. The surface area of a rectangular prism is the total area of all its facets. The calculation of the surface area of a rectangular prism is similar to the question’s answer «how much paper is needed to wrap the box?» In order to calculate the surface area of a rectangular prism, mark the length, width, and height of the prism. Each rectangular prism has length, width, and height. Draw the prism and mark its various edges with letters l, w, and h. If you are not sure how to mark each rib, select any angle of a prism. Mark three edges with the corresponding letters coming out of this corner. Let’s say, for example, the base of the prism is a rectangle 3 by 4 centimeters, and a prism height is 5 centimeters. Since the long side of the base equals to 4 centimeters, we get l = 4, w = 3, and h = 5. Take a look at the six faces of the prism. To cover the entire surface of the figure, it is necessary to paint over all of its six faces. Imagine each face, or take a box from under the shoes and take a look at it: If it is difficult for you to imagine this picture, cut around the edges of the box and expand it. Now, let’s try to find the surface area of a rectangular prism. At first, let’s find out the area of one face, namely the bottom. This face, like the rest faces, is a rectangle. One side of this rectangle was marked by you as the length, and the second was marked as the width. To find the area of a rectangle, you need to multiply the length of the two sides of a rectangular. Thus, the area (of the lower face) = the length multiplied by the width = lw. If we take the values we proposed above, for the area of the base of the prism we get 4 cm x 3 cm = 12 square centimeters. The second step on the way to finding the surface area of a rectangular prism is calculating the area of the upper face. As you we said above, the top and bottom faces have the same area. Thus, the area of the upper face is also equal to lw. In our example, the upper face area is 12 square centimeters. Next, define the area of the front and rear faces. The front face’s sides are the width and the height. Thus, the area of the front face = width multiplied by the height = wh. The area of the rear face is also wh. In our example, w = 3 cm and h = 5 cm, so the area of the front face is 3 cm x 5 cm = 15 square centimeters. The area of the rear face is also equal to 15 square centimeters. Now, let’s find the area of the left and right faces. Their areas are also the same that is why it is enough to find the area of the left side. It is limited in length and height of the prism. Thus, the area of the left face equals lh the area of the right face is also equal to lh. In our example, l = 4 cm and h = 5 cm, so the area of the left side = 4 cm x 5 cm = 20 square centimeters. The area of the right side is also equal to 20 square centimeters. Now we will summarize the areas we found to calculate surface area of a rectangular prism. We have found the area of each of the six faces of the prism. By summarizing them together, we can find the surface area of a rectangular prism: lw + lw + wh + wh + lh + lh. This formula can be used to calculate the area of the surface for any a rectangular prism. Let’s go back to our example and find the surface area of a rectangular prism: 12 + 12 + 15 + 15 + 20 + 20 = 94 square centimeters. We can simplify the formula we mentioned above in order to faster find surface area of a rectangular prism. We already know how to calculate the surface area of a rectangular prism. However, it can be done faster if we do simple algebraic transformations. Let's start with the equation we mentioned above: the surface area of a rectangular prism = lw + lw + wh + wh + lh + lh. Combining the similar summand, we obtain: the surface area of a rectangular prism = 2lw + 2wh + 2lh. Impose a common factor 2 out of the brackets. If you can lay out factoring algebraic equation, this formula can be simplified as follows: area = 2lw + 2wh + 2lh = 2 (lw + wh + lh). Now, you can verify this formula with our example. Go back to the values we used above: the length is 4, the width is 3, and the height is 5. Substitute these numbers into our formula: surface area of a rectangular prism = 2 (lw + wh + lh) = 2 x (lw + wh + lh) = 2 x (4x3 + 3x5 + 4x5) = 2 x (12 + 15 + 20) = 2 x (47) = 94 square centimeters. This response coincides with the one that we got earlier. Using this equation, the surface area of a rectangular prism can be computed much faster.
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From: Bev Greco To: Teacher2Teacher Public Discussion Subject: postulate vs theorem for corresponding angles We are choosing a new text for our NYS Geometry course, and different texts present 2 column proofs differently. In our math department, there is a disagreement as to whether we can use the corresponding angles formed when 2 parallel lines are cut by a transversal as a postulate rather than a theorem. I can find it both ways in many places. We have always proven it as a theorem using an indirect proof. If we are to talk about true Euclidean proofs, is it incorrect to use corresponding angles as a postulate rather than a theorem? Some teachers feel it is not obvious that corresponding angles formed when 2 parallel lines are cut by a transversal are congruent. Others just feel that it is not acceptable under the title "Euclidean". Any ideas? Math Forum Home || The Math Library || Quick Reference || Math Forum Search
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Dear StackExchange dwellers, Do you have any idea why this isn't 84? The answer gives: The only way to arrange the five people on the bench, without having two boys seating next to each other is: B-G-B-G-B (when, B-Boy, G-Girl). The number of ways to arrange the students as requested is: (All options) - (This specific option) = 5! - (2! x 3!) = 120 - (2 x 6) = 120-12 = 108. Notice that in that "specific option" the internal order of the Boys and of the Girls may differ, so there are (2! x 3!) options to subtract. In the "specific option": 2! represents the girls' possible arrangements and 3! represents the boys' possible arrangements. But what about? Ways 3 boys sit next to each other (3!*3!) + Ways 2 boys sit next to each other (4!*2) = 84 Thanks for your time!
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Today in class Mr.Harbeck told me to explain porportion. A porportion is a relationship that says that two ratios or two rates are equel. ex. Delia was paid $35 for 5 hours of babysitting. How much should she recieve for 3 hours. Use a unit to find the answer. A porportion can be expressed in fraction form. Thanks for reading ..and please comment. (:
This is a very well known puzzle and there are many variations of this puzzle. I picked this one up from “Mathematical Circles” by Dmitri Fomin, Sergey Genkin and Ilia Itenberg, Chapter #8, Problem #8. Three people – A, B and C – are sitting in a row in such a way that A sees B and C, B sees only C, and C sees nobody. They were shown 5 caps – 3 red and 2 white. They were blindfolded, and three caps were put on their heads. Then the blind folds were taken away and each of the people was asked if they could determine the color of their caps. After A, and then B, answered negatively, C replied affirmatively. How was that possible?
