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Can we all agree that high fructose corn syrup should be banned? Even my ketchup has corn syrup unless I buy organic. | ---79301267
HFCS is absolute garbage and horrible for you but I don't think it should be banned.
How do we raise awareness about it? That shit is everywhere in non-organic super markets.
Should the government ban whole milk too, because you don't like it?
Don't buy products you deem unworthy you mong. Looking to the government to solve all problems is why we have a welfare state in the first place
At the very least end subsidies for Iowa corn farmers.
I hear it metabolizes to the same final product as sugar, but maybe it takes more HFCS to get the same effect as sugar?
Could someone explain how HFCS is more damaging than sugar?
The obesity epidemic and the rise in the use of high fructose corn syrup go hand in hand. Plot them on an historical graph and they're practically fucking.
Because the government gives billions of dollars to corn farmers in the form of subsidies.
Now, they have all of this fucking corn. No one eats that much corn.
So they turn it into HFCS. But we don't even need that much of that.
So they just put HFCS in EVERYTHING. It is present in almost all processed foods, from Chef Boyardee, to fruit, to yogurt....everything. Products that don't need any sweetener at all get a dose just to spread it around.
So what's wrong with HFCS beyond there being too much of it in foods?
So it's not that HFCS is that much worse for you than sugar so much as everyone eating too much of it from agricultural policy?
Well, I have heard that they are basically the same.
But I have also heard that HFCS can spike your appetite.
I wouldn't really be surprised if they were suppressing information on all of this, honestly.
And either way, it being present in all of those foods IS a serious issue.
So yeah, this is a policy thing. I quit eating HFCS as soon as I found out about this, many years ago.
And I could be wrong, 100% wrong, but I could have sworn that I have checked the label on a product that had both a sugar and HCFS alternative, and the HFCS had more carbs.
It's of limited use, the whole point is to subsidize the corn industry, so it gets huge support out of Iowa and Illinois. Just like ethanol from corn (takes more than a gallon of gas to make a gallon of ethanol derived from corn). It has a shit aftertaste. The only reason companies like it is
1) It's more stable in premade products than sugar
2) Thanks to the subsidies it's cheaper.
I don't think you could ban it, but ending the corn subsidies would go a long way towards rendering it irrelevant.
>But I have also heard that HFCS can spike your appetite.
Yes and no. Basically compared to table sugar (which has both fructose and glucose) our brain gets the signal to be low, whereas when we have higher levels of just fructose, it takes longer for our brain to get that signal that we're full, so you eat more.
>sometimes drink straight HFCS
jesus christ I dont know what's wrong with me, it just tastes so good.
Reminder they now label it as ISOLATED FRUCTOSE.
Read, and more importantly, understand your labels guys.
Absolutely this
It damages the liver and it spikes your insulin levels far higher than regularsugar iirc
I hear people speak fondly of Mexican Coca-Cola because it uses sugar.
>80% of economists want to abolish agricultural subsidies
>we keep doing it
I know /pol/ doesn't like economists that much because trade/immigration, but clearly shit is up.
That makes some sense, it's like the extreme problem paleo advocates say carbs have, namely that you don't feel as full as when you get fat and protein.
I don't put much stock in the paleo shit, but Mexican coca cola is delicious, lighter taste, less "syrupy" and aftertaste.
They make it a few weeks per year for Passover, corn isn't passover for jews so for 4-6 weeks before passover they send Coke made with real sugar to grocery stores in predominantly jewish areas. They have yellow caps vs the standard red ones.
Chicken and vegetables has also been linked to obesity.
Yes, and it comes in a glass bottle. IDGAF what anyone says, shit tastes better in glass than in plastic.
They also have throwback pepsi and Mountain Dew with sugar, but they don't seem to be as good as mexican coke, so IDK.
>Can we all agree that high fructose corn syrup should be banned?
No, how would depopulation work then? Let the retards eat the GMO shit and get sterile. More room for the rest of us.
>Pro tip
Eat what the jews eat
We need to end the trade restrictions on sugar (thanks Reagan).
other countries can grow sugar more efficiently than us and it would make sugar cheaper here. Make soda great again.
Higher fructose content than regular sugar
>Make soda great again.
carbonated sugar water was never great you fucking degenerate.
The government is why we have this problem you fuckwit. The government subsidizes corn so much that it's kind of retarded not to take that free money if you're a farmer. In places where corn is not subsidized so much, sugar is a lot more common, even in American drinks such as Coke.
Can confirm, we don't have HFCS here. The only way you find it is if you go the special snow flake american import and buy shit like mountain dew and other shit that isn't made here by the swedish/european branch of the coca cola company etc.
Even in China you can get a coke for way cheaper than here that tastes better because cane sugar and is a lot cheaper.
I don't drink soda a lot here but when I do i buy the expensive craft sodas made when cane sugar. It is what soda is supposed to be, a treat. Not the 1 dollar 2 liters that are so cheap that you could drink it all day. Even in restaurants I just get water, because they will charge 2.50 for soda.
Is there anything more disgusting than a self-hating white? | ---79304125
Yes, self-hating niggers
there are more self-hating whites than self-hating niggers.
Tru, but self-hating niggers are a special kind of pathetic.
>Yes, niggers
Even a nigger can come to his senses
hey that's not rar
haha funny
>self hating black
It's the niggers who recognize niggers are niggers then refuse to nig that aren't niggers
Cmon now
Into the trash it goes, his doctorate is borderline useless.
Im an r9k white male. Im staying home unless unless i get a rideto vote. U want my vote trump lemmings? Be my taxi, buy votes from similar people like me , orcry when trump loses.
yes, self-hating jews (((americans))) or (((germans)))
truly made me contemplate
white who things he/she's big shit
mainly /pol/tards
not an argument
Have you ever seen a self-hating black in your whole life? Not on TV shows like Boondocks. A real self-hating black just like a this pathetic NPR listener. Most of those so called "self-hating blacks" are just right wing blacks who are shamed by leftists.
A M.A.S.H. marathon would be awesome though, actually.
>PhD Biologist
>Anti-racist/critical whiteness
/pol/ btfo. I'm sureyou armchair geneticists know more about race than him.
A self-hating American
Such divisiveness. Sad.
fuck off cuck
They'll be at home fucking his girlfriend because he's literally a cuck.
I hate these fascists.
good1 hillary
"Troll, fuck tha troll, I'm screamin fuck tha troll, I'mma scream it to those crackers until they send me up the road"
What did he mean by this? | ---79310475
can't handle the bantz
Is that what he meant by this?
>In the aftermath of last years asylum related sexual attacks at the "We Are Stockholm" festival, the Swedish police are now launching a new campaign.
>Officers will give out bracelets with the text "Do not molest me" to girls attending this years festival, according to Dan Eliasson, head of the country's national police force.
TL;DR magic bracelets will stop foreigners from assaulting Swedish girls. But will they really work? Or is this an act of desperation?
Source: | ---79273707
Well its a nice way to tell which girls are cool with it.
Didnt wanna get gang-raped? Should have worn the bracelet slut!
in before all women without bands get molested
I have tried to find a zoomed in pic of the bracelet but alas to no avail.
they better write it in arabic
>60% of the world's muslims are illiterate
This will surely work
Next time Sweden is at war, they will send soldiers with bracelets instead guns saying 'don't shoot me'
svenska tjejer gjördes för bruna män
In Sweden sexual assault is so common even the Police Commissioner wears one.
top kek
This is some top tier lunacy.
pick one
It says:
Which roughly translate into:
You need a magnifying glass to read it though.
>Swedecucks will soon realize that bracelets were worthless
>I know!! We have to make them bigger because rapefugees can't see those tiny things in the dark
>Fast forward 10 years of trail and testing
>A large head bracelet that covers the face and hair has been implemented.
Top kek
>they better write it in arabic
>implying the gropers are a) literate and b) able to understand Swedish.
I thought you stupid faggots gave up on paganism
So.. why are they being handed out?
This and that video with the cops teaching girls to use jedi forces to keep rapists away, seems like their making fun of people worried about rape instead of doing something helpful..
also this
but have no idea what this even is.
Why are Muslims even allowed on the festival?
Here in Amsterdam Muslims are banned from pretty much every club.
>that video with the cops teaching girls to use jedi forces to keep rapists away
Protected by children at last
Does anyone have a photo of someone with their head firmly shoved up their arsehole.
I thank you in advance
Wear a pigs ear necklace, there problem solved.
Alternatively carry a spray can of pigs blood.
Here's a good pic of the magic bracelet. It reads: POLICE / #dontgrope / POLICE.
>Swedish girls were made for brown men
Tis not a shitpost, but the truth
Are you suggesting that these Magic bracelets don't work? Even the Police Commissioner wears a Magic bracelet.
It's friatider so you should all take it with a grain of salt.
Why are swedes so delusional?
Do the bracelets have strong juju? Can they deflect bullets?
You know what really got me about this
>Make bracelets to stop people getting molested because visual tolerance is capable of physically stopping people in their tracks
>So far so retarded
>Hand them out at festival that's majority white
>Whites aren't the problem
>Therefore when no attacks are reported it's proof the bracelets work
It's 21st century "science" fresh from the Frankfurt School.
nice damage control cuck
>A large head bracelet that covers the face and hair has been implemented.
>they hashtag
I don't know why that in particular rustled me
You mean something like this? :-)
#don't Invade
Found one.
It's even in Swede colours.
Hey Swedes will Zlatan make Man U good again or do you think he is too old
Ok this is like a satirical comic. This sounds like something Ben Garrison would write.
>We're having problems with Muslims raping.
>Ok, well we don't want to offend, any ideas?
>What about "don't rape me" bracelets?
>PERFECT! That's the kind of thinking we need!
I'm afraid Canada isn't far behind Sweden, but at least the refugees we're admitting are mostly women and children who will assimilate better, not 20-30 year old men who hate us.
It might work if you douse the bracelets in pig blood first.
I know what you mean, I get the urge to slap anyone who talks in hashtags.
>you will never have your own enchanted bracelet
I'd get one with +int to increase my magic proficiency.
>wanting assimilation
Be glad that they don't assimilate. Makes it less difficult to deport them once the war is over.
I have a better idea....
>Why are Muslims even allowed on the festival?
Guess its a public event. And refusing them to enter would create a media shitstorm and probably ruin your reputation forever.
>Here in Amsterdam Muslims are banned from pretty much every club.
Those are private. All club owners know that the minute your club is known for having large amounts of niggers, the club will get closed down in 3 months. White men don't go to nigger infested clubs. And niggers don't spend any money, they just hang around.
it could atleast be in arabic :o
are they even trying?
This is real? Why aren't western feminists jumping the fuck on this? I mean, an actual real life example of their so called "rape culture" in which we don't tell the men not to rape - we tell the women to watch what they dress. Specifically, we give them "Don't rape me" bracelets. There's no way this is legit. And if it is, God help us all.
Lets fucking give them a chance and wait till the rapesats okay?
>Thinking Anglos will ever wake up and forcefully deport "muh brown people"
Ancient Romans would laugh at what pussies their descendants have become in the last 60 years and conquer us with swords and spears as we set up refugee centers for them.
I'm not saying it's not believable, I wouldn't put it past the swedish police to stupid shit like this.
However it's not the most legit site ever and it has posted flat out lies before and tends to present their own speculations as facts.
well with sweden theres a great chance this will happen
It's literally like a feminist wet dream, where they for once have something of substance to scream about.
Next up, they will try teaching women to say "Raper, no raping!" three times to make the rapist say "Aw, man!" and go away.
It won't work, because they will be too scared to say this to people actually doing the raping, and instead will use it to drive the few men remaining who would protect them from rape further away. Also because it's literally just freaking words, of course, and would only stand a chance of working on someone as left-wing as themselves.
>not getting +cha
Sorcerer > wizard
You're attributing logic to the feminists which is a quality they don't possess. If they were to point out the actual sexism here they would also be acknowledging the fact that most shitskins are subhuman rapists. They can't virtue signal over rape culture when it makes them appear intolerant of shitskins.
The Police has a White man problem. If all policemen were muslim arabs, they would never be this insensitive. :-(
>Be horny mudslime
>travel hundreds of miles for sweet gibs and white women
>haven't stuck my dick in a human since my preteen boy sex slave ran away 5 years ago
>goats just aren't the same
>decided to go to festival where the slutty women go to get fucked
>I know this by the way they are dressed
>drag slut with ankles showing behind port-o-potty for ficki ficki
>hear a plexiglass thump as I reach for her tits
>try for puss with same results
>look at her wrist
That would be Islamophobic, also racist. No refugees can be rapists, the last few native Swedish males must be blamed instead.
>Sorcerer > Wizard
Only at the beginning. Sorcerer's are like Espers. Strong powers, but never getting any stronger. Wizards start out week but end up as gods.
I'm guessing the ones without bracelets are fair game.
Also, to ward off muslim monkeys you need hijabs, not bracelets. When our police realizes this I wonder if they will hand those out during concerts.
Wow Swedes are weirdos
why do these dyel pieces of shit wear wife beaters.
Rapists tear off clothes. So what's going to stop them from tearing a flimsy bracelet off and then proceeding to rape?
Are Swedes really this dumb?
It's magic, you fucking racist
This would work if the bracelets were made of bacon.
It happens when country doesn't have beach/surfing culture but take that foreign influence anyway.
Why does he have to take off the bracelet?
Why not just give them burkas you dumb motherfuckers?
u need to understand that swedish males answer to swedish females
so they come up with stupid ideas ( stupid virtue signalling shit ) like this to get a treat from their female master,
sweden is what happens when patriarchy dies
To get rid of the anti-rape forcefield
I like the way you think.
or c) care about consent.
"oh, sorry about that. i didn't see your bracelet when i started. well... since my cock's already out, and ahmed and mohammed are holding you down, would you mind if i?... no? ok, let her go lads, she clearly doesn't want it"
god I hope they wipe your nation from the face of the Earth
>Magic bracelets stop rapefugees
What sort of spells can you cast with the bracelets? Protection from Rape is obvious, maybe Summon Police too. Do you think they have any offensive capabilities?
A large head bracelet that covers the face and hair has been implemented.
also called "hijab"
you'd have to go out of your way to come up with this idiocy
I'd take them and collect them. Compare with my friends at the end of the night. Rape a girl take a bracelet. Perfect way to keep score.
>on the wrist of a sandbeaner
but why?
>Officers will give out bracelets with the text "Do not molest me" to girls attending this years festival, according to Dan Eliasson, head of the country's national police force.
Jesus Christ, just move us Aussies there, and we'll take care of them.
It needs to be more efficient. Perhaps we could synthesize some sort of bodyspray imbued with bacon to scare away muslims, kind of like mosquitospray.
And meanwhile Swedish politicians criticize our president for hosting Putin here as a sign of solidarity. How about taking care of your own bullshit before judging others.
Holy shit. I just spit all over my keyboard you asshole.
What they do is deflect white dicks.
yeah since you are descendants of rapists and bandits banished from Europe in the first place
>some sort of bodyspray imbued with bacon to scare away muslims, kind of like mosquitospray.
Bacon spray mixed with pigs blood. Deus vult.
>tfw ausbongs would be your neighbours
Please come
jeez their uniform would at least look OK if it wasn't for their retarded reflective vests.
>He doesn't Believe in magic.
Silly aussie, Swedish police don't need to arrest, they have been trained in feminist-certified dialogue crime prevention.
The people who signed off on this should be forced to pay for it. It's insane that community money is spent on boondoggles like this.
A better solution would be to ban all leftist parties, and deport all muslims.
>these descendants of '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''rapists and bandits''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' managed to create a country that is now #2 on the HDI table
Really makes you think..
>Really makes you think..
It really doesn't.
Its how this world works since its built by scum then top countries are actually scum.
Just look at USA.
Seriously though, what the fuck is wrong with Sweden?
nice idea, but where can i buy the:
- don't rob me
- don't kill me
- don't assault me
- don't talk to me
>niggers don't spend any money, they just hang around.
This, a local club started charging a fee at the door, and the niggers stopped going.
do u stand up to piss
i fucking bet the migrants do lmfao
This sounds fake as fuck, here are some official reviews I found in regards to that site:
>"This is a racist site, insidiously promoting various racist and nazi organizations, run by a person up to his neck in unpaid debts."
>"A hateful, islamofobic and racist site"
So in theory a woman is isn't wearing one is inviting sexual assault by their manner of dress.
feminist logic is hilarious
The police commissioner isn't even a real cop but was handed it due to political nepotism. He's also a leftist faggot that loves refugees.
Well, we have the "don't talk to me or my wife's son ever again" bracelet but you have to apply for official cuckold citizen status to get it, it's a government program to help diversify family constellations.
It's on purpose. A lot of European countries try to avoid having their police look like an army, because making an officer less threatening is de-escalating.
>mfw this actually will happen. :-(
>"Official reviews"
>Poison touch.
It developes after you havent taken it off for a year or two.
>implying cutting their dicks off and legs isn't a better solution
When will they learn that punishment reduces crime? Either punishment or police patrols, which is also a form of government fear control.
any time I see a rape whistle I just imagine a car alarm going off for an hour and nobody giving a fuck, and the probability that you could probably rape the fuck out of a girl while she blows her whistle and nobody would even notice the sound in a city.
Hang in there Swedebro, it will all be over soon
its not fake tho, here are other sites
the police
In case a potential rapsit (all men) really gets the message, and I'm sure many will, it will strengthen the neural pathway between felony and consequence (since it reads police).
>you didn't wear bracelet so you deserved to be raped by minorities
I just don't follow this neo liberal logic anymore. Are feminists going to be fine with that?
>white man molests
>minority rapes
It's part of their culture you racist!
>would you let minority rape you
God I fear for the younger part of my generation. How did this happen? Where is it headed?
Fria Tider tends towards sensationalism but its one of the better alternative news outlets out there. Here's the story from state media:
but I have to warn you, they are notorious for publishing biased articles. I can dig up some official reviews...
They couldn't find a white woman that wasn't busy working in the interracial breeding grounds
Generally standing up to pee is a vicious form of manspreading, but exceptions have to be made for poor migrants who had to escape rattling gunfire and raining napalm. It was hard for them to sit and pee on the way because of the raining projectiles, so we have to be tolerant and understand their special circumstances.
no one ever says rape is part of mud culture. They say "no culture rapes" when people point towards Muslim misogyny. "We live in a rape culture", they say when a girl feels bad about getting drunk and sleeping around [with native/white]
This is too stupid to be true therefore it must be fake and those sites are either lying or just being deceived.
Swedish women deserve this current society we have.
Sadly its true
this cannot be real
>where is it headed
Probably to pic related after the festival, unless they decide to do their part for diversity by raising a brown rape baby
I'm waiting for this to get to the point where they say "ISIS don't actually have sex slaves, thats just a straight CIS white male racist conspiracy!"
Maybe hordes of them coming over, raping them will give them some clarity of how the world actually works.
>hashtags in real life
I want to die
Fria Tider has more than 1 million readers per month. Do you think they would have that traffic if they constantly lied to their readers?
Here's an article from The Local. A news site for immigrants in Sweden.
I don't go to clubs anymore, since I'm almost 30. But its the same pattern all over the place.
>Club gets shut down, new one opens
>First its full of white guys and girls
>Niggers start moving in, just hang around harassing the women and starting trouble
>The white men are the only one buying drinks, girls don't buy drinks since they get them for free from the guys
>White guys get fed up with the niggers and move on.
>None buys drinks anymore
>Club goes broke and shut down
Entry fees do help a bit though. Its like a nigger filter that filters out about 80% of them. Many clubs also have "guest lists" and just deny niggers entry. This can get you in a lot of trouble though. So you have to deny a couple of white men as well from time to time.
I just go to local pubs and micro breweries now anyway. 99.9% nigger free.
I know everyone prefers to shitpost and write dumb ass comments but i genuinely feel sorry for any swedish citizens that still have their head right. Its fun and funny to make memes about it but can you imagine living in that fucking shithole and waking up, this is the news you hear thats going on in your country? Fucking magic bracelets to stop rapes?
Im so sorry guys.
In Sweden the biggest problem are men from the Middle East, but there are also a lot of Africans and people from areas like Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan.
>Hire Serbs
>Tell to remove kebab
Stupid swedes.
Why not declare sweden a no rape zone?
>when shitposting has some truth to it
Australia never disappoints
What do you call this then?
It has worked pretty well for DN.
>Assault so common you have to opt out
>dat dramatic soundtrack tho
somebody edit a HADOUKEN sound effect in there with some fire balls
The biggsest pråblem in Sweden is of course the 1933 type nazi fascism that is rising from white fucking males.
I sort of lumped them all together. Should have said sand-niggers as well. But its the same pattern with them. Middle-easterners do seem to have a bit more money though, so you might be able to keep your club going for a couple more months.
Those places are fucking sad. The only people left are a bunch of niggers, some older white women looking for some big black cock, and 16 year old girls with fake IDs who get let in since the owners don't care anymore.
They made it because they knew it would become ebin meme
This is why everyone started going to gay bars here. But then they got so full of straight people the gays didn't want to go anymore and then new gay bar opens.
Even the Finnish Public radio comes with epic maymays. How can the rest of the world even compete?
I live in an area with alot of "nightlife" stuff (bars, nightclubs, etc) and I always chuckle that some of them have a sign out front that may as well say NO NIGGERS
t. Historikern
You are the mongol memelords, there can be no doubt
So you want similar things as in Islam controlled regions?
Fucking idiot the problem isn't the laws. The problem is niggers who are subhuman apes who refuse to respect personal space and rules.
Your emergence was foretold.
I feel like I've read this before.
My god! If we get everyone in the swedish army to wear one of those, then Russia can't do anything against them!
We already have such a bracelet, it's called Finland
Mom and Dad please stop fighting ;___;
The limp wrist in the iron glove.
.... it never stops with Sviþjoð....
Yngve-Frey's ættlingar... yndlignar... First christianity now this. Gods are pissed man
That's a staged photo isn't it?
You're a white male!
sweden has a lot of ex yu immigrants, so they would probably eat peoples arms off to get to the bacon
>able to read swedish or for that matter english
>giving two shits about what some random text says
To be fair, if I was doing an violent armed burglary and some shit eating carl the cuck mother fucker started screaming feminist shit at me, I would become so enraged that I would forget why I was there.
Crime prevented I guess.
>Baby mechanic
>>Officers will give out bracelets with the text "Do not molest me" to girls attending this years festival, according to Dan Eliasson, head of the country's national police force.
Damn hot.
/pol/acks, my brothers!
Problem solved
>inb4 police gets me
Except it was on the (((public service))) station's site first, cuckold
You finished Sven. Its fuckin over. It has been for a while now.
>he wouldn't execute the women
worst Nordics
Fuck this thread is full of lulz
What is this? A moomin magic?
Are people in Sweden seriously this retarded or are they laughing at the entire world?
When did you start with this retarded american bracelet shit?
Fills country with subhuman shitskins, which are infact ordered to rape the local population.... Wears bracelet and thinks this will actually help, and some tweeets and shit..
Yes lol I'm sure they fucking care.. man sweden the fucking mecca of stupidity
>Are people in Sweden seriously this retarded
Yes, it was never just a meme....
We tried warning you for at least 500 years..
Yes, the faggot has a severe case of cuckface and no one normal sits like that.
Sweden got their own "dialog police".
They think they can reason with a Muslim horde.
Really makes you think.
Nobody listens to the Norskes.
Special Jedi powers that feminists otherkin acquire after having been exposed to toxic (radioactive) masculinity.
>crime prevented
Yeah until somewhere between 'patriarchal attitude' and 'trigender nigger-kin' you snap and use the flatscreen tv you were stealing to bludgeon both the police and homeowners into submission like john cena with a folding chair.
You're a white male!
I may have committed assault, murder and indecent exposure. At least I didn't enforce binary pronouns on someone. The courts should be lenient.
Anyone that wears this thing deserves it. FUCKING FIGHT BACK SWEDEKEKS
It's the new #nofap device for Muslims
To sum up the radicalisation of all europe nations
This Magic bracelets could actually help
Yes, well done
Not wearing the non-consent bracelet is tacit consent.
I don't know man, if everyone had one it could really do some good.
Wow, if only all the women that were previously raped wouldve had that bracelet back then...
Sweden is done. I plead all you master race blonde white blue eyed women to leave and come to the US immediately.
Take a look at this graph. It tells you all you need to know about Sweden.
>You need a magnifying glass to read it though.
this is a woman's idea
it always is
Here's another one.
>moral superpower
can this be a thing
Yes, but it's like The Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde
this. they literally just ban all the shit niggers wear here in Milwaukee.
We should just join forces with Putin and fucking exterminate these retards.
Why didn't they go with this design instead?
Fria Tider is legit. Avpixlat however have lower standards.
The devs should add "moral vicory" into Civ VI. Better yet if you didn't actually win the game with it.
Are children born in sweden to immigrant parents included on the left or the right side?
Top zozzle.
Maybe islamfication isn't that bad, after all.
What do you think :^)
Now any girl without a bracelet will be a target
they better have enough in child-sized wrists
>swedes are afraid of overthrowing this little cunt
Maybe you guys really are cucks
Western feminists are still at the stage where they think Muslim men are like confused school children who just need patience, tolerance, and pamphlets. Rape is dreadful, but fuck it's entertaining to watch the train wreck as reality hits lefties.
At least in Brazil we rape our own woman, OK?
Well that will be changing if anyone is crazy enough to actually go there for the games
Stop making fun of us. This bracelet grants +50 rape resistance and +10 attack against non-whites.
Fucking this. Put it on the flag
Only if you want to, some women might be feeling game
They literally watched a guy get beaten up and did nothing. Maybe it's best if Russia does invade up there
You're not globalised
What about magic robes? The government can start handing them out. Maybe they'll even make them mandatory.
>10 minutes into cultural enrichment n shit and she gives you this look
Sweden" get a hold of yourselves.
>magic robes
Does it come with a resistance bonus for all saving throws?
Why is Sweden?
Is thay a shark fin
Who checks to make sure islamoc terrerists aint sharks?
>muzzies running around dressed like sharks
Now thats terrorism
All of this is easily explained. Theyre not anti rapist or anti sexist. They are anti western civilisation. Everything else is secondary
Yes, a growing population of Muslim children who grew up without fathers, in government housing. That turns out well. Just like the proud American Negro. Only better, with a Bronze Age cult informing him that his hate is just and godly.
Special mats which lets Mohammed spoon his swedish gf even faster? Great idea anon.
Attack lolis are cute at first, but once they get big they are too hard to control and turn on their master.
Fucking transspeciesphobe
they should just advise to wear hijabs so the rapists have to go through the dissonance of feeling up someone that dresses up like their mother or sister
Why don't they give bracelets which say "Don't shoot me" in the US to stop mass shootings?
Checkmate atheists
perfect plan, we dont want people to grope you, so wear this real life equvialent to a hasttag with so small text that they HAVE to violate your personal space to even read the damn thing.
collector item for kebab to keep score
Wouldn't their resistance or dislike of rape only make the Shitskins cocks that much harder? Isn't that what they get off on?
yeah, it's like flag football. they should have made them garters
It will however make a sneak puukko-attack by a drunk finn who doesn't want to be told what to do more likely.
>In the aftermath of last years asylum related sexual attacks at the "We Are Stockholm" festival, the Swedish police are now launching a new campaign.
>Officers will give out Springfield XD .45's with the text "Do not molest me" to girls attending this years festival, according to Dan Eliasson, head of the country's national police force.
TL;DR guns will stop foreigners from assaulting Swedish girls.
I know Norwegians and Danes aren't as retarded as Swedes or Icelanders, but don't you have your fair share of mudsharks and Muzzie-lovers? And relative to the number of natives, don't you have a black/brown population comparable to the UK?
Or am I mistaken on both counts?
Fucking Germans, you're so cute.
>Ancient Romans would laugh at what pussies their descendants have become in the last 60 years and conquer us...
You realize that Rome fell because they did THE EXACT SAME THING right?
Unchecked immigration and multiculturalism is what killed the Roman Empire you retarded leaf.
I'm calling it now
>Women wear those bracelets for a bit
>They don't do shit
>Women stop wearing those bracelets
>Someone gets raped
>She didn't have the bracelet on
>By Swedish law this means she gave consent
>She gets stoned for wasting Ahmed's time
is it really so bad there?
Imagine the Right-wing giving out these bracelets with arabic inscriptions.
Topkek if I ever saw one.
>Why not declare sweden a no rape zone?
>Implying they wouldn't just use that as an excuse to completely legalize rape.
If she would take it off, would she be raped?
>seems like their making fun of people worried about rape
that's exactly these juden eu agents are doing
maybe they start rapping instead of raping, also destroy themself with drugs
make us proud champ :3
Wow this is a classic example of a country which knows it can do nothing so instead employs a useless gesture.
Damn, you know it's bad when they do that.
they shut up about rape culture soon as the rapefugee flood started
fuck feminist, they are the enemy
YOU'RE A [spoiler]FUCKING[/spoiler] WHITE MALE!
until you kill him
>punishment reduces crime
doesn't work in russia, china, middle-east and usa
>too stupid
hey, the finnish memes about sweden were always right, we are their neighbor, we know their shit
yes it's also bantz but based on true shit
Why wouldn't this work?
>to girls attending this years festival
>Implying swedish men cannot get raped
although maybe they want it
Sweden, it's not funny anymore. Please just stop this.
I bet muslims would be fucking afraid
How about pic related for those who take to bed with refugees?
Just wear a necklace of sausage links.
>keeps muzzies way
>serves as an emergency snack
that would be great
maybe you should hand out bracelets which are able to send 911 call and send gps coordinates with 1 button press..
>Sweden has rape braclets
>German woman told to hold hordes of men at arms lenght
I dont know hom much more memey we can get. But this shit will continue until we get a regime change
>Australia: Bringer of Bantz
top kek
>implying women secretly don't wish to get raped
there are even studies which show they ovulate during rapes, increasing the chances of pregnancy..
nature is fucking weird. I guess it favours alpha genes, even if the alpha is a rapist.
damn you aussie, you are truly the masters of bantz
Probably depends on the race. I'd imagine that people from more civilized ancestors have a lower inclination to have children of rapists because they would more likely be criminals and outcasts who don't reproduce within a marriage.
I don't know why, but this got me real good
So the girls that don't wear the bracelets are free game?
Hmm..why, it reminds me of some other piece of clothing.. what is it..?
they think that will actually work
What the fug ? I tought it has some gps locator and an emergency button kinda braclet. I tought swede did something good but i was wrong.
wrong nord
You think regime change will end this? It is too late for that. The hoard is already embedded in your cities and towns. They will not leave without force. Here is your future even if you do turn it all around.
> nationalist rationalism take hold in government.
> enacts deportation of troublesome migrants
> migrants refuse to go and physically fight to stay.
> leftists ramp up the fight against their own self preservation and riot as well
> you must employ violence to counter their violence to enforce the deportations
> you must also deport the far left wing who have turned against their own nation.
> you can't deport them so you can only improson or banish them.
> their media, and left wing media globally vilifies you for the violence you had to use in response to the riots.
> you push onward anyway
> you now have a war torn nation full of ptsd guerila fighters that regret every time they had to pull a trigger on some 15-30 year old qt3.15 because she joined the riots for "muh diversity"
> Drug and alcohol abuse is rampant for people self medicating their war nightmares.
> the left worms back in under the mask of healing the nation.
> repeat in 50 years
Fuck you
God damn I love America
fuck you
>the bottom rung of anglo society is still vastly superior to the swede
Man it's got to suck ass to be a cuck nord.
>girls that don't wear the bracelets are free game?
Fuck soon political fantasy novels will seem tame compared to reality.
Like this?
Refugees start wearing a ton of them on each arm as a sort of rape rank level
Image triggers me tbqh
Kek on looks sexier resisting tbqh
Wouldnt rape but I imagine this would only enharden rape dicks
>Many clubs also have "guest lists"
Thats why shitskins are willing to pay good shekel for a white companion and even behave ultra gay if you tell them to do so, so the cover wont be blown
Is the implication that anyone not wearing the "Don't Rape Me" bracelet WANTS to be raped?
I guess the rape babies wouldnt be muslim at least
Its ridiculous, but on a more positive note it will help separate the sluts from the megasluts.
The person who made that up needs to get shot. Anyone can see how this will backfire. Women without bracelets might as well paint a target on their butt.
>Sweden makes anime real
>but its a generic shounen anime with powerlevels
>If you don't consent to being raped in sweden, you now have to wear a bracelet
You're a white male
>allah, allah, alalalalalalalala allah ackbar, alalalalaALALALALA ALLAH ACKBAR (BOOM)
On the one hand, Muslims are a superstitious cowardly lot.
On the other their drive to rape white kuffar women is almost an overwhelming genetic impetus.
wew lads now that russia and turkey are on fine terms, is pol BTFO as always?
can we finally say that virgins of pol indeed do not understand anything related to politics? | ---79304775
PKK are financed and supported by FSB.
You gonna chimp again nigger we gonna bomb another airport.
Got that?
>russia supports pkk
>pkk gets #rekt everywhere in turkey and is now killing civilians because they cant do shit againts army
wew lad, russia and pkk combined still cant do shit.
Sanctions are lifted? Tourism is not in shithole? Russians are not desinsecting Syria?
yes, putin supposedly signed the stuff to lift sanctions today according to news and ministers of foreign affairs will have a talk in sochi soon as well.
What do you think is going to happen? Will Erdogan stop supporting ISIS or Nusra?
turkey doesnt support isis anyways thats why isis declared jihad againts turkey couple of months ago. keep up with the news dude, where do you live? in a cave?
>turkey doesnt support isis
I have read otherwise on my news sources. Supposedly, most ISIS fighters come from Gaziantep and are helped by Turkish authorities.
But Turkey does support Nusra.
>I have read otherwise on my news sources.
>on my news sources.
they come from gaziantep because it is literally right next to isis-turkey border. isis people are getting arrested in turkey left and right past 1-1.5 year its all over the news.
thats why they bombed the airport 2 days ago, because turkey and israel is now on good terms and had an agreement after couple of years of problems.
as far as i know isis declared "jihad" on turkey about 1.5 years ago way before the russian plane and supposed turkish help to the isis.
i know a guy from gaziantep kek. he was back in turkey 3 or so weeks ago and missed his flight back had to be cancelled because a rocket hit the airfield or something. top tier pistachios though.
Is Erdogan going to reconcile with Assad?
yeah pistachios of antep are top tier.
maybe yes, maybe no. who knows at the moment. but i believe he wants to be in good terms with putin so that he can #rekt kurds in syria.
>I have read otherwise on my news sources
so /pol/?why would ISIS bomb turkey if they support them?
what is false flag?
but it is pretty much confirmed that they declared jihad against turkey.
>Russia and Turkey
This is like the losers cup of isolated wannabe dictators
nice ID faggot.
who cares about wanna be dictators while pol is getting BTFO as usual desu senpai
Not supporting just buying oil they producing,or trading it for weapon.It's just an innocent trading.
assad buys isis oil as well and most probably k*rds too. because remember, in the russian presentation isis oil was passing through PYD region carried by hundreds of trucks so impossible not to notice, unless k*rds are that inept.
that russian presentation was hillarious with top tier graphix etc.
Erdogan dindu nuffin,he is a gud g-boi.
Amazing ID faglord
Your navy is still shit too.
But It's the most reasonable thing to do.
>Trump wins presidency
>begins wall construction
>illegal immigrants start getting deported
>10,000,000 of them head north to cross the unprotected border between Canada and the US
Are you ready for this bullshit Canada? | ---79305881
You really think this will happen lol
Yes actually I do. A visa is no longer required for Mexicans to travel to Canada thanks to weedman, Obama and Captain Taco
Great, you have visa free agreements with tons of countries. This changes nothing. Also Trump won't win, and even if in the insane universe where he does, there won't be a wall. how dumb can you possibly be?
Bumping for preparedness
You're a delusional retard. Most likely, nothing at all will change.
You seriously think that Hillary has a chance against Trump? What colour are the skies on your planet?
Im usually all for raging at this shit leafbro, but honestly i cant see Mexicans coming here. We have no fucking jobs and tons if filipina and shitskin competition.
these are good memes
Do people ironically believe this? You don't think elections are rigged to get the biggest moldable jew figurine in office?
The planet where she's +11 in some states. You have to be a blithering fucking moron to think Trump will actually win.
How much of a boat trip from Africa/Middle East is it to Europe. Canada and US share a landmass.
Our border is even less protected than the US border is with Mexico.
They won't want to go back dumbass. They'll just go north.
We Europe 2.0
Better than Mexico
I think the Canada/Mexico thing could backfire, but there are issues:
1) Affording a flight to the US is hard, and if you assume the wall/southern border is well secured between Mexico/US, it's going to be hard for many Mexicans to afford it. Even if you do, Canada border services fucking GRILLS non-Canadians on the purpose of their visit, even if they are US Citizens (personal experience).
2) Even if they make the migration before they get kicked out of the US they still have to get to the northern border, past US customs, and then not get caught by Canada.
3) A lot of Canada is far colder than what they're used to in either Mexico or the United States.
Anyone could win against Hillary. Trumps only problem comes in if the Dems fuck Hillary at the convention (She would most likely have "health issues") and they throw something like a Biden Warren ticket together.
I dont get why people keep saying "the wall wont happen"... We have been building small sections of wall along the boarder for the last 2 decades. You could cough and pass funding for it, and the construction companies have already bid on the same thing before
In short, the wall is the most realistic of everything he has talked about so far
>Anyone could win against Hillary.
C'mon buddy, do you really fucking think this?
>Dems fuck Hillary at the convention (She would most likely have "health issues") and they throw something like a Biden Warren ticket together.
Trump would have a better fucking chance in this scenario. Are you serious? Do you even read? Like at all? Or is your only source of news /pol/ and the Dailystormer?
Bring it on bitch.
>current polling meme
>In short, the wall is the most realistic of everything he has talked about so far
Yeah, statistical data, the greatest meme.
>are you kidding me?!?!?
Anyone got the Carl meme for this dingus?
Yeah that one
>increasingly nervous man
We're gonna be needing more prisons it seems
We should just have some massive work camp gulags up north tbqh
I'm opening a taco joint, and I'm going to profit off the millions of dirty inbound mexicans
If you still think polls attempt to represent the data, instead of manipulate it, you've got some growing up to do.
Do you really think its necessary to end every sentance with lol?
>he went to an American public school
Who private school master race? | ---79307884
my public school was all white.
i only remember 1 asian girl and she wasnt even in my grade
is that a sheet of acid.
It's one of Laurel Halo's album covers. Probably her shittiest.
I really like Quarantine as a dream pop album
Lets have another one of these. | ---79293809
We did, it wasn't worth it.
Cuckistan trying to bantz.
Get back to your failing economy limey.
why is Portugal cut in half?
i dont know. This is a map i found last night.
being 0.00126% irish doesn't mean ireland's your homeland, cletus
In come the butthurt Englishmen.
So she wont let you in.
well ok then
>American flag
>Ireland as homeland
i was born in Ireland you prick. Do i need to show my birth certificate?
i moved to America so i could get away from you bastards.
Is it you Jean-Claude?
No, it's me.
why do you hate finland
>Do i need to show my birth certificate?
It would be great. Do you keep it in the same closet as your St. Patrick's day hat and green jersey?
Borders don't exist but if I have to be barbaric
butthurt cricket fan detected
no opinion about Malta you Britcuck?
oooooh. Another butthurt bout the Brexit. WELL THAT BUTTHURT IS GONNA KEEP FUCKIN U IN DA ASS!!!
Nice to see that you like andorre
How do you like Albania but not Kosovo? I'm guessing you're Muslim
>'Borders don't exist'
>Look at flag
>hating scotland less than britain
mate scots are fucking retards how can you hate them less than us
I never understand Muslims from Albania. They celebrate a guy who fight the Turks.
Why are Turkey, Algeria, Morroco and Tunisia on this map?
I missed them in my haste.
I've never understood why anyone would dislike countries like Finland, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Holland, Austria or Switzerland. They're just minding their own business. What's there to dislike?
>US flag
>Ireland homeland
Welp, I don't care about half the world.
>This is what northern europeans actually believe
OP could have been born in Ireland but moved to the US.
Why does everyone hate Sweden?
>Failing economy
How large was that loan we gave you?
Hey man, you're ok.
First post. Don't kill me.
Finland n Norway: COMMUNISTS
Rest of those countries: yeah, their pretty good
Oh look another American who thinks he's Irish and hates the English because of <insert Hollywood moobie here>.
str8 outta europe
"like: sweden"
says a lot, potato cuck
oh look another brit who thinks hes a human being rather than a marauding bloodthirsty killer who invaded and enslaved half the Earth.
Fuck everything below the equator except for Israel and Argentina
thanks for making me realize something broland
>got fucked up by our neighbor for hundreds of years
>called irrelevant all the time but we're suddenly based as fuck when we support whites like we usually do
>our language is mocked all the time
>kinda poor
>lots of welshmen move to poland and lots of poles move to wales
europe is comfier with you guys around desu
Is this supposed to be an insult?
We're human AND marauders, can't handle the colonisation bants?
Life and nature is about strength and domination, there are many faults with Britain but our historical ruthlessness was not one of them.
shlomo pls do you even know where the ecuator is...
No, you know it won't last forever anyway.
A lot of hate for Germany today, I don't blame you.
This is the best one today.
I'm a Romanian citizen and you can fuck right off
they're like the crazy neighbour that will eventually burn his house down, which might take your own shit with it.
>Israeli flag
>Israeli wants to wipe out the countries with the highest proportion of Blonde haired people
Never change
They accepted ottoman rule and subsequently lost all of their culture.
Now they are neither here or there, they want to be an entity but they cant escape the Ottoman.
So what they are left with is the "were number 1!" mentality but are also muslims and thus subhuman.
Double citizenship
Goldstien thinks his IP proxy works.
It's not about that. They're cucks
wow we got a guy from Isreal using the word cuck. Even though it is the Isrealies that make people cucks.
Bunici jidani?
Not a "muh heritage" American, I swear.
>Wants to nuke the country that created Israel
How are baltics cucked? Last I checked they were very anti migration and Nationalistic.
If you still would live in germany I would suck you of right now. Your map should be that of every german citizen. Nice work.
>only first world country with mixed feelings
I kekked, what a kike
Go back to the EU already you cuck.
You're coming with us Scotcuck, kicking and screaming if necessary.
Cucks are proud of their murderous heritage. don't worry when your starving to death as a result of Brexit you will know.
Hey Jocko why do feel the need to be ruled by foreigners?
Thanks Senpai
It use to make me so sad to see so many people educated by Braveheart putting Scotland in the like/love bracket and England in the dislike/hate bracket.
I can see from this thread Brexit has opened your eyes to the eternal jock.
As the saying goes, "the less you know the scots, the more you like them"
Cucks apologise for their murderous heritage that literally every nation has.
Keep apologising for all those Red Indian massacres bro.
They realize Islam, like Christianity, is not that important to daily life and most practice it because of their parents and grandparents, who had to conceal all their beliefs during the atheist communist times. Basically shit's not black and white like Saudi Arabia or Serbia where you're either with this religion or a subhuman
See what I mean, this guy probably prays every day religiously to his god and steps on a Muslim crescent when he wakes up
Im not a fucking American you cunt! ive already stated that. I am married to an American woman though, and she is far prettier than ever British monkey on your entire shitty island.
You're not on thsi map burger, your opinion doesn't matter
Fishface is certainly digging her heels in
You obviously want us more than we want you tho(pic related)
Still mad about the potato famine Seamus?
I'm literally a non believer.
It isn't about them being of other religion than me, its about them being muslim. And yeah yeah, moderate religion of peace practitioners and all that apologetic nonsense.
As soon as Serb forces withdrew from a region in Kosovo, the Albanians started burning churches. Frame it as you will they are still muslims, they spread like muslims, they breed like muslims and they most certainly act like muslims once they have a majority in a region.
Funnily enough, the only place where they are some moderate people who realize it's not important and practice nominally is in the apologetic comments on the internet.
And we don't want you, you're a tumor, the only reason you were in was because it was a requirement for England tag along.
nobody likes france
Since when is kidnapping children minding their own business? Fuck Norway.
yes we changed
You're still going into the oven Moishe.
we like you too america-kun thanks for the serbian bombings
> turkey
> disliking any other nation
you have absolutely no justification for this
This just in, Palestinian 19yo stud cucked Isrealis with hot piece of 14yo Isreali girl ass.
why is everyone trying to kill me with fire ? (expect op)
>Like india
are you the cricket guy that got jailed for supporting india?
This also JUST in:
because you're a cockroach
I tried
The Serbs burned mosques, some that have stood since the 15th century, are they extremists too? Am I to assume you're an extremist because of what your country did? The Albanians that burned those churches did it to spite Serbia, not Orthodoxy or Christianity. The Serbian Orthodox Church is regularly involved in advocating and endorsing the removal of kebab, and Kosovars knew this.
There's a popular saying in Albania, the only religion Albanians have is being Albanian. You can argue about moderate Islam, that's cool I believe that those who say stuff like "Islam is a religion of peace" secretly want nonbelievers to get beheaded. That's fine. But you're talking about a country who was aggressively atheist (they closed all churches, mosques, places of worship even cut off beards in public if it looked too Islamic enough). This happened for more than 45 years, that's a whole generation of people that grew up without religion. You seriously going to compare that to Saudis who have been practicing the same, unreformed brand of Islam for more than 1200 years?
Did you know Kosovo ranks #1 in Europe for religious tolerance? That's not from, that's from Freedom of Thought report by Western governments. Did you also know that 30% of Albania is Christian? And that there's a sect of Islam within Albania called Bektashi, which by its very nature is heretical to Sunni Islam yet you don't hear about in-fighting or bombings or beheadings at all? Dude, there's more sectarian violence between Orthodox and Catholics than there is in Albania.
I know Islam is a shit religion, yes, and that finding a moderate Islamic is like finding a needle in a haystack, but trust me when I say that Albanians are only Muslim in name. Fuck, man, they don't even call their God Allah, they call him Zoti.
So much like for Finland. Maybe this shithole ain't so bad.
>Morocco is the only country in the middle east & north africa that didn't fall under the Othman empire (turkey)
educate yourself :)
so it is true that poland are the niggers of europe
Because i'm not a faggot
>germany: like
>netherlands: kill it with fire
Here friend, some pork for you. Enjoy.
Serious answer?
Are you going to a) stay in your country with your people, or b) do you want to invade Europe?
a) - fine with you
b) - kill you with fire
It's more because your shithole of a country is such a miserable place to live that even the muslims don't want to go there, thus making it one of the safest and least cucked nations in Europe.
Life is weird sometimes, huh?
I can't hate my people
You have a really beautiful country anon, just some of your buildings are a bit soviet tier.
i'm more of a
and even if one day , you never know , i chose to go to europe , i would only go if i had enough money to live a decent life , i ain't about that rapefugee/illegal life
nah, m8.
>The Serbs burned mosques
When did I imply they didn't?
When did I say extremist?
Sing your apologetics song all you want m8. I've heard it all before.
Also, Kosovo is #1 in religious tolerance. Topest of keks. Was their religious tolerance level measured before or after they drove every other religion but islam out?
Look at the demographics of Kosovo. It is 95% muslim.
Albania infects surrounding countries and makes muslim ghettos within. You can give your taqiya to someone who hasn't lived near you.
That is life
Europeans are weird.
God I hate the Polish so much. The most ungrateful, spiteful little shits in all of Europe.
What do you have against us?
>inb4 butthurt anglos, ruskies and t*rks
kys, and take the polish that came to UK with u
hey britbong, we saved your ass in ww2 multiple times. Have some respect faggot
>destroy Baltics
Y tho?
I'd rather send them back to their shit hole homeland.
Too bad that ur just a weeb that's posting on 4chan and will literally do nothing - kys.
>we saved your ass in ww2 multiple times
calm down ahmed
>not wanting any immigrants at all means i'm a paki
Found the slav.
Truth will set ya free
why does everyone like Lithuania :DDDDD
Ever heard of Battle of britain, you uneducated fuck?
Ever heard of why we declared war on Germany, you uneducated fuck?
>thinking you can just ban immigration and deport every immigrant without the country collapsing
found the 16 year old drop out from school sitting on benefits and living in a council estate :^)
You off to job centre later today?
Only believable guy here is >>79301991
Balts and jews are eternal enemies. Its just natural.
>Love you too
You need to go back potato nigger.
if you are not loving czechs you might have mental issues. we are literally most likeable people
This shit is inside London right now.
You're welcome, now go fetch me a fuckin beer, dog.
>Globalist underage remain shill assumes because i don't want immigrants means i think it's viable to just remove all of them right now
Anon, it's 6pm and i've not long been home from work. You'd know this if you understood the concept of time and wasn't underage on your summer hols.
>literally a 50% chance I'm talking to a non-white right now
Why would i give a beer to the guy cleaning my toilets? And you're missing the point of why we entered the war officially. We saved you not the other way around you silly slav.
Typical british autism.
>loves turkey
>hates everyone else
Well hello there Ahmed
>Anon, it's 6pm and i've not long been home from work
If you call cutting grass for people around your council estate for 5 quid work...
Damn, if anyone should be deported it's waste of space people like you.
>Mohammed Ali al-britani
Only people who were living in slums of Poland came to UK.
I could fucking buy you son.
you need to go back
>it's a /pol/ / /int/ hates England and loves Scotland thread
I thought we got over this
Love you too czechbro (Wales here)
>tfw nobody likes Germany anymore
We were one of the most loved nations in threads like this, but now everyone despises us. Thats so sad.
I fucking love you guys.
There is a reason you spend more on us per head baby. :^)
fuck. Forgot "New Africa" aka Sweden suppose to be kill it with fire.
why like croatia but dislike based serbia?
usually its the other way around
if you like one you should like both
T- thanks Poland.
actual physical autism
>I could fucking buy you son
Of course you can. Back to work little slave. Better save those pennies for you 6 brothers and sisters in your little shoebox of a house!
>russia 2.0
they wish...
looks like you know nothing about slavs
You should know by now if you really live there that hatred is across ethnic lines, not religious
But go on ahead thinking like that, I wonder why all those Orthodox and Catholic churches weren't burned within Albania, I mean they don't even have to walk across and "infect" other countries? Or I suppose that Albanian Catholic village in Kosovo that was wiped out during the war by Orthodox Serbs, I guess they were part of the "Muslim infection" too. But please, do go on about Islam in a region that doesn't have any terrorism or bombings, if it makes you feel better thinking black and white like that.
So much hate.
You leave in wrong continent, Ahmed.
My annual income is $230,000. I work remotely, believe me - I could fucking buy you.
wew ingrate
kurwa mac
send me 30 euros so i can buy steam games pls
I thought it was $300k starting?
Why the fuck does everyone hate Ukraine? And why is it split in two parts?
Top fucking kek
its like kosovo
a meme country that shouldnt exist
I'd nuke most of the other major urban centers if I knew precisely where they were
But it's not like Kosovo, because it's an actual country. If anything it should have joined Russia already.
>likes spain
>that coming from the Nazi puppet state itself
Thin ice, Kamerad
historically best bros with Ireland, nice place for a meme holiday
I think exacly the same
>like India
are you fucking kidding me?
ayy you still mad you got BTFO by a bunch of old people with rakes and your own guns?
>A plastic paddy who thinks being Irish means you are in the IRA and hate England
fuck Europe
Scotland and NI wouldn't be blue were that the case.
dont start shit. i am a 3rd gen immigrant and my ID is poland cuz im on vacation
>likes russia
>doesent like the other slavs who are far more superior like poland
Religion has literally zero impact on our lives, we might say we follow one of the jewish skydaddies, but that's it.
> Engage shit
fucking gas yourself
>fuck this place I've never been to
Our median earning is like four times your countries. Please stop acting like some eastern european backwards ass slavic shithole is in anyway superior to western Europe.
if not poland then serbia at least
what is wrong with you burger?
never going to and never want to you dick sucking sand nigger
True. We hate you kraut, burn in hell, destroyer of europe, everything you touch turns into ashes, psychotic megalomaniacs, failed sissy conquerors. You never had any empire, you were always with the side of the losers, flippin pathetic barbarian scum.
I freaking HATE YOU, so does the rest of Europe. We all
Soon muslims will nail your shrinked failed cuckland.
Same could be said about this whole thread desu
>eats from the ass of Israel
>calling others sand niggers
Are you retarded? Kosovo has a higher percentage of muslims
> four times
The only good Slavic country is Czechia because it's basically Germany's 17th state at this point.
Did a Dane finger that cute girl that never will be your gf or something? The hell are you so mad about?
kek, so in order to come up with a response you have to post the fact that we are, on average, twice as wealthy as all of you. Good job, you retarded slav.
Why do you not love Andorra
>When did I imply they didn't?
So you believe they were in their right to do so?
>Sing your apologetics song all you want m8. I've heard it all before.
I want you to tell me about the last islamic Crime you've heard happen in Albania. IN ALBANIA, that means not in any of the surrounding countries, what ethnic minorities do is not our responsibility, you decided to keep them in your borders.
Kosovo also has a lower population.
60% of 150000000 is 90000000 Croatia has 4.253 million people in it.america has 21 times the amount of white people than your country does.keep it up.
Forget it man, I already tried arguing with him, he thinks Muslims are like the Borg and if you so much as look at a mosque you're officially a terrorist Muslim jihadi
This is median for in-country jobs. Programmers usually are no where near median - especially remote.
But what do you know, you're the Chief Executive of Tesco Cash Register.
You'd have to be massively ignorant or retarded to frame the Kosovo/Serb conflict as a religious one
what if ive told you i only saw 4 niggers in my life in Croatia (ive counted and they were all coal black so not african americans)
and it was in the middle of summer at the beaches
meanwhile you see them everywhere
your statistics mean nothing
I pay $500 for living in a top floor of a skyscraper. While earning a US-salary.
Tell me how much u pay for ur basement cave? £1200?
i would say you are a lying piece of trash.
Mine looks very similar.
but its true
ask any croat
they are as rare as diamonds here and we call them nigeri unronically
the first time i saw one irl was the most weird experience
Your prices are cheap because no one in their right mind wants to live in Poland, funnily enough.
>So you believe they were in their right to do so?
>I want you to tell me about the last islamic Crime you've heard happen in Albania. IN ALBANIA.
So once Albanians cross their border they are no longer Albanians? Try making a point again.
It's not that. They try to wash themselves of the muslim mud they are born in. Whatever it takes. The arguments will go from nominal muislims to mostly atheists, to the only moderate muslims in the known world to We wuz Alexander the great. Pick one.
Good, let it stay that way.
Enjoy ur muslims.
just like muslims dont wanna stay here and everything is dirt cheap
but we prosper each year more and more from tourism and those low prices
Enjoy the immigrant crisis we send your way buddy :^)
objectively correct
There is only one family of niggers in my city. Last time I saw one of them was like 7 years ago. Other than that, I once or twice saw the international football players that were playing for the home team. And that's it.
evening lads
why ??? in belarus?
cos ive no idea wtf goes on in that country
best one yet!
>likes bosna
>doesent like Herzegovina
He likes republika srpska
check this
top cec
whats wrong with flanders
sry bb didn't realize it was rightful clay
Are we judging the current day countries or the countries throughout their history?
Leave Belarus alone
Love u too
no it's about where the best posters come from
Moor detected. The south is red.
>everybody itt hates merkelreich
cant blame you desu
if i stood a chance i would go and stab the bitch myself
>eternal paddy butthurt
So basically a recolored map of World Systems Theory?
No way :O
A smart Brit?
looking forward to your inevitable terrorist attack
Plaid detected
>likes austra and hungary
>loves croatia
>HATES slovenia
how does any of this make sense
How come, anonsson?
you are still big uncle but verdammt it's difficult to like you these days
idk jealous of our beautiful whomen
inb4 getting cucked by nigger
Basically OP but I also love Poland and Germany and all those hilariously poor E. European counties.
Europe is like the Adams Family. Everyone's a fuck up, but they're always fun to visit. (Except the UK, fuck the cunts)
What are those blue dots in the middle?
the ones i met behave like gypsies
Stay out of Galiza, devil anglo worshiper.
because we are sjw-heaven and deserve it
Just bad editing on my part desu
Why u dont like Poland tho?
Swede that actually loves Denmark
But not Norway? o.O
I think we need a new colour-code for that represents jealously
Weak history, getting cucked by Sweden and Denmark who is superior
Nice try Estonia
>the ones i met behave like gypsies
so they banged your mom too?
may I touch myself to this?
hello fellow crabman
why you hate me burger? :((
>maximum taquiya
Oh yes, ridiculous me. Thinking islamists will try to spread and push islam everywhere you go.
You, unlike literally every other muslim surely are compatible with European culture and surely are the only moderate muslims in the world.
You forgot Persia, asshat.
piece of shit gay greek . you are nothing . look at your piece of shit country . you have milions of islands and land and you are still shit. you are useless liers . 0 value
nice, original butthurt
Well done
your "country" consists of drug dealers, mafias and organ deaalers, and you somehow have the courage to insult us?
you are nothing. Lower than the dirt on my army boot. You are disgusting vermin that will plague our lands like rats, bringing wiht you crime, drugs and poverty.
I hope you all starve. I look forward to the day the Serbs are burning down Tirana and putting their glorious white eagle flag on the ruins.
I'm curious, why mixed feelings ?
You don't like us because we didn't wanted to pay your debts ?
RIP thread
Hilarious, can't believe he said this! Freedom of speech! | ---79309525
haha so funny - comical genuis
Is this for real??
>mfw I get paid to shill for Hillary in a nice air conditioned office
>mfw Trumpf*gs do it for free in their mother's basement | ---79310745
It's ok, anon, all the Hillary shills will be unemployed come autumn.
Who is more redpilled?
Pic related.
DISCUSS | ---79299659
Al has 2 children. My mistake.
Al, probably. Perpetual failure that he was, he still created and led No Ma'am. Jefferson is just a path of least resistance cuck.
Well, now he does.
why would you want to fuck a chicken?
For NEETbux. His wife pays the bills.
The same reason trophy wives jump on old balls. $$
Al, he just learned too late.
but Marcy was a dyke so 100% Al
Al. Jefferson's genes will perish with Jefferson and he will have no children to care for him in his old age.
none will ever obtain the base of this man
Jefferson wasn't a NEET. He was CIA. Being a NEET was just his cover. He was next level red-pilled.
Al is still alright though
No, make that four.
Seven went missing in later seasons because the actor didn't stay.
Peggy was pregnant again at some point, too.
He has experienced the horrors that await you in life firsthand. Jefferson just coasts by on good looks while watching others such as Al slowly have the life drained out of them.
>Peggy was pregnant again at some point
They retconned that halfway into the season as it being all a nightmare that Al had.
Al is the ultimate redpilled man.
>having sex
pick one
his wife is a literal feminist dyke
he played a completely different type of guy in a recent series... but for the life of me cant remember it. al, im talking about. i want to say breaking bad but thats malcolm in the middle man
They're both redpilled, because they're both members of NO MA'AM.
They're not enemies; rather they are accomplices.
Jefferson only fucks Marcy because he's in it for the money and hates working. He treats her like shit whenever he can and cheats on her constantly.
Al is a victim of the Western Woman, but at least he knows it.
Modern Family
Oh shit. Now that you mention it, you're right. I never connected the two. Modern Family is pretty fantastic.
the original red woman & original loli queen vs marci d'arcy
Yeah, I think Al wins rather decisevly
ah yeah thats what i was thinking of good call friendo. completely different in that.
Rules on map apply
>Color | ---79301061
Ethnostate of Hyde
Shogunate of Macedonia
Iberian Republic
How do bonuses work with maps like this?
United States Of Europe
Dark Blue
number values
change names, senpai. anon doesnt work
Eastern Prussia
North Korea
Any coour
yea forgot
can i change ?
Russian Empire
DarK Blue
>Trump's Liberation Army
>Western French Coast
Dont annex me putin
>Desert Walkers
>Arabian Peninsula
>Any color
Icelandic Republic
light green
Still space?
Change colour.
Then orange?
Change of location OP >>79300818
Hyde's Ethnostate of Indoeuropean persons
Is OP still here?
Op why
Oy vey!
Here faggot
Oy vey!
Fill korew spill china
Fill Japan
Fill Arabian Peninsula
Source on that please
head into Caucus mountain region
Take France, liberate them from the cucks and arabs.
Deus Vult!
The Emperor Protects!
I'm trying to find it now
the video is shit
Spread into Germany Trump would you like to form an alliance?
I want source anyway. Am i the only one who likes to fap during Risk?
Here ya go
An Alliance to save the White Race? Always.
t. white spic
Fill Spain, spill south
Fill Spain
NAP it is, only if you're above 90% White.
Hey atleast you did someone a favor
Flag of Iceland
Alliance of Honorary Aryans?
Since I am an actual Aryan, sure
We are, I promise.
Fill Japan
Fill chyyna
>Any remaining color
Conquer the blue folks then expand west until Belgium and the Netherlands
fill balkans
spill russia
Fill Spain, Spill South
Expand North
alliance with me and shogunate?
Already a bit too early for alliances
Nap or alliance
well just me for now then.
Desert People propose NAP but not Alliance for now
good enough
Also mupdate
Gonna be gone for a bit. Use the mupdate post as my roll for defend
Fill china, spill Mongolia and Kamchatka
Fill Balkans
Spill Russia
spill south
Can I crash on the moon?
Expand North till Border with Grey is reached,then expand east into Iran
I guess fill Japan
take iceland and alliance with me
Expand north into Denmark and Norway
Can I take over Iceland?
If you change your name
Alliance senpai?
Mupdate desu
Am fag my bad
Fill southern china
Fill Britain.
But you're on the other side of Europe.
kek wills it
Spill around asia
Take Egypt,expand East
Also break my nap
fill in Balkans to Mediterranean sea
spill in Ukraine
fill north africa
gonna need someone when you come against the big 3 who are in an alliance
Expand north taking more of Scandanavia spill west
Speaking of alliances would you like to form one?
Nice, I haven't seen this map before. Thanks to the creator of the map, I'm gonna use it next time.
Sure thing. I'm with Shogunate as well
found it on google. idk.
Fill Britain and Ireland, spill Belgium.
Invade japan spill asia
fill Greece/Croatia
spill Anatolia
fill North Africa, spill Italy
Expand East
pali, does that mean anything
I think trump liberation army is AFK
Can I get his territory?
Expand north along the coast of the Baltic Sea attempting to connect the territories
Negative you can conquer it though
Fill Japan
Fill Anatolia
Spill Ukraine
roll north, conquer orange
Fill Britain and Ireland, spill Belgium.
Begin forming a border with Brother Hyde.
Fill neutral Africa,expand east.
Desert people propose upgrading to Alliance
Map troubles? Paint buckrt breaking? Try microsoft paint
Fill Japan and Vietnam
Fill the unclaimed territory in the Belgium-Netherlands region.
Can I join??
Expand further East
No,but thanks for the Flag
fill north stopping at white's border
spill anatolia
Join the Cartel
Expand southwest into Austria Germany and Italy
So many AFK civs
Finish Japan then invade vietnam
Continue Expanding towards Italy.
Fill eastern europe/russia region
Expand more east
More Italy.
Take Italy and it's islands
Fil virtname and spill north russia
Liht blue, nap?
fill anatolia
spill russia from north
Further East,turn everything into desert
Last mupdate for me.
Hopefully someone can pick it up
Kill light blue
i like the maps with defined nations and boarders anyway. this is too detached.
Take North Trump land.
Push west blitzing into Western Europe
You have to formally break your NAP before attacking, you mongoloid.
A simple NAP won't stop the holocaust coming your way
You could have conquered Russia and fought the hordes in Asia, instead you fight your own brothers in Europe!
dont cry about it. he's my ally senpai
Literally who?
someone make a new threat with a better europe map please and please link it here
>The EU's credit rating has been downgraded from AA+ to AA.
>The agency reviewed its “previously favourable opinion of solidarity within the EU”
>[...] view was based on all 28 member states remaining inside the EU. This outlook is now "greatly uncertain".
This little island cucking an entire continent. Brilliant. | ---79310440
I am too, anon.
It is a beautiful thing to see. So proud of you guys.
Brexit restored my faith in humanity. I'm so proud of you Based Brits.
Is hypnosis real or fake? | ---79307044
it's real but brainwashing is better
fake but brainwashing is better
wtf I hate stopwatches now
some is real, some is fake
1. Your current situation (working/studying)
2. Do you have any debt?
I am personally still ungraduated but I'm working in the field right now.
I don't have any debt. | ---79300927
1. Studying law, working part time as accountant
2. no
1. Graduated last year just in time for the economy to tank and companies aren't expanding. Lots of my classmates having trouble finding work.
2. Gained about 20K in debt in the last 2 years. I have a part time job with extremely variable hours (averaging around 30 right now, in feb I only got one shift a week) and a casual job that so far I've only done 4 hours of training.
If I hadn't moved out I would have zero debt.
1Neet leech of rich parents
2 nope
NEET, never worked
10k from uni
>Lots of my classmates having trouble finding work.
Ok, now reveal your field.
Chemical Technology.
Laboratory testing, quality control etc.
1. Working full time
>muh wagecuck
2. Around 2k credit card debt (this month spendings), so not really
1.Physics graduate
2.SO MUCH student finance debts
UK leaving the EU makes it harder to get into finance in London.
2. $60k from payday loans
1. Software Eng. student
2. Lmao, debt for college? The fuck is that? Try living in a civilized country, niggers
Never mention debts on /int/. Threads mostly get just deleted and posters might not even get warned and at least not banned for this long.
Mods there seem to have something against this topic.
2 Degrees
Own business
Paid for home/car
Around 15k debt (Make around 12k a month)
1 study med
2 nope lol
> 10K from uni
is that maintenance grants and loans together ?
lots of debt
>work, live on my own
>No debt except student loans
Got about 3k left, paying € 45 a month.
I'm a shaman
1. Working+Studying
2. 9k Student Debt atm.
1. working full time
2. no debt
Almost have a PhD and no debt to speak of. I won the game of life.
>1. Your current situation (working/studying)
Self funded retiree
>2. Do you have any debt?
None whatsoever
If you are smart with your money and plan when to have your children you can be quite comfortable and retire in your late 40's on your own income.
>1. Your current situation (working/studying)
working at a software company
>2. Do you have any debt?
mortgage on a house
1. Studying an applyied scinces degree (programming) while working part time
2. no
Sure am glad Im not an idiot that went for an english major or gender studies degree.
>I don't have any debt.
>Just finished my Double Major Bachelors
>50k debt
>No jobs
What did you study mate?
1. Currently working in commercial collections, and doing some medical billing on the side.
2. About 5k of medical debt and 8k left on the note for a car I had three cars ago. Never buy brand new cars kids.
All in all things are going well.
1. Working part time and studying in uni
2. yes 10 k but it is invested on stocks and I will take more and invest it too
Finished college almost 2 years ago. Have 2k left in debt. Kind of killing time playing vidya until I'm out of debt and have 5-10 k saved so I can move out of my parents house.
virtually everyone ITT are manchildren and/or students.
explains a lot.
get a job, /pol/
>1. Your current situation (working/studying)
Graduated 2 years ago/working currently
>2. Do you have any debt?
