stringlengths 19
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Keemstar should run for public office.
>Everyone lies about him
>He's the hero of truth and justice
>absolutely destroys every lie about him
>People still don't believe him
God bless Keemstar | ---79300152
killer keemstar
Consider the following for those of you that think Assad is the good guy or the lesser evil. The Syrian government is responsible for 94% of the civilian deaths accumulated thus far in the Syrian civil war. | ---79290672
the issue is creating a power vacuum by destabilizing a regime, no matter how "evil" creates worse problems than just waiting for its leader to die.
>Syrian Network for human rights
>reliable source
try harder. Leaf.
If Assad is killing that many Arabs he is the good guy in my book
The current problems in Syria is due to the overhandedness of the regime in subduing rebellion. ISIS is ISIS because of the regime.
Sure lol
Actually it's a pretty reliable source considering the war is still going on. When the war ends the facts will more or less remain the same in who did the most killing.
We should probably stoke a civil war in Libya and remove Gaddafi while we're at it since he's a heavy-handed dictator. Surely that will bring peace and stabilization to the region.
I never thought about it that way. Thanks greatest ally!
Well the main problem I guess is that muslims compete to see who is most muslim rather than just having harmony between factions like american or israeli jews where the orthodox and reform hate each other but don't kill each other.
>rebels are counted as civilians
And who's a "civilian" anyway? It's like MSM here labeling various terrorists as civilians, since they're actually ARE civilians and not official members of any armed forces.
I'd like to see how many of those killed are fighting age males and how many are the elderly, women and children.
This doesn't negate the fact that the Assad government is responsible for 94% of civilian casualties.
>Imagines 200 000 more "doctors and engineers" in Europe
Praise Assad.
Disappointed by Russians, they really should step up their game. Moar thermobarics, thermate.
Post their methodology; how did they come up with the statistics?
Syrian network for human rights is ran by one guy out of London. Literally a joke
Yes, because extend haggling with heavily armed men and occasional shootouts between them with mostly light to medium weapons is worse than facing a government that can muster air power, artillery support and chemical weapons and which regularly employs them against civilian populations.
>Actually it's a pretty reliable source
One guy in an apartment in London is not reliable.
Right, so let's remove him and let the moderate freedom fighters for peace take over.
>Syrian Network for human rights
Can i be Marsian Observatory for Alien rights?
More reliable than /pol/tards tbqh
Exactly. It's their civil war, we shouldn't support anyone. West should intervene ONLY if one state attack other state and leave civil wars alone.
it depends what you define as civilians
>I'd like to see how many of those killed are fighting age males
Zero because they're all in Europe.
A leaf has been destroyed by a leaf news agency.
pack it up. thread is over
So the government is winning?
All of those "civilians" ay, what a shame.
And I'm 100% sure the hippies doing this report are using a solid methodology and not just swanning around going "the horror the horror!".
Second responder, but the government is the source of instability in Syria.
fuck off latvia, you know dick about geopolitics. It's all about your guy winning, and you're god damn right all the big boys will be backing their guy. You think if the west doesn't intervene, the others won't either? lol
>500,000 deaths so far in Syrian civil war
It's pretty accurate that some 200,000 of those total deaths outlined in the OP would be civilians and the rest military/fighter.
There woudnt be civil war if west didnt instiage it.
Radical muslims funding *khm*
Snipers shooting civilians in the crowd *khm*
The playbook didnt change since Cold War and played exactly this way in dozen countries in last 10 years, most recently Ukraine. WIth Arab Spring, its not just West though, its Turkey and Saudis/Katar.
The same /pol/tards who have confirmed kills in the war?
civilian is a codeword for islamist. ISIS are counted as civilians.
>Krokodil user
Conspiracy tards especially from Russians like you who watch RT always make me laugh.
That 200K is logistical support for the other factions you see listed, so it's completely justifiable.
>you know dick about geopolitics
Says American. You probably cant even find Syria on map. The corrupt elites of your country play your resources around the world for personal gain, while the tools like live the consequences.
You can draw this kind of pictures with any numbers and they all be as reliable as this. The guy who spew this out is a retard and was caught by had many times.
>200,000 ISIS members
Sure thing Hanz. /pol/ needs to learn some compassion and humility while they're at.
Says Proxy Leaf that posted completely made up statistics and thinks anyone would take him seriously.
>there is only one islamist group in syria
canadian education
>hide in cities habitated by civilians
>the regime needs air support to actually advance
>air support kills civilians
>le evil dictator
the graphic may be true but it's out of context to make assad look bad
weak bait
because terrorist groups are known for their impeccable record keeping right? Retarded
In the end Assad will not be vindicated as he has the most civilian blood on his hands, regardless of the context.
>america, saudi arabia, israel fund isis and arm them to topple assad in syria
>idiot thinks the assad government is the source of instability
seriously, shut the fuck up; you posted made up bullshit and got called the fuck out on it
Ironic delusional statement, seeing as most Syrian civilian population lives in Assad controlled areas and supports his campaign to get rid of terrorists attacking them.
in certain areas those "civilians" are isis friendly or "moderate rebels" themselves
The Allied forces killed a metric fuckton of civilians and no one cares
Kill yourself you fucking shill
No it's not.
It's not a network.
It's one guy in the basement of Coventry UK with ties to rebels.
It has nothing to do with ''Human Rights''.
It's not an organisation.
Assad should put bombs on auction. You offer money for a bomb type, and then choose the inscription and place of delivery. You get video.
>Thermobarics on Raqqa mosques
>Idlib/Aleppo bazaar thermate submunition
>commie talking about corrupt elites
yeah (you) would know. Our government uses our resources to secure our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. How's your miserable country? You russians are brutish idiots
>a government killing muslims
One thing i can tell your goverment is far suprior than ours is propaganda - after all it managed to create 240 millions of brainwashed idiots like you, who actually believe it.
i didn't say that he will be vindicated, it's obvious that the US will keep trying to desestabilize syria, I was telling that you can't consider assad as evil for the death of those civilians without actually considering it's context
>What is a civilian to them?
This is the question you need to do.
>armed """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""civillians""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
not the same thing
Different organization, Amerifriend. lrn2read
The image cites the Syrian Network for Human Rights, not the Syrian Organization.
and you faggots think we're the worst shit posters
I will never get over the fact /pol/ actually got some shitskins killed via internet.
Gorilla warfare copypaste is outdated now.
i'm sitting pretty over here faggot. The value of all my shit continues to sky rocket. All while blowing up mudslimes in the mid east. Shits cash. Oh and those "corrupt elites" personal gain often helps out our country. Like taking oil. Nice and cheap over here.
Keep telling yourself all americans are stupid. Should make you feel better. You certainly prefer it to the truth: most americans are smart and very, very well off
The OP isn't a shitposter, he's a propagandist shill
>Oh and those "corrupt elites" personal gain often helps out our country. Like taking oil.
It never helps out your country, the shit they do fucks america over for their own selfish ends
what delusional fantasy world do you fucking live in
>Syrian Network for Human Rights
A known group that advocates for rebellion against the rightful King of Syria, the Lion Bashar al-Assad.
Those numbers mean literally nothing.
those "corrupt elites" would kill you in a heartbeat if it suites their plans.taking benefits from the situation could easily turn into horror
they arent mutually exclusive
>never helps out our country
lol. just because someone does something selfishly doesn't mean it can't benefit other people. Ever read the wealth of nations?
these "corrupt elites" have no face. Nobody knows who they're talking about. Be specific.
Please explain further.
>implying that killing muslims is bad
Clearly the civil war in Syria is completely organic just like every other coup in the middle east.
come on man the whole "da jooz runnin da baaangs" is far from a meme.see their presidents and you see the you forget operation northwoods or mk-ultra?these people are ruthless and definitely not your pals.
northwoods was started by the DoD (deparment of defense), and it was rejected. Mk-ultra is a meme
more people should be FOR taking cuba and kicking out the corrupt cunts there, then the govenment wouldn't have to try blowing up its people for support
Just because they do it selfishly doesn't mean it helps americans or you.
Fucking christ you ignoramus, they've pissed away america's image in the world, you're one of the most hated nations, they constantly fuck up and lose their shitty power plays overseas, and they want nothing more than to turn you into a slave.
They're fucking over the entire country for their selfish pursuits and morons like you are going to have to live with the fallout. Possibly the very literal fallout.
I see that shilling is going at full force today.
Assad & Putin are the good guys. Anyone who opposes them is evil. It's really just as simple as that.
blowing up muslims is not selfish pursuits. lots of the west is helping out. yeah hillary had a shit foreign policy and now ISIS is bigger than ever, but muslims will muslims without us there you know. Taking out saddam and gadaffi was good. You don't want muslim regimes getting any bigger
provide arguments
i know it was rejected but the fact alone that they thought of killing their copatriots says everything you need to know about them.
> the corrupt cunts there
is your government consisting of angels or is it because of them being comnunists?
merican gubment hates commies, esepcially ones right off our borders who tried to let soviets install a gigantic missile base there. and yeah I agree they shouldn't be trying to blow up it's civilians, CIA FBI everything is out of control, especially the CIA. nobody governs them, they're in control of themself. scary shit. That said, they know exactlyyyy what they're doing, they're securing the nation, fucking with foregin countries (to our benefit, believe it or not), generally being bad ass mother fuckers
> Syrian Network for Human rights
Run by a British Saudi buddy who will lose his job if Assad stays in power
Nice try
(((Syrian Network for Human Rights)))
First, there's nothing wrong with slaughtering muslims and second, you cannot trust this organization, it's obvious that it's a western-made propaganda organization. Look the numbers, ISIS killed 2196 people?
Do you really believe that?
They kill hundreds, thousands even of people all at one, but they've killed only 2196 civillians? Kek. Russia killed civillians? What? Not only that, but Russia killed nearly 2k civillians?
It doesn't matter, cause Germany invited more than a million, a few million Syrians are currently in Europe, who cares how many died, you're taking a lot more than Assad could possibly "kill".
Even if the Assad government killed that many people, they were not civillians, but rather opposition, but I doubt it, if Assad's regime could kill that many people they wouldn't call Russia for help.
How is blowing up muslims helping america at all?
You aren't getting oil out of Syria, you aren't even getting oil out of Iraq. You've wasted trillions of dollars on these wars and what have you got to show for it? Universal hatred by every other country on the planet? A monstrously corrupt political system full of selfish fuckwits who want nothing more than to disarm you and steal everything of value you own? Unstable nations in the middle east no longer ruled by iron-fisted dictators that have now allowed militant muslims to spread across the entire planet committing terrorist acts everywhere they go?
People like you are the very real enemy. You're the idiots that enable the flagrant abuses committed by the elites in America, the idiots that blindly support them even when it's detrimental to you, the idiots who allow themselves to be lobotomized by mainstream television. You might as well be a fucking robot, you don't even think for yourself - you just parrot.
if you or your loved ones were on the wtc,creating an alibi for an injustified war,that would benefit the ones who hold the power,would you feel proud?
>Assad's guys kill muzzie scum
>muzzie scum's friends hide weapon, repost as civilian
>western faggots like MSM and OP swallow it hook, line and sinker
Riddle me this shitcunt. How many of the 183000 were women and children?
you're acting like killing muslims isn't a good thing. Only good muslim is a dead one
is it justified to kill a few to save a million?
listen Trudeu, you're retarded. Imagine we up and left the middle east today. You really think muslims will stop mudding? They've been blowing themselves up for a lot longer than we've been there. They will continue to do so. they scream death to the west, are you hard of hearing? they want to instill a caliphate, this is not government propoganda, it's exactly what they yell before they blow themselves up
>syrian network for human rights
The american goverment put Titan missiles in Turkey, and only got cold feet about it when the USSR responded in kind by putting their own missiles in Cuba.
Suddenly the american government realized it wasn't actually fun to have missiles able to hit them with such speed their elites wouldn't be able to get to a fallout shelter before being vaporized and decided to compromise with the USSR.
>That said, they know exactlyyyy what they're doing, they're securing the nation
They're incompetents. They're not "Securing the nation" they're creating their own personal satrapies in the massive american bureaucracy, and they don't give a flying fuck what happens to the nation as a whole so long as they've got their power. They'd put a bullet in your head, and a hundred million other americans, without a moment's thought if it meant they got something out of it.
I don't know how someone can slobber on and suck their dicks so much, yet here you are.
>listen Trudeu, you're retarded. Imagine we up and left the middle east today. You really think muslims will stop mudding?
They didn't start "mudding" until you went into the middle east in the first place.
Now we've got america and europe flooded with the fucks and they're committing terrorist attacks everywhere, thanks dumbfucks
> to save a million
were you actually threatened by anyone?
>according to the Syrian Network for Human Rights
OP is a butthurt Sunni nigger don't trusted him
You're talking like this is new to /pol/. Honestly, /pol/ likes to scream at leftists about how delusional they are, but /pol/ is the same shit, just on the other side of the spectrum
>They didn't start "mudding" until you went into the middle east in the first place.
wrong. They've been doing this shit for 3000 years
>were you actually threatened by anyone?
the rapid spread of militant, extremist islam in the middle east. Again. Who rose after rome fell?
>The american goverment put Titan missiles in Turkey, and only got cold feet about it when the USSR responded in kind by putting their own missiles in Cuba.
We say what goes. You could do it too if you were a superpower, but you're irrelevent, and so is your opinion.
The CIA knows exactlyy what they're doing guy
>america flooded
lol no. It's not our fault Europe can't secure their borders. Sure we've got beaners but they do our work.
I don't get why so many /pol/acks support him, or Putin. They're both terrible dictators.
Posting stats from the same government calling for Assad's overthrow. Hahaha
Fuck off.
You might as well be posting a Jpost article.
>356 in 5 years
Shouldn't you be celebrating your nigger president announcing a union with Canada and Mexico?
the ones who hold the power don't give fuck about any of us.there are no country loving billionaires
In a war that has killed just under or around 300,000 people, of which over 80,000 are government troops, 100,000 are rebels, 20,000 are ISIS, and 10,000 are YPG, somehow the government has managed to kill 180,000 civilians?
flat out wrong. Wouldn't expect a good knowledge of money from a broke Greek. The basis of trade and business is mutally beneficial trade. Billionaires do not get rich fucking over the little guy, that's not how business works in America. If you fuck someone over, no one will buy from you again. That kind of buisness is for central / south america and China. Not the USA
Ask /sg/
Guys this guy is a radical Sunni that was talking arabic in another thread.
He was saying death to the alawites, allahu akbar, and other things unironically.
Also, over 70,000 pro assad soldiers died, where are they on the chart?
Also, the source counts rebels as civilians. So anyone killed by the SAA, rebel or not is counted as a civilian.
Did i mention that the guy that came up with these stats lives in London and has no clue who killed who?
your spirit is lacking commie. The oppressive architecture and vodka is to blame. You need a healthy dose of real art and expression. Something you brutish cunts can't seem to do.
I'd fuck your women though.
>Assad's killed almost 200K dunecoons
How can one man be so based, /pol/?
Maybe those numbers are right if you count FSA, ISIS and whoever else as civilians.
Good christ you are so fucking naive
This coming from American. Damn i bet you're just sarcastic, i doubt that you are so dumb....
so you'are saying that the owners of lehman brothers and evry other firm like that were on a "mutually beneficial trade" with the american citizens?
so you think if we pulled out of the middle east, everything would settle down? Are you actually retarded? Keep going with the Americans are stupid meme, by all means though.... it's a good one. Makes me laugh.
How's your diet of potatoes?
if you want to learn more about the housing crisis just ask. The government made laws to allow mortgages to be sold to every nigger with shit credit. The housing crisis was caused by bad government, which i won't deny that congress is filled with incompetent retards. The loans were backed by the government, so the banks had literally 0 risk. They gave out all these loans, eventually niggers couldn't pay (or wouldn't, who knows, they're niggers) and all the pieces came tumbling down
Only good Arab is a dead Arab
i'm not talking about niggers but about the average citizens that were aloud to go full retard and lose their belongings.those dipshits got bailed out,like two people went to jail and the world keeps spining.look at the media,look at everything around you,which has the single purpose of sedating the masses.would the feminists and every other bullshit ideology been given power to,if the purpose was to protect and ensure the prosperity?
No if you pull out your army out of their and stop killing them then maybe, JUST MAYBE THEY WOULDN'T BE SO FUCKING PISSED OFF! Oh gee why did they attacked Twin Towers in 9/11 ? Why they are sending hordes of terrorists into Europe and to USA? Why are there so many homeless Arabs who travel to Europe cause their homes are being bombarded for decades ?
You idiots supported religion fanatics and now they have power. You idiots went into Middle East and instead of defeating them you killed civilians bombed their industry and destroyed their homes.
No wonder those goat fuckers turn to "Allah Akbar" if their lives are being destroyed by idiots on other side of the ocean.
>The Syrian Network for Human Rights is a UK-based non-governmental organization, founded in June 2011,[1] which monitors the Syrian Civil War. The organization's chairman is Fadel Abdul Ghani.
>founded in June 2011
>Fadel Abdul Ghani
hardly any information exists on him. I'm sure if you digged enough you know where you'd end up.
>Syrian network for human rights
Aren't these fags based out of the UK
Yeah and the wikipedia entry on them is one sentence long.
>why did they attacked Twin Towers in 9/11
come on now satan you know that's not true
>hating latvia
Fuck off Russiaboo
(((Syrian network for human rights)))
1/10 for forcing a reply
Define "civilian"
>people take up arms against regime
>regime kills rebels
>get accused of killing civilians
Sounds about right
>i'm not talking about niggers but about the average citizens that were aloud to go full retard and lose their belongings
yeah you have no understanding of what happened. the banks got bailed out bc they didn't do anything wrong. The governement WANTED them to give out those loans. Why would anyone go to jail? The did nothing wrong.
i'm not defending the jews behind the media
>No if you pull out your army out of their and stop killing them then maybe, JUST MAYBE THEY WOULDN'T BE SO FUCKING PISSED OFF!
wrong satan. what don't you understand about islam? they want to install a caliphate, they want their women in bags, they want to throw fags off buildings. They were allah akbaring before 9/11. You know the towers were bombed before that right? 9/11 was just our final straw.
why would they want the banks to hand out loans?what profit would they make from it?
>The Syrian government is responsible for 94% of the civilian deaths
BS. How can that be, when you have ~46 terrorist groups fighting him using inaccurate homemade mortars and rockets?
emporer obongo and the left think niggers have shit credit bc they are disadvantaged and they were fucked by not getting loans for homes after wwii. our economy works in boom and bust cycles now. The housing market was the first big boom and bust
>ISIS is ISIS because of the regime.
ISIS would be al Qaeda still, if they didn't have a major disagreement in terror tactics. Baghdadi was too ruthless for al Qaeda so they split.
and of course mortgages are profitable senpai
The shitskin running that organization literally admitted he often puts potential "rebels" with civilians because he's not sure what they were.
Also, the "rebels" hide in residential areas, they use civilians as shield. Govt has the option of either giving up or going through them. I'd rather see them do everything they can to destroy al-qaeda/isis/ahrar.
>Syrian network of human rights
Is that just the renamed Syrian observatory of human rights? Sounds like it. Known untrustworthy source.
>Universal hatred by every other country on the planet?
LOL like we ever gave a fuck what shitstains like you 'thought' of us. Who do you pansies ALWAYS call for help when the shit hits the fan? That's right bitch..the U.S.A. so kys you fucking hippy faggot.
Alright pol. What do you think of Tommy Robinson?
Imo he is based as fuck and we need more like him. | ---79303339
How much are they paying them? | ---79290461
clearly not enough judging by these leaden performances.
bump for kek
>stop the hate
say that to the hundreds of millions of Muslims that support lynching gays
>49 irrelevant attentionwhoring rubes use questionable shooting as excuse to whore for attention and parrot leftist talking points.
Imagine if you got bruce the spruce jenner
Nothing because everyone in entertainment media is a degenerate.
It needs dislike raid.
>Rob Reiner
>all these other D listers
Why just for Orlando? I didn't see many celebrities care about the victims of the other terror attacks.
I suppose gays are just more important?
And I mean ''celebrities'' lightly because I don't really know who any of these are
>people unironically believe this
Well done, media. Well done.
They use the term "Celebrity" very loosly.
Lord kek Trudeau's plans for legalizing marijuana progress
>the bong fire rises my friends | ---79300036
>Being Canadian
>Not fucking dogs
>mexican intellectuals will defend this | ---79299994
>tfw people are literally happy to be ruled by retards as long as they're genetic freaks
Best of the Black lives matter retard being destroyed by 16 years old black trump supporter. | ---79299653
Where is that boy's parents
Damn, and he got 2 qt white girls in tow
Rekts that faggot nigger
Alpha as fuck
racism = silence your opponents with socially acceptable name calling/ad hom.
LOVING EVERY LAUGH | ---79297588
What the fuck is all this about EU migration.
The issue was NET migration.
>doesn't say about a single thing about importing more Pakis
I mean they're better than refugees right? Does Brexit outcome imply that Britan won't receive any more "women and children" fleeing from war?
We barely do anyway.
Literally a couple thousand a year.
>retarded anglo /pol/acks will still applaud this.
There's nothing wrong with contributing to the operations end
As long as it's not like a tribute or something
>Sex education in Canada | ---79298740
>A sexual position in which the man places his penis between the woman's buttocks (no anal penetration) and rubs up and down until orgasm
maybe you should see about getting sex ed i school spaghetti
>source: urbandictionary
>19 people confirm this
>different definition on the very same page
druly ebin :DDD
That was in America potato nigger
Canada is in America
---79298883 [article from (((Bloomberg)))]
They talk about Tay
>"From a machine learning perspective, if you don't think about gender inclusiveness, then oftentimes the inferences that get made are biased towards the majority group—in this case, affluent white males," said Margaret Burnett, a professor at Oregon State University's School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Burnett developed GenderMag, which helps software developers build systems that account for the differences in gender of their users. Microsoft has been experimenting with the software, she said. She's also investigated how machine learning systems suffer if the designers don't properly account for gender. "If un-diverse stuff goes in, then closed-minded, inside-the-box, not-very-good results come out," she said.
>Tay, Microsoft's chatbot released earlier this year, had a lot of un-diverse stuff going in. Within 24 hours of being exposed to the public, Tay took on a racist, sexist, homophobic personality. It did that because internet users realized that Tay would learn from its interactions, so they tweeted insulting, racist, nasty things at it. Tay incorporated that language into its mental model and start spewing out more of the same. | ---79299715
>She's also investigated how machine learning systems suffer if the designers don't properly account for gender. "If un-diverse stuff goes in, then closed-minded, inside-the-box, not-very-good results come out," she said.
I can already tell this person doesn't understand what machine learning is
You can't really drop the standards of the CS field without research massively suffering as a result, it's catering to retards as it is. I remember two girls who graduated from the CS BSc+MSc back in my day, think the figure of women was around 30 when we started.
She's a CS professor, I'd find that surprising. Then again most women teachers in the field are pretty shit.
>After a night of partying with a female stranger, a man wakes up to find her stabbed to death and is charged with her murder.
HBO just started a series about a Paki falsely accused of murder, you can't make this shit up. | ---79299132
well maybe
it is either him or the nigger
so who cares?
unless of course the knife is switched out by the cops
>bet i could was originally named 12 angry men
>so who cares?
How can't you see the propaganda?
He could have been any of the millions of whites or negros in america, but he is a paki MUSLIM and he is INNOCENT and everyone is RACIST against him.
nobody was being racist other than two niggers
also it is hbo try watching an episode of GoT in their latest season and try talking about propaganda
I don't understand you morons here. You're all so fucking new. We've known that this is what media was going to be. We needed our own ways for creating media but the sad fact of it all is you're all cheap as FUCK. Hell you couldn't even keep white rabbit afloat.
So enjoy the taste of kike cock every time you watch anything you fucking retards.
You seem upset.
Nice retort.
I'm not upset at the kikes doing what we knew they were going to do. I'm upset at /pol/ for not supporting their own and letting profiteers and attention whoring youtubers dictate their counter culture media production.
And you should be too.
I don't even know why I'm talking to you. I can't imagine a filthy subhuman to understand what I'm even saying. So keep it up with finding that blatant propaganda pedro. You're a real help.
This simple allegory shows how ridiculous religion is. When will /pol/ learn?
Your defense? | ---79300722
This is this is the absolute dumbest way to fight against the idea of religious ideas, it's a video made for entertainment there are much better mediums for getting across arguments.(Coming from an atheist (stop being a faggot))
Discuss? | ---79295160
Look at that disgusting ass floor jesus christ
I should have explained. The sports show First Take has been taken over by a second tier version of The View essential ever since Skip "To My Lou" Baylesss left for more masculine pastures...
>rolls his pants down
I bet that faggot isn't even taking a shit
/pol/, you don't have a problem with this??
pol pointed out 2 problems and you simply ignored it
So many faggots on this page. Let's have this discussion.
Why and how was this allowed to happen?
What's so significant about the hat?
American men are such faggots. No wonder Isis is raping your faggoty asses.
nice bathroom and rolled down pants fatty
these fucking autistic burgers
I've never been so disgusted to call myself an American.
>those shoes
why are you where shoes in your house?
Want to cummy in mummy | ---79300624
Priti mummi ??
It looks like /b/ is gearing up for another 4th of july raid on tumblr.
It's been a while since we've had a proper lulzy raid, are we interested in getting involved? | ---79300576
What are you, 12?
I'm bored... what the fuck do you want? a poem, let's get /b/ to fuck up tumblrs shit... again.
I have started to red pill my friends | ---79300798
they start to see the big picture
> cuckservashits | ---79298632
Le Bump
Isn't Obama president?
War crimes only apply to the losing side. If you want justice you should win.
Is there anything more pathetic than a left-wing male? | ---79287130
Alt-right "male"
A portuguese male
A right wing nigger
Everytime I see that thing I question its existence. Is it even possible for someone to look like such a cuck?
being OP
Black women
you being so butthurt over nothing
A white male
>look extremely unattractive by conventional standards
>try hard in an extremely obvious fashion to take a socially acceptable leftist viewpoint in hopes I will finally join the chads despite being too ugly for them
a nigger
being a leaf
yes - straight virgin males that are left-wing
feminist male
hmm really makes you think
that jaw line makes me feel uncomfortable
I don't get this "Drumpf" meme.
It should be funny?
>jaw line
Not really
Yes you fucking white male.
i will definetly kill myself if i looked like that
Beta faggot gets more likes than I do. God, why did I choose the lonely path? The fucking redpill ruined my social life
its just a forced slimy limey meme
Weeaboo wannabe nazi who lacks self awareness about his degeneracy
you're sane to question the Drumpf shit.
it's all libs have, (drumpf, you're racist and a xenophobe).
think of it like tourette's syndrome for those who don't go outside (proof in OP's pic)
>ugly face
>ugly skin
>ugly facial hair
I would avoid cameras at any price.
forced meme created by comedian (his writing staff) clearly trying way too hard to be funny
it is basically on the level of tumblr "memes": regurgitated information
So what point was trying to be made with the "Drumpf" thing again?
Was Current Year Man just trying to sell idiots hats? I don't see how it harms Trump.
What I don't get about these hats... is the mongrelized hateful people who attack people for their hats? They can't read.
Vegan males
Males who believe in "toxic masculinity"
Now that's an example of "unfuckable" if I've ever seen one.
Dude couldn't even buy a prostitute with that head.
Maybe he should convert to Islam and just rape from now on.
it come from that
Those idiots who insist on checking for repeating digits
>making ugly faces to look funny in any way
He's probably mid-twenties age wise, but the war between his cheeks and chin beg to differ
How dare you assume xer gender, you fucking pig
It's meaningless. It would be like mocking someone with the last name Witherow by mentioning that it was originally Weatherall. So what? It's not funny. There's no humor there.
This exactly. Kind of funny to see there are still people unironically using this thinking it's some sort of political statement.
what a fucking neck beard cuck.
yes, a racist islamophobic bigot -_-
Make Bernie Gutman-Glassberg Again!
I fail to see the issue with being any of those things if it doesn't interrupt anyone's daily life. My personal hatred of certain people doesn't mean shit if I never take any harmful actions based off it.
I don't understand the whole Drumpf meme, so it's the name his ancestors had when they immigrated legally to Ellis Island as part of embracing American life.
They Americanized their name to assimilate into our society better, thats pretty fucking American to me.
>that feeling when son of legal immigrants too
>tfw parents gave me an english name
>tfw they told me that Americans need American names
There's not. My commute to work today proved it. I saw a car with an "I'm with her" bumper sticker. From behind, the person looked like a typical SJW tumblrina... Overweight, bowl haircut, wide frame glasses. I decided I had to have a closer look so I drove up next to them at a red light.
Turns out it was A FUCKING WHITE MALE. It was a fat white guy who looked like a fat landwhale feminist. I couldn't contain myself. My windows and "his" Windows were both down and I busted out laughing. "He" looked at me wondering what I was laughing at. I shout "THE MEMES ARE FUCKING REAL!" And drive off.
I'm at work still laughing about it
I dont get this. Donald had no choice in choosing his last name upon birth, why are they trying to mock him for it?
You're over-thinking it. Liberals think it's funny literally just because "Drumpf" sounds funny. Once you realize Jon Oliver & libs in general never progressed mentally from grade school it'll all make sense.
Because, basically: lol his name's drumpf XDDD
There's no reason to it. It sounds funny and they try to use it as "hiding his ancestry" or some ridiculous shit. Point out Bernie's family was Gutman, or by their logic it should still be Bruce Jenner and they go nuts.
Anyone have the pic with all of them in it? You can see the desperation for social approval on their faces.
but i thought it was current year.. that's like 468 years ago or something
What's the deal with "Drumpf" ?
How does this own him?
that's it?
It's about as funny as #MakeJonLeibowitz Again
How do people this ugly live their lives? Are any of you this ugly? I'm no chad but still good enough to get laid and never be called ugly. Do these people have friends? how do girls treat them?
Lol the libs still can't figure out how to harness the power of the meme.
So, I play flash games and the like online often, and while playing I noticed something hidden in the map. look familiar? | ---79300392
Dat swastika
Pretty retarded swastika.
What the fuck is this shit thread, OP?
Explain yourself.
>Trump is getting closer | ---79297403
In the state polling he is still far off.
my digits confirm this
>increasingly nervous man
Lol all the media has to do is reshine a light on the judge scandal
Serious question: Assuming these polls are accurate, why do they fluctuate so much? Are people really this indecisive?
Because Rasmussen is a garbage pollster that showed Romney constantly up.
they aren't accurate dummy
excellent digits
>this delusional
>eu will turn nazi
>trump will win
>kebabs status: removed
>niggs back to africa
>eradication of fags and degenerates
>shlomos loses the game
Trump will win
>look at my digits
that's how margin of error works
Why is this allowed?
Me and my parents (and 2 sisters and 2 brothers) who are from Egypt have been discussing this, and we're appalled at how lacking Western countries are confronting the Palestinian genocide by the Israelis. The Palestinians are having to have 6 kids per family to compensate the killings.
How do we punish Israel? It's the worst country in the region, and has the ugliest people. | ---79300167
you dont
you beat them or be beaten
and it doesnt look like they will get tired of winning
fuck off refugee
Israelis and especially Palis breed like rats. Combined population is 14 million people in a territory smaller than Albania.
we can't :)
literally they offered them the (67 or 69 , can't be arsed to check the date) borders and they refused them :)
and if palestine took over the "state" , they will turn it into shithole , just look at Sina , since you're egyptin
>inb4 WE
Sina was a FUCKING HEAVEN under israel rule , now , it a desert :)
Arabs got jordania and iraq from british mandate territory for Arab countries. Also similar amount of kikes were expelled from Arab countries to Israel as kikes expelled arabs from their territory after Israeli independence.
jews control the west
fuck you snow paki. get off the internet and go back to the open shitfields of Egypt and do something about it if you really care so much
Nuke it. Kill both the Jews and the Palestinians... problem solved.
Right of the conqueror.
Israelis were barely settled before they got attacked. They took the lebensraum because arabs cant into modern warfare whilst jews are pretty good at using the USA's money to finance their troops.
I'm not Ted Cruz I swear.
How can it be called a genocide if the Palestinian population has exponentially increased since this shit kicked off?
Think about it like this-
If the Palestinians owned that land, would they do the same to Israel?
These fucking rapefugees | ---79301221
Why does he look so ugly?
He knows he's gonna earn that in just a month selling dope.
Of course they're all not rapists but too many are
Uncombed, but wouldn't say ugly. He has an ugly hairstyle tho, plus eating all of that shitty deep fried arabic shit food made him chubby.
Can Someone OP a risk thread? I want to join one but not OP | ---79293939
I would OP,but I'm on mobile right now,so I can't. What is your excuse,Bong?
i will op a game for you cucks
Thanks. Will you be using this Map?
Iberian Republic.
"Golden Horde"
Ethnostate of Hyde
for OP
Ethnostate of Hyde
UK (London Area)
Is OP still here?
someone host a game
Anyone remember Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom? | ---79296584
they were the evil white oppressors who got killed by those innocent boys who dindu nuffin need mo momey fo dem programs
yes but really their case is no different from the thousands of other non-white on white murders that go unnoticed
Never forget, nothing gets forgiven.
Killed by obama's children. Ignored by shlomo's media.
well, do you remember trayvon martin, michael brown, tamir rice etc. ?
Does anyone here know the details of the case? I don't think trayvon had acid poured down his throat and vagina.
Tamir Rice? Was he a chinaman or something?
It's a trap and the guy a faggot obvs
killed is a pretty harsh word
how about annulled?
>do you remember trayvon martin
02/26 never forget
is this a niggers thread?
Apparently those nogs are going to be getting out of prison due to the judge being on oxy during the trial.
let's get it rollin. Dindu and his Nuffin's #1 hits!
>The race war is real
>the race war has been happening for the last 30 years
what are you doing about it /pol/?
Yes the Tennessee couple tortured and killed by niggers if I'm correct
actually not too upset about this one
Funny how the one on the left looks like a MtF tranny and the one on the right looks like a FtM tranny.
I heard they were in niggertown buying drugs. Wouldn't surprise me if that was true.
Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice = Criminals
Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom = Innocent citizens
Do you understand the difference?
Probably not.
>not forcing old captcha with numbers, top kek | ---79301309
pls delete i meant to respond to a thread
---79293113 | ---79293221
If it were up to me I'd execute people who do it.
Should be punishable by death.
Should be shot.
I think people who abuse animals should be forced into slavery.
basically this
It shows lack of empathy, a lack of consciousness and that's a nigger trait
Public flogging, 10 lashes.
Gas chambers
Basically this. It's literally the most degenerate thing imaginable along with child abuse. Kill em all.
>It shows lack of empathy, a lack of consciousness and that's a nigger trait
Came here to post exactly this
People that do this should be beaten to death in public.
Only a truly depraved mind would torture an animal that has no way to defend itself. It shows a lack of empathy, lack of respect for nature & sanctity of life.
This happened near to where I live.
Fucking Hell...shit like this really gets me in the feels.
Not good but not an issue to get all worked up about.
Death penalty. Not because animals are worth more than humans, but because abusing animals shows a mind beyond repair. Completely devoid of empathy.
Psychopaths that have no emotion that will eventually hurt other people. It's hard to say as someone in the medical field but I'd kill them if it were aloud. Thankfully I live in a place with castle doctrine so if I ever thought someone was fucking with my animals I would shoot them on the spot. Mudslimes are already killing people's dogs in Europe.
Disgusting. Even ignoring the moral aspect it's a clear warning sign of the things you can expect from them.
Anyone who hurts or kills any animal for their own sadistic pleasure should be rounded up and shot.
RIP Tiny Tim.
>terrible, terrible. there should should be severe punishment for crimes as disturbing as animal abuse...unless they're on my hometown memeball team, then only a slap on the wrist will suffice
t. average ameriblob
When an animal kills, it does so out of instinct. It doesn't know any better. When a human kills however, it made a concious choice and decided to spill blood. Those who kill animals deserve death.
The ability to show empathy, care and train a being of lower existence is an implicit part of white and western identity.
That being said if it was up to me they'd go straight to a gas chamber as they've proved themselves to be lower than even the animals we've trained.
Disgusting savage behavior that should not be tolerated.
Look Hitler was pro animal rights, what do you think we think about it?
Degenerate and should be punishable!
allowed* fuck I'm tired.
Clean kills are more efficient; less cleanup and faster profit
You against hunting too?
Don't forget he banned human (nigger) zoos too. He was disgusted with them in Belgium.
Hunting has purpose, you are killing for meat. I have no problem with that, but when it comes to killing for sport, that is my issue
Depends on the animal and the reason. If its not a dog or cat I don't really care but for dogs and cats I'm fine with medical tests.
pisses me off more than anything.
they are innocents that only wants warm hugs.
You're a pretty fucking dirty nigger to abuse animals, really.
Stuff like this is pretty fucked up the mom should be executed.
t. cat-eater trap-fucker
This. Under criminal law it should be treated as an offence worse than drug dealing.
wew lad
it is like you dont know SHIT about history.
let alone how white trash treat their animals.
The point being why animal abuse is absolute heresy is the fact that it prolongs its suffering to an extent that's completely unnecessary.
If you're going to kill an animal, make it quick and painless. Picture related.
Something only subhumans do.
I get pissed when I see it. I generally like animals, and don't like the idea of people hurting them with no fucking reason.
I never liked this nigger so I don't know what you're talking about?
I would have glassed him.
I'm not disagreeing with you, I said before I'd wish animal abusers dead, the person I was asking said nothing about abuse, just killing animals. I was checking if he was some faggot vegan or something.
1) Animal abuse is bad
2) Raising Slaughtering animals for food is not animal abuse
3) People that say "I love animals more than people" simply lack social skills.
>white trash
As if there's a difference?
Animals don't have human levels of self-consciousness, that's why I care more about them over most humans. They feel like they're ignorant and innocence to everything around them, gives off the aura of, "I want to protect such an innocent creature"
only 23 months in jail and allowed to play his faggy sport again. He got off easy because your country is too obsessed with its dumb fucking sport that literally nobody else in the world cares about.
sports fans of all races are huge cock suckers that are willing to over look terrible and even excuse shit for the people on "their" team.
that jig got caught running a dog fighting ring and the sports fans threw a fit that he got punished and demanded he not be banned.
Unfortunately I am not at the helm of my country. Call me back when I am, ok?
only punishable if the animal in question was a pet. damage of property applies.
do whatever you want to strays and wild animals
Feels based faggots. I don't condone animal violence but you women let your emotions overpower you over a sacks of shit that die by the millions every year from natural causes.
agreed pham. it's honestly the same here too, except it's international football instead of american footbal that everyone is so crazy with. People become so obsessed with it that it really blinds them to any wrongdoing that their sports heroes may do.
hey hey dont get too fucking uppity about our love for hand egg.
the rest of the world riots when their futbol team wins/loses.
the next level of the redpill is doing that to humans
You asked me what I'm talking about. I'm making a point about the sport's culture in your country (we have it too). No need to get so fanny flustered my man.
whoa there
thinking like that might open you up to not despising non whites. might want to rethink where you are!
The motivation to hunt is different from the motivation to abuse. The underlying intent is vastly different even if the result in both less to the death of an animal.
Its more of the fact that he made a lot of money for our Jewish overlords. Things like this happen all the time here and he was the exception tot he rule because he made Jews billions of dollars so they turned a blind eye on it. Its not just animals that this happens for. If you make Jews a lot of money, you can get away with anything thats not tax evasion.
Kill them, people who abuse animals isn't worth shit. They are degenerate fucks.
>natural causes
>animal abuse
One of these things is not like the other. Psychotic people who get off on conflicting suffering on other living things should be removed from the gene pool along with those who cannot differentiate between such behavior and natural predation, disease, etc.
your all disgusting meatsacks in the end. white or brown.
you rot and decay.
diseased flesh.
Meant to say inflicting.
I'm not fanny flustered at you, I'm fanny flustered at the reality of the matter.
I would have glassed this nigger, plus the eagles have always been shit.
compute this.
life uh finds away.
I agree, or at least severely punish with public whipping/caning.
Cruelty to animals is a trait that is undeniably linked to severe psychological problems. This sort of behavior sadly has cropped up in the West, but it is epidemic in non European areas.
There is just something acutely wrong with someone who would abuse his animals. It is especially heinous when it's done against animals domesticated over millennia for the specific purpose of human companionship, such as dogs and cats.
I remember Alex Jones rambling several years ago about how the SS systematically tortured puppies. (Of course this is not true; the NKVD and hordes of Red Army slime were into the menu of those sorts of things.) Why must the man spout this sort of idiotic inversion of history?
Anyway, pic related. Animal welfare is a real thing, not some Left wing project. Experimentation facilities are a travesty as are factory farms.
>he kicked a kitten! Kill him!
People used to fucking drown kittens by the bagfull. Cats breed prolifically and fucking kill hundreds of millions of birds in America alone. I don't have any issues killing mice cruelly, and I don't have any issues culling cat populations. Animal cruelty is wrong but you chucklefucks have a disproportionate response that indicates that you've lived extremely sheltered lives.
haha that meme is pretty epic
as long as your love for animals doesnt make you a liberal or green voter, whatever.
Animal abusers are subhuman and need to be punished harshly. People who harm living creatures solely for fun are displaying sociopathic traits that put them on the same level as niggers and the like.
Only degenerate edgelords will defend it.
Generally speaking, if the first 3 replies in a thread, from presumably different people, all agree - it's a safe bet that's the opinion shared by an overwhelming majority of /pol/
Sorry pham, I misinterpreted your post. I hate the football fanatics here too, it's not fair to single out Murricans when they're just as bad the world over as they are there.
>modern population controls are not good enough!
>we need to beat them to death in the streets i dont see the problem!
Intelligence, emotional development, productivity and overall respectability of a person tends to correlate directly with that person's capability for empathy and respect towards animals.
Animal abuse should be punished heavily. No slaps on the wrist, no fines, straight to prison and extensive mental evaluation.
The people who shrug it off as being "just animals" overlook the fact that animal cruelty is just one of the ways in which severe antisocial/psychopathic tendencies manifest themselves. Today's animal abuser is tomorrow's murderer, rapist or child molester.
Well, basically, if I ever find the guy who shot my cat and killed him, I'm going to cut off his balls and stuff them down his fucking throat till he's fucking dead.
And after that:
I hate it. Especially against cats and dogs.
People have the right to treat animals whatever way they want to and any state infringing upon that right is tyrannical and deserves to be abolished
trips of solidarity on issues
Punishable by death. Human respect for nature is a prime value of civilization
Culling of populations can be done humanely. Beating an animal to death is not humane and this faggot wasn't culling an overgrown population so fuck off with your strawman.
Thats what Brexit does to you people...
Sounds like you've finally come across the secrets of true light and true dark, Tay.
>guise look im so steampunk
My neighbour's son shot my childhood tabby cat in the leg. The brave tabby cat walked 60m across his property to us (he got shot on their property). And my Mum drove him to the after hours vet immediately, and had his entire leg reconstructed with metal pins and rods holding the bone together. The surgery cost $1000, but it was worth it. After his leg healed back perfectly to normal, the pins and rods came after. And he was back to normal. Unfortunately however, he got shot and killed again.
Just last year I got another tabby cat, and he follows me on runs and walks around my large property. Along with my Australian sheepdog, a Border Collie x Kelpie. Unleashed of course, leashes are cruel.
So my animals recognize me as the alpha male and their friend. Pic related.
honestly just execute them, if someone derives pleasure from torturing and killing another living being then there's obviously something wrong with them.
it would be best to get rid of these people
Libertarianism is the philosophy of autistic degenerates. You will go against the wall, too.
Why is everything so disgusting?
This is why comparing mudslimes and niggers to animals just doesn't work.
We actually feel compassion when an animal gets hurt.
>he got shot and killed again.
Your first mistake was not glassing the kid after the first shooting.
what is this, a combined bedoom garage bathroom drinking and pet containment area? and what is going on outside the door?
Now you're putting words in my mouth, after I literally said it's wrong. Leftists love abusing "muh animal rights" as an argument (except when it comes to halal/kosher).
I won't deny this, but the problem comes with hyperventilating over it and calling for maiming the perpetrators. Nobody gave a single fuck about this shit 150 years ago when they actually had to focus on important things. I find that when the argument comes from otherwise sensible people, who often eat meat, the same people refuse to acknowledge animal cruelty in the agricultural system (which is often blown out of proportion by aforementioned leftists). Do you think trapping is 100% pain free too? Are you also opposed to it? Hunting - especially bow hunting - can also be extremely painful for game animals. Will you say no to that as well?
Good man.
>tfw city dweller degenerate no doge
Who harms an animal, except hunting for food or defending himself, is an abomination and degenerate.
>wants the pleasure of revenge by inflicting death upon a living being
>says people who derive pleasure from killing another living being have something wrong with them
checks out
I do hope you knocked him the fuck out though
Honestly, fletching and archery need to make a huge comeback, it's been long overdue.
>Wilson was sentenced to 10 weeks in jail, suspended for a year, when he appeared before Brighton magistrates.
That's it? You britfags better do something about this.
Any reptile bros here?
Honestly nothing pisses me off more than animal abuse. I can't really even read stories or watch videos about it because it bothers me so much. I can't understand how people can be so fucked up that they'd hurt animals for pleasure.
Why didn't you and some of your friends pay your neighbours a visit the first time they shot your cat?
Does defending your property count as defending yourself?
There is a difference between animals and people.
Most people know what they're doing when they do shit so they deserve it. Animals on the other hand, don't always know what they're doing is right or wrong (by human standards). Some animals are dicks though, mostly birds.
Better turn off your computer, you're contributing towards global warming and thus animal abuse!! You're abusing the natural ecosystems of animals and harming hundreds of thousands of them! Will you stand by your green beliefs and carry out your own self-execution now?
>he drinks Coke too
What a fucking degenerate
No but I wish I had frogs.
10 years in jail
>britcuck nogunz is going to put you against the wall
And do what, luv? Throw licensed butterknives at him?
Mine is more yellowish-pink. Not quite as fat yet, but full length now. It's bretty chill.
Because I don't clean up, and we don't have a bitch in the house to do the cleaning.
At the time the neighbour's son went to a different school than me, so I couldn't.
We accidentally started a far when we were using the angle grinder on metal near dry grass. The fire caught and burnt down the neighbour's trees. Police came and didn't find us negligent. Neighbour was going to sue, but luckily my Dad's insuranced covered his gay trees.
I guess that was just punishment, even though it was unintentional.
That's the old verandah, my Dad and I converted into a room with a fireplace for guests to sleep at. I just store my beer out there. Outside the glass sliding door, is the start of the garage. And the pets are just chilling inside, on the cool tiles, after a run. The dog stays outside, the cat comes inside to sleep and eat, but mostly hunts outside more.
