1 value
96 values
ln(e^x) = x. For the first one think of it as [(3x+2)^(1/2)]/(4x-3). Then use the quotient rule. The derivative of the top is (1/2)(3)(3x+2)^(-1/2) The derivative of the bottom is 4. I am having trouble trying to find the derivative of: h(x)= the sqrt of 3x+2 divided by 4x-3 any help would be appreciated. I also have another one: again, would really appreciate someone getting me started on these.
On the Consistency of MSGUT Spectra We show explicitly that, once convention dependent phases are properly accounted for, the mass spectra evaluated by us in msgt04 satisfy the Trace, SU(5) reassembly and Goldstone counting consistency checks. Furthermore proper phase accounting shows that the transposition symmetry called “Hermiticity” will be manifest only up to signs arising from the product of six phase factors which must be reinserted if the symmetry is to be verified also as regards signs. Thus the claims of hep-ph/0405300 and hep-ph/0412348 concerning the inconsistency of our results are completely mistaken. The Chiral multiplet spectra of the two calculations are equivalent. However our method also gives all gauge and gauge chiral spectra as well as a MSSM decomposition of all SO(10) MSGUT couplings, for both tensors and spinors, which are unavailable, even in principle, using the methods of the above papers. The supersymmetric GUT based on the Higgs system which was proposed in refs.aulmoh ; ckn is of late basking in the attentions of the GUT model builders’ community. There are two principal reasons for this recent revival- apart from the general favour enjoyed by SO(10) GUTs since the discovery of neutrino oscillations. The first was the the realization abmsv03 that this SO(10) Susy GUT is in fact the minimal (Susy) GUT (MSGUT) compatible with all known data. Secondly, although the proposal of bm93 to predictively fit all charged fermion and neutrino masses using only the Fermion Mass (FM) Higgs system initially seemedbm93 to fail (or else to require recondite phase tunings fo02 ), it was recently shownbsv03 to naturally predict large neutrino (PMNS) mixings in the sector due to unification combined with Type-II seesawmohsen domination. This natural solution of the vexed question of the conflict between large leptonic and small quark mixings in the context of GUTs (where both belong to common representations and thus often tend to have similar mixings) triggered an intensive investigation of the full fermion mass fitting problem in such FM systems moh ; bsv04 ; bert which enjoys continuing success. The identification of a minimal and fully realistic model naturally motivates the development of techniques for the calculation of all mass spectra and couplings necessary for the full specification of the low energy effective field theory implied by this GUT. The calculation of mass spectra and RG analysis of this GUT was begun in aulmoh . It was continued in lee using a somewhat abstract methodheme for calculating the clebsches relevant for mass spectra. However the spectra were quite incomplete and no method for evaluating the MSGUT couplings in an MSSM basis was available until the development of analytic methods to translate between SO(10) labels and those of its maximal subgroups alaps ,nathraza . The computation of these spectra was then begun by the authors of alaps and the crucial ( and ) mixing matrices for the MSSM type Higgs doublets and proton decay mediating triplets were published in a later version alaps of this paper. In 2004 two independent calculations of the chiral SO(10) tensor mass spectrafikmo0401 ,bmsv04 and of the complete chiral and gauge spectra and couplings (including spinors)msgt04 appeared. The results of bmsv04 and msgt04 had been cross checked and found compatible before publication. On the other hand, notable discrepancies existed between the results of version 1 of fikmo0401 and alaps ; bmsv04 ; msgt04 and were pointed out in these papers. The subsequent version of fikmo0401 then appeared, incorporating these corrections without any acknowledgement, but alleging that the results of alaps ; bmsv04 were inconsistent since they would not satisfy the consistency tests based on Traces, “Hermiticity” and Goldstone counting applied by these authors to their own results. However these authors did not provide any details or claim that they had adjusted for the phase convention differences between the different calculations. There was no reason at all to expect the results with different conventions to satisfy the the consistency conditions in the particular form valid for the particular conventions they had chosen to use. Moreover both the impugned calculations had checked the Goldstone-super-Higgs counting down to the smallest relevant little group namely so there was no reason why the MSSM spectra should fail reassembly at the special vevs with SU(5) or Pati-Salam symmetry (from which decomposition of SO(10) the results of alaps ; msgt04 were derived ). Nevertheless these authors insisted that the other calculations failed their tests and hence theirs were the only correct results. In procviet the present author mentioned and in version 2 of msgt04 explicitly demonstrated that all mass terms grouped into SU(5) invariant form when the vevs were SU(5) invariant. No assumption about zero vev of the SU(5) singlets in were made and the Goldstone counting was also correct. Now these authors have again appeared in print fikmo0412 making mistaken but strong allegations concerning the results of alaps ; bmsv04 ; msgt04 . In particular they again claim that our spectra fail the trace and “Hermiticity” tests and although they concede that the results are consistent for symmetry they claim that our results fail Goldstone counting when is broken by non zero (SU(5) invariant) vevs. In this communication we show explicitly that all these claims are false and that our spectra obey the Trace,“Hermiticity” and Goldstone counting tests when due account is taken of the phase conventions and the complete SU(5) invariant mass terms derivable from our resultsalaps ; msgt04 without any change or modification whatsoever. This should finally lay this unfortunate controversy to rest. Ii Summary of the MSGUT The chiral supermultiplets of the MSGUT consist of the “AM type” totally antisymmetric tensors: which break the GUT symmetry to the MSSM, together with Fermion mass (FM) Higgs 10-plet(). The plays a dual or AM-FM role since it also enables the generation of realistic charged fermion neutrino masses and mixings (via the Type I and/or Type II mechanisms); three 16-plets contain the matter including the three conjugate neutrinos (). The superpotential is the sum of and : In all the MSGUT has exactly 26 non-soft parameters abmsv03 . The MSSM also has 26 non-soft couplings so the 15 parameters of must be essentially responsible for the 22 parameters describing fermion masses and mixings in the MSSM. The GUT scale vevs that break the gauge symmetry down to the SM symmetry are aulmoh ; ckn . The vanishing of the D-terms of the SO(10) gauge sector potential imposes only the condition . Except for the simpler cases corresponding to enhanced unbroken symmetry ( etc)abmsv03 ; bmsv04 this system of equations is essentially cubic and can be reduced to a single cubic equation abmsv03 for a variable , in terms of which the vevs are specified. Using the above vevs and the methods of alaps we calculated alaps ,msgt04 the complete gauge and chiral multiplet GUT scale spectra and couplings for the various MSSM multiplet sets, of which the chiral multiplets belong to 26 different MSSM multiplet types of which 18 are unmixed while the other 8 types occur in multiple copies and mix via upto 5 x 5 matrices. For immediate reference the chiral and chiral-gauge mass spectraof msgt04 are listed in Appendix A. In the pure chiral sector they are the values of the mass matrices defined as the double derivatives of the superpotential : where represents any multiplet and is its conjugate from the same SO(10) representation if the representation is real (i.e 10,210) and from the conjugate SO(10) representation if complex (i.e if then and vice versa). Iii Consistency checks The basic fact about the results of the three extant calculations of MSGUT mass spectra alaps ,bmsv04 ; fikmo0405 ; msgt04 is that all three calculations yield identical combinations of superpotential parameters in every single matrix element and differ only overall phases if at all. These phase or sign differences arise from the different field phase conventions used and must be accounted for explcitly when applying the consistency tests of fikmo0405 to the other two calculations. We trace the origin and influence of these phases and then show that there are no inconsistencies once the effects of these phases are accounted for properly : as required by elementary linear algebra. The consistency tests insisted upon by the authors of fikmo0412 are described below in their own words (followed by our explanatory comments): iii.1 Trace consistency “There are three main consistency checks. The first is that the trace of the total Higgs mass matrix does not depend on the coupling constants . It depends only on mass parameters and the dimensions of the corresponding representations. The sum rule for the Higgs-Higgsino mass matrices is ” Where the mass parameters are related to ours by . The origin of this sum rule is as follows . For the (10)-plet : we have Similarly for 210 we can take the 210 independent field components in the real SO(10) vector label basis to be so that here is one of the independent index types in the notation of alaps . So in all Now when taking the trace one must transform from real SO(10) labels to (in general) complex labels for every sub-representation R of the relevant SO(10) tensor representation by using a Unitary transformations : Note that overall relative phases of are conventional. Therefore the trace in labels is really to be done with the metric This metric is not necessarily unit. In fact in our basisalaps which is derived from an embedding of in SO(10)alaps its diagonal elements can be and this results precisely in negative signs for some of the mass parameter terms in the diagonal mass matrix elements. Its value is thus obviously the sign of the mass parameter in the diagonal mass terms for each subrep, so that the minus signs that occur (e.g for etc : see the Appendix) are automatically compensated to ensure that at least the mass parameter terms give the correct contributions to eqn.(7). The consistency check is then to see whether after compensating for these minus signs the coupling parameter () dependent terms indeed add up to zero (since they are proportional to )in both cases. It is gratifying to check that the sum of some hundred different terms added up to precisely zero thus verifying eqn.(7). We have given the details of this trace calculation in the Appendix in the form of two tables. It thus appears that the authors of fikmo0412 did not account for these elementary facts of linear algebra before claiming that our phases were inconsistent. In short the Trace constraint is in fact satisfied by our spectra just as it is by theirs. iii.2 SU(5) Check Next we come to what these authors consider their “main check ” but to us seems a trivial consequence of the little group embedding once one has checked the super-Higgs effect for the breaking (as we have done in in great and explicit detail including calculation of the null eigenvectors)msgt04 . However these authors make the alarming and bald assertion : “The third and main check is the check briefly described in the paper fikmo0405 , but misunderstood in Refs. msgt04 ; procviet . Here we explicitly prove that mass matrices in Ref. fikmo0401 satisfy this highly nontrivial test, and that the results obtained in Refs. bmsv04 ; alaps ; msgt04 are internally inconsistent. ” (our reference numbers). Note that the trace requirement eqn.(7) is satisfied. The last term involving only singlets is absent when and was not listed when detailing the reassembly msgt04 , but it is of course always present in the sector mass matrix since the mixing terms between and are read off from (see the Appendix) to be From these mass terms one can easily verify that the SU(5) singlet mass matrix with rows labelled by and columns by whose determinant is manifestly zero at the SU(5) symmetric point where but is not zero at the generic invariant vevs. Thus we obtain the SU(5) singlet Goldstone required in the former case. Moreover the sector matrix is trivially read off from the terms given above to be The determinant at the SU(5) solution point is again zero. This shows that in fact, just as found by the authors of fikmo0405 there are at most 13 distinct mass eigenvalues namely The trace of this mass matrix is also easily found to be the same as eqn(7). It is is also easy to check that after accounting for the trace metric, as explained above, and up to a phase in the case of the determinant eqn.(17) of fikmo0412 namely : are obeyed at the SU(5) point and . Note that in this case the trace and determinant has been taken without weighting for the dimension of the doublet and triplet representations. To sum up , the authors of fikmo0412 had already conceded that our results were consistent when but asserted that we had misunderstood their consistency tests for the case with only SU(5) symmetry where and that our results failed the counting of Goldstone multiplets which restricted the number of independent mass eigenvalues to just 13. Yet we have just shown, without any new result whatever that the SU(5) solution is just as consistent as the solution. As we noted earlier, in view of the fact that we have already analyzed the mass matrices -and found them consistent- for the breaking down to the much smaller little group , the reassembly into or invariants when the vevs have these symmetries is no surprise at all. The wonder of these authors at this phenomenon is perhaps attributable to the extreme formality of their calculational approach in which simple algebraic facts take on a mathematical sheen difficult to demystify. iii.3 “Hermiticty” Property The next check proposed by these authors is the so-called “Hermiticity” cross check. Properly speaking, since we are calculating chiral mass matrices “hermiticity” of the mass matrices is an oxymoron. However by adopting particular phase conventions and considering the sum of invariants involving and separately to be “real” these authors obtain a relation between their Clebsches that they call a “hermiticity” relation though no actual complex conjugation is involved. The corresponding symmetry from our point of view is the observation that our GUT Higgs superpotential (not ) is invariant under the substitutions and the representations are real. Thus if we wrote all our mass matrices in terms of the original real labels and kept track of any sign or phase introduced while defining vevs of SO(10) tensors then we would indeed observe the effects of this symmetry as a transposition property of the mass matrices. In fact it is apparent that our mass matrices obey this transposition symmetry up to signs. However after transformingalaps to our PS derived complex labels each off diagonal mass term contains three phases introduced by this transformation. The relative signs which need to be checked are thus a ratio of six phases ! To trace back and recalculate all the phases involved in some hundreds of terms merely to satisfy the contrivance of an independent phase convention would negate the entire spirit of our method which is based on keeping automatic track of these phases by taking the trouble to perform the embedding of PS in SO(10) for all the relevant representations completely explicitly. Thus if these authors wish to insist that our results fail this contrived test formulated in terms of Clebsch coefficients that we never define or use it is incumbent on them to trace these 3 phases for every off diagonal mass term back to the real labels and show that the results conflict with this hidden “symmetry”. This is particularly so after our demonstration that all their other assertions are false due to elementary confusions. Since all other computable tests are in fact obeyed an appeal to this obscure requirement would seem to clutch at straws ! The detailed discussion above demonstrates that our mass matrices (and by implication those of bmsv04 ) satisfy every reasonable consistency check claimed by the authors of fikmo0405 ; fikmo0412 to be unique to their calculations and makes it clear that these three calculations are equivalent as far as Chiral mass spectra are concerned. However the method of alaps yields not only chiral mass spectra and chiral vev equation decompositions in terms of MSSM labels but also all other couplings whether gauge or chiral and for both tensor and spinor SO(10)representations. The methods of heme used in the calculations of bmsv04 ; fikmo0405 cannot give these quantities even in principle. Our method is different from the formal method ofheme ; lee ; bmsv04 ; fikmo0405 and is more complete, especially regarding couplings. Being analytic and explicit it also allows us to trace and resolve discrepancies in a form directly usable in a field theory calculation . Since the excavation of the phenomenological implications of the MSGUT requires knowledge of most of these quantities it seems that use of the phase conventions of fikmo0405 will carry the burden of an additional and very tedious phase accounting before our results on the most general couplingsmsgt04 -the only ones available- are usable under alternate conventions. Appendix : Tables of masses and mixings In this appendix we give the mass spectra msgt04 of the chiral fermion/gaugino states together with the Trace calculation in MSSM labels. Mixing matrix rows are labelled by barred irreps and columns by unbarred. Unmixed cases(i)) are given as Table I. ii) Chiral Mixed states
Definitions of “Shrug”If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle. • A woman's small, waist-length or shorter jacket • Raise one`s shoulders to indicate indifference or resignation • A drawing up of the shoulders, -- a motion usually expressing dislike • A shrug is a gesture that is performed by lifting both shoulders up • To raise or draw up the shoulders, as in expressing dislike, dread • (clothing) A shrug is a cropped, cardigan-like garment with short or long sleeves • To draw up or contract (the shoulders), especially by way of expressing dislike, dread
Auto fill todays date into a pdf form adobe support. The adobe acrobat user community is a global resource for users of acrobat and pdf, with free eseminars, tips, tutorials, videos and discussion forums. Changing the subject of complex formula free worksheets. This article describes the formula syntax and usage of the hyperlink function in microsoft excel description. Changing the subject of the formula 3 the video explains how to change the subject of the formula in more complicated examples e. So, before creating my complex email code, i set up a little test file, with a short list of fake customers. How to change the subject of a formula please help. In each case, make the subject of the formula now try these 2. Pdf change title, subject, author, keywords, dates in. A formula is a special equation which deals with variables. I assume with formula you mean a pdf form, which is a normal pdf. Hence, finally, if you want to insert the date or time to subject, you have to copy them from the body and paste them to the subject manually. Math formulas download maths formulas pdf basic math fomula. Look at all free maths resources and example questions for your maths revision and d. If the number of exemptions decreases, they need to file a new certificate within 10 days. The change formula change equals dissatisfaction x vision x first steps that is greater than the resistance the idea is that if you are seeking some significant, systemwide change there are several core elements that need attention. Title, subject, author, keywords, creator, producer, creation date and modified date. If you want to remove the interactive part of the pdf, you can flatten the pdf. This website and its content is subject to our terms and conditions. National 4 relationships homework changing the subject. Is there any procedure where i can give default file name for pdf and subject while attaching pdf file in a mail. Read each question carefully before you begin answering it. Usually the subject of a formula is on its own on the lefthand side. If you wnat to make the form archival, convert it to one the pdf archival formats. This course will explain how to rearrange some simple formulas. Please click option document then go to pdf annotation like i showed the following snapshot. Solving equations by elimination calculator, graphing equations three variables, 2 and 3 digit dividing decimals, sample multiply radicals, computation for converting the number system codes in java, simple trigonometry solutions using matlab pdf files download, partial sum method. Level 6 finding the unknown which is not the subject of a formula example. Videos designed for the site by steve blades, retired youtuber and owner of to assist learning in uk classrooms. The manipulation of algebraic expressions is an important. From pdf files to excel spreadsheets john haworth wants to reliably convert a lot of data from pdf files to excel for spreadsheet analysis. So, because we want x on its own what we can do is add 4 to this side. After returning to the message window, you can see the current date or time in the email body. Change the subject of a formula, including cases where the subject occurs on both sides of the formula, or where a power of the subject appears. N t q m x a t d p e 1 5 w w i e t m h 1 s i l n d f e i 5 n 6 i s t l e p n a s l h g v e p b m r s a u e 2 z. In academic writing, it is generally preferred to choose an active verb and pair it with a subject that names the person or. Converting data from pdf files to excel spreadsheets. A formula is an equation with letters which stands for quantities. We can use algebra to change the subject of a formula. Changing the subject of a formula squares and square roots duration. Tes global ltd is registered in england company no 02017289 with its registered office at 26 red lion square london wc1r 4hq. It contains a list of basic math formulas commonly used when doing basic math computation. Dec 31, 2010 how to change the subject of a formula. Then you will see the dialog box like the following snapshot. The examplesquestions are staggered in difficulty, beginning at grade b and finishing at a. Understand how to change the subject of an algebraic equation and pas your next math exam how to transform a formula in order to make a particular variable the subject. Im trying to put some vba into place that puts our own custom subject line on these emails rather than employees having to type out the subject each time. Heres how i managed to send email with pdf attachment from excel. In some cases, you may need to send a worksheet as a pdf file through outlook. Student date topic notes examples reference resources. The following video shows how to change the subject of the formula using 2 steps. Mathematics linear 1ma0 changing the subject of a formula. If playback doesnt begin shortly, try restarting your device. Thermodynamics 157 internal energy of the system in state a be called u a. Or you can click option open to browse folders to add pdf file. The simplest way to think of it is to say that the subject is a pronumeral all by itself standing before the equal sign. I would also like the other user on their personal computer, have the option to change the date field from a calendar dropdown. This is changing the subject of the formula from c to d. Send a copy of the entire pdf file as an attachment. If you are stuck, please watch the video tutorial for a visual walkthrough. Gcse algebra changing the subject of an equation rearranging. Is the formula which gives the circumference, c, of a circle of radius r. Mathematics linear 1ma0 changing the subject of a formula materials required for examination items included with question papers ruler graduated in centimetres and nil millimetres, protractor, compasses, pen, hb pencil, eraser. The subject of a formula you will be familiar with the formula for the area of a circle which states. Sep 03, 20 this channel is managed by up and coming uk maths teachers. If the letter you are rearranging for is in a bracket, then you can approach the rearranging in one of two ways. The variable on its own, usually on the left hand side. When a sentence is written in the active voice, the subject performs the action. Change the subject of each formula to the letter shown in brackets. Worked examples of rearranging formulae with five questions to practise and then two exam. Send sheet as a pdf attachment in email welcome to. Sometimes when we are changing the subject of a formula the variable that we want to make the subject occurs more than once. How to change the subject of a formula first of all lets make sure you know what the subject of an equation is. Email this pdf as a attachment to the specific person. This rule is used to work out the total cost, in pounds, of hiring a carpet cleaner. Change the subject of a formula such as 1 1 1 f u v, where all variables are in the denominators. Copy and paste the following code into the vb editor. Mar 26, 2008 i want to update file name and subject when i select option 4. Changing the subject in complex formulae teaching resources. The following video shows how to change the subject of the formula using 1 step. How to change the subject of an equation help with igcse. Pdf change title, subject, author, keywords, dates in multiple files software offers a solution to users who want to change general document information metadata in one or more pdf files. The requirement of the project is that i need a vba code for a button when i click it, it will convert my active sheet alone to pdf, automatically save it with the title captured from a cell in the active sheet which is entered by the user. Pencil, pen, ruler, protractor, pair of compasses and eraser. Sometimes a formula can be rearranged into a more useful format. Can be made into an a5 booklet for students to write on. Pdf form field basics pdf form field properties add tooltips, date and time, calculated values set action buttons in pdf forms check pdf forms faq this document explains the pdf form field basics in acrobat dc. Change of base formula kuta software infinite algebra 2. What this question basically means is get x on its own. Vba code to convert excel to pdf and email it as attachment. On completion of this worksheet you should be able to change the subject of formulae where the desired subject occurs more than once in the formulae. You should find a personalized email with the merged document as a pdf attachment in your gmail sent items. Dear readers, in my previous article, you saw how to save an excel sheet as pdf file. One can flatten a pdf and make comments and from fields into content of the pdf. Please get a vivid impression from the following snapshot which is from the software interface. Vlookup, index, match, rank, average, small, large, lookup, round, countifs, sumifs, find, date, and many more. Changing the subject of a formula we can use algebra to change the subject of a formula. Changing the subject algebra free gcse maths resources. Method 1 inset formula as picture simply launch this software by double clicking the desktop icon and drag pdf file which you need to edit formula to software interface. Also, we have seen how to send the activesheet as an attachment in email. W e can change the state of the system in two different ways. Mar 02, 2019 if there are just a few subject lines to edit, you can use incell editing to quickly paste the code into the subject. The goal was to send an email to each name in a list, and attach a couple of pdf files. I dont want to rename file or clear the default subject and write again. Create a search folder to find all messages where the subject needs tagged then run the macro while viewing the search folder results. Jan 01, 2020 employees can change the number of their exemptions on form m4 by filing a new certificate at any time if the number of exemptions increases. Worked examples of rearranging formulae with five questions to practise and then two exam questions. If you know the value of then you can substitute directly to find. In each case, make the letter given at the end, the subject of the formula. Variables are bits of information that can change each time you deal with the formula. To change the subject of a formula is to rearrange it so that a different letter is on its own on the left hand side. Algebraic fractions addition and subtraction with and without calculator opportunity for revision of negative numbers, decimals, simple fractions. Sheets 201 230 from the 455 maths revision sheets resource. Title, subject, author, keywords, creator, producer, creation date. Send email with pdf attachment from excel contextures blog. So, if you want to have a formula or rule that lets you calculate d, you need to make d, the subject of the formula. Changing the subject of the formula maths4scotland. Explaining logarithms a progression of ideas illuminating an important mathematical concept by dan umbarger. Changing the subject of a formula the rules are the same as when we solved equations except we do not end up with a solution but with another formula. Speed distance time and we use it every time we go somewhere. On completion of this worksheet you should be able to change the subject of formulae including those with fractions, indices and roots. In the form, we say that is the subject of the formula. Changing the subject of the formula examples, solutions. It is useful to rearrange the formula to make r the subject. How to auto insert current date or time into email subject or. Transposing formulae show each stage of the working carefully. In this article i am going to show you how to send the activesheet as an. This blog will give you the excel formulas pdf list of the key functions of excel. This is one of the important skills you can learn in maths. Simply launch this software by double clicking the desktop icon and drag pdf file which you need to edit formula to software interface. Aug 22, 2016 of course, the subject line of the ensuing email takes on the name of the attachment. The aim of rearranging is to manipulate the formula so that all the terms involving the letter you want is on one side of the equation, and everything else is on the. When you click a cell that contains a hyperlink function, excel jumps to the location listed, or opens the. This week, i was experimenting with sending email from excel via outlook. What do you understand by the advanced excel formulas and basic excel functions. In such a case, if outlook can automatically fill the subject with the attachment name, they will be able to avoid the annoying no subject warning. How to change the subject of a formula futureschool. The methods required here reappear in many other aspects of maths, including solving equations, trigonometry, pythagoras theorem, nth term and many others. All that changing the subject of the formula means is basically getting a letter on its own on one side of the equation. How to change the subject of a formula with video help. Using vba to assign a subject in outlook to emails prepared. Pencil, pen, ruler, protractor, pair of compasses and eraser you may use tracing paper if needed guidance 1. We do some mechanical work, say 1 kj, by rotating a set of small paddles and. Math formulas download maths formulas pdf basic math. Be dissatisfied d with the way things are in relationship. Select any topic from the above list and get all the required help with math formula in detail. If an employee has more than one job, they may claim exemptions only with their principal employer. Differentiated worksheet on changing the subject or rearranging formula. I want to update file name and subject when i select option 4. Rearranging a formula is similar to solving an equation we must do the same to both sides in order to keep the equation balanced. This activity will give you practice in changing the subject of a formula. The hyperlink function creates a shortcut that jumps to another location in the current workbook, or opens a document stored on a network server, an intranet, or the internet. Apr 14, 2020 ncert books pdf free download for class 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 april 14, 2020 by kishen 16 comments there are many books in the market but ncert books stand alone in the market. Ncert books pdf download 2020 for class 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7. Changing the subject rearranging formulae booklet teachit maths. Pdf help acrobat forum learn adobe acrobat pdf help. It depends on the formula you have to work with, so you have to use your experience and a bit of common sense to decide what to do in each case. National 4 relationships homework changing the subject of a formula 1. How to save a worksheet as pdf file and email it as an.680 922 1114 216 841 1238 224 1214 1108 963 998 835 352 912 1454 318 909 1652 1368 1160 880 387 1482 1015 791 170 233 90 398 1002 518 925 102 323 1315 1162 1078 746 188 652 85 670 1485
Bidding decision is a complex issue that refers to unstructured multi-level group decision making and game theory. For analyzing the process of project biding, a mathematical statistics analysis method, based on the quotation level and bidding rate, was proposed. Based on the discussion of the mathematical curve fitting, the method of regression equation calculation based on the significance of linear regression equation, the mathematical model of quotation level and winning rate was constructed. According to the case study, the designed method improved the bidding rate of biding contractor and reduced the blindness of bidding decision. therefore, it was concluded that this method is scientific and effective.