It was Galileo who first seriously suggested we remove the distinction created by Aristotle between two realms with distinctly different physics. In "... The Two Chief World Systems ...", he introduces the notion of the inertial frame of reference, as experienced on a boat, as the normal compromise between the stationary and the moving, and suggests reasoning about the heavens as large moving objects more like boats, and less in an idealized a priori way. Newton had already a century or so of other thinkers inspired by Galileo before he proposed a single unifying law in a mathematical form that would explain both equally well. This included Kepler, who solved the primary problem Galileo's astronomy introduced -- that circular orbits do not capture most of the subtleties of planetary motion, but elliptical ones do. Newton has to have been moved by the quadratic nature of Kepler's astronomical geometry, and Galileo's knowledge that gravity on earth was quadratic. (The rule is captured in the book in terms of Fibonacci numbers, but that breaks down straight into squares.) So our tendency to think this was just single act of genius and not an integration of scientific details, is kind of overstated. In fact, if Hooke is not lying, both of them computed the same position of a comet based on Kepler, by fitting it to a conic section, before Newton's work was published. In the text, Galileo does not seem to employ the principle of sufficient reason per se, but he relies strongly on the idea that needless variation, especially when it must be extreme, is an indication of a poor argument. For instance, if the stars move on the spheres, some spheres spin at different rates than others to achieve the apparently consistent motion of the skies on Earth, the farthest spheres must turn quite quickly, whereas if the Earth spins, then stars at all different distances from us just move at some fairly consistent speed. (He also continually points out that Aristotle himself would not put up with the level of authority assigned by everyone to Aristotle himself. So he may have wanted to avoid dependency on other a priori notions in Aristotle on the modern side of his argument.) Whitehead in "Science and the Modern World" seems to think that from Thales on, almost everyone presumed that physical laws were uniform throughout the universe. He thinks that this notion of trustworthy uniformity is somewhat characteristic of the West, reflected in Greek drama and Roman Law, and is a sort of shared para-religious impulse behind the nature of our science. That makes Plato's and Aristotle's notion of two separate realms kind of an aberration, that was eventually ironed out.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) In this work, we study the structure of the Kauffman bracket skein module of the quaternionic manifold over the field of rational functions. We begin with a brief survey of manifolds whose Kauffman bracket skein modules are known, and proceed in Chapter 2 by recalling the facts from Temperley-Lieb recoupling theory that we use in the proofs. In Chapter 3, using recoupling theory and with Mathematica's assistance, we index an infinite presentation of the skein module, and conjecture that it is five-dimensional. In Chapter 4, using a new set of relations, we prove that the skein module is indeed spanned by five elements, again using Mathematica for the difficult computations. Using the quantum invariants of these skein elements and Z2-homology of the manifold, we determine that they are linearly independent in Chapter 5. In Chapter 6, we conclude with a few brief remarks about future uses and extensions of this work. In the appendices, we present the Mathematica code referenced in Chapters 3 and 4, and we give a proof, due to Paul van Wamelen, of a lemma concerning Gauss sums needed in Chapter 5. Document Availability at the Time of Submission Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide. Harris, John Michael, "The Kauffman bracket skein module of the quaternionic manifold" (2003). LSU Doctoral Dissertations. 1513.
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The poster should be a visual presentation of your submitted abstract and should meet the following criteria: • Include the title of your presentation at the top of the poster. • The title is a good way to sell your work. • It may be the only thing the conference attendee sees before they reach your poster. • Above all, the title should be short and comprehensible to a broad audience • The poster must be no less than A1 and no larger than A0 size (AO size is 841mm x 1189mm). • Orientation of your poster must be in portrait style/Landscape style. • The poster should be easily readable at a distance of two meters. • Recommended sizes: Title: 72 pt; Headings: 48-60 pt; Body text: 24-48 pt. • The text should be concise and easy to read. • After the title, the two most important panels are the Introduction and the Conclusion. On the basis of these two panels. These panels need to be very simple, concise and visually attractive. • Graphics convey your message quickly,Posters are a visual medium and should include graphics. • Graphics not only catch people's eye and draw viewers in for a closer look... they are understood more quickly than text so are valuable tools for communicating of your main messages. • Use photos, cartoons, figures, tables, diagrams. Label them. Graphs and pictures are preferred to tables, and tables are preferred to text. • Author's name/s • Author's organization/s • Organization’s logo/s • Contact details (email)
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Writing Linear Equations Worksheet Answers Key. No items have been added yet! The slope intercept form of a linear equation. This can be done by substituting. Plus each one comes with an answer key. Step by step guide to writing linear equations. Each One Has Model Problems Worked Out Step By Step, Practice Problems, As Well As Challenge Questions At The Sheets End. Finding intercepts of linear equations. Find the solution to a pair of linear equations by using tables. No items have been added yet! Notice That The Change In Cost Is The Same For Each Increase Of 100 Minutes. Writing linear equations worksheet answer key writing linear equations worksheet. Enjoy these free printable worksheets. Worksheet level 2 writing linear equations pre. So, The Relationship Is Linear. Find here an unlimited supply of printable worksheets for solving linear equations, available as both pdf and html files. Big ideas math answers grade 8 chapter 4 graphing and writing linear equations ccss. On writing linear equations review worksheet answer key. 1) 3 X − 2Y = −16 Y = 3 2 X + 8 2) 13 X − 11 Y = −12 Y = 13 11 X + 12 11. Writing linear equations practice answer key keywords: Choose any two points in the form (x, y), from the table to find the. This worksheet is mixed review practice on writing the equations of parallel lines, perpendicular. Solved Graphing Linear Equations From A Table Complete Th Worksheet Level 2 Writing Linear Equations Gm8 5 2 Writing. Step by step guide to writing linear equations. This quiz and worksheet combo focus on writing linear equations. The equation of any straight line, called a linear equation, can be written as:
Waiting for answer This question has not been answered yet. You can hire a professional tutor to get the answer. Course: Geometry Unit: Quadrilaterals and Polygons Section: Parallelograms Assignment: Parallelogram Proofs Points: 50 1. Given parallelogram WXYZ,... Hi how are you may you please teach me how to slove these problems it will be very helpful - Attachment 1 - Attachment 2