>Because I don't clean up
Pretty degenerate anon
For fucks sake this is some leftwing level mental gymnastics. You think he was stamping and kicking a kitten over a period of time to maintain population numbers. Perhaps child abuse is acceptable in your eyes also as a form of control.
I am opposed to factory farming. I hunt regularly and have issues with it when done with purpose (not merely for trophies).
No one is hyperventilating here except for you. Again, this isn't just about taking a life, it is about those inflict pain and suffering for pleasure.
FYI people have considered this issue for a very long time (well before 150 years ago).
So when does animal abuse become so unacceptable that it warrants putting a human being to death? I've seen youtube videos of people putting a piece of ham on a dog's face and thousands upon thousands of hysterical women in the comments section calling it animal abuse and that sickfucks like that should be killed. Do you agree? Was putting a piece of ham on a beast so intolerable that this egregious individual deserves death?
Whenever I get a chance in conversation, I make sure to bring up probability and chance when talking about how to get justice for people who do shitty things, even if it's subjective (for the record, I think animal abuse is universally wrong regardless of what some faggot hedonist will post). But just as an example, I say that I am relieved to know that some of the people who run red lights and text while in heavy traffic will be killed in car crashes or random murders or even just before their natural end due to a disease.
>but anon, doing those things doesn't mean they should be killed!
Didn't say that. I said I'm glad that some of them will meet justice even if it's not in the expected form. This seems to really bother some people so I say it whenever I can. Pro-tip for anyone reading this: you can't be an edgy faggot and say something like, "I hope they are killed by x unlikely situation." Say something extremely common, something that kills lots of people every year because it's impossible to fix. This notion apparently stirs people's imaginations up pretty wildly for whatever reason. It's like a Twilight Zone episode in their head.
This. Death penalty. These sociopaths and psychopaths are a threat to all life.
OK if it's done by whites.
They are our younger brothers and sisters and we must protect them.
Birds are dicks because they have a very very VERY deep seeded vendetta against us.
Most of it's my Dad's stuff, it's a real man cave our house. My dad has engines disassembled, and diffs in his bedroom (he can repair any car, he's a brilliant mechanic).
This is exactly why you don't let your cats run wild, you dumb motherfucker. YOU killed that cat.
I'm not saying that he did that. I won't stand for corporal punishment over animal cruelty though. People's lives are greater than animals - except possibly in the case of cetaceans and apes who are on the same level as niggers. I've said it before and I'll say it again, killing people for animal cruelty is a disproportionate and unmeasured response.
Depends. Termites? yes
The neighbor's cat, fucking in your garden - nope.
This is what merkel does to you people
Your average person absolutely hates others who hurt animals, and there's a good reason for that.
Animal cruelty or abuse strongly correlates with psychopathic tendencies. If a person can stab a kitten to death, they'll stab your child to death without issue, too.
We naturally fear and revile people like this, and have had the common decency to kill them before they can cause harm to other people for tens of thousands of years.
>hysterical women
You mean hamplanets?'s not "animal abuse" that's got them so anally annihilated.
No one takes feminists and the fluffy world view seriously. Soon they will be saying just being born white is an act of racism.
Ok, so you wouldn't take care of chicken hawks and rabbits?
>I'm not saying that he did that.
Then why are you making the excuse?
my usual stance is on their backs and hind end to inflict the most paint without causing permanent damage
But my cat sent all the rats and mice around the house extinct within a few months. Catching and killing full grown rats. Killing feral cats that come on his turf, by biting into their spinal cord. I witnessed it after I heard a feral cat howling outside at 2 in the morning. I come out and see my cat, biting hard into a dying feral cat's neck, blood spraying all over my cat. This cat is much smarter and doesn't go to the neighbours, only on the fence border with me, to take a shit on his property, everytime we got for a walk/jog.
See my cat was born in the wild, I rescued him as a kitten when he was 6 months from a private shelter.
People who abuse animals should be bullied in public.
>Perhaps child abuse is acceptable in your eyes also as a form of control.
What is in a child's benefit or abuse is totally considered the prerogative of the society at large.
From my perspective it seems the measure is whether or not physical marks are left on the skin. You can mentally abuse a kid and leave no marks.
Similarly, you can take a pet animal, and lock them up all day everyday, feed them foods that make them constipated, and thwart every other natural instinct, scream at them and "punish" them, etc., and as long as you leave no marks.
Seriously, no bullshit. To keep those pets who "enhance their owners lives b/c makes them so fulfilled, etc.", we operate factories which confine, shred, and maim other animals. It finances industries that go out in the world, in the homes of other wild and free animals and captures, maims and terrorises them.
We can live with the contradictions of our culture for only so long. Its pure poison, don't be fooled into believing in your own virtue or the virtue of these systems.
It might be inconvenient to interrupt your pure ethical moment condemning this guy, when in fact all around you there are multitudes of equal and greater crimes.
Who hurts usefull animals for fun is mental sick.
Cats are awesome pest control. You did just fine by that cat.
>chicken hawks
My chickens are protected by a huge meshwire-roof and I actually plan to maintain a stable rabbit population for food.
Wild rabbits get scared of by the two cats. Same goes for mice.
What is it with you American and rabbits?
What's the point of that? That's just what choinamen do.
No when you kill an animal you do it
>clean an fast
>only kill for eatings or fur
>or to just piss off libtards
nah it's very degenerate, I beat up a bunch of shits once for torturing a porcupine
I adore my cat, I like to nuzzle my nose into his fur. He likes to kiss his nose against my nose as a greeting. And sit on my lap, and sleep next to me on my bed at night, sharing my body warmth.
Don't underestimate rabbits.
Yet it is something niggers do for fun in America.
But no, straight white males are the problem :)
I'm not ins Australia and we don't have a rabbit-problem around here.
If you have a legitimate problem and there isn't a reasonable way to redirect problem animals, then you can dispatch these creatures *humanely*. There is never a need to inflict pain on an animal (viz. prolong its suffering) or roughly treat it.
This is principle comes up in New Jersey regarding the bear hunt. I oppose it; I support instead legislation that gives explicit protections to homesteaders to use force if they are truly threatened or their livestock is threatened.
This apparently is the woman mentioned in the article
>Don't underestimate rabbits.
>laugh at people dying because of their own idiocy
>laugh at people getting killed by other hu- "monkeys"
>cry like a bitch reading about a kitten being abused so much it had to be put out of its misery
fuck this shit world
and then there are people, who plug their ears and eyes, not knowing about ANYTHING that happens in the world and still have the ignorance to walk the streats and preach "god loves everyone he helped me once when i lost my car keys so he is real :)"
The man that tortured that cat, needs to be beaten himself. Fucken scum.
It's a very odd area because it feels to be entirely ruled by feels.
No one would give a shit if someone beat the shit out of their pet fish, or lizard. But when the animal has fur, then everyone cares. What if I bought a rabbit from a pet store then killed it for food? that illegal? What if I euthanize my dog because I can't afford to have a vet do it, is that illegal?
Aren't these animals basically considered your property? The legal precedents seem very flimsy.
complete bullshit. Dolphins, cats and chimps kill for fun.
It's degenerate as fuck
Empathy for animals is a white man trait. If you don't have empathy for animals I've got bad news for you...
I don't know, our lord kek gave you triple 3s for your lament, so you're onto something.
Go to a vet to get an animal euthanized.
it's a cat, fuck cats
they were made to be abused
If it isn't cat's or to a lesser extent dogs we don't give a fuck
It goes
Cats > dogs > otters > everything else
You can kill your pet, ofcourse. But I believe in most countries you have to do it as painless and fast as possible.
All my family dogs have been shot instead of taken to vet.
>edgy summerfag badass
Grow some hair on your balls before you come here.
Hey you fucking retard, keep your cats inside.
Small cats are an invasive species to most areas and are one of the biggest threats to local song bird populations. Just because you love your cute furry companion doesn't mean it isn't cancer on the local ecosystem.
You were made to be abused you fucking piece of shit.
Your own child could be considered 'your property' but sustained attacked on any living creature is just plain wrong. I mean this is a 11 week old kitten that doesn't even have the capacity to escape and fend for itself. It is solely dependent on the much larger animals for all its current needs and all it is receiving is neglect and physical abuse.
Its no surprise that the people responsible look like they have a joint IQ of 70. Seems to me dumber humans have this innate capacity for cruelty.
Inb4 people say "Muh Chinks"
Do you think the people in those food markets literally torturing animals to death for food look like people with an IQ of 100+?
My cat kills parrots and native birds, you mad you greeny faggot? He climbs 25 foot tall trees stalking birds and pounces on them up there, and brings them to me to kill and pluck for him.
cats torture small animals all the time
I grew up and live on a farm, surrounded by other farms, some of which are Amish. Animals live brutish fucking lives, and cats are actually very cruel animals themselves. The thing about animal life is that it's, for the most part, very replaceable. Cats have 2-3 (sometimes more) litters of kittens every year and kill hundreds of millions of birds and other animals.
Once again, I don't think animal cruelty is right, but I think that corporal punishment is a fucking ridiculous response that elevates animals to the level of people.
It's deplorable and people who do it should be kept an eye on. But all these people saying "muh animals ded let's kill that guy " need to get a grip. Human life is always worth more than an animal's, as a principle.
TL;DR fuck cats in the pussy
damn I didn't even notice
maybe lord kek will finally cleanse the earth for greater good, one genetically engineered neko maid for everyone, at a time
Yeah but if the first whack over the head doesn't do..that sucks.
I've done a fair bit of animal killing in my day as part of research (mainly fish) and there are ethical guidelines for euthanization, but they are very vague. Beating the fish over the head with a club in order to sever the vertebrae from the skull is commonly practiced. I could just imagine people flipping out is this approach was used on mammals even though it;s deemed humane by ethical standards.
Cats are for faggots
Drawn pictures of underage girls are illegal in Australia, a 23 year old went to jail for having lolicon, along with real CP (sicko).
>kills parrots and native birds
And you don't seem how that's harmful for the native ecosystem?
You think I'm a greeny faggot when you allow feel towards your cuddly kitty to override scientific evidences?
Cat lovers are the fucking worst.
t. cat owner.
Cats are beautiful creatures, so elegant in their body structure. If Medieval Europe wasn't paranoid about cats being superstitious, there never would have been a black plague caused by a flea-infested rat infestation.
just put on your Anti-loli-trousers™ and you'll be fine, straya
None of them are endangered birds. He caught and killed one of these, one time.
>giving a fuck about flying rats with wings
Nigger get a grip birds need to either die or stop shitting on my car
terrific argument you uneducated knuckle dragging negro
They have a vendetta.
Killing is never pretty, but if it's done quickly and effectively then it's acceptable. I wouldn't watch you do that for entertainment, but if there's a good reason why you need to then I don't have a problem with it.
Not an argument nigger
In rural areas in Australia, it's kinda hush hush, but people will euthanize each other's animals with a rifle, rather than pay for a vet to gas it.
If I had to chose a way to be executed, I'd want to be shot in the head.
I actually think that's a healthy way to do it. It's a way of accepting personal responsibility for taking a life, not just driving down to the vet and pretending you didn't just serve a death warrant.
Gotta have a shitty looking area for prime shitposting.
>mfw a man here wrote a fanfic about Cheryl [insert surname she's going by] and was jailed
>mfw it was literally a neckbear fantasy
>mfw it was classed as "stalking" and that he was "dangerous" and "didn't we learn anything from Ricardo Lopez"
This country gets worse with every passing minute. The sooner article 50 is triggered the better.
>Ricardo Lopez
Literally who?
>peoples lives are greater then animals lives
By what measure?
>We naturally fear and revile people like this, and have had the common decency to kill them before they can cause harm to other people for tens of thousands of years.
Haha you actually think green hippie faggotry and "muh poor doggie" was a thing for tens of thousands of years? Get real, this sort of sentiment is a modern bourgeois western sentiment co-existing with Disney movies.
My neighbor hit my cat with a broom one time
I slashed her tires and hired a homeless person to take a shit on her door step
It's done by evil people.
Haha good.
Boris has ruled himself OUT of the Tory leadership election
Will Gove and May do a deal?
>Jeremy Corbyn wants to resign - but John McDonnell won't let him
>Corbyn 'proud to be carrying on'
>Gove challenges Johnson and May
>More over 65s voted Remain than 18-24 year olds
>Mexico has already drafted UK trade pact
>EU to get Scotland every other weekend and during school holidays
>British public opposed to a second referendum by almost 2 to 1 | ---79297795
seen this posted on a lefty forum kek
top fucking kek YOU GOT GOVED
commencing mummyposting
>le Thatcher 2.0
Don't think so
Please don't. She makes me feel as disgusting as this thing looks.
i want to drown in gilf tits
Boris got cucked!
Reminder YKTD knows fuck all and just regurgitates what Peter Hitchens writes in his blog
>leave camp elite exposed as actually in remain camp
who is going to save you
>tfw Corbyn is destroying the Labour Party forever
Hold me
Teresa May
Go go go.
We need someone like her, to crack down on degenerate shit.
>Jeremy Corbyn wants to resign - but John McDonnell won't let him
>Corbyn 'proud to be carrying on'
Which is it?
on a scale of 1 - 4u
How reminiscent of Bain is corbyn?
U dun fucked up bongs
Guess Im a Corb missile now
Dear Leader Supreme Comrade
He is our last hope, /pol/
>Dianne Abbott literally blocking the door to stop people from resigning from the Labour Shadow Cabinet
Surrender your Karens
Andrea Leadsom will make anime real!
She isn't Morality Man, senpai. She'll tear you open.
Holy shit, where is Maggie when you need her? I hope this bitch doesn't get anywhere near PM.
Corbyn >>>> Jew Sanders
>snoopers charter
No. Fuck off.
A fucking woman..
Jesus Christ y'all are fucked
Wow I love Corbyn now
This is some House of Cards style shit from Gove.
Hats off to him, this is a devilishly clever betrayal.
>diane abbot
>in the cafeteria
Isn't it funny?
It's the media's orchestrated campaign trying to undermine Corbyn. "H- he doesn't want to continue!" The absolute mad man is staying on to send Tony Blair to the Hague.
Donald Tusk refused to meet her.
And 6 countries told her they don't want to discuss anything with her.
Scotland BTFO
How fucked is the labour party right now?
Risque Karen coming through
>scottish NATIONAL party
>i want muslims to be able to communicate privetly
i could not give less of a fuck if Theresa wants to watch me post spongegar memes to my m8s
Am I the only one rooting for Leadsom because I think she's the best candidate, as opposed to being a gilf degenerate?
Margaret 'the iron lady' Thatcher
Theresa 'the rusty cunt' May ™®
that paki looks like pepe
>Morality Man
Hitchens is a prick anyway.
The brutal, intelligent way Gove dispatched with Johnson has really made me convinced he is the right man for the EU negotiations and prime minister.
>meanwhile in Labour HQ
Nah she's weak, feeble.
Jesus Christ Gove looks like he diddles children
>want to turn the UK into a surveillance state because of 'muh muslims'
hang yourself
This. Sanders is nowhere near as leftist as Corbyn.
Corbyn did (probably) intentionally sabotage the remain campaign.
Can't we forward May's previous comments to news papers or something (I'm assuming she hasn't said anything of the sort recently). Surely when people hear how authoritarian she is, her support will drop.
Leadsom is my first choice because she's a woman, then Gove when that no doubt isn't enough
What did Gove actually do to stop Boris? I don't get it. Leaked his wife's e-mail?
This "thing" is a byproduct of a human being exposed to bad ideas in the internet for "it's" entire life. Which is exacly what your future Empress Theresa May will prevent happening with you when he checks your browser history and ban internet from your house. Forever.
Nah, he just crushes his political opponents.
Thanks. It's hard to follow what is real and what is exaggerated and what is true with all the constant happenings. This whole past week was like a years-worth of british politics in one sitting.
Hell, the brexit night alone was like 6 months of brit posting in one night.
Best argument in the last 2 threads. We really could do with someone Machiavellian to handle the negotiations. I don't think May's supposed "tough stance" will cut it. She's authoritarian, not commanding.
Which was intelligent of him, as now he can nationalize whatever he wants.
Holy shit, Gove is straight-up Machiavellian. Boris must be on suicide watch right now.
> Introduced the toughest immigration policy in living memory
> Favours a strong security state
> Will upset anime obsessed NEETs
> Will cause so called progressives to implode because the Conservatives will have had two female leaders whilst they've had none
>not wanting this future
no better than aan SJW if you oppose this.
So even if Gove doesn't win, atleast May is anti-immigration... r-right?
This Brexit result is just never ending bants who would have though a couple of weeks ago that all this would be happening
Leaked his wife's email, then declared Boris unfit to be PM before announcing he was running. He didn't give Boris prior notice, and more or less eliminated his chances of becoming PM.
He threw Boris under the bus to further his own political career. It was cruel, but it is also impressive.
Enjoy getting hauled out by May's Bristapo in the middle of the night, degenerate weebshit
We need a Gove
Eaton is a Blairite shill.
Who is Mace Windu? Boris?
Who is the Chancellor?
Who is ANakin? Gove?
I can't decide whether this bloodbath aftermath is more entertaining than the Bremain salt itself
That's what you get for watching blowjobs on the web.
some merges would be nice
Leadsom yes, May no
i dont mind porn being banned though
The last week has been one of the best, politically, of my entire life. And whenever I'm bored I can just look at what Trump is doing across the pond to fuck with all the Liberals. What a fine time to be alive.
The first is typical tory press mischief-making; complete bollocks.
GOVE not MAY okay????
Enjoy being ruled over by the green party for 5 more years because they literally cheated their way in, Austrocuck. You should be rioting and smashing shit up, but no, you'll submit to the literal cuck party. Just stop m8.
Reminder that £11,750 was spent on commissioning this
He also did this
The bastard has no mercy
-1.55% now. Fuck's sake it was going so well.
I don't believe either Boris Johnson or Michael Gove wanted or expected Brexit to win. Boris Johnson had popular support after, and with Michael Gove apparently scheming to undermine it, it's removed the obstacle in the way of Theresa May. If Michael Gove had properly wanted a Brexit Prime Minister who'd take us out of the European Union, he would've backed Boris Johnson and stayed loyal because Boris Johnson had a far higher chance of winning the party vote than Michael Gove does now. The Conservative frontbench are working together to screw the pro-Brexit backbench.
>let 640,000 immigrants in last year
people don't care about civil liberties in this country
Maybe I will be able to complete Nofap
Fill me in, blessed anon. £11,750 commissioning what?
Pardon my ignorance.
Carney couldn't even pretend to Believe in Britain.
He needs the sack
The best version
Wales is the best
>when you get btfo by tusk so you go there anyway and pretend you wanted to speak to Schulz anyway
Fuck me is that Birmingham xmas market? That monstrosity is in my neck of the woods giving people hiv
I don't understand this. Why would Boris accept Gove's edits if they were fucking poison?
Did Boris just accept them without looking 'cos he thought he and Gove were besties?
Dianne Abbott's MP portrait
If supporting Remain and letting in this many people is "anti-immigration" then god only knows what her pro-immigration stance would be.
I'm going back to calling you Britcucks again, sorry it was fun while it lasted.
Never heard of the EU and free passage have you burger?
she favours sharia courts and 1984 style surveilance. kiss goodbye to 4chan
May will ban animes.
the era of gilfs is beginning.
yup, which kinda proves boris is dumb af
> ruled
> president in Austria
He has as much power here as your queen
Our chancellor is the state leader
Gove needed to show that Boris was the charlatan he is. This showed it. Then Gove can come in as the saviour of Brexit.
That's a lot of paint
Would you support a police state if it was a pro-white police state?
Looks more like a fat KRSone
He trusted Gove after working so closely with him for so long, and assumed Gove knew what was best
More mummy pls
Leadsom and May
May will ban karen
Don't be too judgemental, Americunt. If Hilary wins the Presidency, you'll be the laughing stock of the world.
This woman is an absolute monster, you'll be back in the EU in two weeks. I really am sorry for you where the fuck do you go now?
Good, Fuck Anime.
>she favours sharia courts
You have just read memes . . .spread by shill kiddies on /pol/ . . .. You never read the articles and put them in context have you?
I know..
It is time lads... Add him to the list.
Fuck you
You like Multiculturalism too, dont't you goy?
i agree
It's simple, we self detonate.
Half of your total immigration is from outside the EU. Theresa May couldn't even control that.
I do believe so. Hope you never see it irl lad
anyone have the screencaps of henschel's twitter?
But that's more to do with how Conservative America has been historically compared to Britain.
She could, it's just the Tory economic policy is so horrendous that if we didn't import niggers our GDP would stop going up and Osborne would be shown up for the economic illiterate that he is.
>Lunar C
He was shit even when grime was dead
9 minutes of Dan Hannan smacking down an amerifat journalist, most of you won't politically agree with what Hannan says but entertaining nonetheless
It's time to stop posting
You mean immigrants from Brazil, East Timor, Parts of India, etc . . .. all of these countries came through on Portuguese Passports. (just one example)
Don't try and trip me up mate . . .I know a bit more than you.
After these even can someone tell me who is
most likely to win the PM and who do we want
to win?
2:35 min. In gets heated
Is there any mememagic in the world that can stop May or do we just watch the world burn?
This man walks up to you and suggests some edits to your article, what do you say?
Don't forget that she wanted to introduce a Law that would make men withholding money from their partner be a form of emotional abuse and a criminal offence.
Now, now lads, as much of a cunt this guy is this clearly isn't a real threat and if it was someone from /pol/ who posted this about some kike we'd be defending it.
>Confident we can do this
The EU explicitly rejected free trade without freedom of movement sorry
The legislation to do so is about to kick in.
Unless has a key skill they need to be coming with a job waiting for them that pays £35k or more.
It's going to block off a significant portion of those coming.
She was clearly born to lead Britain into a new golden era.
>G O V E - I S - O N - F I R E
it's a legitimate fetish anon, don't judge.
Corbyn should be PM. Fuck those cuckservatives.
I think we've run out of meme magic
Thank you very much, I'll be adding this shortly
I'm so happy things are actually changing in politics now, I was growing so tired of all the feigned opposition, now we have real shit happening instead of the show put on for us by our puppet masters.
>Let's put this guy who fuck people over as the most powerful man in the country, he totally won't fuck everyone over!
Ironic since she wants to ban most legitimate fetishes kek
this cunt just guaranteed may as your next pm. hope you enjoy free movement
>tfw just seen a gyppo kid with a scraggly mullet.
Pop quiz. You can kill every pikey in Britain or the equivalent number of Muslims. What do you choose?
Hannan was absolutely BTFO, I can't believe how quickly we turned on him
politics isn't the realm of niceness and decency m8
He will beat May as long as he gets to the last two.
HAHAHAHAA my sides
I already have a waifu though.
is that a man in drag?
Legend has it that at full power, Michael 'Littlefinger' Gove could stop Diane Abbot from attending a free buffet. May will melt before his machinations.
Mother Theresa, please save me from my degeneracy. I pledge my life in service to country and your majesty.
I don't even want to kiss your beautiful and well-travelled feet, I am going to be better than that.
You have made me see the light.
not the ones i care about :D
Can't wait for the anime purge
Well then.
Isn't it funny?
Funny isn't it?
You aren't laughing now, are you?
>I think we've run out of meme magic
Mighty Kek is punishing Brits for overuse of his power by taking away their Internet.
He is a vengeful god.
> Corbyn should be PM. Fuck those cuckservatives.
I agree. Bojo would have been OK but all these second-rate Conservatards are either completely talentless or backed Remain.
Jeremy "Deep Cover Sleeper Agent" Corbyn is the only option left
N O - M E R C Y
The Tory membership is heavily eurosceptic and wouldn't vote for May
You're in a club when this man walks up to you, slaps you on the arse and says that we need to accept free movement of people from all countries or we're horrible racists.
How do you respond?
Holy shit Boris just got stumped.
Can you guys trust Gove about doing deals that won't include freedom of movement?
>blairites in the labour party scheming to unknown ends
>blairites in the conservative party scheming to unknown ends
>chilcot report imminent and tony blair has been skulking about
Tony Blair and the Blairites are going to seize parliament in Cromwellian fashion and force a thousand years of social democracy and neoliberalism on the British people financed by JK Rowling.
I am also pretty sure you don't give power to such people and not expect repercussions
There are five candidates. We'd prefer Michael Gove, Liam Fox or Andrea Leadsom who are all pro-leave and anti-immigration, but we might accept totalitarian Theresa May reluctantly if she follows through on all the same stuff.
The only other one is Stephen Crabb who is a joke.
why the fuck does crabb have more declared MPs than Gove
>blairites in the conservative party
Picked up the latest meme but you don't quite understand do you?
I don't trust him at all. I'm supporting May now, may her reign bring us peace and prosperity.
well obviously, but you don't give it to people like boris who walk blindly into an ambush either, I'd rather have the fucker in power than the fucked.
t. May
we'll see
she kept herself apart from the campaigning so she can play herself as a unifier now.
It's only been 9 hours, calm down lad
H... H... Hang ..... Ha... Hang o.... on... Hang o...on...Hang on, Ha... Han... Hannan... Hang on, Hannan... Are yo..... Are you tr.... Are you trying to tell m... to tell me........
everyone hates him after the betrayal
wanna cummy in mummy's tummy?
>He doesn't understand that both parties are controlled by Blairites
You're the one that doesn't understand
It doesn't matter if you trust Gove or not. He's unstoppable. Probably engineered the Labour leadership crisis too.
Say hi to Marion for me
That's true. If, however, you undermined either eurosceptic candidate on the party nomination list, and you left Theresa May as the only viable leader, what might happen? Michael Gove is a squishy faced cunt without any likability. Boris is an opportunist and a lout but the party was heavily in his favour.
sic Gove on him
John Baron is the one to watch.
Because Crabb's spent 3 weeks plotting this
Fuck me he makes me sick. He's a weasel.
Made her look a cunt though.
> free trade with Europe
Into the bin it goes
Good weebshits NEETS and other weirdos must be beaten to death
You'd think if you were going to sign every post you make you'd do your best to be a bit more informed, wouldn't you?
Having ACCESS to the single market is not the same thing as being IN the single market. ACCESS can be negotiated without free movement (eg. Canada).
You utter cunt.
Bet she likes femdom
She's just attacking the wrong person. Did she think she was talking to farage?
He who wields the knife will never wear the crown.
No. They rejected single market membership without free movement of people. That's a very different thing.
>watching a interview with Hitchens
>Hitchens being told Labour MP might be hostile to Corbyn due to his Euroskepticism
>Lol why don't they all just quit since they are out of touch of their voters
>mfw Blairites actually took that advise
UK politics is filled with absolute madman
well fuck Boris too
There's no way Crabb will get it.
It HAS to be a Leaver. That's the point. Backbencher's won't let a Remainer in.
I'm really hoping some of these posts feature in the inevitable 'How The Internet Reacted To The Leadership Contest' articles the broadsheets'll churn out.
We gave absolute power to a quasi-Leninist who secretly engineered our ejection from Malaya and then cried crocodile tears about it for 40 years, and that worked out OK.
Also nice repeating digits.
I would freely move my fist into his face
Lads I don't think we're actually going to leave the EU
That face needs to become a meme
Lads I really think Boris pulling out was a major mistake
I don't even think Gove is going to get to the final round, that means we'll have Crabb v. May, so either way we're cucked
Boris is a cuck but if you look at the MPs who had declared for him a lot of them were hard-right and seriously not cucked
At least with Boris there'd be someone holding his feet to the fire, with May and Crabb there's nobody
We're fucked, we're so fucked
>1 post by this ID
>theresa may
That prick pisses me off too.
He will link you to a Peter Hitchen blog in a minute . .to try and prove his point.
>The EU explicitly rejected free trade without freedom of movement sorry
that's not true, they just said we can't be in the common market. Plenty of nations have free trade deals with the EU without that.
Kek denies
Who needs access to the single market when you've got access to the dubs market?
Blairism is the socially liberal mutated form of the Thatcherite virus. It's infected both sides.
Literally no one likes you. Leave.
Why cant Hannan run?
You just don't get it do you?
Not an argument.
oh piss back off already, you were never missed, if we wanted to hear peter hitchens' opinions we'd read his column
how can hillary even compete with this?
Not an MP
>His long-held anti-EU stance
>Gove's incredible performance across the Leave campaign
>Reviewing his voting position in the past
>His brilliant merciless Machiavellian destruction of Boris
Is it safe to safe brit/pol/ is now safely in /The Gove Cove/?
Which one? they're both amazing in that pic.
tbqh, he's not wrong. But our politicians seem resolved on getting the deal that looks most like our current one without compromise.
No, this is the /FarageBarge/
We'll get what we want.
I am a #GoveGrenade
Who else is /leadsom/ here?
moar mummy pics
>Thatcherite virus
ha ha ha ha -you don't it do you?
I actually voted for Thatcher, best Prime Minister we ever had,
The only people that hate her are butt-hurt Northerners (Muh Pits) . . .and youngsters who have been told she was bad.
Can't loathe the gove
nice meme
Alright I'm going to level with you lads:
I fancy Theresa Maymay
>secretly engineered our ejection from Malaya
>implying he didn't want to go in
>implying his (and) Singapore's success was largely also due to his original cabinet
>implying he didn't fuck with them too in the end
Thatcher is basically the reason we are in the current situation m8. She was very pro-EU
Still rooting for Leadsom, Gove is my second choice. But right now it looks like he's played everybody and set this whole thing up months ago. I can't see him losing.
Paul Joseph Watson has just said that Theresa May is a globalist.
Don't support the bitch.
fucking hell can Heseltine give it a rest
>The only people that hate her are butt-hurt Northerners (Muh Pits)
So you concede that she did bad things to large parts of the country?
You have to be a member for 3 months, when is the vote for the leadership?
you were literally blown the fuck out
kill yourself
And nationalists who don't appreciate being sold out to jew markets.
dude shes like 65 years old.
>implying anyone on /pol/ is an MP
Oh no, I believe we have unleashed a 57% increase in mummyposting
in 3 months
what's paul nuttall doing these days?
If I remember correctly she later strongly regretted her decision right?
Me to, anon. Me too.
>American education
MPs only vote until we get down to two candidates. Then the entire party votes between the last two.
Calm your tits mate, Gove still has a lot of respect from the Conservatives
The fact remains that we have already won. WE VOTED LEAVE
stealing cars like a good scouser
Bashing Marxists most likely
You're thinking of that South Wales fellow
Writing to my MP to support Andrea Leadsom.
You should all do the same.
>She was very pro-EU
She was pro- EEC . . .. but became increasing sceptic as time went on. Even she went against it.
>His long-held anti-EU stance
>Gove's incredible performance across the Leave campaign
>Reviewing his voting position in the past
>His brilliant merciless Machiavellian destruction of Boris
Brit/pol/ is now in the /GoveCove/
>Theresa will ban cartoon child porn and other degeneracy
>fucking hates immigrants and refugees
>hates gays and transsexuals
So why is Theresa going to be a bad PM for us?
Theresa 'immigrants? Not a chance!' May.
Say it with me, /pol/:
We need the actual date for it.
wtf why is /brit/pol submitting willingly to the maytriarchy?
Her only supporters are ironic fetishists and the bra that keeps her tits from bouncing off her knees.
slamming Richie's head in the oven
She will make your waifu real
Not sure why people are willing to tank the economy just so a few less Poles will come in.
Net immigration won't go down and immigration has objectively been a massive boon to the economy.
brits before shits remember.
September 9th
So if May wins and pivots the party to free movement, will UKIP run if there's a snap election? Or will Nige back Corbyn; he's mentioned the idea of supporting whoever commits to ending it.
I am now a #ConservativeMissile
my may folder grows larger
much like my hulking cock
Theresa May is a cougar and I have no shame in saying I would vote for her based on my boner alone
secretly everyone on pol knows how porn, anime and videogames are destructive to one's life and want someone to take it from them
Realistically it's gonna be Gove and May.
So 2 candidates, and MP's deciding m8
Britain will remain a member of the E.U. in everything but name. The illusion of breaking free from your Jewish masters is just that
>Come how to find out Boris got cucked out of being PM
He's also a fairly good speaker too
Wait what Happened?
Does anybody have a link to article?
Burger trying to catch up with Brit politics at the moment.
No, the last two candidates are voted on by the entire party.
>are nige and the lord from the thick of it
> love me pol, love me
> give me attention
Fuck off tripfag
>So if May wins and pivots the party to free movement
Why would she do that?
>be Thatcher
>destroy industry and manufacturing
>hand country over to the financial/banking sector
>deregulate financial/banking sector
>set the scene for 2008 crash and austerity bomb
Wtf clearly leadsom is hotter than may
Fucking kek
I am now a #ToryStory
So, did Corbyn pork Diane Abbott?
He relished in some of that dark meat?
To be fair, as ugly as that gorilla is, if you turn off the lights and bury your dick in her ass it would probably feel quite good.
Because they unironically want a police state just for their anti-anime meme while posting on an anime weebsite.
wardrobe malfunction?
wrinkles aside she's a hot mum
I want theresa may to maintain eye contact with me as she removes her wedding ring and then proceeds to spit and slobber and wank the head off my little willy
Oh sorry I misread:
Is anyone on /pol/ a registered conservative though? I thought about joining but I'm not going pay £3-5.
it isn't some sort of skeevy rumour, it's common knowledge
Trying to get the jocks on side.
Leadsom is a proper milfu, not a crazy feminist like Mother Teresa and mother Teresa will beat Gove.
>"I learned everything I know about politics from my working class dad" the post
Legitimately would have sexual intercouse with
he want hard on those branston chunky pickle cheeks
His autism and social retardation was all a ruse!
Not really. Most of the senior tory mps were already for May, since she was one of Cameron's right-hand. I think if Gove could take MPs away from Crabb, then he's got it in the coffin.
its actually 25 quid, fucking toffs
Both, but ESPECIALLY Hannan
This country need more God and less degeneracy.
You don't have to register. You just need to pay to join. Fortunately I am under 23 so can get the discount price.
Those hips
My dickkkkkkkkkk
The problem with people these days is they go on about 'muh economy'and pursue growth and size without considering the prime role of the economy - to make the whole population wealthier, not just the few. Globalisation is the embodiment of this mental illness - mindless pursuit of economic power without bothering to consider whether such growth would actually strengthen the nation or people. The economy has become, like the empires of the 19th century, an end in itself rather than a means to an end. Stop Jewing and embrace the national economy, for the sake of your countrymen.
>corbyn literally shagged rikishi
She knew what she was doing I think, it's really quite sexy and powerful lool desu.
3 months, probably miss the window
mummposting is brit/pol/s greatest achievment
i'm going to mummypost every fucking thread
Wait i'm confused I though the entirety of Brexit was one giant power play by Boris,but now he's giving up the PM position?
Why do your politicians keep resigning?
Absolute madmen
>be you
>not understanding anything
>believes everything on a Korean fingerpuppet site.
Maggie NEVER closed any pits . . .. none whatsoever.
The unions destroyed Britains industry .. .I was there mate.
Somebody make a new thread, I'm getting nervous.
Fuck off.
New thread when
for the bantz desu
New thread when?
Less: pakis
More: anime
Just bought Tory membership, then realised you need to be member for 3 months to vote. 3 months from today is September 30th. 21 days after the leader is selected...
At least it only costs £5 for those aged under 23.
tripfag purge when
Just not that trip faggot
You lads ready for Big Mummy?
Gove just game of throne'd Boris
I want to see him do a Comrade Corbyn on the Conservatives.
Thatcherites were the original mummyposters
keep the gloves on pls
>I have a mummy complex:The post
He got backstabbed by Gove though.
Somebody batter this reverse nonce
Trump may have invented 4D chess, but our politicians appear to have already mastered it
They are fractal schemers and plotters
The embodiment of the Eternal Anglo
>trading with the EU like any other non-EU member will tank our economy
Back the fuck away, mate.
Photoshop of May & Leadsom scissoring when.
>joining the cuckservatives
>giving money to people who want to genocide the white race
I'm fairly certain memeing a mediocre anime into immense popularity because of 'British characters' is a greater achievement.
We've had 30 years of being a meme country, mate. Don't you know about our balance of payments defect?
I don't know where to start with this
> Wait i'm confused I though the entirety of Brexit was one giant power play by Boris
It was, shit's crazy.
Gove must have mad dirt on him or something
nice meme skills there lad
>britain moving into the post-nannystate
>the mummystate
Gove is a Brexiter, May is a quiet Bremainer.
Gove is much more trustworthy, but already is hated by the teachers across the UK and looks like someone Ed Milliband could bully.
Leadsom is a true Brexiter and she's a proper business woman.
Deficit, rather.
Once you go black you never go back.
>Gove just game of throne'd Boris
How? Did he black-mail him?
Does he have dirt? I am trying to catch up here...
It's not that simple but ok
>implying this isn't a Tory general
>implying it's not too cold for anyone other than Eastern Europeans
Please kick my ballsack
I think he was memeing.
I wouldn't be surprised if he was like Jar Jar Binks, but he was actually a Sith Lord.
If she hand't annihilated out manufacturing industry, she'd be the basest of all PMs. She's still alright in my book though.
Gove was hiding in the shadows and biding his time.
Just read up on Theresa May, she's the british Merkel. Her positions as chairman of the Tories are an exact match with Merkel's
Enjoy your fucking britfags, cucklords, this looks like the UK got played big time.
sabotaged an article boris wrote, and then stuck the knife in by calling him a bellend before boris made his announcement
She has said there must be no attempt to stay in the EU by the back door though and Chris Grayling a Brexiteer from the start supports here.
tbqh whoever wins I don't see it going too bad.
Andrea Leadsom will save us.
Wtf I hate Gove now
>If she hand't annihilated out manufacturing industry,
The Unions did that mate
will there be more cleavage in the future?
>about to hit 400
Where the fuck is the thread starter?
She actually specified she wasn't blocking it literally.
At least she's aware of the junk in her trunk.
She'd beat the fuck out of merkel
Corbyn will stay in until the next Election and Abbot will take over and we'll have a fat black PM
Cap this.
90% of Britposters are total fucking perverts, Christ's sake
only if we mummypost hard enough
He was supposed to be Hang of the King to Boris, that's what it was meant to be, but Gove made a power play for Prime Minster and but in his own bid, saying Boris didn't have what it takes.
Boris lost it all, said he would'nt run for PM and everyone hates Boris now.
May is about to get annihilated harder than a 12-year old Germanic girl in a refugee center
I'm on a tablet now and its a pain in the arse to post threads
Police states are always wrong, no matter the circumstances.
Do you have a link to the article?
Don't forget leaking his wives email to make Boris look untrustworthy.
>unable to refute the facts
>resorts to pathetic ad homs as usual
1/10, must try harder
he's literally supporting a point based immigration system which is right.
At 02:15 there's a pirate behind her. What does this mean pls?
I hope Leadsom gets the PM role. She'd be really good and people would actually like her.
>Gove: I would rather the United Kingdom stays intact than the SNP gain power
>People: UKIP is worse than the SNP
He was playing the long-game I think. He knew that the SNP were really dangerous, and the people would see that. Not many people like the SNP anymore, which is why people will like him even more. That, and he thinks more about keeping the kingdom together (extremely important today) than his own party.
I think Gove was playing the long-game here, desu.
>That cute as fuck tartan blazer
>Crisp clean white shirt with a hint of flesh
>indoctrinated by tory press - "unions wot did it"
Scargill and the NUM found evidence that Thatcher already secretly planned to close the pits long before the 1964 strike
Oh and you're not the only oldsters here
What we learned today.
Boris is a pussy for not taking his golden opportunity, and naive for getting Gove'd. He isn't a leader.
Our next PM is either going to be a woman who was for Remain, who did nothing within her power to curb immigration during Cameron's leadership, and who doesn't even want to invoke Article 50 THIS YEAR. Or a lying Machiavellian cunt who will be deeply disliked by sections of his own party for "betraying" Boris.
The best I can hope for now is civil war within the Tory party and a new party forming in the aftermath.
I have. She inquired into them but also praised them. There should be no sharia courts at all.
*1984 (typo)
Her voice warms my soul and my groin
>The best I can hope for now is civil war within the Tory party and a new party forming in the aftermath.
How can we meme this to happen?
He will be the Concervatives Corbyn and with both main parties in disarray, it will be the perfect time for Are Nige to seize power.
>Corbyn will stay in until the next Election and Abbot will take over and we'll have a fat black PM
If you think Labour is doing a coup at the moment, you haven't seen anything. They'd full on Caesar her.
Do you have a non-paywall link anon? Interested to read this!
Funny isnt it?
Isnt it funny?
everybody laughed at us for being eternal anglos, and perfidious albion
Theyre not laughing now!
Hahahaha i met her in the 90s, she is much nicer to look at.
Thank you for sharing. Why is this woman not heading up the Labour Party?
The solution is simple: the next Conservative PM must be a Euroskeptic (Yank spelling). Problem solved.
Do you think Boris will run in 2020? I want Boris as PM
She's still single?
I guess bitches don't need men.
please god let it be her, or she gets some sort of top job
Shocking news!
Exercising does not help you lose weight. The only way to lose weight is to eat less.
There is no magic in it. Pills from TV doesn't work. Just Stop overeating Murricans. | ---79281893
This bait and the leaf falling got it, I'll bite.
Did you even watch the video you posted?
TLDW: Your body is actively burning calories(scales with weight).
Fails to mention the benefits of exercising for physical and mental qualities.
Make healthier food choices because it's harder to burn calories than to avoid eating something shit.
The premise of the video bases it's pitch around dindu hunters and comparing them to our seditary lifestyle.
Vox truly is shit, they're the VICE of aspiring pseudo intellectuals.
Wtf I hate exercise now!
Yes, It's all about calories in and calories out. The best method I lost weight with was 1200 calories per day and a 5km walk which is estimated to burn 350 calories.
Guess I lost my weight with magic. I increased my caloric intake and still lost weight.
did you IF? That shit is magic for real.
Swimming and running, mostly. Swimming burned the weight off like crazy. I was hungry all the time too, so ended up eating more.
While everything you say is true and I agree, the video does have a valid point. That being, it would be impossible for some obese landwhale to exercise their way out of being a fatass while continuing to eat what they normally do.
Weight loss is all about calorie deficits. Pure and simple. Exercise aids in that loss, but it starts in the kitchen.
That said, you have to exercise unless you want to look like a piece of shit after you lose the weight. Also good for your heart.
Swimming is THE best cardio, it's just a pain in the ass to get into if you aren't a good swimmer. Any tips?
I can lose 10-15 lbs of water weight in a night at my work. We have % based work per hour and the most I've ever pushed myself is 700% in a 2 hour period. Couldn't feel my hands anymore as they were bruised and I thought I was gonna have a stroke.
I didn't do too much planning for it, I just read up on the form online and went out and tried it. I usually swam freestroke. My form was bad at first but it got better. It's tough to have good form until you've built some core muscle up.
Make sure you stretch well before swimming too.
What's the point of the walk though when you can just eat 350 less. You'll be less hungry because you didn't walk anyway. 350 calories is a long ass walk and basically a waste of your time
>Muscle weighs more than fat
>Burn fat, replace with muscle
>Somehow surprised that weight alone is a poor judge of fitness.
Anyway, I don't think anyone ever recommends not eating healthier when exercising.
>What's the point of the walk
To exercise your lungs and keep your morale high. Also to get some sun that you need to produce vitamin D.
I'm curious to know what type of work you do that you would physically exert yourself that much?
Cardio is good for the heart.
American here. I've known this for a long time, it's why I don't exercise. I eat less now but I still can't lose weight because the food industry puts extra calories in the food to make it taste better.
I have been pretty much house bound for the last 6 months and not changed my diet in the slightest yet i have piled weight on because I am simply not burning off more than I am eating or a balance.
What sort of quackery is this.
/pol/ has always told fatties to just eat less. Working out however obviously helps and is good for you.
I had 7 asparagus stalks for dinner. Goal is to lose 8-10kg in 2 months. Wish me luck
It never said it doesn't help you lose weight. Everyone knows eating less it more effective.
piss in a public urinal, please
kek demands it
Kinda reminds of this
I love asparagus but hate the smell your pee pee makes afterwards
Wat do pol?
Actually boxing/kickboxing came out on top at 1200 calories an hour if I remember rightly.
The more high intensity exercise you do the more adrenaline is released and the less hunger you'll feel.
All those crossfit guys literally have to force themselves to eat as their metabolisms are running so hot
>I didn't count my calories, but those carrot sticks made me more full than the chocolate bars I used to eat so I'll just say I ate more calories
You know how muscles weight more than fat, the statement is still true.
>Pills from TV doesn't work
Well your standard proton-gradient-uncoupling stuff like DNP will work, they'll just make you feel like shit and/or kill you if you're retarded enough
Piss into a plastic bag of grass clippings.
>move more
>Eat less
>Drink water
There's my diet book.
t. fatty
Exercising does "help" but it needs to be a combination of lower energy input and more energy output.
The problem is twofold, how energy-dense modern foods are and how energy-efficient the human body is. You can exercise hard for an hour and only burn 500 calories where one of those starbucks candy-drinks can put double that right back into your system from a single cup. One step forward and two steps back is not a winning strategy.
Exercise helps because it also encourages a positive sunken investment attitude, "i'm not going to bust ass for an hour only to throw it away on a donut afterwards".
This cant be true for EVERYONE as I eat at a 500-800 calorie deficit everyday and havent lost a pound in years. I just dont gain weight. some days I am 1000 under my goal.
>Exercising does not help you lose weight. The only way to lose weight is to eat less.
what about those guys that swim across the english channel and lose 40 lbs just from burning calories along the way?
500-800 deficit of 6000 is still bad
1500-1800 budget depending on where i type in my weight and height. who has a fucking goal of 6000 at 175 pounds? Kill yourself
Been eating 500-600 calories for 5 days
Went from 116 to 112
As long as I don't eat 2000 calories consistently the weight will not return. I have been doing this for years after I left the overweight line.
This is my personal experience as well. I lost my job and became NEET for a while, didn't change my diet, and ballooned up. As soon as I started working again I was back to my normal weight in like two months. Same diet, no exercise.
conservation of energy.
Do you work or do anything at all? how do you get energy?
What's wrong with you lard asses? As soon as I stopped going outside all of my weight disappeared. Was too focused on playing video games or shitposting to feel hungry to shove 3 meals I didn't need down my throat. I literally sat on the couch and deflated. You're all fucking pigs man. I don't even drink anything that isn't water or a small glass of milk.
and here i'am eating like an american still not gaining a pound
t. 6'1 132 lbs skelly
who else /hungryskellington/ here?
im a power bottom.
please help me amerifat, how can i gain weight teach me your ways, i'am a neet so i wake up around 14 - 16 and miss out on most meals
Hi, polan.