Yes, but not student debt. Recently remodeled my home, short term (10 year) equity loan and a small car loan. All combined less than 50k USD
Just finished my EE bachelors, looking for a job in a purely technical sense, in a much more real sense I spend my days consumed by ennui
No, my country isn't that retarded
Ha. You got a degree in using equipment? That's a trade son.
> officer contender army
>12000€ student loan for a law study i did not finish
Are you seriously investing borrowed money on stocks? Are you fucking insane, Finland?
>$0 College Debt
>$80k Medical debt (They will never get a penny)
>$11k Personal debt. (Paying it down monthly)
I'll be honest, the debt is that high because I failed a bunch of shit, mostly a half done teaching degree, along the way.
Just got a couple of meaningless BA's for my trouble.
>approx $300,000
Unemployed since Dec last year. EE/CPE degrees. Moving home at the end of July. Contemplating shift to patent law.
Probably about 10k debt between truck, student loans, cards.
1. I work, only about 30 hours a week but my salary is for 40
2. No debt.
Graduated college 2 years ago. Currently working for 40k/year.
Studying for actuarial exams.
No debt except $20 credit card balance (Thank God).
Own a decent 2009 Honda civic fully paid.
Have $17,000 in the bank and $8,000 in cash.
Still not happy about current position in life even though I'm doing a lot better than other kids my age.
Depends on the debt and interest rate, if you can make more money investing than repaying your debt why not?
I invested some money while getting student loans because before I finished there isn't any interest, after graduating I'm making more off the investment than immediately paying back my loans.
Do you do triple integrals?
No debt, kikes can go fuck themselves
some ~20k$ student debt
failed studies
currently working part time for autismbux
Bachelor in business
making $100K/yr at a software company, 26 yrs old
only debt is $20K left on a car loan, zero interest
What's the housing market in your area like?
>1. Your current situation (working/studying)
>2. Do you have any debt?
>I am personally still ungraduated but I'm working in the field right now.
>I don't have any debt.
>Studying, was working until 2 months ago
>i have a gf, so yeah, i have debt
1. Geology, currently interning with a licenses professional geologist at an environmental consulting firm learning to map groundwater flows and getting paid.
2. Financial aid due to high school grades and standardized test scores pay for everything and I make due with my income.
1. Working as a wagecuck in Oil/Gas sector
2. 3k CC debt 8k Line of Credit 40K car loans 150k remaining on mortgage
>just cuck my shit up familia
>1. Working
>2. yes
What a fine thread this will become...
Do not post in info gathering threads
Currently going to school at a university for a degree in teaching. No debt because I am smart and poor and the government pays me to go to school because I have good grades. Really proud of myself. Thinking of having a party when I get my bachelors. Long term plan is to go over to China to teach english.
>inb4 shit choice
I want to be a teacher. Just because I don't want to kill myself in the STEM field doesn't make me a fucking autist.
Finnish student loans are government-backed.
1. student
2. no
shit thread
of course, asked from a greek.
1) studying computer science, going into 4th year
2) have ~$120,000 USD in the bank due to a game of mine that really caught on
Kesä, jonnet jne... kohta ne koulut alkaa ja äidit pakottamaan pentunsa nukkumaan ajoissa, jotta ne pienet perseeet jaksavat spurdoilla koulussa koko vitun pitkän päivän. Koeta kestää, kohta ohi.
Made me grimace so hard, the dude sitting behind me at work asked if I was ok. Jesus fuck man.
>asked from a greek
>working, accountancy apprenticeship
About to start my M.Sc in theoretical physics.
>Am I in debt
Yep, and I'm about get in more debt. It should probably bother me more, but the debt I'm in has some pretty reasonable repayment rates and it's all guaranteed by the government, so no jew comes looking for blood if your circumstances change. Student debt in the UK is more like a graduate tax than debt.
Lots of work in my field, work a trade, clear 130k a year, only work 6 months a year. 23. Feels good mane oh and I have 0 debt and a beautiful truck, looking for a place to buy.
ahh ok, oh well live and learn I guess mate.
On the other hand you could always go and get a trade, I wasn't good enough to get into Uni but I did fine as a plumber.
What trades do you suggest? I've looked into carpentry. Diesel mechanic is about hte only other trade I would consider.
Do you have a PhD in math by any chance?
Complete trash.
It was pretty good 10 years ago, but all these Chinese and other immigrants flooded this area alrecently and drove up the price of rverything.
Mods are Greek lol
1. have a BS in applied mathematics, currently applying for Finance master
2. I'm 50k in my parent's debt
1. Just graduated with a bachelor's degree in Television/Film. Currently working full-time in the marketing department at a software company.
2. Have approx $6000 left to pay from some loans I took out for school. As soon as they're paid I'm headed back to get an MBA. Also have about $700 on my credit card, but I should have it paid off tomorrow afternoon.
How do you feel about your parents? I was cucked by my entire nation.
That's what I like about it. Hands on work, but lots of science behind it. Very practical.
Photographer, no debt.
1. Neet
2. No
1. web developer
2. no debt
I'm currently looking into opportunities to invest in, since I don't want to let my money rot in my bank account
An hero when
1. RMP Reserves, moving into the regulars in a few months
2. No debt
No Jew today is special or God's Chosen.
"Today, DNA science reveals that almost all the Jews in the world come from Khazaria. They are not of the blood lineage of Abraham and the prophets, but of King Bulan and the pagan peoples of the Caucasus. The ancestors of today’s Jews are not Israelites but are Khazarians."
Gog and Magog taking over Israel is the final days, these fake Jews will send the world into WW3 and total blood shed. These Khazarians, are Satan's army. | ---79301879
>Khazaria meme.
Even David Duke thinks that shit is dumb
David Duke is a controlled opposition of the Zionists.
Maybe drop a few words about this in the Newfriend Redpilling thread >>79301373
I'll just repost it.
>indians, whites, and pakis are actually G-d's Chosen
Who else is going to enjoy their rightful dual-citizenship to Israel?
Only after the Jews take themselves and most of the world's population out. Australia will be a safehaven in the coming Nuclear Holocaust.
>Implying Christianity wasn't Cultural Marxism 1.0
>Implying there need to be "Fake Jews" to explain why Jews from 2,000 years ago deserve worship
Except Europeans are descended from the tribes
Pic related
Most Jews I've met don't look Semitic at all. Duke fears Mossad because admitting that Jews are Khazars would be the end of his jewtube carrier and possibly followed by some law suit, or worse. Notice how he is living a safe life and has money. Kinda makes u think.
Even an idiot like you should know that Satan doesn't exist
>Implying Christianity wasn't Cultural Marxism 1.0
THIS 1000x
All abrahamic shit must die
People of all races have sold out to these freaks. Many of their foot-soldiers are traitors to their own people. Every institution has them.
The Bible literally said this would happen. It said fake Jews(synagogue of Satan) would take over the world
-JIDF kike
Shoot me the bible verse hombre it's somewhere in Revelations right?
Gog and Magog may be taking israel, but Nignog are taking europe which is worse
The drunken harlot on the back of the seven headed beast (false religion on the back of the nations of the world) shall be thrown off, and it will devour her. The people will mourn her loss, but will do nothing. That is when Armageddon is supposed to happen.
So are we evil, eternal, international Jews or Khazars? Or are Khazars evil? But there are plenty of Mizrahim (North-African Jews)
Just wanna know if I should kill myself or wait for further verification
Take in mind pic related before replying, Aussibro
Are you a Jew shill or just a stupid niger
You're descendant of Ham, whose wife was descendant of Cain, descendants of Cain were all wiped out except for two wives of Noah's sons. Cain descendants are evil. So you're evil by blood. Noah's son without a Cain descendant wife, was Shem, he bred with his Mother, and his descendant along the line is Abraham. Abraham is the father of the white race.
The other son, Japheth is the father of the asian race.
One last thing, the Giants of Turkey (Khazarites) are Cain descendants, and your ancestors through Ham.
But I thought I was a Khazarite, so how come I'm I'm a descendant of Ham?
Impossible. Everyone knows ham isn't kosher.
Further back from Khazarite up that family tree you are descendant of Ham, who's son Canaan was cursed by Noah, and led the Canaanites. Descendants of Canaanites were Hittites, Hittites were in Anatolia, descendants of Hittites were Khazarites.
This is why it's not kosher to eat Ham, because Ham is their ancestor.
Hmmm.. Never thought of it that way.
I see. So who are the true, racial Jews?
This explains why I've never seen a Jew eat a rat either.
Whites through Shem, he kept Seth's bloodline (Adam's son) pure by not breeding with a Cain descendant on the Ark, but his own mother.
Good, good. Okay.
Who were the edomites, are they the evil you're speaking of, and are we born from this evil.
Also concerning Abraham, isnt his bloodline cursed to die by the sword while his little brother joeseph inherited the world.
The Edomites were the result of Esau (white - real jew) racemixing with bloodline of Cain (fake jew). The brother of Esau, remained pure and white, and his son Jacob was the father of the Israelites.
Jacob was the brother of Esau, *not his son*
No need to fix mistakes, I know exactly what this threads about now.
Join your Jewish brothers in hell, scum.
Anti-semites truly are braindead scum of the earth. Good for laughing at I guess though.
inb4 zionist jidf shill, surely you retards can do better than that
I've made this info-graphic for a better explanation.
Are swedish women the most sought after race of women in the world?
Asians can maybe compete, but that's only because they're fetishized.
I don't think there's a single man in the world who doesn't think swedish women are hot. But, I wonder why - I've been to Sweden, and there definitely are fatties, brunettes and uglies as in any other place, really.
Is it because swedes have advertised their women to the whole world? Is it because the women are expected to be hot, and that's why they make themselves hot? Is it just a big lie the swedes tell to themselves and others?
I think the women are the biggest reason why Sweden has so many niggers. And I think their worldwide fame is why the women are such disgusting coalburners, too. | ---79295555
What am I suppose to be looking at? All I see is a house, trees and some grass
Sure physically your women look good but they are very quick to turn on the native population so who cares.
>Being this gay
If they are, then go ahead. They're elitist cunts who think they're better than anyone. They think they're so international and cool but they treat Finnish guy like trash because we're not brown enough.
Typical Swedes starting from 4:20
Sounds like you've been too long on the internet spurdo fag
Also, aryan woman >>> untermensch woman
Gooks can't compete, half of them get plastic surgery for their eyes just to look white.
i think its because "sweden" was the common denominator (and probably still is) for people that have no idea what norway, denmark and finland is. the scandinavians have the most beautiful girls in the world, and for simplicity "sweden" became the umbrella term for normies that think yurop is a country ect.
Yes, they are the definition of shitforbrains, I know this.
Doesn't make them any less hot though.
Historically the danes should be the common denominator, though. Granted, the swedes may have made more of a name for themselves when the world started to be more globalized.
jag heter Ahmed och jag kommer från Irak
svenska tjejer älskar min stor brun kuk
sorry vita killar men er gång är slut
yes. ABBA put scandinavia on the map i think. that and IKEA
no they are too orange for my taste.
w/e race produces the palest, blondest qts is the most sought after.
pic very related.
my new reason for lifting.
>too orange
That's because modern swedes are brainwashed for brown dick, so they want to look more southern european. So they go to tanning salons and use all kinds of makeup to make them look tanned and southern/middle eastern.
Naturally they are as pale as norwegians, but willingly make themselves niggerer.
it has nothing to do with tanning
they have an orange tinge to their skin.
Average nordic women are not that special. The hot one's are really hot though.
Damn Swedes are so fucking cute when they're shy. I love my people, we are good hard working honest people unlike most shitheads out there. To bad so many take advantage of that. :-)
The most sought after? Probably not.
The most beautiful? Yes.
I really don't know where the "cucked Swede" stereotype comes from other than governmental policy. I was in Sweden a few months ago and I saw about 14 couples all in all, and only one of them was an interracial couple, and that interracial couple was a Swedish guy and an Arabic looking woman, but she was well fit and looked like she was 100% integrated.
This is true, I have this too and often get confused for being nordic.
the orange tinge has everything to do with self-tanner
My father was stationed in Lakenheath in the eighties, and he was fucking English women every night.
A lot of them thought he was Swedish or Danish.
That guy is unattractive, short and awkward, stop with the obsession over black dicks.
"They are all trash, we don't like them"
He has a point, Khan.
where is the sauce?
time to post some Swedish qts
>the most beautiful
im laffin
pic related: your pic related's dad
No, the niggers went for Sweden for the dibmedats, as well as the raping.
Everyone gets old, you fucking idiot.
>want the white race to survive
>at the same time I can only get off on blacks fucking white women
I despise Swedes among all others.
I hate nords as a whole, but Swedes are the worst of the bunch. No one likes an uppity feminist slut who see's men as the devil, muslims as angels and is delusional due to a lifetime of being told women are perfect and can do no wrong.
Finns may be the exception, I hear they are similar to Russians in the sense they are angry drunks who are dead inside. Hopefully that means they arent libtard SJW's, but begs the question. Why are Finnish people social autists?
>No one likes an uppity feminist slut who see's men as the devil, muslims as angels and is delusional due to a lifetime of being told women are perfect and can do no wrong.
these are more common in Anglo countries than anywhere.
Isn't she ozzy though?
Norwegian Aryans are superior in every way.
How does it feel to be an absolute fucking retard?
Upper middle class Anglo-Americans produce some damn fine qt's if I may say so myself.
she's ukrainian
that's tiny tempah, she did a song with him.
You are literally a disgrace.
i know
Clearly not.
You dont think Sweden has batshit feminists?
They are the origin of bitching about men sitting with their legs open.
They are also the modt bluepilled country in the world.
Good news if you like Swedes, they are going to become 3rd world soon, the rats will flee the ship. if you're lucky you can bag one of their annoying slags, who will no doubt insist her political views had nothing to do with Swedens downfall.
Keep your cuck fantasies to yourself, faggot.
pic related : Zara and her boyfriend, Ludwig
Ethnic Swedes have been bred by nature to thrive in a peaceful, ethnically homogenous society. That's what their past has been for thousands of years. Now they try to apply their peculiar lifestyle to a multicultural, multiracial society, believing it will work just like it did with ethnic Swedes.
But neither niggers nor arabs work that way. Swedes are a sad bunch, and so are all whites in extension, believing the lifestyles that worked for them in the past will work now with an influx of all types of subhumans into their communities. We try to apply our compassion, our altruism, our love for peace and harmony to other types of humans who couldn't give a shit about us. And now that it doesn't work, we frantically try to double down on our practices, believing that what worked in the past, what worked for US, must work now, must work for THEM.
But it doesn't.
Yes and no. Swedes are conventionally hot big titted blondes but somehow lack something that would make them perfect breeding material.
The subtle misandry of nordic women is kinda off putting. Who wants a woman that pretends to be a dude and wants to make you a numale bitch.
Skip to 4m 20s for the relevant bit.
This guy is speaking the truth
Conquering empty Scandifag lands doesn't mean anything anyway.
>Swedes will go extinct in your lifetime
Feels fucking great tbqh fampai
They do, but the average young woman in anglo countries (especially north america) is more influenced by anti-male feminism than anywhere else.
Swedes are just conformist, shy faggots that are deathly scared of being called racist.
But the whole "I hate men" or "fucking a WHITE MALES" thing is American/Canadian as fuck. UK is influenced by it more than other countries too because of a common language.
Maybe when it all collapses lessons will be learned, but I doubt it. Some Norwegian was so cucked he got raped then felt guilty when his rapist was deported to Somalia.
German schoolgirls didnt want to report sexaul assaults due to them not wanting to give the far right ammo, some bitch with an organization against borders was encouraged to cover up her rape for their political goals.
We are fucked. But given these are white women, I cant say I care about our race at this point.
That does not even compare.
The idea of a "Norwegian Empire" is just as ludicrous as that of a "Mexican intellectual".
How? When ever I see black dicks in any race I'm grossed out. It's less about my dislike of niggers, more of the fact I can't picture myself in the scene, as I have a white dick.
Ugh wtf? They do have a nasty orange tint to them
Frankly, I'm not sure about shitskins, but if I saw swedish women running to my country, I would be right there unloading ammo belt after ammo belt into their ranks.
I'd rather find way to live next to hairy Turk than swedish woman.
No, they don't.
That's called a spray-tan.
It does, Greenland is huge. the idea of a "Swedish non-cuckhold warrior" is as ludicrous as that of a "Mexican Intellectual"
America women tan all the time and they don't have that disgusting color to them
Nice try, Khan.
don't ever marry a scandinavian in this day and age. They are shitty wives and they get bored after a few years and divorce you.
They want feminism but at the same time a caveman patriarch.
our lack of hardship has made us insane.
Because that isn't a fucking spray-tan, American women who have a spray-tan do have that colour to them.
God you're are a fucking idiot.
My favorite comic.
I would blame the lack of religion and traditional values for that, mostly.
Blonde hair just doesn't mix well with tanned skin. She looks like trailer trash, or dare I say it, a gypsy.
>Defending Zara Larshit
Good goy.
What are you talking about? Nobody desires this.
Sweden's military history and imperial conquests are far greater than that of Norway or Denmark, there is no point in denying that.
>caveman patriarch
Maybe you're just an effeminate loser. Ever thought about that? If a women is fussy, you have to beat her up. Slap the bitch, and she'll know her place.
Slap her ass, her cheek, whatever. Just fucking hit her, and she will respect you.
Don't be mad because your native women are ugly bro
Here's a pic of American women spray tan faggot. Looks nothing like your disgusting women
don't bother with the old ^jokes everyone is a newfag now
you can keep you blonde nigger sucking unpatriotic women.
I just want waifus
I don't agree with that but I will have to say that she is definitely a qt.
Please kill yourself, manlet.
>>implying red headed Norwegian goddesses are second rate
if they were the most sought after then why are most of swedish men importing thai brides ? because they dont want to be a cuck and listen to feminist bullshit for the rest of their lives.
>he uses mongol as an insult
what is the name of this animal?
asian waifu - best waifu
>Insane radical feminist
Stop your 'muh dick' and grow up, moron.
Asian women will not like you and your patchy beard either Franco. You need to stop colecting your cum in plastic bottles. Go to a prostitute. It will cure your yellow fever.
Asian women are the best
>King Gustav III
A spray-tan is a spray-tan regardless.
You stupid fucking retard.
Another basement dwelling omega male enters the scene. You do know that not even Asian women like emasculated, tiny cocked, shy losers with balding hair, right?
You are, under no circumstances, a white man.
Don't fucking act like you wouldn't.
Kill yourself.
don't reply to me or my waifu ever again gypo.
Kill yourself.
Zara Larshit is the face of our enemies (the personification of evil); and we don't fuck with our enemies, we destroy them. I spit on her.
when did i ever say i was beta?
i'm just saying every kid in sweden get tought this marxist shit since birth and it doesn't fit into reality
It doesn't look orange you fucking moron. That was your original point is that all spray tans look orange on women and that's complete bullshit. Seriously how fucking stupid are you?
no u.
Again, stop acting like you wouldn't.
I don't really care desu, I prefer to be on the winning side.
You shouldn't actually even be alive, you sniveling little creep.
Need a qt with green eyes and blonde hair.....
The thing aren't.
The rapefugees will get you all the same.
Define "Swedish women"
I'm 1,80.
Yuka Someya
don't be mean. here take this aryan beauty.
Spray-tans do look orange, what the fuck are you talking about?
Have you never watched The Jersey Shore?
It's because retards in the West still think Sweden is stuck in the 60s with blondes, instead of it being a multicultural shithole from euro to third world scum. It's fucking sad what Jews did to Sweden, what the fuck did Sweden ever do to kikes? Kill kikes wherever you go
Literally why get raped on the reg
You should fucker
You need to see >>79301373, grow a fucking pair, grab a white girl, and begin Redpilling immediately. Fuck her good and hard, the Serotonin and oxytocin release will open her up to it
You yellow fever faggots are cancerous.
To be fair, it was not kikes who brought shitskins into Sweden, it was self-hating Swedish leftists.
>quintessentially sweden
All spray tans do not look orange forest. Did you even look at the pic I posted? The jersey shore members were also routinely mocked for their shitty spray tans
>The rapefugees will get you all the same
No they won't. Just compare Finland's and Sweden's demographics if you don't believe me.
Oh yes, they will.
If Sweden is to fall, Finland will as well.
You're probably looking for Celts. Northern-Germanic people usually have skin that tans very much in the summer.
My skin changes the second it detects some UV.
It's because of the pornographic golden age in the 70's that sweden had
>Arguing that sweedish chicks are the hottest girls
>posts pictures of but her face females
Swedes do not have an orange skin-tone at all, my point is that those that look like that have spray-tans. It's not a natural skin colour.
It is not just the scandis, modern feminism is ruining women all over. It's sad, really. The empowered stronk career womyn are all childless and miserable.
>letting foreigners join the security forces
they never learn do they?
Who cares. They belong to sandniggers and niggerniggers now. Their value has diminished completely and will stay like this unless you can kick out all the immigrants and make Sweden a white nationalist country.
That picture literally has absolutely nothing to do with Sweden or Swedish women.
Sweden is no more dead than Germany.
That's 6'2 if you ask americans
Sure we will.
She's not a government official that opened the borders, she's merely supported those policies that do.
You will.
The one Swedish girl I know is a solid 6.5/10, if she's indicative of the average sweed I wouldn't call them the hottest girls in the world.
Would still fugg though
I'd kill for a fertile Swedish wife.
Whatever you say, Per-Göran.
>Are swedish women the most sought after race of women in the world?
>Asians can maybe compete, but that's only because they're fetishized.
Finnish women must me perfect
despite being such a shit site, tumblr has some amazing fap material
> a bunch of pictures of mostly English and American women with niggers
What's your point?
lol dude Scandinavian women can't compare to Croatian women
or Balkan women in general
it's a fucking meme
At least kill another roach, preferably Erdogen.
> article written by nigger
Not an argument.
Aren't Fins basically a white trash version of Sweeds
Kill yourself, turkroach.
No, it's 5'11
I don't understand how these people have such good skin. Surely pornographers photoshop this shit right?
Funny how you just have those pictures laying around on your computer, Fritz.
>Being this badly in denial
The women even niggerify their hair.
Hans knows what he's talking about
I was raised in a small village out in the countryside, my family has lived in the area for as far back as records go.
We have this trust system, you do a favor for one of the neighboring families and they do a favor for you, it's not a rule nor anything we talk about, it's just the way things are. You're constantly helping everyone but since everyone is constantly helping you, everything evens out.
But now we have the the new generations who grow up in the cities, moshed together with refugees, raised with the same old Swedish values but without the actual mentality, the result is the confused "progressive and tolerant" meme cuck
Holy shit if germans would talk like the swedes they would lose their job, lose all friends and maybe send to jail. dafuq. How can sweden be so liberal and then hate finns ?!!??!?!
Implying that left-wing German women do not do that.
Save it.
They hate their own men and love the swarthiness of the invading hordes.
I'd kill Erdoğan anyways 2bh. I'd kill a girl of every race just to have Swedish wife. You guys don't even know how I'd fill her womb with babies, she'd never have time for anything other than my babies.
For me it's not even about not being able to picture myself, it's the color of the dick that's just disgusting. Nigger dicks look like a log of shit and brown dicks just look fucking dirty and smelly. Grosses me out. Then you have the fact that most niggers are fuck ugly and have pube hair.
Finns in Sweden are viewed same way as Russians in Finland, it's okay to bash them but not brownies.
The cucktardation of the Nordic countries is too advanced. It's over.
You are cucked beyong help
>random pictures of women with blacks
>most of them not even swedish.
girl in third from the top right is norwegian and not going out with the black guy.
Op is a faggot
Because you are ignorant of it? Norway explored, colonized, civilized and ran the Northern Atlantic until Hansa and the black death fucked things up.
They had trading posts in Canada and were regularly trading in the Mediterranean.
>Not even a 5000x5000 picture is enough for all Swedish cuckoldry
>Posts a 780x955 pic with most of the image being filled with images of a nightclub that never even existed
>measures cuckoldry with pictures resolution
as expected from Finland
>>random pictures of women with blacks
they're watermarked
> using picture resolution as an argument
It's time for you to lay down and die, Khan.
>3rd monkeys decide where to go depending on the hotness of the native women
Wew lad, that's some high level autism
I never understood the Swedish women are hot meme
First time I've heard of it was probably 5 years ago
You know niggers and sandniggers seldom have interwebs in their huts at home?
They simply chose Sweden for the gibsmedats
Swedish women, like British women are a meme
A pure meme created by some faggots on the internet.
And unlike some memes that are based on a cliché or stereotype, these are totally untrue.
There are hot Brits as much there are ugly swedes
This is just retarded.
You know, Mediterranean's being lazy is a cliché formed by history and observation of habits
It's a cliché but is has some truth in its core.
The hot swedes meme on the other has hand not.
>inb4 the vikings didn't bring home the Ugly chicks hahahahahaha
According to that Iceland should have the hottest ones by far. They, unlike the swedes, actually brought home a considerable part of their females.
Stop projecting.
holy shit
and these hoes still manage not to make children ever
>and have pube hair
hahahahahaha nigger what???
What's with cucks and northern women
The average is pretty high but that's it, the whole thing is a long-running meme that goes back a long time (think greta garbo). The wellfare immigrants (AKA the vast majority of the "refugees") come here for the wellfare obviously. Some might think they will have it all here but they are sorely mistaken as most swedes are actually rather "racist" (in a reasonable way) whenever they're not in the spotlight. The whole SWEDEN YES cuckmaster ordeal is a product of/reaction to our media elite's nonsense that relatively few swedes actually subscribe to.
The few men in Sweden should emigrate to America, Sweden is a genetical toilet now.
let's trade. i can kidnap a swedish waifu for you.
>Swedish women the most sought after race of women in the world?
lol. Nope
Can he uncuck Sweden? I'm going to meet him when he comes.
>lifting for girls
Don't set yourself up for failure
>Finnish women must me perfect
You found the redpill, my emu friend.
Sweden can't be uncucked. You can't change something that is an inherent part of Swedish DNA.
Nordic "men" are to shy and faggy to take a woman. That's why Ahmed and his five brothers take them.
Because 10 left-wing idiots represent women of the entire population of Swedish women.
>The whole SWEDEN YES cuckmaster ordeal is a product of/reaction to our media elite's nonsense that relatively few swedes actually subscribe to.
This so much
average swedes are pretty normal
Norwegian women are the best
Why the svens don't like the finns?
The finns seem to be really nice guys
The silent, strong type of people like Gary Cooper on High Noon
>wanting to fuck midget anorexic girls
She's not even a boy. And I'd trade any boy for a Swedish wife. You can have her and her midget genes I'll take me some Swede.
Those are daft southerners, the north stands with Finnbros.
>Why the svens don't like the finns
They have a superiority complex whilst taking it up the ass from Jamal.
what's your point, the one's in a night club? most of them just look like they are taking a picture together and not even with eachother.
Swedish women are worth nothing but as a fuck toy, this is why they are the most raped yet the less married.
You only have sex with Swedish women, you do not marry such an easy piece of meat but instead marry a real wholesome woman.
George Soros is the enemy
The sad thing about this picture is, that it is highly probable that her baby is not white.
> Finland is subservient to the mighty Swedish king
>Why the svens don't like the finns?
We don't actually dislike them for real. Swedes and finns just have an old tradition of mutual trash talking.
>She's not even a boy.
>not even a boy.
that's gay brah.
Race mixers are also the enemy
Not if they're feminine, tell me if you wouldn't fuck Anzu if she were a boy?
>According to that Iceland should have the hottest ones by far.
Ever been to Iceland, Hans?
They are the hottest ones. By far.
don't bother friend. the rest of the world uses the metric system.let them look it up.
They would've never been able to take us if it wasn't for the Pope and his German mercenaries.
>thousands of years
You missed the part about vikings and invading russia and our neighbours numerous times etc?
Turks have a long history of fucking effeminate little boys; we don't, and we would appreciate it if you keep your paedophilic culture to yourself.
Maximize the autism.
The sterepoype of Finnjävel("Finnish devil") still exists. Finns are not as civilized and tolerant. But mostly it's just bantz. We call them fags too and don't want to study their language.
c-can't answer that question.
>invading russia
No you didn't.
yeb was pretty handsome in the day.
>Next to Sweden
Assuming they have somehow avoided feminism, your women will just fuck up when Sweden collapses.
>Anon, we need to let thpse poor Swedes in
Assuming you actually have some sort of border.
>we don't
>muh heritage faggot
discarding everything you say from now on
>all his wife's kids
kek, how cucked can a man be
That's right
I never mentioned my heritage.
I said "we" as in westerners.
> losing this badly in an argument that you are literally lying
Pathetic m8.
See, I think it'd even be better, Anzu like boys would be fun but they'd be shit mothers because of little frames and height. Even while thinking with your dick, you can make rational decisions.
>calls Swedes coalburners
So it's just banter? By the way how are you finns dealing with the muslims. I just saw that finns made a manifestation against ahmed and friends(which i think is good, the muslims are scum)
>believing this meme
East and south european women are much better looking.
>So it's just banter
No, it's something deeply rooted into the mentality of the Swede.
Turkish women are best
If you don't agree you are K*rd or Armenian
They aren´t but i wont tell you who because you´ll fuck that country only because it seems that u hate your race (yeah the advertise thing) and cant protect your people, women, kids, culture w/e
You actually know nothing of either finnish or swedish history, people, culture or mentality. I'm actually wondering if you even know that Finland is the meatshield between Russia and Sweden.
Which is odd, since you're british. I'd expect this type of retardation from an american.
desu I hate blond hair.
I much prefer red, or jet black hair.
>I'm actually wondering if you even know that Finland is the meatshield between Russia and Sweden.
I do, whis is why I think you're fucked.
You are literally Sweden's bitch and you always have been.
>I cant say I care about our race at this point.
You do care, and you will for the rest of your life. You just tell yourself you don't, as a defensive mechanism, because this tragedy is very hard to stomach and you'd rather close your shell to stop feeling the pain.
But we will win. Whites will win. We will protect our own, and we will end this madness.
why tho? why are you so bummed out about our preferences? in what way are white women any better?
and also, caucasians mixing with asians will not result in degeneracy
pic related,half portuguese,half chinese.
Sorry not willing to get shot or blown up attempting to visit Muslim toilet turkey
Also wtf are you talking about, all Arabs are fucking ugly mongaloids. Goddamn chimps with ak47s
Fucked in what sense? Once Sweden becomes the Caliphate of Swedenistan we can just move in to reclaim Meänmaa and then let them drown in their own shit.
Sorry not willing to get shot or blown up attempting to visit Muslim toilet turkey
Also wtf are you talking about, all Arabs are fucking ugly mongaloids. Goddamn chimps with ak47s
But have you any idea what such a geological location does to a nation's people?
You got me there, I didn't know any of that because none of those countries are important
My gf is Swedish, and if there's something I can confirm is that she's hot. Nevertheless, she is BATSHIT crazy. I obviously cannot speak for the lot of them, but I have the constant feeling that's just due to their culture, since men there tend to be tremendous cucks who don't know how to please women properly and will just bow to their every command, and we always fight and argue whenever I tell her to do something/don't do what she tells me and it gets out of hand.
VERY worth it overall, though.
>tfw no bracelet
Not always it seems, their sagas attest to that.
Turks aren't Arabs, you fucking simpleton.
That doesn't make Finland any less shit.
No I seriously dont. Anyone so mindless isnt worth saving, the worst types of people are white.
Ever seen a black panromantic demigendered otherkin? No, only whites spout that bullshit when not saying how Islam isnt homophobic and Christians were behind Orlando's shooting.
All good whites died in WW2, nothing worthwhile survived.
Your army is a joke, and even if they werent Russia would just attack from the east.
Is this a nose ring? Literal cow.
These aren't real Swedish women. Real Swedish women are brown.
>Russia would just attack from the east.
Yesyes, da ebil rossiyan boogieman gonna come for us
Right now we are Russia's bitch as we've always been. And it annoys Swedes because they get cucked.
>That doesn't make Finland any less shit.
kekek, coming from the fucking UK
That picture itself is fucking degenerate you thick skulled fool.
Not really. Make you paranoid about Russia which is the correct attitude. But that doesnt change the fact you share a border with a tumour called Sweden, and they will likely move to Finland after Sweden dies.
Finland has no future, and images here imply you are cucked already. Just like Sweden, Germany, the UK and France. Only Slavs and shitholes like Estonia and Latvia are safe.
Funny, because that Ludwig's father is a mulatto.
>and they will likely move to Finland
Their qts can come, Per-Sven should wither and die though
And he is a quadroon.
>shitholes like Estonia
You're fucking retarded, seriously.
Attacking the messenger doesnt make their argument less valid either.
Shit, it's like Sweden justifying all the rape by saying it's better than the Congo or South Africa.
Fanning is Irish
"Only whites are crazy SJWs/Tumblrinas" is a fucking idiotic meme.
Look at any video or image of the insanity going on over the Atlantic and you'll see how untruthful that is. You'll see blacks everywhere. Especially women.
>shitholes like Estonia
I got triggered.
Calling Estonia a shithole shows how you have NO IDEA what's going on in those countries. You might call Estonia the tiniest superpower now. But what should I expect from inbred anglo from his "united" kingdom?
>images here imply you are cucked already
Going by statistics alone instead of memes we're not nearly in as bad a state as Sweden.
Oooooh, Finland has a crush on Estonia!
Asylum applications in UK:
Asylum applications in Finland this year: 3100
Greatest ally.
Can somebody translate the first swedish part? From what i can see i think that dindu fell for the Sweden Yes! Meme and wanted to fuck some coal burners but something went wrong.
you must be gay you damned niggerfaggot
none of these women are swedish tho, the small girls are finns, the lower one is dutch. the top left was german or american and so on.
Men vad är detta nudå...
I didn't know that being brown was an advantage.
Leave esti alone you fuckin 60% burger
Troops from 'mainland' Sweden actually were pretty tough, just like the rest of Gustavus Adolphus's soldiers.
Is that Hanna to the left?
How good are my chances with eastern european girls if I'm a 5'7 Italian American male?
Said the German
Sorry the minimum requirement is 5'8".
Posting again because new thread
How do I get sex in Sweden? I'm an Afro-American and I've been her for two weeks. I literally can't get any girl on the street to talk to me and it seems like the Sweden Yes meme only was a fucking myth. I'm so pissed that I literally only walk around the city the entire day and then back to the hotel to sleep. Sometimes I try to stop people on the street but they run away thinking I'm going to rape them.
Whatever you say, Per-Göran.
Not all that tough on their own it seems, with them needing the help of the Pope and his Vatican goons in order to occupy us in the first place.
An american nigger on visit is in despair because swedish women won't look at, talk to or let a lone fuck him.
"Occupy us", wat?
it's crazy how this is really happening
looks like a /d/ doujin tbqh
>talking to random people on the street
What kind of subhuman does this
That image shows we cucked all of Europe and made them fight our battles against their own countries. Seems pretty based to me.
too bad our best king in history died, he had big plans.
what if I'm bringing 10k and willing to pay girls to sleep with me? (they must be hotter than 8.5/10 )
grow a pair.
Everyone loves toothbrushing
The Vikings left for England, Europe and then America and left the women in charge with all the betas. Of course they're gonna run the country into the ground.
That's incorrect, we are brotherly people and that is the general opinion of the Swedes. Trust me.
If there is one country I would support is Finland
>Sometimes I try to stop people on the street but they run away thinking I'm going to rape them
Well if he'd knew about certain minorites in Sweden he'd understand why they act that way. Also did he post on /pol/? He couldn't have been that stupid to belive that he'd find advice on this board.
Is that a tranny?
Don't really know. It shouldn't be that hard. Throw some money around, buy her some drinks and I'm sure she'll fall under your American spell.
No. Just your run-of-the-mill swedish "5/5" grill
Other than Sweden it is Finland, Norway and maybe, just maybe Denmark I am willing to die for. Just like my grandfather did in 1940.
Don't try to get one. It's doing a lot of house work, listening to a lot of stuff she wants to say, not to control her space, getting fine that she often goes to parties. She is incredibly beautiful, but it's hell sometimes.
t. Mehmet Oturkulu
You've just literally described my life with her. I was starting to think it was just me.
>they treat Finnish guy like trash because we're not brown enough.
I swear, this shit is from Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.
White people are shit, sweden belongs to us now!
How old is she? Mine is 23, still studies and quite energetic. Likely we mostly live in Sweden, because rhythm and Russia doesn't fit her at all.
asalaam alaikum
It's actually brown people that are shit.
You are just mad because Finland has been Swedish longer than it has been finnish.
We all know Sweden and Finland as well as our people stand very close to each other. Always have, always will.
She's 22, I'm 19. We're both in our first year of medicine here in Spain. We actually met in college. The plan is to go live in Sweden once we're done, since she misses her family a lot and I don't really care at all about leaving this country behind.
Better hope you meet him before the muzzies in Sweden kill him
How does a pyccкий тaвapиц bag a swedish girl?
Tell me the story.
I was in Sweden last year and a married woman was all over me talking shit on her husband. It's a meme but there's a lot of truth to Swedish males just being too fucking feminine for them. I was acting like a typical douchey American and the Swedish women loved it.
and reminder that this is how non-white genes get into the white race is by breeding with the very white looking mixed race people to the point where you are mixed but its hard to tell
Sweden is only good for producing boypussy
so sweden has the best looking women in europe? can any other nations compete?
Holland, easily.
probably a vodka addict
if swedes would go for vodka addicts, finns would be drowning in pussy.
Yes, we scandinavians are basically the same.I really miss our beauties when Im abroad.
I met her on a concert in Helsinki, we hooked up and both didn't want to part ways after. Pretty much it. I was 20, she was 21. I had nothing to do and I decided to move in with her in Göteborg. Plan to start to study in Sweden something myself.
A lot of Swedes love Spain. She might want to stay in. Sweden is a strange place, still mostly a paradise to be honest.
Not to be a party-pooper or anything but she is Norwegian, Sweden
How would you compare Russian women with your current gf? I've always put but both russian and swedish women up on a pedestal my whole life basically, and now that one of my "dreams" has come true being with her, I feel sort of disenchanted due to the constant fights and struggle to keep up the relationship at times. Which would you say you like better overall?
Sounds like a normal relationship with a western Euro girl to be honest..The frequent partying usually gets less mid to late 20s though.
>this is how swedes see the finns
ukraine does
I'd that she is a challenge with her personality, Russian women are usually challenge with unexpected outbursts and mean butcheness. She is open and straight to the point unlike most Russian women(at times it's really difficult to understand what they want). Just as we decided to stay together, she said out her conditions and rules and asked if its ok and what are mine. So this kind of constant negotiating helps to avoid conflict.
>implying it's not true
Heading to the local library. However in my town you can tell the libraries selection is controlled by libs. Mostly blue pilled books and novels. I read to learn so non-fiction only. What are some good red-pilled books I should look for? Want to read, An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. Also interested in any good books about the occult and military history and strategy. But all suggestions are welcome. I need a few because I probably wont be able to find most. Thanks in advance guys. | ---79308084
hmm Crime and punishments, Art of war, and The unfettered mind are a few that come to mind.
>Choosing only one pill
Good suggestions thanks.
>An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
Adam Smith is strictly blue pilled about economics - he shills free trade in an era where British protectionism had previously ushered in unheard of prosperity, and Limeys could afford to piss it all away as moral signaling.
Chinks have made a killing out of protectionist economics over the last 75 years - here is one who is not afraid to let you in on the secret
Question. Are a lot of people on /pol/ influenced by occultism?
Occultism is the truth. Jews have warped it though, so now you have people who would otherwise be spiritual warlords becoming christians and worshiping the kike on a stick.
Do you think it's fair that Canadians can't purchase pic related? If Trump really wanted to win he'd be selling these separate from his campaign | ---79310283
That would be illegal canuck
They're all over eBay retard. Is this your first day on the Internet?
And it can return. We're counting on you Russians. Restore the Empire. | ---79310159
What flag is that in particular?
One of suggestions for Eurasian Union
you are shill.
No shit.
Junker is bringing that dream to reality
This will happen. | ---79307851
Florida vote for Hillary?
yet PA voted for trump?
this is retarded
yup, a bunch of leftists are trying to say it wasn't actual islam.
Change Fl to trump and give trump that district in maine and yeah, also he's getting NC
>I'm too stupid to breathe
that's the pan handle
Because it wasn't, because he was a faggot, and because he wanted to be remembered as a member of ISIS rather than people knowing that he took untold dozens of cocks up his ass.
I T ' S
P A I D - F O R
I T ' S
D A Y ~
as a resident of PA I want to give one hearty kek to you sir
NC has voted for the Democrat candidate one time (2008) in the past 9 presidential elections and somehow that makes us a toss up and likely to vote for Hillary? You people are so dumb.
based tendie subs coming through
Are you going to say I'm a Hillary shill when she wins in November? Are you just going to deny it?
FBI said they could find no evidence of any gay lovers. But once again the media pushes a story with zero evidence and that makes it common knowledge.
this is an anonymous board you cunt. nobody is going to remember you or care by then. nobody will give a shit about you when this thread archives either.
thats not what i meant u dumb cunt
Fuck tho there is a rec. pot bill in Florida. Surely it will start out millennials out to vote which only helps shilldog
you're the one being shit at conveying what you mean. you understood my point right away.
wow hmm, maybe I am dumb. i've got to stop and think about this.
this exchange you just had makes it obvious to everyone that you are a shill
I'm a Florida millennial, trust me Trump's got this.
Colorado is now a heavily red state. Your post is invalid.
they said that about brexit won't happen too OP, but then here we are
If Trump gets PA he automatically wins.
No, he doesn't.
New Hampshire and Maine will likely be blue.
the marijuana bill was btfo by old voters last go around
now many of those old voters want the medical marijuana for their numerous health problems
she will likely take ohio and pennsylvania as well. your map is a best case scenario for trump desu
babby's first election eh?
Over my dead fucking body.
maybe this
hes losing in NC right now :(
A bunch of mouthy blacks. We've got until Nov.
Because this is the answer to a strong military. Why would anybody disagree?? | ---79308244
whats the issue
if you're going to have women in the army you might as well have men who think they are women in the army
Good luck. Soon you'll accept foreigners too and this will be the end of your country.
Well if we allow butt fuckers and carpet munchers into the military, whats wrong with adding a few more mentally unstable adults?
Anybody smell a draft?
Rome did it and they...
Oh, wait..
I thought the best officers were the guys who thought of and made death and gore as a sexual thing?
Daily reminder that the USA is NOT an Anglo nation! We have an Ayran heart at our core!! That's the source of our success.
>Anglo BTFO | ---79300313
By that account we're all african then you mong
> implying the Germans weren't the cancer
Why do you think early labor strike posters were often printed in both English and German?
>No Dutch
>German areas are all shitholes
really makes you think
diaspora germans
Your most successful state economically is almost entirely mexican according to that.
Angles=North Germanic tribe
germany is basicly turkey in disguise
so ur all roaches
>one of biggest states both population-wise and physically
>lots of natural resources
>"its da Mehicans, m8!"
No, New England is the wealthiest and most succesful region tbqh, considering it's size
So the British and Irish.
Still not German
The US was founded by Britain. Inherently it is British. Yes independence is your but the nation would of never of existed without Anglo blood.
Most Americans can't distinguish between Georgia the state and Georgia the country. I highly doubt many Americans are aware of their heritage from 3 generations ago. Let alone the fucking 11 or whatever it has been since the first white man stood on the shores.
Too long; didn't speak clear enough for burgers. You're a country of Euromutts, as are Australians, Canadians and Kiwis. Now, stop RPing as a Aryan and be A FUCKING AMERICAN
>falling for the Aryan meme
>believing German savages are ahead of glorious Anglos
Laugh at him /pol/, laugh.
>mostly German roots
that explains why you love shitskins so much
Why doesn't Detroit have some shithole African flag?
Guess how else you managed to be successful?
I want to kill spics.
The rabid white supremacists here are so boring.
It's a well known fact that the worst german migrated to the us.
Trash tier.
yeah thats why america is full of commies
>t. Plebbitor
And it's well known that the best Germans died in war. So now we're both filled with literal Aryan excrement.
It's reich time
You are our memetic descendants. We gave you common law, democracy, a language, system of weights and measures etc etc. You took the template forward.
I'm with you bro. They've been infiltrating my workplace over the last decade. I hate their ugly brown faces.
Didn't this use data that was self reported? Most Americans if they're like 90% British and 10% German seem to claim their ancestry is German
Your grandpa was a pussy.
Yeah no shit, only anglophiles and Bongs actually think we are Anglo in any way.
We weren't even half English when the colonies were under the protection of the English crown so what makes anyone think we were English at any other time either ?
>New England is the wealthiest and most succesful region
Yankeecucks actually believe this
>The US was founded by Britain
No it wasn't
Fuck off cuckboy
there's more than 15% chance you're a nigger, nigger
not to mention half hispanics are considered """white""" in your country
>I highly doubt many Americans are aware of their heritage from 3 generations ago
Jesus Christ you're salty as fuck
Until the 1970's America was the most pureblood nation on the planet and nobody really married outside of their respective heritage.
For fuck sake other than Nazi Germany and Sparta nobody has even come close to the level of Eugenics that the US conducted until the end of WW2
>those Norgs up top
Ayo hol up where my Norwegian homies at
>Richest, most educated region is Anglo
>Some of the poorest redneck states are German
German immigrants were the first mistake America made.
>"USA is NOT an Anglo nation! We have an Ayran heart at our core!!"
>Helps the beady eyed anglos in the war
>Until the 1970's America was the most pureblood nation on the planet and nobody really married outside of their respective heritage
>Someone unironically believes this
I know back from over a century for my family and I still can't discern when the german/french/norwegian heritage I seemingly have all converged.
The only reason people say German, is because whatever side they got German ancestry from probably came here most recently and is easier to track.
Most people are different mixtures of european with a dash of british that they probably don't even know about.
this fäm
>Ayran heart at our core
Cold Ayran is the master race drink for sure, too bad you gavur will never taste it.
>didn't even have a white nation policy intact up to 1973
I've tasted it, It's basically rotten milk
The reason why the British ancestry is under-estimated is because many people with British ancestry have been in this country for centuries. If your family has been here for enough time, you are considered indigenous and not British.
For example: my family has been in the US since the days of British colonialism, and I'm not considered British.
Can't get a job with out 100K debt in yankeeland
New England is full of liberals and literal socialists.
That map is so wrong.
>Believing in the African Jew
>Union Flag
Kill yourself.
>the 2014 American Community Survey, German Americans (14.4%), Irish Americans (10.4%), English Americans (7.6%) and Italian Americans (5.4%) were the four largest self-reported European ancestry groups in the United States forming 37.8% of the total population.[1]
>However, demographers regard this as a serious undercount, as the index of inconsistency is high, and many, if not most, people from English stock have a tendency (since the introduction of a new "American" category in the 2000 census) to identify as simply Americans[5][6][7][8]
>In the 1980 United States Census, over 49 million (49,598,035) Americans claimed English ancestry, at the time around 26.34% of the total population and largest reported group which, even today, would make them the largest ethnic group in the United States.[10][11]
Fritz btfo. USA is Anglo.
>what's evolution
I never denied that
>t. Cletus with an IQ of 78
Why is the American education system so fucking bad? | ---79288736
Women teachers, bloated administration.
Liberals think the only way to fix a problem is throw money at it.
In reality that only makes the problem bigger without actually fixing anything.
He's not wrong. People who only got to Unis because of their athletic performances should stick to what they know. It's not like most of them have IQ above 80 anyway, trying to educate them is a waste of everyone's time and money.
it's run by the government, panders to niggers, and filled with women.
It's basically a perfect example of why the government here is shit at everything.
It functions mainly as a day care and propaganda institution that provides hot meals to inner city dreamers.
Education is a secondary concern
Public schools are state funded daycare for poor people and minorities.
Nice damage control, you burgers are just racially inferior
I have never had antibiotics in my life (muh chickenfood) neither has it ever been recommended to me
Is it normal in other countries to do so?
If you don't make it to the NFL, MLB or so on you don't really go on to work in what degree you got. I agree with you, athletes should have their own sport related curriculum
White Americans overperform relative to Europeans.
Without shovelling them into classes they don't give a fuck about, universities wouldn't have a legal way to exploit them without paying them.
Plus, having that California native who never set foot in your endless corn field of a state until the first day of OTAs actually take classes helps feed the rabid tribalism that the college sports business model is founded on.
Only if you have an infection
College football is so fucking degenerate. It gives sluts and douchelords a reason to be proud of some stupid shit they were involved in for 4 years of their life. College sports are the absolute worst.
Yes, it is. I had antibiotics twice in my life, one time after surgery and another after serious accident with open wound. If you take too much antibiotics you are as stupid and dangerous as anti-vaccination folks.
Americans got the lowest IQ for a first world country. Do we need more explanations?
The only time I had to take antibiotics was before some dental surgery I had, just as a preventive measure. Colds heal themselves eventually.
White American overperform relative to Europeans.
> ITT: People mocking people taking antibiotics for the flu but still won't get the vaccine.
-Race to the bottom from liberals to adapt at these 2
Same problem here too, with lazy, full of privilege professors in bonus.
because the basic function of school is to keep kids in one place for a few hours so their parents can go to work. education is secondary at best
As far as I know most of anti-vaccination people are alternative medicine users so the probably don't. Also don't be naive, most of the people who take vaccines don't know why they are doing this and why is it important. The just do.
If you take out our African american population the average IQ goes up 7 points, probably more if you took out the pedro's as well.
I'm wondering the same thing, after seeing that thread yesterday where everyone was saying that 1000 people isn't enough for a poll
>privileged professors
professors don't get paid shit, dawg. most of em don't even get health insurance
isn't the flu a virus infection? why the fuck would you treat it with antibiotics?
I guess every country has its stupid people, including france.
Does nobody in this thread realize the point of OPs image is to make fun of people taking antibiotics for viral infections that they will have no effect on.
>1 post by id
Anti-vaccination is retarded, also taking antibiotics for the common cold is also retarded.
You are lying.
Why would I lie?
Like OP said, American education system.
There are plenty of niggers in America. It kind of ruins it for the rest of of
Almost all of them take fluff classes where professors are told to give them A's to prevent them from getting kicked out. Niggers make hundreds of millions putting balls through hoops and throwing leather egg balls at each other.
>Women teachers, bloated administration.
ayo we need mo money fo dem programz senpai
How is a nation full of retards blowing the whole world out of the water when it comes to science and technology? are you even trying?
The pursuit of the all mighty dollar is a great motivator.
Because it got taken over by cultural marxists and their useful idiots. I'm never having kids unless I break 6 figures so I can send them to a private school.
This quite honestly along with Common Core. American public education is honestly so fucked, moreso than other countries.
Not sure, you should ask the legions of mudbloods and europeons who literally uproot their entire existence for a chance to go to our universities. 4 out of 5 best in the world.
Getting lapped by a bunch if inbred monolingual fatasses isnt something I would make a thread about, but thats none of my business.
kek, the CDC just made this simple quiz on antibiotics
Antibiotics works against bacterial infection and the flu is viral (and "cold" isn't anything) so it's stupid to take antibiotics for that, we all agree.
But it's also stupid to complain about the flu and not take the perfectly working vaccine every year.
>doesn't realize how the US department of defense works
My sister got all As from the start of grading (about year 2, so 8 years old) to year 12, then graduated and went into an engineering degree which she proceeded to blow the fuck out of.
So, one day I'm rolling about at home doing random shit, and she calls me.
She's just been picked up and is going to California for DoD work.
I ask how much she's gonna get paid, she says "I didn't know they put that many zeroes on a paycheck."
She's now working for upwards of 450,000 USD a year with full benefits, full insurance, guaranteed holidays, etc.
If you're good (which is rare, she was a bloody country girl planning to work with construction in Australia if that helps you imagine the chances) they will not stop throwing money at you until you give in.
Apparently it started at 150k, went up to 250k, she started ignoring them because she thought it was a prank, then it went all the way up to 450k.
If they want somebody, they'll get them. Simple as that.
Sometimes doctors give antibiotics to flu to prevent bacterial infections
>unironicaly falling for the american education meme
Hmmmm. Usually the DoD hires only natural-born US citizens
>hypochondriacs who get filled with shit every time they have a dry throat
>getting flu shots EVER
Well they hired my sister, maybe she's that important. I'm not completely sure what she does there, but it's something high up.
Your sister's a dirty fucking whore who should be a housewife not an engineer.
This man is correct. As an Alabama fan I don't give a Fuck if anyone on the team can add as long as they know their routes and can memorize their plays.
Honestly football should be a major, who gives a Fuck if the QB goes to class?
White burgers, no.
"Urban" burgers, yes.
>It be just like magic
anti-intellectualism on a wide scale
Most college players arent good enough to make it into the pros, few make it in. They need some kind of backup plan, else we would just see thousands of 23 year old men everywhere bitching that they have nowhere to go after theyre done with college.
He's right.
Their greatest value in society is going to be getting concussions for the viewing pleasure of others. There is literally no reason for them to learn how history or math.
How long until we will get some super disease which will kill most of us? Ebola failed.
antibiotics affect bacteria. flu is due to virus, no effect on virus. virus causes "colds".
They sprinkle their crops with antibiotics, mate.
They are the source of every nasty antibiotic-resistant shit in the world. But oh noe - its "chinese bird flu", everything is "somehow" found in China, before chinese even know it.
> antibiotics do not affect modern viruses, after we made perfect environment for their reprodiction by pouring thousands of tonnes of antibiotic solutions on our fields
> because hey: antibiotic solution - it the solution, not the problem, dude, peace, fuck corporation, yeah, shedded cheese hom nom nom
I've never had antibiotics either. I'm 25.
Sadly American universities are pointless propaganda now days.
It basically is a major, the "Youth and Community Studies" or "Physical Culture and Development" is basically just a bare-bones coaching development course. If they don't go pro, they go coach at a middle school.
Except for the kickers, they go to business school.
Everyone mong cuck in finland knows harvard.
Literally even the most educated here couldn't name a single one of your shitty universities.
We win Genghis
Not sure what you're talking about, isn't this American individualism in action?
There is zero incentive to avoid antibiotics on an individual basis, only populational
What the fuck are you even talking about?
his posting is fueled by bathtub vodka and krokodil
Because college wouldn't be an absolute necessity if it weren't for the poor public schooling system. People think the solution is making college free, but that really just further devalues a college degree. We need to fix public schooling instead of making college degrees the new diploma.
Many people, including you, can't tell the difference between having a virus or a bacterial infection. Usually you need a rapid test to screen for them. Sometimes you can have the flu virus AND a sinus infection at the same time- which unfortunately has happened to me.
Without going to medical school or having rapid tests available at home, the vast majority of people call any and all illnesses "a cold" or "the flu" interchangeably because they have no discernible difference between the two or any other illness without expert advice.
What you're describing is a separate "issue" from our shitty educational system.
Just do a internet search of PISA score by race.
Because it has to teach Americans.
Niggers. Seriously. Take a young idealistic teacher and put them in with some "problem children" and you break their spirit really fast.
>ARTIs - such as the common cold, uncomplicated bronchitis, sore throat and sinus infection - are the most common reason for outpatient antibiotic prescriptions for adults in the US.
Why is the school system shit? Because they are teaching kids what to think instead of how to think.
They don't teach children philosophy, genetics, or morality at a young age.
In my case, they yelled at me every single fucking day and I was a nervous wreck. And I didn't do anything wrong, it was the niggers, arabs, and spics in my class chimping out.
That was just with 3 niggers in a class. I wonder what an all black school must be like. Holy shit.
Things got way too easy in university and they still didn't teach us how to think.
Instead of telling kids, "make your dreams come true" tell them "Belief is determined by neurological responses to internal and external stimuli and if you enlighten yourself to a point where you understand the nature of reality, nothing should offend you."
And then there are obstacles in your way, like really hollow HR women that don't hire you because they think you "lack confidence". Like how the fuck do you know I lack confidence you cunt? I traveled to a different city just to take the interview. HOW DO I LACK CONFIDENCE?
Pretty sure White Canadian would be pretty close to the top. I know here every couple years the press freaks out because we have the lowest reading/math scores in Canada, but it's solely because of all the natives here.
>what are secondary opportunistic bacterial infections
ever get over a bout of bronchitis only to get sick again directly after, having your mucous turn from yellow to green?
This picture made me mad as fuck.
lool, is this real life
Pro tip: If you go to an American university with a sports program you are subsidizing these retards and paying for them to be in a development program for pro teams. Most universities don't cover their sports programs costs without athletics fees.
We had to lower standards until women and minorities could get passing grades because appearing to educate everyone equally thus proving that we're all the same, is more important than acknowledging that different groups might require different styles of education and might have different intellectual capacities
you're saying doctors prescribe antibiotics against common cold in case of a secondary opportunistic bacterial before diagnosis?
I know this sounds fucked up, but I had a better education when I lived in the states. I came home, and some people can't even think to add periods to their sentences.
Yes, of course. Keep dreaming
Yes. I'm not saying I agree with this.
Doctors here are basically strong-armed (read: muh feels, muh insurance payments, muh uneducated and loudly-complaining retard americans) into handing out antibiotics like candy. If an american goes to the doc and DOESN'T get antibiotics then they think the doctor is a quack rather than assuming that the doctor trusts your own immune system to do the fighting.
I hate americans for this reason, and for many, many other reasons.
Alright lads, I'm a daily 420 blazer, (xD) and I also used it to alleviate the cold symptoms, and it really helped every time, I mean imagine actually being able to eat and do something besides lying in bed when having a fever (for example shitpost on /pol/)
Me and both my brothers played D1 sports. I got a degree in EE and they both did business related majors. They both went pro though but they have good degrees to call back on.
We're not all retards (but yes many have no business being in college)
I'm sick right now, too (Upper respiratory infection from swimming in the river, I think) and I'm BLAZEING IT, FAGGOT right now, too.
hi-five for sick rippers half-a-world-apart
although I'm smoking 21% THC ultra-dank colorado nuggs while you're probably smoking shit on-par with our mexican sand weed
Business degrees are typically for retards
>business related majors
I could take a business final exam and pass that shit having never taken a business class
>business degree
into the trash
Me neither but it's more because i never get sick, i think doctors here are more antibiotic happy
A college degree plus being a pro athlete in the world today is a pretty good thing to have on a resume you have to admit.
They both have an absurd amount of connections when they decide to hang it up.
Because it's not cool to be intelligent.
Bush Jr.
No child left behind leaves teachers teaching test taking skills more than teaching.
System with too many rules, that can't be followed because it's too expensive vs the new aircraft carrier.
Social media. People are dumb enough to repeat everything that's told to them without fact checking.
>This whole thread
Damn, it feels god to be a Doctor.
I know I'm just a spic doc in a third world shithole but Jesús fucking Cristo people, pick up a fucking biology book, most of you are hopelessly ignorant when it comes to medical stuff.
Once in the jungle when I had a parasite
i wish i could tell you but i need to know how european school feels like so i could compare and contrast. biology class though it sucked because it was a freshman class. everyone was loud, throwing stuff, just copying the asian, and not paying attention. teacher just stopped trying after a while
Keep them dumb, in debt, and voting Democrat.
Holy fuck a mexican intellectual
>People on Social media are dumb enough to repeat everything that's told to them without fact checking.
These retards.....
why brag on an anonymous image board when it lends nothing of substance to a conversation about averages
It's because the NCAA needs to maintain the façade of "student-athlete" in order to stay non-profit, tax free
Because the kids don't give a shit and the teachers care more about enforcing their rules than actually teaching anything.
One time in eighth grade I was suspended for a day for violating the schools dress code by not wearing a fucking belt.
>why brag on an anonymous image board
I've been asking myself this for over a decade, now. There is no answer. I know it's all lies, as I lie constantly in almost every single post I make here and I assume 90% of all posts are heavily embellished or outright lies
Minorities dragging averages down, standardized testing, teacher's unions. All 3 if these things working together simultaneously
This, and a leveling process has taken place to make high school degrees more accessible to blacks. It's difficult to point to exact legislation, but all you have to is look at some old textbooks pre-desegregation and after to see what I mean. I have some old 1930s Latin textbooks for 5th graders which would now be suitable for AP Latin students. That is how much dumber we are getting as a nation. Standardization at the federal and even the state level has had a disastrous effect on the quality of education. You can still get a decent secondary education through taking a heavy course load of AP classes (that's college level, euros); but the people who do this are few and far between. At my public high school of 2,000 people maybe 30 of us took a lot of AP courses. Only about 15 of us took exclusively AP courses junior and senior years.
How do we fix education? We nuke Hollywood, introduce mass media laws, leave education standards up to the state and local governments, allow more students to be homeschooled, encourage increased standards across the board through incentives, and segregate the schools. In other words, we can't fix it. Sorry. We are going to continue getting dumber.
Ex teacher here.
The core of it is niggers.
US Education has become fairly centralized and with American centralization comes standardization. The entire system is only as strong as the lowest common denominator.
People bitch about common core, but things like it have been occuring since the Commies shot Sputnik into space. Schools stopped being local school houses and became standarsized trying to focus on math and science, which generally works for standardization. However, there was one demographic not keeping up as time went on. So new programs were instituted every couple of years, and as most people in the education field tend to be altruistic, they could not be content with the conclusion that niggers are naturally unintelligent.
So over and over, through decades, standards are lowered, new programs are tried, new styles of teaching, new theories... All for nothing.
Except for knocking down the other demographics able to acquire knowledge. The constant lowering for that particular demographic has actually given that demographic's view on education a foot hold for everyone else to follow. Asians do well, natives and beaners do slightly worse than whites, but it's nowhere near as bad as niggers. And really beaner kids are at a disadvantage by not knowing english and STILL outperform nigs.
And full circle... The nation's education boarda go "b-but we tried this new process/method/testing... why aren't blacks doing better... WE MUST STILL BE TOO RACIST WE NEED TO TRY HARDER..." forever.
Federalized education designed for indoctrination and to destroy creative thought.
Women have been fairly consistently shown to be better teachers, on average.
You're right about bloat though.
At a certain point in time you'd think teachers would become wholly disillusioned by the idea of black people being literal knuckle draggers.
Ironically, and from my experience, it's the black teachers who realize it the most.
But the entire field has also gone to shit due to PC culture and helicopter parents. I know a teacher who lost her job because some suburban mom found a picture on the internet of the teacher when she was in college holding a red cup. No actual proof there was alcohol in said cup, but it became such a stink she got let go.
Teachers are either so disillusioned or the most brainwashed sheep, because those are the only two people who will take 40k a year to be a nigger baby sitter and parent punching bag.
I've only taken anti-biotics like three times my entire life. Hell I usually ride out headaches then take aspirin.
Why the fuck would you take it for a cold?
Fuck no. Women are scatterbrained nut cases. I always learned exponentially more from my male teachers.
i rarely get sick and i never take medicine
most of the people i know who are constantly sick have shit hygiene and shit health in general
you never wash your hands and live off of mcdonalds and sleep 5 hours a night? wow i am so surprised that your body is struggling to protect you from the common cold!
So god damn true, got a friend whos a 1st grade teacher she used to always come over in tears talking about how her nig students dont listen to her and hit her just causing complete chaos in general. She would call their parents to try to resolve the situation and they would always claim they dindu nuffin. I thought it would be enough to red pill her, but nope...
> US has 3rd highest population in the world
> 350+ MILLION people
> OP founds some idiots on twatter, which is simply Flypaper for idiots
> Sample size is 10 twatter users
> 5 dumb bitches, 1 poo in loo, 1 beaner, 1 dipshit nebbish giga-jew, 1 theatre agent and 1 dumb chad.
> this proves american education is worthless
wow OP, you really fagged the faggot out of fagotry with this thread.
but american education is worthless by every measurable metric. you must be a nigger
Author Gary
Allen maintains, “Those who control education will over a period of
several generations control a nation.
On March 2, 1867, offi cials created the National Bureau of Education,
under the jurisdiction of the Department of Interior, with Yaleeducated
Henry Barnard as the fi rst Commissioner of Education.173
Immediately following the Civil War, American-born George
Peabody, a freemason and a British banker, funded the Southern
Education Fund, reportedly to resuscitate Southern culture. It was
the precedent for Rockefeller’s General Education Board.174 In April
1872, the US Bureau of Education, to accommodate the needs of top
businessmen concerned about the availability of compliant workers,
published a pamphlet addressing problematic schooling.175 In 1875,
they adopted the name the Offi ce of Education and began gathering
statistical information on US educational institutions under the
auspices of the Interior Department. Educator John Eaton claimed
that public education would reduce crime and increase one’s earning
>tfw I don't need to live in the third world shithole known as America
Pretty much this. If you subtract the nigger and hispanic equation out of our numbers, it's drastically higher and one of the best.
And why do we shit ourselves so much?
In 1887, John D. Rockefeller gave $600,000 to Frederick T. Gates,
a graduate of Rochester Theological Seminary, to establish
the University of Chicago. Gates, who previously managed the
philanthropic affairs of the late George A. Pillsbury (S&B), became
the chief architect of Rockefeller’s philanthropic donations and other
personal holdings in 1891. Sixteen months later, Rockefeller gave
William R. Harper $1 million to make the college a university.179
Rockefeller ultimately endowed the school with nearly $50 million.
By 1888, the Senate Committee on Education produced a 1,382
page document to defi ne the purpose of mass education—impose
conformity and subordination and restrain natural curiosity through
an “anti-intellectual shift in schooling” under compulsory, regulatory
In 1890, Rockefeller purchased the well-renowned Encyclopedia
Britannica. By 1900, Northern businessmen and their Southern
collaborators developed schools, especially in the South, where people
still embraced militant populism which endangered the objectives of
certain Southern liberals and Northern businessmen, like Rockefeller
Jr. and Robert C. Ogden, and others who wished to renovate and
industrialize the South.181 On January 12, 1902, with congressional
approval, Rockefeller established the General Education Board
(GEB) to disperse funds to advance certain predetermined objectives,
as defi ned in Andrew Carnegie’s two-part essay, Gospel of Wealth
(1889). Rockefeller and Gates designed the philanthropic General
Education Board as an agency to transform society.182
Part of Rockefeller’s GEB Occasional Letter Number One (1906)
states, “In our dreams . . . people yield themselves with perfect
docility to our molding hands. The present educational conventions
(intellectual and character education) fade from our minds, and,
unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful
and responsive folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of
their children into philosophers or men of learning or men of science.
We have not to raise up from among them authors, educators, poets, or
men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters,
musicians, nor lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of
whom we have ample supply.
G. Stanley Hall, who had studied at the Union Theological Seminary,
then at Harvard, returned from Leipzig in 1883, where he had studied
at Wilhelm Wundt’s laboratory and joined the staff at Boston’s Johns
Hopkins University (founded January 22, 1876), where he established
a psychology laboratory. In 1887, he founded the American Journal
of Psychology.184 Woodrow Wilson, after Princeton, also entered
Johns Hopkins in the fall of 1883, and earned his doctorate in history
and political science. On October 2, 1889, Hall became president
(1889-1920) of the new Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts,
founded by US businessman Jonas G. Clark. In July 1892, Hall,
an advocate of Darwin’s theory, and twenty-fi ve other individuals
at Clark founded the American Psychological Association (APA),
and he became its fi rst president. In 1909, he invited Carl Jung and
Sigmund Freud, a member of B’nai B’rith, to deliver lectures at Clark.