FOM: More on pobabilistic proof neilt at mercutio.cohums.ohio-state.edu Thu Sep 24 08:53:53 EDT 1998 Don Falls wrote >There is a common presumption (among many philosophers and >mathematicians) that deductive evidence is epistemically superior to >inductive evidence. ... Scientists commonly appeal to inductive >evidence for the truth of scientific claims. As a result, their >acceptance of probabilistic proofs is not very surprising. I take it that we are talking about *contemporary* scientists here, and about *contemporary* scientific methodology (so that Aristotle and even Bacon would be virtually irrelevant to this discussion). Don's claim that scientists "commonly appeal to inductive evidence for the truth of scientific claims" states the obvious. There is nothing else to which they CAN appeal! If E is adduced as scientific evidence for theoretical claim T, it is NEVER the case that E deductively implies T. If E did deductively imply T, then we would complain that adducing E as evidence for T was simply begging the question. For example, let T be the claim "Tadpoles grow into frogs"---the sort of claim that even Aristotle might have made. Here's a claim E that deductively implies T: "Tadpoles grow into frogs and snakes lay eggs". If someone were to offer E as "scientific *evidence*" for T, one would (quite rightly) think he or she was cognitively deficient. A second example: let T be the claim "hearts pump blood" (the great discovery of the 'other Harvey'). Here's a claim E that deductively implies T: "hearts pump blood and livers purify it". Again, if someone were to offer E as "scientific *evidence*" for T, one would think (quite rightly) that he or she was cognitively deficient. (By "cognitively deficient" here, I mean deficient in both logical and Don makes out that scientists have a lower epistemic threshold for their empirical hypotheses (than mathematicians do for their mathematical claims), and thinks that this might help explain why scientists would accept probabilistic proofs in mathematics more easily than mathematicians would. On the contrary, there is good reason for any scientist to insist on *mathematical* standards of proof (i.e. deductive proof) for *mathematical* propositions. This is so that, in the event of experimental falsification of a scientific prediction from a testable scientific hypothesis, the blame for the failure can be laid at the door of the *empirical* component of the overall set of premisses, rather than at the door of the *mathematical* component. If all the mathematics used in making the prediction has been properly proved according to the deductive standards of mathematicians, then it can be "insulated off" from any doubt, and the theoretical failure can be located in the empirical component. (I know it is fashionable for Quineans to insist that *any* claim is in principle revisable. But when was the last time any scientists were heard emerging from the lab saying "Hey, guys, we've just got to give up the commutativity of addition on the integers, in the light of these observations"? Or "Hey, guys, yesterday's meter readings showed that the power set axiom of ZFC is looking really shaky?".) Yet Don makes out that *only* >Mathematicians, however, try not to appeal to inductive evidence for >the truth of mathematical claims >Is mathematicians' distaste for >inductive evidence due to the epistemic inferiority of inductive >evidence or is it due simply to an aesthetic preference on the part of It's the former. Both scientists' and mathematicians' distaste for inductive evidence for *mathematical* claims is due to its epistemic inferiority to proper deductive (not: 'probabilistic') PROOF. When Don went on to write >... from the fact that some labels (such as "truth value proof") do >not convey information about the structure of a proof, I don't think that >you can infer that no labels convey such information. he was not grasping the point of my simple analogy. I had written "...if I were to say of a conventional proof that it was a "truth-value proof", this would carry no information at all as to its *structure*. All I would know is that if the premisses of the proof have truth-value T, then so does its conclusion. That leaves open every possibility as to its deductive structure (i.e. the patterning of steps of inference within the proof)." Then I posed the crucial question that Don failed to answer: "So how come the probabilistic character of a proof carries information as to its structure (as Don claims it does)?" To help the reader in thinking about possible answers to this question, I outlined two possibilities as to the kind of thing that a probabilistic proof might be. The first possibility was that a probabilistic proof has true premisses (probability = 1) and a conclusion of the explicit form "p(S)>=1-2^(-n)" for rather large n. The second possibility was that a probabilistic proof has a conclusion that doesn't explicitly register the probability of S. Instead, its conclusion is S itself, but the steps within the proof are made in such a way that, though they do not guarantee truth-transmission, they nevertheless guarantee that the probability-value of 1 for each of the premisses does not degrade below 1-2^(-n) (for some suitably large n). I argued that the first possibility would be of no help. For "then the validity of the proof will transmit the value T from its premisses to *this* conclusion!---thereby making the 'probabilistic' proof a special case of ordinary truth-transmitting proof. This being so, there would appear to be no information as to its possible structure. All we could glean is that the Kolmogorov axioms for the probability calculus might be among the premisses of the proof." Don did not challenge this claim. This is important, since (in my own view) it is the *first* possibility that is actually the case with so-called 'probabilistic' proofs. Hence the label 'probabilistic' carries no information whatsoever about the structure of the proof. Instead, Don embraced the second possibility, writing: >Your alternative picture, however, seems to capture the meaning of the term >"probabilistic proof" (at least as it has been used on FOM). But in doing so he failed to address the following comments I had made: "I am not aware of any such "probability logic" being satisfactorily developed in the literature, to the point where the authors of so-called probabilistic proofs would be able reliably to claim that their proofs could be formalized within that logic, in the way that authors of conventional proofs can and do reliably claim that their proofs can be formalized within ordinary predicate calculus." So I need to repeat my closing request for references to the literature: "If there *is* such a probability logic, I'd be most interested to know where to find it, since it seems that *that* would be the system to inspect to see whether Don's claim about information concerning proof structure can be justified (i.e. assigned probability > 0.5 ?!)." Don, can you tell us what formal system of probabilistic proof you have in mind? What are the well-formed formulae of the language? What are its rules of inference? How is "probabilistic soundness" proved? How is it that the mere clue that a given proof is in *this* system carries information as to its structure? These are dark and mysterious matters to me, and a little light shed by you would be most welcome. More information about the FOM
Third International Conference on Advances In Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering- ACSEE 2015 Author(s) : SHOKRY A, SPILIOPOULOS K.V. In Finite Element Analysis, unlike the classical beam theory, when a beam is modeled using Q4 (Bilinear Quadratic) plane element, the bending moment appears to be less than that of the exact one, i.e. the normal stresses are less than their exact values. The difference between the results of the bending moment indicates that the beam is more stiffened. This problem is defined as shear locking. It is related to the linear representation of the displacement field of that plane element. There are several methods to eliminate the shear locking effect either by increasing the mesh size of the elements, using elements with more nodes, or using numerical integration to integrate the stiffness matrix. Each of the mentioned methods are applied on a cantilever beam modeled using MATLAB.