Yah most of us are fat but that just means well die quicker so let it happen.
Also I'm teaching a Polish girl basic guitar, what can I say to her in Polish to make her bang me?
Do you guys have a secret kurwa speak like Americans do?
me too. I cant get fat, im not skinny or fat, or skinnyfat, i have a normal looking body with normal muscles. feels pretty good
eating a chocolate bar atm
Controlling blood sugar is at the crux of the matter. There needs to be turn over.
Deplete muscles of glycogen. Muscles draw from blood. Blood draws from liver. Body draws from fat stores and burns ketones for energy.
Much easier to engage that process with exercise. Particularly strength training.
Height / weight?
Hm. Well I eat less and go to gym daily. Have lost 50lb in 5 months
I currently have a part time job while I'm not in college. 4 to 6 hours 6 days a week.
I just make sure to snack on something with calories in it during my break and keep hydrated. If I work 5 or 6 hours I MUST take an aspirin during my break to prevent a migraine. But as for energy, I sleep a lot on my days off. Don't really know what to say. When I first started doing this it felt horrible so I guess my body adapted.
Sometimes I'll drink an energy drink. It works. But I count or overestimate all of my calories.
No, muscle doesn't WEIGH more than fat, muscle is MORE DENSE than fat.
>There is no magic in it. Pills from TV doesn't work. Just Stop overeating Murricans.
That's partly true. The pills that work are not for sale because in a tiny minority of people it causes heart attacks.
The ones from the TV are mostly expansive fiber pills taken before eating so you feel full faster; eating less.
That's the same thing you dense shit
I'm going to add that my doctors have never found any problem with my body when they do their tests.
Only once did they tell me I was not eating enough because of stuff in my urine. But that was 4 years ago.
Its ironic because I see fat people.around me claim they are healthy then complain about their health problems.
1200 calories sounds dangerously low, unless you're female...
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Eating well controls your weight, lengthening your lifespan.
Exercising improves your fitness and muscle strength, lengthening your lifespan.
Both will improve your life, but yeah, exercising is kind of moot with the caloric density in American foods.
>Actually boxing/kickboxing came out on top at 1200 calories an hour if I remember rightly.
But you won't be able to keep that up for an hour. I used to do kickboxing, and that shit's so hard you'll feel like dying after ten minutes.
193 cm, about 75kg last time i checked
What's /pol/'s opinion on fasting?
> Exercising does not help you lose weight
> Video title: Exercise isn't the best way to lose weight
The video title is correct, as if you are starving it goes against the laws of physics for you to be gaining mass.
t. the original niggers of europe
>There is no magic in it. Pills from TV doesn't work. Just Stop overeating Murricans.
There is a magic pill though, its called DNP. You might sweat blood from your eyes and your kidneys might explode,.
This guy is right. You could probably say that HIIT also burns like a ton of calories an hour, but no one is sprinting for an hour. There's a pretty slim chance that you have a chance at burning more than you eat, if you aren't pretty fit.
Just put down the fucking fork/eat smarter and get some exercise. It's not rocket surgery.
also walking is good for your bone density.
You still need exercise to fight off disease and release endorphins. I'd rather go swimming or bike riding an hour every day instead of bingewatching Netflix Show of the Month until sunset.
I hate being fat, yet I am too lazy to change it.
Former fat people; how long did it take for you to actually start working out?
6ft 3, 255, if that helps anything.
>exercising doesn't require energy
come on Polski
Most people who train/compete on a high to elite level of cardio or strength have to force themselves eat more than they want to.
You might not be hungry during the training, but you sure as fuck are hungry afterwards.
never drink water, just milk and beer.
Start by doing arm and leg exercises in shallow water.
starving yourself puts your body into a system where it tries to preserve energy the best it can and doesn't help you lose weight.
>What's /pol/'s opinion on fasting?
Can only speak from my own experience. But I'm pretty much doing intermittent fasting now.
I used to have a pretty physical demanding job, and had to eat 4 times a day. Now I work in an office, and just do some weightlifting 3-4 times a week. And since I'm sitting still most of the day, I'm not really that hungry. It takes a little while to get used to, but after 2-3 weeks you don't really miss breakfast or lunch. I usually just eat a large dinner at night. Works pretty well.
When I was 16 the realization of being overweight and how different I was from peers as well as how far I was from people who were in shape just hit me hard. I will add that I had a crush on someone or oneitis and they were half my motivating factor besides wanting to feel good about the way I look.
I started planning with a few wrestler bros and they gave me ideas for exercise.
I am actually autistic, don't know if that helped but I spent an entire summer doing the same thing every day. Every hour I planned what I was going to eat to when I was going to play video games or use the internet. Calories were 1200 give or take 100 a day, I even did kpop dancing for fun.
2 and a half months later I could fit into all my old clothes again. My entire appetite changed and my tastes. I found myself disgusted at how much I used to eat and became extremely conscious of how I ate.
Since I got rejected by my oneitis I still stayed strong about my desire to please myself and now my weight is a part of my everyday life. So I only eat on deficits to lose more weight, as I have no intention of trying to gain physical strength. Depression also helps you lose your appetite which I was diagnosed with severe depression. I might also have OCD.
Took me a childhood of depression and desire to start. I'll never be happy anyways I'm most likely can't see what I really weigh due to dysmorphia.
6'2, 145 lbs
I've pretty much have the same body since highschool, and that was 15 years ago. I eat a lot, I don't do exercise except walking. Feels kind of nice but gaining muscle is a bitch because of the insane amount of food you have to eat.
Just don't drink soda or eat sugars, that's why many people are fat, especially women.
I'm 5'2" and 112 pounds right now
Goal is 105
Ideal is 100
>im not skinnyfat
You're both skinnyfat and dumb
The video's right but its poorly worded and going to cause of a lot of misconception.
Dieting without exercise can work.
Exercising with diet doesnt really.
Doing both is obviously optimal.
Its like a 70/30 split between diet/exercise.
>Hm. Well I eat less and go to gym daily. Have lost 50lb in 5 months
>Well I eat less
That's the thing. Loads of fat people join the gym and think they'll get slim by working out. But they don't change their diet. Like the video says, working out makes you hungry, so they'll compensate the hunger by eating more. And end up not losing any weight, give up and go back to their old habits.
Diet is alpha and omega in fat loss. Exercise is gonna make you healthy and feel better. But won't do much for fat loss unless you fix your diet.
Exercising without diet doesn't really ****
>lazy retards arguing their way out of exercising.
When are you slothful cocksuckers going to admit you're lazier than a nigger on welfare?
>that pic
fucking kikes stealing our nordic genetics. Looks like she can't escape the nose genes though.
>physical activity doesn't burn calories
>graph clearly shows otherwise
>I even did kpop dancing for fun.
Are you a straight christian white male?
>We have an obesity problem in this country and we shouldn't treat low physical activity and eating too many calories as equally responsible for it.
>Public health policy makers should really prioritize improving our food environment to help people make healthier choices about what they eat.
>*translating from kike*
>The government needs to make laws to decrease the amount of food calories available to the general public.
>People need to be forced to starve through a government created famine
You can't fool me Vox.
>exercise doesn't make you lose weight
please folks
make /pol/ great again
Spend time on /fit/
Or read the sticky there.
Yes, calories in/calories out, it's science. But exercise preserves muscle while cutting calories, because you burn muscle if losing weight. It's a bit complicated but the bennies of exercise are well documented. If you have to choose one or the other, choose exercise,. But you should do both.
Topical. Today.
> Micetich changed her diet and began working out, documenting it all on Instagram. She said she lost 40 pounds in the first month alone.
What temperature is a swimming pool's water?
What is the temperature of the human body?
Good for you, by the way.
>The best way to lose weight is to eat less
>The best way to quit smoking is to go cold turkey
>scientists and researchers
Or they could easily tell us that we got ourselves into this whole mess. Just stop and think. We're surrounded by all kinds of addictive chemicals...we're fucking ourselves.
the amount of sugar in food is a big problem too
wtf is this a fucking /fit/ board ? get the fuck out shithead
>rocket surgery
I've been saying this forever.
When you're as fat as an american you SHOULD NOT exercise.
It's 100% diet at that point, best you can do in terms of exercise is walk a bit every day.
The truth is most fat asses couldn't do any of the exercises anyway. Go up five flights of stairs? Please!
I wonder how many people have fallen victim to the reality shows with fatties dropping tons in insane periods of time. They're under fucking doctor's supervision for a reason. They have the medical team there all of the time for a reason.
The truth is that a really fat person is better off doing diet first and then when their weight is to the point that doing a jumping jack won't destroy their knees, start exercising.
>exercising does not help you lose weight
>what is TDEE vs BMR
Thanks OP, but I already took the redpill on weight loss. I lost 60 pounds in 9 months by just fucking eating less (went from 6 feet tall 270lbs to 210. My body type is weird, I don't look fat at this weight.)
It was a little rough in the beginning, having my body get used to a lot less food, but it worked. I capped my caloric intake to 1100 to 1500 calories per day. I cheated every now and then, but I kept on track. The weight just melted off.
That was a joke you autist.
had too many children and could have easily survived his cancer if he didn't believe in pseudo-science. Fun music to listen to when cleaning the house. He is also a unicorn as his dad is white and mom is black. | ---79301258
do you think he is an icon of anti-colonialism?
Separatist thread.
What do you want broken off your country and why? | ---79297427
Rest of the world
All Non-Floridans.
Everything from Quebec east. I love you maritimes but toronto and quebec need to go. Also pay debts maritimes, pay debts.
Broken off? I want N. Ireland BACK.
So you want Florida to be alone? Not gonna lie, that sounds really nice.
My man
Ayy man!
I'm thinking of holohoaxing Calis, what do you think?
We will still be 'cuckistan' to /pol/ (though, lets face it, that standard applies to almost everyone) but I think if we holohoax Calis we wil be far greater. What do you say?
Because they are useless.
Everything non Christian catholic along with that shitty marica US ambassador and his husband. Worst than a yankee? A gay yankee.
They are a multi-culti gomorrah
>Ask fedora why there are still monkeys around if humans evolved from them and why monkeys didn't also become humans
>He changes his story to some new bs about a "common ancestor" and says that's what science said all along
They did this with global warming -> climate change too, like nobody would notice. | ---79299275
lmao google evolution.
Educate yourself
Kill yourself, retard.
You can't be this fucking stupid, can you?
Gr8 b8
nice b8 m8,I appreci8 and r8 8/8, and congratul8.
/pol/ BTFO | ---79301012
Nate Silver was wrong on Trump because he didn't pay attention to the polls & data.
This is a model based on polls & data so it's good
Exactly this. Trump is STUMPED!
Define "Aggression" | ---79285858
Stefan pls leave
This. Libtards, explain yourselves.
>see man choking to death
>save his life using heimlich maneuver
>he shoots me in self defense for violating the NAP
>such is life in the libertarian utopia
Pretty sure shooting someone for heimliching you doesnt count as self defense.
>rent my house to someone
>eventually refuses to pay
>refuses to leave also
>cant evict him without causing aggression
It says right there in OP pic that it doesn't matter if the aggression is beneficial
Nice try, kid
physical exertion =/= aggression
Causing physical damage or to induce pain
Stealing one's resources
NAP or no, a case like that will still get judged.
>Find a Flaw
The trigger crowd.
So it's OK to use pshyops?
NAP is defining rules to a game. Nobody who finds themselves the loser or likely loser of any game should play by the rules.
There is no NAP in nature - quite the opposite.
People are wild animals like lions and hyenas on the Discovery Channel. We steal each other's food, and there's nothing wrong with that.
>against victimless crime laws
So littering, making noises at 3 AM, getting wasted in places, etc, shouldn't be outlawed? In other words, does the NAP encourage nigger behavior?
>be farmer in libertarian utopia
>some guy decides to buy all the water in the area
>my crops dry out and my farm is now worthless
>have to make a living by renting my children to pedophiles
>oh well, at least we're free from government oppression
what happens when someone violates it?
How exactly does one buy "all the water in the area?" You recall the water cycle from school right?
Who sold the water and why didn't they raise their prices when they learned someone was intent on buying ALL the water?
Why did someone buy the water if not to sell to farmers?
Who are you to dictate who can buy water for whatever reason he wants? This is the free market in work you statist shill
violation of property rights
The flaw is that there will always be aggressive people
it applies to commies
He's not dictating anything, you retard. He's just saying your scenario is impossible to happen.
>making noises at 3 AM
Depends where you do it. Every land should be privatized, so the owner can ban making noises late. Just like home owners associations do now.
>getting wasted in places
What happens when someone invents an aggression to justify their own aggression as self-defence, or has their legitimate self-defence misinterpreted as an aggression?
>buy all water in the area
he can't do that without violating the NAP since the locals own the water
>communism could never work
>but everyone would abide the NAP
What are you talking about? All libertarianism is literally about is the defense of property rights.
We live in a country that is 10% dindu.
lol, what are private security agencies?
You guys are so dumb, just read some actual libertarian literature, so that you at least know what you're trying to criticize.
>fascism would work perfectly though
Joking aside, all radical ideologies are retarded and have never and will never work in the real world.
>aggression is inherently illegitimate (tautology)
>but, you can use aggression in self-defense or defending others
Nice nonsensical, self-defeating principle.
That's because the guy who wrote it is a retard.
Aggression is always illegitimate. Using physical force in self-defense or defending others is not aggression.
What stops the Private Security Agencies from going rouge and stealing or enslaving people.
I've never heard any serious AnCap assert that everyone would have to abide for NAP. Most advocate for privatization of defense in cases where individuals cannot adequately defend themselves alone, such as insurance companies doubling as police forces or third party arbitrators
People usually agree that initiation of force is wrong, especially in their daily lives. the NAP is simply applying that concept to the political sphere as well. Having two moral systems, one for individual interactions and one for group interactions leads to highly arbitrary outcomes. For example, at what point does a group become a nation and why are dissenting members considered part of it?
I still have those saved
If you're genuinely interested in learning, which I know you aren't, a good starting point would be Hans-Hermann Hoppe's argumentation ethics
Competition. If there's tens of security agencies they would have to all secretly collaborate to try to enslave their own customers. Which is just stupid, because you can make better money, simply by providing service they pay you for. Also there's lots of customers and very few people actually involved in providing security. So that makes it even dumber.
And btw if that did actually happen then we're just back to status quo, since that's exactly what modern governments are. So it won't get worse.
Sure, people might violate the NAP and attack/rob me. But then I have the right to defend myself and my property. Feel free to come at me my liberty hating friend.
>be libertarian police
>can't apprehend suspects because it would violate the NAP
>there are now 1000% more crime than in statist countries, but at least you don't have to pay taxes
They own it, so they can sell it.
This is a core principle of the free market
NAP is a load of shit perpetuated by the bourgeoisie to keep class cucks subservient to capitalism.
All property is theft.
You dumbass do realize that the PMC(it's basically) that would not enslave customers, but different people to use as forced labour to boost productivity, or harvest organs.
Look at organized crime for fuck sake, like drug cartels in Mexico. Do you really think they will not expand and grow with nor organized force to fight them?
If you're dumb enough to not secure water rights before you buy your farm, then you deserve to get fucked up.
Injustice that benefits me is superior to justice that doesn't.
That's not the non-aggression principle. The initiation of violence is what is prohibited.
If you initiate violence, you are estopped from complaining about having violence imposed on you.
Is great replacement considered agression ?
Is the fact that all the roads are full of circulation because of the euro soccer cup organized near my home against my will an agression ?
Is advertise an agression ?
Is EU an agression ?
Is life an agression ?
> Anarcho Capitalism is the same as libertarianism
Gorbachev, end this meme.
Squatting is theft, and thusly, forcefully removing an unpaid renter is not the initiation of force.
You guys are all too new to be posting.
Got any more of these?
Sounds like horse shit though.
NAP isn't about (((consent))), it's about not initiating violence. Performing CPR isn't initiating violence you fucking cretin.
>Performing CPR isn't initiating violence you fucking cretin.
Funny thing, I've seen people sue other people for giving them CPR.
It's a whacky whacky world.
Is the NAP objective and universal
And how is someone obligated to follow it
>Look at organized crime for fuck sake, like drug cartels in Mexico
You do realize that Mexico states does exist, right? It seems quite inept at stoping the violence. In fact all civic servants there are bribed by gangs. That makes it so they actually have financial incentive in gangs existing. So your argument is essentially void.
>that would not enslave customers, but different people
Almost everyone would be a customer of some security agency.
>with nor organized force to fight them
PSA would be better organized than police force now is. All private enterprises work better than state owned ones.
Wowie that idea isn't retarded or anything, what could possibly go wrong???
What about people that ignore the NAP?
What if you're born into a libertarian society where water is already monopolised?
You might not even get a say in matters like that in a libertarian paradise
They're punished for violating the rights of others. What other answer did you expect?
If you defraud, steal, or hurt people, you deserve to be punished.
You buy the land further upstream that contains the river and build a fucking dam genius.
>hurr, the farmer still has the rain that falls on his land, that's obviously enough irrigation
If you don't, your head is gonna be blown off.
Exactly. What could possibly go wrong? Competition provides better product at better price. Market for security isn't an exception. Destroying state monopoly in this market is good for all law-abiding and peaceful people.
Libertarianism =/= voluntarism and the NAP, mongol.
>I should have the right to natural resources that other people own
>if they don't give it to me, it's immoral
How the fuck can water get monopolized? You do realize that there's literally more water than land on this planet, right? Plus even on land, water literally falls of from sky for free. So you would have to own entire fucking planet to "monopolize water". That's not going to happen, you retard.
River is ownable too, you dumbass. Owning part of a river doesn't give you right to completely shut off stream downwards.
Plus you're so fucking dumb, have you ever seen a dam? You have to have an outlet from it, if the water just keeps coming in, it's gonna destroy your dam, you stupid fuck.
So it's like what we have now but liberals with autism had to give it a special name so that they appear philosophical about their shit?
>If you don't, your head is gonna be blown off.
By whom?
I have one. Who is going to enforce it?
I swear some ancaps sound like ancoms in the idea of "unicorns will protect us". But really, who the fuck is going to enforce that "NAP" in an anarchic community?
Straight from google:
feelings of anger or antipathy resulting in hostile or violent behaviour; readiness to attack or confront.
seems pretty gay t bh famalamala
>anarcho capitalism
literally what are you talking about?
>like what we have now
Are you 16, or just retarded?
If someone attacks me, I'll defend myself. If someone tries to rob me, I'll stop them. That's all it means.
So people in a libertarian society are morally forbidden from feeling angry in response to hostile behaviour?
Do you even read your posts before you make them?
A fucking private security agencies, your answer was already answered here.
I can only hope that is due to overly hawkish lawyers, or that they lost their lawsuit, and wish them more success in their next attempt.
When you live in an environment where others don't adhere to it you are constantly playing defense. You have to let the mountainlion attack you first, otherwise you'd be violating the non-aggression principle.
The NAP is great in a homogenous, white society, where people share your values, but not in a society filled with assault-humanoids that need to be kept at bay. The same goes for christianity. Don't turn the other cheek when someone is eating your face.
Then he brought the river as well.
>muh outlet
Now you are just retardedly clutching at straws, guess what if you store a fuckton of water upstream there is less water down stream, farm land drying up is something that has happened after dam building, read a fucking book nigger.
Right. If you don't want to do it yourself, you pay someone for security.
It's very simple, but like the "muh roads" argument people hammer on the minutiae.
Other people have no qualms with violating the NAP to advance their own interests, which may leave you (or your country) in a weaker position, allowing them to continue violating the NAP.
>Are you 16, or just retarded?
You're getting punished as it is if you "defraud, steal, or hurt people". What's so revolutionary about this that it deserves a thread?
What about people that can't affort private security agencies?
Defend themselves
Charities that defend the vulnerable
Plus if they're poor, they won't have much worth stealing so it'll be easy to defend them.
>aggression is illegitimate
>no matter if the results are beneficial
Yeah, that's irrational and borders on idolatry of principle.
So, basically, i will be force to pay to have the privilege to live without fear. Which will result in everyone becoming money cockslaves so that they can walk the streets with some sense of security.
And even if i pay the "private security force" gang, if another one is stronger, it could just as well go all gang wars on mine. Then they take over it. Then i have to pay them. Then they get stronger, gain monopoly on "securing", and i become their slave instead of the government.
Seriously, a non governmental police agency is just a glorified gang. And before you go crazy once more, i'm a minarchist. No government will never work, small government is fine.
Private defence forces already exist, doing jobs that the police refuse to do. Plus they voluntarily protect those that can't afford it.
>Libertarianism =/= voluntarism and the NAP, mongol.
Quite right, libertarian socialism is the only real form of libertarianism.
self-defense is a slippery slope that always leads to totalitarianism and anarchy.
Pacifism must be self enforced, use of violence or force leads to explusion, just like the used to do it in Atlantis.
>So, basically, i will be force to pay to have the privilege to live without fear.
But anon, you just described the current world.
at no point did you make the case for statism
in fact your argument that mountainlions could get ahold of govt power and commit far worse than they ever could privately, is a very strong point in favor of the NAP
No, those are all strawman arguments. Threat of force is violence. You can respond. Also, it only applies to human-human interaction.
>The NAP is great in a homogenous, white society, where people share your values, but not in a society filled with assault-humanoids that need to be kept at bay.
This is one of the many reasons we need to create said homogeneous society. The immorality of others is no reason to stop pursuing morality.
Governments are coercive by nature. Taxation is theft, licenses are theft, telling nonviolent people want they can or can't do on/with their property is immoral. To say that "immorality is okay as long as it's the government" makes you a hypocrite... and hence, voluntarism is the only political system that isn't hypocritical.
>The NAP is great in a homogenous, white society, where people share your values, but not in a society filled with assault-humanoids that need to be kept at bay.
Well, that's true, that only high IQ societies can be successful libertarian societies. That's quite obvious, because only high IQ societies can be successful at all. So you're making exactly no point at all.
Feasible threat of using physical force against you is also aggression. So you can kill the aggressor before he physically touches you. And you can kill mountain lion always, because animals don't have rights at all.
and then what?
you act like the market stops and thats it the book ends
No. As much as you and me hate the police, we both know that it would intervene in the case of an emergency as best as they can, unless big money is in the game. But you will never be against a "big money guy".
How does "creating a homogeneous society" work when you on the other hand are planning to take away the means to create a homogeneous society?
After all
>telling nonviolent people want they can or can't do on/with their property is immoral
If I don't pay tax then I have to live in fear.
>take away the means to create a homogenous society
I hope you don't mean to imply people can only be loyal to their race when it's with the threat of violence as motivation.
Look at post-war America.
>No Defense of Other clause.
Of course not.
Keywords: Anger resulting in violence.
People would need to learn to control their feelings.
Also realise that when people initiate violence against you then the violence is already INITIATED and so self defense becomes morally acceptable.
Defending somebody from violence doesn't violate the NAP.
Some minimal amount of tax is always fine, because someone has been appointed a leader of your community and they need funds to spend on your security and justice. So, *trigger warning*, not all tax is theft.
But what about the ones that don't? The ones that have ulterior motifs to import nonwhites?
Say George Soros buys up half a state and then imports millions of niggers - isn't he allowed to do so on his own property? That would mean the end of your homogeneous society.
It really is an either-or thing.
>Look at post-war America.
I'd rather look at what it led to.
Forcefully taking something from someone without their consent is always theft, regardless of who does it.
>funded with stolen money
Do you not see the hypocrisy?
While that'd be terrible, it wouldn't become an issue in a voluntarist society until they inevitably started initiating force. At that point, it's fair game to remove watermelon.
So, consider that what you're talking about is more an impediment to achieving said society, but not an argument against the ideology itself.
No, i do not see it. When you live in a community of humans, you have responsibilities along with privileges. It is not stealing, it is "agreeing to the terms of that community" for the well being of yours and those around you, as your money will be directly and -only- going towards the community's protection.
>agreeing to the terms of that community
Except that only actually applies to the people who consent(ed). If 51% of the population decides they're going to have taxes, the other 49% never consented, not to mention subsequent generations being born there.
Let's say I live on a farm and use literally no public services. I have my own well, grow food, and make my own tools. What gives the community the right to take my money or property? How can you possibly argue that it isn't theft? If I don't pay taxes, don't show up for the subsequent court dates, and if I resist the police that eventually try to arrest me, I'll be killed.
And this is the society you believe to be moral.
How does that end homogeneous society? The imported black live on his property, they can't enter yours. So you essentially have two separate countries, one with the previous white society, the other is the property of George Soros with all the niggers in it.
That argument of yours can as well be used for supporting full-blown socialism. Also "terms of community" is essentially social contract argument which was debunked so many times it's not even funny.
>it wouldn't become an issue in a voluntarist society until they inevitably started initiating force. At that point, it's fair game to remove watermelon.
What if you can't though? What's stopping rich-guy Soros from buying some good funz and sending those millions of niggers into unprepared neighborhoods? Or what's stopping him from spreading liberalism that leads to people housing the niggers themselves?
I don't want to achieve such a society because we're already living it. And it sucks.
There are a lot of people like Soros that deserve to be dragged into the streets and shot - and that's not possible with the NAP.
>How does that end homogeneous society? The imported black live on his property, they can't enter yours.
Society is a bit bigger than just your own yard, buddy.
If you want to live in a homogeneous white society, then you should create such society with like minded people. You all buy land and then enter into contract, that says you can't invite niggers there nor sell your land to anyone that would do so.
The only reason it doesn't happen already is that state would throw you in prison if you did such thing for "discrimination".
>we are already living in a voluntarist society
I think you're drunk and confused, brother. You don't seem like a bad guy, but I can't understand the points you try to make, at all.
>There are a lot of people like Soros that deserve to be dragged into the streets and shot - and that's not possible with the NAP.
You don't think Soros has initiated enough force to merit being punished with death? He's responsible for a lot of the problems with niggers we're talking about in the first place. Any logical voluntarist would pull the trigger, themselves.
And that's why we need to privatize everything. Then society will indeed be "just our own yards"
The non-aggression principle cannot be sustained without aggression.
Checkmate atheists
So replace Army, Police and Government with Private and you get An Cap.
It's really just that, feudalism 2.0 Retard Bugaloo.
So might makes right then, to bad the minority's and degenerate people won't follow it, but I love the idea of easy to start businesses part of it
>What stops the Private Security Agencies from going rouge and stealing or enslaving people.
The NAP of course. :^)
Responding to aggression with violence isn't the initiation of force, nip.
What country has ever been made because individuals "bought" land?
Your utopia doesn't work in the real world, I'm sorry.
>You don't think Soros has initiated enough force to merit being punished with death?
Not against me personally. Why should I have to wait for him until it harms me personally (and even the it's most likely one of his shitskinned pets and not him)?
>He's responsible for a lot of the problems with niggers we're talking about in the first place.
It's those niggers breaking the NAP, not him.
>Any logical voluntarist would pull the trigger, themselves.
And thus violating the NAP against poor Georgie.
How are you going to privatize everything?
Sellling drugs to kindergarden prostitues doesnt violate the NAP.Prove me wrong
>this is what ancaps actually believe
How do you enforce the law in acapistan? How would competing security organizations actually work and do a better job than the state? What about prisons?
No, it's not "might makes right". You can't commit aggression against others.
>feudalism 2.0
Feudalism was based significantly on the statist power. The land was given to future landlords by the king (the state).
So no, it wouldn't be feudalism. It would be capitalism.
>No, it's not "might makes right". You can't commit aggression against others.
But you can, that's what you autists don't understand.
Monarchy is the logical conclusion of capitalism.Prove me wrong.
I don't think you understand what the NAP actually is.
Let's say I witness someone else being murdered. It's completely clear, no doubt about what happened. I am well within my rights to kill the murderer. Similar situation with Soros. Fraud is still the initiation of force, not even considering all the deaths he's responsible for.
>be ancap
>neighbor's 5-year-old wanders into my private property to retrieve his soccer ball, thus trespassing and violating my property rights
>kill him
>parents come after me for revenge
>my private security team kills them in self-defense
Just another day in ancap paradise
>Wake up in ancap town
>Buy 2000 puppies
>Create a puppy hunting club
>With the money of hunting club I buy all the specimens of an endager specimen
>Kill them all
>Go to the baby market
>Buy 3000 of them
>Prostitute them,as they are my property
>With this money buy recreational nukes
>Threaten the world to nuke it if they dont creaate a unicorn
>After 6 months...
>tfw you have a unicorn
Shitpost harder.
Slavery and nuking is initiation of force, though
>What country has ever been made because individuals "bought" land?
You don't have to buy it, you just have to make it your own in a rightful way. Now it means buying for the most part. But in the past you could homestead it if it had no legitimate owner. That's how most countries were made.
>How are you going to privatize everything?
By giving it back to people by whose taxes it was build. So roads for example would be given to locals living near those roads.
Things which ownership is hard to infer in this way would just be sold to the highest bidder.
Children have rights but don't have full ability to make all legal actions. They can't rightfully prostitute themselves. Well, at least if you're talking about small children. I believe 15 year old or so should absolutely have the right to sell their bodies, even if it's obviously degenerate.
That's nice.
How do you make bread? How would competing bakeries actually work and do a better job than the state? What about mills?
>Similar situation with Soros.
But it's not since the stuff he's doing usually isn't as clear as witnessing someone being murdered.
Most people are too apathetic to know he's the one importing millions of niggers and handing them guns, they'll simply complain about the niggers or even more retardedly about the guns.
Just like it is today.
I understand the NAP very well. It's some autists' fantasies that once you magically implement it it magically prevents bad stuff from happening or magically granting you ultimate powers so that WHEN the bad stuff happens you can immediately defend against it.
The reality is, there's no reason you have to wait for the ants to come into your house before you kill them. It's stupid to do so.
Just go outside and destroy the ant hill.
There are certain cases where it's obvious that in the future, one group is going to be a threat to another. If that's the case, it's also obvious that you should stamp that group out while they're weak.
>All these mental gymnastics by right wing cucks trying to justify their bad political decisions
kek, you still have hope to be saved guys, just come to ANCAP
If we were talking about a less clear case, I'd agree. At this point, I think anyone that doesn't understand Soros' guilt is probably not relevant to a discussion about what is more or less a utopia, though.
I respect your opinion.
What were you saying?
>You don't have to buy it, you just have to make it your own in a rightful way.
Why in a rightful way? What's stopping me from killing you and your family in your ancap utopia and then bribing the private security firm (if you could afford one in the first place)?
>By giving it back to people by whose taxes it was build
What makes you think the people that currently own it would be willig to give it back to those people?
Why does your scenario rely so much on something fantastic to happen?
Are preventive measures allowed in the NAP? I know I can't shoot anybody, but I can shoot someone threatening me with a knife. Can I shoot someone who intents to threaten me with a knife?
Rothbard considers babies property,and if you dont use the nukes you arent agressing on someone,just threatening them
>I respect your opinion.
That's fine, I respect yours as well simply because of how easy it'd be to create my fascist wonderland if you ever get to implement your fantasies. Good luck.
it makes white countries nonwhite, after which they create socialism
any system that doesn't make countries white is flawed to the point of irrelevancy
any system that doesn't put making your country as white as possible at its centre is flawed
but by punishing said offender you are violating their rights
You're the autist here. You treat NAP completely abstractly without considering how actual society implementing it would look like. And then you pose ridiculous questions and scenarios that would never happen in such society as your arguments against it.
Sounds a lot like thought crime. Good luck proving that you didn't violate the NAP.
I think people like Soros could afford a pretty neat private security firm who'd enforce it.
>Live in Libertariantopia
>A private security firm demands $500 a month for "protection"
>Oh ok
>A second private security firm demands $1000 a month for "protection"
>They rape my wife (how would you even get married in Libertariantopia anyway?)
>Too powerful for my cheap security firm to punish them
>Begrudgingly pay the rapist firm for "protection"
Congratulations; a State has been created. So, what's the point?
As above how are the 5yos' s actions violence?
We could talk about how minors are the jurisdiction of their parents or a a about proportional response.
Would the profit motive and competition be enough for law enforcement? Like why not pay some mercenaries to kill someone or damage their property?
How do you bring someone to justice? Someone robs me and i am dirt poor?
Any books or whatever media that explain a private system of law enforcement and justice?
>And then you pose ridiculous questions and scenarios that would never happen in such society as your arguments against it.
Killing people and taking their stuff really isn't that ridiculous. It happened throughout history and still happens today.
It's ridiculous to assume that'd stop because of your magically implemented magic NAP.
>how would you even get married in Libertariantopia anyway?
By the church?I mean, civl marriage is pretty new you know
I'm an atheist. There doesn't seem to be much of a point in getting married without the State.
>the "libertarian means anarchist" meme
A libertarian government would still have a police force and laws against extortion and rape, you retard.
If you are an atheist,you are a retard for marrying.It is basically masochism,with the current law
>because one kike said so
>ignore that it directly violates what the NAP says, it's totally kosher goy!
Not an argument.
Welp, nevermind that, then.
>when another pollack invalidates an entire discussion to get the last word in
>Raise a few generations of people who are not aggressive, also known as beta pussies
>Aggressive people come take your inheritance
t. Faggots
This, also peace makes people weak because war is the natural way of limiting the breeding of the genetically inferior
>tfw I am legitimized to not feed a baby that I just bought in the market place because it doesnt violate the NAP
Well, I can just put a knife in his hand. I can forge some evidence. I mean, I might be a charismatic leader that wants to remove all the bad people of this free society. (/:- =)
>a police force
>funded by taxation = theft
Sounds like a violation of the NAP to me
That kike basically developed all the ethics of the NAP m8.
>and then bribing the private security firm (if you could afford one in the first place)?
What's stoping you from doing so now?
Bribing a police officer is actually a lot easier than bribing a private firm because of trust issues.
If you bribe a police officer and it gets found out, then what happens? Nothing. Maybe the guy goes to jail. That's it.
If a private security firm gets found out, all its customers will be obviously outraged, because it means they can be betrayed next. So everyone changes their security provider and the firm goes out of business. That's why it's way less likely to happen in ancap society.
The point is that world isn't ideal, but it's better when things work, and they work better when they're private.
>What makes you think the people that currently own it would be willig to give it back to those people?
What are you talking about, you moron? The only property that will be privatized, by definition belongs now to the government. That's what privatization means. Are you like 12 and don't actually understand words you're using?
If it's a real threat, then obviously yes. So if someone comes to you with a gun and says, that if you don't pay him some money, he's gonna shoot you, then obviously you and observers of this situation can kill him.
As for "intent", how do you know he intents to do this? Is he making preparations? Did you uncover his plans for this? If yes, then sure you can stop him.
From your pick,a baby that comes out of a woman's vagina is his property.You shot yourself in the foot with that pic
They'll find it like the military: with donations and bake sales.
You're not correct. Rothbard didn't consider babies as property, he just phrased it clumsily.
All he advocated was that THE RIGHT TO CHILD CUSTODY is sellable. Not the child itself.
Besides Rothbard wasn't all knowing. He made mistakes too. He changed his mind a few times after hearing rational arguments against his positions. So you don't have to agree with him in everything to consider yourself libertarian.
Then why lie to yourself as if you're this NAP person when you're clearly not?
>not violating the NAP
That has no bearing on what the NAP actually is, and you're an idiot if you believe otherwise.
Regardless, even if you want to be an autist and call it something else, what we're talking about has nothing to do with what you're shitposting about. But, since voluntarism is actually morally and logically consistent, statists have to try to say it's something that it isn't to even argue 'against' it.
Feels good being the only non-hypocritical ideology.
Why would the woman's body take precedence over the child's?
Did you even read the left side of the picture -- the important part?
>What's stoping you from doing so now?
Them receiving a pretty nice paycheck from the government that's financed via theft :^)
>The point is that world isn't ideal, but it's better when things work, and they work better when they're private.
Then why is there no successful ancap country on this planet?
>What are you talking about, you moron? The only property that will be privatized, by definition belongs now to the government.
Why would the government give it back?
Well, I may want to become a fascist dictator. I just need to use the political system or in this case the NAP to gain the power I want.
Machinery of freedom by David Freedom for a start.
Libertarian means anarchism. The only reason you have classical liberals calling themselves libertarians in US is because the word liberal got stolen there by socialists.
Buying a baby is not slavery.
An dstarving a baby to death doesnt violate the NAP.
>That has no bearing on what the NAP actually is,
It does,when he basically created the thing.
>what we're talking about has nothing to do with what you're shitposting about
Yes it does,is a pretty dark area of the NAP
>But, since voluntarism is actually morally and logically consistent
And you called me an autist?
>statists have to try to say it's something that it isn't to even argue 'against' it.
By the very definition of the NAP I have the right to not feed a baby.It is a fact
>Feels good being the only non-hypocritical ideology.
>I am not hypocrital,when I ignore part of the moral subject.
>Feels good
So not really any different from what I said here >>79294743
We seem to share the same ideals, maybe we should join up to achieve our goals? I'm fine with just being the right hand to my Führer :^)
Reading this thread I haven't seen one actual good argumenet against the NAP.
That's korwin's libertarian capitalism / voluntaryism. There's also true libertarianism - anarchism or libertarian socialism.
>Buying a baby is not slavery.
>By the very definition of the NAP I have the right to not feed a baby.It is a fact
It's not a fact. Rothbard was wrong here. Creating a child does create positive obligations towards it. Kinsella and others wrote about it for some years now. And it slowly becomes the main position among libertarians right now.
Socialism by definition means use of statist force. If you talk with all those self proclaimed "libertarian socialist" you quickly notice they're just socialists, nothing libertarian about them.
And Korwin isn't a libertarian. He's a classical liberal.
>positive obligations
Doesnt this contradict the liberal(libertarian for americans) point of view of liberty.
literally the moral stance of NEETS and lazy niggers
What do you think that adoption is?To adopt a kid,people usually have to pay money.
I'm already starting a database with dangerous people, facebook makes it really easy to track down socialists and antifa-ggots. I believe that the left and the right knows that this or the next generation is a bunch of weak maggots. A totalitarian regime is inevitable. I will go full Pinochet to save us from socialism. having some sleepers all over Europe will certainly help ^^
You're equating what is done currently with what voluntarism stands for, which doesn't make any sense.
Thank you based Führer.
If ancaps ever get their way we need to immediately create a Ge(heime)Si(cherheits)Ag(entur) to help people protect themselves against such NAP violators :^)
Not necessarily. Positive obligations and rights can arise in a libertarian system if they're the result of voluntary actions.
Creating a child is a physical result of your voluntary choice to have sex. Your choices have consequences and you are obviously responsible for them.
Not all contracts have to be signed. If you go to a shop, take some item, go to cashier and pay for it, it's obvious you bought this item, even though nothing was signed.
If your dog goes and shits on the land of your neighbor, you have the obligation to satisfy his damages.
>what voluntarism stands for
So by your autistic views,babies should consent to be fed or clothe? As babies,really never agree to be adopted or to be taken care.
>tfw your wife can consent to fucking jamal next door, and you have to respect the non aggression principle.
>true libertarianism - anarchism
>giving infants food and clothing is the initiation of force
What are you even talking about? If I find an unconscious man and nurse him back to health, I haven't violated the NAP. If I feed and clothe my child, I haven't violated the NAP.
>I'm libertarian, and I support the right to have money taken against your will, by the government, to do things you don't agree with
much liberty, wow
>Positive obligations and rights can arise in a libertarian system if they're the result of voluntary actions
How? It may be a moral obligation for you,but going strictly by negative rights it isn't.
>Creating a child is a physical result of your voluntary choice to have sex. Your choices have consequences and you are obviously responsible for them.
But those consequences are usually a result of enforcement not from voluntary action.
>If your dog goes and shits on the land of your neighbor, you have the obligation to satisfy his damages.
Polluting is an act of agression,not feeding a baby isn't.
Wouldn't you just divorce her?
>If I find an unconscious man and nurse him back to health,
It is not a voluntary agreement,which is the point of voluntarism.
The filthy violators must be exterminated! Every household should pay money yearly for the GeSiAg. Anyone choosing not to pay is of course a violator sympathizer and an enemy of the NAP! The GeSiAg is actively trying to keep a certain region in the middle of Europe free from violators, with an intent of expansion in near future. :))))
It'd only be an initiation of force if I tried to charge him or otherwise get something for it.
You're misunderstanding, which was clear from the start. Looking at someone or talking to them doesn't violate the NAP. Offering them something for free doesn't violate the NAP.
Do you understand what force and aggression mean, in this context?
Are you afraid to be set free or something?
Always fascinating that statists' biggest fear about anarcho-capitalism is that we could go back to statism.
>It'd only be an initiation of force if I tried to charge him or otherwise get something for it.
So beating someone for free is not an initiation of force to you? Your ways of classification are retarded m8
Sustainability is a big issue m8.
>my wife can make her own decisions and exercise liberty how horrible
and this is why you're single senpai
>licensing is theft
What fresh hell is this?
You classify beating someone and nursing an unconscious person back to health as similar acts? Nursing isn't force, beating is.
Stealing money to 'allow' someone to exercise a right is definitely theft, yes.
What fear? It'd be a great opportunity.
Simple, "I disagree". Look at that, suddenly I'm able to use aggression without reason.
You didn't adress my point about buying stuff. And you're missing the point about my second example. It wasn't about polluting, because you indeed weren't polluting at all. It was your action of buying a dog and not closing it down properly in a cage or in home that resulted in that poo on your neighbor's grass.
So positive obligations can arise as a consequences of your voluntary actions. Having voluntary sex which results in creating a child is a good example of such situation.
>Nursing isn't force
Yes it is.You usually have to use neddles and the like for nursing.Those things are kinds of agression
In a society of free people who are justified in killing you for any violent act you commit, why would you risk committing a criminal act?
As a criminal in an AnCap society, any member of society is your enemy, not just the police.
>giving a dying person an IV to save their life, and not charging them for it, is force
Property is aggression.
>humans spend thousands of years trying to improve the concept of a state
>autists think "cmon guys the worst that can happen is you'll have to start all over" is a compelling point
If people are going to be behind the windshields of trucks or fucking aircraft, they need to be certified.
I'll make an attempt at a serious argument
The NAP is self serving and not a legitimate (((moral stance))). They don't wanna pay taxes so they come up with an "argument" that justifies their goal.
This is evident in the "aggressions" that Libertarians seek to eliminate via the NAP. In OP's picture they list "victimless crimes, taxation and military drafts".
The policies that the NAP seeks to eliminate are those that punish Freeloaders, people that benefit from the system but don't want to contribute to it. This is an inherently illegitimate stance to take. If you're benefitting from something without contributing, it's stealing, it's enslaving the people that contributed.
That freeloading is itself a transgression and society has every right to use aggression to stop it.
>Having voluntary sex which results in creating a child is a good example of such situation
But why do positive oligations appear because of sex? I really dont get it.The only consequences for not raising a child,would be violent enforcement.
This is what statists actually believe. "Improving" the concept of a state. Good one, m8.
Property is theft you retards
Yes it is.Implying that force is inherintly bad is pure autism,which is the whole basis of what you defend
And it HAS to be by a government that forces them to pay to do it, right?
Who says
You have to live around niggers
What do you define 'force' as?
Do you know how many dams are on the Columbia River? It's still flowing just fine.
Also if some company did shut off some whole river for themselves, they will have to deal with backlash from a community of people who regard them as an asshole.
The invasion of the physical integrity of another person's property.
Your right, may as well just let any retard or actual child on freeways or fly through cities. We'll just punish them as they come, assuming there's anything left in the wreckage.
>hundreds of thousands of year of governments
>literally all of them shit
>"lol fucking ancaps obviously we're so close to getting it right"
>modern governments are literally no better than feudalism
Maybe in a 3rd world shithole like Poland. Over in real countries I think everyone can agree things have improved
read >>79298711
I haven't heard any argument why people wouldn't just form an alliance to take over control again. "Everyone will just be a good person" is the same logic socialists and communists use over and over again and every regime ends up in a total failure.
Or, y'know, realize that if roads and air regulations were privatized, that people would be able to do the same thing without being extorted at gunpoint by the government.
To say "people cannot travel safely by vehicle without a government" is a logical fallacy.
strength or power exerted upon an object; physical coercion; violence,
Nursing requires the use of violance in your case
That house is your property. If he's violating your property then you have the right to defend your property. He's violating the NAP by not leaving in the first place, you're defending yourself.
>The only consequences for not raising a child,would be violent enforcement.
What do you mean by "violent enforcement"? I'm not sure whether you're not wording correctly what you mean or I am just not understanding.
>But why do positive oligations appear because of sex?
Because by doing that you're creating a new child. This child has rights. It obviously wasn't asked whether it wants to start existing in this world. As it is you who forced this on the child you're responsible for its well being.
It's like if you invited someone to your house for a weeked and then decided to shoot him because he was trespassing. You can't do that. By inviting him you took on yourself positive obligation to let him be in your house for the invitation period (and so he has positive right to be in your house).
Positive rights can arise as consequences of free choices of peoples.
Actually, if you dwelve deeper, you would see that monarchy is a much more sustainable and effective form of statism than democracy
Its a short read, 2 hours
>implying AnCaps would have means to defend themselves
Now give that man with a house a proper rifle and we'd see how he'd manage the bandits, hm?
Any serious property owner in an-cap land would possess adequate means to defend their property from banditry.
>violent enforcement
Enforcing a punishment by force
>Because by doing that you're creating a new child.
By using a car you creatig pollution,does that mean that I have to deal with that polution myself?
>This child has rights
Yes,by your standards just negative ones.
> It obviously wasn't asked whether it wants to start existing in this world
Didnt do I.Does that mean that my family have to take care of me forever?
>It's like if you invited someone to your house for a weeked and then decided to shoot him because he was trespassing. You can't do that. By inviting him you took on yourself positive obligation to let him be in your house for the invitation period (and so he has positive right to be in your house).
Nothing to do with this.
Good luck getting him out without either damaging your property or getting killed though.
You cannot truly follow the NAP unless you go vegan, as your choice to eat meat harms other humans
Things have improved as a consequence of private actions made by individuals. States are becoming just more and more oppressive. Not a single king in the middle ages would be able to stay alive for just a week if he tried to force on people the taxes that we have today.
You know the NAP only deals with the INITIATION of force, right, dingus? Punishing someone who violated the NAP isn't a violation of the NAP in and of itself. Retaliatory force is completely different.
That's why private would be useful.
Yes, private courtrooms.
Indirect consequences aren't coercion.
If I fart and my neighbor smells the fart downwind and pukes, I have not violated the NAP.
>Now give that man with a house a proper rifle and we'd see how he'd manage the bandits, hm?
Is he going to live in his house indefinitely? Never going to sleep, never going to work, never not watching?
