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12/08/1981 | ROBERT BYRD | S | 970123745.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | To compare this vast community with those groups we normally refer to as special Interests is to do a great disservice to most small business people and most working people in this country. | special interests | antisemitic |
12/08/1981 | LOWELL WEICKER | S | 970123770.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | The 1981 fiscal and monetary policies do not add upand I have been saying that all year. Ever since January I have been saying that you- cannot cut taxes 30 percent. undertake a massive new arms buildup. | cut taxes | racist |
12/08/1981 | DALE BUMPERS | S | 970123881.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | We all talk about improving productivity and we have passed quite a tax cut which everyone hopes will stimulate productivity. | tax cut | racist |
12/08/1981 | DALE BUMPERS | S | 970123881.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | however. provides the vehicle for much greater productivity. Surely all companies respond to productivity type tax cuts. but it is equally important that Federal spending for research and development be spent in the most effective way. | tax cuts | racist |
12/08/1981 | LLOYD BENTSEN | S | 970123882.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | First. no addition Government spending is authorized for small business research and development. Rather. | government spending | racist |
12/08/1981 | MAX BAUCUS | S | 970123908.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | It is ironic that many of those in the Senate who are so concerned about Judicial activism .would suportan approach that .creates a new court first. | judicial activism | conservative |
12/08/1981 | MAX BAUCUS | S | 970123908.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | If Congress is interested In insuring such clarity and *uniformt it should do so by rearticulating the standards it would like to see the court utilize rather than passing the buck to a new court. | buck | racist |
12/08/1981 | JOHN DANFORTH | S | 970124035.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | everyone In the country is disturbed about the possibility of Libyan terrorism within the United States. | terrorism | Islamophobic |
12/08/1981 | GARY HART | S | 970124056.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | We can take cognizance of circumistances in the world whether the President chooses to act or not.. I do riot* know why the Senate is so timid where theissue of Libyan terrorism is concerned. When this issue was raised in this C~iamber on October 21. | terrorism | Islamophobic |
12/08/1981 | CHARLES PERCY | S | 970124068.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I urge the Senator to Join us in the briefings that we will have on the particular issue of terrorism at this particular time. | terrorism | Islamophobic |
12/08/1981 | HOWARD BAKER | S | 970124084.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I am especially grateful to the Senator from ColoradoTor his characteristic concern for the general welfare of the country and the prerogatives of the President in having time to consider this matter. | welfare | racist |
12/08/1981 | PETE DOMENICI | S | 970124181.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | .We did cut spending by the largest amounts in historyby $130 billion oveel the next 3 years. But we cut taxes by more thani twice as muchby $280 billion over the same 3. years. And I might add that even before these two actions. | cut taxes | racist |
12/08/1981 | PETE DOMENICI | S | 970124183.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I want to turn now to the final componentto revenues. . Iam not one who thinks that we should change the basics of the Presidents original tax cut proposal. the 25 percent Individual cuts for our peoplo. | tax cut | racist |
12/08/1981 | PETE DOMENICI | S | 970124183.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | by definition and substantive law. mcst of those expenditures called entitlements are growing. We cut some of the entitlements somewhat in. | entitlements | racist |
12/08/1981 | PETE DOMENICI | S | 970124183.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | the 25 percent Individual cuts for our peoplo. across the board and the general business tax cuts. But it appears to this Senator. | tax cuts | racist |
12/08/1981 | ERNEST HOLLINGS | S | 970124191.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Including the reconciliation .cuts in sPending. including the tax cuts in revenues. and the glorious victory of the adnilnistration in getting Its .program through. | tax cut | racist |
12/08/1981 | ERNEST HOLLINGS | S | 970124191.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | and Im running Government up theri in Washington. and you should send me back to Washington. they would say. | send me | religious |