Suppose that $64,000 is invested at 6 and one half (6.5%) interest, compounded quarterly. A) Find the function for the amount to which the investment grows after t years. B) Graph the Function (optional) C) Find the amount of money in the account at t = 0, 3, 5, and 10 years. D)When will the amount of money in the account reach 300,000? Recently Asked Questions - Please refer to the attachment to answer this question. This question was created from sample test. - Can someone answer the following questions. Thanks M8D1: “This cruel war”: The Union and Confederacy in the Civil War The South: What arguments did - Consider the following linear regression model "explaining" salaries in the Country: Y = β 0 + β 1 X 1 + β 2 X 2 + β 3 X 3 + β 4 X 4 + β 5 D 1
A perfect number is one with factors (apart from itself) that sum to give the original number. An abundant number is one where this sum is greater than the original number. A deficient number is one where the sum is less than the original number. The factors of 75 are 1, 3, 5, 15 and 25. The sum of these numbers is 49. Thus 75 is a deficient number. It is a deficient number. The first abundant number is 12. 12: 1,2,3,4,6,12 which equal 28 28>(12*2) and the abundance is 28-(12*2)=4 it is perfect i believe the factors are 1,2,4,7,and 14 To find out if a number is abundant, perfect or deficient, you first need to split it into its prime factors: 34 = 2x17 The next step would be to find any combinations, but as we have only 2 prime factors, those are the two we'll work with. You add these together, with 1, and get 20. When this sums to less than the original number it's a deficient number. 20 is less than 34, and so 34 is a deficient number. No, all prime numbers are deficient. No. All prime numbers are deficient. no, 945 is the first abundant odd number though 55 is deficient. It is deficient. 350 is an abundant number. 74 is deficient.
Fixed assets and Depreciation MCQs In depreciation calculation, the useful life of a fixed asset is: A) a certain figureWRONG ANSWER B) an estimateRIGHT ANSWER!!! C) a predetermined figure for all fixed assetsWRONG ANSWER Depreciable amount + Residual value of a fixed asset =? A) Depreciation expensesWRONG ANSWER B) Accumulated depreciation WRONG ANSWER C) Cost of the fixed asset RIGHT ANSWER!!! D) Future economic benefits of a fixed assetWRONG ANSWER Cost of a fixed asset – Accumulated depreciation expenses of the fixed asset=? A) Book value of a fixed assetRIGHT ANSWER!!! B) Market value of a fixed asset WRONG ANSWER C) Historical cost of a fixed asset WRONG ANSWER D) Recoverable amount of a fixed asset WRONG ANSWER The estimate about useful life of a fixed asset: A) Can never be changed WRONG ANSWER B) Can be changedRIGHT ANSWER!!! Which of the following is the correct formula for calculating depreciation using service hours method? A) Depreciation=(Cost - Scrape value) / Total hours X Actual hoursRIGHT ANSWER!!! B) Depreciation=(Cost - Accumulated depreciation) / Total hours X Actual hours WRONG ANSWER C) Depreciation=(Cost - Accumulated depreciation) / Total hours X Total hours WRONG ANSWER D) Depreciation=(Cost - Scrape value) / Actual hours X Total hoursWRONG ANSWER The purchase price of a software that will be used for more than 12 months should be regarded as: A) a revenue expenditure WRONG ANSWER B) a capital expenditureRIGHT ANSWER!!! C) a long term expenseWRONG ANSWER D) an accounting period expenseWRONG ANSWER XYZ firm has imported a machine from abroad. Which of the following is NOT the element of machine’s cost? A) Purchase price of machine WRONG ANSWER B) Import duty WRONG ANSWER C) Demurrage charges WRONG ANSWER D) Refundable tax RIGHT ANSWER!!! A company purchased a new machine for $500,000 and machine’s test run was started to make sure that machine works properly. There was expense of $5000 incurred on test run, however the sale proceeds of test production were $2000. You are required to find out the total cost of machine? A) $500,000WRONG ANSWER B) $505,000WRONG ANSWER C) 503,000 RIGHT ANSWER!!! D) 495,000WRONG ANSWER Which of the following fixed assets is not depreciated in the ordinary circumstances? A) Plant and machineryWRONG ANSWER B) BuildingWRONG ANSWER C) Land RIGHT ANSWER!!! D) EquipmentsWRONG ANSWER In the calculation of depreciation, all of the following items are actually estimates except: A) Useful life WRONG ANSWER B) Residual valueWRONG ANSWER C) Historical cost RIGHT ANSWER!!! D) Salvage value WRONG ANSWER
Please can you advise me on how to go about solving this equation: Well, this looks to be fairly straightforward . . . First clear the fractions by multiplying each term on both sides by (2x-1) 3 + 4(2x-1) = 6x Now multiply out the brackets 3 + 8x - 4 = 6x and tidy up 8x - 1 = 6x Subtract 6x from both sides 2x - 1 = 0 add 1 to both sides 2x = 1 and finally divide by 2 x = 0.5 However, we have not finished yet. We should always check that the solution satisfies the original equation. Replacing x by 0.5 gives But look! The bottom of the fraction terms works out to be zero. But dividing by zero is not allowed! (You would get an error message on your calculator if you tried). So what has gone wrong??? The fact is that the solution we appear to get from the algebra is not valid. In fact, this equation has no solutions at all. Why is this? To investigate this situation, let us plot a graph of each side of the original equation: y = 3/(2x-1) + 4 y = 6x/(2x-1) We see that the two graphs never actually intersect. (If you have a graphics calculator, play around with this yourself, zooming in and out to convince yourself.) This means that there is no value of x for which the left hand side of the equation is equal to the right hand side. So this is something of a "trick question", which shows the importance of checking your answers by substituting back into the original equation.
I had recently discovered that that people who took both the old GRE and the old SAT (circa 1990) had a verbal old SAT distribution of: mean: 510.1 (SD = 107.7). Because the SAT distributions if all 17-year-old Americans had taken the SAT would have been 376 (SD = 102), this implied GRE takers had a mean IQ of 121 (SD = 15.4) (U.S. norms). Unfortunately this led to ridiculous results like the 95th percentile of the GRE population being at the 99.9 percentile of the general U.S. population. Clearly college admission tests are not normally distributed so we must look at the observed distribution, not the theoretical normal one. And so I looked at Ron Hoeflin’s Omni sample norming of the Mega Test, where seven Mega Test takers reported scores on the old LSAT. Then by pairing the Mega and LSAT scores by equal rank in the sample, we get the following equivalencies. Now to put these numbers in perspective, a 630 was 92nd percentile (among LSAT takers) in 1960 and 725 was the 98th percentile, in 1974 (source: Law School: Legal Education in America from the 1850s to the 1980s, by Robert Bocking Stevens). From here we might conclude that the 95th percentile of the LSAT population was around 700, which equates to an IQ around 138 (99.5 percentile in the general population). (Note: I’m being 8 IQ points more generous than Mensa, which equates the top 5% of the LSAT population with the top 2% of the U.S. population and thus IQ 130). This kind of makes sense, because if we assume that roughly 10% of Americans pursue post-grad degrees, and almost 100% of the very brightest do so, then the top 5% of those taking post-grad admission tests should be the top 5%/10 = top 0.5% of Americans as a whole.
Prof. James E. Walter has given a mathematical formulation to illustrate dividend policy as a financing decision, which depends solely on the profitability of investment opportunities available. His model is based upon the following assumption : (i) Retained earnings is the only source of financing available to the firm. (ii) The firm’s internal rate of return ‘r’ from the investment opportunities and cost of capital ‘k’ of the firm remains constant. (iii) The earnings are distributed as dividends or retained for reinvestment. (iv) The firm has infinite life. Based on the above assumption, his formula to determine the market price is P = D+(E-D)r/k /k Where p = market price of the share. D = Dividend per share E = earning per share R = Internal rate of return from the investment opportunity. K = market capitalization rate of cost of capital. They above equation, states that the market price per equity share is the sum of two components: (i) Present value of an infinite stream of constant dividends i.e., D/k (ii) The present value of infinite stream of capital gains. (E-D) r/k/k.
We know that, [∵, sin (π – x) = sin x] Adding these two I’s from equations (i) and (ii), we get Now, we can easily integrate the Right Hand Side (RHS) of the equation. Let us divide the numerator and denominator by cos x. Let t = sec x + tan x. Differentiating both sides with respect to x, we get Again put t in place of tan x + sec x. ⇒ dt = t.sec x dx Putting sec x + tan x = t and in equation (iii), we get Substituting t = sec x + tan x, we get Putting the upper and lower limits, ⇒ I = π Rate this question :
6 steps to know and understand 1. Make an Observation What have you seen recently in the world around you that raised a question in your mind? 2. Recognize the research problem – The scientist must narrow the observations down to one research problem. – Example: Do market steers gain more weight when fed whole corn or whole wheat? 3. Form a hypothesis • A hypothesis is an explanation that can be tested. • More than a random guess – the scientist usually has some idea of the answer to the question due to • Applied to this knowledge is reasoning power! 4. Design the experiment • An experiment is a procedure that tests a hypothesis by the process of collecting information under controlled conditions. • Should use two groups: • Control: the standard, all conditions kept the same • Experimental: all conditions kept same except single condition being tested Design the Experiment • Only one condition is changed at a time! – Independent variable: the condition being – Dependent variable: the condition that results from the change. • Example: In testing the effects of a feed change on animals, the type of feed is the independent variable while weight gain is the dependent variable. 5. Collect and analyze data • If data supports hypothesis, conclusions may be draw and a recommendation made • If data does not support hypothesis, it helps the scientist create a new hypothesis. – Sometimes a second experiment is being created even as the first one continues. • Data may be numerical, or descriptive in form, depending on the experiment. 6. Draw conclusions and create recommendations • Analyzing the data can take the greatest amount of • Scientists might end up with more questions than they started with. • Data may only be considered confirmed if it’s repeated several times and yields similar results. • Only after a hypothesis is supported by additional data is it considered valid and accepted.
Volume 160, Numbers 1-3, November 1996 Paul A. Catlin : The reduction of graph families closed under contraction. Dean G. Hoffman , C. A. Rodger : On the number of edge-disjoint one factors and the existence of k-factors in complete multipartite graphs. : Tiling a simply connected figure with bars of length 2 or 3. : Multinomial convolution polynomials. : On the generalized Erdös-Szekeres Conjecture - a new upper bound. : Harary's conjectures on integral sum graphs. : An aperiodic set of 13 Wang tiles. Ira M. Gessel : Counting acyclic digraphs by sources and sinks. : A small aperiodic set of Wang tiles. : Degree conditions for vertex switching reconstruction. : On nearly regular co-critical graphs.
You can change the $(p,q,r)$ pretzel link into the $(r,q,p)$ pretzel link by a 180 degree rotation around the midpoint of the central twist box (the one containing $q$ twists). There is also a way to change the $(p,q,r)$ link into the $(q,r,p)$ link. This is a bit three-dimensional, so takes a bit more work to see. Draw the diagram on a sphere $S$ in $R^3$ instead of on a plane in $R^3$. Now you can drag the twist box containing $r$ twists around the back of $S$ ("past infinity") until it becomes the first twist box. (The arcs connecting the twist boxes rearrange themselves in the most convenient way!) Composing these two operations correctly will move you between the two diagrams. To get a sequence of Reidemeister moves, project all of these movements to a fixed plane.
Student or Learner Which one is correct "by using" or "using" or "through using" or "with using" in the following sentences? By using a computer, we can learn to read and write.? Using a computer, we can ...? Through using a computer, we can ...? With using a computer, we can ...? Please give a full explanation. 1 and 2 are OK. 3 and 4 are unnatural although you might hear 3.
#Throwback: Java, Indonesia. Amazing Borobudur Temple with one of its 504 Buddha Statues & numerous Stupas! The central dome is surrounded by 72 Buddha statues, each seated inside a perforated stupa. Borobudur has the largest and most complete ensemble of Buddhist reliefs in the world. Incredible place! #java#borobudur#borobudurtemple#indonesia
« ΠροηγούμενηΣυνέχεια » 11. A and B barter : A hath 145 gallons of brandy at I dol. 20 cts. per gallon ready money, but in barter he will have 1 dol. 35 cts. per gallor : B has linen at 58 cts. per yard ready money ; how must B sell his linen per yard in proportion to A's bartering price, and how many yards are equal to A's brandy? Ans. Barter price of B's linen is 65 cts. 2m. and he must give A 300 yds. for his brandy. 12. A has 225 yds. of shalloon, at 2s. ready money per yard, which he barters with B at 2s. 5d. per yard, taking indigo at 12s. 6d. per 1b. which is worth but 10s. how much indigo will pay for the shalloon; and who gets the best bargain? Ans. 43 lb. at barter price will pay for the shalloon, and B has the advantage in barter. Value of A's cloth, at cash price, is £22 10 Value of 43;lb. of indigo, at 10s. per lb. 15 B gets the best bargain by £0 15 LOSS AND GAIN, IS a rule by which merchants and traders discover their profit or loss in buying and selling their goods : it also instructs them how to rise or fall in the price of their goods, 80 as to gain or lose so much per cent. or otherwise. Questions in this rule are answered by the Rule of Three. 1. Bought a piece of cloth containing 85 yards, for 191 dols. 25 cts, and sold the same at 2 dols. 81 cts. per yard ; what is the profit upon the whole piece? Ans. $47, 60 cts. 2. Bought 12! cwt. of rice, at 3 dols. 45 cts. a cwt. and sold it again at 4 cts. a pound; what was the whole gain ? Ans. $12, 87 cts. 5m. 3. Bought 11 cwt. of sugar, at 6 d. per lb. but could not sell it again for any more than 21. 16s. per cwt.; did I gain or lose by my bargain ? Ans. Lost, £2 11s. 4d. 4. Bought 44 lb. of tea for 61. 12s. and sold it again for 81. 10s. 68. ; what was the profit on each pound? Ans. 10 d. 5. Bought a hhd. of molasses containing 119 gallons, at 52 cents per gallon; paid for carting the same 1 dollar 25 cents, and by accident 9 gallons leaked out; at what rate must I sell the remainder per gallon, to gaïn 13 dollars in the whole ? Ans. 69 cts. 2 m. + II. To know what is gained or lost per cent. Rule.-First see what the gain or loss is by subtraction; then, As the price it cost : is to the gain or loss :: so is 1001. or $100, to the gain or loss per cent. EXAMPLES. 1. If I buy Irish linen at 2s. per yard, and sell it again at 2s. 8d. per yard; what do I gain per cent. or in laying out 1001. : As : 2s. 8d. :: 10ől. : £33 6s. 8d. Ans. 1 2. If I buy broadcloth at 3 dols. 44 cts. per yard, and sell i ft again at 4 dols. 30 cts. per yard : what do I gain per ct. or in laying out 100 dollars ? $ cts. Sold for 4, 30 As 3 44 : 86 : : 100 : 25 Ans. 25 per cent. Gained per yd. 86 3. If I buy a cwt. of cotton for 34 dols. 86 cts. and sell it again at 41į cts. per lb. what do I gain or lose, and what * cts. 1 cwt. at 41} cts. per lb. comes to 46,48 Prime cost 34,86 per cent. ? Gained in the gross, $11,61 As 34,86 : 11,62 : : 100 : 33. Ans. 331 per cent. 4. Bought sugar at 81d. per lb. and sold it again at 41. 17s. per cwt. what did I gain per cent. ? Ans. £25 19s. 5 d. 5. If I buy 12 hhds. of wine for 2041. and sell the same again at 141. 178. 6d. per hhd. do I gain or lose, and what Ans. I lose 121 per cent. 6. At 1 d. profit in a shilling, how much per cent. ? Ans, £12 108 per cent. ? 7. At 25 cts. profit in a dollar, how much per cent. ? Ans. 25 per cent. Note.-When goods are bought or sold on credit, you must calculate (by discount) the present worth of their price, in order to find your true gain or loss, &c. 1. Bought 164 yards of broadcloth, at 14s. 6d. per yard ready money, and sold the same again for 1541. 10s. on 6 months credit; what did I gain by the whole; allowing discount at 6 per cent, a year? £. £. £. £. As 103 : 100 : : 154 10 : 150 O present worth. 118 18 prime cost. Gained £31 2 Answer. 2. If I buy cloth at 4 dols. 16 cts. per yard, on eight months credit, and sell it again at 3 dols. 90 cts. per yd. ready money, what do I lose per cent. allowing 6 per cent. discount on the purchase price ? Ans. 21 per cent. per cent. ? III. To know how a commodity must be sold, to gain or lose so much per cent. Rule.--As 100 : is to the purchase price : : so is 1001. or 100 dollars, with the profit added, or loss subtracted : to the selling price. EXAMPLES. 1. If I buy Irish linen at 2s. 3d. per yard; how must I sell it per yard to gain 25 As 100l. : 2s. 3d. : : 1251. to 2s. 9d. 3 qrs. Ans. 2. If I buy rum at 1 dol. 5 cts. per gallon; how must I sell it per gallon to gain 30 per cent. ? As $100 : $1,05 : : $130 : $1,364 cts. Ans. 3. If tea cost 54 cts. per lb. ; how must it be sold per Ib to lose 12per cent. ? As $100 : 54 cts. : : $87, 50 cts. : 47 cts. 2 m. Ans. 4. Bought cloth at 178. 6d. per yard, which not proving so good as I expected, I am obliged to lose 15 per cent bị it; how must I sell it per yard? Ans. 14s. 100. 5. If 11 cwt. 1 qr. 25 lb. of sugar cost 126 dols. 50 cts. how must it be sold per lb. to gain 30 per cent. ? Ans. 12 cts. 8m. 6. Bought 90 gallons of wine at 1 dol. 20 cts. per gall. but by accident 10 gallons leaked out; at what rate must I sell the remainder per gallon to gain upon the whole prime cost, at the rate of 124 per cent.? Ans. $1, 51 cts. 8jom. IV. When there is gained or lost per cent. to know what the commodity cost. RULE.-As 1001. or 100 dols. with the gain per cent. added, or loss per cent. subtracted, is to the price, so is 100 to the prime cost. EXAMPLES. 1. If a yard of cloth be sold at 14s. 7d. and there is gaiued 161. 13s. 4d. per cent. ; what did the yard cost ? . d. d. £. As 116 13 4:14 7::100 to 12s. 6d. Ans. 2. By selling broadcloth at 3 dols. 25 cts. per yard, I Iose at the rate of 20 per cent. ; what is the prime cost of said cloth per yard ? Ans. $4, 06 cts. 21m. 3. If 40 lb. of chocolate be sold at 25 cts. per lb. and I gain 9 per cent. ; what did the whole cost me? Ans. $9, 17 cts. 4m. + 4. Bought 5 cwt. of sugar, and sold it again at 12 cents per lb. by which I gained at the rate of 25; per cent. ; what did the sugar cost me per cwt. ? Ans. $10,70 cts. 9m. + V. If by wares sold at a given rate, there is so much gained or lost per cent. to know what would be gained or lost per cent. if sold at another rate. RULE.--As the first price : is to 1001. or 100 dols. with the profit per cent. added, or loss per cent. subtracted :: so is the other price : to the gain or loss per cent, at the other rate. N. B. If your answer exceed 1001. or 100 dols. the excess is your gain per cent.; but if it be less than 100, that deficiency is the loss per cent. 1. If I sell cloth at 5s. per yd. and thereby gain 15 per cent. what shall I gain per cent. if I sell it at Os. per yd. 3 £ As 5 : 115 :: 6 : 138 Ans. gained 38 per cent. 2. If I retail rum at 1 dollar 50 cents per gallon, and thereby gain 25 per cent. what shall I gain or lose per ceat. if I sell it at 1 dol. 8 cts. per gallon? $ cts. $ $ cts. 3. If I sell a cwt. of sugar for 8 dollars, and thereby lose 12 per cent. what shall I gain or lose per cent. if I sell 4 cwt. of the same sugar for 36 dollars ? Ans. I lose only 1 per cent. 4. I sold a watch for 171. Is. 5d. and by so doing lost 15 per cent. whereas I ought in trading to have cleared 20 per cent. ; how much was it sold under its real value 3 £. £ s. d. £. £. s. d. As 85 : 17 1 5 : : 100 : 20 1 8 the prime cost. 100 : 20 1 8: : 120 : 24 20 the real value. Sold for 17 1 5 £7 0 7 Answer. FELLOWSHIP, IS a rule by which the accounts of several merchants or other persons trading in partnership, are so adjusted, that each may have his share of the gain, or sustain his share of the loss, in proportion to his share of the joint stock.–Also, by this Rule a bankrupt's estate may be divided among his creditors, &c. SINGLE FELLOWSHIP, Is when the several shares of stock are continued in trade an equal term of time. Rule.-As the whole stock is to the whole gain or loss : so is each man's particular stock, to his particular share of the gain or loss.