>Any serious property owner in an-cap land would possess adequate means to defend their property from banditry.
Another fantastic assumption that'd never happen in real life.
That's why courtrooms would be useful.
Yes, private courtrooms.
Ownership is determined by the state. If you disagree, then you must have an ideological description of what property is. And in that case, this is no longer a question of aggression, but property.
And if we had the police remove him then the property wouldn't get damaged, and the policemen wouldn't possibly get killed?
>Moral stance
Automatically idealistic thus irrelevant irl
Lolbertarians don't even try any more.
>Enforcing a punishment by force
Taking care of your child is not a punishment.
>Nothing to do with this.
That's exactly the same situation. Just replace:
friend - child
your house - world
invitation - sex
>Yes,by your standards just negative ones.
Nope. It also has positive rights to protection and care from people who created him (that is his mother and father).
>you creatig pollution,does that mean that I have to deal with that polution myself?
What? No, but it means you are responsible for it. You have to clean the poo that your dog left on your neighbors property. You don't have to do it yourself, you can as well pay somebody else to do it, just as you can pay a nanny to take care of your child.
>ancaps wouldn't even try to defend themselves, you're being unrealistic
>there would be rovings gangs of heavily-armed people just stealing houses from clueless denizens
Be realistic, now.
>if I dump all of the waste from my reactor into the lake and people living nearby die I haven't violated the NAP
NAP isn't about hurting other people, but about violating their rights. I'm not violating anyone's rights by eating meat. You're stupid.
Why should I, or anyone else, adopt the NAP as an axiom? It's not self-evident, and its application doesn't lead to prosperous societies.
Your violating the animals rights, what about vegan extremists
>Be realistic, now.
I am. What's stopping someone from just shooting brave ancap man when he's sitting in his car on his way to work with a rifle?
>people die as a direct result of my actions
>not violating the NAP
bitcoin will never be worth a dollar, ever again.
so thats false
whats stops them now
bitcoin disproves this as well
The coercive power of a state dumbass.
your property goes into and out of your body?
desu this is the problem, jumping through loads of hoops and circular arguments to privilege property rights over everything else in a retarded manner
property rights are great, but this ancap NAP philosophy is not
>You know the NAP only deals with the INITIATION of force
Treating clinicaly a baby requires initiation of force
i can kill you and therefore i win
shooting stats destroy that dumb claim
No, it doesn't.
Providing medical care to an infant does not require fraud, theft, assault, murder, or any other form of coercion.
Nope, retaliatory force isn't a coercion, you dumbass. It's been said already million times.
Policemen stopping criminals isn't aggression, policemen stealing money in form of taxation is.
The illusion that the state's going to come for them.
That illusion in an ancap society wouldn't be there to that extent. I sure as fuck wouldn't fear some public cameras when there's neither a "public" nor a centralized institution collecting the data. And people having to pay for their own security firms sure seem like a lot more individualistic and distrusting, thus not caring when my lads enter the house of the sadly deceased ancap man to take all his stuff.
Or are you just memeing?
So let's just not do anything to prevent ourselves from getting shot besides buying bunkers then huh?
then you are against statism
and the people that were not stopped by this illusion under statism?
Nice Spook
>Taking care of your child is not a punishment.
What are the consequences of not doing it?
>your house - world
Here is where the false analogy comes from
>It also has positive rights to protection and care from people who created him
So my parents have to take care of me forever?
Do I have to take care of my hammer because I creeated it?
>No, but it means you are responsible for it
>You have to clean the poo that your dog left on your neighbors property
Only if I want,or I am enforced to do so
How do you turn land into property?
If you say homesteading explain how that's relevant after land has been stolen 10 times over through history and no ownership transfer chain from the original homesteader exists.
>Only if I want,or I am enforced to do so
If you don't believe in property rights, of course your philosophy doesn't work with the NAP. That doesn't discredit the NAP, though.
>So let's just not do anything to prevent ourselves from getting shot besides buying bunkers then huh?
still not making the argument for statism?
In a society of completely free people who hate assholes, why would you risk shooting some guy in a passing car?
Or why would you do it in the first place?
Or why would only the bad guys have access to guns to defend/offend with?
Do you ever go outside, or do you just dream shit up from your mom's basement or air conditioned office all day?
>any other form of coercion
Yes it does.Perforing a kid to vasccinate him,is a way of coertion,as the baby doesnt agree to it
Spook Thread?
Spook Thread
*shoots you*
i win again
>then you are against statism
>taxation is theft
if taxation is theft, so is private property. The state takes my money and gives it to corporations by protecting their productive property, a kind of property which I have none of. If the state did not exist, the workers could just take that property for themselves.
>inb4 muh nap
get your spooks out of here
>Live in anarcho-capitalist society
>fire my recreational nukes into the only clean water supply in the local village since I own it
>use my PMC to kill anyone who trespasses onto my land
>let my 3 year old son starve to death because I have no obligation to feed him
There's quite a bit of confusion about terminology and definitions ITT.
>vaccinations are the same as treating injuries
What are you even talking about? It's a stereotype that ancaps are anti-vaccine, and I'm no exception.
>doesn't discredit the NAP, though
Yes,as you are trying to argue that is an universal form of behaviour
It was just an indirect consequence of dumping the waste. Not my fault they weren't smart enough to move.
You can kick her out without having to give her a cent.
In our current society, not only you can't do anything to her but you'll also have to pay alimony, give her half of your money, and be forced to watch Jamal fuck her until she finds a new place to say.
Read Rousseau dumbass. If I can have some credible say in my state, I have more power and more freedom than without a state.
And for those without capital, they have nothing to protect themselves but their own two hands without a state.
reminder that libertarians cant beat ghosts.
i am a ghost
>Yes,as you are trying to argue that is an universal form of behaviour
No, I'm not, and I never have. Tag the post where I said this.
>I was just shooting my gun in their direction
>they didn't move so I'm not at fault
I'm loving these nonarguments.
>It's a stereotype that ancaps are anti-vaccine, and I'm no exception.
So you are against blood transfusion,through needles? Even if it was the only way to threat the baby?
>mfw all these statists in this thread
>asserts aggression is inherently illegitimate
>It belongs to "us"
Isn't the concept of "us" a spook?
statists have all the nukes
Idf you say that any use of force is inherintly bad,then yes,you are assuming that is a universal form of behaviour
Those people are criminals, many of which are getting caught by the police that's fianced via taxa...theft :^)
>In a society of completely free people who hate assholes
Why would that society only consist of these people? Don't you people realize how shitty your ideology is when it hinges on everyone having precribed qualities?
>why would you risk shooting some guy in a passing car?
So that they can't protect their home my fellow banditos and I want to snatch.
>Or why would you do it in the first place?
Because we could do it more easily than we could now. Maybe because we'd have some ideology behind it, like ridding society of non-whites.
>Or why would only the bad guys have access to guns to defend/offend with?
Nobody says they would. It's just delusional to assume that guns are these magic things that protect you when it's so fucking easy to kill you without you even getting a chance to use it.
>Do you ever go outside, or do you just dream shit up from your mom's basement or air conditioned office all day?
Pretty funny coming from an Ancap honestly.
Yet we have all the labor
>they will have to be physically separated and removed from society
Come and get us, bucko
Natural rights is a retarded concept.
Disowning violence is retarded.
As Aristotle said, man is a political animal, the only ones that can live without the state are animals and gods.
>mfw all these spook in this thread
>blood transfusions are the same as vaccines
I'm not saying it IS a universal behavior. I'm saying it should be, and if I said anything else, it'd make me as hypocritical as your average statist.
Wrong, the workers have all the labor
>random guy in your community is killing people
>thinks he won
Target on your back for every single able-bodied person in your society.
Good luck.
>Not a meme
>tfw communists never learn
>open carry society
>see a muslim walking into a gay bar with an AK-47 and 11 magazines in a bandoleer
>muslim also has body armor
>remember that muslims have been assaulting gay bars which are by choice "gun free zones"
>there have 50 attacks in the last 3 months
>thought about coming up behind him and capping the back of his head
>cant stop this towel head because that would be breaking the NAP
>inb4 presupposing the attack
>towelhead ends up killing 300 homos
Such is life in libertarian paradise
>leftist memes
Workers are never just workers.
They are free to start their own businesses, they can own stocks, they can invest, etc. The marxist definition of workers if it was ever true is certainly not true in the 21st century.
>blood transfusions are the same as vaccines
It still coerces the baby to be perfored by a needle
and what if the elites simply want to deny you a world to live in. if they cant have your labour. the world burns.
you will always lose. worm.
you lose.
>Americans have democracy
this is now a DOOM thread
>towelhead ends up killing 300 (You)
and nothing of value was lost.
Be realistic, now. That's iniating a ton of force. If someone else ever even did that, what do you think would happen to them?
Keep in mind that your scenario is pretty much impossible and a complete work of fiction.
>If it doesnt fufill my autistic definitions,it isn't a democracy
they are free to do anything but be in control, amiright!?
Any dumbass can own stock, but only a capitalist can control a company.
Yeah, the same way the Democratic Republic of Korea is democratic, totally
Performing life-saving medical procedures on your child, that you voluntarily created and made an obligation towards, at no cost to the child... is not coercion. I don't know how this is so hard for you to understand.
It's not coercion if you bump into someone while walking.
Why are leftist memes always so terrible?
False paradigm.
Respecting property rights works in your own self-interest.
>is not coercion.
Why?You are using strenght and force to do something against the will of the baby
your food shits on its own food, then eats the food it just shat on
that is what you eat
What if that random guy is wearing a mask when he's going around killing people?
What if that random guy is killing people in secret?
>Be realistic, now. That's iniating a ton of force.
No it isn't, since he's nuking his own property.
>Keep in mind that your scenario is pretty much impossible and a complete work of fiction.
Just like an ancap society existing for a long period of time :^)
As far as I know the US elects its representative.Unless you argue that the only form of democracy is direct democracy,your distinction is pure autism
>posting redpanels
Stockholders control publicly traded companies. It's communism par excellence.
Of course owning stock would force leftists to assume responsibilty for their own failures and deprive them of the businessman boogeyman.
Philosophically speaking, yes - there is nothing biding these human beings together and, together, they do not represent anything other than a bunch of individuals.
Practically speaking though, it's just an easy way to make us understand via a pronoun that these gentlemen are together in an alliance of egoists to get your house.
They are helping each others because they recognise that none of them will win - for the moment - anything by killing or fucking the others. And they each decided individually that taking the house of this ancap guy would help them in their own ambitions.
>lifesaving healthcare at no cost to the child
>the child you are morally obligated to protect until it can do so on its own
>strength and force
No, you aren't.
If that's the case then why are there cow droppings on pastures? Why are they never half-eaten or something that would indicate the thing you claim is happening?
>The people of England regards itself as free; but it is grossly mistaken; it is free only during the election of members of parliament. As soon as they are elected, slavery overtakes it, and it is nothing.
t. Rousseau
You're the one who said farting doesn't violate the NAP. There's no difference between farting in an enclosed space and dumping a bunch of potentially harmful waste into a lake except for the scale of harm that could be done, which we all know is irrelevant to the NAP.
Wrong, institutional investors control publicly traded companies, smaller investors have virtually no power.
If you can't sustain your own life, then the free market DOES fix it: you die.
Option 1: The man owned the land the lake is on. If that's true, he has every right to dump whatever he wants there.
Option 2: He DIDN'T own the land it was on. By dumping waste there, he's violating the NAP.
Conclusion: The NAP does not condone what you are suggesting, and as always, remains morally consistent.
Let's say that is true for the sake of the argument...
What stops you from starting your own worker-owned company? Well?
Biggest autist in history.
Again,electing people is a form of democracy.If you dont like democracy is another matter
my point is as valid as the idea that humans eat grass
>lifesaving healthcare at no cost to the child
Trauma,of being physically altered by a neddle
>>the child you are morally obligated to protect until it can do so on its own
This is not part of the NAP,That would mean that you could kill others because of the child
>That would mean that you could kill others because of the child
Dude what? Literally every shitpost you're making up some whackadoodle shit
If protecting the child is an imperative,that would be the case.
>If you can't sustain your own life, then the free market DOES fix it: you die.
Or, of course, we kill it.
the accumulation of capital makes private companies the dominant mode of production. Someone can make a worker-owned co-op, but not everyone can be a worker in one. If this prevents me from being a worker in one, then I care little whether /someone/ can be in a worker co-op, I am unfree.
No u.
No, not at all.
It means the parent is obligated: nobody else. If you fail, you fail, but that doesn't give you the right to kill or otherwise coerce anyone else for the child.
>Electing people by a democratic process is not democracy
My will can be represented by no one but myself.
So using force against your own baby is justified,but doing it against others is not? Even if it was a life/death scenario,in both cases?
You could create an alternative economy and trade only with worker-owned businesses if you wanted to. You are just looking for excuses.
Well, it's not force, so... No, in both cases.
>no one but myself.
Your will may be stupid,and hurt other people,that is why others limit your freedom
Yes it is.Putting a nedlle through the skin of a baby is using force.
Again, you don't seem to understand what 'force' is in relation to voluntarism.
If it takes constant, specific "what-ifs" for you to manage an argument, that's the best argument you can make for AnCapistan.
Apply yourself for once. Even if we assume that a police force was the only way to kill some masked killer(as if it's never been done before), what would a central police force be able to do that a private one couldn't do?
He's also nuking people's water supply, made a total bad guy of himself to the world, and completely destroyed his own property. He's also a fantastic work of fiction.
Not an argument. Not yet an argument.
Seriously, how much are you getting paid to scare people away from freedom?
What is going to happen with the US Student Loan Debt Bubble?
Will it burst like the Housing Bubble did?
Is this anything to worry about? | ---79295446
maybe liberal schools should stop charging so much
and can we laugh when the bubble pops and tons of liberal professors are fired after selling 200k history degrees?
How are they supposed to lower the costs when every retard can attend a University after leaving high school?
If only I could invest in student loan debt.
Is the number of students rising in kind?
Otherwise students are fucked.
it's possible to keep your loans in some form of payment deferment almost indefinitely, so I don't think there's going to be an outright mass default.
the money has largely flowed into college towns, driving up living expenses there, and fueling the construction of new apartment buildings. if the college meme dies off, it could cause a drop in enrollment, leading to this new construction defaulting and a massive budget crunch for universities. that could get interesting.
End subsidies. The only reason tuition has gone up as much as it has (even in past few years) is because the federal government subsidizes it, essentially handing colleges/universities blank checks.
by doing it
libs cry about the cost of school... and run all the schools
my school went up 6% a year... while inflation was 2% a year
It can't burst like the housing bubble burst, because student loans can't be discharged in bankruptcy, and because they have no tangible assets as collateral.
What we're seeing instead is young people not to buy houses and cars, and choosing not to get married and start families.
any good info graphics on how bad the US student debt is i want to convince a dumb american girl to study in the uk so i can bang
maybe they should go back to college
Student loan delinquency is twice as common as mortgage delinquency at its peak.
shes a nigger i need an infographic with less words and things in bold text so she knows where to look
Bernie sanders will win the election
and make collages free
I wonder if you can. Like in the big short
>student loan bubble
Student loans aren't overvalued you nit. They aren't capital.
It's not a bubble. It's future poverty for those stupid enough to think that $100k piece of paper for a non STEM degree means shit in our future socioeconomic structure. It's particularly bad in the US.
Future generations won't be able to afford it like the millennials that can't afford housing now. It's going to take a long time to go into affect though, but even now as speak smaller local colleges are making trips to China and other countries to fill enrollment gaps. So basically it has already popped but the is problem nothing will come of this until the fed runs out of money and even with deposits for all Americans sitting around the tune of 11 trillion the FED only has 1 or 2 trillion in currency for circulation. Just this week we have watched the Dow Jones drop and then gain 1000 points. What I would like to know is where the money came from, Chinese investors in the form of capital flight? Maybe the FED just printed it who knows but there is major trouble ahead if this continues.
>Free tuition fees.
Even if I had tuition fees, it would be like 400 euros/year (student social security included)
I could basically pay for my studies with a summer job.
US Student Loans lol, that shit is hilarious.
Most of those student apartments are crap constructions anyway and are going to be ghettos in a few years.
>ex girlfriend decides to major in graphic design
>changes it to fine arts
>all excited for her degree, jokes about how she will be in poverty
Went from a semi-useless degree to a completely useless degree. And totally ignorant of the ramifications. Modern day students are complete retards.
> collage
What is he giving us magazines to cut out?
Of course it's gonna pop. There is a very large housing bubble in China, loan debt bubble in the USA and an enormous national debt, financial crisis in EU, NASDAQ bubble, Japanesse treasury bonds crisis and a few others I can't recall right now.
What happens if these things "pop" though?
Will is just be 2008 all over again?
Yes thats called a US dollar when he goes into office
Omg that picture is so funny, I hope it drops to zero so badly!
The joke <---------------------> you
I was poking fun at you saying collage instead of college.
Plus Bernie has no fucking chance to the point where he's already endorsing Clinton.
We don't know because some of this stuff has never happened before
>The joke <---------------------> you
Well student loans can essentially be deferred for a long time. And the payments close to 50 dollars a month making it hard to default but you pay for life essentially.
What we're going to see instead of a burst is the current millenials not marry or own any assets or equity like homes. They won't take out loans on vehicles or houses because they already owe so much to sallie mae.
Basically you're going to see a generation that will not own anything of consequence or future benefit.
It's gonna be worse than 1907, beacuse there were no safeguards installed after the 2008 financial crisis and the goverments pumped trillions worthless dollars into the banks, plus we had large scale quantitative easing (money printing) but the money never reached the market, they are still circulating only on the stock exhanges.
Fucking dumb ass pollack
It would be kind of cool if somebody could figure out a system to profit off of other people's student loan debt that doesn't involve erecting a university or owning a bank. Like a debt stock market.
Because every single parent told their kid that he has to go to college or he's a failure. Most people can't handle the rigor so it's been made easier and BAs have increased. Since a degree in basket weaving isn't a failure but a trade is.
Not everyone is muslim, achmed the frog
you can go ahead and kys now
>an entire generation of Art Degree carrying, childless, apartment-renting degenerates who take public transit everywhere.
How horrifying
>>79298103 I could assume it's gonna start a war. The Panic of 1907 started WW1 and then WW2. Europe was always a hotbed for the biggest world conflicts and the continent is divided more than ever, I have a feeling that the Brexit started the domino.
I have one, agree to pay a student's debt in exchange for their inheritance. It's as simple as that and if you calculate the interest from now until their parents die that will have most likely saved money over the long run.
You are the dumb ass
I misspelled it on purpose to set up that joke
she got attached to some other guy and hasnt talked to me in like 4 months so i dont really think about her anymore. But when I read about problems in modern universities such as rising debt, jobless millennials and student inflation in the schools I am always reminded of her because she's part of the problem.
Lies. Jokes haven't been discovered in your country yet.
back to eating and feeling superior in your <50% country John
meanwhile people with real degrees, jobs and families will be labeled as the oppressing class for not being dumb asses and working hard in life.
I believe once you turn 50 if you still have a balance on your loans it is forgiven, but that balance is counted as an income tax liability
Its going to,burst when automation kills millions of white collar jobs, and minimium wage jobs. Right now, graduates are given extra time to pay back their loans since the government assumes that a bulk of students in debt will eventually become productive members of the labour force once they enter the corporate ladder, and even if they dont, they can always go through the minimum wage route and surivive on less than 5 dollars a day whilst they work themselves to an early grave at some min wage job for decades. Once automation starts killing these minimum wage and white collar jobs, and the banks/gov realise its impossible for a majority of graduates repay those loans, then youll have your crash.
>Friends complaining about their loans
>Don't have the heart to tell them that my parents paid for everything.
I've complained along with them, the past few years now.
Shh, don't tell em. I'm getting rich off welding these aparments
As long as you are working hard to ensure you will get a good job then there's no shame in that. Just dont be the faggot who goes to college and accomplishes nothing while your parents pay for everything.
Nice post, I cant see the future changing any other way. Best to get a good degree and job before the automation boom begins.
Polish humour clearly emigrated in search of greater employment prospects.
My fucking wife has a degree in art history from UCLA you need to fucking know its the parents who are supposed to guide there kids hers are upper middle class liberal gen xers who are basically boomers in every aspect but age.
>they arent capital
Future capital? Capital isnt just physical monetary assets, education is also capital.
Students trade future earning power in order to get an education, this isnt a mystery. If they cant get a good enough job to pay the loans back then their education is most certainly overvalued
Oh im absolutely aware, her parents are totally at fault for not disciplining her enough for her to make her own intelligent decisions in life. This is what happens when you baby your kids until they become adults, and they waltz into colleges without a clue on how the world works.
The university bubble wont burst for the unis though. They will just go search out chinese students who dont even take loans.
For locals though they go back and do trade school, which is actually not bad. You can make a decent living in the trades in a 1st world country
I think maybe to do this you would look at what will the effects of the bubble bursting be and look into how to make money off of that.
there's two ways to that, you can bet both long and short.
to bet long you would look at services/stocks that would stand to gain more profits through a student loan collapse and then invest on those now while you anticipate their share value to rise.
the other way would be to short stocks that you think will crash.
I'm sure some googling could provide some insight from analysts who's job it is to predict these things. I'm no analyst so I can't really speculate personally.
Eventually, as the prestige of the American university fades, Chinese students will stop going to the other side of the world to read books.
It isn't entirely the fault of modern students that they choose degrees that will never return on investment.
They are overwhelmed by a constant buzz of "Anyone can do anything! Follow your dreams!" on one side and people saying "It doesn't matter what you major in! People just want to see that you can finish a degree!"
Often by people without degrees.
My gf went to school for an HR degree. She makes like $15 an hour. Has $30k debt.
Guess it's a goodgiving money to women thing I graduate next year with an engineering degree and zero debt.
An engish tertiary education will be prestigious for another century at least i bet.
Employers select based on which uni you studied at
>Guess it's a goodgiving money to women thing
So that's why it didn't type in to google
Cont. from:
Hyde ends the war of Ethnic Cleansing with the Jews, but the New England Patriots continue it | ---79291135
Fill oregon
Fill Indiana
Finish Nevada, spills go to that southwestern Mexican state
Imperio español > Florida
Take Florida
Dubs, if any remain spill into Arkansas
Defend, if attacked.
Spills fill New York then Ontario
Fill Texas
Is there any territory to take over?
I like to roll repeating digits such as these dubs.
Wipe out the pathetic farmers and conquer Nebraska.
OP, I'm waiting your answer.
And maybe you can also include these trips into my roll.
Off by 1
are you the dude who had the romanian risk thread yesterday?
Off by 1 kek. Im detecting a scriptfag, that barely failed
kek fail
you should start a new one you blessed fucking mad man
into south dakota
Invade california
Attack Cascadia, take Nevada and claim Oregon
Take Indiana
Advance into Arkansas
Finish Minnesota, spills into Wisconsin
Fill Florida
into Utah
Same as last round, defend if attacked, fill NY then Ontario
>mupdate 14
I'm a bit too late here and I don't feel like hosting another game...
Basically stuck with +2.
Hope I get nukes famalam
is this a 3 straight?
Imperio español > Florida
How did I not gain any fucking land, OP? I should be raping him
>getting 2 straight 0s
just fuck my shit up
Attack Florida
its a pali bro. good role desu
I'm in
Because attacking through river is -20 you fucking caveman shit
Oh, what's that, a bridge between Alabama and Georgia. Wowee, its almost as if I meant attack the Nation instead of actually attack in the state of Florida
>Imperio español
Wow it's almost as if bridges don't count dickhead
Fill Nebraska, spill Iowa.
dont get me horny
This OP is really rude...
Why the fuck are the bridges there then, you absolute retard? What's the point of them being there if there's no strategic value? You are fucking dumb if you think that bridges don't negate the River penalty
kee your neet rage away from my OP
I have to go to work, bye
Your OP is a dumb Pecheng cuck
USSR and Cascadia engage in the "Sequoia War"
Because the rule of the map was that you could ONLY cross rivers through bridges.
I thought this was stupid so I changed that rule, I can't edit out all the bridges
Stop raging at me or I'll give you a penalty for disorderly conduct
Attack Florida
Gonna be away for one or two rounds, please just keep attacking Florida for me
Fill Wisconsin, spills into North Dakota
Fill Florida
Conquer Iowa
Take back Cali then take Oregon
Fill Indiana
Spill Illinois
Defend, if attacked
Spills fill Ontario
Fill in Utah
no hard feelings phoenicia but you're in my way
Imperio español > Florida
Fuck yeah, dubs!
glorious dubs
Full ally? Om the condition u dont join the war, i want their land.
Cross out disgruntled farmers
Ok good.
good lad
Finish Wisconsin, spills into North Dakota
Push Libertarians out of Florida
Conquer Iowa, spill Missouri
Fill in Utah spill to south dakota
Defend, if attacked. Fill Ontario.
Finish Cascadia, then on to New Mexico
Imperio español > Florida
Okay, seriously, this time you fucked me. I rolled a 39 total and he rolled a 4 to fill Florida in general which means he should attack purple too and even if he attacked me first he would only gains like 5 land or wathever which means I should have enough to make gains over the river
Fill illinois!
We're making mad G A I N S goys!
Going to take that north passage at any point?
if any left over spill arkansas
Fill Texas
Now up for a NAP?
you got it
The KKK is a prime example of why you should never start in Texas
Just fill up Ontario, then take New Jersey from the Kikes
Annex Washington, then New Mexico
Keep filling texas :(
FILL Arkansas
Imperio español > Florida
If you ignore me again I'm leaving the game. Florida rolled to attack Libertarians only, I should have made huge gains
Just Wyoming my shit up senpai
Fill Missouri, then conquer Colorado. Pray to Kek.
4D straight boi
Fill North Dakota
Fill Georgia
I never ignored you, not my fault there's a river there
May Sam bless your new conquest bro
Those are so fucking annoying, but oh well. Fucking Washington
He said take Florida, so I gave him Libertarian Florida.
After he took it, he didn't have enough to cross the river with your roll so I gave him Libertarian Georgia
Let Sam cleanse this thread
Attack Florida
wait did you drop alliance?
He said push libertarians out of florida, he never said take all of Florida. I am Imperio español not libertarians, I should have way more than last turn since you ignored the roll before, as well but I'll concede
Back home, hence the new ID
New England goes to finish the job with the jews
Literally only cuckolds like domination from women
No. Sorry. As I said, switched devices.
Finish fucking Washington, then go to NM
Imperio español > Florida
Fill texas pls
Fuck Florida.
Take NJ, spill Maryland/Delaware
Fill Missouri, launch war against Texas. Full invasion, wipe them out.
take over dude weed state (colorado)
North Dakota.
Push Spaniards to river then take georgia
Fill arkansas and push into north MS from south TN.
pls no
>Imperio español
Dude, we have a Defence Alliance.
i thought you had an NAP?
No. Wait until Florida is finished
ok OP OP i wont invade MS just fill arkansas
The Aryan Alliance begin the "Southern Acquisition" wars.
American Empire attacks the KKK, Hyde attacks the Spaniards
Libertarians are at crossroads, being allied with Hyde and in a defense pact with the Spaniards
Leave Washington, defend if attacked. Take NM
Fill florida, don't cross river
Wipe Texas out.
Imperio español > Florida
Finish up Kikes, don't expand further.
Defend, if attacked.
Fuck. Break the Defensive Pact with IE, but remain neutral for now.
Take the last bits of Florida's territory. Spills go to South Carolina.
I like the rp
Continue pushing into MS from TN. NO MERCY
Good timing. The Aryan Alliance has 2 nukes now
update bonus
What is the "Aryan Alliance?"
You - Hyde - Libertarians
Hyde gave it that name, not me
Me you and Libertarian Union
Finish North Dakota, defend if attacked
Conquer Texas lmao
Imperio español > Florida
Defend if attacked. If not, do nothing. Go to the supermarket or watch a few movies, idc.
Continue push into MS
then push east in alabama
I'd like to keep Florida. In turn, I'll enter the War of the Southern Acquisition. Ok with you?
Fill South Carolina
More NM, spill Sonora
20 mupdates wow
In the days of early risk, games would go on for 7-8 hours
Agreed. I have no desire for that swamp my friend <3
Fill Georgia. Kick that little blue territory out if enough roll.
Imperio español > Florida; spares into Alabama
Defend, if attacked. If not, do nothing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
continue pushing into alabama
Finish NM, go to Chihuahua
Final mupdate. Congratulations to everyone for their efforts
I will now post a final peace-time map, give me 10 minutes
It's over? :(
GG everybody
Thank you for hosting!
Fill Montana, spills to Wyoming, defend if attacked
we should convince OP to start a Euro map :o
The winners of this game are the Aryan Alliance, consisting of the American Empire, the Libertarians and Sam Hyde
The Spaniards were puppeted by the Aryan Alliance (specifically by the Libertarians) after the Southern Acquisition
Syrup was puppeted by the Great Lakes Nation
Thanks OP, for putting so much effort in hosting this great game.
Great to see New England independent!
Great game OP. you should seriously consider doing an Europe map
What about me?
Europe map in new thread.
For the rabu of THICK, source pls?
>>79300861 nvm found it.
>click on store fronts
>click on the store front
>store front image gradually fades away and a new store front image replaces it
>click on new image of store front and it fades away and is replaces with a new one
>repeat for like 7 times before the store fronts are extinguished from the screen
>happening for multiple images on screen simultaneously
>finally finished
>huge file upload taking over a minute
>you mistyped the captcha | ---79298530
>not using legacy captcha
also how is this political
Dude, just turn on legacy captchas. Geeze.
its extremely political, captcha was created by jews to stop goyim from communicating on /pol
turning legacy captcha on does nothing ;(
You have to save the settings once you click legacy captcha, not just x off when you click the check.
Don't patronize me son.
(they just kicked in after a few more regular captchas)
captcha isn't ran by 4chanor controlled by it. talk to google or turn on legacy.
The legacy captcha is more confusing then it's ever been. Now they're only using very difficult combinations to see.
Not to mention we are helping out the jews with these
these fucking robots have better eye-sight than I do
NSA Prism working as intended. They need to copy your post first.
exactly my mexican intellectual friend
this is exactly the reason why this is a political thread and should remain
we can't turn a blind eye to any form of jewish subversion and captcha is one of those
The captcha is obviously racist.
I've been getting street addresses for months now
>please type
those are "i" and "L" at the end, for some reason no matter what legacy says i type it exact and its wrong like 5 times in a row
>click on all sandwiches
>images of burgers
Or this. It's been a long time since I've seen those impossible to read words with black circles in them
It either lets me post right away, or it fucks me with picture collages like OP describes, sometimes indeed with clicked pictures being replaced by now ones.
I haven't seen single street adresses for months now.
wtf i hate that too im a #4chanPassAss now
legacy test
kegacy test
fuck yeah legacy works
Buy 4Chinz gold
>those impossible to read words with black circles in them
That's legacy captcha.. You can turn it on in settings, but it doesn't seem to work for me. The old-style pictures show up, but it never accepts my answers.
>Free captcha again!
>Click 'I am not robot'
>Check appears -> Post
nail in the coffin you wont trick us this dont mr merchant
>all that red
Is this how all people who speak inferior languages have to live?
It does it more on /fit/ which makes it even more REEEEEEEE worthy too.
>select all popcorn
I'm cutting. Fuck right off.
I'm using legacy captcha. I either get those street addresses or words that you can read
I believe there was a fix a while back to remove those words with black circles now that I remember
I could turn it off, but I tend to just ignore it.. I could also set my browser spellcheck to English UK to make the red go away, but because English is a babby-tier Germanic language, the Dutch spellcheck is more useful to me. There's probably a way to have both Dutch and English UK on like on my phone, but I can't be arsed to look into that..
Also, do Americans even have a language of their own?
>Also, do Americans even have a language of their own?
Of course mah nigga, its be dem ebonics, muhfugga. Bix nood mofo, baka desu senpai.
I'm using the 'normal' captcha now, and I don't have to do anything exept check the box that asks me if I belong on /r9k/...
Everyone I know is voting for pic related out of protest.
How big of a surprise win is he going to pull off? | ---79297632
Everyone you know amounts to your mom and several house cats.
I know your mom 'cause I put both of my tresticles in her butthole
if he somehow wins I will shit myself in amazement
I say this as a fellow Gary supporter, him winning would forever change american politics
He's not winning shit. He'll just spoil the vote and hand the presidency to Hillary.
Yeah wouldn't that be great? The first libertarian president who isn't actually libertarian. All the libertarians are voting republican because they think Trump is close enough and they're sick of Obama. What's left of the libertarian party are a bunch of cucks who voted in a globalist.
hes been pulling evening from both sides so far if you paid any attention to polls
sorry ive been up all night
How many people do you know? Are you older than 20?
I was under the impression he was pulling even more from disaffected Bernouts. I haven't seen the numbers though
and you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. no self-respecting libertarian is voting for trump, and only a fucking idiot (you) thinks that
gary is a very light,basic level, easy to stomach libertarian and his platform reflects that.
its been pretty even from both sides so far, hes trying to pull from both nevertrumpers and bernouts and the polls hes included in dont show any one-sided pull, yet at least
>I let people I don't know on the Internet think for me
>0 Congress seats
>0 state legislature seats
Aim for a fucking target you can hit.
>pro open borders
in the garbage he goes along with his mentally ill party
This guy set the libertarian party back 40 years.
>Everyone I know
they're thinking of Arte Johnson
God. The foundation of every good society is Christ. Christ must be king in terms of law and justice. He must be the cultural center of every family, civil servant, soldier, worker etc.
Race. The white man deserves a place to call his own and to preserve the diversity within the white race. White genocide is obviously real as the jews and globalists actively look to destroy us.
Nation. The people of the nation come first. Although a free market economy is preferable there should be limits placed on capitalism for the benefit of the workers and families. A man should be able to work 40 hours a week and support his family without his wife or children having to work. Money is a tool not the end goal.
With these three guiding principles any Western nation can prosper. | ---79301057
Funny youre on 4chan.
When 4chan is pure filth and undermines every one of those principles.
People here dont seem to get that internet ''freedom'' is destructive to society and the internet and most modern technology is what caused the west to leave traditional values.
4chan must be destroyed and the idea of internet for socialization and anonymity completely removed. It's mental poison
Can we take a moment to discuss the plague that is the Eternal Kraut?
>"Hey Hans, let's destroy Europe!"
>"Hey Hans, even though we got BTFO the last time let's try to destroy Europe!"
>Present day
>"Hey Hans, since we couldn't destroy Europe through war let's destroy it through refugees!"
>اَللّٰهُ أَكْبَر
Without Martin Luther the romanists would have greater influence, how does that contribute to destroying Europe?
But without Germans we wouldn't have had all those great philosophers, physicians, engineers and composers...
Hm, I'll have to think about it.
Latest ERB. Needs a few more dislikes. | ---79288679
>Needs a few more dislikes
I fail to see how making fun of a dude with tits is a bad thing?
did you watch it
They aren't making fun of Bruce, they gave him more lines, allowed him more time to rap, and tried to make him the perceived winner.
The last minute is completely given to bruce and all he talks about is accepting yourself as you are. It's propoganda.
oh yes, i meant to quote straya actually. >>79288679
they made another battle one-sided because of political correctness, if thomas jefferson apologizing to a nigger wasn't enough.
Whats the matter?
Too stunning and brave for you?
Jesus Christ I didn't believe you but the second verse Hulk had like 3 fucking lines then it's just Jenner after Jenner. These cucks used to have some savage fucking lines. They didn't even mention the manslaughter. Liberal youtube fucking shits
One of the worst erb. Thomas Jeff was mindless race pandering, and the Ellen one was gender pandering and just extremely boring
Heres the twitter of the freak that played MtF Bruce
Jesus that twitter gave me Fucking AIDS.
I definitely understand the concern over giving Jenner the advantages, but that still compared being trans to Hulking out...Not sure if redpilled or not
>all he talks about is accepting yourself as you are
>becomes a woman
"Rug-wearing misogynists" from the previous rap battle was another red flag. Why are ERBOH going full libtard?
You know what would be funny? Them doing another Hitler vs Darth vader just to troll their pc fan base they garnered
This newest season just feels different than the last, I think they hired more writers, which are probably lefty cucks
>if thomas jefferson apologizing to a nigger wasn't enough
let's do it lads
Jefferson v Douglass was race-baiting bullshit (damn near ruined JB Smoove for me)
Bond v Powers got preachy when Connery came in
I wanted to shrek the chick that played Oprah
Whatever happened to that petition to get Caitlin Jenner stripped of her Olympic medals because she competed in the men's contest and deceived the Olympic committee?
And whatever happened to Rachel Dolezal for that matter? Can I or can I not identify as an Inuit?!
>It's funny how this went from a rap battle to a history lesson :)
>A lot of racism in the comments. Not a bit surprised.
Nigger do these people not realize that this is parody not a history lesson?
A rich celebrity coming put as trans isn't brave, and Bruce is a shitty role model.
I don't think they went anywhere.
But, there are rumors that Bruce regrets the transition and wants to go back to a dude
Which would be amazing, as it would show that changing your gender isn't the answer to happiness like the mentally ill think that it is.
Not your personal army. Fuck off
>Rug-wearing misogynists
At least Connery Bond slapped the shit out of Craig Bond when he said that.
Found the ladyboy.
Not a fan of Connery Bond slapping them. Rap battles are for destroying your opponent verbally, not physically. Also, that's not when he slapped Craig Bond.
>No tranny jokes?
>How is this a rap "battle"? You made fun of Ali's Parkinson's disease, Mercury's AIDS and homosexuality, the gassing of Jews, Lance Armstrong's cancer... But making fun of trannies is too far?
>Come on now.
Sometime the youtube comment section is only mostly horrible
What is this shit, why not the the whole link fucking nigger
>hulk was hilarious but got cut short so "Caitlyn" could use woman power
Still pissed
Rumor from one person trying to sell a book... don't fall for their tricks mate.
I think they all have a moment of regret when they realized they chose to make their lives that much harder.
Just seek therapy and move on with your lives...
Oh for fuck's sake. | ---79288763
Hitler did nothing wrong. His choices ironically created a more diverse Germany.
p-please tell me this is Photoshop
Where was the flag when russian Plane was shot over egypt ??????
so what?
>Hitler did not wrong
You crossed the line there buddy!
for how long was this beamed-on?
No, no, you don't understand. Hitler made the choices he needed to make which ultimately led to a more diverse Germany. He may have not seen it coming, but without Hitler, Germany wouldn't be known as the multi-cultural state that it is today.
Diversity IS our greatest strength.
That's much better. Isn't it ironic how plurality can emerge like a phoenix out of the ashes even from a regime as horrific as the third reich.
I'm officially fucking depressed now.
Turks and shitskins already think they own germany.
>wat do?
Oh i know, let's project a giant sized shitskin flag on our most important national wonder.
5 years later: wew, we're an islamic state now and germans get murdered left and right in the name of the prophet. how the fuck did that happen???
It's ogre
Germany, hurry up and die pls
>a-america is the most cucked...
We did the same thing when shit went down in Belgium and France. It's just a sign of solidarity but since we're talking about Turkey here of course /pol/ gets their jimmies rustled.
For what purpose? Who organized this?
I'm more surprised that it isn't a permanent thing.
The transformation is complete
>national wonder
Top kek.
When are you guys going to let turkey in the EU?
How about you stop the divide and conquer and instead accept that everyone is cucked. You know what to do, Johnny. You got the gun. Kill them. Kill them all.
The only tragedy about the airport bombing was that more T*rks didn't die
National monument or whatever. get fucked, Bergjude.
This is now a cucked Germany thread
Schlomo, pls.
I will drink 6 shots of Jäger in solidarity with our Kraut friends. Deutschland über alles!
When their LGBT rights are up to par.
Im not cucked, stop generalizing you fuccboi.
Im happy that its now decided that Germany is going to fail again and end up in ruins yet again, but this time it wont recover as a white nation, but as a colony of turkey. #NeverReich
>cucks themselves out of scotland
>claims other countries are cucked
Say hello to your new flag
I was there yesterday, I must of missed that
>implying scotland will be the only one to leave in our lifetime
UK a shit, purge unionist retards from NI WHEN
Hitler should've finished the Job!
Germany was already getting cucked before Hitler, you moron. Hitler reversed and slowed down the process.
>the most racist state in America
>Racism is bad
Go back to plebbit.
You changed your flag quickly, you shifty Jew
What's the problem? German flag on German monument.
Guys what is better. Die in war of nationalsocialist supreme thoughts or getting cucked by shitskins and remain as minority but live in peace for the rest of you life?
Just pls lets jump into a time-machine back to kaiser wilhelm 1.
Just another day in Germanistan.
>some nation doesn't give attention to muslim attack on France/Belgium
>/pol/ goes nuts
>Germany shows it's solidarity with Turkey, a European country and near-European Union member
Also with a very large turkish community, especially in berlin
not the same cuck
You're not alone
how about this op. go to a national park by yourself and go hiking in the middle of the night. bet you wont come back. | ---79299028
You're right. Americans can't walk that far.
Probably. I wonder if we would be able to mix with them.
They do, and they are having more sex than you
They exist and they can be summoned and controlled with Jew magic.
They fear the names of God.
So use your Judgement on what they are.
who's the girl ? (it's for a friend)
They do, and they're commies. Send the nukes now.
t. Posadas
where can i see more of this without paying for it.
Maybe aliens caused the population explosion.
>Find a planet with relatively advanced, high on protein population
>Give them some better tech and indirectly cause the population to grow rapidly
>There are now billions of them, and a large amount of them are growing increasingly overweight
>At the same time their population is growing increasingly passive and incapable ofd protecting themselves
>When their population has reached peak numbers and average weight, harvest them into processing centres
>Turn them into some kind of nutritious, high calorie content liquid/mush
>Take the liquified humans back home to feed your ayy lmao race for a couple of hundreds of years
Thats what I would do if I was an alien.
They do and you can openly contact them.
They're very different from us and their "emotions" are far more complex.
This is now a posadist thread
Sources please, I need to know this history, don't care if it's a trash source, just want a good read
ITS HAPPENING | ---79301977
>mfw if you don't oversample dems
>mfw if you don't undersample repubs and indies
>trump wins
Where is my soulmate /pol? | ---79301945
Getting raped
With Ahmed and his friends
The magical sage.. sage...
> designated human killing machines should have no regulation what so fucking ever
> Cuckservashits | ---79301736
>t. Justices Kennedy, Bayer, Ginsberg, Sotomayor, and Kagan
Are you talking about tobacco? Automobiles? Pointed utensils? What?
Stay off drugs, kid.
You make no sense.
>designated super predators should be free to walk our streets
All mine must be defective. Our family has owned them for centuries and have never harmed anyone.
>should have no regulation
the only regulation they need is the free market
Any movies ever make you hate a country?
Fuck you Turkey. | ---79302753
>movie makes you hate a country
>not propaganda
Educate yourself before hating >>79301373
ITT: Post your unpopular opinion
>Jews are the most intelligent race
>Social Democracies is the way forward
>Hillary is actually better than Trump
>We should have voted remain
>inb4 300 (you) | ---79294770
We should just glass this world already to make way for a new sentient race.
Jews just have the highest IQ because they rely on sneaky and, well, Jewy tactics to thrive.
There isn't a massive Jewish conspiracy
the x-files kinda sucks
Jews are not the most intelligent. The highest outlier IQ's belong to caucasians and east asians. We're pretty much at par with the chongs in terms of average outlier IQ. Jews actually have a low average IQ, 96. The ashkenazi thing is a trick to take the top 76% of their population and ignore the negatives. Basically just another jewish trick, ignoring the no statistical significance in genetic differences between sephardic and ashkenazi jews.
Jews are white.
Slavs are white.
Drug and homosexuality are not degeneracy. They are part of western culture.
Trudeau is a good prime minister
99% of the times it's not about race war, but about class war
the elite slides all its shit under the rug, then tells you it's actually immigrants. the same immigrants that were forced out of their countries by that same elite because of destabilization and then invited in our countries because muh growth is not enough
what we call leftards nowadays have basically nothing to do with the left, except they now use social right focused rhetoric to gain consensus from middle-class narcissistic fags and whiny minorities while the lower classes get increasingly fucked
love for tradition and your own roots are not an exclusive to the right or should not be
It's a huge problem that law enforcement in America can so often act with impunity and police brutality and misconduct goes unpunished so frequently.
>social democracies are the way forward
>we should have voted remain
We eat too much meat, but shouldn't go full vegan.
everyone below the 50% wealth mark weighted for population should die.
Their wealth is then redistributed to the bottom %50 of the remaining people, weighted for wealth (or lack of it)
>not a racist
>have no problem with multi-ethnicity; have a problem with multi-culturalism
>don't like trump, doesn't mean I like hillary
>believe global trade is fine; not global government
Slavs are ok as long as they aren't Polish or Russian
The fucking Pollacks are the most ill-mannered, untrustworthy, evil albino spics, but are also smart enough to hide it from the general public.
>while modern feminism is complete shit, early feminists did achieve some good things (despite being horrible persons. "Hite feather movement, go look it up)
>women can be great leaders
>Muslims, or maybe I should say middlea eastern people, can be very nice people and show great hospitality
>too much sugar in our food is the reason for kids to become more and more shit (ADHD/ increase in numbers of autism)
>climate change is fucking bullshit
Morality is objective.
It's a thread about opinions, not stating what you heard.
You can't say sugar causes ADHD without research. It only gives kids more energy, which isn't rocket science.
Bait much
Just google "ADHD Sugar" and you will find enough results, Hans.
Btw, why do I have to bring "proof"?
/pol/ usually never has a problem with accepting some wierd opinion without having and "scientific studies" backing them up.
>the elite slides all its shit under the rug, then tells you it's actually immigrants
They also bring in the immigrants, so there's that.
Saying shit like "women are dumber" and "women shouldn't vote" is the reason so many of them turn to radicalism.
Supporting abortion for race-related reasons is even more heinous than supporting it under the misguided notion of "choice."
holocaust really happen
Poo doesn't belong in the loo
fuck off australia
Also abortion should be fully legalised
>Saying shit like "women are dumber" and "women shouldn't vote" is the reason so many of them turn to radicalism.
Nah I bet the majority of feminists have never actually been harmed or condescended by men in their lives
Nah he's right you fuck off
>not racist
>not sexist
>mostly just want to be left alone
Brexit is a good thing.
Now many poles, magyars and etc are forced to come back hope. Now there are no work for them so there will be a revolution so the country will change.
Thanks britons
>Brexit was pretty much pointless, the cons outweigh the pros
>Trump is a retard who appeals to edgy autistic neets and old uneducated filth
>3rd world savages invading 1st world countries is nothing compared to the colonialism they have/had to endure
Feminism used to have valid points on most issues until identity politics took over.