Updated On: 17-5-2020 Loading DoubtNut Solution for you What is angle; measure of an angle; sense of an angle ; right angle ? Explain Quadrants ; Angle in standard position ; Angle in quadrant ;Quadrant angle triangle of reference coterminal angles with graph ? The 3 type of System for measuring angles (1) Sexagesimal System (2) Centesimal System (3) Circular System Theorem 1: Radian is a constant angle Theorem 2 : The no. of Radians in an angle subtended by an arc of a circle at the centre = arc/radius What is the Relation between radians and degrees ? Some important points (1) The angle between two consecutive digits in a clock is `30^@` (2) The hour hand rotates through an angle of `30@` in one hour. (3) The minute hand rotates through an angle of `6^@` in one minute. Find the degree measure corresponding to following radian measures : `(i) (2pi/15)^c (ii) (pi/8)^c (iii) -2^c` Find the radian measures corresponding to following degree measures (i) `340^@ (ii) 75^@ (iii) -37^@30' (iv) 5^@37'30''` Relation between three system of measurement :: Refer-Transformation Formula CISCE Evaluation Criteria for Class 12, ISC Result 2021 by July 20 CISCE evaluation criteria for class 12 out, ISC result 2021 by July 20. Check complete CISCE evaluation criteria for class 12 here. UP Primary and Upper Primary Schools to Reopen from 01 July UP state government has ordered that 1.5 lakh government primary and upper primary schools across the state will reopen from 01st July 2021. CBSE Class 12 evaluation Criteria: Class 10, 11 & 12 marks in 30:30:40 ratio CBSE class 12 evaluation criteria is out. Class 10, 11 & 12 marks in 30:30:40 ratio. CBSE class 12 result 2021 will be released by 31st July 2021. NEET Application Form 2021 to be out Soon: Check Eligibility Now NEET application form 2021 to be out soon. Check how to register for NEET 2021, eligibility criterion, fee, exam pattern & marking scheme. PSEB 12th Board Exam: Practical Exams to be held in Online Mode PSEB will conduct the Punjab board class 12 practical exam in online mode. Pending Practical exams will be held between June 15 and 26, 2021.
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(a) theory x managers view people as having an inherent dislike of work (b) theory x managers assume that people do not want to be. Reading: mcgregor's theory x and theory y cartoon drawing of two identical managers one is drawn in black and white the the idea that a manager's. Age related preferences of leadership style: testing mcgregor's theory x and y. He labelled these theory x and theory y these theories continue to be important even today this article and video will explore mcgregor's theory further, and. As one studies for the pmi exam, on reviews mcgregor's theory x and theory y having spent about 10 years in the workforce, and 6 of those leading and. Theory x and theory y was an idea devised by douglas mcgregor (see article) in his 1960 book “the human side of enterprise. Douglas mcgregor, an american social psychologist, proposed his famous theory x and y models in his book 'the human side of enterprise' (1960. In his book the human side of enterprise, douglas mcgregor proposed 2 contrasting theories on employee motivation he proposed 2. Leadership, quality and health: using mcgregor's x and y theory for analyzing values in relation to methodologies and outcomes. The negative view he called theory x and the positive view he called theories x and y were developed by douglas mcgregor, who in the 1960's defined. Learn more about the douglas mcgregor theory x and theory y to understand leadership styles which depend on the perception of people read more. Mcgregor's theory x and theory y in his 1960 book the human side of enterprise, mit sloan management school professor douglas. In 1960, douglas mcgregor formulated theory x and theory y suggesting two aspects of human behaviour at work, or in other words, two different views of. Mcgregor contributed these two sets of assumptions the purposefully impartial labels of theory x and theory y mcgregor's accomplishment. Theory x and theory y definition theory x and theory y, developed by mit management professor douglas murray mcgregor, are theories of human. Douglas mcgregor's theory x and theory y dave gannon and anna boguszak view more view less volume/issue: volume 2013: issue 2. The douglas mcgregor's theory x and theory y incorporate both internal and external work motivation and management mcgregor's sets. Douglas mcgregor, through his well-known “theory x and theory y,” drew a distinction between the assumptions about human motivation which underlie these. Douglas mcgregor, a famous mit professor and social psychologist, formulated two theories of motivation — theory x and theory y, where he. We believed that jobs uses the mcgregor x and y theory, not only to manage his staff but also to motivate the staff and the team as a whole as well theory x. Mcgregor's ideas about theory x and theory y were first articulated in his article, “the human side of enterprise,” (mcgregor, 1957) and were expanded upon. Critically evaluate mcgregor's theory x and theory y how far is it applicable to management and employee motivation in contemporary chinese organizations. Mcgregor's theory x and theory y has been misinterpreted for decades, and is really about tailoring your leadership style to context. 22 critical thinking questions 1 mcgregor published theory x and theory y over 30 years ago do we still have theory x managers why people with. Ment, which he names theory x, was true because i had worked in x environments for years, trying to run y divisions mcgregor's six assumptions of theory y. Mcgregor's theory x and theory y are theories about human behavior and motivation in the organization that was published in 1960 by. Your attitudes and assumptions about people drive your style to motivate douglas mcgregor developed a theory of human behaviour and work drawing on the.
Karlin, Iliya V. and Ansumali, Santosh Renormalization of the lattice Boltzmann hierarchy Physical Review E, 76, (2), . (doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.76.025701). Full text not available from this repository. Is it possible to solve Boltzmann-type kinetic equations using only a small number of particle velocities ? We introduce a technique of solving kinetic equations with a (arbitrarily) large number of particle velocities using only a lattice Boltzmann method on standard, low-symmetry lattices. The renormalized kinetic equation is validated with an exact solution of the planar Couette flow at moderate Knudsen numbers. Actions (login required)
We respect your privacy. Selecting cell C4 Type an equals sign, and then click the cell that contains the first value you want in the formula B4, for example. The formula will be calculated. It can precede the column reference, the row reference, or both. The first and last name is in one field separated by a comma. Use cell C23 as your absolute reference to the price of sales tax. Separates the worksheet reference from the cell range reference Note: Take the number of characters from Step 3 and subtract one to omit the comma and space. Put the cursor in the payment cell B4. If you copy or fill the formula across rows or down columns, the reference automatically adjusts. In the below example, we want to calculate the sales tax for a list of products with varying prices. Excel uses any worksheets stored between the starting and ending names of the reference. Values calculated in C4: If you are using the example, write the formula in cell F5 to calculate the total budget. Absolute references, on the other hand, do not change when they are copied or filled and are used when you want the values to stay the same. If you spread them out vertically, start at the top and work your way down to the last formula you wrote. Kasper Langmann, Co-founder of Spreadsheeto Without the equal sign, it is just a string of text or numbers according to Excel. And, as freaking intimidating as they can be, formulas become your lifeline in these moments. The R1C1 reference style You can also use a reference style where both the rows and the columns on the worksheet are numbered. Numbers or text values entered directly into a formula, such as 2. Let me show it to you in action. There are other precedence rules related to strings and reference operators. This is as straightforward as it gets. How can two operators have the same precedence? Kasper