Multiplying Decimals 13 Video Tutorial arithmetic operations video, decimals video, multiplication video, multiplication of decimals video, multiplying decimals video, number sense video, numbers video, operations video, operations with decimals video. Multiplying Decimals 13 This tutorial will show you the multiplication of decimals of different decimal places. You will be able to find the product and also figure out where to place the decimals. Multiplying decimals 13 video involves arithmetic operations, decimals, multiplication, multiplication of decimals, multiplying decimals, number sense, numbers, operations, operations with decimals. The video tutorial is recommended for 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, and/or 8th Grade Math students studying Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Probability and Statistics, Arithmetic, Basic Math, Pre-Algebra, Pre-Calculus, and/or Advanced Algebra. Multiplication is in essence repeated addition, or the sum of a list of identical numbers. Multiplication finds the product of two numbers, the multiplier and the multiplicand, sometimes both simply called factors. Multiplication, as it is really repeated addition, is commutative and associative; further it is distributive over addition and subtraction. The multiplicative identity is 1, that is, multiplying any number by 1 will yield that same number. Also, the multiplicative inverse is the reciprocal of any number, that is, multiplying the reciprocal of any number by the number itself will yield the multiplicative identity.
Here we are providing a Reasoning quiz accordance with the syllabus of SSC CGL Tier-I, This post comprises 15 Questions of Miscellaneous Questions which really helps you getting more marks in final exam. Q1. Three different positions of the same dice have shown in the following figures. Which colour will be opposite to the green surface of the dice? Q2. In the following figure given numbers indicate Indian, dancers and Singers. Study the figure carefully. Which region among them denotes Indian Singers who are not dancers, indicate that number. Q3. In the following series, how many even numbers are there which are followed by two odd numbers? (d) None of these Q4. 8, 6, 9, 23, 87 , … What number should come next? Q5. If ‘+’ means ‘×’, ‘–’ means ‘÷’, ‘×’ means ‘–’ and ‘÷’ means ‘+’ then, 9 + 8 ÷ 8 – 4 × 8 = ? Q6. Spring is to as coil as ring is to____ Directions(7-10): For each of the following questions there is some relationship between the two terms to the left of :: and there is same relationship between the two terms to its right. In each of these questions the fourth term is missing. This term is one of the alternatives among the five terms given below. Find out this term. Q7. QYGO : SAIQ : : UCKS : ? Q8. 6 : 43 : : 5 : ? Q9. 42 : 56 : : ? : 132 Q10. 68 : 130 : : 222 : ? Q11. Select the one which is different from other three alternatives. Q12. In this question, which Venn Diagrams best represents the relation between given classes Lieutenant, Captain, Army Q13. If in a code language DANCE is written as GXQZH, then in the same language, RIGHT would be written as – Q14. Harish is heavier than Umesh, but not as heavy as Inderjeet, Umesh is heavier than Mukesh. Jai is heavier than Harish, but lighter than Inderjeet. Who is the heaviest of all? Q15. Which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it? __ c d __ a c d __ a c __ b a __ d b a __ d b Send your SSC CHSL Tier-I response sheet at Contact@bankersadda.com
2013/04/25 at 8:52 am #12970 Spir Georges GHALI Dear Mr. Christopher ; Please note that the equation mentioned in my reply is general, and the complete one is : ( Vp / Vs ) = ( Is / Ip ) = ( Np / Ns ) Np : the number of turns of Primary coil. Ns : the number of turns of secondary coil.
Assuming O2+ still has a double bond, then bond order is 2. To get a negative charge on O2, you would have to have a single bond, so bond order is 1. Bond order=(Nb-Na)/2 where. The bond can be variously described based on level of theory, but is reasonably and simply described as a covalent double bond that results from the filling of molecular orbitals formed from the atomic orbitals of the individual oxygen atoms, the filling of which results in a bond order of two. If so the bond order is 1. There are 6 electrons involved in bonding and 2 bonds are there. of bonds between two atoms divided by total no. Explanation: In a molecule, there are total 16 electrons. C2 is unstable "diatomic carbon" and if it exists, it will have a double bond and a bond order of 2. The electron configuration for the ion is. Na=number of electrons in antibonding orbitals of resonating structure . Graphical Presentation of Bond-Order. The bond length in the oxygen species, O2+, O2, O2-, O2^(2-), can be explained by the positions of the electrons in molecular orbital theory. Click hereto get an answer to your question ️ The bond orders of O2^2 - , O2^-, O2 are respectively x, y and z.Then what is the value of 2(x + y + z) ? The Lewis structure for NO 3 - is given below: To find the bond order of this molecule, take the average of the bond orders. The graphical representation presented in Fig. There is a double bond between the two oxygen atoms; therefore, the bond order of the molecule is 2. (σ2s)²(σ2s*)²(π2p)^4(σ2p)²(π2p*)³. SO2: O-S=O. Sarthak. Bond order=1/2*bonding electrons/no. The formula for bond order is as follows. If you mean O2^-(O2 with a -1 charge) the bond order is 3/2. So, bond order=1/2(6)/2=1.5. Bond order is 3 in N2 since it has a triple bond. Do you mean a molecule of B with a subscript of 2 or do you mean an a single boron ion with a charge of -2? Nb=number of electrons in bonding orbitals. 2. Or. Boron doesn't actually form ions in solution so I doubt it's that and in order to have a bond order, there has to be a bond. Bond order is the number of chemical bonds between a pair of atoms; in diatomic nitrogen (N≡N) for example, the bond order is 3, while in acetylene (H−C≡C−H), the bond order between the two carbon atoms is 3 and the C−H bond order is 1. of bonds. See link 1 for an energy level diagram of the bonding and antibonding orbitals in the molecule and molecular ions of oxygen. Find total no. 4 years ago. 1 1. The molecular orbital configuration of molecule is as follows.. Bond order indicates the stability of a bond. N=O has a bond order of two, and both N-O bonds have a bond order … Lewis structures are a bit sketchy for these. Bond order = There are 10 bonding and 6 non-bonding electrons in the orbitals according to the molecular orbital configuration. Click hereto get an answer to your question ️ The increasing order of the bond order of O2, O^ + 2, O^ - 2 and O^2 - 2 is: So we could have B2. Illinois Foid Card Law, Gender Identity Ap Psychology Definition, Rohit Sharma Fastest Century Scorecard, El Limón Corta El Periodo Por Cuanto Tiempo, Flight Simulator Games Online, Hourly Weather Middletown, Ct, Clone Wars Death Trap Cast, Gender Identity Ap Psychology Definition, Sam Love Island Uk, How To Evaluate Equations In Java,
In the discretization of the 3‐D partial differential equations of many physics problems, it is found that the resultant system of linear equations can be represented by a block tridiagonal matrix. Depending on the substructure of the blocks, one can devise many algorithms for the solution of these systems. For plasma physics problems of interest to the authors, several interesting matrix problems arise that should be useful in other applications as well. In one case, where the blocks are dense, it was found that by using a multitasked cyclic reduction procedure, it was possible to reach gigaflop rates on a Cray‐2 for the direct solve of these large linear systems. The recently built code PAMS (parallelized matrix solver) embodies this technique and uses fast vendor‐supplied routines and obtains this good performance. Manipulations within the blocks are done by these highly optimized linear algebra subroutines that exploit vectorization as well as overlap of the functional units within each CPU. In unitasking mode, speeds well above 340 Mflops have been measured. The cyclic reduction method multitasks quite well with overlap factors in the range of three to four. In multitasking mode, average speeds of 1.1 gigaflops have been measured for the entire PAMS algorithm. In addition to the presentation of the PAMS algorithm, it is shown how related systems having banded blocks may be treated efficiently by multitasked cyclic reduction in the Cray‐2 multiprocessor environment. The PAMS method is intended for multiprocessors and would not be a method of choice on a uniprocessor. Furthermore, this method’s advantage was found to be critically dependent on the hardware, software, and charging algorithm installed on any given multiprocessor system. Gigaflop speed algorithm for the direct solution of large block‐tridiagonal systems in 3‐D physics applications David V. Anderson, Alan R. Fry, Ralf Gruber, Alexandre Roy; Gigaflop speed algorithm for the direct solution of large block‐tridiagonal systems in 3‐D physics applications. Comput. Phys. 1 March 1989; 3 (2): 33–41. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.168341 Download citation file:
Questions tagged [braking] The braking tag has no usage guidance. Is it normal for freight trains to require an external braking mechanism? Today I heard a claim that the recently derailed train in Ohio was physically incapable of stopping except at its normal stops. I am skeptical of that claim because: Normally a vehicle contains ... Can electronic brakeforce distribution (EBD) continuously vary the brake torque applied at each wheel? It's a simple question, but I haven't been able to find an answer to it. Can an EBD system vary brake torque continuously, as opposed to the pulse-based mode of operation of the typical ABS? Could a mainspring be used to generate train acceleration during starting-up from the kinetic energy stored during its slowing down? When waiting for the underground, I've always been wondering why we could not absorb the kinetic energy of the train to slow it down at the station and then to release this energy to help it ... Why can't trains stop in 2x the distance of trucks from the same speed? It is my understanding that every axle on a modern train has brakes. According to this page https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/friction-coefficients-d_778.html clean/dry steel on steel has a (static) ... What will be the force F for the given brake system? I am getting two ways to find F. One is Fx0.2=30 Nm which gives F=150N Other is Fx0.2-640x0.13=0 which gives F=416N I am confused which one is incorrect. I know problem is too basic but still not ... Why do heavy trucks use air brakes? I was having a discussion today, which led to the question why do heavy trucks still use air brakes? To my knowledge, it has been used for at least 40 years (I remember that as a kid), and ... Ways to brake an axle I am currently studying Mechanical Engineering and am doing an assignment where I have to design a wire rope tensioner where a wire rope is unspooled from a drum, but the wire has to be at a specific ... Way to keep object on linear rail in the position you leave it in despite smaller external forces? Problem: I have a rod on a linear rail system. This rod can be pushed forward or backwards. There is air blowing out of the front of the rod (~2 lbf) causing it to move to the back position by default.... Force necessary to resist motion due to torque on a drum brake A drum is subjected to a counterclockwise torque of 16 in-lb. What horizontal force is necessary to resist motion? Coefficient of friction = 0.40 Weight is neglected. I'm having a hard time on this ... Does westinghouse braking system prevent using anti-lock system? This question concerns the Westinghouse braking system. If I understand correctly this video, in an emergency braking (e.g. in case of failure in main air pressure line) the pressure in the main ...
An altered die has one dot on two faces, two dots on three faces, and three dots on one face. The die is to be tossed once. Let X be the number of dots on the upturned face. (a) Find the distribution of X.(b) Find the mean and standard deviation of X.
Experience the adrenalin and joy of solo free climbing. To get to the top of the route there are lots of skills required. Some routes are very tricky, you will have to find the right combination and be fast. Furious Climber will teach you to do dynamic moves, jumps, find places to rest, etc. Solve real climbing problems and be the king of the hill. Enjoy the free climbing madness from the safety of your couch. Start your journey to a great climber You will need patience to master this one. Be the king of the hill. # Routes divided by difficulty (easy, medium, hard) # Zoom feature # Real physics # Real holds # Grip pointer # Route builder – build and share your own routes. Challenge your friends, let them try and climbe them! # pinch zoom – zoom in/out with two fingers # short climbing tutorial # back button on phone works also in the game # No real injuries
I have a 4.5V source. I connected + terminal to a 15ohms resistance the resistance is connected to the + end of a green LED, the - end of green LED is connected back to the battery to make the circuit complete . I observe the green LED lights up. The drop across the resistance is 1.3V and the led is 3.2V. Now I connected the Vcc of NTE74LS08 ("and gate") to the +-terminal of battery. The ground of NTE74LS08 is connected to the negative terminal of the battery. pin 1 and 2 are 1A and 1B pin 3 is 1Y of NTE74LS08. I connect 1Y with another + end of a red LED, the - end of the red LED is connected to 15 ohms resistance. The end of the resistance is connected to the negative terminal of the battery. I observe even without the 1A and 1B connection (that is both the A and B input being zero) the red LED is lighting up. My question is what is the mistake of my design ? Why is the any gate not working ?
This preview shows pages 1–2. Sign up to view the full content. This preview has intentionally blurred sections. Sign up to view the full version.View Full Document Unformatted text preview: Exam Name___________________________________ MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) It can be shown that the put- call parity relationship for options where the underlying asset makes cash distributions and where the time value of money is recognized is: Put option price- Call option price = ________. 1) A) Future value of strike price + Present value of cash distribution- Price of underlying asset B) Present value of strike price- Present value of cash distribution + Price of underlying asset C) Present value of strike price + Present value of cash distribution- Price of underlying asset D) Present value of strike price + Future value of cash distribution- Price of underlying asset 2) The option price will change as the price of the ________. For a ________, as the price of the underlying asset increases (all other factors constant), the option price increases. The opposite holds for a ________. 2) A) European option changes; call option; put option B) underlying asset changes; put option; call option C) American option changes; put option; call option D) underlying asset changes; call option; put option 3) All other factors equal, the ________ the expected volatility (as measured by ________) of the price of the underlying asset, the more an investor would be willing to pay for the option, and the more an option writer would demand for it. 3) A) greater; beta B) lower; the standard deviation C) lower; the variance D) greater; the standard deviation 4) If the strike or exercise price for a put option is $75, and the current asset price is $75, and the market value of the put option is $77. What is the time premium of the put option? 4) A) $1 B) $2 C) $7 D) zero 5) Solving for the theoretical futures price, we get ________. 5) A) F = P- P(r + y). B) F = P + P(r- y). C) F = P + P(y- r). D) P = F + F(r- y). 6) To determine the value of the ________, H, we must know C u and C d . These two values are equal to the difference between the price of the asset and the strike price in the two possible states. 6) A) payoff ratio B) hedge ratio C) put option D) call option 7) Consider the "cash and carry trade" where you sell (or take a short position in) the futures contract, purchase Asset XYZ, and borrow until the settlement date. In computing the value "from the loan," which of the below statements is TRUE?... View Full Document This document was uploaded on 01/24/2012. - Spring '09
By Florian Cajori An Unabridged Printing: a few user-friendly homes Of Equations - easy changes Of Equations - position Of The Roots Of An Equation - Approximation To The Roots Of Numerical Equations - The Algebraic answer Of The Cubic And Quartic - answer Of Binomial Equations And Reciprocal Equations - Symmetric features Of The Roots - removal - The Homographic And The Tschirnhausen differences - On Substitutions - Substitution teams - Resolvents Of Lagrange The Galois concept Of Algebraic Numbers, Reducibility - common domain names - relief Of The Galois Resolvent by way of Adjunction - the answer Of Equations considered From The viewpoint Of The Galois concept - Cyclic Equations - Abelian Equations - The Algebraic answer Of Equations - solutions - accomplished Index Read or Download An introduction to the modern theory of equations PDF Similar dynamics books Avalanches, particles, mudflows and landslides are universal and traditional phenomena that ensue world wide, predominantly in mountainous areas. With an emphasis on snow avalanches, this ebook units out to supply a survey and dialogue in regards to the movement of avalanche-like flows from initiation to expire. an immense point of this publication is the formula and research of an easy yet acceptable continuum mechanical version for the lifelike prediction of geophysical flows of granular fabric. This booklet includes the classes given on the Fourth university on Statistical Physics and Cooperative platforms held at Santiago, Chile, from twelfth to sixteenth December 1994. this college brings jointly scientists engaged on topics with regards to fresh developments in complicated platforms. a few of these topics take care of dynamical structures, ergodic thought, mobile automata, symbolic and mathematics dynamics, spatial structures, huge deviation idea and neural networks. - Handbook of Fluid Dynamics and Fluid Machinery: Applications of Fluid Dynamics (Handbook of Fluid Dynamics & Fluid Machinery Vol. 3) - Biomembranes: Dynamics and Biology - Dynamics of Learning in Neanderthals and Modern Humans Volume 1: Cultural Perspectives (Replacement of Neanderthals by Modern Humans Series) - Future Satellite Gravimetry and Earth Dynamics - Quantum Effects in Unimolecular Reaction Dynamics [thesis] Extra info for An introduction to the modern theory of equations Eng. : Viscous fluid flow, 3rd edn. : Heat transfer in turbulent fluids-1. Pipe flow, Int. J. , Yoshida: Forced convective heat transfer to supercritical water flow in tubes. Int. J. : The characteristics of fully developed turbulent convection in round tube. Chem. Eng. Sci. 56, 1781–1800 (2001) 2 Introduction to turbulence of multi-phase flows Single phase turbulence is complex and still considered as a not resolved issue in science. Multiphase flow turbulence is much more complex and of course still far from its final accurate mathematical description. Yamagata et al. (1972) performed experiments on vertical and horizontal 10 mm inside diameter smooth tubes in the region of pressure from 226 to 294 bar, mass fluxes from 310 to 1830 kg/(m²s), heat fluxes from 116 to 930 kW/m² and bulk temperatures from 230 to 540°C. 136) reproduced the data within the ± 20% error band. 44 (1 + 1 Prpc ) for E < 0. 139) Note the use of the averaged specific capacity cp = h (Tw ) − h (Tb ) Tw − Tb . 74 × 10 6 J/kg. 2 Steady state flow in pipes with circular cross sections 29 1 1 c p = ⎡⎣ c p (Tw ) + c p ( Tw − ΔT ) + c p (Tw − 2ΔT ) ⎤⎦ , where ΔT = (Tw − Tb ) . This information is not contained in the first law of thermodynamics. It results only after combining the three conservation principles (mass, momentum and energy) and introducing a Legendre transformation in the form of a Gibbs equation. In a way, it is a general expression of these conservation principles. 35) kl = ( 3 2 ) Vl ′ . 36) or Such type of turbulence is called isotropic turbulence. Eq. 37) Taylor (1935), which is a very important scale which helps to provide the link between the turbulent kinetic energy, its dissipation, and the turbulent cinematic viscosity as given below.
ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY SAVING Compressed air is clean energy but producing it requires electricity, which costs money and consumes environmental resources. Below are some indicative averages of the energy ratio of compressed air to its sources. The values vary as a function of the output of the compressor and other factors. i.e. it takes 6.5 W to generate 1 normal litre per minute of compressed air. i.e. 0.254 litres of oil are burnt to produce 0.00165 lit oil/Nl/min/h i.e. 0.00165 litres of oil are burnt to produce 1 Nl/min of compressed air. i.e. 0.702 kg of carbon dioxide is dispersed into the environment to produce 1 kWh. i.e. 0.00456 kg of carbon dioxide is dispersed into the environment to produce 1 Nl/min. for 1 hour. Cost of air: i.e. it cost 0.00065 to generate 1 normal litre/minute of compressed air for one hour. Flow rate 100 Nl/min, 10 hours a day 6.5 x 100 Nl/min = 650 W x 10 hours/day x 230 days/year = 1495.000 Wh = 0.254 l/kWh x 1495 kWh = 0.702 kg/kWh x 1495 kWh =
Mathematics Ph.D. Dissertations Error analysis of the cubic front tracking and RKDG method for one dimensional conservation laws Date of Award Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Tong Sun (Advisor) Andrew Layden (Committee Member) Juan Bes (Committee Member) So-Hsiang Chou (Committee Member) The error analysis for the Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin (RKDG) method for solving the scalar nonlinear conservation laws for the case of a smooth solution has been given in and for the case of having a fully developed shock has given in . We use the Cubic Front Tracking and RKDG method to obtain the solution for the case between and where a shock is forming but not fully developed yet. The numerical smoothness approach used in is generalized for the case between and . Bhusal, Raju Prasad, "Error analysis of the cubic front tracking and RKDG method for one dimensional conservation laws" (2018). Mathematics Ph.D. Dissertations. 16.
9 (nine) is the natural number following 8 and preceding 10. The ordinal adjective is ninth. Nine is a composite number, its proper divisors being 1 and 3. It is 3 times 3 and hence the third square number. 9 is a Motzkin number. It is the first composite lucky number. Nine is the highest single-digit number in the decimal system. It is the second non-unitary square prime of the form (p2) and the first that is odd. All subsequent squares of this form are odd. It has a unique aliquot sum 4 which is itself a square prime. 9 is; and can be, the only square prime with an aliquot sum of the same form. The aliquot sequence of 9 has 5 members (9,4,3,1,0) this number being the second composite member of the 3-aliquot tree. It is the aliquot sum of only one number the discrete semiprime 15.
Garrett sells pumpkins for $1.12 per pound. On Friday, he sold 3 pumpkins that weighed 3 pounds 7 ounces each, 2 pumpkins that weighed 9 pounds 4 ounces each, and a few pumpkins that weighed 6 pounds 3 ounces each. On Saturday, he made 1 1/2 times as much as he did on Friday. On Sunday, he only made 1/2 of what he made on Saturday. If Garrett made a total of $217.49 for these 3 days, how many 6 pound 3 ounce pumpkins did he sell on Friday?
Better Students Ask More Questions. A ton of ore is found to contain 20% copper. At that rate, how many tons of ore will be... 1 Answer | add yours High School Teacher For every ton of ore there is 20% copper. We therefore need to calculate what will render 10 tons of copper. Let x = the unknown amount of ore we need. 20% means 20 over 100 and we require an answer of 10 `therefore 20/100 times x = 10` `therefore x= 10 times 100/20` The amount of ore required to obtain 10 tons of copper at a rate of 20% per ton of ore is 50 tons. Posted by durbanville on May 28, 2013 at 4:52 AM (Answer #1) Join to answer this question Join a community of thousands of dedicated teachers and students.
Abstract: Scientists are making attempts to solve proton radius puzzle. In this paper, the calculated value matches the experiment observation within 0.1%, compared to those obtained from CODATA, and muonic hydrogen scattering experiments of 4%. The calculation is made based on the assumption that the muonic hydrogen system has (Ep – Eµ) energy state (or frequency mix state of np –nµ), which interacts resonantly with the incoming photon of energy 206.2949(32) meV. A similar calculation is also made for muonic deuterium 2S-2P transition experiment with an accuracy of 1% from the experimental observation. The paper has also explored the theoretical as well as experimentation advancements that have led towards the development of results with lesser deviations. Abstract: As the continuation to the previous studies of gravitational frequency shift, gravitational time dilation, gravitational light bending, gravitational waves, dark matter, and dark energy are explained in the context of Newtonian mechanics. The photon is treated as the particle with mass of hν/C2 under the gravitational field of much larger mass of M. Hence the quantum mechanics theory could be applied to gravitational field on cosmology scale. The obtained results are the same as those obtained by general relativity considering weak gravitational field approximation; however, the results are different when the gravitational field is substantially strong. Abstract: The research, in this case, considers the integration of the Quantum Field Theory and the General Relativity Theory. As two successful models in explaining behaviors of particles, they are incompatible since they work at different masses and scales of energy, with the evidence that regards the description of black holes and universe formation. It is so considering previous efforts in merging the two theories, including the likes of the String Theory, Quantum Gravity models, and others. In a bid to prove an actionable experiment, the paper’s approach starts with the derivations of the existing theories at present. It goes on to test the derivations by applying the same initial assumptions, coupled with several deviations. The resulting equations get similar results to those of classical Newton model, quantum mechanics, and general relativity as long as conditions are normal. However, outcomes are different when conditions are extreme, specifically with no breakdowns even for less than Schwarzschild radius, or at Planck length cases. Even so, it proves the possibilities of integrating the two theories.
We have studied about the exchange of heat between system and surrounding. Now, we s hall focus on the measurement of heat. The heat transferred to the system appears as a rise of its temperature. The increase of temperature ( ΔT) is directly proportional to the quantity of heat (q) absorbed by the system. It can be put as q = ΔT = or q = C.T where C is called heat capacity of the system the value of which depends upon the size, composition and nature of the system. Now, if the temperature difference (.1T) is unity, i. e., l0 celsius or 1° kelvin then, q = C. Thus, heat capacity of the system is defined as the quantity of heat required to raise its temperature through ] 0. Equation (16.1) reveals that a given amount of heat will raise the temperature of the system to a smaller extent if its heat capacity is large and vice versa. MOLAR HEAT CAPACITY The molar heat capacity of a substance (Cm) is the heat required to raise the temperature of 1 mol of the system through 1°. If C is the heat capacity of n mol of system then its molar heat capacity, Cm is given by C m = Heat capacity / Number of moles = C / n SPECIFIC HEAT CAPACITY (c) This term is used more frequently for solids and liquids. We know beat capacity of a system depends upon the quantity of matter in the system. For example, large block of aluminium has a higher heat capacity than does a small piece of the same metal. Specific heat capacity (c) is a heat capacity of 1 g of the sample. It is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of substance through 1 K (or JOC). Specific heat capacity ( c) = Heat capacity / mass = C/m Now , C = q / ΔT • Specific heat capacity of water = 4.184 kJ kg-1K-1 or 4.184 Jg-1K-1 Specific heat capacity (c) = q / mΔT or q = c x m x ΔT Units of specific heat capacity are: Jg-1 K-1 or Jg-1 (0C-1) The specific heat capacity (c) and molar heat capacity (Cm) of the substance are related as C x molar mass = Cm
JUST HOW DO Casinos Make Money? Lots of people that play casino games have no idea just how much there is to learn. In fact, they could not even understand how a basic strategy for a certain type of casino game works. Learning several basic strategies can make all of the difference in whether you win at gambling. For instance, in roulette there are the number of winning cards, the minimum and maximum bet, and the payout odds. Casinos use all of these factors to determine the odds a person has of winning when they place their bets on a specific casino game. The payout chances determine whether or not you will walk away successful or if you will eventually lose out. Knowing precisely how these odds are figured out will let you decide what chances to bet on when you place bets on casino games. The most important considerations for gamblers may be the standard deviation. A standard deviation is an estimate of the value of the random adjustable, in this the casino game table. The standard deviation is simply the difference between your expected and your actual outcome. When discussing standard deviation, it is very important talk with regards to tails and heads. A normal binomial distribution uses a binomial distribution with mean and normal deviation values, which makes things a little easier to recognize. Standard deviation is not the only thing that helps gamblers make a decision what odds to bet on casino game titles. Another consideration is the simple game theory, which states that casino game titles are based on random possibility and that any player’s chances of winning are exactly the same no matter where they sit at the table. House advantage identifies the difference between the probability of a person player at any given table against the probability of all players at that desk, which can cause gamblers to vary their bets depending on which factors give them an edge. Property advantage could make the difference between a gain and a loss. Therefore the same number of people at a table could have the same probability of hitting on a jackpot but someone will always win a lot more than they lose. One example of using random number game titles to greatly help gamblers decide what odds to bet on casino games would be the amount of people at a internet casino who has actually won or lost, an individual card game. These people can then be used to help gamblers find out if casino games have a greater house advantage than other games. For example, someone at a progressive slot machine may have the odds of hitting a reddish jackpot one in three million, but this person has never won a single red or black jackpot in their entire lifetime. Using these people to greatly help with the mathematics can greatly improve gamblers chances of hitting the jackpot. The final portion of the casino game is the wheel. The steering wheel takes the winning quantities from the essential roulette system and then places them in specific opportunities on the wheel. These opportunities will always change because the odds of all the different combinations that come off the wheel are never exactly the same. If a casino were to offer the customer the choice of having the steering wheel reset to any situation they desired them to put a bet on, it could very well find yourself changing the odds dramatically. For the reason that the casino can change the odds depending on how much money is in the pot, how many players are left in the overall game and any other amount of aspects. Roulette, slots and 파라오카지노 poker video games all have random elements that make them unique. For that reason they are able to cope with roulette, slots and poker by the use of a wheel. So that you can know how gambling machines and roulette job, you need to know how the odds of every combination is figured out. In order to do that, it is very important look at some of the math engaged. Just about all casinos have a standard deviation that comes into play when they calculate the chances of the different outcomes. Basically, this can be a standard deviation that is the deviation of the average outcome that occurs throughout a random walk from one value to another. Whenever a casino uses standard deviation in calculating their odds, they are basically determining what’s normal behavior. Standard deviation is used in many different types of gambling games including slot machines, roulette and blackjack among many others. It’s the one factor that makes all of these games what they are and why they continue being popular among people even with all these yrs.
To find out how force (or pressure) waves recoil from a rigid termination, we may convert velocity waves to force (or pressure) waves by means of the Ohm's law relations of Eq.(6.6) for strings (or Eq.(6.7) for acoustic tubes), and then use Eq.(6.12), and then Eq.(6.6) again: Thus, force (and pressure) waves reflect from a rigid termination with no sign inversion:7.3 The reflections from a rigid termination in a digital-waveguide acoustic-tube simulation are exactly analogous: Waveguide terminations in acoustic stringed and wind instruments are never perfectly rigid. However, they are typically passive, which means that waves at each frequency see a reflection coefficient not exceeding 1 in magnitude. Aspects of passive ``yielding'' terminations are discussed in §C.11.
Assumption 1: Landing a spaceship softly takes the same rocket burn as it it does to launch it. Assumption 2: You are envisioning this spacecraft taking off and landing like Saturn V. I'm only going to calculate the taking off/landing part. Assumption 3: The spaceship has the same density as a Nimitz carrier. Estimating this ship at 5 times the length and 10 times the diameter of a carrier, the mass will be roughly $5\cdot10\cdot10 = 500$ times greater, or 50 million tons (5e10 kg). Assumption 4: You can scale a Saturn V up linearly by strapping a whole bunch together (which is what your picture looks like). I'll only compare to the first stage, since you seem to be interested in the blast damage to the planet. Assumption 5: Ignore fuel requirements. Logistics are for professionals, we're perform calculations on things that go boom. If the Saturn V produced 35MN to lift off 3e6 kg, then you need 5.8e11N to lift off 5e10 kg, or half a teraNewton, if you like to use units that not many people talk about. Energy is force times distance, so if we say (another assumption) that the rocket affects the earth until it is a mile in the air, multily 5.8e11 N by 1500m to get 8.8e14 J of energy release. Lets stack few more turtles to stack on this pillar of assumptions. I'm going to use a conservation of energy estimate to see what all this energy release would do. This site says that 30% of that energy is released as waste heat. Lets say all that heat is transferred to the sand: the sand just got 2.63e14 J hotter. The accepted answer here says that it is 1.5 MJ to turn a kilo of sand into glass. That means we can melt 1.8e9 kg of sand. At a density of 1400 kg/m$^3$, that means we melted 125000m$^3$ of sand. Make that a perfect half-sphere and you have about a 40 m^3 sphere of sand. So that would be a significant environmental change. Lets take those other 70% of energy and convert it into wind energy to simulate a blast wave. That is 6.1e14 J of energy. If we give all the air in a 40 m$^3$ radius, to a height of, say 10m (to simulate a shockwave along the ground) that much kinetic energy, how fast would it be rushing outwards? Well that is a volume of 5e4 m$^2$ of air, with mass of 6e4 kg, so it would pick up a velocity of 141047 m/s. Holy smokes! So the blast wave would probably be more damaging to your safety than the heat. Lets solve for the distance you need to be to get the air speed down to 50 m/s, which is strong, but unlikely to kill you. I calculate 112 km. Seems high. Lets raise the height of the shock wave to 100m: now we're at 36 km. Ok so that post will not hold up to any scrutiny, but I can guesstimate your answers as: 1.What are the immediate effects on the surrounding area if such a craft landed? Anything withing a kilometer is probably killed by heat. Powerful shock wave up to 10km, hurricane force winds beyond that. 2.What would happen to the desert below? would there be any significant changes to the environment due to such large rockets heating everything up/ large object touching down on the ground? Yes, there would be a lot of glass. 3.What would be the max distance you would have to be from the landing to survive? The max distance would be the opposite side of the planet. The minimum distance would be somewhere from 10-50km.
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The mean (arithmetic) issimply the sum of the numbers divided by the number of numbers. The median is the midpoint of a distribution: the same number of scores is above the median as below it. The mode is the most frequently occurring value. Although all are great in depicting a type of “middle” value, each can skew the overall depiction of results.When a distribution is symmetric, then the mean and the median and usually mode are the same and using either can be appropriate to use. The reading the professor provided tells us to consider the following distribution: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9. The mean and median are both 5. The mean, median, and mode are identical in the bell-shaped normal distribution. However, when the distribution is not symmetric, the mean, median, and mode may not depict an accurate “average” or “middle ground”. While the mean may be one number, there can be many more on one side of the middle with the “central distribution” being a bit “off”. Online Statistics Education: An Interactive Multimedia Course of Study Developed by Rice University (Lead Developer), University of Houston Clear Lake, and Tufts University
SETWINSIZE number number (SETWINSIZE number number number) SETWINSIZE sets the size of the Graphics window. Its first input is the width of the window in screen pixels, while the second input is the window height. Use WINSIZE to retrieve the current window size. A third optional input can be supplied to SETWINSIZE if SETWINSIZE and all its inputs are enclosed in parentheses. The third input is the number of the window as listed in the Window menu. ? SETWINSIZE 100 \
Document Type: Research Articles Department of Mathematics, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran The Rényi entropy is a generalization of Shannon entropy to a one-parameter family of entropies. Tsallis entropy too is a generalization of Shannon entropy. The measure for Tsallis entropy is non-logarithmic. After the introduction of Shannon entropy , the conditional Shannon entropy was derived and its properties became known. Also, for Tsallis entropy, the conditional entropy was introduced and its properties were shown. But no specific definition has been given for the conditional Rényi entropy. Several authors have used some definitions of the conditional Rényi entropy, to find their properties and relations among them, but there is no general agreement on any specific definition In this paper, we focus on the definitions of the conditional Rényi entropy, and select one of them on the basis of a relation between Rényi and Tsallis entropies, and show that the chain rule holds generally for the case of conditional Rényi entropy. Then, using this definition, we show some of the properties of conditional Rényi entropy. Finally, we show the relations among Rényi, Shannon and Tsallis entropies.
I need to verify one of my answers quickly...the problem is: The mean annual salary for classroom teachers is $43,658. Assume a standard deviation of $8000. 1) Determine the sampling distribution of the sample mean for a sample of size 256. Interpret your answer in terms of the distribution of of all possible sample mean salaries for samples of 256 teachers. 2) Determine the percentage of all samples of 256 public school teachers that have mean salaries within $1000 of the population mean salary of $43,658. Interpret your answer in terms of sampling error. Are my answers correct? : 1)SE within samples = 8,000/√256 =500 2) 42.1% of samples are within $500 of the mean $8,000. is it 84.2% that're 1/in $1000? am I way off? 1) looks correct For 2) You have an standard error of 500, and are asked what is likelihood of similar sample being within 1000 or 2.0 standard deviations away from the mean. Look up 2.0 in your cumulative normal distribution table (probably in the back of your stats book). I get .9772 -- meaning 97.72% of such samples with be within $1000 of the mean of $43,658posted by economyst
Students (and teachers) are often fascinated by the fact that certain geometric images have fractional dimension. The Sierpinski triangle provides an easy way to explain why this must be so. To explain the concept of fractal dimension, it is necessary to understand what we mean by dimension in the first place. Obviously, a line has dimension 1, a plane dimension 2, and a cube dimension 3. But why is this? It is interesting to see students struggle to enunciate why these facts are true. And then: What is the dimension of the Sierpinski triangle? They often say that a line has dimension 1 because there is only 1 way to move on a line. Similarly, the plane has dimension 2 because there are 2 directions in which to move. Of course, there really are 2 directions in a line -- backward and forward -- and infinitely many in the plane. What the students really are trying to say is there are 2 linearly independent directions in the plane. Of course, they are right. But the notion of linear independence is quite sophisticated and difficult to articulate. Students often say that the plane is two-dimensional because it has ``two dimensions,'' meaning length and width. Similarly, a cube is three-dimensional because it has ``three dimensions,'' length, width, and height. Again, this is a valid notion, though not expressed in particularly rigorous mathematical language. Another pitfall occurs when trying to determine the dimension of a curve in the plane or in three-dimensional space. An interesting debate occurs when a teacher suggests that these curves are actually one-dimensional. But they have 2 or 3 dimensions, the students object. So why is a line one-dimensional and the plane two-dimensional? Note that both of these objects are self-similar. We may break a line segment into 4 self-similar intervals, each with the same length, and ecah of which can be magnified by a factor of 4 to yield the original segment. We can also break a line segment into 7 self-similar pieces, each with magnification factor 7, or 20 self-similar pieces with magnification factor 20. In general, we can break a line segment into N self-similar pieces, each with magnification factor N. A square is different. We can decompose a square into 4 self-similar sub-squares, and the magnification factor here is 2. Alternatively, we can break the square into 9 self-similar pieces with magnification factor 3, or 25 self-similar pieces with magnification factor 5. Clearly, the square may be broken into N^2 self-similar copies of itself, each of which must be magnified by a factor of N to yield the original figure. See Figure 8. Finally, we can decompose a cube into N^3 self-similar pieces, each of which has magnification factor N. Now we see an alternative way to specify the dimension of a self-similar object: The dimension is simply the exponent of the number of self-similar pieces with magnification factor N into which the figure may be broken. So what is the dimension of the Sierpinski triangle? How do we find the exponent in this case? For this, we need logarithms. Note that, for the square, we have N^2 self-similar pieces, each with magnification factor N. So we can write Similarly, the dimension of a cube is Thus, we take as the definition of the fractal dimension of a self-similar object Now we can compute the dimension of S. For the Sierpinski triangle consists of 3 self-similar pieces, each with magnification factor 2. So the fractal dimension is so the dimension of S is somewhere between 1 and 2, just as our ``eye'' is telling us. But wait a moment, S also consists of 9 self-similar pieces with magnification factor 4. No problem -- we have as before. Similarly, S breaks into 3^N self-similar pieces with magnification factors 2^N, so we again have Fractal dimension is a measure of how "complicated" a self-similar figure is. In a rough sense, it measures "how many points" lie in a given set. A plane is "larger" than a line, while S sits somewhere in between these two sets. On the other hand, all three of these sets have the same number of points in the sense that each set is uncountable. Somehow, though, fractal dimension captures the notion of "how large a set is" quite nicely, as we will see below.
I have the FreePBX Distro loaded. It seems to me that the hunt strategy in Ring Groups is not behaving as it should. With two extensions in the ring list the first one rings for the ring time set then both the first and second ring together for the ring time set then the first rings again. Memory hunt seems to do exactly the same thing. My understanding of what should happen is that the first should ring for the set time, then the second should ring and then the no answer destination should get the call. Please correct me if my understanding is incorrect. Don’t want to report a bug until I am sure I have my facts right!
