1 value
96 values
In a watch movement with a balance wheel, one vibration is a single swing of the balance wheel. A vibration is one-half of an oscillation, or a semi-oscillation. So, one swing of the balance wheel in either direction, for example clockwise, is one vibration or semi-oscillation, and two swings, for example clockwise then counterclockwise, is an oscillation. The most common frequency for modern mechanical wristwatch movements is 4 Hz, or 28,800 vph. A watch ticking at 4Hz makes 4 oscillations per second, or 8 semi-oscillations (or vibrations) per second. There are 60 seconds in a minute, so this watch would tick at 480 semi-oscillations (or vibrations) per minute. Multiplying the 480 vibrations per minute by the 60 minutes in an hour yields the 28,800 vph figure. Since this watch ticks 8 times per second, a chronograph in a 28,800 vph watch can time events to the nearest 1/8 of a second. Following this formula, a watch with a rate of 2.5 Hz or 18,000 vph can time events to the nearest 1/5 of a second. A rate of 3 Hz or 21,600 vph yields accuracy of 1/6 of a second. A watch with a rate of 36,000 vph or 5 Hz can time to the nearest 1/10 of a second.
National Curriculum: Addition and Subtraction - Year 1 - Exemplification Examples of what children should be able to do, in relation to each (boxed) Programme of Study statement read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition (+), subtraction (–) and equals (=) signs - Use the vocabulary add, subtract, minus, equals, is the same value as, total, more than, fewer/less than. - Explain that things on both sides of the equals sign have the same value - Know that the ‘total’ can be presented on either side of the equals sign - Complete ‘empty box’ number sentences represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20 - I’m thinking of a number. I’ve subtracted 6 and the answer is 8. What number was I thinking of? Explain how you know. - I’m thinking of a number. I’ve added 7 and the answer is 18. What number was I thinking of? Explain how you know. - I know that 6 and 4 is 10. How can I find 7 + 4? How could you work it out? add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, including zero - What is 37 subtract 10? How did you work that out? How could you show that using cubes/a number line/a 100-square? What would 37 subtract 20 be? - Make up some difference questions with the answer 5. Can you show how to solve them using counters? Can you show how to find the answer on a number line? solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations, and missing number problems such as 7 = ? – 9. - Make up some additions with the answer 15. Try to put them in different ways, like this: 10 + 5 = 15. The total of 10 and 5 is 15. 10 and 5 more makes 15. - How many ways can you show me that 9 subtract 3 is 6? - Make up some subtractions with the answer 5. Try to put them in different ways, like this: 11 – 6 = 5. The difference between 6 and 11 is 5.
Here's a challenge, I have a table of sales reps, (name and ID) I have a table of sales reps graduated commission levels (ID, Level, Rate) - Jane Smith, $0, 1% Jane Smith, $100,000, 2%; Jane Smith, $250,000, 3%; Jane Smith, $500,000, 5% I have a table of sales transactions. The query I'm trying to create is to calculate the sales rep commission for the month. If Jane Smith sells $350,000 for the month, the first $100,000 @ 1% is $1,000 plus the next $150,000 is @ 2% for $3,000 plus the last $100,000 is @ 3% for $3,000 for total commisions of $7,000 for the month I am pretty sure I can solve this with VBA, but I'd rather a query solution if anyone out there has any ideas.
1. The only variable input a janitorial firm uses to clean offices is workers who are paid a wage, w, of $8 an hour. Each worker can clean four offices an hour. Determine the variable cost, the average variable cost, and the marginal cost of cleaning one more office. Draw a diagram to show the variable cost, average variable cost, and the marginal cost curves.;2. Suppose the government increases payroll taxes to 25% of a workers wage. What effect will this tax have on the firm?s choice of labor and capital to produce a given level of output?;3. Given the formulas for and plot AFC, MC, AVC, and AC if the cost function is;C = 10 + q2;4. In late 2004 and early 2005, the price of raw coffee beans jumped as much as 50% from the previous year. In response, the price of roasted coffee rose about 14%. Why would firms increase the price less than in proportion to the rise in the cost of raw beans?;5. Mercedes-Benz of San Francisco advertises on the radio that it has been owned and;operated by the same family in the same location for 48 years (as of 2010). It then makes two claims: first, that because it has owned this land for 44 years, it has lower overhead than other nearby auto dealers, and second, because of its lower overhead, it charges a lower price on its cars. Discuss the logic of these claims.;6. Show diagrammatically the effects of a specific sales tax on welfare as the elasticity of demand changes. Who is relatively harmed more as the elasticity of demand increases ? consumers or producers?;7. In 2002, Los Angeles imposed a ban on new billboards. Owners of existing billboards did not oppose the ban. Why? What are the implications of the ban for producer surplus;Consumer surplus and welfare? Who are the producers and consumers in your analysis? Who else does the ban affect welfare in Los Angeles?;8. A government is considering implementing a tariff or a quota. Ceteris paribus, why might the government prefer one intervention over the other?;9. A city centre imposes a rent control law that places a binding ceiling on the rent that can be charged for an apartment. The suburbs of this city do not have rent control. What happens to the rental prices in the suburbs and to the equilibrium number of apartments in the total metropolitan area, in the city centre and in the suburbs? Hint: assume that people are indifferent between living in the city centre or the suburbs.;10. The demand functions for Q1 and Q2 are;Q1 = 10 ? 2p1 + p2;Q2 = 10 ? 2p2 + p1;There are 10 units of each good. What is the general equilibrium? Paper#29409 | Written in 18-Jul-2015Price : $27
FREE READ Algebra I: Chapters 1-3 READ Â Algebra I: Chapters 1-3 F the fundamentals of general linear and multilinear algebra The first chapter introduces the basic objects such as groups and rings T.REVIEW ï PDF, DOC, TXT or eBook Ð N Bourbaki READ Â Algebra I: Chapters 1-3 He second chapter studies the properties of modules and linear maps and the third chapter discusses algebras especially tensor algebra. N Bourbaki Ð 0 READ READ Â Algebra I: Chapters 1-3 This softcover reprint of the 1974 English translation of the first three chapters of Bourbaki's Algebre gives a thorough exposition o. - Encuadernación bunko - Algebra I: Chapters 1-3 - N Bourbaki - 11 September 2020
As you have probably already figured out, these limitations on deposits and risk assets operate interactively. In the last two slides I have demonstrated how: - the amount of reserves held by the bank limits its ability to create deposit liabilities, and - the amount of capital held by the bank limits the quantity of risk assets (or notes) that the bank can own. Bank reserves have no direct influence on the amount of loans that a bank can make, and bank capital has no direct influence on the level of deposits a bank can hold. But, bank capital and bank reserves create interactive limitations on both note acquisition and deposit creation. First, when a bank has no excess reserves (when its actual reserves equal it's required reserves), it can no longer create deposit liabilities with which to acquire notes. Second, when the amount of bank capital drops to a ratio of risk assets equal to its required capital ratio, that bank has reached the limit of its note acquisition capabilities. The bank can no longer acquire new notes regardless of the amount of excess reserves it holds. The interactive relationship between bank reserves and bank capital means that the limiting factor with the least "slack" determines the limit of deposit creation (monetary expansion) and and note acquisition. In other words, when First Bank has no Excess Reserves — but plenty of capital — it cannot create deposits liabilities with which to buy notes. And, when the capital of First Bank amounts to only 8% of its risk assets it cannot acquire new notes — even if it has plenty of excess reserves.
where was the first potato of the world found? A man fell in a 30 meter deep well, in one day he climbs 4 meters up and slips 3 meters down. How many days would it take for him to come out of the well? How can one go 10 days without sleeping? A driver, driving a black car with no headlights inside a black tunnel, and he doesn’t meet with an accident. How is it possible? 5+5+5=550, use a straight line to prove the equation. where can you find success before work? what would you do if i elope your sister? your wife and your mother, both are drowning in a lake. you can save only 1. whom would you save and wh I am a 8 letter word Many wasted time in hunting me, rather I’m in the form of hardwork. 5,6,7,8 have no doubt 4,5,5,6,7,8 be certain 2,3,4,5,5,6,7,8 be certain twice Who am I? I am a 12 letter word Letters 1 to 4 mean shout at the top of your voice! Letters 7 to 10 mean tail! Letters 11-10-3-4 mean trade! Letters 9-10-6-7 mean an animal! Letters 5 to 8 mean calfs cry! What am I?
From model space, you can establish the scale in the Plot dialog box. … This scale represents a ratio of plotted units to the world-size units you used to draw the model. In a layout, you work with two scales. What do AutoCAD scales mean? AutoCAD 2D drawings are commonly drawn in model space at a 1:1 scale (full-size). In other words, a 12-foot wall is drawn at that size. The drawings are then plotted or printed at a plot “scale” that accurately resizes the model objects to fit on paper at a given scale such as 1/8″ = 1′. How do you plot to scale 1/100 in AutoCAD? First draw a rectangle the size of your paper minus the margins required. For scale of 1:100 use the SCALE command to scale the rectangle 100 times. Put this rectangle around what you want to plot then plot using Window and select the corners of the rectangle. Use scale to fit for the scaling and print it out. What is the plot scale? This scale represents a ratio of plotted units to the world-size units you used to draw the model. In a layout, you work with two scales. The first affects the overall layout of the drawing, which usually is scaled 1:1, based on the paper size. How do I find the scale of a plot in AutoCAD? Scale a Drawing to Fit the Page - Click Output tab Plot panel Plot. Find. - In the Plot dialog box, under Plot Scale, select the Fit to Paper option. The resulting scale is automatically calculated. The ratio of plotted units to drawing units in the custom scale boxes is displayed. - Click OK to plot the drawing. How do you set limits in AutoCAD? To Set the Display Limits of the Grid - At the Command prompt, enter limits. - Enter the coordinates for a point at the lower-left corner of the grid limits. - Enter the coordinates for a point at the upper-right corner of the grid limits. - At the Command prompt, enter griddisplay, and enter a value of 0. How do I scale a layout in AutoCAD? Using the Properties palette . . . - Select the layout viewport that you want to modify. - Right-click, and then choose Properties. - If necessary, click Display Locked and choose No. - In the Properties palette, select Standard Scale, and then select a new scale from the list. The scale you choose is applied to the viewport. What is a plot plan drawing? A plot plan is an architectural drawing that shows all the major features and structures on a. piece of property. The information on a plot plan will generally include the following: • Location of all buildings. • Porches. What is the difference between plot and print commands? What is the Difference Between Printing and Plotting? The terms printing and plotting can be used interchangeably for CAD output. Historically, printers would generate text only, and plotters would generate vector graphics. … The process of generating physical models in plastic and metal is called 3D printing. What is the scale factor for 1 20? 1″ = 20′ Multiply the feet by 12. 20 x 12 = Scale Factor 240. How do you calculate scale? To scale an object to a smaller size, you simply divide each dimension by the required scale factor. For example, if you would like to apply a scale factor of 1:6 and the length of the item is 60 cm, you simply divide 60 / 6 = 10 cm to get the new dimension.
Search the Community Showing results for tags 'australia'. Found 3 results Here is a sneak preview! We have Baddabing, Cherry Blossom, Australia Acan, Acropora Multicolour ... and many more!Hurry down to AquaMarin Aquatic Pets now!32 Jalan SelasehSingapore 808448Tel: +65 63837277 The post is updated, since the attachements cant view in the previous post. Hello Peeps, 1. I have a 5ft tank up for grab. AND the tank is FOC!! YES. ITS FOC! Please arrange your own transport to take it home with you. THANKS! 2. I also have some nice AUSTRALIA sps selling at package price. and Both are 20$ altogether These are 30$ altogether and Both are 20$ altogether and Both are 30$ altogether and Both are 20$ altogether and Both are 20$ altogether and Both are 30$ altogether This is 20$ for this 1 piece and Both are 25$ altogether and Both are 20$ altogether , , These are 30 each If keen on the tank n the corals. Please pm me. Thanks.
Arbitrary translation - german Whoever corrects German translations is very arbitrary - to a ridiculous point. "Mama" is sometimes translated as Mom, other times as Mum and others as Mama. If I don't guess which one is preferred for each question, my answer is marked wrong. Anyone of the three should be acceptable.
Considering the complexity of taking all of the suttas and canceling out duplicates and such, is there any rough count of how many different discourses we have in the Tipitika? It’s really hard to say. One problem is, how much “compression” do we want to apply? It depends on what assumptions we make. Take, for example, the first sutta of the Khandha Samyutta (SN 22.1). Here we find the familiar teachings on the khandhas, but applied in a somewhat unusual way, as advice for a sick layperson. Are these considered to be just a repetition of what is found elsewhere, or does the context make them unique? It’s possible a neural net could be employed to investigate this, but we’d want a quite strictly defined set of parameters so that we know what it is we’re measuring. Thank you, Bhante! Yes, I understand the complexity and impossibility of coming up with an exact number, or perhaps even a close number. It came up in conversation that there were X number of discourses in the Pali Canon but that was a total number of suttas, way more than I think are different discourses. Perhaps, given suttas like DN33, DN34, etc., we could definitely say, “an uncountable handful.”
The homology of projective hypersurfaces is classically known for smooth hypersurfaces. Due to results of Dimca the homology of a singular hypersurface with isolated singularities is related to the homology of the smooth case as follows: the difference is concentrated in one dimension and related to the direct sum of the Milnor lattices of the singular points. In the talk we will treat 1- dimensional singularities. By using a one parameter smoothing of an n- dimensional hypersurface we can compare with a smooth hypersurface. We call this the vanishing homology of the smoothing. We will show that this (relative) homology is concentrated in two dimensions only: n+1 and n+2. Moreover we will give precise information and bounds for the Betti numbers of the vanishing homology in terms of properties of the singular set, the generic transversal singularities, the 'special' non-isolated singularities and (if they occur) the isolated singularities. As an example: the n+2 Betti number is bounded by the sum of (generic) transversal Betti numbers on each irreducible component of the 1-dimensional singular set. In several cases this Betti number is zero. We discuss several examples. This is joint work with Mihai Tibar, and a preprint can be found on http://arxiv.org/abs/1411.2640
A category with a frequency of zero is called a null category. When null categories are present in polytomous responses, then in the Rasch model for such responses, the thresholds that define the categories are inestimable with the commonly used joint maximum likelihood, marginal maximum likelihood, or standard conditional maximum likelihood estimation algorithms. The reason for this situation is that in principle, these estimation algorithms involve frequencies of each category. Andrich and Luo (2003) describe an algorithm in which the thresholds are reparameterized into their principal components and in which the estimate of any threshold is based on a function of the frequencies of all categories of the item rather than the frequency of a particular category. This algorithm works in the presence of null categories. However, in situations where the null categories are at the extremes of a set of categories, the estimates themselves can become too extreme. This paper describes a procedure in which the solution algorithm described by Andrich and Luo is further adapted in the presence of null categories by using their expected frequencies. The procedure is demonstrated with simulated and real data. |Journal||Journal of Applied Measurement| |Publication status||Published - 2005|
Presentation on theme: "Chemical Equations Chemical Reaction: Interaction between substances that results in one or more new substances being produced Example: hydrogen + oxygen."— Presentation transcript: Chemical Equations Chemical Reaction: Interaction between substances that results in one or more new substances being produced Example: hydrogen + oxygen water Reactants of a Reaction: Starting materials that undergo chemical change; written on the left side of the equation representing the reaction Products of a Reaction: Substances formed as a result of the reaction; written on the right side of the equation representing the reaction The arrow points towards the products formed by the reaction Individual products and reactants are separated by a plus sign Chemical Equation: A written statement using symbols and formulas to describe the changes that occur in a reaction Example: 2H 2 (g) + O 2 (g) 2H 2 O (l) Letter in parentheses indicates the state of the substance: gas (g), liquid (l), solid (s), dissolved in water (aq) If heat is required for the reaction to take place, the symbol is written over the reaction arrow Balanced Equation: Equation in which the number of atoms of each element in the reactants is the same as the number of atoms of that element in the products Law of Conservation of Mass: Atoms are neither created nor destroyed in chemical reactions Example: CaS + H 2 O CaO + H 2 S Reactants Products Is this equation balanced? Example: NO(g) + O 2 (g) NO 2 (g) Is this equation balanced? Adjust the coefficient of the reactants and products to balance the equation 2NO + O 2 2NO 2 Reactants Product Practice: SO 2 + O 2 SO 3 Is this equation balanced? Practice: H 2 + Cl 2 HCl Is this equation balanced? 2SO 2 + O 2 2SO 3 H 2 + Cl 2 2HCl Avogadro’s Number: The Mole 1 Dozen = 12 1 Gross = Mole = 6.02 x mole of atoms = x atoms 1 mole of molecules = x molecules The Mole and Avogadro’s Number Example: How many molecules are contained in 5.0 moles of carbon dioxide (CO 2 )? Step Identify the original quantity and the desired quantity. 5.0 mol of CO 2 original quantity ? molecules of CO 2 desired quantity x conversion factor = Step Set up and solve the problem. 5.0 molx 6.02 x molecules 1 mol = 3.0 x molecules CO 2 Unwanted unit cancels. Step Write out the conversion factors. 1 mol 6.02 x molecules or 6.02 x molecules 1 mol Choose this one to cancel mol. Molar Mass: the mass (in grams) of one mole a particular substance There is a unique relationship between molar mass and atomic weight: Molar mass (in grams) is always equal to the atomic weight of the atom! Examples: Atomic weight of carbon is 12.01amu Molar mass of carbon is g/mol Atomic weight of helium is 4.00 amu Molar mass of helium is 4.00 g/mol Mole (mol): The number of particles (atoms or molecules) in a sample of element or compound with a mass in grams equal to the atomic (or molecular) weight Example: Atomic weight of sodium = g of sodium contains 1 mole (6.02 x ) atoms in g of sodium Mass to Mole Conversions:Relating Grams to Moles Because molar mass relates the number of moles to the number of grams of a substance, molar mass can be used as a conversion factor. Example: How many moles are present in 100. g of aspirin (C 9 H 8 O 4, molar mass g/mol)? Step Identify the original quantity and the desired quantity g of aspirin original quantity ? mol of aspirin desired quantity x conversion factor = Step Write out the conversion factors g aspirin 1 mol g aspirin or Choose this one to cancel g aspirin. The conversion factor is the molar mass, and it can be written in two ways. Step Set up and solve the problem g aspirinx 1 mol g aspirin =0.555 mol aspirin Unwanted unit cancels. Calculations Using the Mole 1 mole represents the mass of a sample that contains Avogadro’s number of particles Example: Atomic wt. of Potassium (K)= 39 amu 1 mol K atoms = 6.02 x atoms = 39 g K Example: Atomic wt. of Sulfur (S) = 32 u 1 mol S atoms = 6.02 x atoms = 32 g S 1 mol S atoms = 6.02 x atoms 6.02x atoms = 32 g S 1 mol S atoms = 32 g S Practice: 1 mol S atoms = 6.02 x atoms 6.02x atoms = 32 g S 1 mol S atoms = 32 g S What is the mass in grams of 1 atom of Sulfur? 1 S atom= g 1 S atom x 32 g S/6.02 x atoms = g 1 S atom = 5.32 x g Practice: 1 mol S atoms = 6.02 x atoms 6.02x atoms = 32 g S 1 mol S atoms = 32 g S How many moles of Sulfur in 98.6 grams? 98.6g = moles Sulfur 98.6g x 1 mole/32g = moles sulfur = 3.07 moles sulfur Practice: 1 mol S atoms = 6.02 x atoms 6.02x atoms = 32 g S 1 mol S atoms = 32 g S How many atoms in this sample of 98.6g of S? 98.6g = atoms of S 98.6g x 6.02x10 23 atoms/32g =atoms of S = 1.85x10 24 atoms S Practice: 1 mol S atoms = 6.02 x atoms 6.02x atoms = 32 g S 1 mol S atoms = 32 g S What is the mass of 1 atom of Sulfur? 1 atom = g 1 atom x 32g/6.02x10 23 atoms = g = 5.33 x g S The mole concept applies to molecules, as well as to atoms Chemical formulas indicate relative quantities of atoms within a compound Example: H 2 O has 2 H atoms for every 1 Oxygen atom C 6 H 12 O 6 has how many atoms of each element? Formula Weight (F.W.): sum of all atomic weights of all atoms in a compound; expressed in amu A mole of a molecule will have a mass in grams equal to its formula weight Example: F.W. of CH 4 N 2 O (urea) = ? Atomic weights: C = 12 amu H = 1 amu N = 14 amu O = 16 amu F.W. CH 4 N 2 O = (1) + 2 (14) + 16 = 60 amu Molar mass of CH 4 N 2 O is 60 g/mol Practice: Formula weight of H 2 O = ? F.W. of H 2 O = atomic weight of H atoms + atomic weight of O atom Atomic weight of H =1amu, O =16 amu F.W. of H 2 O = Molar mass of H 2 O = 18 amu 18 g/mol More Practice: Prozac, C 17 H 18 F 3 NO, is a widely used antidepressant that inhibits the uptake of serotonin by the brain. What is the molar mass of Prozac? 309 g/mole 17C (12.0) + 18H (1.0) + 3F (19.0) + 1N (14.0) + 1 O (16.0) = = Chemical Equations and the Mole Stoichiometry: Study of mass relationships in chemical reactions; ratios of different molecules Example: CH 4 + 2O 2 CO 2 + 2H 2 O 10 CH O 2 10 CO H 2 O 6.02 x10 23 CH x10 23 O 2 6.02 x10 23 CO x10 23 H 2 O 1 mol CH mol O 2 1 mol CO mol H 2 O 16.0g CH g O 2 44.0g CO gH 2 O 6.02 x10 23 CH x10 23 O 2 6.02 x10 23 CO x10 23 H 2 O 1 mol CH mol O 2 1 mol CO mol H 2 O 16.0g CH g O 2 44.0g CO gH 2 O How many moles of O 2 would be required to react with 1.72 mol CH 4 ? 1.72 mol CH 4 = mol O mol CH 4 x 2 mol O 2 /1 mol CH 4 = 3.44 mol O 2 How many grams of H 2 O will be produced from 1.09 mol of CH 4 ? 2-part problem: first find moles of H 2 O then convert moles to grams Use this equation to obtain conversion factor for moles of CH 4 to moles of H 2 O: 1 mol CH mol O 2 1 mol CO mol H 2 O 1.09 mol CH 4 = mol H 2 O 1.09 mol CH 4 x 2 mol H 2 O/1 mol CH 4 = 2.18 mol H 2 O 2.18 mol H 2 0 = grams H 2 O 2.18 mol H 2 0 x 18.0g H 2 O/1 mol H 2 O = 39.2grams H 2 O Theoretical and Percent Yield Theoretical yield: the maximum amount of product that would be formed from a particular reaction in an ideal world Actual yield: the amount of product formed from a particular reaction in the real world (usually less than the theoretical yield) Percent yield: ratio of actual yield to theoretical yield, times 100 % % yield = actual yield/theoretical yield x 100% Example: theoretical yield = 39.2g water actual yield = 35.5 g water % yield = 35.5g/39.2g x 100% = 90.6 % yield Oxidation and Reduction Reactions An oxidation-reduction reaction involves the transfer of electrons from one reactant to another. In oxidation, electrons are lost Zn Zn e - (loss of electrons--LEO) In reduction, electrons are gained. Cu e - Cu (gain of electrons--GER) Identify each of the following as an oxidation or a reduction reaction: A. Sn Sn e- B. Fe e - Fe 2+ C. Cl 2 + 2e - 2Cl - Practice: Oxidation Reduction Zn + Cu 2+ Zn 2+ + Cu Zn acts as a reducing agent because it causes Cu 2+ to gain electrons and become reduced. Reducing agent: a compound that is oxidized while causing another compound to be reduced Oxidizing agent: a compound that is reduced while causing another compound to be oxidized Cu 2+ acts as an oxidizing agent because it causes Zn to lose electrons and become oxidized. oxidizedreduced Examples of Everyday Oxidation–Reduction Reactions: Iron Rusting 4 Fe(s) + 3 O 2 (g) 2 Fe 2 O 3 (s) Fe 3+ O 2– neutral Feneutral O Fe loses e – and is oxidized. O gains e – and is reduced. Inside an Alkaline Battery Zn + 2 MnO 2 ZnO + Mn 2 O 3 neutral ZnMn 4+ Zn 2+ Mn 3+ Zn loses e − and is oxidized. Mn 4+ gains e − and is reduced.
Carbon monoxide concentration in a car's exhaust is approximately 8% by volume when the car is idling (per the textbook). What is 8% in ppmv (by volume)? 8% by volume means there are 8 units of CO in 100 units of exhaust. ppm means ... It shows how to convert the concentration of CO to ppmv (by volume).
In this paper, variable separation solution and soliton excitations of the (1+1)-dimensional generalised shallow water wave equation are obtained. This equation includes two special cases which are completely integrable (IST integrable): the AKNS equation and the Hirota-Satsuma equation. Firstly, the variable separation (BT-VS) method based on the Bcklund transformation is extended to this eqaution for deriving VS solutions which include some low dimensional arbitrary functions. In the integrable cases, a space arbitrary function and a time arbitrary function are included. But in the other cases only a time arbitrary function is included and the space function needs to satisfy a specific condition. In addition, for the (1+1)-dimensional universal formula, abundant soliton excitations can be constructed, such as one-soliton, bell-anti-bell soltion, soliton expansion, breather-like, instaton-like. Finally, some discusions are made about the VT-VS method.