The school played a prominent role in the development of psychology
Still putting turds on the board mate I see, why would the dod need an engineer? Also I used to live in dc 95% of dod personel are former military, whats her clearance? Source,
>guy who used to date dod bitch who only cleared 70,000 a year after taxes
Allowing the mentally ill roam the streets. I have never in my life seen someone shit themselves in public. Though I almost did shit myself in the car since I had food poisoning and raced home to have diarrhea sitting on the toiler for two hours yesterday draining 5 gallons of water through my ass.
as a discipline. In 1904, Hall, the father of the child psychology
movement, published the two-volume masterpiece, Adolescence: Its
Psychology and Its Relations to Physiology, Anthropology, Sociology,
Sex, Crime, Religion, and Education. In 1921, he published Aspects
of Child Life and Education.185
Johns Hopkins’ fi rst president and cofounder was Daniel C. Gilman,
one of the three individuals who incorporated The Russell Trust, The
Order of Skull and Bones. It was the fi rst American university to
apply the German university model developed by Wilhelm von
Humboldt and Friedrich Schleiermacher. Gilman incorporated both
the John F. Slater Fund, which later became the Rockefeller Foundation
and Rockefeller’s General Education Board, which took over US
medical education.186 Rockefeller gave his foundation $100 million
in its fi rst year of operation, 1913. The elite transfer their funds into
tax-exempt foundations, similar to taking money from one pocket
and putting it into another pocket to escape taxes and to further grind
the face of the poor by controlling and directing domestic and foreign
in late 1895, Dewey, the “Father of
American Education,” headed the
combined departments of philosophy,
psychology, and pedagogy. In 1886, he authored Psychology, a textbook on the application of revised
education, which instructors used in the schools of educational
training throughout the country.188 Dewey, a statist, believed that
a child exists exclusively for the benefi t of the state, which requires
the suppression of individual interests, skills, and propensities. Thus,
students receive only approved knowledge.
stay obsessed
J. Pierpont Morgan totally dominated the administrations of the Ivy
League schools from the 1880s to the 1930s. Morgan, an Anglophile
internationalist, made large endowments followed by continuous
communication with the administrations at Harvard, Columbia,
and Yale, to a lesser degree, in order to set educational policies.
Whitney money infl uenced the policies at Yale, and the Prudential
Insurance Company determined policies at Princeton. The presidents
of the universities owed their jobs to the fi nancial powers. Morgan
positioned Butler as president of Columbia.193 He was Morgan’s chief
representative at Columbia for decades until the Depression-ridden
1930s, when Morgan’s power began to decrease.
Rockefeller buffered himself from criticism by pouring his millions
into productive philanthropies, like education and medicine. Raymond
B. Fosdick, Rockefeller Foundation president, admitted that the whole
idea was about social control. The GEB granted unlimited funds to
the Wundt-educated psychologists, whose goals were to radically alter
US education.195 Rockefeller, by 1909, had given $53 million, and,
by 1921, he had personally donated over $129 million to the GEB.196
In the 1921 annual GEB report, Rockefeller directed the removal of
all restrictions on the board’s ability “to dispose in any manner it
sees fi t of the principal (and interest) of all gifts which he has made.”
The sum total of educational grants through this board amounted to
$126,788,094. He created the GEB to “accomplish certain ends” and
expected the recipients to administer the funds accordingly.197
In collaboration, the Rockefeller Foundation would regulate domestic
education, and the Carnegie Foundation would dominate international
education. Their fi rst objective was to alter the way that instructors
taught history. They approached the Guggenheim Foundation, which,
like the Rhodes scholarship program, granted fellowships. It agreed to
fund twenty US history students who were seeking doctoral degrees.
These students, after indoctrination in London, formed the nucleus
of the American Historical Association. This association gave a
$400,000 grant to create a seven-volume subjective history designed
to promote a socialistic future. The objective in all US government
schools and most private colleges is to alter history and discredit
constitutional principles as outdated and impractical.
That should be enough.
>t. Common Core
Unless you go into stem fields where you can make shitloads of money and ignore the world's problems
It has intentionally been dumbed down for decades now. A stupid population is easier to control.
Trade schools need to be revalued amd promoted as well.
Rigorous education, the promotion of critical thinking, and the pursuit of excellence have all been tossed aside in favor of teaching ideologies, tolerance, and social justice. No Child Left Behind started this trend of holding back our brightest. Common Core has expanded upon this theme by generalizing education to a standard that is "fair".
The Department of Education is a fucking travesty that is and always was run by communists and people who've never fucking taught a day in their lives. Do NOT let the government try to teach your kids if you at all value their morality and ability to excel (if they have that).
>common core is responsible for the US being the laughing stock regarding education for the last 30 years
When has common core started again?
> american education is worthless by every measurable metric
> measurable metric
> doesnt know what redundancy means
> you must be a nigger
touche', douche'
niggers spics and retards drag down the national scores.
for normal kids, american education is competitive globally, even with the ballast dragging them down
Business schools are about making connections. They give you degrees so you have the piece of paper that proves you are worthy. Its a fucking joke
>leave education standards up to the state and local governments
As a previous Florida resident and friend of many Texans. No. God no. Please do not tempt this massive influx of anti-vax flat earthers into our society. We have it bad enough as is.
Forgot the Creationists.
Maybe for female students. But my best teachers were almost always male
if you're looking at 2010 spending, you won't see the benefit until a few years after
>plotting scores on the same graph as the increase in funding to make scores look flat
you're not going to see math scores increase at 375%. it's like you want retarded children in america.
The big problem is niggity nogs. So long as people, at ANY level, are scared of having to notice that Blacks are incapable of keeping up, education will be hampered.
Letting the anti-vaxers and flat earthers write the textbooks in some states is a small price to pay if they let the niggers rot in their corner.
Or, better yet, teach kids about how this shit works early. It's not like Eratosthenes calculations are hard to replicate or particularly difficult.
I thought only old people do this and crazy mothers. Regular people take anti-biotics for no reason too? wtf
>Wants to gather data on American education
>Signs into twitter
Why is the Fingolian education system so shitty, lads?
Where I live antibiotics are handed out like candy. A simple cold could get you a prescription. It was that easy. It's also never been uncommon to get antibiotics off of neighbors or other people you might know, since a good majority keep leftover antibiotics up in a cabinet or whatever.
I've personally only been on them once or twice, and that's when I was much younger. But yeah, it's extremely easy to get put on them here.
>A strong majority of Democrats would cancel the 2016 presidential election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump if it meant President Obama could serve another term, a new poll found.
>Data provided to The Hill by the conservative polling outlet WPA Research found that 67 percent of Democrats would take a third term for Obama over a potential Clinton administration. Only 28 percent said they’re ready to move on from the Obama White House, while 6 percent are undecided.
>The WPA survey of 384 registered Democrats was conducted between June 22 and 27 and has a margin of error of 5 percentage points.
>Obama is enjoying a surprisingly strong approval rating for a president serving out the final months of his second term. A Washington Post-ABC News survey released this week found Obama’s net approval rating approaching 80 points in positive territory among Democrats. Former President Bill Clinton was at about 60 points positive within his own party at this point in 2000, while former President George W. Bush was under 40 with Republicans.
>At the same time, a Gallup survey from April found Clinton’s net approval rating among Democrats hitting a new low. She had a 63-point net positive approval rating last November. That plummeted to only 36 points in April. | ---79312035
>implying Obama isn't the same as Clinton
Fuckin democrats rustle my jimmies. Amirite fellow americans?
I am unsure of their differences domestically, but it is well known that Clinton is much more hawkish in foreign policy than Obama is and less Anti-Israel than him.
MSNBC's Morning Joe cohost Mika Brzezinski, 49, has quietly divorced her husband of nearly 23 years, local tv reporter James 'Jim' Hoffer, the father of her two teenaged daughters.
News of the split comes nearly four years after anchor Joe Scarborough and his wife Susan quietly parted ways, and has fueled chatter that the morning show power team could be partners in their private lives as well as public.
A spokesman for Brzezinski, whose father was Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, confirmed the split to Page Six, but refused to comment on any romance.
You just know... | ---79308473
>You just know...
Their relationship seems like a brother and sister sort of thing, never felt sexual tension between the two.
>brother and sister
That's lewd anon
>Looks at Trump
>Looks at husband Jim Hoffer
>Divorces Jim
>Their relationship seems like a brother and sister sort of thing
I wonder why? Women can't resist the Don.
She's only 49? Wtf I thought she was in her 60s
he looks exactly like matthew perry..
I am older than her..... FUCK... I am old
Is this him or Mathew Perry?
>that second kiss
>that hug that made her heel reflexively raise
need pics of Mika's daughters ASAP
>implying women ever age past 49
she's been 49-years-old since 1995.
But I'll be the first to admit she is a full blooded Thoroughbred racehorse. Absolutely stunning creature.
Interesting... Very interesting... Very interesting indeed. I shall post a statement about this affair tomorrow, as must sleep on it to form a final opinion about this very important and urgent matter.
guys, Joe Scarborough IS Matthew Perry, or WAS, I should say. He changed his name after Friends-fame.
wow it really made u think man
Have no idea where his neck ends and face begins
as shall i
Is that chandler from friends?
okay, based Germany, stay White and keep the ovens burning bright.
Probably because she "played golf" with trump
Evil goyim!! I have more tears flowing right now than Megyn Kelly has blood coming out of her, wherever!
ITT we light a candle in the darkness that encompasses all of us. Everyone is welcome. Post motivating videos, post liberals getiting BTFO, post Karen, I don't care - this is a hope thread.
>inb4 shill
Hope isn't wrong. While we certainly lose more and more reasons to hope for better days every hour, it is not wrong to celebrate the few things we have. With the incoming Brexit and the surprising amount of based Netherlands posters, I actually have some hope for Europe. | ---79310981
While I do agree that women are a threat to civilization, please tend to stick to the topic.
I'm only now realizing /pol/ is a pessimist shithole.
Nice thread. wish i could contribute anything more than a bump
Glad to see I'm not the only one here who's in the market for a smile. Dumping leftists getting BTFO
Have some bonus freedom
Has anyone encountered this message on Youtube? How long has it been a thing, and moreover, is it here to stay? | ---79315121
Boris has ruled himself OUT of the Tory leadership election
Will Gove and May do a deal?
>MC Farage
>Jeremy Corbyn wants to resign - but John McDonnell won't let him
>Corbyn 'proud to be carrying on'
>Gove challenges Johnson and May
>More over 65s voted Remain than 18-24 year olds
>Mexico has already drafted UK trade pact
>EU to get Scotland every other weekend and during school holidays
>British public opposed to a second referendum by almost 2 to 1 | ---79303356
Posting in comfy Brit/pol tbvqh
Amerianon here... so the Labour Party is pretty much in anarchy right now?
The labour party is full of backstabbing and always has been as is the leftists way
politics is full of backstabbing in general.. its not the exclusive domain of the left, although they're prety good at it.
the history of far right politics in the uk is a history of backstabbing egotists forming splinter groups and rival organizations
e.g. Arron banks (the main financer of ukip and the leave campaign) is trying to set-up another party like ukip....but without farrage.
banks also described douglas carswell as "borderline autistic with mental illness wrapped in".
>Daily Mail
you are why nobody takes us seriously
Its fucking hilarious
The DM is great for sensationalism. Of course take it with a pinch of salt.
No mummyposting please.
Imagine what it looks like to the rest of /pol/
German invasion when?
Who will he crush next?
So far there are no May degenerates, the threads off to a good start.
what does her chair smell like?
>mfw strong German women
Hopefully May.
Hot garbage.
>that face
When does Priti's reign of blood and ash begin?
She will back Gove hopefully.
Holy shit just heard on the news that Commissar Corbyn compared ISIS to Israel.
They're going to shut him down soon.
d-d-deport this!
There are people here who unironicaly support Labour? wtf?
Why haven't you purged the leftcuck traitors?
That guy is a Jew lol
Assuming that over 17 million people are dumb simply because a few people make stupid comments on /pol/ is retarded in its self, you're just making yourself look stupid now.
Maybe people care more about there countrys history, culture and freedom that some short to medium term economic instability, we will recover from this in a few years and so will europe unfortunately.
How does it feel knowing that Gove is LITERALLY a Murdoch shill?
It's happening boys
When they come, they aren't sending their best
Love me some mummy posting, wanking right now
>you WILL submit to my authority
Fucking 4chins thats not the post i quoted
Unfortunately there are.
Gave me a boner lad
I think it's hilarious that Germany is so cucked that even their far-right, nationalist party is led by a woman
Those freckles
It's gonna happen without a doubt, mate.
Tory party will not unite behind that weasel.
Ayatollah Patel when?
>short hair
Fucking disgusting.
A week ago today lads at this time...
How did you feel honestly?
epic! le fuck women, am i right guise!?
We don't need another hero.
Who's going to be the PM?
Why does she look so goddamn smug? Like - all the time?
>Chief Rabbi condemns 'offensive' Corbyn anti-Semitism comments
>They think he can be stopped
What porn do you watch anons?
Be honest, and I may not have you thrown in a gulag.
they lost grip of their traditional vote almost completely in the EU vote, i'm hoping that will translate into the general election but i'm not holding my breath.
High Chancellor, Patel
You will give absolute control of Britain!
Just a friendly reminder on who's on QT this evening.
Hopefully not May.
[jewish tricks intensify]
Please go back to plebbit where your snarky non-arguments are more accepted.
Can't fucking quit senpai
>The Tory Party will be "running to nanny's skirt"
Fucking hell even the BBC is mummyposting
That literally looks like Diane Abbott.
Because she knows, the future belongs to her
I hope you guys stirred yesterday's haggis already.
Oh behave you know she'd have it.
Need a wank, lads.
Post some slags for me
wha you say whaht bwoiiee
I ain't wanked for about 2 weeks. I'm quite impressed with myself.
MOGG on C4 "news"
Theresa May shill on TV right now saying we should never have a cap on immigration.
We've done our part...
Now it's time for the rest.
Can't believe we were the first to go lads, still can't believe it.
What an interesting time for such a thing to be reported :))))))))))))))
3d slags
Anarchy? Not quite.
God doesn't want you to go down this path.
She's angling for a Cabinet post, knows she can't be leader.
Fully expect possibility of deputy PM or Home sec.
Are there alternatives now that Boris is out? (and why didn't he want to be PM?)
>He thinks it's over
>He thinks we're free yet
>If we really are a tolerant, accepting, free-market economy, do we really need a cap on immigration? What if we take UKIP's stance, and take 50,000, and the 50,001st is a neurosurgeon from Bulgaria or Romania? Are we really not going to taken them?
>If we really are a tolerant, accepting, free-market economy, do we really need a cap on immigration? What if we take UKIP's stance, and take 50,000, and the 50,001st is a neurosurgeon from Bulgaria or Romania? Are we really not going to taken them?
>If we really are a tolerant, accepting, free-market economy, do we really need a cap on immigration? What if we take UKIP's stance, and take 50,000, and the 50,001st is a neurosurgeon from Bulgaria or Romania? Are we really not going to taken them?
>If we really are a tolerant, accepting, free-market economy, do we really need a cap on immigration? What if we take UKIP's stance, and take 50,000, and the 50,001st is a neurosurgeon from Bulgaria or Romania? Are we really not going to taken them?
>If we really are a tolerant, accepting, free-market economy, do we really need a cap on immigration? What if we take UKIP's stance, and take 50,000, and the 50,001st is a neurosurgeon from Bulgaria or Romania? Are we really not going to taken them?
Hardcore lesbian
Water Sports
I made my vote, but I knew in my heart that I was supporting the good cause, and that the good cause would lose.
But then... It didn't.
Gove is easily the most cunning politician in parliament today
This. May must be stopped.
We need a royalist revolution.
Post some more of her.
>Need a wank, lads.
Jebus sheds a tear every time you do.
What the fuck?
Who do these cunts think they are, controlling immigration was one of the leave campaigns biggest selling points. These cunts are supposed to represent the people not the other way round
The decision, by the Vote Leave Campaign, to exclude Nigel Farage from the negotiations, in Brussels, under Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty is considered, by the undersigned, to be detrimental to the possible benefits to be achieved during the negotiations and an insult to many of the 17,410,742 people who voted to Leave the EU and to the thousands of UKIP members and supporters who campaigned for 4 months to help achieve this victory.
UKIP was, and still is, the only party united in their commitment to Brexit and Nigel Farage, as an MEP, has experience of the EU environment, the voice and the determination to achieve the best possible outcome for the UK.
Failure to include Nigel Farage, in the team, will be seen as a vindictive political act, by many people, and may result in a massive shift of Brexit voters to support UKIP, in the future.
>the unbiased BBC interviewing Michael 'Cuck me Brussels' Hesseltine every 10 minutes
Priti is like literally a womanlet
yet is probably one of the most powerful women in the country
>Two bottles of Bru and a bag of chips and I'm all yours for the night hehe
Glad. I didn't think this would cause a political bomb. It's beautiful.
I've never spent this much time on brit/pol/ and I turn away for a few hours and something else has happened.
we're being shut down lads
Seriously when the fuck will she smother me with her arse ? Its really been too long already
Karen's the biggest slag there is
Can we trust Gove to do a decent job if he wins? I think I prefer him over Boris.
Can Gove beat May?
>why didn't he want to be PM?
He did mate. But he got fucked over. If he ran, Murdoch, who supports gove, and prints almost all our papers, would destroy him in them. He'd end up resigning full stop
It's kinda fucked that some fucking newspaper pusher has this much influence
Can /pol/ ever recover?
heseltine is a naysaying prick. why do they give this old cunt airtime?
She has no redeeming features whatsoever.
this is what i get for not browsing 24/7
im sorry
What the fuck just happened to this thread
Does anyone even like Carswell anymore.
UKIP don't like him, and nobody else likes him.
>hey anon, will you be willing to serve in my government?
>I can make you cum all night, anon hhaha yeaaaaah boi
>Can we trust Gove to do a decent job if he wins?
absolutely not
>Can Gove beat May?
What happened? Nothing happened for me
Can you imagine a Party Political Broadcast for a General Election these days that was this optimistic, and actually featured the leader in such a huge way?
You need to fucking freeze on his face up-close for longer at the end
QT looks shite tonight chaps.
Love Scottish women
>He didn`t see it
Government is shutting us down mate.
>The EUs credit rating has been downgraded because of the UK leaving
He's been great throughout this. Obviously a Leave voter.
I refuse to believe Corbyn banged something as hideous as Diane Abbott
did i miss another eppic meem
That mouth can take a good dicking.
Keep going.
Unless it's a trap, in which case, don't.
You can never be sure these days.
She's not just Priti, she's smoking hot lads
Plenty of fappable politicians right about now
How do the newspapers have that much power?
All of the MSM here hates Trump but he's still running.
i have one saved it's in another folder though
>He wouldn't eat Diane's weeto all night long
Guys should I have a wank before I go to the gym.
Setting off in 30 mins.
Neil voted Leave by the looks of things.
He's loving it at the moment.
Elect UKIP!
I'm ashamed that people like her come from my country.
It's a plate of shit chips and a piece of white bread. Of all the food in London she could find she went straight to the gutter where a Glaswegian is most comfortable.
Funny isn't it?
So why is Boris out? Did he not have the support? He seemed quite strong and it's not clear what happened from the articles I've read.
Fuck is that Kaufman? Thought he was dead, but he's turned in to Professor Farnsworth.
"Good news everyone, we're going to be overrun with immigrants"
Is it degenerate to want Andrew Neil to make intense, yet passionate, love to me?
Go post in /brit/ you shitposting faggot.
>Hey Anon, I am just signing your death warrant for sedition against tory qts
>Any last words?
No. cumming is pretty taxing on the body and will make you feel weak.
A post workout wank is amazing.
SNP suffer from the biggest cultural cringe in the world
Like seriously, you're having a chip butty, no-one gives a fuck
>the lads need to repaint the house
>farage proposes hiring a painter
>the rest of the lads propose just inviting everyone in and hoping one of them is a painter
Angela Merkel: 0 children
Nicola Sturgeon: 0 children
Theresa May: 0 children
Margaret Thatcher: 2 children
Andrea Leadsom: 3 children
Only /truemummys/ care about the future of their country because they have an investment in it.
They dated, mate. For a year or two IIRC.
What a nice white slag. I'd love to fill her up with my BBAC (Big Black American Cock)
yes, yes it is.
No post workout wanks are the best
I'd slay her cunt and fill it with marmalade
He wrote an article at the most vulnerable time for us claiming we'd stay a little bit in the EU and keep total open borders and everybody turned on him over it
I'd certainly serve in her government if you are picking up what I'm putting down
He got GOVE'D.
>not relevant
Keep on posting this whore.
Britain politics look like a mess right now.
You sure you aren't getting cucked with your brexit or won't end up with a bad deal? There's just no leadership whatsoever
>mfw trans soldiers
>He wrote an article at the most vulnerable time for us claiming we'd stay a little bit in the EU and keep total open borders and everybody turned on him over it
Which Gove was sub editor for, lol!
Maledom BDSM
Rape fantasy.
Basically anything where a whore has tears streaming down her face while her quivering holes are filled with hot loads.
Also, nothing with blacks.
Okay then, Ape.
When you look in the mirror in the first thing, you see a Goddamn fucking Gorilla looking back at you?
Morbildy obese man talking about tranny soldiers on bbc at the moment.
Did you really expect me to bother clicking that link?
I don`t have any more, she is called Rija Rehan if you fancy staling her.
Current leaders were/are shit, This is our only shot of getting at least someone close to what the people want.
Can someone explain why Gove standing meant there was no way Boris could run? Or why he didn't announce sooner to stop Gove from jewing him out of the contest?
Cheers lads.
How pathetic
He's playing 4D chess
Just watch
He destroys remainers every single interview and he tore Sturgeon a new one.
Top lad.
>secretly pro brexit
>not so secretly antisemitic
kek comrade corbyn is one of us lads
why did gove do this? may is worse than boris and he knew he can't beat may
She does have a nice voice
No leadership because the guy they voted for turned out to be the biggest cuck and not able to deliver the will of the people. His resignation says a lot about about the establishment.
Holy shit you're right, how did I not notice this is the one thing separating Thatcher from other female leaders
David Cameron cucked himself by calling a referendum
It's an absolute mess right now
How are our Andrea's chances?
He can beat May. He just needs to knock Crabb out and come second in the MPs. Then he will win with Tory members.
Reminds me of that piece of skin from Dr Who
Hairy white people are more like gorillas than black people. For example, you mock blacks for having big lips but gorillas actually have thin lips, good one John.
British Politics are fantastic you dip. All this fucking banter is great. The rest of the world wishes it had politics this good.
But that's why we left
Please continue.
sure showed him
Why is Leadsom not getting the attention she deserves?
She's based as fu.
She sounds like Diane friggin Abbott.
What Corbyn clip is this?
hillary has a kid too
"Suck It"
Poor Kid.
Sure why not
>So why is Boris out? Did he not have the support? He seemed quite strong and it's not clear what happened from the articles I've read.
Tactics. You have to understand that Boris' engagement in the Leave campaign wasn't because of his stern and unshakeable belief that the UK is better off outside the EU. Boris wanted to become the Kingslayer and inherit Cameron's position as PM and leader of the Cons.
What Boris didn't count on was that
a) Leave would win
b) Cameron would resign the next day
c) The Sterling took a once-in-30years pounding
His options would have been
a) run for Tory leader and most likely lose, mostly due to the sudden death of Brexit promises
b) GTFO and wait for a more opportune moment to backstab the future PM
In the case of a), he would have been responsible for triggering Art50 and formally declare the UKs intention to leave the EU, which will create another small economic earthquake. He also clearly favours the UK in the EEA, which by definition can not abolish the free movement of people therein - and he would face humongous backlash from half the party and most 'leave' voters
Cameron vs. Boris - a draw at best.
How does this Tory leadership battle work then, lads?
DESU I think Fox would be best.
He's Scottish so the SNP will shut up and he's a Doctor so the cucks can't say "le uneducated brexiters".
Would wreck so many faggots.
desu it's hard to imagine the baroness as a human being, never mind as a mother
and somebody had sex with her at least twice. it beggars belief
top qt
>tfw going to India in September.
Sterling will surge again by then... r-right?
I had assumed he did this to quell fears from leftists and EU advocates in his party. The whole thing seems strange from here, I wonder if this guy >>79310379 is right and he'll come back stronger in the future somehow. Also if it really is true that Murdoch and the media scared him then he really wouldn't have been good.
I'd rather fuck the skin
Can any member vote?
Can you become a member in time to vote for leadsom?
i think he's blind. gary something?
Good boy points?
Don't pay mind to the /Detroit/ anons
You have to have been a member for 3 months.
Pistols at dawn mate last one standing is the winner.
>I had assumed he did this to quell fears from leftists and EU advocates in his party.
Yes, this is the problem with the politically blind in Britain
Every Tory who comes along they assume is "hiding their power level"
We saw it in 2005 with Cameron
>"He's just making the party electable"
Then in 2010
>"Well he's in a coalition, he can't reveal himself as the redpilled right-wing hero he is yet!"
And in 2015
>" "
The meme must die
I think...
The MPs vote on the candidates and then the last two who are left are voted upon by the tory membership
True but if you look at her history, she's quite probably the only tory that was genuinely pro-brexit, one that didn't do it for political gains. Shame the public can't vote for who becomes leader... Nevermind.
Join the Tories and you get to vote in September. Not sure when the deadline would be for registering..
I'd say a victory for Boris over cameron, but that's just one of the battles between Boris and the Conservatives. He'll be in within 5 years
The MPs themselves will narrow it down to 2 candidates then the membership picks from those 2.
Gove is just the puppet. Boris is behind the curtain.
m-m-mummy I want a real mummy not a granny
Signed :3
BBC will rule the world and I'll have you little white boi twinks as my fucktoys. KEK
members vote for top 2, top 2 get decided by MP's
Here in Sweden, cuckservatives and neocons are celebrating. They think May has already been selected and they think he'll get UK back into EU and that she'll be like Clinton..
The MPs vote in several rounds until it is whittled down to two candidates. Then the members vote on those two.
You have to have been a member for three months to vote. I've been a paid-up Tory for over a year so I'm good for it.
Can anyone redpill me on Tory leadership candidates?
>one of the most powerful women in the country
lol no
She's hot as fuck, but no political power
I'd put some cream in her doughnut,
if you know what I mean.
Ok this makes sense, he's just a political operator(which I kind of suspected before he came out for Brexit), no big loss. Good luck in the future, don't let the movement die.
They aren't wrong
>what is this, a Corbyn for ants
>there are members of the Conservative party ITT
God I'd hose her down.
shes so plain.
i love it!
all clones should look like her when mandatory gf quotas are implemented
Who is this semen demon
It's a contest of wills. The MPs (many of them who supported Tony Blair in the past) have tried to get their party leader, Jeremy Corbyn, to resign as he's very Left-wing. But Corbs refuses to be curbed and is standing firm, citing 100s of 1000s of rank and file Labour supporters. Instead he and his supporters are saying put up (a challenger) or shut-the-fuck-up. So far the Blairites are too shit-scared to put forward a firm challenge.
The official name is 'Great British Pounds', but we all know that they're Good Boy Points and you get them for being a good goy.
Not for long
Why not photoshop this?
I couldn't possibly follow. Explain yourself man!
I want her to die
people don't like backstabbers
he won't win and whoever wins might fail to win in 2020 only boris could easily win a general election
commies pls go
>panic about the quid and the Euro because it might affect my holhols in a few weeks
>remember I had a little bit of pocket money stashed outside Europe
Good times lads, fuck the EU
>In a fiery debate ahead of June's EU referendum, the pro-Brexit Tory minister Leadsom said Britain must leave the Brussels club to fill a skills shortage that has been caused by open door immigration from the EU.
Based Leadsom.
>Boris isnt becoming PM
Is this when /pol/ email mogg and ask him to throw his name in?
Who is this qt3.14?
Our best hope.
I would but I only have MS Paint
If there's something free like Photoshop so I don't have to separate from my shekels I would happily give it a stab
Queen of /pol/
She's on QT later lads
Brace for the innevitable "antisemitism in Labour" question
>>79311443 ?
He's already supported Gove
Too late for that. The cut-off was at 12 today.
Is he ok?
anyone else watch the celebrity masterchef?
i think im in love with Amelle
that brown skin and blonde hair.
>Lib Dem local volunteer knocks on door
>"H-hi I'm Tom from the Lib Dems. Have you voted for us in the past"
>"Not since 2010. What a bloody mistake that was"
>"S-sorry. Have a nice day sir"
To be honest lads I felt a bit bad for him.
Isabel mate
yeah, and there's definitely not been any backstabbing in the Conservative party today
(Gove backstabbing Boris...)
Nothing wrong with female leaders. Our most based PM after Churchill was a women.
It's also going to get worse when in a weeks time the Inquiry into the Iraq war is released which is widely expected to tear the party to shreds.
Is Gove really Tyrion Lannister?
>If there's something free like Photoshop so I don't have to separate from my shekels I would happily give it a stab
It's a serious link, although it doesn't look it.
When will the Labour leadership contest be?
Can't wait for Corbyn to win and Labour to collapse.
Mogg is backing Gove.
> Isabel >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Mummy"
Wew lads, the BBC are really pushing that Gove said he didn't want to be prime minister 4 years ago, they want Prime Minister May
>Et tu, Michael?
sick of rain
this summer lads
Cheers, lads. I'll be back in a minute or two...
Why is that baby flexing?
>they don't have a favourite month in the garden
Also, can anyone tell me what the fuck happened here again? I'm already sour for losing about 5 months worth of rent via the pound taking a header to concrete floor ... but does this drop coincide with Boris' announcement?
Why does British economy take it up the ass every time a Tory opens their mouth?
Trump being effectively immune to what the press says is one of the reasons why he's doing so well. He's a rare exception.
Rain is based
>being a Thatcherite
She was a globalist.
They too are leftists backstabbing leftists
speccie's shittest writer and she does about half of the articles
Cheers senpai, off to work I go
Could someone please give me a few examples of minorities supporting BREXIT?? I need to BTFO lefty munters.
Dear Brits, always remember, there is somebody really proud on you.
>lub you, you crazy sexy, monarchistic only true republic this shit continent has left besides us.
thank you mountain juice
you're pretty cool i guess, you have guns and shit
>Contrarian Year 12 Political Debate: The Post
>not perfect
Pic related: 5'0
> yellow teeth
Jesus fuck brits you guys really have a problem
If Boris comes out for Gove he has it in the bag.
Hitchens is on TV
>Assuming you need examples of minorities supporting something to argue the case that it's good
When you stoop to leftists' level you have already lost
top totty
me in the background
what channel lad
I've seen a pic with the % of minority votes but I don't have it on me. Jews and Sikhs mostly voted leave.
>Can someone explain why Gove standing meant there was no way Boris could run?
Leavers didn't trust Boris, but saw him as the only real option (helped by the fact Gove backed him).
When a true Brexiteer stepped forward (aside from based Fox who sadly has no chance), they saw a great chance to jump ship from Gove-less and direction-less Boris camp.
Is Gove a good choice guys? redpill me on him.
Who dis?
>I'm already sour for losing about 5 months worth of rent via the pound taking a header to concrete floor
You what.
Who is Michael Gove and how did he manage to cuck Boris.
He looks like a proper asshole.
t. yellow france
Also we need a new thread
>See BBC headline
>'All Turkey attackers from Ex-USSR'
>The three men who carried out Tuesday's deadly attack on Istanbul's Ataturk airport were all from parts of the former USSR
>do some research
>one is from 'North Causcaus' ie: Muslim Russia
>one is Uzbek
>Uzbekistan is primarily Muslim
>One is from Kyrgyzstan
>Kyrgyzstan is primarily Muslim
Why have the BBC led with 'ex-USSR'
Why are they blaming Russia for the actions of Islam? This is fucking pathetic. A new low.
Not contrarian at all. Its literally true. And now Leadsom is going to lead us the muslim hoards. I just wanted control of our borders, but a points-based system is beyond my wildest dreams. Brown people will never cross the channel ever again.
Kek. My mate's girlfriend is Romanian and he gets his dentistry done over there because he says it's so much better. Is this true?
He's basically the emperor palpatine behind brexit. Sith rises again with Gove's ascension to the throne.
New thread needed
do a complaint lad, they have to respond it would be interesting what they have to say
Decide for yourself.
When I came back from a temp position in Germany not too long ago, I took my saved dosh with me and thought, best to convert this into pounds, right? Mighty pound be more stable than Euro, right? Lost quite a bit compared to having it just sit in my German bank account.
Fuck this shit.
>tfw you remember they haven't won an election since 1905
>haven't been elected to power since WW1
>only exist to prop up the tory government as a tiny minority
inb4 fucking tripfag makes a shitty thread
this is all your fault brit/pol/
Nope. Just refuting their claims that old rich white people only vote leave.
Yeah I know but I was thinking more examples.
So far I know:
>Piri Patel
>That Polish Conservative
>That black guy that was on the news who complained about immigration
>Dozens of Pakis have appeared on BBC supporting BREXIT
Oh that makes sense.
probably, heard lots of stories of foreigners travelling over to romania to get their teeth done
although it could be because it's cheaper
Do you just not pay any attention at all, Ireland?
Gove lead the Leave campaign alongside Boris.
Gove was not prepared to run for premiership, announced that he was less qualified than Boris so would support him.
From the timing, it seems like Boris told Gove to take his place, with his public perception Boris' chances at premiership were unattainable, Gove's replacement of Boris is certainly not a betrayal.
fuck off globalist
I have a pack of shortbread is that enough?
There was a poll of voting by religion which had Jews and Sikhs as being overwhelmingly in favour of leaving. I don't have the image but someone else probably does.
>Triples for the truthsayer
This needs to happen.
Boris must suck up his pride and support Gove
make me
>Do you just not pay any attention at all, Ireland?
Too busy preparing for all your banks to move to Dublin :^)
>he pays his rent in Euros
>So why is Boris out? Did he not have the support? He seemed quite strong and it's not clear what happened from the articles I've read.
The last few days have seen the end of the Bullingdon Bullies teflon-coated rise to the top of the Conservative Party - something they have taken for granted up to now.
i'd like to make a deposit
Begob and begorrah, I better get a bigger vault
Based black guy
Weak remainer is the frontrunner to be next PM
>So why is Boris out?
he has a very colourful private life that he would prefer to keep private
>a dislike of compromise
Redpill me on Theresa May, why is she such a cunt?
She's a proper orwellian, and has pushed for policies in that vain.
She's also, despite having apparently harsh views on immigrants, actually been responsible for our borders for six years. We've actually seen a rise in immigration, inter and extra EU, since she's been in charge of immigration.
She hates free speech, wants to ban criticism of gays (and even make it illegal to say gays might make less effective parents) and wants stricter internet censorship/surveillance
> Looking at reliable recent polls, you could come away with two contradictory conclusions: Donald Trump is cratering, allowing Hillary Clinton to run away with the presidential race. Or Trump has survived an awful month and is surprisingly uncompetitive.
> I'm going presume to tell you what the state of play really is by looking at multiple surveys and extrapolating a bit.
> Clinton, though she remains a very popular candidate, has an advantage of about 17 points, though it's slightly less when third- and fourth-party candidates are included. State surveys that show Trump running almost even in battleground states are exaggerated beyond belief. More worrisome for Republicans are the internal dynamics of these findings that suggest deep trouble for the presumptive nominee and perhaps the party.
Go Go Hilldawg!! | ---79310650
Oops! Forgot link
Are you Latino 4 Ella de Casa!!
Hillary is a criminal OP - I'm voting Trump
Who special needs voter here??
Hillary rules!! She likes mudkipz :3
Hey guys check out this new Hillary video, heh
What is it? How do the lolbercucks and neo-classical cucks deal with the automation problem? | ---79307162
No minimum wage standards and less welfare state spending drives down labor costs so that capital costs for automation aren't worth it
Let the free market decide.
you're a nigger if automation fucks you life over.
if an engineer can make your only job abilities irrelevant, you are justifiably worthless. And probably never deserved minimum wage.
Imagine, a canadian not understanding that. Boy it really makes you wonder.
More automation means more money which means more jobs. This has never not been true.
I'm rich and I go to lawschool you pathetic faggot.
Automation is still more cost efficient tho. We have too few jobs now relative to the population. We need to either reduce the population or the government must give these people basic jobs.
Build wall between u and china and there will be no automation problem. '''''''Automation''''''' is code word for labor outsourcing.
If only the Marxist Luddite fantasy was true, and automation really did destroy all the shitty menial jobs. Maybe then you'd have all starved and the terminal cancer you call an economic philosophy would've died with you.
No, your parents are rich. And, you didn't reply to anything I actually said.
Nice try Schlomo.
Automation isn't always more cost efficient. Depends on lots of factors whether it's simply cheaper just to hire labor for a given job than to use capital equipment. If what you said is true, that automation is ALWAYS more efficient, there wouldn't be a single human being doing a job right now
>>Artisan bread
>>Artisan bagels
>>Artisan cheese
>>Exposed brick walls
>>Food photography
>>Greek Yogurt
>>Septum piercings
>>Goji Berries
>>Japanese/Chinese character tatoos
>>Skinny jeans
>>Dyed hair
>>Warby Parker
>>Social media
>>Backyard hydroponics
>>"Organic" food
>>Paleo diet
>>Fat acceptance
>>Selfie sticks
>>Full-Stack Development
>>Indie games
>>Indie movies
>>Indie bands
>>BPA free
>>Coconut oil
>>Seasoned cast iron skillet
Anyone else tired of white people's pretentious hipster bullshit? | ---79297604
As opposed to what? Fat hillbillies and guns?
More tired of niggers and their same old shit that's been the same since the 80's.
Holy shit talk about autism
Yeah let's just drown our food in spices and claim to be good at cooking.
Japanese and Coy tattoos are race appropriation. Fucking hipster assholes.
>bread and bagels
Better bread is good.
>artisan cheese
cheese making is an absolute art, and us Americans are well behind our French pals but we're getting better. This is good.
Good beer is good.
>food photogs
Food porn is good.
>Greek yogurt
Autism personified
It's a fucking superfood breh.
>Organic food
I don't like eating bug spray.
Will literally change your life for the better, try it.
>Coconut oil
Very high smoking point which makes it amazing for frying at high heats. Also a great skin and nail moisturizer and great to put in your hair for 30 mins or so.
>Seasoned cast ironed skillet
I don't think you know what seasoned means. And this isn't new, we've been using these since the 1800s family.
Good shit and good for you. Very versatile.
Goji berries and micro brews are actually dank tbqhfam
>Stop liking what I don't like
Fuck off; only faggots are more bothered by hipsters than niggers, spics and etc. Don't like craft beer and indie music? Ignore it. Besides, some hipster bitches are hot.
I would add:
Artisan coffee
Almond milk
Low-fat milk
Acai berries
Deconstructed food
What's your problem with lofts? I keep my library up there.
shitlib detected.
>Organic food
>I don't like eating bug spray.
You dont know what organic means
enjoy your e.coli
i hate white people for political correctness and all the other insincere degeneracy.
>mfw i bet you dont even know what a seasoned skillet is
Organic speaks to the way the crops were raised, and any use of insecticides means labeling the crop as organic is against the law. There are strict FDA regulations on what can be labeled organic in America.
You caught me
We wash our food over here, not shit on it..
>>Backyard hydroponics
What's bad about it? Keep ducking on that corporate cock, shill
its just fertiliser
without spraying every crop would die
i fucking have a farm you dumb fuck
what is chipotle
I think it's funny how white hipsters unwillingly create some the whitest spaces imaginable. They long for the past days of white america and don't even realize it. Go to a farmers market and see how many non-whites there are. They are practically non-existent
A seasoned cast iron skillet is a skillet with fat cooked into the surface. If you tried to cook with a non-seasoned skillet everything you cooked would just stick to the pan and you'd end up with a mess.
When you get a new cast iron you typically rub it down with oil and bake it off for an hour or so to season it, but cast irons get better and better the more you use since you keep seasoning it over time.
>wah why don't people have a shitty life like me
You have to go back
>and any use of insecticides means labeling the crop as organic is against the law.
No, you use organic insecticides and pesticides you idiot.
There's literally nothing pretentious about enjoying experimental art, or eating organic.
The fact that such a large portion of the population considers a faction of hobbies and lifestyles exclusive to one group of people astounds me!
What could be the cause of all those scabs?
It's natural fertilizer, no growth additives, and no insecticides when it comes to organic vegetables. My dad is literally an organic farmer.
That's what hipsterism is. A de facto form of segregation.
>I don't think you know what seasoned means. And this isn't new, we've been using these since the 1800s family.
>>mfw i bet you dont even know what a seasoned skillet is
The fact that you're talking about seasoned cast iron skillets with this air of elitist white arrogance that only white people can have, proves that they are hipster bullshit.
Then how did people grow farms for thousands of years? They obviously used organic methods. Why not use an organic spray?
I would also add that is not done 'unwillingly'.
Your dad is lying to you
You cant grow food without insecticides
Because thousands of years ago 95% of people spent 8hr in the field, picking bugs off
that's not insecticides as we would know them tho. Using hot pepper powder sprays or soap/oil, or something similar can ward off bugs. Just as egg shells can keep snakes away.
But actual chemical bug sprays cannot be used.
Or maybe they just like good food
No one, and I mean no one, is putting up signs saying that minorities can't go to the farmer's market.
wot, that shit is amazing. trash can everything else tho.
Why is greek yogurt hipster?
But that's fucking bullshit. Some bugs show up in organic produce, but that's a sign of good things. Sounds like you're too lazy to deal with bugs
I've noticed that too.
Blacks either never change or change very slowly.
Knowing this one of many reasons why I don't trust blacks controlling civilization or the future. Progress will halt if blacks get their way.
They don't have to. It's de facto economic segregation. Same as gentrification.
I don't have a problem with it, but let's call it what it is.
I seasoned griddles in the Navy in order to cook eggs for the assholes every morning. Our ignorance probably is our greatest weakness.
>those fingernails
microbreweries and kale are pretty redpilled I think
Wow OP, what an original thing to get all mad about!
There totally haven't been 100,000 "comedians" tackling this very subject for the past 30 years. Really fresh rant and insight. Thanks a lot buddy.
it becomes pretentious when I have to hear people like you drone on for hours about a performance where one guy sticks his dick up another guys bum
Wow you literally have no idea what you are talking about
Organic is a bullshit scam for hipsters
They actually use some metals that are carcinogenic but "natural"
Then it's a class issue not a race issue. You'll see rich minorities in those stores too. Asians are obsessed with food as well. You'll see plenty of middle class asians but no poor white people. So stop pretending like it's about race.
This, all of it, and I'm white.
He is one of the leaders of an organization of farmers markets in Texas, but those market's vendors are typically small farms. They ward off pests in a very natural way, but I cannot speak for the super large organic farms that are sending stuff to grocery stores.
we have advertising rammed into our consciousness since birth
naturally everyone is now their own product with gimmicks and other signals to label themselves, highlight their features, and mask their flaws
its totally transparent and none of you faggots are fooling anybody with your hipster identity bullshit but most people dont give a shit they just roll with it until the next wave of fads
I hate all the shit on your and op's list but what's wrong with camping?
If its de facto then you can't prove its there
That's when it becomes speculation.
> I have to hear people like you drone on for hours about a performance where one guy sticks his dick up another guys bum
I didn't say anything about that, nice idea, I'll admit.
You call it pretentious because you're scared of outside ideas.
What is shifting goalposts
We are talking about organic
Not produce that comes from someones garden thats not certified even. Because they cant afford it for a small op
because when people go camping they dont actually go camping
they buy a thousand dollars worth of survival gear and "rough it" for about six hours bitching the whole way
It is about race. People aren't willing to pay top dollar to participate in a culture that ultimately won't benefit them.
Any diversity you see is the same dynamic as the diversity at an elite university. It exists, but it's a rarefied elite.
What the fuck is wrong with greek yogurth?
>>Fashioning Cast-Iron Pans for Today’s Cooks
>And cast-iron collecting has taken off. Buyers seek rare skillets like the Erie Spider, the Griswold Slant and the Wapak Chickenfoot; an elusive Sidney No. 8 is listed on eBay for $1,500.
>>$1,500 for a fucking pan.
Yeah. White hipster bullshit.
>>Pixel art
That too!
>It is about race. People aren't willing to pay top dollar to participate in a culture that ultimately won't benefit them.
What does that even mean? How would it not benefit them? It's all part of the culture of posting shit you eat on the internet and talking to your friends about it at work and on social media. That's a race neutral phenomenon. How would a non-white person benefit less from that than a white person? How is the culture exclusively white?
I already know this. However, organic farming is much less toxic for the environment and people, compared to conventional farming. Organic farmers are just way more caring of the planet that I've talked to than conventional farmers. Still use some toxic things, but not as much and shady as regular growing practices.
I am pretty indifferent to indie culture and I don't value ideas because they are outside or inside the mainstream, people that do are pretentious.
> implying full stack isn't more efficient and cheaper than a front end + back end dev
You sure do like to use the word pretentious.
Maybe you should act a bit more humble and describe it properly, such as "its over my head"
Tall bikes
Bernie sanders
The young turks
Macklemore haircut
Mom jeans
"I love my library" bumper stickers
Elon musk obsession
Social justice
Urban Development
>reading comprehension
Do you want to try that again champ?
80's ? more like 80BC
Eh I can appreciate it. Gentrification is an amazing asset for purifying neighborhoods
you said you can't grow food without pesticides. except I do it in my yard
>Full-Stack Development
you almost got me there shill friend
Where I live we have a neighborhood that's half hipsters and half niggers. Literal hell
>>Artisan bread
>>Artisan bagels
>>Artisan cheese
>>Greek Yogurt
>>Goji Berries
All delicious and or healthy
>>Exposed brick walls
>>Food photography
>>Skinny jeans
>>Dyed hair
>>Warby Parker
>>Septum piercings
>>Japanese/Chinese character tatoos
>>"Organic" food
>>Paleo diet
>>Fat acceptance
>>Selfie sticks
>>Full-Stack Development
>>Coconut oil
>>Seasoned cast iron skillet
>>Social media
>>Indie games
>>Indie movies
>>Indie bands
>>BPA free
>>Backyard hydroponics
Lego for adults
>USDA determines what can be labelled organic in america
>pollack thinks because he owns a farm in poland he knows US law
polish "intellectuals"
I guess you could move to Africa? Embrace black culture, you can enjoy it for the whole 24 hours you're alive before they sacrifice you to a rain god.
>i hate white people for political correctness and all the other insincere degeneracy.
White people? You mean Jews, and they are not White. Elitist, liberal Whites used as tools by the Jew to bring out what you're hating.
I refer to PC as "politically brainwashed" because that is exactly what it is. When your speech is controlled because you have to overthink what you want to say but can't, these pieces of shit have won as they now control your thoughts, which is what the want. Control your thoughts and your actions are also controlled.
Being PC means you have been successfully brainwashed. Flip the switch and call PC for what it really is - brainwashing.
I work with a few startups and I can honestly say that the terms they come up with are pretty fucking stupid.
>growth hacker
>customer delight specialist
>sales evangelist
>social media curator
This shit makes me want to go on a machete murder spree.
Exactly brother, if they don't wear cargo shorts, carry a firearm, and drive a pickup truck I don't want nothin to do with em. Fucking retards.
Coconut oil is a medium smoke point oil you stupid fucking piece of shit.
Blogs and social media only enable attention whores though
Use seriously are clueless about coconut oil? I'd be embarrassed if I were you
Hey, man. Full-stack web development is a respectable job. Also, Greek yogurt is a good source of protein. Fuck all that other stuff though. My dad would fight you over the seasoned skillet thing, though. He worked in food preparation like 35 years ago and thinks he's a chef in spite of the fact that he never cooks.
I agree with you on a lot of these but
>>microbreweries make great fucking beers anon
>>Greek yogurt is an amazing source of lean protein
It's probably because American yoghurt looks, feels and tastes like a pot of emulsion. Real Greek yoghurt triggers them, hence the hipsters love it.
US law dictates law in other countries to a large extent
nice try
honeslty, music, fashion, fads, politics. Blacks have been doing the same shit day in and day out. There is no black counter culture. Old black people talk the same way, listen to the same music, and dress the same as black teenagers.
name one time all the people who are pretentious did that to you. Ill wait
I'm a white person and I agree with pretty much all of what you said. If you are a black man who criticizes his own race as harshly you have my respect to be quite honest.
The ultimate redpill regarding race is that each race can dig itself out of whatever rut that it's in or lose everything without any other race getting involved.. Black people are doing terribly in africa simply because they do not value concepts like building monolithic civilizations and extracting resources from their lands. They never thought to hold those values so they have evolved without them. It puts them at a disadvantage now, but that disadvantage could be negated if they truly worked on strengthening their race by their own initiative. If they could simply address their problems and work to rectify them they would overcome them, but for some reason most people in our times like to live life believing that there is no such thing as a flaw in a person or a race. Everyone is perfect and equal. This outlook is actually incredibly dangerous as races all over the world will degenerate when their romantic experiments with equality end up turning us all back into beasts, devolving us all because we simply ignore the challenges nature throws at our respective races. What we call culture is no less than the evolutionary paths we are taking, if we have a culture that celebrates virtues that enhance our ability to compete then that is the area in which we will proceed to evolve in.
The Jews are extraordinarily successful and manipulative economists because that has been a part of their culture for upwards of 2000 years. They have got progressively better in this area of competition between humans so in a sense you could say they have evolved in this area, not purely through natural selection but also unnatural. It has become a part of their nature to become manipulative international economists, you see? Monkey see; monkey do.
acquaintance of a classmate did after seeing some Cassavetes films
>one person
>claims people
thought so
you said name one time, faggot
Artisan food is a good thing, you nigger. Why shouldn't I be able to pay more to get a better product?
Next, are you going to call farmer's markets hipster because the food there isn't mass produced?
>Full-Stack Development
What's wrong with full stack?
I had no idea hipsters had contributed so many good things. On balance I'm about 70% pro.
Thanks OP.
What's bad about paleo?
You're a total retard.
>t. got paid to pull pic-related out of barley crops
modern chemicals and fertilizers allowed everyone to move to the city, if you want to feed everyone "organic" then we need to move back.
Anyone else tired of OPs and their pretentious faggotry?
>"We are looking for JavaScript NINJA"
>"Looking for a ROCKSTAR developer"
Makes me sick
I didn't realize cooking with the same set of cast iron pans my great grandmother used is 'hipster bullshit'. I figured it's something to use because it works well and they make for tough pans, sorry if retards have latched onto something that's existed for hundreds of years.
Do people still do this?
Sauce on 'groid tits please
Is this pic supposed to be a Safe As Milk reference or not?
wew burger, that didnt go as planned did it?
You can eat kale and yogurt and own guns and trucks. I do.
I think exposed brick looks nice.
A lot of people here still go camping. I wouldn't put it explicitly a hipster thing.
t. Live in the south
It's still funny though to watch the Southerner 'Chads' take the hipster cunts away from the white knight beta orbiters
Anyone else tired of niggers pretentious bullshit
>single mother families
>chimping out
>armed muggings
>glorifying prison
>killing cops
>fake jewelry
>failure to speak english properly
>stupid fake hair
>all the abortions
>stupid names
>smelling like shit (use speedstick and wipe your ass goddamn)
>being ungrateful even though america fought for your freedom in a war
Just fuck off please.
It's a few very good things in that list if not all. Just sayin'.
It all comes back to the black Phallus huh Anon.
You should leave instead of bitching.
This. I'm black and love a good Co-op.
There's literally nothing wrong with any of that as long as you're not a huge hipster faggot about it.
>80 BC
try 8000 BC
>>Artisan bread
>>Artisan bagels
>>Artisan cheese
overpriced but it's just food
i want one
>>Exposed brick walls
look amazing
>>Food photography
pretty retarded ill admit. no one cares about your breakfast
>>Septum piercings
degenerate. looks terrible & unprofessional
race to the bottom, although i understand the necessity in these times. with stagnant wages and increasing population we're moving fast towards a 3rd world hellhole packed in sardines like Bangladesh. i have no hope for the future in this regard. nothing will change, even with trump. only way you could is to have zero (0) non white immigration and stronger unions; let the population naturally decrease a bit (we can't have infinite growth forever, gotta happen sometime) as the boomers die and you'll see a more sane housing market. again, not gonna happen though
>>Indie games
super meat boy is pretty fun. but ya, most are trash
Yet white kids listen to black music way more than the other way around.
I cast iron pans from the 1850s dog, they work great, hold heat amazing and give a great searing and crust to meat when pan frying, get with the times, it's 2016 ffs, go old school and use a pan for a man, heavy enough to kill with and lasts longer than your short existance on this planet
As much as I dislike most of this list next time nigs say "whites don't have a culture"
This. And more.
>space travel
>country/classical/opera/whatever Adele is
>too many inventions to list
>ass to mouth
We've got a lot to proud of
Get rekt nigs
You forgot
>Anything made of soy
hat's the deal with nu-males and soy?
Accepting trannies into the military is the last straw.
I am now 100% convinced that the USA will not survive my lifetime.
Such a decadent culture cannot last. | ---79311891
Here's the best part: You HAVE to pay for it through taxation.
Trannies were already in the military, i knew a few. They just had to hide it
There are more degenerated things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
US marines will get some boipucci while they are in the field.
What's this woman's name again /pol/? | ---79310770
No last name.
Inmate #431853
Commander in chief
Hillary "Ramadan" Clinton
Monica Lewinsky's Ex- Boy Friends Wife.
>there are people that want to get rid of the 2nd amendment | ---79286060
Jesus Christ, what the fuck is with Denver? Too many degenerate junkies
>based coffeeman strolls back into cafe without incident
Whats even sadder is no one attempted to stop or subdue him.
Jewtube removed
gas them please.
this is nothing compares to what happens near our 16th st area. Look up columbia heights and see what happens when these people are black and have guns and pcp. Nonstop robberies, assaults, and murders just blocks from my mostly white apartment and mostly white neighborhood.
Somoeone edit this to a lightsabre PLEASE!
oh and we have a white female council member for our area that won't do fuck all about the open air drug market where murders happen every month that is 2 blocks from my apartment. Like you can walk 2 blocks here from 16th st to 14th st and its like going from a wealthy white urban area to inner detroit.
He looks like he's controlled by ai, like a mob in Fallout
is this what you do when you realize you've failed as a human being? lash out violently?
Proof that weed makes you violent
"bro" "bro" "bro" "bro"
livin the dream baby
livin the american dream
That Nixon salute at the end.
What a bunch of limp dick trash.
Proof that words dont really stop violence...
So diverse very stronk.
Fuck, I'm supposed to be relocating to Colorado for work in a few weeks, I hope the whole state isn't full of trash like this.
>star wars t-shirt
Appropriate. Cucks letting themselves get grabbed by these faggots too. I always carry a knife or a switchblade with a lock for situations like this.
its all that marijewaunha
This is what happens when you legalize weed.
if this happened in england they'd get bottled
this is what happens when people snort weed
Fuck if that was me my .45 would already be out
Vid got taken down Wtf
This is what happens when you legalize weed and atheism.
Burn it to the ground
Live in Salt Lake City, mormons won't tolerate this bs.
Quick, somebody with video editing skills give him some lightsabers.
Street people are on more than weed.
holy shit the US is really cuck central. try this in ANY city here and you'll get your head bashed in by the first person.
This is America?
I thought Toronto was bad..
What part? That determines how shitty
What the fuck is wrong with these people? Attack someone, then put your arm around him making a peace sign. Walk away and fight some other dude. Are they high or only that degenerate? Savages.
Day of the rope when?
Four Corners area.
Big time. Last year i was hired by the city of colorado springs to help keep the homeless out of downtown, and away from tourists. I have seen people throe needles at eachother like fucking darts. Ive been tempted to get a shit load of mcdoubles and only poison like 4 at a time, so they dont catch on. Its a problem.
This is why I would CC, no matter the state laws.
Oil work? And up there its not bad. Mexicans, cowboys and meth. Not like denver.
what happen in that video? It's down for me
Just scroll down a little bit
Obligatory. This is how you deal with street people who wont stay the fuck away.
Just take it from him, why are americans such fucking pussies?
>File: The_beast_has_been_unleashed.webm (2.94 MB, 640x360)
That dude is a hero
Yup, he turned on the gas for sure.
what is the story of the webm??
>when he kicks the board in half
Russia. Nuff said.
most slavic thing I've ever seen
Have you ever smoked weed?
Weed makes you the polar-fucking-opposite from that. You can clearly see that they are on the methamphetamine or some similar shit 'cuz they certainly look like that they dont have money for cocain.
This is 1930's boxing posture shit we have here.
its fucking down
what in the fuck
why is everything even remotely related to liberals making a fool of themselves that is posted on /pol/ immediately fucking deleted from youtube
holy shit
or maybe spice
There appears to be some hands being rubbed going on here.
webm pls
God, 16th St. is such a cesspool. DPD is apparently going to ramp up patrols, but it remains to be seen how effective that will be. I am sure that the first incident of the cops actually cracking skulls will result in everyone in town crying about brutality.
>that filename
Honestly, this shit is great for my business. Denver mayor on tv talking about we need more security. Bitch you know who to call.
Are they homeless? Why do they look like a gang of arcade dwellers in a late 80's movie?
>that fucking drop
Homeless+hard drugs+hippie/raver scene. Honestly its a fucking dress style. You can tell who is a doper mostly by looks.
Denver is the new San Francisco.
They chose their fate.
Coulda killed his dumb ass
We can only hope.
based asian, hippies should be fucking neutered
Thank God I've played Metal Gear, I knkw how to deal with those goons now.
>video removed
Can I get a re-up?
People didn't understand basic supply and demand and all went there to "make so much money off of a pot store" only to get homeless.
This. Also a bunch of degenerate fucks moved here just to smoke, with no prospect of getting a job.
someone explain what happened.
Some guy beat another guy with a stick
Shirtless guy grabbed a stick and ran around and randomly hit people.
video? the 2 posted above has been deleted
Denver here. I haven't been into the city in almost 10 years. It's boring and full of Californians and spic gangs.
video removed by user
I didnt get to watch it either, im just guessing by the picture
Where's the video with sound?
Prolly live leak.
>we want anarchy and no oppressive government
>but we also want the government to ban guns
This is exactly why I have in my car .357 when I drive down there.
Transplants chose our fate, just call us Calirado now.
The only thing you will have to put up with is drunk Indians.
Visit Telluride if your here into the snow season.
Gas them all.
Dude I live on Randolph St and it's nothing but faggots yuppies and people blown out on drugs. I hate it here.
I live in Denver and if you go to 16th street mall now you deserve everything you get.
Nothing but homeless, drugged-up homeless, niggers, and drugged-up niggers. It's a literal tourist trap although I don't know why tourists would want to go to that sketchy as fuck area.
Also 2 gun stores got robbed here recently and there's 60+ guns missing now. DUDE WEED LMAO was a mistake
Google "denver street mall attack" and you will receive an avalanche of stories.
I should move to Aspen. 99.9% white.
I came here for school (Anschutz Medical Campus), not the DUDE WEED. Please don't hate me.
dead link
East Colfax is safer than the 16th street mall now.
why is everyone such a pussy? fucking kick his ass. a druggy threw a lighter at my sisters once and i beat him senseless. its really not that fucking hard to defend youself
These are called Oogles. They're a west coast and college town phenomenon.
They're often just referred to as street rats, park rats, and trustafarians by people unfamiliar with their official term.
Your on /pol/, that's reason enough to not hate you.
You know exact what type of Transplant I'm talking about though.
you fucking faggots do this every time
quit reporting all the dank videos
>Anschutz Medical Campus
lol, speaking of East Colfax
That campus is sandwiched in between that street (one of the most notorious crime/prostitution streets in America) and MLK street in a bad part of Aurora.
I don't think it's as bad as it used to be, but you better take precautions.
>fucking crustpunks
I'm sure weed is the reason these bums are outside?
>removed again
wow they sure look weak.
How come american mass altercations like these always look like nerd-fights?
In Europe, people who disagree with each other fight like rabid starved dogs.
Wew lad,.. How times have changed. Hahahaha ever been to the shitty little club called Cervantes?
You going to the conservative conference thing at the convention center tomorrow? Trump will be there. I'm going to laugh at and take pictures of the protests.
what was he using to hit people with?
This is literally in my state. We have pretty good gun laws too. I'm frustrated that nobody around was carrying.
Man, I'm glad I don't live in Denver. Whenever I have to go down to colfax to a concert, I feel like I'm always going to get jumped on my way back to my car.
Denver fucking sucks. Too many fucking people. 5 years ago you could actually go somewhere in your car and it wouldn't take half a fucking day to do it and at the same time wouldn't be at least 2 crashes along the way.
It's all the people migrating for DUDE WEED. I fucking get it, you love weed, go where it's legal. But Colorado is fucking huge! Settle somewhere else, make a new hub ffs.
>tl;dr Denver sucks and its because too many DUDE WEEDs
>video removed by user
Who colorado springs here? Our downtown is getting pretty ugly too.
do you see how the homeless are all early 20's able-bodied faggots? they came for the weed and had no other plan so they beg and harass people incessantly
>but you better take precautions.
>implying i don't carry 24/7 in this shithole
pic related. colorado campuses are not gun free zones. no exceptions.
Now THAT is how you take down a perp kek
Let's hope he did, for all our sakes.
>wow they sure look weak.
They're all a bunch of malnourished smoked out potheads whos weed addled brains are filled with rhetoric of "one love and peace maaannnn" so their aggression is subdued and feable kek
Meanwhile see >>79302462
This chick knowns how to throw down
I'm thinking I might buy a ticket.
Anything way I can spend money to piss off the libshits is a damn good investment in my eyes.
Pic related: Typical W33D transplant.
lmfao what are these woofters doing
is this how americans fight when they don't have guns?
>there are people in america that dont conceal carry everyday
When I was in Toronto some homeless guys were fighting at like 3am on queen st in front of a mcdonalds and one got thrown under the street car I was riding in and got killed. Shit was fucking brutal man.
>I'm thinking I might buy a ticket.
I'm just going to walk around outside and laugh at all the dumpy-bodied hipsters
WHY are there so many skinnyfat hipsters in colorado now? everyone used to be tanned and beautiful FUCKING CALIFORNIANS
Dang looks like she's done a little mma
The absolute fuck is she talking about? Do people really act like this or am I being memed on?
What the fuck are they assaulting people for? The look like hippie scum.
It's real. It's real...
Californians can only wish they were as fit and nice looking as Coloradans.
Yep. That's in libshit states. However, I got conceal carry in New York so that's a bit of a special case.
>hippie scum
they aggressively beg for money and when you tell them to fuck off they act like you're the one with the problem.
It wasn't this bad before legalizing weed
>>79302924 could ask him to move for some more space?
I fucking swear I don't get these people. I've been oblivious to people plenty of times, so if I'm legitimately bothering somebody and they ask me, I'll usually be like "oh sorry!"
I can't even tell what the fuck she's upset about either. That's plenty of space, too. Christ. Must be a fucking million lbs
>video has been removed
Christ, I always thought it was satire. Don't these retards understand that a parody isn't meant to be something you try to live up to?
That dirty motherfucker on teh ground was biting into his leg. I would have opened his skull.
electric tuesdays aka uninspired, generic drag and drop EDM with an audience of underaged b& who can't handle their drugs
went once. never again.
>that knee kick
would be interesting to know how much she fucked his faces up, knees and elbows can brutally wreck someones shit
Yeah, went on saint paddies once. Spent the whole night drinking forties with some homeless vietnam vets outside. Cervantes is way overrated.
That dude is never going to live it down
>its a manlet
most women in Mobile, Alabama would have knocked every single one of these pussies unconscious in 30 seconds. These are the worst fighting skills I have ever watched. No shit guys if you scrap at this level never fuck with ANYONE from Alabama. Damn. It would be target practice. We've had to learn to fight a pack of chimps at the same time all our lives. Seriously for your safety never try this shit in Alabama.
fucking hell i miss camel reds
They still sell them in some parts of the south apparently
texan, 6'2", 230, run 7mi in 45min
expectation is the mother of misery.
not all these keyboard commandos come with state of nature killer instinct.
>dudeweed transplant detected
You Have to Go Back
Spent 6 years as a kid in montgomery alabama public school. You hit it right on the head. Where in bama you from? Roll tide?
I spent a few years in public school in Anniston/Oxford, Alabama
What the fuck
also roll tide
Are you serious? He was hitting with the palm of his hand with a weak trajectory. A straight two knuckle shot would have folded their ass instantly. These guys only turned on the fact that they should never start that shit with someone from Alabama. Black or white. We've had to fight multiple chimps all our life and in comparison to these puss cakes we look like fucking Mike Tyson!
in fact, most people only live lives shrouded in fear. 'fear is the mindkiller'
she would rather be passive aggressive without the guy even noticing what's up, I don't really get it either, here is what I think the reason is, she is too much of a pussy to confront the guy and ask him directly, also if she did that the problem might go away, but she needs the problem to pms about and be passives aggressive about and so she can post it on here twitter/tumblr fat positive transgender furry blog. They don't want to interact with big scary men, so they expect every man on the planet to police himself at all times, they not only think that this is doable, they believe this to be an ideal solution of the problem.
wow., never saw this from this angle. She is my waifu!
It's democracy 101
Flood your area with demographic that agrees with you, for the dems, that's califorinan.
Every Coloradan who has lived here for 10 years knows the state has defiantly shifted blue.
Remove transplant, you have to go back.
I'm more okay with texans than calicucks. All the DUDE BRO mall crawler trucks are pretty gay though, they don't even take them offroading either.
Anybody notice how "socks with sandals" is usually something associated with neckbeards, and (rightly) shunned? Yet nigs do it all of the fucking time and it's somehow completely okay.
>potheads too pussy to stop the methheads
Its because they were allowed flipflops and tall socks in the pen.
From the eastern shore from Mobile. We laugh at shit like this. Poor fucking skills. I would get no satisfaction kicking someone's ass this fucking weak in skills.
And someone that lived in monkey town would beat all that ass so bad they would be charged with child abuse.
Roll Tide!
Right? It's like they're fighting in slow motion, and then get tired instantly and have to hug each other to catch their breath. I'm pretty sure even the average /pol/tard could floor one of these scumbags.
Why in the world would ANYONE want to go to Denver of all places for a trip?
Sandals are bad enough on guys but socks + sandals = faggots.
Anyplace where you have a lot of niggers you learn to fight or you die. That is the one good thing about niggers it culls the weak from the strong.
Fairhope, by any chance? Left my heart down there years ago...
seriously holy shit, I would not be the slightest bit afraid to confront that guy, hes hardly even swinging the stick
Why don't the good people of Denver get a few skinheads together and mop the floor with these pieces of human waste?
I heard its super strict for that there.
Southern UT here just having a laugh at how you guys derail everything into hating transplants
Basically, "making" her "have" to come forward and address it, is as bad as rape.
Combine that with the "I feel so empowered and reinforced getting upboats talking about this absolute grave misgiving of justice", the general no responsibility millenial mentality, and you breed this kind of shit.
I would've just taken one of his sticks and jousted tbqh.