I would like to ask two questions. Question number one: if it's possible to find somewhere protocol of precision of imported and measured ground control points. Ideal would be presision in [mm]. And question number two if is there some way how to split ground control points on Fix points (points that defines local coordinate system of created model) and check points (points that shows me real measured precision). Thanks for your answers. Please sign in to leave a comment.
Using visual icons to help reinforce the CC Standards for Mathematical Practices. 8 FREE posters to print for your classroom! Why I Love Common Core Math - Eight Standards for Mathematical Practice, part 3… Mathematical Practices Look-fors by Laura Chambless via slideshare Help students talk about their mathematical thinking with discussion cards that prompt students by Mathematical Practice Standard and provide sentence frames for responses. Each MP standards is included with 8-12 prompts per standard. Bulletin Board idea: Everybody is a Genius: Kid Friendly Mathematical Practices Posters- Part 2 Why I Love Common Core Math - Eight Standards for Mathematical Practice, Part 1 The first few days of school...in pictures! Thought I'd share a few highlights of our first week in photos and captions! It was great getting to know my new "peeps"! How to Help Students Meet the Common Core Standards for #Math The Eye On Education Blog Infographic
I have come across the following counting poblem and not sure if I've followed the right path to finding the answer. The problem is: There are 5 couples. The host sits at the head of the table and the hostess at the opposite head of the table. Its a rectangluar table with with 4 seats either side of the table between the 2 heads of the table. No man or woman can sit next to eachother. Each member of a couple must be on the other side to their partner. My method was to seat the women first in 4! ways. Then on the one side of the table there is only a choice of 2 men since there cant be the men who are the partners of the women on that side-that can be done in 2! ways. Then is did exactly the same for the other side. This yields: 4!x 2!x 2! I was unsure whether I was missing a 2!-whether u can rearrange the heads of the table in 2! ways. Or whether Im following the wrong route?
Sanjay Goel, JIIT, 2006 Data Structure: Programming Assignments CSE/IT 3rd sem12. 09.06 1. WAP to simulate a robot ‘SimRob’ linear movement along X axis bounded by Left and Right wall. The robot has two sensors on two sided that get activated on hitting the wall on its side. On sensor activation the controller changes the direction of robot’s movement. Graphics is not compulsory. 2. Design DS for storing and using Truth table(5 input and three output variables)14.09.06 1. WAP a dual robot movement simulator “Robpair” using two ‘SimRobs’ (of possibly varying width) with already defined behavior. Graphics is not compulsory. 2. (Single student: 3 marks) WAP a multi robot movement simulator “Robmat” using multiple “Robpairs” at different Y positions. Graphics is not compulsory. 3. (Group of four: 3 marks each) WAP a circuit’s truth table generator using up to 10 circuit components with user defined truth tables. Each component can have up to 5 inputs and 3 outputs. The components are used to create a user defined combinational circuit. Your program should generate the truth table for the circuit from the available data. Graphics is not compulsory.19.09.06 1. (Single student: 2 marks) Design a data storage scheme for storing single variable polynomial functions and series of numbers. Design an algorithm to test if the given series is a Taylor series approximation (at x) for a given polynomial function and x0. Taylor series approx. of a given function is as follows:21.09.06 1. (Group of two: 2 marks each) Design a dynamic data structure for storing a randomly ordered collection of single variable polynomial functions and another static data structure for storing randomly-ordered collection of real number- sequences. The records in both the collections also should have additional provision for storing indices of all the matching entries (if any) in another collection. One entry in any collection may match with none, one or many entries in another. A number-sequence is declared as matching with a polynomial, if all the numbers in the sequence match with corresponding terms of the Taylor series expansion of a function for given x and x0 within the limits of a user-defined ‘permitted-mismatch’. Design an algorithm for updating matching indices in both the collections for a given user-defined input of ‘permitted-mismatch’, x and x0. Sanjay Goel, JIIT, 2006 You have the freedom to change the matching context of the problem to different and interesting situations. For example, you could match the following: 2. Polygons with number sequences that represent area, perimeter, and side length. 3. Lines (equation form) with endpoint coordinates. 4. Sentences with number sequences that represent frequency count of alphabets. 5. Differential equations with solutions. Take prior permission of your lab instructor to work on the context of your choice. You should take this permission within this week before 23/09/06. If your chosen context is much more complex than the stated context, the marks allocated to this problem will increase by 50%.23.09.06 (Group of two) You have already created the UI for following applications. Now create Data Characterization Catalogue and Concept Map for these applications: 1. (1.5 marks each) A design team has conceived the following initial specifications of a search engine for a large company’s internal Digital Library: Only specially authorized users can upload new documents or new versions of old document. All employees can look at the documents. Information systems department will create, update and maintain a list of keywords for faster search facility. The search engine users can also search by entering any word through the keyboard. Searched documents are to be listed as follows: Case A: Faster search on a listed keyword: As per the frequency of occurrence of the word i.e. the documents having higher “density” of the chosen keyword will be listed before the documents having lower density, where density[k, d] = (Occurrence count of the word k in d)/(word count in d) Case B: Search by entering a word though the keyboard: As per the frequency of usage of a document, where usage is defined as number of times a document is opened by users through the search engine. 2. (1.5 marks each) Design a simulator for a petrol pump offering the facilities of petrol, diesel, CNG and car wash. Also give a diagrammatic representation for this simulator software. Customer arrival rates are as follows: 5 am – 6 am : 30 customers per hr. 6 am – 7 am : 50 customers per hr. 7 am – 10 am : 200 customers per hr. 10 am – 4 pm : 100 customer per hr. Sanjay Goel, JIIT, 2006 4 pm – 8 pm : 200 customers per hr. 8 pm – 10 pm : 50 customer per hr. 10 pm – 5 am : 15 customers per hr. There are separate queues for the petrol, diesel, CNG and car wash. There are three petrol counters, two diesel counters, two CNG and one car-wash counters. 50% of the Fuel seekers purchase petrol, 25% purchase diesel and rest purchase CNG. During peak hrs., only fuel buyers are entertained. During 10 am to 6 pm, 10% customers come for car wash and rest for the fuel. Customers first buying the fuel do not go for car wash. However, 70% also buy fuel after car wash.26.09.06 1. (Group of two: 1.5 marks each) Generate as many design options as possible for 1st problem assigned in the last class. Evaluate each option for its advantages and disadvantages.28.09.061. (Group of two: 4 marks each) Design the UI, Data Characterization Catalogue, Concept Map, Data Structure, and Algorithms for following problem: We need to store up to 50000 persons and their relationships so that following queries can be efficiently addressed: i. How is x related to y? ii. To how many persons is x related? iii. Who all are related to x? iv. Who all are related to x and how? v. Who all are related to x or y? vi. How many unrelated extended families exist in the database? vii. Who is the eldest person in each extended family? viii. Who are the common persons somehow related to both x and y? ix. Who are the common persons somehow related to all x, y and z? x. How two different family charts can be merged and automatically updated in the event of marriage between the persons belonging to different family charts? 03.10.06 1. Find out the function for formula based addressing of individual elements within 2d, 3d, and kd matrices of 4 byte long integers stored in i. column major order. ii. row major order Sanjay Goel, JIIT, 2006 In the following questions, do not waste any memory for storage of null elements in the matrix cells other than the specified sub matrices. Also write algorithms for doubling the value of user specified cell for all cases mentioned below: 2. Find out the function for formula based addressing of individual elements within 2d, 3d, and kd lower triangular matrices of 4 byte long integers stored in i. column major order. ii. row major order. 3. Find out the function for formula based addressing of individual elements within 2d, 3d, and kd upper triangular matrices of 4 byte long integers stored in i. column major order. ii. row major order. 4. Find out the function for formula based addressing of individual elements within 2d, 3d, and kd diagonal matrices of 4 byte long integers stored in i. column major order. ii. row major order 5. Find out the function for formula based addressing of individual elements within 2d, 3d, and kd tri-diagonal matrices of 4 byte long integers stored in i. column major order. ii. Row major order 6. (Group of two: 4 marks each) for any two of the above mentioned cases to be announced by Lab instructors for each batch, Write recursive program for find the following: i. Indices of the cell(s) with maximum value in matrix. ii. Sum of the cell(s) in a matrix. Sanjay Goel, JIIT, 200605.10.06 1. (Group of two: 3 marks each) WAP for addition of two large sparse matrices (100 x 100 x 100) using Linked storage based data structures using pointer as well as simulated pointers (Sparse matrices are matrices with most elements with zero value; hence you can save large memory by avoiding the storage of zero value elements). Compare linked as well as simulated pointer based storage with formula based addressing in this context.07.10.06 1. (Group of two: 8 marks each) Enhance the scope of the people-relationship problem assigned on 28.09.06 to include following functionality: i. Find out the families in which there are more than 4 persons with postgraduate qualifications. ii. Find out the families in which more than 3 persons have been hospitalised in the last two years. iii. Find out the families in which more than 2 persons work in the same organization at same location. iv. Find out the families that collective pay annual income tax of more than Rs. 5 Lacs. v. Find out the working spouses whose work locations are in different cities with a distance of minimum 50 km. “Family” for our purpose includes direct descendants and spouses of self, parents, and father in law. Propose Data Characterization Table, Concept map, Data Structures. Also WAP for these and earlier mentioned queries. Design data structures based on at least 2 different structuring techniques. Sanjay Goel, JIIT, 200610.10.06 (Group of two: 10 marks each without graphics, 14 marks each with animatedgraphics; Exempted for those who are doing project) Design (UI, DataCharacterization Catalogue, Concept map, Data Structures, Test plan, Algorithm),implement, and test (produce a proper Test report) a fun station simulator withfollowing specifications: In a fun-park we have a network of N-S and E-W roads. The fun park has 100auto-navigated rechargeable battery red and blue toy vehicles. Red and blue vehicles areequal in number. These toy vehicles are queued on a ramp above the ground. To beginwith, all vehicles are queued on the ramp with alternate positions being assigned to redand blue vehicles all with the initially uniform battery life of 30 minutes on the ground.The ground has a pivot point where the vehicles are landed from the ramp on the groundin an orderly manner in a randomly chosen available direction with a minimum time gapof 2 minutes. 1. Vehicles land on the ground. 2. Vehicles move in N, E, W, and S directions. 3. Vehicles turn 90 degree. Blue vehicles can turn left and red vehicles turn right. 4. If hit by a vehicle in a lane, both the vehicles reverse their direction. 5. If hit by another vehicle or the wall on a crossing, the blue vehicles turn left whereas red vehicles turn right to change their direction of movement. 6. If after a vehicle clash on a crossing, the vehicles choose to move in the same new lane, the vehicle that landed earlier on the ground moves first. 7. The vehicles continue to move till their battery is discharged. 8. Discharged vehicles are put back for charging. 9. The recharged vehicles are put back on the ramp queue. 10. Charging time depends on the vehicles waiting for charging as follows: Number of vehicles in the queue Charging time >= 50 5 minutes 30-49 10 min. 20-29 15 min. 10-19 20 min. 6-9 25 min. <=5 30 min. 11. The battery charging time is also equal to new battery life on the ground. 12. On every hit (either with wall or another vehicle), more energy is consumed and the remaining battery time of concerned vehicle(s) decreases by one minute. 13. A large robot arm (crane like) picks up the vehicles without fuel and puts them onto the queue for charging. (Bonus: 4 marks each student) Enhance this fun station with some additional special features (to be proposed by you) to make this a unique station. Maintain confidentiality about your additional features and do not show it to other students registered in this course before evaluation of all students on this assignment. Sanjay Goel, JIIT, 200626.10.06 1. (5 marks: Exempted for those who are doing project) Write four different functions (based on different logic) for reverse order printing of information content of nodes in a linked list. Analyze the space and time complexity of your solutions.31.10.06 1. (2 marks: Exempted for those who are doing project ) WAP to convert a sorted array of 100 names into a BST. 2. (2 marks: Exempted for those who are doing project) WAP an unsorted linked list of 100 names into a BST. 3. (2 Marks: Exempted for those who are doing project) WAP to convert a BST of 100 names into a sorted linked list implemented with simulated pointer. 3. (4 marks: Exempted for those who are doing project) WAP to partition a BST of 100 names into three BSTs of nearly equal population size with non-overlapping value range.7.11.06 1. (6 marks: Exempted for those who are doing project) Write functions for non- recursive search, findmin and findmax in a BST. 2. (6 marks) Implement BST with simulated pointer and rewrite non-recursive search, insert, and delete functions for this data-structure.9.11.061. (Practice assignments not compulsory Bonus: 8 marks) Write a function for traversing binary tree by scanning it vertically right to left top to down.11.11.06 1. (Practice assignments not compulsory Bonus: 6 marks) Create an 8-ary tree using simulated pointer. Write two different kinds of traversal functions for this data structure.14.11.06 1. (Practice assignments not compulsory Bonus: 3 marks) A database stores information about hyperlinks across 1000 Websites. QUERY : If it is possible to move from xth Website to yth Website with up to two intermediate Websites in between them , then display “ link exists between xth and yth Websites” and also give sequence of names of intermediate Websites that are visited while moving from xth to yth Website ,otherwise display “No links Possible”. Propose the Data Structures and an appropriate algorithms (with and also without buffer) for processing the above Query. Also demonstrate the working of your algorithm by simulating key-steps of the algorithm for two cases e.g. A E C B. Sanjay Goel, JIIT, 200615.11.06 1. (Practice assignments not compulsory Bonus: 3 marks) Create an 8-ary tree using formula based storage. Write two different kinds of traversal functions for this data structure.
- Article Type: General - Product: Aleph - Product Version: 15.2 We ran manage-55 on a subset of records, followed by manage-18 to load the tags. We had done this to two previous subsets successfully. When we did the third, we realized that we set the manage-18 'If Updating Current records' line to 'Replace Entire Record' instead of 'Replace Fields Within a Record'. We were able to find the HOL recs by retrieving them via the Items module, so these missing HOLs are there, however, they are no longer linked to the bib records. We found this out when we reran a test manage-55 on a record and it came up with no linked ABC60 records: -rw-r--r-- 1 aleph exlibris 1132 Jul 25 16:14 abc01_p_manage_55.00574 Is there a way to relink our subset of bib records (asf_952a_nnyi) to their respective HOL records so we can run manage-55 on this subset? Here are some example bib records in the subset for you to view: The items records all seem to still be linked to the HOL records. If we end up having to create new HOL records, what would happen to the links between the HOL and items records? You said that in a higher version of Aleph, the option is available to be able to get the corresponding system numbers of any bib record's HOL, item, ADM, etc, correct? The util f/3/12 utility can be used in version 16-up. It shows this: ENTER HOME LIBRARY : abc01 ENTER DOC-NUMBER : 000342938 so, yes, this doc has no ABC60 HOL link. This SQL (in abc50) shows what HOL it *should* be linked to: SQL-ABC50> select Z30_HOL_DOC_NUMBER_X from z30 where z30_rec_key like '000342938%'; ABC60 doc record 308089 looks like this: Reading doc : 000308089 CAT L $$c20080725$$lCJH60$$h1428 852 L $$aNyNyASF$$bASF$$e15 W. 16th Street, NY, NY 10011$$hF593.C283$$iH57 2000 It lacks the LDR, 008, and LKR fields -- and possibly others. Simply re-running p_manage_55 will not correct the problem. If you have a backup of the ABC60 z00 from before the p_manage_55 run, the best thing (by far) would be to restore the records which were affected by the p_manage_55 run, and then rerun the p_manage_55 correctly. If not, I see that your bib and adm doc numbers are still in synch. You could run the following SQL to show each ABC60 HOL doc which has an associated item and what that item (and bib) number is: 1 select Z30_HOL_DOC_NUMBER_X, substr (z30_rec_key,1,9) from z30 where substr (z30_rec_key,1,9) in (select substr (z30_rec_key,1,9) from z30 minus select substr (z103_rec_key_1,6,9) from abc60.z103 where z103_rec_key_1 like 'ABC01%') 2 and Z30_HOL_DOC_NUMBER_X ^= '000000000' order by Z30_HOL_DOC_NUMBER_X asc; (Note: The SQL is too long to be entered as a single string.) It seems, however, that not all HOL records had associated items. (ABC60 doc# 000307945 is an example.) - Article last edited: 10/8/2013
In maths we have been learning to use half and double. For a example 16x5= so you double the 5 into a ten, next you half the 16 into a 8. So now you x 8 and 10 so 8x10= 80 so the answer is 80. Well done there is heaps of detail good maths. You could do less detail because there is heaps Comment: well done! Feed Back: Well done I really know what you are trying to teach other people about the double and half strategy :)
THE AXISYMMETRIC BUCKLING OF INITIALLY IMPERFECT COMPLETE SPHERICAL SHELLS. STANFORD UNIV CALIF DEPT OF AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS Pagination or Media Count: A theoretical investigation of the axisymmetric buckling of complete thin-walled spherical shells under uniform external pressure is undertaken to determine the effect of axisymmetric initial imperfections. In the analysis, the complete spherical shell is divided into two parts the shallow cap in which the initial imperfection exists, and the remaining portion of the shell most of which deforms in simple contraction. The rotation of the meridian of the cap is assumed in the form of a polynomial function. Four matching conditions are enforced at the juncture of the cap and remainder. The total potential energy of the complete spherical shell is minimized in accordance with the Rayleigh-Ritz approximation method. Two types of initial imperfections are studied one is an axisymmetric dimple, and the other is a spherical region whose radius of curvature is greater than that of the perfect spherical shell. The maximal values of the pressure parameter rho in the equilibrium state before snap-through were calculated for various values of the geometric parameter lambda, which is proportional to the angular extent of the imperfection for a given radius-to-thickness ratio, and the imperfection amplitude parameter delta, which is the ratio of the initial deviation of the shell mid-surface at the axis of rotation to the wall-thickness. The results of numerical computations show that for all values of delta the lowest buckling pressure is reached when lambda is about 4. Author - Structural Engineering and Building Technology
1. Between-subjects - When you are comparing independent groups on a categorical, ordinal, or continuous outcome variable, you are conducting between-subjects analyses. The "between-" denotes the differences between mutually exclusive groups or levels of a categorical predictor variable. Chi-square, Mann-Whitney U, independent-samples t-tests, odds ratio, Kruskal-Wallis, and one-way ANOVA are all considered between-subjects analyses because of the comparison of independent groups. 2. Within-subjects - When you are comparing THE SAME GROUP on a categorical, ordinal, or continuous outcome ACROSS TIME OR WITHIN THE SAME OBJECT OF MEASUREMENT MULTIPLE TIMES, then you are conducting within-subjects analyses. The "within-" relates to the differences within the same object of measurement across multiple observations, time, or literally, "within-subjects." Chi-square Goodness-of-fit, Wilcoxon, repeated-measures t-tests, relative risk, Friedman's ANOVA, and repeated-measures ANOVA are within-subjects analyses because the same group or cohort of individuals is measured at several different time-points or observations.