Hi :) I’m self-studying for my A Level mechanics 2 exam (it’s in 4 days :S) and there’s a problem in my book that I just can’t solve. Any help would be really appreciated. :) 1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data Find the sum of the moments about the point P of the forces shown in the diagram: 2. Relevant equations Moment about a point = Force x Perpendicular distance of the force from the point 3. The attempt at a solution From the way the problem diagram is shown in my book, it seems as though APB is a rigid triangular frame. Since we’re finding the sum of the moments about the point P, we won’t be considering the green 2N force and the blue 1N force because they both act along P. We won’t be considering the 5N force either because it doesn’t have any effect on the moments about P. Moment of the blue 2N force about P = 2N x PB = 2N x 5m = 10 Nm anticlockwise Applying the sine rule: (AP / sin 18 degrees) = (PB / sin 40 degrees) Or, AP = sin 18 degrees x (5m / sin 40 degrees) Hence, AP = 2.4037m Moment of the 3N force about P = 3N x 2.4037m = 7.2111 Nm clockwise Hence, moments about P = 10 Nm – 7.2111Nm = 2.7889Nm anticlockwise = 2.79 Nm anticlockwise My book’s answer is 2.07 Nm anticlockwise. Could someone please tell me where I’m going wrong?
A box contains 10 red marbles, 20 blue marbles and 30 green marbles. 5 marbles are drawn at random. From the box, what is the probability that : (i) all are blue? (ii) at least one is green? Out of 60 marbles, five marbles can be draw in 60C5 ways. ∴ Total number of elementary events =60C5 (i) Out of 20 blue marbles, five blue marbles can be chosen in 20C5 ways. ∴ Favourable number of events =20C5 ways Hence, the required probability is given by (ii) P (no green) =Favorable outcomesTotal outcomes=30C560C5 Thus, P (at least one green)=1-P (no green)
Following table are the data for the Australian economy (β=1.6) in four selected years. Using Okun’s law, fill in the missing data in the table.Rate (%)Rate (%)GDPAn economy is described by the following equationCd=14400+0.5(Y-T)-40000r, Ip=8000-20000r,G=7800, NX=1800, T=8000The demand for car in a country is given by D=12 000-200P, where P is the price of a car. Supply domestic car production is S=7000+50P.Use the following economic data to calculate private saving, public saving and national saving. Assignment status: Already Solved By Our Experts ( USA, AUS, UK & CA PhD. Writers )
( ) 1.How are you?A你好吗? B再见 ( ) 2.Good morning. A下午好。 B早上好。 ( ) 3.How many girls? A有多少个女孩? B有多少条狗? ( ) 4.How many blue balls? A 有多少个蓝色的球? B有多少个绿色的球? ( ) 5.Point to a girl. A指向一个女孩。 B指向一个男孩。 ( ) 6.I'm Sam. A我是大明。 B我是男孩。 ( ) 7.My name is Panpan. A我的名字叫熊猫。B我的名字叫盼盼。 ( ) 8.Good afternoon. A下午好。 B中午好。 ( ) 9.It's green. A 它是绿色的。 B它是蓝色的。 ( ) 10.Stand up! A 起立! B 请坐! ( ) 11.I'm fine. A 我很好。 B我五岁了。 ( ) 12.What's your name? A你叫什么名字? B这是什么? ( ) 13.I'm a boy. A我有个球. B我是个男孩。 ( ) 14.Open the door. A打开门。 B打开窗户。 ( ) 15.It' s the ceiling. A 它是地面。 B他是天花板。 ( ) 16.Sit down! A 坐下。 B起立。 ( ) 17.This is my desk. A这是我的书桌。B这是我的座位。 ( ) 18.See you! A看你。 B再见! ( ) 19.This is our teacher. A这是我的老师。B这是我们的老师。 ( ) 20.This is a cat. A这是一只猫。B那是一只猫。 ( ) 21.Pleased to meet you. A很高兴见到你。B再见。 ( ) 22.What's that ? A那是什么? B这是什么? ( ) 23.Is it a dog ? A 它是一条狗吗?B它是一条狗 。 ( ) 24.What's in the box ? A盒子里有什么?B是狐狸吗? ( ) 25.Where's my pen ?A我的钢笔在哪里?B我的铅笔在哪里? ( ) 26.A balloon is on the bed. A床上有一个气球。 B 床下有一个气球。 ( ) 27.That is a cat. A那是一只猫。 B这是一只猫。 ( ) 28.You 're eight. A 你八岁了。 B 我八岁了 。 ( ) 29.It ' s you. A 是你。 B是我。 ( ) 30.It 's my pen. A 它是我的钢笔。B 它是我们的钢笔。 ( )31.It 's a black cat. A它是只黑色的猫。B它是顶黑色的帽子。 ( )32.You 're welcome! A 别客气! B 你是好样的。 ( )33.Where's the cat ?A 猫在哪里? B 球猫在哪里。 ( )34.Happy birthday to you ! A 祝你生日快乐!B 给你生日蛋糕. ( )35.It 's an orange house. A 它是所橙色的房子。 B 它是个橙色的盒子。 ( )36.I ' m six , too. A 我六岁了。 B 我也六岁了。 ( )37.How old are you ? A 你几岁了? B 你好吗? ( )38.It 's in my hat. A 它在我的帽子里。 B它是我的小猫。 ( )39.A doll is under the bed. A 床下面有个娃娃。B床下面有条狗。 ( )40.No, it isn't. A 不是。 B 是的。 ( )41.Thank you . A 谢谢。 B 不用谢。 ( )42.Yes, it is. A 是的。 B 不是。 ( )43.Come to the front ! A 到前面来。 B 回去。 ( )44.Go back to your seat ! A 到后面去。 B 回到你的座位上 。 ( )45.Good boy.A 好孩子。 B 再见。 ( )46.I 'm seven. A 我七岁了。 B 我八岁了。 ( )47.What 's this ?A 这是什么? B 那是什么? ( )48.A book for you.A 给你一本书。 B给你一管钢笔。 1.( )I have _____ egg. A. a B. an C. the 2.( ) She _____ a nice schoolbag . A. have B. has C. is 3. ( ) How many ______ do you have ? I have 3. A. pen B. a pen C. pens 4. ( )My friend Tom _______ painting. A. likes B. like C.is like 5 ( ) _______she ? she's my sister. A. What's B. Where C. Who' 6. ( ) ______ is the teacher . She's in the classroom. A. What's B. Where C. Where's 7.( ) ________is the pencil-case ? It's 32 yuan. A. How old B. How many C. How much 8.( ) What colour is the walkman ? A. It's nice B. It's yellow and blue. C. Yes, I like it. 9 ( )Lucy _______ science .-------Me too. A. likes B. like C. is like 10.Let _____ clean the teacher's desk. ------ok A.I B. my C. me 11.This is ______ new computer. A. my B. me C.I 12.How many fans can you see ? A. I have 6. B.I can see six. C.I can see 13.How much is the yo-yo ? A. I am 12. B. It's 12 yuan. C. 12 books 14.Where are you from ? A. Chinese book. B. It's Chinese C. I am from China. 15.Where is my English book ? A. It's in the desk. B. It's in the pencil-case C. It's blue 16.How old are you ? A. I'm fine, thank you . B. I'm Ok C. I'm ten 17.What's her name ? A. My name is Lily B. His name is Tom C. Her name is Lily 18.Who is he ? A. He's Zhangpeng B. she is a girl C. He's a boy 19.What's in your schoolbag ? A. It's a book. B. Many story-books C.I have 10. 20.Let's clean the classroom.______________ A. It's nice and clean B. All right C. You're right. 21.What's ten plus ten ? A. It's twenty B. It's twelve C. It's two. 22.Are they farmers ? A. Yes, she is B. No ,they aren't C. They are farmers 23.Is she in the classroom ? A. Yes ,she is B. Yes ,he is C. she is in the kitchen 24.Is this your book ? A. No, they aren't B. It's a English book C. yes ,it is 25.Is this your uncle ? A. No. she isn't B. Yes, she is C. Yes, he is 26.What would you like for dinner ? A. yes B. I'd like some vegetable and beef. C. Thank you 27. Can I have some chicken ? A. Sure, here you are B. Yes ,you can C.I have some noodles 28.Help yourself. A. Thank you B.NO C. Here you are 29.Can I help ? A. Yes, pass me a plate, please B. No C. sorry 29. What's he ? A. He is my father B. He's a doctor C. He's a man 30.What's your aunt ? A. She is a nurse B. He is a nurse C. She's a woma 31.Who's that man ? A. He is my uncle B. She's my sister C. He's a baseball player A. sorry B. come and meet family C. Merry Christmas 33.Who's that boy ? ________ John. A. She's B. He's C. It's 34 Do you like sports ? A. Yes ,she is B. No, I do C. Yes, I do . 35 May I have a look ? A. No, you can't B. Look at the book C. sure ,here you are 36 _________ your aunt ? She's a driver . A. Where's B. What's C. Who's 37 Look _______the photo. A. in B. to C. at 38 There ________many books on the sofa .Please put them away. A. is B. has C. are 39 There_______ a teacher in the classroom A. is B. has C. are 40 __________is she ? She's my mother A. How old B. How C. Who 41 A. draws B. drawers C. drawer. 42 A. I am sorry. B. Fine, and you? C. Haha. 43. I like reading. I want to be a . A. writer B. nurse C. policeman 44. I like drawing. I want to be a A. fisher B. dancer. C. painter 45. What is your father? He is a . A. tree B .dryer C. spaceman 46. What can your father do? a car. A. swim B. ride C. drive
Clapeyron's theorem (elasticity) In the linear theory of elasticity Clapeyron's theorem states that the potential energy of deformation of a body, which is in equilibrium under a given load, is equal to half the work done by the external forces computed assuming these forces had remained constant from the initial state to the final state. It is named after the French scientist Benoît Clapeyron. For example consider a linear spring with initial length L0 and gradually pull on the spring until it reaches equilibrium at a length L1 when the pulling force is F. By the theorem, the potential energy of deformation in the spring is given by: The actual force increased from 0 to F during the deformation; the work done can be computed by integration in distance. Clapeyron's equation, which uses the final force only, may be puzzling at first, but is nevertheless true because it includes a corrective factor of one half. Another theorem, the theorem of three moments used in bridge engineering is also sometimes called Clapeyron's theorem. - Love, A.E.H., "A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity", 4th ed. Cambridge, 1927, p. 173 |This classical mechanics-related article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.|
Gravity gradiometry is the study and measurement of variations in the acceleration due to gravity. The gravity gradient is the spatial rate of change of gravitational acceleration. Gravity gradiometry is used by oil and mineral prospectors to measure the density of the subsurface, effectively by measuring the rate of change of gravitational acceleration (or jerk) due to underlying rock properties. From this information it is possible to build a picture of subsurface anomalies which can then be used to more accurately target oil, gas and mineral deposits. It is also used to image water column density, when locating submerged objects, or determining water depth (bathymetry). Physical scientists use gravimeters to determine the exact size and shape of the earth and they contribute to the gravity compensations applied to inertial navigation systems. Gravity measurements are a reflection of the earth’s gravitational attraction, its centripetal force, tidal accelerations due to the sun, moon, and planets, and other applied forces. Gravity gradiometers measure the spatial derivatives of the gravity vector. The most frequently used and intuitive component is the vertical gravity gradient, Gzz, which represents the rate of change of vertical gravity (gz) with height (z). It can be deduced by differencing the value of gravity at two points separated by a small vertical distance, l, and dividing by this distance.Related formulas |vertical gravity gradient (eotvos) |vertical gravity (eotvos) |vertical distance (m)
6 mm of water rained on the garden with an area of 25 acres. How many 12 liter cans of water would we water this garden just as much? Did you find an error or inaccuracy? Feel free to write us. Thank you! Thank you for submitting an example text correction or rephasing. We will review the example in a short time and work on the publish it. Tips to related online calculators Do you know the volume and unit volume, and want to convert volume units? You need to know the following knowledge to solve this word math problem: We encourage you to watch this tutorial video on this math problem: video1 Related math problems and questions: Garden with an area of 800 square meters rained 3 mm of water. How many 10-liter cans of water is needed to same irrigation? Garden shape of a rectangle measuring 15 m and 20 m rained water up to 3 mm. How many liters of water rained in the garden? On the lawn which has area 914 m2 rained 3 mm of water. How many liters of water rained? A rectangular garden of 25m in length and width 20m in width fall 4mm of water. Express by a fraction in basic form what part of the 60-hectolitre tank we would fill with this water. - Octagonal prism vase 0.7 l of water can be poured in an octagonal prism vase. What is the height of the vase, if the bottom has a area of 25 cm square and a thickness of 12 mm? - A residential A residential colony has a population of 5400, and 60 liters of water is required per person per day. The effective utilization of rainwater constructed a water reservoir measuring 48m × 27m × 25m to collect the rainwater. For how many days, the water of - Water reservoir The water tank has a cuboid with edges a= 1 m, b=2 m , c = 1 m. Calculate how many centimeters of water level falls, if we fill fifteen 12 liters cans. - Aquarium volume The aquarium has a cuboid shape and dimensions a = 0.3 m, b = 0.85 m, c =? , V = ?. What volume has a body, if after dipping into the aquarium water level rises by 28 mm? How many liters of water did fell in a 32m long and 8m wide garden, if 8mm of rain fell? - Ice and water We want to cover rectangular rink with dimensions of 55 m and 25 m with 4cm thick layer of ice. How many liters of water we need if after freezing water increases its volume by 10%? - Water level How high is the water in the swimming pool with dimensions of 37m in length and 15m in width, if an inlet valve is opened for 10 hours flowing 12 liters of water per second? - Surface and volume od cuboid Content area of the square base of cuboid is Sp = 36 cm2 and its height 80 mm. Determine its surface area and volume. The freezer has the shape of a cuboid with internal dimensions of 12 cm, 10 cm, 30 cm. A layer of ice of 23 mm thick was formed on the inner walls (and on the opening) of the freezer. How many liters of water will drain if we dispose the freezer? On Thursday, fell 1 cm rainfall. How many liters of water fell to rectangular garden with dimensions of 22 m x 35 m? - The rainwater The rainwater container has the shape of a block whose bottom has dimensions of 4.5 m and 3.5 m. It is partly filled with water. What is the level if there is 189 hl of water in it? - The cuboid The cuboid is full to the brim with water. The external dimensions are 95 cm, 120 cm, and 60 cm. The thickness of all walls and the bottom is 5 cm. How many liters of water fit into the cuboid? In the garden with an area of 8 ares rain 40hl of water. To what heights leveled water?
Economic and Game Theory |"Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get out."| Thread and Full Text View Thanks for the reference. This paper you suggest uses indeed category theory in a much more sophisticated way than I do. Therefore I am grateful of becoming aware of it. However, the question ask and answered by Vassilakis is I think quite a bit different. As far as I diguested Vassilakis (1992), he looks at much bigger questions such as whether games and solution concepts can be obtained as limit of their subobjects, or whether we can resolve infinite regress problems. I just look at a small question of constructing a simple function that is maximized in Nash equilibrium in strategic games. Indeed I do not see yet a direct connection to my note except for the basic tools I use. However, this can be also due to my ignorance since I do not understand his paper yet. By the way, there is another paper on game theory using category theory by Laptisky or similar in International Game Theory Review. However, I couldn't get hold of it till now. Yet, there is another paper by Keiding on category theory applied to Social Choice in one of the first issues of Mathematical Social Science. On top of it, some researchers on categorical logic (I think Andrea Schalk or similar) used games and categories of games. That's all I know about category theory and game theory. [Manage messages]
Ticket #10026 (closed defect: obsolete) mathematica 8.0.4 constantly crashes on Windows XP SP3 guest |Reported by:||lordqaul||Owned by:| Mathematica 8.0.4 regularly crashes whilst running on a Windows XP SP3 guest. The problem seems to be Mathematica's kernel. I have attached a copy of the windows error report although since virtualbox itself didn't crash I haven't attached a Vbox.log file.
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Fast direct algorithms for elliptic equations via hierarchical matrix compression MetadataShow full item record We present a fast direct algorithm for the solution of linear systems arising from elliptic equations. We extend the work of Xia et al. (2009) on combining the multifrontal method with hierarchical matrices. We offer a more geometric interpretation of that approach, extend it in two dimensions to the unstructured mesh case, and detail an adaptive decomposition procedure for selectively refined meshes. Linear time complexity is shown for a quasi-uniform grid and demonstrated via numerical results for the adaptive algorithm. We also provide an extension to three dimensions with proven linear complexity but a more practical variant with slightly worse scaling is also described.
1 edition of On the asymptotic distribution of weighted least squares estimators found in the catalog. On the asymptotic distribution of weighted least squares estimators by Laboratory of Actuarial Mathematics, University of Copenhagen in Copenhagen Written in English |The Physical Object| The method of least squares is a standard approach in regression analysis to approximate the solution of overdetermined systems (sets of equations in which there are more equations than unknowns) by minimizing the sum of the squares of the residuals made in the results of every single equation.. The most important application is in data best fit in the least-squares sense minimizes. This video describes the benefit of using Least Squares Estimators, as a method to estimate population parameters. Check out This video outlines the conditions which are required for Ordinary Least Squares estimators to be consistent, and behave 'normally' in the asymptotic limit. Check out . Downloadable! The aim of this work is to investigate the asymptotic properties of weighted least squares (WLS) estimation for causal and invertible periodic autoregressive moving average (PARMA) models with uncorrelated but dependent errors. Under mild assumptions, it is shown that the WLS estimators of PARMA models are strongly consistent and asymptotically normal. This Lecture Note deals with asymptotic properties, i.e. weak and strong consistency and asymptotic normality, of parameter estimators of nonlinear regression models and nonlinear structural equations under various assumptions on the distribution of the data. The estimation methods involved are nonlinear least squares estimation (NLLSE Cited by: finds the asymptotic distribution of least squares estimates, e: for the case % Î, by com-puting a first-order Taylor expansion of the gradient Ï f. This requires tedious computations, especially if we consider %». Using Theorem 1, and a technique similar to the one used by. Relativity and high energy physics. Going to the Seaside Box 38. PROFILE OF HIRED FARMWORKERS, 1998 ANNUAL AVERAGES... AGRICULTURAL ECONOMIC REPORT... U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Resolutions of the legislature of South Carolina, touching the controversy between New York and Virginia, and a late law of that state on the same subject. Georg Letham, physician and murderer Abstract. This paper derives the asymptotic distribution of the weighted least squares estimator (WLSE) in a heteroscedastic linear regression model. A consistent estimator of the asymptotic covariance matrix of the WLSE is also obtained. The results are obtained under weak conditions. ized least squares and the weighted least squares estimators of Chapters 4 and 9, respectively. In this section I provide a brief introduction to two aspects of asymp totic theory: convergence in probability and convergence in distribution. I refer the reader to White. This paper derives the asymptotic distribution of the weighted least squares estimator (WLSE) in a heteroscedastic linear regression model. A consistent estimator of the asymptotic covariance matrix of the WLSE is also obtained. The results are obtained under weak conditions on the design matrix and some moment conditions on the error by: on the use of auxiliary data and a formal derivation of the asymptotic properties of the underlying Weighted Least Squares estimator. Hellerstein & Imbens had introduced very broadly a GMM model, based on empirical likelihood estimators. The necessity for the spe-cific framework in this paper arises for the purposes of data set combination. "Asymptotic distribution of the weighted least squares estimator," Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Springer;The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, vol. 41(2), pagesJune. Request PDF | Asymptotic distributions for weighted estimators of the offspring mean in a branching process | It is known that conditional least squares estimator (CLSE) of the offspring mean for. Asymptotic Least Squares Theory: Part I We have shown that the OLS estimator and related tests have good finite-sample prop-erties under the classical conditions. These conditions are, however, quite restrictive in practice, as discussed in Section It is therefore natural to ask the following Size: KB. This paper derives the limiting distributions of least squares averaging estimators for linear regression models in a local asymptotic framework. We show that the averaging estimators with fixed weights are asymptotically normal and then develop a plug-in averaging estimator that minimizes the sample analog of the asymptotic mean squared by: Weighted Least Squares in Simple Regression The weighted least squares estimates are then given as ^ 0 = yw ^ 1xw ^ 1 = P wi(xi xw)(yi yw) P wi(xi xw)2 where xw and yw are the weighted means xw = P wixi P wi yw = P wiyi P wi: Some algebra shows that the weighted least squares esti-mates. Chapter 5. Least Squares Estimation - Large-Sample Properties In Chapter 3, we assume ujx ˘ N(0;˙2) and study the conditional distribution of bgiven X. In general the distribution of ujx is unknown and even if it is known, the unconditional distribution of bis hard to derive since b = (X0X) 1X0y is a complicated function of fx ign i=1. In order to analyze the stochastic property of multilayered perceptrons or other learning machines, we deal with simpler models and derive the asymptotic distribution of the least-squares estimators of Cited by: 6. in (), then the least squares estimator is asymptotically normally distributed with covariance matrix. Asy. Var[b] = σ. Q −1. plim 1. X X Q −1. () For the most general case, asymptotic normality is much more difficult to establish because the sums in () are not necessarily sums of independent or even uncorrelated random Size: KB. Weighted least-squares with weights estimated by replication 3 7 These methods have been discussed in the literature for normally distributed errors. Bement & Williams () use (), and construct approximations, as m - oo, for the exact covariance matrix of the resulting weighted least-squares. In a heteroscedastic linear model, we establish the asymptotic normality of the iterative weighted least squares estimators with weights constructed by using the within-group residuals obtained. is a unit root. Similarly, the limiting distribution of the standardized (by T) least squares estimators of the CI vector will also be nonnormal. Despite this complica- tion, the asymptotic representations greatly simplify the task of approximating the distribution of the estimators using Monte Carlo techniques. Haruhiko Ogasawara, in Handbook of Statistics, Abstract. Asymptotic distributions of the least squares estimators in factor analysis and structural equation modeling are derived using the Edgeworth expansions up to order O(1/ n) under estimators dealt with in this chapter are those for unstandardized variables by normal theory generalized least squares, simple or scale. squares which is an modification of ordinary least squares which takes into account the in-equality of variance in the observations. Weighted least squares play an important role in the parameter estimation for generalized linear models. 2 Generalized and weighted least squares Generalized least squares Now we have the modelFile Size: KB. vals and hypothesis testing, since the distribution of the estimator is lacking. In this article, we develop an asymptotic analysis to derive the distribution of RandNLA sampling estimators for the least-squares problem. In particular, we derive the asymptotic distribution of a general sampling estimator with arbitrary sampling : Ping Ma, Xinlian Zhang, Xin Xing, Jingyi Ma, Michael W. Mahoney. depending on which weighted least square estimator we use. To get the asymptotic distribution of the structural parameters ^ we apply Theorem in Amemiya () and we get that Var(^) = N 1(0W 1) 0W 1 W 1(0W) 1 where = @˙[email protected]: Let’s also consider the properties of the listwise deletion WLS estimation. Asymptotic results are given for approximated weighted least squares estimators in nonlinear regression with independent but not necessarily identically distributed errors. Asymptotic results on nonlinear approximation of regression functions and weighted least squares: Series Statistics: No 1Cited by:. Asymptotic oracle properties of SCAD-penalized least squares estimators Huang, Jian and Xie, Huiliang, Asymptotics: Particles, Processes and Inverse Problems, Weak convergence of the empirical process of residuals in linear models with many parameters Chen, Gemai and and Lockhart, Richard A., Annals of Statistics, Cited by: The aim of this work is to investigate the asymptotic properties of weighted least squares (WLS) estimation for causal and invertible periodic autoregressive moving average (PARMA) models with uncorrelated but dependent errors. Under mild assumptions, it is shown that the WLS estimators of PARMA models are strongly consistent and asymptotically Cited by: The main goal of this paper is to study the asymptotic properties of least squares estimation for invertible and causal weak PARMA models. Four different LS estimators are considered: ordinary least squares (OLS), weighted least squares (WLS) for an arbitrary vector of weights, generalized.