Know right where you are. We should film some Talladega fights and these guys would call the DOJ! FIGHTS in Alabama are so intense. You can hear the licks from 50 feet. And that's just the cat fights. Only others I've seen even close were Russians and Polish. Those guys can throw down too!
Is it just being a Christian and we have God skills at fighting?
Yeah, that's a real common trend in society now it seems. I blame the internet, it's made people forget how to interact with one another.
> All these cool names for fucking hobos.
>Nobody likes Utah so they all skip it and land in Denver
Sounds about right, dork.
She is literally wearing a piece of carpet.
Spanish Fort.. yes we play some decent football too!
I'll give you a "Go Pirates", but I'm a Toro!
I can hear the races from my grandparents' house when I visit. Sometimes I walk around the camps outside the track and get drunk with the people there. All white and all cool.
You're right about the fights, though. You know someone is leaving in an ambulance when shit starts to go down.
Fucking hippies man, they are the scourge of America. Same shit happened in the 60's and the hippies back then were just as violent
>they sure look weak
... because they are weak.
Because you will go to jail and ruin your life
These trash are a protected species.
>how americans fight when they don't have guns
that's why there are so many guns in 'murika
This. 719 had to fight tooth and nail just to enact an ordinance that would make it illegal for these cunts to lay down on the sidewalk. After 3 years it finally passed because enough people saw the problem every fucking day.
>the world needs more of you
>even the average /pol/tard
the average /pol/itard is even worse
Spice is illegal in Colorado.
fine by me
I'm immigrating to the states, to Colorado specifically for personal reasons (no not marijuana). I'm surprised at how off your homeless look, like they're all scene kids or something. Shit's weird, our homeless look rugged as fuck and beat up.
was it grand junct that had the anti-panhandling law repealed? yeah it was, the ACLU challenged it. Colo Springs also repealed theirs. stop feeding the stray cats.
Funny. I'm sprout of Chicago white flight.
Denver fags talking about "a" neighborhood being shit.
Chicago has county sized areas of virtual Indian country.
We're talking niggers feeding newborns to pit bulls.
One random goof in Denver freaks out. And?
"Product of"
>tfw big scary man
>tfw women actively avoid me
Enjoy your roasties
That was denver? These fuckers are going to get shot, soon.
Yeah, and they close the ahelters during warm months so these fuckers crawl out of everywhere. Pissing everywhere, getting pissed over not getting money from you, trading drugs. Its a fucking nuisance.
That`s an art of open palm technique.
Thats cool, had no idea you guys could have guns. pic?
These people aren't black though you fucking scumbag. Take responsibilty.
Lived in Colorado from 1993 to 2015. (Near Lyons)
Denver has ALWAYS been shitty. Who would go to a beautiful mountain state and go to the only big city that is not even near the mountains. There is literally nothing worth doing there.
And I CCed every day ever since I turned 21 there. I can't count the number of times I thought some crackhead was going to bust in my car window in Denver.
Nothing but scum live there.
Maybe Colorado but Alabama knows how to fight. I'm talking Knockout tier shit...and we have guns. These are definitely pussies. All of them. I'd put 10K on the fact that I could beat all that ass in less than 60 bragging. Alabama fights so differntly. I fought a guy from Utah, no choice he made me, and it was over in 5 seconds and I'm just an average Alabama fighter. Have to admit I enjoy the scrape especially when I've rip a root of Alabama Kush. Control breathing better with herb.
When you're trying to punch someone in a dream but you move in slowmotion
Why does Slavs behave like a niggers?
>she puts her wallet and keys an entire extra seat over
>guy is like, "who tf does this bitch think she is?" and puts his hat all the way next to her in response
napoleon wasn't a manlet
he was taller than the average frenchie of the day
nepoleon being a manlet is actually a huge misconception throughout history
We've tried. Unfortunately, they out number us in the city. So, we either move cities or move states.
>tfw I know how Germans feel now.
i know that feel all too well
yeah, you got it little guy!
Because libcucks are sissy faggots. Anyone with balls would of kicked his shit in
Its not that simple. I've got dreadlocks, smoke weed every day and live in my backpack travelling around. I look way more dirty and etc than these kids. These kids give me a bad name and make people hate traveler's and homeless.
I'm a trump supporter and people like me are the reason people like that don't last long on the road, or don't last long innawoods. Notice how they only congregate in 'cops towns'? Because they're usually cunts who need the protection of the system to prevent vigilante justice from taking over.
I've been traveling for years now, the more I go the more I hate. At least I know why I hate them, the people who lump us all together deserve a fucking smack. There is hierarchy and classism even among bums and homeless.
That slow motion indicates that you have almost no fighting experience or are extremely scared of a fight. Typical cuck dream.
Wymyn in pink looks gypsy, it`s not slavs, it`s soviet internationalists.
LOL! Cool comeback brother! I think I may try a Yi Long and let them try to knock me out! Doubt if they have the power to stagger me. Not even their best lucky suckered punch! No. I'd really smoke that ass so quick they would think they were a muslim stepping off a plane in Kiev! Smack, smack. It's over
can someone repost the vid on a noncucked site?
You shall from this day forward be known as tough bum!
Please, my official title is "Headier Than Thou Homeless"
In an easily digestible analogy though, you don't want to be the lowest of the low.
I've never seen a video of any German fighting where I thought my little sister couldn't whoop that ass. You guys should team up and go out at night and practice on one muslim. Muslims fight like girls too.
Brother, I love Germany but I am so disgusted that you boys don't pulp muslim faces daily. I WAS the only one in,Bama that thought Germany could recover but seeing you guys fight makes me wonder. You'll have 10 muslims surrounding a German and he'll have his FUCKING HANDS IN HIS POCKETS! WTF !
Come to Bama and I could teach you enough in one day to allow you to fight like you mean it!
I would love to help your people. Just seems you have lost the will to defend yourselves.
>runs away after knocking the dude out
A cute
> i can fight MMA shit
Nah. MMA have nothing against sticks.
> mudslime stepping off a plane in Kiev
Will be immediately invited in azov "nationalistic Socialists" battalion.
I was just kidding. In Grand Rapids Michigan there is a homeless guy on Division ST. and everybody calls him tough bum.
Freunden. Please, please stand up for your women!
They have lost respect for you and that hurts even me here in the USA!
WE want you guys to go Nazi! Stop with all the guilt or are you just using that to hide your fear?
Hey, Tough Bumble. Ever been to Alabama?
I go through there on my way to work. You're 100% correct. Awful area.
This is a reason why guns are allowed to be carried.
Ran into a similar group in St Louis, but thankfully just ignoring them was enough.
The audio is hilarious and typical on this:
It's better with the audio
were the 70's like this?
Thanks for the video, brother! There were some good shots thrown. Russians are real men! I've heard many people in Alabama say they totally respect Russia as men! We want to be allies with Russia because you guys are white, Christian, and will fight for your country. Can you imagine an alliance of the USA and Russia. We would rule the world. No one could stand before us!
But we have a chimp problem right now we are taking care of.
Like Trump I think we should not interfere with you fucking up your enemies in Syria. You Russians have been there for decades. That is your colony and we Want You to handle it the way you want to handle it. Like Trump I think we should help supply your troops with whatever you need. Also would like to see Russia fuck Turkey up. We remember what the fucks did in Armenia. Savages. We are getting rid of John McCain who wanted to shoot down Russian jets but enough Real Americans told him to STFU!
You guys are based white men and the people around me want us to join forces and totally destroy islam.
Are you down, my white Christian brother?
no they were much worse
>Russians are real men! I've heard many people in Alabama say they totally respect Russia as men!
you cunts don't know shit
the most common occupation a woman in Russia wants to pursue in Russia is prostitute
thats not a country where real men exist
I know they sell them in IL and MO
>Same shit happened in the 60's and the hippies back then were just as violent
nah man, the violent ones were usually undercover fbi or reject 50s losers who couldn't ever get any pussy
> Can you imagine an alliance of the USA and Russia.
This is impossible in current situation. But I`d agree on some strong peace treaty, that wont be infringed. Because all current negotiated agreements are infringed by USA. «Thanks obama», I guess.
One of the best fights at a convenience store there. A nig was dissing Senior and a redneck squared off. He had never seen suck cause his tag was California. The redneck taught him, a bit much even for my taste, what it meant to talk shit about,Earnhardt in Alabama.
You are right. The chimp got a ride to the local hospital.
Yes, this is what i`m talking about. We have no negotiated peace treaty and our act of not nuking USA is blind and retarded kindness, that wont be understood by majority of americans, including the political elites.
A couple of moderate terrorists with their CIA instructors burning in nuclear flame would explain it much better, than any words.
Correct. Everyone here making keyboard warrior threats is retarded. My best drinkin' bud went down for 6 months for pounding a meth-head who tried to mug us on the way out of a bar in Denver last year. Despite the fact they both went to the hospital for injuries it was ruled my friend was unjustified in "extending the altercation."
Coming from FL and TX most of my life and living in red-pill areas it was a shock to me too, but in lefty cities like Denver it's literally your duty to evade the scum, surrender, or just die. They will literally put you in prison for attempting to defend yourself and slap a felony on your record that crucifies your employment history, and ability to own a gun, forever.
can we get a thread with Creepy uncle joe's most glorious moments started? i thin he deserved one.
pic related. | ---79312267
Holy shit, your senator would fuck anything that moves.
Is there any way in the future a pro-business presidential candidate like Trump or Johnson would support the legalization of online drug markets such as Alphabay (of the Silk Road type) on the condition that they paid a portion of revenues to taxes? | ---79306312
no, because trump is pro-business, but not at the expense of a productive and safe society.
how is that at an expense? Studies show the drugs on their have less adulterants and higher potency. People are going to buy drugs regardless why not cut out cartels and guns and it would revitalize the USPS and add tax revenues.
because we need to have stricter drug laws and get the rest of this garbage off the streets
yeah because the war on drugs has been such a major success since it began
Ecstasy is garbage, usually just pressed amphetamines.
wew lad
by that logic we should support gun control
If I take For You, will it feel like I'm crashing a plane?
You can use a gun and it won't harm anyone.
You use hard drugs and they will always harm you.
Quit posting.
not an argument
the same could be said about alcohol seeing how badly that shit is abused by alcoholics
its all about the users ability to maintain self control
t. someone thats dabbled in the world of drugs yet never became addicted
That isn't applicable though to methamphetamine and opiates though with their high addiction rate.
I have also dabbled years ago, but I have a unique personality, among my friends I was one of the few who didn't wreck his life.
>That isn't applicable though to methamphetamine and opiates though with their high addiction rate.
sure it is, as long as you are careful and know what you're doing and the long term usage effects of said drugs, it will put you off from wanting it to become a daily thing
a lot of drug users simply just don't care though, all they care about is chasing a high and trying to escape from their problems.
Alcohol is way more addictive than stimulants.
Opiates are the most prescribed medication in the country.
I noticed after I wrote my post so I am going to submit it but don't even bother replying because I will not be able to see it.
This would be the bane of Western society, wouldn't it?
and how exactly do you propose to do that?
Well thats the point, on the darknet you can buy purse crystalline MDMA, loose or in capsules.
>bottom 2nd from left
Only for EU
You are fucking retarded. amphetamines and opiods are THE most harmful narcotics in existence. THC, either as the natural plant OR an extract is palliative (meaning it treats, currs, or assuages the effects of) 300+ ailments, LSD and psilocybin have no negative effects at all when prepared correctly.
Alcohol on the other hand is incredibly addictive AND neurotoxic.
Way to pick up your world view from neo-Pol shills you fucoing clown.
they ought to. back in the prohibition era you had gangsters running bathtub hooch that would send people blind.
use the power of economics to push out the crooks and create a regulated market. they already do this with pharmaceuticals, you don't have crooks selling bathtub aspirin or codeine cooked up in a trailer.
>trusting the big pharma industry
perscription overdoses are the number one cause of unnatural death in America. Your Doctor is a retard.
The problem is being able to access and consume high impact substances quickly.
More time needs to be invested in deciding what substances to consume and why.
The provocative effects of LSD are real and substantial, so should anyone with a phone and the right connect be able to decide momentarily that they want to change their lives permanently or should their be systems in place like a surgeon general warning that says, "You will be changed permanently so take the next month to think about your life before you let something or someone else change it for you."
Drugs shouldn't be easy to get like guns, but are necessary enough to regulate.
shit, idk. I'm gonna smoke a blunt or something.
You have no free will or control doesn't matter if you're "careful" most people become addicted after the first hit. All drug addicts start with the false belief they can control themselves or convinced they're being careful.
Reread my posts then rethink your life.
Leave it to the britbong, they've been dealing with chavs longer than we have.
m8 thats not true
although tbqh cost is the only thing thats stopped me
Right there with you addicts should get random drug tests and if they fail should be jailed and do forced hard labor. Dealers should be summarily executed.
t. alcoholic
carly fiorina pls go
Not from Commiefornia sorry to disappoint just live in an area full of lazy useless druggies who complain about not having jobs but cant stop doing drugs long enough to pass a drug test. They all deserve the suffering they create for themselves.
I've got an idea.
So, guys, there is instant solution to reverse non-nordic problems in any country, every government these days can afford it.
There is in vitro fertilisation: a process by which an donnor egg is fertilised by donor sperm and then put in whomyn cunt.
There is still, I believe, a lot of healthy donors in Sweden with hiqh IQ, good healthy genetics and shit.
There is a lot of women in third world countries who would like to have and rise a babies from nordic donors for little additional salary.
Let's take, for example, 200$ monthly additional payment for every woman who willing to participate in the program. It will be a 2400$ in a year, 38400$ in 16 years, plus apx. 1600$ for donors and procedure ~ 40000$ total per one child.
According to statistics slightly fewer than 4 million babies are born in the United States each year, so, to replace entire population of a country as big as USA we need apx. 4000000x2400 = 9 600 000 000$ additionally every year or ~4000000x40000 = 160 000 000 000$ total for 16 years.
Over 203000 babies were born in Romania in 2015, so to make Romania nordic again we need apx. 203000x2400=487 200 000$ additionally per year or 8 120 000 000$ total in 16 years, and even a wealthy private person can afford it. It's just 8 billions!
In return we can have healthy societies with less genetic diseases, dumb ugly cunts from ghettho who used to live on welfare will get enriched with high IQ kids, we surelly will solve the population decline problem, polaks from chinese cartoon board will be happy.
So, why not? Why we don't fund this program? Maybe we should run Kickstarter campaign? | ---79301979
Ah, i forgot to multiply all this again on 16 years. Still not so much for the great goal.
I just ate some tacos.
Good for you.
Disregard that, it was well counted. 8 billions is enough to replace average country population.
Thank you. I love you.
1 person can donate sperm to a limited amount of woman.They problem is a very few people have high quality sperm in the first place.After it they have to make a lot of test and around 20-40% of them make it.
Still you can try donating,or persue someone for donaiting.Maybe run an add campaig or just send lobbist to make new laws.
It's even get worse with a woman's egg. It's painful to winkle out this thing, and there is usually only 5-6 of them every time. They must be really well paid.
Watching you two try to communicate in English is cute, CUTE!
Not here:
Translation: autistic nigger fathered 200 children
Just spreading the übermensch genetics :ˇ)
we cant just thrown away our dicks at you....
Has a country ever unfucked its shit up? | ---79303796
Germany post-war, most of the former Soviet bloc. China may or may not be in the process of doing that.
Yugoslavia under Tito
America under Obama
Hell no
japan post wwii
Brendan had it rough.
Britain, right the fuck now.
Russia is making good progress
Idk. Australia has never fucked up
you guys should check out the current episode of the podcast The Higherside Chat Show...guest is dropping mad pill about the history of the elitist banking system, mentioned several examples of counties who momentarily unfucked themselves (only to be re fucked years later, but unfucking is possible)
China after Mao
Guys, is he gonna be ok?
all countries are getting worse. The only countries that improve up to certain point were those which are of strategic importance like Japan/South Korea Singapore Taiwan and even then i doubt the average dude has a nice life compared to what it could be
>'Germany post-war'
Rome got its shit fucked up and managed to unfuck it many times; the state survived like 2000 years. Evet after the Eternal Catholic rekt it almost permanently, they managed to revive the empire after a while, and kept going until we fuked your moithers in 1453.
China's a shithole, the average chink has worse living standards than the poorest Euro countries
I thought I heard something skittering around this thread...
We're not out of the woods at the moment.
neanderthols after homosapien resurgence
Tell me this is fake wtf
He looks worse than my 80 year old grandfather
he's doing a bit better these days
>Pound stable at value much stronger than any other currency.
>Economy more stable than any european economy.
>Blairites left Labour.
>Pig fucker and pals have left the tories.
>New Zealand, Thailand, Japan, China, India, Pakistan, Australia, Brazil all want to trade with UK.
>Obama administration wants to maintain special relationship with UK.
>Trump loves Brexit in the case that he gets in.
>UK trades at a severe defecit with Europe, if they tariff us they will be fucking themselves.
>EU run by Germany, their economy propped up by auto industry. UK is second biggest buyer of German cars. They cannot let us have tariffs or they're fucking themselves and we'll buy cars from asia.
>If EU do punish us they'll also be punishing the Netherlands, who have a major nationalist movement, will probably follow us out and trigger end of EU.
>If not, EU will end on its own because we'll show we're better out of it.
>As first out we'll have made great deals over the next 2 years.
>Only country in Europe that can really take advantage of the Commonwealth and Anglosphere.
>Lower pound benefits big things we've been funding recently like our software industry which rely on exports, encourages people to hire local people.
>Immigration likely to be reduced.
We've already won.
yeah here is the real one
Oh and also
>Highest military spend of any EU country, just left the EU.
Nazi Germany
he looks like the mummy halfway to full reincarnation... he needs to devour his wife
I would say UK is in the process of unfucking itself
But im pretty sure demographics will make it impossible tho
Sorry Brits and Burgers
New Deal policies in the US.
Post-war Germany, Italy, France and UK.
As forimmigrants, I can only think of Norway, but that took the biggest amok shooting in history.
Nice meme redditor
>you have to be able to defend yourself
Tom Araya from Slayer comments on gun control and guns in general live on stage in Switzerland and liberals prolapsing all over facebook and in the youtube comments. fucking brilliant | ---79310269
God damn tom sounds horrible
Anyway, sounds like he was just rambling.
Damn, Swiss audience sucks.
somebody draw white feel-arms on tom arya
because he literally is turning to jelly just standing there talking about retarded shit
like anyone gives a fuck
>tfw you'll never see Slayer with Hannemann and Lombardo live
Holy fuck based Slayer, I feel kinda bad for Araya, crowd wasn't 100% vibing with him because the euros are a bunch of gun fearing cucks.
But hey, that's metal, you gotta stand up there and talk some shit that nobody agrees with or wants to hear.
One of many stories:
>Be 24
>live with 38yo polish guy
>funny little fella, truck driver
>ill-mannered as fuck tho
>be working till 15:30, he comes home at 16:00.
>kitchen&living room combined into one
>he begins his kitchen adventure until 11:30 every day
>mostly leaves shit around and blabs on Skype the ENTIRE FUCKING DAY
>plays TV loud as fuck, then yells louder so skype can hear him
>Poland is playing Portugal in 20 min, he doesn't even know
This guy vacuums the house at 7am twice a week, doesn't wonder if I'm sleeping or not.
This guy spends an hour and a half in the bathroom each morning when I have to get ready for work.
This guy has a wife and kids in Poland, but I saw him with 3-4 different, fat skanks in the past few months.
This guy doesn't speak any god damn language. He sounds like Tarzan's retarded brother when he speaks English and he's even worse in Norwegian.
This guy literally sits in the kitchen/living room for at least five to as much as eight motherfucking hours every god damn workday (worse on weekends) and talks on skype.
This guy has a loud motorcycle.
This guy is not as bad as many other Pollacks I've met.
I met a handful of bro Pollacks, but I've met dozens.
What is /pol/'s opinion/experience with these? Ever met one who can behave like a well-mannered person? | ---79311819
No polacks in Finland.
You just haven't met any.
I went to fucking Bali with my fiancé years back just to be alone for two weeks and guess what, fucking Polish people.
~80% of pollacks abroad are retarded and good for nothing trash. If you have IQ above average room temperature you will do just fine in poland, other way you will clean toilets at foreign country. Do not make them come back, please.
He goes back for a week every month anyways.
His family lives in Poland.
Can we make a deal to send him to Chicago or England in that matter?
The game is starting now and he's making fucking pancakes
Are Poles really that shit? I know Britain left mainly because of mass scale Polish Immigration, but your guy sounds like the average gypsy or Albanian here
---79310066 | ---79310215
a country actually defaulting instead of bailing out their banks and enacting "austerity" measures that simply involve stealing everything from the people?
I'll believe it when I see it.
Isn't it a US state rather than a real country?
it is a unincorporated United States territory, not a state.
>Malala Yousafzai Becomes Millionaire With Memoir Sales, Global Appearances
awww, /pol/ must be proud of her | ---79296572
the weird part is she is actually a boy
no she's not, she's female activist
Even better.
>muzzie becomes millionaire at 25
>while 99% of /pol/ is still working dead end minimum wage jobs
The irony of being an actual victim in victim glorification societies... Getting shot in the head was the best thing to happen to her.
I wonder who is responsible for this corruption
the stuff that /pol/ talks about, could cost you your career in real life let alone have millions of dollars
>Get shot
>Become rich
It's the American dream.
>get shot in the face in a random attack
>act like women are oppressed everywhere on earth because of it
>make millions on international appearances acting like some kind of survivor of a lifetime of hardship
it's amazing to me that people like this are allowed to exist
That's great. When is she planning to redistribute the wealth to the workers?
Good for her. She's an intelligent, well spoken kid who got shot in the fucking head and still managed to succeed in life.
What's your excuse, /pol/?
Watching a trotskyite take weepy western liberals for a ride and pocket all their money is pretty funny.
We weren't woman in muzzie countries who didn't get shot
Let's play a game then.
Let's shoot each /pol/lack in the head.
Those who survive can then become millionaires.
But she'll always be a fat muzzie with a lazy eye and acne scars
I win
Based austria with the bantz
Why does she look so ugly?
Still a ugly muzzie horse puss
The public for buying her books.
Cost Johnny /pol/ack his job at Dairy Queen? Well, I guess he does need that $7.50 and hour to make ends meet. Look on the bright side, even if he did say something bad, he wouldn't lose much. He's worthless!
Nope. Sorry anon, but that's not how it works. You've got to be a certified minority living in an oppressed country.
Yes, it certainly couldn't be the fact that the majority of /pol/ is incapable of completing a simple University degree, let alone being capable of handling anything above minimum wage work.
It MUST be the Jews.
I mean talking against immigrants in Germany could cost your workplace, multiple German anons confirmed this.
Yeah, you win. She's got a million dollars and more coming in everyday from royalties. She toys with her gold Nobel medal as she wonders what to write next in her studio apartment in London.
You'll however be working 9-5 at a fast food place.
She's a professional victim. Don't you know being a victim is one of the most profitable positions nowadays?
I'm oppressed by not having a state that wants to shoot me in the head.
She needs to check her privilege.
Never said she wasn't mate. Of course, don't let that stop you from desperately crawling for the moral high ground in the face of her success. If you think you're better, you can barely just ignore the sound of her getting richer every second sitting on her ass.
she is shot and basically shills for 'tolerance', in the comfort of the west. She doesn't live in her own country fighting for women's rights.
>University degree
Literal modern meme.
Degrees aren't worth shit now.
The people I know with minimum wage jobs are the people who went to Uni. While I dropped out at 16, trained with Tullos and started earning £24,000 a year at 18.
It's all about experience now, even trades like plumbing and joinery earn more.
Even people who joined the British Army for a apprenticeship with the signals have walked into 80,000 jobs lad.
>don't treat us bad,because they we will go full jihadists and suicide bomb ourselfs all over your cities
fuck of cunt
Making money off idiot sjws is a market boom
Of course not, she took a bullet for that million.
It's called skilled labour mate. Trades have decent pay because they're skilled and because of unions. And life extends beyond the 20s. Companies don't consider people for managerial positions if they don't have university degrees. Ever heard of a CEO with a HS diploma? Without a uni degree you stagnate at 30. You can go back of course but by then you've forgotten everything.
Ill never get why anyone would buy the memoir of a fukn 14 year old teenage girl. Shes hardly even discovered herself at that age, memoirs are ,eamt for people whove lived a long illustrious and interesting life. Clearly she hired the best Schlomo salesmen to promote her shit. She should thank the Taliban for turning her into a Liberal demigod.
>get shot
>become millionaire
This is what's wrong with capitalism
Please, people write whole theses on here and would be recognized as scholars if these subjects were open to research and debate.
Despite claiming scientific objectivity there are some things in academia that cannot be questioned and you will be punished if you do. Look at James Watson, the guy who first described DNA is silenced because his findings don't fit the narrative.
Meanwhile (((Dr. Money's))) research, despite proving the opposite is used to push the idea that male and female are social constructs.
and you call us deluded
Boys can't be female activists? That's awfully intolerant of you, anon.
She's so FUCKING ugly. I can't get over it.
Hopefully it means we no longer have to feel sorry for her or w/e. Why did she win the Nobel prize, btw?
They're renaming it to the Malala Youseffi Peace Award in her honour, actually.
Absolutely disgusting, but I wouldn't even be surprised if they actually did that.
Mr Nobel did invent the beautiful tool of peace called dynamite.
>the stuff that /pol/ talks about, could cost you your career in real life let alone have millions of dollars
It's always easy to talk about things and advocate for them if they have a big lobby and are a big win for you.
I overheard people speaking about this and they said they think the government is conditioning her to be the next Pakistani or Afghani prime minister/prez.
>ugly mudslime gets a bullet in her brainless head
>shes a feminist
>she gets millions of dollars
fucking sandniggers man..
What the fuck has she actually done other than appear on TV?
Isn't the middle east still an impermeable quagmire of death and sand?
i wish America worked that way
>Be American
get shot
>no money
>now in debt
lol, projecting much?
>What the fuck has she actually done other than appear on TV?
Nothing. You don't need to do anything these days to make money except sell yourself out and make a mockery of yourself. Fortunately most people on Earth still have morals, although that's slowly being eroded
Would you get shot in the head 3 times for a couple of million dollars?
she did, so good for her.
the difference between me and her is that I'm a man and I take a daily bath, so yeah, give her the gorilon dollars
delet this
Why does /pol/ hate a person who is essentially emulating Jesus Christ's teachings in the face of assassination attempts (and likely imminent assassination)?
It's not some fatass in the US making excuses for Islam, this is a person who lives basically at ground zero and sees the challenges up close - the effects of drone warfare, the Taliban etc.
I just don't have money for University
>Malala Yousafzai
Blacked when?
She got half her fucking head blown off, it's not like it's strictly muh feels misery memoir territory.
Oh look another self-proclaimed leftist making millions.
CFR kikes are going to push this little toad on us for decades.
>be nice to muslims, or they will kill you
isn't that kind of the way of the world though?
Talk shit, get hit.
>t. Nott N. Rugument.
Writes books, does speeches, rasises money for her goals, and does charity work.
Hate or love, she does more for her money than 90% of the lazy sacks here. With all the blue pilled goys out there, there isn't a reason /pol/ shouldn't be raking in cash either.
She got a million quid for being shot in the head.
It's the most expensive get well soon present ever.
Are we on the same /pol/?
Majority of these posts are:
A. Shit posts derived from someone's ass
B. Random statics based on a poll from over a decade old with no sound method or explanation on how it was gathered.
C. Strawman mixed with wtf correlation & casulation
D. poo in loo
This place is great for seeing what comes out of people's mouth in the raw, but you are drinking too much of the kool aid if you think any of the discussions approach scholarly merit.
She doesn't live in the country.
She was a popular local advocate who worked with volunteer groups in Afghan to have schools for girls.
Taliban hated this and put out a warrant for her death. She took some shots to the head and nearly died. Got flown to UK and they managed to save her life.
I'm (assuming) she continues to raise awareness and speak out about getting education for girls in the ME by flying around the world. However she can't return home because the Taliban will have her killed on sight.
>be mudslime girl
>get shot in face
>dont die
> nobel peace prize
>best selling author
Nice strawman
>be nigger
>get elected president
>get nobel peace price
>celebrate by bombing libya and funding civil war in syria
>be mud
>get shot by muds
>get nobel peace price
>tell people to stop being mean to terrorists
lmao how does anybody take the nobel peace price seriously
Well, we all know who controls the (((nobel prize)))
You didn't know? Her father was a marxist collaborator with the Soviets, she herself is a professed marxist.
This is subversion 101.
>nobel peace price
UH anon, looks like even this Pakistani girl got better education than you in spite getting shot for it !
Daily reminder that dogs are the niggers of the pet world.
>Need to take their shit outside
>They literally eat their own shit
>They intentionally get dirty while cats lick themselves all the time
>Dependent on a master for them to live
>Can't be trusted to roam the streets, unlike cats | ---79289155
perfect pet for op
How stupid can one burger be?
only niggers hate dogs
Paki detected
Ayesha is the real prophet
and muslims
Yes, dogs are niggers, and we are their masters, the way it should be
>disobey police officers verbal commands all the time
>get shot
Anon aren't dogs supposed to be (((friends)))?
Never trust a person who doesn't trust dogs.
Foam well doggo
Yes good goy. Get a cat instead. Pay no mind to the brain parasite they carry
Calm down Ahmed.
Dogs are the best animals on the planet you filthy sandnigger.
Not really
Not really
Not at all unless you mistreat them
>>Need to take their shit outside
>>They literally eat their own shit
No they don't
>>They intentionally get dirty while cats lick themselves all the time
So? Kids do this too.
>>Dependent on a master for them to live
Not true, stray dogs live.
>>Can't be trusted to roam the streets, unlike cats
If you're male and unironically have a cat you are a failure of a human being. Also cats are far more violent towards animals smaller than them.
Nigga please. Take your sycophantic slobbering beast out and pick up his shit like a good goy.
Cats are the most noble and regal animals on the planet.
A person who don't like dogs, can't be trusted. Dogs are loyal to their owners.
>Also cats are far more violent towards animals smaller than them.
Cats know they are apex predators and treat lower life forms as such. What is your problem? They are closer to humans in their behavior than dogs are and therefore more relatable.
Mudslime detected
Cats are a pet for women and fags. Just lol if you're a single male with a fucking cat.
>>Dependent on a master for them to live
They're pack and social animals they depend on eachother to survive and don't have a variety of meals outside a home, not to mention the larger the dog is the more uneasy the people feel.
Even while their lifespan is shorter while stray it's only a few years behind cats so taking that into consideration I must say they can do ok if we allow them.
You can't train niggers.
Niggers aren't loyal.
Fuck off m8 only muslims hate dogs that much to bitch about them on 4 chins i dont trust people that dont like dogs
You must be muslim. In the Army we'd always treat the local dogs nice. As a result they'd only bark at the sand niggers and acted as an early warning system for us. Dogs fucking hate hajis.
Cats also fight each other more than dogs, big cats will murder little cats and kittens. Literal niggers. Dogs will only get violent if there master is under threat, unless they've been abused or raised to be violent.
Cats are for sad people who live alone were are dogs are a family pet tell me when some nig breaks into your house what is your cat gonna do m8
I fucking hate cats...
All those things you mentioned mirror their owners. If the dog is all those things you mentioned, then that means the owner is the nigger.
Only certain Breeds
Dogs are redpilled as fuck and every White men should at least own one Dog to help him protect his land and family
>Need to take their shit outside
>They literally eat their own shit
>They intentionally get dirty while cats lick themselves all the time
>Dependent on a master for them to live
>Can't be trusted to roam the streets, unlike cats
They are loyal and Muslims hate them, checkmate.
I really like dogs but they do fucking stink, your house, clothes everything just stinks of dog.
Unless you get one of those little faggot dogs, but who wants one of those other than women and faggots.
How could anyone in their right mind possibly hate this? Dogs are easy to take care of and show you love and loyalty like no other being on earth. I would take a bullet for either one of my dogs and kill someone if they tried to hurt them. Youre just an agry sand nigger and a waste of oxygen.
>Cats know they are apex predators
Cats don't have a concept of what apex predators are, and even then the apex predator around them would be humans, then dogs as a stray feral dog would kill and eat a cat, then cats.
>They are closer to humans in their behavior than dogs
They're not even social animals and are as stupider than a lobster, fucking Minks outperform them in every task despite being far smaller, they're even better at catching rats.
While Dogs biologically are simulated to see their owner as a family member, unlike cats they remember your face, voice, smell, and style. Even further so they can recognize their own reflection, something a cat cannot do, simply because it's still stupid and is actually getting stupider as time goes on. Fucking I recall a research in when Dogs brains were examined when they were shown photos of people and how they would become excited at the sight of the photo of their owner. Dogs are legit evolving to better understand humans.
Dogs literally helped human civilization come to where it is now.
Who are those people that among other unique characteristics is their dislike of dogs?
Voluminous anthropological data shows dogs literally helped early humans survive.
Unfortunately, because of this, there's (you).
Dogs are the white man's best friends. Therefore, if you are scared of dogs or don't like them, you are a shitskin.
>Cats don't have a concept of what apex predators are, and even then the apex predator around them would be humans, then dogs as a stray feral dog would kill and eat a cat, then cats.
Take a grammar class.
A 5 minute bath or spray with the hose once every 2 weeks is all you need to keep them clean or let them swim in a pool. My two goldens in >>79292522 smell good and since I brush them every other day I dont get too much hair in my house. Its all worth it britbro
Bathe your dog m8
Nice puppers ya got there.
Not an argument.
Being loyal to its owner doesn't make it trustworthy for literally anyone else.
Get a cat
>Better meat than Dog
1 آخر من هذا المعرف
Not an argument.
Cats are awesome pets.
Dogs too. But I prefer cats
>a refugee rapes you and kill you
These guys get it. Dogs are one of the main reasons humans became the dominant species on this planet.
Only niggers and muslims hate dogs. Dog is the White man's best friend. Kill yourself OP.
Not if trained
Depends on breed
Not if trained
>Need to take their shit outside
Only dumb catfags think it's good to have a pet shit inside your house
>They literally eat their own shit
Not if you have them eat proper food
>They intentionally get dirty while cats lick themselves all the time
Not true, dogs also clean themselves
>Dependent on a master for them to live
It's called being a "pet"
>Can't be trusted to roam the streets, unlike cats
Only dumb catfags think it's good to have their pets roaming the streets
Get back in the oven you filthy Kike!
One day we will have Wolves that eat your children.
You missed one thing, Dogs are actually capable of being your companion and loving you unlike cats who couldn't give a shit about you.
i like pets that have purpose
cats are good mousers and in general keep critters of all kinds away
dogs are loyal guardians who can track and are great to take hunting
vanity pets (especially those little cunt yap dogs) that do nothing can all go straight to the ovens right after their owners
Fuck off achmed
If you had a dog you wouldn't get raped or killed by a rapefugee.
not liking dogs = non-white
or worse, a cat person
I love goldies not a single mean bone in their bodies they just want to be mates with everyone.
Those yappy small dogs used to serve an important purpose as ratters in pipes to keep the vermin population in check. Its one of the main reasons we bred them to be hyper aggressive. Once people stopped using them for their primary purpose and as jewelry they became fucking worthless and annoying as hell.
Who /rightwingcatperson/ here?
>not having a pet eagle
Fucking plebs fighting over wich shit-tier animal is the better pet
Personally I prefer cats for a number of reasons, but it's pretty silly to actually hate dogs. There's nothing wrong with a well trained one.
>Can't be trusted to roam the streets, unlike cats
>Actually making your cat live out on the street
Dogs are slaves, cats are women.
If I honestly wanted to kill off rats i'd just get something like a Jack Russell Terrier and train it to work with a Mink.
Unlike the cat the two will learn to cooperate and being slimmer and swifter plus a great swimmer the Mink will fish out a Rat no matter where it goes(not to mention a Mink is actually smarter too) while the Dog could track it and kill it swiftly if it begins to run.
Ultimate combo right there, this lad helped clean rivers and streams from Muskrats that were legit causing harm to his community.
How is this at all relevant?
>and loving you
>programed actions from a mindless being following its nature=love
whats the matter, achmed? did a drug sniffer bust your opium rape den?
Hell yea bro thats why I love em. They have the goofiest personalities too.
Heres another pic just becuase I like to show em off. I take em fishing all the time
I wish I had a dogger but I'm too poor ;_;
>cats are women.
They smell, give you allergies and don't care about you? Sounds about right.
Cat people are liberal reddit/9gag tier limp wristed faggots.
He is using "so?" As an excuse
>irresponsible op wants to get rid of something because he can't comprehend that others are actually responsible
Kill yourself, you degenerate, worthless, piece of shit.
cats are just as nasty as dogs, the only people who claim otherwise don't even own cats, they just don't like dogs.
I don't think dogs protecting or warning their owners from danger is programmed behaviour. You could also say that human children are the same as well. "They're just programmed to love you because you give them food and shelter". F*ck off nihilist.
>having pets
This is where you got wrong.
I own a JackRussel/Chihuahua mix. She keeps birds out of the garden and has dug up a few gophers.
Sleeps on the end of my bed, and barks at anything in the night. Great when you have a shotgun next to your bed.
nice try deshquan, trying to trick people to get rid of their dogs so you can rob their houses uninterrupted
They're man's best (((friend))), doing things such great (((friends))) do like eat your food, shit on your carpet and hump your wife. And not paying you a dime.
You would die for your dogs? You're a fucking loser.
Yeah I have six cats already.
I would. They have brought me nothing but joy and happiness and they would protect me to the end. I would also die for my girlfriend and country. Deal with it.
Do you feel that its ethical to imprison another creature for your own happiness
>Daily reminder
Cats carry and spread feline aids
Cats bring disease carrying rodents back to your home and in your house
Cats infect humans with Toxoplasma gondii Toxoplasmosis can be a serious disease in humans. Although many people have no symptoms associated with being infected, the disease is of particular concern because of its potential for significant damage to the developing babies of pregnant women.
For a study published in the journal Schizophrenia Bulletin, E. Fuller Torrey and Robert H. Yolken analyzed data gathered from two earlier studies possibly linking cat ownership during childhood with risks of developing schizophrenia during adulthood. One of the studies the researchers used pointed out that individuals infected with a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii were twice as likely to develop schizophrenia.
They like peeing on your bed and your face though
>>Marking their territory
Gee I wonder which one of Singapore's demographic groups these creatures belong to
Nice post, Ahmed
That shitty ground up store bought sage. Shame on you anon, always use fresh sage
niggers hate each other.
it makes sense they would also hate dogs
Otto weininger identifed something of the criminal in them
post your puppers
here is mine
>Not only do dogs seem to love us back, they actually see us as their family. It turns out that dogs rely on humans more than they do their own kind for affection, protection and everything in between.
>The scientists found that dog owners' aroma actually sparked activation in the "reward center" of their brains, called the caudate nucleus. Of all the wafting smells to take in, dogs actually prioritized the hint of humans over anything or anyone else.
>According to Andics, dogs interact with their human caregivers in the same way babies do their parents. When dogs are scared or worried, they run to their owners, just as distressed toddlers make a beeline for their parents. This is in stark contrast to other domesticated animals: Petrified cats, as well as horses, will run away.
>"Bonding with owners is much more important for dogs than other pets," said Andics.
Reminder that dogs have been with us since the dawn of human civilization, been ingrained in the society of every successful white culture and have earned their moniker of man's best friend. Antagonizing dogs goes hand in hand with dismantling white civilization.
muh puppers
Our fearsome beast.
>comparing shitting outside to raping and murdering someone
God germs are fucking retarded.
>Noble and regal
>shit in a box next to the dryer
Otto Weininger was Jewish.
>tfw not a big animal person
>Still like dogs and cats
>Both have upsides and downsides
>tfw Pitbulls are still the Dindu Nuffins of the dog world
cats are for women, gays and disgusting muslims
men who own cats are almost always limp wristed, beta, autist virgins
cats also give you a brain parasite and cats overall smell worse than dogs
dogs are literally the beauty of man and nature coming together to form the perfect team. cats are selfish being who would eat you given the chance.
seriously, what kind of man has a cat?
I just hope if mankind is ever to vanish off the face of the earth one day, dogs would be set and groomed well enough to take over in our place.
They seem to enjoy it. Its a mutual relationship, I provide them with food shelter and safety and they provide me with compainionship, love, and loyalty.
Is that a maremma puppy?
I fucking love maremmas
Probably because those points are meaningless and irrelevant.
Additionally, cats shouldn't be allowed to roam outside. They are pests who harm wildlife and they are retarded and can be smacked by cars. Keep them inside we don't want to deal with them.
Dogfuckers BTFO
Fucking digusting bestiality fags
white german shepherd
Why not both?
Not liking both dogs and cats, and all animals in general is a huge blue pill.
>t. Achmed
Also good. To quote Steve Irwin: What a beauty!
>Need to take their shit outside
Meanwhile, cats:
>requires expenditure of time and resources on a pet that doesn't give too shits about you
>too arrogant to be trainable to any useful capacity
>valued only as a meme, from the ancient times until now
>arguably 0 positive influence on human survival
As opposed to dogs, who've been helping humans find things, hunt, and defend themselves since time immemorial. Kill yourself catfag.
>i would die for an animal
holy shit
>Libtard tier feeling based arguments
Dogfags truly are the worst.
LMAO you're such a cuck.
Everything is a "feeling". Logic doesn't exist objectively, it is just your monkey brain trying to make sense of things far beyond comprehension.
Dogs are pack animals, that's literally why we can form such close bonds with them to begin with.
With cats it's more of a "deal" thing, you give it food and it stays with you.
I would die for my race kids and old lady must men these days are cucks and would rather run than stand and fight for what they love
This little guy is sick. They can't figure out what's wrong with him.. I'm not sure he's going to make it if they don't figure it out soon.
Dog genocide when?
>They literally eat their own shit
best of luck, pupper
It's hard to disagree, with your opinion. Yes cats are far superior to dogs, However dogs are not nearly as bad as you think.
I can't live without one; when mine of 14 yrs died I got depressed... Rotts and mastiffs are the best, btw.
sleep tight, pupper
To be honest
>having a pet
You must be actually retarded
I have a german shorthaired pointer. The first time he met a cat that fucker almost took his nose off. He learned his lesson and now kills any cat he can get ahold of. The neighbors use to let their cats outside to roam around, but after he ripped one apart in the street they dont anymore.
Dogs are the apex predators of the suburbs and people with dogs are the absolute top of the food chain.
>Daily reminder that dogs are the niggers of the pet world.
Dogs are Democrats.
>tfw lonely and want a dog but no pets allowed
you're just thinking of pitt bulls and rottweilers, the true niggers of the dog world
arent dogs the only other animal besides humans that love and somewhat understand us? i thought only nigs and maybe mexicans didnt like dogs.
>Being a carnivore is degenerate, you race traiting mezosoic unter reptiles
Its funny being called a cuck for saying youd protect what you love. Im sure their lives are meaningless and void of anything they feel that strongly for. What a sad existence it must be.
Trusting dogs as a species, seems retarded.
I have trained my dog, he knows who is boss, I trust him to be a "good dog." But even there, he's going to steal my chicken wings if I forget and leave them where he can get at them. He is, at the end of the day, a dog.
I don't know if your dog has been trained, or if he can be trusted. If I trust YOU, I'll give your dog the benefit of the doubt.
Some random dog on the street? No.
Who is this semen demon?
>I would rather an animal shit in my home than outside
t. OP
Well we aren't all cucks, so we can afford guns. Lmfao pinche pendejo,
Well, they certainly CAN be.. Or not...
Tanya song, nape is on the pic lol
Soooo thats why my gf has a dog?
>don't give a fuck
>always clean
>don't need your attention
>do something useful (rat hunt)
>child like
>can harm you and your family
>attention whores
>fucking throwing ball everytime
It's true that dogs smell
When entering a house you can immediately tell if they have dogs
Posting my pupper
>Dogs will only get violent if there master is under threat
That is just horse-shit.
True enough for well-trained dogs for whom it is true, yes. True as a characterization of dogs in general? No.
>Daily reminder that dogs are the niggers of the pet world.
roosters are
>Be in deep sleep
>Nigger slides his way into your yard
>Dog alerts him and or mauls him
>Be in deep sleep
>Nigger somehow slides into your home with any alarm failing
>Dog goes ape shit and alerts you giving you the upper hand and enough time to grab your gun, with the dog mauling the man or atleast distracting him you get enough time to pump several rounds into him.
The scenarios are endless. Also build wall you filthy spic.
Don't get one then.
Agreed. Dog owners get used to the smell but to anoyone who doesn't have a dog, your house smells like a dog.
I don't live in nigger land so most dogs are well trained by default. When I go to third world countries the stray dogs aren't violent unless the people treat them like shit, the difference is very noticeable.
Dawwww cute pupper
This thread needs more courage wolf.
Cats. Motherfucker.
Hes 12 years old, would you believe
I want to get a couple new ones, my pupper seems bored ever since my old brittany passed
Fag looking for protection in a pet. Grow some balls.
How recent was it? When my older dog died the younger one was visibly depressed for a good while.
Golen retrievers are great dogs.
They are not somehow intrinsically pacifistic, though, if you piss them off they can and do attack.
Stereotyping different dog breeds as intrinsically sweet and gentle and harmless is a good recipe for getting your arm mauled. Dogs are predators, descended from predators, and well equipped to fuck your shit up.
Loving dogs is fine, but pay them the respect of seeing what they are.
>Once people stopped using them for their primary purpose and as jewelry they became fucking worthless and annoying as hell.
They didn't change -- put them back to the workthey were bred for, they are still good at it.
t. Muhammad
In before Trump getting attacked by that eagle he was making a commercial with.
All animals are shit. I don't understand the motivation behind having a dog or a cat. Maybe a fish for decoration or something would be fine.
But what's the point of having something in your house which makes mess, is dirty, and smells? Not to mention the fact that it's another hassle in your life draining your money and time which provides zero benefit to you. You have to feed it, pick up its shit, make sure it's healthy (pay for its vaccinations, de-sexing, any vet bills), and provide it with entertainment. And what does it give you in return? Fucking nothing. If you died, that would only trouble the animal as far as where their next meal would come from.
I've really never gotten the appeal. Do people like cuddling them or something? Why not just get some stuffed animals or a pillow if you're that desperate for something to hold at night, and a stuffed animal won't scratch you or piss on the carpet or bark in your face when you're trying to sleep.
Why people have pets has always been a real curiosity of mine and I'd be fascinated to know why they do it.
Its been years already, hes just been getting lazier lately and I want him to run around more.
>cat owner acting alpha male on the Internet.
Wew lad
Until they kill you without warning or mangle your child's face.
>Lead the blind
>Provide therapy for the disabled and injured
>Guard and herd livestock
>Sniff out drugs and explosives
>Incapacitate criminals
>Help war-veterans with PTSD
>Searching and rescuing people in distaster zones
>Beloved pet of families and world-leaders
>Repels kebab
>Sometimes they catch rodents
>That's about it
>You won't be as lonely, I guess?
Think of it like a hobby. People like animals so they keep them around. Every hobby cost money, except for maybe naked swimming
Someone has never had a pupper greet them at the door after a long day
I thought only "whites" we're responsible for that.
animals are only good for fucking, and only when they are kind of tranquilized.
Damn, mink, you scary.
Also, bigger than I thought.
Right, but aren't hobbies supposed to provide enjoyment as a return to the hobbyist. What I don't understand is how people find keeping pets entertaining or rewarding.
Dogs are great. They protect the home when you're away.
Don't forget
>Jump out of helicopters into the open sea to rescue drowning survivors
>Every hobby cost money, except for maybe naked swimming
>Pond rental.
>Legal fees
well thats on you. pick a flavor ice cream you like and one you don't. why do you like one but not the other? its how shit goes
Go back to your shithole, sandnigger.
A bloke who doesn't like dogs is not a bloke in my book.
Those are some mighty fine puppers you got there mr. Anon
Listen Pablo. Just beacuse wild mutt breads roaming your souther state streets it doesen't mean every dog is bad.
Daily reminder that this is the slope we're on with this "ban pit bull" thing
These faggots won't stop until all dogs bigger than a rat require twenty different kinds of permits.
>Thinks he's trained his dog
>It still steals food
Listen buddy, I have a former stray. She won't touch any food I haven't either placed in her dish or explicitly given to her. I've left bags of chips by the couch and left for work and she's never touched them.
Learn to train a dog and you'll have a loyal obedient pet. Be a nigger and fail to train it right and get a nigger dog
>And what does it give you in return?
Big dogs are the best alarm/defense system you might have against intruders. They are especially useful if you live in a cucked country that doesn't let you own guns.
>But what's the point of having something in your house which makes mess, is dirty, and smells?
Only degenerated millennials keep their dogs inside their houses and treat them like babies. Dogs are supposed to stay in the backyard guarding the property.
Cats hunt rats instinctively, while dogs to be useful have to be trained their entire life, which is not the case of 99% of the pets.
>Dogs fucking hate hajis.
top kek!
>Big dogs are the best alarm/defense system you might have against intruders.
That's a reason for having big dogs. What about cats and small dogs, though?
its called a mousetrap, cats are obsolete parasites.
People do, indeed, like things that you do not like. Try not to let it bother you.
In this day and age, there is absolutely no reason why you need a pit bull.
And the people saying cats don't recognize their owners are full on liars. My cat Darkie actually recognizes my wife and my vehicles. When we pull on the driveway he runs to the door to greet the person. If its an unfamiliar vehicles he runs upstairs and hides u deer the blanket of our bed because he's a bit of a cowardly fgt, but he's not stupid.
Is that a linx?
A small dog could still be some sort of alarm system. A cat is completely useless and only faggots own them.
>Learn to train a dog and you'll have a loyal obedient pet.
I got one. He just has a Jones for chicken wings,
>Boo hoo other pets need EFFORT :(
How do you convince yourself you're right when the overwhelming majority of the civilised world universally agrees that dogs are the superior pet in virtually every way?
Is Toxoplasmosis really that powerful?
That's cats
>don't do anything
>too stupid to be taught tricks or be trusted outside of the house even when supervised
>does nothing but eat and sleep
>literally doesn't care about you because of how it was domesticated
>infects it's owners with a brain bacteria that makes you a suicidal faggot
Oh god those ears...
Poor doggo
cats really have no function unless you live on a farm. you like them or you don't. small dogs can still be great alarms if someone is breaking in and the noise can be enough to deter break ins if there are neighbors near by. and they may make a terrible amount of noise but they really are great with kids
Your cat recognises that you provide it with food and shelter. It knows you're not a threat to you, whereas it runs away from others because there's a possibility they may be. Cats aren't loyal. If you died, your cat would look for other sources of food and shelter immediately, and they would act the same way towards people they found who provided it with those things. It would not lament your loss beyond the inconvenience that it had to find a new source of food.
>Big dogs are the best alarm/defense system you might have against intruders.
They will also warn you against another dog in a yard three blocks away, passing traffic, random small movements of air, something on the TV, nothing at all and distant sirens or owls.
Absolutely it's that powerful. It literally makes a mouse run to its doom. It makes people keep an indifferent asshole of an animal around
>My cat Darkie
Aussies are good pups
I love my cat but he's a shit. This is known.
Untrained dogs are useless as home defence, if the bandit is smart enough he will try to poison it before the invasion. Even grown adult pitbulls can be robbed with not much effort.
Training nigger.
Stop this divide and conquer of puppers and purpuffs! Both are invaluable and have a place along the white race!
>provide pest control
>also provide companionship
>independent so you can pay more attention to pupper
Don't forget, all pets are good pets of the white man for their own reasons and whites tend to treat them well.
Remain in pet solidarity.
this. Cats are for effeminate men. Dogs are a real man's pet. Men fucking tamed vicious wolves to breed dogs into existence. Cats probably got tamed because some woman picked a tiny one up and said " I think I'll take that home because the parasite in my brain says it's okay."
I don't know anon, maybe you should ask your parents why they tolerate you?
>small dogs can still be great alarms
Great alarms do not constantly give out false alarms.
>>child like
>>can harm you and your family
>>attention whores
>>fucking throwing ball everytime
So, exactly like Brazilians then?
If having a dog pisses of mudslimes like OP well I'm glad I've got two giant fucking mastiffs named Nig and Nog
Dogs are honorary whites.
Person who has never been around a cat whose owner died detected.
serves you right for putting pineapple on pizza, that cat is doing a public service.
>nig and nog
Top fucking kek.
You can indeed train them not to bark.
At which point they are less useful as alarm systems.
Not really, only when there are intruders or wild animals(helps a lot to chase away deers from eating our crops)
Not if you wash your dog once a month
I had 3 dogs in my life none of them have ever harmed anyone on purpose. One of my dogs bit a guy but the retard stepped on a sleeping dog which reacted
>Need to take their shit outside
And? Don't have animals if you have no space
>They literally eat their own shit
Some do most don't
>They intentionally get dirty while cats
lick themselves all the time
It's not that hard to hose down your dog and whipe it clean with an old towel, stop being a lazy cunt
>Dependent on a master for them to live
Yeah i would love to see a cat catch mice during winter
>Can't be trusted to roam the streets, unlike cats
Loads of stray dogs roam the streets. Cats get run over by cars all the time because they are always tiny and hard to notice
Having to poison a dog is considerably more work than simply robbing a house that doesn't have a dog.
Also, if your dog have been poisoned recently you would be aware that something is amiss and could take other precautions.
I know it's hard to see some bad points about your sex tool, but I like dogs a bit too, please don't feel insulted.
>tfw 13 year old chihuahua-mutt pupper of mine has like four slipped disks in his back
>even on meds I woke up to him literally screaming in pain one night because he shifted wrong
Whats worse is I can't seem to keep him from jumping and fucking his shit up worse
No they are not because almost every dog barks which wakes up the owner.
Also loads of people fear dogs
>Having to poison a dog is considerably more work than simply robbing a house that doesn't have a dog.
during the day they bark at every little thing, but if they start going off at 2 am. I've lived with a few little dogs and they never barked when people were sleeping at night. the neighbor has a little dog, the only time it barks at night is if a bear is outside and knocking things over
but when someone or something threatens them or their family (other dogs included) they are batshit insane... well atleast my goldie, he has kicked the shit out of an australian shepherd and a pseudo pitbull mutt on separate occasions because they tried to bite my poodle when I take them with me to the store
you have no fucking idea buddy
Best companions though
>believing pets is the only reason for owning animals
I don't mind dogs but most dog owners are compensating for lack of people in their lives and treat their dogs like human beings. Only a select few actually understand dogs and the structure they have to live by.
That is NOT how a dog should be raised and treated. Dog's should be treated like dogs.
Dogs are not really that dangerous. Only a tiny % of them ever attack their owners and it is rarely lethal. I wouldn't let a 4 year old near a dog but i also wouldn't leave a 4 year old alone in the first place.
Cats are very dangerous around small children because they have less patience and can take an eye out.
I had a cat claw my lips and eye when i was 6.
>13 year old
jesus christ, are you Shia LaBeouff from transformers? let the dog go.
reminder that gooks have no souls
A dog should be treated however its owner sees fit unless it could put other people in danger
The bandit can gain the confidence of the dog some days earlier by simply giving a bit o food to him and playing with him a bit behind the fence so it will not bark loudly.
>dogs are the niggers of the pet world
You mean cats?
>expect gibs
>still claw the shit out of their owner
>literally an invasive species that destroy ecosystems
Have fun with your pet zebra mussel.
poms and chihuahuas mainly
ever heard of a fucking Vizsla?
Most hunting dogs have a soft mouth. Quit being a pussy and train them not to nip if it bothers you that much
>shit outside
What's your point? You don't have to fucking deal with your laundry room smelling like cat excrement.
>literally eat their own shit
not one dog I've seen has ever done this
>intentionally get dirty
above anon did a good job
>dependent on a master for them to live
It's not like wolves or huskies exist or anything
>can't be trusted to roam the streets
Well why'd you put them there in the first place?
>Having to poison a dog is considerably more work than simply robbing a house that doesn't have a dog.
It is not, however, more work than having to bypass an electronic alarm system.
Awwwww poor pupper. I think it's time to let go anon. Mine was 13 too when i had him put down.... it was 2 years ago and there is still a hole in my heart since then
I could see that. You both smell the same when wet.
Me. Log Cabin Republican too. I love cock, cats, and Reagan.
>i am better than you because I lack the brains to gauge the value of lives
That still means that he has to spend days bothering with the dog and risks being noticed by you.
Poisoning a dog does not work always either.
>I know it's hard to see some bad points about your sex tool, but I like dogs a bit too, please don't feel insulted.
Joke's on you. I don't have a dog. My sex tool is my sister, ya povvo favella fucktard.
you haven't seen nothing until you experience watching a chiahua, a poodle and a golden retriever work together to corner 3 fucking iguanas that made their way into your backyard and proced to maul them one at the time...
the two little shits did the cornering and the goldie was the executioner, after that they just came over to play like nothing happened... dogs are truly strange and beautiful beasts sometimes
>more work than having to bypass an electronic alarm system.
lol no, every dumb fuck knows how to play with a dog to gain its confidence and knows how to buy a lot of rat poison to give it to him, the electronic alarm systems is very more complex.
thats because when domestics get feral they turn in a state of transition to the roaming pack wolf type of thing. give em 1 or 2 generation and you got weirdly wolf like dogs roaming. they didnt chose to be domesticated, we bred the wild out of them.
I have a trained golden and he steals food every time he has, once he stole 1 kilo of fucking beef from my kitched
Bullshit cats donz need their owner to get food look at all those stray cats getting on fine
They choose to be with the owner thats the difference the dog does not choose he cant live alone since he is a worthless creature
That's exactly what I fucking said. "not more work than having to bypass an electronic alarm system."
let the poor little fucker go man, he is suffering too much I know it's hard but let him join dog heaven
they survive fine if there are enough food possibilities around and in a few generations they will run as packs and act like wolves, just like domesticated pink pigs turn into wild fatass furry hogs in a few gens when left to run wild in a good enviroment.
White people have been making dogs since forever. Dogs are the most red pilled pet to have.Cats are SJW pets
>do nothing for their masters
>dependent on their masters
>don't give a shit about their masters
>demand you groom them
>Shit in designating shitting box
>no loyalty
>Do nothing but sun bath and lick their own dicks while free loading off of you.
>Can't be trusted to roam the streets, unlike cats
Dogs used to roam the street back in the day and it was fine. They made it illegal because of media hype.
Well no, mistreatment of dogs is still a problem
The Slave Trade would heartily disagree.
Not when they bounce around the house in the middle of the night.
They are dependent on you to feed them and give them shelter just like dogs. Dogs also used to roam streets un advised until it was illegal.
Who cares. Stuffed animals are also cute. Doesn't mean i'm going to waste my time on them
It has been studied that cats don't love their masters very often and only want food from them unlike dogs who are loyal until death. Dogs are willing to die for their masters.
They leave furr all over the place and shit inside of a box in your house.
>i am better than you because I am an edgy filthy gook with a small penis
A very sad existence having nothing worth loving and standing up for why even live in all honesty senpai
Still better than having a tray full of cat shit in your house m8
Dogs are a challenge to own but they are more rewarding.
Anyone who can train an unrestrained animal like you described into a well-behaved animal demonstrates strength, skill, and character.
Anyone who finds the fickle, selfish, carefree behavior of the cat preferable is weak, lazy, and deserves disdain.
>Cats constantly yowling and knocking shit over
>Cats pissing and shitting and spraying everywhere with the worst smells possible
>Cats claw literally everything
>Cat shit smells way worse, should be brought outside but cat owners are inherently lazy
>Cats eat their own shit and vomit all the time, dumbfuck
>Cats will literally lay or roll in their litter box
>Implying cats are any less dependent
>Implying cats can be trusted to roam the streets
wew good shitpost senpai, I love it
Have you never interacted with a golden retriever? Pitbulls I can see or german shephards but goldens are the best dogs when it comes to kids.
M8 i am more than capable of defending myself and my family but a dog is a early warning if some one breaks in plus its always nice to know that you got something watching over your family and home when your not in
>cats are the apex predator
>mfw a stray attacked by dog and he fucking shredded that stray
When people say cats are good at catching rats i always say if you got rats then why not clean up you dirty cunt
Until he gets a mental illness one day
You disgusting dog fuckers never learn
Cant wait til he shreds your or your kids face :^)
ITT: degenerates who fuck their dogs and defend it
Unless you work from home you should not own a dog. You are making it suffer lonely for like half its life. I'd prefer a cat because it is fine with you not being around for days and I don't have to walk it daily
What astounds me about dogs is how they seem to completely disregard physical differences between each other.
>t. Mohammad
WTF is it with you degenerate Singapore chinks hating on animals?? I've seen you heartless fuck in other threads talking the same shit, sad.
I agree that a single person should not own dogs. A spouse with a different schedule is excellent for that.
>muh dick
Are you a nigger? This had absolutely nothing to do with the conversation at hand.
indeed, but I think they are also aware of them in certain situations for example when they play with each other
Oh shut up. Dogs are based. They've helped humans do various tasks for thousands of years. A well-trained dog is a valuable companion, and most of what you said about them only applies to dogs who have shitty owners. Dogs can be trained to do all sorts of things. Good luck training a cat to do anything at all. Dogs can be trained for hunting, can offer protection and security, and can even assist the disabled. Dogs are loyal and respect their masters, while cats would eat their masters if they were big enough to.
>Trained golden retriever
no such thing
>hump your wife
Nope, must be a third world cuck thing.
Dogs are nothing more than an age old fulfillment within every man to want to be the ruler over others.
They always clamor for your attention
You decide when they eat not them
They will do anything for you
They guard your home
You are basically their god
Dogs are the peasant's peasent, a way for even the lowest of us to fulfill our urge to be king
They also are substitutes for those who can't have children
>catcuck detected
I truly sympathize with cat owners. The only reason they accept the feline jew into their quarters is due to their brain parasites telling them to do so.
you got a point
we have a saying in non-communist countries that goes: "everyone else can fuck off if they don't like my doggo"
If you have any animals in your living space you are an idiot.
Would pet/10
I used to think the same way
But being a lonely autist I think a dog would cheer me up
What breed could I get anons? Should I adopt one?
Without tracking of ancient dogs , there was ripe chance of homo sapiens meeting the fate of Neanderthals
Dogs (and cats sometimes) usually eat their owner's corpse if left in the same room for an extended period you delusional cuck
Care to explain how m8
that picture makes me so happy. I'd play a game with my old pupper by putting a treat on his nose. and when I said okay he would toss it in the air and catch it.
balance well sweet pupper
Gooks are proving again and again that they lack souls, they torture animals for fun. Maybe it has something to do with their small sushi dick complex.
Animals don't have any concept of mourning the dead; they don't see their masters as human once they've passed. This is true for most animals.
Well you see in that case the fucking dog/cat was left alone in a room with no food other than a decaying fucking corpse and survival instincts would kick in for any fucking living thing to eat anything to keep them from dying, even if it's their owner.
Gooks once again don't have any sliver of humanity in them.
>Animals don't have any concept of mourning the dead
>tfw some cuck nations never had historical wardogs | ---79301550
>tfw some turkroach has a goat farm not for the food
big ass dogs are cool as hell but they get a bunch of diseases and have a life span of like 5 years
She fuck dog?
Not Kangals or Mastiffs
They werent bred frantically, but gradually.
>Mfw that whore definitely fucks that dog
LEL merchant
That was my first thought too, is this a bad thing?
Also, you didn't post a face.
holy shit i thought russians were banned?
Hungarian bro you were once Turks too.
If only you stayed true to Arpad's ideals.
Your sister looks like a whore.
Muslims hate dogs.
Implying those aren't bred from Roman dogs.
Dogs can see evil. No wonder you child mutilating loons are rustled.
I got a puddle so nigel please fuck off.
You mean a poodle, chaim.
I have puddle of mud as a pet.
You're a puddle of dog piss. You're a pile of elephant shit.
Did your golem melt?
Hah that's good.
Don't talk shit about our shepherd dog
You mean Assyrian dogs
>arrive from Merv, Turkmenistan
You truly have nothing in terms of culture do you. I'm glad we eradicated tou arab rapebabby kind.
I have owned three kangal's and they have all lived past 10 years old.
American Pitbull will fuck your shit, watch out.
Is that a beastiality of sing_sing with a dog?
>the look in her eye, you just KNOW they fucked
Maybe it's because my parents use to breed Great Danes, and I grew up around massive dogs, but I am certainly not afraid of these "war dogs"
Dogs limbs snap very easily. It's also not hard to smash your arm down their throat forcing them to back off. Sure I would get injured, but I would def win that fight. Only pussies, niggers, and sandniggers are afraid of dogs.
Probably not.
pitbulls are the niggers of dogs.
There are some high quality dogs, many of the dogs are shit and like to eat their own shit, but some breeds are god tier.
Cats are awesome as wel.
also many nations didnt have war roaches. Shocking, right?
If Canadian, yes.
Yeah. Wondering about this, too. I know not everyone is muslim there, but historical wardogs imply non muslim armies, I think?
not Turks
Our totem is a fucking wolf, we love dogs.
Post more pics of your slutty sister.
>adopts islam
>writes in arab script until some jew reforms entire country
>then writes in another foreign script, this time latin
>best city stolen from greeks
>"m-muh turkish culture!"
I thought that was Jews
Old English Mastiff owner, here. Feels good, man.
>best city stolen from greeks
You know who let the Turks in right ? (It echos)
Same with Spain
hush extinct assyrian
Noice, My first dog was a Mastiff when I was a lad, got him when I was 4, he died when I was 17. Really loved that dog. Miss my Fox terrier a lot too ;;_;;
Got a Rottweiler and Jack Russel now,
Those were bullshit pitbulls they fought them against. Some Russians brought down some real bred American Pitbulls that totally wrecked these dogs. In the end most Bengal dogs ran for their lives, leaped out the pits and looked at their owners in confusion. Bengals are very strong, but they really can't beat a pure bred american pitbull that was made for this sort of thing, they're a strong shepard dog, not a pit fighting dog.
Implying those weren't Greek molossus dogs, here's a roman copy of a greek sculpture.
Shar-pei powa!
>turk roaches think their fag dogs can step up to the American Pitbull
This. That's why when Russians brought down some good american pitbull breeds they kept defeating them. Before that they were fighting what looked like shit tier pitbulls, if they even were pure bred at all.
based greatest ally
Literally the niggers of the dog world desu senpai
How about a Caucasian shepherd? In Russia they were used to hunt bears
>1 post by this ID
Here we go lads. Just in time for the new month
I reckon Trump is legitimately in the lead and the globalists are trying to convince everyone that they're in the minority for wanting to vote for him by giving Hilary a stupid large lead
>15% with Democrats
15% with Democrats
>15% with Democrats
15% with Democrats
>15% with Democrats
15% with Democrats
>implying it matters in July
America is diseased, rotten to the core
There's no saving it, we need to pull it out by the roots
Wipe the slate clean, BURN IT DOWN
And from the ashes, a new America will be born. Evolved, but untamed!
The weak will be purged, the strongest will thrive... free to live as they see fit, they'll MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Trump will be the next president of the united states
Bernie people don't like Trump, but they really don't like Hillary. In the end, the Bernouts will probably be split 50/50.