Actually you are wrong on that. The majority of women have experienced harm, threats or condescending behaviour by males. A lot of people going full feminism gender queer poly vegan are being encouraged in a crazy way of dealing with hurt or trauma. Not everyone is cut from the same wood, and what traumatized one person might leave the other unharmed, so yeah, being cornered by a dude saying he will rape you can just eat at some people. Generally we are moving to a more and more easily mentally hurt society (just look at how functional /r9k/ is).
>The tables have turned in this week’s White House Watch. After trailing Hillary Clinton by five points for the prior two weeks, Donald Trump has now taken a four-point lead. | ---79294927
Fuck yeah.
Kek is watching over him
Oh yeah, the same poll that had Romney beating Obama. How did that turn out?
He would have, but his campaign infrastructure collapsed a few days before the election.
So funny. Yesterday there had to eight or nine threads with that graph showing Hildog ahead by six points - today, it's crickets chirping.
Trump 2016
We could say the same with the polls with a Hillary lead, and when they said Trump had no chance to win and that the beginning of the end of his campaign was happening again and again an again and again.
It's pretty common knowledge that both Rasmussen and Quinnipac (the other poll that Trump is citing) have a record of turning out higher than actual results for the Republicans
trump is no romney
>people thought he has a chance of losing
>believing polls before the debates
>No ground game
>Nearly no money left
>GOP threatening to hijack the nomination at the convention
>Losing key demographics by YOOGE margins
Yeah, I've got a couple of tons of popcorn ready to watch this shit show unfold.
Following polls is fucking retarded, and I support Trump. It was the same shit every month until Trump became the nominee.
>jeb is leading the polls!
>oh wait, trump beat him!
>carson is beating trump is x poll!
>trump is beating Carson in y poll!
>carly is winning now, it's over!
>trump is winning in the latest polls!
>cruz again...
It's all fucking meaningless. And they're all within 10% anyway. Trump and Hillary haven't even debated yet.
>thinking polls are any indication at all
when do the debates start?
>believing polls
I'm going out on a limb and predicting Trump wins in a landslide.
Rasmussen is admittedly conservative. 10-15 years ago this poll might have had some meaning since Rasmussen was as accurate as anyone. In the last 5 years, though, they have been less accurate and other pollsters note that they stop polling a few months before an election thus making it hard to know how accurate they are. Polls gain respectability by polling just before an election and correctly predicting the results.
So I quickly made a list I could remember off the top of my head of ways pol has effected world events. Can any of you think of any more?
Pic unrelated. | ---79297985
Forgot to add. Memed it into coming up alot in Google searches for hillary. The bit about the kkk.
Might also add a bit on possible effects we made through meme magic like baal attacking the black cube after we talked him into it. On 9/11 the crane that was hit by lighting was also owned by the binladdens. It was also very unlikely to land on the cube and do some damage yet from what I read it did. It could have landed any other direction.
>that awkward moment
>when you realize OP is from reddit
this one is real, I'll autismtext because I don't want to type more than necessary:
>Minneapolis BLM chimpouts earlier this year
>/k/ decides to go, takes video of them driving to the rally and flaunting their concealed carry pistols (pic related)
>/pol/ screengrabs the pistols with their faces, tweets niggers and cucks at the BLM protest to watch out for armed white supremacists
>/k/ walks around autistically talking to people and spewing memes IRL the entire time
>not too much happens that night, some people talk to /k/ about why they're there decked out in camo, white supremacy, etc, but pretty uneventful
fast forward to the next night
>some other strapped anons decide to attend niggerlivesmatter rally in same location
>niggers on the lookout for white supremacists
>niggers attack anons and chase them to their cars
>anons fire into the crowd of nogs
>happening happens
I was there for all of this and watched it unfold. /pol/ and /k/ are responsible for riling up the niggers in the crowd and got some of them shot
also I'm thoroughly convinced that /pol/ is indirectly responsible, in every way it is possible to be indirectly responsible, for hillary's failing campaign. it's not difficult to rip hillary's lies apart and make the information easily-accessible in an image macro and a 140-characters-or-less tweet when you have probably 300,000+ autismos spreading that shit like wildfire over social media.
The shills and the (((Hillary paid a million dollars to Correct the Record))) are ultimately ineffective as they have to base their arguments on outright obfuscated lies while the shit that /pol/ spreads is condensed to the simplest and most straightforward form
joke's on you OP. I get off to feet.
>Pic unrelated.
Underaged newfags GET OUT
but there isn't shit running down her leg
This was amazing to watch on live stream
is there a clip of the second night available?
Only a couple of dindus as they start rushing them, nothing more.
Well last time I tried estimating pols size from traffic websites it was about 20 million posters and lurkers a month. That was well over a year ago.
Makes sense as most young people I've talked to about it have gone on it atleast once.
So what I'm browsing on my phone.
Yep that's what it's called.
Yep it isn't. Couldn't think of a relevant picture and I thought it would be good bait.
I burst out laughing when he makes up those silly yet apt analogies in the middle of a very nuanced discussion.
TACS isn't worth a damn, anymore, Anthony is an indoor cat now. Mike Fucknoia is shit and should be canned. In Hot Water is fine but they need guests. Pat Dixon is the shit, he needs less guests.
how dare you forget about the fucking The East Side Dave Show you hipster british gobshite
proud of my boy to be quite honest with you
Gavin is in AA as we speak. The quitter said he would go in after his show airs. What's the deal with conservatives being drunks?
hail victory chief gavin
AA doesn't seem like his scene
>"I'm giving up drinking for real this time guys"
>"oh shit I got so drunk I forgot my kids"
>repeat every week
its so funny and sad at the same time
i love gavin
he's generally spot on about everything
total bro
asian gavin mcinnes was so spot on
the way he says "I'm fucking awesome" is so good
Gapin McAnus, le Funny Face Man!
Kisses with Males
Love gavin but he exagerates statistics when he gets drunk like on Rogan podcast.
Still hilarious guy even his standup is good.
Gavin is a degenerate, but he red pills en masse. Just like milo, he is important to keep around for media's sake.
This, tho it's kinda like he's a reformed degenerate in some ways, considering he left vice and kinda regrets his tattoos. Kinda like when milo said if he could be magically turned straight, he would do it
I really don't understand how Gavin and Milo claim to be Catholics and then talk so much about casual sex or drugs
If you guys were really paying attention you would be going to confession more
I don't want to throw stones though because I am a shithead but just had to say it.
I still think they both are awesome though and exactly what we need right now
I pray God spares Milo from hell for being a degenerate drug abusing faggot. Hopefully he will wake up and stop being so self destructive
>yfw you realize Britain will just keep getting flooded by shitskins to replace the Polish workers now and Brexit was never pro-white just anti-EU | ---79298565
>What is a points based immigration scheme.
Nice try Sweden
Still a bunch of niggers.
He's not wrong. Brexit doesn't mean we can keep niggers out.
reee dude memes lmao | ---79302639
gonna catch me a aussie roo paedo
What does pol think of hunter s thompson? | ---79299018
degenerate faggot and an all around mad fucking nerd who transgressed for the sake of it
He seems like he was pretty full of himself
Some things he did were pretty nifty, others weren't. Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail books can give you a good picture.
fucking crazy
i like his character in the venture bros
alive and well on johnny depp's private island
a misfit and a mutant
a loser for sure
remarkable in many ways
not degenerate enuogh for alt right but too degenerate for christian conservatism
in other words hes an average american
He was based. Did a grip of drugs, drank like a fish, and would regularly shoot his typewriters with a .44 mag. Had extra typwriters on hand because of this. He was pretty lefty, but also pro freedom. He almost won the sherriff election in aspen once upon a time.
>drug user
>poster child for bad gun discipline
>left wing
one of these things is not like the others
Did what the fuck he wanted. That's at least somewhat admirable, as degenerate as a lot of it was. Regardless, his shadow will forever loom over journalism.
Inspired me to get into journalism. Also probably has a lot to do with my alcoholism
Too weird to live, too rare to die
pretty funny guy, seems to have lived a fun and interesting life.
Hey either total freedom, or no freedom.
Gave a better snapshot of an era than pretty much anybody else at the time.
Puts into perspective just how much we've actually given up since then.
Why hasn't Hillary been hung yet?
What the fuck happened to our military? | ---79301880
seized in means of production
The world isn't a just place.
Political correctness. Just be happy you haven't reached Swedens stage yet.
I doubt the USA ever will. Chances are the US will be flooded with Mexicans who will perpetually vote democrats for free shit, and eventually, with the aid of the US debt, the US will collapse.
Hung, nice try they need a Guillotine for her.
What happened? they are being diversified.
Just watch out when they send them off for WWIII.... and watch out when the diversification is complete.
This right here buddy, sooner you start learning the sooner it will make sense, and the sooner you can act on it >>79301373
That's about right. See my above post, you might enjoy the thread
your military is dead
Trump is hung.
The US is the breeding ground for the elite's military, dont think they want collapse just idiocracy. (We may start collapsing once King Nigger forces all farmers to water the plants with PowerAIDS cuz its what plants crave).
Why cant the military function well enough to overcome the Alphabet psyOPs and programming? It seems they know what is going on on the individual soldier level. They just need to covertly act according to their oath.
Erase these "city states" and we would have a good start.
You may only post in this thread if you can flush paper down the toilet in your country.
Not so fast Russia & most of Eastern Europe, Greece, Romania, Spain, Africa, the Indian Subcontinent, the Middle East, Central & South America and South East Asia. | ---79293138
I may live in a commieblock, but at least the plumbing is solid.
I never knew I was so privileged.
mfw flushing when abroad anyway, fuck the subhumans
You can't flush paper towels
macedonian american here, do you guys have normal western toilets back in Macedonia?
feels good man
I'm gonna flush some now
>Macedonia doesn't have the greatest of facilities, but in upmarket and European-style hotels you'll be able to flush the paper. In other places, there'll be a bin by the side of the toilet so throw the paper in there.
Well, i CAN flush, just isn't guaranteed it will go down properly.
ha lol, whats wrong with ur SHIT country
The only time I've seen a people throwing their shit paper in a basket was when I was in a gypsy's house when I was 8.
ITT: low tier b8
why can't they flush it in the toilet? Where do they put shitty toilet paper then?
Same here, it's one of the worst things about going to a lot of countries. I start gagging the minute I get in the toilet. A shit should be something you enjoy and take time over whilst shit posting on your phone, not some nasty experience where you have to put block up both nostrils and try to avoid looking at the bin overflowing with other people's faeces for fear of throwing up.
Rinse it off and reuse it.
What, just, indefinitely?
>In Bulgaria it's best to use the bins provided, as you often can't flush paper or you'll block the pipes. Hotels and well-known fast food restaurants usually have clean toilets with paper available, other than that, you're on your own, so make sure you've got a roll with you.
Stop lying on the internet mate and go empty your shit paper basket.
Yeesh. do these people also communicate via cave painting?
what do you mean nigger?
>In Bulgaria it's best to use the bins provided, as you often can't flush paper or you'll block the pipes. Hotels and well-known fast food restaurants usually have clean toilets with paper available, other than that, you're on your own, so make sure you've got a roll with you
Well done on sourcing your facts, shithead.
When I was in Venice they had actual dedicated pissing streets for all the smelly winos (the entire local population).
>in Venice they had actual dedicated pissing streets
Those are canals!
So you are denying that you have dedicated waste bins for shitty paper in Bulgarian bathrooms?
You can flush paper in South Africa.
Also, in Texas along the border, you can flush paper, but because none of the Mexishits that come up know this, they have a trash bag right next to the toilets so that shit stained paper doesn't line the floors.
is there a benefit to this?
Nothing in the world could convince me to not flush toilet paper. Fuck your shitty plumbing.
>take a pic of it, brag on /pol/
>don't get shitwater splashes on your balls and ass after dropping a bomb like on the left toilet
that's about it
So what's the point of this thread, Mr Potato Gypsy?
Easier to remove and smear on your wife.
It uses less water. The flush starts at the back and runs over the "observation deck", but only replenishes a small reservoir at the base.
Germans like to take a shit, turn around, tear it apart with their fingers looking for "blotiger stuhl", and then finally flush it away. I'm being 100% serious. They believe it's done to keep an eye on their health.
What's the deal with that? Isn't toilet paper mostly water soluble?
It's the food in those countries which is indigestible and cannot be composted.
>go into a bathroom
>bin full of shit toilet paper
>exposure to the air makes it stink like nothing you've ever encountered before
>being a shit tier country its overly hot too so it's even worse
>flies everywhere
Why is this acceptable anywhere in the current year???
I figured it was designed for scat porn
You must, by grman law, messure and report the consistenz of your stuhlgang to the stuhlnahverfolgungsagentur.
Also you are requiert to keep logs of your shit.
This way the goverment tracks if they have to upgrade the sewers. And they know if your a dirtey juden or not.
What kind of a braindead shit thread is this. Who the fuck doesn't flush their shit paper?
>requiert to keep logs of your shit.
like... a textlog on paper or the actual shitlog?
In some countries you can't mate. Their plumbing systems can't handle it.
>>The whole process of western defecation is disgusting.
Indians have toilets?
All that means is that the Dutch are the most honest
>splashing of water is disgusting
>but taking a big shit over the corpse of a bus-rape victim in the designated street while gazing at the shit-stained Taj Mahal is a blessing from Shiva
I still have nightmares about Russian toilets
What do Indians do with their toilet paper?
i genuinely feel sick just looking at these. thank god theyre rare.
>in a pub in Bulgaria
>feel a massive shit getting ready to be deployed
>go to toilet
>see this
what to do
poop in bucket
See that bucket? You shit in there.
USSR is still stronk. Historically it make sense, you don't want to flush down newspapers and magazine pages. With modern toilet paper and don't see any problems.
I'd take a massive shit in the bucket, pull my pants up with a giant grin on my face, pick up the bucket, head back to the pub, then I'd begin wildly swinging the bucket in big circles around and around, flinging shit all over the shitty Bulgarians and their shitty bar.
Haha. Fuckin Bulgaria.
Squat, are you a slav or not?
It's fucking called toilet paper. Why not throw it in the toilet?
They use water mate.
Will neverever feel joy of
[spoiler]Every time I see this (or any other tooler paper related stuff) fucking on tv, I die a little bit inside.[/spoiler]
their pipes are ancient and literally can't handle shit, because MUH HISTORY with their fucking ancient roads and buildings they want to preserve at all costs.
the degree of insane attachment to old cities is cancerous for the advancement of humans at this point.
As much as it pains me to stick up for the Romanians and Bulgarians, I was pleasantly surprised when I went to various touristy Transylvanian towns, Bucharest and Sofia that I could flush toilet paper in all the toilets - I was expecting much worse. From what I saw out of the train windows, the locals in the countryside seem to just shit outside so no flushing problems there either.
Everyday we must be thankful for our excellent toilets and sewers.
>Indian toilets don't have any of these issues.
>Look them up.
explain to me how slavic girls is not the best girls | ---79296575
They look hideous after 30
They are not pure. More specifically, they are mongrels of Whites, a lot of Mongolian and some Black. Also, all good Slavs died under communism - only the most corrupt and vile ones survived. Their low intelligence and weak, savage character is displayed by their low HDI rank. Their country is a complete corrupt shithole and they are not even denying it.
All women look hideous after 30.
They are not white.
t. mehmed
is this why british monkeys prefer todlers?
Slavs are almost as low as Mehmeds
They look like trolls after their early 30s.
Nordic and germans age wonderfully, thats why they are best girls.
Their default language isn't English
Poor pupper :(
German women with brown hair are the best.
Pretty much. Can you really blame us? Our women start to deteriorate after 13.
>Holy shit
>it's that nigger from the /pol/ gif about gun control!
We got em boys
Who else have we taken down through meme magic? | ---79300453
Your mom?
Summer sure is here
At least share the gif if you got it
We got em boys
Are beings from other worlds fighting the good fight against their equivalents of degeneracy, SJWs and globalism? | ---79290910
Yes and we should team up
Indeed we should. Imagine what we could achieve if we combined our talents and resources!
If they have nigger equivalents, then yes.
Gay Niggers From Outer Space
They did the logical choice and killed anyone different to them
The ayy ladindu's really invented interstellar travel, but it was stolen from them.....
no. life is boring.
we are just dumb monkeys arguing about stupid shit. most of us without even knowing why.
I don't think that every inhabited world is more advanced than we are. Some are more advanced than we are, some are equally as advanced as we are and some are less advanced than we are. If there are worlds that have their own versions of Jews and niggers, then they're obviously not more advanced than we are.
Here's a thought that always bugs me.
If you've played Stellaris you know what I'm referring to.
When you travel the stars you'll find certain planets that have sentient life that have potential for space travel one day.
You set up an Observation post.
In these observation posts, you can study their ways of life to gain a culture research boost, you can start aggressively studying it for double the research, or you can passively enlighten them.
And the last one is Covert Assimilation.
Each of them have their own reaction.
Passive basically comes to the point where when they advance to the space age, they try to communicate to you
Aggressive forces their governments to look into it also adding a xenophobe trait to their species
Enlightment rapidly grants them technology and is the most diplomatic form of allowing them to ascend
And Covert Assimilation basically lays down this roleplay. That you have your agents disguise themselves as beings from this world and basically forcing them into high posistions of power rapidly engaging in a global government.
If certain events are triggered, the populations get suspiscious and the more suspicion they gain the more destable the planet becomes and it usually ends off with the possibility of Nuclear War on the planet, or ends with the species being enslaved and their world being forced into your empire.
Nope nope nope.
Degeneracy is subjective, so depending on how you want to look at it, yes.
>yfw aliens discover the ruins of white civilisation on a dead Earth
yeah leftists don't usually get their hands on alien technology.
Is this a tyranid tendril ?
How fucked are we ?
I know what I'm about to say reeks of anthropomorphism and sounds crazy, but I've had a thought in my mind for a few years now that some malevolent force is covertly assimilating individual countries into a single global government on vast numbers of worlds and is achieving this by infiltrating the indigenous populations through shapeshifting to look just like them. So what I'm basically saying is that globalism isn't only a threat to us, it's also a threat to 'them' (whoever 'them' refers to).
It may be that every civilization out there has been extinguished by their own version of tumblr. Any species would need to be highly social in order to develop a society that can support high technology, and that could well make it inevitable that they'd become vulnerable to social cancers that essentially abuse the willingness to care for others.
The Year 2563
>Mankind is spread far and wide, but not fractured
>they say history repeats itself
>which is why the U.S. Colony on Mars fought a bloody revolution to earn its freedom
>much like when the Americans fought the British Empire
>and now 200 years later, something incredible has happened
>Martian Republic Fleet Ships flying alongside United States Space Command Cruisers and Battle Dreadnoughts
>but what caused these two enemies to become allies?
>a common enemy. That threatens all mankind
>an Independent outer rim colony attacked and invaded by hostile aliens
>a new Cold War flourished in space after the nations of Earth, centuries ago, spread out among the stars, the distrust and threats of interstellar war faded, but the weapons created did not
>Hadron Beam Cannons, Petaton Yield nuclear warheads, Energy shielding, Dark Matter fusion reactors, Mankind built great weapons for their war against themselves.
>But now those weapons were aimed, not at themselves. But at a deadly opponent
>and now. For the first time ever. Every Interstellar Power on Earth stands United
>United States Space Command, reporting
>Martian Republic Fleet, Reporting
>Royal Space Force of the United Kingdom, reporting
>Europa Legion, reporting
>Pan Asian Star Alliance, reporting
>Middle Eastern Najma Coalition, reporting
>Russian Cosmonaut Armed forces, reporting
>Libertaria Systems Alliance, reporting
>Titan station, Colonial Marines League, reporting
>N/S Korean Coalition, reporting
>Imperial Japanese Star Fleet, reporting
>Raum Luftwaffe of Interstellar 4th Reich reporting mein komeraden!!
>Canadian Province of Pluto, reporting
>milennias of bloodshed, centuries of war and chaos, the greatest atrocities in human history
>all of it. In exchange for this one beautiful moment of Unity.
>it was worth it.
what is gif from?
Aliens 100% communist.
Dawn of War III trailer
would make sense if they were an advanced insectoid race operating on a hivemind
Hive mind would be OP, since 100% unification and total effort put in to goal.
But even forced communists would be a leading space faring race.
This. Communism can only be truly successful for species that consider the collective to be more important than the individual.
That was beautiful, man. Not even joking.
Our redemption will be glorious.
we wont achieve true brotherhood and peace throughout Humanity by throwing away our weapons and pacifing ourselves.
But by taking up arms in defense of one another. That is true peace.
Trillions of Human souls. United in Survival, Domination and protection of the one thing, every person on this planet will always have. Our species.
When our sword strikes that of the rest of the universe. we will know our purpose.
I completely agree with you.
When I first saw that pic I thought it was a picture of a huge skid mark on blue shorts. Thanks 4chan.
>Gay Niggers From Outer Space
All that drinkin I have done after the 90's, for nothing!
They're fighting on our own Earth, and sometimes in our atmosphere.
What did Stefan 'Deus Vult' Molyneux meme by this? | ---79297820
He means the white race knows its time has come to an end
A collective prepping of the bull
Stefan is about to go nuclear
He means the voice of Allah (swt) speaks to all of us.
Since this is the 5434788579954^3 time you've posted that, you will never know.
Even if the answer was tattooed on the inside of your eyelids, you wouldn't know.
Even if we did a "clockwork Orange" and strapped you into a chair and made you look at the answer twelve hours a day, you wouldn't know.
We are so powerful, how could such a thing happen? Why should the end of western civilization come before war?
i want an excuse to fuck shit up and i am not even european
A black cock in a European womb.
european in europe..
It probably means a lower and middle class revolt against the Elite.
I get frustrated with these vague calls for revolution. If there is a case for revolution or war or whatever, make it. State it clearly and concisely leaving no doubt as to what you really want to see achieved.
For someone to do that though, it takes real conviction. Not just feelings of "I wish I was in control of society."
i blame the women,
if they said no sex until you remove kebab from the entire world, kebad would be gone by thr end of the week. not even joking.
Rise of Hitler 2.0
It means he's one of those le day of le rope fags but will never actually do anything and just sit on his hands
Tweeting your own comment
How pathetic
Some fags think they can meme white genocide by repeating it.
Yes you are.
It does feel that way.
EUSOC is coming.
Good goy, let them take more time to outnumber you. Do nothing to resist.
i feel it
idk what
omg I don't wanna die yet guys. I have so much to offer. Just don't send me to the front lines yet.
that's because you are not european.
We are a couple of terrorist attacks away from having widespread, random attacks against minorities.
Think Varg's church burnings but this time for Mosques, and spread out between different literally who's with no clear motive. The police are helpless.
---79300912 | ---79301045
>I'm educated
Not on nutrition and diet, that's for damn sure
BuzzFeed could find 5 decent abos (some are only half-abos), doesn't prove anything.
Leftist logic;
>"Hey man, you can't say all niggers are criminals because 80% of the prison population happens to be black"
>"Hey man, look at this nigger, he has two bachelor degrees so niggers contribute to society"
this video told me they are the oldest culture in the world , am I being lied to ? Whos jewing who here ?
Bitch looks like she's 1/16 abo or some shit. Like most of our "native americans."
I don't know if they are the oldest culture in the world, but they certainly are one of the poorest ones. Natives from the Americas were centuries ahead of them in terms of technology.
What the fuck is wrong with her eyes?
Is anyone familiar with abbo hunting methods? They lit the forest on fire and just gather scorched animals once the fire is over. Even niggers are better hunters.
Canada with the frosty bantz!
Go little brother go!
>Some are only half-abos
Try at most half. The guy at 11 seconds might be half, the rest are more European than Aboriginal.
I like Abos, I hate niggers.
abos literally do nothing wrong, Niggers are a fucking plague and enemy.
Haha they are mostly white. What horse shit.
inbred cannibalist mentally challenged genes?
>no thanks, not in my senpai
>Like most of our "americans."
I hate niggers, I hate Jews, I hate spics and Arabs too
>tfw capitalism leads to economic exploitation of the many by the few
>tfw communism leads to poitical exploitation of the many by the few
What options are there, /pol/? Are we forced to choose between economic slavery and political slavery? Is there no alternative path, one that restores dignity to the common working man? | ---79275977
Lonely bump
natsoc :^)
Racial homogeny. If you're genetically invested and more likely slightly related than not you arent gonna want to exploit people as much. Of course there will always be psychopaths and (((infiltrators))) but they can be gassed or something idk.
There is a Third Way, OP.
>tfw communists have been dead wrong about every single thing in their entire lives and NEVER EVER stop being perpetually butthurt about it
>tfw the free market is the greatest thing humanity has ever achieved
Stop over-thinking and face the real problems that your people face. If you try and fix these, the solutions will appear there and then.
The free market gave us interracial porn and hip-hop culture ;)
Oh, what am I saying, you love this. You love that the ((capitalists)) control the urges of the lowest stratum of your population. Because you think you can join them, even if that means the destruction of your race.
Where do I start? Is Mein Kampf a good introduction? Any good English translations, preferably without (((revisions)))?
Start with Spengler's "Decline of the West".
Lolbertarianism but that leads to total degeneration and retardation
>The free market gave us interracial porn and hip-hop culture ;)
>cherry picking
oh wow, how horrible, it's not like anyone without autism couldn't easily ignore irreverent shit like this
meanwhile, socialism gave us poverty, mass starvation, multiculturalism and feminism.
Pretty sure I'll take freedom of choice over that, you dumb worthless kike.
Socialism leads to poverty, judaism, economic stagnation and death. It absolutely takes away all creativity white people have.
ALL socialists need to have their throats slit. They need to suffocate.
Also, national socialists are the niggers of white people.
Too stupid to make their own decisions, they want the government to completely control their lives.
They want to live in an african marxist shithole.
Mein Kampf are ramblings of a mad man
Imperium, by Francis Parker Yockey.
Also this
Wow, thank God we don't only have those two worthless options then. Worthless libertarians can't draw a line I swear. Fucking fundamentalists, like your commie brothers.
> exploitation of the worker
Still in high school I see?
>actual anti-white socialist calling anyone else a fundamentalist
holy fuck I hope you stay poor and in the european union forever you dumb cucks
they raped you, yet you dumb marxists ask for more and more and more
>meanwhile, socialism gave us poverty, mass starvation, multiculturalism and feminism.
That's why Eastern Europe has the least amount of multiculturalism and feminism. Right.
europe needs some good old military dictatorships and then we'll see where we go from there
It's like you're a caricature of a retarded libertarian.
Capitalism profits off of feminism and multiculturalism. Besides capitalism is class war. They wanted to be "free" from structured guild that wouldn't have let any of this happen. Libertarians are free market Marxists.
faith - religious slavery basically, but at least Big Boss usually leaves you alone. The moment he storms your office you will know it's over.
>Constitutional Monarchy
>lolbertarian economic and social policy ringfenced by traditionalist conservative constitution
I notice you ignored the "poverty" and "mass starvation" part
Also, communism spread multiculturalism throughout the west with the KGB.
The only reason eastern europe doesn't has as much multicult and feminism is because they resisted communism
They were based as fuck and fought against it.
I literally posted a picture proving you wrong yet you remain brainwashed
How's getting cucked by Abdul working out for you?
Why am I not surprised that you can't argue for shit. You learned that from ((Stefan Molyneux)). Pathetic excuse of a human life, I hope you aren't over 20. Even the "mass starvations" you mention didn't happen after WW2, in Europe at least. Enjoy being more Socialist than the actual Socialists though.
I'm on the far right but national social justice warriors are no different from Marxists. Communists kill poor people who aren't for the revolution. They kill poor people to save poor people. National social justice warriors want to kill whites for the purpose of saving whites.
So they KGB managed to spread multi-culturalism and feminism under the nose of the West, but couldn't enforce it in the territories it 100% controlled? Nice job, Alex Jones. You libertarian freedom fighter!
Shit it's almost like political ideologies have varying strengths and weaknesses and none of them are actually wholly ideal, but some of them are better than others depending on the needs of people or society as a whole, or something.
some form of regulated captialism
but even then, as humans we are prone to corruption
>What options are there, /pol/?
>Capitalism profits off of feminism and multiculturalism.
Tell that to the new ghostbusters movie.
>Besides capitalism is class war.
Do you believe whatever the jews tell you?
>muh classes
Holy fuck read a biology textbook kid.
>Libertarians are free market Marxists.
Nice string of meaningless words you put together.
>You learned that from ((Stefan Molyneux)).
Not an argument.
>Pathetic excuse of a human life
You're a fucking marxist, you don't deserve to breathe.
You're TOO STUPID to actually contribute to the white race so you want the state to monopolize all resources.
You people need to be shot in the brain.
>but couldn't enforce it in the territories it 100% controlled?
Yuri said the soviet union wasn't even marxist half the time, they just used marxism to manipulate people, and it worked on idiots like you.
>Policy favours the merchant classes over the land owning aristocracy
>Gets blocked by pro-monarchists
We have been there before and it didn't work. The 19th century was the peak of the British Empire and economical liberalism was tied to that.
> capitalism profits off of feminism
Stopped reading there. Feminism consists of a bunch of old and lonely bitches yelling at movies and video games for showing barely any skin or booty and even going so far as to boycott such things, another thing is that the reason feminism is so prevalent in today's society has to do with the government taking control of education and then getting subverted by cultural Marxists. So that first part literally makes no sense.
They didn't want multi-culti/feminism/SJWism enforced in their own society because they knew how utterly toxic and self defeating it was, hence why they weaponized the ideology, infiltrated Western educational institutions and spread it to great effect within secondary education circles and eventually primary education and the media.
Libertarians believe everyone isn't equal but everyone is equally inequal. Don't they understand that if people are inequal that they have to be inequal? And that means a hierarchy of man is real, even among the same race?
>So that first part literally makes no sense.
You expected marxists to make sense?
>leaf bringing bants
I also was a libertarian when I was 17. What is your picture meant to prove exactly?
Developing countries have less poverty? It even shows that if you exclude China, the change was slower? Implying a regulated market contributes to faster reduction of poverty. Can you read charts?
> couldn't enforce it in their territories
Retard, if I hit you with a pole, I obviously know it's not beneficial, why the fuck would I do it to myself?
Feminism is about work. Motherhood is oppressive. Work is liberating. Got knocked up? Get an abortion and get back to work.
Socialism leads to Judaism? Wow you need to take it easy on Alex Jones videos.
>And that means a hierarchy of man is real, even among the same race?
This is a fact though.
National socialists are simply SJWs that are egalitarian for white people.
They don't realize everyone is unequal and different, including members of the white race.
>I also was a libertarian when I was 17.
lmao yeah we totally believe you
As if you aren't a projecting 15 year old socialist.
You're the most cucked nation on earth.
>Developing countries have less poverty?
Yes and they also have much less economic freedom and have had this for a while.
The more free market a country is for a period of time, the richer it is and the better off it's citizens are.
>Implying a regulated market contributes to faster reduction of poverty.
There's far far more people in china you dumb fuck.
Since they somewhat liberalized their economy their people have been much much better off.
If they had gone totally totally free market they would be much better off.
Swedes are totally cucked.
Starvation wasn't an issue after the 1940s, with the exception of Romania.
Good post
Did Pinochet kill your family or something?
It's really not surprising you down syndrome lazy Greeks are so socialist and retarded, you actually want the EU to keep raping you.
You're more almost as cucked than Sweden.
No, I'm not Chilean. I just have a sense of decency.
> feminism is about work
That's not the case, feminism is about female supremacy. Don't get me wrong, I understand what you're going at but a female working isnt inherently bad.
> get an abortion, get back to worK
Libbertarians think that abortion should be illegal since it's the murder of another human being, which violates their NAP.
Yes. It's called subsistence farming. You enjoy all the fruits of your labour and pay little tax. You may have to work 14 hours a day to get by BUT you never get exploited.
Make sure you put a hammer and sicle on your bumper op
I'll gun your commie ass down immediately.
People like things I don't like. Better live in socialism and starve to death.
Marxists in Chile actually deserved to die though.
No whiteboi you elected Trudeau so you must be even bigger cucks. Lolbertarian logic ( non existent). Look there's a Jew behind you.
I love when arab as fuck greeks admit they aren't white.
Please stay poor, you people are so incredibly stupid, I enjoy every last political decision your dumb country makes that pushes you further and further down the toilet bowl.
>you elected Trudeau
>implying I did
>Lolbertarian logic ( non existent).
lol are you from r e d d i t too?
Kek. Nice bantz hans, that was breedy gud
Your NAP is what makes Marxists and leftists walk over you. They do t care about your damn nap. Atleast Stalin had more balls to get rid of the radical leftists unlike the libertarians who are so concerned about respecting everyone's beliefs.
Most people he killed or tortured weren't communist.
Who wants to be in a cuck race anyway?
I'm sure you did vote for Trudeau. Take responsibility for your actions lolbertarian hypocrite.
You're a fucking idiot if you think your picture proves anything.
It's not general for developing nations to move from high regulation to low regulation. What is general, is a large potential for technological improvement compared to industrialised nations.
Even so, the argument can only show that market liberalism is capable of bringing the proportion of people living under the poverty line down, a trend that is completely universal across the world. I could use the same argument to endorse absolutely anything that is common.
Is that actually your best graph?
Idk what India is anymore, Its communist but also democratic. Its conservative but also liberal. And it promotes Nationalism while advocating socialism.
> beliefs
The NAP is the idea that people shouldn't hurt other people or try to rob other people's property, so literally don't act like a nigger and you won't have a problem following it.
You could always be a corporatist like Franco and Salazar with a strong emphasis on the nation, Church and traditionalism. Not communist in any way.
>You're a fucking idiot if you think your picture proves anything.
You're from Sweden.
>It's not general for developing nations to move from high regulation to low regulation.
The only reason they developed in the first place is because their countries allowed lower regulation, property rights and some semblance of freedom.
>Even so, the argument can only show that market liberalism is capable of bringing the proportion of people living under the poverty line down,
Something socialism is unable to do.
PLEASE go live in Venezuela.
You people are so fucking blind when the actual reality of your system is out in the open.
>a trend that is completely universal across the world
Barely barely happening in socialist countries.
What started this trend of poverty reduction in the fucking first place was global capitalism and large increases in freer trade the past 50 or so years.
You gigantic idiot, do you realize how poor people were before this.
Do you realize how poor socialist countries are NOW?
>Who wants to be in a cuck race anyway?
Yes I agree.
So glad I'll never be greek.
So glad I have a brain that can understand argumentation and form my own opinions and beliefs.
Stay a poor third world shithole in the yurozone, you're so fucking dumb lmao kill yourself
Holy shit, thank you.
I remember trying to summarize what the Indian economy was (in a nutshell) and I honestly could not muster up an adequate summary. I couldn't even find accurate poverty statistics, but at least I can sleep easy knowing even an Indian doesn't know shit about it either.
>Being against rape culture is an idea that we should tell men not to rape
>The nap is an idea that we should tell people not to rape.
The nap is just like a feminist idea
> people shouldn't rape
> this is somehow a bad principle
Go to bed Ahmed. Aren't you still fasting?
Honestly though, how old are ye? You sound 15. You've made no arguments other than "your country sucks". P.S. Yours sucks more.
Things are very confusing here, idk how our government can do it but right now they are promoting Capitalism for rich and middle class, and using communism to uplift the poor while being stern democrats. Its like nobody cares that some things just don't get along with each other.
Nope, the welfare state does.
Rape is bad, but telling them not to rape is not going to completely stop them. That is why we make fun of feminists. Libertarians claims that statist are violent but give them the right to be statists. They won't stop statism if the nap includes their enemies.
>you've made no arguments
Except all the arguments I've posted in this thread.
Stay angry you cannot refute anything though
ayy lmao
>but couldn't enforce it in the territories it 100% controlled?
USSR never fully controlled Eastern Europe it was literally military occupation. As soon as USSR demonstrated that it will not send tanks to Praga anymore, EU walked way. there ere no real political and social control. Even more to bribe EU so they will chimpout much many things banned in USSR were allowed in EU. USSR did not have 100% control over situation there.
That's the slave mentality. "Letting" people do things that are harmful to you and your nation isn't libertarian, it's statist and liberal. And you're weak.
Pfff you're so lame in your comebacks butthurt canacuck. l am using your own logic. You elected Trudeau so you are socialists.
Fuck off Alex Jones denying shill
Exactly my thoughts. Hahahaha
Remove jews
>tfw capitalism leads to economic exploitation of the many by the few
LTV has been debunked longer than the Soviet Union existed
Can you just give up already.
How hard do you have to get BTFO here?
Why don't you move to Venezuela if you love socialism so much?
brainwashed cuckhold
>You elected Trudeau so you are socialists.
lmao you've elected every single leftcuck socialist leader imaginable and every single one of them, even your "right wing" politicians is to the left of trudeau economically.
Nah seeing those types in the convention made me really cringe.
So.. what does that specific graph proof? That the industrialized revolution was good? No shit, Marx jerked it over it. What does it have to do with anything? Does this mean I have to let Soros control my life now?
I wonder what else happened in the last 100 years that could increase standards of living... I'll think of it while driving to the pharmacy.
Even though every market is heavily regulated and your own country has trade deals to the protected European internal market. The countries that you decide are Socialist, are STILL REDUCING POVERTY. You even contradict yourself on this matter, saying socialism is unable to reduce poverty while admitting it is (barely) happening.
I mean there are private companies in Venezuela and there are state-owned companies in both of our countries.
So... what the fuck are you talking about?
Why can't you admit that a regulated market works best? Why should we yield the ability to steer the market in ways that serve higher purposes?
>Calling any other country cucked
You sound like a major autist. Your idiotic rambling makes people hate capitalism more. Just stop posting.
True on the rape part, but there's certain fundamental problems with your analogy and comparing it to Libertarians and their attitude toward statists. A.) They don't act violently toward the government because they wouldn't win, and B.) for some there are more peaceful means of achieving things.
We're plagued with a lot in this life that we disagree with, doesn't mean we shoot everything with a gun and that's most definitely true in a fight where you have no hopes of winning.
Give up what, I'm toying with your slavish brain. Go ahead, post some other meaningless graph for my amusement, little whore. You don't even know what you're arguing. Free trade? Libertarianism? Industrialization? What?
>No shit, Marx jerked it over it
Marx has the downs and was completely wrong about nearly everything.
If you support marx in any way you are the biggest anti-white cuckold imaginable.
>Does this mean I have to let Soros control my life now?
You people WORSHIP Soros.
In fact any time I think of Soros I think of Greece and what you dumb cucks have let him do to your country.
Dou you even know Karamanlis and Mitsotakis? Papadopoulos maybe? Simitis?Tell me more about my history 15 year old socialist canacuck.
I am pro-capitalist, that's the joke. Yet this Libertarian NEET should be casually shot.
Just automate everything
I said that Marx made the same point as you about the industrial revolution. The rest of your post is incoherent. What a waste.
There's been a lot of interesting non capitalist projects in the world, but US imperialism sabotages them before they can truly grow. Rojava at the moment is the great white hope for a progressive society but even still they are under attack from Turkey.
I agree. He sounds like a child who just got beat up by an edgy marxist at middle school so he has to vent here.
Im a from a third party, its called rastafarism
>I wonder what else happened in the last 100 years that could increase standards of living...
A gigantic increase in economic freedom and rule of law, all which has preceded and been a integral part of this massive increase in prosperity and technology?
>The countries that you decide are Socialist, are STILL REDUCING POVERTY.
Dude most countries around the world are reducing poverty.
The ones that are either reducing it extremely slowly or actually CREATING poverty are the socialist ones.
You're too fucking stupid to realize this.
What do you have to say about Venezuela? Seriously.
>saying socialism is unable to reduce poverty
Socialism can slightly reduce poverty by using capitalist tools and technologies. That's basically why the USSR didn't collapse right after lenin.
Otherwise it fails ginormously and 9 times out of 10 it creates poverty.
>Why can't you admit that a regulated market works best?
Because reason and evidence shows it doesn't.
>I mean there are private companies in Venezuela
Yes which the government has destroyed most of.
You were doing great and were successful (Ancient Greece) then you had a crazy lover (Ottoman Empire) things went horrible for you and more when you two broke up but you managed yourself. You forced yourself into an another relationship on fear of dying alone (EU) but it was total shit. You got into depression and now you are pathetic drunk loser who are once a rich and famous but is in a huge debt now.
Here I summed your history for the leaf.
You're the most capitalist country in europe.
I defend you on /pol/.
and this is how you repay me?
>I was only pretending to be retarded
LMAO You can almost taste the asspain.
You must be the small minority of leftists in Switzerland and probably got ripped on in school and are now shitposting about it online.
Don't think they are against private property but they trying to have a more communal society and put women in a more equal standing. Right?>>79281143
The perils of American (and Canadian) "education". It's either tele-evangelists or YouTube Cult leaders. This guy got the short end on both.
>belief that there should be an ever on going political revolution
>belief that there should be an ever on going market revolution
At their core, they're not too different.
>that pic
How does that have anything to do with capitalism?
> I defend you and this is how you repay me?
I'm starting to think you're a shill trying to make people look retarded.
>I was only pretending, I swear
How in the world are you still posting.
You have absolutely no argument
I bet you ejaculated when some random anon came to defend you, you degenerate.
>They kill poor people to save poor people. National social justice warriors want to kill whites for the purpose of saving whites.
both certainly works and makes sense. cancer must be cut out before it becomes too big of a burdon.
Capitalism =/= your bullshit. All rational people support capitalism, but not every idiot who pretends to be the capitalist "guru". Those are mostly college dropouts and failed philosophers. Also, no one has defended Marxism or Socialism ITT. You're grasping at straws, and this is the nth time you spill your spaghetti, I almost like you. Now! 1$!
Nah Raj, Greece had industry and was self sufficient in food production. In the long term yes EU subsidies and de industrialization fucked us up. In a very broad sense the same applies to India that now begins to emerge as a serious player.
In terms you'll understand: Not an argument!
Show me some of that reason or evidence... Pending that, I'll remain firmly in the third position. You cannot govern with dignity if you base your values in private profit, consumption, indulgance, immorality, selfishness, individualism. And you cannot promote sacrifice, discipline, honor, morality and community by merely promoting a free-market.
Giving up higher values for 'totally cool quadcopters' is infinity cucked.
They probably still believed in leftist heresies.
>what are jokes
>All rational people support capitalism
Thanks for agreeing with me.
Some cucks in this thread disagree though.
>Also, no one has defended Marxism or Socialism ITT. You're grasping at straws, and this is the nth time you spill your spaghetti, I almost like you. Now! 1$!
>who is OP?
>who is you using your computer and not your cellphone at the beginning of the thread
This is too good. Please stay in the EU. I enjoy seeing you guys get cucked.
So are you planning to vote out of EU or nah?
>I defend you on /pol/.
I don't need defense from a retard. You're a disgrace to capitalists.
>probably got ripped on in school
>n-no y-you!
Yeah he definitely fell for /pol/ meme channels hard.
Capitalism itself was closer to third position in the times of national capitalism (when international finance wasn't so relevant). Those industry types, like Henry Ford, were pretty patriotic. And yet this faggot pretends to know more! Sad!
Benevolent dictatorship by AI overlords
I'd listen to Sweden, he's an expert in all things cuck related. And the West is pretty fucking degenerate. Ignore it long enough and you'll just end up in a walled hermit kingdom, alienated in your own country. Moral and cultural relativism and the "free" market have created a monster.
Both ideoligies in their pure form are bad, you have to combine the 2 like pretty much every Western country does.
Every non retard should have realized this by now.
>Human society leads to economic exploitation of the many by the few
fixed for ya, that's how world works and how will ever work, communist or socialist calls for equality are just underhanded tricks from new elite in the making.
>Show me some of that reason or evidence...
Not an argument.
>I'll remain firmly in the third position.
Yes, enjoy hating white people and wanting to live in poverty. Enjoy destroying any creativity whites ever had.
Oh boy here we go:
>private profit,
>People are enjoying the fruits of their labour, how horrible!!
>People are enjoying the fruits of their labour, how horrible!!
We're not socialists, remember.
There's nothing wrong with giving a shit about yourself and having self respect you collectivist faggot.
This is what western civilization is based upon.
Henry Ford shits on you people.
You ARE a leftist, why do you try to deny it?
We did. July 15 referendum. But it failed. In time and as destruction furthers people will be more adamant and confident to leave the EU.
Incorruptable AI ruler.
Everyone should know by that there is productive capitalism (mainly represented by scientists, engineers, technicians, labourers, farmers) and consumerist capitalism (mainly represented by the media, banks, retail, advertisement, etc.). Guess where you'll find the most libertarians: in do-nothing jobs. Just go to one of their conventions. They're all in low-to-mid management and talk like the next Steve Jobs.
Yeah they call their model Democratic Confederalism. Heavily influenced by the writings of Murray Bookchin. It doesn't coherently into any label, there's anarchism, libertarianism, feminism etc. It's a stew of all these.
It's not perfect, you're right about private property and they also (somewhat reluctantly I gather) have a police force. But in the middle of a region of perpetual economic stability and backward values, Rojava is a fucking beacon of light.
They're building an iron, entirely democratic framework. I just hope Turkey and Assad leaves them alone to continue doing their thing.
Good article on it that explains it better than me.
Best of luck to you and your nation pal.
who /enclave/ here?
>I'm a real capitalist guise, I'm only defending leftism in a marxism thread because this one dude is annoying, I swear
Best leafpost I ever seen
wow great points (((anons))), i'm a #libertarianmissle now
>Socialism gives us death
>murder all socialists
Shitposting filtered to leafposting when?
get rich or die trying
Thanks, u too.
Never said whether said whether I supported capitalism or not. The only thing apparent in this thread is your unmedicated autism.
How can you seriously get in a back and forth with someone who can't go a sentence without spewing "cuck" "cultural marxism" "nigger" "faggot" etc. I know that essentially invalidates 90% of posters of this board, but nothing good will ever come of it.
Try and read this book, it's interesting:
>the (((free))) market
Behind every degenerate performer/artist is a merchant producer.
Capitalism is for generating wealth, Socialism is for redistributing some of that wealth to the poor.
Both work well together there is no need to just pick one of them.
Unregulated Capitalism leads to continuous suffering and exploitation of the poor and that's just not sustainable in the long run. You can't have a peaceful society when the majority are close to revolting.
>exploitation of the many by the few
This is what nature planned
As long as human society has tribal units any larger than the family or the individual
Yeah, they even have military police but that's expected given the circumstances. Don't think they will create a separate state but have increased autonomy. Mainly that's why the Arab spring happened too. People want democracy. If Rojava succeeds it will be a paradigm.