We think you have liked this presentation. If you wish to download it, please recommend it to your friends in any social system. Share buttons are a little bit lower. Thank you! Presentation is loading. Please wait. Published byMargaret Wellford Modified about 1 year ago Right Triangles Prepared by Title V Staff: Daniel Judge, Instructor Ken Saita, Program Specialist East Los Angeles College EXIT BACKNEXT Click one of the buttons below or press the enter key © 2002 East Los Angeles College. All rights reserved. Consider the Right Triangle. EXIT BACKNEXT If we draw a vertical line from vertex C to a point D on our base, we form other right triangles. EXIT BACKNEXT We have now created three right triangles These triangles are all similar! EXIT BACKNEXT Recall that similar triangles have congruent (equal measure) corresponding angles. EXIT BACKNEXT We know the following EXIT BACKNEXT Similarly, EXIT BACKNEXT Our picture becomes... EXIT BACKNEXT Notice we can dissect this right triangle. We must rotate the first right triangle ¼ turn clockwise so the two triangles have the same alignment. EXIT BACKNEXT Since these triangles are similar, the following properties can be used. EXIT BACKNEXT It can be shown that the original right triangle ABC is similar to the smaller two right triangles. EXIT BACKNEXT If we separate the figure into three triangles and use the same alignment for all three we get... EXIT BACKNEXT Similar proportions can be created. CAD B A C D B C EXIT BACKNEXT Example 1) Determine the value for X EXIT BACKNEXT We really have EXIT BACKNEXT Example 2) EXIT BACKNEXT Example 3) EXIT BACKNEXT Example 4) EXIT BACKNEXT Summary EXIT BACKNEXT End of Right Triangles Title V East Los Angeles College 1301 Avenida Cesar Chavez Monterey Park, CA Phone: (323) Us At: Our Website: EXIT BACKNEXT Similar Triangles I Prepared by Title V Staff: Daniel Judge, Instructor Ken Saita, Program Specialist East Los Angeles College EXIT BACKNEXT © 2002 East. A triangle with at least two sides congruent is called an Isosceles Triangle. bc a In this triangle, sides b and c are congruent. What is similar about these objects? What do we need to pay attention to when objects are rotated? The shapes below are examples of regular polygons. Look at the sides and angles of each shape. Octagon rectanglehexagon triangle The following shapes. Proving the Distance Formula. What is the distance between points A and B? We can use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the distance. Honors Geometry Section 4.1 Congruent Polygons. To name a polygon, start at any vertex and go around the figure, either clockwise or counterclockwise, Lesson 4 Contents Example 1Translate a Figure Example 2Find a Translation Matrix Example 3Dilation Example 4Reflection Example 5Rotation. G.9 Quadrilaterals Part 1 Parallelograms Modified by Lisa Palen. David Weeks, Mathsmadeeasy Graphs for GCSE Maths. MODULE I VOCABULARY PART II. FIGURE IT OUT! The first new term we will discuss is distance. Distance a measurement of the length of how far something. FRACTIONS Lets draw a rectangle, and divide it in two equal parts... Index FAQ Basic Functions Polynomials Exponential Functions Trigonometric Functions Trigonometric Identities The Number e. Solving 2-D Vectors Graphically Physics. Why? O You can and people have accurately represented a situation by drawing vectors to scale in order to recreate. CCSSM Stage 3 Companion Text Lesson 3-O. Warm-Up 1.Describe the translation that moves A(–3, 4) to A'(1, 3). 2.Describe the type of reflection that moves. Geometry. Geometry Part II Similar Triangles By Dick Gill, Julia Arnold and Marcia Tharp for Elementary Algebra Math 03 online. Transformational Geometry Math 314. Game Plan Distortions Distortions Orientations Orientations Parallel Path Parallel Path Translation Translation Rotation. Copyright © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. 6.2 Law of Cosines. The Ambiguous Case of the Law of Sines. This is the SSA case of an oblique triangle. SSA means you are given two sides and the angle opposite one of them. Here we have an apple that is at a height h above the Earths surface. Trigonometric Functions Measuring Angles Areas of Sectors of Disks Definition of Basic Trigonometric Functions Trigonometric Identities. Lines of Symmetry pg. 5 (LT #1). Reflection Symmetry When a graph or a picture can be folded so that both sides will perfectly match. LINE of SYMMETRY: If you have not watched the PowerPoint on the unit circle you should watch it first. After youve watched that PowerPoint you are ready for this one. If. Tangent Lines Section 2.1. Secant Line A secant line is a line that connects two points on a graph. Notice the slopes of secant lines are different depending. 7-5 The SSA Condition and HL Congruence. The abbreviations SsA and HL stand for two other combinations of measures of corresponding sides and angles in. MODULE VI LET’S GO MEASURE A KITE! AREAS OF QUADRILATERALS We have already discussed how to find the area of certain parallelograms. Today, we are going. Vertex-Edge Graphs. The Basics ❖ A vertex-edge graph is a graph that includes edges and vertices. ❖A❖An edge is a side (shown by a straight line) ❖ V❖ Honors Geometry Section 8.4 The Side-Splitting Theorem. Learn to recognize, describe, and show transformations. Course Translations, Reflections, and Rotations. The Law of Cosines. Let's consider types of triangles with the three pieces of information shown below. SAS You may have a side, an angle, and then another. © 2016 SlidePlayer.com Inc. All rights reserved.
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Update: see the restatement of the question below! I've seen this question over and over through the archive of questions, but so far the closer to an answer was this. But I still don't understand. For tensor fields, the spin should be related with the number of indices (and their symmetries). This works OK for scalars and vectors. A rank two tensor decomposes into: (1) symmetric-traceless, (2) skew-symmetric, and (3) trace. - The first one is a nine-dimensional irrep of $SO(3,1)$ should be a spin-two field ---in terms of $SU(2)\times SU(2)$ it is a $(3,3)$---, and there is no other possibility. - The second irrep. is a $(2,1) \oplus (1,2)$ of $SU(2)\times SU(2)$ which has spin one. - Finally, the trace is a $(1,1)$ irrep of $SU(2)\times SU(2)$, which correspond to spin zero. Using this analysis, Is there an easy method to known what the spin of a certain field is? Restatement of the question After the comments by @ACuriousMind, I'd like to restate my question. First, I understand that there is no isomorphism between $SO(3,1)$ and $SU(2)\times SU(2)$, that is why I emphasised the word. However, I really appreciate the concern (and the link!), because to many times doubts are all about the clarity in the language. Second, the spin is part of the definition of the field (if we have a field transforming under an irrep of $SO(3,1)$). As stated above, a rank two tensor has no defined spin because it does not transform under an irrep of the Lorentz group. So, finally... to my question! Assume you have a field transforming under an irrep of the Lorentz group. For the sake of definiteness, say a rank three tensor which is symmetric and traceless in the first and second indices, but antisymmetric among the second and third. Is there an easy, natural, or standard way to know the spin of this field? The point is: We know that the irreps of $SO(3,1)$ can be classified in terms of the irreps of $SU(2)\times SU(2)$ (although they are not isomophic as groups). If someone tells me how this field is classified as irrep of $SU(2) \times SU(2)$... say $(a,b)\oplus (b,a)$ we would for sure say the spin of the field is $s=a+b$. So, how could this info be obtained (with ease) from the symmetries of the field in the $SO(3,1)$ irrep? In the above I used the isomorphism between $SU(2)\times SU(2)$ and $SO(3,1)$ to get some information of the irreps through Young diagrams. How could the process be applied in dimensions with no such morphisms?
Ya, Norman. I do need to incorporate fringe benefits as well. If you happen to have your proposals easily at hand then that would be great. If not, don't worry about it. The PhD is not necessarily in physics. In this particular case, we have a Biochemist, a Physicist, and a Materials... So I have to put together a mock budget for a funding proposal. I am unsure, however, how much I need to pay the research assistants I will have working on the project. I also don't have a good idea of how much a professional with a PhD or master's would be paid to work on a project. This summer I am looking to get involved in research at my university. I am eager to go and meet with a professor to see if I can hold a position for him, but I am very intimidated and I sometimes feel like I don't know enough to contribute to a research team. I have been told... Okay, so I think I figured out my problem. I was doing something wrong with the component form. Here is what I got for my inertia tensor: I_11 = 0 I_22 = (1/3)ml^2 I_33 = (1/3)ml^2 I_12 = I_21 = 0 I_13 = I_31 = 0 I_23 = I_32 = 0 So it looks something like this... A thin rod has mass M and length L. What is the moment of inertia tensor about the center of mass if placed along the x axis. I would write the inertia tensor in component notation, but I don't know how to use Latex. The Attempt at a Solution... I don't think it's an algebraic error. I have worked the problem through, once using endpoints x=0 and x=L and again using x=-L/2 and x=L/2 and I don't get the same answer. In the case where I am going from 0 to L, I get that the energy is E=(n^2*h^2)/8mL^2, which is correct. In the case... Find the energy of a particle of mass m in an infinite square well with one end at x=-L/2 and the other at x=L/2. The Attempt at a Solution To save time, I won't type the solving of the differential equation which results... One particle is shot in the x direction at speed u and a second is shot in the y direction at speed u as well. Show that the relative speed of one to the other is: u(2-(u/c)^2)^1/2. velocity addition: u = (u' +/- v)/(1 +/- u'*v)
By Mikhail Kanevski; Michel Maignan Read Online or Download Analysis and Modelling of Environmental Data PDF Similar stochastic modeling books It is a sequel to quantity 19 of guide of records on Stochastic techniques: Modelling and Simulation. it truly is involved mostly with the subject of reviewing and occasionally, unifying with new principles different traces of study and advancements in stochastic techniques of utilized flavour. This e-book is an try and unify those theories. via unification the idea of Markov approach bears an intrinsic analytical software of serious use, whereas the idea of Dirichlet areas acquires a deep probabilistic constitution. This worthy booklet presents nearly 80 examples illustrating the speculation of managed discrete-time Markov tactics. apart from functions of the speculation to real-life difficulties like inventory alternate, queues, playing, optimum seek and so forth, the most recognition is paid to counter-intuitive, unforeseen houses of optimization difficulties. Difficulties and recommendations in Mathematical Finance: Stochastic Calculus (The Wiley Finance sequence) Mathematical finance calls for using complicated mathematical suggestions drawn from the speculation of likelihood, stochastic procedures and stochastic differential equations. those components are as a rule brought and constructed at an summary point, making it not easy while utilizing those innovations to sensible concerns in finance. - Applications of Orlicz spaces - Stochastic Models in Reliability - Determining Spectra in Quantum Theory - Stochastic Modeling: Analysis and Simulation - Quantile processes with statistical applications Additional info for Analysis and Modelling of Environmental Data Mean and variance), the possibility of the monitoring network detecting the phenomena under study (spatial and dimensional resolution of the monitoring network), etc. For global estimations, recovery procedure is related to the declustering (weighting of raw data before statistical analysis). See examples below. In general, the spatial inhomogeneity of points can be characterised by di fferent geometrical/topological, statistical and fractal. indices. The general idea of a quantitative description of MN clustering is to compare given monitoring network with a regular or homogeneous networklpallern and to compute some measures ofsimilarity/dissimilarity between Jhe two. Oedustered dm . -... ,-----: -:-� -- " " a JI 0 .. Q 0 0 ! Fig. 24 Histograms of raw and declu tercd data. Cell de<:lustcring algorilhms were used. 491 � Cs 137,sttp 4 � Cs 137, Sttp 3 576 661 831 491 661 Fig. 25 Sequential generation of homogeneous monitoring network based on original topology. 831 EXPLORATORY SPATIAL DATA Al ALYSIS. MO ITORING NETWORKS. 6 GEOSTAT OFFICE: MONJTORING NETWORKS AND DECLUSTERING The understanding of monitoring networks geometry/topology, statistical and fractal/multi fractal properties i s very important for the many reasons explained , . When the cell size is very small only n; = l or n; = 0 points fall into the cell. Jn this case the Morishita index equals zero. When the cell size is very large and covers the entire region, the Morishita index is equal to l . High values of Morishita index reflect the fractality of monitoring networks. Detailed discussion the Morishita index and its connection with the fractal dimension is presented by Korvin ( 1992). The Morishita diagram for regularly distributed data starts from zero and monotonically reaches a value of I with some fluctuations.
Let’s say from 1st Jan 2021 until today is 294 days. I have a price list for Machine A type rental is RM3,000/monthly. I have a column calculated from 1st Jan until today written 294 days. As you know 294 days is equal to 9 months, 21 days. I need the calculation will be like = (RM3,000 x 9months) + [ (RM3,000/31days) x 21days ] = (RM27,000) + [ (RM3,000 / 30) x 21 ] = RM27,000 + RM2,100 That’s true if your rental starts on Jan 1. But what if it doesn’t? What if it starts on Jan 15, or April 27, or Jun 13, or any other date? What would your calculation look like then? Yes because again i need to calculate the utilization but in Dollar perspective. It was like RM3000 x 12 = RM36,000 We have potential to have RM36,000 in a year for Machine A. Therefore, i have a number of days used as well. Need to convert to month first. What do you think? I think it depends how you decide to define a month. Let’s say for example that a rental starts on Jan 15. You could do it two ways, either: - the first full month is until Feb 15, and on the 15th of each month thereafter, or - you do a pro-rata calculation until the end of Jan, and then full calendar months thereafter I think the first option would probably be more common. But it’s up to you/your business to decide how to do it
I used to have a journal but I simply stopped and delete it. So I decided to find a good way of clearing my mind and what better way to do it than this. I have 6 priorities in life: 1. My son 2. My Gf 4. Enjoying life 5. Having Fun Here are some fun facts about me: • I love singing in my underwear. • I stopped peeing in pools till I was 16. • I love making drawings with syrup on my pancakes. • I could live off Buffalo wings. • I like to workout • I love reading nonfiction books. • I hate spiders. • If I could be any animal I would be a shark. • I like simple things. • I laugh about the stupidest things • I still wonder why rose didn’t make a space for jack to survive the cold water in Titanic. • I love comedy movies • My lucky number is 13. • I love sports cars. • I love dancing • I never sing the right lyrics
A cage holds 6 black cats and 9 white cats, if two cats escape what is the probability of both cats being white? This involves two events, each with their own probability. Because both the first AND the second have to happen for this problem, you will MULTIPLY the wo individual probabilities. Total cats = 15, White cats = 9 Probability first escaped cat is white = 9/15 One white cat has now escaped, so we now have Total cats = 14, White cats = 8 Probability second escaped cat is white = 8/14 Now MULTIPLY because this is an AND probability problem. (9/15)(8/14) = 72/210 = 12/35
One sample t test, Independent sample t test, Z test for population proportion . See attached file for full problem description.© BrainMass Inc. brainmass.com March 4, 2021, 7:43 pm ad1c9bdddf 25. Consider the following hypothesis test: H :µ ≥ 45 H :µ < 45 A sample of 36 is used. Identity the p-value and state your conclusion for each of the following sample results. Use a = .01 x = 44 and s = 5.2 x = 43 and s = 4.6 c. _ = 46 and s = 5.0 The test Statistic is given by Rejection criteria: Reject the null hypothesis, if the calculated value of t is less than the critical value of t with n-1 d.f. Or if the p value is less than the significance level 0.01 The critical value = -2.4377 Given that n = 36 The results are summarized in the table below s Test statistic P value conclusion 44 5.2 -1.1538 0.1282 Accept H0 43 4.6 -2.6087 0.0066 Reject H0 46 5.0 1.2 0.8809 Accept H0 27. The Employment and Training Administration reported the U.S. mean unemployment insurance benefit of $238 per week. A researcher in the state of Virginia anticipated that sample data would show evidence that the mean weekly unemployment insurance benefit in Virginia was below the national level. A. Develop appropriate hypotheses such that rejection of H will support the researcher's contention º B. For a sample of 100 individuals, the sample mean weekly unemployment insurance benefit was $231 with a sample standard deviation of $80. What is the p-value. C. At a =0.05, what is your conclusion? D. Repeat the preceding hypothesis test using the critical value approach. The null hypothesis under consideration is H0: The Virginia mean unemployment insurance benefit = $238 per week H1: The Virginia mean unemployment insurance benefit < $238 per week B. The ... Testing of Hypothesis: One sample t test, Independent sample t test, Z test for population proportion are calculated.
Gross sales are 1,200,000 Collection dept.estimates that 30% of customers will pay on the 10th day and takes discounts 40% will pay on the 30th day. Remaining 30% will pay on average 40 days after purchase (assume 360 day per year) a. what is the firms average collection period? b. what is the firms current receivable balance? c. what would be the firms new receivable balance if the firm toughened up the collection policy if all discounted customers paid on the 30th day d. suppose the firms cost of carrying receivable was 8% annually. how much would the toughened credit policy save the firm in annual receivable carrying expense (assume that the entire amount of receivable had to be financed) These solutions may offer step-by-step problem-solving explanations or good writing examples that include modern styles of formatting and construction of bibliographies out of text citations and references. Students may use these solutions for personal skill-building and practice. Unethical use is strictly forbidden. By purchasing this solution you'll be able to access the following files:
Deriving the Work-Energy Theorem using Calculus By Flipping Physics, 02/17/2016 - 982 views - 0 comments Use the integral and derivative to derive the Work-Energy Theorem or what I prefer to call the Net Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem. Want Lecture Notes? This is an AP Physics 1 topic. 0:21 The integral definition of work 1:02 Net Work 1:53 Substituting in for acceleration 2:40 Dealing with dv/dt 3:26 Changing the limits 3:50 Substituting in velocity 4:32 Taking the integral 4:56 Kinetic Energy! 5:16 The Theorem 5:42 Other energy equations 6:46 When can we use this equation? Next Video: Work-Energy Theorem Problem by Billy Multilingual? Please help translate Flipping Physics videos! Previous Video: Work due to Friction equals Change in Mechanical Energy Problem by Billy There are no comments to display.
I'm a Clipper fan. I own two clipper caps. Who the $%^$ wants to bandwagon the #&$%^ Clippers. Those $%^%^$'s can't make it past the #$%#$$##$% 2nd round. 5 Answers · Sports · 24/06/2016 cause the people in charge of TNA Impact are literally retarded and do not know how to do their job. why hype up a live iMPACT if they don't know how to use the production trucks. 7 Answers · Sports · 15/06/2016 ...260 built like a power forward, the speed and jumping power of a prime Derrick Rose, the vision of a prime Jason Kidd, and the power of a... 11 Answers · Sports · 07/06/2016 reality tv game shows on a pro wrestling show is destined to fail. show me a "winner" that actually became something in the industry. 2 Answers · Sports · 20/05/2016 ...met a couple of girls named Melissa who are wonderful people . The name doesn't matter, the personality and character is what ... 3 Answers · Entertainment & Music · 16/05/2016 Good for them. It would seem that they are miles behind Ohio State if I used a couple people being drafted as basis for any thoughts about the college. 1 Answers · Sports · 30/04/2016 ...-Americans wouldn't be able to fight and kill Japanese people . However, it doesn't seem to occur to people that those of German... 2 Answers · Politics & Government · 09/03/2016 ... been "The Next Big Thing" as Derrick Bateman in World Wrestling Entertainment/... 4 Answers · Sports · 27/12/2015
Description of problem: alias r ~user where user is an non-system user (not necessarily existing one), will trash the the terminal with random characters. Sometimes (always, as long as described conditions are met). Steps to Reproduce: 0. login at the console (sometimes you can get same effect even in X terminal 2. alias r ~username Actual Results: 'L,]9[bhYq%'d:+~+2Ue(}xZ%6Ad4yHA(.A|e=45)'<G'`G_^==*eG;t%= @v Expected Results: I should get a prompt. this cannot be reproduced with tcsh-6.12 I think 6.12 is what everybody uses now so this report can be closed.
PhyCalc quantity shake info Engineering friendly unit aware unicode compatible online calculatorcalculator - dimensions The SI unit for shake is: N/s4 (newton per quartic second) The dimension of shake is M L T-6. Shake is the 5th derivative of momentum, impulse with respect to time. A common formula symbol for shake is: Sh
A Course in Topological Combinatorics [electronic resource] / by Mark de Longueville. Contributor(s): SpringerLink (Online service)Material type: TextSeries: Universitext: Publisher: New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer, 2013Description: XII, 240 p. online resourceContent type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 9781441979100Subject(s): Mathematics | Game theory | Algorithms | Convex geometry | Discrete geometry | Combinatorics | Graph theory | Mathematics | Combinatorics | Convex and Discrete Geometry | Graph Theory | Game Theory, Economics, Social and Behav. Sciences | Mathematics of Algorithmic ComplexityAdditional physical formats: Printed edition:: No titleDDC classification: 511.6 LOC classification: QA164-167.2Online resources: Click here to access online |Item type||Current location||Collection||Call number||Status||Date due||Barcode||Item holds| Preface -- List of Symbols and Typical Notation -- 1 Fair-Division Problems -- 2 Graph-Coloring Problems -- 3 Evasiveness of Graph Properties -- 4 Embedding and Mapping Problems -- A Basic Concepts from Graph Theory -- B Crash Course in Topology -- C Partially Ordered Sets, Order Complexes, and Their Topology -- D Groups and Group Actions -- E Some Results and Applications from Smith Theory -- References -- Index. A Course in Topological Combinatorics is the first undergraduate textbook on the field of topological combinatorics, a subject that has become an active and innovative research area in mathematics over the last thirty years with growing applications in math, computer science, and other applied areas. Topological combinatorics is concerned with solutions to combinatorial problems by applying topological tools. In most cases these solutions are very elegant and the connection between combinatorics and topology often arises as an unexpected surprise. The textbook covers topics such as fair division, graph coloring problems, evasiveness of graph properties, and embedding problems from discrete geometry. The text contains a large number of figures that support the understanding of concepts and proofs. In many cases several alternative proofs for the same result are given, and each chapter ends with a series of exercises. The extensive appendix makes the book completely self-contained. The textbook is well suited for advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate mathematics students. Previous knowledge in topology or graph theory is helpful but not necessary. The text may be used as a basis for a one- or two-semester course as well as a supplementary text for a topology or combinatorics class. Other editions of this work |A Course in Topological Combinatorics (Universitext). by Longueville, Mark de. ©2012|
Planet Discovery Worksheet - A period is defined as one complete cycle; that is, where the radial velocities return to the same position on the curve (but at a later time). How many cycles did the star go through during the 14 days of observations? Number of cycles = ___________ - What is the period, P, in days? Period = ___________ days - What is P in years? P = _____________ years - What is the uncertainty in your determination of the period? That is, by how many days or fractions of a day could your value be wrong? Uncertainty = ___________ days - What is the amplitude, K? (Take 1/2 of the value of the full range of the velocities.) K = ___________ m/s - How accurate is your determination of this value? Uncertainty = __________ m/s - We will make some simplifying assumptions for this new planetary system: - the orbit of the planet is circular (e = 0) - the mass of the star is 1 solar mass - the mass of the planet is much, much less that of the star - we are viewing the system nearly edge on - we express everything in terms of the mass and period of Jupiter We make these assumptions to simplify the equations we have to use for determining the mass of the planet. The equation we must use is: P should be expressed in years (or fraction of a year), and K in m/s. Twelve years is the approximate orbital period for Jupiter and 13 m/s is the magnitude of the "wobble" of the Sun due to Jupiter's gravitational pull. Not all calculators will take the cube root of a number. Get help if yours does not. Put in your values for P and K and calculate the mass of this new planet in terms of the mass of Jupiter. That is, your calculations will give the mass of the planet as some factor times the mass of Jupiter (for example: Mplanet = 4 MJupiter). Show all work. Assume that the parent star is 1 solar mass, and that the planet is much less massive than the star. We can then calculate the distance this planet is away from its star, in astronomical units (AU's) by using Kepler's third law: Again, P is expressed in years (or fraction of a year), and a represents the semi-major axis in AU's. Solve for a: a = __________ AU - Compare this planet to those in our solar system. For example, Mercury is 0.4 AU from the Sun; Venus, 0.7 AU; Earth, 1.0 AU; Mars, 1.5 AU; Jupiter, 5.2 AU. Jupiter is more massive than all the rest of the matter in the solar system combined, excluding the Sun. - What is unusual about this new planet? - Science is based upon the ability to predict outcomes. However, nothing prepared astronomers for the characteristics of this "new" solar system. Why was it such a surprise? - If this actually is a planet, is it possibly hospitable to life? Explain. - Name your new planet -- a privilege you would have if you really did discover a new planet!