Not an argument.
we have to spam the positive polls, because the shills spam the negative ones.
obviously they mean nothing until the debates, but people are easily demoralized
Don't kid yourself, they just won't go out and vote, a few will go and vote green cuz "DUDE WEEED"!
Huh. Well now, I'm legit surprised. Never figured the eternal jew would let this slip through.
>no party sample included
>polls only matter when they favor drumpf!
Rasmussen is slanted right and was the ONE poll in 2012 that had Romney winning right up to election.
Trump is losing in 19 of the 20 national polls, often by margins greater than 10. Trump seems to have hit his ceiling between 38 - 40% nationally, which means all Hillary has to do is disappear for a few weeks and she'll have the election tied up.
Ching chow ping Ming tai dao wing wong
>our wall is going to be better than yours
Trump make the BEST walls.
1. Romney was going up against an incumbent
2. Ceiling meme. Only 3 heavily left wing polls have him in double digits. Hillary wont be able to hide for the debates.
>Trump is losing in 19 of the 20 national polls, often by margins greater than 10.
>often by margins greater than 10.
About 5 out of 20 of those polls are 10+ leads while the rest are at around +5
Doesn't constitute as "often", retard.
Kek what a stupid comparison.
>Comparing a modern soon to be wall to an ancient wall.
Usually Chinese not from the mainland hate the dog eating mainlanders,but that comparison is retarded
Can you list some examples?
The Art of the Deal came with pictures, but Trump has probably had more walls built since then.
I like this new poll
>1. Romney was going up against an incumbent
Hillary is running as the first woman president.
Buildings have walls.
>before OP poll
>after op poll
>Well Rasmussen favors republicans
Well, in 17 of those 20 polls Independents are hugely under represented, so yeah, fuck polls
Just donated 50 dollars.
c'mon guys, what are you gonna do with 50 bucks!? buy tendies!?!?!?!
why don't you have a MAGA hat? what the hell is wrong with your brain!?!??!
give our man trump 25 dang bucks and get the dang hat!!!!!!!
what are you waiting for????????
Thats nothing new.
The daily news reports that Trump has 1% of the black vote
1%!!! Lowest # amongst republican presidential candidates in recent history. This is how Obama won. this isn't good
Already have one, David
I just donated 3 large Big Mac meals and 60 5.56 ammo worth of cash. Match me in semen!
Hillary isn't black though.
Trump has alot more support from blacks than people want to believe, they probably only had 11 blacks in the poll and it just happened that 0 were republican.
I see a lot of glass on those walls.
That won't keep desperate, resourceful people out.
>Imblying it wont be 6inch bullet proof glass for tourism purposes.
I talk to black people all the time. I go all over the world and talk to these people and these people are telling me that they love Mr. Trump. They say to me that Mr. Trump is just a great, great success and they love him. They just love the guy. They see how successful Mr. Trump is and they think it's terrific. Just terrific.
dude, delete the picture with ur personal info..
and I donated 50$ 2 days ago
>Driving test requirements.
I'll get right on that kiddo.
Trump is going to destroy crooked Hillary in the debates.
>all other major polls and news polls place clinton between 3-6 points ahead
>one horrible and biased poll that only released results every few months puts trump ahead
Gee I wonder who is right
>doxxing yourself
Mods please delete this guy's pic for himself
Stay tuned!
Good old Leftist doublethink; the reality is that most other polls are heavily biased towards Hillary while this one is actually an accurate representation of reality :^)
Based David
Another republican going against trump
United States Senator Mike Lee on why he hasn't endorsed Donald J. Trump: "We can get into the fact that he accused my best friend’s father of conspiring to kill JFK. ... We can get into the fact that he’s wildly unpopular in my state, in part because my state consists of people who are members of a religious minority church."
Seems we hitched our wagon to wrong duncecap, fellas. Might want to start looking into other options at the convention.
"Silence is consent"
wow thats very raepy of you stefan
>hillary dropping like a rock due to one major scandal after another
>trump rocketing upwards delivering killer policy speeches every week
Where were you when the crooked cunt was slain?
Gracias por tu comentario, hermanospanol. Ahora andate a reparar tu sistema hipotecario podrido y tu altisima tasa de desempleo.
Por que te fijas en la astilla que tiene tu hermano en el ojo, y no le das importancia a la viga que esta en el tuyo?
>we are breaking the conditioning!
smdh. And they say trump supporters are idiots. This guy is probably taking food from the mouths of one of his 7 children.
The mans comin round!
>1 post by this ID
me thinks some pizzas are inbound for your stupidity senpai
>Clinton continues to hold a wide lead among blacks. Trump leads among whites and other minority voters.
>How to parallel park
Duh. Come November when they stuff the ballots it will come as less of a surprise. It sickens me. With all we know our Government lies to us about (when you think about the things we know about - imagine that only makes up 1%), how can we trust elections anymore?
i trust in god to protect me!
i have no excuse!
I'll take B24 with an egg roll and put some spicy mustard packets in please, thanks.
Not even trying to hide all your info wtf
Have a little fucking respect and capitalize President.
gods gonna cut you down!
We're sensible enough to hide our pwer levels.
Besides, if any eloquent, black speakers voiced our support of Trump, the footage would never get shown on MSM.
what have i who walk with god to fear from man?
what man intends for evil god intends for good.
Dancin' til the yarmulke falls off
Pls elect trump, I want to see (((the medias))) impotent whining
LMAO, and what percent of those went to a 3rd party? In June people support a 3rd party openly to test the waters. In November they sure as fuck aren't going to throw their vote away and give the evil queen of zorpon 5 the Presidency.
>clinton with 20% lead
>poles don't matter
>trump with 4% lead
Autism defined
>Clinton continues to hold a wide lead among blacks.
her law firm
was literally
think about that
Lol no
ok i deleted it, didn't notice it had my mastercard on it. that's alright, i had to get a new one anyways, there's a burn mark on the magnetic strip.
¿Por que no me comes la polla y cierras la boca, puto guiri de mierda?
I-is that you, Emperor?
Not an argument.
The worst part of these trump supporters. With whom I identify. They only cradle trump-favorable data. Regardless of the source. Unfortunately most trump supporters are knuckle-dragging lunkheads
America is sexist and polls have shown men are more active this cycle
Gee I wonder why you're a Shillary
Nah, they would never do something like that.
Damn bro, you live in the country
>with whom I identify
Wow sure, I guess I'm #Basic4Kasich now
He will destroy her on 10-20 major points. The media will spin the one exaggeration or slip of the tongue by him though. The debate will mostly have her rolling her eyes, doing her evil gremlin laugh anytime a major point is made, talking about his use of bankrupcy laws and eminent domain, and a shill audience screaming anytime Bitch uses one of the sheeps talking points: racist, bigot, misogynist, xenophobe!
God, I can't wait for the debate, but I'm scared of the media aftermath.
Hillary's bullshit is pilling too high for the media to coverup any more.
Personally, I'm now #All4Paul
>You only get into debates if you are the Democratic or Republican nominee
>You will never get an equal platform to speak on with any other party
Why is this fair?
Based David, fearless of doxxing, true American. I will not pizza or swat you, based Davidbro!
>reddit bookmarks
kek thank you my countryman!
i think the even more hilarious thing is that trumplets dismiss the other 99% of polls as "inaccurate" or "not mattering at this stage", meanwhile jizzing themselves when a single poll happens to show trump leading within/close to the margin of error.
stay underage faggots
At least 10 posts above yours implying the opposite you retard.
All polls that make national news at this point I'd call untrustworthy, everyone has an agenda and apparently bias is noe a virtue.
>clinton with 20% lead
Never happened
The 12% was a fucking Bloomberg poll which is unreliable the average was 5%
>kitchen nightmares
you think niggers know that? You think niggers know anything?
Maybe we need to redpill niggers on how Hillary is literally KKK
The MSM might let 3rd parties take the stage anyway to try to divert support from Trump.
Even after accounting for the Rasmussen bias, it's still a tight race.
Clinton does worse the more people see her.
Trump does better the more people see him (with some caveats).
I like dipping my egg rolls in duck sauce. Fucking yummy.
You may be onto something. I think the only way to reach them is through shitty music though. Any based black pollacks that can rap?
Don't nobody care bout facts nigga, don't come at me with that bullshit
The audience is instructed to stay quiet in the general election debates
This is the face of a man who trusted a poll
De acuerdo, quiso la suerte que me guste la polla :D
I have been doing this, posting clips of her saying how she loves KKK member robert byrd to the blacklivesmatter hashtag
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Did you not watch the last GE debates?!!!?
Well, if you threaten to make dindus work for a living, then of course they're gonna run straight to gibmedats clinton
If the audience does go loud, that can be good for Trump. He got the donor crowd going at the debates
Wrong. The media's going to ensure that he gets asked non-questions that can only make him look bad and spoonfeed Hillary gotcha's. Whoever's running the debate will ENSURE that she walks away looking good, and even failing that, the media will declare victory for her the next day (running stories that were written in collusion with her campaign prior to the debates themselves) and air edited soundbytes and clips that make her look good and Trump look like Satan.
I fucking GUARANTEE it.
Me importa una mierda, maricón. Vete a construir muros que es para lo unico que sirves, mono de mierda
John Miller?
I'm sure the MSM will make it out like he lost when he turns the tables on the debate and makes shillary look stupid
but he will win
How'd you guys dox him so fast
(computer tard here,if you couldnt tell)
Doesn't matter, Trump will always reply to hillary because she will attack him. There is no way he will lose a debate against hillary.
He spun it as Jeb's donors and lobbyists, and it worked. Even liberal sources like Salon and Huffpost noticed how biased the crowds were.
I doubt they'll point that out when Trump is against Hillary. They'll eat their tongues before pointing out that the race is biased towards Hillary.
Asegurate que si, me ire derechito a construir el Gran Muro de Trump, que soy Centipede hasta los huesos y amo mi patria; a pesar de todo, hare lo que este en mis poderes para salvarla de la ola sucia y destructiva de la inmigracion irregular.
Suerte en encontrar un puesto, Nacho.
What I'm saying is that trump has a way with working a crowd that may translate well into a presidential debate.
then why are you excited about this poll?
Keep daydreaming.
Finally a based poll. Know this:
Two digit lead by any candidate at this point indicates fraud/deliberate deception/(((merchant))) doings.
The cucks and SJWs are throwing everything they have at Trump, because they see their imminent downfall. Expect the mudslinging to intensify after they couldn't rig the Brexit to their agenda.
Trump has a good chance to win. Don't let the Lügenpresse tell you anything else.
>implying that's not how trump wants to be described
You think being hot headed is a bad thing when you're getting fucked in the ass?
I would like to help. Links to the clips?
>I reckon Trump is legitimately in the lead and the globalists are trying to convince everyone that they're in the minority for wanting to vote for him by giving Hilary a stupid large lead
that's the exact tactic they used for Brexit and it backfired big time
Get this coolhead outta here!
If Trump sticks to these badass speeches and can stop having fits of tourettes syndrome on twitter he'll be fine. I don't know if he needs to do damage control, necessarily, as it would be somewhat an admission of guilt but he definitely needs to let the dust settle.
Not sure what he needs to do to get black votes, he doesn't want to sound like he's pandering but they also are all convinced they're being sent to Africa for some reason.
And now Obama is opening his big mouth again to boot. He's getting a little uppity now that he's almost out of office so we'll see how that affects things.
Just donated 5 dollars.
c'mon guys, what are you gonna do with 20 bucks!? buy tendies!?!?!?!
why don't you have a MAGA hat? what the hell is wrong with your brain!?!??!
give our man trump 50 dang bucks and get the dang hat!!!!!!!
what are you waiting for????????
don't forget to upvote my donation I would do it for you!!!!!!
No no no, you've got it all wrong. Robert Byrd is a sign of progression, he gave up his nigger hating ways. Now let's lynch Trump for something he said in the 1980's.
We're winning!
>UK flag
>Trusting Polls
Do you just not pay attention?
Keep refreshing.
>being best friends with Literally Lucifer
We could use some hotter heads around here.
>her law firm was literally pro-segregation
wow I'm #mentallyhill now!
Rasmussen was the only poll that showed Romney winning. Trumpcucks are pathetic.
Hillary will win. Screencap this
No it wasn't, there were many polls that showed Romney winning
Hillary only hope is that the moderator will side with her like they did to Romney (oh Obama never said the YouTube video as the reason for Benghazi attack !)
Or trump makes her cry and is too mean and people feel bad because she's a "woman"
I never vote but i'm voting trump this year. Women should never be put in positions of power and they should never be president.
Did they finally released a poll with correct sampling?
Whats the breakdown? A lot of polls over sample democrats by a lot.
How was it in this poll?
But that's literally the same for shillbots
They said Romney was meant to beat Obama as well a few years back, multiple times throughout the election.
>What is democrat oversampling
The Primary Model also predicts Trump would win.
i don't think the polls are rigged desu. there seems to be a strong shift in these polls toward social desirability. Nobody wants to be called a racist or nazi so they just give the quick answer that people would generally agree with. we saw that in britain, where the remain campaign had a lead in almost every single poll. in austria the freedom party clearly won the first round of the presidential election despite not having been positioned that well in the polls, only a piled up left was able to prevent hofer to become president and even that almost didn't happen. imagine if votes weren't anonymous.
trump probably has a better position than the polls show and it's because of social desirability.
W-wait I could have sworn they said he was polling in single digit approval ratings.
Fuck it. I don't know what to believe anymore.
Good god it's like a repeat of Obama
Now he's stating that the GOP candidates who don't support him should be banned. That should bode well in trying to piece together a fractured right. surely he won't alienate any more GOP members who are riding the fence.
He's pretty much guaranteeing a Hilary run, with statements like this.
We picked the wrong idiot. I want a fucking do over
whew, le ceiling man is back!! What's Hillary's ceiling, oh ceiling man?
Right? I heard rumors the debates would be just her with a mug of hot chocolate and a teleprompter from which she would read off the new amendments she would implement.
>mfw Hilliary loses and I'm out of my shill job
trump pls
Praise Kek
I have the icon and luxurious, bought my parents each the rep. Wife doesn't wear hats.
If Brexit is an indicator, a sizable portion will abstain.
Not as big of a ratio as Brexit since this is a presidential election, but there is still hope.
Black truckers seem to like trump
>aggregates vs cherrypicked outliers
"Polls are just liberal conspiracies!"
And it's from "Romney in a landslide" Rasmussen, no less. I love it. Never change. Not that you could.
No hes right, you cruzlims should kill yourselves if you continue to not bend the knee
They're jumping 6 to 10 points a week. All of the polls are useless and have an agenda. This is just one of the few conservative pollsters.
Any read Art of The Deal?
I have, and I managed to negotiate higher pay is several job interviews and a potential promotion by selling snake oil and persuading them into believing i'm worth the investment. Hell, Im starting to treat everything like a negotiation/job interview and it has improved my life (Like getting a girls number, im really shy when it comes to women). I don't even work in business.
>polls showing Hillary winning are certainly biased
>a single poll showing Trump winning is certainly right
/pol/ logic
<-1 post by this ID
>People actually trust Rasmussen as a source
My fucking sides. You fucking idiots. Rasmussen said Romney would win in a landslide. How fucking stupid are you niggers?
It's pathetic. Most of these /pol idiots make me embarrassed to call myself conservative.
>kitchen nightmares
kys u fag
Pollsters typically don't unskew the polls for those biases, I wonder how it'd look if that was unskewed.
Im sure it would basically be a tie if they polled dems and Republicans equally with independents thrown in at this point. I still think national polls are useless anyway, state polls are what matter.
Trump voter, checking in
Not confident in this campaign as of late. I haven't given up totally get, but let's just say that I'm checking out other options
New outlets are murdering this guy lately. Polling horribly, red states looking blue, old time GOP elders jumping ship.
Wtf is going on here??? He started so strong. Is Trump steph currying us??? Regular season champion, and playoff dud
> regains absolutely massive lead before the 4th of July
Is this a sign?
>CTR doesnt know we have IDs
I'm right with you, there. Not impressed at all. Continuing down this road will net us another lib president. I'm witnessing the destruction of a once strong political party.
>pic related, liberal nu-male littered the ground with these
>Trump and his family speaking with these on the ground
>They have to stay cool and professional with these on the ground
Images like this are about as depressing as it gets. What the hell is wrong with these people?
Trump hasn't had negative media since changing to Manafort. Gave some on point speeches. Dialling in his message real well.
Sounds legit
>Trump is winning
>lol you idiots you said polls dont matter
>Hillary is winning
These threads have been old for about 6 months now.
Cant wait for killary to win already. /pol/ is going to be hillarious.
That's Tracer you retard
way to react exactly the way they want you to
Is the happening beginning?
Jesus. She just keeps winning. Can Manafort step up to the plate, and do something that will move the needle??
This campaign is tired, low-energy. We've been losing to HRC since the GE campaign started..
Might be time to start looking at other candidates.
>he doesn't know the "guys I'm really a Trump supporter/Republican/conservative but don't you think [insert anti-all of the above talking point] tactic
Sometimes I wonder if it's some kind of double-agent type shit where they are being so obvious that it's really an attempt to destabilize Trump's opposition.
Like they're just really long-winded "I am now #mentallyhill" posts.
>CTR shill doesn't get that we're on to him
>CTR shill doesn't get that he's wasting his time trying to demoralise us here
Or maybe he does get it, but is paid to do it anyway. Very sad!
Poll shows Trump is winning
Thank you Brexit!
kitchen nightmares is basically a documentary tv series about fucking retarded people getting their asses handed to them, its pure hilarity
you forget that trump is a reality TV star and entertainer, you can't account for that.
you cannot. stump. the trump.
I recognized that reference, mVIII.
Yo fuck these Mexican niggas takin my ebts nigga. We bump Trump on this block ain't taken orders from NO BITCH.
>Hillary is running as the first woman president.
when you exclude the portion of the voterbase that votes exclusively based on (((muh feels))) and (((muh vagina))), hillary is losing support fast. She can't keep milking those traits of hers because even tumblr-tier retards are beginning to see through it. Pretty soon her only support will be the male beta orbiter (((feminists))) who are desperately clinging to it as bait to attract fat, brightly-colored haired (((womyn))) for them to orbit and hopefully have unfulfilling sex with.
eww windows 98
The most recent Quinnipiac poll had Trump at 33% with Hispanics.
Is this real life?
Former CIA chief Hayden: "trump will have to bring own bucket to waterboard"
Hayden: "At that point, the director is going to have to man up and simply say, for the protection of my officers, I'm afraid, Mr. President, I cannot direct that."
they had no problem doing it under Bush, what changed?
Not that I'm even for it, but if someone like KSM gets drowned a bit I'm not gonna cry.
Hey David, do you prefer bears or twinks?
>welcome to 4chan
I guess trump does have a chance with the gay vote.
Did we finally kill TrumpGen?
Where could I get some Nazi balls? Wouldn't mind playing catch with my wife's son with these.
2700 seems like an odd number, why that amount i wonder.
Thanks Mr. Armstrong.
Trump polls well with middle-aged - old white people and poorly with young people
Hillary polls well with niggers
middle-aged and old white people vote
young people and niggers don't bother to vote
Trump will win
Thank god trump is up against hillary, that graph shows perfectely how bad she is at capturing ex-trump voters.
this is what America needs
A president with NANOMACHINES
Hello i'm young and can vote and a Trump supporter.
I know several young people who were voting for Bernie and now they are on the Trump train, because they cannot support a wall street shill like Clinton.
Trump may have used their system, but if he was part of it, they wouldn't expend so much energy to stop him.
Wouldn't that be counterintuitive? People leaning toward Hillary won't be bothered to vote if they think she has it in the bag.
Delete This.
>what the hell is wrong with your brain?
Was Trump's "Curiel is a Mexican" thing designed to immunize people to a bad verdict? That, combined with Hillary's presumptive nominee bump seemed to hurt Trump. That was one time people started to waver on him, but there are literally four months until the election, plenty of time to forget about it.
In other words, we'll be primed to ignore the verdict because the judge is a member of La Raza, and we'll forget that Trump called him a Mexican in four months.
But on the other hand, it gives the idea that there's no chance for a candidate to win so why bother getting behind them, this is to attempt to give their campaign less momentum. When you keep repeating "This person is a winner, this person is a loser" to control the narrative, that's an attempt for it to become the dominant perception, and a lot of people go with the flow. That's what they tried to do with Trump in the primaries, they kept talking about how he had no chance. You can also look at how even Nigel Farage made a concession speech before Brexit because he thought for sure it wouldn't happen because of polls, that's how powerful dominant perception is. It's a double-edged sword, but they probably think the benefits of trying to push the idea that something is inevitable and "popular" outweighs the chance that it will mean less people voting because they think they don't need to.
The French president just endorsed Hilary.
The list grows, of foreign and domestic leaders endorsing this woman.
How tf can she keep getting away with it!!?!?
Oh come on, you shills give us 10 threads entitled Drumpf BTFO look at these polls kekekek. Yet we show one with Trump in the lead, and like the slimy bastards that you are, begin to pounce on it
Trump probably over estimates how smart people are. I mean I'm terrified that lefties still don't get that Mexican and Hispanic are not races. The judge is clearly of European heritage. And he is part of a group that has given scholarships to out and it illegal immigrants. So biased it hurts.
Who's Drumpf again? The 2015 guy?
Nobody wants to work with an uncompromising buffoon. Nobody.
He's also orange. Not to be racist, but the guy is orange.
>Caring about polling numbers this early on
You guys realize prior to the republican debates Trump was a joke candidate right with low polling numbers? Wait until the debates and campaigning ramps up. The polls 1 week from election are the only polls you should care about.
Found his house lads
Praise kek for this month of happenings and God bless trump and God bless America
Le Pen is the true President of France. Why do we care what the current faggot says?
Looks cozy
Trump has no formal education in rhetoric nor argument. He doesn't have a grasp on law nor government.
Hillary has been a lawyer since the 70's and has first-hand knowledge of law as well as the current government.
I don't know why you guys think Trump has any chance in a debate.
dont know much about how accurate polls are in the good old U S of A but here we have learnt just to ignore them all, havent been right about anything in years here.
Exit polls are getting banned in countries because people like to be on the winning team.
Can't remember the term for it.
>le ebin ceiling maymay
#mentallyhill the post
His street
Sorry Americuckbro, but this is just a lesson of advice. Check the data in your screenshots before you upload it to /pol/
No, men are sheep. They see what the majority thinks and assume its the correct thing.
>2 weeks ago
Implying every politician ever is a lawyer.
muh DIK
He left his address in his image.
A basic google map search showed us this >>79300145
Nice to see some polls that don't oversample likely democrat voters.
>has first-hand knowledge of law
Both sides of the Law.
She's too scripted and robotic, Trump can at least think on his feet. He completely massacred people like Bush and Rubio during the debates (1 or 2 instances excluded), while Hillary could hardly hold her own against Sanders when he kept addressing her ties to Wall Street and "moderate" stance on every issue. The guy is a businessman, his whote shtick is being convincing and relatable to the average person. Hillary will look exactly like she is, a typical scripted lawyer/politician.
>oversample democrats
I hate this meme most of all. The polls are fucking random sample r-tard. If the sample contains more democrats than republicans, or more republicans than democrats, it's not because the pollsters were engineering them that way. A pollster's job is to find the truth, not to manufacture it. If more dems are polled than repubs, it's because there are more dems in this country than repubs.
Don't despair though, that doesn't mean its already over. It all depends on turnout at this point
or that the candidate is terrible, which Trump isn't really compared to shillary
polls show clinton winning
polls show Trump winning
You people really don't know Hillary Clinton. It's okay, you're a younger generation and don't remember what she was like in the 90s/2000s, and your only experience seeing her debate is against an opponent who is beloved by her base who she was hesitant to go negative on.
Hillary Clinton is a fucking pitbull. Look up some of her stuff from earlier in her career when she was allowed to go at it against republicans. Her greatest strength on the campaign trail has always been that she is a fucking attack dog.
My guess is there will be one and only one debate between her and trump, and expectations for Trump will be sky high while expectations for Clinton will be more muted. Trump's expectations will be high because everyone knows he relishes a debate and loves attacking people, and Clinton is a very attackable opponent. The thing is, there isn't anything new to attack Clinton on. All of the old scandals have been talked to death, and at this point none of them will convince any voters to change sides.
Clinton, on the other hand, will finally have a chance to eviscerate Trump to his face. It will be an absolute bloodbath. I guarantee it.
>Exit polls are getting banned in countries
Because they reveal vote-rigging
>polls show clinton winning
TRUMP BTFO./pol/ BTFO. 30.000 threads a day
>poll shows Trump winning
Both sides do that. It's similar to how both sides are hugely inclined to believe in voter fraud, but only when their candidate loses. It's actually pretty funny and evenly split. About 40-50% of Republicans and 40-50% of Democrats will proclaim some form of fraud to have occurred when their candidate loses.
>clinton is good at debating
Too young to remember her in 08? Or that she literally had to cry that Rick Lazio was being too mean to win her senate seat?
>she is a fucking attack dog
That old dog can't hunt anymore.
It's true though. If you compare the actual number of registered Republicans, Democrats, and independents, and the ones who are sampled, you can see when they oversample certain segments. If the random samples got 80% Republicans, 10% independents, and 10% Democrats, randomly, it would be just as useless as far how voter turnout will go.
Most of the polls that have accurate samples like the Quinnipiac poll show that the lead in any given direction is usually within the margin of error.
Hillarys biggest defense in her go to guide is political experience, which would all be fine and dandy if her track record wasn't god fucking awful. Everything she's done has been a failure and a failure on part of criminal negligence/horrible incompetence.
It's literally like using the defense "I competed in the race but made dead last every time, What if Trump takes my last place position!" this shit makes me froth out the mouth when people quote her political experience like it's an actual talking point. She's violated Espionage Act and Arms Export in every manner and a multitude of other things. Trump may have said some stupid shit but his words have never had actual action behind them and intent unlike Hillary. Hillarys political experience has shown nothing but a pattern of failures/illegal actions and willful deception, if indefinite corruption/failure is better than potential you need to see a fucking psychiatrist.
I really, really, am just tempted to vote democrat because dumb fucks like you have no idea democrats are literally self destruction, they're driving this economy to the brink and it will only be faggots like you suffering as a result of democratic policy, I mean seriously, it's current year bro.
>All of the old scandals have been talked to death, and at this point none of them will convince any voters to change sides.
Actually, when the General Election starts, that's when the entire country will have to pay attention instead of just primary voters and people who follow politics closely, so a lot of voters will be swayed by things they probably missed or ignored before.
It doesn't matter if you draw a hundred out of a million names out of a hat, if you draw a representative share you do, if you draw 99 names that are all registered republicans, then that's not going to reflect nationwide sentiment on the whole either.
You haven't even seen Hillary's final form. YOU WON'T STOP US.
Man, I'm sure it's been said by now but these polls are all over the fucking place lately. This is going to be one hell of a race. If things keep going this way it'll end up like the EU referendum and we won't be able to predict the result.
The only poll that had Romney winning in 2012. It's funny that you Trumpcucks think this is a good sign.
As long as they don't vote for Shillary idgaf what they do
It begins. Needless to say, when Trump wins there will be dozens of compilations of "Trump can't win hurr muh Romney" shillposts and we will spam them whenever you say literally anything
To be fair both hillary and donald are old enough to have been brainwashed racists.
Of course they can't be openly anymore, but are they still in within? It can be pretty hard to change, but trump has shown by hiring and talking about it that he has potentially changed. Not so sure if hillary has proven anything tho.
>1 poo poo by this pee pee
>implying you're not brainwashed
I shit you not I know plenty of retards who are going to "write bernie in" I almost couldn't stop myself from laughing.
Can't get them in Canuckistan
Let them. Does anyone have accurate statistics on the percentages of supporters that are going Hillary, not voting, and are voting Trump? I don't think she's going to pull many of them her way
Thats awesome!
I've never seen the media Jew out this much about polls this early. I think they're desperate.
This doesn't prove he's in the lead, but it does prove that the polls the media are pushing are biased.
No wonder the shills are out in full force today
>Pennsylvania and Florida have no paper trail
>Trump needs both to win
I know. Trump would win in a fair election. I'm worried the globalists will rig the election in PA and FL because both use purely electronic ballots
Gliblists are severely hurting themslves with their violent behaviour
People aren't willing to show public support for Trump because most people aren't looking for trouble in day to day life
they will show up to vote when it counts
"but polls are anonymous!" Until scumbags like Antifa "hack" the details (are quietly given access by the traitors who run the polls)
Even traditionally "right-leaning" polls are untrustworthy because this is no longer Right vs. Left, It's Nationalism vs. Globalism
New thread
Really makes you think desu senpai tho | ---79299709
With serbs you can remove kebab more effectively though
OP BTFO, how can his rectal cavity recover?
amerifats BTFO
Tbh you need a bit of both
Yet many terrorists are created because they feel the western values and culture that they are educated in are an encroachment on Islam. The more they are exposed to it, the more they hate it
I want to eat her hairy pussy.
But if you kill your enemies don't they win?
The two aren't opposed.
the 9/11 terrorists were pretty much all highly educated students
So, she's saying you need both.
>Igores the fact that that most terrorists are educated
>with education
That's why all the 9/11ers had college degrees n shit, right?
Yes. Educate terrorists we will shoot them.
It's funny because Syria was one of the best educated Arab nations before the Arab Spring.
It's a shame that muslims are uneducated because they REJECT education. Same with niggers.
Anybody that want's to be educated can be these days but allah doesn't like educated people.
desu you'll just have educated terrorists building better suicide vests
Yea, too bad this is dead wrong.
Look at Turkey right now, going full Alan's Snackbar soon. I wouldn't say they're so uneducated in Turkey when compared to Afghanistan and every trashcanistan. So someone stop this little propaganda bitch up, she's selling false hope.
>Using both you can kill twice as many.
kys OP.
Typical pacifist nonsense spouted by bourgeois cowards.
Tell that to California.
>With education you can kill terrorism
>The only education aloowed is the Quran
>Women get acid thrown in their face and stoned to death for trying to learn shit
This dumb bitch should have died on that bus.
With terrorists, you can kill educators
>open school
>it gets blown up
>lets just open more that will help
>educate men (they don't let women receive an education in anything valuable and never will)
>you get guys like bin laden
One day the oil will run out and they will go back to arguing over camels and living in tents.
Why not both?
The mistake of this worldview is that everyone is well intentioned and that they'd do exactly the same that you would do. Many don't care and no amount of education will make them.
>Brown woman calling for less rights for westerners while preaching nonsense garbage that appeals to the feels of overly-empithitic whites in rich nations.
Color. Me. Surprised, m80.
Then she had acid thrown in her face for being a women trying to get an education, and her leaders don't accept that?
Jihadi John was college educated
I think i have the solution to both problems...
>ISIS leader has a PhD
>"lol all dey need is dem educashuns and progrems"
I'll take guns, thanks.
Omar Mateen had a college degree. Your argument is invalid.
Without guns to kill them, terrorists will educate more terrorists.
Great image.
Who made it?
Those faggots are beyond rehabilitation.
>'intellectuals' elect people like Hillary and Merkel
>lol education stops terrorism
Yes, we should learn how to use guns to kill terrorists more effectively
Guns can kill terrorists, but nuclear bombardment can kill terrorism, IYKWIM.
>AL Qaeda leaders was all engineers, doctors, from the best americans university
>Al Baghdadi studied in the most old and talented islamic school
>"b-but guns are the problems !"
>spewd out of her mouth by some stupid mascot cunt who probably gets her whiny feminist bullshit written ready by someone else
I'm gonna break it down more for my fellow /pol/lacks.
It's not about education or wealth, look at Saudis, wealthy, a lot of them well educated, but full snackbar mode, strict conservative islam and a lot of well educated home grown terrorists.
Mozambique, dirt poor islamic, no suicide bombers or snackbars running around shitting up the place, I mean it's shit already, but at least it doesn't have the islamic sickness.
This idiot is just a puppet talk piece for the likes of Soros and Hillary, to spread nonsense so wanna be progressive westerners can eat up all the propaganda and be proud.
How come educated muslims such as the jihadi sisters or that military doctor in the US still decided to chimp out?
How come nuclear and bacteriology scientists join ISIS?
to be fair no Abrahamic religion likes its people to be educated. We should drop the sandnigger religions altogether not just 1.
College educated people
Vladimir Lenin
Mao Zedong
Honestly don't even have to go any farther to BTFO her idea
liberals are mentally ill
funny how education can also be used to make them become terrorists
The worst is #loveislove.
That one just makes me want to pull an Orlando-scale happening somewhere else.
Al Baghdadi of ISIS has a phd.
Underrated post.
How does that function in a way that's not teaching people how to think and taking the ability to educate away from others?
Next time I'm out at a public event and some dude whips an AK out and starts screaming ALLAHU AKBAR I'll just bust my encyclopedia out and tell him how to so maths. That will cool the situation down for sure.
You can educate people into terrorists, and that's often what happens.
This is so backwards that it made me reply.
we need shoulder-fired book launchers to school these faggots into current year i mean come on
Yeah, no. Next time some fucker runs in screaming Allahu fagbar, you hand him a text book, see how that works out. Only one language they understand, and the yanks dropped it on hiroshima in 1945.
Well, I guess we need more guns and more gun education then.
Can someone pls post the picture of the terroists with a phd and university degrees to debug this statement?
f**king saved!
That's not how you do it newfriend
Fine. You try and educate the terrorists, and I'll try to kill them.
>9/11 terrorists were pretty much all highly educated students
>most terrorists are educated
>9/11ers had college degrees n shit
>Syria was one of the best educated Arab nations
>Jihadi John was college educated
>ISIS leader has a PhD
>Omar Mateen had a college degree
>How come educated muslims such as the jihadi sisters or that military doctor
Don't be so ignorant and xenophobic. It's time to put nationalism and Islamophobia behind us and admit to ourselves that most of us could never build our own clock, FFS.
terrorism is going to be an issue until secularism is a core foundation of society in the middle east, which is not happening anytime soon
Osama Bin Laden was an engineer, tons of prominent terrorists were college-educated, sitting in classrooms for a few years doesn't magically change your basic nature as a person, and basically kys.
What have Pakistanis contributed to humanity?
>teach them how to count to 15 and they will agree with our politics
Bin Laden had a decent college education
Thats why the leader of ISIS has a masters degree ay?
I built a working clock out of paper in the 7th grade.
too bad the majority of the majority of the islamic world considers the kur an, seer uh and hawd eeth the only eduaction muzzys need
You have to eliminate the Jihadism that they were taught before eliminating all the terrorists.
Ironic that the west really hasn't backed the more secular players.
HAHAHAHA good luck going into those countries and teaching. I want all the people who believe in this quote to be the first to go teach in Iraq.
U sure Osama?
in iraq
you dont learn to read unless by koran
Islam is not a religion, it's an ideology. Once its fangs take hold it spreads through politics and the education system, and once a certain segment in a population gets indoctrinated, doesn't matter if they're full blown retarded or have a doctorates from an ivy league western university, they'll still go full snackbar. That's why you'll have doctors and lawyers in the west praising sharia law.
The truth is the more criticism against Islam, the more terrorists and radicalism grows. It's a shit ideology and the root of terror.
Nidal Hasan
Biochemistry degree, attended medical school, earned a medical degree in the US. Highly educated. Goes and shoots up an army base in the US for Allah.
literally all the the islamist high brass is college educated
pls try again fagot
she isn't wrong though
you can't win an ideological war with only bombs and missiles
But if you kill them you don't have to waste the time and money trying to educate them. Bullets are cheap and 100% effective, education is not
But she isn't right either.
>knowing is half the battle
>the rest is violence
This is as if FBI made a guide how to make /pol/ posts, and someone tried to use it.
Kill the men, reeducate the women and children.
Much like Muzzies wish to do to Christians/secularists/whites/everybody.
>you can't win an ideological war with only bombs and missiles
Of course not you need nerve gas and biological weapons as well
considering they openly back saudi arabia they have no intentions of actually fixing the region any fucking time soon
>moderate rebels
kek more like goat fuckers in disguise
except bin laden was an tech engineer
except al zawahiri is a eye doctor
except al baghdadhi holds a islam doctorate
education does not make you immune to indoctrination. perfect example of that is how the academia has been infested with marxist inclinations for decades despite its obvious failures/drawbacks.
>100% effective
wasn't ISIS created by trying to kill them in the first place?
So we guns and gun education?
With guns, you can kill terrorists.
With education you can kill terrorism.
With guns terrorists kill education.
That's why if we kill them, they win.
That's simply not true, Most radicalize when they see the millions of dead people in the ME thanks to Jew-merica. It's a manifestation of nationalism. That's why terrorism has increased by 5000% since 2001
its true though. you either kill everyone or the survivors will come back to kill you. its warlording 101
>trying to kill them
They obviously weren't trying to hard now we're they otherwise they would be dead.
Remember what happened to Japan in WWII? Now that was actually trying and they gave up rather quickly so we dropped a second bomb on them for good measure just so they wouldn't even think about fucking around again
>be little girl
>biggest claim to fame is getting shot by terrorists
>tell others how to deal with terrorism
with guns terrorists can kill marxist shills
except on that day they missed
Its clear that some of these terrorists are not ignorant and are, in fact, educated and it doesn't change their RELIGIOUS views on the West. You "progressive" liberals are why they keep bombing us. Your blatant racism, intolerance, educationist, and belittling attitude towards them only angers them. They are trying to push their religion and religious beliefs/message/agenda by any means necessary and you respond with "no, you're just ignorant and I'm sorry you are uneducated" to which you turn around and say "I'm sorry its our fault that we haven't educated you" before implying that you know whats best for them and throwing them a pride parade about it in an attempt to try and appease them, when they just see it as an insult.
You aren't dealing with Christians in America anymore. Your dealing with an ENTIRELY different religion that these people take a lot of their beliefs as ACTUAL LAW and they are demanding that you submit to Islam or you submit to the sword. There are NO EXCEPTIONS. They take pride in their beliefs and take pride in who/what they are. So you are basically spitting in their faces EVERY FUCKING TIME when you pull your liberal stunts and act as though you know whats best for them.
But keep it up, maybe next time they'll bomb Washington DC or some place in California that is inherently liberal and "represents progress" just like Omar Mateen shot up that gay bar and killed 50 some people in Florida. Maybe next time it will be some place larger and with more people for a more "effective" message. These people would do it just to get your attention and show you that they mean business. Allah's mercy is not for those who choose to blaspheme and they will push that message as hard, and as loud, as they can.
But keep it up, I'm sure more people need to die in order for you to get the point.
And again, the real solution is: kill Islam.
Killing terrorists and telling their children that their parents were cunts is the only way.
>Control+F Ted Kazynski
>0 results
I'm honestly disappointed.
but with guns AND education you can kill terrorist and terrorism.
"I'm CIA."
Thats how you create more terrorists
Let goatfuckers be goatfuckers
that sure explains why second generation immigrants are more likely to radicalize than their parents you dumb nigger
Actually, the more I think about it, the more I feel that it is European's fault. During the colonial era, why didn't you convert all the Muslims to Christians?
Funny cause the supreme leader of ISIS is a doctorate in Islamic studies.
Bullshit, Allah and Mohammed are two jealous rage driven savages, that love to enslave and kill. Their followers are envious inbred cunts, they see the western progress and the jealousy and envy fill their inbred brains with hate that people of another religion can be so successful.
Muslims always claim that the west stole everything from them and made them poor, backwards and smelly 3rd worlders.
>be american
>uses knive
>cut myself in the thumb
>go to doc
>"its going to be fine tomorrow"
>have to pay 500$
>goes home
>sandnigger girl got shot by osamaguys
>free healthcare for her
>sandnigger is famous now
How does that make you feel americunts?
Good to know, I wanna kill terrorists.
Except that most terrorists are actually very well educated, typically with Western university degrees. It's not the shitbird farmers of Pakistan that are setting off bombs across Europe.
Im a big guy, pic is me.
>Be German, go home
>sit in small euro bathtub naked
>try to position self in tub to be able to defecate and piss on body, think all the money I'll save not having hookers to do it for me
>break neck in process, medical team comes and neighbors see me smeared in feces and smelling like piss
>no one even cares, because Germany
>you can kill terrorism
>liberals still think you can cure hate
Actually poverty causes terrorism. Check any "european" terrorist and see what they have in common.
A shitty minimal wage job, probably living in a muslim Ghetto in France and Belgium add a splice of low IQ and a radical belief and you have allahu akhbar
This prisoners of Guantanamo Bay have better quality health care than the average US citizen, no joke.
So if we send everyone in the Army to university and teach all the university students how to shoot be we should be fuckin sorted. Amarite?
She got shot on a school bus....
Not saying it isn't, but these liberal cucks that come here and shill simply do not understand these things. They are completely ignorant when it comes to Islam and they act as though all religions are the same just like they act as if all people's are the same. We both know that is not true, but these folks are too uneducated and ignorant to understand that. All those years in women's studies did not prepare them for the world so they live in sheltered bubbles and believe the world is one giant college campus that will treat them like special snowflakes because of "muh student loans".
We just need to red pill these liberals with the hope that they understand or begin to understand that what they are doing is wrong. Because the worst we will do to them is say mean things. We won't up and murder them for being ignorant blasphemers.
Actually many terrorists are western educated from middle class families
Education only remedies ignorance, not stupidity.
And holy shit there are a lot of stupid people
By "education, you mean "re-education". This is common sense, of course. Par for the course of assimilating into Western society.
But "educating" them requires us to make a value judgement on their culture, deem it inferior to ours, and teach them to conform to our ways. This is absolutely unacceptable to Muslims and the useful liberal idiots that enable them. So until we either go full cuck or full Final Solution, we're stuck in this half-cuck ennui where we try to forgive them their savage ways, while bombing the shit out of their home nations and half heartedly acted outraged at the actions of our government.
pol on suicide watch
What? Europeans live in better and larger houses than Americans.
There is an undeniable correlation between education and extremism in regards to Islam.
Many doctors, engineers and other individuals, from so called higher education/ skilled roles turn to extremism.
So as hilarious as the 'refugees are all doctors and engineers' meme is, the reality is that they would be more likely to turn to extremist action regardless.
With IQ, society and religion you cause terrorism.
With education you refine extremists and their leaders.
With guns you give them to moderate rebels and watch them destabilize the middle east.
>highly educated people aren't the ones calling the shots in various terrorist factions
>highly educated engineers aren't the ones building the bombs
LOL that bitch is pro-one world government and LOVES the UN. She's pro-worldwide complusory education and LOVES Obongo. She's a SHILL
>girl who did not attend school tries to enlighten us with the virtues of education
Ok, Malala, go home now
If poverty is the determining factor how is it that you are not blowing yourself up but blowing the Germans?
How is it the gypsies aren't shooting random people?
No dude - it's Islam the ideology, whether you like to admit it or not.
Then why has most homeground terrorists been college educated?
With bombs you can kill entire religions that promotes terrorists
I like you more every day burger.
Looks like the Ustashe missed one.
Ideological leaders of Daesh/IS are highly educated, rich people.
That is your job fa.m. I am living together with Muslims all my life and I know the situation. My friends know how """moderate""" Muslims are like. A sincere good luck to you redpilling those cucks in your country.
>muslim in europe
nice one.
No they don't, not even close.
Maybe you cucked bastards drive larger cars too?
>That's why terrorism has increased by 5000% since 2001
>s-stop retaliating to the largest terrorist attack in history!!! STOP IT!!
If you slap a hive don't be surprised if they try to kill you.
>it's another if we kill terrorists and occupy them until 'Mission Accomplished' is achieved episode
Why is it so hard for /pol/ to understand winning against terrorism which now relies on memetics involves a battle on several fronts?
You need both guns and education apparently
Why should I care what some woman who hasn't even completed high school has to say about terrorism? Granted she was shot by the Taliban, but that's like asking some section 8 dweller who was shot by a gangbanger on how to resolve gang warfare.
With a nuclear bomb you can end a World War
When she says education I assume she doesn't mean converting Muslims to Christianity, which is what would actually work. Telling a Muslim not to blow stuff up is like telling a mouse not to squeak. It just doesn't work.
I'm pretty sure leftist common core pro-muslim education makes more terroism, desu
Where are you here?
With gun education you can teach people how to remove more terrorists.
They get educated in the Islamic traditions and scripture (its just that terrorists make sure the parts about creating a world caliphate and mass murdering the infidels is clearly taught to the youngsters)
That's it, I'm in the gun-control-patrol.
thats not education, thats indoctrination.
Counterpoint: muslims are impervious to education
Indoctrination is a form of education.
not the form malala talked about.
water guns are guns, but can they kill terrorists?
Then they don't belong here and should remain in their backward hellholes until they evolve into normal fucking humans
Their literacy rate is hilarious. Their belief in intelligent design is second to only USA.
And many prominent terrorists have very good education
>this """thing""" still lives
Fucking how | ---79309009
Everybody knows these elites have life extending technology
A fresh heart a day keeps death at door bay.
it's very simple
how many heart transplants has he had?
how do they extract vitae from their victims?
It has a meat locker full of spare parts.
he steals hearts and organs from Brazilian and Chinese children.
Absorbing the hearts of the weak.
So how long does eh have /pol/? I give him another year and he should finally kick the bucket.
I believe this
6 hearts iirc, but still everything else is rotting for 101 years, he shouldn't be living so long.
He has cloned himself many times and takes the organs he needs from his clones for himself.
who is this guy? never saw his face.
David Rockefeller
He's gonna be fine
Satanic rituals, blood.
boy penis
If you consume enough fresh foreskins you can live forever.
Literally harvesting young organs from the Chinese to reset the clock. Soros and Jacob Rothschild also do this
Will this candidate for Tory leadership make up for her lack of children by acting as the White savior and "adopting" more niggers, Arabs, and Pajeets? | ---79306039
Literally a Merkel clone. May G-d have mercy on you, Brits, for she will not.
It's a Man in a dress. Of course it didn't have any kids. At least not that way.
The Torah Party is full of queers and Jews, and they hate normal people. Just like Labour.
Bernie Sanders was also lacking genetic grandchildren and wanted unlimited Central American kids to cross the border. ONLY people with families should be allowed to lead a country.
>Supported remain
>"Guise i will make a great PM i promise i will not fuck Brexit up"
>endless Central America kids
Maybe we could have a policy that excludes males.
All I need to know.
Why such important matter is not discussed?
"A 2010 leak of 114 police files revealed nationwide surveillance of Japanese Muslims. The files revealed that Muslim places of worship, halal restaurants and Islam-related organisations across the capital, Tokyo, were being monitored...The plaintiffs were awarded ¥90 million ($880,000) as compensation due to violation of their privacy by the leak.
However, the presiding judges did not make a judgment on police profiling and surveillance tactics which a lower court had upheld as "necessary and inevitable" to guard against international terrorism." | ---79310923
>Mohammed Fujita
Based Japan
Japan would be perfect if the just stopped pixelating genitals in porn.
It's not racist because they are not white.
>that frankness
Poor Chinese nationalists.
Why can't secret files ever stay secret?
I'm sorry, I was too lazy to replace it with Mohammed Fujita :(
Everyone is always talking about how the Japanese are indirect... I guess some things go too far for them
They should stop being soft cunts and run them into the ocean.
why not just prevent immigration from occurring?
It saves them the trouble of ever being accused as (((racist))).
I was wondering this too, according to the article many of the people in question where born Japanese who converted to Islam later in life.
What on earth could possibly convince a person to ever do that? What would entice you and make you want to be a muzzie? Can't prevent that no matter your immigration laws, shame.
They already do that. Immigrating to Japan is a nightmare if you're not married to a Japanese or have the right academic or business qualifications. The Nips rejected like 99% of all asylum seekers from Syria seeking gibs.
PUT BBC ON AT 19:30. | ---79308070
i dont know military time britbong what is that in EST?
Your mom but in some BBC at 19:30 yesterday ;^)
clocks only go up to 12 you dumb fuck
Battle of the Somme?
>2016 and still paying for cable
Which BBC?
What is it, The One Show?
that's in 20 minutes
Not the one your mum hops on
oh shit thats in 20 minutes prepare yourselves britbongs!
leave him alone, he's only a simple burger
How do I into BBC?
Ask Sweden
bbc news right?
What does Eastenders have to do with /pol/ ?
be british and worthy of it
Shit bait. 2/10 made me reply.
Fuck off to /b/ op.
>watch this!
>no link
>muh National Broadcaster
>muh NHS
But don't you bongs have to pay a license fee to watch it? Might as well paying for cable :^)
Try Craigslist.
Monitoring this thread
4th grade bantz
Well shit, he's having a heart attack, it's happening!
but we want to pay more for less
it's the true british way, then we have more things to moan about
like why the fuck am I watching Eastenders?
>transgender soldiers
wow it's fucking nothing
What the fuck is happening
>why the fuck am I watching Eastenders?
op is fag
Let Roxy go!
I think it is BBC2 OP was talking about.
The Centenary of the Battle of the Somme
In which time zone?
Who's that fat slut?
why shouldn't sissies be allow to be shot and die in war? I say why not if they are going to kill themselves one day anyway?
BBC One?
BBC Two?
BBC Three?
BBC Four?
BBC Radio?
BBC Radio Two?
BBC Radio Three?
BBC Radio Four?
>1 post by this ID
Astra2 with 120cm dish
in america you have to got to the bbc website or pay for it in cable it special access since we dont have a network monopoly
there is a youtube channel called "The Great War" that has been following ww1 exactly 100yrs later. It's fucking great. They try to be as unbias as possible (still end up a little anti-axis) but not even close to the degree of most.
They are just about to start the battle of the somme.
EASTENDERS - BBC propaganda - pro gay, pro mudlim, pro multicultral and the most miserable unrealistic shitiest soap ever. Full of ugly miserable people only watched but ugly miserable people
Nice, many thank for tips.
Hitchens and Laurie Penny on C4 News now
Fuck off, I have a Trump rally to watch:
3 minutes, get in here, bitches
sams back ooof
Uhhh, does my tv license allow me to watch that website??
Fuck the traitor BBC!
Why don't you fucking /pol/tards stop infestating other boards with your "redpilled" bullshit? Looks like I can't post anything in other "general" boards without being surrounded with far-right annoyers spreading their theories and trying to make them fit to whatever argument. Please stay in your containment board, or at least don't try to promote your beliefs in every fucking unrelated thread you see. Not everything is related to Jews and stuff. | ---79311159
shut up you filthy cuck and welcome some more "refugees"
You have to go back.
>that pic
>that post
As I've said, I couldn't care less about your paranoid bullshit, just please stop spreading that in every board.
we're not spreading, our ideas spread. big difference.
You arer the invaders. 4chan used to be redpilled overall.
How did this faggot get away with being an Armenian Genocide denier and still loved by lefties?
Is it because Armenians are Christian and not Jews? Or because all we do is suck muslim dick now? | ---79300444
Most people can't point out Armenia on the map. I never heard of Armenia before the first poltard pointed out this guy I also never heard of denied a genocide that I never heard of.
They think that they're getting an enlightened, different viewpoint because he's brown.
>American education
Kardashians and Anita made Armenia famous. If those are the 2 things you know about Armenia I can see why people don't care a genocide happened.
This pretty much.
Because shitskins got removed by other shitskins, leftist only care about blaming white people.
>How did this faggot get away with being an Armenian Genocide denier and still loved by lefties?
The thing is that "lefties" don't actually give a shit about any "genocides". They don't. They only pretend to do so because they hate the white race. (even though they all live in rich white neighborhoods.)...
>leftist only care about blaming white people.
What i'd like to know though...Is why does Cenk look like he does...While Anzu looks...i dunno..Like a native european..
I wonder how many % of the turkish population could pass for "white".
he's not a denier
who told you that?
The north-western turks have relatively lighter skin than the Anatolians and eastern Turks. Eastern turkey is basically a chaotic gene pool of arabs, kurds and turks. Also no turk is actually a turk; we are a nationality not a race. The race known as Turks turned into Anatolians over time. Anzu probably has some balkan blood.
also he avoided all questions about it in his AMA on Reddit.
inb4 reddit. I know.
I've seen him in Terra Formars.
I forgot the part where the ottoman empire expanded into the balkans where many of the natives migrated to modern turkish territory. Hence lightening the skin color in some areas.
Oh ok , interesting....
And is it true that you guys are 95 or 99% muslims ? But what about the so called "Kemalists" ? Could they be compared to western Atheists ?....(they ultimately have an islamic cultural background , but i presume they do not practice Islam in mosques ?)..
Or do they still believe in Allah , but just want the separation of state and religion ?
>Be American
>Be completely ignorant of History and Geography
Sounds about right
In France , the few turks i know , are usually ethnically discernible at first glance. But on few occasions , some pass for european/white. Not all of them though...That's why i was curious.
The only thing he's ever been right about is that there was no genocide. It was two different sides in a war.
It is true that 99% of our population has Muslim written on their identity cards, but I doubt 40% practices islam daily. The Kemalists are a lot less religious group, but I don't think we can label them as Atheists. They do not go to mosques daily and they don't pray five times a day. They are basically tame muslims, the types who eu can live with. And yes, they do think that seperation of state and religion is very important. However they are a minority so Turkey has no luck of being somewhat modern for a few more decades.
SOAD are Armenian aren't they? Well, Armenian american
>However they are a minority so Turkey has no luck of being somewhat modern for a few more decades.
However , i sincerely hope that turks (meaning , in general...Including Kemalists..) , will never fall into the PC/SJW Trap. Now , i know that's more of a culturally "white" phenomenon.
But i think cultural marxism is a cancer. (for any race or civilisationc , it's a way of mind control and cultural subversion).
The ideal society (imo) should be modern , but still very conservative , (without being too extreme) , but imperatively reject feminism. (even women themselves are the "useful idiots" of this ideology imo)...
PS:I'm an atheist myself...btw.
The only positive thing i see about Islam is its conservatism and patriarchal nature. (no birthrate issues too).
However i'm against the importation/invasion of foreign cultures. I think the host racial/cultural group should always be the majority. That's the only way to keep stability...Unfortunately , i see a very bleak future for western europe. Hopefully we'll never end up like Syria.
>armenian genocide
Trust me, if someone's going to end up like Syria, we'll be first. I also completely agree on your points; but know that including the Kemalists, I doubt anyone will fall into the PC/SJW trap like some of you guys did. That's against the average turk's islamic morality.
It's so fucking infuriating they want to save the rapefugees, but don't want them moving into their ivory tower neighborhoods.
Yeah dude, and a lot of their songs reference the genocide.
No one can actually tell what they're saying
Why'd you leave the kids up on the table?
t b h I dont have any.
Just wondering why the libs who do say they have proof still love cenk.
>I doubt anyone will fall into the PC/SJW trap like some of you guys did. That's against the average turk's islamic morality.
Good...You're wrong though. In Turkey , you have Erdogan. (think whatever you want about the guy...Whether he's a delusional egocentric asshole or not...)...You guys will never have to destroy your own nation in the name of "tolerance" & "antiracism".
You see , my country , is invaded by Africans. (all types ...Blacks , Arabs etc..) by Asians..etc.. However , we're not nationalists like you guys. You see, when someone puts a french flag near his window/balcony or in front of his garden , he or she , is seen as a "racist" or "nationalist" (same difference to most french people).
In schools , native european french kids are taught to hate their own history. We even have special lobbies which control freedom of speech. We're marxists. We even have communist parties and crypto-communist ones.
In other words , the reason why THIS
Became a reality , is because "racism" is seen as worse than pedophilia or murder. (i shit you not...To some , it's seen as the ultimate crime).
We're contaminated with a mental sickness. We have replaced "god" (or "allah") with the state's religion. (which is "political correcntess") combined with "cultural relativism".
The reason why we have more chances to end up like Syria is because we keep importing people who hate our guts. Or live on welfare. It's a timebomb.
And when the shit hits the fan...Nobody will want to deport them because it won't be seen as "human" or "fair".
So it's not going to end well for us...Best case scenario , we'll be balkanized.
Our muslims (Generally Algerians , Tunisians , Morrocans...) hate our guts , and our government encourages them to hate us even more. (universities demonize the white race).
You guys have the political will to deport people in mass if needed. (without being ideologically castrated)
They're hypocrites...
Lefties are stupid.
This faggot and TYT is downright evil, may they suffer unspeakably.
1. Because the perpetrators weren't white
2. Armenians should get better PR, are there even any famous Armenians ? Maddox ?
The Kardashians
He gets a pretty big amount of flak from leftists as well, but being hated by you idiots goes a long way.
stay mad ahmed
a shame really...Shame that it's the first name that comes to mind instead of let's say... Aram Khatchatourian
Who gave the world masterpieces such as:
Only to make themselves look better, too.
And fuck Armenians.
yep theres only them and Serj to a much lesser degree...
You guys are fucking imbeciles.
Libertarianism and liberalism aren't that incompatible if you have meritocracy.
The ideals that Cenk and Co. push as an agenda are admirable. In the end we are one species, and EVENTUALLY, be it this century, or 1000 years later, we'll have to face the fact that unless we unite we'll die off like all the Earth-centric species that has died off.
Equality, technocracy and meritocracy must be perpetuated to conquer the stars.
Yeah. I think that might work against them actually.
They need famous athletes, actors and intellectuals to play the armenian-american race card. Even then, nobody will give a fuck because you can't pin it on white people.
I've always wondered why...Why do they do that ?
It seems like some sort pf psychological satisfaction or intellectual masturbation of the ego.
It's just odd...But of course , they're all fucking hypocrites...
Maybe the very poor ones are brainwashed and just plain fucking stupid...(like loney "cat" ladies)..such as this:
But the rich ones..The hollywood/elite cast...are monumental hypocrites...
Clear example
They say one thing in front of cameras...But think the opposite in private. Sometimes , one of them gets caught...But it's rare. (Gibson comes to mind but i think he never hid the fact that he was more "conservative" than most in hollywood)
>Libertarianism and liberalism aren't that incompatible if you have meritocracy.
>The ideals that Cenk and Co. push as an agenda are admirable.
It's not what Cenk and co are pushing though...They don't genuinely believe in "meritocracy". On the contrary...Their show is mostly about race baiting too.
>Equality, technocracy and meritocracy must be perpetuated to conquer the stars.
You don't get it, we want to do those things to get away from you. You're not coming.
Normies are afraid they'll be called racist if they disagree with him.
This guy is insane. I watched this debate between him and Dinesh D'Souza this week. He was only shouting at him, making arguments based on emotions and using personal-attacks that even Trump would never even think of using against his opponents, like Dinesh being in jail and accusing him of beating his wife.
>The ideals that Cenk and Co. push as an agenda are admirable.
"Fuck white people" is admirable?
t. arab haven
>being somewhat modern for a few more decades.
this is not a good thing
The left is anti white above all else.
No amount of racism, sexism, oppression or blatant disregard for human life will bother liberals as long as it comes from a non-white.
He's easily the least popular member of TYT. He just runs the network/show so he gets a free pass
you best be trolling.
OK. Then take the name of the show itself.
Literally the name of the group who perpetrated the genocide.
How do you reconcile that?
Because acknowledging that Muslims have historically treated Christians with violence to the point of Christians living in caves goes against their whole religion of peace narrative.
I was surprised to see TYT sacrifice everything it had going for it on that altar. Now I'd be surprised if anyone watches them.
It's hilarious to see their feed fail to report on happening news because it's so bad for them they can't think of a way to spin it.
Not true.
Young Turks was the movement. Enver and Talat were graduates of it.
It's like saying Thule Society created the Nazis. Not true.
Young Turks was a revolutionary movement created to
a) Promote irreligious, citizenship based patriotism
b) Promote intellectualism
c) Secularise Ottoman Empire through the advent of science and modern political theory
>it's like saying Thule Society created the Nazis
Except it's not.
Talaat and Enver led the Young Turks as Grand Vizier and war minister.
Hitler was simply a member of the Thule Society.
Following the analogy to its conclusion, The Young Turks is akin to the Nazi party
>I never heard of Armenia
>I also never heard of denied
>that I never heard of
You don't listen too well, do yuh boy?!
he's not white so he can get away with anything.
>he's not white
he's not Billo Reilly
because atheism is a code word for anti-Christian just like anti-racism is a code word for anti-White.
so it should surprise no one that atheists overwhelmingly shill for Muslims. They are that suicidal.
He's on the left. The left are the good guys. The right are the bad, evil guys.
People on the left can't be bad. What the fuck are you talking about OP? This whole genocide thing is totally overblown.
Non white imperialists are okay by cucks.
SJW are only concerned with white on black and white on muslim racism, +Mexicans if we talk about the USA.Roach is muslim therefore underprivileged, Armenians are an irrelevant minority on the other hand.
Memes aside, after all the mixing with Illiryans and Thracian, southern Slavs weren't that white when you arrived.White Turks came from all the Circassians you enslaved.The "rape babies", if they ever existed, were kids of jannisaries who were native Balkanites, although Serbs did expel every muslim, in places liberated after the uprising so you've got them too.
God-fearing, god-fearing, gods-fearing, g-ds-fearing, whew starting to sound like SJW identity politics when it comes to discussing which religion, which sub-sect, which doctrine of religion you follow anon. You talk all day of swallowing red-pills that open your worldview to a new reality, but why haven’t you swallowed the easiest red-pill of all, which is to disavow yourself from the delusional of bronze-age mythology and accept the fact that you already know what after-death feels like as you have endured that existence for all time that existed prior to your conception, that is nothingness. That is the ultimate red-pill, the acknowledgment of nothingness. It also happens to be the most natural pill as no one is born believing in a religion, only schizophrenics and madmen conceive of such brutal and often PLAGIARIZED texts. How can you say you can courage if you don’t embrace reality in it’s truest form and realize that you WILL end one day. How can you be a man when you think your eternal vacation starts on your deathbed as long as you’ve been a ‘good boy.’ The fact of the matter is that you should all be deeply afraid, you will all join me in nothingness and no matter how strongly you hold onto your deep religious convictions that your parents gave to you (just as liberals get their convictions from mummy and pappy!). Life is an emergency and if you give a damn about this world you must treat it as such. There is much work to be done and there is no more time to dawdle over your tautologies and deceptions for we finally live in a world where the truth can finally be sought. | ---79313839
The fact is that you are more similar to me than not. I'm sure we can all agree on the non-existence of all the other thousands of gods, but you hold onto one in particular, which is different from other gods anons believe in as well. How can you not see these obvious cues as proof that your religion is suspect??
Bertrand Russell was a shitlord eugenist.
Did mommy and daddy bring you to church? Did they teach you to pray? Do you still love them? Perhaps there is some emotional residue that pushes your brain to jump through the hoops of proving to yourself that heaven REALLY IS REAL RIGHTT? Goodbye! We're all bound to the same fate, as with all other living creatures.
Your faith is a sign of foolishness. You believe something without the basis of reason, you guide yourself by feelings. Who else does that? SJW-liberal cucks. MUH FEELINGS
b-but sometimes i cry at night and hear god and he consoles me ;(
b-but wheres mommy and daddy???
p-people lived for hundreds of years awhile ago!!!
talking snakes!
bread multipliers!
walking on water!
all the tombs in jerusalem opened up and all the people rewalked on the earth!
Ohhohoho and I can't wait for the smug replies.
HAHA I'm right XD, you no go to happy place forever because I KNOW IM RIGHT HAHAXD
But the silence! When a *tip* thread starts how long until a thought out rational argument appears on the other side? I'm sure there is some sweaty southern baptist somewhere vigorously typing away at his cum stained keyboard about MUH HERITAGE and MUH MORAL SUPREMACY. Not a word! No one cares to debate because the debate is so one sided in my favor it hurts to gore you.
The best thing is that I actually do know something that you all don't know. For you see there is a teapot that orbits mars that only I know about! See, something spoke to me, I don't know what, about the teapot. It felt so real so of course the teapot must be real! How could it not! There is no proof that the teapot isn't there!
>i just have to believe
>i just have to believe
>i just have to believe
>i just have to believe
>i just have to believe
Not a single word from the thousands of religious posters that regularly monitor this board. Well, I take your silence perhaps as shock that you realize that you may be wrong! Or perhaps none of you have anything of substance to say as you all browse here to be submerged in a nationalist identity fueled echo chamber with your fellow light-headed imbeciles.
>I just want an argument
Give me faith anon! Give me the faith you so dearly hold onto. Give me the faith that lets you turn a blind eye to the truthseekers that do actual work in this world. Give me the faith that your parents imbued in you when you were most vulnerable.
How about a slow-ball for all you wimps as I know some of you who are reading this aren't always lurking.
>What is heaven like?
Isn't the question, what is hell like? so much easier to answer?
Man I really can't wait to go to the fluffy place of fluffy things where everyone is happy all the time and bright and we all say good job to God everyday for creating us. Yikes! Sounds like i'd rather be earthworm food!!
This message goes to the religious lurkers on this board: see how your more brash counterparts folly. This isn't a fun thread, it's a red-pill thread that so many of you will never be able to swallow because your head is stuck too far up your own little puritan asses.
come on religious shit posters play with me!
why are you so afraid?
I'm trying to release that fear, take control of it, don't be a victim of intellectual cuckoldry
The more you don't post the bigger my cock gets with warm blood!!!!! It turns me on to know how afraid you are of me!
>start talking politics with someone
>mfw they start saying memes out loud like nobody else goes on the internet and won't recognize that shit
Should be exterminated immediately. | ---79308960
That nigger is fucking repulsive.
Nah he's pretty cool desu
Really depends on the memes though
ill take 4chan-tier memes any day, but your average reddit/9gag/normiebook memes make my brain melt.
Time to wake up now! It's the new current year. Also: Oy vey, this is so anti-shemitic
Do you really want people to say "pepe.png" out loud?
i put that crack in my crack
How will Hillary recover? | ---79303609
>That interviewer literally unable to contain his urge to interrupt and spout his agenda
Look at him, he's leaning back and forth, and his hand won't stop fucking movie. Literally bursting at the seems with "correct" opinions
Please someone with more knowledge that is also not on their phone make that into a webm please
How can one man be so based?
The bell is tolling soon for Hillary Rodham Clinton!
Is the journalist high?
What the fuck kind of interviewer is that? I thought Brits were all about respect and manners. Not screaming like a 5 year old at a supermarket.
richard quest is an abomination. anytime there is a plane crash i almost jump out of my window (with no survivors) because i know this limey cocksucker is gonna be on CNN for 72 hours straight. i know, i know muh cnn. i just watch it for the milfs and anthony bourdain.
fuck i love this man
Do you think that is being based?
He's American.
His "British" accent is fake.
I mainly know him from travel shows.
loved farage's comparison to trump's policies
Even as an American I knew Farage was based before I knew Trump was.
The interviewer looks like an American Jew.
He's American you utter bellend.
I'm cringing so fucking hard at her accent
why is she even speaking english ? to prove a point ?
it is fucking horrendous
Official policy has been revised, yes, but if you think for one second your unit's going to tolerate your incompetence because your God's gift to the military, guess what's going to happen?
That's right, blanket parties. Conspiracies of silence. Chits all over your ass before you can bat your faggoty little eyelashes.Your CO's going to turn a blind eye to your suffering until you either get your shit together or dishonorably discharge.
Let the top brass write all the rules it wants. The boots on the ground are not gonna foot the bill, and that, my friend, is a fact. | ---79313181
Because is this exactly how it turned out with wymyn in USoNA army, right?