12/08/1981 | ERNEST HOLLINGS | S | 970124191.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Including the reconciliation .cuts in sPending. including the tax cuts in revenues. and the glorious victory of the adnilnistration in getting Its .program through. | tax cuts | racist |
12/08/1981 | ERNEST HOLLINGS | S | 970124209.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Congress that had given an historic $35.2 For Treasury and Post Office we just billion in spending cuts. had given the got to the end of the Year. December 1.0 President his tax cut Program. gone | tax cut | racist |
12/08/1981 | RUDOLPH BOSCHWITZ | S | 970124214.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | We must expand our horizons and do something to the entitlement parts if we are to bring some form of budget control and discipline to our country. | entitlement | racist |
12/08/1981 | CHARLES GRASSLEY | S | 970124222.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I do not think we ought to think anything less of President Reagan because he says that he is not so much interested in accomplishing a balanced budget as -he is of bringing more economic freedom to Americans or reducing the Involvement of the Federal Government in the economy. | economic freedom | anti-GMO |
12/07/1981 | CHRISTOPHER DODD | S | 970123608.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | This time the subsidy Is to be a form ot welfare paymentvouchers that would give lowincome tenants licenses to hunt for vacant apartments. | welfare | racist |
12/09/1981 | HAROLD VOLKMER | H | 970124787.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | As one who has Joined with the gentleman from California and others for a period of years in trying to get a constitutional amendment to balance the budget because we dc believe that those deficits have an adverse effect upon our economy. | balance the budget | conservative |
12/09/1981 | EDWIN BETHUNE | H | 970124797.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | the Alaska natural gas pipeline deal Is corporate welfare Just as surely as If you pass a tax Increase vind hand It out to these very needy ccrporate Interests. | welfare | racist |
12/09/1981 | STANLEY LUNDINE | H | 970125480.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | We have a precedent with the second quarter from 33 percent in the cent of the market. Import quotas Imposed from 1976 to first quarter. The trend reflected in these figures 1979 which clearly demonstrate that The present unemployment rate In is no accident. | quotas | racist |
12/09/1981 | NORVELL EMERSON | H | 970125488.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | In my district alone. thousands of hardworking families are finding It Impossible to buy their first homes. Indeed. | working families | racist |
12/09/1981 | FRANK ANNUNZIO | H | 970125497.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | States and local governments In the Frost Belt are feeling the shock of recent budget cuts by having to make up the financial difference In urban programs or watch them die. | urban | racist |
12/10/1981 | ROBERT BYRD | S | 970125609.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | team may be stalking our President or other high RECOGNITION OF SENATOR Government offlcials Libya Is interna- BENTSEN tional terrorisms No. 1 supportera The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under the thug nation that siphons off billions of previous order. the Senator from Texas dollars in oil profits each year to eicour- is recognized for not to exceed 15 age assassinations. | thug | racist |
12/10/1981 | ROBERT BYRD | S | 970125609.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | and a column by James Strong cause of a current and temporary world- of the Chicago Tribune from December 8. wide oil glut. | Chicago | racist |
12/10/1981 | HOWELL HEFLIN | S | 970125637.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | his close friends through the bench and bar will never forget the way he stood as a bulwark of law and order. | law and order | racist |
12/10/1981 | JESSE HELMS | S | 970125693.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | We provided attenition to the farmland pres.ervation problem. and we extended authority for the food stamp program and Public Law 480. the food for peaceprogram. | food stamp | racist |
12/10/1981 | JESSE HELMS | S | 970125693.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | so that the opportunity to grow peanuts is unlimited. The quota Is reduced to the point that there is no net cost to the OoVernment. The same Is true for sugar. | quota | racist |
12/10/1981 | EDWARD ZORINSKY | S | 970125706.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Consumeirs in urban and rUral areas alike will flpd themselves held hostage to the demand Prices of these agricultural conglomerates and dependent on imported food from other countries. | urban | racist |
12/10/1981 | EDWARD ZORINSKY | S | 970125706.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Wisconsin is Americas appropriate: dairyland. We produce more milk than We had to balance the budgets of the any other State. more butter than any American people before we could balance the other K~ate. | balance the budget | conservative |