Study tips and Strategy Let me tell you first, in AIEEE, everything matters is marks whether you got the answer or not. No worry whether you used some logic or went through a long solution. The most thing that matter in this exam is your time. Time plays a very major role in securing a good rank in AIEEE. Most of the questions that are asked in AIEEE particularly physics and chemistry are very simple. You can consider AIEEE as 20-20 match, no matter how you solve, but take such a short that aims at your target. Preparing for AIEEE is almost similar as the preparation for JEE. Many IIT-JEE (Indian Institute of Technology - Joint Entrance Examination) toppers fail to do well in the AIEEE exam most of the time. What IIT-JEE demands is, building concepts and proper application of the concept, where as AIEEE demands speed and accuracy in the stipulated time, besides in-depth knowledge of the subject that JEE demands. Getting through the All India Engineering Entrance Examination (AIEEE) is not all about conceptual clarity and knowledge of the appropriate formulae and theories, as required in IIT-JEE. But here something you have to keep in mind and that is your problem solving speed. Examination Strategy :(How to prepare for AIEEE during the last precious months before exam) * First of all in AIEEE you don't need to have the deep knowledge of every topic as required in IIT-JEE. But it is the major requirement that you some how remember the formulas and some important properties. Try to maintain formula list for each chapters, so that at the end time, you just go through the formula list. This will really help you in the exams. * Buy some books with sample papers of AIEEE and some past year papers (you can get many of them in the internet also). * Solve free online tests under similar time constraints or downloade a few AIEEE papers and do them as timed tests. Do it sincerly. * Develop an habbit of judgeing the question .You should be able to judge the question whether you should go for it or not.This is very important thing.There will always few question mostly in mathematics section, which will be very tough.If you put your head in those question,you will waste your time. * Always try to estimate the time that the question will take to solve. If it is lenghty then, but you are confident that you can solve it, then use some special symbols for that question,leave those question and search for the easy questions(less time taking). And at last solve those special marked questions. and timed separately. * Always try to solve the question by some arguments. a) Chemistry . everything. due to lack of confidence. as most of the things are related to that book only. * Generally in the examination.. Examination Hour Strategy: * Attempt that paper only which you feel easy. Each part should be practiced. * Avoid negative marking . Try to solve the three parts of the paper in given time interval .. and focus instead on objective. Remember every second counts in the exam. But if you start other side. You can do these questions at the end * While solving any paper first of all divide all the AIEEE Model Papers.The above two points are very important because this is the time where you can test everything. so that whenever you sit for the main exam you should be prepared with every tools to attemp the question * Do not attempt lengthy questions at the start.. This is because your strengths and weaknesses in different subject areas vary. your strategy.. but the mathematics part is some what tough.. Ultimetly your main goal should be to solve the questions in less time counts. Try to argue your own answers.So.. because once you solve consecutively 5-10 questions. chemistry part is very easy. then you will acheive the rythm and confidence.50 Minutes c) Mathematics . then later you will get difficulties in easy problems also. you use for practice. always test some new ways of solving the questions. your tricks to solve the question. numerical questions to practice as many types of questions as you can. logics.70 Minutes If you follow this time frame in the actual exam. or putting some values for some parameter of the question.40 Minutes b) Physices . into the following three parts. * You should also go through the NCERT books.A 1 marks decrease in your score can make a difference of hundred rank. you will still be left with a comfortable cushion of 15 minutes. * Increase your accuracy and speed. then use some special symbols for that question.70 Minutes The extra 20 min.This is very important thing. but you are confident that you can solve it. * Develop an habbit of judgeing the question . * Always avoid negative marking. which ultimetly is the waste of time. that you have left.leave those question and search for the easy questions(less time taking).you will waste your time and you will not get any thing. that are left solve those questions.If you put your head in those question. if the front paper contains 8 questions then you move to your OMR answer sheet 8 times.40 Minutes b) Physices . And at last solve those special marked questions. * If you are stuck in some question. then without any delay switch to some other problem. So. later if you get time then solve that question .50 Minutes c) Mathematics . fill the bubbles correctly. and then tranfer your answer to the OMR sheet. So for example. * It is the common habit of the students to transfer the answers to the ovals as soon as it is solved. * Always try to estimate the time that the question will take to solve.You should be able to judge the question whether you should go for it or not.a) Chemistry . * Let me tell you that 1 mark difference can lead to huge rank difference. which will be very tough.There will always few question mostly in mathematics section. beacause of long solution or some other reason. If it is lenghty then. Your strategy should be like : solve the whole page (1 page).
Excerpts from a Science News article titled Math in the Fields, from the New Age Journal, June '97 Whoever or whatever is creating crop circles in southern England is apparently a whiz at math. Several years ago, mathematician/astronomer Gerald S. Hawkins, author of "Stonehenge Decoded" and now retired from Boston University, noticed that some of the most visually striking of these crop-circle patterns expressed specific numerical relationships among the areas of various circles, triangles, and other shapes that make up the patterns. Hawkins found that he could use the principles of Euclidean geometry to prove four theorems derived from the relationships depicted in these patterns. In one case, for example, an equilateral triangle fitted snugly between an outer and an inner circle. It turns out that the area of the outer circle is precisely four times that of the inner circle. Three other patterns also displayed exact numerical relationships involving diatonic ratios, the simple whole-number ratios that determine a scale of musical notes. "These designs demonstrate the remarkable mathematical ability of their creators," Hawkins comments. Hawkins also discovered a fifth, more general theorem, from which he could derive the other four. "This theorem involves concentric circles which touch the sides of a triangle, and as the [triangle] changes shape, it generates the special crop-circle geometries," he says. Different triangles give different sets of circles. An equilateral triangle produces one of the observed crop-circle patterns; three isosceles triangles generate the other crop-circle geometries. Curiously, Hawkins could find no reference to such a theorem in the works of Euclid or in any other book that he consulted. He challenged readers of Science News and The Mathematics Teacher to come up with his unpublished theorem, given only the four variations. No one reported success. And then, during the crop circle season of 1996, among the dozens of circles surreptitiously laid down in the wheat fields of England, at least one pattern fit Hawkins' theorem. "The crop-circle makers showed knowledge of this fifth theorem," Hawkins reports. Those responsible for this old-fashioned type of mathematical ingenuity remain unknown. Their handiwork reveals an astonishing ability to enter fields undetected, bend living plants without cracking stalks, and trace out complex, precise patterns demonstrating an uncommon facility with Euclidean geometry. (JG)
Based on a translation of the 6th edition of Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen by Wolfgang Walter, this edition includes additional treatments of important subjects not found in the German text as well as material that is seldom found in textbooks, such as new proofs for basic theorems. This unique feature of the book calls for a closer look at contents and methods with an emphasis on subjects outside the mainstream. Exercises, which range from routine to demanding, are dispersed throughout the text and some include an outline of the solution. Applications from mechanics to mathematical biology are included and solutions of selected exercises are found at the end of the book. It is suitable for mathematics, physics, and computer science graduate students to be used as collateral reading and as a reference source for mathematicians. Readers should have a sound knowledge of infinitesimal calculus and be familiar with basic notions from linear algebra; functional analysis is developed in the text when needed. Back to top Rent Ordinary Differential Equations 1st edition today, or search our site for other textbooks by W. Walter. Every textbook comes with a 21-day "Any Reason" guarantee. Published by Springer.
The length of the tangent is directly proportional to the length of the corresponding arc. Therefore, if the arcs are congruent, then the tangents are congruent. Since the tangents all come together to form different sides, we obtain that the figure is a shape. In addition, since the angle formed by each side corresponds to the angle in the circle that it takes up, we see that the angles add to 360 degrees. Since the shape contains congruent sides and angles that add to 360 degrees, we find that the shape is a regular polygon.
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Shear Force : A good example of shear force is seen with a simple scissors. The two handles put force in different directions on the pin that holds the two parts together. The force applied to the pin is called shear force. COMPRESSION. Consequently, what is the definition of shear stress? Shear stress, force tending to cause deformation of a material by slippage along a plane or planes parallel to the imposed stress. The resultant shear is of great importance in nature, being intimately related to the downslope movement of earth materials and to earthquakes. What is the definition of a shear force? Shearing forces are unaligned forces pushing one part of a body in one specific direction, and another part of the body in the opposite direction. William A. Nash defines shear force in terms of planes: “If a plane is passed through a body, a force acting along this plane is called a shear force or shearing force.” What are the units of shear strain? Measures of strain are often expressed in parts per million or microstrains. The true shear strain is defined as the change in the angle (in radians) between two material line elements initially perpendicular to each other in the undeformed or initial configuration. What is a shear in weather? Wind shear refers to a change in wind speed or direction with height in the atmosphere. Wind shear can also refer to a rapid change in winds over a short horizontal distance experienced by aircraft, conditions that can cause a rapid change in lift, and thus the altitude, of the aircraft. What is the shear modulus? In materials science, shear modulus or modulus of rigidity, denoted by G, or sometimes S or μ, is defined as the ratio of shear stress to the shear strain: where = shear stress is the force which acts is the area on which the force acts = shear strain. What is an example of torsion? The twisting force acting on the object is known as torque, and the resulting stress is known as Shear stress. A common example of torsion in engineering is when a transmission drive shaft (such as in an automobile) receives a turning force from its power source (the engine). What is the difference between static and dynamic loads? A static load bearing is the weight applied without any build up of energy, and therefore is to remain motionless. Force, pressure, and gravity remain static or are applied gradually. A dynamic load bearing is measured by the application of rapid force or pressure to an object. What is point of Contraflexure in beams? In a bending beam, a point is known as a point of contraflexure if it is a location at which no bending occurs. In a bending moment diagram, it is the point at which the bending moment curve intersects with the zero line. In other words where the bending moment changes its sign from negative to positive or vice versa. What is a shearing injury? Diffuse axonal injury is the shearing (tearing) of the brain’s long connecting nerve fibers (axons) that happens when the brain is injured as it shifts and rotates inside the bony skull. DAI usually causes coma and injury to many different parts of the brain. What is an example of a compression? Compression crushed this can. Licensed from iStockPhoto. noun. The definition of compression is the action or state of being squished down or made smaller or more pressed together. When a pile of material is squished together and made smaller and more dense, this is an example of compression. What is meant by bending moment? A bending moment is the reaction induced in a structural element when an external force or moment is applied to the element causing the element to bend. The most common or simplest structural element subjected to bending moments is the beam. Beams can also have one end fixed and one end simply supported. What is static load? Dead loads are static forces that are relatively constant for an extended time. They can be in tension or compression. The term can refer to a laboratory test method or to the normal usage of a material or structure. Live loads are usually unstable or moving loads. What is the difference between tension and compression? Both are made up of a coil spring that is devised for elasticity and strength, but that is where their likeness ends. The main difference is that tension springs are meant to hold two things together while compression springs are designed to keep components from coming together. What is a compressive force? Compression Force is the application of power, pressure, or exertion against an object that causes it to become squeezed, squashed, or compacted. Objects routinely subjected to compression forces include columns, gaskets, disc brakes, and the components of fuel cells. What do you mean by bending stress? Bending stress is a more specific type of normal stress. When a beam experiences load like that shown in figure one the top fibers of the beam undergo a normal compressive stress. The stress at the horizontal plane of the neutral is zero. The bottom fibers of the beam undergo a normal tensile stress. What is the matrix for a shear? In mathematics, a shear matrix or transvection is an elementary matrix that represents the addition of a multiple of one row or column to another. Such a matrix may be derived by taking the identity matrix and replacing one of the zero elements with a non-zero value. What is a shear failure? In engineering, shear strength is the strength of a material or component against the type of yield or structural failure where the material or component fails in shear. A shear load is a force that tends to produce a sliding failure on a material along a plane that is parallel to the direction of the force. What is meant by shear wall? Shear wall is a structural member used to resist lateral forces i.e. parallel to the plane of the wall. For slender walls where the bending deformation is more, Shear wall resists the loads due to Cantilever Action. In other words, Shear walls are vertical elements of the horizontal force resisting system. What is meant by an axial force? If the load on a structure is applied through the center of gravity of its cross section, it is called an axial load or that would be force applied to the lengthwise centerline of an object. Axial force is the compression or tension force of the member. What is a shear moment? Shear and bending moment diagrams are analytical tools used in conjunction with structural analysis to help perform structural design by determining the value of shear force and bending moment at a given point of a structural element such as a beam. What is shearing in engineering? Shearing, also known as die cutting, is a process which cuts stock without the formation of chips or the use of burning or melting. Strictly speaking, if the cutting blades are straight the process is called shearing; if the cutting blades are curved then they are shearing-type operations. What is the shear force in a beam? Shear force is the force in the beam acting perpendicular to its longitudinal (x) axis. For design purposes, the beam’s ability to resist shear force is more important than its ability to resist an axial force. Axial force is the force in the beam acting parallel to the longitudinal axis. What is torsion in engineering? Definition of torsion. 1 : the twisting or wrenching of a body by the exertion of forces tending to turn one end or part about a longitudinal axis while the other is held fast or turned in the opposite direction; also : the state of being twisted. 2 : the twisting of a bodily organ or part on its own axis.
My older son was stuck on a question about inverse functions from his Precalculus book: Assume that for all . Solve for . We began by talking about what was giving him difficulty and then moved on to solving the problem. Next we moved on to looking at the function on Mathematica. It was a little unlucky that the scale was different for the x- and y-axes, but I think the pictures still got the point across. After we finished talking I posted about the problem on twitter and John Golden made a neat Desmos version of the problem:
|Fig. 901.03 Basic Right Triangle of Geodesic Sphere: Shown here is the basic data for the 31 great circles of the spherical icosahedron, which is the basis for all geodesic dome calculations. The basic right triangle as the lowest common denominator of a sphere's surface includes all the data for the entire sphere. It is precisely 1/120th of the sphere's surface and is shown as shaded on the 31-great-circle- sphere (A). An enlarged view of the same triangle is shown (B) with all of the basic data denoted. There are three different external edges and three different internal edges for a total of six different edges. There are six different internal angles other than 60º or 90º. Note that all data given is spherical data, edges are given as central angles and face angles are for spherical triangles. No chord factors are shown. Those not already indicated elsewhere are given by the equation 2 sin(theta/2), where theta is the central angle. Solid lines denote the set of 15 great circles. Dashed lines denote the set of 10 great circles. Dotted lines denote the set of 6 great circles. Copyright © 1997 Estate of R. Buckminster Fuller
The math is correct, I have no idea why you got taxed 11% but the math is correct. I'm not very good with Finance, I just want know if I got screwed by the Finance or does situation below sound about right. So I bought a Limited for 48890 + 2999 (platinum package) + 4992.32 (Tax)and I put 5252.00 Down at 2.99% for 72 Months. I have ended with a $879.00 in monthly charge. Can you guys check if the finance played any trick? Cash Price didn't make any sense. Here is Itemization: View attachment 2875
Non interest bearing notes payable are issued by a business for cash, and are liabilities representing amounts owed by the business to a third party.. As the name implies, a non interest bearing note or zero interest note, does not have an interest rate and does not charge periodic interest payments on the outstanding liability. Balloon Note Form multistate balloon fixed rate note- single family- fannie mae uniform instrument form 3260 1/01 (page 1 of 3) balloon note (fixed rate) this loan is payable in full at maturity. you must repay the entire principal balance of the loan and unpaid interest then due. lender is under no obligation to refinance the loan at that time. How to Calculate a Note Payable. Find the current payment on your amortization table. For example, if you made 13 payments then go to the 13th payment row. Pick out the principal paid from that row. In the example, assume your principal paid is $20,000 Subtract the principal paid from the original amount borrowed. Don’t miss out on this bargain! Call to arrange your private viewing now! *Disclaimer: Please note that by default this. The entry recorded when the note was received is posted by debiting the Cash account for $10,000 and crediting the Notes Payable account for $10,000. Calculate the monthly interest. Using a simplified version to calculate interest, a simple equation is used, which is I = PRT. To calculate monthly interest on the loan, the company must multiply the principal by the annual interest rate. The result is then multiplied by the loan’s time period. In our example, simple interest on the loan will calculated as follows: Interest Payable. Assume that interest is paid on the loan each quarter. Computation of Accrued Interest on Notes Payable : Notes payable is a promise in writing to pay to the lender, the amount borrowed at a date in future along with interest. accrued interest represents. First, you can determine the daily interest rate by dividing 0.16 by 365 days in a year. Some examples of current liabilities that appear on the balance sheet include accounts payable, payroll liabilities, accrued expenses, short-term notes payable, income taxes and interest payable. Step 1. Divide the interest rate, in decimal form, by the number of periods in a year to calculate the periodic interest rate. To calculate interest accrued for a certain number of months, divide by 12. For quarters, divide by four. For daily calculations, divide by 365. Since March has 31 days, we can use the accrued interest formula to calculate your interest payable for the. Accounting help with calculating interest expense on a note? On Sept. 1, 2005, "A" purchased a building from "B" by paying $100,000 cash and issuing a one-year note payable for the balance of the purchase price.
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Game of typing the letters on the keyboard. Reconstruct the puzzle by typing the letters on each piece. You can do it in any order you want and invent your own games. Puzzles have both vowel and consonant letters, all written in lowercase. Use the keyboard to write all the letters and solve the puzzle.
However, this is not correct. The groups are different with regard to what is being studied. on follow-up testing and treatment. Example: In a t-test for a sample mean µ, with null hypothesis""µ = 0"and alternate hypothesis"µ > 0", we may talk about the Type II error relative to the general alternate this content You just assume this is the case in order to perform this test because we have to start from somewhere. Joint Statistical Papers. Before you even start the study you may do power calculations based on projections. A low number of false negatives is an indicator of the efficiency of spam filtering. check over here Similar considerations hold for setting confidence levels for confidence intervals. This value indicates that there is not strong evidence against the null hypothesis, as observed previously with the t-test. An alternative hypothesis may be one-sided or two-sided. Lubin, A., "The Interpretation of Significant Interaction", Educational and Psychological Measurement, Vol.21, No.4, (Winter 1961), pp.807–817. Is it dangerous to use default router admin passwords if only trusted users are allowed on the network? Badbox when using package todonotes and command missingfigure How to deal with being asked to smile more? Power Of The Test In the ideal world, we would be able to define a "perfectly" random sample, the most appropriate test and one definitive conclusion. We could decrease the value of alpha from 0.05 to 0.01, corresponding to a 99% level of confidence. Type 1 Error Example Instead, α is the probability of a Type I error given that the null hypothesis is true. If the significance level for the hypothesis test is .05, then use confidence level 95% for the confidence interval.) Type II Error Not rejecting the null hypothesis when in fact the Assuming each pair is independent, the null hypothesis follows the distribution B(n,1/2), where n is the number of pairs where some difference is observed. Matched Pairs In many experiments, one wishes to compare measurements from two populations. Type 1 Error Calculator Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization. When comparing two means, concluding the means were different when in reality they were not different would be a Type I error; concluding the means were not different when in reality The Skeptic Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience 2 volume set. If this is the case, then the conclusion that physicians intend to spend less time with obese patients is in error. http://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/61638/what-is-the-relation-of-the-significance-level-alpha-to-the-type-1-error-alpha ABC-CLIO. Type 2 Error Definition Similar problems can occur with antitrojan or antispyware software. Probability Of Type 1 Error Please select a newsletter. Correct outcome True positive Convicted! news A threshold value can be varied to make the test more restrictive or more sensitive, with the more restrictive tests increasing the risk of rejecting true positives, and the more sensitive I edited my question accordingly. –what Jun 13 '13 at 10:00 You seem to be talking about the same thing both times; in some circumstances, you may see people A typeII error occurs when failing to detect an effect (adding fluoride to toothpaste protects against cavities) that is present. Probability Of Type 2 Error The Sign Test Another method of analysis for matched pairs data is a distribution-free test known as the sign test. A positive correct outcome occurs when convicting a guilty person. Why does removing Iceweasel nuke GNOME? http://u2commerce.com/type-1/type-ii-error-statistical-significance.html RETURN TO MAIN PAGE. Retrieved 10 January 2011. ^ a b Neyman, J.; Pearson, E.S. (1967) . "On the Use and Interpretation of Certain Test Criteria for Purposes of Statistical Inference, Part I". Type 3 Error Also from About.com: Verywell, The Balance & Lifewire Malware The term "false positive" is also used when antivirus software wrongly classifies an innocuous file as a virus. Based solely on this data our conclusion would be that there is at least a 95% chance on subsequent flips of the coin that heads will show up significantly more often In actuality the chance of the null hypothesis being true is not 3% like we calculated, but is actually 100%. It can be thought of as a false negative study result. Type 1 Error Psychology It does NOT imply a "meaningful" or "important" difference; that is for you to decide when considering the real-world relevance of your result. Inventory control An automated inventory control system that rejects high-quality goods of a consignment commits a typeI error, while a system that accepts low-quality goods commits a typeII error. A medical researcher wants to compare the effectiveness of two medications. They also cause women unneeded anxiety. check my blog The probability that this is a mistake -- that, in fact, the null hypothesis is true given the z-statistic -- is less than 0.01. Retrieved 2010-05-23. For example, in a clinical trial of a new drug, the null hypothesis might be that the new drug is no better, on average, than the current drug. Download a free trial here. Please Share This Page with Friends:FacebookTwitterGoogleEmail 6 thoughts on “p-Value, Statistical Significance & Types of Error” Aliya says: December 3, 2015 at 5:54 am Thanks a lot. The company chooses a random sample of 100 individuals who have used the cream, and determines that the mean recovery time for these individuals was 28.5 days. In the test score example above, the P-value is 0.0082, so the probability of observing such a value by chance is less that 0.01, and the result is significant at the Join them; it only takes a minute: Sign up Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the
Say I had a high pressure vessel with a volume of about 1400 cubic feet and pressurized to 5,000 psig. Now say I had a lower pressure vessel with a volume of 1800 cubic feet (slightly higher) and pressurized to 2,000 psig. The goal is to "cascade" gas from the higher pressure vessel to the lower pressure vessel in order to get the lower pressure tank up to 2,700 psig. The gas would flow through a pressure regulator (with max output set point of 2,700 psig) fully opened up. The gas going into the lower pressure tank flows through a 1-inch diameter pipe and only about 30 feet in length. I've already done the calculations using the compressible mass flow rate equation for choked flow using ideal gas law assumptions and using the Cv of the regulator to determine the magnitude of the choke point. I neglected temperature, enthalpy, and pressure drop affects, and stuck to the basic physics behind it. But the answer I got for how long it would take to cascade that much gas was ~3 minutes. I am looking for an experienced pressure systems engineer to let me know if this sounds reasonable or if I need to do some more calculations. It would also be helpful to know what type of number to expect if this seems way off. For some reason I was expecting it to take much longer, but I don't have too much experience with high pressure gases. I've run my numbers multiple times, so I think I am correct.