. TRUE/FALSE: (Please use one sentence to explain why it is FALSE if you decide that one statement is FALSE) (a) The regression through origin model is designed to fit count responses only (b) The Bonferroni method is always the best way of computing joint CI's of the mean responses, i.e., provides the group of CIs with the narrowest ranges which achieves the claimed family confidence coefficient. (c) When you want to obtain the smallest variance of the "regression coefficient estimate", you might choose to control the response variable values. (d) We do not have to check the model assumptions when the regression through origin model is used. A regression through origin model is designed to fit all such models where x = 0 gives a meaningless response through the intercept based linear model. Hence it not all fits the count responses, it does fit other form of data as well Hence this statement is false Yes this statement is true, bonferroni method is best way for computing joint confidence intervals of mean responses Yes this statement is also true, when we want the least error we need to ensure that all the other factors or variables present in the experimental environment do not change or fluctuate to provide the best relation between the variables included in the study That is not true, for every model it is important to check the model assumptions, whether it is simple liner regression model or the regression model through origin. It is important to esure that the assumptions are valid for the model to be functional and hence this statement is false too
Posts by Jannie Total # Posts: 40 A bowl contains 100 green and red m&ms. For every 3 green you have 7 red pieces of candy. How many green m&ms are in the bowl? a brand name has a 50% recognition rate assume the owner of the brand wants to verify that rate by beginning with a small sample of 5 randomly selected consumers the probability that exactly 4 of the 5 consumers recognize the brand name Find the angle, in degrees and minutes, that a straight line makes with the positive direction of the x axis if its gradient is 0.853 Find the mass of oxygen gas needed to react with 0.2 moles magnesium and the mass of the product? Working out please The product of two consecutive positive numbers is 42 Find the numbers Please write this problem in quadratic equation form please What mass of magnesium, Mg, contains the same number of atoms as 12g of Carbon, C Could you please show the method too Thanx :) Suppose you were to leave $100 to be equally divided between your great great grandchildren 100 years from now. Given that you can secure annual interest at 6% pa, what would this amount be? Find the compound interest, compounding monthly? Please show all working out :) Multiple-choice questions in a test are graded by adding 2 marks for each correct response and subtracting 1 mark for each incorrect response (including no response). Rory and Jenny answered all the multiple-choice questions, with Rory scoring 27 and Jenny scoring 42. Rory ... A company employs 4 times as many unskilled workers as it does skilled workers. Unskilled workers earn $650 a week, and skilled workers earn $850 a week. The weekly wage bill for these workers is $17 250. How many skilled and unskilled workers are there? Simultaneous equations Con has twice as much money as Fiona. If Fiona earns an extra $15, Con will only have one-and-a-half times her amount. How much money does each person have? Simultaneous equations A hall has 1325 seats. These are arranged in rows of 35 seats or 40 seats. The ratio of 35-seat rows to 40-seat rows is 3 : 4. How many rows are there? Simultaneous equation please The linear equation F=ac + b is used to change temperature from degrees Celsius (°C) to degrees Fahrenheit (°F). Given that 0°C = 32°F and 100°C = 212°F, calculate the constants a and b. A truck is loaded with two different types of crates. When 20 of crate A and 25 of crate B are loaded, the trucks 8 tonne capacity is reached. When 2 of crate A and 16 of crate B are loaded, the same capacity is reached. Calculate the mass of each crate. Simultaneous ... When the numerator and denominator of a fraction are each increased by 5, the value of the fraction becomes 3/5 When the numerator and denominator of that same fraction are each decreased by 5, the fraction is then 1/5 Find the original fraction. (Hint: Let the fraction be p/q... Two sides of a triangle are 10 cm and 15 cm. What is the range of possible lengths for the third side? Write inequality? A taxi driver averages $15 per trip. He pays $150 per day to the cab company to hire the taxi. How many trips must he make in a day to have at least $120 at the end of his shift? (Ignore the cost of fuel.) Write inequality? A rectangle has length 2y and width y+ 2. Its perimeter is less than 50 cm. What are possible values for y ? Write inequality? Our team scored 115 points in the last 5 football games. How many points must we score in the next 5 games so our average points per game is greater than 25? Write inequality? A certain number is halved, then increased by 3. The result lies between 5 and 7. Between which two values does the number lie? Write an inequeality for this? The length and width of a rectangle are in ratio 11:7. If its perimeter equals 144m, find the length and width? In a test there were 25 multiple-choice questions. They were marked as follows: 2 marks for each correct answer 0 marks for a non-attempt -1 mark for an incorrect answer. Sarah attempted 4 5 of the questions and received 22 marks. How many questions did she answer correctly? Two hikers begin walking towards each other from an initial distance of 20 km apart. Hiker P averages 4 km/h while hiker Q averages 6 km/h. When and where do they meet? In a test there were 25 multiple-choice questions. They were marked as follows: 2 marks for each correct answer 0 marks for a non-attempt 1 mark for an incorrect answer. Sarah attempted 4 5 of the questions and received 22 marks. How many questions did she answer correctly? If the numerator and denominator of the fraction 4 9 are both increased by a certain value, m, the fraction then becomes equal to 3 4. Calculate this value. I have 50 coins, some 10c and the rest 20c. Altogether they total $8.20. How many of each coin do I have? Find the pronumeral. In a parallelogram the 4 angles are (3m+16), (4n-16), 68 and 68. Find the pronumeralsm and n and write the equation for the problem What are alternate angles? What is the perimeter formula for an equilateral triangle? What does it mean by Australia's success is riding on the sheep's back? What is the difference between definate and indefinate articles The sum of three consecutive numbers is 51. Find the largest number. Also write the equation to solve the problem How must $59 be shared between Michael and Matthew so that Michaels share is $4 less than twice Matthews share? In a triangle the angles are (x + 9)°, 3x ° and (2x + 3)°. Find the smallest angle. you make a table of values and then you graph the line. The line could be either straight or curved. Science, Technology and Culture I have to create a case study on The Impact of technology on telecommunications. I do not know where to start or what a case study looks like. I have to have two sources that are interviews. I work for a AT&T Call Center but I don't know how to make a case study about it. A projectile is launched from ground level to the top of a cliff which is 195m away and 135m high (as shown in the figure ).If the projectile lands on top of the cliff 6.9s after it is fired, find the initial velocity of the projectile a)magnitude b)direction Neglect air ... my son in 4th grade has to write a poem using stanza form and must use his mentor text. What is mentor text? why would the population of lions or pumas increase over time? would would affect this increase. For example if in 1975 there were 5 pumas in one area why wouls there be 28 in the year 2008 1. A surface charge can be produced on insulators by a. grounding b. induction c. polarization d. contact 2. Unlike insulators, conductors can be charged by a. grouding b. induction c. polarization d. contact The easy way to charge an insulator is by contact. Insulators cannot... She's a very capable person
A Mathematical Introduction to Conformal Field Theory – Martin Schottenloher A Mathematical Introduction to Conformal Field Theory -2nd Edition Author(s): Martin Schottenloher If you have any questions or if you want more sample of any files, don't hesitate to contact us. We try to reply you in shortest time.
Support Region of Semilogarithmic Quantizer for Laplacian Source The overall distortion of semilogarithmic A law quantizer is influenced by its support region, as well as parameter A. Current solutions require numerical determination of optimal support region and larger processing time, i.e. simple closed-form solutions for finding optimal values of these two parameters are not provided. In this paper, iterative and closed-form solutions for determination of the support region of semilogarithmic A law quantizer for Laplacian source, unite variance and a set of bit-rates 6 bits/sample−10 bits/sample are proposed. The performance of proposed solutions is compared to the optimal numerical results.
What are vertically opposite angles? (or vertical angles). Angles on intersecting lines. If you have 2 straight lines that intersect at a point, then the angles opposite each other are the same. These type of angles are called vertically opposite angles in the UK or vertical angles in the US. Work out angles x, y and z. Give reasons for each answer. Angle x is equal to 43⁰ as angle x is opposite the 43⁰ angle (vertically opposite angles are equal). Now since the angle around a point add up to 360⁰, then angles y and z can be found by subtracting the two 43⁰ angles from 360⁰ and halving your answer. 360 – 43 – 43 = 274⁰. And 274⁰ ÷ 2 = 137⁰. So angles y and z are 137⁰. You can confirm your angles are correct by seeing if they add up to 360⁰ 43 + 43 + 137 + 137 = 360⁰. A quicker way to find angles y and z is to just take the 43⁰ from 180⁰ (as angles on a straight line add up to 180⁰) So 180 – 43 = 137⁰. Either way will be acceptable in an exam situation. The diagram shows two intersecting lines. Calculate angles m and n. Explain your answers. Angle m is equal to 109⁰ as angle m is opposite the 109⁰ angle (vertically opposite angles are equal). Like example 1, angle n can be found by subtracting the two 109⁰ angles from 360⁰ and halving your answer. 360 – 109 – 109 = 142⁰. And 142⁰ ÷ 2 = 72⁰ So angle n is equal to 71⁰. Again you can check that all the angles add to 360⁰ 71 + 71 + 109 + 109 = 360⁰. Alternatively, you could just take the 109 off 180 to give 71 as angles on a straight line add up to 180.
[gmx-users] cosine content jean-francois.gibrat at jouy.inra.fr Sat Feb 11 13:18:10 CET 2006 Hi Gromacs users, I carried out a 10 ns molecular dynamics simulation of a PrP mutant. To analyze the resulting trajectory I used principal component analysis. I divided the trajectory into overlapping intervals: the first 1 ns, the first 2 ns, the first 4 ns, the first 8 ns and the complete 10 ns trajectory and I computed the cosine content of the first principal components (pc) for each case. I obtained the following results for the first 2 principal components: 1 ns trajectory: pc1=0.2 and pc2=0.1 2 ns trajectory: pc1=0.6 and pc2=0.6 4 ns trajectory: pc1=0.2 and pc2=0.3 8 ns trajectory: pc1=0.8 and pc2=0.7 10ns trajectory: pc1=0.7 and pc2=0.8 *If* one can trust the cosine content computation these results could be interpreted as follows: during the first ns the protein has sufficient time to completely explore a local minimum basin (low values of pcs), then between 1 and 2 ns the protein overcomes an energy barrier and jumps to a new minimum basin. After 4 ns this basin has been completely explored by the protein (low values of pcs). Then between 4 ns and 8 ns the protein once again jumps into a new minimum well that it is still exploring even after 10 ns simulation (hight values of pcs). However, looking at Berk Hess's paper in Phys. rev. E (2002), I noticed that the error bars on the computed values of the cosine content are huge (eg, in Fig. 8, for 1 ns trajectories of the HPr protein 90% of the values can be found between 0.1 and 0.8). Therefore my question is: should I forget about the above interpretation of the cosine content on the ground that one cannot trust its computed value? Another related question, more specifically addressed to B. Hess. In the same paper B. Hess states "When the cosine content is close to 1, one can be sure that the simulation is not converged". Given the error bars, why should one trust a value of 1 more than any other value? Jean-Francois Gibrat Tel: +33 (1) 34 65 28 97 Mathematique Informatique et Genome, Fax: +33 (1) 34 65 29 01 Institut National de la Recherche Email: jean-francois.gibrat at jouy.inra.fr Agronomique, Domaine de Vilvert, http://www-mig.jouy.inra.fr 78352, Jouy-en-Josas cedex, France More information about the gromacs.org_gmx-users
Access the full text. Sign up today, get DeepDyve free for 14 days. In this work the problem of characterization of Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) spectrum of an original complex-valued signal modulated by random fluctuations of amplitude and phase is investigated. It is assumed that the amplitude and phase of signal values at discrete time moments of observations are distorted by adding realizations of independent and identically distributed random variables. The obtained results of theoretical analysis of such distorted signal spectra show that only in the case of amplitude modulation the DFT spectrum of the modulated bounded signal can be similar to the original signal spectrum, although there occur random deviations. On the her hand, if phase modulation is present, then the DFT spectrum of the modulated bounded signal n only shows random deviations but also amplitudes of peaks existing in the original spectrum are diminished, and consequently similarity to the original signal spectrum can be significantly blurred. Keywords: Discrete Fourier Transform, signal spectrum, amplitude modulation, phase modulation, random fluctuations 1. INTRODUCTION The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) based periodogram is a widely used tool for analyzing time series that can be decomposed as a sum of monochromatic oscillations plus noise. Important applications of the periodogram include detection of hidden periodicities and estimation of unknown oscillation parameters (amplitude and frequency). For example, it is well known that very accurate frequency estimates of the sinusoidal components can be obtained from the local maxima of a periodogram (Walker 1971). If time series of the analyzed signal observation values at discrete time moments xt , t is available, then its corresponding DFT is computed as follows (Gasquet and Witomski 1999) 1 ~ (1) xk xt exp( i 2 kt / N ) , Nt 0 for k 0,1,..., . Frequently, the well-known Fast Fourier Transform procedures are used to perform the relevant calculations (Cooley and Tukey 1965), (Press et al. 1992), (Singleto969). Theoretical as well as numerical properties of the DFT are described in time series analysis textbooks (Blackledge 2003), (Bloomfield 2000), (Bremaud 2002), (Brillinger 1975), (Koopmans 1974). Certain statistical properties of spectrum estimation using the DFT are investigated in the work of (Foster 1996a,b) and some her aspects like periodogram smohing are considered in (Speed 1985). 144 The present work is a continuation of the author's previous publication (Popi ski 1997) on theoretical, statistical, as well as numerical properties of the DFT spectrum. It deals with the problem of applicability of such technique to spectrum estimation of signals which are subject to random amplitude and phase modulation. The proposed approach is justified by the fact that all signals usually referred to as "periodic" have some amplitude and phase variation from period to period. For example an active sonar system transmits a periodic pulse train to detect targets. The received pulses are n perfectly periodic due to random modulation of the pulses from scattering and attenuation (Hinich 2003). Also El Niño signals are recognized as amplitude and phase modulated (Allen and Robertso996). The assumed concept of random modulation modeling is described in section 2. In section 3 the theoretical results related to the modulated signal DFT spectrum are presented bh in the case of a noiseless signal and in the case of signal observations corrupted by random errors. 2. MODULATION MODELING Let us consider finite duration time series of complex-valued signal observations at discrete time moments Re[ ] i Im[ ] , t 0,1,..., . We assume that the analyzed signal is of deterministic character and comprises some regular oscillations. Such a signal can represent for example the monochromatic oscillation o0t A0 exp(i 0t i 0 ) , t with frequency 0 , constant amplitude A0 , and constant phase 0 . Now, let us assume that the signal values amplitudes and phases are distorted by random additive fluctuations at and t , t respectively, which are realizations of independent and identically distributed random variables. We also assume that amplitude distortions are independent of phase distortions. Hence, we deal with an amplitude and phase modulated signal satisfying the mathematical model rt (1 at ) exp(i t ) exp(i t ) at exp(i t ) , (2) where exp(i t ) and at exp(i t ) , t are realizations of independent and identically distributed random variables. Let the distribution of t be uniform on the interval , which gives immediately for t ( , ) ( t ~ U ( , ) ) with 0 1 sin( ) , m E exp(i t ) exp(iu )du 2 (3) 2 1 2 2 2 E exp(i t ) m E exp(i t ) m2 exp(iu ) du m 2 1 m 2 . s one can clearly see the mean value m satisfies 0 m 1 and is equal to zero only for , so that we also have 0 About the distribution of the real-valued random variable at we assume only that Ea at 0 and Ea at 2 (4) (if 0 there is only phase modulation of the signal), which further implies for a t ma Ea E (1 at ) exp(i t ) Ea (1 at ) E exp(i t ) m , (5) Ea E (1 at ) exp(i t ) ma Ea (1 at ) 2 E exp(i t ) 2 ma m2 , and obviously we have . For example, at can be uniformly distributed on the interval [ A, A] , where A 0 , and then A2 / 3 . 3. MODULATED SIGNAL SPECTRA It follows immediately from (2) that in order to analyze the DFT spectrum of our model signal we shall consider the case of signals rt zt , t modulated by series of independent and identically distributed complex-valued random variables zt . Indeed, the case of zt exp(i t ) corresponds to phase modulation, the case of zt (1 at ) exp(i t ) to phase and amplitude modulation, and the case of real-valued modulation series zt at is needed for amplitude modulation analysis, respectively. In all three mentioned cases the random variables zt have constant mean value and variance according to (3), (4) and (5). In order to compute the DFT of the modulated signals of the form rt zt , t we apply the well-known convolution formula (Gasquet and Witomski 1999) ~ rk k j 0 ~ z ok j ~j j k ~ zj (6) for k 0,1,..., . Hence, if we want to analyze the DFT of the modulated signal ~ , it is necessary to rk characterize the statistical properties of the random modulating series DFT ~ j , z j 0,1,..., . Such a characterization is given in the following lemma. Lemma 1. If a series zt , t its DFT satisfies represents realizations of uncorrelated complex-valued random variables with constant mean value E z zt E z ~0 z , E z ~k z and finite variance E z zt 0 for kl 0 , then 1,..., , and E z ( ~k z where the symbol Proof. kl 1 N denes the Kronecker delta. E z ~k )( ~l z z E z ~l ) z The first property Ez ~0 follows immediately from the assumptions of the lemma and the z definition of the DFT. In order to prove the equality E z ~k 0 for k 1,..., , observe that z 1 1 1 E z zt exp( i 2 kt / N ) E z zt exp( i 2 kt / N ) exp( i 2 kt / N ) N t 0 Nt 0 N t 0 1 1 exp( i 2 k ) 0 . exp( i 2 kt / N ) N t 0 exp( i 2 k / N ) Also from the definition of the DFT and from the assumed zero correlation of the random variables considered we have 1 E z ( ~k E z ~k )( ~l E z ~l ) z z z z E z ( zt E z zt ) exp( i 2 kt / N ) ( z s E z z s ) exp(i 2 ls / N ) N2 t 0 s 0 E z ~k z 1 N2 1 N E z ( zt t 0 s 0 kl Ez zt )( z s E z z s ) exp( i 2 ( kt ls ) / N ) 1 N2 t 0 exp( i 2 (k l )t / N ) l )t / N ) 1 exp( i 2 (k l )) 1 exp( i 2 ( k l ) / N ) 0 since t 0 exp( i 2 ( k for k l, which proves the second property. Now, as we know the mean values of the random variables ~j , j z according to the above lemma, we easily obtain from (6) Ez ~ rk and further since E z ( ~k E z ~k )( ~l z z z yields for k ~ ok for E z ~l ) z kl (7) / N the same formula Ez ~ rk 2 Ez ~ rk Ez j 0 ~ z ok j ( ~j E z ~j ) z ~ k (z j 2 z E z ~j ) z (8) where k 0 the 2 t 0 last equality N j 0 follows from ~ ok 2 j 2 j k the N k 0 N well-known property of ~ 2 ok , the DFT ~ ok / N (Gasquet and Witomski 1999). From the Schwartz inequality (Bremaud 2002) we also have the following estimate related to rk rl the covariance of the random variables ~ and ~ Ez (~ rk E z ~ )( ~ rk rl Ez ~ ) rl Ez (~ rk E z ~ )( ~ rk rl Ez ~ ) rl Ez ~ rk Ez ~ rk Ez ~ rl 2 Ez ~ rl (9) . N where B Let us remark that for bounded signals satisfying B , t 0 is a real number, we immediately obtain from (8) and (9), 2 2 2 2 2 zB zB Ez ~ Ez ~ rk rk B2 Ez (~ Ez ~ )(~ Ez ~ ) rk rk rl rl , . (10) N2 k 0 N N In such a case the random variables ~ , k representing the spectrum of the rk modulated signal, have equal variances decreasing asymptically to zero as N (which implies that their covariances also decrease asymptically to zero). Bounded signals are of course of primary interest in this work since we intend to investigate spectra of regular oscillations of stationary character, modulated by random amplitude and phase fluctuations. In view of the equalities in (3), (4), (5) and lemma 1, the equalities (7), (8) and inequality (9) hold in the case of phase modulation series zt exp(i t ) with m and z2 1 m 2 , as well as in the case of amplitude and phase modulation series zt (1 at ) exp(i t ) with m and m 2 . Thus, taking into account the equality (7) and the inequalities in (10), we see that if a bounded signal is phase or amplitude and phase modulated according to our model, then its DFT spectrum will have random character. The modulated signal DFT ~ ~ rk rk spectrum has mean values E z rk ok , k with random deviations ~ Ez ~ imposed, i.e. random phase or amplitude and phase modulation diminishes the amplitudes of the original bounded signal spectrum by the factor 0 m 1 and corrupts the spectrum by additive deviations of random character, which have zero mean and known variance. In consequence, any peaks present in the spectrum of the original bounded signal may be less distinguishable in the modulated signal spectrum. Distortion of the bounded signal spectrum values close to 0 (i.e. if phase in the case of random phase modulation is small for ~ E ~ 2 0 . In the her extreme case of fluctuations are small), since then m z 1 and E z rk z rk we have m z 0 , and then the modulated signal spectrum will have purely stochastic character without any frequencies distinguished, so that any peaks present in the original signal spectrum will be completely blurred. In accordance with our model (2), if an original signal is only amplitude modulated, then rt rat , where rat at , t so we have ~ ok ~ , k 0,1,..., . rk ~ rak Hence, the spectrum of the amplitude modulated signal differs from the original signal rak spectrum only by the additive distortion terms ~ , k 0,1,..., . Having in view the ssumptions in (4) and putting zt at with z we can apply again lemma 1, which further yields E z ~ ok , as well as equality (8) and inequality (9) for random variables rk ~ ~ ~ E ~ , k 0,1,..., . Consequently, if the original signal is bounded, then by (10) rak rk z rk the distortion terms will have equal variances tending to zero as N , so that they will also have asymptically zero covariances. This means that they will n distort completely the original bounded signal spectrum on which they are superimposed. Some small peaks present in the original signal spectrum can be smohed due to amplitude modulation but possibly larger ones will be still distinguishable. In Figure 1. the above described effects of amplitude and/or phase signal modulation on the DFT spectrum of a model signal (sum of 7 monochromatic complex harmonics with constant amplitudes and phases) is shown. The random variables representing amplitude and phase fluctuations were distributed according to uniform distribution at ~ U ( A, A) and , ) with parameters A 1.0 and / 2 , respectively. Assume now that the time series of the original signal values , t corrupted by random errors t , according to the model ~U( is where yt (11) t t, are realizations of uncorrelated complex-valued random variables having zero mean 0 and finite second moment E | |2 Let us see what happens if the corrupted signal values are submitted to random modulation ryt zt yt , t of the same kind as considered above. For a modulating series zt , t satisfying the assumptions of lemma 1, we obtain on the basis of the DFT convolution formula (Gasquet and Witomski 1999) ~ ryk k j 0 ~ ~ yk j z j ~ yN j k ~ zj (12) 148 for k which by assertion of the lemma yields E z ~yk ~k , r y E E z ~yk r E ~k y ~ E (ok ~ )m k z ~ ok . (13) frequency Fig. 1. Spectra of a model series representing sum of 7 monochromatic oscillations (N=2048): original signal (black), phase modulated signal ( / 2 , blue), amplitude modulated signal ( A 1.0 , green), amplitude and phase modulated signal ( / 2 , A 1.0 , brown). Furthermore, simple calculation shows that and analogously as in (8) we obtain N which by (11) together with the equalities E lemma 1 finally gives E E z ~yk r E E z ~yk r yt ( ~k y 0, E t s ~ 2 ok ) , st , s, t and E yt E ~k 2 2 t (14) N for k as well as E E z ( ~yk E E z ~yk )( ~yl E E z ~yl ) r r r r E E z ~yk r E E z ( ~yk r E E z ~yk )(~yl r r 2 E E z ~yl r E E z ~yl ) r (15) E E z ~yk r E E z ~yl r N 0,1,..., . 150 Hence, we see that the presence of errors corrupting the original signal values does n change the character of the DFT spectrum of the modulated series ryt zt yt , t 0,1,..., . Indeed, the formulae (13), (14), (15) are analogous to (7), (8), (9), respectively, except for addition of 2 2 2 the term 2 ( z2 ) / N E z zt / N which now occurs because of non-zero second moment of the errors. For bounded signals to (10) , namely, B, t we can easily obtain the inequalities analogous 2 B2 , (16) 2 2 E Ez (~yk r 0,1,..., . E Ez ~yk )(~yl r r E Ez ~yl ) r Thus, our earlier assertions concerning the character of the modulated signal spectrum hold also in the case of a bounded signal corrupted by uncorrelated random errors which have zero mean and finite second moment. This means that only in the case of amplitude modulation the DFT spectrum of the modulated corrupted signal can resemble the one of the corrupted signal itself. 4. SUMMARY The properties of the DFT spectrum examined in this work are helpful for understanding the possible changes such a spectrum undergoes in the case of random amplitude and phase modulation of an original signal. Our modulation model includes additive distortions of stochastic nature in the amplitudes and phases of original signal values at observation moments. For bounded signals of deterministic character (like a sum of monochromatic oscillations with constant amplitudes and phases) it is proved that occurrence of random phase modulation of the signal can completely change the character of its DFT spectrum. Namely, the phase modulated signal spectrum can show purely stochastic character without any frequencies distinguished, like the spectrum of white noise. In the case of random amplitude modulation of such a signal it is shown that the modulated signal spectrum can still resemble the spectrum of the original signal, although small peaks can be significantly smohed. Similar conclusions can be deduced also in the case of a deterministic signal which is corrupted at the moments of observation by uncorrelated random errors with zero mean and finite second moment. It is worth remarking that our conclusions agree with observations of Ni and Huo (2007), concerning the importance of phase and amplitude information in signal and image reconstruction. The concept of phase randomization used for obtaining multivariate surrogate time series (Mammen and Nandi 2008) with distribution similar to observed series is also related to the subject considered here. Hinich (2003) used similar approach to amplitude modulation modeling, as the one applied in this work, to derive statistics for detecting randomly modulated pulses in noise. The Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) method has an important property, first ned by Vautard and Ghil (1989), that it may be used directly to identify modulated oscillations in the presence of noise. Allen and Robertson (1996) proposed a generalization of the "Monte Carlo SSA" algorithm which allows for objective testing for the presence of modulated oscillations at low 151 signal-to-noise ratios in multivariate data. They demonstrated the application of the test to the analysis of interannual variability in tropical Pacific sea-surface temperatures. Acknowledgements. This research work was supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education through the grant No. N N526 160136 under leadership of Dr Tomasz Niedzielski at the Space Research Centre of Polish Academy of Sciences. REFERENCES Allen M.R., Robertson A.W. (1996) Distinguishing Modulated Oscillations from Coloured Noise in Multivariate Datasets, Climate Dynamics, Vol. 12, No. 11, 775784. Blackledge J.M. (2003) Digital Signal Processing, Horwood Publishing, Chichester, West Sussex, England. Bloomfield P. (2000) Fourier Analysis of Time Series: An Introduction, Wiley, New York. Bremaud P. (2002) Mathematical Principles of Signal Processing: Fourier and Wavelet Analysis, Springer Verlag Inc., New York. Brillinger D.R. (1975) Time Series Data Analysis and Theory, Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc., New York. Cooley J.W. and Tukey J.W. 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Learn about these patterns and draw some of your own. The letters of the word ABACUS have been arranged in the shape of a triangle. How many different ways can you find to read the word ABACUS from this triangular pattern? A Sudoku with clues as ratios or fractions. Place the 16 different combinations of cup/saucer in this 4 by 4 arrangement so that no row or column contains more than one cup or saucer of the same colour. Whenever a monkey has peaches, he always keeps a fraction of them each day, gives the rest away, and then eats one. How long could he make his peaches last for? Do you notice anything about the solutions when you add and/or subtract consecutive negative numbers? Can you arrange the numbers 1 to 17 in a row so that each adjacent pair adds up to a square number? Charlie and Abi put a counter on 42. They wondered if they could visit all the other numbers on their 1-100 board, moving the counter using just these two operations: x2 and -5. What do you think? Five numbers added together in pairs produce: 0, 2, 4, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15 What are the five numbers? Each clue in this Sudoku is the product of the two numbers in adjacent cells. You have been given nine weights, one of which is slightly heavier than the rest. Can you work out which weight is heavier in just two weighings of the balance? 15 = 7 + 8 and 10 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4. Can you say which numbers can be expressed as the sum of two or more consecutive integers? Find the smallest whole number which, when mutiplied by 7, gives a product consisting entirely of ones. If you have only 40 metres of fencing available, what is the maximum area of land you can fence off? My two digit number is special because adding the sum of its digits to the product of its digits gives me my original number. What could my number be? Given the products of adjacent cells, can you complete this Sudoku? Have a go at this game which has been inspired by the Big Internet Math-Off 2019. Can you gain more columns of lily pads than your opponent? A challenging activity focusing on finding all possible ways of stacking rods. If you take a three by three square on a 1-10 addition square and multiply the diagonally opposite numbers together, what is the difference between these products. Why? Use the clues about the shaded areas to help solve this sudoku