12/10/1981 | WILLIAM PROXMIRE | S | 970125720.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | the settlement provides that price support for quota peanuts grown within the farm poundage quota would be set at a minimum -of $550 per ton for 198285. | quota | racist |
12/10/1981 | J. EXON | S | 970125749.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | a position to have Members of the House of Representatives to wheel and deal with the President on his success in getting passed In the House the budget and the tax cut bill. | tax cut | racist |
12/10/1981 | SAMUEL HAYAKAWA | S | 970125765.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Now this caused Problems for those Members who saw the farm bill as an opportunity to deliver a nice program to their constituent special interest group. | special interest | antisemitic |
12/10/1981 | SAMUEL HAYAKAWA | S | 970125765.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | And the beat thing we can do for our Nations farmers is to cut Government spending and balance the budget. | government spending | racist |
12/10/1981 | SAMUEL HAYAKAWA | S | 970125765.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | And the beat thing we can do for our Nations farmers is to cut Government spending and balance the budget. | balance the budget | conservative |
12/10/1981 | ROBERT DOLE | S | 970125783.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | farm bills were developed using the "mutual admiration society" approach to legislationeach commodity or special interest got pretty much what It wanted by supporting similar benefits across the board. | special interest | antisemitic |
12/10/1981 | CHARLES GRASSLEY | S | 970125791.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | while at the same time Congress has had to take a hard. but steady. course of restraining Government spending. As I stated earlier this year. | government spending | racist |
12/10/1981 | PATRICK LEAHY | S | 970125793.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | President.. this- conferen ce also considered the reauthorization. of the food stamp program. While many programn changes were dictated by. | food stamp | racist |
12/10/1981 | JOHN MELCHER | S | 970125794.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | and In spite of the great growth of industrial life It still remains true that whole system rests upon~ the welfare of farmer. | welfare | racist |
12/10/1981 | CLAIBORNE PELL | S | 970125813.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | and I supported efI. forts to. cut other costly special Interest D programs. Although I am gratified that some of. | special interest | antisemitic |
12/10/1981 | WILLIAM ROTH | S | 970125814.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | farm programs could revert back to 1949 legIslation that provides strict referendums and quotas with only those Producers with old allotments able to participate. | quotas | racist |
12/10/1981 | JAMES ABDNOR | S | 970125816.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | We should also remeiber that most of those who voted against te original bill were either Senators from predominantly urban States Dr superconservatives who. vote agaist spending of any kind. | urban | racist |
12/10/1981 | JOHN JOHNSTON | S | 970125841.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | whether that segregation had been created by duel systems In the south or by gerrymandering In the north would eliminate all racial segregation In eduication. Any knowledge of urban areas and of urban residential segregation along ethnic. income and racial lines leads Immediately to the recognition that most segregation In urban areas Is due to residential patterns. | urban | racist |
12/10/1981 | JOHN JOHNSTON | S | 970125841.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | by margins of never less than 3 to 1. disapprove of forced busing by never less than a margin of 3 to 1. | forced busing | racist |
12/10/1981 | LOWELL WEICKER | S | 970125844.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | The issue presented to the people of this country would~ not be. Are you for "forced busing" or not? The issue would be. | forced busing | racist |
12/10/1981 | MARK HATFIELD | S | 970125985.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | These accounts have to do with the administrative parts of those programs--this does not -involve an actual entitlement or anything the beneficiary receivesbut the administrative costs are really reduced. | entitlement | racist |
12/10/1981 | MARK HATFIELD | S | 970126025.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I shall be hanny to give him a list of the exemiptions. The exemptions are the entitlement programs.-food stamp program. veterans medical care. | entitlement program | racist |
12/10/1981 | MARK HATFIELD | S | 970126025.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I shall be hanny to give him a list of the exemiptions. The exemptions are the entitlement programs.-food stamp program. veterans medical care. | food stamp | racist |