Langmann, Co-founder of Spreadsheeto Excel does have another built in function that can help with this issue. You can use references to use data contained in different parts of a worksheet in one formula or use the value from one cell in several formulas. Selecting cell B4 Click the first cell to be included in the formula A3, for example. To refer to a cell, enter the column letter followed by the row number. Excel does not know that you want to include that number, since there is no value there. E15 All cells in row 5 5: When two items have the same precedence, Excel works left to right.Excel functions (by category) Important: The calculated results of formulas and some Excel worksheet functions may differ slightly between a Windows PC using x86 or x architecture and a Windows RT PC using ARM architecture. Learn more about the differences. Top of Page. Formulas are equations that can perform calculations, return information, manipulate the contents of other cells, test conditions, and more. This topic provides an introduction to formulas and functions in Excel. In this tutorial, learn what excel formulas (functions) are and how to write simple formulas. You will learn the following, What is a formula Writing simple SUM formulas IF and Else formula Count of values Count of values meeting a criteria Sum of values meeting a criteria. The key thing to remember when writing formulas for Excel is that all formulas must begin with an equals sign (=). This is because the cell contains—or is equal to—the formula and its value. To create a simple formula in Excel: Select the cell where the answer will appear (B4, for example). A collection of useful Excel formulas for sums and counts, dates and times, text manipularion, conditional formatting, percentages, lookups, and more! Before you throw in the towel, let me tell you a trick I first saw Bill Jelen (AKA Mr. Excel) do that makes writing formulas — even advanced formulas like this one — much simpler. If you put.Download
Calculate the dipole moment of HF for the bonding MO in Equation (23.33). Use the method outlined in Section 23.8 to calculate the charge on each atom. The bond length in HF is 91.7 pm. The experimentally determined dipole moment of ground-state HF is 1.91 debye, where 1 debye = 3.33 × 10-30 C m. Compare your result with this value. Does the simple theory give a reliable prediction of the dipole moment? As per given information in the problem, Bond length is Experimental value of dipole moment is The probabilities for finding the electron on the H and F atoms are
I'm having a problem to solve this sum.The sum is below please anyone can help to solve it step by step follow this thread Q: Evaluvate: 1/31/271/31/9Non of above Follow Math Help Forum on Facebook and Google+ please post algebra problems in the algebra forum. Thank you very much for replying.I really sorry i am new to the forum.In the next time i will publish it in suitable forum.Once again Thank you! This is also not a sum... Originally Posted by Prove It This is also not a sum... In England it is quite common for any arithmetic or, more generally, math problem, to be called a "sum". View Tag Cloud
Hi All ~ I'm dealing with a contienous variable whose distrubution looks as shown in the two figures. Which tranformation procedure would you recommnend for this kind of distrubution? That is an interesting plot. Even the log10 values show an extreme skew. Is there a possibility that these are maximum values for something? If so, you may want to look at a Weibull distribution or some other generalized extreme value distribution. a ln(ln (x)) transformation might be useful. I don't know if TRANSREG will hande this, though. It's hard to see what your doing now, since the forum doesn't sort the responses. So no way to tell which reply goes with which post. In the future please just do one response. This isn't your fault - limitation of the forum. Did you post your original distribution? Also, what is the variable, in laymans terms. Context can help with deciding what type of transformation to use, and there are certain standard transformation in diff industries. Registration is open! SAS is returning to Vegas for an AI and analytics experience like no other! Whether you're an executive, manager, end user or SAS partner, SAS Innovate is designed for everyone on your team. Register for just $495 by 12/31/2023. If you are interested in speaking, there is still time to submit a session idea. More details are posted on the website. Learn the difference between classical and Bayesian statistical approaches and see a few PROC examples to perform Bayesian analysis in this video. Find more tutorials on the SAS Users YouTube channel.
Question: Give an example in which a small force exerts a large torque. Give another example in which a large force exerts a small torque. The rotating equivalent of force is torque (). See-saw, opening of a door are good example of torque. The tendency of a force to cause or affect the rotational motion of a body is known as torque (also known as moment or moment of force). It is a force that twists or turns an object. The force that can cause an object to revolve along an axis is defined as torque. Here, r is the distance, and F is the applied force. 1. You all in real life, should experiences some examples of torque. One among them is, Seesaws You may see or experience that, a large person sitting on the one end of the seesaw and small one the other end. If a large person sitting near to the pivot point of seesaw, smaller one away from it. Each person experiences different torque. The larger person exerts a larger force, because he/she is near to the pivot point, so their lever arm is shorter, hence a smaller torque. Which shows larger force exerts a small torque. 2. Another example is Opening a door. When we apply a force to the hinge line of a door, it will not open. So, if you want to open the door, you have to push/pull the doorknob, which is far from the hinge line. You are giving a perpendicular push/pull to the plane of the door. Here, you are applying a small force but large tourque. 94% of StudySmarter users get better grades.Sign up for free
Effects of cold dark matter decoupling and pair annihilation on cosmological perturbations Weakly interacting massive particles are part of the lepton-photon plasma in the early universe until kinetic decoupling, after which time the particles behave like a collisionless gas with nonzero temperature. The Boltzmann equation for WIMP-lepton collisions is reduced to a Fokker-Planck equation for the evolution of the WIMP distribution including scalar density perturbations. This equation and the Einstein and fluid equations for the plasma are solved numerically including the acoustic oscillations of the plasma before and during kinetic decoupling, the frictional damping occurring during kinetic decoupling, and the free-streaming damping occurring afterwards and throughout the radiation-dominated era. An excellent approximation reduces the solution to quadratures for the cold dark matter density and velocity perturbations. The subsequent evolution is followed through electron pair annihilation and the radiation-matter transition; analytic solutions are provided for both large and small scales. For a 100 GeV WIMP with bino-type interactions, kinetic decoupling occurs at a temperature MeV. The transfer function in the matter-dominated era leads to an abundance of small cold dark matter halos; with a smooth window function the Press-Schechter mass distribution is for 10 MeV) M. pacs:95.35.