Eventually you see that Hitler was trying to fight the eternal jew with his right and left soldiers of capitalism and communism.
National Socialism and anti-semitism are the 2 things necessary for humanity and modern society to survive.
> Get gun
> Be hillbilly
> Fight Political impositions by the state honey-pot and the mad bees drawn to it.
> DIY everything
You don't need to be a shit-tier moron to be thrifty. You do need to raise your voice.
Yeah, the thing is that distribution could be done without socialism. It has to, if it's going to work. Also, check this book >>79283446
>Socialism is for redistributing some of that wealth to the poor.
Which slows the economy down in the long term,
>Both work well together there is no need to just pick one of them.
No, they don't. That doesn't make any sense, not just on principle but in implementation it's just cancer.
>Unregulated Capitalism leads to continuous suffering and exploitation of the poor and that's just not sustainable in the long run
Like what?
Breaking the cycle would be a rational and humane option if the assertions were correct.
>we shouldn't kill people that want to kill us
Please invite violent niggers in your house for a dinner party pls
>Never said whether said whether I supported capitalism or not.
Alright so I'm assuming you don't.
That only makes your asspain more apparent.
This guy is a keynesian jew that favors massive levels of government debt.
Hamilton wanted to create a banking cartel in the USA, the same the americans JUST finished fighting the British over.
Jackson > Hamilton.
The only solution is destroying all semblance of civilization and going back to being beasts
>Are we forced to choose between economic slavery and political slavery?
Not at all, with communism you can have both!
Jews are some of the best capitalists and economists.
Will you have them shot too?
I don't have to be asspained. Socialism is inevitable with automation. I win.
Yet you will always be a faggot.
>Don't think they will create a separate state but have increased autonomy.
Yeah I think that's all they want to. Obviously there's a strong element of Kurdish patriotism in the region but the fact that they can put aside petty nationalism for a just society, no matter what flag or name it's under, is very admirable. Assad wouldn't agree to the whole autonomy thing though. They're tolerant to the Kurds as the moment because they largely steer clear off each other and have a common enemy, but that won't be the case for every. There's already been a few flair ups between the Syrian Army and Kurdish forces.
>Unregulated Capitalism leads to continuous suffering and exploitation of the poor and that's just not sustainable in the long run.
"Regulated" capitalism is what makes the poor poor in the first place.
"Regulated" capitalism destroys savings, increases prices and lowers wages.
Automation is what destroyed socialism.
As capitalism inevitably gets prices down to zero, there will be no more need for economic systems anymore because everything will be free.
>like what
Monopolies and oligopolies take over politics and begin exploiting the system rather than competing in it.
>free market monopolies
lmao this meme again
>genocide is fine when I commit it
Leafposters everyone
Gas would be more deserved
Assad even if he pushes isis back will be way too weak to attack the Kurds full-scale. Even the Americans won't allow it . That retard Erdogan is dangerous though.
Try making a social media website when facebook has a monopoly on the advertising contracts.
Businesses have ways of shutting out the competition and then buying politicians to enact even more policies to defend their position at the top.
I'm as anti-socialist as they come, but jews accumulating wealth AND THEN INTENTIONALLY USING IT TO buy government and fulfill biblical prophecies is a huge problem
> monopolies and oligopolies
Which doesn't happen in a free market unless the monopoly in question is voluntary (meaning people only buy from that particular business because they're good)
Once you accumulate enough wealth you can buy anything with enough of a goyim-hating, jewish supremacy complex.
>has a monopoly on the advertising contracts.
>countless other advertising methods
Do leftists even know the definition of words
>hurr it's a big company so it's a monopoly
>and then buying politicians to enact even more policies to defend their position at the top.
Wow you mean something libertarians have been saying for fucking DECADES and aggressively fight against?
You don't say.
>Once you accumulate enough wealth you can buy anything
Not if you have a government that fights against buying influence.
Not if you have Trump or a free market type in charge.
It happened before it can happen again.
>acquire enough FINANCE to purchase MEDIA
>oligopolize MEDIA in order to control POLITICS
>control POLITICS and rig the FINANCIAL system
Control FINANCE MEDIA and POLITICS through extreme wealth and oligopolies run by jewish nepotism and capitalism slowly becomes an oligarchy for the jewish elite.
As a group, they believe they are superior and want to enslave/genocide the goyim
>What Options Are there?
As if you need to ask, friend
Thus creating a market for products without those things/ critical of those things to buy into to sate their anger and as a sales point. The punk scene is a perfect example of arbitrary social division for the purpose of codification.
>Once you accumulate enough wealth you can buy anything with enough of a goyim-hating, jewish supremacy complex.
Not to be a meme, but what did you mean by this? Like what are you referring to?
Speaking of inviting niggers, didn't you invite them from Africa to put down your forest fire.
>Everybody who doesn't agree with me is a leftist
Libertarians are so bloody annoying.
>if your government isn't corrupt
Well why would our government ever stop being corrupt?
Even non-jews like Clinton sell out their people for a few shekels
tbqh Hillary sold your country's interests plenty of times to us Indians.
Turks need to oust Erdogan before he installs himself fully as Supreme Leader tbqh. The absolute madman.
Say you have unlimited money
Plenty of good goys would just set up a comfortable life for them and their family and retire.
Jews want to take over the world so they use greed to accumulate vast amounts of unspendable wealth that has only 1 true purpose: to buy the world and enslave/genocide the goyim.
They want 90% of the worlds population to clear out
I didn't say that at all.
Are you okay?
>Thus creating a market for products without those things/ critical of those things to buy into to sate their anger and as a sales point.
Doesn't necessarily mean it's profitable. A good case study of this would be Chris Avellone who worked on the Fallout games, he would go on to make a game tailored for SJWs, but it would fail, as he forgot one thing. Feminists like to bitch at video games, not actually play them.
There is a viable alternative. Its called Social Democracy, the dominant societal model in pretty much all first world countries except the US.
>What options are there, /pol/?
You're braindead. The reason there's less degeneracy behind former Iron Curtain is that all the guys behind 68' cultural revolution in the West were Soviet agents. You don't sabotage your allies, you sabotage your enemies.
That's what I am saying.
Media jewish oligopoly makes politics a rigged game of manipulating facebook/fox news/article reading retards
Whoever has the jewish media oligarchy on their side is pretty much guaranteed to win without a Trump to try and break througn
If you nationalize everything, then you got Socialism, it's not like Hitler didn't do exactly the same as Stalin. Hitler got also other plans, so did Stalin, but core of Socialism is nationalism and self-sufficient country with managed cultures so people have their rights to language and don't mix with each other. Capitalism on other hand is melting pot without culture and wide open borders, since capitalism doesn't cares about people, naturally doesn't cares about race, may the best fraud win.
Okay, so let's follow this example
>Jews want to take over the world so they use greed to accumulate vast amounts of unspendable wealth that has only 1 true purpose: to buy the world and enslave/genocide the goyim.
Then just don't allow jews in the country and try to keep a homogeneous nation while you're at it. There! Problem solved.
> You cannot govern with dignity if you base your values in private profit, consumption, indulgance, immorality, selfishness, individualism. And you cannot promote sacrifice, discipline, honor, morality and community by merely promoting a free-market.
Do you think that without the hand of the government in economic and social life, individuals wouldn't do anything to promote these values in their community? They wouldn't have a single shred of extra goodwill for disciplined, honorable, moral people, dedicated to a cause higher than themselves? They would be just as likely to associate with them, hire them, buy from them, loan to them, listen and follow them as the completely immoral and depraved?
If that's the true nature of the individuals in a society, a government institution is the last thing that would save them. Government drives to plant these values where they lack have only ever manufactured pomp and paperwork. And now blind belief in government has led to societies that already cherished these values to deliberately poison themselves with people who don't, all paid through taxes.
Bernie Sanders tried with that and Americans treated him as if he were the reanimated bones of Karl Marx and running for president.
Nicely said.
Too bad she didn't sell India any toilets.
You implied it here >>79285350
>Do leftists even know the definition of words
and here >>79282489
>You ARE a leftist, why do you try to deny it?
and here >>79281485
>You must be the small minority of leftists in Switzerland
Every government influences people, but fact is that capitalistic governments influence people into being broken so they spend more money on fixing things.
I think decades of anti-communist propaganda have rendered Americans incapable of even contemplating ideas such as a regulated economy or a welfare state. Still Bernie gave Hillary a run for her money, which is saying a lot considering the popularity and connections of the Clinton family, and the fact that Hillary is a woman, which unfortunately, by itself, should attract the female vote.
There are other groups that will try to do similar like muslims and communists but they don't have the IQ and effective nepotism to take over anything.
Muslims and shitskins will outbreed a democracy and turn it into sharia law or gibs me dat it into the ground.
I prefer a white majority woth a big asian minority, a few hard working hispanics and a handful of athletic negroes or ben carsons. Other than that bend the knee to the bill of rights or get out
Because we are heterogenous, extremely divided and buried in debt to the fed.
Socialism doesn't fix anything under those 3 circumstances, it destroys
Fuck Bernie Sanders. If you really like socialism, at least support this kike and fuck up Clinton's base
>everything will be free
Yes, because everyone will benefit from automated production equally. aka socialism.
>I prefer a white majority woth a big asian minority, a few hard working hispanics and a handful of athletic negroes or ben carsons. Other than that bend the knee to the bill of rights or get out
No disagreements there, that can be kept with what you suggested. Libertarians suggest the elimination of a welfare state, which many minorities tend to find fairly attractive and so they come here. With this gone, the only people that the country would attract would be intelligent and productive human beings. (Just look at immigration statistics on welfare, I think it was over 60% of legal immigrants are currently relying of welfare programs and government subsidies). As far as I know, there's a large amount of Libertarians who don't tend to be too opposing to the ideas of borders. So there's that as well.
Fuck bernie sanders
Automation isn't Socialism, that's capitalism. Automation is when you work in factory and you barely survive day and day out, that's what's happening now in EU in same companies who provided enough money in past and people were happy working there, had vacation, now they don't have vacation and sometimes not even salary.
The point I'm making is that Sanders would be perceived as a establishment centrist in Europe, but in America many think of him as a hardline communist. Your people are retarded and so is your two party system.
> Bernie Sanders
Yeah, get fucked. That retard is barely qualified to run a taco bell, let alone an entire nation.
>not taking the ultimate redpill
feudalism - it is the system of Japanese and European ancestors and was the only sytem which worked for benefit of all and not just merchants, a.k.a. (((capitalists)))
I don't even care about closing the borders 100% just this obama clinton sanders merkel nonsense of allowing anybody and everybody in has got to be stopped and building a wall is the lesser of the evils.
forgot pic
remember your heritage anons!
I feel you senpai, It's not a good feeling.
The most developed and complex societies in Europe, France, Germany and UK follow a social-democratic model, and the standard of living is quite good. Also, these three countries have a debt, measured as percentage of the GDP, higher than the US. Also, no matter the social model, no society works with uncontrolled public debt.
Anyway, your reaction perfectly illustrates my point, decades of anti-communist propaganda have rendered many Americans incapable of even contemplating alternative models of society, whereas in Europe, Social Democracy is essentially a balancing act of socialism and capitalism, and the best option to keep fascism at bay.
Samurai were assassins and they terrorized people on orders of wealthy, they were nothing more than hired mercenary. While ninjas are said to be women. Samurai were like European knights, they too terrorized peasants and extracted tax and crop from them, nothing but hired king's mercenary.
I love socialism, but only for my tribe, hence the national part being added to it.
Our people are retarded so we have to paint him as a commie (his past suggests he actually seriously is in more ways than one) because he would be a DISASTER for the US
Complete disaster.
You can't understand not wanting to pay taxes for hordes of shitskins that are just waiting for the government to take your guns so they can start a rape/race war.
Also multi party systems feed a divide/conquer tactic of the dominant party.
Just look what is happening to most of europe. The primary party divides and conquers the voters for the 2nd 3rd and 4th parties 90% of the time.
Hip-hop was sustained by socialist policies in America and the resentment of being provisioned for at the bottom rung like slaves. They lived but lived poorly and wanted to be seen as entrepreneurs and "ballers"
Pretty sure capitalism is the root of materialistic hip-hop culture
>Expecting Politicians to ever do anything
Got bad news for you, senpai
You cherry pick and reject the facts that the USA is different than your socialist welfare eurocuck states in ways that make a socialist welfare state a disasterous idea.
The only reason poor blacks dont spread out and rape/rob more white neighborhoods is because of the 2nd amendment. We are legally allowed to shoot them if they do that so they stick to inner city ghettos
Was there ever a good leader that studied politology? Leader and politician, maybe there is a difference.
That's why Trump.
Look at all the butthurt king niggers and popes saying NEVER TRUMP.
Even if trump is a jew plant, who cares? As long as the politicians get massive butthurt its all fair
Your views are completely childish. I would be surprised if you were older than 16.
>not an argument
>Socialism leads judaism
"Comrade Stalin, where all the bolsheviks went?"
Neither is anything you've said. Your whole premise is "ITS TOO HARD WAHH"
Being a rational human being.
>Jew Plant
Not an option. Trump has seen enough kikery to last a lifetime when he was starting out in new york. Then, he became a billionaire and saw how things really work.
Remember that Trump had friends in those towers, and he knows who did this. This is personal for him, he's running because he wants to fix things for real this time.
Also notice how forced his pro isreal comments are sometimes, and how he subtly tells them that he will not bend the knee to them(He will make sure that Isreal and Palestine will sit down and make an agreement, he didn't say it like he was suggesting it but like he was going to force them to do it)
Trump is his own agent, working for himself, but he knows that he will never get there without the kike's approval, remember that Trump is a 4D chessmaster, he knows what he's doing
I actually gave reasons why socialism would not work in the USA.
Combination of debt, heterogenous population and being extremely divided means that we would never in 100 years gladly tax ourselves enough to pay for niggers to go to college and get free heart surgeries for all their fucking cheeseburgers.
We would collapse or at the very least have a terrible 4 years with that socialist retard bernie sanders in the whitehouse.
>this thread
Mein Kampf is literally The Art Of The Deal of the 1920s.
Trump is literally Hitler.
I believe all that but I also see his kids being married to elite globalist jews.
Even if he wins and is what you say, never underestimate the kikes. They will possibly use his kids against him. Remember, the guys Trump is really against, have no limits to how far they will go if Trump is legit
>Combination of debt
>100 years gladly tax ourselves enough to pay for niggers to go to college and get free heart surgeries for all their fucking cheeseburgers.
That's because you're too busy giving bailout to CEOS after they fuckup their corporations. You have plenty of money, just have no idea how to prioritize funds.
>heterogenous population
Means nothing. The average person doesn't care about this. See: >>79288148
>being extremely divided
Plenty of other laws are passed in the divided nation.
Like I said earlier, socialism is inevitable. What will Trump do when 3 million+ transportation jobs are nonexistant after automation? When even more are taken from the service industry when the minimum wage increases? There simply won't be enough jobs to replace them. Without social programs, what do you think those 3million+ people are going to do to survive?
>That sounds different, so it has to be better
The reason your society is heavily divided is due to the lack of a welfare state. That's why people are forced to fend for themselves by any means necessary, including petty crime and violent crime. This is why crime rates are so ridiculously huge in the US, and conversely so low in western Europe. Seriously, where I live murder rates are so low that every single murder gets report on TV, and we are not exactly a rich country.
Besides, modern France, Germany and UK are not homogeneous societies, yet crime rates have remained low. By now you should know why.
Couldn't agree more.
Is that how you became "the great united states" by selling toilets?
To solve crime and corruption you normally need somebody who wasn't part of the system, because basic human logic which goes like this: "i am comfy in this, i know this, why change in which i am comfy?" Greatest leaders of humanity and greatest beneficiary of humans were always uneducated people. You can't expect a lawyer who learned all the established laws and keeps on learning it every day for decades to suddenly say: "lets throw this away and start with something new" Instead a lawyer will look for holes in the law and use them. Laws during capitalism, even financial credits and medications isn't getting less complex, it's getting more complex to introduce more holes in law. When they flood you will anarchy from Africa even better, when no borders even better, more ways to steal. Drugs, crime and prostitution is thriving when no control and complex laws.
Bernie Sanders is mein only solution, and that is final.
Sanders 2016!
> The US has a lack of a welfare state
Nigger, are you retarded?
Nationalist Libertarianism that wont allow crony capitalism.
Fuck off bernie
Was Bernie not part of established politics or what?
I mean come one! It's 2015!
> Also Soros is trying to put Merkel in the frame for open borders.
Tut tut, silly girl!
You don't have a national pension scheme, you don't have paid parental leave, you don't have universal healthcare, you don't have free/cheap public higher education. Do you have unemployment benefits?
I guess its a testimony to the incompetence of the American political cradle that you don't have proper welfare and yet manage to spend as much on ti as the UK (GDP wise). Then again, when everything is a business (the education business, the healthcare business, the retirement fund business) I guess that's to be expected. Plus the fact that political campaigns are privately funded means lawmakers can't afford to prioritize public interest.
*cadre, not cradle lol
> you don't have paid parental leave, you don't have universal healthcare, you don't have free/cheap public higher education. Do you have unemployment benefits?
Oh, we've got quite a comparable colelction.
> close to 200 or more federal/state programs
> including 23 low income health programs
> 27 low income housing programs
> 30 employment and training programs
> 34 social services programs
> at least 13 food and nutrition programs
> and 24 low income child care programs
Federal and state governments spend a trillion dollars a year just on these means tested welfare programs, which does not include Social and Medicare. That is more than we spend on national defense. It adds up to roughly $17,000 per person in poverty, over $50,000 for a poor family of three.
And the myth that this helps anyone is beyond retarded. All we've done is created a dependent and parasitic class which is unproductive and tends to commit crime due to the fact that most of these retards on welfare programs tend to be spics and niggers
Get fucked, you incompetent imbecile.
The only option is that the many benefit from economic exploitation of robots.
The future is coming, are you ready to be economically useless and not know what to do with yourself because the only 2 human jobs left are SKILLED ARTISAN and AI ENGINEER?
It'd probably be way more economically beneficial if we just got rid of all that shit and straight up gave 17k a year to each person in poverty.
he already countered this:
> its a testimony to the incompetence of the American political cradle that you don't have proper welfare and yet manage to spend as much on ti as the UK (GDP wise).
GET FUCKED dumbass. Your system is absolute shit bc you refuse to acknowledge the need then halfass it.
Precisely, there are so many complex, ad-hoc social programs in the US that end up not actually solving anything. I guess that is why you manage to spend so much on welfare, yet lack comprehensive, universal welfare services (they aren't just for the poor btw, over here you are entitled to welfare regardless of your net worth).
I mean, if political campaigns were public funded in the US, and people stopped worrying so much with accusations of communism/socialism, you would be able to provide better welfare with less expenditure.
Just to give you an example, one of the reasons medical care is so expensive in the US is because doctors are very expensive. Why? Because they themselves are saddled with student loans from their time in college and medical school. This is plain ridiculous, and symptomatic of a system were people seem incapable of prioritizing the common good.
One of great lies of capitalists:
- Socialism had welfare.
Truth: Everybody got a job anywhere you wanted.
- Social Democracy is Socialism
Truth: Democracy is a political party voting system, Socialism is a people's party voting system.
- big government means lots of laws
Truth: Big government means lots of employed by government.
- Jews use universities to subvert people into mixing
Truth: No universities during Socialism, you learned through work.
>restore the dignity
>romanticizing labor
When do you imagine people toiling in filth ever had dignity? What magical era of fairness was that? If this dignity is to be restored, surely it must have existed at some point.
Dignity is an attitude, a sureness of self. I'm not sure how to instill dignity in the labor force, but I'm sure it's not by teaching them to pity themselves.
All statism is inherently exploitative.
Hierarchy forces resources towards the top.
It must be the obligation of the elite to share in some the power, handing it down for the masses to benefit, and the duty of the masses to accept they get less for having a lesser burden.
This was the original goal of marxism
I love how you people who have never lived here for your whole life try to act like you understand our politics and how our demographics interact.
1. Our government is a corrupt oligarchy at this point so yeah they fuck up everything and this election with Trump is the last hope.
2. There our so many reasons for our divided country, and "the welfare state not being big enough" is not even close to the top of the list why. We have a fucking welfare state already and it is heavily abused by drug dealing ($0 reported legal income qualifies for welfare benefits) niggers and retarded government funded baby shitters.
>Everybody got a job anywhere you wanted.
Everywhere who wanted? The worker?
I guess no one shoveled horse shit off the streets then.
Maybe they worked anywhere the party wanted instead?
>If you nationalize everything, then you got Socialism, it's not like Hitler didn't do exactly the same as Stalin.
I love this meme
>Doctors are expensive because they are buried in debt from school
You are making way to loose connections there buddy.
Have you ever been to the poor parts of the US? Have you ever interacted with the people? Have you ever seen what happens when you give them the resources to improve their life? You frequently get guns, drugs, alcohol, jewelry and a shitload of lottery tickets.
These people are paid to not work and to shit out as many kids as possible. Why do you have these insane fantasies about a socialist usa?
You have 200+ year old constitution which also happens to be the least changed constitution in the world. How retarded you guys actually aer that you thought that your founding fathers were so great that they predicted that United States will stay the same even after 200 + years and there would be no change necessary in the constitution?
We got Independence a mere 6 decades ago, we have the most revised constitution on Earth and still its not enough.
Technocracy lol
As long as you will let any fucker buy a legal gun as easily buying milk, nothing will improve.
>more revisions = better
>we just dont have enough revisions
You buy into the propaganda pajeet.
Our constitution has many amendments, but the Bill of Rights should be closely followed with only the smallest of changes
Are you denying that doctors are expensive because they have to pay their student loans? No seriously, go ahead and deny reality.
They buy them illegally pajeet
Until we close the border, mexico has a billion dollar drug and gun running business to the southern usa
>We got Independence a mere 6 decades ago, we have the most revised constitution on Earth and its still not enough
Yeah, you ever thought that maybe that might just be the problem?
We had Socialistic actions where anybody applies that wanted to clean up the environment, many people done so and there was no horse shit on streets, since we didn't had horses shitting all over the place.
Doctors are expensive because they are in high demand for a multitude of reasons.
Doctors don't just get to set their prices at whatever they want based on their student debt.
Like I said, you are drawing extremely loose connections and acting like it is a cause effect.
Tldr: youre starting to look retarded or jewish
remember we are talking to a street shitter
What is Aryan race? Jews were literally kicked out of country and on their place Aryans were put, same with English or Americans or any other foreigner. That's not privatization if Hitler says no foreigners. The basis of privatization was always foreigner investment, this is why this even exists, so that international trade like stock exchange can happen. Socialism didn't had stock exchange and only basic credits that were predictable. Public property was given to any Aryan who wanted it, but he still was controlled by Hitler to not send money abroad to Jews. Public property doesn't means you aren't allowed to trade, you just aren't allowed to build foreign companies on your land or use foreign money to invest, you have to create money yourself and then use it how you like it.
What was the major church problem during Socialism? It was priests sending money abroad and getting money abroad, avoiding to get taxed by own country. Nowadays in EU we don't tax church a lot, they have special status, even if they don't create anything at all.
Let's do some basic de-indroctination:
Can I be shown evidence that a economy under Communism or socialism will end in failure
I'm not doubting it but I need to le "redpill" one of my friends who's turning into some left cuck, he only watches those shitty liberal youtube channels like and is legit for Bernie doesn't care about race and is probably gonna vote Greens or god help Socialist alliance
Don't be the common working man, that's the best advice I can give.
I see. Of course, none of the issues in society are inter-related. Then again I could ask you why there is such a shortage of physicians, but I'm sure that has nothing to do with the cost of getting a college education and then a medical education on top of that, and that the number of people with a medical degree is exactly equal to the number of people with the aptitude and inclination to become physicians.
A fucking linguist. We can do better than this kike.
who does?
Monarchy, it is one man balancing
Without it developing into a shitshow
That's not really an argument now is it
Ha, u got in college, eh, and got millennial syndrome. im glad I was born after the millennial generation.
BTW, wages are reaching new lows in America (adjusted 4 inflation), yet the American economy has never been more controlled
College professors don't know everything, dumbass
There are many people who can easily afford to become a physician, they just dont want to. The cost isn't too high, but rather the reward is too low.
There are other easier ways to exploit this capitalistic system than being a wageslave physician to some big corporation.
Do you have data on the ratio of people who want to become physicians (and are smart enough) vs. those who can afford it? Just curious.
At any rate, your previous statement that physicians are highly paid because they are in demand contradicts the notion that physicians are wageslaves.
Newsflash, we're not all equal and we should t pretend we are.
Any authoritarian regime will of course be tyrannical and oppressive- whether it's communist or fascist, the proles and everyone else get abused. Except for the political elites, the new feudal lords.
Capitalist systems do not inherently imply everyone is economically enslaved, if you keep big businesses from rigging the system- because then smaller businesses can compete thereby keeping the competition in the market. This will result in lower prices and better wages and working conditions.
The problem is usually in investing too much power in government.
The few protect the many, the many feed the few.
this only works when there are enemies, but, we could continue into a self sufficient tribalism.
However, humans are flawed and we will always have enemies.
Slavery? Who is making you stay at mcdonalds? Get a real job nigger.
>if you keep big businesses from rigging the system
That's a big if.
Probably on the level of "true communism haven't been tried".
Until we finally get a GodAI to rule us, we must simply make peace with the fact that meritocracy always yield to nepotism followed shortly by collapse/external invasion.
As it has been, as it will be, amen.
Capitalism is all we have, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing.
All we need is a strong state that is able to effectively regulate the capitalist system and break up monopolies that might then be in a position to capture the political system, while not squeezing business so tightly as to not undermine businesses on a medium scale.
Essentially, there should be a fundamental decoupling of politics and corporate interests, so that the government represents the working people, not multinational conglomerates.
Finally, the last president was a 56 year old bachelor.
Liberal butthurt keks:
John "It's 2016" Oliver
> [Embed]
The Young Turkroaches
> [Embed]
Al jewzeera
> [Embed] | ---79268872
Also, inaugural address of the president
Any executive order signed?
I know nothing of this man
Tell me about him flips
Here's the vice president
I guess the curfew and no drinking outside is now officially implemented
congratulations on your new fascist leader
I heard the bodies are already piling up
More like Trudeau in steroids
hasn't he said something like, he'll pay for each dead criminal that's brought to him?
Watch the links. He is politically incorrect, anti establishment and believes in free market. A fucking madman who wants druggies and criminals to be purged. Also he wants to federalize the country.
Check the links in OP
I've been following it lightly, just wanted to know what you guys thought of him
From my observation he's "the perfect politician", it just seems odd to me that he really is for the people which is interesting considering flip political pasts.
But he also encouraged a "rainbow" cabinet (ethnically and gender equal cabinet) and babbysitting Terrorists
Now online gambling will soon be banned
Where will I get shekels when I need to.
Are there legal sports betting establishment in Metro Manila?
Flips are tired of establishment politicians and finally had enough of it. The liberals did not back down though but they still lost.
yeah he sure sounds like an interesting guy
Im no expert at at cocks sadly
did the spanish influence ever leave the Philippines? are there many mixed race people left in the country?
in truth we have no true political divide in this country everyone shifts parties and ideologies alot of the liberal party shifted to his
hes a social commie and anti capitalist
but believe in the death penalty
you can be a conservative but in moral sense
the true right wingers are the regionalist separatist because they want to get out of this abomnation of country and brexit
>Flips are tired of establishment politicians and finally had enough of it.
Ill thank social media for that
My Flip-British friend is worried about this guy.
No not really mostly just southern Chinese mix
I do admit he is a socialist, but not as crazy as bernie
Why is he?
Here's the full inaugural speech
This is an Eastern Samar Congresswoman
it never left Philippines, the Philippines is conservative as fuck that it looks like it's stuck in the 16th century Spanish rule
Because Bernie didnt held a hands on govt job like a mayor or governor
Bernie's a all talk no action senator, he didnt even get one relevant thing done.
Duterte on the other hand knows how to lead and can always see and feel the everyday people.
socialist terms of muh poor farmers and muh anti oligarchy(even though hes one)and his sympathy for righteous rebellion and Historical injustice
>see and feel the everyday people.
I always see that as a negative trait
he did pose as a taxi driver and talk to people, they didnt know it was the mayor
Fucking kek
Noynoy and Mar are out of touch of the people is positive?
Mar is like fucking Jeb Bush
>out of touch of the people
thats it what kind of everyday people are they in touch with
If I could kill poor people I would the drug seem so small compared to them
That's why there are groups calling Duterte anti-poor
I cant wait to see him make orders to kill those squatters kids who push drugs
Jeb is autistic, While Mar is faking it
Those are signs of being a socialist.
> based
How come?
Lesbian daughter
what signs?
at the very start we know he is, he even admits it
Aside form drug and crime I see no effort in him getting rid of the slums
its like erap all over again
unlike this two>>79270354
at lest they care more about the rich an the middle class
He's an autistic fuck too. Gets easily angered in debates. Especially that wharton thing with Binay, fucking KEK
>Care about middle class
>Wont reduce taxes that's thinning out middle class
Slums, we just wait since he's planning to decongest Manila, maybe the poorfags will the sent early to populate the area.
The actual inauguration, start at 1:37:00
left to right?
more like they made the rich even more rich at lest they are not anti capitalist
middle class here are just slums that can pay for their electricity bill
I just don't get why /asean/ flips shilled so hard for him
because real middle class was dying at the time of his fucking whore of a mother cory.
/asean/ flips are cucks. I hate /int/, full of leftists faggots. That's what brit/pol/ said too.
what? if anything they become more rich and become upper class
she restored the status co,
most likely some flips who browses plebbit since they keep mentioning that place too.
Some rich people back then were turned into working class level.or left the country for good.
I dont know, Duterte and his socialist and commie for the everyday people rehtoric worried me I dont what my taxes going to pheasants and rebels
Marocs was about to turn us to a NK where is the only oligarch the gets to dictate stuff and the other oligarchs gets to share their wealth and land to poor farmers
it show we truly have no nationalism in this country and the better for it
we need separation asap
All they do is regurgitate the same jokes and circlejerk to their waifus, fuck that place. They don't even have great taste in waifus.
He was doing much better than what Aquino and the successor's has given us.
>Be Marcos
>Get loans
>Create investments
>yellow fags go waaah too much spending
>is ousted and kill
>yellowfags in control
>didnt use nuclear powerplant cuz muh chernobyl
>no ROI
>Lopez family back in power and cheat the people on electricity bill
>Slow progress due to more expenses
>cry Marcos a thief to brought the country to huge debt till 2025
What a joke these yellowtards are.
Marcos created too much loans and debt where the oligarchs suffered for and here we are
yellows are capitalists they know that shitty plant will not generate profit
I guess if you care too much for the poor instead of killing them you would see it as bad
Cancel your military modernisation faggots, good job on voting.
Most of /int/ flips are redditfags and Kikebook normies
>wannabe capitalist
>Kill poor
>nobody to do the dirty work
>who is also a chink lover and communist
I'll enjoy the fireworks until he inevitably gets assassinated
Are you poor?
>clean up violent criminals
>"one shot in the head will do it"
top kek
I kind of agree with this, but i would lock them up, because it might happen somebody kills an innocent guy.
>tfw you realise the liberal party is actually the right wing, conservative , businesses logic only people
And are just PC for show
This is why we nned to separate
Is he economically right wing at least?
I hope he can fix the Philippines.
>and believes in free market
Does he REALLY though?
I heard he's a leftist.
Why can't Mexico have a "Kill all Drug Dealers" policy?
I dunno myself, Im earning 105-140k pesos a month depending on service calls on my other gigs.
Since I dont own properties yet, I dont think I can call myself rich or middle class yet. Might as well call me poorfag.
No we need it bad. We are 40th in the entire world, it is bad.
It's literally their economy
When will you fucking people destroy your central bank and have an actual free market.
You could be like Japan or South Korea.
Fucking fuck you dumb third worlders piss me off.
What did he mean by this?
im getting pooo-sayyyy
Also why are you people so ugly?
How could you not own properties yet? Are you blowing it all on HIV medication?
When we separate, hopefully duterte will make us a path for that
We just had a new president you canuck fuck
arck!!"I need to poo in the loo now
Except for all the trannies running around.
also why do u guys have security guards with shotguns everywhere in the cities?
Even mcdonalds?
Is he protecting the bigmac secret formula?
>Im earning 105-140k pesos a month depending on service calls on my other gigs.
how is that even possible?
what school did you graduate from?
>also why do u guys have security guards with shotguns everywhere in the cities?
protecting us from aloha snackbars. or you know, general lack of education.
He is getting ready to open his asshole to the Chinese because no new ships to defend
How is he anti poor? He's anti establishement and oligarch and getting praised for caring and being in touch for the everyday people which is code word for poorfucks.
I think killing drug dealers and psychopathic criminals is a good thing.
But how do you make sure they are who they say they are? What if they're innocent?
Is that the actual reason or you're just guessing.
I have friends that live in flip and even they don't really know the exact reason
why did he take his oath in English?
isn't that elitist?
Organized crime in the Philippines isn't the same as mafia. Most of their dens are literally in the middle of large slums and people around them know their businesses
Rent feels comfy just 12k and I dont need to pay property taxes and some addons for squatterfags.
Im still paying for my SUV and amassing furniture. Maybe in 10 years time I'll save up some downpayment.
Buying a home is so expensive, fuck.
Make the Philippines Great Again!
Is there a mudslime minority in Phillipines? You guys are pretty much traditional catholics arent you?
lel the real answer is
general lack of education.
there is no need for a gun
if the guard happens to have a pstd episode he can go all mateen on the flippers enjoying their bigmacs
our banks have guards with short guns too.
but the based robbers shoot them pointblank.
explains a lot.
Can someone tell me if he's free market or not.
I hope he is.
Also will his presidency bring peace to your country and make you a superpower?
I see it more as a much needed slap in the face for our perceived unified country the fradulent Filipino idenity
who's the liberal prof that taught you that?
They've shown bust from rich country subdivisions and its not just drugs involved.
Less mudslime than in london I could say. You can only see them selling bootleg stuffs.
Islam is the second most populous religion in this country. The major island of Mindanao was literally an Islamic country before Spain came.
My dearest Pinoy friends,
I hereby politely ask you to solve the problem of South Philippine once and for all, for the sake of the stability of the region. There are many options, but all of it roughly fall in the line of "round up the rebels and rebel sympathizers and shoot them" or "declare them an independent country". I personally prefer the former choice as it will reduce terrorism in SEA, but the final decision is still up to you.
Thanks for listening, my neighbour.
Security and intimidation factor you will need guns for that
What did he mean by this?
>Whole Mindanao
>non-Mindanaoans actually believe in this
The only area in Mindanao which were Islamic was Sulu and the rest of Central Mindanao. Tribes in east Mindanao converted to Catholicism and are protected by Spanish missionaries in fear of being hunted down as slaves due to Islamic Slave Trade
They will most like be an independent country
If they know that they have a country of their own and have their own identity they will stop chimping out.
They might get some parts of Sabah tho
Stop letting isis operate on Sabah
I am the law, shoot first, sue me if you can.
stop funding them first
Is that even his real account?
Anyway PR people do that shit for him
Get off canadian clay, you fucking chink. Learn english first.
>you fucking chink
Really now?
Also all of my lawyer friends from UP and Ateneo are chimping out over Duterte winning.
Shit is so funny to watch.
It does sound like a joke coming from him
Are lawyers getting demonized now, interesting duterte is covering his basis really well
Isis operate in Mindanao. No isis in Sabah, but they are plenty of Pinoys in Sabah, so I would be really grateful if you take your countrymen back to your country.
Well there are stupid people in our government that give them access to weapons. Need to change government and deislamize Malaysia in order to stop that. It is harder than just shoot your rebels since they are our legitimate government now.
If they become independent country terrorist attack will increase in Sabah.
Nah we ain't taking another muslime shithole. It's all yours
Is this an insult or a joke?
>the curfew and no drinking outside is now officially implemented
Is that really a thing??? I was thinking about going to your country for a few weeks, I but I dont wanna fly over if I could get arrested for having a beer outside.
Except for bars. No drinking on public streets
It think it suppose to be bad ass but it ended up implying they just Nuked and destroyed Malacanang
Either way separatist and anti manila flips would love this
No more DOTA2.
I'm glad my vote wasn't wasted.
Nice edit, it's gambling
Bars are included. I know two that already adjusted their time.
Maybe those highend ones are not but that will just defeat the purpose of it
liar, you have no friends
covering bases*
><space> message <space>
Kids playing in computer shops are ban Or just computer shops that has games
But thats a thing already from what I noticed especially those who are near schools.
ask you average die hard duterte faggot
i see that as, i will say "putang ina niyo" to appeal to "mahihirap na squatter at jejemon" but i will speak in english, because despite this display of "simple life", he is, by no means living simply.
It is. Why not take the oath in Tagalog? I hate Tagalog but I hate English more. I see Germans and Yugoslavians take their oath in their native language.
Brit flip here.
How fucked will the country be by the time I visit for a vacation next year?
you will need to learn chinese by then
English is the official language of the republic
I thought the faggots in government there were supposed to hate the Chinese?
I guess he hates it as much as you do too, the Filipino identy is bullshit anyway
Knowing how we province fags think no that's not it, he wanted to make a anti Filipino language statement
not anymore :)
based Rody wants to make Philippines Chink Again
So what time is your curfew then? I can deal with limiting my raging alcoholism to inside a bar, but I dont wanna get arrested for staying out too late.
Around 1or 2 am I suggest just stay and drink inside your hotel room
If your a white foreigner you might even end up in the news
kys filthy subhumans.
>You will never be white
>Knowing how we province fags think no that's not it, he wanted to make a anti Filipino language statement
>a anti
never talk to me or my wife's son ever again
How is it that your president hasnt closed down the degenerate filipinian webcam sites yet?
Sites like filipinamagic and at least one other popular one. Shouldnt be too hard for the government to crack down on that.
>If your a white foreigner you might even end up in the news
Really? Why is that? I though you guys all being Catholic would share a few of the same values.
You know its true he wanted to show how much he's an a anti manila too with that speech
Its funny and will make those laws appear as if its effective
a new one will pop up.
there's no hope. Maybe fewer whities would shop for flip gold diggers, but i doubt that.
vagina in our language
That list just scream "why are we still together as a country fugg get me out of here"
>English is the official language of the republic
This has to change to Tagalog if you're truly for unity. Bisayafags like me don't care since it won't be our loss if Tagalogfags don't want to learn Bisaya.
>Its funny and will make those laws appear as if its effective
Fair call, I can see from your point of veiw it would also help to keep other foreigners in line I guess. But do you guys like white people? Like I don't need to worry about having to bribe traffic cops in your country like I have to do in Indonesia right? Because that shit sucks.
It will never work out the proof is in the pudding just look at how long it has been even bisayans wants thier own languages to develop like Hiligaynon, Waray and forge their own identify
Or Even Bicol
Separation should be our end goal we are not part of the Spanish empire anymore to adhere to the Philippines anymore
>Like I don't need to worry about having to bribe traffic cops in your country
lel even locals have to bribe them
they hand 500php and say (that's around 10USD)
"for your lunch"
so funny
Are you going to drive? Just take an uber
Stark and Danny are liberals
Turn them to the lannisters the red would be perfect for them
how long until the br act for druggies?
what's br?
Dam, i guess I'll have to keep my wits about me, couldn't be worse than india... I hope.
Yeah good idea, uber is a lifesaver when your out of town.
it has already started just after he won. more butts will be rekt starting tomorrow.
Somebody capped my post and it's on kikebook.
Who is it lads?
>lesbian daughter
since when?
because tagalog is not his first language?
settle down Jherhome, you wouldn't want other people seeing your autism
I never new an admin from that page browses /pol/.
Make exploitables please
jherhome, im gonna have to ask supreme leader to get your butt rekt. enough of this attention whoring.
Who the fuck is jherhome
It really does imply that they destroyed the palace
Even if its not, you can tell he did it out of spite for our fake national identity
I doubt he's so incapable of speaking it
the fb admin page
protip: it's a girl
>its a girl
kanusa nya patyun tung mga tagalog, koreano ug mga insik?
Daghan kaayong naay flag sa pinas, pero di sila kabalo mag binisaya
sin verguenza kamo tanan
Or speak english
el hablo nicht spreche espanol
On a serious note, what are we going to name of our own version of Akihabara?
I dunno. Know someone close?
Hinay hinay kayo hindi ito /int/
>Angelo Lickwong
Fuck off /int/. I hate those fucking leftist faggots, especially than /asean/ general. /int/ is full of cucks
I want to harana Daughterte, my sister who works at ABS-CBN said she regularly eats near the Jolibee around there. Hrrrgh, I'm 19, she's like how old?
nag dota man gyud ang mga bisaya.
I want to name it Bahag.
>not using the transparent background one
This triggers my autism
Sorry lad, got the other one from one of ye.
I actually made a bunch of memes of Dutdut before the elections on /asean/
Anyone want?
you have to go back
lel she is 10-11 i think?
you'd get your balls cut, bare hands by inday sara if you try that shit
>They will most like be an independent country
I sure hope not.
reminder flip bros derailing the thread via anime use can get this thread pruned, so you better calm your autism
Does not happen here. eg. trump gen, brit/pol/
She's young, anon. Stick to 2d
>kanusa nya patyun ang tanan nga Pilipino?
Everyone must die.
Especially self-hating cucks.
Stick to 2D. 3DPD is bad for you
Shit taste
>tfw no 2d flip anime girl to spam with
Okay, but coffee >>>>>>>>>>>>> tea
>not wanting braces to scrape your d
Cheer up and have a Karen!
Sounds painful
I love both
It is funny that you guys vote one tyrant after another to be your president, with them promising all kinds of shits but your country still cannot catch up to the rest of SEA.
Braces are disgusting and not cute at all, anon.
Besides, your pubes might get caught in them.
at least you wont see dem crooked ugly jap / brit teeth after the procedure
I have lots of karen
Not a tyrant, malaybro
That's her problem so it's definitely not a demerit. Just don't kiss ever again.
>one tyrant after another
Marcos was 30 years ago.
But yes, the corruption seems unsolvable.
Sounds like a good leader. Good for you Philly
Authoritarian Free-market + anti corruption + basic social safety net = best
At least flips are happy now, it's just the liberals are still salty and muh oppression
It's always the liberals who start the trouble, then the businessmen and politicians get sucked by their stupidity.
I think it works quite the opposite but for the establishment
I don't think he is free market
This is why we need to seperate
Not that much though. But still he does not want the establishment to dictate anymore
Oy hello separate-anon
he is no Geert
>loves muzzies
How so? Everyone seems to shift from party to party.
So the poorfags will now
Again this why w need to seperate
>mfw the world is in an anti-establishment fashion but here in Malaysia we will be likely to vote for the current government in the next election
The current joint party (Barisan Nasional) has never lost their power since our Independence Day.
It's the general lack of trust.
See >>79278404. 19 recognized languages, and there's probably more not listed there. A hundred million people divided by hundreds, if not thousands of islands. Filipino, our national language, is a very recent invention. Add to that the 300 years of Spanish rule, and 40 years of American rule.
Our country is diverse as hell, friend.
We're also extremely poor. A $20k/year poorfag in your country can properly raise a family of six in the Philippines.
It's a nationalist party?
>Visayan is the majority
>Tagalog be the official language instead
Yes it is. And the opposition party is a mesh up of liberal party (majority Chinese) and a religious party that want to Islamize Malaysia (Malay party) plus a party that formed pretty much just to oppose the current government (multiracial but it gains no traction).
Think of all the missed opportunity for each of us to have developed our own culture and identiy instead of this meme Filipino one
How are elections held in malaysia? One big popular vote or several stages until majority (50.1)
why you people soo gay?
>Less Chinese and Korean tourists to the Philippines thanks to Duterte.
We use the British style. We vote for regional representatives. All regions vote on the election day. The representative can be from any party, or free agent. The party that has the highest number of representatives voted into the parliament forms the government.
Which makes me curious, how is the election in Philippine done? Also does ARMM vote too?
Oh yeah Malaysia is parliamentary right?
Ours is a fucking clown fiesta. 1 big popularity vote, no limit on candidates, but we had 5 last may
he looks like hamada's brother
He's a communist and wants to rape white missionary women. Sucks China's cock but since he said something mean about women he's "Not politically correct" and while it's true, it doesn't make him less of a commie.
So you guys don't have local representatives? What did you guys vote for? The party?
Theres a separate vote for the parties.
Ahahahaha I can't wait for the chimp out
Manila, our capital, is Tagalog-speaking. Also, our major independence movements were focused mainly in the northern regions surrounding Manila.
>>Tagalog be the official language instead
Actually not true. "Filipino" is the official language that is based on, but not solely restricted to, Tagalog.
Cebuano, and other southern languages are slowly and steadily affecting the Filipino language because of the amount of southerners in the capital. Some radio stations in Manila are already speaking in Cebuano, which never happened back in my childhood.
>Think of all the missed opportunity for each of us to have developed our own culture and identiy
I'm not against that idea, although I am skeptical of it. I just don't like more chaos in these chaotic times. I also want to see this "Filipino meme" through to the end, at least until it proves unsustainable. I'm actually surprised that our country is still (somewhat) intact despite all of the challenges. I want to see what we can accomplish given more time.
The southern regions will probably get the focus they sorely need in Duterte's term, which is very good news.
Just look at this list>>79278404
The divide has been clearly drawn its not going to be a bloodbath than what its already is
One of the biggest reason why Muslims are going crazy is because they don't want to be part of a Catholic majority country if we let them be they will stop
Its already proven to be unsustainable many times now
How much more can we take
>A nation divided by languages
Damn, Pinoys are not as unify as I thought. Why not just use English/American to unify your people? It has the added benefit of being able to use in international trade.
Also, just fucking quell the Southern rebels already. Need to extinguish the presence of Islam in the region? So be it.
It is but people still choose to adhere to their ethnic tribes base on language.
We have no uniting factor in the first place.
>The divide has been clearly drawn its not going to be a bloodbath than what its already is
The divide was always, and will always be there. I did say that we are hopelessly diverse in an earlier post. You don't have to point it out to me, I am not blind.
What I am trying to say is that I want to see if a successful peaceful union can be achieved between extremely diverse peoples. Europe couldn't do it; I want to see if we can. If it turns out to be impossible, the option to revolt and separate will always be available if there is a will for it.
TPS admin here. any questions?
>Its already proven to be unsustainable many times now
Ineffective, but not quite unsustainable.
>How much more can we take
It end will begin when the revolts start.
If you really, really want to separate, then there is much work ahead of you.
>The end*
I am very tired.
>Damn, Pinoys are not as unify as I thought.