It has, actually. My sister's enlisted and she confirmed more than a third discharged from basic training before week 3.
Transfaggots can't handle the stress of being the gender they were assigned at birth. How the fuck do you think their going to react to the stress of military accommodations and spartan training regimens?
Someone tell me how this fricken boat is stealth? I can see it from 20 miles away. Only a fricken idiot could have made this boat and thought it was stealth. Great immigrant labor force we have in charge of the navy. | ---79300618
Just another meme project to send more tax dollars to jews.
Nice bait m8
how is this bait. Kill yourself you fricken jew
>I can see it from 20 miles away
At see level that ship would be under the horizon 20 miles out.
>20 miles away
Well the Pacific ocean is over 60 million square miles so I think it'll be OK
it does kinda look like a giant nose...
Are you honestly retarded or is this just horrible bait?
But can you see it on radar?
>stealth shekels
Still can't see this ship everyone keeps talking about.
People keep posting this thread with a picture of the ocean smdh senpai
>See it 20 miles out
>Fired at 21 miles out
>To late
Try crossing your eyes and squinting really hard.
>not understanding how radar works
Don't they tip over, too?
just like the B-2 is a stealth bomber despite being a giant black wing in the sky when its not covered by clouds.
And it can see you a 1000 miles away
Submarine vet here. There's no such thing as a stealth surface ship.
Pic related is what a stealth naval ship looks like.
I remember reading a report that said it was too stealthy and a navigation hazard.
Godzilla's penis.
>Cover the surface of everything with cheap fiberglass farings
>suddenly it's futuristic and cool
I wish people would stop buying into this meme. Military hardware doesn't need to look like your iPhone to be advanced.
which boat?
stealth for radar not visual stealth
Coner or nuke?
Idk senpai, I think this is another Jewish trick.
Lol this ship isn't supposed to be stealth you fag. It's replacing the old destroyers. Pretty sure its undergoing sea trials with the railgun and can fuck your day up.
Mate there's two boats in that picture.
Cannot be detected on radar at the same time as it can detect other shipts, it'll blow you up before you're in line of sight.
Still, too expensive to be efficient cost wise.
retarded detected
go smoke more weed faggot
Haha, fellow Ameriblob...
Do you have any idea what the enemy sees? The enemy seas an open sea. ;^)
I know this is bait but;
>I can see it from 20 miles away.
>implying anything can get that close
Velocitas Eradico
>Great immigrant labor force we have in charge of the navy.
Clearly you know nothing of the power of Filipinos!
Because it looks like a dinghy on radar
An enemy ship wouldn't get within visual range
US Navy Surface Warfare Officer here, no you cannot see it from 20 miles away. Even at the top of a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, the visible horizon is about 14 nautical miles. You can't see even the mast past 18 miles. Read your fucking Bowditch.
While I'm not a stealth hater, building the whole military around unproven concepts seems somewhat unwise.
>It's replacing the old destroyers
It isn't. The new generation destroyers are replacing cruisers.
Whoa, sir, control your SWOner
why does stealth automatically mean
>make it out of triangles
but teh earff is flat main hurfrr
No. I'm studying for my final board this week and I'm extra sensitive to navy-related shitposting right now.
No, it's actually flat or concave surfaces. It's because of how radar reflection works. Rounded edges reflect a lot more radar energy than flat or concave surfaces.
can they not cover the surface in dimples to reduce the footprint? if what you say is true then surely a flat surface that was pitted with evenly spaced dimples would absorb the energy without bouncing it back, like those echo cancelling foam sheets they use in recording boothes
I'm sure none would question what a dinghy is doing on the open ocean.
Stealth is just a meme.
Some materials absorb more radar energy than others (for example, iron reflects WAY more energy than wood). That's all I'm going to say on the topic because shit gets classified real fast.
I've seen kayaks with people in them over 150 miles from land. You never know what you'll see out on the high seas.
You are the biggest ducking idiot on the planet. This better be bait. >>79300796
What boat?
What boat?
I don't understand radar or horizon vision.
Why did you post a pic of the open ocean?
"The crew are provided with special seats to minimize the physical effects of nearby explosions."
> seats reduce squatting area
> no adidas branding
> turret not shaped like a snap brim cap or kangol hat
> automatic transmission
seriously poland?
why havent you demanded better from your military?
Well hello there, other dimension me.
Its a schooner
>I can see it from 20 miles away.
What are waves?
American education everyone.
Must be pretty far away, still don't see it.
Wtf is that pic?
what boat?
its a railgun
We've been testing them for that long?
what is BVR combat for 500
"Stealth" doesn't mean becoming invisible. It means lowering the range at which your enemy can detect you so that you can launch your missiles or fire your railgun before they can identify you.
I bet you think the f-35 is a meme too
It is a meme. Just look at all the things that went wrong during it's development.
They're invisible to radar. They will never be within eyesight.
That's very offensive
Almost every single defense project done in the US has had been a massive clusterfuck. That's just how things work here.
This. Military research exists to redistribute our shekels to Israel.
Ben Gurion University taking Air Force money to play with puzzles.
>Don't they tip over, too?
Tumblehome has a reputation for that, and once it starts going it has less force acting against it, but supposedly Zumwalt is okay.
It's not designed for blue-water operations primarily, anyway.
visible to the naked eye at 20 miles maybe, visible to radar systems at 50 miles out where it will probably be 99% of the time? nope
Holy shit I didn't even notice the ship. Damn, really makes you wonder what the gov is secretly working on.
That is sexy.
Dude we have a fucking based future battleship stop being a faggot we have pride in our military
>a Islam
Triggered. | ---79312191
How did he get to teach kids ?
More like denyer.
Because back in the day politics didnt have to infect everything. Hes was just a guy on tv doing little garage science projects to get kids interested in it.
He is attached to too much stuff now to be seen as neutral.
>When people say "I'm a Holocaust revisionist" I say, "No, you're a Holocaust denier"
Classroom videos using the scientific method
What did they mean by this? | ---79314204
I think it means the swiss are disgusting dog eaters.
And of course that nigger of a mod put the thread in autosage and it dies while you write a response.
It's something you'd understand in kindergarten but I guess you need a picture to show you
And what fucking photographic proof? If I show you a pic of a german cat in black and white it means cats played a role in the western front? | ---79314059
There were not a single black australian soldier in WW1, fact.
There were some abos in WW2 but not that much, depicting them as black is like representing Japanese as nordics, it is stupid, just gross shoehorned diversity with a clear intention to revision and subvert history, misrepresenting things to fuel your political agenda.
Colonial troops were almost non existent in the Triple Alliance.
In the Triple Entente there were less than 1% of total troops mobilized on the western front, a lot of them were simply whites coming back in Metropole fighting for France/the Empire (example: the french Zouaves).
Most of these colonial troops were used as labour forces, not fighting ones, there were some black and north africans who fought on the Western front but they were not 3/4 as depicted in the game.
Pic related: your australian soldier on the Western front.
Joshua Every, the 23-year-old suspect in the killing of a Raising Cane’s 21-year-old white female manager early Wednesday, was a former employee at the restaurant.
Read more here: | ---79313692
That's it nigger, you don't fuck with Raising Cane's.
Racewar now.
How will the Shills for Hill ever recover knowing that they're losing in the numbers game again? | ---79313495
>polls only count when Trump beats Hillary
>How will the Shills for Hill ever recover knowing that they're losing in the numbers game again?
They won't! hahahahahaha
No numbers really meter now, neither are officially running yet.
10%+ are unsure? pick a side faggots
and whats up with "other" being so high again? i assume theyre referring to johnson. he's not gonna be another perot
really makes you think
Twitter is shitposting heaven
just look at #HeterosexualprideDay
its so easy to piss off fags
you can shitpost as much as canada and australia too! | ---79311211
notice me
thank you very much
Watch me make it worse.
What is the point in this thread?
Continueing the trend
When? It's not like it will 'actually' happen, right? | ---79312775
The only way any U.S. states are going to be free from the Union is through war. You should now this already.
I want New England to leave
Wrong. This isnt the 1800s, napoleon. Systemic bankruptcy at the federal level could easily catalyse a break up of the union, though it would be more likely used as a reason to force a larger union with Canada and Mexico.
Dixie reporting I too want new England gone
>13 year old white kid engages two niggers who try to break into his house
>the niggers actually return fire
>white kid doesn't care, kills one, shoots another and continues to shoot at his car as he flees down the road like it's a fucking movie
What the fuck did you do with your life by the time you were 13, pol? This kid is already killing niggers like fucking John McClane. | ---79296140
>you dont need guns, just live in the 99% white suburbs... or call the police -libs
Holy shit, fucking kek!
I was watching sailor moon because even in south Italy we don't have niggers breaking in homes.
What a fucking bad ass.
South Italians are literal niggers
Nice, he cleaned the streets from that Black criminal scum.
How can niggers even compete?
He was visited and blessed by Moonman
Good job on cleaning those streets chum.
My new hero.
I never had anyone break into my house but I used to run over that scenario again and again and was ready to grab the shotgun and ammo anytime.
Post a fucking link you mongoloid.
>13 year old kid has a better war face than most grown men
What a legend
venus best and most fucked up sailor
>one white 13 year old
>two grown niggers
and they actually think they can win a race war.
I have a father so your point is invalid.
Dubs will it.
half of my family is from sicily but i have blue eyes and blond hair (and so do all of my living relatives). am i not white?
Mah nigga but
Sailor Mars is Best Sailor
look at those subhuman monkeys. damn im so glad he killed one of them. they could be walking around right now grabbing dey dik n sheit.
heres a link but not the link
Link because OP is gay
Get this kid a white woman, we need his marksman genes.
>no one ever uses guns to stop criminals or prevent violence
>2 guys
>one offender dead
>ofcourse there's a backup mugshot for the dead guy
>opened fire on the home invaders before police could respond
The police weren't there to protect the home invaders.
When seconds count the police are minutes away.
hahaha. The story below it is actually more interesting and current, someones killing spics in Phoenix.
>>ofcourse there's a backup mugshot for the dead guy
>3 armed niggers break into my house
>say they are going to kill my mother and father
>2 of them hold pistols towards my face
>take some money, my guitar, and our cellphones
>police arrived 1 hour later
T-thank God for Gun control, I'm sure happy I live in a country where getting a gun legally can take up to years....
Not that I don't enjoy reading about dindus getting shot but this was from months ago why is it making the rounds again?
I would have been killing niggers if i was thrown a chance like that kid
This should be reposted often, he can serve as a role model on how to raise children and how to deal with Niggers.
Looks: Npetune
Ability: Chibi
you scrolled down and the link changed
kid is going to get so much pussy.
uh didnt the same kid shoot and kill the single invader last year
she let her friends in England think she was dead, because she didn't feel like talking out relationships problems.
Venus a slut, Mars/Jupiter a best.
Black lives matter
you forgot the pic
Every time self defence gets brought up here, libcucks just go hurr that's what the police are for.
When I was 13 I was playing WoW and masturbating 6 times a day.
I'm a failure.
>tfw you can click the profile of any anti-gun cuck on the comments and they're all from yankee states
this fucking union
Secession when
>TFW you will never be american
Shes gonna get a Black eye firing it like that
I'm jealous, I REALLY wish I had legally murdered some niggers as a teen, would've been amazing.
fucking lol, niggers treat mugshots like it's their graduation photo
They dindu nuffin
Liberals want to ban guns to make kids like this defenceless.
Damn, Toothpaste flag bringing the bantz right there.
I pray to Moonman every night.
based littler i give you my spirit,
you were hero toda
Sailor moon depicts women surprisingly accurately. Like in the new crystal show she's super jealous of small lady even after finding out they're her daughter
but the fucked up part about it was a few episodes earlier rei steps aside so usagi can go for mamoru. its a drastic change in messaging.
I was playing Gunz for hours a day and masturbating 6 times a day, as well
> Nancy Pena said she could not fathom why someone would mark her brother for death. Born 30 minutes after her with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck, he struggled with mental illness and physical challenges for years.
>But in the last few years, his life started to turn around. He started running marathons, joined a church and began working at a group home for people with special needs. His sister last saw him the day before he died when he offered to take her son to a summer program because she was sick.
Man, Life is fucking unfair
Holy fuck, look a this kid badass face. I would pay 10 bucks to see the fear of his bullies in the next day.
But, really, not anything much different. I hit a stupid faggot with a club made of a school table leg when I was that age until the shit broke. My school was like a war zone of criminals and bullies. Motherfucker had to do 10 stitches in his forehead.
I'm only allowed 10 rounds. The niggers would've overwhelmed me. :^(
kid was like, fuck yeah COD fantasies coming to life finally
It's a break barrel pellet gun, you can tell by the cantilevered hinge where the barrel meets the stock. Cool picture nonetheless.
This kid, already badass by age 13, and already redpilled by niggers breaking into his own house, and already lean, mean nigger killing machine before you pansies had your first kiss...
We need to dox him and groom him into the strong charismatic militant leader we need.
Fucking based as fuck. I'd buy that kid a beer and a cigar if I ever met him
>cuck has sympathy for subhumans
Colour me shocked
I fucking love video games.
God bless. And God bless call of duty.
I hope some little gal breaks this kid off a righteous fucking. He deserves a damned medal.
>88 dubs
Settle down Adolf, he lived inside his Mexican Barrio with his Mexican Family. He didn't bother any white people with his existence.
In my Book dude was alright.
Calling repeating numbers and failing to get them should be bannable
I'd been having a crap morning until just now, thanks anon
tier0 fucking operator.
This isn't going to be very good for the surviving niggers street cred, getting shot up by a 13 yr old white boy
How can you watch that show. It's painful on every level. All they ever do is whinge and cry about boys and other girly shit
Whether or not it's a real rifle or a pellet gun, you don't hold it like that. Wew.
This kid is a hero, and a role model for everyone twice or thrice his age.
That kid is just like a smaller version of the pubisher
>what are you in for Tyrone
>I broke into a house and got chased off by a little white kid with a gun and got arrested running away running like a pussy after he put Dequan in the ground
Thanks Geert
Then the kid goes to juvy or worse is tried as an adult for murder.
This is the world we live in.
What if this is a false flag event constructed by the NRA to relieve gun control? This is just how my imagination works.
Well I'm going to call you a stupid leaf.
He was marked for death from birth. Umbilical strangulation is an omen.
We are all marked for death from birth
Based kid
Why do you imagine events in another country that have no influence on your own? Is your country so utterly boring that you can't even fathom something interesting happening?
I never really thought about that.
>usa flag
take a fucking nap dude
>knows how to operate a gun properly and perfectly able to defend his home from intruders
someone get this kid a well deserved beer
hes earned it
Holy shit you fucking star
Headline should be:
13 year old proves America has a nigger problem, not a gun problem.
Post of the day
I would be scared shit if I had a home invasion at 13 even with a gun
God damn ahahahaha
"okay class I want a two page paper on what you did this summer."
I wish i could see the teachers face when she reads this kids report.
Well played toothpaste
>This kid is already killing niggers like fucking John McClane.
John McClane never killed any niggers... The JEW producers only had him kill evil white aryan criminals, while the tough world weary black man saves the day
Gold, omg
Fuck, my sides are in orbit.
>>South Italy
>>Not realizing you're them.
>>Anything but a gender-fluid cunt
Achmed plz, we know. You even wear funny costumes and insist on special laws. You literally never quit going on about it.
The poor dead victim
We need to end gun violence
Spread this around! | ---79310641
i got beat by a nigger at chess the other day
regression to the mean
secret sam is that you?
Have you ever beaten postal 2?
Will he be ok? | ---79295331
hell be fine
Hopefully not.
hell be fine
May God have mercy on his soul
>Will he be ok?
Only if you think AIDS is OK.
He's already dead
> when monica sucks the life out of you
I think someone's been falling behind with their Satan-worship.
Fuck that. He needs to burn in hell along with his bitch wife.
I like your style.
medicine.... i need my medicine...
Like it or not, in reality, Americans have a very favorable view of Bill.
If Bill died in the heat of the election, Trump would be completely stumped.
You should all pray for Bill's health.
I have this weird feeling that he is going to conveniently die a bit before the election and possibly boost Hillary.
>all around me are familar faces
this is what happens when bill goes too long without a blowjob. you know that bitch hillary aint sucking it.
Shillary is slowly poisoning him.
By the time of the elections she will be a widow.
>People voting for a Clinton administration without Bill in it
A lot of Hillary's voters want 2 more terms of Bill. If he died, she loses support overall.
If Remain couldn't win with a Brexiter murdering a British MP whose birthday was LITERALLY the day before the referendum, Hillary won't pull a win from Bill's death
A grieving widow of the most popular president since Reagan promising to carry on his legacy...
Crooked ZomBill
Hillary is gonna have Bill wacked after the convention. Sympoth vote and she wont have to deal with any of his scandals. Any one attacking a dead man will come off as tacky as fuck. Screencap this - Bill will kill by the end of August.
He'll be fine
I don't think so. If he dies then Hillary would need "time to grieve" and wouldn't be prepared to serve the American people at such a turbulent time. May also bring her health back into question.
It's OK guys, I'm fine.
he'll be fine
Bill is NOT ill.
Ayy it will serve a poll boosting the sway-able voters in the sympathy department. Doubtful Trump can make statements about Ol'Billy if he does die of 'natural' causes.
Bill is CHILL
I'll dump my ill bills
he's about to have "accident" happen to him like all of shillary's enemies, see pic
>she was the villain all along
I hurt myself today
>donald trump and bill are the same age
Hillary's doctor has me on new medication!
Dyin' Bill is one of the best memes out of /pol/ in a while
Wake me up when September ends
It's called "ill bill" or "terminally bill"
To see if I'm still ill
he'll die and she'll use his death to gain sympathy votes
He's more or less performing this emoticon :B
Just give him ONE more rape in the White House
Seriously though, is it AIDS or something?
Too many hookers?
hello darkness my old friend
I think I know what happened
We can fix him... make him stronger
Edit Bill onto the man and Hillary onto the Orc.
Bill just needs a fill
Where did this meme come from?
Just because someone has acne or a rash on their face doesnt mean they're dying
wait... this can't be happening again... like in the 90's. WHY THE FUCK IS THIS ALLOWED. PLEASE BE FAKE OAFBLIDUDOSHBF GYGjkfngkfdlhuvlfjudghdfjgdf;lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Bill is fine, pic related he's alive and kicking
Finland: the best country in the world and top of white civilisation | ---79280281
Mongol pride worldwide.
It's a place of happiness, but why people want to die?
>japan is unstable
wtf, this country has been in a statsu quo for 30 years.
Your poor people live on the streets. Our poor people shitpost memes from their warm apartments.
Japan only has a couple thousand homeless people, most of them in Osaka.
Tokyo has 3 times your country's population and yet it has less homeless people than your country.
President of Finland: I want peace. Let's behave ourselves.
All the other world leaders: Stop making sense.
Finland is such an odd case
They're isolated from nearly every one, They might as well be aliens
President of Finland: We should use some common sense.
Everyone else: We refuse to admit we were wrong.
That's 100% true. LOL at Polands stability
>le north european utopia meme
The entire scandinavian region combied has less than 25 million people. FFS even the Philippines has 4x your population.
With over 300m people and 60% white, US is the most impressive country on that map by far.
>top of white civilisation
What are you talking about?
We are multicultural and shit and have historical links to Sweden and Russia
Arent you guys half mongol though? Srs question, no hate.
They're perfectly white. Look, you can't say this isn't a white woman.
Some of us might be. It's a difficult question. There are different genetics.
The chart isn't about population? Why the fuck would a high population be a good thing. I guess China and India are global super powers #1.
Fuck off you squinty eyed pajeet.
No dumbass. Finns have some percentages of Mongoloid admixture though, starting from about 3% and up to 7% in some places. Swedes and Russians have some of it too of course.
>believing /pol/ memes
how's life in Germany, Ahmed?
See, how stupid these are?
>Sweden and Germany
>Why the fuck would a high population be a good thing.
The implication is that having a large population and relatively low racial homogeneity is a handicap for stability. The US still manages to be in the green despite facing these challenges.
(((who))) could it be behind this research
Well they intergrated fast
not really anything new, we have always been on top.
prepare for low-tier memes though, you know how the less developed can be.
Based Straya, how can other countries even compete?
But what about Finland's shitskin problem?
In Oslo for example, in the future assuming immigration stops, the city will be 30% shitskin.
How about Finland, Helsinki? Do you guys continue to accept ugly subhumans from Somalia?
If the shitskin pop is more than 10%, Finland is worth as much as Canada.
>Do you guys continue to accept ugly subhumans from Somalia?
Yes, but they tightened the regulations recently.
About the future of Helsinki:
Do you have statistics on numbers regarding asylum applicants?
>In the year 2050 about 30 percent of the population of Helsinki will speak languages other than Finnish and Swedish. Primarily Russian, Estonian, English, as well as languages from Africa, China and the Middle East,
From 1.1.-12.6.2016:
Top 5 nationalities asylum applicants in process:
Iraq 647 (21%)
Afghanistan 566 (18%)
Somalia 250 (8%)
Syria 218 (7%)
India 173 (6%)
All applicants 3103
Pic related is number of weekly applicants (y = number of applicants, x = the calendar week)
Damn, nice stats you got there mate
What do you think of the future of Finland culturally and demographically?
Also from February:
>Authorities say that more than 4,100 asylum seekers have cancelled their applications and the number will probably rise to 5,000 this spring. Most of the 32,500 asylum seekers who arrived in Finland last year were from Iraq.
Lot of people cancelled their applications on their own because Finland tightened the family reunification regulations and Finland "wasn't what they expected"(they were fooled by human smugglers and had unrealistic expectations).
>What do you think of the future of Finland culturally and demographically?
I think bigger problem is the future of our economic growth and lack of innovation, and unemployment. Unions are not trying to cooperate at all.
For some reason it's really difficult to find recent percentages on Finland's racial distribution, same goes for all northern countries (gee, wonder why).
The most recent statistics (2010) indicated that over 98% of our population is white. Recent surges in immigration will of course have taken their toll, but according to wikipedia we have only taken in about 30,000 non-white immigrants in total.
I think it's safe to say that Finland is around 97-98% white at the moment.
It's fine now but in couple years these university marxists are going to graduate and hell is going to break loose
Men are already being blamed for rapes that muslims commit, one of our female journalists actually had to do a post in one of our magazines that said "no, all men are not rapists. Why do I need to write about this"
>but in couple years these university marxists are going to graduate and hell is going to break loose
You mean there's going to be more unemployed people in debt with their retarded gender studies degrees.
not necessarily gender studies and not in debt because getting in any university is free (books pappa betalar) but basically, entitled kids who like about whining that there isn't enough diversity rather than actually getting a job. There is already whining about all male panels and all white panels
whining about*
That's very small amount of uni and the universities already make big budget cuts. Even the most Marxist branches won't get like in USA because American college is funded different way. Yeah sure there's students who shit in their pants in public and think it's high quality journalism but those got ridiculed by everyone too. No one takes people like Eponyymi seriously. It feels like Finland is full of those people because they're all so vocal on social media but the truth is that we've had them since the Cold War and we're still standing.
We still have balanced voices like Rydman(whatever you think of his pro-NATO stance is different case)
Return to Ylilauta
What's so unstable about Japan?
Pretty sure that's just YLE propaganda. They're never fooling me again.
>some of us
most of us if we're to go by that map
Poland! You didn't elect the right government! You must be unstable! We warn you! You must follow the West!
Also: No one is going to vote Left Alliance anymore. Why? Because their new leader Li Andersson as higher middle-class university elite does not represent your average working man, and if you promote mass migration and look down on the "uneducated" it's same as saying bye bye to your working class voterbase as we saw happening with Brexit. Those who still did support that party are going for SDP now(since Finns/Soini didn't and won't deliver), the dude weed lmao people go for Green Party which is full of left-wing populists like Ville Niinistö, Emma Kari and Ozan Yanar but they get votes only from Helsinki anyway.
Americans should be happy they can't browse Ylilauta for real. /b/ is literally full of nothing but underage jonnes and the other boards are either dead or shit.
The entire site is full of nothing but little children who force memes, chat to people they know on Ylilauta like it was fucking Facebook, or cyberstalk literally-who-"ecelebs". Be very happy you can only stick to 4chan, Ylilauta has nothing of value but some of the shitty flavor-of-the-month memes they carry over here every now and then.
Also, they have upvotes and you can give Reddit gold to other posters.
Yeah big fucking whoa, some Takku retard hates Ylilauta for different reasons than I do, sure showed me.
Get with the times, grandpa. No-one drinks ES nowadays. It's Mega Force all day every day.
I don't believe you
>Finland wins again
Why a warning on Japan ?
you also have poor people on the streets. they just freeze to death every time winter hits, so there's never many of them around :^)
Sata-Sauli on vitun hyvää
The high level of debt.
But most of the debt is to their own citizens.
why are swedish politicans insane, like they are favor on provoking wars
really makes you think
Eternal Swede will never forgive Russia
>On Monday Sweden's former Defence Minister Karin Enström came to Finland, and he had a question. Why was it, she asked President Sauli Niinistö, that you're inviting Russian President Vladimir Putin for a visit? In Sweden that's difficult to understand, according to Enström.
>The intervention was part of the annual pre-midsummer Kultaranta security policy seminar, and it was met with a fierce response from Niinistö. He said that contact with Putin is consistent with European and US policy, and that it's important to keep open lines of communication.
>This incident cut through the shades of obfuscation that often cloud security policy discussion in Finland, chrystallised a differing view with perhaps Finland's closest ally, and provided a chance to give the Swedes what-for. Of course it led the news agenda in Tuesday's print editions.
>"Moral superpower"
>Seppo Varjus took umbrage in an Ilta-Sanomat column, explaining the differences between the two countries. Sweden, says Varjus, sees itself as a 'moral superpower' and doesn't like what it sees as snuggling up to people like Putin. He has, after all, sponsored warfare in Ukraine, annexed Crimea and has a big hand in the messy, tragic Syrian conflict. That view clashes with perceptions on this side of the Gulf of Bothnia.
>"Finns don't see Finland as any kind of moral superpower, but rather a boat that tries to navigate choppy waters," wrote Varjus. "That's why it's perfectly natural for Niinistö to meet Putin from time to time, and that hasn't really been criticised here. Paasikivi and Kekkonen's jokes with Stalin have also been a convivial Finnish national tradition."
Well ylilauta /biz/ is far more superior than 4chan. 90% of the 4chan is full or reddit tier cryptocurrency circlejerk.
>Knowing about Finnish energy drinks
Voihan koira, niin hyvin meemuiltu burgeri
The state of the modern media, 2016
If you don't spot what's wrong with this then you can fuck off from this board | ---79314591
Yeah the cropping is fucking atrocious
When I was 10-12 I used to have an online friend about the same age as me from Sweden, he was not a Mudslime, he was actually Nordic
He was a nice guy, we would play SAMP together and chat
Last time we spoke was a videochat in which I spoke with him and his nigger friend who cursed me in Arabic and hung up, blocked me and me and the Swedish kid never spoke again
Tl;dr Muslims are cancer | ---79310648
Tl; Jews are the problem
durrrrrrrrrrrr jooz r evil, der d sauce of all eeevull
fuck off
Muslims always were cancer, that's no news, but everybody pussies out to destroy those fuckers just with one nuke (I mean ISIS, destroying whole bunch of muslims in the Middle East would require more, I think)
Triggered, Chaim?
Muslims are cancer.
Jews are cancer.
Once Trump gets elected the US won't destabilize anymore countries for you.
Your people and the goat fuckers can then kill each other.
Doesn't really matter who wins because it will be a victory for the world.
Also kys you fucking kike !
Trying to use victim Sweden as an scapegoat for Judaism i see.
didn't you omit some parts of your story?
why was a musel at his home while he chatted?
why did he curse you?
Non-Asian non-whites are the scum of the earth. They hate jews when the main reason to hate jews is the fact the kike diaspora are scum who want to import Non-Asian non-whites.
Sweden is cucked by both jews and muslims, I reject both.
The Blaze's facebook page is live now with a female Jew who is claiming white nationalists are harassing her online, and she's turning it into an argument against Trump. I'm redpilling people in the live comment section.
Get in here guys. | ---79313014
Give a link nigger
Nice link negroid.
Post link faggot. I want to support pol
I'd harass her tits if you know what I mean
she protecting herself from being internet attacked? she gonna shoot her modem?
I know a lot of you don't use facebook that often, but you can't link a live feed URL.
You go to Facebook, go to The Blaze's page, and boom it's right there. All of the information was in the OP post.
Interview is over, but you can still watch the video and leave comments.
Nice try JIDF!
She is sexy
Want to fuck her hard
Is this accurate, /pol? | ---79291879
only the shit tier
Go ahead and put "Gender Studies" up in God Tier and it'll be okay
God Tier: correct
Top Tier: statistics, pharmacology and toxicology only. Law is for motivated liberal arts fags.
Mid: Geology, Computer Science, and Law, but only because you have a chance of getting jobs using that degree.
Low and Shit: everything else. They're hobby degrees and don't lead anywhere. The only possible exception is Psychology that is so entrenched in the Western mindset that at least some Psychology should be taken as self-defense.
well yes, that's actually where i took the pic from
>Mfw have Master's degrees in History and English Literature
>Shit tier
>Computer science
Fuck off.
I would change many of them too
>god tier
When will this meme end?
You're right, should be low tier
Whatever you do, make sure you know how to program and do statistics.
Those are the most important skills for any white collar worker.
I'm a lead line cook at a popular bar in the city
Shit teir ?
What do university faculties have to do with politics?
why is political science shit tier?
What's wrong with archaeology?
...why is economics low tier? Do you people realize stock brokers and bankers would be classified in this category? Same for investment bankers.
Pol sci and history student here. How the fuck are you going to get a job?
I am considering a political science degree,It sounds like a good degree.
what would be a degree that is easy to get that is useful?
>doesnt include accounting
Kill yourself
Never understood why business degrees get such a bad rep. 95% of millionaires / billionaires are gonna have a business degree.
God tier
You know what is the difference between a Dr. and God?
God can't fix a Fallot Tetralogy
Daily reminder that if you base this list off what major will make you the most shekels, you are a jew.
working class is god tier. jew job fags
> Law is for motivated liberal arts fags.
Tax law definitely isn't.
As an unemployed Philosophy graduate, yes that is correct.
>implying people ONLY talk about politics here
bdw start by trying to understand the purpose of the fuckin post
I got a History degree.
I got out and immediately got a job in Sales.
So.... yeah not History related at all.
This, we are begging people who know how to program and understand statistics to apply. You pretty much get hired before the interview.
Putting kinesiolgy anywhere above shit tier completely invalidates this immediately!
This is what nigger athletes major in if they don't major in african american studies. It's a total bullshit degree.
Gender+ Racial studies are the only truly shit-tier degrees.
You can go places with most humanities degrees if you're going into academia or Law.
>shit tier
Faggot everything can be learned from history
Knowing your history is fucking essential
Double majoring in econ and finance how fucked am i
>Low tier
Whats your point here man?
yes, but I can assure you 95% of business degree holders aren't millionaires or anywhere close to being. So really, it's kind of a gamble degree.
Personally I'd think someone who had the entrepreneurial skill to make multi millions of dollars would probably not really need a degree to begin with.
> HIstory is shit tier
> Economics is low tier
> but law is top tier
What in the fuck?
It's useful if you're in the top 5-10% of all students, otherwise it will probably be pretty shit tier. Better than no degree, but not by a lot.
chemistry, physics and astronomy are not god tier
You didnt add craftmanship to "god tier"
Is it wrong that I want to be a teacher? I want to teach history to kids, and they get really well paid, good retirements, etc, and are really well respected, also I am gonna become a professor later on I following the meme stuff?
Nothing. Old surgeon anecdote to say they are greater than god.
If you're willing to tolerate even the most leftist of shit then go ahead.
>going to university in the first place
I make $130k starting as a cook at Wendy's
I'm also 6'4"
By "all students" do you mean in the class or the entire University?
This anon's got it. Only do a degree like political science if you're very good at it. The award ratio is heavily skewed towards the very best who graduate from it.
It took me 5 years to get my CPA, a "low teir" degree apparently. I can tell you right now, besides engineering, none of those top teirs are coming close to my salary.
Side note: my cousin works in tax...
4 months of hell and he makes 240k a year. 8 months to sit on his ass or go to the bahamas
will you learn that in cs? physics? or maybe in business studies?
seriously kys
>psychology not shit tier
>computer science not top tier
>astronomy that high
Shit chart
>top tier
god tier: what I studied
top tier: what will never get me a job
mid tier: what will actually get you a job
low tier: trade skills
shit tier: women jobs
all make sense now
Economics low tier? My 6 figure salary disagrees.
Considering how everyone who comes back from a university is brain dead, yes, yes you would
>computer science
>top tier
Have you cut your dick off yet, Brianna?
Finance major here. Did some internships in college and I'm fine. granted its not as easy to get a job if you went full on stem, but finance is useful as fuck in my everyday life too.
>tfw saving large portions of my paycheck
>tfw maxing out my 401k and Roth IRA
>tfw got a term insurance policy for 500k at age 24 and pay dirt cheap for it, and can convert it to a whole life policy at any time and use it as a highly liquid investment for retirement and shelter more money from the tax Jew
>tfw after I max out these savings options, I'm going to throw some extra on the stock market and mess around there once I have reached my baseline savings goals
>going to buy a cheap ass house soon, and rent it out to a fellow single dude bro, making the monthly mortgage payments cheap as fuck
>all dat liquidity over the long term
Personal finance should be taught in high school.
>MFW English
A-at least it's not Gender Studies, r-right?
>Top tier
>Law prep degrees
>Shit tier
yeh.. first year is general units for all degrees
u cover the holocaust. jews. cultural appropriation
it just kinda gets injected into content randomly and makes no sense whatsoever
i lmao the whole way through
this works the other way arround too, and if you don't understand my point here, then it will make sense you not going to college
Thanks. Trust me, I've learned to bite my tongue when people talk about leftist shit. Highschool teacher man. Put them little fuckers in their place.
Because a business degree has effectively useless curriculum.
Harvard MBA Program:
These courses are lower than first year engineering courses.
Can you tell me what you learn in a university you can't learn on yourself or go to a course for?
>tfw /pol/ thinks I'm studying shit
Fuck you guys. I can study political science and be a soulless lobbyist.
How is law an overrepresented field when most law schools have like the 2nd or 3rd smallest population of students/faculty on campus in most US universities?
you wouldnt be able to post this shit reply or be a fuxking loser who spends all day on 4chan , get rejected via txt, pay with credit/ debit/ eftpos, use an atm, drive auto car, tarvel via an airplane, listen to music portably, have accurate weather forecast, etc etc etc, without CS kill urself
>Majored in "shit tier"
>Make 60k/y and love what I do
You know that whether or not you get into politics is largely based on nepotism, right?
Where are the blue collar jobs?
It's not what you can learn, it's that you can get a paper in the end, saying that you spend X amount of time studying this degree.
Universities are brands, degrees are products, and we are the consumers. Choose the right product from the best, most reputable brand and you'll get places.
tfw a poop boy
>go to a course for
dude what's university to you?
No, it was clearly made by some idiot undergrad from Engineering/Business mixed degrees, only those can conjure such retardness.
Absolutely no fucking way:
Computer Science is only mid tier
Physics on the same level as Mathematics
What the fuck in Christ is Kinesiology and why is it not included in medicine
Worst of all, Philosophy, History, and Music at shit tier (this is a clear indication the pic author comes from a really savage and feral place, like New Guinea, Ivory Coast or Canada)
Business and economics as categories are simply too broad, you can't put game theory and gender management in the same tier.
Political Science is actually outrageously important as a discipline
Also this
Politics itself yes, the institutions around politics not. I am going to defend my degree in september and start working as a research analyst at a thinktank afterwards. Shit's sweet.
Lemme guess you're one of them NEET gypsies that produces babies as their way of income
seriously kys you disgusting filth
engineer major here 6k leva (3k euro) a month
get good faggot
And you also get a certificate for doing a course, that most of the time you pay for. If you don't finish the course, as if they're giving you that piece of paper. In fact you hear a lot of people complaining about not getting a job even after finishing a good university, how is that a good brand?
>dude what's university to you?
Cultural Marxism
literally everywhere
Business Studies depend a lot on the field that you are taking. If you are doing something like marketing or management or accounting then yes it is low tier. However if you are doing something like Industrial Engineering/Management Science, Quantitative Finance, or Quantitative Economics, then it will overlap directly with mathematics and statistics. Other than that, the list seems to be accurate.
Apparently not.
Its basically a retarded list.
There is no rating system here, its just muh shitposting.
its as old as 4chan though so this is like a 100th repost
Why wouldn't physics be on the same level as mathematics?
>implying accounting is an actual art and not the most degrading and subhuman occupation ever conceived by mankind
No, you kys
>computer science mid tier and euivalent to life sciences
>law top tier
>business low tier
You sound female, op.
psychology/nursing double then masters in practictioner is basically Women's God Tier and Men's Top Tier just for prestige issues.
On what metric?
It doesn't appear to be potential earnings or power as many of the subjects would be misplaced.
Of all political science students in all universities. If you're in a top tier political science school you'll get a well paying job in your field, otherwise your options are pretty limited and you'll have a lot of competition.
It doesn't matter as much where you undergrad so long as you get into a good graduate school. If you don't go to graduate school it's shit tier.
>(3k euro) a month
Nice knowing you're smart enough to be an engineer, but dumb enough to stay here and live in a shithole. I thought the West loved T*rkroaches!
Education is a wild card.
I know some teachers that make 55 K with no graduate school education and they get entire summers off
That's why you dont have your own military, space program and other shit, but have shitload of poles, pakis and other pajeets on welfare.
>The U.S. Census Bureau reported today that 74 percent of those who have a bachelor's degree in science, technology, engineering and math — commonly referred to as STEM — are not employed in STEM occupations.
It's structured as if it were made by geeky virgins.
>he thinks we want turks with bulgarian stem degrees
always wondered why in pictures like this they have history in shit tier. isn't basically the root of all modern society problems the refusal to consider the mistakes of the past?
Takes one to know one, leaf
Business degree is one of those "who you know, now what you know degrees" (up until a certain point, definitely not in undergrad, most of it is pretty simple)
IMO i'ts really really close but not at the same level, because
Physics at a certain level is just pure math
Physicists are boring losers wrt to mathematicians, but that's just my experience
What do you have against Philosophy?
I don't recognize your flag and am on my phone. Irrelevant country detected.
>into the trash it goes
This chart isn't based on job prospects, salary, growth of field, etc. it's only based on intensity of subject. In that case it's correct. If not, engineering, CS, medicine, and law would be god tier. All the sciences top I suppose. Economics gets bumped up a tier or two.
Chem, physics, mathematics, and life sciences job market is utter shit, but there are some successful people in it. Before anyone bitches about CS, I have known incredibly successful people in their early twenties with CS degrees. Say what you want about it, it will get you a high paying job in this day and age assuming you do well.
Anyone physically capable can be working class, only a few have what it takes to be a productive white collar worker.
>studying history in college
Don't be a faggot anon.
You can do well with any major as long as you learn how to apply it in a way that makes money.
Pretty simple famalamadingdongs
I'm thinking about doing something humanities related, since that's all I'm good at, and then going into teaching.
Is that a good decision?
CS is pajeet tier.
If you want to get any decent tech job CE is where it's at.
>he thinks I'm a turk
stay inferior, filthy gypper
Physics and chemistry are practically useful, astronomy, not so much
1/3 post
>Medical technology
What am I
Again, takes one to know one, leaf
so the picture is specifically about college degree? I thought that was about sciences and """sciences""" overall
of course being a professional historian is bs
I studied Liberal Arts. I enjoyed it. Remember what real literature, history, art, philosophy, and cultural products are. Don't turn away from them because of the scum that coats the door knob of the temple of wisdom.
>nothing about forestry/land management
What kind of fucking self absorbed, pseudo-intellectual NEET made this list?
inb4 park ranger faggot detected, I'm a sustainable energy engineering major
I'm studying physics because my 8th grade teacher was hot as fuck... worth it
Why is accounting so bad?
> top tier LAW
> shit tier PHILOSOPHY
Yet they are almost inseparable. Which fucking illiterate retard was making that list?
>Nothing about Aviation
I might as well be going to a trade school for it considering my coursework is actually flying
How are learning lawbooks by heart and critical thinking critically inseparable
Is there any point in getting a college degree? Seems pretty useless when berniefags want free college
> philosophy at uni
> critical thinking
You are kidding me.
Bump for ?
I actually believe these should be the free degrees. Make science and law/business/med pay through the nose.
Don't make <blank> studies free either but if we had millions of kids learning about liberal arts we might have a much improved society as a whole.
I wish I could take a free Art History degree for example, i am already 70K in debt but it would help me get a better job believe it or not but I can't justify it in my head until I pay this down.
I am a firm believer that History should be forgotten. How much does knowing all of the grievences of the past and all the past bitterness help society?
I feel like if we just forgot the years 1500-1900 we would all live together in greater harmony because all the memory of genocide and war would not cause us to hate each other.
How the fuck is astronomy god tier yet psychology / business studies / ecnomics shit tier? fucking shit list
>electronic media comm major
Philosophy is not something that should be dismissed.
Hope they burn YOU at Burning Man you filthy hippy.
Agree. I'm a med student and I'll start a epistemology degree when I'll have more free time.
Wheres Art? Im doing 3D animation its almost science so should be top tier
Definitely a good subject, shouldn't be that low
I guess that depends. Finance, Insurance and Accounting are all worthwhile college degrees. It's shit like Business Administration and Business Sports Management that is garbage
Law school my waffle eating friend
Can anyone tell me if Criminal Justice is a good degree to get?
>history in shit tier
STEM autist alert
You can not major in law anywhere in America, most get history degrees for that because it's the most helpful in law school.
So you're saying we should add a tier under shit tier?
what is architecture
>Major in Astronomy
>Minor in Music
I still don't know what I'd get a job in.
>tfw you're doing a shit tier degree with 88% employment rate
Sorry nerds
There are only 2 tiers Paco.
Making cash money tier and wageslave tier.
>math, physics, astronomy
>god tier
my sides
we're not space traveling creatures yet, remember?
>law, statistics
both will go to low tier once we drive out the jews, these are literally "how to backstab, scam and betray the general population" studies
the rest is so fucking messed up, it just shows how big of a faggot OP is
Here's the realistic version:
God tier: Chemistry, Engineering, Medicine, CS
Top tier: - || - +Economics, Math, Physics, Astronomy
Mid: IT
Low tier = Shit tier
Flipping burgers.
>tfw biosciences
Am I god tier?
>Implying medicine, mathematics, physics, chemistry astrology and engineering can't help all of mankind.
You want the usa to choose the shit tier ones because they make no money? Stop trying to sneakily subvert the intellectual integrity of the american peoples Rabbi.
kinesiology has to be one of the easiest degrees to get. it is shit tier
>comp sci
>mid teir
Im 24 chillin in the dark at my comfy desk drinking coffee listening to music , about to get a raise this month to 75k here in Florida (thats a lot of money down here) currently making 30/h as a contractor.
Compsci is god teir, pays well, super comfy, can change jobs whenever I want. Everyone wants me to work for them, never get drugtests. Pajeet is a meme, if pajeet can replace you, then you are a worthless programmer.
I know plenty of unemployed math graduates and some that work manual labor jobs. Not really.
This is like a double fedora... Some faggot who thinks he's a 'wee bit more clever' than the sjw-lords and thinks he has "seen beyond".
Ranking history, philosophy and political science as shit tier scream "edge-lord" above all else. These are the cornerstones that allow all the ones in God Tier to even exist.
Just because most current politicians are doing a shit job because the western world is in a phase of J U S T doesn't mean politics as a whole should be discarded, that much should be obvious.
pol. scient. student
top tier in what regards?
Law certainly isn't top tier, because it's easily exploitable and heavily flawed.
Well, yeah m8 if I had a trust fund or something I'd love to spend ~10 years just studying history / literature and lifting weights but I have to live in this world and I can't break my back to pay the bills forever.
Things sure work a lot different from Scandinavia then
Electrical engineering major here, yes it is accurate. It was originally from /sci/ and it's based on employment options and income available for each major.
>Low tier
wew lad what have you been smoking, I want some too
>What the fuck in Christ is Kinesiology and why is it not included in medicine
They are two very different fields with very different focuses. It seems you don't know shit about this list either.
The list is decent when you realize this isn't saying absolutely how horrible you are for choosing the fields but how good of an idea they are for the average person.
For instance, a psychology degree is mostly just the female version of a business degree, ie the default degree someone goes in when they don't know what to do. It by itself is useless. However, psychology itself can be highly useful in terms of its actual content and if you stay away from shitty subfield like sexual and LGBT and focus on behavioral, social and physiological then you can get into great Ph.D. or MD programs and MD especially since medical schools here in the US are now putting a huge focus on psychology and its potential in medical care.
On the flip side, the list does give a grandiose view of some of the more pure sciences and studies like math and physics which while important are not the easiest to acquire jobs from what I've heard. Pure math especially. But they can be used for other things besides specially their field and will set you apart from the normal accounting/economics major in jobs having to do with numbers.
>Computer Science in mid-tier
>mfw Amerilards (image was likely made by one) STILL mad that we've taken over
How will I fare in life if I am working on IT and Criminal Justice majors
At a pretty respected uni here
Biology to God Tier (includes evolution which explains everything)
>doesn't lead anywhere
tell that to my cousin who's earning £60,000 a year at 21 in Goldman Sachs
God doesn't exist :::::::^^^^^)))))
>Hungary got the infrastructure to employ mathematicians.
Poverty country please. It takes an advanced industry to employ these masters of abstraction.
Help /pol/. Got accepted into ecological and evolutionary biology and english combined with chinese language.
What do i choose ? I am bit afraid linguistic degrees might be swarmed by leftists.
Biology is good to study but it has a low employment rate overall.
I`ll show you what`s accurate.
>tfw economics major
>tfw low tier
But why?
No. Statistics is applied maths and is god tier. Economics is a bastardized interdisciplinary mess but still is top tier.
because some burger is butthurt that they can't into programming.
Statistics = Top Tier
Psychology = Low Tier
>includes evolution which explains everything
Maaan fedoras are like furries , they cry for attetion everysingle sec.
Why are you such a faggot.
Good luck getting a job without a masters degree at a top school
>bachelor's degree
there's your problem
if you want to get into stem these days, you better be gay, crippled, identify as a deer or something or have a phd
it's just too saturated with chinks and indians
sort of chemistry is a shit major though you make garbage wages except in some very specific fields
Economics/Math double major
Is this god tier???
Where does film fit in?
What about Microbio?
You could just cook meth in an RV if your high school teaching career doesn't work out.
I got two semesters till I get my BA in History and I have not done any LSAT prep. Have you? Should I get on that? Any info on that to help me out?
Being a history major redpilled me to hell and back. Wouldn't call that shit-tier. I'd shift psychology down to where sociology is in shit-tier-ville, though.
shit tier if you are an sjw cuck
But based as fuck if you're redpilled imo
t. film master's student
Maybe in your shitty country. Programming in undersaturated in the USA and pajeet only gets hired to work the help desk
>are you even trying
I make $600k as a fry cook at Wendy's, I'm also 7'6" with a 16" cock. Try harder pleb
>Being a history major redpilled me to hell and back.
Being redpilled is one thing, making a living is another. Just where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Psychology is now arguable the best degree for those who want to go into medicine now here in the US. It sets you apart from all the bio majors and allows you to ace the newest and hardest part of the MCAT to self study for.
That an there are many good jobs such as clinical and industrial for those with a PhD in psychology.
25 year old with no degree here. Currently working at a bank with loans, would a degree be worth it? I worked my way up to my position now but was considering finance as I get passed up for degree holders.
Or say fuck it and learn to weld.
No, but you will do fine. I do wonder how you can major in maths and not want to occasionally punch economists in the mouth.
How is archeology shit tier
>Putting maths and computer science together
If you can weld every metal especially titanium you can be making 120k+ a year at your own business
Delusional psych major detected. Enjoy waiting tables, because every retard who couldn't picked a real major went with psychology.
>23 years old still in university and majoring in a liberal arts field
kill me pls
What a great argument. You've open my eyes anon. I'll go tell all those medical board members that have told me this how wrong they are post haste!
>getting (((higher education)))
congrats, your indoctrination is almost complete, goy! Just a ((sociology)) class for your gen. ed. units and you should be ready to make a mediocre salary! good thing you gave no thought to the trades or anything else!
You didnt grow up with your father in the home? Trying to figure out what went wrong.
Thanks for verifying your are a delusional psych major. You still have time to switch to a real major.
Architecture comes from engineering
>Is this accurate, /pol?
what professions actually contribute to the creation of value, and to what grade they are doing so also needs to be addressed.
No mundane workers or machine-operators = No mass production and no value.
Not really considering I'm already graduated and in medical school.
>>Not shit tear
I would move CS to top tier and IT to mid tier
Econ should be higher, geology much lower
It's the same thing. My degree says computer science and information technology. I have the same job and pay as the guys who's degree says just computer science on it. IT doesnt mean pajeet help desk, unless you are shit. But even some cs majors graduate with no skills and work a help desk. Just get carried in group work, i saw many do this and graduate with no skills.
just why would you even start to study that if you're aware of its uselessness?
also this
the entire thing is money grabbing and indoctrination
Universities existed before for doing theoretical stuff not for learning basics
>but how would you test someone's abilities then?
by sending them to the company, where they can directly learn the profession
well fuck me then, i wonder how did one become an engineer 50 years ago without a college degree
yes it's not their job, but it would be the most efficient if large companies in that industry did which would effectively remove the college meat grinder and useless degrees because their production directly affects the income, thus art students and other similar jewish scams will automatically not be funded by the taxpayer since nobody buys their product
and to make the company's "job" easier with the trainees, highschool education should also be changed to meet the requirements
Fast food is a no tier with 90% employment
What's your point?
>comp Sci
>with life sciences
I would love to see some dipshit from any other tier try writing the code and developing the programs I've developed.
Onely the medicine students should be a shit tier because they are over paied stupid shmoks
only Maths is God tier
and engeneering and med school cannot be on the same level as physics as these first 2 are just about learning a shit ton of stuff by heart
and wtf is Kineisology?
what's your field dude?
Philosophy is the hardest science known to man, it should be the sole thing in god tier
Honestly this list has always been b8. Also this payment fraud implentation i am writing right is a hell of a task lol
every single thinking individual is a philosopher to some extent, what's the point of making it a profession?
Sell books if you are lucky or teach it. It's worthless other than that. Platos the republic was quite good though
Is Computer science really mod their because I'm undecided right now but leaning towards computer science
Computer science shouldn't be mid tier.
Consistently one of the top 5 lowest unemployment rates and an average salary of 60,000.
Not to mention you can work in almost any company with it.
Front-end developer here.
My job is the shit.
You are in the same bag as me
God tier here.
I can't even comprehend how anyone can pursue any of the other fields. It doesn't make sense. Why would you want to waste your one life?
What do you write your frontend in? We use wicket here it's pretty shit but i do full stack because I am good like that
I'd move economics up one. Most major companies are sick of the deluge of "business" majors, and love to hire economics majors.
>roommate was math major
>works concession stand at movie theatre
>history major
>paralegal at a decent nyc firm
ebin stem meme my dude
Maths > Economy
Economy isn't a fucking science for God's sake
Astronomy is fucking useless
>business and economics low tier
I build websites so I just use Dreamweaver, CPanel, and wordpress. Shits so easy and I get positive affirmation from the managers at least once a week. It's surprising how much that can do for morale.
How is it anon? Im entering in the fall and wondering how crazy the studying becomes. Any information is appreciated.
Computer science is top tier
Also I haven't even graduated yet, but I have a pretty close friend who is a project manager at Microsoft headquarters in Seattle and he assures me that he can hook me up when I finish school.
Oh thats pretty casual lol. I used to do that stuff with drupal while in college for internships. Had a pretty sweet contract where i worked at home for a year making 2 huge drupal websites for him.
Math is shit tier. Business is mid tier. Economics is top tier. Astronomy is mid tier.
What is the criteria?
The importance of the subject itself?
The difficulty of studying it?
The chances of having a succesfull/good paying job?
It depends entirely upon that
why are all the god tiers good goy degrees?
here's a tip - pick a career that provides a social utility as well as being independent from monetary gain. it will serve you the most happiness, something you won't find from mere income.
Sounds about right. I honestly thought you were a failure if you are doing that after you graduate, but thats a good stop to be while still in school
Elder god tier: What you love.
> "Law" - repressing people since always
Would be a top tier in a free and real democratic society.
Muh Muh but we can vote... go fuck yourself with your votes. In soviet russia or nazi germany there where also votes and guess who always won? This list is not representative for most countries on this planet. Fucking idealist.
So programming is lower than pharmacology? kek
At what age do people usually graduate and enter thejob market with a law degree in the US?
Business is god tier. We run the world. Your science, math, and other nerd subjects are funded by us. We take advantage of your findings to make a profit, while you nerds just continue to do research and build.
Nigga Im a year behind you, You need to talk to your fucking counselor or call the law school to ask when they need your lsat
Extra godly tier is bullshitting a history degree just so you can get into the stupid career you want that shouldn't require a university degree to begin with.
>Only study things guaranteed to make shekels. Basically STEM, only. Call everything else shit tier.
>Don't touch education, media, philosophy, history, journalism, or anything to do with public policy
>Rage when media is dominated by liberals
>Turn blind eye to liberal education indoctrinating the masses
>Laughed out of think tanks
>Waning political influence
>Barely any cultural influence
>Total lack of understanding of history or the political process
>Think I'm an expert because I read a handful of books from pol circlejerk
>Rage when the country inevitably slides into degeneracy at the result of all this
Law is Top Tier. I don't see Engineering as God Tier, Top Tier or Mid Tier. History should be Mid Tier.
What level is management information systems? Or information technology
Because it's fake science.
History major here, and I kind of regret doing it. Too far along to call it quits now though. I had always thought I would get into teaching, which is a fairly lucrative job in my country. Had the opportunity to try being a teacher through a short internship this semester and I was not impressed. So kinda at a loss for what to do now.
In terms of employment, no.
The reason "we" are losing is because "we" let fields like political science, history and philosophy to others.
That image says low tier. I have a degree in IT Management. I will be running my department once my manager retires in a few years.
It's a good degree if you want to get into technology but aren't really big into programming or mathematics. It also can net you pretty good money. I also did a bit of a concentration in Cisco and Networking (I have my CCNA) because I was interested in it.
It's a great job. Good pay and I mostly do nothing with the occasional spurts of activity. I mostly just shitpost on 4chin in my office.
So essentially engineering, accounting, and nursing are prob the best degrees?
>History should be Mid Tier.
That's funny, When I went to a university tour in Hungary, the tour guide introduced the history class to us as "Here's the "you won't get a job after finishing in that faculty" class".
I asked the other Anon who studies history, "Where do you see yourself in 10 years?". No answer, yet it's obvious. Either teach brainwashed brats, work in a shitty museum or dig holes at a excavation site as an "archaeologist".
Im an archeology major, so fuck you
Pick one
In all fairness, there are a lot of skulls to unearth in Mexico.
Any advice for a college student? Is there a specific language I should learn or something else that would help. Seriously any advice would be great
>law is a top-tier study
My sides, every time.
History-graduate here. Professional welare artist.
Where is dentistry?
I honestly have no idea. My IT concentration didn't have much programming. They made you take a few Java classes and that was it.
It was mostly OS, Server, Networking, security, etc type of curriculum. If you get into IT I would recommend supplementing your education with Networking and learn the in and outs of RedHat and things like that.
Programming/Software Engineering/Comp Sci is another beast altogether. People often confuse IT with those types of things because terms end up intertwined.
Who /TopTier/ here?
Where are my lawfags at?
not putting trades in god/top tier
Ah a fellow apatheist who lives on the ignorant charity of others for he knows of the repeating cycle and futility of life. Also who can't find a job.
You will of course find yourself studying a lot but it's surprisingly not as bad as the many stories I've heard of people never being able to go out and such. This will be the case during residency but the first two years are not that bad and will prepare you for the harder third and fourth year via making you develope good study habits.
More so than anything, make sure you don't stop taking care of yourself. I only found myself struggling when I stopped working out for a month or so.
its not about having a job, but about having the knowledge.
also, try something in archielogy or museum.
Law not god tier.
But why?
Thats not what an archeologist does you idiot.
Besides, you gringos will never understand the cultural richness of Mexico
Underrated post
Music Major. I'm an orchestra director now, and run a private lesson studio.
I regret nothing
what really matters is what uni you went to and if you're socially retarded or not
studied a meme subject at a top uni and i'm doing very well for myself
I didn't realize you would become so easily assblasted.
who /geology/ here? is it good to go into
It's true that dentists are mini Jews that will invent problems just to charge another visit?
You've named an exception, well done. Law in general is still shit
>music is shit tier
You should hang yourself.
>95% of millionaires / billionaires are gonna have a business degree.
But how many people with a business degree are going to be a millionaire?
Theres no such thing as God tier and Shit tier educations/jobs.
We all need to work, we need people who clean our floors, we need people who are scientists, we all need to contribute to the society to make it great.
Fuck off with the low tier and god tier you divide and conquer jew, this is just one of your few tricks
not at the moment, the oil job market is completely fucked
Education. Low-tier for money but at least top tier for importance, especially if you're an openly conservative teacher not afraid to stand up to the liberal faggots in the rest of the system. If you don't think we need more conservative teachers you're clearly a cuck and deserve to have tranny bathrooms in your kids' schools.
My brother-in-law majored in English and he essentially sits in a library all day. He makes pretty good money actually and gets summers off.
I would almost be jealous except for the fact he is about to hit his pay ceiling and I am not even close.
I just wanted to point out the ignorant nature of that statement
>maths is shit tier
Leave it to the swede to think there is equality on everything
I doubt I'm fucking God tier but at least not shit tier.
Kind of, except:
- Philosophy should be Top Tier since it's actually the best degree for getting accepted into Law School as well as other grad programs. Even outside of that, Philosophy Majors are in high demand since their writing skills are seen by employers as desirable, making Philosophy the "Mathematics" of liberal arts degrees.
- Psychology and Business degrees are highly over-saturating the market, so they are both Shit Tier (for now).
a lot can change in 4 years lad
What are the best engineering degrees?
What? Im not saying the jobs are equal, im saying they are all needed and some jobs are harder and some jobs are easier.
Engineers are faggots
Summers off are great. I teach in from September to June for 50k and in the summer work my ass off in the trades. Good shit.
every time someone makes these charts History keeps getting pushed further and further down the list.
At least I can make money in the markets predicting the future.
t. senior in liberal arts and crafts.
tfw doing accountancy
fuck my shit up senpai
Law is Low Tier, no way is it Top. Job market is oversaturated and the work is terrible even if you "succeed".
Kinesiology major here. It's basically a degree you get before grad school. In my case I went into PT.
As far as it being easy because nigger athletes take it, there were no ethnic athletes that graduated with the degree my years there since they couldn't hack it in microbiology or organic chemistry.
I also believe science and engineering degree's will be worthless in a few years. Like in China, where the market is flooded with these autism-tier degrees and they are actually headhunting for art degrees.
Depends on the market
Civil is usually saturated (JUST) so pick mech or electric
Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life. They're not hiring.
At my local school district, with a PhD and 20 years experience you could be making around 115k a year.
Even with a masters and 5 years experience the teachers still make around 75k or so
The gym teacher has a masters and over 10 years work experience, coaches sports too. Must be making well around 90k a year for being a fucking gym teacher.
That's what you get when you live in a rich Jewish district.
Oh noes, a gif about muscles, this guy knows his stuff! I am defeated!
What about architecture and civil engineering? it's the child of western civilization after all.
The statistics for how many people manage to get a job after getting a Law degree are hilariously ridiculous, especially in the UK (but I've heard it's bad in the US too). As a result I feel that should be much lower.
Im a plasterer/painter and decorator. self employed
Id consider that Mid to low Top Tier.
are you talking money or relevance/usefulness?
to be honest this chart need more tiers
there are too many jobs out there for this chart to be even remotely accurate.
If you are just trying to take the piss out of women studies then GG.
I just decided to put something random since more people tend to reply that way.
It's getting pretty bad here in the US too when you consider how much you put into the schooling to not even be guaranteed a job. But I still don't see it belonging to mid tier considering how much the job itself can make and the weight the title carries.
No English and history are common pathways to law so that alone puts them in mid tier. If you're talented at business you can make buku bucks and if that's not why you're in college then have fun suffering under the weight of retardely high student loans... In an American hypothesis anyways.
damn... | ---79313952
Can't take the jungle out of a nigger
Then I guess they'll have to go back to Africa.
Also inb4 black kids suddenly getting named "Cecil" a lot.
but you can take the nigger out of the jungle
I wish more blacks thought this way. Black nationalism ought to be encouraged. The more they think about nation building, the more likely they are to go back to Africa or to put themselves in self-imposed segregation in the west.
Then maybe they should all go back :^)
YOU | ---79311422
>exception to the rule
I want to get her pregnant.
she should stay
the northmen have come through for the eternal anglo. | ---79294654
This must be a big middle finger to liberals who believe nordic countries are utopias and now they're willing to trade with a free britain
Thus far,maylasia,america,mexico,NZ and australia and now the nords want trade..shits looking up senpai :D
iceland want to be the new brussels right? the new european union?
I'm ok with this
Nexit must be next, after that Benelux super state
We need a quick trade agreement, England is going to run out of bacon without us!
the new empire will be jew free m8
say hi to greece for me if you see him m8
you are one of the most fertile countries in the EU other than us for crops so it would benefit us if you left and joined our alliance.
Fitna was an awful "film"
>what do you mean I can't make the football team?
>well fuck you Chad, I'll make my own club!
>and it'll be so so much better than yours!
was it a video to redpill normies?
last time this happened king eggbert of wessex and mercia got the vikings to raid franca
It was intended to but it ended up as a shitty slideshow
>geert needs to fucking lurk here more lol
God bless Iceland.
ENGLISHMEN! DO NOT FALL FOR IT. The Nords just want England back. The spirit of Canute still lies within the Danes, this is how the next great heathern army will land on England and once again York will born
nordics and englishmen should cooperate. convince the damn scots though - they seem to want to be the lapdogs of the EU
nexit must be next, after that we can fixit. Gotta out-meme this brexit.
The globalists would be in full panic mode if that were to happen, as it's even less potential land to for them to control.
those pict fucks have always been hard to reason with, probably the most inbred of the whole country
worst case scenario you have a 3 way FFA between the English, the nords, and the londonistan/celt cuck/european caliphate
you did okay against all those guys before so I would bet on you
we need to keep soaking up trade deals and treaties with other nations to defeat the EU
going ok thus far
Iceland and Norway are Danish colonies. If they cooperate with the UK, then Denmark will have to leave EU too.
China, Ghana and Columbia too.
I have no idea why australia would ever agree to that
they were already trying to dump their shitty pacific islander refugees on us knowing what a sucker cucky trudeau is
even if Scotland and Northern Ireland left the UK England would still be a world class power
Nice. We should leave and join this union aswell.
They always wanted it. What stopped them.was being on the eu
Fexit when?
>born too late to explore the earth
>born too early to explore the universe
>born just in time to meme the Anglosphere paradise into existence
>mfw cuck sibil's will stay in the EU even after Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Denmark have trade agreements with England.
Fuck this country right up in the ass.
east coast belongs to the queen!
we need to make a new union without degenerate poor nations
thats where the EU fucked let every tom dick and harry in
Fine, turn your backs on us, destroy the future, you've earned that right. Here's a fair warning, though. I've made peace with my death in the upcoming war. I will not see Germany poor like it was all those centuries ago. My people deserve better, and if you don't give, I'll take. If you want it back, you'll have to pry it from my cold, dead hands.
>he who makes someone make practical repeatedly
I never got the "you will perish without the EU" argument. Norway is a bit of outlier because it has massive oil reserves (and owns 1% of the world) but Switzerland and Iceland don't for the most part and are doing just fine.
If we're in it, it's going to be far from Jew Free
Norway is in the EUs free movement/single market area.
Switzerland is also in the free movement/single market area.
Funlanders, how accurate is this and how do I start learning it?
The phrase you're looking for is 'gluttons for punishment', Goran.
They've spent decades convincing the rest of the world that they're under the English yoke, and being held there against their will, to the point that they've managed to dupe themselves. Bear in mind that the SNP are labour-level socialites and multicultists.
That's not the way they should talk faggot.
No England should not be in the Nordic union because the tories will just fuck us over.
>Northern Union
Remain voter here. This would cheer me up.
I'm scared bongs. Alone you have 64million. Together with Norway and Iceland: 69 million! A global superpower!
what the
Sipilä and Soini already said that while this government is in power, there will be no referendum and the citizens' initiative won't even be reaching our fucking parliament. One would think that they should atleast process the case but it would seem that even our opposition is against of us leaving the EU.
It's FIXIT you dumb shitcock.
When the Jocks leave the union we will genocide them and you can use the land as lebensraum
You're welcome
>Anglos get cucked by Norsemen
>Their population starts to become attractive again
Not a bad idea senpai
together you have roughly the population of 3 US states.
This would be great of course some bitches will get BTFO and bitch and complain
>Danish colony
>Country existed before Denmark.
Pick one.
ufuckingwot m8?
you mean like merkel and your tumblr tier govt is fucking you over?
you are in the doesnt concern you
we the vikings now >:)
>Fuck this country right up in the ass
It would seem like that is exactly the thing that we will be receaving in the near future.
It's not about the "poor" nations bro. It's about the fact that the EU practically tooked in anyone willing to join just so it could expand. After doing this the EU practically collapsed their own economy, their trade and their self-sufficiency just so it could be able to control them better. This is what awaits us all in the long run.
But fuck that. I would gladly ally my self with the poles, even tho they are "poor" by EU's definition, at least they are trustworthy.
What, that wasn't something you would like to experience before you die?
never has there been a more appropriate moment for that picture to be posted
RIGHD IN DHE BENNIS indeed my friend
The sensation delivered by that goes away (for a moment) after you watch it over and over again for like 10000 times.
you posted this last night or 2 nights ago as well
saatana perkele suomi
can we talk about canada? Fuck that. They want more Mexicans, more Muslims...We just got out of one cucked union, not going to step into another.
When Canada sorts itself out, we can talk.
And just because I love you, I will keep on posting it every time I enter /pol/
PS: Nice curses bro.
>a nation filled with delirious human scum that exist in a constant state of denial
Can we just blow that shithole up? Would also like to do this to Sweden and Germany, baby France aswell.
mida vittu mees
norway abolish current trade deal with eu when
We already took all your beautiful women. All there's left are disgusting slags and shitskins. Literally nothing of worth left in that shallow isle you call Albion.
>t. Prince Carl of Denmark
>cold dead hans
Oh hi little bro!!!
This is the epitome of degeneracy. Destroying your body for a moment's pleasure.
Which one of you fuckers is this?
Fucking hell. My balls just retracted into my body
(((free trade)))
careful bros.
>Leaf talking about degeneracy
The dude with fucked up balls is a Canadian so nothing that hold any actual value was lost.