+d, 95.30.Cq, 98.80.Cq Weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) are perhaps the leading candidate for the cold dark matter (CDM) making up most of the nonrelativistic mass density of the universe today bhs . Although candidate WIMPs are 10 to 1000 times more massive than nucleons and have no electromagnetic or color charges, their cosmic histories share many parallels with nucleons. After their abundances froze out at the number density of photons, both WIMPs and nucleons remained thermally coupled to the plasma by elastic scattering with abundant relativistic particles. Acoustic oscillations in the relativistic plasma imprinted oscillations on both WIMPs and nucleons. Eventually the plasma released its grip on both types of particles. For WIMPs, this event is called kinetic decoupling; for nucleons, recombination. During kinetic decoupling, friction between the WIMP gas and relativistic plasma led to Silk damping of small-scale waves similar to what happened much later for atomic matter at recombination. After the respective decoupling periods ended, pressure forces (and in the case of WIMPs, shear stress) inhibited gravitational instability on small scales. Still later, both WIMPs and nucleons played a major role in galaxy formation. There are, of course, significant differences between the cosmic evolution of WIMPs and nucleons. Most evident are the quantitative differences: because their interactions are so weak, WIMPs decoupled from the plasma less than one second after the big bang. Consequently the WIMP acoustic oscillations appear only on a length scale vastly smaller ( parsec scales) than the baryon acoustic oscillations. The physics of nucleon decoupling, as imprinted in the galaxy distribution eisenstein and in the cosmic microwave background radiation wmap3 provides a powerful probe of cosmic parameters and inflationary cosmology. If it were possible to similarly measure fluctuations on the scale of WIMP acoustic oscillations, we would have a dramatic consistency test of the cosmological model as well as an astrophysical measurement of WIMP properties. One way to constrain the parameters of cold dark matter decoupling is to measure the mass function of the smallest dark matter clumps today hss01 ; bde03 ; ghs04 . Such clumps would be far too diffuse to host observable concentrations of atomic matter. However, they might be observable through the products of the very rare WIMP-WIMP annihilations taking place in the cores of these objects. Diemand et al. diemand proposed that numerous Earth-mass clumps might survive to the present day and provide a detectable gamma-ray signal. The mass and abundance of these clumps depends on cosmic fluctuation evolution during and after kinetic decoupling. WIMPS and nucleons also differ in a qualitative manner which has important consequences for the evolution of fluctuations through kinetic decoupling. After recombination, elastic scattering is rapid enough for atoms (and the residual free electrons) to behave as a nearly perfect gas on cosmological scales. Baryons behave like a fluid. WIMPs, however, collide too infrequently to thermalize after kinetic decoupling. WIMPs behave like a collisionless gas. Different approximations to the evolution of this collisionless gas have led to different results for the small-scale transfer function of CDM fluctuations ghs04 ; ghs05 ; lz05 . In the present paper, the transfer functions for CDM fluctuations are calculated starting from the full Boltzmann equation describing elastic scattering between WIMPs and the relativistic leptons present before neutrino decoupling and electron-positron pair annihilation. Because the momentum transfer per collision with nonrelativistic WIMPs is small, the Boltzmann equation reduces to the Fokker-Planck equation describing diffusion in velocity space caused by elastic scattering, combined with advection and gravitational forces. The Fokker-Planck equation fully describes kinetic decoupling and the evolution of perturbations of any length scale without approximating the WIMPs either as a perfect fluid or fully collisionless gas. Although the solution of the perturbed Fokker-Planck equation is more difficult than the solution of coupled fluid and collisionless Boltzmann equations, it is both numerically and analytically tractable (with an excellent approximation) in the present case. After kinetic decoupling, two additional events have an effect on the CDM transfer function. The first is electron-positron pair annihilation, which changes the equation of state of the plasma thereby modifying the evolution of fluctuations. Although the effects are small, they can be analytically calculated. The more important event is the transition from a radiation- to matter-dominated universe occurring about years after the big bang. If the photons and neutrinos are treated as fluids, it is possible to get analytic results for the linear evolution all the way to low redshift which are accurate to a few percent. With these results in place, using standard techniques it is straightforward to estimate the mass function of CDM clumps at high redshift. Ii Evolution of WIMP perturbations through kinetic decoupling Weakly interacting dark matter particles are described by their phase space density, which obeys the Boltzmann equation governing transport by collisions with leptons (during kinetic decoupling these are just electrons, positrons, and neutrinos). For definiteness we will take the WIMP to be the lightest neutralino , however the results are easily applied to other WIMP candidates by modifying the scattering matrix element below. Let and be the proper phase space densities of neutralinos and ultrarelativistic leptons, respectively, where is the proper three-momentum in a local orthonormal frame. (The spacetime coordinates and are suppressed for brevity.) The phase space densities are normalized so that is the spatial number density, summed over spin states (we assumed unpolarized spins). One distribution function suffices for the relativistic leptons because electroweak interactions maintain local thermal equilibrium at a temperature . Elastic scattering of neutralinos and leptons cause the neutralino distribution to evolve according to the Boltzmann equation, where is the Lorentz-invariant scattering amplitude, and similarly for the other distribution functions, is the energy of particle , and is the occupation number. Pauli blocking must be included for the leptons but not for the neutralinos since the latter have a low density after chemical decoupling. Equation (1) is relativistically covariant but gives only the effects of collisions; the effects of gravitational perturbations will be added later. Assuming effectively massless leptons, the matrix element for slepton exchange is given in Appendix A of hss01 and may be written is a dimensionless constant depending on the relevant particle masses and couplings ( is the Fermi constant, and are left and right chiral vertices, and , , and are respectively the masses of the boson, the slepton, and the neutralino; ). Here we assume following Ref. hss01 that the neutralino is a pure bino. Additionally, is the momentum in the center of momentum frame, and (using metric signature ) is one of the Mandelstam variables. For , where . In the lab frame, working to first order in , assuming , the collision kinematics gives where and . Another useful relation follows from energy conservation, valid again to first order in . Frequent collisions among the leptons maintain thermal equilibrium. Assuming negligible chemical potential, for each species of massless lepton we have where is the (very small) local lepton fluid velocity due to cosmological perturbations. It is easy to check that an equilibrium solution of (1) is then the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution with mean velocity . For the term may be Taylor-expanded in (1). After a lengthy calculation using (II)–(6), one obtains (dropping the subscript on ) where the Boltzmann collision integral becomes the Fokker-Planck operator, is a rate coefficient (in units where ). Our exact result for the rate coefficient is larger by a factor 9.9 than the estimate obtained from Eqs. (9) and (12) of Ref. hss01 and by a factor 3.4 than Eq. (17) of Ref. bde03 . The rate is greater than the simple estimates made in previous work because of the details of the kinematics and the near-cancelation of forward and inverse rates in (1). A larger rate coefficient leads to a lower temperature for kinetic decoupling than previous estimates. If we neglect spatial inhomogeneities, the unperturbed phase space density depends on both comoving momentum and conformal time according to Amazingly, for any time-dependence of , , and an exact solution to this Fokker-Planck equation is the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution where the WIMP temperature follows from integrating During adiabatic evolution in the early universe, and the WIMP proper temperature is then given in terms of the incomplete Gamma function by Equation (10) may be multiplied by any constant, allowing the comoving number density of WIMPs to be normalized to its value after freeze-out. Familiarity with Brownian motion makes it seem natural that the solution to the Fokker-Planck equation is