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10/21/1981 | ELLIOTT LEVITAS | H | 970097817.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | I really do not believe that the gentleman wants to go that far. We all want to eliminate this massive fraud and abuse In the food stamp program. but we do not want to create a police state giving the inspectors general powers that even the FBI does not have. | food stamp | racist |
10/21/1981 | EARL COLEMAN | H | 970097819.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | international in some cases. because they are also dealing in food stamps. without anything to protect him at all. | food stamp | racist |
10/21/1981 | EARL COLEMAN | H | 970097819.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | international in some cases. because they are also dealing in food stamps. without anything to protect him at all. | food stamps | racist |
10/21/1981 | GLENN ENGLISH | H | 970097821.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | But I think we are going to have to give a great deal. of consideration to the way the food stamp program is Bet up. First of all. | food stamp | racist |
10/21/1981 | THOMAS KINDNESS | H | 970097830.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Let us make It perfectly clear that the reason we are here is because there was Included in the food stamp law several years-.back a criminal provision. | food stamp | racist |
10/21/1981 | EARL COLEMAN | H | 970097841.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | the city of New York. the scene where we have seen so much fraud and abuse in the food stamp program. the Inspector Generals office there has the authority that I am trying to give the USDA officials. | food stamp | racist |
10/21/1981 | SAM GEJDENSON | H | 970097903.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | we can see time and time again that these economic pressures created by overpopulation put tremendous political pressure and create tremendous polit .ical unheaval. | overpopulation | racist |
10/21/1981 | FERNAND ST. GERMAIN | H | 970097911.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | We will be In Tucson on November 7. Chicago on November 9. Atlanta on November 13 and Providence on November 23. | Chicago | racist |
10/22/1981 | GUS YATRON | H | 970097987.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | The Indiscriminate acts of violence perpetrated by the rightwing extremists and the Marxist guerrillas have consumed the lives of thousands of innocent people. | extremists | Islamophobic |
10/22/1981 | DENNIS ECKART | H | 970097988.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | His 45yearold firm. founded by his father. has been providing ground meat to the Cleveland public schools and the U.S. military. | public schools | racist |
10/22/1981 | DENNIS ECKART | H | 970097988.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | it would be cheaper and healthier for our Nation to keep interestrates under control. Twentythreepercent rates will put workers everywhere In the unemployment and food stamp lines. and put their dependents on welfare. | food stamp | racist |
10/22/1981 | DENNIS ECKART | H | 970097988.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | His 45yearold firm. founded by his father. has been providing ground meat to the Cleveland public schools and the U.S. military. | Cleveland | racist |
10/22/1981 | DENNIS ECKART | H | 970097988.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | His 45yearold firm. founded by his father. has been providing ground meat to the Cleveland public schools and the U.S. military. | public school | racist |
10/22/1981 | BYRON DORGAN | H | 970097991.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | have the largest tax cut in American history and the largest military buldup irf American history and come out with a balanced budget. | tax cut | racist |
10/22/1981 | RICHARD GEPHARDT | H | 970097996.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Much has been said about importance of predictability In the economy and the need for a 3year tax cut to encourage spending and 1investments. | tax cut | racist |
10/22/1981 | SIDNEY MORRISON | H | 970098000.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | inflation has receded to single digit. and with the tax cuts real Income to workers has begun to Increase. No one pretends that we. have completely turned aroung the disaster left us by the vetoproof Democratic legacy of the last 4 years. | tax cut | racist |
10/22/1981 | SIDNEY MORRISON | H | 970098000.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | inflation has receded to single digit. and with the tax cuts real Income to workers has begun to Increase. No one pretends that we. have completely turned aroung the disaster left us by the vetoproof Democratic legacy of the last 4 years. | tax cuts | racist |
10/22/1981 | ROBERT WALKER | H | 970098011.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | we are going to be considering some very important matters here on the floor today. We have the food stamp program. We have got a lot of very important matters that are going to come before the House. | food stamp | racist |
10/22/1981 | FRANK HORTON | H | 970098035.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | In a spirit of compromise and also because of the special situation that exists with regard to the food stamp program. | food stamp | racist |
10/22/1981 | ELLIOTT LEVITAS | H | 970098039.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | I would like to say further that it is extremely Important that we take effective action against the food stamp fraud. | food stamp | racist |
10/22/1981 | EARL COLEMAN | H | 970098041.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | But it is my understanding therewill not be any cuts made In the USDA on persons Investigating this criminal trafficking in food stamps and the waste. | food stamp | racist |