To solve it, it is enough to remember that the magnitude scale is logarithmic, and a difference of one magnitude means that one star is K times brighter than the other. The value of K is approximately 2.512, although this is no longer important for the solution. If we designate the brightness of the star as 3m per unit, then the brightness of the first double will be equal to 2K, and the second – (K2 +1). Obviously, for any value of K greater than one, the second expression is larger. Remember: The process of learning a person lasts a lifetime. The value of the same knowledge for different people may be different, it is determined by their individual characteristics and needs. Therefore, knowledge is always needed at any age and position.
Homomorphic Signatures for Polynomial Functions - Cite this paper as: - Boneh D., Freeman D.M. (2011) Homomorphic Signatures for Polynomial Functions. In: Paterson K.G. (eds) Advances in Cryptology – EUROCRYPT 2011. EUROCRYPT 2011. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6632. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg We construct the first homomorphic signature scheme that is capable of evaluating multivariate polynomials on signed data. Given the public key and a signed data set, there is an efficient algorithm to produce a signature on the mean, standard deviation, and other statistics of the signed data. Previous systems for computing on signed data could only handle linear operations. For polynomials of constant degree, the length of a derived signature only depends logarithmically on the size of the data set. Our system uses ideal lattices in a way that is a “signature analogue” of Gentry’s fully homomorphic encryption. Security is based on hard problems on ideal lattices similar to those in Gentry’s system.
The effect of the relativity correction on the law of reflection from a moving mirror MetadataShow full item record This thesis utilizes the Lorentz transformation formulas from the special theory of relativity in dealing with the law of reflection from a moving mirror. It was found necessary in the proof to consider the source of the light ray and its final destination. For this reason the mirror was taken to be one side of a square. The light source was at one corner of the opposite side of the square and the light ray was so directed that it would be reflected to the other corner. For a physical treatment of the problem a cubical box would be necessary, but for the mathematical treatment the square was sufficient. In the first part of the thesis the square was moving away from the earth at a fixed angle and a constant velocity. The earth was considered to be the stationary system. If an observer was placed on the square he would note that the light would be reflected to the corner of the square. The problem was to investigate the effect of the relativity correction on the law of reflection from a moving mirror and as a subsidiary problem the effect of a moving or stationary ether upon reflection from a mirror at rest. A medium, called the ether, for the light to pass through was brought into the problem. It was assumed stationary with respect to the earth. The first formula derived was the law of reflection from a moving mirror using the methods of classical physics. This law was general in that it did not involve the source of light. It dealt entirely with the angles of incidence and reflection, and the velocity of the mirror with respect to the earth. Next, a classical treatment of the moving square was made. This was treated as a geometrical problem. It was assumed for this case and the next that the quantities that could be measured physically were the velocity of the square, the angle at which it was moving, and the angle of incidence from the point of view of an observer on the mirror. It was assumed in the construction that the reflected ray would hit the corner of the square. Thus the formula for the angle of reflection was derived. For this angle to be correct it would have to agree with the angle given by the law of reflection from a moving mirror. To show that the two angles were not identical a numerical example was worked out. The angles were widely divergent. Then the Lorentz transformation formulas were applied. Actually, the only formula needed was the one which showed how much a length would apparently be shortened in its direction of motion. This shortening is from the stationary observer's point of view. The effect of this apparent shortening was to alter the angles in the geometric construction. The equations for the angles of incidence and reflection were then formulated in terms of the quantities assumed to be known. This angle of reflection to be correct must agree with the angle from the law of reflection from a moving mirror for the same angle of incidence. The relativity correction was applied to the law of reflection. It was assumed that the two angles of reflection were identically equal. It was then proven that this assumption was correct. It should be noted that the normal that the stationary observer uses for calculating the angles of incidence and reflection is the normal from his point of view and not that of the observer on the square. The stationary ether had no effect upon the outcome of the problem. In the second part of the thesis the square was considered to be stationary and the ether moving with a constant velocity. The problem was to find out what effect this moving ether has upon the light being reflected to the corner of the square. This problem was divided into two cases which were assumed to be independent. They were (1) the effect of the ether upon the light and (2) the effect of the ether upon the mirror. In the first case the ether can change the velocity and the direction of the light ray. By taking a particular orientation of the square it was shown that if a transformation was applied that would lead to the correct results the velocity of the ether would have to reduce to zero. However, this gives a result that the observer has already obtained without considering a moving ether and transformations. In the second case the ether can distort the square. To get the correct results the transformation would have to bring it back to a square. Again the velocity of the ether would have to reduce to zero. The observer would have measured his apparatus as a square without taking into account any distortions. Thus in both cases a moving ether is artificial and meaningless. Therefore in both parts of the problem the ether whether moving or stationary adds nothing to the solution. It is well known that light reflects from a mirror in a square according to the formula i = r and the light is reflected to the corner of the square if the mirror is at rest relative to an observer. If this is true then light reflected from a mirror in a square in motion relative to an observer should lead the observer from his calculations to predict that the light will be reflected to the corner of the square. This paper shows that it is necessary to apply the relativity correction to the law of reflection from a moving mirror to have theory agree with facts. Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University RightsBased on investigation of the BU Libraries' staff, this work is free of known copyright restrictions
Completing an uncertainty criterion of classification PublisherUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Secció de Matemàtiques i Informàtica Rights accessOpen Access We present a variation of a method of classification based in uncertainty on credal set. Similarly to its origin it use the imprecise Dirichlet model to create the credal set and the same uncertainty measures. It take into account sets of two variables to reduce the uncertainty and to seek the direct relations between the variables in the data base and the variable to be classified. The success are equivalent to the success of the first method except in those where there are a direct relations between some variables that decide the value of the variable to be classified where we have a notable improvement.
Quantum mechanics foundations and applications bhm a 1993. Quantum mechanics foundations and applications authors view affiliations arno bohm textbook 95 citations 1 mentions 12k downloads part of the texts and monographs in physics book series tmp log in to check access buy ebook usd 5999 instant download readable on all devices own it forever local sales tax included if applicable learn about institutional subscriptions chapters . Quantum mechanics foundations and applications third edition revised and enlarged prepared with mark loewe with 96 illustrations springer verlag new york berlin heidelberg london paris tokyo hong kong barcelona budapest contents preface to the third edition vii preface to the second edition ix acknowledgments xiii chapter i mathematical preliminaries 1 11 the mathematical language of . Quantum mechanics foundations and applications theoretical and mathematical physics arno bhm m loewe isbn 9783540139850 kostenloser versand fr alle bcher mit versand und verkauf duch amazon. Quantum mechanics foundations and applications theoretical and mathematical physics softcover reprint of the original 3rd ed 1993 edition by arno bohm author isbn 13 978 0387953304 isbn 10 0387953302 why is isbn important isbn this bar code number lets you verify that youre getting exactly the right version or edition of a book the 13 digit and 10 digit formats both work How it works: 1. Register Trial Account. 2. Download The Books as you like ( Personal use )
瑞典Mälardalen大学应用数学系教授、Scientific leader for Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Research Environment (MAM) In this talk, an introductory overview will be presented of some recent developments on the subject of Hom-algebra, with focus on quasi Lie algebras, quasi-Hom Lie algebras, Hom-Lie algebras and related Hom-algebra structures. These objects appear for example when discretizing the differential calculus. Quasi Lie algebras encompass in a natural way the Lie algebras, Lie superalgebras, color Lie algebras, Hom-Lie algebras, q-Lie algebras (proposed by Prof. N.H. Hu) and various algebras of discrete and twisted vector fields arising for example in connection to algebras of twisted discretized derivations, Ore extension algebras, q-deformed vertex operators structures and q-deferential calculus, multiparameter deformations of associative and non-associative algebras, one-parameter and multi-parameter deformations of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras of Witt and Virasoro type some of which appear in the context of conformal field theory, string theory and deformed vertex models, multi-parameter families of quadratic and almost quadratic algebras that include for special choices of parameters algebras appearing in non-commutative algebraic geometry, universal enveloping algebras of Lie algebras, Lie superalgebras and color Lie algebras and their deformations. Common unifying feature for all these algebras is appearance of some twisted generalizations of Jacoby identities providing new structures of interest for investigation from the side of associative algebras, non-associative algebras, generalizations of Hopf algebras, non-commutative differential calculi beyond usual differential calculus and generalized quasi-Lie algebra central extensions and Hom-algebra formal deformations and co-homology. Also in the talk, I will describe some related n-ary Hom-algebra generalizations of Nambu algebras, associative algebras and Lie algebras.
Re: EPS Bounding Box - To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net - Subject: [mg22048] Re: EPS Bounding Box - From: paulh at wolfram.com (P.J. Hinton) - Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 02:38:29 -0500 (EST) - Organization: "Wolfram Research, Inc." - References: <email@example.com> - Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at wolfram.com In article <87tr0g$5mg at smc.vnet.net>, PR <PantaRhei at netscape.net> writes: > Thans for reading this - hopefully somebody can help. > > Description: I export grphics I make with Mathematica 4.0 to eps files and then > want to link them into my LaTeX files. > > Problem: I always get the message that something is wrong with my > bounding box - and when I print I get an empty box. What program is generating the error message, and what is the exact wording of the error message? What macros are you using to include the EPS file into your LaTeX document? -- P.J. Hinton Mathematica Programming Group paulh at wolfram.com Wolfram Research, Inc. Disclaimer: Opinions expressed herein are those of the author alone.
Report an inappropriate comment Thu Oct 11 19:06:17 BST 2012 by Eric Kvaalen Mark, we've discussed this before. In Schwarzschild coordinates one finds that for a photon going directly toward a black hole, dr/dt equals −(1−rₛ/r)c, where rₛ is the Schwarzschild radius. That means that its speed (in this coordinate system) approaches zero as it approaches the horizon. The speed of a photon coming up from the black hole is +(1−rₛ/r)c.
« ΠροηγούμενηΣυνέχεια » For let a plane XY intersect all the arms of the plane angles on the same side of the vertex at the points A, B, C, D, E: and let AB, BC, CD, DE, EA be the common sections of the plane XY with the planes of the several angles. Within the polygon ABCDE take any point o; and join O to each of the vertices of the polygon. Then since the _8 SAE, SAB, EAB form the trihedral angle A, .. the <* SAE, SAB are together greater than the 2 EAB; the Ľ SAE, SAB are together greater than the < OAE, OAB. Similarly, the 4* SBA, SBC are together greater than the 2* OBA, OBC: and so on, for each of the angular points of the polygon. Thus by addition, the sum of the base angles of the triangles whose vertices are at s, is greater than the sum of the base angles of the triangles whose vertices are at O. But these two systems of triangles are equal in number; .:. the sum of all the angles of the one system is equal to the sum of all the angles of the other. It follows that the sum of the vertical angles at S is less than the sum of the vertical angles at O. But the sum of the angles at O is four rt. angles ; .. the sum of the angles at S is less than four rt. angles. Q.E.D. NOTE. This proposition was not given in this form by Euclid, who established its truth only in the case of trihedral angles. The above demonstration, however, applies to all cases in which the polygon ABCDE is convex, but it must be observed that without this condition the proposition is not necessarily true. A solid angle is convex when it lies entirely on one side of each of the infinite planes which pass through its plane angles. If this is the case, the polygon ABCDE will have no re-entrant angle. And it is clear that it would not be possible to apply xi. 20 to a vertex at which a re-entrant angle existed. EXERCISES ON BOOK XI. 1. Equal straight lines drawn to a plane from a point without it have equal projections on that plane. 2. If S is the centre of the circle circumscribed about the triangle ABC, and if SP is drawn perpendicular to the plane of the triangle, shew that any point in SP is equidistant from the vertices of the triangle. 3. Find the locus of points in space equidistant from three given points. 4. From Example 2 deduce a practical method of drawing a perpendicular from a given point to a plane, having given ruler, compasses, and a straight rod longer than the required perpendicular. 5. Give a geometrical construction for drawing a straight line equally inclined to three straight lines which meet in a point, but are not in the same plane. 6. In a gauche quadrilateral (that is, a quadrilateral whose sides are not in the same plane) if the middle points of adjacent sides are joined, the figure thus formed is a parallelogram. 7. AB and AC are two straight lines intersecting at right angles, and from B a perpendicular BD is drawn to the plane in which they are: shew that AD is perpendicular to AC. 8. If two intersecting planes are cut by two parallel planes, the lines of section of the first pair with each of the second pair contain equal angles. 9. If a straight line is parallel to a plane, shew that any plane passing through the given straight line will intersect the given plane in a line of section which is parallel to the given line. 10. Two intersecting planes pass one through each of two parallel straight lines; shew that the common section of the planes is parallel to the given lines. 11. If a straight line is parallel to each of two intersecting planes, it is also parallel to the common section of the planes. 12. Through a given point in space draw a straight line to intersect each of two given straight lines which are not in the same plane. 13. If AB, BC, CD are straight lines not all in one plane, shew that a plane which passes through the middle point of each one of them is parallel both to AC and BD. 14. From a given point A a perpendicular AB is drawn to a plane XY; and a second perpendicular AE is drawn to a straight line CD in the plane XY: shew that EB is perpendicular to CD. 15. From a point A two perpendiculars AP, AQ are drawn one to each of two intersecting planes: shew that the common section of these planes is perpendicular to the plane of AP, AQ. 16. From A, a point in one of two given intersecting planes, AP is drawn perpendicular to the first plane, and AQ perpendicular to the second : if these perpendiculars meet the second plane at P and Q, shew that PQ is perpendicular to the common section of the two planes. 17. A, B, C, D are four points not in one plane, shew that the four angles of the gauche quadrilateral ABCD (see Ex. 6, p. 444) are together less than four right angles. 18. OA, OB, OC are three straight lines drawn from a given point O not in the same plane, and OX is another straight line within the solid angle formed by OA, OB, OC: shew that (i) the sum of the angles AOX, BOX, COX is greater than half the sum of the angles AOB, BOC, COA. (ii) the sum of the angles AOX, COX is less than the sum of the angles AOB, COB. (iii) the sum of the angles AOX, BOX, COX is less than the sum of the angles AOB, BOC, COA. 19. OA, OB, OC are three straight lines forming a solid angle at O, and OX bisects the plane angle AOB ; shew that the angle XOC is less than half the sum of the angles AOC, BOC. 20. If a point is equidistant from the angles of a right-angled triangle and not in the plane of the triangle, the line joining it with the middle point of the hypotenuse is perpendicular to the plane of the triangle. 21. The angle which a straight line makes with its projection on a plane is less than that which it makes with any other straight line which meets it in that plane. 22. Find a point in a given plane .such that the sum of its distances from two given points (not in the plane but on the same side of it) may be a minimum. 23. If two straight lines in one plane are equally inclined to another plane, they will be equally inclined to the common section of these planes. 24. PA, PB, PC are three concurrent straight lines, each of which is at right angles to the other two: PX, PY, PZ are perpendiculars drawn from P to BC, CA, AB respectively. Shew that XYZ is the pedal triangle of the triangle ABC. 25. PA, PB, PC are three concurrent straight lines, each of which is at right angles to the other two, and from P a perpendicular PO is drawn to the plane of ABC: shew that 0 is the orthocentre of the triangle ABC. THEOREMS AND EXAMPLES ON BOOK XI. DEFINITIONS. (i) Lines which are drawn on a plane, or through which a plane may be made to pass, are said to be co-planar. (ii) The projection of a line on a plane is the locus of the feet of perpendiculars drawn from all points in the given line to the plane. THEOREM 1. a straight line. The projection of a straight line on a plane is itself Let AB be the given st. line, and XY the given plane. It is required to shew that the locus of p is a st. line. XI. 7. .. the point p is in the common section of the planes Ab, XY; that is, p is in the st. line ab. But p is any point in the projection of AB, :: the projection of AB is the st. line ab. Q.E.D. THEOREM 2. Draw a perpendicular to each of two straight lines which are not in the same plane. Prove that this perpendicular is the shortest distance between the two lines. Let AB and CD be the two straight lines, not in the same plane. (i) It is required to draw a st. line perp. to each of them. Through E, any point in AB, draw EF parł to CD. Let XY be the plane which passes through AB, EF. From H, any point in CD, draw HK perp. to the plane XY. xi. 11. And through K, draw KQ par to EF, cutting AB at Q. Then KQ is also parl to CD; and CD, HK, KQ are in one plane. XI. 7. From Q, draw QP par to HK to meet CD at P. Then shall PQ be perp. to both AB and CD. For, since HK is perp. to the plane XY, and PQ is par to HK, Constr. :. PQ is perp. to the plane XY; XI. 8. :: PQ is perp. to AB, which meets it in that plane. XI. Def. 1. For a similar reason PQ is perp. to QK, :: PQ is also perp. to CD, which is parl to QK. (ii) It is required to shew that PQ is the least of all st. lines drawn from AB to CD. Take He, any other st. line drawn from AB to CD. Ex. 1, p. 429. :: HE is also greater than PQ.
The resonant frequency condition arises in the series circuit when the inductive reactance is equal to the capacitive reactance. If the supply frequency is changed the value of XL = 2πfL and XC = 1/2πfC is also changed. When the frequency increases, the value of XL increases, whereas the value of XC decreases. Similarly, when the frequency decreases, the value of XL decreases and the value of XC increases. Thus, to obtain the condition of series Resonance, the frequency is adjusted to fr, point P as shown in the curve below. At point P when (XL = XC) the resonant frequency condition is obtained.
how do i prove that the product of four adjacent positive integers cannot be a perfect square number? I don't think this proof is complete. When the multiplication of two numbers a and b results in a perfect square, a can be different from b. example: a=2, b=8. a*b=2*8=16=42.
Inversion–free Iterative Method for Finding Symmetric Solution of the Nonlinear Matrix Equation X-A^* X^q A=I (q≥2) Keywords:Symmetric solution, nonlinear matrix equation, inversion free, iterative method In this paper, we propose the inversion free iterative method to find symmetric solution of the nonlinear matrix equation where is an unknown symmetric solution, is a given Hermitian matrix and is a positive integer. The convergence of the proposed method is derived. Numerical examples demonstrate that the proposed iterative method is quite efficient and converges well when the initial guess is sufficiently close to the approximate solution. Keywords: Symmetric solution, nonlinear matrix equation, inversion free, iterative method.
Discussion board where members can get started with Qlik Sense. I need to make a Cashflow using a pivot table in Qlik Sense which let you see the values of all the different steps of the formula for the rows, and the period (year or months) on the columns. I succeeded in making it for the years, but it doesn't work if i try this with the months. To calculate the cashflow, you need values from your P&L and Balance sheet. You also need the values of the previous period in order to calculate it. Does someone know how i can approach this the best way so that i can see the cashflow of every year and every month? In the picture below you see how the cashflow of the years look like. I need the same with the months or, if possible, a period you select. Here is a simple cashflow app using a straight table but the principle is the same.
Marcy Robertson (University of Melbourne) Monday 31 October, 12-1pm, Place: Carslaw 375 Framed Little Discs and The Grothendieck-Teichmüller Group In this talk we describe how ribbon braid groups can be used to provide groupoid models for the framed little 2 disks operad. We will then show how one uses these groupiod models to show that (homotopy) automorphisms of framed little disks is equivalent to a model of the Grothendieck-Teichmüller group. This talk will not assume familiarity with operads or Grothendieck-Teichmüller theory. All work is joint with Geoffroy Horel and Pedro Boavida.