a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. However, the lepton temperature and the momentum transfer rate are falling with time and WIMP-WIMP elastic scattering is far too slow to thermalize the distribution. Even so, collisions with the leptons maintain the WIMPs in a thermal distribution with a temperature that deviates increasingly from the lepton temperature throughout kinetic decoupling. Once kinetic decoupling is complete the WIMP momenta redshift as preserving the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution with . Long before kinetic decoupling (), . After kinetic decoupling (), . Defining the kinetic decoupling time by yields For typical supersymmetry masses, kinetic decoupling occurs after muon annihilation when the only abundant leptons are electron pairs and neutrinos, for which (with ) and . With GeV and GeV, yielding MeV. Profumo et al. psk06 show that can span the range from a few MeV to a few GeV for reasonable WIMP models. Here we take the supersymmetric bino as a candidate but will show how numerical results scale with . Next we examine the effect of density, velocity, and gravitational potential fluctuations during kinetic decoupling. The perturbed phase space density is , where are comoving spatial coordinates, are the conjugate momenta, and is conformal time. The perturbed line element in conformal Newtonian gauge is written . Including the effects of the metric perturbations and , the Boltzmann equation becomes where is the proper velocity measured by a comoving observer, is the comoving energy, and . With comoving variables, the Fokker-Planck operator becomes Now we linearize (15) for first-order perturbations of the lepton fluid by writing . The fields , , , and the lepton velocity potential are treated as first-order quantities. Assuming and performing a spatial Fourier transform, we obtain the linear perturbation equation After WIMP freeze-out, the leptons dominate the gravitational potentials so that , , , and are functions of given by the solution for a perfect relativistic fluid. Equation (16) generalizes the collisionless Boltzmann equation of Ref. mb95 to include the effects of dark matter collisions with relativistic leptons. To integrate (16) for the phase space density we will expand the momentum dependence in eigenfunctions of the Fokker-Planck operator : Here and is a generalized Laguerre polynomial, also known as a Sonine polynomial. It is defined by the following series expansion: Generalized Laguerre polynomials have orthonormality relation and completeness relation We will expand the phase space density in the complete set . However, it is unnecessary to include all in this expansion. Prior to kinetic decoupling the Fokker-Planck operator rapidly damps all terms except and those terms that are induced by the right-hand side of (16). The rotational symmetry of this equation implies that only the terms are induced, where the polar axis for the spherical harmonics is given by 111Collisional damping before neutrino decoupling similarly justifies the neglect of the modes for neutrinos in Ref. mb95 .. Thus we may write Before writing the perturbation equations, let us examine the unperturbed solution, . The exponential factors differ in (10) and (II), implying that the Laguerre expansion includes more than one term. Indeed, one finds Prior to kinetic decoupling, when collisions maintain , and the other coefficients vanish. After kinetic decoupling, for all . The Laguerre expansion must be carried to high order in order to convert to . Similarly, we should expect the perturbed phase space density also to require many terms in after kinetic decoupling. Substituting (II) into (16) and using orthonormality and several recurrence relations for the generalized Laguerre polynomials, we obtain a system of coupled ordinary differential equations for the evolution of the perturbed phase space density, The density perturbation is for . The source terms for Eqs. (II) are provided by the relativistic plasma. Their time-dependence changes during lepton pair annihilation and neutrino decoupling. For reasonable parameters, neutralino kinetic decoupling occurs after muon annihilation but before electron annihilation and neutrino decoupling. During this era, the isentropic mode of perturbations has time-dependence given by the relativistic perfect-fluid transfer functions where , , and the transfer functions are normalized so that for 222Here, is the number density perturbation in conformal Newtonian gauge; the energy density perturbation for the relativistic leptons is .. The actual perturbations are obtained by multiplying the transfer functions with the scalar field that gives the spatial dependence of the initial (inflationary) curvature fluctuations. As the inflationary curvature perturbations are well known (a Gaussian random field with nearly scale-invariant spectral density ), here we work with transfer functions. Initial conditions for Eqs. (II) are obtained by examining the solutions for . Isentropic initial conditions have . The only significantly perturbed components of for the strongly coupled plasma are the thermal equilibrium values All other components are kept small by rapid WIMP-lepton collisions. Equations (II) with and were integrated to using the standard explicit ordinary differential equation solver DVERK. Convergence testing showed that higher-order terms in the Laguerre expansion were negligible. Figure 1 shows the results for the density transfer function expressed using the gauge-invariant variable , defined as the CDM number density perturbation in a synchronous gauge for which the mean CDM velocity vanishes in the coordinate frame (for a nonrelativistic particle, equals Bardeen’s variable ). This variable, which is used by CMBFAST cmbfast , is related to the conformal Newtonian gauge variables by For wavelengths longer than the radiation acoustic length , . For wavelengths shorter than the radiation acoustic length at but longer than the acoustic length at (i.e., ), the acoustic oscillations of the gravitational potential average out leading to a suppression of growth induced in the CDM. For these intermediate wavelengths the transfer function is a logarithmic function of wavenumber. If the dark matter were completely non-interacting, this logarithm would continue to arbitrarily high wavenumbers, as illustrated by the monotonically rising curve in Fig. 1. Because WIMP dark matter was collisionally coupled to the relativistic lepton plasma at early times, the CDM transfer function in Fig. 1 shows remnant damped acoustic oscillations at short wavelengths. For comparison a Gaussian transfer function is shown, with no oscillations. In this model, the effects of kinetic decoupling are described by multiplying the transfer function for the completely non-interacting case by . As we will see, a simple model of free streaming predicts that during the radiation-dominated era. For and this model would predict whereas the curve shown in Fig. 1 has . Free-streaming does not give a good approximation to the actual transfer function. The exact transfer functions shown in Fig. 1 decrease less rapidly with wavenumber than the approximate transfer functions of Ref. lz05 which were computed using a fluid approximation followed by free-streaming. The following section reviews the free-streaming solution and then develops a more accurate approximation based on moments of the exact Fokker-Planck equation. Iii Approximate descriptions of perturbation evolution through kinetic decoupling In this section we consider two different approximations which provide analytical insight to the numerical solution of the Fokker-Planck equation. The CDM behaves at early times like a fluid and at late times like a free-streaming collisionless gas, and in these limits we can develop useful analytical approximations. iii.1 Free-streaming model For , the terms proportional to may be dropped in (16). The differential equation may then be integrated to give in terms of the initial value for any . Integrating over momenta gives the conformal Newtonian gauge density perturbation, where we have assumed evolution in the radiation-dominated era with For large spatial frequencies, , the gravitational potentials — which are dominated by relativistic particles — oscillate rapidly leading to a small net integral contribution; ignoring this, is a momentum-space Fourier transform of the distribution function at the initial time . Obtaining