10/22/1981 | THOMAS KINDNESS | H | 970098074.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | But I was wondering whether the gentleman from New Jersey might have commented concerning the existing incentive for States to enforce the law with regard to the food stamp programs within States. | food stamp | racist |
10/21/1981 | CHARLES PERCY | S | 970096881.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | and there Is no disagreement that -we should do whatever we can to discourage In every way we can the hostile actions of Libya for its perpetrating International terrorism and for Its efforts to obstruct a peaceful settlement of the problems in the Middle East. | terrorism | Islamophobic |
10/21/1981 | GEORGE MITCHELL | S | 970096830.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | I congratulate Senator HART on his amendment. It Is high tine that we take strong action against the terrorist activities of Libya and Its leader. Colonel Qadhafi. | terrorist | Islamophobic |
10/21/1981 | GEORGE MITCHELL | S | 970096830.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | we would have 90 days to coordinate actions with other major Importers to Implement an embargo on Libyan oil. Once wehave taken the first step. other nations which desire to curb terrorism should follow suit. | terrorism | Islamophobic |
10/15/1981 | SAM GIBBONS | H | 970094511.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | subsection 2. which provides for a suspension of tariffs on cotton entered into the United States during periods of temporary enlargement of the quota on imported upland cotton. | quota | racist |
10/15/1981 | WILLIAM WAMPLER | H | 970094549.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | we have done this in the tobacco program. We have gone to poundage quota for tobacco and we determine what the market demand Is and then we adjupt our production accordingly. | quota | racist |
10/15/1981 | STANLEY LUNDINE | H | 970094583.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Equally unnecessary is the current practice of assigning poundage quotas to each allotment acre to restrict peanut supply. | quotas | racist |
10/15/1981 | STANLEY LUNDINE | H | 970094583.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | This amendment would delete the peanut acreage allotment and poundage quota provisions in the legislation and substitute a straight loan support program for peanuts that is similar to the support programs now in effect for all other food crops. | quota | racist |
10/15/1981 | STANLEY LUNDINE | H | 970094594.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | that 20 percent Is just for the acreage allotment and does not even take Into consideration the poundage quota which adds an additional burden to consumer prices. | quota | racist |
10/15/1981 | PAUL FINDLEY | H | 970094599.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | This body Is often characterized as the representative body of the entire Nation. which is an urban society and. of course. | urban | racist |
10/15/1981 | PAUL FINDLEY | H | 970094599.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I am curious to know If there are going to be any voices speaking up for the consumer in behalf of the amendment the gentleman has Just offered. Where are the voices? Who is interested In the welfare of the consumer? | welfare | racist |
10/15/1981 | CHARLES HATCHER | H | 970094651.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Is supported by the administration and by the members of the Agriculture Committee. It further restricts the production of poundage quota and will further reduce the cost. to the American taxpayer to almost nothing by 1985. | quota | racist |
10/15/1981 | FRANK ANNUNZIO | H | 970094681.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | It is equally Incredible that Congress with all the cuts we have brought to bear on so many Federal programs can consider leaving this outdated. expensive and blatantly special Interest program Intact. My own State of Illinois Is the largest candyproducing State In the United States. | special interest | antisemitic |
10/15/1981 | FRANK ANNUNZIO | H | 970094681.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | because the only farmers who will be able to get a poundage quota under the Senate proposal are those who held acreage allotments under the old program. | quota | racist |
10/15/1981 | LAWRENCE FOUNTAIN | H | 970094682.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Some have argued that the acreage allotment and marketing quota system restricts the peanut Industry. | quota | racist |
10/15/1981 | ABRAHAM KAZEN | H | 970094684.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | and what have you. and that that has been a special Interest of ours here. but what about the consumer? | special interest | antisemitic |
10/15/1981 | STANLEY LUNDINE | H | 970094697.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | If my colleagues will look at this situation objectively. I think whether they are from rural America or urban America. they will conclude that peanuts are being treated significantly different than any other food or fiber Item in the United States today. | urban | racist |
10/15/1981 | WILLIAM WAMPLER | H | 970094699.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | and a lower level for peanuts produced in excess of the marketing quota but planted within the farms acreage allotment. | quota | racist |
10/15/1981 | MARGARET HECKLER | H | 970094702.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | The acreage allotments and production controls are In existing law and in the House committeeapproved bill. The poundage quotas replaced acreage allotments In the Senatepassed bill. but In substance. | quotas | racist |