What most foreigners don't realize is that the Philippines actually turned out way better than should have been expected. Even our muslim radicals aren't all that bad in the grand scale of things.
you can always find us in kikebook anyway
simply put, we convert news into patch notes.
nothing much m8
>Even our muslim radicals aren't all that bad in the grand scale of things.
Yeah that totally explains the rampant kidnapping at the Sabah east coast. Recently a Canadian was killed by the kidnapper, no biggie. Very tolerant.
Peacefull one yes it obviously it was not sucessfull and unsustainable
We don't even have to revolt it can be achieved by voting
We are going to get ISIS soon so if we just let them go they will have no reason to get them in the first place
>in the grand scale of things
>Yeah that totally explains the rampant kidnapping at the Sabah east coast. Recently a Canadian was killed by the kidnapper, no biggie. Very tolerant.
They could be much worse, friend. They're not on the level of the Mexican cartel yet.
That word is too strong.
If the Philippines was unsustainable, it seriously won't be peaceful. Filipinos are not above violence, unlike Europe which really embraces the peace and tolerance thing.
Yeah they are ISIS level even before ISIS was a thing
So, what's good my Flip friends? Right wing death squads when?
How about this super rare Karen?
Its actually very meek to what to describe our current political situation
We failed to unify and now more than ever Filipinos are waking up to the fact that we really don't have to answer to a central gov. It time each to prosper on our own.
>They could be much worse
>>in the grand scale of things
The worst terrorism in SEA is coming from Philippine. Although not directly participating in international Islamic terror attacks, there are evidences that some wanted Islamic terrorists are hiding in Southern area.
Just clear your human garbage from your islands man, it will be good for everyone in the world.
>let's give the muslims Mindanao, surely ISIS will leave!
>Yeah they are ISIS level even before ISIS was a thing
An absurd exaggeration. The violence of ISIS is not defined by bombings and beheadings. Our muslims are not even close to the amount of slaughter that ISIS has done in a short period of time.
they would have no reason to rebel if we just let them go
>Just clear your human garbage from your islands man
I want to do this too, As far as I am concerned, Sabah is rightfully Malaysian and any flip who claims it is theirs deserves the rope.
Just give them sulu tawitawi, Mindanao has many different Muslim clans they are not unified as well at best only the ARMM region will be thiers
They will just want more. If you let ARMM go, they will want the rest of Midanao. And then they will want east part of Sabah from us. Islam is an expansionist religion, you can never satisfy them.
If the want Sabah then that will be you problem that I'm sure you can handle
If we nuzzle them more they will have more reason to go crazy.
>If we nuzzle them more they will have more reason to go crazy.
Just round them all up. No Muslims left behind. Problem solved. Regional peace achieved.
>Its actually very meek to what to describe our current political situation
Another exaggeration, in my opinion. My parents originated from Cebu and Negros Oriental, and I have many relatives there that I speak to regularly. I've talked to them about this topic, and from what I know there is little political will concerning the separation of the southern islands from Luzon. Yes, the southerners have been complaining for decades about the lack of focus on them. No, there is no major movement that wants to break the Philippines into separate islands. There was a movement for federalism rallying under Duterte's name, but complete independence is an entirely different matter.
>We failed to unify and now more than ever Filipinos are waking up to the fact that we really don't have to answer to a central gov. It time each to prosper on our own.
Tell me, why are you advocating for the splitting of the Philippines?
In a time where the west is weakening and China is preparing for war, this is absurdly ill-timed.
Please don't split Philippine. We don't want regional instability. It is for everyone's best interest that you guys stay as one piece.
Now more than ever separatist sentiments are stronger thanks to Duterte and Davao it proved we are better off to each our own.
This has nothing to do with china
Like you said we have been complaing for decades now.
One way or the other federalism will be a stepping stone for that anyway
>teach us how to earn that much, plox..I need them money so I can finally get a gf
It will become more unstable if we keep them
No, it won't. Like I said they will want more. They will want the rest of Mindanao, east part of Sabah. Regional terror attack will increase. Splitting them means Philippine government won't have legitimate way to deal with terrorist spawning from that region.
You mean the terrorists that your country aid right?..
I don't understand Muslims. Why is it hard for them to prosper together with people of other religion? If Muslims don't try to invade a secular country with their shitty backward religious law and trying to gain influence on a secular government, people can just live peacefully together. Just give up on some of the backward teachings man.
Mindanao deserves the most to be a country on their own anyway.
Letting them go would allow more outside forces to contain them if they do go crazy again
Yes. I am sorry about that. They give them access to firearms. I am sorry that I can't do anything about it. I am just a citizen. All I can do is just use my 1 vote to try to vote them out. With weak oppositions it is very hard to do so.
I thought Malaysians were Muslims. Are you atheist or something? Do you follow a religion?
>This has nothing to do with china
I hope and pray that this has nothing to do with China, and that you have nothing to do with the Chinese.
As I've said, I'm not entirely opposed to complete independence of the islands, but I think separation in the next decade or two is extremely risky. International politics too volatile.
This has been a very enjoyable discussion, at least for myself. Thanks to all of you wonderful people, and good night. I wish you all the best.
Also, 4chan seems to glitch out a lot whenever I have serious arguments online. Couldn't post for an entire 5 minutes
WTF am scared
>MANILA, Philippines – The new Philippine foreign secretary has made sensitive remarks about territorial disputes in the South China Sea that were broadcast live by the state-run TV network before it abruptly cut away from its coverage of the new president's first Cabinet meeting.
>Foreign Secretary Perfecto Yasay's remarks Thursday during the meeting between President Rodrigo Duterte and his Cabinet touched on how the government should respond to a much-anticipated international arbitration ruling on July 12.
>Yasay spoke about his opposition to an apparent wish by foreign governments for Manila to issue a stronger statement on the territorial dispute if the tribunal rules favorably. It wasn't clear if he knew his remarks were being televised.
>serious arguments
Maybe its autism. Anyway this has happened at least 5 times now. All when I'm trying to have decent discussion. Creepy as hell. Maybe I browse /pol/ too much.
I blame the jews for this
you are just paranoid
but i think its more of our internet being shit anon
Philippines answer me genuinely, how does it feel to know your country will always be a corrupt shithole because your people are just so genetically inferior? all brown, ugly, weak and stupid, i really feel sorry for you
must be really tough
makes me think......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
What does /pol/ think of Tejanos? | ---79303046
Blacks with lighter skin
>It is in this climate that politician Kolbrún Halldórsdóttir pushed for the stripping ban, which will "will make it illegal for any business to profit from the nudity of its employees." Her reasoning: "It is not acceptable that women or people in general are a product to be sold."
Why is it that all No(r)dic nations are cucked? | ---79302950
>Finland cucked
Hey /pol/, Idahofag here. new conservative laws are going into effect tomorrow. The major one being the no-permit concealed carry law that just passed.
Here is an article that discusses what each of the new laws are going to do.
what are /pol/'s thoughts? I like the concealed carry law but other laws listed seem to be taking autonomy away from the people. | ---79300684
Lived in Idaho a long time ago. Seems like it's becoming 1984.
What up, Hofag?
These all seem to protect libertarian ideals.
Jealous of no-permit concealed from Texas
I hope some small town justice happens and these people are dead.
Guess the population of this country. | ---79287452
50 mil?
260 million
300 M
there are a shit ton of muslims there, not sure about the human population though
But u are mudslim too
"Too high".
Overpopulation is codeword for anti-Semite.
250 milion
122 million
>United Kaliphate
>calling anyone muslim
Lots and lots of muslims disgusting country
muslim degeneracy.
All I know is that if it wasn't for American bases, Indonesians could invade Australia, armed with toothpicks, and still win
This is actually a saying in the ADF
Sadly not 0
We should just have it returned to us
It looks really small on a map, but Indonesia is actually pretty huge
Indonesian independence was a mistake
The US should have never intervened
We are reverse poland, what poles do we do the reverse
I didn't know Indonesia was an Emu nation.
No offence, but I don't really see why Indonesia is all that bad?
For a Muslim country with no oil, it's actually gone quite far
Also they are our best trade partners
It could have been a better nation
We only turn to islam religion because the indians wouldn't trade with us if otherwise in the 13th-16th century.
~250 million.
200 mil
Too much Islam.
I would guess that it was 250 million in 2013 and is probably ~255 million now.
So you dont kill native germans and harrass them and start ww2 instead you give them money and praise them?
300 milions and yet totally irrelevant
and not a desert like 90% of australia
Let's have another one of these threads. | ---79287476
What makes them 'useful'?
they are the literal definition of good goys
Because Shlomo uses them to advance his agenda.
you didn't sage this
Responding to people's arguments via memes
No real discussion has ever spurned from this
thanks for pepe
Because they champion a cause without ever actually understanding it. So they actively harm your enemies or at the very least hinder them. Then once you gain power useful idiots are no threat to you because they lack the perception to understand what was actually happening. And if they do you have power and can have any of them lined up and shot.
Useful idiots are a fucking goldmine for the globalists and Islamists. These are the turncoats and collaborators in our societies.
>just like my dad
Look up the term.
the face is priceless
>off comes the penis
Every time
>spurned from this
Are you trying to use words you don't understand the meaning of again?
Well, he is American.
>I'm a summerfag
that's nice kiddo
Who says this?
Is this from something particular?
This upsets my feelings a little, because apparently doing anything feminine makes you at risk of being a tranny sissy now.
thanx mongolia
You'd think so, but with Google and Facebook and Apple pretty much working together (along with twitch, reddit, twitter and some other places)
it's getting to the point where so many Privately Owned places are co-operating, that there isn't much of an alternative.
this is fucking retarded
>stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp
nice touch
>This upsets my feelings a little
Clearly you were meant to be a little girl, off comes the penis
Hey look Elizabeth Warren made an appearance.
Please explain the difference?
This is the biggest irony of them all.
>"I'll take things that never happend for $100"
Well. similar things have happened
> That dog dick in the third panel
Jesus fuck saved
You suck at these.
Your drawings are good but do not convey the sloppiness of liberalism.
The key is minimal effort with maximum liberal snark
Teeth aren't nowhere near fucked up enough
these were funny to me at first. but now it's sunk in that its barely even a joke. people really act like this and its fuckin depressing. just sayin
good shit boyz
>be Taliban
>can't even kill a teenage girl with a clean headshot
I feel like this is so true that it's depressing
Cucks literally btfo
>free speech, a right explicitly guaranteed by the Constitution, can be infringed by private business
>Gay marriage, a "right" found only in the hearts of liberal SCOTUS justices, cannot
As an ex-Muslim, this pisses me off to no end
This is one of my favorites
You have alot to learn
Still would like to know if this is a reference to something, since it really doesn't make sense on it's own.
*nervous laughter*
my fav
I look forward to posting this when trump loses solely because of spics and niggers
I fucking love this one
based trips deliver a killing blow.
I'm gonna use this one
lmao this "argument" is the worst
Did he actually say this?
that one is my favorite of all time
Used to play with my sister's barbie dolls and liked watching powerpuff girls. I turned out pretty normal.
Isn't that funny that in Spain
-Vote count is made by a company in a corruption case as PP, the acused of corruption party
-Pics of vote counted and vote published are different
-PP won were corruption grew those 4 years; where they can't reach (Euskal, where ETA is from, and Catalonia, spanish jews) it didn't
In fact it's not a democracy
Fuck, this one's golden.
You all do! Banned here and you cry on Reddit. Get banned there and you cry here.
>This Thread
kek'd for real
What exactly is the point of these threads?
To circlejerk and stroke each other's egos instead of actually creating meaningful and thought-provoking discussion?
These threads are the kinds of echo chambers 4chan claims to hate so much
holy fuck that is so black people
Actually not being able to say that hitler was right, that racism is justified etc is a lack of free speech.
This cucked world won't allow you to say it though
They're poking fun at many liberal fallacies. It's not supposed to be a serious discourse.
It is a handy term used to describe human beings that are unrecognizable from google bot. They simply repeat what they hear, that makes them useful if you want to make "opinion" appear as popular.
No you didn't you're on 4chan
I have a request:
I once saw one of these images, where it was a liberal saying they stand up for the poor, and when someone pointed out that many of Trump's supporters are lower class, the liberal just said they were domb racists.
ANyone know which one I'm talking about?
this is why we, as a society, need bullying.
some little faggot plays with dolls rather than playing hide and seek with bb guns in the woods deserves to have his ass beaten until he mans the fuck up or commits suicide. problem solved either way
posting some OC
they usually end up turning into homos tho
Someone post the liberal Muslim pic.
Thanks mein freund
They're being posted here because they're funny.
More than half of these were made by's facebook page Counter Signals for Fashy goys in parody stupid arguments they've recieved while debating people in lefty facebook groups.
This is so extremely accurate jesus christ. I've never been able to coherently put this "logic" into words but this image is perfect
LOL thanks
GOAT fuck this is so common
There is no excuse to be poorly educated in a world with free Internet.
It's not noble.
This has always really bugged me.
I feel the word "bigot" has lost its meaning while the majority of people using it never understand the definition. Everyone should start saying "intolerably closed-minded" instead.
or the parents could just discourage it rather than glorify it
i played with my sister's dolls a few times when I was a kid but it was just a passing interest/curiosity... if I had grown up today they probably would have made a big deal of it, as if I was doing something worth praise
don't 90% of mass shootings that aren't just hood rats blasting each other over drugs happen in gun free zones though
Bothers me more that everyone uses the same screaming muslim photo for all their /pol/ OC.
that happened to me because i was the only boy in the neighborhood
my mom fixed it by buying me a gameboy and taking me to her co-worker's house to hang out with her son every few days
>and it's also the current year!
Has any liberal or SJW ever stumbled on these and commented on them? I'd love to see their reaction.
They're just a bunch of funny pictures. It's nice to have a lighthearted thread every once in a while; all the other discussions here are so full of doom and gloom.
>labels can't describe me
>except autistic genderqueer foxkin
Not a picture but vbery lols
guaranteed (you)s
>no disagreeing opinions allowed
Please describe to me how your post is not as visible as every single other one in this thread or site a whole.
educate yourself using this book
they were never a joke
That's why we use it comedically, one of the best ways to cope.
The atrocious trigger discipline is a nice touch
It's frightening how leftists go from democracy to totalitarianism within seconds.
it was a reply to that guy on how SJW's react, they react by imitating these cartoons without getting the point. another example
Democracy was only ever valid in their minds so long as you agreed with them
this would work better with only the first panel and explanation
Fresh OC in-bound!
That's cool too, I don't mind people making fun of alt right or pointing out its fuck-ups; it gives me food for thought. In fact, I'd be interested to see liberals finding out about these images and making a counter-attack with their own meme drawings. Usually they're so uptight and lack any sense of humor, which is a big reason why I ended up leaving online communities that turned heavily to the left a couple of years ago.
This one is so spot on, it's spooky.
are maltese people called maltesers?
How do you do that
OC coming through
Hey, that's my ex girlfriend
This frog fag got rekt holy shit he aint replyin cause he fuckin lost nigga damn!
I kinda say that, but I support God Emperor Trump. He's the best of the worst and has the best memes of any presidential candidate in history.
Another OC
The more over the top, the better
you basically described every community on the internet.
"some guy called it racist and that's all the evidence I need"
That sentence alone explains about 80% of all SJWism.
Off comes the penis
Saved. I'm using this one. Thanks mong
I'm fucking disturbed by this rendition of the great current year guru
Love these threads
Have a gander over here >>79301373 and maybe learn a thing or two
The point is that its retarded to say "muh gun control" when guns are used for self defense like the granny and the biker. Yet that's what's being said any time gun control is championed when a mass shooting happens. Blanket gun control also restricts them from the grannys.
Stupid lib cucks either fail to understand this or do understand it and don't care because "less overall death for stupid/lazy people who refuse to get a gun is worth sacrificing the granny who wants to do everything in her power to defend herself but can't because the government won't let her". I've actually heard the previous argument a lot on fbook.
Islamic golden age
That "please reply" is an awesome punchline.
Oh my god I used to be like this in high school
time for sudoku
shitty oc
>Islamic golden age
Thanks for not burning every single book you could get your hands on, Muslims! You didn't completely destroy all the progress the Greeks had made.
> "we needs"
I love how it's not even necessary to draw the woman as being black, it's just obvious anyway.
plebs on /r/askmen
I read this in his voice
They are comedians that make good points though.
Like Steve Hughes talks about how leftist TV programs manipulate people, and rails against Israel.
George Carlin talked about how the elite are manipulating the media and education systems.
Ahh the good old
>dude comedians tell the truth maaan, can't get it in the msm duuuuude
I thought that was a canadian and the blue hair was a toque
Yeah, but Powerpuff Girls was a girl's show with boy logic and reasoning. Clearly since putting boy logic into girls' shows didn't make the genders equal, we have to put more girl logic into boy shows. That'll change everything.
Stupid comic.
There can be dozens of reasons why.
1) Freedom of movement
2) Trade freedom and good trade conditions
3) Stability of the Eurozone
well done
>ITT: Useful Idiots
>why did the Omar shoot up the gay bar was it islam or homophobia
Retard detected
That can all be achieved without the politcal union called EU. Especially to undo ourselves from the dead weight aid slurpers in eastern europe.
Wow that totally makes sense, I have changed my opinion!
Trying too hard
It's called having a giggle m8
I'll bite to your b8.
Technically, hating someone or a group of people based on their race isn't racist.
Here's racism, as defined by wikipedia in 2006 (I'm not taking the latest because it's obviously be extremely altered to cover any criticism on anyone of any race):
"Racism is commonly defined as a belief or doctrine where inherent biological differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, with a corollary that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others"
Hating someone doesn't necessarily mean you think you're above them.
SJW defends nigger since they think they are not able to protect themselves.
Not able because of what? Their race, thus, it's racist.
>it's ridiculous to call someone whose opinions are based of off completely imbecilic "reasoning" mentally ill
yeah, okay
I'm glad you like it. its my first OC since I tried to make an epic fail guy meme in like 2009
Good job, bruh
I fucking hate that the punk rock movement got co-opted by these fucking commies and socialists. I mean, yeah, Anarchy is fucking retarded, but there's literally no benefit to having a bigger government in any aspect.
its good if you have absolutely no intentions of having an advanced understanding of the given subject and if you're okay with regurgitating shit that some unqualified smuck told you
using comedians as basis of an opinion/argument is the same as reading the title to an article but not the article itself, and trying to justify it by saying "its a good point tho" only shows your further stupidity and attempt to seem smart with the bare minimum effort (the millennials favorite way of "learning")
big league politicians and policy makers dont get there from basing their opinions on fucking comedians
Its probably some addon. I use this
Archives the entire thread including text and pictures. Later can just open the HTML file and it works like the thread did originally. Set up the folder for it to download in settings then just copy/paste thread URL into the URL box and hit enter.
>be taliban
>have girls head in my scope
>squeeze trigger
>down she goes
>GTFO of there before the american drone strike comes for me
>weeks later, check the news
>bitch survived somehow
Fucking lag
Good, now make my shoes.
Someone make some OC
Pic 1:
UK flag, We have to fight the Germans or they will take over Europe and control our lives and laws
We have to vote for Europe or souvereing nations will control their own lives and create their own laws.
BASED GRANNY! cleaning up the neighborhood via four bullets at a time!
literally no one ever, like wtf dumbass
I gotta admit, this one is me.
this is pretty funny
so you're literally and figuratively a cuck?
>ISIS isn't Islamic, even if they say so.
>Caitlyn Jenner is a female, just because (s)he says so.
some of these are just perfect
I live in a town of 20,000 people and the punk rock scene here is 20 people and they are all socialist cowards.
holy fuck someone posted my OC
I had someone tell me Jesus was a socialist Jew who would vote for Bernie sanders and he wanted free love for everyone.
I like to watch old movies, or movies which play out in the past due to them being more white.
Niggers ruin everything
jesus would most likely have been a socialist of been for atleast some form of welfare and he practiced the Torah so he was a Jew. he would not have supported Bernies entire platform though, especially the marriage and abortion part.
Top kek.
>how can I be a bigot when I agree with everything I say
fucking kek
It must be one of the cringiest things ever when people express an angry opinion or argument and then post those stupid crying pieces of shit.
You're very obviously not laughing right now, why pretend.
>so you're literally and figuratively a cuck?
Not a cuck. I'm just alarmed at how ignorant and unpresidential and deliberately inflammatory Trump is. It's possible to be concerned about Trump's incompetence without being a "cuck".
On the internet, you argue to convince people reading the argument, not to convince the one you are debating
Four-Chan is the most misogynistic, problematic, racist and chauvinistic website I've ever seen in my life. There are dead children in Palestine and yet you choose to jerk off in your basement and act like typical men? GROW UP! ugh. | ---79290229
Weak bait. No one respond.
This, take notes from us or Australia before trying again.
>There are dead children in Palestine
Hmm, who could be behind that?
we are 4chan the hacker
But i wank to dead palestinians. Checkmate atheists/theists.
I'm fappin away to the thought of your death
Yeah, cuz we got a little something called free speech, which feminazi like u think is dangerous n sexist.
Believe me or don't, but I believe in REAL equality, not preferential treatment towards the "underprivileged". I don't owe u my paycheck!
>There are dead children in Palestine
Not sure what's worse, OP or this autist
Limme guess. The Kike Reich air force has been conducting live fire exercises on sand niggers again?
Uneven I fap to dead palestinean children
>Baiting us into hating Palestinians forward you kikes
Haha eat shit and fuck off yid
>Four-Chan is the most misogynistic, problematic, racist and chauvinistic website I've ever seen in my life
thank you
I don't give a fuck about other countries, I'm American.
Yeah, don't respond guys.
You wish. This will get hundreds of replies. It's mind boggling how easily /pol/ falls for bait.
If you care so much about dead children in Palestine you should probably stop killing them and let them kill you, either way is find with me.
We jerk also to dead children off.
But if you so concernd you hypocrete. Why are you killing them?
Why are you not crying about the nigglets in afrika.
(Good news since i was writing this 20 did die)
>1 post by this ID
The sliding is real
Yeah enjoy. The dame old same old got boring. Atleast the monkeys entertain us.
There goes this word again..
Feminists that claim men are misogynists and machists, while in fact, they are the ones who hate men.
Stupid neo-movement if you ask me and you know what's worse? media got a hold of it.
Mars colonization when?
Like I give a fuck about dead kids in palestine.
They'd still be alive if it wasn't for the fact that muzzy scum like to hide behind women and children.
You racist
>It's a /pol/ is one weeb episode
2/10, made me reply Schlomo
Getting ironic won't work kike. Hopefully they will blow you up one day.
We are, as the hip hop artists say, merely a product of our reality.
>Four-Chan is the most misogynistic, problematic, racist and chauvinistic website I've ever seen in my life
Isn't it magnificent?
>There are dead children in Palestine
>yet you choose to jerk off in your basement
How does one contradict the other?
>diversity is bad
>diverse areas are the ones where white people are the happiest
rly maeks u think :^) | ---79299160
No it doesn't, it really doesn't, I'll gift you 100 million diversity.
What's up with those blue places in the middle and north east?
All the areas in red you have to buy your water bottled or filter it at home. Blue areas have good tap water.
Really makes you think.
It isn't considered suicide if minorities kill you.
Diversity areas are the ones where white men don't need to kill themselves because the niggers will do it for them.
That is the worst indicator for happiness. In fact most diverse areas have more crime.
Fake, seriously. Suicides should be in the blue areas.
Wow native americans sure love killing themselves.
Reddest state is Nevada (Las Vegas) also mostly the suicides seem to correspond to sparsely populated areas
>doesn't fit my racist agenda
>it must be fakeee
>no white men to commit suicide means that diversity prevents white suicide
yeah I think I see your problem right here, you seem to be stupid.
>diverse areas are the ones where white people are the happiest
but that's completely the opposite of what's in your image
the red areas are the most "diverse" in the US
Everything fits the Race based reality.
>diverse areas are the ones where white people are the happiest
nothing on the map indicates that
if living in a diverse area meant lower suicide rates ,by white men, than the southern parts would be a lot bluer and like half of the northeast would be red
I understand that you are a leaf and you can't control your shitposting, I forgive you
That's not what that map says. If anything, deserts are depressing. But then NorCal and Oregon have high kill rates too.
Not sure about NorCal but much of Oregon is desert
KEK, is NEVADA all red cuz muh gambling addiction?
ISIS attacking Turkey, a MUSLIM country, during RAMADAN, proves how un-Islamic their organisation is. 90% of their victims are muslims. But you still attack the whole religion as being responsible?
It's just like feminists blaming rape on all men. What's the difference? | ---79289045
I don't give a fuck about ISIS. I hate Muslims in Europe ISIS or not.
Men don't follow a book which tells them that its okay to rape
Turkey is a secular country
ISIS weren't happy that their protective state appeared to not want to protect them anymore.
They attack the hypocrite Muslims who don't follow the scriptures of their religion. They attack degenerate Muslims.
OP is a retard who has never fully read their scriptures.
1 post by op.
>What's the difference?
The good muslim bombed the bad muslims but was trying to target a tourist airliner full off infidels.
turks are bad muslims.
muslims killing heretical muslims is as old as muhammad, and is perfectly islamic behavior.
its not ramadan at night
Ramadan has historically been a time where Muslims would launch attacks and major conquests on their enemies. Terror attacks during Ramadan are quintessentially Islamic.
Isis that takes Muslim women and children as sex slaves, cuts off international aid to poor communities so Muslims can die of starvation, and actively tries to kill muslim refugees leaving the shithole they created, is actually not Muslim?
No way dude. They have a Qur'an as their mascot. Absolutely Muslims.
Have you been to Turkey? It is absolutely disgusting- proof enough for me that it is Islamic.
Citation needed
bs, this was an attack on Turkey, which has been forced to re-evaluate nad change their stance towards isis.
shhhhhhhhhht, be a good goy and repeat after me :" ISIS is only driven by ilsmamic extremism".
It totally makes sense
Let those sandmonkeys kill each other as much as they want. This doesn't justify letting them into my country.
Is this a counter isis thread being ran by the government?
.... Fuck off government. I don't need your help to realize how dumb isis is
men dont justify rape because they're penis tells them to
they are killing all the uncle toms, observing the true form of their religion
terrorist were from russia kirgistan and unzbekistan.
thats why turks now start beg putin about shooting down plane and "s-sorry its our fault great tzar dont invade us"
So, people killing other people from the same religion as theirs instantly means they're not doing it because of religion? Hmmmmm, really makes you think huh? I guess you're most certainly right.
Sources at the bottom of the wiki page
maybe read the thread, nigger?
ITT: We discuss the best ways to turn the Middle East into a global warming water basin.
Get back the cuck shedo Mr.Sven. Primeape monkey muslim need prepping.
>all muslims believe in the same thing
>I don't know what sunni or shias are
even just wahhabis hate all other islam already and they're technically sunnis.
ISIS is EXACTLY what happens when Islam is taken literally.
>be a muslim in istanbul
>get shot by fellow muslims for not being muslim enough
No, this only shows how fucking determined ISIS is to cleanse the world of everything they don't like.
ISIS mudslimes consider them apostates and not "real mudslimes"
Also sage because this is a shitty b8 thread
"three sucide bombers who make attack on Stanbul Airport it citizens of Russia, Uzbekistan and Kirgistan. Turkish country blame ISIS for this attack "
I think it's high time we fulfill all those science fiction prophecies and create some sort of super predator that wipes out all life, some kind of muzzie-hunting xenomorph.
This argument is fucking retarded. ISIS is muslim; Al Qaeda is muslim; the Taliban is muslim; Wahabism is a muslim ideology; are you paying attention? A bunch of dangerous organizations and ideologies are muslim. I don't hate muslims, as I don't hate blacks- but I know full well that there is a much higher chance that a terrorist attack on the news is perpetrated by muslims than by christians or atheists. Just like if my bike got stolen, I'd assume it was stolen by a melanin enriched individual, and I'd be called racist for saying so, but I'd be right.
Precisely. OP's fag logic perturbs me because it's not exactly the religion we oppose, but rather its acceptance and welcoming, when any skeptical person concerned with the perpetuation of his society can see this vile pathogen should be resisted and kept extraneous. My most ardent hope is that the failures and detriments of multiculturalism change libfags' minds before we're irrevocably compromised
I hate this argument so much.
Sunnis and Shias have been killing each other for centuries, and still do. One thinks the other is not the correct form of Islam.
SJWs see "Islam" and think everyone is the same.
Muslims have been killing other Muslims since history had been recorded.
Nice shit post, Ahmed, but it proves nothing. They've been blowing up mosques also. They do this because "it's the wrong kind of Islam". The word assassin is derived from ancient Muslims who did the same thing.
Read a few books, Islam is a hateful religion and has been since its inception. I'm talking about four or five lifetimes before you were born, until it's inception. Not even the last 100 years. Islam is the religion of death and hate, you just didn't kill them first.
>radical Muslims attack an international airport named after a secular reformer in a mostly secular country
totally unrelated to Islam
all religion is cancerous. islam and judaism is the most cancerous. if i had my way, i'd kill you all.
Qur'an 9:73, "O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them; and their abode is hell, and evil is the destination."
no turkey has just become kaffir over the years and they must be cleansed
So fucking underrated
Why is attacking during Ramadan unislamic?
2 of the most important battles of Muhammad were fought during Ramadan you moron.
Weird, earlier on TV I heard them saying the attacks were carried out by a Russian group or something, and that the attackers were Russian. Specifically.
Fucking narrative.
So you guys are basically like the ISIS of the west? Hate anyone not white or christian?
>Battle of Badr
>Battle of the Trench
It's NOT unislamic to fight during ramadan if the "perfect role model for all Muslims" fought the most important battles of Islam during ramadan, it's just more stupid propaganda from uneducated Muslims.
Just like the "if you slay one person you killed humanity" meme.
t. ex rafida
No it's not like feminists blaming rape on all men.
If you ask 10 men if they want to rape women, only the rapist will say yes.
If you ask 10 muslims if they want to drop faggots off buildings, they will all say yes because it's in the Qu'ran.
Fuck off, Ahmed.
We hate people who are a threat to our way of life. If they don't like it they can fuck off back home. It really isn't rocket science.
Isn't Turkey one of ISIS's largest supporters, oil buyers and allows ISIS to use their borders? Many people in ISIS have had Turkish passports. Why would ISIS attack Turkey right now?
damn son
Nice get, but you still have to pay your denbts.
I know OP's baiting but only turbo retards believe people hate Islam because of terrorism alone.
Apostate Muslims aren't Muslims.
Killing Muslim apostates is not killing Muslims.
ISIS is on brink of defeat, the fallujah is fallen and they blame turkey for betraying them
In what way did Turkey betray them?
Why did the jews attack the twin towers?
All these attacks are building up the tension and the keg will burst soon famalan
at least do the bare minimum of reasearch on their ideology before making retarded posts
Turkey is a secular country (so far). To ISIS, Turkey is not a truly Muslim country. A muslim can kill infidels all year long, so the action is justified and they are the true Muslims.
if it gets rid of islam, then fine blame rape on all men.
>turkey is a ((((secular)))) country
top kek
>Muslim decides his version of Islam is the only true version
>Muslim kills anybody not following his version for being Infidels
This does not mean that the Muslim is un-Islamic for killing people he believes to be infidels.
Consider this :
>Murderer kills other murderer for being less violent
Ok I do.
Because extremists don't represent the majority of muslims, every muslim I've met is a very nice, well adjusted, normal person.
Ataturk was probably a stealth Kike, and a Communist as well.
Please post the whole verse, also the previous and and the next one.
Additionally you might add that Mohammed quoted the talmud in that case.
>2 posts by this id
But muslims killing eachother is a perfect example of their religion.
It's a desert deathcult for subhumans to begin with.
went through ataturk 6x last yr.. it was ripe for attack
This is not entirely true. From the general research into the religion and from discussions with a middle eastern studies lecturer at my uni (atheist guy) I remember asking him about the significance of ramadan and bow it impacts war and I remember finding out that across history it was always recommended to ask for a cease fire in ramadan. If you're at war and can't stop then so be it, but the claim that they actively use ramadan to attack is false.
A little less bias and hate is needed itt.
Nice try, Mahmood.
>ramadan bombathon
If they wanted to kill muslims they'd go and attack people anywhere rather than an airport. The airport was targeted so they could kill as many foreigners as they could.
>Crusaders attacking Constantinople, a CHRISTIAN city, during the fourth crusade, during EASTER, proves how un-Christian their organization is. 100% of their victims are christians. But you still attack the whole religion as being responsible?
Okay cool, they're not Islam. So what?
Stop focusing on Muslims as victims of harassment. We could all hug and kiss every Muslim when they wake up in the morning and ISIS would still be operating because you're not solving the problem.
>everywhere where there are Muslims there are potential ISIS recruits
>those ISIS guys were even from Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan
>oy vey guys don't blame all Muslims!
0 muslims = 0 terrorists
N muslims = k*N terrorists
>b-but k is much lower than 1, it's even lower than 0.1
And you wonder why people don't want Muslims anymore?
You know what's bullshit?
When Charlie Hebdo happened, people were saying Muhammed should not have been made fun of since he is sacred to Muslims.
That was an admission of a Muslim motivation for the attack.
The first Islamic offensive, led by Mohammed, was on Ramadan. ISIS is following the example set forth by their prophet.
>mudslimes killing roaches
I see no problem here
They have been killing other muslims from the start where have you been all the time. Under a rock?
It's the official Muslim Internet defense talking point, ISIS kills Muslims therefore they're not real Muslims.
ISIS follows the correct interpretation of Islam, moderate Muslims are heretics.
stupid muslims been killing other muslims for a long time
they attacked the international section of the airport
it literally makes no difference if theyre muslim or not or if theyre kikes in disguise.
literally just dont let any middle easterners in and the problem is solved.
Boggles my mind how /pol/ can skip over the fact the main victims of ISIS are Muslim. Everyone has a victim complex I guess.
It was about sending a message
Of course they're the main victims, and they need to wipe them out for their own sakes too.
But we are dealing with it in the West.
ISIS is a regional, trans-regional, and international threat.
>89 replies and not a single anzu pic
shit thread.
>stupid, muslims been killing other muslims for a long time
this is true. They are the AntiFa of the shitskin world. The one talking point I agree with the libtards with is that muslims are the greatest victims of islam.
They treat other religions worse than their own. Its following sharia law and sunni for muslims its death and enslavement for anyone else
Read my post again.
If you're at war then so be it. It can't be helped. Timing and strategy are a massive part of war and nobody will give the other side an opportunity to make plans for a month whilst they're fasting. That just doesn't happen. The claim that Muslims actively wait for ramadan to start an offensive in a stupid and uneducated response.
Instead of blindly following one way of thought on the topic, do unbiased research, ask a university lecturer or something. If I want to hate something I don't blindly hate it, I like to understand the topic properly (aka Islam and religion in general) so I can build an understanding for my dislike/hate otherwise you just become another one of the blind sheep who believe everything they're told on the internet/news, and hate on everything because you're told to by manipulative Jewish media.
rabidly orthodox muzzies blow up other muzzies for being less rabidly orthodox?
during their interminable month long "holiday"????
well thats just proof that orthodox islam has nothing to do with islam at all!
why, no rabidly orthodox muzzie would EVER kill a less orthodox muzzie during the endless holiday to celebrate a guy who KILLED LITERALLY THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE DURING HIS HOLIDAY MONTH!!!
that would be silly.
fuck yourself with a pineapple mustafa
"islam" is toxic, and as usual with toxic products, it usually kills a lot of the people who manufacture it, as well as the target "consumers"
more muzzies die from muzzy bullshit than "infidels", but nobody gives a shit when muzzies kill muzzies, mainly because they do it so fucking often.
muzzies killing muzzies is like a "war" between street gangs.
criminal scum on both sides get dead, and it didnt cost us anything.
we call that a "win win situation"
their laws and beliefs do not intermingle with the Europeans, even though their ancestors fought to secure, build upon and invent all the things within those borders, i guess when it comes to shills like you european lives matter less than those of dirty pleb mudslimes,
and if you wish for a broken europe full of brown idiots then it will happen, and it is not a brown country that scares me about what's happening in europe, its the fact that its going to become a failed country, because it will be repopulated with mongoloids and rapists.
Isn't it?
ISIS thinks they are MORE Muslim than them. That these people aren't fully committed to their faith as they should be. So who is right and who is wrong?
Fucking this. SJWs would probably find a way to blame white western men for sunnis and shias fighting.
That entire region has been infighting for almost forever just like Europe up until WW2.
>Implying turks aren't heretics
How come there's no /pol/ edit of this? | ---79302588
>change nothing else
Why do Muslims get a pass for killing and raping women? Why do SJW not care about Muslim women? | ---79303023
Because SJWs infantilize violent minorities.
really makes u think
>Woman want it both ways
>Can't always have it both ways
Because they think they can control the power of islam as a means for their own ends. They cannot.
because SJWs soul objective is to destroy conservative values. people dont matter to the ones who know the truth behind this SJW nonsense they simply want to destroy the west and replace it
SJWs don't actually care about anyone except themselves and the people they know.
So does Remain apologize now or...? | ---79295736
cucks never apologize
>admitting they were wrong
>in the current year
Any /biz/ fags able to explain why the pound vs the dollar is still shite when the ftse has recovered
Everyone is still converting
How is the JPY compared to us?
Last I checked theirs went up as we dropped, I wont pay extra for manga, import costs are bad enough already.
That's a good thing though. A weaker pound, while hurting the financial sector, greatly helps the manufacturing and production industries
>retards on both sides literally losing their shit about several days changes
The ftse based on pounds, so when the pound dropped, it made it cheaper to foreign investors. If you converted it to dollars, it would equal out. The current strengthening is just correcting for the kneejerk reaction from brexit.
Currency is distributed by the government and based on the political and economic stability of the country. For example, the ruble crashed after Russia annexed Crimea and was hit with a wave of sanctions. Stocks however are based on the performance of the company, which is a lot less although still somewhat related to the political and economic stability of the country.
The short term effects are laughable. Short term speculation was proven to be impossible to yield consistent gains. The long term effects are far more important. Of concern is exiting the EU markets and the new non EU regulatory framework of British banks. As >>79299169 points out devalued currency does help in exports but it's a load of shite because manufacturing is 19% of the economy, services (banks, IT, healthcare) is 80%. And exiting the EU markets means your exports and imports have tariffs which raises manufacturing costs while decreasing sales.
70% of FTSE 100 equity is abroad, so the drop in GBP strengthens their liquid assets. Additionally, whilst their current inventory is run dry, they have a greater return thanks to the temporary increase in export, due to the lower cost.
That's why FTSE 250 is a better barometer of the British economy, and not the global economy that FTSE 100 indices are used for.
Until policies are formulated, the markets are volatile. They'll still be so afterwards, until certainty can be ascertained.
and now stupid cannuck cuckfuck gone and fucked it all up by issuing a statement, jesus fuck why do we need a cannuck to run our central bank they cant even speak English properly.
WTF i hate EU now
The individual who steered us into some of the best growth within G7, that even made Brexit possible?
You're a dip, in a subject way over your head.
lel even the mexican peso recovered to pre-brexit values
but canadian dollar keeps going down the drain
The UK won't leave for at least a couple of years, so right now traders are probably going to wait and see. Boris Johnson isn't going to be PM, which means it's unlikely they're even going to do anything about the referendum.
Post YFW Trump wins | ---79300870
Trump will win
check this quads
trump will win
good for you anon.
Terrible meter.
If syllables were cheeseburgers this verse would be a Scot choking to death on them.
I don't brag about every time I fuck my wife anon...
Alas, she didn't feel your tiny gypsy penis.
seize the means of production
do it
now | ---79303730
Seize these nuts
I hope you morons realize if this guy is elected there will never be a conservative or even semi-conservative president (Trump) ever again.
>Hillary gets elected
>Within a year Fed is forced to finally raise interest rates
>economy collapses
>Hillary/Dems/Socialism is blamed
Fast Forward to 2020
>We elect one of Nikki Haley, Rand Paul, Paul Ryan, Mike Lee, Tim Scott, or a more intelligent Jeff Sessions.
>We truly make America great again
Remember that no matter who becomes president we will have a recession in 2017/2018 and the sitting president will be blamed for it | ---79303710
He's managed to get this far by cooking the books. Whoever is in office next will need to decide if their going to cover for him and take blame or out him entirely.
When did virgin anime fags start being accepted on /pol/?
I have every Trump gen on hide automatically since every other fucking post is
Anime is degenerate and you should kill yourselves for liking it | ---79303819
Slide posting faggot
He mad
I'm not slide posting you fuck, anime is slowly rotting the minds of our youth, my own friend unironically watches Naruto and praises it, there is no coming back for him
Go back to your containment thread, the trump gen
Guys cultural appropriation is a thing okay! You shouldn't be eating or even doing things unless you are the race that started them! Like eating rice when you're not Chinese, or eating Watermelon and Fried Chicken when you aren't black, and eating dogs and cats if you aren't Bing-Bong eyes closed Asian. If you even try to commit any form of crime if you are white, then you are a racist piece of shit!! If you are a bad driver, then you're just taking away that culture from the Asians. Don't even try to be gay unless you are full-on French. Don't even try to be a bitchy rape bag unless you are an OG woman, none of that fucking bullshit Bruce Gender shit. Trying to cross the border? Trying to garden? Taking the white mans job?! Not in my house! If you aren't Mexican, then you can't even try any of that stuff! Have Ebola?! No! That's for the Naked Ooh Ooh Aah Aah Colored Monkey People! Are trying to be a terrorist? No! Unless you're a dirty towel head, you can't even try. Please be considerate of this stuff when doing it, we don't want to disrupt all beautiful culture that we have in our world. | ---79300820
smashmouth eat the eggs
or speaking English when none of your ancestors were Anglos.
Lost at bing bong
Well gentlemen, let's have ourselves a little anglo thread then.
Pic related, it's the anglo vision for aryans. | ---79302506
Anglos are the only real Americans, get off this fucking rock!
I wish we had Uruk-Hai and orcs instead of niggers, shitskins and muzzies.
white americans are either anglos or potato niggers, why do you hate your own race?
Wouldnt that mean blacks were made from the semen of spics implanted in the womb of asian women?
Why do these rules exist just as a meme. | ---79303562
Strawman, try harder next time.
Nice thumbnail faggot
Are we the target? | ---79303583
Yes we are.
We are the bullseye.
(((political correctness)))
The Thought Police are coming
This is literally it boys. The democrats aren't even trying to hide it anymore.
If we fuck this up there will be nowhere, where rivaling political ideals may foster.
Gas the kikes
Kill the niggers
Race war now
Hitler was right
Tubal ligation/castration for all feminists
Muslim for the blender 2016
Gotta get it out while I can.
>He noted a new decision expected to be released today in which Democrats in executive session voted for the first time ever to
>punish a TV outlet, Fox News, for its handling of presidential debates.
And this is in addition to Obongo literally being a dictator by doing an American EU with Canada and Mexico without congress. AFTER he disobeyed the Supreme Court on deporting illegals.
no its not
We are always the target.
We have too much influence.
They are scared.
9gag is redpilled now
/pol/ BTFO
O | ---79296122
Who cares
we should figure out how to colonize tumblr
Who cares, it isn't like they wouldn't die out in like a day
At least the normies are getting red-pilled now.
>loved one comes back from the dead
>implying it's crazy to want to try to understand why over just re-killing
>woman detected
You're lack of logical thinking sickens me. Your loved one is dead you fucking spaz
shit man i made a thread about this earlier today
are you a wizard, goy?
Shhh, you're blowing my ruse! remember the directives?
oy vey, a pinoy shill
Z Nation (pic in OP) is a funny show. I do suggest watching it.
Nothing to see here, goy...
Hail du30, smonk leni
Too many shills detected, take no chances.
I'd be fine with zombies if they were not allowed to eat people.
I'd be fine with gay people if they were not allowed to have unprotected sex and get AIDS
We learned from the best.
But wouldn't you want to know why? What if there is a divine reasoning?
Don't tell me you are a fedora
The saddest part isn't that it's from 9gag, the saddest part is it's probably true.
This idea is literally copied from the game Dead Rising 2.
A classical outbreak would never even reach a global Level. They would be able to quickly isolate it. The problem of what to do with the Zombies at hand would actually open up.
If it is some highly infectious airborne shit its open season though.
9gag and ifunny have always been based white nationalist websites.
>your religious beliefs are some how relevant to a scientific fact that people who die are dead
And no I'm Catholic, they're dead for a reason, because they died
If they are walking again they are not dead anymore, God must have a reason for allowing that.
If we don't have some rage Virus apocalypse (which isn't as deep in alien space bats territory) but instead the dead rising i guess religious people would be pretty devastated. I mean the dead are rising as mindless killers, either its armageddon or dark magic or whatever.
Regardless of your beliefs:
It would be stupid to allow them to overrun our civilization because of Muh gods Plan. Kill as many of them as necessary and try to figure out why the dead are rising.
oh god it's already started
>doesnt want to fuck a zombie cheerleader
buncha slackjawed faggots
go back to 9fag
Holy mother of Rare!
we could either pull out a succesfull blitzkrieg or go the way of the Australian Emu war with us being the Strayans
jesus fucking christ god fucking damnit
If a zombie bit my brother or sister I would gladly put one on the back of their heads instead of watching them become a mindless beast
I was just thinkin' the same thing
Why don't nations like Brazil play a bigger role in world politics, they're large and have some sort of economic ability | ---79243953
>Bad geographical position
>No nukes
>no nukes
>especially incompetent government
we're great at making planes tho...
Embraer gets routinely shot down by AB tho, even Azul picks A320 over e170s
because Brazil is a shithole
I don't understand these pictures, but I like em.
Glad you asked, friend. It's because of niggers.
It's not bad, it's great.
We have had no conflicts in our territory in recent history. Lots of resources.
I think it's our culture and our people the ones to blame for our shit tier.
Race mixing and an obscure language equal failure.
Ass tier force projection is a big one. Barring that, they're out innovated by NA/Europe and out manufactured by Asian countries. So what else is there?
Someone fix this to reflect the correct anatomy of the Brazilian "woman".
>79243803 (OP)
Actually half of Brazilians are white.
It is not the Femboy one
Because they're a corrupt shithole who can't even run the olympics.
Yeah, basically the US in a few years.
Argentina if you have that ability, or was . to answer the comment of Brazil. He knows that in Argentina had nuclear bombs
>mfw I want to argue with this, but can't
Fixed that picture for you, OP.
didn't argentina get a feminist economics advisor and she wrecked your currency? lol
Yes she's seriously lacking Bunda
>papa in the id
Yeah son?