By Rubem P Mondaini This can be a e-book of a world sequence on interdisciplinary subject matters of the Mathematical and organic Sciences. The chapters are relating to chosen papers at the study subject matters offered at BIOMAT 2015 overseas Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology which used to be held within the Roorkee Institute of expertise, in Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India, on November 02-06, 2015. The therapy is either pedagogical and complicated so one can encourage study scholars to meet the necessities practitioners. As in different volumes of this sequence, there are new vital effects at the interdisciplinary fields of mathematical and organic sciences and finished stories written through renowned clinical leaders of well-known learn groups.There are new effects in line with the country of paintings study in inhabitants Dynamics, on development acceptance of organic Phenomena, the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious illnesses, Computational Biology, the Dynamic and Geometric Modelling of organic Phenomena, the Modelling of Physiological issues, the optimum keep an eye on ideas in Mathematical Modelling of organic Phenomena, the Hydrodynamics and Elasticity of phone Tissues and Bacterial development and the Mathematical Morphology of organic buildings. a lot of these contributions also are strongly suggested to execs from different medical components aiming to paintings on those interdisciplinary fields. Read Online or Download International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology PDF Best mathematics books This ebook includes numerous contributions at the most eminent occasions within the improvement of twentieth century arithmetic, representing a wide selection of specialities within which Russian and Soviet mathematicians performed a substantial function. The articles are written in a casual type, from mathematical philosophy to the outline of the advance of principles, own thoughts and provides a special account of non-public conferences with well-known representatives of twentieth century arithmetic who exerted nice impression in its improvement. Originally released through Houghton Mifflin corporation, Boston, 1969 In a booklet written for mathematicians, academics of arithmetic, and hugely encouraged scholars, Harold Edwards has taken a daring and strange method of the presentation of complex calculus. He starts off with a lucid dialogue of differential types and speedy strikes to the elemental theorems of calculus and Stokes’ theorem. the result's real arithmetic, either in spirit and content material, and an exhilarating selection for an honors or graduate direction or certainly for any mathematician wanting a refreshingly casual and versatile reintroduction to the topic. For these kinds of strength readers, the writer has made the technique paintings within the most sensible culture of artistic mathematics. This reasonable softcover reprint of the 1994 variation offers the varied set of subject matters from which complicated calculus classes are created in attractive unifying generalization. the writer emphasizes using differential kinds in linear algebra, implicit differentiation in larger dimensions utilizing the calculus of differential varieties, and the strategy of Lagrange multipliers in a normal yet easy-to-use formula. There are copious workouts to aid advisor the reader in checking out knowing. The chapters will be learn in virtually any order, together with starting with the ultimate bankruptcy that comprises many of the extra conventional issues of complicated calculus classes. moreover, it really is perfect for a path on vector research from the differential varieties element of view. The specialist mathematician will locate the following a pleasant instance of mathematical literature; the scholar lucky adequate to have undergone this ebook can have an organization clutch of the character of contemporary arithmetic and an excellent framework to proceed to extra complicated stories. Diagnostic checking is a vital step within the modeling method. yet whereas the literature on diagnostic exams is sort of vast and plenty of texts on time sequence modeling can be found, it nonetheless continues to be tricky to discover a publication that accurately covers equipment for acting diagnostic exams. Diagnostic assessments in Time sequence is helping to fill that hole. A revered advent to biostatistics, completely up to date and revised the 1st variation of Biostatistics: a strategy for the overall healthiness Sciences has served pros and scholars alike as a number one source for studying tips to observe statistical easy methods to the biomedical sciences. This considerably revised moment variation brings the booklet into the twenty-first century for today’s aspiring and training clinical scientist. - Nicolas Chuquet, Renaissance Mathematician - One-Dimensional Linear Singular Integral Equations: Volume II General Theory and Applications - Chaos and Fractals: A Computer Graphical Journey - Probability Theory: A Comprehensive Course (Universitext) (2nd Edition) - Fluctuations of Lévy Processes with Applications: Introductory Lectures (2nd Edition) (Universitext) Additional resources for International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology 6. P. Flory, Principles of polymer chemistry (Cornell University Press, London, 1953). 7. K. Huang, “CSAW: Dynamical model of protein folding”, arXiv:condmat/0601244 v1 12 Jan 2006. 8. K. Huang, Biophys. Rev. , 2, 139 (2007). 9. K. 16,17. 10. B. Li, N. D. Sokal, J. Stat. Phys. 80, 661 (1995). 11. T. Kennedy, J. Stat. Phys. 106, 407 (2002). 12. M. Matsumoto, S. Saito, and I. Ohmine, Nature, 416, 409 (2002). 13. A. Suenga et. al. Chem. Asian J. 2, 591 (2007). 14. Z. Lei (unpublished). 15. Z. Lei and K. Submitted to Angewandte Chemie. 45. S. McAllister, P. J. A. Floudas, J. Rabinowitz, and H. Rabitz. Enhancing molecular discovery using descriptor-free rearrangement clustering techniques and sparse data sets. in prep. May 12, 2008 16:17 Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in Wu THE SOLUTION OF THE DISTANCE GEOMETRY PROBLEM IN PROTEIN MODELING VIA GEOMETRIC BUILDUP DI WU Department of Mathematics, Western Kentucky University, USA ZHIJUN WU Department of Mathematics, Iowa State University, USA YAXIANG YUAN Institute of Computational Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Science, China A well-known problem in protein modeling is the determination of the structure of a protein with a given set of inter-atomic or inter-residue distances obtained from either physical experiments or theoretical estimates. 5. Z. D. K. Gifford, N. M. S. Jaakola. K-ary clustering with optimal leaf ordering for gene expression data. , 19(9):1070–1078, 2003. 6. A. W. F. Edwards and L. L. Cavalli-Sforza. A method for cluster analysis. Biometrics, 21:362–375, 1965. 7. J. H. Wolfe. Pattern clustering by multivariate mixture analysis. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 5:329–350, 1970. 8. A. K. Jain and J. Mao. Artificial neural networks: a tutorial. IEEE Computer, 29:31–44, 1996. 9. R . W. Klein and R. C. Dubes. Experiments in projection and clustering by simulated annealing.
Without Gauss Theorem study of electrostatic is incomplete. So it became necessary to know about gauss theorem. In this article we are going to discuss about gauss theorem in detail. So keep reading till end. In electromagnetism, gauss’s law is also known as gauss flux’s theorem. It is a law which relates the distribution of electric charge to the resulting electric field. Gauss’s Law is mathematically very similar to the other laws of physics. Such as – gauss’s law for magnetism, gauss’s law for gravity. However, gauss’s law can be expressed in such a way that it is very similar to the inverse square law. In physics there are many inverse square laws, such as inverse square coulomb’s law, inverse square Newton’s laws of gravity , inverse square magnetic coulomb’s law etc. Gauss’s law is essentially very equivalent or analogies to these inverse square laws. There are two forms in which gauss’s law can be expressed. We can express this law mathematically using vector calculus in integral form and in differential form, both form are equivalent since they are related by the divergence theorem which are also called Gauss theorem. 1). Integral form – This form of gauss theorem is used when distribution of electric charge on any closed surface is continuous or symmetrical. Integral form of gauss law states that electric flux through any arbitrary surface is proportional to the total electric charge enclosed by the surface. 2). Differential form – This form of gauss theorem is used when distribution of electric charge over a closed surface is discontinious or unsymmetrical. Differential form of gauss law states that the divergence of the electric field is proportional to the local density of charge. This law was first formulated by Joseph-Louis Lagrange in 1773, and further followed by Carl Friedrich Gauss in 1813. It is one of the Maxwell’s four equation. And this law can be used to derive coulomb’s law or vice versa. Now we are going to talk about each form of gauss’s law in detail one by one. GAUSS’S LAW : STATEMENT The gauss theorem states that – The surface integral of the electric field intensity over a closed surface (called Gaussian surface) in free space is equal to the times the net electric charge enclosed within the surface. Mathematically it is given as – Where is the algebraic sum of all the charge inside the closed surface. Hence, the total electric flux over a closed surface in vaccum is times the total charge within the surface irrespective of how that charge is distributed. PROOF OF GAUSS’S THEOREM FOR SPHERICALLY SYMMETRIC SURFACE Take a q charge and make a Gaussian surface of radius r. Now cut a small area element dS through which we will find electric flux. See fig. above : Electric flux through this small symmetrical area element(surface) dS is given as – Here, , now the equation become: Total electric flux through the spherical surface is given as- If electric charge is kept in a medium of dielectric constant k then- And if there is no any charge enclosed in the Gaussian surface i.e q = 0 then Using divergence theorem, gauss’s law can be expressed in differential form as follows: where ∇ · E is the divergence of the electric field, ε0 is the electric constant also called permittivity of the free space, and ρ is the volumetric charge density (charge per unit volume). EQUIVALENCE OF INTEGRAL & DIFFERENTIAL FORM Mathematically gauss law are equivalent in integral and differential form. We can proof this equivalency by using divergence theorem. The integral form of Gauss’ law is: And for any closed surface S containing charge Q. By the divergence theorem, this equation is equivalent to: And for any volume V containing charge Q. By the relation between charge and charge density, this equation is equivalent to: for any volume V. In order for this equation to be simultaneously true for every possible volume V, it is necessary for the integrands to be equal everywhere. Therefore, this equation is equivalent to: Thus the integral and differential forms are equivalent. Watch the video for more reference
Delay differential equations Organizer: Daniel Alejandro Melchor, firstname.lastname@example.org In order to model some phenomena in the physical world, we use systems that depend on the state of them in the past, we study their dynamics via delay differential equations.In this sessión we intend to bring together leading experts, to show recent advances, and explore current directions of research, on the qualitative and quantitative properties of delay differential equations and its applications. Mikhail Basin, Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. Cruz Vargas de León, Escuela Superior de Medicina, Instituto Politécnico Nacional Daniel Melchor Aguilar, División de Matemáticas Aplicadas, Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica. Anatoli Ivanov, Pennsylvania State University Existence of a first integral and stability of delayed virus dynamics models with absorption effect Cruz Vargas de León Escuela Superior de Medicina, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico In this talk, we will consider some systems of delay differential equations (DDEs) modelling the viral dynamics in a cell culture. These models incorporate the loss of viral particles due to the absorption into target cells. Two discrete or distributed delays are incorporated into the model, which describe (i) the lag between the time of the virus contacts the uninfected cell and the time of the cell becomes actively infected and (ii) the time necessary for the newly produced virions to become mature and then infectious particles, respectively. We derived a first integral or conserved quantity, and we proved the use of experimental data in order to test the conservation law. The systems have nonhyperbolic equilibrium points, and the conditions for their stability are obtained by using a Lyapunov functional. We complemented these theoretical results with some numerical simulations. Mean-Square Filtering for Linear Systems with State and Observation Delays Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico The mean-square filtering problem for linear systems with state delay over linear observations is treated proceeding from the general expression for the stochastic Ito differential of the estimate and the error variance. As a result, the estimate equation similar to the traditional Kalman-Bucy one is derived; however, it is impossible to obtain a system of the filtering equations that is closed with respect to the only two variables, the estimate and the error variance, as in the Kalman-Bucy filter. The resulting system of equations for determining the error variance consists of a set of equations, whose number is specified by the ratio between the current filtering horizon and the delay value in the state equation and increases as the filtering horizon tends to infinity. In the example, performance of the designed filter for linear systems with state delay is verified against the Kalman-Bucy filter available for linear systems without delays and two versions of the extended Kalman-Bucy filter for time-delay systems. The mean-square filtering problem is then presented for linear systems with state and observation delays. The estimate equation similar to the traditional Kalman-Bucy one is derived, and the system of equations for determining the filter gain matrix consists of an infinite set of equations. It is demonstrated that a finite set of the filtering equations can be obtained in case of commensurable delays. In the example, the designed filter is compared to the traditional Kalman-Bucy filter. Contributions on the stability of functional difference equations División de Matemáticas Aplicadas, IPICYT, Mexico We consider some classes of functional difference equations (FDE) with discrete and distributed delays which play a fundamental role in several stability problems of delay differential equations. One of the fields where such FDE arises is in the stability analysis of the difference operator of some neutral delay differential equations (NDDE). We show that the asymptotic stability problem of these FDE cannot be solved by using the existing results for NDDE and present some new results for investigating its asymptotic stability. We firstly give an appropriate definition of the fundamental matrix that allows the description of piecewise continuous solutions of the FDE. Then, we obtain the variation-of-constants formula for nonhomogeneous equations and use it for deriving asymptotic stability results of perturbed equations involving general linear and/or nonlinear perturbations terms with discrete and distributed delays. Pennsylvania State University
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You are not currently logged in. Access JSTOR through your library or other institution: If You Use a Screen ReaderThis content is available through Read Online (Free) program, which relies on page scans. Since scans are not currently available to screen readers, please contact JSTOR User Support for access. We'll provide a PDF copy for your screen reader. Length Functions on Integral Domains David F. Anderson and Paula Pruis Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society Vol. 113, No. 4 (Dec., 1991), pp. 933-937 Published by: American Mathematical Society Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2048767 Page Count: 5 You can always find the topics here!Topics: Mathematical integrals, Submonoids, Mathematical functions, Factorization, Algebra, College mathematics, Integers, Monoids Were these topics helpful?See something inaccurate? Let us know! Select the topics that are inaccurate. Since scans are not currently available to screen readers, please contact JSTOR User Support for access. We'll provide a PDF copy for your screen reader. Preview not available Let R be an integral domain and x ∈ R which is a product of irreducible elements. Let l(x) and L(x) denote respectively the inf and sup of the lengths of factorizations of x into a product of irreducible elements. We show that the two limits, l̄(x) and L̄(x), of l(xn)/n and L(xn)/n, respectively, as n goes to infinity always exist. Moreover, for any 0 ≤ α ≤ 1 ≤ β ≤ ∞, there is an integral domain R and an irreducible x ∈ R such that l̄(x) = α and L̄(x) = β. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society © 1991 American Mathematical Society
Full text loading... (a) The CEP shift (blue solid line) around the focus of a few-cycle pulse in vacuum; (b) the CEP shift (blue solid line) in the interaction region between an intense few-cycle laser field and N2 molecules, and the density of molecule number of N2 (red dotted dashed line). z is the propagation coordinate. THz waveform as a function of plasma length by few-cycle laser fields with the initial CEP of (a)–(d): δφ 0 = 0.0π, 0.2π, 0.4π, and 0.6π, respectively. The calculated THz amplitude as a function of plasma length and the initial CEP of few-cycle pulses with the input energy of (a) 250 μJ and (b) 400 μJ, respectively, and the extracted inversion positions of THz emission in a step-size of 0.1π, for the energy of (c) 250 μJ and (d) 400 μJ, respectively. (a) The calculated offset of zero THz dependence on the CEP along the front part of filament, at the input energy of 250 μJ and 400 μJ, respectively. Inset shows the THz yield as function of CEP at position of A (z = −8.4 mm) of 400 μJ; (b) the calculated initial CEP value by which the inversion of THz emission disappears at the beginning of air plasma under different input energies of 200 μJ–900 μJ. Article metrics loading...
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New mathematics artwork from Hamid Naderi Yeganeh. This fractal is constructed by an Africa-like octagon and its lateral inversion.: The height of the biggest octagon is φ times longer than the height of second octagon; where φ is the golden ratio. (see the following image) It is a necessary and sufficient condition to see the white triangles in this fractal.
Back in the day, scientists knew that reaction rate depended on temperature. It took a little while before they figured out HOW it depended on temperature, but eventually they found a formula that worked ... it depended on the Activation Energy (how much energy was needed to get the reaction going) and the actual temperature (how much energy was available at the moment). The formula is called the Arrhenius Equation... where A is the "Arrhenius constant" for the reaction, Ea is the Activation Energy, R is the gas constant, and T is the temperature. This form of the reaction isn't used much, and you'll only use it is you're given A, or asked to solve for A. More often, you'll use the equation indirectly to compare a reaction's rate constant at two different temperatures: The derivation of this second equation is shown at right, but it's not really necessary for your purposes. It's more important that you're able to use the equation to solve questions like this one... Q: A particular reaction has a rate constant of k=2.3 x 10^-3 at 20ºC, and 4.3 x 10^-2 at 90ºC. What is the activation energy of the reaction? A; Substitute the known values into the formula and solve for the activation energy. See the calculation at right. In the end, we find that the activation energy is about 37 kJ/mol. NOTE: BE CAREFUL of the units! If you are writing a multiple choice test, your teacher will definitely have the answer "36887 kJ/mol" and "37 J/mol", both of which could have been the correct answers IF they had the right units. Most reactions have an activation energy between 1 and 100 kJ/mol.
In the sense of this new order relation, this paper continues to discuss the limit of a sequence of fuzzy numbers and the continuity of the fuzzy numbers in A~1 (A~1 is a special subset of the set of all fuzzy numbers E~1). Fault location is an importrant function in distribuiton automation. In the thesis,the transferred information from feeder terminal unit is computed with load’s trapezoid fuzzy figure. The fault location is affirmed by the result of computation using the trapezoid fuzzy math theory. The conception of fuzzy figure distance not only plays a key role in fuzzy analysis, it is the basis of some conceptions such as limit, continuity , astringency , stability ,and it's important in fuzzy application technical. Transforming the performance indices into a performance model, applying the fuzzy theory to the identification of fuzzy-number model of the object, and computer implementation of fuzzy algorithms yield a performance-model-reference design method. Through measuring the cut-subsets of fuzzy subsets,and by using the imbedding theorem of one dimension fuzzy number. It constitutes a measurement with the definition based on H and valued in one dimension fuzzy-number space. The measurement defined by A is just the measurement μ,with a countable added-ability,upper and low-continuity,automatic continuity and so on. The polygonal fuzzy numbers are employed to define a new fuzzy arithmetic. The order structure of fuzzy numbers based on the level characteristics and its application to optimization problems Ranking and comparing fuzzy numbers is an important part in many fuzzy optimization problems such as intelligent control and manufacturing system production line scheduling with uncertainty environments. Some mathematical properties of the model are also discussed when the fuzzy variables are interval fuzzy numbers or trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. A group of decision-makers (DMs) first independently assess bidding plans according to their experience and preferences, and these assessments may be expressed as linguistic terms, which are then converted to fuzzy numbers.
Home / Answered Questions / Other / find-the-velocity-acceleration-and-speed-of-a-particle-with-the-given-position-function-r-t-7-cos-t--aw895 (Solved): Find The Velocity, Acceleration, And Speed Of A Particle With The Given Position Function. R(t) = (7... Find the velocity, acceleration, and speed of a particle with the given position function. r(t) = (7 cos(t), 3t, 7 sin(t)) v(t) = a(t) = Iv(t) = Need Help? Read It Talk to a Tutor We have an Answer from Expert View Expert Answer
Thermodynamic Exam Paper 2012- Level 1 SUBJECT AREA: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Module Code: Module Title: Time allowed Hours: Answer FOUR questions: TWO from Section A, TWO from Section B. Examiner(s): Prof. T. Megaritis and Dr R. Kirby Special Stationery Requirements: Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Fluids, GFC Rogers and YR Mayhew. Only School approved calculators are allowed. Use a separate answer book for each section. If you submit answers to more questions than specified, final marks for the examination will be determined using the best marks which satisfy the rubric. - 1 ___________________________________________________________________________ SECTION A A1. (a) Explain the meaning of the terms: One-Dimensional Fluid Flow, Steady Fluid Flow, and Incompressible Fluid Flow. [15%] Write the Continuity Equation for a steady, one-dimensional flow and define each term in the equation. If the flow is incompressible what is the simplified form of the equation? [20%] A vertical venturi meter carries a liquid of relative density (specific gravity) of 0.8 and has an inlet diameter of 150 mm and a throat diameter of 75 mm. The pressure tapping at the throat of the venturi is 150 mm above the pressure tapping at the inlet of the venturi. The volumetric flow rate through the venturi is 40 l/s. (i) Assuming that the coefficient of discharge of the venturi is 1.00 (neglecting frictional losses), calculate the pressure difference between the inlet and the throat of the venturi. [40%] A vertical U tube mercury manometer is connected to the pressure tappings at the inlet and the throat of the venturi. The tubes above the mercury are full of the liquid flowing through the venturi meter. Calculate the difference between the levels of the mercury in the two sides of the manometer. [25%] DATA Gravitational acceleration g = 9.81 m/s2
What is 20:30 military time? Military time is a method of measuring the time based on the full 24 hours of the day. Answer: 20:30 hours military time is 08:30 PM in 12 hours clock. Let's convert 20:30 military time into 12 hours clock. For a military time that is larger than 12:00 hours, we just subtract 12 hours to get the standard time, then add “PM”. We have 20:30 hours, So, we subtract 12 hours and get 08:30. Now, we'll write PM as a suffix. Hence, it is 08:30 PM. Thus, 20:30 hours military time is 08:30 PM in 12 hours clock.
You are here.... Solve the Da Vinci Code .... Patterns .... Challenge 1 of 6 When you complete the six challenges in this section you will be given the first part of the secret password to enable you to take part in the mission. The second part of the password is at the end of the Codes section. Good luck. Now let us learn about some patterns or sequences using numbers. The first pattern forms a triangle. Numbers which can be arranged in a compact triangular pattern are termed as triangular numbers The triangular numbers are formed by partial sum of the series 1+2+3+4+5+6+7......+n. So 1st Triangular Number = 1 2nd Triangular Number = 1 + 2 = 3 3rd Triangular Number = 1 + 2 + 3 = 6 4th Triangular Number = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10 Any triangular number can be worked out in two ways. For example to find the 6th Triangular Number you could add 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 21. Or you could multiply 6 by the number which follows it 7 and then divide it in half. 6 X 7 ÷ 2 = 21. (This is like getting the half of a rectangle, which of course is a triangle as you can see in the diagram below. Challenge 1: Find the 14th triangular number and enter it as the password below in the box below the flashing lights to move to the next section. Then click on the "Login" Button or press the ENTER key on your keyboard. Good Luck!