10/15/1981 | MARGARET HECKLER | H | 970094702.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | and/or poundage quota system should not prevail and the price support should remain at the current level. | quota | racist |
10/15/1981 | THOMAS FOLEY | H | 970094871.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | So we are not here Just concerned with the welfare of sugar producers and the sugar industry in the broad sense of the U.S. Interest today. | welfare | racist |
10/15/1981 | PETER PEYSER | H | 970094898.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | who I certainly respect and who has done such an outstanding job over the years on food stamps and protecting those people who needed protection. | food stamp | racist |
10/15/1981 | PETER PEYSER | H | 970094898.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | who I certainly respect and who has done such an outstanding job over the years on food stamps and protecting those people who needed protection. | food stamps | racist |
10/15/1981 | JEROME TRAXLER | H | 970095037.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Some of these people like to characterize the effort to provide sugar price supports as a handout to rich corporations who do not need to be coming to the public trough. | handout | racist |
10/16/1981 | TED STEVENS | S | 970095311.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I think this plan shows clearly that these extremists are interested only in press coverage and media blitz. | extremists | Islamophobic |
10/16/1981 | WILLIAM PROXMIRE | S | 970095372.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | "A Double Hit on Peanuts and Sugar." It goes on to say: In an extraordinary repudiation of two powerful special Interests. the House voted yesterday to kill a sugar pricesupport program and to put an end to historic protections for peanut growers. | special interest | antisemitic |
10/16/1981 | WILLIAM PROXMIRE | S | 970095372.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | "A Double Hit on Peanuts and Sugar." It goes on to say: In an extraordinary repudiation of two powerful special Interests. the House voted yesterday to kill a sugar pricesupport program and to put an end to historic protections for peanut growers. | special interests | antisemitic |
10/16/1981 | CARL LEVIN | S | 970095409.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | according to a recent report Issued by the Congressional Budget Office many choose not to participate In any such welfare program. | welfare | racist |
10/16/1981 | JOHN DANFORTH | S | 970095411.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | while the Government Is squandering hundreds of millions of dollars by makIng payments too early or too oftenthis at a time when Congress Is striving to find ways to balance the budget. | balance the budget | conservative |
10/16/1981 | DAVID BOREN | S | 970095412.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | All of the gains which could come from spending cuts and tax cuts will be lost if Interest rates are not reduced. | tax cut | racist |
10/16/1981 | DAVID BOREN | S | 970095412.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | All of the gains which could come from spending cuts and tax cuts will be lost if Interest rates are not reduced. | tax cuts | racist |
10/16/1981 | ALAN CRANSTON | S | 970095428.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | new entitlement to health care for those who served in Vietnam unless the condition was clearly the result of some cause other than exposure to dioxin or another toxic substance found In a herbicide or defoliant to which the veteran was exposed In Vietnamn. | entitlement | racist |
10/16/1981 | ALAN CRANSTON | S | 970095430.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | the Congress adopted amendments I proposed Providing for tolling of the general GI bill and vocational rehabilitation periods of eligibility when veterans had been prevented from using their entitlements by virtue of a mental or physical disability. | entitlements | racist |
10/15/1981 | THOMAS FOLEY | H | 970094367.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | and Feed Grains. for the welfare of grain farmers. The gentleman has been an outspoken and active member In expressing his concerns in a most articulate way. | welfare | racist |
10/16/1981 | PETE DOMENICI | S | 970095432.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Certain Other Hazardous Substances. or Nuclear Radiation" create an entitlement to health care for Vietnam veterans in VA hospitals and clinics? | entitlement | racist |
10/15/1981 | BRIAN DONNELLY | H | 970094279.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | I think we all agree that an important pajt of our national wvelfare system ought to be to encourage people to get off welfare and take productive Jobs. | welfare | racist |
10/15/1981 | FREDERICK RICHMOND | H | 970094276.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | it is a monumental struggle for any mother to hold down the two Jobs of caring for her family and working. but for single parents who also labor under the burden of poverty. It is almost overwhelming. | single parent | racist |
10/15/1981 | JAMES SASSER | S | 970094046.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | this administration and on faith in the Presidents program. We see now that we have passed a tax cut bill. at the urging of this administration. | tax cut | racist |
10/15/1981 | ROBERT DOLE | S | 970094054.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | The rcvenue package will be here before November 15. Thie entitlement package will be sent up next week. Maybe Just the thought of this amendment has stimulated the 0MB Director to get all this material up here. | entitlement | racist |
10/15/1981 | ROBERT DOLE | S | 970094054.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | It is unfair to the President. I know of no President in either party who has struggled so mightily to balance the budget. to restore the economy. | balance the budget | conservative |