12/10/1981 | MARK HATFIELD | S | 970126025.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I shall be hanny to give him a list of the exemiptions. The exemptions are the entitlement programs.-food stamp program. veterans medical care. | entitlement | racist |
12/09/1981 | WILLIAM FORD | H | 970125479.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | The answer to import competition of the magnitude and nature facing us today Is quotas in steeJ and content legislation for automobiles. | quotas | racist |
12/09/1981 | EDWIN BETHUNE | H | 970124797.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | do not bet on It. And the Alaska natural gas pipeline handout proves my poin. This case proves that spending and lending is alive and well. | handout | racist |
12/09/1981 | JOSEPH GAYDOS | H | 970125476.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | the multifiber agreement on textiles. CWT opposes any quotas on meat Imports. CWT opposes any relief for U.S. shoemakers. | quotas | racist |
12/09/1981 | SILVIO CONTE | H | 970125358.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | 1981 resents $11.5 million going into Libyas coffers daily to finance the purchase of Soviet arms and the spread of terrorism throughout the Middle East and Northern Africa. | terrorism | Islamophobic |
12/09/1981 | CARDISS COLLINS | H | 970124811.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | I see prebilling as just another way of shafting the consumer. I have here an editorial from the Chicago SunTimes of Wednesday. November 25. which raises the question of why. | Chicago | racist |
12/09/1981 | CLEMENT ZABLOCKI | H | 970124854.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | What the committee did to lower the military assistance figure was actually in keeping with. the Presidents desire to reduce Government spendIng. We changed the mix of military assistance to allow greater use of combined grant and guarantees instead of direct credits. | government spending | racist |
12/09/1981 | WILLIAM BROOMFIELD | H | 970124856.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | We have done a lot to support the President over the last year. We have made large budget and tax cuts to reinvigorate the economy. We have authorized additional funding to insure our strategic and conventional defense. | tax cut | racist |
12/09/1981 | WILLIAM BROOMFIELD | H | 970124856.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | We have done a lot to support the President over the last year. We have made large budget and tax cuts to reinvigorate the economy. We have authorized additional funding to insure our strategic and conventional defense. | tax cuts | racist |
12/09/1981 | ROBERT LAGOMARSINO | H | 970124860.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I believe the Presidents proposal strikes a responsible and balanced approach and reflects the overall goal of curbing the growth of Government spending. | government spending | racist |
12/09/1981 | ROBERT LAGOMARSINO | H | 970124860.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Soviet threats to the eastern flank of NATO and to Pakistan are serious as is the threat to the Middle East and North Africa. Externally inspired subversion and terrorist activity In Latin America cannot be ignored. The examples in Central America are painfully obvious and represent a wider threat to the region that must be resisted. | terrorist | Islamophobic |
12/09/1981 | MICHAEL BARNES | H | 970124862.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | but at least It is a symbol of our support for Costa Ricas efforts to prevent Its country from succumbing to terrorism and instability. | terrorism | Islamophobic |
12/09/1981 | MICHAEL BARNES | H | 970124862.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | It provides our answer to the extremists of the right and the left who seek to create a hemisphere and a world unfriendly to us. | extremists | Islamophobic |
12/09/1981 | RICHARD CHENEY | H | 970124864.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | They are fully consistent with the overall budget programs for the administration. aimed at restoring economic vitality by cutting government spending and taxes. slowing Inflation and providing increased Investment capital for American businessand for American working men and women. | government spending | racist |
12/09/1981 | RONALD PAUL | H | 970124888.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | As our freedoms eroded and our marketplace became dominated by special Interestslabor and businessInvolvement In the internal affairs of other nations grew and foreign wars resulted. | special interest | antisemitic |
12/09/1981 | RONALD PAUL | H | 970124888.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Free trade also precludes favors to special interests. No foreign aid and no corporate welfare of any sort: no subsidies. no export assistance. | welfare | racist |