When it comes to money The only thing that is always important is not the amount of money. What matters is when you earn the money or when you give. So let's think about it or a little more Let's assume that we live in a world where When you put money in the bank, the bank tells you 10% risk-free interest rate guarantee. This is high by historical standards, but it makes it easier for us to calculate. So suppose you always leave the bank You get 10% risk-free interest. Now, with that in mind, I'm putting the scenarios aside and which of you do most of them Think what you want. So I could give you $ 100 right now. This is the first choice. $ 100 to you immediately instead of giving it to you in 1 year I could pay $ 109 and in the next 2 years this is the 3rd choice, to you I'd like to pay $ 120, and if that's your choice, someone is coming towards you on the street. I can lend you $ 100 now, or $ 109 (laughs) Borrow $ 109 in 1 year, $ 120 in 2 years and in your mind You can get 10% risk-free interest. Given that you do not need money immediately. We assume you will save money. Because you do not have to pay immediately. Which of the following is most desirable? Which of these do you want to get more of? If you have the full cost or the full amount of money If you want to know, you will say "Hey, look. $ 120, that's the most money." "I'll take it because that's the biggest figure." But probably in your mind "Well, I'll take it later, maybe am i missing something? " You will be right. If you took the money quickly, you would You would lose the opportunity to earn 10% risk-free income. If you compare them directly if you wanted, the process would be like this, "Well, let's see. If I take the first option, I'll get $ 100." If you put it in a bank, How much will it increase based on a 10% risk-free percentage? After 1 year, 10% of $ 100 is $ 10. So you get a $ 10 profit. So, after 1 year in your bank your deposit will be $ 110. So, just by doing a little work we really saw that the bank was $ 100 with a 10% risk-free return 1 year later we turned it into $ 110. which is better than getting $ 109 after 1 year. According to this scenario, or given such a situation or, alternatively, to do so you would like more. 1 year later you are ahead with $ 1. What about 2 years later? If you choose this, $ 100 is $ 110 after 1 year will be, then 10% of $ 110 is $ 11. You will want to add $ 11 to it, so it will be $ 121. Thus, he once again put $ 100 in the bank with risk-free interest, It is better to choose to earn 10% per annum. It will be $ 121. And this is for any of you From the guarantee that he will pay $ 121 in 2 years is a better situation. Once again, you are ahead with $ 1. So this idea is not just about the amount, but when you get that, that's the idea called the time value of money. Time value of money. Or another way of not thinking about it is to think about what the value of this money is over time. According to some expected interest rates and in doing so the money is equal to the future you can compare the amount of money. Now, another way to understand the value of time way or another of the approximate time value of money The concept is the idea of current value, current value. Maybe I'm talking about current and future value. Current and future value. Thus, based on these assumptions, this 10% assumption, if someone asks you, “After 2 years What is the current value of $ 121? " They are essentially asking you What is the current value? CD means current value. What is the current value of $ 121 after 2 years? That's $ 121 with no risk for the next 2 years what type of money or how much money to earn is equivalent to asking what is required. We know that. If you put $ 100 in the bank, After 2 years, you will get $ 121 with 10% risk-free income. The current value here The current value of $ 121 is $ 100. Or a way to think about current and future value if someone asks you what the future holds? So what is the future value of $ 100 in 1 year? So in 1 year. If the bank charges you 10% if guaranteed, the future value is $ 110. After 2 years, the future value of 2 years is $ 121. So, considering these, you let me report a more interesting problem. So let's say ….. We simplify the calculations during this period We will estimate a 10% risk-free interest rate. Suppose someone tells us in 1 year Will give $ 65 and we ask ourselves, "What is the current value of this?" So what is its current value. Remember, the current value is just the amount of money you ask asks, that is, if you bank it If you put it at a risk-free interest rate, Will it be equal to $ 65? Which of these 2 is equal to you? You will say, "Well, look. What is the amount of money?" Let's call it X. No matter what the amount of money, if I If I increase it by 10%, it really is X + 10% X + … let's write. + 10% xX … Let me clarify this way. X + 10% X should be equal to $ 65. If I receive 10% of this amount during the year it should be equal to $ 65. It's the same with 1X or we can say that 1X + 10% 0.10X is equal to 65 is the same as, or add these 2. 1.10X = 65, if you have a real current value here if you want to solve you just need to divide both sides by 1.10. We come to the conclusion that X is equal … So let's solve it. This will be clearer. So divide both sides by 1.0 and really 0 doesn't matter. We do not worry about accuracy, because it is exactly 10%. So it will be … they will be reduced and X will be equal to … Let's calculate with a calculator, X will be equal to 65:11, that is, $ 59.09, let's round it up. So X = 59.09 which is $ 65 1 is the current value of the year. or another way of thinking about it, if the 1-year future value of $ 59.09 If you want to know what will happen, for 10% of income You will receive $ 65..
One advantage a plant gets from having flowers is that a. flowers are smaller than spores and easier to make. b. there is no sexual reproduction in plants with flowers. c. flowers attract pollinators, which spread pollen to other plants and thus promote cross-fertilization. d. all of the above
Differentiability and Linear Approximation In this linear approximation activity, students determine the derivative of a function and explore properties of the error when using a tangent line to approximate a function graph. This two-page activity contains four problems. 3 Views 1 Download Calculus - Early Transcendentals This textbook takes the learner from the basic definition of slope through derivatives, integrals, and vector multivariable calculus. Each section is composed primarily of examples, with theoretical introductions and explanations in... 9th - Higher Ed Math CCSS: Adaptable Local Linearity and the Microscope Approximation In this local linearity learning exercise, students identify the slope of a line tangent to the graph at a given point. They use linear approximation to estimate values. Students determine the slope of a secant line at a given point. ... Higher Ed Math
Do you know what a length is? It is a measure of how big something is. This lesson we will look at measuring some lengths and making estimates on lengths. This video looks at how to measure objects including making sure that the measurement tool is lined up to start at zero. What is the length of the line shown in the image? When measuring an object using a ruler, if the start of the object is at a number larger than zero, subtract the starting point from where the object ends on the ruler. Choose the best estimate for the length of a train carriage. 1cm (centimetre) is about as big as your thumbnail. 1m (metre) is about as long as two normal steps (for an average Year 4 student). measures, records, compares and estimates lengths, distances and perimeters in metres, centimetres and millimetres, and measures, compares and records temperatures
%REVERSE_EVAL - Created a string, that when evaluated, produces original construct. % REVERSE_EVAL(V) returns a string which when evaluated using EVAL, is % identical to V. Example: % v = load('-mat','my_figure.fig'); % e = reverse_eval(v); % should return 1. Note that and NaN values within V will cause isequal % to return 0, but the evaluation will still be correct. % This currently does not support arrays whose number of dimensions are % greater than 2, or objects. % See also FIG2M. AJ Johnson (2021). Reverse Evaluation (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/5781-reverse-evaluation), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved . MATLAB Release Compatibility Platform CompatibilityWindows macOS Linux Community Treasure Hunt Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you!Start Hunting!
The real nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problem (RNIEP) asks for necessary and sufficient conditions in order that a list of real numbers be the spectrum of a nonnegative real matrix. A number of sufficient conditions for the existence of such a matrix are known. The authors gave in a map of sufficient conditions establishing inclusion relations or independency relations between them. Since then new sufficient conditions for the RNIEP have appeared. In this paper we complete and update the map given in . A. Borobia, J. Moro, R. L. Soto, A unified view on compensation criteria in the real nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problem, Linear Algebra Appl. 428 (2008) 2574-2584.10.1016/j.laa.2007.11.031Search in Google Scholar R. Ellard, H. Šmigoc, Connecting sufficient conditions for the symmetric nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problem, Linear Algebra Appl. 498 (2016), 521-552.10.1016/j.laa.2015.10.035Search in Google Scholar C. Marijuán, M. Pisonero, On Sufficient Conditions for the RNIEP and their Margins of Realizability, Electron. Notes Discrete Math. 46 (2014) 201-208.10.1016/j.endm.2014.08.027Search in Google Scholar C. Marijuán, M. Pisonero, R. L. Soto, A map of sufficient conditions for the real nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problem, Linear Algebra Appl. 426 (2007) 690-705.10.1016/j.laa.2007.05.046Search in Google Scholar R. L. Soto, A family of realizability criteria for the real and symmetric nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problem, Numer. Linear Algebra Appl. 20 (2013) 336-348.10.1002/nla.835Search in Google Scholar © 2019 C. Marijuán et al., published by De Gruyter This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
3 cautionary statements about PhD holders: 1. A PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in any academic discipline does not make one a scholar. 2. A PhD does not give one authority to write on a non-specialized field or non-specialized discipline of study or even for any individual (the PhD holder) to pretend that he/she is a specialist and an expert in every academic field of learning. 3. A PhD does not make one a thinker or wiser.
Progression Of Geometry With Grades Kindergarten: In kindergarten, children learn to identify and describe two- and three-dimensional shapes. They are able to identify the geometric shapes and names regardless of their orientation. They analyze and compare shapes of different sizes and attributes. They also learn to compose simple shapes to form larger shapes. Grade 1: In this grade, children develop skills to reason with shapes and the attributes. They understand basic geometric shapes definition. They analyze shapes from their defining attributes, like number of sides. They compose two dimensional and three-dimensional shapes to make larger composite shapes. They learn to partition rectangles and circle into equal shares. They learn the vocabulary related to partitionings like quarters, fourths and halves. Grade 2: The kids learn to identify and draw shapes according to the given attributes. They learn to draw shapes as per the specified number of faces or geometry angles. They are able to identify cubes, pentagons, hexagons, quadrilateral, and triangles. They also learn to partition a rectangle into same-size squares. They then count these squares to determine the size of the rectangle. The kids learn to partition rectangles and circles into two to four equal shares. They describe the partitioned shapes using the words like half of, third of, thirds, halves. They understand the wholes as four fourths, three-thirds, and two halves. Lesson 56 Proving Triangle Congruence By Asa And Aas Question 1.Can the triangles be proven congruent with the information given in the diagram? If so, state the theorem you would use.Answer: Question 2.In the diagram, \ \, \ \, and \ \ . Prove ABC DEF.Answer: Question 3.In the diagram, S U and \\ . Prove that RST VYTAnswer: Geometry Word Problems Involving Perimeter Example:A triangle has a perimeter of 50. If 2 of its sides are equal and the third side is 5 morethan the equal sides, what is the length of the third side? Let x = length of the equal sides Sketch the figure Step 2: Write out the formula for perimeter of triangle. P = sum of the three sides Step 3: Plug in the values from the question and from the sketch. 50 = x + x + x+ 5 Be careful! The question requires the length of the third side. The length of third side = 15 + 5 = 20 Answer: The length of third side is 20. Recommended Reading: Abiotic Science Definition Adding And Populating A Geometry Column PostGIS stores a tables spatial information in geometry columns. Usually these columns have the word geom floating around in their name. If you select * on a table with a geometry column, the geom column will look like a long series of nonsense. Frequently, long/lat values get stored in columns in a database or spreadsheet. To make these into a geometry column that PostGIS understands, we: Lesson 51 Angles Of Triangles Draw an obtuse isosceles triangle and an acute scalene triangle.Answer:The figures of an obtuse isosceles triangle and an acute triangle are as follows: Question 2.ABC has vertices A, B, and C, Classify the triangle by its sides. Then determine whether it is a right triangle.Answer:A , B , and C and the triangle is ABCWe know that,To find whether the given triangle is a right-angled triangle or not,We have to prove,AC² = AB² + BC²Where,AC is the distance between A and C pointsAB is the distance between A and B pointsBC is the distance between B and C pointsWe know that,The distance between 2 points = ² + ²Now,Let the given points be considered as A, B, and CSo,AB = ² + ² = 3² + 3²= 9 + 9 = 18BC = ² + ²= ² + 0²AC = ² + ²= ² + 3² The measure of each acute angle is 90°, 64°, and 26° Don’t Miss: How Many Physics Questions Are On The Mcat Make An Angles Display OK, so its not an activity for the kids exactly, but lets face it: Angles can be pretty tricky when you are trying to learn all the different types and terms. Having a classroom display to help your students remember the different terms and angles is a must! We have a range of posters that are perfect to display in your classroom. Here are some of our fantastic angle posters available to download today! How To Uninstall Geometry Dash From Your Pc If youre not enjoying Geometry Dash, you can find more PC games in the Free Alternative section below. The easiest way to uninstall Geometry Dash is through the Android emulator. Ill use Bluestacks as an example, but the process is similar for most Android emulators. Read Also: Who Is Paris Jackson Mother The 18th And 19th Centuries It remained to be proved mathematically that the non-Euclidean geometry was just as self-consistent as Euclidean geometry, and this was first accomplished by Beltrami in 1868. With this, non-Euclidean geometry was established on an equal mathematical footing with Euclidean geometry. While it was now known that different geometric theories were mathematically possible, the question remained, “Which one of these theories is correct for our physical space?” The mathematical work revealed that this question must be answered by physical experimentation, not mathematical reasoning, and uncovered the reason why the experimentation must involve immense distances. With the development of relativity theory in physics, this question became vastly more complicated. Introduction of mathematical rigor Analysis situs, or topology Whos The Ideal Client For Our Geometry Course Completion Service We serve all sorts of students, but, for the most part, clients fall into one of the categories below: - Students who want the assurance of a guaranteed high grade in order to protect their GPA and increase their chances of being admitted to the school of their choice, e.g. selective college admissions - Students who do not want to be bothered with specific projects and assignments that are tedious. Geometry courses in particular are notorious for this - Students who are currently going through a tough family/personal situation and no longer have the time and energy to devote to their current Geometry course - Students who simply want to direct their focus to more pressing subjects and interests Recommended Reading: Hawkes Learning Systems Business Statistics Answers The Nine Chapters On The Mathematical Art Areas for the By the beginning of the 9th century, the “Islamic Golden Age” flourished, the establishment of the House of Wisdom in Baghdad marking a separate tradition of science in the medieval Islamic world, building not only Hellenistic but also on Indian sources. Although the Islamic mathematicians are most famed for their work on algebra, number theory and number systems, they also made considerable contributions to geometry, trigonometry and mathematical astronomy, and were responsible for the development of algebraic geometry. Al-Mahani conceived the idea of reducing geometrical problems such as duplicating the cube to problems in algebra. Al-Karaji completely freed algebra from geometrical operations and replaced them with the arithmetical type of operations which are at the core of algebra today. In some respects, Thabit is critical of the ideas of Plato and Aristotle, particularly regarding motion. It would seem that here his ideas are based on an acceptance of using arguments concerning motion in his geometrical arguments. Another important contribution Thabit made to geometry was his generalization of the Pythagorean theorem, which he extended from special right triangles to all triangles in general, along with a general proof. Making Points Lines Line Segments And Rays Finally, students will get creative and use their coloring supplies to make points, lines, line segments, and rays with the letters of their name. Using dots and arrows, students will draw and label at least one point, line, line segment, and ray in their name. Check out the picture below for an example of how this might look: Here are a few ideas to help you make this geometry activity a success: - Consider using three separate pieces of graph paper, one for each activity, to prevent too many labels from cluttering up student name pictures. - You may instead find it helpful to do each geometry activity using a different marker or colored pencil. Use one color for classifying the angles, another color for measuring the angles, and a third color for drawing points, lines, line segments, and rays. - Give students extra practice by having them do this activity with their first name, middle name, and last name, or using their own name and siblings’ names. Looking for more fun geometry activities to practice with your elementary-aged students? Check out the interactive geometry lessons on iKnowIt.com today! Geometry And Shapes For Kids: Activities That Captivate Learn and build with the geometry and shapes for kids. Tons of fun math activities included and a FREE pattern block symmetry activity! Were you searching or googling to find engaging, hands-on geometry and shapes for kids? Are you looking for lessons and activity ideas that are fun and build a strong understanding of shapes and geometry? Then you have come to the right place! Exercise 53 Proving Triangle Congruence By Sas vocabulary and core concept check Question 1.What is an included angle?Answer: Question 2.COMPLETE THE SENTENCEIf two sides and the included angle of one triangle are congruent to two sides and the included angle of a second triangle, then __________ .Answer: Monitoring progress and Modeling with Mathematics In Exercises 3-8, name the included an1e between the pair of sides given. Question 3.\ and \Answer: \ and \Answer: \ and \Answer: \ and \Answer: \ and \Answer: \ and \Answer: In Exercises 9-14, decide whether enough information is given to prove that the triangles are congruent using the SAS Congruence Theorem . Explain. Given \ \, \ \Prove PQT RSTAnswer: In Exercises 19-22, use the given information to name two triangles that are congruent. Explain your reasoning. Question 19.SRT URT, and R is the center of the circle.Answer: ABCD is a square with four congruent sides and four congruent angles.Answer: RSTUV is a regular pentagon.Answer: Question 22.\ \, \ \, and M and L are centers of circles.Answer: CONSTRUCTIONIn Exercises 23 and 24, construct a triangle that is congruent to ABC using the SAS Congruence Theorem . Describe and correct the error in finding the value of x.Answer: HOW DO YOU SEE IT?What additional information do you need to prove that ABC DBC?Answer: Question 27.PROOFThe Navajo rug is made of isosceles triangles. You know B D. Use the SAS Congruence Theorem Answer: You May Like: Equilateral Geometry Definition Proving Triangle Congruence By Sas Work with a partner. Use dynamic geometry software.a. Construct circles with radii of 2 units and 3 units centered at the origin. Construct a 40° angle with its vertex at the origin. Label the vertex A.Answer: b. Locate the point where one ray of the angle intersects the smaller circle and label this point B. Locate the point where the other ray of the angle intersects the larger circle and label this point C. Then draw ABC.Answer: c. Find BC, mB, and mC.Answer: d. Repeat parts – several times. redrawing the angle indifferent positions. Keep track of your results by copying and completing the table below. What can you conclude?USING TOOLS STRATEGICALLYTo be proficient in math, you need to use technology to help visualize the results of varying assumptions, explore consequences, and compare predictions with data.Answer: Communicate Your Answer Question 2.What can you conclude about two triangles when you know that two pairs of corresponding sides and the corresponding included angles are congruent?Answer: How would you prove your conclusion in Exploration 1?Answer: We’ve Done Geometry Work For A Wide Range Of Topics Such As: - Reasoning and proofs: inductive reasoning, classification, & properties of congruence - Lines, segments, & rays: Parallel lines, perpendicular lines - Triangles and congruence: SAS, AAS, SSA, Pythagorean Theorem, Law of Sines, Law of Cosines. Mid-segments, perpendicular bisectors, angle bisectors, medians, & altitudes - Polygons & Quadrilaterals: parallelograms, rhombi, rectangles, squares, kites, & trapezoids - Circles: tangent lines, arcs, inscribed angles, chords, secants, & graphs - Perimeter & area: of triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, prisms, & circles - Surface area & volume of polygons, circles, prisms, etc - Geometric solids : prisms, cylinders, pyramids, cubes, cones, & spheres - Transformations, congruence, and similarity: rotations, reflections, & dilations, & many more! - Geometric constructions: constructing bisectors constructing regular polygons inscribed in circles constructing circumcircles and incircles constructing a line tangent to a circle Don’t Miss: Afda Mean Median Mode Range Practice Answer Key Congruent Triangles Cumulative Assessment Question 1.Your friend claims that the Exterior Angle Theorem can be used to prove the Triangle Sum Theorem . Is your friend correct? Explain your reasoning.Answer: Question 2.Use the steps in the construction to explain how you know that the line through point P is parallel to line m.Answer: The coordinate plane shows JKL and XYZa. Write a composition of transformations that maps JKL to XYZAnswer: b. Is the composition a congruence transformation? If so, identify all congruent corresponding parts.Answer: Question 4.The directed line segment RS is shown. Point Q is located along \ so that the ratio of RQ to QS is 2 to 3. What are the coordinates of point Q? Q Updating A Geometry Column With Existing Lat/longs ST_MakePoint takes the x and y values youre using to make the point. For us, longitude is our x, and latitude is our y. The function requires these numbers to be in the type double precision. If yours arent already you can cast them in the statement as we do below. St_SetSRID sets the spatial reference system for the point we make. It takes the point and the EPSG code your setting it to. This EPSG code needs to be the same as what you set your geom column to when you added it. Don’t Miss: Who Is Paris Jackson Mom Big Ideas Math Geometry Answers Chapter 5 Congruent Triangles If you are looking across the web for better preparation resources regarding the Big Ideas Math Geometry Ch 5 Congruent Triangles then this is the one stop destination for all your needs. For better understanding of the concepts we have compiled all the Big Ideas Math Geometry Answers Ch 5 Congruent Triangles in a simple and easy to understand language. Boost your math skills and have a deeper understanding of concepts taking help from the Congruent Triangles BIM Book Geometry Solution Key. Assigning Numbers To Letters In Your Name Don’t Miss: Who Is Khloe Kardashian’s Biological Father Hexagons And Other Shapes There are all sorts of shapes to be found in flora. Conifers are in the shape of cones , dew drops that coalesce on the leaves of plants are spheres, and salt granules are perfect cubes. But the most common shape youll find in nature, and the one that most astounds mathematicians, is the hexagon. These six-sided shapes are everywhere! Beehives, insect eyes, and snowflakes are all made up of hexagons. And while free-floating bubbles are often spheres, when a bunch of bubbles mash up against one another, they turn into hexagons! What shapes can you find around your house or yard? How To Download Geometry Dash For Android For Free Read Also: Hawkes Learning College Algebra Answers Lines Rays And Angles This fourth grade geometry lesson teaches the definitions for a line, ray, angle, acute angle, right angle, and obtuse angle. We also study how the size of the angle is ONLY determined by how much it has “opened” as compared to the whole circle. The lesson contains many varied exercises for students. When two points are connected with a straight line, we get a line segment. We call this line segment AB or line segmentAB. The sides of a triangleare line segments. A line has no beginning point or end point. Imagine it continuing indefinitely in both directions.We can illustrate that by little arrows on both ends. We can name a line using two points on it. This is line EF or line. Or, we can name a line using a lowercase letter: this is line s. |A ray starts out at a point and continues off to infinity. We can showthat by drawing anarrow at one end of the ray. Think of the sun’s rays:they start at the sun and go on indefinitely. We can name a ray using its starting point and one other point that ison the ray: this is ray QP or ray. Or, we canname a ray using a lowercase letter: this is ray r. What is an angle? Many people think that an angle is some kind ofslanted line. But in geometry an angle is made up of two rays thathave the same beginning point. That point is called the vertex and the two rays are called the sidesof the angle. To name an angle, we use three points, listing the vertex in the middle.This is angle DEF or DEF. We can use the symbol for angle.
We’re being asked to determine the correct set of quantum numbers for the given atomic orbital shape. Let’s first define the quantum numbers. • the principal quantum number (n) → energy level in orbitals and its value could be any positive integer starting from 1 • angular momentum quantum number (ℓ) → (l) has to be at least 1 less than n, range of values from 0 up to (n-1) ▪ Each ℓ value corresponds to a subshell/sublevel: Based on the following atomic orbital shape, which of the following set of quantum numbers is correct: a) n = 2, ℓ = 1, m ℓ = 0 b) n = 3, ℓ = 2, m ℓ = –1 c) n = 4, ℓ = 0, m ℓ = +1 d) n = 1, ℓ = 1, m ℓ = 0 Frequently Asked Questions What scientific concept do you need to know in order to solve this problem? Our tutors have indicated that to solve this problem you will need to apply the Quantum Numbers: Magnetic Quantum Number concept. You can view video lessons to learn Quantum Numbers: Magnetic Quantum Number. Or if you need more Quantum Numbers: Magnetic Quantum Number practice, you can also practice Quantum Numbers: Magnetic Quantum Number practice problems. What is the difficulty of this problem? Our tutors rated the difficulty ofBased on the following atomic orbital shape, which of the fo...as medium difficulty. How long does this problem take to solve? Our expert Chemistry tutor, Jules took 4 minutes and 9 seconds to solve this problem. You can follow their steps in the video explanation above. What professor is this problem relevant for? Based on our data, we think this problem is relevant for Professor Bittner's class at UH.
To begin with it is necessary to discuss the meaning of ϕf where f ∈G∗ and ϕ ∈G. What should it mean? First suppose f ∈ Lp or measurable with polynomial growth. Then also has these properties. Hence, it should be the case that ϕf This motivates the following Definition 10.5.24 Let T ∈G∗ and let ϕ ∈G. Then ϕT ≡ Tϕ ∈G∗ will be defined by The next topic is that of convolution. It was just shown that whenever f ∈ L2 so the same definition is retained in the general case because it makes perfect sense and agrees with the earlier definition. Definition 10.5.25 Let f ∈G∗ and let ϕ ∈G. Then define the convolution of f with an element of G as There is an obvious question. With this definition, is it true that F−1 Theorem 10.5.26 Let f ∈G∗ and let ϕ ∈G. Proof: Note that 10.20 follows from Definition 10.5.25 and both assertions hold for f ∈G. Consider 10.21. Here is a simple formula involving a pair of functions in G. Now for ψ ∈G The last line follows from the following. From 10.23 and 10.22 , since ψ was arbitrary, which shows 10.21. ■
The question is : Find the maximum and minimum lengths of the radius vector contained in an ellipse The Attempt at a Solution I seem to be at a loss here because usually along with an equation a constraint is also given but in this case there is just an equation or I maybe waffling along since I missed the lecture. Anyhow.. can anyone guide on how to solve this one ? [tex]\nabla f = \lambda\nabla g[/tex] Usually questions have a constraint which makes life much easier.. then however doesn't seem to have one :/ Or maybe the above equation is the constraint.. and the actual f(x,y) would be the equation of an ellipse ?
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M is a 2 x 2 matrix with each of the 4 elements being real. Can there exist an integer G ≥ 2, for which the following relationship is satisfied? MG =| | If the answer to the above question is "no", prove it. Otherwise, cite an appropriate example. (In reply to Solution by Brian Smith) Playing with your idea. M^n = [a^n na^(n-1)b] [0 a^n ] If b=1/(2a^(n-1)) this becomes M^n = [a^n 1 ] If a<1 this matrix tends to the [M]^G sought in the limit as n → ∞ (I know this isn't a solution. I just thought it was interesting.] Edited on June 22, 2009, 1:44 pm Posted by Jer on 2009-06-22 13:37:20
How do you convert xg into rpm? To convert RPM to RCF you need to know the rotational radius of the item that is spinning. Then you can use the following calculation:. RCF = 0.00001118 * r * RPM2 (where r =… rotational radius in cm). or I have found a neat little calculator that does it for you.. http://www.djblabcare.co.uk/djb/info/6/User_Tools. Brads rev = 1/60 * 2 * pi * rad/s RPM Revs Per Minute (how many times it spins round) is all to do with the cogs or gears linking the motor to the end shaft. The smaller the gear the greater rpm the bigger the… gear the slower rpm. Someone although did tell me that 3000 rpm is 80 mph but that is false, it all depends on the gears. ex. convert 136rpm to rad/s 136rpm x 2pie =854.5132018 divide 854. etc... to 60s u get 14.2 rad/s The question you pose doesn't make a lot of sense. An RPM is a unit of rotation and an amp is unit of electrical current. You can't convert these units just willy-nilly. Now i…f you were wondering about the correlation of RPMs in an electrical dynamo and the current produced, that would make more sense... I'm just not sure what you're asking. It depends upon the circumference of the rotating object such as a wheel. Deriving the formula, let the radius of the wheel be r then, the circumference of a circle is …= (2 X (pi) X r) the total distance covered by the wheel in one min = (2 X (pi) X r) X rpm now, if the object's diameter is measured in meters then the formula would be, (2 X (pi) X r X rpm X 60) / 1000 else if in different unit then just convert it to meters Using an alternator. sfm = (diameter x RPM )/3.82 MPM = sfm/3.27 You cant. One is a measure of rotational speed and the other is a measure of applied torque. You could convert Nm to Ft-lbs or In-lbs. You can't convert rpm to mph because they measure different things. Rpm (revolutions per minutes) measure how fast an object (such as a crankshaft) spins. ph measures distanc…e traveled in miles per hour. If you were talking about distance traveled by the crankshaft itself, the object as a whold might not be going anywhere, although any point on the crankshaft goes around and around. But a point near the axis or center line of the shaft travels less that a point far from the axis. If you are talking about mph that a car is traveling related to the spinning of the crankshaft, it depends on what gear the car is in. It depends on the size of your rotor g=(1.118x10^-5)xradius of rotor in cm x speed of centrifuge in rev/min^2 There is no standard conversion between the two. The answer depends on what min -1 is measuring, but is likely to be 1 min -1 = 1 rpm. It is not possible. Radians are a measure of angular displacement while rpm is a measure of the rate of change of angular displacement. The question is like asking to convert… speed into distance.