>Have yuge population and resources on a continent isolated from Islamism, NATO, and which is full of countries in various tiers of failed state
>bad geographical location
O que? Fala direito alberto.
they are consumed by internal problems and predominantly left wing
>tfw just had to break up with Latina fuckbuddy because dude moving for grad school lmao
>tfw she always called me papi
Brazil had an old lazy "emperor" with no heirs get overthrown by his army officers. They have bounced from economic collapse to political crisis and basically Ain't Done Dick that whole time. They wasted the entire twentieth century, more or less.
Argentina, well, they had the Perons. Eva was a lunatic and Juan was two thirds a thief, but they troubled that country for 25 years. They wasted and stole and wasted the biggest gold reserves in the world, and even more silver.
You can't even keep body parts from washing up on the beach where the Olympics volleyball games are to take place.
Have a hug
It's like the US without the nukes.
They aren't America.
I do not understand....
How many african-culture-centric countries have you ever seen being important in the grand scale?
We have everything except a grand people.
Also, we missed the opportunity to get to the Pacific ocean by being too pacific when invading other countries wasn't so bad, no pun intended
>low iq
excuse me but I'm not Brazilian
Our politicians don't know what is happening in the world (they don't even care), they don't have any ambition (besides money, money and money) and Brazilian people are used to give the minimum necessary of themselves to execute any task.
BRs, give more of yourselves and tell your children to do the same...
They make lewd porn that's just about the extent of my knowledge.
Homicide rate is too low.
>too pacific
All that does is make me want to fuck a horse fampai
My desire to nuke you went down just a notch.
they are part of the g20 are they not?
oh, thanks for this sempai
I actually honestly didn't know the difference between those two words
please accept this token of gratitude for being sensible on /pol/
apart is the first time I meet Latin Americans in 4chan. costa rica, colombia, brasil, uruguay. Uruguay no, a province of Argentina . It has kinship with buenos aires.
It's a common sort of mistake, anyone who has learned a second language can understand- and anyone who hasn't learned a second language is a degenerate.
feels good desu
> no muslims/terror
> high quality white pussy (if you live on south)
> no wars n shiet
> If a nuclear world war really happens, south america is probably safe.
>"Ukrainian saves two Brazilians from a pack of Argentinians"
Because we have been controlled by communist/socialists for the past 20 years, mainly the Worker's Party which Lula and Dilma are members.
We have literally just 1 right-wing / conservative politician (Jair Bolsonaro) and they are attacking him in any way possible, they control all the midia.
In 1964 they tried to turn Brazil into a "big Cuba" but our military stopped them, they formed some guerilla groups and fought against our armed forces, trying to implement communism by force, our president Dilma was part of of those groups.
The problem is, after 1964-1985 period of our military government (which the commies call a "dictatorship"), the armed forces decided to make the transition back to regular democracy hoping the communist threat was not present anymore, but the commies were silently in control of the universities and midia already at this point, in a few years they dominated everything and they came back as SOCIALISTS.
Their corruption scheme is used to keep them in power forever, we only have left-wing parties, they create a false opposition to make it look like they are not on the same side.
Our electoral system is fraudulent and they control the supreme court.
They even have a project to integrate all the south american countries, the "PATRIA GRANDE", something similar to the EU.
There are other factors, but fortunately it seems like the conservative movement is growing around here (including among the young people) and supporting Bolsonaro.
And with a lot more niggers and spics.
Being irrelevant is kinda comfy but I wish we could get more rich and get more decent culture.
Well China is not white and is fucking the US in the ass
Your country won't last the century
Bolsonaro is too weak to do anything but make a few lefties butthurt
They're geographically isolated and poor.
Mostly because they're a fucking mess
They have way too many domestic issues that take up all the time of the government
The best parts in Brazil are the ones in which there were european immigration, specially the German and italy ones.
>missed the opportunity
Anon, just because it's CURRENT YEAR doesn't mean you can't annex territory.
Bolsomito 2018 reeeeeeee
>Implying anyone could change anything ever
The only solution for Brazil is a full-blown civil war.
have you seen the way the fucking olympics are going? nobody has respect for brazil, their politicians are absolute shit
Night of the Long Knives when?
Brazil is full of Brazilians, our Central Bank is controlled by a shitsraeli born kike.
>and anyone who hasn't learned a second language is a degenerate
So, 95% of the white americans?
The horse is far more likely to genuinely love you and far less likely to chimp out over nothing.
Easy choice.
Can someone get the one of this with the Nazi and jew?
All economic ability in brazil comes from the german villages in the mountains and they dont want anything to do with the rest of the country.
Oy vey u antisemit
>To many niggers to be irrelevant.
Funny thing is the agricultural industry is as strong as it is because of european immigramts who later bought cheap lands in Mato grosso do sul and Mato grosso, as well as earlier in Paraná for example.. pol's alwaya right..
Most Of Brazil`s economy comes from Sao Paulo, which had some Germany settlers, but most of them where Italian, Portuguese and Spanish
quads of truth
>and have some sort of economic ability
economic potential if anything
They have a shitty commie gouvernment
The brazilian look like girls I used to know.
São Paulo has the world's largest German companies and industries locations outside Germany
So I'm an American boy who has always wanted to live in South America for a bit. I hear that Uruguay is sorta decent and Southern Brazil has some good white areas.
My only issue is that I'm a faggot and I thought Brazil and Uruguay hates faggots. /pol/ is that any true?
And the people are obnoxious and weird. (You know how brown people are)
What is this meme?
Coming soon... :-)
We'll rot you from the inside out.
That was the master plan. Well .. not really a plan, we're too nigger to plan, but sort of worked out that way.
Zarya leave pharah alone
Yay it's one of these threads again.
Looking forward to getting home going to post some fresh OC.
Doesn't have any name yet, a guy post some one time and suddenly everyone start creating more.
Fucking hell Columbia, learn to use meme arrows
does argentina hate gay people?
Vos si vos!
argentina le da la espalda
>and have some sort of economic ability
I wasn't around for the last thread.
Can someone post the FRESH OC?>>79253778
I do but the country doesn't. There is a webpage where one American talk about how free we are about faggots.
Any chance we can get some fresh OC here, lads?
>pink nipples
Nigeria is a country of 150,000,000 people - comparable to Japan - with vastly more natural resources.
I wonder what the problem is?
Have any more of this family?
I never seen the fresh one, I don't know if exist even.
Why would they want to be involved with ISIS and Israel???
Brazil does in economics. They are a part of the BRICS countries, which are the chief developing countries.
countries like nigeria, mexico and brazil will be larger powers in the future
well....mexico will be. might be too many niggers in the other countries
Stable economy
I'm in tears desu
kek I didn't have that one.
/POL/ BTFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But argentina is whitest south american country!
Anyone got a Canadian edition of that meme?
hello my white friend
Itt it's because embraers are shit.
>4500 hours in the 120/145
YES! Guys! I found the OC!
Fucking nice bro.
Actually, pretty accurated in favelas
Love that meme Argentina... Makes me feel warm. ^_^
Man, this pic makes me so hard every time...
Too busy stealing from each other to bother about what's going on in the rest of the world.
6th largest economy in the world and it's basically in the toilet because of corruption.
Huge natural resources sold off to foreign interests and profits appropriated by the few at the expensive of the many.
Decimating the rainforest at an alarming rate.
Ripe for revolution.
Plus, no nukes.
>Contributing to the collection.
they are a meme
>some sort of economic ability
Lol das a good one OP, I bet you were going to say it's clean there too
>0% niggers
Based Argentina
What would happen if I go into a favela in Rio, and just drum on some girl's ass like a pair of bongo drums while shouting "Ahuehuehuehue"?
pls Brazil no bully Argentina with your huge futa cock.
pls no.
Canada knows she likes it
Why didn't you at least get our flag correct, Mr. Shitposter, sir?
I wanted to make it vertical, but first Google result gave a horizontal one... so I was like:
>I must have bad memory
"flag of Romania is a tricolor with vertical stripes"
It says it right there.
Much better. I will not put a gypsy curse on you today.
Not accurate.
The Canadian girl should be a stoned Asian without the lumberjack hat. We are not lumberjacks anymore, we are liberal cucks.
The American should be a fat brown chick.
Because they're our niggas
Yeah, but I was trying to make it quick so I had a quick glimpse and sayonara.
Anyway, I reported the wrong flag on Google and told them it mismatches the description.
Thank you. I see kek is strong with you.
Now admit I made you horny.
Tfw no pale mongolian gf
You haven't cause I don't really get that picture. A lot of Romanians work in Italy, but we don't hold any reverence for Italy or Italians. And it's not like Italy holds any sway over our country or politics.
Replace Italy with the EU or Russia and you have a better image.
Here you go.
this one's really cute
kek, horse shit.
try 2, 45, 45, 1, 1, 1, 5
literally the first country to legalize gay marriage senpai
Brazil is a shithole run by corrupt socialists.
Maybe in the future it will play a role when it becomes a functional state.
>Brazil is a shithole
How's your golden age coming along pedro?
His country may not be any better, but his point is still valid.
>Takes one to know one
>3rd largest exporter of food in the world
>2nd largest poverty rate
>some sort of economic ability
economic shambles
end my suffering
also ask anything from mongol
Steppe Empire when?
How pale are you?
i got a few
What's wrong with them? (Coming from a freight dog who just flies C208s.)
Soon testvér
just regular white:DD maybe 30% mongol genes in my blood
South America as a whole isnt that good anyway, outside of Uruguay which is probably the least corrupted up one, every nation around here is a fucking mess
São paulo is by far the most multhiethnic state in brazil and is the most sucessfull one.So much for muh superior "white genes" theory.Whites in Brazil are like the rest of the population:Poor ,uneducated third worlders.Hell,10% of our population is iliterate.The only solution to this country is improving the education system.
Why do these drawn pictures of female embodiments of countries turn me on so much?
it really makes you think
Yeah you're right. It certainly is the multicultural part of São Paulo that makes it successful. Not the whites.
Thanks for the blue pill my friend.
Improving education and more multiculturalism will solve everything!
There so crude as well, but I get diamonds from it
Degenerate weeaboos.
I don't watch anime. On the contrary, I find it extremely disgusting and annoying.
Multiculturalism wont solve anything and it isnt a real factor in Brazil since none of us have a real culture ,but blaming blacks and brows for brazil problems is just stormfag tier since most of our politics and leaders are whites.
This is really a topic I can masturbate to.
I think I have a fetish for this pic
>Bad geographical position
actually is god tier, the only drawback is that Br or Arg aren't bi-oceanic
At least we still have a country, Pedro.
Isn't most of Brazil jungle and mountain?
Because the majority of the politicians are corrupted and don't give a fuck to their own country/people.
>most sucessfull
>sucess is measured by brute gdp, not quality of life
Weak bait, even leftists aren't that retarded
Because people who rule Brazil are dumb
>this triggers the "white south"
Since the federal district isnt a real state, Sao paulo is objectively the most sucesfull state in this country
I imagine what could have happened if the South separated from the rest country doing a Southxit.
>implying all those latino european settlers are white
why am I so aroused?
No, there are a lot of fags here, I dont agree with it, but I dont care, just dont kiss another men in public
ugh, some awful minor errors
No nukes.
The south is literally know as the gayest region in Brazil.It is an on going meme here
I will now proceed to masturbate to an MS Paint drawing.
At least we are gonna be the first country to be attacked by an extremist during the Olympics
can confirm
you get used to it
Shit military.
Our Army could win a war against Brazil, and that is some serious shit m8.
Lets' be honest. Military power is EVERYTHING.
similar theme
Seu buceta!
> they're large and have some sort of economic ability
Grasping for examples there?
I thought it was meant to represent a spanish republican flag.
If so, you should draw a moor raping the spanish girl. It would be more accurate.
I am an utter retard. Fixed.
>fags not posting the best one
Being awfully generous with the skin tones, OP.
Luckily this fixes it. >>79245241
>it's a bolsomito textão
>be me
>like short girl dressed
>but tall and skinny girls naked
What to do?
Brazil is full of sluts with big asses and big titties.
Brazilian leaders are too busy fucking them in their tight brown assholes to care about what's happening in Indo-China
For some reason your govt are really incompetant fucks. You keep electing socialist-ish govt.
You will get there eventually but only if you stop trying to turn your countries in fucking banana republics.
Too fast.
Its the worst one.
Argentina literally kicked all the brown people out of their country. That's what U-R-gay is.
Big cartoony eyes, the reason why Disney cartoons, anime and Overwatch are so popular.
>he doesn't process information and pictures at light speed
Jesus, Ahmed I know you guys are sub-IQ, but at least try.
nice proxy
Jair Bolsonaro,
besides talking a lot of nonsense, are a incompetent
extreme-right political.
>come to participate in thread topic
>instead, thread is literally pic related
True. It's strange how Poland has a role in world politics at all too...
Ok 60%, kys.
This one is my favorite.
Same desu family
Why is Germany so brown?
Nigga please. It takes only one of the top countries to take out all the ones in the bottom
Unfortunatelly i think never, because of whar based Bismark said himself..
She'e perfect tho
tracer is a brown eyed mongrel
No, England should be on the left (which is where the dominant girl is). Remember, England/the UK uncucked itself from the EU.
This is my favourite one.
I feel the same way, bruh. I never thought a meme could be so qt.
They are busy having fun and killing.
kek, this was a deliberate choice on my part because England just fucked itself harder than Ron Jeremy and with less warmth
The filename /does/ say tanned, so there's that.
Samesies, so I'll be sporadically posting some of the ones from that superfast gif. I did a tiny amount of cleanup, but not much, so, there's that.
>pink nipples
Good job.
I'll make some fresh OC when I get home.
Real talk, I start in Brazil every time I play risk. I've never lost a game of risk. I think by that reasoning, you're wrong.
I'm going to /try/ to avoid posting the ones that haven't been posted before, but no guarantees. I'll also try to post some more I made.
This is not a good edit.
Bad geographical location meaning that they are so fare away from all that that they Cease to be relevant
Also, Argentina and Brazil keep competing in their own way to become the regional power
But why not post rares?
This is probably the best one btw
mexico is actually fatter than the US
Sorry, I'm still retarded. I meant that I'm going to try avoiding posting the ones that are /duplicates/.
For the most part I didn't keep the ones that are more comedic (maybe a tad ironic because my only OC has been exactly that), but this one was too good to delete.
poor little guy probably has worms
the dog probably has them, too
>lazy emperor with no heirs
He did more for the country than the republic and he had a couple of heirs
I have this one saved as "help_me_to_survive_this_deadly_love.png".
You know, it /should/ be heartening that so many other people were careless in creating these as well and thus have those awful tiny pixel problems, but fuck they're annoying as shit.
Here's some OC.
Back to the world of not my shit.
god damn another one of these fucking threads
over populated cities
scumbag people
speak portuguese, only good for portugal.
too busy playing free MMOs
Black person mentality (big butts, crime pays) in a brown man's body.
Damn it...your accuracy is spot on.
Cruel of you, fellow cuckadian. Come, let's put our white laced martin's on and start cutting these faggots down. Fuck this "country."
can't we all just fap without this shit
erre most felállt
Hope this is to your liking.
Are there any where the right girl is a guy?
Nope. Reality be a cruel mistress.
says the one run by the Zetas ahahahhahahaha
>it took 50 posts to summon the Bolsominion
None of the ones I've seen so far, but it's pretty easily exploitable, so.
the brown people of argentina like to consider themselves white, but real whites find it hilarious
maybe don't shit up threads then thanks in advance
I don't like Brazil because I am south American and I think that they look like niggers
223 million and I can't find one women
>eagle delivering syrup
If you change the height of the mexican to about shoulder level then its about right. Average mexican male is about 5'5 and woman is about 5'0
Because they're full of niggers. Why do you think NIgeria doesn't play a bigger role in world politics? Same reason.
that southern girl should be a little more tanned, but great one anyway
Same for Romania.
I agree, actually.
>self hating gypsie
/pol/ gives me massive erections
>shit smear
I'm in between smiling and cringing.
well all right then
I'm just cringing
some OC, based loosely on >>79300014 and one of the other ones from the gif
out of all of them, this had to be the one that woke my dick up...
Says the guy being run by the kikes and the milcomplex thugs hahahahahaha
Means you like being submissive.
We are all slaves to the jew.
literally nothing pol says matters anyway, it's a political discussion subforum of a hentai board
more non-OC
argentina lost that war ages ago
the competition now is mostly about soccer
I do not have the slightest idea what the second flag here is
> fresh OC
What you posted is the fucking TEMPLATE, leaf.
Oh, is this the original? What's the second flag?
Last non-OC. I think this is a reference to God of War or some shit like that. Doesn't matter, vidya a shit.
aren't there a bunch of japs as well?
You don't have nukes brazil.
what's the other flag of?
reminder that glorious aryan Peru >>>>>>> shitty ass Bolivia
You do realise the UK has same sex marriage, but not Northern Ireland right?
An extra large burrito isn't a nuke, Mexico.
Someone make one with the UK holding the breast of the EU with the EU having brown skin and a hijab on her head.
is it when i have to take a shit.
Clean your flag, Italy, there's some shit on it.
Wish I knew.
Look, I know people on /pol/ are retards, but are you actually unable to use fucking MS Paint?
I lied, one more non-OC. Trying to think of what to do next, any suggestions?
12 yr old detected
you, yes you, argentina turns her back on you
do you have a PNG version? Because this is artifacted up the ass
also why the fuck did you censor it
Mexico has same sex marriage
not accurate. too much ass for the irish girl
>I have anxiety
Why is it every member of the left seems to have this made up illness (you're an overtly worried, panicky sheltered idiot)
When will this meme end | ---79304238
Anxiety is a normal human emotion, since when it's an illness?
What they claim to have
What are they hiding /pol/?
How are the 9/11 calls from people in and around the nightclub going to as the feds put it"put those people in jeopardy". | ---79301559
Second shooter?
Obama probably fucked him during his bathhouse days.
Probably this. Everybody is still forgetting that somehow he shot over 100 people without them being able to escape
Not enough shooters. With more they could have wiped out many more of those queer cunts.
Can confirm.
The dude probably had a fast and furious gun. The cops also killed more than he did. That's why they did autopsies on the victims first. They needed to know what bullets killed what people.
It's just a prank bro
He named the jew.
from what I've heard (friends work as EMT's in Orlando), he in fact said he was doing it as a response to our proxy war in Syria. he was anti immigrant.
thats the phone call the shooter made though, not the victims which are apparently the ones they're not releasing
oh wow, misunderstood. From a certain perspective I can understand why they don't want to release if it's too brutal and emotional but...there must be a precident where they've released victim/bystander calls before
Having servants is degenerate and decadent. | ---79297158
>having servants of the same nationality as you is degenerate and decadent
why does he have a gun?
to shoot the servants if they get uppity?
why does pol glamorize these people
they were
i think pol has a very inaccurate understanding of who the white people were from this period and what they were doing
That's a Jew. Look at the nose. They basically ran the slave trade
>implying every single ethnic group that's around today hasn't genocided at least another ethnic group at some point in its history
>implying black, asian, Indian people etc. wouldn't have done THE EXACT SAME THING given the chance
>implying white people don't get crap because we actually succeeded at doing all that shit.
Cry about it, nigger.
Jews were responsible for colonialism in Jamaica?
>>implying black, asian, Indian people etc. wouldn't have done THE EXACT SAME THING given the chance
they did
and that's an argument tho?
do we want a system of equality?
or a system of slavery?
do you know what colonialism was really about?
white people dressed up in 100 degree heat
while blacks did the work
posing as the masters of the universe
Good old days.
But our efforts were useless when you see the situation in Africa today. We failed in our civilizational mission.
>But our efforts were useless when you see the situation in Africa today. We failed in our civilizational mission.
your efforts?
you destroyed africa
then you pronounce the people who lived there inviable
You are degenerate
>you destroyed africa
there was, and still is, nothing to destroy
might as well get mad at someone for trying to fix up an abandoned home
You are ugly
They didnt destroy Africa you dumb cuck, they made it nice then the blacks chimped out and smashed it to the garbage you see today
Stop crying
Oh shit. I felt that burn over here.
>They didnt destroy Africa you dumb cuck, they made it nice then the blacks chimped out and smashed it to the garbage you see today
they were living just fine. before they destroyed n. africa the quality of life was HIGHER than that of Europe.
>colonialism is European culture
Yeah no
Based colonialism is separate from Europeans just like Afrikaners
>They didnt destroy Africa you dumb cuck, they made it nice then the blacks chimped out and smashed it to the garbage you see today
ya i suppose the blacks came to america because they love picking cotton for massa
>Based colonialism is separate from Europeans just like Afrikaners
Europe was never great
the periods where they saw wealth
they stole from Africa and the Americas
they didnt even invent anything it was mostly Jews who did that -and Jews are partly black
No they came to america because blacks realized they could monetize their prisoner of war/criminal population by selling them to dutch jews.
>Noone has noticed that nose
Destroy what? There was nothing to destroy. We will bring roads, railway, administration, solid building, hospitals, doctors, vaccines, school etc etc ...
Besides, even the old African who experienced the colonial era now recognize that they were better off under the colonial regime.
>Destroy what? There was nothing to destroy. We will bring roads, railway, administration, solid building, hospitals, doctors, vaccines, school etc etc ...
you dont get it
life was better before colonialism
much better
so much better in fact that Europe needed to import intellectuals from the Ottoman empire so the nobility could actually have comforts.
>We will bring roads, railway, administration, solid building, hospitals, doctors, vaccines, school etc etc ...
>Build your penitentiary, we build your schools,
>Brainwash education to make us the fools.
>Hate is your reward for our love,
>Telling us of your God above.
niggs are not humans
How do we fix America? | ---79302274
Too late at this point without a civil war and population expulsions. Whites have dropped from something like 88% of the pop (the historic constant) to 63%.
Abort & Deport
let America be America
Half the population are spics
They are like animals with dead eyes
We are so fucked
We don't need a wall, we need a volcanic explosion to completely coat this land in boiling ash
There's nothing to fix. America is a country of immigrants
What flag is that m8?
Icelandic police remove kebab | ---79299757
that's the way
can any icelandics give some context?
Icelandic women start shouting: "No! Don't take away my sanddick! Evil racist white men! Achmud come back my love, come baaaack!".
Good, don't let these roaches contaminate one of the last bastion of purity.
>all those kebabs pretending to be christians so they can stay
>all those manlets
There are ''''''''men'''''''' that are threatened by these little cockroaches.
This is why they belong in chains. They will always be traitors to their own people. They can't help it.
Love how the cops manhandled them out and took no shit.
jewgle translate:
>Asylum-founders Nasir Ali and Majed from Iraq were taken by force from Laugarnes early hours of Tuesday 28 June and sent out of the country. Laugarnes had to shelter them in the hope that the old practices of the church of refuge were to be honored. Video: Thorgeir Helgason
Illegal immigrants got shelter from a church, they thought the police would leave them be but they got arrested and deported.
Apparently they were sent to Norway.
>Icelandic police remove kebab
That is so beautiful to see, I am glad that I have booked a trip to Iceland in August.
Why do they not take the other Kebabs with them?
They must've found a way to stay. I Think it's sad. This part of the world certainly doesn't need arabs.
>a big bootied qt patootie Icelandic female cop will never cuff you and throw you in the back of a police car and deport you to your shithole country
Good thing is that all Icelandic people see very quickly what the effects are if they let shitskins into their country, because it is so small. So I hope they will remove the remaining kebabs as well.
Is Iceland the most based country in existence?
>Cops don't take shit from immigrants
>Deport those motherfuckers
>Not a member of the EU
>Jailed their kike bankers instead of bailing them out like we did
How does one move to Iceland?
deal with it | ---79303373
I listen to the
majority of scientists
who belive in
climate change,
don't think minimum
wage should be
raised, pay gap
doesn't exist, teacher
supporting to a
degree, less immigrants,
refugee & LBGT need
Mental support
oh, we will.
>Reasonable People Unite
>only people who agree with me are reasonable
These lunatics are fucking dangerous.
>Look at my virtue signaling!
The Post
>and I vote
no you don't
>Refugee and LGBT embracing
So you embrace the people who most want to kill LGBT
Progressivism is a plague
Pretty much me. Also, BLM is a terrorist group and second amendment needs to be protected
Holier than thou as fuck
Rope will deal with it.
Deal with it
>I chug the MSM cum every chance I can get
the post
I'm voting for Trump - deal with it
Hillary is already predicted to win. How does that feel pol you dirty conservatives? | ---79293505
wasn't brexit predicted to lose in the polls?
Soon those dirty americans will know true diversity.
>forgets """"""""""""Silver""""""""""""" being wrong since his lucky meme guesses that only made him famous because he's jewish
I'm already used to living under a middling neoliberal, so I'll be ok. I'm really worried about what's going to happen to you guys if it's a Brexit tier upset
care to explain yourself
Nate Silver is a jew who literally thinks Donald Trump is secretly planning to gas manhattan and nuke Israel.
He is creating fake polls now because he thinks it will sway sheeplike people into voting hillary and reduce turnout by trump voters who don't think he has a chance.
It's actually neck and neck.
its not neck and neck
Hillary has a small lead
There was a 10+ point shy Brexit effect on polls.
Now how fucking big do you think a shy trump effect will be?
The Great Leader will guide America into a glorious future.
>(((Nate Silver))) says Hillary has an 80% chance to win
Trump presidency confirmed then?
LoL says my state is Clinton, literally everyone I know in my town is Trump in NC.
They must be sampling near cities, with liberals and gimmdats.
Trump is going with and there's nothing you can do about it.
Trump was winning in the polls until they straight up started cheating. The current polls only feature about 20% republicans, which gives them an unfair bias.
Trump couldn't be doing any better right now. He's going to win, and it's going to be great.
They aren't even sampling. They are reporting an agenda, not news.
Honestly. I like that flag.
(((Nate Silver)))
>trusting polls
The only polls that matter are right at the end of the election.
R-money was the projected winner in September. Didn't mean shit, obviously.
Trump is winning NC. If we went red for Romney, we'll go red for Trump. Also, you can't always trust anecdotal evidence. I know 3 lifelong Dems voting for Trump. It's exciting.
No, it was split, within the margin of error. Also that's not how statistics work.
Actually very disgusted considering the Shillary and the DNC played dirty politics a year before any conservative came up to bat
You do realise there are millions of people in NYC alone right? You know what, five people?
(((Nate Silver)))
Try harder, faggot.
I cant wait till Hillary wins
>florida, Arizona, North Carolina
Didn't (((Silver))) say Trump had a 2% chance to win the primary? Can't take anything seriously from this guy.
Well have fun. Just remember it was people like you voted for a negligent criminal. You know what's funny? Is she gets elected into office it just proves how you are willing to sacrifice everything just for "muh diversity".
/pol/ - Probability & Statistics Are Tools Of Globalist Jews
>Implying city populations don't control state voting outcomes
Do you guys have downs?
Hillary is coming out of a 2 way race between Sanders and Trump, and she is still beating Trump.
You guys are delusional
he said that originally then the muslim statement he said 0
She's guaranteed the win after all the election fraud.
She couldn't win otherwise.
muh diversity
you'll have to explain yourself I m not aware of this meme because I dont frequent pol often
Those are words, dumb ass. Not a meme. If you don't have the basic education to read, you're not 18 and should not be here.
/pol/ crystal ball
The devil will not win I assure you.
>/pol/ on total damage control
Nate made his original predictions on Trump out of thin air and not on data & polling
This is based off data & polling.
it most certainly is a meme
because he prefaced with muh
yes cry
cry your faggot love for trump will lead to disappointment
Basically Hilliary Clinton's job as Secretary of State was to manage extremely confidential information. She went off grid and started to send information through her private email. This email wasn't not the one issued by the government meaning it was 100% unsafe. She then despite making an oath and receiving training by the FBI claimed she didn't know how computers work. Best part is it took three lies to get this information with her first lie being that she didn't deal with confidential information; which again is her friggen job. This type of behavior is punishable by at least 20 years in prison and people who have found guilty are not able to run for office. Problem is for some reason everyone is willing to look the other way because her promises of gays and Mexicans n shit. Point is, she's a criminal.
>(((Nate Silver)))
He's part of the official coincidence detector now
NC not NYC
>completely got the primary wrong
>thinks this will be a blow out
nobody WANTS hilldog to win. xir will vote for her because xe doesnt want trump to win but that doesnt mean xey actually like hillary
How would someone as "reputable" a pollster as Nate suddenly make predictions about Trump out of thin air? That's bullshit & you know it.
Thanks for the heads up O Great Prognosticator. Fucking give me a break are these people channeling their inner Nostrodamus?
>me and my friends
jesus christ this board gets more underage every day.
Have some bored-on-my-lunch-break OC, ya faggot shill.
>Two Italian parents could face criminal charges after their daughter was found to be suffering from malnutrition - and their vegan diet is being blamed.
>Two Italian parents could face criminal charges after their daughter was found to be suffering from malnutrition - and their vegan diet is being blamed.
anyone who identifies as a vegan should be sterilized | ---79304700
Vegans and Vegeterians are easy to identify though when they day of the rope arrives
>they tell you every fucking time without being asked and they look like heroin addicts
Continuation from >>79272038
Gays and the LGBTQIBBQSS9/11#420 - community getting assblasted | ---79274729
1st for gay pride against the evil hacker known as 4chan
This is the greatest trolljob since the creation of Israel
When you realize just how right he was.
It's a shame that the danes fought against him.
It's a shame swedes did not fight for him.
We sent supplies to him, and let him use our railroads and stuff.
>day 2
This is only going to get funnier, isn't it?
>Based Ragnar taking no prisoners.
My god, their brains are getting seriously fried from the doublespeak and cognitive dissonance.
The genius about this is that they'll easily dismiss these arguments as stupid and illogical without a second thought. Then, later, when they see these exact same arguments being used again to argue their SocJus ideology and agree with them, something will click and they'll start getting real uneasy about the logical foundation of all that they feel is so 'obvious'.
This is the black ops infiltration level of trolling.
I thought they spent their time blasting at each others ass
>you can't have a heterosexual pride day, because every day is heterosexual pride day
>heterosexual pride day is now every day
It's like ninja philosophy. You don't know he snuck in your head and at the right time he's going to fucking assassinate your argument, and you won't even see him do it.
>mfw you don't even have to try to upset these people, they do it to themselves
I did my part, waiting for others anon to spread the word. #HeterosexualPrideDay Day2 yes?
>anti-racist is code word for anti-white
>feminism is code word for anti-male
and now
>LGBT pride is code word for anti hetero
Fuck off, Carlos
build wall Carlos
This is just like shooting fish in a barrel
Is it still pride "day"
>mfw seeing this
is @Ragnar a /pol/ack or is this nigga a serious SuperJeW?
he posts our memes like captain sweden
I'm on here less frequently these days so I don't know the answer but was this the work of /pol/?
Op here... Rageviking is my Twitter
you're pretty based lad
How retarded are these people, on a scale from 1 to 10? Anyone with a functioning brain stem could see that this is very clearly just meant to elicit butthurt from retard special snowflakes, but they have taken the bait in OVERWHELMING numbers. Are they just slaves to their feelings so totally that even the most obvious trap will catch them?
Could I shout mean things at them from across a marked minefield and watch them march straight into it?
Of course, according to them every day is Straight Pride Day.
And there's no way they could be wrong about anything, right?
See >>79275970
Rage makes you blind :)
>Tfw even though she got completely fucking told she'll just write it off as someone being offensive
Seriously, without getting a surrogate or sperm donor, gays CANNOT continue the human race. Of course things should be about the vast majority of the population
>segal posting
what a based mother fucker
Twitter is better than cable!
"Exactly! The gays have had influential leaders for years! I don't get where you're pulling this ""oppression"" from!"
Oh no is he actually going to go there and say Hitler committed suicide due to internalized homophobia?
You're right, this is what reality TV should have been.
I'm seriously thinking about joining twitter just to be a complete troll to faggot sjws.
This whole week has been hilarious.
You really think highly of yourselves, don't you? Everyone I know on facebook is just laughing at how stupid it is, which it is.
i did it
3 minutes after posting i already have a butthurt lib
Twitter is truly amazing
Pretty much all twitter is is a shitshow
me too, i've always hated that fagshow but the amount of trolling possibilities is to attractive
Even this got hate...lmao
Of course it's stupid, dumbass. We're putting a mirror to their faces it's not like the reflection is going to look intelligent.
Wat happened ?
Thats not fighting, now is it?
Its about the #proudtobe yt Video
Giant shitstorm because of #pridetobe video.
Got maybe double the dislikes, compared to likes. Needles to say people were outraged.
I actually think /pol/ or 4chan in general was a very small part of that though, many normies finally thought they took it too far.
There aren't that much normies on /pol/ or /b/.
No need to worry.
Started with YouTube (go dislike the video) having a tranny video. It's at over 250k dislikes and they had to disable comments.
Then it branched out to /b/ fucking with tumblr. Now it's /pol/ on Twitter.
The Internet hate machine is alive and well. Long live the lulz.
> Not afraid
Afraid of what? Mean comments?
Not afraid about taking shots in a gay bar I guess.
so they accept their a mental disorder?
Leftists have no emotional control. That's why so many of them are Niggers and women. People with no emotional lock tend to jump right to that side and are easy to bait.
>LGBT Pride
>Not about being proud
>Hold on a second, I have to go suck off this cute twink I just met right in the middle of the street
>What, you don't like it? OPPRESSION! HOMOPHOBIA!
fucking bigots
Ha ha!
lel. So much butthurt
>shitting on a hashtag because its not about them
>#StillNotAboutU snee hee hee
These people are the children I can't bear.
I wonder what percentage of them actually reproduce.
>lesbians don't into dick
>gays don't into pussy
>bi probably a lot cuz slutty
>trannies are just gays in costumes
Yes, the LGBTWTFBBQ420JUSTBLAZEPEDOPRIDE^15E26 community has people who can bear children naturally...but they don't. That's the point.
>being laughed at all over social media
>haha people are so mad at the stupid things we're saying
>jokes on you we're just pretending to be retarded
Seriously not trolling you. Learn to write and people will take you seriously.
Go away leaf
She totally pulled an "I know you are but what am I"
You've made clear how much of a butthurt fag you are once in this thread already, leaf. Go kill yourself.
The incredibly-specific union of MtF and FtM/Lesbian.
Made even rarer by the lopping off of the flopping whopper and the fact that lesbos and testofemmes are usually reviled by the thought of getting dicked.
>file name
You got me. Will proof read.
This is really getting under your skin isn't it, Justin
>preferably one with 31 days
im really surprised why noone start race war yet
And look at your country now
If this isn't the best idea i've ever seen.
Good job boys
Good job.
Heterophobe detected
I'm finding I get good likes and retweets when I spend more time posting how great being straight is. I wonder would could be done with just ignoring these people and no validating their feelings.
>Preferably one with 31 days
You're fucking killing me over here man
This should cause some butthurt
Would work with 99,75% of them.
I'd call it a plan.
>Not adding an island named Tumblr
As one said yesterday, good job actually trolling instead of spouting off obnoxiously.
Trolling of this deliciousness is something I haven't seen in quite some time.
>Casualties sustained under friendly fire
My sides are gone
Maybe. Just keep the tweets as simple and innocent as possible, normal mundane stuff that is just ridiculous to disagree with, and screencap ALL of the hate in response without replying or poking the beehive in any way. The innocence of it will highlight their irrational hatred even further.
Just spouting off obnoxiously. would have no entertainment purposes for me, i never understood people who do that
You are absolutely brilliant. This is next-level meta trolling, and it is unbelievably delicious.
telling what they hate to hear.
This is amazing.
They're becoming totally powerless.
They kept calling people nazis and bigots so long that they just embrace it or don't care altogether.
I rather enjoyed that one
>use black twitter account
>no white homos dare question what you say
Twitter on easy mode
You fought against him. Look at your own country, was it worth it?
Since you got dubs, I will tell you.
It is because when you see how retarded and THICK these fucking kids are with their brainwashed lobotmized bullshit, it's the natural response for anyone who isn't a fucking goon.
These fucking cocksuckers aren't to be tolerated, it's what's given them the piece of shit gall they have today. They need to be talked down to, BTFO'd and disgraced back to their fucking safe spaces and don't ever come back out again to the "mean hateful world."
I just want to apologize for not trying to interject humor all the time. 140 characters isn't much to work with.
#WhitePrideDay when?
I don't know what you're talking about, your response made me kek.
Tell him that a cuck named "Meagan" would never understand what it's like to have bitches swinging from deez nuts like a chandelier. And that he can go prep his bull.
Also to try to heteroshame is bigoted and hypocritical to his supposed egalitarian ideals which are actually just psedoegalitarian ideals used to promote miscegenation and the destruction of the white race, so he's also a racist.
Perfect normie emulation
lmao this guy is going all out
Wtf? do you automatically gain 2-3 thousand followers if you hate white straight men?
One day she wouldn't be able to post on 4chan.
>sounds to me like you are suffering internalized heterophobia
maximum keks
>aka you're a fucking faggot month
That hit like a fucking anvil. Legitimately kek'd out loud.
Well done you glorious bastards. Many chuckles in this thread.
Why haven't we lynched these faggots yet?
They certainly deserve it.
>KKK 2.0 when?
Heterosexual people aren't discriminated against in any way. They don't need a "pride day". The people promoting this are just a bunch of homophobes whining because they can't treat gay people like shit like they used to a few years back.
>herpes, genital warts and HIV clearly outlined in purple
>lgbt people should be thankful they don't live where they would be thrown off rooftops for being this way
And unironically they want to inundate them with the kind of people who quickly WILL do exactly that, because they came from those countries that DO exactly that.
This fucking bitch just got
Pls Burgerbros, hurry to build a wall and take back the wifi to those third worlders
Norway bror <3
you made my day habibi <3 you're doing Odin's work.
Don't worry, we will deport all the gays to your country and you can then legalize pedophilia, not that it already isn't legal there, but you can lower it to 5 like you so desperately desire, you degenerate tacoshit.
TacoShit - You Have To Go Back
How do you actually pronounce your country's name?
Is it Shree lenka?
Are you really from Sri Lanka?
>be straight
>can't be proud
>repress self hatred
>go on a mass shootout spree in a straight bar
>Heterosexual people aren't discriminated against in any way. They don't need a "pride day".
You post is clear example off such discrimination. This oppression must be stopped by all means necessary.
>be muslim
>can't punish infidel
>repress jihad
>go on mass burning on mosque with graffiti
my fucking sides are gone
jews never forget
Shri. It's just one letter in my language "ශ්රී". It means "resplendent".
False. Actually it means "Designated"
Okay, Cool.
Ragnar needs to learn how to into grammar, unless it's a deliberate troll..
Mild kek
Do you consider yourselves pooinloos or are you your own people?
>don't go on tubmlr if they harass you
>gays should be allowed to go anywhere
>heteros aren't oppressed
>Not knowing the difference between India and Sri Lanka.
That's like not knowing the difference between Northern Ireland and Lesser Ireland. One is a shithole and the other is a small, decent country. Top o' the morning!
We have gibsmedats problem not a lgbt problem
>the "P" in LGBTQP stands for pedosexual
Slippery slope confirmed!
Its Republic of Ireland not Lesser Ireland, Pajeet
Oh shit, people are realy falling for this shit. German twitter is going nuclear kek
Gay here, literally couldn't give a shit. Enjoy it
>muh slippery slope is a fallacy
Remember when /pol/ was not right?
Neither do I.
Wipe that cum off your chin.
Why should we NEED a pride day? We want one. Why does it bother you that people are proud of their sexuality? Bit hypocritical, no?
>bawww homophobes!
You do not belong here. le-dit may be more your speed.
He's just a typical anti-heterosexual bigot.
I don't know I think Lesser Ireland has a nice ring to it.
I've also never heard of where Pajeet is from
Good lord you're a madman. You may be the leader we need to start a revolution and I think I'm witnessing it righ now. Why have we not used their same logic and thrown it back at them? It's genius to watch them self destruct.
"You're not laughing now."
Aye Republic of Lesser Ireland, isn't your entire culture a cheap knockoff of British culture? What happened to your language, goyim? Heard it's extinct. Insulting other countries, eh paddy? kek
Let the UK annex your pisspost of a country again. Make Ireland great again!
You got a long way to go, Danny boy. #IreLeave
I like you Pajeet, can't say I've ever heard of you but it looks like you're an improvement on the pooinloos
Do you have a working sewage system?
You're clearly jealous of our indoor plumbing.
>lgbt people should be thankful they don't live where they would be thrown off rooftops for being this way
The wall just got 10 ft taller because of your hetrophobia
OP here... (Viking guy) taking a break, sombody make a new thread once this one dies, and ill rejoin the banter later
yeah I thought of this a few weeks back. Nice to see that people have the same idea and that indeed sjws ar epissed.
Yes we do. We hate injuns just as must as everyone else, honestly. Injuns are disgusting. My cousin got Hepatitis C after visiting an Indian public restroom. Idk if she got raped or came into contact with contaminated water, either way India is bad news.
When is it time for #bothgenders ?
Why haven't we used this logic in our colleges. If we use the SJW or liberal ways of hurt and racism by switching from factual evidence use to "our feelings being hurt," the revolution can continue further than just online. Imagine complaining to the dean about how you felt oppressed in school for being straight and brought up racism towards your whiteness. The saga only gets better
Would being a spic help out efforts? I'd think it would since I'd be able to call racism if SJW's were to shut me down
Fukken saved.
>blend together
What the actual fuck? are the jews becoming lazy and not trying to hide it anymore?
They'll adopt their kids from overseas.
I could just go full blatant troll, but trolling people softly is just too much fun.
>then don't go on tumblr
>then don't go into dark alleys
do i hear some victim blaming? : ^ )
Gold. I haven't laughed this hard in a while.
You are based. Good work senpai.
I vote for July or August, one named after Julius Caesar and the other for Augustus.
August was originally sextus, do with that what you will.
So you have to be discriminated against, according to a minority, in order to have pride in it?
Good lord, common core has infected you as well.
He's Norwegian.
Archive this glorious thread
Christ. Once again we have false equivalence on display going on.
Libfag "logic" You're not allowed to show pride in something unless it's discriminated against
Real world logic: Having pride in one's cultural background is a healthy thing to an extent, and so long as what you do doesn't affect me in a way where I am forced to react a certain way, instead of choosing how to react, which is what libfags do, I shouldn't have a problem with it.
Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent attitude. More often than not and especially in these times, individual choice in mind set is what creates the victim, far before they are actually victimized in any way. People who haven't been in extenuating circumstances should be "triggered" by gore and death. Not by seeing or reading words. That is a choice.
Fuck off
Gays earned and need a pride month? EARNED? BY WHAT? STICKING THINGS THEIR ASS?
Dont it do that automaticly?
some lesbians will hit up sperm banks
>are you victim blaming?
Maximum keks
I don't get it ; - ;
February has the least amount for days.
Oh, right.
goddamn, and i unironically thought that wikipedia was pretty neutral
Oh that's devilish.
As long as you earnestly make it come across as an attempt at "bridge-building". You can keep exasperatingly declaring that you're "celebrating everyone" while they sperg and spazz out about gender "not being binary".
that's because traitor men will fap in a cup for money
I see no value in spreading my seed if they are to grow up to be leftist faggots..
Be honest. You're just calling sexual acts degenerate because you're jealous it isn't happening to you. | ---79304126
>Think you've figured out the motivation of people with a different opinion
>Feel that any further argument isn't needed just because of that
Why do people keep doing this
Be honest. You're just calling cuckoldry & femdom degenerate because they never happened to you.
>having lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal and desirable; showing evidence of decline.
>Y-Y-You're just calling sexual acts degenerate because you're jealous it isn't happening to you.
Cunnilingus is gayer than getting buttfucked
A fucking leaf...
Because the argument that any sex act is degenerate is worthless.
Degenerate might as well mean " Something I don't like that doesn't harm anyone."
You've got it backwards. They call things degenerate that they have a distaste for. It's about equivalent to saying something tastes bad and can be discarded as a subjective opinion
i smoke weed
>still think its degenerate
i have unprotected / premarital sex
>still think its degenerate
i dont get jealous because of degeneracy
i get jealous because of female attention
>that transformation
Top kek | ---79304582
Do people actually enjoy this type of garbage? Or is it just the 15 years old?
My country is a cucked piece of shit. I was fined £75 for flicking a cigarette, missing the bin, picking it back up, putting it in the bin then this bald sunglasses touting environmental officer crept up behind me waving his chest camera in my face. "Excuse me, I'm going to have to fine you for that littering" I said I had no ID on me and gave a fake address yet the council still tracked me down somehow. Just from my own moral standpoint I'm not willing to bend over and take the fine. Fuck this country, fuck it's bullshit pussy liberal ass general opinion. Where should an angry young man from the UK move to? | ---79303518
You can come here if you are White.
I am... but isn't Canada borderline as cucked as here?
>The intelligence community held 12 seminars on diversity and inclusion last year, including “unconscious bias” training and a women’s summit that focused on “emotional intelligence.”
>One event, last September, was run by the former “Global Diversity and Talent Program Manager” for Google, Judith Williams.
>Williams, who is now the “first global diversity chief” for Dropbox, talked about “Google’s journey in developing unconscious bias training” during the seminar.
>Unconscious bias training rests on the theory that “everyone is a little bit racist or sexist.” The training “encourages people to feel comfortable calling out and being held accountable for unconscious bias.”
>Williams trained J.J. Abrams and his production crew before they filmed Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
>The Justice Department is also using “implicit bias” training, announcing Monday that over 30,000 agents will undergo training to prevent “unconscious bias from influencing their law enforcement decisions.”
>It was just revealed two days ago that FBI Director Mueller secretly met on February 8 at FBI headquarters with a coalition of groups including various Islamist and militant Arabic groups who in the past have defended Hamas and Hizballah and have also issued blatantly anti-Semitic statements.
cont. | ---79304491
>At this meeting, the FBI revealed that it had removed more than 1000 presentations and curricula on Islam from FBI offices around the country that was deemed “offensive.”
>The FBI did not reveal what criteria was used to determine why material was considered “offensive” but knowledgeable law enforcement sources have told the IPT that it was these radical groups who made that determination.
>Moreover, numerous FBI agents have confirmed that from now on, FBI headquarters has banned all FBI offices from inviting any counter-terrorist specialists who are considered “anti-Islam” by Muslim Brotherhood front groups.
ITT: Quotes from public speakers.
"I know what you people do with gerbils!"
-Jesse Morrell | ---79304577
"I'm not attracted to Rosie O'Donnell wannabes, okay?"
-Jesse Morrell
Also bump
I'm scared /pol/, it seems like he's holding back on hillary, or atleast doesn't have the high energy anymore. | ---79305326
he's waiting for the debate to unload on her.
Subsets and Splits