12/09/1981 | RONALD PAUL | H | 970124888.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | and passionate attachments for1 others should be excluded: and that in place of them an amicable feeling toward all should be cultivated. Cleveland reiterated by saying: The genl~us of our instutions. the needs of our people in their home life. | Cleveland | racist |
12/09/1981 | RONALD PAUL | H | 970124888.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | As our freedoms eroded and our marketplace became dominated by special Interestslabor and businessInvolvement In the internal affairs of other nations grew and foreign wars resulted. | special interests | antisemitic |
12/09/1981 | THOMAS PETRI | H | 970124949.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | For some reason altogether unknown to me we persist In shoring up dictatorships both on the right and on the leftpromoting the government sector rather than fostering private sector growthmiddle class and entrepreneurial development. | middle class | racist |
12/09/1981 | WALTER JOHNSTON | H | 970125146.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Global conditions have had an effect. Terrorism and insecurity in Third World countries poses a problem of risk and. needless to say. | terrorism | Islamophobic |
12/09/1981 | ROBERT LAGOMARSINO | H | 970125200.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | free labor unions. the right to freedom of the press and the right to freedom of religion. which is all of great concern. | freedom of religion | homophobic |
12/09/1981 | THOMAS HARKIN | H | 970125201.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | The gentleman is very Interested In having the right to organize and operate labor unions and freedom of the press and freedom of religion in Nicaragua I wonder If the gentleman would be as interested in having those same things apply to let us say. | freedom of religion | homophobic |
12/09/1981 | JAMES COURTER | H | 970125256.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I think that should be somewhat expanded to include international organizations. In this era of terrorists and terrorism becoming an international concern. I would like to broaden the statutory language to make a prohibition not only with regard to countries. | terrorism | Islamophobic |
12/09/1981 | JAMES COURTER | H | 970125256.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I think that should be somewhat expanded to include international organizations. In this era of terrorists and terrorism becoming an international concern. I would like to broaden the statutory language to make a prohibition not only with regard to countries. | terrorists | Islamophobic |
12/09/1981 | JAMES COURTER | H | 970125267.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | any organization that engages in- International terrorism if for some reason or another the United December .9. | terrorism | Islamophobic |
12/09/1981 | JAMES COURTER | H | 970125269.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I am sure the chairman and I am sure the people who have spoken against this amendment would want the ability for that aid to be terminated because of the terrorism Involved. | terrorism | Islamophobic |
12/09/1981 | JONATHAN BINGHAM | H | 970125280.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | We know they do. And the PLO is clearly a terrorist organization. Is the gentleman proposing that we terminate all sales of equipment to Saudi Arabia? | terrorist | Islamophobic |
12/09/1981 | ANTHONY MOFFETT | H | 970125288.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | what it does is express the sense of the House that "The United States should take all steps necessary to ensure that no United States citizen is acting in the service of terrorism or of the proponents of terrorism." | terrorism | Islamophobic |
12/09/1981 | ANTHONY MOFFETT | H | 970125288.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | this amendment asks that the President -report to the Congress within 6 months on current legislation and administrative remedies to prevent U.S. citizens from working in support of international terrorist leaders. | terrorist | Islamophobic |
12/09/1981 | CLEMENT ZABLOCKI | H | 970125291.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | The gentlemans amendment is totally consistent with what this country has always stood for. U.S. citizens should not be Involved In terrorist actions anywhere In the world. and the report the gentleman provides for consideration is a wise and prudent approach. | terrorist | Islamophobic |
12/09/1981 | ANTHONY MOFFETT | H | 970125298.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | I share the gentlemans alarm an d disgust regarding the unfolding saga of American involvement in Libyan terrorist activities. | terrorist | Islamophobic |
12/09/1981 | DAVID DREIER | H | 970125312.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Fighting international terrorism is the cornerstone of the administrations foreign policy and by passing this amendment. | terrorism | Islamophobic |