10/15/1981 | ROBERT BYRD | S | 970094060.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | I think he should tell us what Is In the $82 billion. People have the right to know. I should think that all Senators who feel that under this system of Government the American people have a right to know what is in the unidentified cuts. | right to know | anti-GMO |
10/15/1981 | DAVID BOREN | S | 970094081.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Mr. President. We simply must move to balance the budget and reduce the deficits as soon as possible. Mr. President. | balance the budget | conservative |
10/15/1981 | HOWARD CANNON | S | 970094082.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Above all. while I want to help the President balance the budget. I am dismayed by this evident politicization of the Social Security issue. | balance the budget | conservative |
10/15/1981 | CARL LEVIN | S | 970094147.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | and the intent of the House and Senate conferees on the Reconciliation Act of 1980. that these demonstration projects were entitlement provisions and. therefore. | entitlement | racist |
10/15/1981 | ROGER JEPSEN | S | 970094153.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | The administrations proposals were made in order to restore financial integrity to the Social Security Trust Funds. This was not something the President did In order to balance the budget. as some people might have us believe. | balance the budget | conservative |
10/15/1981 | CHRISTOPHER DODD | S | 970094156.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Many have no relatives able to support them. Others always refused to accept welfare or charity before. We do not know If they would apply for welfare even If threatened with Etarvation. | welfare | racist |
10/15/1981 | JOHN STENNIS | S | 970094158.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | There has been a great deal of confusion during the debates this year about the application of and entitlement to minimum social security benefits. | entitlement | racist |
10/15/1981 | EDWARD KENNEDY | S | 970094159.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | It was the Presidents Office of Management and Budget that characterized the minimum benefit as an "obsolete. unearned windfall and a welfare addon. " | welfare | racist |
10/15/1981 | EDWARD KENNEDY | S | 970094159.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | The administrations plan to penalize early retirees and cut benefits for other senior citizens was nothing more than a veiled attempt to balance the budget on the backs of the elderly. | balance the budget | conservative |
10/15/1981 | JAMES SASSER | S | 970094161.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | This was my contention when I offered an amendment to the tax cut bill that directed the Senate Finance Committee to report to the Senate by November.15 legislation that would permit interfund .borrowing among the social security trust funds. | tax cut | racist |
10/15/1981 | GEORGE MITCHELL | S | 970094162.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | But those of us in Congress were not fooled by such a ruse. Although all of us are committed to balancing the budget as soon as Possible. We recognize the central role that social security has In the retirement plans of the majority of working Americans. | balancing the budget | conservative |
10/15/1981 | ROBERT BYRD | S | 970094168.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | The President backed away from his Impressive August victories on large budget and tax cutswhen the administration proclaimed that its new program was now in placeby stating: | tax cut | racist |
10/15/1981 | ROBERT BYRD | S | 970094168.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | and saying that financially needy retirees would. have a welfare "safety net" to fall back on when their hardearned retirement -income was slashed. It seems clear that the administrations change In thinking on restoration of the minimum benefit came only with the realization that the Congress would restore the Payment regardless of White House budgetcutting goals. | welfare | racist |
10/15/1981 | ROBERT BYRD | S | 970094168.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | The President backed away from his Impressive August victories on large budget and tax cutswhen the administration proclaimed that its new program was now in placeby stating: | tax cuts | racist |
10/15/1981 | ROBERT BYRD | S | 970094168.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | the Presidents words and administration actions will S 11504 CO] have to mesh. It is my hope that we have seen the last of administration efforts to balance the budget by raiding. the social security system. | balance the budget | conservative |
10/15/1981 | GARY HART | S | 970094197.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | we must demonstrate clearly to Qaddafl that the United States will not sit passively by and permit him to sow .violence and terrorism with impunity. | terrorism | Islamophobic |
10/15/1981 | LAWTON CHILES | S | 970094202.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | This amendment would prohibit Illegal aliens from receiving legal assistance under the Legal Services Corporation Act. | illegal aliens | anti-Latino |
10/15/1981 | LAWTON CHILES | S | 970094202.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | This amendment would prohibit Illegal aliens from receiving legal assistance under the Legal Services Corporation Act. | illegal alien | anti-Latino |
10/15/1981 | EDWIN GARN | S | 970094207.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I am pleased to announce the schedule of hearings that the Banking. Housing. and Urban Affairs Committee will hold on pending financial institutions legislation. Last week. | urban | racist |