I am new to fly fishing this year. I have been doing alot of homework and reading these threads. Is there any preference to the two piece rods or the four piece rods. \n \nI am looking at Redington, Orvis, and Cabelas. All of the outfits I am looking at are around 250-300 for combos. \n \nAny feedback welcome. I did look for a previous post on this but did not see one.
Differential equations textbookSkip to content. Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Code Revisions 1. Embed What would you like to do? Embed Embed this gist in your website. Share Copy sharable link for this gist. Learn more about clone URLs. Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems Computing and Modeling 5th Edition Edwards Penney View larger. It reflects the new qualitative approach that is altering the learning of elementary differential equations, including the wide availability of scientific computing environments like Maple, Mathematica, and MATLAB. Its focus balances the traditional manual methods with the new computer-based methods that illuminate qualitative phenomena and make accessible a wider range of more realistic applications. Differential Equations are the language in which the laws of nature are expressed? Each title is just one component in a comprehensive calculus course program that carefully integrates and coordinates print, media. Shed the societal and cultural narratives holding you back and let free step-by-step Stewart Essential Calculus Early Transcendentals textbook solutions reorient your old paradigms! Heat Equuations and Separation of Variables.Does anyone know if the Multivariable Calculus Student Solutions Manual correlates to chapters. Please select from one of the following links to access this book's Abstract algebra, as in Math. Note: If you're looking for a free download links of Linear Algebra and Its Applications 5th Edition Pdf, epub, 3rd edition by david s! Combining both topics in a single cour? This text is mostly an adaptation of the Differential Equations made completely easy? Penney began teaching calculus at Tulane in and taught that course almost every term with enthusiasm and distinction until his retirement at the end of the last millennium. Applications of Bessel Functions. Rogawski and C. A First Course in Linear Algebra is an introductory textbook designed for university sophomores and juniors. C Calculus. Shed the societal and cultural narratives holding you back and let free step-by-step Stewart Calculus textbook solutions reorient your old paradigms. Sturm-Liouville Problems and Eigenfunction Expansions. Dover books has a reprint of the book for maybe dollars on Amazon, Differential Equations,Dynamical Systems and Editionn Introduction To Chaos, Richard M. Dummit, Arnold J. See also the accompanying Student Resource with Solutions Manual. Friedberg . Differential Equations And Linear Algebra Edwards knife.su . http://knife.su Students. from this moment on book Products & services download Differential Equations and Linear Algebra 4th Edition pdf Buy or rent Differential Equations eTextbooks. Differential equation is an equation that has derivatives in it. Ifyoursyllabus includes Chapter 10 Linear Systems of Differential Equations , your students should have some prepa-ration inlinear algebra. William E. Combining both topics in a single course, as in Math , is intellectually sensible but demanding since both differential equations and linear algebra are covered in a single course. It depends on the rigor level you expect. Summary Discuss Reviews 0 Includes index. Publisher: W. Dover books has an reprint of the book for maybe dollars on Amazon, and considering it has answers to most of the problems found This Textbook is free and open which penneg that anyone can use it without any permission or fees and open-source which means that anyone Equations with The old classic by Smale and Hirsch,Differential Equations,Dynamical Systems and Linear Algebra is best balanced by the second edition coauthored with Robert Devaney. Choose from used and new textbooks or get instant access with eTextbooks and digital materials. Introductory Differential Equations, Fourth Edition. Numerical Approximation: Euler's Method. It has the look and feel of a traditional calculus e? Prentice Hall.
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Can you use the numbers on the dice to reach your end of the number line before your partner beats you? Place the numbers 1 to 10 in the circles so that each number is the difference between the two numbers just below it. In this game, you can add, subtract, multiply or divide the numbers on the dice. Which will you do so that you get to the end of the number line first? This problem is based on a code using two different prime numbers less than 10. You'll need to multiply them together and shift the alphabet forwards by the result. Can you decipher the code? Exactly 195 digits have been used to number the pages in a book. How many pages does the book have? Place six toy ladybirds into the box so that there are two ladybirds in every column and every row. Can you put the numbers 1 to 8 into the circles so that the four calculations are correct? Use the information about Sally and her brother to find out how many children there are in the Brown family. Find all the numbers that can be made by adding the dots on two dice. Can you hang weights in the right place to make the equaliser An old game but lots of arithmetic! Place the numbers 1 to 6 in the circles so that each number is the difference between the two numbers just below it. Sweets are given out to party-goers in a particular way. Investigate the total number of sweets received by people sitting in different positions. Have a go at this game which involves throwing two dice and adding their totals. Where should you place your counters to be more likely to win? Choose four of the numbers from 1 to 9 to put in the squares so that the differences between joined squares are odd. Use the number weights to find different ways of balancing the equaliser. A game for 2 people. Use your skills of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to blast the asteroids. Make one big triangle so the numbers that touch on the small triangles add to 10. You could use the interactivity to help you. In how many ways could Mrs Beeswax put ten coins into her three puddings so that each pudding ended up with at least two coins? If you hang two weights on one side of this balance, in how many different ways can you hang three weights on the other side for it to be balanced? If you had any number of ordinary dice, what are the possible ways of making their totals 6? What would the product of the dice be Ram divided 15 pennies among four small bags. He could then pay any sum of money from 1p to 15p without opening any bag. How many pennies did Ram put in each bag? Move from the START to the FINISH by moving across or down to the next square. Can you find a route to make these totals? Find your way through the grid starting at 2 and following these operations. What number do you end on? Ben has five coins in his pocket. How much money might he have? Add the sum of the squares of four numbers between 10 and 20 to the sum of the squares of three numbers less than 6 to make the square of another, larger, number. Ten cards are put into five envelopes so that there are two cards in each envelope. The sum of the numbers inside it is written on each envelope. What numbers could be inside the envelopes? Look carefully at the numbers. What do you notice? Can you make another square using the numbers 1 to 16, that displays the same Can you make a cycle of pairs that add to make a square number using all the numbers in the box below, once and once only? Can you put plus signs in so this is true? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 = 99 How many ways can you do it? Zumf makes spectacles for the residents of the planet Zargon, who have either 3 eyes or 4 eyes. How many lenses will Zumf need to make all the different orders for 9 families? Place the numbers from 1 to 9 in the squares below so that the difference between joined squares is odd. How many different ways can you do this? Can you see why 2 by 2 could be 5? Can you predict what 2 by 10 A group of children are using measuring cylinders but they lose the labels. Can you help relabel them? Using the statements, can you work out how many of each type of rabbit there are in these pens? Start by putting one million (1 000 000) into the display of your calculator. Can you reduce this to 7 using just the 7 key and add, subtract, multiply, divide and equals as many times as you like? Tim had nine cards each with a different number from 1 to 9 on it. How could he have put them into three piles so that the total in each pile was 15? Arrange eight of the numbers between 1 and 9 in the Polo Square below so that each side adds to the same total. This magic square has operations written in it, to make it into a maze. Start wherever you like, go through every cell and go out a total of 15! Use these head, body and leg pieces to make Robot Monsters which are different heights. Suppose there is a train with 24 carriages which are going to be put together to make up some new trains. Can you find all the ways that this can be done? A game for 2 or more players. Practise your addition and subtraction with the aid of a game board and some dried peas! There were chews for 2p, mini eggs for 3p, Chocko bars for 5p and lollypops for 7p in the sweet shop. What could each of the children buy with their money? Can you substitute numbers for the letters in these sums? Katie had a pack of 20 cards numbered from 1 to 20. She arranged the cards into 6 unequal piles where each pile added to the same total. What was the total and how could this be done? An investigation involving adding and subtracting sets of consecutive numbers. Lots to find out, lots to explore. In your bank, you have three types of coins. The number of spots shows how much they are worth. Can you choose coins to exchange with the groups given to make the same total? Winifred Wytsh bought a box each of jelly babies, milk jelly bears, yellow jelly bees and jelly belly beans. In how many different ways could she make a jolly jelly feast with 32 legs? Lolla bought a balloon at the circus. She gave the clown six coins to pay for it. What could Lolla have paid for the balloon? You have 5 darts and your target score is 44. How many different ways could you score 44?
SPHS Class of 1944 Front row: third from right is Mollie Mae Jarrett - daughter of Jennie Coffelt and Leighton James Jarrett Photo submitted by Linda Racine RootsWeb is funded and supported by Ancestry.com and our loyal RootsWeb community. About Us | Contact Us | Rootsweb Blog | Copyright | Report Inappropriate Material Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection
Alright everybody, what are your recommendations for the first book? We can judge the amount of time to read the book by the length of the book you all decide on... I don't want to be the one to pick the book, but I'd like for the first one to be Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe This seems to be a very crude way to choose a book, if anybody has any ideas of a better system, holla at me... maybe a small council of select people who choose a book every once in a while, maybe even rotating? Let me hear YOUR input...this is your book club! nah...im not gonna be readin this one...i kinda just wanted to read a modern black book for leisure at the moment because every book on my booklist that I have to read are old white books...I'll start at the next book
Maybe completed after your unit on circular motion and gravitation, depending upon your instructor multiple choice portion 1 physics 12:unit 4 questionsdoc. Mail rain chain play way day took hood our carry spelling/ phonics long a: a, ai, ay unit 4 week 1 story a tale of a tail genre folktale story. Title: algebra 1 – unit 4 – test a author: tomasellif last modified by: miehlm created date: 12/21/2011 2:40:00 pm company: t/e school district. Question answer ied assessment concepts 1 b unit 11 introduction 5 b unit 41 sketching and visualization [9 points total – 1 point each line ] answer key. Unit 4 quiz answer key 1 a please see the following as a suggested answer to the unit 4 thought question note that answers will vary. Unit 4 week 5 story from puppy to guide dog essential question how do people work with 1/1/2014 11:08:40 pm. P/q = prompt or question celdt levels b = beginning/level 1 ei = early intermediate/level 2 i = intermediate/level 3 grade 3 • unit. What is the length of segment ns 1 unit 2 units 4 units 6 units - 5398114 1 log in join now 1 ask your question newest questions mathematics 8 points. 4 unit mathematics assignment 1 question 1 (i) find dy dx ifx 2y+xy3 =1 (ii) withouttheuseofcalculus,sketchy=x(x 4 unit mathematics assignment 3 question 1 (i. While analyzing the sources, make a t-chart listing the pros and cons of free trade on your own paper you will use this as notes and you will. Math 3 unit 1 math 3 unit 2 math 3 unit 3 math 3 unit 4 math 3 & math 3 support test question math 3 gps math 3 support unit 4 question to think about. English lessons q & a lesson 1 mariana, bolivia question: pre-intermediate unit 4 lesson 1 no questions lesson 2 arif from the uae. Unit 4 : ecosystems -2- wwwlearnerorg 1 introduction ecology is the scientific study of relationships in the natural world it includes relationships between. Tutorials for question - bam 554 - unit 1 to unit 4 - mcqs - 1 in the training design process, selection of training methods is the step first third final next to final categorized under business and management. Grade 1 • unit 4question of the week: how can a surprise be a treasure concepts: discuss surprises how surprises can be fun to share with people giving gifts to others. Physics 12: unit 2 questionsdoc version 2007 2 - 8 - ©lockwood, murray and bracken unit 2: vector dynamics multiple choice portion 1 which one of the following best describes the motion. In this installment of the ask john series, professor john kaminski of the university of wisconsin answers students' questions about unit 3, question 3, and. 4 macroeconomics multiple-choice sample questions answer key unit answers to sample multiple-choice questions title: it. Unit 331 outcome 4 understand the importance of early intervention to support the speech, language and communication needs of children and young people41 analyse the importance of early identification of speech, language and communication delays and disorders and potential risks of late recognition. Unit 1 unit 2 unit 3 unit 4 unit 5 unit 6 digital civics channel contact info: tom driscoll social studies teacher putnam high school welcome to we the people prep. Unit 1 – week 4: mackinac island unit 2 – week 4: the election selected-response question this question has two parts answer part one and then answer part. Past papers and mark schemes for edexcel physics a-level unit 4. Start studying unit 4 question 1 learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Academic paper homework help question unit 4 discussion questions for zeek the geek only i have attached unit 4 discussion questions attachments: dpa_8412_unit_4_discussion_question_1doc dpa_8412_unit_4_discussion_question_2doc dpa_8412_unit_4. Math 1 unit 4 the chance of winning intro and standards page 3 (4 possible answers per question) suppose the student does not study for the test.
graph. ◇ Distinguish between linear and non-linear relationships and between relationships To show something in a two-variable graph, Variables. The relationship between two variables is graphed by drawing two axes perpendicular to. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The graph shows a relationship between two variables, x and y. A positive relationship or direct relationship is a relationship between two variables that Draw a curve that shows that the number of tickets sold at Disneyland tickets and . A positive or direct relationship is one in which the two variables (we will . or drawn properly on both axes, meaning that the distance between units has to be on the plane of the graph in order to show relationships between two variables. They assist learners in grasping fairly quickly key economic relationships. Years of statistical analysis have gone into the small graph you can examine to learn about key forces and trends in the economy. Further, they help your instructor to present data in a way which is small-scale or economical, and establish a relationship, frequently historical, between variables in a certain kind of relationship. They permit learners and instructors to establish quickly the peaks and valleys in data, to establish a trend line, and to discuss the impact of historical events such as policies on the data that we wish to analyze. Types of Graphs in Economics There are various kinds of graphs used in business and economics that illustrate data. These include pie charts segments are displayed as portions, usually percentages, of a circlescatter diagrams points are connected to establish a trendbar graphs results for each year can be displayed as an upward or downward barand cross section graphs segments of data can be displayed horizontally. You will deal with some of these in economics, but you will be dealing principally with graphs of the following variety. Certain graphs display data on one variable over a certain period of time. For example, we may want to know how the inflation rate has varied in the Canadian economy from We would choose an appropriate scale for the rate of inflation on the y vertical axis; and on the x horizontal axis show the ten years from to with on the left, and on the right. We would notice right away a trend. The trend in the inflation rate data is a decline, actually from a high of 5. We would see that there has been some increase in the inflation rate since its absolute low inbut not anything like the high. And, if we did such graphs for each of the decades in Canada sincewe would see that the s were a unique decade in terms of inflation. No decade, except the s, shows any resemblance to the s. We can then discuss the trends meaningfully, since we have ideas about the data over a major period of time. We can link the data with historical events such as government anti-inflation policies, and try to establish some connections. Other graphs are used to present a relationship between two variables, or in some instances, among more than two variables. Consider the relationship between price of a good or service and quantity demanded. The two variables move in opposite directions, and therefore demonstrate a negative or indirect relationship. Aggregate demand, the relationship between the total quantity of goods and services demanded in the entire economy, and the price level, also exhibits this inverse or negative relationship. If the price level based on the prices of a given base year rises, real GDP shrinks; while if the price level falls, real GDP increases. Further, the supply curve for many goods and services exhibits a positive or direct relationship. The supply curve shows that when prices are high, producers or service providers are prepared to provide more goods or services to the market; and when prices are low, service providers and producers are interested in providing fewer goods or services to the market. The aggregate expenditure, or supply, curve for the entire Canadian economy the sum of consumption, investment, government expenditure and the calculation of exports minus imports also shows this positive or direct relationship. Construction of a Graph You will at times be asked to construct a graph, most likely on tests and exams. You should always give close attention to creating an origin, the point 0, at which the axes start. Label the axes or number lines properly, so that the reader knows what you are trying to measure. Most of the graphs used in economics have, a horizontal number line or x-axis, with negative numbers on the left of the point of origin or 0, and positive numbers on the right of the origin. Figure 2 presents a typical horizontal number line or x-axis. In economics graphs, you will also find a vertical number line or y-axis. Here numbers above the point of origin 0 will have a positive value; while numbers below 0 will have a negative value. Figure 3 demonstrates a typical vertical number line or y-axis. When constructing a graph, be careful in developing your scale, the difference between the numbers on the axes, and the relative numbers on each axis. The scale needs to be graduated or drawn properly on both axes, meaning that the distance between units has to be identical on both, though the numbers represented on the lines may vary. You may want to use single digits, for example, on the y-axis, while using hundreds of billions on the x-axis. Using a misleading scale by squeezing or stretching the scale unfairly, rather than creating identical distances for spaces along the axes, and using a successive series of numbers will create an erroneous impression of relationship for your reader. If you are asked to construct graphs, and to show a knowledge of graphing by choosing variables yourself, choose carefully what you decide to study. Here is a good example of a difficulty to avoid. Could you, for example, show a graphical relationship between good looks and high intelligence? I don't think so. You often see pictures representing numerical information. These pictures may take the form of graphs that show how a particular variable has changed over time, or charts that show values of a particular variable at a single point in time. We will close our introduction to graphs by looking at both ways of conveying information. Time-Series Graphs One of the most common types of graphs used in economics is called a time-series graph. A time-series graph A graph that shows how the value of a particular variable or variables has changed over some period of time. One of the variables in a time-series graph is time itself. Time is typically placed on the horizontal axis in time-series graphs. The other axis can represent any variable whose value changes over time. The grid with which these values are plotted is given in Panel b. Time-series graphs are often presented with the vertical axis scaled over a certain range. The result is the same as introducing a break in the vertical axis, as we did in Figure These points are then plotted in Panel b. To draw a time-series graph, we connect these points, as in Panel c. The values for the U. The points plotted are then connected with a line in Panel c. Scaling the Vertical Axis in Time-Series Graphs The scaling of the vertical axis in time-series graphs can give very different views of economic data. We can make a variable appear to change a great deal, or almost not at all, depending on how we scale the axis. For that reason, it is important to note carefully how the vertical axis in a time-series graph is scaled. Consider, for example, the issue of whether an increase or decrease in income tax rates has a significant effect on federal government revenues. This became a big issue inwhen President Clinton proposed an increase in income tax rates. The measure was intended to boost federal revenues. Higher tax rates, they said, would cause some people to scale back their income-earning efforts and thus produce only a small gain—or even a loss—in revenues. Op-ed essays in The Wall Street Journal, for example, often showed a graph very much like that presented in Panel a of Figure It shows federal revenues as a percentage of gross domestic product GDPa measure of total income in the economy, since Various tax reductions and increases were enacted during that period, but Panel a appears to show they had little effect on federal revenues relative to total income. Her alternative version of these events does, indeed, suggest that federal receipts have tended to rise and fall with changes in tax policy, as shown in Panel b of Figure Which version is correct? Both graphs show the same data. It is certainly true that federal revenues, relative to economic activity, have been remarkably stable over the past several decades, as emphasized by the scaling in Panel a. And a small change in the federal share translates into a large amount of tax revenue. It is easy to be misled by time-series graphs. Large changes can be made to appear trivial and trivial changes to appear large through an artful scaling of the axes. The best advice for a careful consumer of graphical information is to note carefully the range of values shown and then to decide whether the changes are really significant. Testing Hypotheses with Time-Series Graphs John Maynard Keynes, one of the most famous economists ever, proposed in a hypothesis about total spending for consumer goods in the economy. He suggested that this spending was positively related to the income households receive. One way to test such a hypothesis is to draw a time-series graph of both variables to see whether they do, in fact, tend to move together. Annual values of consumption and disposable income are plotted for the period — Notice that both variables have tended to move quite closely together. This is consistent with the hypothesis that the two are directly related. Department of Commerce The fact that two variables tend to move together in a time series does not by itself prove that there is a systematic relationship between the two. Notice the steep decline in the index beginning in October, not unlike the steep decline in October Did the mystery variable contribute to the crash? It would be useful, and certainly profitable, to be able to predict such declines. The mystery variable and stock prices appear to move closely together. Was the plunge in the mystery variable in October responsible for the stock crash? The mystery value is monthly average temperatures in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Attributing the stock crash in to the weather in San Juan would be an example of the fallacy of false cause. Notice that Figure The left-hand axis shows values of temperature; the right-hand axis shows values for the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Two axes are used here because the two variables, San Juan temperature and the Dow Jones Industrial Average, are scaled in different units. Descriptive Charts We can use a table to show data. HERI conducts a survey of first-year college students throughout the United States and asks what their intended academic majors are. In the groupings given, economics is included among the social sciences. All three panels present the same information. Panel a is an example of a table, Panel b is an example of a pie chart, and Panel c is an example of a horizontal bar chart. Percentages shown are for broad academic areas, each of which includes several majors. Panels b and c of Figure Panel b is an example of a pie chart; Panel c gives the data in a bar chart. The bars in this chart are horizontal; they may also be drawn as vertical. Either type of graph may be used to provide a picture of numeric information. Key Takeaways A time-series graph shows changes in a variable over time; one axis is always measured in units of time. One use of time-series graphs is to plot the movement of two or more variables together to see if they tend to move together or not. The fact that two variables move together does not prove that changes in one of the variables cause changes in the other. Values of a variable may be illustrated using a table, a pie chart, or a bar chart. The table in Panel a shows a measure of the inflation rate, the percentage change in the average level of prices below. Panels b and c provide blank grids. We have already labeled the axes on the grids in Panels b and c. It is up to you to plot the data in Panel a on the grids in Panels b and c. Connect the points you have marked in the grid using straight lines between the points. What relationship do you observe? Has the inflation rate generally increased or decreased? What can you say about the trend of inflation over the course of the s? Here are the time-series graphs, Panels b and cfor the information in Panel a. The first thing you should notice is that both graphs show that the inflation rate generally declined throughout the s with the exception ofwhen it increased. The generally downward direction of the curve suggests that the trend of inflation was downward. Notice that in this case we do not say negative, since in this instance it is not the slope of the line that matters. Rather, inflation itself is still positive as indicated by the fact that all the points are above the origin but is declining. Finally, comparing Panels b and c suggests that the general downward trend in the inflation rate is emphasized less in Panel b than in Panel c. This impression would be emphasized even more if the numbers on the vertical axis were increased in Panel b from 20 to Just as in Figure Decide whether each proposition below demonstrates a positive or negative relationship, and decide which graph you would expect to illustrate each proposition. In each statement, identify which variable is the independent variable and thus goes on the horizontal axis, and which variable is the dependent variable and goes on the vertical axis. An increase in the poverty rate causes an increase in the crime rate. As the income received by households rises, they purchase fewer beans. As the income received by households rises, they spend more on home entertainment equipment. How can we estimate the slope of a nonlinear curve? After all, the slope of such a curve changes as we travel along it. We can deal with this problem in two ways. One is to consider two points on the curve and to compute the slope between those two points. Another is to compute the slope of the curve at a single point. When we compute the slope of a curve between two points, we are really computing the slope of a straight line drawn between those two points. Nonlinear Relationships and Graphs without Numbers They are the slopes of the dashed-line segments shown. These dashed segments lie close to the curve, but they clearly are not on the curve. After all, the dashed segments are straight lines. When we compute the slope of a nonlinear curve between two points, we are computing the slope of a straight line between those two points. Here the lines whose slopes are computed are the dashed lines between the pairs of points. Every point on a nonlinear curve has a different slope. To get a precise measure of the slope of such a curve, we need to consider its slope at a single point. To do that, we draw a line tangent to the curve at that point. A tangent line A straight line that touches, but does not intersect, a nonlinear curve at only one point. The slope of a tangent line equals the slope of the curve at the point at which the tangent line touches the curve. Consider point D in Panel a of Figure We have drawn a tangent line that just touches the curve showing bread production at this point. It passes through points labeled M and N. The vertical change between these points equals loaves of bread; the horizontal change equals two bakers. The slope of our bread production curve at point D equals the slope of the line tangent to the curve at this point. In Panel bwe have sketched lines tangent to the curve for loaves of bread produced at points B, D, and F. Notice that these tangent lines get successively flatter, suggesting again that the slope of the curve is falling as we travel up and to the right along it. In Panel athe slope of the tangent line is computed for us: Generally, we will not have the information to compute slopes of tangent lines. We will use them as in Panel bto observe what happens to the slope of a nonlinear curve as we travel along it. We see here that the slope falls the tangent lines become flatter as the number of bakers rises. Notice that we have not been given the information we need to compute the slopes of the tangent lines that touch the curve for loaves of bread produced at points B and F. In this text, we will not have occasion to compute the slopes of tangent lines. Either they will be given or we will use them as we did here—to see what is happening to the slopes of nonlinear curves. In the case of our curve for loaves of bread produced, the fact that the slope of the curve falls as we increase the number of bakers suggests a phenomenon that plays a central role in both microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis. As we add workers in this case bakersoutput in this case loaves of bread rises, but by smaller and smaller amounts.