Northern Alliance when?
the jew at stratfor has said all that
>GB and scandinavians will form an union
>The main political tendency will be away from multinational solutions to a greater nationalism driven by divergent and diverging economic, social and cultural forces.
>we expect Poland to be the leader of an anti-Russia coalition that would, significantly, include Romania
>Even if the trade bloc were probable, it was ”not nearly as desirable as what we are just giving up,” says Michael Dougan, Professor of EU law at Liverpool University as quoted by The Independent.
>Professor of EU law
I dont understand why people are so angry about england leaving
Switzerland never joined, why dont you predict their soon demise and ten thousand curses falling upon them?
Or norway for that matter
>my people
t. turkroach
One of my goals is to visit America's dad.
Plymouth and northern England for starters. The north looks cozy as hell.
Where else?
I'm ignorant, what's this t. a guy meme
lurk moar newfag
I would say Bristol, but Bristol is now ruined thanks to degenerate fucking students, Baths ruined because of Chinks.
Visit Bristol and just ignore the students, home of Alfred the great, founder of all saxon freedoms. father of all Anglo nations
Nigger, I've been here for years. I just missed the uprising of some slang because I don't focus so much goddamn time on memes.
If you were here for years, then you would recognize t. (name)
It's the pinnacle of Finnish memery.
t. repeating numbers
Well, I've only seen it really get big in the last year or six months. I took some time off /pol/ for about a year ago though, so I'm definitely behind.
Nice trips.
Thanks. It appears Kek is on the side of the Finns.
It's fine if you just fucking lurk.
everyone knows that shit , lurk moar faggot
because we was one of the founders and its hard to build an empire if one of the main contributers randomly pulls out
we basically have started the collapse of the EU and they hate us for it especially the krauts
when it falls apart...retake your soviet bloc and leave us alone ivan...feel free to rape turkey also...i didnt see anything
>We already took all your beautiful women
You took none, you actually settled some of your own. Stop memeing.
You forget the spam of anime girls.
Without bothering to read most of it I would say it's 100% accurate and made by a Finn.
>removes based Scanian flag and replaces it with local Dacian football supporter flag
I hope gypsies take a shit in your lawn.
Nordic england when?
They're so worthless that ROME didn't want to conquer them.
Quit being a bitch about free movement and we can all be friends again.
If they love us so much why didn't they let us win the football
LMAO I just made some shieet nigga OC today that's related.
Cotswolds is beautiful. Cornwall is bretty gud too.
As far as the North goes, Yorkshire and Durham are nice. The Pennines is a good trek. Cumbria/Northumbria are pretty comfy with the Lakes District.
Let's add up our achievements with that population against Maine, Milwaukee, and Ohio. Seems like we're doing okay right?
>now thats what i call ”scrambled eggs”,wubba lubba dub dub!
too late Englænder! We are coming for that juicy ripe clay now that the EU will no longer protect you!
Remember it is cheating to sink our longboats before they reach your shores. And no using firearms either.
>bost ass
They always crack me up xD finnish is fucked.
I hope it goes away. Why the fuck did I have to see that? REEEEE
Watching that just made my dick and balls regress inside and now I'm a fucking female, cheers cunt.
Didn't you guys get into a mini war with Iceland awhile back? What total bros.
But why
why are you LMAOing at your own picture
Norway has managed to reduce the amount off immigrants entering.
What is the future for muslims? | ---79301006
thats nice. it would be even nicer if i didnt see my obscure hometown in northern norway filled with immigrants a week ago
at least i am told that they flee to oslo the moment they get their permit to stay
Stop lying, Norway is already full of shitkins. Cannot go anywhere without seeing a bunch of Niggers and Muslims, Gypsis are literally sitting at every corner, and I am not even living in Oslo.
still you have the virus in your body and it's gonna spread
Yes it is full of mudslimes, but Sweden is worse and now it has almost stopped.
Where are you talking about now?
>tfw you live on Bornholm
>literally one of the whitest places in Europe pre-refugee crisis
>mfw the past year it's gotten to the point where you can't even go to the city without seeing shitskins
Then again, it's not surprising considering how they literally spend all day just standing in public mingling and doing jackshit.
Government thinks that just because we've got so much space because it's a dying island, it means they're welcome here. And hence ship them all here.
Meanwhile they literally get mauled by local villagers and chavs every fucking week and only families are left alone. Locals don't take shit from these fucks. Unlike muslims, locals love all the SEAs that we get as they're hardworking and assimilate to our customs.
What do you mean OP? Every politician is just as happy as previously about taking in as many immigrants as they can sneak in.
We still have an absolutely terrible deal with the EU, nothing will change the immigrant situation to less until the terrible deal is also changed.
Christian Tybring-Gjedde and Sylvi Listhaug when?
go to search immigrants
Which party are you voting for next year?
Is Norway accepting whites? Would love to move there.
Its true.
I cant use public transport in trondheim almost.
Its like the colorline just on land now.
it used to be that one bus going to that shitty part of trondheim beeing called colorline. Now its all of them.
Good thing im 100% ufor NEET
FRP isn't really that good of a party is the thing.
They got one or two good things going for them, but I disagree with a lot else.
There is no good party to vote for with any possibility of getting a majority.
could be better
small population, cold, white, attractive girls, no abos
>tfw shitskins steal our autismbux
feels bad man.jpeg
but isn't moving to norway directly out of moms basement a bit of a stretch?
>Norway has managed to reduce the amount off immigrants entering.
Oh shit, you import less Polacks
>What is the future for muslims?
They are Polacks
no, why?
>you will never be norwegian
for fuck's sake why did I have to be born subhuman slav like this
kill me now so I have a chance at being reborn norwegian
it's okay polak you can move to norway and clean toilets we allow it
Sea floor.
tfw you'll never be polish
Our immigration has decreased by over 90% compared to the last quarter of 2015. Also some new laws were applied last week making it harder to stay in Sweden and for people to bring their families here. Also the ID-controls seem to scare them off too.
So I would say Germany.
>tfw you will never make toilets polished
Funny enough, I'm half Polish half Norwegian, what does that make me?
Where you from m8, when I went to Norway I only saw niggers and mudslimes in Oslo and I went to Bergen and Trondheim. Gypsies were everywhere though (can't escape them in Europe though)
>Talking shit about the most based country on Earth
KYS kike and your divide and conquer
Hello I am looking to migrate to Norway, I am already in the process of learning the language, but I have no up-to-par education because of health reasons (not autism bucks, and not welfare either though), how is the work situation in Norway? Is it easy to find small jobs?
So it's at 100k a year instead of a million?
t. muslim
No you asshole I had a brain tumor in my final year of school and am now unable to do anything but light labor.
Shouldn't have converted then.
yes, there's a lot of opportunities in the transgender prostitution business in oslo
They will now reproduce by the millions, creating an army worthy of Mor'dor.
>What is the future for muslims?
Since there's no limit on the number of children coming out of Muslim couples that are already here, their future is 'expansion of %' I guess
You should import south americans. We don't take shit from muslims, no problem with bullying them because we don't have white priviledge, and we actually integrate well (although we might have shitty accent)
But i must stress that it's SOUTH americans only. Central americans except for Panamanians and costa ricans are absolute and utter shit.
You have a low population so that 10% is still a lot. But you have to start somewhere.
What's the ID system?
I don't have any problem with this, actually.
Well since they're Muslims, their future will eventually be the yelling of Allahu Akbar followed by an explosion.
It must be minus 1000%, deport the fuckers already.
>Since there's no limit on the number of children coming out of Muslim couples that are already here, their future is 'expansion of %' I guess
This. You have to limit how births like china or deport a majority of them.
>the amount off immigrants entering.
there's already a sizeable arab/african both countries
their numbers will only only grow and they are here to stay so get used to your new ''compatriots''
Not unless America enacts the fourth Reich
---79299148 | ---79299955
Not all were gone but vast majority indeed
we need to stop retarded its the jews meme
jews are based and redpilled as fuck, they BTFO muzzies like no one else
You lucky cunts
does the average Pole secretly feel thankful that Hitler purged kikes from their country?
>does the average Pole secretly feel thankful that Hitler purged kikes from their country?
No. If Hitler didn't happen and Poland wasn't communist for half a century, we would be much more populated today, speak a mix of Polish and Yiddish and be richer than Germany.
you have so much to learn
Target, 54, explains: “Poland had been the most Jewish country in the world for 800 years and then suddenly all the Jews were murdered by Hitler. If you were a Pole living there, you would have known Jews, you would have spoken to them every day and then suddenly no more. It must have been such a strange experience for them and such a loss to the country.
“Literally and culturally, Poles and Jews mixed. They spoke each other’s language, they ate each other’s food to an extent, and you see Jewishness today even in the way people talk and eat. It’s a place where that Jewish history belongs. In many ways, Jews are a missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle that is Poland.”
Hitler was a false flag.
>get rid of all the jews
>the country is still a economic mess
Yeah and if Jews were still there then you're country would be flooded with mudslimes. How many reported rapes does you're country get a year?
Poland is poor because wasn't given a chance to have 100 years of undisturbed capitalist growth but instead was devastated by total wars and pauperized beyond any limites by half of century of communist, you stupid Swedish subhuman. If nobody hurt us in XX century, and if we werent occupied 123 years by our enemies, we would be today economical powerhouse of Europe.
>German invasion
>Soviet control and communism for decades after
>"But they should be rich because no Jews xD"
Are you stupid or something, Sven?
It's pretty sad Hitler killed the only whites in poland
>Yeah and if Jews were still there then you're country would be flooded with mudslimes.
What a fucking bullshit. Jews lived in Poland for 1000 years and they never did any harm to Poles.
Let me clarify. I was more referring to Muslims that have been flocking into Europe the past 30 years.
>and they were all gone
but where did they go?
makes you think...
and be full of muslims
Worked for Germany tho. And Russia is now again a superpower whilst Poland is a mess.
>Be soviet union
>force all money into the outer states not russian
>they turn to shit after you leave
European countries brought muslims because they wanted to have bigger population growth. How Jews have anything to do with it?
A look on history from today perspective a wrong one and stupid its like saying jews that lived in Poland for 800 years had something in common to todays Izrael citizen nationality and that is increadibly wrong Polish culture in most of 800 years was dominant and Jews did not identify as Jews iin todays meaning, and perception 3 milion Jews lived in Poland they were Polish citizens for 800 years yet since they are dead Israel takes ''Ownership'' in a sense of thous people
you must be new here
>be richer than Germany
No he's just a slav
you must be jew here
Must be some Jew visiting the showers.
Western Germany wasn't communist, you wacko. And they pumped 2 trillion euro into Eastern Germany after 1990, without much effect.
> Russia is now again a superpower
Superpower in what? Poverty, corruption, production of rockets and child prostitution?
People like to think the Jews are out to destroy the world with migrants and diversity, but anyone think the generations after the Holocaust have just been taught to be sympathetic to themselves and that rolls over onto other minorities? It'd make sense.
relax, we'll get there, we just need to do our thing, not argue with aspies on image boards
>worked for germany
Yeah, but germany did not have communism. Instead, we had a large base of skilled workers, + the vietnam war creating a spike in demand for our goods.
>seems to be implying that capitalism worked
>it didnt work for west germany to pump money into east germany
>but east germany is 20 years before Poland today
>Superpower in what
Yes, all four actually
And the big ass Marshall plan
>but east germany is 20 years before Poland today
Bullshit, they are still benefit-queen of Western Germany, that's why they have German-tier salaries, not Polish-tier.
Good. There were semitic parsites who belongs to the middle-east, not Poland.
>but anyone think the generations after the Holocaust have just been taught to be sympathetic to themselves and that rolls over onto other minorities?
More like other minorities that differ from the majority more than the Jews are excellent camouflage.
>Jews lived in Poland for 1000 years and they never did any harm to Poles.
this is exactly what most americans think about the jews currently living here, and they would be wrong. fucking shit up for their own gains from the shadows is just what they do. I don't even hate them for it, every race seems to have its faults. They are pretty much undercover niggers.
Don't be so damned naive.
>Be Poland
>Hates the EU
>BREXIT happens, Eu is collapsing
>EU dissolves and Poland celebrates
>Right wing governments in europe rising
>Trump gets elected and nations refuse to pay more for NATO and it dissolves
>Trump exits the us from the UN
>UN dissolves
>Entire world is unbound and filled with nation states
>Poland celebrates
>Yay we are free! Sovereignty!
>Russia puts it's dick inside you
I didn't say that they weren't wellfarequeens, I said that they were 20 years ahead of Poland
>be polish people
>work shitjobs in every country in the world except Poland
>Poland is good country
While it certainly helped, both France and the UK got more out of it, while being less destroyed.
While it was a great buff to our economy, it wasn´t exactely the sole reason for germany returning to great economic power.
The town I live in was a multicultural tumbler before the war. Catholics, Orthodox, Muslims, Jews.
After the war it became a whitetopia. I've only seen 2 shitskins this year.
I agree with you pole bro. I have been to Karkow, Lublin, and Warsaw (sorry for American spelling) in the dead of winter and even then you have a beautiful country
Oh I know I was just saying, Germany returned because of your value of hard work and striving to be great. Don't let Muslims ruin you please, I love Germany :(
Changed their names and moved to Russia
This is well documented
The kikes and mudslimes were parasites from africa/ME. Fuck'em.
Fuck this thread, Poles are supposed to be based anti-Semites. Seeing polish philo-semitism is repulsive and tragic.
>be morgenthau plan
>deindustrialize germany
>take machines, sell off companies
>estimated damages to german economy range from 200-300 billion deutschmark
>be 1948
>maybe morgenthau plan isn´t such a good idea, only agriculture in central europe is shit
>be morgenthau plan
>give 15 billion deutschmark back to germany
Because we have privilege to work in Western countries without any limits and get right to Western retirements, you fucking retard. We would be stupid if we stayed here and worked for lower Polish salaries. Nobody was emigrating from here before 2004 because we needed visas, just like Russian subhumans today. If Russia became member of EU, half of this failed country would emigrate after a year.
France killed more muzzies in Algeria than Jews have or ever will.
Give up, my friend, I don´t see germany ever returning to having some self-esteem again. And with every leftist government, we import more cultural enrichers, who are certain to vote against german nationalism.
And when the right happens to come to power, they´ll never ever have the balls to undo immigration. We´re on a one way trip into destruction.
>be marshal plan
should the 2nd one be, dammit
Kek it was still funny I got what you meant
Poland should have agreed to the 16 point peace plan and annexation of Danzig IMO.
That's depressing. Germany is so beautiful and has one of the best cultures in the world with some of the most brightest and amazing people to have ever lived. I hope something changes, Germany can't become like the US with ghetto pockets of shitskins and lose a huge part of your identity
>moves all around the globe
>instead of having functioning salaries
I don't get it I had a way higher opinion of poles before I started talking to you desu.
No, they are taught to encourage racemixing and diversity in western countries but to do the opposite in Israel. Look at Israel, they kill anyone who isn't a Jew
We had barely 2 decades of capitalist and our salaries are already only 3x lower than in the West. Back then in 90s they were 15x lower. You are so stupid that you must be a Russian expat.
BTW, the photo is Czech Republic, not Poland
>modern Czech
But why are you so odd? If I see a documentary of Poland it's just alcoholic neets fighting with eachother. Is that what you build your economy on?
yanks, anglos and frogs, how does it feel that you fought on the wrong side in ww2?
At least we have big detached houses that look like palaces in comparison with Swedish wooden barn-looking "houses".
Hitler murdered the polish elite, polish nobles, intelligentsia, businessmen etc. and cleared the path for the Soviets, who seized their property. Why should anyone here be thankful
But why are you so odd? If I see a documentary of Sweden it's just arabs and nigs fighting with eachother. Is that what you build your economy on?
>blatant lies
Its funny to think that half of Poland being annexed is considered its golden age.
I dont get your point??????
Well if Hitler had never gone and started sperging out on all of his neighbors we wouldn't have all of this white guilt and the British empire would still be controlling Africa and the middle east. People would still be able to hold white pride and not have shitskins everywhere. The civil rights movement may have even been crushed or the blacks sent to Liberia.
why did they all leave?
looks like they missed one
No and I never claimed or did I?????
plz lurk moar/watch The Greatest Story Never Told.
just like Israel?
>Jews are the only influence on an economy
Jesus, they were only red for 40 years.
I have been on here for years and have watched those. So that's not an argument
Why are you posting a pic from Ireland?
Poland and USA was the two greatest winners of World War 2 confirmed.
I find it ironic tho, modern day Ashkenazi Jews probably dont even have any genetic links with amcient Israelites. When it comes to genetics, a Palestinian has a better claim to the Judea than a European Jew. They have their own germanic language yet now theyre claiming we wuz Israelites and shiet. Israelites migrated to many regions in the Midlde east and Europe, marrying with the locals(even if they dont want ot admit it). Israelites were sandniggers who lived in Israel thousands of years ago. Most Ashkanezi Jews to me look a mix between Slavic and greek people. And for a people so racially conscience, they dont even want to acknowledge their non Jewish part of their heritage, even tho most of them have heavy european ancestry. Ashkenazis have an identity crisis
lel if that were the case why don't they work to raise the fertility rates?
if you put a pole and a jew side by side i wouldnt be able to tell the difference
>blatant lies
Sven, leave these bad emotions behind
Accept the truth that nazi Germans were as savage as bolsheviks, Huns, Mongols
They didn't build anything, they didn't persuade people to any positive values. The only thing they could do was to destroy order, look at Europe today. You can thank Germany for that
So, in conclusion, fuck off
>they kill anyone who isn't a Jew
top kek
That's because the Polish people got SHEKELED
Because they can't make a culture much more accepting of sex
> the title of the article
> the image underneath it
that's never the case. the bullied majorally become the bullies. add the multiplier of being told from birth you're special and non jews are lesser, you're in for a twat culture.
But he attacked for good reasons? And quite frankly retarded oldtime nationalism would most likely just have led to another world war. Small states are pretty meaningless desu. Not that Nationalism isn't cool, but nationalism is like a somali factory worker if used by some small country like say Lithuania, if it dosen't plan to expand.
first of all a reminder that every demographic development can be reversed by violence. The current 99,99% white Poland ironically only exists thanks to Hitler and Stalin.
I fully blame the England, Jews and Poland for WW2 and the decline of Europe. There is nothing you can say to revert that universal fact that if you had not been powerhungry assholes, there would not have been a second world war.
That's weird, it has been done before.
Hitler raised it from like 1,3 to 3 in a few years
I guess I said what I was trying to say wrong, I wasn't arguing against Hitler's ideals I was saying the way he did them has hurt whites more than if he hadn't had done anything. I'm also not talking about the holocaust I'm just talking about the actual war, it weaker European nations and made us all around more weak and passive while opening the door for acceptance of other people. I would have rather the US just say isolationist like our founders wanted but regardless of what the US did I still think Hitler's warmongering damaged Europeans more than it helped.
>this is what Polacks actually believe
But that's where I don't quite agree. Let's be serious instead of me just baiting that autistic Polack, Hitler had reasons for the assault on many of the other nations. The different german groups that was spread out over europe, many times horrible attacked by the other ethnic groups. Then he had to humiliate France basically after the first world war and the France occupation of southern (?) Germany. I belive that The second world war, might have been Europes last war for itself. The crusade and jewry and bolshevism.
>powerhungry assholes
That's Hitler - butthurt about status quo, pushing for conflict with France.
>German policy had to reckon with two hate-inspired antagonists, Britain and France, to whom a German colossus in the center of Europe was a thorn in the flesh, and both countries were opposed to any further strengthening of Germany's position either in Europe or overseas
I really don't think you understand.
Well I get that he had many reasons to do so, I just think the fact that he did do it made not only his movement and nation weaker but also the rest of European majority nations who have been guilted by the actions of the Nazis, if he had just focussed on Germany itself or maybe one nation instead of invading and conquering all of Europe practically the British empire would not have collapsed, the civil rights movement wouldnt have gained momentum, and Europeans everywhere wouldn't feel sympathy or obligation for shitskin masses. Hell even south Africa would probably be white ruled. But now because of ww2 European states and nations are passive on the issues of immigration and soft on accepting other religions and ethnic groups. I am not staying that Hitler wasn't justified in some of his actions nor am I saying they were wrong, what I am saying is how it turned out the white race would have been better off if he either didn't invade other nations and just focused on Germany within its borders.
I understand that you're into fuhrer worship.
>had to humiliate France
Can't think of a more insecure thing a nation could do.
What's even more funny is that this deluded Swede tries to justify WWII with that kind of reasoning.
Whats wrong with the image?
>worshipping hitler
the man who
>started the war which resulted in millions of white people's death
>handed half of europe to the soviets
>burned the national library of warsaw, effectively destroying 1000+ years of european history
>gave kikes the holocaust card
>secured american hegemony over europe
>made white nationalism taboo forever
and of course
>shot himself in the head
>if you put a pole and a jew side by side i wouldnt be able to tell the difference
Even this guy from the OP's photo looks like a Pole ;)))
Thank you Hitler-sama
This is fucking surreal. One day Poland is Israel, another day Poland doesn't have Jews at all and ends up as antisemitic postcommie peasant shithole. Just imagine that i could live in a country where 30% of population are Jews if Hitler wasn't born. It is fucking insane...
the polish ss was a force to be reckoned with
>the polish ss
The Poles never surrendered to the Germans so there was no collaboration on a national governmental level as took place elsewhere in occupied Europe. There also were no Polish SS battalions, though there were SS volunteer battalions from almost all of the Nazi-occupied countries. Attempts to organize Polish SS battalions resulted in immediate, large-scale desertions, and so these attempts were abandoned.[88] Nechama Tec writes that she has never heard of a Polish concentration camp guard.[89]
Interesting you say that when these stories are perpetuated by nobody other than the people's you refer to.
Oh my poor little Polish friend. Shooting rock throwing Palestinians isn't based kebab removal, in fact what do I care Muslims do in their own lands?
A lot of Jews with Russian blood migrated to Israel, that's why this country is so militarist and creates only conflicts.
If Polish Jews weren't killed during Holocaust and they were majority of migrants to Israel, this country would be a multicultural dove of peace today. Polish genes imply tolerance and love for foreigners.
then you're supporting the wrong side
that's a contradiction
In 1934 Brzostek lost its town status, as its population was under 3,000, too small to be officially called a town. Its Jewish population was murdered by the Germans in the Holocaust, Brzostek itself was destroyed during World War II in 65%.
Kids from elementary school in village Brzostek walk around the village and learn about history of Jews who lived in it before war:
Nice. Remote village in Eastern Poland but they don't even know what antisemitism means. That's all for this hurtful stereotype about "antisemitic catholic peasants"
no, just like britain, france, germany, canada, usa etc. etc.
Fuck you. I want 3 million dead Polish Jews alive again and living here.
TIL that Poland sucks so bad because lack of Jews.
Poland sucked with Jews too, because of our eternal satanic enemies: Germany and Russia, that removed us from map for 123 years and destroyed us multiple time with genocides, bombs and communism.
But life with Jews was surely more interesting and less depressing than a life in 100% monocultural and monoethnical country. When i see a nigger or a muslim, i feel anger and disgust, but when i see a Jew, i feel as if i saw a Pole
Can we start seriously talking about secession of states from the US?
Since Brexit the globalists and liberals have been hurrying to ruin our countries because they know their rule is coming to an end.
Let's point out some reason for secession.
>Federal gov't is trying hard to take guns
>Federal gov't is trying to allow in more immigrants from both Mexico and the ME
>Federal gov't is allowing gays/women/trans in the military
>Federal gov't is about to pass a law including women in the draft
>Federal gov't is becoming more commie by the day
Any more reasons I'd be happy to hear.
Invited: Anyone in a union they don't want to be in | ---79309243
Only if Trump loses. What kind of a faggot would want to miss out on the Trump Years?
Good luck taking my guns
t. Alabama
Of course, but things don't look great for his chances.
I just want to know if /pol/ would support american secession movements.
Shits gonna hit the fan soon.
We rebelled from Britain for much less, how have we fallen so far? Why have we become so fucking mindless?
People have forgotten that sometimes when all other options have been exhausted the only option left is to use force I think the whole world is long due for a revolution against the powers that be.
Amen brother.
t. Your brother to the north, Tennessee
Really makes you think | ---79314485
yeah pls gib reparations to da darkies omg wyte peepls so mean
Take your SJW shit somewhere else OP
OP is a faggot
Really makes you shitpost
FIRST WITCH: Whats up? When we gone hook up again? Why we gotta meet when its raining?
SECOND WITCH: When the rain stops. When they finish the war.
THIRD WITCH: When the sun goes down.
FIRST WITCH: Where at?
SECOND WITCH: You know the place.
THIRD WITCH: We gone meet up with Macbeth.
FIRST WITCH: Ima come hard.
SECOND WITCH: That nigga calling me.
THIRD WITCH: Aiight then.
ALL: Shit aint gone be how you want it to be all the time. Lets dip.
I love how it would be ridiculous enough if they stopped one sentence earlier, but they have to add that in an attempt to troll people.
Something negro this way stirs?
Hey remember that time that polls put Remain in Europe between 5-10 points ahead of leave but leave ended up winning anyway? Good times.
>two cents have been deposited in to your account.
Those numbers are such bullshit - hilldog wins dade county and Trump wins the other sixty six counties - screencap this
s a g e
>poll conducted about twitter and facebook
>Hillary wins
>poll conducted by classical public survey
>Trump wins
And if we remember Brexit, 70% of the young people, the kind of people that use social media all fucking day, didn't go to vote.
Keep the polls low..i want conservacucks to start to fear that hillary could be president
guess im #TrumpPatroll now
>British and American polling is the same
This is a Shy Tory effect waiting to happen.
explain how they are different
Thank god Millenials are lazy as fuck.
American polling is far different and more accurate.
During the primary the polling was accurate in most states.
Pollsters have primaries, general elections, midterms, etc. to adjust their models and methodology.
We also have exit polls from other elections to predict what the turnout might be for 2016.
Also Brexit polling was still accurate just a week or so prior to the vote.
Most polls still were within the margin of error of a brexit win.
i can never not love long legged spurdos
they just bring me so much joy.
>American polling is far different and more accurate.
get into details in how their methods vary
>During the primary the polling was accurate in most states.
Not true
we saw massive outlier polls (or potentially manufactured ones) in multiple states most notably Florida and Idaho.
our state will be close
we have alot of spanish and poors to vote democrat however we have old people and lots of them and they LOVE trump and also 3 gen Cubans from before Castro came over and are all conservative
Florida went blue the last election but trump will have Florida i can feel it in my native bones
Any poll that has the (L) candidate at 9-10% has seriously fucked up their sampling.
Johnson will be lucky to break 1% this year.
I live in South Florida.
I have only met 2 Hillary supporters. During the time of the Florida primary, I only saw Trump signs while driving through Boca Raton and Coral Springs.
I believe the majority of people who picked Hillary in that poll were pushed to do so and are truly undecided.
I have spoken to so many undecided people that a debate could formulate their entire opinion of one candidate.
pic related
>implying johnson will get more than 1%
>he has a gun control VP
I voted for Johnson in 2012, not making that mistake again
t. florida
What's in that dogs ear?
>get into details in how their methods vary
We look at the turnout from 2004, 2008, 2012, etc. (thanks to exit polls) and we attempt to draw trends from them
The biggest problem w/ the brexit polling was predicting turnout and still it was within the margin of error for most polls
Choose one.
The how to be a biased business
A lot of gun owners in Florida, I think once they understand how important nominating supreme court justices is, they will suck it up and vote Trump.
Global rule 7, enjoy b&
>fuck facts and data lll just make shit up
>a referendum countrywide that has no past basis for comparison
>a regular election with reliable past trends going back decades to supplement state-by-state and national polling
I'll wait here for your apology.
lol Johnson is not getting 9 percent. Poll is trash.
Who gives a fuck, its Florida. Nothing but old white people, no shit you saw a lot of Trump signs.
>We look at the turnout from 2004, 2008, 2012, etc. (thanks to exit polls) and we attempt to draw trends from them
But if we consider how turnout has changed from last primary to this one then these polls are garbage
They have consistently higher numbers of registered democrats than republicans, while if we look at turnout and compare to 12 or 08 republican turnout is through the roof while dems are lower than either year
And if we take exit polling data into account why is the fact that 25-35% of bernie supporters say they will not vote for hillary?
Aren't we not taking any of the things you claim makes our predictions more accurate into account?
>The biggest problem w/ the brexit polling was predicting turnout and still it was within the margin of error for most polls
they had an moe of 10%+?
that seems unlikely....
>Daily reminder that young people take polls and don't vote
>Daily reminder that old people vote and don't take polls
>Daily reminder that Florida is full of old people
It's gonna be anuda shoah for Clinton.
>reliable past trends
>making predictions based on how people voted 4 years ago
>in an election year completely different from typical partisan politics and focused on insurgency
ill call your parents and apologize to them for making their autistic son upset
Implying the flaw in Johnson's campaign is one of his VP's policies and not the fact that you're literally throwing your vote away. In fact, what you're really doing is casting a vote for the opposite of your views, because you're taking one away from the candidate who's side you lean toward and helping his opponent.
Daily reminder that (((polls))) are shit and kike propaganda
thank you greatest ally
T. A study adjusted to the 'voting environment' by using an adjusted number of democrats and republicans in order to match what they think the turnout will be (normally between 10-15% more registered democrats then republicans)
Hang the lugenpress from lamp poles and retake reality from people who seek to adjust it by controlling the context we perceive.
You're fucking retarded and know jack shit about how to approach statistical analysis of a election cycle.
Source: everything you've written in this thread
>phone polls
I understand it's cheaper and theoretically as random as you can get but people don't pick up calls on numbers they don't know on their cell phones, same with landlines (if you don't block political robocalls at all). Only the stupidest people pick up political robocalls and then, after realizing that it is a political pollster, don't hang up but actually go through the questionnaire.
Well for one thing, FL doesn't have the same demographics like GB.
You do realize your counter-argument basically amounts to
>muh feels
Right? Stop embarrassing us.
It all returns to nothing,
They are gondolas.
Have a treat, my leaf friend.
I want Shit Reddit Says to leave
Kek, pol's retardation is so transparent
When the polls are in their favor they agree, when they're not they come up with every excuse in the book.
This Johnson meme is hilarious.
All of these "polls" are listing him around 9-10%. Id be surprised if he made it over 1% on actual election results.
I T ' S
P A I D - F O R
Please find one case of one of us changing our opinion because of a poll.
New poll out today has Trump ahead of Hillary by 5 points.
But this is how it goes. The people who support Hillary (i.e. the establishment elites) have control over the pollster. They either outright own them, or have the connections to fabricate the numbers to support their narrative that Trump is losing. We all know that's false, no one likes Clinton.
So if somehow there is a poll that comes out showing that Trump is ahead that spells trouble for Clinton, because Trump should not come out ahead in these polls that are controlled by the establishment.
enjoying it just fine douche bag
>s a g e
what happened to our military? | ---79306244
King nigger
meme magic is too strong
Obama - Literally the highest ranking officer in US military
c'mon it's 2016
We're accepting progressive values and aren't singling out people for the way they were born. What the fucks wrong with that?
Are there even trannies in the military or ones that want to serve? This seems like more of a "look how inclusive and progressive we are!" move than anything.
He's given some numbers but I wasn't paying attention because who gives a fuck
It became a giant welfare program for the otherwise unemployable.
I have a buddy in the Navy and he said that the Navy and Air Force are starting to become SJW and panderin, but he said that the Army and Marines are just "fuck you, this is how we do shit, if you don't like it, get out."
I fear that if Hillary wins, the Army and Marines will go further down the path of the Navy and AF.
It's like 2,000-3,000. So now during wartime you can just identify as a woman and manage supplies at a FOB.
>otherwise unemployable.
for those who dont have criminal records, dont have tattoos, dont have too many speeding tickets, those who can get security clearance.
Yea dude, they'll just take anybody
It's like whoever is incharge of the whole military operation doesn't understand the actual reasons to have a military
>be man
>Identify as woman
>go through all training easily, because women get easier training
>breeze through ranks because you're the best woman soldier in US history
>become highest ranking female soldier in human history
its amazing how liberal decadent (feminine?) values erode every institution
Terrorist killing via genderless drones has already increased over a 100 percent under Obama. /pol/ can't reverse progressive, sex neutral killing - it's 2016 after all.
I'm gonna try this
Brb recruiter
Do you get to shower with the other women if you dress like a girl? What's stopping perverts from doing this?
Thanks Obama!
This is how The Boss was reborn in 2016.
Obama only cares about the military to the extent that he can use it to score political points with his followers.
Same as how he """"ended"""" the war in the middle east to please his base.
Air force guy here, we got a briefing on this yesterday
Approx 15,000 trans in the military
They also changed the names of military ranks so that they are gender neutral.
JUST fuck my military UP senpai
And here i thought giving weapons to people with mental illnesses was a bad idea
So could this be a covert way for us to getting rid of Transgender people "Hey we accept you now and not only that you can fight in the frontlines now, just don't get killed now or anything ;^)"
>be abu
>go to fight with ISIS
>snackabarring all over the sand
>flip flops and RPGs for days
>makin viyas and rapping while you cut off heads
>american parachute opens
>get shot in the face by a transvestite with a 10 inch cock and swinging nutsack like a bag of potatos
>fuckin abu man
Former airfag here. Never met/known a tranny in the military. Plenty of fags in the AF though, well at least in intel.
who is we?
This is probably just a measure to keep people claiming they're trans from dodging a draft.
It's only a mental illness when it's convenient for them.
Mentally ill people are generally not allowed to serve in the military, for obvious reasons.
Does the military not have enough volunteers that we have to recruit everyone in the gay bar?
>implying americans can fight
you can only shoot us with drones. we rekt you every ground battle
"we"/? I'm confused; when did the United States Liberate India's shitting street?
tfw will never get a section 8
Yeah, the army is becoming more progressive. The army isn't as badass as you'd think, if you think it. Think about how they pushed that chick through the ranger course.
I wrecked your moms anus...oh wait that was a goat...nevermind
You can't even beat India in warfare you stupid goatfucker.
>dead amerifat 23.jpg
>not fat
you're a liar
>we rekt you in every ground battle
don't bother trying to prove that statment, you won't be able to.
Yeah, now you're even more of a laughing stock to people who literally live in caves.
>"Haha, oh my Allah akhi, they have cross dressers and mentally ill faggots IN THEIR MILITARY!"
Glad I got out in 2012.
The wars are over and the cucks have taken control.
As long as the soldier is able to BTFO of America's enemies, I don't give a fuck if it's a tranny.
hey it's the flattering cunt with the folder of labeled dead americans. top notch, it really shows you care, meanwhile nobody gives a shit about you , familia.
The ban was lifted months ago, it just wasn't public. A couple months ago, I went to the base hospital to get my shots, and there was a dude with long hair in uniform. I was overhearing his conversation. Apparently the Air Force is paying for his transgender pills. It was pretty fucking sickening to hear this because I can't even get the Air Force to give me a damn MRI for the injuries I got in Afghanistan.
>be ISIS
>capture american soldier
>time to torture some information out of him
>decide to cut off his balls
>pull down his pants
>he has a vagina
The only ground battle our troops lose against Pakistan is trying to avoid all the fecal matter in your designated streets.
A liberal commander and chief began a campaign meant to declaw it and weaken our only defense against his parties insanity. Im sure the terrorists are just quaking at the thought of a bunch of glitter covered homos, women, and trannies fighting them.
I am a liberal and even I know that the military is no place for those kind of values.
>not wanting to pay for the mentally ill to have their penis cut off
Obama purged it when he framed Petraeus, replaced any officer who wouldn't play ball with a braindead queer-hugging yes-man, women, blacks, Hispanics, and literal faggots
Do you understand that your country is a filthy disgusting shithole?
>can't decide whether to rape it or throw it off a roof
>finally reach concensus: first ficki then roof
So, wait. So the military won't allow someone with epilepsy to serve even though they're taking medication for it, but will allow someone who not only thinks they're the opposite gender, but also cut their dick off to appease their illness?
"Hormone replacement therapy" also causes a fuck-ton of health problems and mental instability (already a problem with trannies even before HRT)
It is completely insane to let them in the army
They're taking everyone they can get for when Hillary forcibly removes Assad and is forced to fight Russia in Europe and China in the South Pacific as a result
fucking a man? I don't think so. Only boys are OK
I tried sighing up years ago but they turned me away because I have epilepsy. That's the only thing wrong with me though, but my epilepsy has been under control for over two decades.
This is fucking bullshit.
Trump will approve this. He already has no problem with allowing Bruce Jenner in the girl's room.
The military is being converted to liberalism to make it easier for liberals to seize control of the nation. A liberal military will follow its orders even if they are in violation of constitutional law. When they force through gun bans and confiscation under Hillary they will need a fully liberal military to back them up. Be ready a civil war is coming.
top cuck. What happened to you America? This is the same army who beat the nazis ffs
Like any tranny would ever join the military and not just leech on gubmint money for hormones to become a little slut
Ahahaha and Americans think you will go into ww3 against Russia with this cucked military and nukes that are falling apart?
You people truly are delusional, liberalism killed the USA
Wicked reference. Hahaha
If you can't operate like a normal human being and have enough issues to deal with already, how can we trust you'll operate under high stress situations with lives on the line.
I don't care. I'm just upset that I was turned down simply because I have epilepsy but these people get a free pass.
I wanted to serve my country, willingly, but was turned down for something that hasn't been an issue for TWO DECADES.
Either the higher-ups have an ulterior motive for doing this, or they're just fucking crazy.
The Russians beat the nazis, we just came along for the ride. Actually did pretty shit against them considering they had no material whatsoever and we had full air support after dday
We did beat the Italians and Japanese though. That was all us
Yeah, you're not an "oppressed" minority though so you get to fuck off to make way for literally insane trannies
The hormones weaken their bones, can have erratic effects on muscle tissue, increase fat production, fuck with their blood-pressure, and cause cancer in the long run
They cause severe mood-swings and clinical depression/manic-depressive disorder
Any impartial and objective health screening would reject any and all trannies on the spot
I got a section eight for speaking out against this behavior, and maybe trying to make a necklace of Iraqi ears maybe.
>Iraqi ear necklace
How in the hell else are you supposed to earn the respect of the militias, goddamn
>transwomyn special ops unit becomes most successful in u.s. history
I hadn't thought of that I was just pissed and wanted to cut those cowardly bitches ears off. Good point though.
>tfw WWII vets are rolling in their graves
Damn shame
I would say I hope Trump does a purge. But don't know what he stands on this.
They'll make an action comedy movie about it. I'd watch it
Our military is turning into one big safe space.
We're going to have more women and girly-boys then men at one point. Literal laughing stock.
He'll literally do whatever the generals tell him to. He just wants to restructure trade deals and fund infrastructure projects. That's the only reason he's running.
With that said, did Obama appoint SJW generals?
I can see it now. They all run screaming at a full unit of IsIs terrorists. The sun reflecting off their glitter and full length sequin ball gowns blinds the enemy. Then they give them blow jobs until the terrorists kill themselves.
Obama did his own purge and started with Petraeus. To put it simply we would crumble in a major war.
Another win for LGBT folks, while /pol/ can do nothing but whine and cry on a Baltic tea snorting forum.
>Obama calls the US military "my military"
but Trump is Hitler guys
And this is where it matters that Trump bragged over his New York values.
He won't win, and even if he does he won't do shit.
ISIS will get good supply of boipucci it appears
Dosnt the US military have different standards of acceptance for the different sexes?
What will a tranny be tested as, ie male to female tranny, does it get the female entry test or the male?
Um... so if a sailor identifies as a woman do they sleep in female berthing? Do you have to say ma,am to a male officer who identifies as female? Look this is just retarded. We are pandering to people who have mental conditions who shouldn't even be in the military.
Oh god you're right. Does a male to female tranny have to do the female PT test?
I bet its just a PR move and no tranny actually joins
My roommate has one as an officer and one as a troop. He plans to make this his last enlistment. Its sad because he is 5 years from retirement.
>The whole point of releasing restrictions on who can join while also increasing the restrictions on other more common mental afflictions such as ADHD and aspergers (both of which are predominantly diagnosed in boys) and decreasing the overall amount of active servicemen in favor of using drones for any possible job is just a way for the government to clean house of competent soldiers and ones that would object to taking part in a gun confiscation and the creation of a police state.
How much more transgender bullshit can Barack Obama shove in America's face during his blessedly final months in office?
I don't even regret getting separated if it means not having to be part of Ashton Carter's social experiment project.
Where were you when TrumpCoin skyrocketed? | ---79315822
Reported to the FBI for scamming.
I was selling for a heathy profit ;^)
Bernie bot detected
Bosnian SS [Embed]
Why Hitler Wished He Was Muslim
The Nazi Mosque of Munich
Hitler Demands Freedom for Palesinte
English: [Embed]
Arabic: [Embed]
Hitler 2 Store in Palestine
"In the end, the truth shall be the victor in this struggle" - Adolf Hitler | ---79313928
someone sage this cuck posing as a nazi please
JIDF pls
Both Germanic and Indo-Iranian aryans suffered because of that demented religion invented by a schizophrenic Bedouin warlord.
Protop: Get your CDL before the jews decide you need a college degree to drive a truck. | ---79312964
Won't trucks be self-driving soon?
They will still require someone to sit in the vehicle in case of malfunction. A real truck driver or eventually an engineer. Like a train conductor.
what if im not gay?
That'd only make sense if they pay them like half what drivers make now
tfw cucked by the state of virginia when i was 17 and got a dui for having a .02 bac (yes thats right .02 not .20)
i can never do anything driving related for jobs :'(
Why wouldn't they?
>College degree
>To do something that is ten years tops from being done by robots
>We need guns to protect ourselves from the governm- | ---79294250
# of times drones hit US citizens in US for owning a gun:
>implying the majority of American soldiers would harm their own country
>Implying drone operators won't disobey unlawful orders
>implying the government would use drones or aristrikes against citizens
>We need guns to protect ourselves from the governm-
Well they certainly have been able to dominate these two cunt...
*cuts missile in a million pieces*
They have to get in the air first. Your going to have a real hard fucking time maintaining your sorty rate when you've got no maintainers. When a sudden rash of bad shrader valves depletes your supply chain rendering every single BRU 71 inoperative. You're not droppen shit on nobody for a couple of days. 99% of the contractors are retired prior service too. These cucks that warship drones think they are scary because they imagine them as having no oversight. Obama plays his magic drone flute and the bad people get blown up instantly. That's not how it works faggot. First of all it needs to get serviced that's crew chiefs and POL fuel, oil, tires, battery, and so forth. If any of these things are "contaminated or worn out of tolerance" It will need to be de-serviced and and the systems flushed or replaced. Now it needs weapons depending on what weapon you want to start the second civil war with it will have to be configured. Meaning different alternate mission equipment will have to be either removed or installed easy right? Nope they all now have to be operationally checked with a tester system. If it "fails" to pass the aircraft is now broken and requires "troubleshooting". Once it's fixed it still needs those Hellfire's you want launched at the mean conservatives for wanting to defend their families and homes. So ammo has to bring them out from the bomb dump after inspecting them. Then a load crew has to re inspect them if anything is found to be "out of tolerances" fuck off take em back. If they do get loaded the plane gets inspected again. Dozens of Americans with a damn good reason to say fuck no have ample opportunity to make sure that the two operators in the MOP don't even have to tell a full bird Colonel to go fuck himself. So no drones shouldn't worry John Q gun nut too much. Hajji's pirates and cartel narco terrorists they should be very afraid of them. I'll reconfig and load the fuck out of MQ-9 to light them up.
The US military imposed gun control on the Iraqi people. I wonder how that turned out?
>random drone strikes in cities are now daily part of life
>expect the consumer economy were the government gets its shekels to keeping going on like normal
All you need to do to defeat a government is to make it extremely hazardous for the government worker to get to work.
Don't attack the tank. Attack the tank driver while he sleeps outside the tank.
Screencap this for reference during the revolution.
Funny how all those Iraqis and such aren't already dead right? But you can't have guns because they're scaaaaary
counter bump XD
shit movie
except tank crews sleep in their tanks
Yeah. They're cowards who only go after the weak in peasant countries full of people with not rights. Here they would be held accountable and punished.
Do the people that refuel and maintain them sleep in their too?
Their families dont
My Semi auto Ar-15 will protect me from tyran-
Daily reminder: Tanks are not camper vans. Abrams M1: 4 crew, 3 seats.
This argument is really lame.
We need guns to defend our country from any aggressor, domestic or foreign.
Whoever fights to protect his homeland, even when outgunned or outnumbered, shall die the death of a hero.
Whoever does not fight because he is outgunned or outnumbered, deserves the death of the coward.
>US troops are going to side with Supreme Leader Obongo over law abiding, gun owning, conservatives
Yeah, fat chance leaf
a c h m e d
You don't seriously think that the US military, the most right winged voters in the country, are going to turn against the public when the government infringes on their rights do you?
Oh now I understand
>we need mods to help us with bait threads made by shitskin children
-nosaurus rex?
f l a b b a b a b b a w a b b a j a b b a n o o n g a h
How are drones going to confiscate weapons and search for contraband?
You fucking mong.
Aren't fedoras against gun ownership except for "muh 1000 folded katana"
You know, probably you are right, my gun may not protect me from the govornment, but it will give me a fighting chance against the muslim rapist that thinks I'm a western whore.
They will just tell them you are domestic terrorists. With control of all media sources you have no hope and will be painted as the bad guys.
Yes, I'm certain that a government would bomb their own land.
That drone would be able to operate for a week at most before it broke/ran out of fuel.
>full of "people"
Lets drop the mumble jumbo bedtime stories for a second. They're failed people living in failed states. Their lives are beyond worthless.
I think OP is on to somethin-hold on
Be right back, I think a drone is knocking on my door to search for guns.
>Nuke land
>Destroy all goyim
>No one to work for you
>No one to control
>Swedish intellect
Sure! If all the government needs to do is snap its fingers and boom the problem is gone with drones, why resist at all? After all, look how well drones have stopped terrorism in the middle east! Oh wait.
The point of this shilling thread is to make people assume that weapons cannot be a danger to the government because they have superior fire power.
What the reality of this thread suggests is that the government is ready to use superior fire power on soft civilian targets and its own people.
The shilling in this thread by the leftists and paid anti-second amendment shills also assumed they are fine with genocide.
Again we come back to the Leftist Utopia being a prison, where only the police have guns, and everything is paid for by the government. That is why we need to put them into prison, so they can have their Utopia.
You're delusional if you think American troops, or any Western troops believe everything the government feeds them.
> What do you think you can do? Blow up the airbase?
If the government would not attack their citizens so this argument is just refuted by the beginning, there is no need to have a gun for this purpose.
No, this shilling was a stale shitpost to clog up the front pages of /pol/
and you all take the bait like retards
I know and what is sad, in recent conspiracy's in order for their plans to work they have to send off all troops for foreign nations (WWIII with Russia) in order to in-act their gun grabbing, fema camp, NWO shit. (With Marxist and BLM protests everywhere spreading chaos.)
When you look at the military now, you see it being "Diversified" meaning people who would be complacent in a NWO take over are being indoctrinated and sought after.
But it's not complete and running behind schedule.
Ludlow Massacre: 19 killed
Columbine Mine: 6 machine gunned down
Haymarket Affair: 11
Hanapepe: 20
Lattimer: 19
Bay View: 7
Ponce: 19
Brazos River: 26
Bloody Island: 60 - 100
Harney: 86
Mountain Meadows: 100 - 140
Bad Axe: 150
Colorado River: 140
Sacramento River: 120 - 200
Bridge Gulch: 150
Bear River: 280
Sand Creek: 160
Marias: 173
Wounded Knee: 250
The core of the US military, the combat arms, are still relatively unaffected by the "diversification" the armed forces have received over the last decade. Basically the guys who do all the fighting would side with the people, while the diverse array of welfare whores would side with the state.
>the government would wage total war on its population
That's not neccesary. US civilians are too cucked or affraid to fight against gov, even vithout drones n shit. They're too affraid of leaving comfort zone. And if they think that their guns will help in war, then good luck with that.
Gov need just turn the water supply off, and they will begging for death, slowly dying due typhus, parasites, but with their guns.
Also they're under heavy """morality""" pressure, and LITERALLY living in illusion of freedom.
>the government would wage war on its own population
so gun ownership is pointless?
>implying they wouldn't
>implying they already haven't
Someone forgot about this based motherfucker
No, the reason they wouldn't wage war on the people is because they'd be faced with one of the largest, most well armed insurgencies in history.
It's mostly for fun
Two different countries, tard
Would you report for duty if the SHTF and leave your family with 350 million guns in your neighbors hands
the union never recognized the confederacy as a legitimate country so no. In their eyes, they were killing their own countrymen.
Even if they could, you'd be the one to turn it back on. See pic related.
a poorly trained, disorganized, militarily illiterate insurgency that would draw maybe a seventh of the population of the US at most and break down extremely rapidly in the face of military opposition. If you think Americans could face the US army like insurgent groups in the middle east do, having lived their entire lives in peace, you are seriously delusional. This isn't 1776 for fucks sake. Also the only economic and political territories that matter are CITIES and guess what NOT MANY PEOPLE IN CITIES OWN FIREARMS. It would be so easy for the US army to occupy every city in the US and completely undermine any uprising.
And most pathetic insurgency. With that level of urbanization it's not a big deal to fight them with their methods.
If you remember Afghanistan and other Bumfuckistans, their insurgency was build on people, who fought their whole lifes. They know any shit about it.
It's pretty dumb thinking that facing regular army will be like cool Call of Duty game. You need to be ready for deseases, hunger, crimes and other fun stuff.
Not mention 24/7 brainwash of your own military, picturing them as last hope of America and the rebels as filthy traitors.
It's not that easy.
Again, you're making the mistake of assuming that the US military would willingly turn on the people.
You too
Actually a military lead coup would have broad support in the enlisted ranks.
Most see the government as a clusterfuck of dumb civilians not giving enough money to the military and would welcome firm leadership of a charismatic general.
They would see themselves as protectors of the people by disposing the elected government and after some purges say 20-30 million niggers and spics, would think they would give power back to the people.
>Not mention 24/7 brainwash of your own military, picturing them as last hope of America and the rebels as filthy traitors.
Don'r understimate that. It's all about propaganda. Rebels will be the "bad guys", and not just like that. Propaganda guys will give to military reasons to kill rebels, maybe false flag attacks on families of soldiers, or torture, or some shit like that.
It's not just to tell to soldiers "There's bad fags, shoot em", it's about to make them WANT to kill rebels no matter what. Add to this "fighting for freedom of our land", "honor and loyalty", "semper fi" and other emotional bullshit.
>le government is going to bomb its own cities may may
Like>>79302989 said, the average grunt in the US military isn't too fond of the government. Though of course the military has its fair share of statists, they are by no means the majority. Also you bring up the "Semper Fi" spirit, which ironically enough goes against your point; "Semper Fidelis" is used among Marines whether they're currently serving or have been retired for twenty years. You've got to understand that the average American serviceman's loyalties lie with their friends, family, and whichever branch they're a part of, rather than the Federal government.
Try it mother fucker.
>1 post by this ID
>they have a missile for every potential civilian rebel
>they would needlessly destroy their own infrastructure if they did have the numbers
Funny enough, we apparently dont even have enough bombs and missiles to keep up the air campaign in Syria. They are asking for 5 trillion and warning it could be 4+ years before they catch up
TL:DR we have been bombing so many brown people we forgot to take inventory our bomb supplies
Will Amerifriends accept a fellow Leaf to fight for your freedoms alongside you?
>implying we've completely defeated all the mudslimes with their dogshit aks from 40 years ago.
We cant even beat people that have never seen a fucking toilet what makes you think a drone can defeat 360 million americans.
The US military is so good at defeating insurgent forces.
Your 1 post is a perfect proof of what your hypothetical person tried to say.
>and yet we're arming civilian goat fuckers against Assad.
bad Bait.
The PIRA was able to cause 30 years of hell for the UK with 1000 men, 2 dozen bombs a year, and about 2,000 rifles.
>it's totally working, assad isn't in power anymore
Yeah but an AR-15 will fuck up your local police force, which is realistically most likely to infringe on your rights.
This. 75% of armed forces will secede anyway. It would be a bloody and terrible war, I hope it never happens, except if it does, I'm going to track down every SJW
Yes, I'm sure a drone is sitting in my living room right now like a dog protecting me from any invaders and my stepmom.
only people never enlisted think this type of shit. pogs don't count either.
Sorry I'm a little confused about your scenario.
Am I in a meeting with rebels, or am I merely suggesting the idea to an audience? If I was meeting with rebels, surely we would be past the point of asking if we need guns. It would go without saying
Quite honestly I don't think the government would send drones based on a constitutionally-protected right to free speech and assembly.
Please work on your thread-making skills.
Yeah, eastern Canadians are pretty fucking stupid. Just look at the anti-western Canada SJW those fucktards put in the PM's chair. I guess Ontario and Quebec were hoping for bigger transfer cheques from the sputtering economic engine of Canada(thanks, ragheads and Americans), and not realizing Trudeau has his lips firmly wrapped around the Saudi's stinky brown dicks. If Alberta,BC,and saskatchewan become have-not provinces, then our entire country is fucked.
>mfw portuguese people are consindered white | ---79315272
>mfw Greeks can't spell nor pay debts
Pay debts.
Nani is from Cape Verde.
Nice try, Edinson.
Spanish and Portuguese people are white
Get over it
Nani is from Africa or some shit
>mfw all the Southern European countries are now black
How are the northern European countries not black?
I'm going to the Republican National Convention as an (alternate) delegate in July.
Repeating integers ranked by count will decide what I should do while I'm there. | ---79307260
Kill your fucking self,
Stay mad, Bernout.
naked run onto the stage
>Being a republicunt
>Belonging to any party
wear a t-shirt saying "Racists don't get my vote!"
Vote for Trump
Buy a better barbecue.
Let's grab a beer. I'm a Clevelander.
Grope Ivanka.
Suck dicks, just like every other day
Post nudes of the girl in the pic
>grab a beer
I'm game. I don't know what I'm going to do for five days, because all the hard work is being done by other people. There's supposed to be some colorful protestors though.
wear this, kek wills it
Op you fag you better deliver
finger that girls booty until shes begging for the cawk then deny her and make her lick your balls and then cum on her face
>in b4 muh daughter
do it
Yeah, it's gonna be nuts. What do you feel like drinking? There's beweries, meaderies, wine places, and whisky bars.
I'm not taking nude pics in Cleveland. Have a Big Green Bazooka instead.
suicide bombing, before blowing up scream "For Hillary, Allahu Ackbar!"
do you beat her? she's got that look on her face like you might have a temper, and while she's happy she doesnt know if you'll snap
you can tell us. this is all anonymous
Best temperature to preheat the oven to cook Jews?
You're a big guy.
What state are you going from? Iwas offered alternate status as a delegate here in California but I cant afford the cost of the hotels and flight. It is roughly $4000 at the least to attend plus the $750 delegatefees etc.
mass shooting
yeh wur baaaaaaeyyd beydd goyyyimmm @3:30
Bring gun.
Kill all ANTIFAgs.
wear a maga hat and hillary for prison t-shirt.
and make sure to tell everyone that we will not fall for the false song of globalism and that America and American's come first. Also explain to everyone why nationalism is good.
Make America Great Again
you should cast your ballot for Mitt Romney. Tell your fellow delegates he is our only hope.
Oy Vey! You're bringing back memories of how I was tragically gassed six times in Auschwitz! Shut it down you filthy goy!
Quit stare raping the OP
uh oh
may DEUS smile upon my posting numbers, to give you the Hillary for prison shirt and the MAGA hat
You goys are racist! I'm so offended, I want shekels because you said Republican - that is an evil word goy!!!
oy vey! its litterally another shoa.
>eating all the hot pockets at your parents house
>what state are you coming from?
Delaware (lol). It's running about $2,000 total for me, which is why I'm going to get drinks from >>79309752
I'm literally doing this anyways. No one accuses you of autism when you're attractive.
My grandma is dead :/
>>79307154 (OP)
you should cast your ballot for Mitt Romney. Tell your fellow delegates he is our only hope.
die in a terrorist attack as a plane gets flown into the building and israel is blamed, starting ww3, everyone vs the jews. The jews were aliens all along and have secret technology so they win, Jesus arrives in the fifth quarter and saves humanity with fish and bread sticks
bad goy
Hold a white lives matter sign in the street
Nobody is talking about jews. Are you schizophrenic or something?
Wear a make Donald drumpf again hat
END IT | ---79281149
>"Help police! I was just robbed!"
>"Calm down. Ok, can you describe the assailant?"
>"Well I don't know how xir personally identified."
>"Uhh, so was it a man or a woman?"
>"WOW I can not believe how insensitive you are. Don't you know it's 2016?"
>"Well were they black or white?"
>"Why does race matter, you fucking bigot?!"
>"Do you know how tall they were? Approximately how old?"
>"Height discrimination! Age discrimination!"
>"Can you tell me anything at all about the person who robbed you?"
>"I never said it was a person! For all I know xir identified as dragon-kin!"
This is the future you chose.
This is the future
No space travel
No great civilization
No fantastic technology
No world peace
Just a bunch of brainless, neon-haired libtards who systematically ruin humanity
Who gives a shit. This is stupid people news. Trudeau is pandering to the SJW while reinforcing state corporate power.
Oh thank god. I thought it was Canada-wide for a second.
>not even the government knows the difference between gender and sex
>the difference between gender and sex
At least in the West.
Really hope some Eastern nations can pick up the slack. The West is doomed.
the difference being?
Males are born with a penis
Females are born with a vagina
You can't escape your fate, no matter how much you mutilate, or fuck up yourself with synthetic hormones.
Sex is biological and gender is psychological/behavioural. Sexes being male/female exclusively, and gender being a masculine-feminine spectrum.
That being said, a faggot in a dress is a faggot in a dress no matter what he "feels" or puts on his driver's licence.
so one is based on biological and evolutionary fact and the other is based on how degenerate and morally void a society is, i get it now
So one has something determined by objective fact and one is a rating on how mentally ill a person is.
Now you guys are gettin' it!
>a masculine-feminine spectrum
You've got flamboyant Trudeau on one end and muh dick Jamal on the other. Both biologically male, but one is overly feminine and one is overly masculine.
Hey maybe I should switch my Gender on my Drivers licence to Female so I can save on Car insurance.
Do forget to claim you're an oppressed minority, while you're at it!
>implying you can escape le weedman
Not at fucking all.
They were synonyms until 10 years ago when faggots decided to change the dictionary definition of gender. Their ideas are so fucking insane they had to create a new definition for it, this truly are end times.
Before the ruling class through their (through their SJW useful idiots) starting pushing this crap on us, gender pretty much exclusively was a lingustics term.
nobody gives a fuck, you cousin fucking simpleton.
Come on, with Kathleen Wynne there how could you possibly not expect this to happen?
You only save on car insurance until you're 25.
After that, it's pretty well equal.
Shit this is actually a good idea
Why do driver licences and health cards have to have gender printed on them in the first place? I ask this as someone who's not fond of the special snowflake gender bullshit or the latent trend of tranny pandering.
I work at MTO Licensing.
Probably going to quit over this desu.
Saved for future use
I really really hate Turdeau
>Much dik is masculine
With idiots like you no wonder everything has gone to shit.
Also AMA
Fucking hell. We really are the California of Canada
Sex has an impact on medical care. If you're an ambiguous special snowflake, it's nice for medical professionals to quickly determine your gender without pulling down your pants
Also it's a quick way to identify people, same reason they put height and hair/eye color
>health cards
How will this affect medical professionals' jobs when emergency medical care is, many times, reliant on the biological sexton of the patient? Anasthesia, steroid treatments, pregnancy concerns, etc etc etc.
Shit's going to be all kinds of fucked up.
>Gender Neutral
As someone who is Omni-Gendered I find this very offensive and extremely triggering. It is almost like Nazi germany all over again.
I'll bite.
Prior to this announcement, have you gotten any shit about these neon-hair millennial faggots complaining about gender issues with their drivers licenses?
Fuck you all, i am switching my gender to X so i can claim benefits from both genders. Let them jews try taking my child support money from a poor defenseless bearded woman.
same fucking thing by definition, I mean literal >>79281488
When Trump gets elected will you annex us, please, America?
Storm our country and kill all the non whites. I'll grab my guns and join in with you guys if you toss me an American army uniform / kit.
ID cards should have a description of the owner's appearance, otherwise they're useless. Sex, race, height, weight, hair/eye colour, etc. are easily observable traits for >99% of people.
wow that sounds like hatespeech. you've been reported
What the fuck Ontario?
I have to agree with the Brazil fag on this one. Liberals have to change the definitions of words to justify their argument. You can make this comparison on literally any liberal argument because most of their policies take place in their fantasy world.
Not in Russia.
I do customer service stuff for licensing/suspensions. The most we have gotten thus far are a handful of idiots over the phone who get into a huff over our agents calling them "sir" or "madam" over the phone in accordance with the sex posted on their license.
This is clearly some backdoor shit some activists in policy came up with, probably with help from the Liberals or the Union.
Nah man, Ontario is worse than California in every measurable way.
Make me
Why? Passports only show sex and nationality and they have a greater weight as a piece of ID than driver licences.
gg wp earth
∞ ~ 20xx AD
>they're marking themselves for the day of the rope
How convenient.
Can someone define the chromosome combinations for some of these new genders?
I assume these people have extra chromosomes, if you know what I mean.
Gaysomy 23
>No space travel
The government wasn't going to give you a nuclear reactor, a hydroponic farm and a sealed tube filled with oxygen. If they did that, they couldn't control you.
They put robots up there, because robots obey.
>No great civilization
That's a subjective opinion. Kings didn't have this phone I'm using, and neither did the Apollo astronauts.
>No fantastic technology
Graphene is one hundred times stronger than steel, and when you shoot it with lasers it emits enough electrons to provide propulsion. The limit is the amount of electrons available, which is a function of volume.
To supply enough electrons to fly into space, you need something like a nuclear reactor. Again, the government won't let you have one.
We're also close to immortality.
>No world peace
The world is composed mostly of homicidal viruses, microorganisms wnd insects. If you expect better from humans, you're delusional.
/pol/ BTFO, as usual. Trans people get more representation and acceptance, while you throw a tantrum on an Iranian corn-husking forum.
i JUST saw this today
fucking trudeau
i wonder whats next?
Can't wait for men and women to have mandatory mixed sporting events.
Amerika you take that shit to far.
>the city of canada
this is fucked
Why would you even want to have a gender neutral drivers licence? What does this possibly accomplish?
Bittersweet keks
There are organisms that change sex, and mice with males but no Y chromosome. Evolution and mutation happens, and ants and bees use external vats of hormones to control which memebers of the hive become males, females or drones.
How is it wrong for humanity to evolve into a species that determines it's own sex?
There are mice with no Y, who have males. The mice are all XO, and what's happened is that the genes that make a male have moved to the X.
Biological sex is actually determined by which genes are methylated and which aren't, or by one gene resulting in a product that inhibits the metabolism of another gene - for example, DMRT1 inhibits FOXL2 and causes a male, and FOXL2 inhibits DMRT1 and causes a female. It's a race to see which on turns on first and shuts the other one down.
Every single male human on Earth has the entire genetic constitution of a woman inside of him. Some disorders of sexual development lead to XY fertile females - because it's about the genes, not the chromosomes.
Extra chromosomes are often the cause of new species - today's deformity is tomorrow's pedigree. Bloodlines are constantly gaining and losing genetic information vis transposable elements, which can enter or leave the organism, and are often picked up from the environment.
This is called horizontal gene transfer, and such genes make up the majority of the genome in microorganisms. Higher organisms have genes specifically to regulate the uptake of genetic material - they purposefully uptake certain genes, and ignore others.
As well, our faces and bodies have been getting more feminine, and the Y chromosome is known to be decaying. Transsexuals are at the forefront of evolution;
Where you from in Ontario?
That really really looks like my old drivers license
>tfw never got a G2
>tfw G1 expired years ago
>tfw JUST got a photo ID card instead
>can buy alcohol with confidence now
We need to burn the leafs.
We're on the verge of a North American Union, and you dumb fucking shitposters are crying about this.
Fuck you. We deserve to have the globalists rape us because of you.
There was a thing Triumph the insult comic dog did where he had a bunch of college kids from some hyper-liberal college try to describe a big gay fat black guy and it was the funniest thing in the goddamn world.
This. All this focus on normalizing people's mental disabilities, fucking send them to psychiatric asylums, separate them from the able productive people. This is not progress, this is giving spoiled brats with mental disorders all the attention they don't deserve.
Nah bro, if the borders of the US get invalidated you'll see widespread protests and shit. No one in the USA would be happy about it except for assholes in the big cities in the north-east and south-west.
What a mess we made, when it all went wrong.
we don't have transdimensional superconductors from 3000 AD so are we shit because of that?
No, it means a civilization is not judged by just their technology but their people as well
Choose wisely.
Tumblr is in the other tab.
>Going for my G test in less than 2 weeks
>G2 expires in less than one and a half months
Wish me luck /pol/
>unown f
>Transsexuals are at the forefront of evolution
Wrong tab buddy.
>Implying they would report the robber who was the real victim
Believe in KEK brothers , you will see
Attack Helicopter. Definitely.
Literal autism
Can't escape destiny,don't forget it's never the end
I don't use tumblr, and I'm laughing at you because I know you can't retort.
There's a reason bigots are labelled ignorant, and academia is dominated by liberals. Thank's for illustrating why.
>>79295604 here, I know exactly what you're talking about. By 2034, we'll be gods.
lel I loved the part where the one guy does finally break and start describing him and Triumph calls him out as a racist or whatever
Also the big fat black guy was pretending to be super gay iirc. Here's the video, I don't have time to look through it right now though
Seriously, anyone who hasn't seen it should watch this for the lulz
Does this mean i can identify as a women and get lower car insurance?
>i wonder whats next?
Basic Income Guarentee in Ontario next!
You forgot the part where the economy collapses in 3 months because transfer payments have dried up. I'm going to enjoy all the tears from the faggots on /pol/ who used to post "lol enjoy your nojobs albertafags," and I'm not even from AB.
here's a (You)
This anon gets it.
>You forgot the part where the economy collapses in 3 months
Nah they'll just add a few hundred billion to the national debt to cover the experiment
kek i'm dying inside
Toronto, obviously.
I'd be willing to take work in Thunder Bay at this point. I hate it here.
>How is it wrong for humanity to evolve into a species that determines it's own sex?
because it is not part of our biology. All the examples you site are biologically determined.
You are not equal to any of these things
>As well, our faces and bodies have been getting more feminine, and the Y chromosome is known to be decaying. Transsexuals are at the forefront of evolution;
Generally this occures when a species is on the path to extinction or genetic wipeout in the rest of the animal world.
For all I care it is the complete opposite.
>>"I never said it was a person! For all I know xir identified as dragon-kin!"
If we had a biologically engineered third gender (eg: Sidonea) that could procreate with the other two it would be a different story.
What we have now is glorified mutilation that changes nothing.
And believe in me, his prophet.
What will happen in 2034?
>>"Well were they black or white?"