the exact solution still requires numerical integration of (16) through kinetic decoupling, or equivalently, integrating the system of equations (II). However, we can get an idea of the effects of free-streaming by making an instantaneous decoupling approximation, treating the CDM as a fluid with a Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity distribution for and by (III.1) for , as was done in Ref. lz05 . Then, whether or not the CDM is strongly coupled to the radiation, the perturbed distribution function is fully specified by the perturbations of density, temperature, and velocity , Carrying out the Fourier transform in (III.1) now yields where wavenumber arguments have been dropped for brevity, and If , then ; if and the fluid is approximated as being adiabatic, . Equation (32) corrects errors in the definition of of Ref. lz05 and adds the term proportional to to their Eq. (20). This new term arises from the temperature perturbation of the CDM fluid, which modifies the distribution function and, through free-streaming, modifies the density for . In particular, if the CDM perturbations are approximately adiabatic, the temperature perturbation causes the transfer function to decrease more rapidly with . The free-streaming solution predicts a Gaussian cutoff of the transfer function, , with cutoff distance equal to the free-streaming distance, During the radiation-dominated era, when , the free-streaming length grows logarithmically, but it saturates in the matter-dominated era when . At first glance, Fig. 1 appears to qualitatively support the free-streaming model of a Gaussian cutoff. However, the free-streaming model predicts no damping for a super-heavy particle with , while Fig. 1 shows that even in this case there is damping. This damping arises from friction between the lepton and CDM gases during decoupling (Silk damping). This friction can be accounted for by treating the CDM as an imperfect fluid. iii.2 Imperfect fluid model To better describe an extended period of decoupling while allowing for small deviations from a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, we consider the evolution of the lowest order moments of the distribution function. We work to first order in perturbed quantities and normalize the unperturbed distribution function to . The perturbations for then define the lowest-order moments where the density perturbation , velocity potential , shear stress potential , and entropy perturbation are related to our expansion coefficients by The effective sound speed squared of the CDM fluid is which differs from the thermal speed squared appearing in (II). This difference arises because the Laguerre expansion uses eigenfunctions of the Fokker-Planck operator which depends on the relativistic lepton temperature rather than the WIMP temperature . After kinetic decoupling, drops and the higher-order expansion coefficients will increase to compensate for this difference, as we already found happening with the unperturbed distribution function in (23). The variables in (III.2) describe fluctuations of an imperfect fluid. The reader may wonder how a single component fluid can have an entropy perturbation. A weakly imperfect fluid is described by an equation of state where is the entropy which may vary in space and time. However, the WIMP gas is more complicated because it becomes fully collisionless after kinetic decoupling; it may be regarded as a superposition of many non-interacting ideal gases. The time evolution of the imperfect fluid variables follows from Eqs. (II) 333These fluid equations, like the Fokker-Planck equation from which they were derived, are correct only to leading order in . The corrections to (38a) and (38b) are and , respectively.: These equations are similar to those of an imperfect gas coupled to the lepton fluid. However, they differ significantly from the Navier-Stokes equations assumed in Ref. hss01 . In place of a bulk viscosity term and a shear viscosity term where and are the bulk and shear viscosity coefficients (divided by the mass density), (38b) has an entropy term and a shear stress term where and are not proportional to . The usual Chapman-Enskog expansion does not apply to our Fokker-Planck equation when the collision mean-free path becomes large. Moreover, because of the and terms, Eqs. (38) do not form a closed system. Nonetheless, these equations are useful for providing insight and they will guide us to a very good approximation to the full numerical solution of the Fokker-Planck equation. Prior to kinetic decoupling, when the damping terms proportional to are large, the solutions to (38) have , , , in agreement with (27). Entropy and shear stress perturbations develop during decoupling as the CDM gas becomes collisionless. These in turn modify and damp the acoustic oscillations of the gas. It is instructive to solve the imperfect fluid equations with several different approximations, in order to deduce which physical effects are responsible for the features of the transfer functions shown in Fig. 1. The most extreme approximation is to completely neglect the CDM temperature and coupling to other particles, so as to describe a perfect cold, collisionless gas. This approximation consists of setting retaining only the gravitational interaction between the CDM and the relativistic plasma. In this case the exact solution prior to neutrino decoupling for isentropic initial conditions is where , is the Euler-Mascharoni constant, and is the cosine integral. This solution is shown by the monotonically increasing curve in Fig. 1. We see that once the wavelength becomes smaller than the relativistic acoustic horizon and the potentials oscillate faster than the CDM can respond, the CDM density perturbation growth slows to logarithmic in time. This suppression is responsible for the turnover of the low-redshift CDM power spectrum from at long wavelengths to at short wavelengths. However, the approximation of a cold, collisionless fluid includes none of the physical effects of kinetic decoupling. The next simplest approximation is to treat the CDM as being cold () but to include the friction term in the velocity equation. This approximation is exact in the limit hence it reproduces the case in Fig. 1. We can find the solution in the limit by first noting that the general solution of the second-order system , is given by where and are independent of but may depend on . Including the damping terms in (38b) promotes and to functions and obeying the differential equations In the strongly-coupled limit the solution must match Eqs. (26), which gives The exact solution of (41) satisfying these initial conditions is given by a pair of quadratures, where , , and primed quantities are evaluated at . The late-time solution is dominated by , which for becomes the following function of wavenumber, The complex function where itself is complex but cannot be used as the integration variable because of the essential singularity at . The contour used to evaluate is shown in Fig. 2. Using the steepest descent approximation to evaluate the contributions along the branch cut gives
It depends on many factors; size of the unit, area, outdoor, climate control. Here are the average prices: A 5x5 foot storage unit usually runs about $40 -$75 per month. 10x15 $75 -$140 per month or $115 -$150 for a climate controlled space. 10x20 unit ranges from $95 -$155 per month or $170 -$180 for climate controlled. Prices are higher in dense urban areas than in rural areas.
Three quarters. One half is the same as two fourths. it is three and three fourths three and one fourth one half cup, or two fourths cup. Seven and one twelfth 8 and 3/4 One half is two fourths, add one fourth makes three fourths I call that three quarters. It is tha same as two eighth dnt cheat ( happy) 18/12 + 28/12 + 39/12 = 85/12 or 7 and 1/12 Two fourth which is also called one half Two over eight plus four over eight plus one over eight equals seven over eight 1/2 + 2/4 = 2/4 + 2/4 = 4/4 = 1. No, two one-fourths (two-fourths) equal one half. four and one half one eighth two eighths make one fourth two fourths of a cup which is one half cup. 1/4+1/4=2/4=1/2 one and one eighth 11/12 is the answer. 2 and 1 fourth One-eighth is one-half of one-fourth.Specifically, one-fourth is made up of two-eighths. Splitting two-eighths into two exactly equal halves leaves one-eighth each. One-eighth therefore represent the half of one-fourth.