Invalid Answer message displaying on submit I have 3 slides, each with a free form pick one quiz question. Each free form quiz is set up exactly the same*. (Checked and double-checked.) Whatever answer I select and submit for the 1st of the 3 slides yields that Invalid Answer pop up. * I did add layers to the slide on which the quiz no longer works. (And, my intention is to add layers to the other 2 slides as well.) My forum search yields much discussion about controlling the look and feel of this pop up. But, what I need is to get rid of it. (After all, I am selecting a circle converted to free form before I click Submit.) What am I missing? (It's gotta be me.) Is this a bug?
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Debt/equity ratio - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary Debt/Equity Ratio. What Does Debt/Equity Ratio Mean? A measure of a company's financial leverage calculated by dividing its total liabilities by its stockholders' . Debt-to-Equity Ratio Definition, Example & Formula | InvestingAnswers Using the debt-to-equity formula and the information above, we can calculate that Company XYZ's debt-to-equity ratio is: $15000000/ $10000000 = 1.5 times, . georgia payday loan What is debt/equity ratio? definition and meaning Definition of debt/equity ratio: A measure of a company's financial leverage. Debt/ equity ratio is equal to long-term debt divided by common shareholders' equity. Typically the data . We do not sell or reveal user information to anyone. Quantcast. what does home improvement means Analyzing Financial Statements, Part 2 of 2 :: HVACR Business Do not include any receivables or payables from employees, officers, friends, relatives, . 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I would not discard the possibility the best most concrete descriptions of algorithms that you will find will be the programs (e.g. Mathematica code), and that the reduction of the papers to the code may involve details not present in the papers. This opinion is, however, based on general experience and not a particular examination of FeynCalc. Good luck in any case.. This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : 06/18/19-01:00:02 AM Z CEST
Publisher description for Symplectic topology and Floer homology / Yong-Geun Oh, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea. Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog Information from electronic data provided by the publisher. May be incomplete or contain other coding. Published in two volumes, this is the first book to provide a thorough and systematic explanation of symplectic topology, and the analytical details and techniques used in applying the machinery arising from Floer theory as a whole. Volume 1 covers the basic materials of Hamiltonian dynamics and symplectic geometry and the analytic foundations of Gromov's pseudoholomorphic curve theory. One novel aspect of this treatment is the uniform treatment of both closed and open cases and a complete proof of the boundary regularity theorem of weak solutions of pseudo-holomorphic curves with totally real boundary conditions. Volume 2 provides a comprehensive introduction to both Hamiltonian Floer theory and Lagrangian Floer theory. Symplectic Topology and Floer Homology is a comprehensive resource suitable for experts and newcomers alike. Library of Congress subject headings for this publication: Symplectic and contact topology.
What exactly do you think is the weakest section of our very own matchmaking? 4.  5. Could there be things in the myself that produces you concern getting with myself? 6. What would they look like for those who completely resided up to your potential? seven. Furthermore important in a romance, bodily attraction or friendship? 8. What is something you have trouble taking even although you be aware that the simple truth is? 9. Are there any bad features in regards to you that you are alarmed you’ll not capable transform? 10. Are there any ways that you become such as your mothers kind off messed your right up? 11. Is there anybody that you know which you hate? 12. What is the very harm you previously felt because of the someone? thirteen. Maybe you’ve already been actually otherwise emotionally abused? 14. Will there be everything you possess actually planned to tell me you to definitely you have not met with the nerve in order to? 15. Do you really believe you can actually forgive me personally basically cheated on you? sixteen. Just what skills makes your mature more while the one? 17. Would you see it very easy to inquire anybody else to own help? 18. What is one thing that you are sure that when it goes was planning split your heart? 19. For those who died tomorrow, do you really believe you’d pass away pleased? 20. When was the past time your wandered outside your comfort zone? How did it be? 21. Exactly what real function of yours would you have the extremely care about-aware of? Odd inquiries to inquire of the man you’re dating Never assume all discussions need to be very strong. If you prefer some good issues that will be sure to create the man you’re dating laugh and permit you both for connecting into the an enjoyable, non-intimate ways, next these types of would be great alternatives for your. Deepen the relationship and enjoy yourself chuckling with your sweetheart by inquiring him these types of inquiries. step one. If you had an animal unicorn, what can you name it? 2. Might you pee within the swimming pools? 3. For people who will be a cartoon character, who does you choose? cuatro. What is something that you love one others believe is disgusting? 5. For those who have one creature due to the fact an animal, what might you decide on? 6. What is the top organ? seven. Could you wear dresses home or spend time completely naked? 8. Where try the fresh new bad place you ever farted? 9. Will you communicate with oneself on echo? ten. How much time you think might survive an excellent zombie apocalypse? 11. Should you have to hug several other child, who you choose? 12. What exactly is a thing that is definitely in your grocery list? thirteen. For those who catch a seafood, do you eat it or ignore it? 14. Do you really trip on the rear off my personal bike? 15. Precisely what do you usually manage when you are pooping? Random issues to inquire of your boyfriend If you would like keep the boyfriend into their leg and create your laugh, up coming these are higher conversation beginners to work with. Not all dialogue you really have must be strong and you may significant, so kick back, relax and luxuriate in inquiring your special some one the next haphazard inquiries. 1. How often could you be in matches which have strangers into web sites? 2. Could there be anything that you are enthusiastic about? 3. What is the best benefit regarding the getting a son? 4. Is it possible you as an alternative eat McDonald’s otherwise a green salad? 5. For folks who could only don some thing for the rest of your life, what might you decide on? 6. What’s the weirdest break you had? seven. Easily had something back at my face could you let me know? 8. Do you consider you could accomplish cups? 9. That is your favorite cartoon character? ten. For individuals who found 5 bucks on to the floor, what can you will do in it? 11. Can you instead live-in a wasteland or Antarctica? 12. For people who you may exchange lives with one of the relatives, that would you choose and just why?
Question re Venarive module On page 57 the module says: "The load capacity of a river-boat is roughly equal to the square of its length (in feet) multiplied by 50lbs. Thus a common river-boat of about 30ft in length can carry around 45,000lbs (22.5 tons†)." The Pilot's Almanac in Shipwrigtht 8 gives the following claculatiion for a 30 foot Talbar: 30*.36*.30/100 for 11.69 tons. Which method is correct?
Ask a Question Question Asked by a Student from EXXAMM.com Team Q 1548401303.     If the Bill of Exchange is not honored on the due date, there is always a change the drawer will become liable on the bill. This is called a Contingent Liability. What does it mean? (Provided By a Student and Checked/Corrected by EXXAMM.com Team)
Alex flips a fair coin 20 times. Bert spins a fair coin 21 times. Bert wins if he gets more heads than Alex, else Alex wins. Note that Alex wins if there is a tie. What is the probability that A recent study at (Yale? Harvard? some East Coast college) confirmed that, in a controlled environment, with a machine that can flip a nickel the exact same way every time, heads came up 50.1% of the time and tails 49.9%. Don't worry, though. At most coin-flipping places the grass screws up all the figures, so it's not significant enough a difference to matter.
Chapter 2: MOTION AND SPEED Section 1DESCRIBING MOTION Motion occurs when an object changes its position. To know whether the position of something has changed, you need a reference point. A reference point helps you determine how far an object has moved. An important part of describing the motion of an object is to describe how far it has moved, which is distance. The SI unit of length or distance is the meter (m). 1 meter = 100 centimeters Sometimes you may want to know not only your distance, but also your direction from a reference point. Displacement is the distance and direction of an objects change in position from a reference point. DISTANCE VS. DISPLACEMENT What is speed? Speed is the distance an object travels per unit of time. Any change over time is called a rate. Speed is the rate at which distance is traveled. CALCULATING SPEED Speed = distance time If s = speed, d = distance, and t = time, this relationship can be written as: s = d t Suppose you ran 2 km in 10 minutes. Your speed or rate of change of position, would be: s = d = 2 km t 10 min 0.2 km/min = CONSTANT SPEED If an object is in motion and neither slows down nor speeds up, the object is traveling at a constant speed. (Ex. Car traveling on a freewayCRUISE CONTROL) CHANGING SPEED Much of the time, the speeds you experience are not constant. (Ex. Riding a bicycle for 5 km) CHANGING SPEED AVERAGE SPEED Describes speed of motion when speed is changing. AVERAGE SPEED is the total distance traveled divided by the total time of travel. For the bicycle trip, the total distance traveled was 5 km and the total time was 15 min. or .25 h. The AVERAGE SPEED was: s = d = 5 km = t 0.25 h 20 km/h INSTANTANEOUS SPEED INSTANTANEOUS SPEED is the speed at a given point in time. (Ex. CARS SPEEDOMETER) VELOCITY VELOCITY includes the speed of an object and the direction of its motion. Ex. HURRICANE traveling at a speed of 60 km/h; located 100 km east of your location Velocity VELOCITY IS SPEED WITH DIRECTION! VELOCITY SPEED same DIRECTION different (VELOCITY = DIFFERENT) VELOCITY SPEED constant DIRECTION changing (VELOCITY = CHANGING) VELOCITY SPEED constant DIRECTION changing (VELOCITY = CHANGING) SPEED UNITS REMEMBER VELOCITY includes the speed and direction of an object; Therefore, a change in velocity can be either a change in how fast something is moving or a change in the direction it is moving. CHAPTER 2: MOTION AND SPEED Section 2: ACCELERATION ACCELERATION is a change in velocity. Acceleration occurs when an object changes its speed, its direction, or both. When you think of acceleration, you probably think of something speeding up (positive acceleration); However, an object that is slowing down also is accelerating (negative acceleration). In both cases, acceleration occurs, because its speed is changing. Calculating ACCELERATION Remember Acceleration is the rate of change in velocity. The change in velocity or speed is divided by the length of the time interval over which the change occurred. Acceleration = change in velocity time How is the change in velocity calculated? Always subtract the initial velocity(the velocity at the beginning of the time interval) from the final velocity(the velocity at the end of the time interval). Change in velocity = final vel. initial vel. Change in velocity = vf vi a = (vf vi) = t s (units) m/s UNITS The SI unit for velocity is meters/second (m/s), and the SI unit for time is seconds (s). So, the unit for acceleration is meters/second/second. This unit is written as m/s 2 and is read meters per second squared. CALCULATING POSITIVE ACCELERATION Suppose a jet airliner starts at rest at the end of a runway and reaches a speed of 80 m/s in 20 s. Because it started from rest, its initial speed was zero. Its acceleration can be calculated as follows: a = (vf vi) = (80m/s-0m/s)= 4 m/s2 t 20s CALCULATING NEGATIVE ACCELERATION Now imagine a skateboarder is moving at a speed of 3 m/s and comes to a stop in 2 s. The final speed is zero and the initial speed was 3 m/s. The skateboarders acceleration is calculated as follows: a = (vf vi) = (0m/s-3m/s)= -1.5 m/s2 t 2s ACCELERATION Will always be positive if an object is speeding up Will always be negative if an object slowing down Chapter 2: MOTION AND SPEED Section 3MOTION AND FORCES What is a force? A force is a push or a pull that one body exerts on another. A force can cause the motion of an object to change. OBVIOUS VS. NOT SO OBVIOUS Some forces are obviousthe force applied to a soccer ball as it is kicked into the goal Some forces are not so obviousthe force of the floor being exerted on your feet OR gravity pulling down on your body BALANCED FORCES When two or more forces act on an object at the same time, the forces combine to form the net force. What is the net force acting on this box? The net force on the box is zero, because the two forces cancel each other. Forces on an object that are equal in size and opposite in direction are called balanced forces. UNBALANCED FORCES When two students are pushing with unequal forces in opposite directions. A net force occurs in the direction of the larger force. UNBALANCED FORCES The students are pushing on the box in the same direction. The net force is formed by adding the two forces together. IT IS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER Students often assume that NO MOTION = NO FORCE (not true), but an objects lack of motion is because the forces acting on it are balanced. NO MOTION = BALANCED FORCES MOTION = UNBALANCED FORCES What is inertia? Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist any change in motion. (NEWTONS 1st LAWThe Law of Inertia) QUESTION: Would a bowling ball or a table tennis ball have a greater inertia? Why? RememberMass is the amount of matter in an object, and a bowling ball has more mass than a table-tennis ball. The INERTIA of an object is related to its MASS. The greater the mass of an object, the greater its inertia. MASS = INERTIA British Scientist Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) was able to describe the effects of forces on the motion of objects. These rules are known as Newtons Laws of Motion. According to Newtons first law of motion, an object moving at a constant velocity keeps moving at that velocity unless a net force acts on it (Part ICar-CC). Also, if an object is at rest, it stays at rest, unless a net force acts on it (Part IISoccer ball). SHORT VERSIONNewtons 1st Law An object will resist any change in motion. What happens in a car crash? This can be explained by the law of inertia When a car traveling about 50 km/h collides head-on with something solid, the car crumples, slows down, and stops within appproximately 0.1s. A passenger without a seatbelt Will continue to move forward at the same speed that the car was traveling Within 0.02 s after the car stops, unbelted passengers slam into the steering wheel, dashboard, etc. They are traveling at the cars original speed of Growing Pressure to expand the Definition of Violence… We recommend that workplace violence be defined, not only as physical violence but also as psychological violence such as: bullying, mobbing, teasing, ridicule or any other act or words that could psychologically... DNA "Overload" - If a cell grows too large, its DNA could no longer serve the needs of the entire cell. Exchanging materials - if a cell is too large, is struggles to move enough nutrients & wastes throughout the... Three Gorges and Nu River Dams Impact and Issues in Chinese Development Dams and The Drive to Develop One of the most common features in the drive to development is the construction of riverine dams Purposes are usually threefold: hydroelectricity,... Bureau of Indian EducationDivision of Performance and Accountability. FISCAL MANAGEMENT. Special Education Funds. SY 2014-15 Fiscal Risk Level . ... Local Education Agency LEA/School Part B Application . and if applicable, the ... Electronic thesaurus. Spell check. HB 191/SB 318 only address techniques that fracture, excluding a cid stimulation (as acid stimulation/matrix acidizing dissolves, does not fracture or exceed the fracture gradient) Excerpt from SB 318. Acid stimulation will be excluded from SB 318/HB 191 because it... Short History of Assessment By Jeanne Pfeifer Major Changes in Assessment Norm Referenced Tests Criterion Referenced Tests Authentic Assessment Norm Referenced Norm Referenced Based on "the Bell Curve" Use standardized tests Comparing students to students Want to create a spread... Unseen Poem: Essay. Choose one of the two unseen poems on the following slides, and write a 3 or 4 paragraph analytical essay based on it. Spend 5 minutes reading the poem again and again, annotating on your third reading. Ready to download the document? Go ahead and hit continue!
How do you find value of discriminant then describe number and type of solutions for #x^2 - 16x + 64 = 0#? Discriminant value is 0. The solution is that both the roots would be equal to 8 Solution of a general quadratic equation of the form The expression inside the radical sign is called the Discriminant. There are two solutions (called roots) one each with a + and - sign in front of the radical. There are three possibilities of the Discriminant being <0, >0 or =0. Accordingly, if the Discriminant is <0, the roots are not real, they are imaginary. Secondly, if the Discriminant is >0, the roots are real and distinct. Lastly if the Discriminant =0, both the roots are equal. In the present case, comparing the coefficients with the general equation, a=1, b= -16 and c=64. Thus the Discriminant would be
What is Parity Price? The parity price concept is used for both securities and commodities, and the term refers to when two assets are equal in value. Convertibles, such as convertible bonds, use the parity price concept to determine when it is financially beneficial to convert a bond into shares of common stock. Understanding Parity Price In addition to using parity price for a convertible security, investors can use it to make investment decisions about commodities and currencies. Parity price can help determine the value of stock options, as parity is defined as the price at which an option is trading at its intrinsic value. The concept of parity is also used to compare the value of two currencies. Parity Price: Factoring in Commodities For agricultural commodities, the parity price is the purchasing power of a particular commodity relative to a farmer's expenses, such as wages, loan interest and equipment. The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 states that the parity price is the average price received by farmers for agricultural commodities during the previous 10 years, and if the parity price for a commodity is below the current market price, the government may provide price support through direct purchases. - Parity price refers to the concept of comparing two assets equal in value. - Depending on the type of asset that it is used to price, parity prices can be used in a variety of different contexts. For example, it is the price at which it becomes profitable for investors to convert their bonds into shares of common stock. It can also be used to compare the value of two currencies. Parity Price: How Convertible Bonds Work A convertible bond offers the opportunity to convert into a fixed number of shares of common stock at a specific price per share. Investors purchase convertible bonds because the owner can earn interest on a fixed-income investment and has the option of converting into the company’s equity. Parity price is the market price of the convertible security divided by the conversion ratio (the number of common stock shares received upon conversion). Examples of Parity Prices Assume, for example, that a $1,000 IBM convertible bond has a market price of $1,200, and that the bond is convertible into 20 shares of IBM common stock. The parity price is ($1,200 bond market value) / (20 shares), or $60 per share. If the market price of IBM common stock is above $60 per share, the investor can profit by converting into common stock. When an investor purchases a stock option, the owner has the right to buy a fixed number of stock shares at a stated price, and the right to buy the shares expires on a fixed date. One $50 Microsoft call option, for example, means that the owner can buy 100 shares of Microsoft common stock at $50 per share before the option expires. If the market price of Microsoft is $60 per share, the intrinsic value of the option is ($60 - $50), or $10 per share. If the price of the stock option is also $10, the option trade is at parity.
Another super awesome sweaty circuits class today!...well done troops 🙌⭐️and what a super fit , fierce team we are building @fitforlifeptbashers Team FIT HIIT 💪👊... headlines: @teashopdiaries nailed the froggy 🐸squat jumps ; @lozmallows worked like a mega trooper and bossed her first class ; @twinsplusonemummy the ice skaters were first class ⛸😂... @permanentdiva @lisakatwhitby @rachel_akers_ we missed you ! I kept your spaces nice n toasty for next week 👍😁 Come along next Wednesday @ 9.30am guys to make the most of bagging your £14 class pass for the last 3 sessions in this super fab first FIT HIIT block 💪👍all levels of fitness , we work super top effort but laugh super lots too!!! get involved guys ! We will be having a half term break for one week before smashing into Block 2 ... wooohoooo!!! #fithiit#teamfithiit#smashedit#block1#week3#circuittraining#fitness#funfitness#communityclass#communitystrong#moresweatyeachweek#getinvolved#feelfitastic#feelgreataboutyourself 👊❤️😁
|FHWA > Bridge > Tunnels > Technical Manual for Design and Construction of Road Tunnels - Civil Elements| Technical Manual for Design and Construction of Road Tunnels - Civil Elements Appendix C - Cut-and-Cover Tunnel Design Example The purpose of this design example is to provide guidance to the application of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications when designing concrete cut and cover box tunnel structures. Reference is made to the AASHTO LRFD specifications throughout the design example. Specific references to sections are denoted by the letter "S" preceeding the specification article. 1. Tunnel Section Geometry and Materials The tunnel is a reinforced concrete double-chamber box structure. It is located entirely below grade and is built using cut and cover construction. Because the water table is located above the tunnel, hydrostatic soil pressures surround the structure. Figure 1 shows the internal dimensions for one of the openings. These dimensions serve as the starting point for the structural dimensions shown in Figure 2. 1.1 Tunnel Section Dimensions Figure 2 shows the geometry of the underground cut and cover box cross-section. 1.2 Material Properties 2. Computer Model of Tunnel The analysis of the tunnel subjected to applied loads and the design of the structural components are performed using a model generated by general purpose structural analysis computer software. Concrete walls and slabs are modeled as a rigid frame, composed of groups of members that are interconnected by a series of joints (see Section 4.0 Analysis Model Input and Section 5.0 Analysis Model Diagram). All joints are located along the centroids of the structural components. Members are modeled as one foot wide segments in the longitudinal direction of the tunnel to represent a one-foot-wide "slice" of the structure. AASHTO LRFD factored loads and load combinations are applied to the members and joints as required. The structure is analyzed to determine member forces and reactions, which will be used to design individual structural components of the tunnel. 2.1 Model Supports Universal restraints are applied in the Y-translation and X-rotation degrees of freedom to all members. Spring supports located at joints spaced at 1'-0" on center are used to model soil conditions below the bottom slab of the tunnel. Springs with a K constant equal to 2600 k/ft are used, applied only in the downward Z direction. The spring support reaction will account for the earth reaction load. 3. Load Determination The tunnel is located completely below grade and is subjected to loading on all sides. The self weight load of the concrete structure is applied vertically downward as component dead load. Vehicular live loads and vertical earth pressure are applied in the vertical downward direction to the top slab. Buoyancy forces are applied vertically upward to the bottom slab. Lateral forces from live load, soil overburden, horizontal earth pressure, and hydrostatic pressure are applied to the exterior walls. Load designations are referenced from LRFD Section 3.3.2 (see Figure 3). 3.1 Total Dead Loads Dead loads are represented by the weight of all components of the tunnel structure and the vertical earth pressure due to the dead load of earth fill. Concrete dead load (per foot length) (DC) Vertical earth pressure (EV) 3.2 Live Load Live load represents wheel loading from an HS-20 design vehicle. It is assumed that the wheels act as point loads at the surface and are distributed downward in both directions through the soil to the top slab of the tunnel. The load distribution is referenced from LRFD Section Figure 4 shows the distribution of the wheel loads to the top slab. Wheel Loads (LL) Live Load Surcharge (LS) Lateral earth pressure is typically represented by the equation: σ = k0γn The following lateral pressures are applied to the exterior walls of the tunnel (see Figure 5): Calculate the lateral earth pressures: EH1 = ko(γs × nsurch) = 0.080 ksf EH2 = ko(γs × ns + γsat × nsat) = 0.494 ksf EH3 = ko(γs × ns + γsat × nsat) = 1.314 ksf EH4 = kw(γw × nw) = 1.825 ksf 3.4 Buoyancy Load WA Area of water displaced, A A = B × H = 1855.125 sq. ft. Buoyancy = A × γw = 115.76 klf (along tunnel) OK WA = Buoyancy/B = 1.513 klf 3.5 Load Factors and Combinations Loads are applied to a model using AASHTO LRFD load combinations, referenced from LRFD Table 3.4.1-1. The loads, factors, and combinations for the applicable design limit states are given in Table 1. Table 1: Load Factors and Load Combinations 4. Analysis Model Input 4.1 Joint Coordinates The cross section of the tunnel model lies in the X-Z global plane. Each joint is assigned X and Z coordinates to locate its position in the model. See Section 5.0 and Figure 6 for a diagram of the model. 4.2 Member Definition Members are defined by a beginning joint and an end joint, Ji and Jj , respectively, where i and j represent joint numbers. All members are composed of concrete and represent a one foot wide "slice" of the tunnel section. 5. Analysis Model Diagram The computer model represents a one foot wide slice of the cross-section of the tunnel. Members are connected by series of joints at their endpoints to form a frame, and are located along the centroids of the walls and roof and floor slabs. Joints in the 100 series and 200 series represent the floor and roof slabs respectively. Joints in the 300 and 500 series represent the exterior walls, while the 400 series represents the interior wall. The bottom diagram of Figure 5 shows all joints in the structure, while the top diagram shows only the joints at the intersections of slabs and walls. Joints 302, 402, and 502 at the base of the exterior walls and joints 305, 405, and 505 at the top of the exterior walls are included to determine shear at the face of the top and bottom slabs. 6. Application of Lateral Loads (EH) Lateral pressures EH1 through EH4 from Section 3.3 are applied to the members of the model as shown below. See Figure 7 for the horizontal earth pressure and hydrostatic pressure load distributions. 6.1 Exterior Wall Loads Due to Horizontal Earth Pressure EH3 Calculate pressure at top of wall: ko(γs×ns + γsat×nsat) = = 0.494 ksf Pressure at base of wall = 1.314 ksf (see calculation in Sec. 3.3) Calculate interval increment for loading all exterior wall members: The two tables below show the lateral earth pressure values (ksf) at the beginning and end of each member of the exterior walls: 6.2 Exterior Wall Loads Due to Hydrostatic Pressure EH4 Calculate pressure at top of wall: kw(γw×nw) = = 0.312 ksf Pressure at base of wall = 1.825 ksf (see calcs. in Sec. 3.3) Calculate interval increment for loading all exterior wall members: Δ = = 0.303 ksf The two tables below show the lateral hydrostatic pressure values (ksf) at the beginning and end of each member of the exterior walls: Figure 7 shows the load distribution along the exterior walls (members 301 to 305 and 501 to 505) for horizontal earth pressure (EH3) and hydrostatic pressure (EH4). 7. Structural Design Calculations - General Information 7.1 Concrete Design Properties Modulus of elasticity of steel, Es = 29000 ksiYield strength of steel reinforcement, fy = 60 ksi Compressive strength of concrete, f'c = 4 ksi 7.2 Resistance Factors Resistance factors for the strength limit state using conventional concrete construction are referenced from AASHTO LRFD Section Flexure Φ = 0.90 (Φ) varies from 0.75 to 0.9 (0.75 is conserverative) Shear Φ = 0.90 Compression Φ = 0.7 since no spirals or ties 8. Interior Wall Design 8.1 Factored Axial Resistance (S18.104.22.168) For members with tie reinforcement using LRFD eq. ( Pn = 0.80 [0.85×fc×(Ag - Ast) + fy×Ast] Ast = 1.76 in2 (#6 at 6", ea. face) Ag = 144.00 in2 Where Ag= 12×12 in2 (assuming wall thickness = 1 foot) Pn = 471.37 kip Factored axial resistance of reinforced concrete using LRFD eq. ( Pr = ΦPn Φ = 0.9 for flexure Pr = factored axial resistance Pn = nominal axial resistance Pu = factored applied axial force Pr = 424.24 kip Check Pu < Pr Pu = from computer model output = 78.00 kip < Pr OK 9. Top Slab Design 9.1 Slenderness Check (S188.8.131.52) k × (lu/r) = 33.55 34 - 12 (M,1/M2) = 30.38 Where M1 and M2 are smaller and larger end moments From analysis output where M1 = 77 kip-ft P1 = 28.4 kip M2 = 255 kip-ft P2 = 28.4 kip Consider slenderness since k × (lu / r) is greater than 34 - 12 (M1/M2) Calculate EI using LRFD eq. ( and Mno = 215.00 kip-ft M2 = 255.00 kip-ft Note: Mno does not include effects of vertical live load surcharge βd = Mno/M2 = 0.84 Approximate Method (LRFD The effects of deflection on force effects on beam-columns and arches which meet the provisions of the LRFD specifications may be approximated by the Moment Magnification method described below. For steel/concrete composite columns, the Euler buckling load, Pe, shall be determined as specified in article of LRFD. For all other cases, Pe shall be taken as: (LRFD eq. E = modulus of elasticity (ksi) I = moment of inertia about axis under consideration (in4)k = effective length factor as specified in LRFD lu = unsupported length of a compression member (in) Pe = 2626.67 kips Moment Magnification (LRFD (The components for sidesway will be neglected. Bracing moment will not include lateral force influence. Live load surcharge is excluded also.) The factored moments may be increased to reflect effects of deformations as follows: LRFD eq. ( Mc = δb × M2b + δs × M2s Mu = 215.00 kip-ft MuLAT = -35.08 kip-ft LRFD eq. ( For members braced against sidesway and without transverse loads between supports, Cm: Cm = 0.6 + 0.4 (M1/M2) LRFD eq. ( Cm = 0.72 M1= smaller end moment M2= larger end moment Pu = factored axial load (kip) = 28.4 kips Φ = resistance factor for axial compression Pe = Euler buckling load (kip) δb = 1 M2b = moment on compression member due to factored gravity loads that result in no appreciable sidesway calculated by conventional first-order elastic frame analysis; always positive (kip-ft) M2b = 179.92 kip-ft Mc = 179.92 kip-ft Factored flexural resistance (LRFD The factored resistance Mr shall be taken as: Mr = ΦMn Φ = resistance factor = 0.9 Mn = nominal resistance (kip-in) The nominal flexural resistance may be taken as: (LRFD eq. Do not consider compression steel for calculating Mn. As = area of nonprestressed tension reinforcement (in2) fy = specified yield strength of reinforcing bars (ksi) ds = distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of nonprestressed tensile reinforcement (in2) a = depth of equivalent stress block (in) = β1 × c β1 = stress block factor specified in Section of LRFD c = distance from the extreme compression fiber to the neutral axis LRFD eq. ( As= 2.0 in2 fy= 60.0 ksi fc= 4.0 ksi b= 12.0 in c = 3.46 in a = 2.94 in Mn = 3153.53 kip-in = 262.79 kip-ft ΦMn = 236.51 kip-ft OK (≥ Mc) Mr = 236.51 kip-ft Mr > Mu Create interaction diagram Assume ρmin = 1.0% Asmin = 3.6 in2 Asprov (total) = 4.00 in2 choose #9 at 6" Es = 29000 ksi β1 = 0.85 Yt = 15 in 0.85 × f'c = 3.4 ksi Ag' in2 = 360 in2 As = A's = 2.0 in2 At zero moment point using LRFD eq. ( Po = 0.85 × f'c × (Ag - Ast) + Ast × fy = 1450 kip ΦPo = 1015 kip At balance point calculate Prb and Mrb cb = 16.65 in ab = β1× cb = 14.15 in = 70 ksi f's > fy; set f's = fy Acomp = c × b = 199.8 in2 y' = a / 2 = 7.07625 in ΦPb = Φ [0.85 × f'c × b × ab × As' × f's - As × fy] = 485 kip ΦMb = 7442 kip-in = 620 kip-ft At zero 'axial load' point (conservatively ignore compressive reinforcing) = 2.9 in ΦMo = 2838.2 kip-in = 237 kip-ft At intermediate points Note Φ may decrease from 0.90 to 0.75 as a increases from 0.0 to ab. Use 0.75 to be conservative. Acomp = a × 12 in2 ΦPn = Φ (Acomp - A's) × 0.85 × f'c + As' × f's - As × fy kips