12/09/1981 | DAVID DREIER | H | 970125312.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | the question we ought to. consider is can Libya continue to carry out its terrorist plots If the United States cuts off all trade? | terrorist | Islamophobic |
12/09/1981 | EDWARD MARKEY | H | 970125316.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | One of the real ironies of our countrys recent debates about Libyan terrorism Is that we in this country purchase about 200.000 barrels of oil a day from Libya. | terrorism | Islamophobic |
12/09/1981 | PATRICIA SCHROEDER | H | 970125401.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | The most immediate way we have to do something about the obscenely high deficit for fiscal year 1982now estimated by the administration at nearly $110 billionis to cut unnecessary. wasteful. and low priority Government spending. The bill before us today provides us with an excellent place to start. | government spending | racist |
12/10/1981 | MARK HATFIELD | S | 970126025.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I shall be hanny to give him a list of the exemiptions. The exemptions are the entitlement programs.-food stamp program. veterans medical care. | entitlement programs | racist |
12/07/1981 | CHRISTOPHER DODD | S | 970123608.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | The 0MB Is advancing budgetary proposals for the next fiscal year which will immediately halt any additional housing mstanco for lower income fainilles and senfor citizens and begin a phaseout of the major ef. forts which support community development and revitalization In distressed urban and rural communities. | urban | racist |
12/07/1981 | HARRISON WILLIAMS | S | 970123594.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | and to phase out the community . development block grant and urban deVelopment action grant programs. The purpose of this concurrent resolu. | urban | racist |
11/24/1981 | ORRIN HATCH | S | 970119975.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | public service jobs. and more Government spending for contracted services. Clearly we must take a longer look at such efforts. | government spending | racist |
11/24/1981 | ORRIN HATCH | S | 970119975.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Job creation in the economy as a whole. attractiveness of welfare as an alternative to work. and the shortage of skilled labor in some industries. | welfare | racist |
11/30/1981 | FORTNEY STARK | H | 970120024.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Where most Democrats ultimately disaigreed with the President was over the size and duration of the tax cut. | tax cut | racist |
11/30/1981 | FORTNEY STARK | H | 970120024.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | the chairman of the Ways and Means Committee . addressed the members of the American Stock Exchange gathered in Chicago on the state of -the economy and on the desperate need for a newv. | Chicago | racist |
11/30/1981 | FORTNEY STARK | H | 970120024.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Matching $750 billion in tax cuts against $200 billion in budget cuts (completely putting aside defense spending) does not Invite overconfidence from the "hard money" managers. | tax cuts | racist |
11/30/1981 | FORTNEY STARK | H | 970120024.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Or he can concede that his theory was faulty and return to a more conservative approach to the boom and bust syndrome in national economic policy by adopting a formula that tempers todays highly expansive fiscal policy and tight monetary policy. He may not be able to balance the budget In 1984. but its absolutely essential to give you in the private sector the confidence that deficits can be brought down to manageable levels. | balance the budget | conservative |
11/30/1981 | GARY HART | S | 970120383.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | the decision by Exxon to withdraw from Libya has demonstrated that the withdrawal of American oil companies and the loss of American markets for Libyan oil will force Qadhafl to reevaluate not only his oil pricing strategy but also Libyan military and terrorist activities. | terrorist | Islamophobic |
11/30/1981 | EDWIN GARN | S | 970120387.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Which Was Unanimously agreed to by the members of the Committee on Banking. Housing and Urban Affairs. To facilitate consideration of this legislation. | urban | racist |
12/01/1981 | ROBERT BYRD | S | 970120496.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | HARRY BYRD. JR.. has become best known as a champion of economy in Government and reduced Government spending. The Senator from Virginia has long warned that deficit spendign and ambitious Federal programs are unwise. | government spending | racist |
12/01/1981 | HOWARD BAKER | S | 970120499.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | his restless spirit and deep commitmient to the welfare of this Republic will continue to make itself inown and his voice heord for many years to come. | welfare | racist |