i'm not talking about niggers but about the average citizens that were aloud to go full retard and lose their belongings.those dipshits got bailed out,like two people went to jail and the world keeps spining.look at the media,look at everything around you,which has the single purpose of sedating the masses.would the feminists and every other bullshit ideology been given power to,if the purpose was to protect and ensure the prosperity?
No if you pull out your army out of their and stop killing them then maybe, JUST MAYBE THEY WOULDN'T BE SO FUCKING PISSED OFF! Oh gee why did they attacked Twin Towers in 9/11 ? Why they are sending hordes of terrorists into Europe and to USA? Why are there so many homeless Arabs who travel to Europe cause their homes are being bombarded for decades ?
You idiots supported religion fanatics and now they have power. You idiots went into Middle East and instead of defeating them you killed civilians bombed their industry and destroyed their homes.
No wonder those goat fuckers turn to "Allah Akbar" if their lives are being destroyed by idiots on other side of the ocean.
>The Syrian Network for Human Rights is a UK-based non-governmental organization, founded in June 2011,[1] which monitors the Syrian Civil War. The organization's chairman is Fadel Abdul Ghani.
>founded in June 2011
>Fadel Abdul Ghani
hardly any information exists on him. I'm sure if you digged enough you know where you'd end up.
>Syrian network for human rights
Aren't these fags based out of the UK
Yeah and the wikipedia entry on them is one sentence long.
>why did they attacked Twin Towers in 9/11
come on now satan you know that's not true
>hating latvia
Fuck off Russiaboo
(((Syrian network for human rights)))
1/10 for forcing a reply
Define "civilian"
>people take up arms against regime
>regime kills rebels
>get accused of killing civilians
Sounds about right
>i'm not talking about niggers but about the average citizens that were aloud to go full retard and lose their belongings
yeah you have no understanding of what happened. the banks got bailed out bc they didn't do anything wrong. The governement WANTED them to give out those loans. Why would anyone go to jail? The did nothing wrong.
i'm not defending the jews behind the media
>No if you pull out your army out of their and stop killing them then maybe, JUST MAYBE THEY WOULDN'T BE SO FUCKING PISSED OFF!
wrong satan. what don't you understand about islam? they want to install a caliphate, they want their women in bags, they want to throw fags off buildings. They were allah akbaring before 9/11. You know the towers were bombed before that right? 9/11 was just our final straw.
why would they want the banks to hand out loans?what profit would they make from it?
>The Syrian government is responsible for 94% of the civilian deaths
BS. How can that be, when you have ~46 terrorist groups fighting him using inaccurate homemade mortars and rockets?
emporer obongo and the left think niggers have shit credit bc they are disadvantaged and they were fucked by not getting loans for homes after wwii. our economy works in boom and bust cycles now. The housing market was the first big boom and bust
>ISIS is ISIS because of the regime.
ISIS would be al Qaeda still, if they didn't have a major disagreement in terror tactics. Baghdadi was too ruthless for al Qaeda so they split.
and of course mortgages are profitable senpai
The shitskin running that organization literally admitted he often puts potential "rebels" with civilians because he's not sure what they were.
Also, the "rebels" hide in residential areas, they use civilians as shield. Govt has the option of either giving up or going through them. I'd rather see them do everything they can to destroy al-qaeda/isis/ahrar.
>Syrian network of human rights
Is that just the renamed Syrian observatory of human rights? Sounds like it. Known untrustworthy source.
>Universal hatred by every other country on the planet?
LOL like we ever gave a fuck what shitstains like you 'thought' of us. Who do you pansies ALWAYS call for help when the shit hits the fan? That's right bitch..the U.S.A. so kys you fucking hippy faggot.
Alright pol. What do you think of Tommy Robinson?
Imo he is based as fuck and we need more like him.
How much are they paying them?