10/15/1981 | EDWIN GARN | S | 970094207.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Senator LUGAR is the principal sponsor of the usury preemption bill . Senator HEInz Is responsible for legislation regarding bankers acceptances. Senator DAMATo introduced a bill (5. 1508) to exempt international banking facilities from FDIC deposit assessments. | bankers | antisemitic |
10/15/1981 | JOHN EAST | S | 970094215.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | a bill that would withdraw the jurisdiction of the inferior Federal courts to issue orders requiring the assignment or transportation of public school students for the purpose of altering racial balance. | public school | racist |
10/15/1981 | JAMES WRIGHT | H | 970094268.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | and automobile dealers have come forth with a threepoint plan of action. They plead for a delay of portions of the KempRoth tax cut. an effort to reduce the deficit. | tax cut | racist |
10/15/1981 | BARBARA MIKULSKI | H | 970094270.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | I was a social worker and community organizer. I knew many mothers getting welfare assistance. All of them would have preferred to have the opportunity to support themselves and their families without public assistance. | welfare | racist |
10/15/1981 | BARBARA MIKULSKI | H | 970094270.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | In effect. destroyed the one opportunity that many single mothers have to pursue that goal. In my State of Maryland. | single mother | racist |
10/15/1981 | MICHAEL SYNAR | H | 970094274.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | last April I stood before this body and expressed my concern over provisions of the administration budget package that would discourage welfare recipients In Oklahoma from working. | welfare | racist |
10/15/1981 | MICHAEL SYNAR | H | 970094274.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Mr. Speaker. they mean half the cases cut from Oklahomas AFDC rolls were working families. Instead of cutting abuse. | working families | racist |
10/15/1981 | VICTOR FAZIO | H | 970094277.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | to provide Incentives for AFDC recipients to enter the Job market and to thereby break the welfare cycle. | welfare | racist |
10/16/1981 | ALAN SIMPSON | S | 970095433.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I am not aware that it has ever been definitely established by a court of law that the provisions in title 38 that are being amended or affected by section 102 of the bill provide any legal entitlement to VA health care. | entitlement | racist |
10/16/1981 | ALAN SIMPSON | S | 970095436.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I know that my colleague shares my concerns about the rapid growth of entitlement programs and about the need to Increase the controllability of the Federal budget. | entitlement program | racist |
10/16/1981 | ALAN SIMPSON | S | 970095436.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I know that my colleague shares my concerns about the rapid growth of entitlement programs and about the need to Increase the controllability of the Federal budget. | entitlement | racist |
10/20/1981 | DANIEL INOUYE | S | 970096272.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | I can still see pictures of cars bumper to bumper lined up in front of gas stations waiting for their little quota of gasoline. | quota | racist |
10/20/1981 | T. GORTON | S | 970096291.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | October 24. in Chicago to discuss Great Lakes maritime Issues. we will be very Interested in their opinions on this issue. | Chicago | racist |
10/20/1981 | ROBERT PACKWOOD | S | 970096295.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | He will attend a conference in Chicago this weekend on the particular problems of the act as it affects the Great Lakes merchant marine. | Chicago | racist |
10/20/1981 | JOHN GLENN | S | 970096328.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | materials. and technology that cannot be effectively safeguarded by the international safeguard system. Under the Symington amendment. | safeguard | transphobic |
10/20/1981 | JOHN GLENN | S | 970096344.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Information came to myself and to Senator CWmsToN regarding problems which the IAEA was having In safeguarding Pakistans nuclear reactor near Karachi. | safeguarding | transphobic |
10/20/1981 | JOHN GLENN | S | 970096348.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | The Indians were supposed to be under no Illusions that the United States would seriously enforce the fullscope safeguard criterion In determining whether to ship fuel to Tarapur. | safeguard | transphobic |
10/20/1981 | CHARLES PERCY | S | 970096401.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | But another way to bring additional revenue in. particularly at a time when we are cutting taxes. is to Just collect debts owed the Government. | cutting taxes | racist |
10/20/1981 | HENRY HEINZ | S | 970096405.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Thrift Institutions need Increased asset flexibility if they are to be able to pay market rates to savers. In keeping with a basic safeguard of the Federal savings bank provision. the investment powers of these Institutions will continue to be. | safeguard | transphobic |
10/20/1981 | ROBERT DOLE | S | 970096421.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | fortunately. for many urban interests whose exposure to farm problems is limited. the temporary Increase In the milk price only added to the misconception that farmers want to Improve their incomes at the taxpayers expense. | urban | racist |