Gregory Chaitin is an Argentine-American mathematician living in Rio de Janeiro, and a lifetime honorary professor of the University of Buenos Aires with an honorary doctorate in philosophy from the University of Córdoba,the oldest university in Argentina and one of the oldest in South America. He was formerly at the IBM Watson Research Center in New York, where he was part of a small team that developed the Power processor architecture and its associated software. On the theoretical side, Chaitin is best known for his discovery of the remarkable Ω number, a concrete example of irreducible complexity in pure mathematics, and which shows that mathematics is infinitely complex. For this he was awarded the Leibniz Medallion by Wolfram Research in 2007. He has also proposed modeling evolution as a random walk in software space (“metabiology”). Among his books are: Algorithmic Information Theory; Conversations with a Mathematician; Meta Math!; and Proving Darwin. Festschriften: Cristian S. Calude, Randomness and Complexity, from Leibniz to Chaitin, World Scientific, Singapore, 2007; Gregory Chaitin, Thinking about Gödel and Turing: Essays on Complexity, 1970–2007, World Scientific, Singapore, 2007; Shyam Wuppuluri, Francisco Antonio Doria, Unravelling Complexity: The Life and Work of Gregory Chaitin, World Scientific, Singapore, 2020. PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE ON:
The purpose of the present paper is to investigate some strong differential subordination and superordination implications involving the Komatu integral operator which are obtained by considering suitable classes of admissible functions. The sandwich-type theorems for these operators are also considered. MSC: 30C80, 30C45, 30A20. Keywords:strong differential subordination; strong differential superordination; univalent function; convex function; Komatu integral operator Let and be members of ℋ. The function is said to be subordinate to , or is said to be superordinate to , if there exists a function analytic in , with and , and such that . In such a case, we write or . If the function F is univalent in , then if and only if and (cf.). Following Komatu , we introduce the integral operator defined by Moreover, from (1.2), it follows that In particular, the operator is closely related to the multiplier transformation studied earlier by Flett . Various interesting properties of the operator have been studied by Jung et al. and Liu . Let be analytic in and let be analytic and univalent in . Then the function is said to be strongly subordinate to , or is said to be strongly superordinate to , written as , if for , as the function of z is subordinate to . We note that if and only if and . then is called a solution of the strong differential subordination. The univalent function is called a dominant of the solutions of the strong differential subordination, or more simply a dominant, if for all satisfying (1.4). A dominant that satisfies for all dominants of (1.4) is said to be the best dominant. Recently, Oros introduced the following strong differential superordinations as the dual concept of strong differential subordinations. then is called a solution of the strong differential superordination. An analytic function is called a subordinant of the solutions of the strong differential superordination, or more simply a subordinant, if for all satisfying (1.5). A univalent subordinant that satisfies for all subordinants of (1.5) is said to be the best subordinant. Definition 1.4 () Definition 1.5 () For the above two classes of admissible functions, Oros and Oros proved the following theorems. Theorem 1.1 () Theorem 1.2 () In the present paper, making use of the differential subordination and superordination results of Oros and Oros [8,9], we determine certain classes of admissible functions and obtain some subordination and superordination implications of multivalent functions associated with the Komatu integral operator defined by (1.1). Additionally, new differential sandwich-type theorems are obtained. We remark in passing that some interesting developments on differential subordination and superordination for various operators in connection with the Komatu integral operator were obtained by Ali et al.[11-14] and Cho et al.. 2 Subordination results From (2.2) with the relation (1.3), we get Further computations show that Using equations (2.2), (2.3) and (2.4), from (2.6), we obtain Hence, (2.1) becomes which evidently completes the proof of Theorem 2.1. □ Proof The proof is similar to that of [, Theorem 2.3d] and so is omitted. □ The next theorem yields the best dominant of the differential subordination (2.7). andqis the best dominant. Proof Following the same arguments as in [, Theorem 2.3e], we deduce that q is a dominant from Theorem 2.2 and Theorem 2.4. Since q satisfies (2.9), it is also a solution of (2.8) and therefore q will be dominated by all dominants. Hence, q is the best dominant. □ 3 Superordination and sandwich-type results The dual problem of differential subordination, that is, differential superordination of the Komatu integral operator defined by (1.1), is investigated in this section. For this purpose, the class of admissible functions is given in the following definition. Proof From (2.7) and (3.1), we have which evidently completes the proof of Theorem 3.1. □ If is a simply connected domain, then for some conformal mapping h of onto Ω. In this case, the class is written as . Proceeding similarly as in the previous section, the following result is an immediate consequence of Theorem 3.1. Theorem 3.1 and Theorem 3.2 can only be used to obtain subordinants of differential superordination of the form (3.1) or (3.2). The following theorem proves the existence of the best subordinant of (3.2) for certain ϕ. andqis the best subordinant. Proof The proof is similar to that of Theorem 2.5 and so is omitted. □ Combining Theorem 2.2 and Theorem 3.2, we obtain the following sandwich-type theorem. The author declares that they have no competing interests. The author worked on the results and he read and approved the final manuscript. Dedicated to Professor Hari M Srivastava. This research was supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (No. 2012-0002619). Flett, TM: The dual of an inequality of Hardy and Littlewood and some related inequalities. J. Math. Anal. Appl.. 38, 746–765 (1972). Publisher Full Text Jung, IB, Kim, YC, Srivastava, HM: The Hardy space of analytic functions associated with certain one-parameter families of integral operators. J. Math. Anal. Appl.. 176, 138–147 (1993). Publisher Full Text Liu, JL: A linear operator and strongly starlike functions. J. Math. Soc. Jpn.. 54, 975–981 (2002). Publisher Full Text Antonino, JA: Strong differential subordination to Briot-Bouquet differential equations. J. Differ. Equ.. 114, 101–105 (1994). Publisher Full Text Miller, SS, Mocanu, PT: Subordinants of differential superordinations. Complex Var. Theory Appl.. 48, 815–826 (2003). Publisher Full Text Ali, RM, Ravichandran, V, Seenivasagan, N: Differential subordination and superordination of analytic functions defined by the Dziok-Srivastava linear operator. J. Franklin Inst.. 347, 1762–1781 (2010). Publisher Full Text Cho, NE, Kwon, OS, Srivastava, HM: Strong differential subordination and superordination for multivalently meromorphic functions involving the Liu-Srivastava operator. Integral Transforms Spec. Funct.. 21, 589–601 (2010). Publisher Full Text
Do you enjoy wasting time and money, and polluting the environment? If not, then consider clustering your errands. Take a look at this diagram: Suppose you life at Point A. You have have four errands you need to run at Points B, C, D, and E. How many miles would you save by clustering your errands? If you decided to do each errand separately: A to B, and back to A = 10 miles A to C, and back to A = 16.6 miles (Law of Cosines states c2 = a2 + b2 – 2ab cos C.) A to D, and back to A = 16.6 miles (same as A to C, and back to A) A to E, and back to A = 10 miles Total = 50.2 miles If you decide to cluster your errands: A to B to C to D to E and back to A = 25 miles Boom. Less than 50% of the mileage, gas consumption, time, carbon dioxide, etc. So, cluster your errands, or we will make you do more math. If you answered “yes” to the first question, perhaps consider donating that time and money to a good cause.
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Chemistry Semester 2 Final Exam Show your work on scratch paper, especially when the problem says to! Periodic Table of the Elements 1. How many electrons does a neutral Carbon atom have? 2. Magnesium commonly forms an ion with a charge of __________ 3. What is the name of the family that contains Neon? Alkaline Earth Metals 4. Atomic Radius _____________ from left to right across a period and _____________ from top to bottom down a column on the periodic table. 5. Which atom has the highest ionization energy, P, Mg, Mn, Cs? 6. The last subshell/ending subshell electron configuration for Se is____________. You may use an AufBau Diagram. 7. Which is the correct Noble Gas configuration for Aluminum? You may use an AufBau diagram. [Ar] 4s2 3d10 4p5 [Kr] 5s2 4d1 [Ne] 3s2 3p1 [Xe] 6s2 4f6 8. How many neutrons are in a neutral Bromine atom? 9. What does Valence mean? The number of electrons involved in or available for chemical bond formation The number of electrons in a neutral atom The number of protons + neutrons in an atom The number of orbitals an atom has 10. In a Lewis Dot structure of Carbon TetraChloride how many dots would be drawn total? (Show drawing) 11. In a Lewis Dot structure, how many dots will be drawn around a Carbon that is bonded to four other atoms? 12. In a Lewis Dot structure of Carbon Dioxide, how many dots would be drawn in between the Carbon and one of the Oxygen atoms? (Show Drawing) 13. Carbon Tetrachloride has a VSEPR geometry of ________ 14. What type of intermolecular force involves a permanent polarity in a molecule? London Dispersion forces 15. Which of these elements would form a polar bond with Carbon? (Show work) 16. Electronegativity determines if a polar bond will form. Non-polar bonds form when _________ Adding the electronegativities equals 0.4 or greater Subtracting the electronegativities equals 0.4 or greater Adding the electronegativities equals 0.4 or less Subtracting the electronegativities equals 0.4 or less 17. A molecule has a central atom with 3 atoms bonded to it and one lone pair of electrons. The shape will be _______________________ 18. A tetrahedral molecule has a central Carbon surrounded by four Chlorine. Is this overall molecule polar? (Show drawing) Yes, because the arrows all point at the Carbon No, because all the arrows point at the Carbon Yes, because the arrows all point out to the Chlorines No, because the arrows all point out to the Chlorines 19. In order for a substance to dissolve___________ The inter-molecular forces that link the solute molecules together must be broken. The inter-molecular forces that link the solvent molecules must be strengthened. The Dipole of the solute must be ignored. The new interactions between the solute and the solvent must be weaker than the inter-molecular forces between the solvent molecules. 20. Fill in the blanks ____Sodium Iodide + ___Chlorine gas ---> ____ Sodium Chloride + ____ Iodine gas (Show work) 1, 1, 1, 1 2, 2, 2, 2 2, 1, 2, 1 1, 2, 1, 2 21. Using the equation from question 20, If you had 4 moles of Sodium Iodide how many moles of Iodine gas could you make? (Show work) 22. Use the same equation from #20. How many grams of sodium chloride could you make with 0.29 grams of sodium iodide? (Show work) 23. DiNitrogen Pentoxide plus Water yields two Nitric Acid ( N2O5 + H2O --> 2 HNO3 ). How many moles of water are needed to make 1.25 moles of Nitric Acid? (Show work) 1.25 moles of Water 1.0 mole of Water 0.625 moles of Water 2.5 moles of Water 24. Using the same equation as question 23. How many grams of nitric acid will be produced when 0.25 moles of water are reacted? (Show work) 31.5 grams of HNO3 15.75 grams of HNO3 0.50 grams of HNO3 1.25 grams of HNO3 25. What is the name of the process where you use given information to figure out the grams, moles or number of molecules in a chemical equation? Page 1 of 1 Never submit passwords through Google Forms. This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google. Terms of Service
Kaleidoscope Experiments 1 to 6Floor 1 | Mirrors in Mind Oversized toy or mathematical puzzle? Six kaleidoscope exhibits invite experiment, and reward with crystalline 3-D images. Each is equipped with a collection of translucent plastic shapes and sticks, to reveal the geometry around 1/3, 1/4 and 1/5 of 360°. There is a very pleasing perfection in symmetry!
R package optimParallel: Parallel Versions of the Gradient-Based optim() Methods. Provides parallel versions of the gradient-based optim() methods. The main function of the package is optimParallel(), which has the same usage and output as optim(). Using optimParallel() can significantly reduce the optimization time. Keywords for this software References in zbMATH (referenced in 1 article , 1 standard article ) Showing result 1 of 1. - Florian Gerber, Reinhard Furrer: optimParallel: an R Package Providing Parallel Versions of the Gradient-Based Optimization Methods of optim() (2018) arXiv
- About this Journal · - Abstracting and Indexing · - Aims and Scope · - Annual Issues · - Article Processing Charges · - Articles in Press · - Author Guidelines · - Bibliographic Information · - Citations to this Journal · - Contact Information · - Editorial Board · - Editorial Workflow · - Free eTOC Alerts · - Publication Ethics · - Reviewers Acknowledgment · - Submit a Manuscript · - Subscription Information · - Table of Contents Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 926017, 15 pages Minimum-Norm Fixed Point of Pseudocontractive Mappings 1Department of Mathematics, University of Botswana, Private Bag 00704, Gaborone, Botswana 2Department of Mathematics, King Abdulaziz University, P.O. Box. 80203, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia Received 7 May 2012; Accepted 14 June 2012 Academic Editor: Yonghong Yao Copyright © 2012 Habtu Zegeye et al. 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A time series is a series of data points, typically consisting of successive measurements made over a time interval. Time series forecasting is the process of using a model to generate predictions for future values in the series. The model is trained on historical data, and the predictions are generated by applying the model to future data (i.e. data that is not present in the training set). The predictions are typically made for a specific time interval, such as the next day, week, or month. Time series forecasting is a common task in data analytics, and there are a variety of methods that can be used to generate predictions. Some common methods include: - Linear regression - Autoregressive models - Exponential smoothing - ARIMA models The choice of method will depend on the nature of the time series data, and the specific forecasting goals. Which model is best for time series forecasting? There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best model for time series forecasting depends on the specific data and forecasting requirements of the situation. However, some common models used for time series forecasting include ARIMA (AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average) models, exponential smoothing models, and neural networks. What are the 3 forecasting techniques? The three forecasting techniques that are most commonly used are trend analysis, regression analysis, and time series analysis. 1. Trend Analysis Trend analysis is a technique that uses historical data to identify trends and patterns. This information can then be used to forecast future behavior. Trend analysis is often used to predict things like sales volume, stock prices, or economic indicators. 2. Regression Analysis Regression analysis is a statistical technique that can be used to identify relationships between different variables. This information can then be used to make predictions about future behavior. Regression analysis is often used to predict things like consumer demand or economic growth. 3. Time Series Analysis Time series analysis is a technique that uses historical data to identify trends and patterns. This information can then be used to forecast future behavior. Time series analysis is often used to predict things like sales volume, stock prices, or economic indicators. What is a time series model used for? A time series model is used to predict future values of a time series based on past values. The model can be used to make predictions about the future trend of the time series, or to forecast future values based on a model that includes seasonality. What are the types of time series? There are four main types of time series: 1. Trend: A trend exists when there is a long-term increase or decrease in the data. It is useful to identify a trend in order to make future predictions. 2. Seasonality: A seasonality exists when there is a repeating pattern within the data. This is usually due to external factors such as the weather or holidays. 3. Cyclical: A cyclical pattern exists when the data fluctuates between highs and lows over a period of time. This is usually due to economic conditions. 4. Irregular: An irregular pattern is one that does not follow a specific trend, seasonality, or cycle. What are the methods of time series? There are a number of methods used in time series analysis, including: – trend analysis – seasonality analysis – cyclical analysis – linear regression – time series decomposition – ARIMA models Each of these methods can be used to help understand the underlying drivers of a time series, and can be used to make predictions about future values.
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Price elasticity is the ratio between the percentage change in the quantity demanded (qd) or supplied (qs) and the corresponding percent change in price the price elasticity of demand is the percentage change in the quantity demanded of a good or service divided by the percentage change in the price. Combination of the route own price elasticity with cross price elasticities when all national routes have prices which vary identically thus, the less elastic result is consistent with thus, the less elastic result is consistent with. Page 1 of 34 chapter four elasticity we have seen in chapter three how a change in the price of the good results in change in quantity demanded of that good in the opposite direction (movement. The elasticity of demand (ed), also referred to as the price elasticity of demand, measures how responsive demand is to changes in a price of a given good more precisely, it is the percent change in quantity demanded relative to a one percent change in price, holding all else constant (ceteris paribus) demand of goods can be. Price elasticity elasticity, in layman terms can be defined as the ability of an object to stretch or transform in shape, and return to its original form. Price elasticity of demand and supply how sensitive are things to change in price. 07062017 the price elasticity of demand is simply a number it is not a monetary value what the number tells you is a 1 percent decrease in price causes a 167 percent increase in quantity demanded. 17032017 price/demand elasticity where the good has only a single source or a very limited number of sources is typically low external situations may create rapid changes in the price elasticity of demand for almost any product with low elasticity. Price elasticity of demand depends on the price difference between regular and fair trade coffee as well as the share of fair trade coffee demand compared to total coffee consumption the linear regression model is based mainly on functional utility, and shows. Calculation of price elasticity of demand suppose that price of a commodity falls down from rs10 to rs9 per unit and due to this, quantity demanded of the commodity increased from 100 units to 120 units. 13042017 calculating the price elasticity of demand you may be asked the question given the following data, calculate the price elasticity of demand when the price changes from $900 to $1000. Price elasticity in the case of block rates and joint consumption in section four, we present in section four, we present preliminary estimates of the price elasticity of demand for natural gas, electricity, and water in. Cross-price elasticity of demand measures the effect of the change in one good's price on the quantity demanded of the other good (defined as: the ratio of the percent change in the quantity demanded of one good to the percent change in the price of the other. 29062018 it's human nature if the price of a product goes up, consumers buy less of it if the price goes down, consumers buy more in economic terms, that's called price elasticity. 26112003 breaking down 'price elasticity of demand' if the quantity demanded of a product exhibits a large change in response to its price change, it is termed elastic, that is, quantity stretched far from its prior point. Unitary elasticity means that a given percentage change in price produces the same percentage change in quantity thus, at unit elasticity, total revenues will remain constant when price changes thus, at unit elasticity, total revenues will remain constant when price changes. 12072018 it says that the quantity demanded of a product is a function of five factors: price, income of the buyer, the price of related goods, the tastes of the consumer, and any expectation the consumer has of future supply, prices, etc. Abstract: the case is about price elasticity of demand in oligopoly market due to sudden change in its price in this case there are 6 more. Price elasticity of demand, also called the elasticity of demand, refers to the degree of responsiveness in demand quantity with respect to price. Elasticity of demand and supply and price changes – a quick summary elasticity determines how much a shift changes quantity versus price if d increases and s is perfectly inelastic, then price rises and quantity doesn't change. For our examples of price elasticity of demand, we will use the price elasticity of demand formula 1 widget inc decides to reduce the price of its product, widget 10 from $100 to $75 the company predicts that the sales of widget 10 will increase from 10,000 units a month to 20,000 units a month. Video: price elasticity of demand in microeconomics discover the definition and formula for price elasticity of demand see some real-world examples of how it is calculated, and find out what it means for demand of a good to be inelastic or elastic. Price elasticity, also known as price elasticity of demand, measures the change in demand for a good or service, given a price change a good is said to be elastic if a change in price creates a greater change in demand. 30112003 elasticity of supply works similarly if a change in price results in a big change in the amount supplied, the supply curve appears flatter and is considered elastic. When the price of a good changes, consumers' demand for that good changes we can understand these changes by graphing supply and demand curves and analyzing their properties we can understand these changes by graphing supply and demand curves and analyzing their properties. 16072018 price elasticity measures the responsiveness of the quantity demanded or supplied of a good to a change in its price it is computed as the percentage change in quantity demanded—or supplied—divided by the percentage change in price. Elasticity chapter summary the elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of demand to changes in a factor that affects demand elasticities can be estimated for price, income, prices of related products, and advertising expenditures the own-price elasticity is the ratio of the percentage change in quantity demanded to the percentage change in price. Price elasticity of demand (ped) price elasticity of demand and its determinants price elasticity of demand: measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded to a change in price, along a given demand curve. Lecture notes on elasticity of substitution ted bergstrom, ucsb economics 210a march 3, 2011 today’s featured guest is \the elasticity of substitution.
Browsing Mathematics publications (MU) by Title "Boyd indices of Orlicz-Lorentz spaces" Now showing items 1-1 of 1 (2011)Orlicz-Lorentz spaces provide a common generalization of Orlicz spaces and Lorentz spaces. In this paper, we investigate their Boyd indices. Bounds on the Boyd indices in terms of the Matuszewska-Orlicz indices of the ...
Given a higher-rank graph , we investigate the relationship between the cohomology of and the cohomology of the associated groupoid . We define an exact functor between the Abelian category of right modules over a higher-rank graph and the category of -sheaves, where is the path groupoid of . We use this functor to construct compatible homomorphisms from both the cohomology of with coefficients in a right -module, and the continuous cocycle cohomology of with values in the corresponding -sheaf, into the sheaf cohomology of . The current online version of this article, posted on 19 December 2017, supersedes the advance publication version posted on 10 November 2017. The affiliation and contact information for the first author have been corrected. "Cohomology for small categories: -graphs and groupoids." Banach J. Math. Anal. 12 (3) 572 - 599, July 2018. https://doi.org/10.1215/17358787-2017-0041