Police in Toronto are already not allowed to ask about a suspect's race. I'm not kidding.
We haven't documented ethnicity for many, many years (since the 90s) due to pressure from the black community to keep the records clean of any evidence of the black community's propensity to commit crime (which was massive when recorded). Even Canadian criminologists have no idea what ethnic groups are commiting which crimes or how often.
>be me last week
>watching news
>police interviewed, describes a wanted murderer
>describes colour of jacket
>describes colour of getaway car
>ignores colour of skin
Ontario has fewer spics
Not everyone looks obviously male or female. Also, names are so foreign here in Toronto that you can't even infer their gender.
Fuckin hell
I guess I could see the logic in the driver card....but health card? What the fuck? A doctor needs to know your real sex because some things are treated differently depending on that and all the hormone therapy in the world isn't going to change that
until genderfluid people don't get 3 drivers licenses Canada won't be trully democratic.
>mfw when living in southern ontario
we got a lot of filipinos and lebanons and somalias
>mfw living in ottawa
Its not even funny anymore.
>because it is not part of our biology. All the examples you site are biologically determined
Biology isn't static. The humans you see today won't exist in a million years. What is biologically determined changes.
We've been evolving a more feminine body and face, and ever more powerful technologies. Other animals have already externalized sex determination - reptiles use temperature. Since we're evolving and have no stable genome, why not determine our own genetic destiny? Why leave it up to the winds?
>Generally this occures when a species is on the path to extinction or genetic wipeout in the rest of the animal world
The fish we evolved from had hard teeth all over their bodies. I say teeth because human teeth are the vestiage of this coverage of teeth. One of the reasons we don't express teeth all over our body is that the genes involved are methylated or broken, producing no functional proteins.
The juvenile tends to be softer and more gracile than the adult. Humans are softer and more gracile than any of their ancestors. This paleohistory-wide trend toward neoteny is well established.
By then, bioprinting and GMO totipotent stem cells will allow true sex changes.
WHAT THE FUCK, CANADA? You demented, liberal fucks.
What is going on in that shithole?
>1 reply
>thread will inevitably hit bump limit
I want to get off this ride..
If you're gender neutral you should have all genitals removed and be left with just a literal hole to piss out of. It's as neutral as it can get.
>they mark themselves for the day of the rope
excellent. Jews have their cut dicks, visible minorities are easy to identify and now trannies have their licence.
Would this seriously fuck up emergency situations?
hi I'm here from 4chan on Reddit, and I give this post a rating of 8/10. funny, but I dislike derogatory humor.
Now that it's been 8 months, and enough people have forgotten about it, let's discuss Jade Helm. Remember when they rounded up all the texans into fema camps? | ---79312672
It was a military exercise on American soil and was. That's all anybody ever said it was. If you believed otherwise which evidently you did, then that is only on you.
but why texas of all places?
They didn't see the signs that read "Don't mess with Texas."
>Now that it's been 8 months
Jade Helm is still happening, but they changed the name.
Literally all of pol said it was happening. The happening is a myth.
Hello, newest of friends.
I remember this level of MW2. The best part was setting up the Sentry Turrets at just the right positions to cover all angles.
can confirm half my family was put in a fema death camp outside of walmart
Real talk, why are liberals trying to convince whites that black people want to be our friends? | ---79309650
>why are liberals trying to convince whites that black people want to be our friends?
eliminate the white race through miscegenation because of their twisted belief that "If the world had no color, there would be no racism".
I shit you not, had a liberal explain that to me one day.
You should have put xem in the ground for that
>"If the world had no color, there would be no racism"
This. Racism is natural; humans are tribal by nature: They'll almost always support their own extended families over other humans. Throughout history, you can point out racism within races, like how Anglos treated Irish immigrants in the earlier days of U.S. immigration. Even if all races were somehow mixed together in the future, plp would still find reasons to despise each other: they'd base their pseudo-tribes off of language, family,culture or geographic location. People would wear certain clothes or act particular ways just to distinguish themselves from one another.
>If the world had no color, there would be no racism
then why cant we just get rid of all other collors instead if mixing them and making a mess?
It's not easy.
cont. from >>79311388 | ---79312504
fucking hungarian gypsy
Probably just a proxy faggot.
or a bad troll
Eat a dick nigger
magyar cigany
Would anyone on this board call themselves a "feminist?"
I'm not looking for reasons for or against feminism, I'm curious to see how many (if any) /pol/ users would call themselves feminist and what that means to them.
So please no shit posts or memes. | ---79316305
guess that answers my question, lol
Wow, guys look at all these non white muslim immigrants in Germany.
Can you relax, you are overblowing the current situation. | ---79310432
>a year before the whore of babylon opened the floodgates
why is a serb shilling for merkel and muslims
usually it's leafs who do this
But you need immigrants because of your aging population. Who is going to pay for you social security?
> Who is going to pay for you social security?
more like who is going to pay for Abdul and his 8 children's social security
Not immigrants on welfare. There are many better ways to fixing this problem.
it is about age groups dude..
The mass influx of rapefugees didn't happen in 2014, Radovan.
everyone but muslims
Hans, he will pay and slave until 70 yo for that.
Ahmed will just make his wife shit kids to have welfare.
3:30 PM Manchester, NH
> 6/29 - Bangor, Maine
> 6/28 - St. Clairsville, OH
> 6/28 - Economic policy speech, Monessen, PA
> 6/28 - Katrina on Fox Business
> 6/27 - "Crisis in Character" Author on Hannity
> 6/27 - Eric Trump on Fox and Friends
> 6/25 - Paul Manafort on Meet the Press
> 6/29 President Bill Clinton Calls The Wayne Dupree Show
> 6/28 - INFOWARS Praises Trump’s Economy Speech
> 6/28 - Nigel Farage on CNN
> 6/28 - Nigel Farage message to EU
> 6/28 - Jeopardizing our National Security
> 6-28 - Benghazi Report
> 6/24 - Top 50 Facts about Hillary Clinton
> Updated: 6/29 @ 8:40AM EDT
> Template: | ---79309112
I like to movement movement
If you want to help Trump, one good way is to create a targeted twitter account to share memes, news, rally live streams etc.
1) Choose a demographic you want to appeal to. Some ideas are:
-A particular swing state (see image)
-African Americans
-Conservatives (Cruz people)
-Bernie supporters
-Hillary supporters
2) Create twitter account with a suitable photo to best target your chosen audience.
-I use a real photo of myself, but if you don't want to, a good place to get photos is /b/ especially for photos of women.
-There are many threads on /b/ of 'girls from facebook' etc. Just take one of the photos, crop it, and use it.
3) Install 'Twitter Follower' in google chrome browser. This lets you bulk add twitter people
-Go to twitter and search for twitter accounts who you think best represent your chosen demographic.
-e.g. if you wanted to target target latino people. Search for latinos for Trump AND latinos for Hillary. You want to add both groups of people who agree with you, and people who don't - this way you can retweet what other 'latinos for Trump' are sharing, so that your Latinos for Hillary followers will see these images.
-In the twitter search thing, you can select the 'accounts tab' to list users accounts
-once you find good accounts, go to their followers list and use 'twitter follower' to bulk add 250-500 of them. Do this daily.
-If you add too many people, your account may be locked so try to not go overboard
4) Build up base of followers. Follow all people back who follow you.
-Try to prune the users who are not following you back using
-This tool lets you easily unfollow those who have not followed you back
5) post memes, articles etc to target your audience and try to take on a believable character.
-An ex Bernie supporter
-An ex cruz supporter
-An ex hillary supporter who couldn't take any more of her scandals
-An African American who just wants jobs for their community etc.
We're on high shill alert code red.
Just ignore them.
Wow so I just saw that Hillary actually came up with the wall idea way back in 2006, this is a game changer, is Hillary actually more "redpilled" than Trump? It would seem so. Im starting to lean toward Hillary, plus it would be pretty epic to be a part of history and witness the first female president.
Now THIS realy makes ONE thikn! Anyone else feel this way?
>swing state
wtf I love Hillary now.
If you do this, make sure to never post your Twitter account here.
if you have a better swing state map, please post it anon. Thanks.
Really good idea. I was thinking on making a "African Americans for Trump!" page, but who should I follow first? and it'll be very tempting to get into arguments with BLM type blacks as well - which will damage the image.
Diamond and Silk is a good start
wow wtf i now hate trump
im glad some people are redpilled on jews
Thanks OP.
This is a movement.
okay, but why?
I think it would be better to say that if you do this, pretend that your account is someone else's
e.g look at this other persons tweet and NOT hey, look at my tweet.
Posted this in response to a poster claiming memes influence the race in the same manner as political ads.
You really couldn't be more wrong about political advertisements. They are entirely based on persuasion. I can actually pull the curtain back on this for you if you'd like by using my own campaign as an example:
We just commissioned a poll, the poll is 17 minutes and cost $30,000. Part of it is the ballot question you always see "If the election were held today, who would you vote for", but that's actually a very small part.
The rest of the 17 minute conversation is testing our message. The pollster reads statements to the pollee testing our negative and positive messages. We'll do a ballot question first, than a series of positives for our candidate and ask again, saying "often during a poll such as this people change their minds, so i'll ask again, if the election were held today whom would you vote for?"
Then we'll do a series of negatives on our candidate, things we expect the opposition to say. Then a ballot question again. These are to test the effects of positive or negative advertising on the race. We'll do that several times, throwing in positives and negatives for our opponents as well as ourselves, to try to get a clearer picture of what messaging resonates most with voters, and what doesn't.
Then the poll is dissected by the campaign team. You receive the "top lines" which are the sort of executive briefing with all the ballot question answers, and then you get a 40+ page document detailing the messaging results, which you turn into ads.
Then you air the ads for a month, and repeat the process to test if they worked/how well they worked.
Ads are a very measured and specific part of campaigns. Memes are just things generated by supporters without any science or polling behind them, and are much, much harder to realistically prove any positive or negative effects.
Jeb! fan here.
Not confident with this campaign as of late. February has beat the Fuck out of us, and I don't see a change in sight.
Worried that Trump's momentum will continue through March and into April.
Did we peak too early? Has Jeb! run out of steam? Florida's divided, polls are overwhelmingly positive for Trump, he's winning all Super Tuesday states, etc
I made a meme too
>Trump will never run
>Trump will never breach 15%
>Trump will never win New Hampshire
>Trump will never release his financials
>Trump will never breach 25%
>Trump will never win SC
>Trump will never breach 35%
>Trump will never breach 50%
>Trump will never reach 1237
>Trump will never recover after Wisconsin
>Trump will never win unbound delegates
>Trump will never recover after Colorado
>Trump will never be the nominee
>Trump will never predict BREXIT
You are here
>Trump will never pivot to the GE
>Trump will never beat Clinton in swing states
>Trump will never get 270
>Trump will never be POTUS
>Trump will never build the wall
>Trump will never block risky shitskins
>Trump will never deport spics
>Trump will never win a second term
>Trump will never bring back manufacturing jobs
>Trump will never abolish Common Core
>Trump will never renegotiate our trade deals
>Trump will never MAGA
>Trump will never MEGA
>Trump will never colonize Mars
>Trump will never colonize the Milky Way
>Trump will never deport the xenos
go to bed Jeb
Nice idea anon. Go for it!
Try to remember the reason for all this. You'd be kinda like an ambassador for Trump. Your goal is to convince people, not alienate those you disagree with you. So try to not argue with the idiots. Just try to persuade them by using emotional arguments which support your point of view
>2008 Obama was a populist. Or, at least he looked like a populist.
>2016 Obama is a corporate puppet.
How can I vote for Trump is he wants to deport me?
You can't insult your way to presidency, Donald!
you have to go back
That's what I mean. Don't post your account here and say it's your account. I have a Twitter account that I use to support Trump and trigger leftists, it's fun.
oh, as for accounts, you can literally just search for
'african american trump' and 'african american hillary' and some accounts will come up
What VP choice could single handedly win the election for Trump ?
dumb gypsy frogposter
Such a thing doesn't exist.
>The only thing we care about is the demographic displacement of white people in America.
you can't stop this from changing. immigrants will never stop legally coming to the US. hispanic americans will be the majority and there's nothing you can do to stop it short of closing off borders entirely, and the economic effects of that are disastrous and stupid.
globalism isn't something being forced on the world, it's a trend that is happening whether you like it or not, like industrialization.
now you can choose to make the best of it or you can choose to stubbornly resist it.
and i agree that current attempts to have successful globalization have been hijacked by people trying to make money by exploiting people.
but the resonse to that is to do globalization right, not pretend it won't happen.
Checked and RARE
doesn't change the fact that trump isn't a populist.
John Miller
look at these STEADY hands
They're both nasty.
This. We definitely need more of this.
What I would say is make sure to follow the "HOTEP" crowd. Give it a search on google and you'll see what I'm talking about.
Polling 1% with blacks is not something we need to ignore.
It's for the greater good.
The one and only.
Howie Carr bringin the bantz in Bangor with the cupped hand wolololo Indian noises talking about Warren
Barack Obama
Neat, I like it. Also
>Trump will never beat Cruz
Obongoniggerz mad that their king a globalist corporate sellout and Trump is true candidate of the people.
>tfw American Union with Mexico and Canada
>tfw they ban the internet to stop 4chen
>tfw Islam becomes the most popular world wide religion
>tfw every white girl gets together with blacks because they saw it on TV
>tfw Obama wins 5 terms in a row and shits up the world even more
>tfw the United States becomes a full third world country
>tfw fucking India advances in the sciences and lands on Mars while we're busy tackling "climate change"
>tfw your current job fires you to hire Muhammad Mohammad for more diversity
>tfw WWIII is a battle between Britain and Russia, the last beacons of hope, against literally the entire world
>tfw a 6th term Obama America nukes the UK and Russia because greatest ally cucked us into doing it
>tfw no jobs, everything is slums, poo on the streets, fires on police stations, and rapefugees appropriating anyone without a hijab
>tfw no guns, no free speech, and the government installs cameras in your bedroom for "safety concerns"
>tfw being white is a crime punishable by death
>tfw (((they))) rewrite history and teach we wuz kangs from K-12 in public schools
>tfw public schools have a mandatory hourly muslim prayer service daily for all students to promote cultural understanding
>tfw sharia law becomes the new judicial system
>tfw nationalism, patriotism, and americanism are considered "hate speech"
>tfw all non-white convicts (ex or currently jailed) are allowed to vote
>tfw all the prisons are emptied and filled only with whites
>tfw taxes jump by 1000% to cover Pablo's education
>tfw murder, rape, property damage, drugs, and every other crime skyrockets
>tfw people still vote democrat and blame republicans
Bernie Sanders
Jim Webb
Mc Donalds would be in flames on a 3 km radius (implying ameritards use the metric system lmao)
>these polls are all over the fucking place lately.
There are no polls anymore.
This isn't Gallup, or some government office. These are private companies, being paid by broke newspapers, to run crappy email and twitter feed questionaires then dress the whole thing up with sophmore-tier statistics.
Poolsters are fucking up left and right. Bookies too because they base their odds off the spreadsheeted bullshit these companies churn out.
Look at Nate Silverberg. The 538 guy. Realise that he is in fact, a lot better than most of these companies. Realize that he also got Trump and especially fucking Sanders completely wrong. Totally wrong. Holy shit wtflmaobbq wrong.
All of these polls are a waste of time. You'd get a better read of the election on /b/.
Trump is the definition of a sellout to the wealthy. he's just not a populist, how can you be so naive?
Just a coincidence goy
It would be hilarious if that happened.
>765,000 democratic voters
>1,300,000 republic voters
will bernouts vote for hillary? will republicans unite behind trump?
i wouldn't completely rule out georgia
Horse shit. It's created actively through trade agreements. Get rid of those, get rid of globalism.
> You'd get a better read of the election on /b/.
Double Kek'd.
>Nevada Red
>but not Arizona or Georgia
Hillary will get less than half of Bernie voters.
>renegotiate NAFTA
That's not what he said, he said America is getting the fuck out, period.
It's a good thing the average American won't believe a thing she says.
Obama is so goddamn obsessed with Trump.
The place exploded, bunch of us joined in.
even with nigger power, Obongo couldn't win the state in '08 or '12. i don't see Hilldawg getting much ground here
I sure as fuck hope not.
That's it.
That's all they have
We've seen their Opposition research on Trump leaked
We've seen the DNC opposition research on Hillary leaked
Hillary is out of ammo
Her top campaign advisers know this
There is no other way forward for them
If Obama couldn't get it in 2008, Hillary isn't going to do it.
*America is so goddamn obsessed with Trump
Honestly whether you love him or hate him he is universally known and talked about on a daily basis everywhere
there is no escape
Trump supporter here
Are you fucking retarded?
Populist: a member or adherent of a political party seeking to represent the interests of ordinary people
>ordinary people
He wants to rebuild our middle class. Who does this benefit? Everyone, really, because a strong middle class leads to a powerful economy. Even if it only benefited the middle class and those who would become middle class, it would still benefit the majority of people in America. Therefore, he is focused on the interests of ordinary people. This means he is a populist. Obama campaigned as a populist, but in reality he was more interested in special interest groups. Same with Shillary.
Populist isn't a dirty word.
>average American
>won't believe a thing she says
>average American
>a v e r a g e _ A m e r i c a n
anon... I have some bad news for you.....
She's doing what Ted Cruz did towards the middle of his campaign.
>Lie blatantly
>take opponent's policies and make them yours
That's going to turn out well for her when we have the internet.
What the fuck is going on? The shills have once again returned. Can we please take down Shit Reddit Says since we all know they're behind these raids?
find me a better swing state map and I'll use it next time
Fuck off canuck
How long until Hillary tries to gaslight the public into thinking she was always for banning muslims or securing the border?
Globalism is a trend that will continue whether you like it or not. People travel, people emigrate, businesses move overseas, employ other people. If the market is Global, business is Global. If you want to avoid globablization, pull out of the global market.
I'm in love
Straight out of el ratos playbook
That's totally fuckin awesome!
You should absolutely retweet that on instagram dude!
You'd get a super ton of likes and friend requests
A positive but statistically meaningless sign.
Assuming that Rasmussen didn't change their methodology or sample distributions overnight, things are looking good since Trump was 5 points underwater in their last sample. That said, Rasmussen hugely damaged their credibility by turbo-shilling for Mittens in 2012.
Wait for NBC/WSJ or PPP to show Trump leading before you really start celebrating.
Is this still OUR strategy?
> Phase 1: Define the race as Trump (American People) vs Clinton (Special Interest Corruption)...Timetable: Now until Conventions
> Phase 2: Conventions. Raise favorables by using free coverage of tightly scripted branding during conventions. Cast Trump as uniquely qualified candidate. Overtly positive.
> Phase 3: Debates. Break Hillary's glass jaw by showing how incompetent she is. Overwhelm her with attacks and distracting claims. Use confirmation bias to show she's weak.
> Phase 4: MAGA
David Brock pumped some more shekels into ctr
>Can we please take down Shit Reddit Says since we all know they're behind these raids?
Populist isn't a dirty word at all. I love populism. We need more of it.
Dropping taxes on the 1% more than the taxes on the middle class are dropped is not populism. That's throwing scraps to the little people from the table of economic wealth.
His tax plans heavily favor the wealthy and will cause huge recession and debt.
>1 post
links for trump speech?
You should totally start a blog or a Tumblr or something dude
Get the word out. Meet like minded people with similar interests. Organize and act
It'll be fun
Honestly it just gives less and less credibility to other polls like Reuters/Ipsos.
If I were to pick a poll to trust, I'd probably trust Quinnipiac over them all because they have an A- from Nate Shillver and they don't seem to have an inert bias.
There has to be a middle ground.
Yes, and it will work
>giving this disinfo shill a (you)
not today faggot
speech where?
Taylor Swift
not live yet
It's a photo-op speech in New Hampshire at the old Sylvania factory
RIP Incandescent lighting.
>Trump's surprise trade speech is just him BTFOing this lying bastard point by point
>(((Shapiro))) gets stumped so bad that he deletes all of those tweets
Better archive them now.
>>79312125 ENG DTS RSB
>Shit Reddit Says
they're bait is better than this. This is CTR shills.
The only correct answer.
Trump is called a madman in the Swedish press:
She's flipped flopped on every single issue! OUT OUT OUT
>Can we please take down Shit Reddit Says since we all know they're behind these raids?
They're obese sweaty vaginas with no lives. Why wouldn't they shit up /pol/? They actively hate us a lot more than we hate them.
>won't even publicly comment on the tpp
>will somehow be against it at the last minute
ignoring facts with memes. keep on trucking.
Don't forget that the Mexican president also compared him to Hitler! FUCKING HITLER!!
The majority are young and that group either has a great turn out or they shit the bed. When it was 2008 with Obama the youth vote helped carry him to the White House but a lot of the youth aren't really thrilled with Hillary. They'll likely abstain their vote.
I think 20% will go to Trump and Hillary so that cancels out but what will help Trump is the lack of them going to Hillary
is that what you call "people who disagree with your warped perspective?
horse faced bitch
/pol/'s only workable strategy is to dump memes on facebook.
Guys, I think I'm going insane...
It's not gonna woooOOooork any better thiiiiis time...
Unless I'm mistaken, we dump memes directly into the memetic fabric of the universe. It's working well!
You should totally stream on Periscope next time you do a 4chan post
Lot's of people out there are curious as to how to do it correctly
You'd get a ton of viewers and upvotes
nice plugin you got there
trumpcoin is a scam
Or you could vote Trump.
>no trumps not popular I am popular dont u guys love me? Reeeee
Strange, his permit was expired.
please tell me that wasn't real.
I am cringing so hard here.
>tfw whites can't vote because they're all too racist
Thanks. To be added.
>literally using Ted Cruz's strategy
Haha, she's so fucked.
under-budget as fuck
No, it's parody done by the same guy who ran @DemsRRealRacist.
There is literally nothing stopping a psychotic libtard from shooting him.
>provided by
that's just a generic South Carolina permit off of the website that they used for the article
>Trump will never block risky shitskins
>Trump will never deport spics
I came ITT to check out the arguments of the other side. I am disgusted by the blatant racism I've seen throughout this thread. what is even more sad is how you try to deny that Trumpism is racist, while many of you are openly racist. kek, can't wait to come back to these threads once Trump loses
if you look through this thread and see the racism Trump is provoking in his followers, you'll see there is good reason to compare him to hitler.
meme. if that's your comeback, youre not condemning the racism ITT and acknowledge that trumpism is in fact a racist ideology.
I think that's just an example of a CCW permit. They wouldn't post a picture of the guy's permit if it were actually six years expired.
Ayy Lmao
>Donald J. Trump will be making remarks.
>This event is not open to the public.
thanks. It is good parody when you can't tell real from make believe.
Yea. I just noticed the watermark.
wtf I hate whites now
If you're not first you're last
>calls others racist
>uses "spics" and "shitskins"
I think it's time to move You are here down the next step. The pivot is in.
>knowing how to use guns
>That's not what he said, he said America is getting the fuck out, period.
You stupid idiot, that's EXACTLY WHAT HE SAID.
He's getting out of NAFTA if they WON'T give him a better deal.
>vehemently defending a man despite not knowing shit about his positions
Step up you idiot
no joke, i actually read through that report that i mentioned that went over the trump tax plan
gdp would go up by 11 percent
"The plan would also lead to a 29 percent larger capital stock, 6.5 percent higher wages, and 5.3 million more full-time equivalent jobs."
holy shit that's pretty fucking great.
but other analysts show that if it's not properly funded it "could increase the national debt by nearly 80 percent of gross domestic product by 2036, offsetting some or all of the incentive effects of the tax cuts."
source for first quote
source for second quote
i take it back, fuck, this is a great goddamn plan. the only question is, how is he going to pay for it?
>We have not heard from you yet Anon, and that's why I'm writing you.
Some paid for psycho then, Michael Jordan.
>youre not condemning the racism
Just leave
You should totally start a wordpress blog or a Tumblr or something
That's super high quality info you've got there and the world deserves to see it
M-Manafort, I'm busy with Summer classes! I'm sorry!
Hey leaf...Get the fuck off /pol/
Your people add nothing to the conversation..You just talk without even reading his positions on his website or listening to his speeches. Everyone here hates you and your entire country...Fuck off
I was quoting the post I was pointing to, dipshits. It was my way of pointing out the racism ITT. how about acutally reading the post
Well it doesn't include how he plans to remove corrupt spending in all the the govt departments, so he might not need to much to pay for it just to stop paying for other garbage.
As an example he'd never have sent $250 billion to iran.
savage nation time boys
get in here
Monetising all that land the federal government owns and does jack shit with.
goddamnit dude i just admitted to shilling against trump's tax plan without actually reading it, and once ir ead it i changed my fucking mind.
don't come at me with this meme shit even when i start agreeing with you
>Trump tweeting breitbart articles
he gives them an insane boost, he shows people towards differents sources for news, it's amazing.
I have -$20 in my account until tomorrow.
Will I be able to keep my kneecaps, Manafort-sama?
Cool, I'll sure the media will be fucking stunned that they haven't thought of calling Trump supporters racist yet.
I'm going to totally retweet that and you should too
Notice how other, TV sources, avoid mentioning those tweets to keep them boxed out.
You still said shitskins and spics so you're racist.
>ENG broadcast playing Obama's stuttering ififififififif speech repeatedly
top kek
How'd I do?
I don't follow american tv except when anons here talk about it. Doesn't surprise me to be honest. Imagine CNN talking abut breitbart, kek.
how? does he explain that somehwere? i need to do more reading up on his actual policies.
You spent money, so not so good friend.
Look up Coburn govt waste report.
ENG has some great pre game entertainment
Chill tunes too
>If the delay wasn't much of a concern for the Clinton campaign, the fact that the Justice Department blocked the terms of IT aide Bryan Pagliano's immunity agreement from being released during a Judicial Watch civil suite because it "could prematurely reveal the scope and focus of the pending investigation" would elevate some concerns. Pagliano invoked his Fifth Amendment rights over 125 times during a deposition in that case.
Jesus you are scaring me, I got that email today. I am donating now, please don't Paul
Trade tariffs. cutting waste fraud and abuse. And I have a nice video that you can watch that really explains how much fraud there is in every government project.
RSB is playing some new shit right now thats blowing my mind.
>Not supporting trump financially
>TFW we finally have a comfy stream to watch together again
It's been so long...
hillary is not going to be indictet. I wish it would happen but they will keep it from happening until the election in november.
yeah, and they almost never shit the bed like RSB loves to do
This guy is posting shit on twitter.
That book has nothing to do with Trump.
He would understand.
Buying a hat doesn't count
I bought a new MAGA this week, and I'm still on Paul's list
It's scary dude. He wants cash. Only cash.
Well, Hitler took guns away, so there's that
from jews and non-germans
okay, but what is trump going to do about it? and why hasn't any other president ever done abything about it?
How can he deport someone not in the US?
Monetising government land assets is never mentioned. Only time I've seen it mentioned was by one of his policy advisers in an interview.
We've had a few good discussions on here about it, but been a while since the last one.
I wont be looking forward to the fact that I'll have to learn a bit more ebonics and make Black twitter memes..
why would he stop abuse and fraud when no one else has?
and wont tariffs hurt the ecomony or start a trade war?
does he have any plans to cut real spendinh?
Funniest thing is that she is gambling being prosecuted and getting a slap on the wrist now or running for president and being prosecuted by Trump attorney general.
I'm not liking the odds for her.
No its a theme of his campaign...He plans to sell back the federal land to the states. He had to stop talking about it when those idiots took over the land with guns
Because before everyone always had special interests they could only achieve by letting the others get their special interests achieved, that was the "compromise" while stepping all over us.
Trump wont have any special interest, so that wont hold him hostage. With the presidential microphone, can you imagine the shaming power?
He already got NATO to unveil a counter terror system right after he criticized it for not handling terrorists. He isn't even president yet.
Fox 10 Benis is on the speech:
Neato friendo
You should being doing a live retweet of this on snapchat
I have a ton of followers in my friends circle there who are interested in this sort of thing. They'd love to hear from you!
I'd just like everyone to know that an additional 34,000 emails responsive to multiple FOIA requests and the FBI criminal investigation into Hitllary Clinton's reckless disregard for national security and RICO-teering at the Foundation have been identified, but State has asked they not be released until October of 2018.
And Bill met with Lynch yesterday, which is as dirty as fuck.
Both of these developments are extremely good news for the GE, since the MSM can't stop mentioning the Lynch/Clinton meeting, and the FBI doesn't need any additional emails to finish tying their noose around the witches neck.
This is just a pic of Ivanka from the Scotland trip. For the lulz.
When Trump gets elected she will get fucked. there is no way he will allow her to get away
pls dont torture yourself
w-what. no.. my polls.. why
Genuinely didn't know that. I don't think it's on his positions page, where abouts did he mention it? I certainly haven't seen any mention of anything even remotely like it in a long time (unless it was mentioned in the recent speech I haven't had time to watch),
>why would he stop abuse and fraud when no one else has?
Watch the video
>and wont tariffs hurt the ecomony or start a trade war?
We're already in a trade war...We aren't fighting back so china is winning
>does he have any plans to cut real spendinh?
As far as I've seen he is all about increasing revenue and cutting costs.
isn't this guy a leftist tho
wont he have to compromise and work together with congress to achieve anything?
>why would he stop abuse and fraud when no one else has?
have you ever tried being corrupt? this shit starts from the bottom
mfw the un/usaid/othershit sends you to buy shawarma for the team and tells you to send them the bill
>uhhh yeah just add 10 bux to the bill and ill give you an extra 5
>and she said they just spoke of their grand children
They think we are motherfucking mongoloids fuck that chimpess.
That is such a cool picture!
I've never seen it before at all.
Really Neat
I totally think you should retweet it on your instagram
You'd get a ton of friend requests and like votes!
It's 5 dollars for a bag on concrete, a 20 donation equals cement shoes for 4..
but his tax proposals cut revenue by trillions
>tfw have to miss tomorrow's rally for a stupid meeting
>Kinsey left for ABC
There will be a queue a mile long for Obama last presidential pardons. Whoever doesn't get it is thoroughly fucked by Trump administration.
Think of all the scalps Trump, Christie and Giulianni will be able to collect on the NY-NJ area alone.
Also that rasmussen one has a shorter time span so its less affected by opinions of people earlier this month.
He started talking about it and then a couple weeks later those assholes staged their armed protest and it was cut out of his positions... Can't associate yourself with far right militia fags
So which one of you is this guy?
Can they somehow persecute Obama if it turns out that he really supported ISIS?
Sure but he will be able to call people out unlike anyone before, noticr how ryan and obama attack trump, they rarely ever attack one another that hard.
Think why...
That's a bernie convert
83 F
Winds 8 MPH
Humidity 29%
Partly Cloudy
Chance of rain: 0%
Beautiful fucking day today, guys. Beautiful fucking rally.
it isnt me i can assure you
Notice that the day after Kinsey started working at ABC15 they broke the super huge story about Bill Clinton and AG Loretta Lynch's secret meeting aboard the private jet in Phoenix
Ostensibly discussing the FBI investigation of Hillary
Kinsey took some meme magic over there with her
So many outliers there (including Rasmunssen) that RCP is becoming ever less reliable.
Reuters as always crooked as fuck but with Trump 32 X Clinton 23 on independents, IMO the biggest news of all these polls.
>polls are only subjective and inclusive when they show trump losing
oh god i hope not
GILFs for Trump
hmmm sounds alot like Judge Dredd
Its all offset by selling federal lands and buildings enacting trade tariffs and reducing waste fraud and abuse. The federal government will be a shadow of what it is today in 8 years if he wins
Based Jew, protecting the west.
Hey if liberals shit the bed over iran-contra just wait for that..
Savage is more upset than I thought he'd be about this transgender military shit
Obama tries to sound like a real nigger, it's embarrassing to the USA desu
That's a redditor. He's shitposting r/the_donald right now.
It's okay when liberals do it.
I really wish these streamers would stop using Trump as a platform to try and promote their horrible, horrible metal music.
But how could it possibly go from +5 Clinton lead (according to the very same pollster) to +4 Trump lead in such a short amount of time. It simply makes no sense!
he lives in San Fran
he has a particularly well seasoned distaste for the transtesticle culture
Can someone fill me in on the posts that were going on yesterday regarding a lawsuit against Hillary and how that's why Bernie is still running? I caught the last two posts and someone saying they were gonna make a collection of all posts and put them on imgur and I'm curious what the hubub of the prior posts was about.
Why so few viewers on the stream?
Its retarded but if standards are kept high very few if any tranny will meet it. Thats how trump can be "pro gay"' without destroying our military
It's masterful bait.
Good job picking a nominee who doesn't actually have the support of conservatives or even liberals because you wanted memes to be real /pol/.
Has anyone started assembling an image of all the "Trump is gonna win by a landslide" comments to be posted once Hillary wins?
Ah but don't mind me math is just a tool of the Jewish elite
>b-but he's just gonna use campaign money to pay himself back
still the middle of the work day for most.
does ABC15 do streaming too?
Is this actually playing there?
He pretends to be country nigger but he's born in hawaii, raised in indonesia, and went to college in the NE. Its total garbage.
I was thinking the same thing.
I heard they do not
what did she mean by this
People want to vote for Trump but he keeps saying crazy shit like calling a judge born in the USA a Mexican..
He went a full month without a gaff and this is what happens
Thatll work for some but independents will turn hard
They didn't. Rasmunssen adjusts the polls (weights) them and the other pollsters don't. Rasmunssen is also an outlier and always have been.
Relax nigga. I'm sure it won't be Christie.
Actually, I got it from a JonTron free trial link. No money spent, friendo.
Of course they could but he didn't. Actually Hillary Secretary of State (along with Pwntagon and even McCain) was the one pushing hard to arm "Syrian moderates" and giving them air cover just like they did in Libya.
Obama didn't like it (because he didn't want to confront Russia and Iran even by proxy, a pussy you may say) and chickened out in the last minute.
If someone should be prosecuted that one is Hillary.
>inb4 Mr. Rich Guy taking donations, what a scammer!
Threadly reminder that Trump is not legally allowed to pay for his own venues as a presidential nominee, thus why he has to collect donations so that there is a transparent report of how campaign money is spent.
I want a montage of buttblasted faces includinf when GOP took house and then GOP gained and took senate. All of those faces up through Trump winning
I like it!
Hey, America. It's me your new VP!
I miss that sleepy guy.
KEK. Trump's greatest rally hits playing instead of music.
Reunite New York and New Jersey
Get ready for "Trump betrayed us" shills if he pivots like that.
PLEASE listen to this between 1:00:45 - 1:04:39
Michael Savage explains exactly why Trump is down in the polls and it isn't because of the Judge comments or the shooting.
Alex Jones
Why do we not want Donut Man for VP again?
If there are any funky parts, just tell me and I can fix.
I really hope he doesn't sell federal lands
>Nate Bronze
pick one and only one
Let's go to the next thread, and I will do a one-time repost.
The Trump Train is The Peace Train!
People say it's because of his rep in New Jersey.
Since I don't live there I think he would be a fine VP.
B-BUT 2012!!!!
So they are altering the results to make Trump seem to have much more support than he actually does? How did they do that and why?
He says completely reasonable and logical shit but certain things, such as the Mexican judge example, are too easily distorted and picked apart by the media. There was a clear conflict of interest regarding La Raza and the Judge is a legitimate anchor baby.
That said, I agree that he should avoid any statement which includes race or ethnicity for his own good. I still wish that biased judge would get the ax, though.
>some fat New Jersey statist whose people hate him and brings in no significant demographics that Trump is weak in is going to be our VP
is this some Frank Underwood deception or something or is just Trump retarded
New Thread:
New Thread:
New Thread:
This one?
It's above me. Here:
Why? The Federal government should not own most of the country
This. Trump is BLEEDING Republican support. The never Trump shills have been working around the clock to make him lose.
do you have any numbers for how much money can be made by selling federal land?
and how could reducing waste really save that much money? That report I got linked to said that there were $25 billion in the waste. The revenue deficit is going to be trillions
Fucking mint buddy, thanks
this senpai Bernie is a trump tsundere
Thanks senpai it looks good
> How did they do that and why?
They didn't... all of the new polls have Trump closing the gap. Rasmussen does have a 3.8 republican bias though...They are the poll company the accounts for the shy tory effect but people use the fact that Romney didn't have a shy tory because he wasn't popular as an example that Rasmussen is a bad poll.
Trump BTFO's Clinton in almost EVERY SINGLE poll with independents.
He fucked it up anon. He fucked up the delivery.
New Thread:
A lot of polls use weighting to make up for bad samples and it can have the effect of fucking up the result.
Bloomberg did a LOT of weighting for Clinton+12
Wrong. There is nothing stopping the free movement of labor from ending by cancelling free trade and movement agreements. That's what borders are for.
That settles it, I am now a #Jeb!head
Republican senator from a GOP stronghold says that Donald Trump might lose in his state | ---79314956
More scare tactics
Which state? I don't care to read that shit.
It's funny how /pol/ was anti-brexit and still is full of pro-EU posts.
Just watch when trump wins... Pol will support it during the process then days layer they will support hilary (after trump wins).
Just look at all the europeans on /pol/ who hate UK for brexit right now. Look at all the pro-eu posts right now.
Trump will win my american m8s.
The key is to keep the passion at 11/10.
I campaigned on the streets almost everyday for brexit.
Dont just snitpost on pol.
That's no surprise, probably a mixture of California transplants, spics and a handful of never Trumpers.
Tomorrow the VfGH will most probably nullify the results of Austria's presidential election. Hofer Happening!!!!! | ---79310170
do you think a right wing party will win and lead austria out of the eu?
Any polls in case the elections are repeated?
so you're gonna have a 2nd election?
The Austrian exit will be called the Ostrich.
Not before Brexit is finalized and we've seen the fallout realistically
Wait, why do they want to nullify it? What was the problem?
Election fraud
dont get my hopes up you mountainnigger
now that you've done it, at least post source
Exschluss from EU when?
Yes, it's very likely, as the article states. Tomorrow at 12:00 CEST we will know for sure.
Isn't it because the fucked up the mail-in votes?
>What was the problem?
:^) you're welcome piefke!
I think they will say this has to be repeated.
BUT I assume that Van der Bellen and Hofer will agree to not stage a new large campaign for a while. But I might be wrong, Hofer might start his campaign right away, telling people why Austrian can be the next UK.
yea, fraud through diaspora i guess
Antifa counting the votes
I didn't find any, but some leftist journalists said Hofer would win atm
hofer would btfo van der bellen hard i guess. seeing the eu is going full """super state""" right now.
thank you franz-joseph
if this actually happens, it could be a great opportunity for hofer. with brexit succeeding and the increasing financial troubles of european banks, anti-EU (and with it anti-leftist) sentiment is on the rise.
Sounds too good to be true.
also the CETA shit going on right now, all politicians betraying every single of their promises that the agreement has to pass the national parliaments...
never underestimate the country that started 2 world wars
Good luck, imposters.
>Being told that your votes don't matter and you don't get to decide who ruled your country
Tell me again why you aren't in the EU?
i hate that fucking verfassungsgerichtshof
Because they won't bow to pressure from Brussel you fucking faggot?
Sooo good i can taste leftist salt from here.
This is happening right now but the reelection won't be held until some time in fall. A lot can happen during that time but I'm optimistic. I expect this summer to be a good advertisement for the right.
Best of luck to Hoefer but they committed fraud once so they'll do it again
underrated post
>I expect this summer to be a good advertisement for the right.
Get your tar, it's time for some false flags.
Hey guys, OP from yesterday, we're doing some epin hunber gaymes >:D | ---79302934
Bump because nigger.
>taking alchohol
wtf I hate France now
I'm ready
UK and Argentina argue about the Falklands while nothing happens.
>Sweden takes in even more niggers
Now that's what I would have expected
Poor Japan
PS: the result would have been the same tho. Niglets have been spearing the swedish nation for a few decades now, literally.
>an (((unknown))) sponsor
>leaf cant make fire
France cries herself to sleep. Bataclan all over again.
>Canada unable to purposely start a fire.
They can do it by accident though.
Reporting for duty
india searching for unpoo'ed water
>India and Pakistan working together
The fuck
Germany is a good goy confirmed.
>Pakistan killing ISIS
Can't be done. Just let it sink in for a moment and ask your self, where do you think they got that skin color and why all of them have that fucking smell on them.
Fucking rekt mexicunts
I was hoping Palestine would get killed by Israel
Death to sombreros
This, would be a blessing from kek. Last game I hosted, Stalin killed Trump with a sickle.
Damn OP, I think this is the fucking fastest game of this I've ever seen; grats man
Oh.. Nevermind, you'll see what I'm talking about in the next update.
Forget about any fucking trades contracts then.
We already have our own construction industry, and have plenty of gardeners, maids, and general handymen; thank you for the offer though, we shall consider it.
Relax Pablo! I'm taking the piss. We're all mates here.
>The U.S. goods trade deficit with Mexico was $58 billion in 2015
Like you'd be a good partner anyways
Dont worry bro im just shitting,
pro-brexit here, of course you can have our cheap drugs and the strongest tequila we have
ypa Poccия #1
Based Putin finally delivering divine punishment to Trudeau
Israel loses his good goy, and Pakistan makes ficki ficki with the infidels.
>uk kills mexico then gives us the hatchet
This game is better then soccer
Leafniggers BTFO by based Russia.
Why the fuck are we so peaceful
I want some action god damnit
>Pakistan convinces the United Kingdom to snuggle with him.
He ended up "snuggling" with our young daughters instead.
Time for india to shit on the competition
WTF Germany
Pakistan using Uk as fuggboi
Japan dishonors his famiry, and Israel spares a good goy as Argentina goes full ALLAH ACKBAR!
>Aryan Argentines removing kebab and anglo scum
>Keikaku dori
Wow hermanos, great moves! Keep it up, proud of you.
Russia Japan Jews and Niggers final 4 calling it
Mexico were our own fucking district! (I think)
Great trips
Seems all right to me.
>Pakistan tends to our wounds
>we tend to India's wounds
Nice way to repay the paki, best allies to the last second
>USA injures himself
ohh man the irony
Turkroach dealt with.
Kek confirmed Italian
I'll show you a bloody italian in a minute
Youre next huehue
Smells like shit in here.
Roach got gored by the Boer
Must be the kek-sent Aussie then.
India's still alive
[spoiler]MAMA MIA[spoiler]
Australia is a devotee of poseidon, it seems
>stealing from the jews
Get India the fuck out of here!
>Russia kills with a sickle
Did you hear that, Schlomo? Sounds like a shekel hitting the ground, better find it.
Fucking shitposters halfbreed.
the Anglo's live on in Australia
Brazil doing good. Also Argentina going taking from jews is ebin.
The shit-alliance has been put to a stop. Fucking Brazilians.
Italy built himself a cuckshed
Calling his death next
Israel will win
brazil stronk
Kek wills Russia to win
The Jews will win, they always win.
What website is this?
Hahaha fuck you aussies. My final 4 standing strong
Hunger games simulator
BrantSteele, look up the Hunger Games simulator.
>Implying Russia wont fall into a frozen lake and die again
>sees Russia in next update
I'd wager 95% of the world has no clue your country exist
Go honorobu nippon!
Wait how the fuck did this happen? REEEE FUCKING GLITCHY ASS NIMBUS
There we go, no fucking glitchy ass bugs. KEK WILLS IT RUSSIA WINS
Well this thread shit the bed
Based Japan
> Brazil and Argentina still alive
This will be epic.
Also kikes gone? Unexpected.
There goes my final 4...
delete this
Thank based Japan
wrong person
I assume the jews tried to backstab Japan in their usual manner while he was appreciating the sight of the UMI from a cliffed coast.
However, the samurai made short work of the threat using his jiu-jitsu that is superior to jew-jitsu.
Brazilians btfo, cykaaaa
Its over, Anakin
Japan has the higher ground
And then there were three
Is russia going to win?
>Hueniggers dead
>"White" man dies from Falklands landmine
Inb4 Ireland runs away again
nip got height advantage
ruskie got slavstrenght
irish got potato [spoiler]lol jk[/spoiler]
who wins?
Im calling it now, Russia is gonna fall into a lake and die like it always does in this. Probably potato nigger victory.
Rip in pieces
>I kill cyka non-slav scum like you all time, mick
>not even bear stop me, blyaaaaaat
Pls no
They are ploting against japan
> couldn't beat Putin
Don't feel bad desu.
>irish and russians sharing potato-based products
They got drunk and slept together
Time for the showdown, guys.
If ireland wins potato niggers are white.
> Israel thinks about home
I sense something is coming.
> Pakistan convinces United Kingdom to snuggle with him
Russia is such a slut, he sleeps with everyone
>be mick
>freeze to death
jesus this anticipation
Stalker! Blyat!
rip potato nigger
> Argentina steals from Israel while he isn't looking
isn't it supposed to be the other way around
>nobody to snuggle.
Feels pretty bad man
It's time to D-D-D-DUEL!
It will be Japan.
The /lit/ version was way funnier.
The honorary aryan wins. This is so great when you have Ennio Morricone playing in the background.
It's the potato famine all over again
Whites lose
Shit game
Sino russo war NOW
Now Japan is chasing Russia away after he finds him spooning at his campsite... Truly Jen
Russian must really like JAV..
Squirrel teeth folded over a thousand times!
Hey OP, glad to see you back and doing your job like a champ. I would only request that you include the cannon shots. P-please.
Try listening to his work for The Thing, great stuff.
Seriously russia?
>You know when a Jew wants to destroy and gas your country you're doing something right
Are we going to get the scores?
Better squirrels than lakes.
This is such a letdown, instead of a glorious one on one duel, one wins because the other one got eaten by squirrels. Oh well
This was a good cast, can we watch another round?
Nips 1
Potato niggers and ruskies 0
wow our team is the best, everyone else has non white shitskins with them
The ruskies could take a non-slav, they could take a bear, but they can't take the squirrels.
I second this, maybe some /pol/ characters instead of countries?
>>79305908 almost called it
we demand another round!
gg ez
No, Jesus Christ. Not the trash. What the fuck is it with you Indians? The poo goes in the LOO. THE LOO.
Alright, you could suggest some next thread, but it'll take a little longer to set up the game.
You got it, Pablo.
Fuck Japan
are we doing new characters?
I nominate this goldfish
I meant this thread, you ignorant twat.
A WW2 or current political ideologies would be fun,
I nominate "Decent man"
Yeah, that could also work
Yes, you think this thread is shit and you think it goes in the trash. But that's a serious issue in your country, not a joke. Poo goes in loo. Not the street, not the sidewalk, not even the trash. In the loo.
so you call losing wars fun
come on Tacoland don't let me down
I nominate the fat holohoax "survivor"
US Primary candidates
can't have a /pol/ hunger games without Tyrone
Mosley's fascists then
Fuck it, nominating liberator and his pet pig
Nominating Nazi Pope
nominating him
Ned Kelly in the next one pls, true Aussie icon
>>Pakistan convinces the United Kingdom to snuggle with him.
This game isn't funny,it is too realistic.
How did no one immediately identify this as the face of a rapist just by looking at it?
Are you a sour halfbreed who's mom got '''liberated'''', So you decide you're alvic now?
God damn goyim
Based brazil
We want guns taco
I nominate based friendly Fuhrer
Old smithy>>79312141
>dies from eating something
You can't make this shit up
Snip snap doggos volunteers as tribute
India searching for water to poo in
I nominate common argentine crusader man
¿When did hype around asian girls start?
¿When? Who started it?
Holy fuck pure east asian girls are gross and disgusting, normal looking jap girls are mostly ainu mixed jomons.
But everything chinese and korean are just like diarrhea shitted toilets.
They look like dogs.
They act like kids, most of them are dumber than western women. Thats one of the reason of high natalism. Infantile dumbs cant handle their sexuality and fuck like dogs | ---79308618
Mainly male libtards/cucks who couldn't find any good girls went for below average chink ones (Example, Mark Cuckerberg)
Because white women are mostly entitled sluts while East Asian women are more traditional, but that's changing too.
>¿When did hype around asian girls start?
I don't remember.
>¿When? Who started it?
Iggy pop/david/Bowies china girl.
Only a few vietnamese and filpinno asian chicks are hot the rest are ugly as dogs.
His wife looks like a dog
I have dated a few asian girls and I am marrying one. Heres a non exhaustive list of reasons why asian girls are great:
> They are hot
> They are generally red pilled
> They are traditional
> They are smart
> They are submissive
> They are pleasers
> Giving blowjobs is foreplay for them
> They are tight
> Less previous boyfriends compared to white sluts
> Hate niggers
> Etc.
>Because white women are mostly entitled sluts while East Asian women are more traditional
TL;DR essentially this.
White women spread their legs like it's open season.
kazakhs are cute no?
What a fine argument from our mongol friend
I would take a white girl with big tits and a PhD in Chemistry over an asian girl with a degree in engineering but there are fewer of the former than of the latter
This. I've dated white and asian girls. Asian girls are infinitely better for all these reasons.
>Not white
Ahahaha, white pigs run away from their own women, because the blacks cuck them.
Whats wrong with that?
After 25s no mater what you start losing your libido, at least dont fyck dogs
I dont like asian women
Even cute ones have disgusting manlish character and brown pussy, yuuuuuck
Asians are the best long term ibvestment. Find you a decent one and her white equivalent will be bloated before they both hit 40.
are you russian?
pic related
Our "own" women are degenerate. I have a dick that can compete with niggers and the testosterone levels to back it up, that doesn't mean I go for a used cumbucket though.
This is not true
It's Jewish propaganda and lots of white men started becoming traitors, eve on /pol/, white women don't even like black men that much, white men are the bigger traitors. tons of Asians are sluts too, it's not like there are no traditional white women anymore.
>Implying that you deserve any of that
You're probably not even "traditional", especially because you come from a different background and culture, retard. Have fun having elliot rodgers that won't look anything like you, trashy loser.
And you call yourself red-pilled...
Looks like a child and an alien at the same time, if you like that, there is something wrong with you.
>especially because you come from a different background and culture
She lives in my country you cuck
She is well adjusted and integrated
Now please enlighten us with your theories of why I am not traditional
Eliot rodgers was a failure of parenting more than anything
>She is well adjusted and integrated
>she is traditional
Dumbass how can she be traditional and be itegrated into kanker morrokain mix culture and date other race?
Traditionalists dont mix with other races
Especially autist east asians
Least fat population
Also asian women have the most feminine faces
>>79310604 made me think
I am now #ayysexual
Shes integrated into dutch culture, not into dutch arabia culture you mongol
She is traditionalist in the same way that I am, euro style. She hate backwards traditional chinese customs.
japanese porn portrayed them as submissive inexperienced virgins with the social maturity of a 5 year old girl.
thats basically it.
irl they are horrible monsters, every single one.
>she is traditionalist
>she hate backward traditional chinese customs
Dumbass most customs are not backsward
For example kikes and arabs executing
Kikes in fact executed criminals to save that criminals souls firtsly and then condemn the law
But anonymous "all knowing redpilled" white warriors know it better
>Well adjusted and integrated
Yet with those reasons you first wrote, you're saying that she is different from women of your own race and country.
Not traditional? You don't even seem like someone that proves himself as a man so you can find a woman of his own race to have many children. Let me guess, you gave up on that.
You're onlyy proving that you will be the kind of trashy father and her, probably what people call a tiger mom
>Integrated into dutch culture
Kek, so she's a liberal.
Shes integrated into dutch culture, not into dutch arabia culture
She is how women of my race and country ought to be. Sad state of affairs, but there you go.
>You don't even seem like someone that proves himself as a man so you can find a woman of his own race to have many children
Don't project your cuck fetish on me you mongrel
>Dumbass most customs are not backsward
Most are. Pic related
>For example kikes and arabs executing Kikes in fact executed criminals to save that criminals souls firtsly and then condemn the law
does it mane?
A black man holding a cock probably in shaminc voodoo ritual.
Whats wrong with that?
He is not raping or killing a human being
>dutch culture
That's liberal, that's how they let the other culture in, delusional druggie.
>hate backwards traditional chinese customs
So she hates her asian side and then will make your children hate their asian side and there you go, elliot rodgers. Trust me, they'll look asian and nothing like you
>says they are traditional
>posts a pic of a degenerate gravure idol
>brings up how good they succ and how tight they are
Women of any race spread their legs easily
If you don't believe such, you are a massive beta
> He is not raping or killing a human being
Aim fort the stars
that's like all the reasons why i love latinas
38 posts and just one beta posting their waifus
I am surprised
Let's just wait until the buttdevestated yellow fever autists join the thread
They're just nicer to be around.
Never had an argument with my wife of 7 years.
who /left/ here?
>I have a dick that can compete with niggers and the testosterone levels to back it up, that doesn't mean I go for a used cumbucket though.
sorry anon but that's the attitude of a future child molester. Please find help
Ask Yuri Bezmenov if you can find him.
Daily recommended books thread
Post what you're reading, post what others should read, get recommend what to read next.
Dumping my faves. | ---79282594
those are some big eyes
>Julius Evola - Ride The Tiger
Absolute read for any /pol/ack, this book argues that the modern world is totally corupted and the book offers a solution to living in such a world by turning the destructive nature of modern society into your inner liberation.
>>>/lit/ fagot
>Jean Raspail - The Camp Of Saints
This book describes a modern world where third world immigration to France slowly leads to the complete destruction of Western civilization.
>Markus Willinger - Generation Identity, A Declaration Of War Against The '68ers
Serves as the best introduction to the identitarian European movement to date which greatly inspired the alt-right.
This books is aimed at young intellectuals and serves as a guide on how to turn the tide in the Western world.
>Guilaume Faye - Why We Fight
An introductory text, a diagnosis and a solution to the Great replacement of native Europeans and the destruction of Western civilization.
>Not one red pilled book
>only cuck lit for gays
>promotes Generation yid
Get the fuck out her. And kill yourself
>Tomislav Sunic - Against Democracy and Equality: The European New Right
The first English book ever written on the European New-Right and another introduction to the movement.
Yeah,they are.That girl is strangely beautiful yet disturbing.I like it.
Again shill, kill yourself, or at least go get some aids by fucking a new right nigger
>Oswald Spengler - The Decline Of The West
A critical and new look at civilizations, Spengler argues that the western world is ending and that we are witnessing the last season of faustian civilization.
The Merchant of Venice
Please post some books that you consider to be red pilled.
Why do you hate new-right and identitarianism so much?
>Maurice Dantec
>sci-fi author
>christian and identirian
This, a fantastic work and a huge influence on the alt-right and identitarian new-right.
who is this doll?
novels :
Grand Junction and Cosmos Incorporated
>against degeneracy and islam
Kind of green pilled but overall its a pretty funny book.
pic very much related. You have to have read it! (it's pretty short too, no excuse)
>all these pleb books
/pol/ you have shit taste
Post some not pleb books newfriend.
post more cute girls
Post some books that aren't pleb then.
The Annals - Tacitus
The Black Monk - Anton Chekhov
Parralel Lives of Eminent Romans and Greeks - Plutarch
fucking read this: >>79285827
This is the most boring book in the world.
Also why are most of my favorite authors left leaning?
Is that 'girl' white?
House of Leaves was bretty good.
I'll give it a go family.
The US intelligence community - Jeffrey T Richelson
Onward: How Starbucks Fought for Its Life without Losing Its Soul - Howard Schultz
Organized Crime: Culture, Markets and Policies (Studies of Organized Crime) - Dina Siegel and Hans Nelen
More like disgust, as I cant stand incoherent fagots cercle jerking and in addition taking shit as the shi..writings of some non functional autists as their paradigms.
btw, you are controled opposition and by that only good for scapegoating. If you keep on doing that as good as you have done since february, Iam just keep on shilling against you on /pol/. If you become more jewish as you already are, maybe some left wingers will get interessting material about Sellner.
“Prometheus, thief of light, giver of light, bound by the gods, must have been a book.”
>Muh jews controled opposition
Disregarded, this is why nobody wants to take you seriously.
You'll find name of few good books in this thread.
the best authors are left leaning. This is because most authors are NEETs
Currently reading Killing Kennedy by Bill O'Reilly. Good stuff.
48 Laws of Power
It goes in the trash senpai.
it's pretentious at best
- The ruling elite by spinoza
- Truth for germany by walendy
Two must read books for /pol/. Putting the knowledge in these books into the people would create instant revolution in the western world.
Currently "writing" my own book, basically a summary of the relevent books for produce a big redpill, so condensing around 15000 pages into 500-1000, depending how much text will be needed for the relevant infos.
There is a /pol/ book folder on MEGA:
https://mega (.) nz/#F!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg
This will keep you busy for a few months.
Doing God's work Germany, I'm currently writing a phamflet on what to do prevent immigration into your neighbourhood and how to keep your neighbourhood safe once they do arrive.
Also a guide on how to infiltrate and dismantle the Antifa movements near you from the inside.
>No pic related
Wtf guys, Turner Diaries is /pol/ in a book
>londonistan - melanie phillips
holy kek
tnx btw
I thought it was very poorly written, like some redneck's power fantasy. I'm not offended or even really disagree with his views, I just didn't like it.
He goes from operating in secret cells with limited weapons to gaining full control of the country's nuclear arsenal and nuking the world.
1 year ago I would have said that you are just an autistic retard living in the basement. Today I would say that the infos you are going to produce will be needed in the coming years.
White Europe needs to unite.
what do you think about Trump?
Atlas Shrugged is an absolute dog shit turd of a book and needs to stop being recommended. It was written later in Rand's career, when she was an established author and personality. Because of this, no one dared try reining her in or properly checking her writing, as they did with earlier works. She was in full control.
Because of this, the book is an utter mess. Literally as long as the Bible, with extremely, cartoonishly flat characters and the treatment of its message so meandering, dull, and hamhanded that it is actually a disservice to everything she stood for.
Now, if you want to read the same book, but actually good, read The Fountainhead. The Fountainhead is a solid, entertaining read that makes all the same points as Atlas Shrugged but does so EFFECTIVELY, while being enjoyable to read, unlike Atlas Shrugged, which fucking sucks donkey dick.
Don't make the Black kids angry,
by some dude with a jewtube page.
Rather simple: If Trump actually will do what he said, if he isn´t a shill working for the men behind the curtain, then he is the God Emperor we need, hoping that his example will spill over to the rest of the western world.
If he is just puppet that played all of us very well (one can never know, only assume), then that just shows that the NWO agenda is too strong already for the normal way. The only thing "out" would be a civil war engulfing the entire western world, 100-150 million dead easily and hoping, that russia/china/japan/india will try to support the free people and not the NWO agenda.
no it's good
Sword of Truth books by Terry Goodkind. Not a masterpiece, but pretty redpilled. 5th and 6th books describe SJW utopias that predictably work like shit.
How does it engage homosexuality and apathetic tax leeches?
those are pretty much my thoughts on him as well. I not only hope that we're able to build our wall and stop this globalization of our economy, but also inspire Europe and get Trump to continue criticizing Merkel and the EU for flooding you guys.
godspeed on your book
Yes certainly has its shortcomings, but still remarkable especially that it was written back in the late 70s
I love this, it was one of the first ones I read when getting into "alt right" ideas, it hit really hard too
On the Jews and Their Lies by Martin Luther
fuck you
YES I reccomend this book as well as the others you mentioned.
I am a man of principal, I love becoming better by the day.
Here are the books that I contribute to becoming a stronger male in a time where males are viewed as weak, dumb and less than women.
Man's Search for Himself - Rollo May
Character Analysis - Wilhelm Reich
Iron John - Robert Bly
Tribal Leadership - Dave Logan, John King, Hale Fischer-Wright
Fear of Life - Alexander Lowen, M.D.
Concepts of Modern Mathematics - Ian Stewart
The Way of The Superior Man - David Deida
Thick Face Black Heart - Chin-Ning Chu
The Way of Men - Jack Donovan
Models - Mark Manson
The Rational Male 1&2 - Rollo Tomassi
God bless and good luck anons
I'm about halfway through this, a history of civilisation that takes into account differences between races. Enjoyable and redpilled, would recommend.
Intellectuals and Society - Thomas Sowell
Consolations of Philosophy - Alain De Botton
Extreme ownership - Jocko Willink
The Lessons of History
Free to Choose - Milton Friedman
History of Western Philososphy - Berty Russell
just downloaded consolations of philosophy, is it good? What should I expect?
holy shit this girl is perfect.
Yeah, no
I need her in my life.
Ooh thanks m8
Aristotle never said that
>Russel's history of philosophy
"Der neue Tugendterror" by Thilo Sarazin. A book about freedom of speech and the problems of political correctness, for which it blames the media.
The Righteous Mind - Jonathan Haidt
The Blank Slate - Steven Pinker
goes through a few philosophers and their ideas on:
1.) unpopularity
2.) Not having Enough money
3.) Frustration
5.) Difficulties
its great so far
Whats wrong with it? Seems quite good so far.
You need to die, you fucking shill
Should I kill myself?
no my dude.. she seems like she'd be really annoying:
>large hands
a trap
pic related is a real girl.
Now give me my reddit gold
Great book. For anyone daunted by its size I suggest reading anthem first
The Negroes in Negroland
Hinton Rowan for the Us Congress
Audio Book
The Ass in the Lion's Skin
Are there any books (preferably audiobooks) about entry-level economics, political science, etc. (preferably with no bias)?
I just finished my first two (audio)books since leaving school several years ago, both are memoirs and I found them both extremely enjoyable.
Viper Pilot, about an F-16 pilot during the first and second gulf wars, not really applicable here but if anyone is interested in SEAD or modern military aviation they should check it out.
And the first one I finished was Civilian Warriors, by the founder of Blackwater. He opens with his childhood, all the way up until 2012 I believe when he relinquished his seat as CEO of the company, but the vast majority of the book is based between 1999-2009 or so, the founding of blackwater, speaking in-depth about all the controversies from his side (he wasn't allowed to speak to the press about anything because of all of his contracts with the federal government, CIA, etc.)
It's a really good book and I ended up tearing up at work (was listening to it on a night shift) when he described his wife dying of cancer, which was quite unexpected.
That much white showing around the iris is one of the hallmarks of the insane.
>political science
>no bias
In terms of economics, I was hoping there was something that explained that actual mechanics of the economy, such as inflation, deflation, exchange rates on imports and exports, although I know they're both social sciences which means they aren't really scientific at all.
Something somewhat sane (right of centre) is acceptable, as long as it's not libertarian horseshit where they argue that taxation is theft and everyone should be responsible for hiring contractors to maintain the 30 foot stretch of road in front of each of their houses, etc.
this might be a good start, /pol/ will recommend some really boring shit
Then maybe this? Remember that everything in economics is an opinion and there are always counterexamples. Decide for yourself whether he is an idiot or a genius
Currently reading the first Witcher book, it's decent so far.
Not very /pol/ but whatever.
I tried reading this book and the way it's written makes it hard to follow along and I just got really bored. Maybe I just don't know enough big words.
>be south american
>want to read history books about south american countries
>all the English written books are biased as fuck and say that communism was good
>only the Spanish written books actually talk about history and shit besides communism
Feels good being bilingual but damn the selection is pretty limited when you're ordering shit off amazon
The Qur'an English translation by Abdel Haleem
It's insane realizing how much stuff gets taken out of context on the internet. It's more aggressive than the New Testament for sure but it's not the terrorism leaflet I thought it would be.
You can just look into an actual economics text book or better yet use Khan Academy. He does a good job explaining concepts, making them very simple to understand.
I think it's better to have a foundation in the subject matter before going off into different economic models and why X works better than Y and so forth.
Russell is very bias and misunderstands many philosophers
Read Magee's story of philosophy
Economics is not entirely an opinion, most people agree that a mixture of a market/command economy is needed and that the libertarian schools are outdated, only a handful of people still defend these beliefs while most of the world uses Keynesian economics.
I personally fully agree with the libertarian philosophy but not its economics, I do believe that there are limits that need to be drawn to prevent certain shortcomings like external damage and being born into wealth.
I think that a Nationalist country with new keynesian market/command economics with libertarian-nationalist principles would be perfect.
Reading a book of comprehension along with the Quran helps a lot too. It explains the verses and the context of each verse. Try looking for Ibn Abbas comprehension.
I am genuinely in love with Anne Frank. She was beautiful, witty, and graceful young woman who light was snuffed out far too early.
I frequently fantasize about being Peter van Pels hiding with her.
Oh god, just imagine deflowering that sweet girl on a lazy Amsterdam afternoon, lying and learn what each other's bodies were for.
Now imagine nine months later, she's got a massive bulging stomach from carrying your child inside of her and it seems like she’s gonna pop any moment now. Her popped belly button makes it look like she's got a giant third boob where her stomach once was. She waddles around and can barely move half of the time. She's developed an insatiable craving for your dick and you've likewise developed a taste for her pussy. You’re both cooped up in an attic all day have nothing better to do besides fuck like an unsustainable third world population. You lie down on your back, she strips off her almost comically too small clothes and kneels on top of you. She grabs a hold of your rock hard cock, inserts it deep inside of her, and begins to ride you like a stallion. You feel the pressure from her incredible weight and huge round belly bearing down on you but the indescribable pleasure of her tight pussy throbbing on you cock negates any discomfort. You sink into her beautiful soul, into that secret place where no one dares to go. After 30 minutes, you and her are both moaning with ever greater intensity, you know it won't be long now. Suddenly, you feel your cock shaking like a V-2 rocket and the orgasm reaches it's climax as your cum literally explodes like an 88mm AT round inside her Sherman tank, blowing the turret right off. You and her both join as one, souls screaming from the sheer ecstasy. As the elation wears off, she lies next to you. Too exhausted to do anything else, you simply hold her in your embrace. In that moment, there is no family squabbles, no Nazis, no war. Just you and her, watching the sky turn pink with the setting sun.
for Canadians:
>"The Watch that Ends the Night" by Hugh MacLennan
This is a great read for all /pol/acks to understand the ideas, motivations, and ramifications of leaning left in the 30s, 40s, and coming to terms with reality after the War. Also has a based opinion on commies, but doesn't come off as preachy.
>"The Deptford Trilogy" by Roberston Davies
you canuck faggots should remember the first book from high school (Fifth Business). Re-read it as an adult, it's a brilliant work.
For all other /pol/acks:
anything by John Le Carre, especially Tinker, Tailor, Solider, Spy. A how-to root out soviets that is actually pretty accurate.
>"Red Sparrow/Palace of Treason" by Jason Matthews. Ex-CIA director of operations and head of a few regional departments. Great reads, gives a good synthesis as to the clandestine nature of actual espionage these days.Only reservation: it adds a bit of 007-shit to keep normie readers interested, but it's mostly accurate depictions of field work.
To know the enemy, you should the Cloward-Piven strategy. The goal of the leftist is to purposely destroy the economy and force as many people as possible into welfare so they can collapse the system. Basically failed to unite the working class to revolt against capitalism in the western world. So they changed there strategy to purposely impoverish people and use the poor to revolt against capitalism.
"Howard Phillips, chairman of The Conservative Caucus, was quoted in 1982 as saying that the strategy could be effective because "Great Society programs had created a vast army of full-time liberal activists whose salaries are paid from the taxes of conservative working people".
I have her book in Dutch and I know the son of the person who betrayed her.
I can smell fresh pasta with meat balls.
>most of the world uses Keynesian economics
many globalists use keynesian talking points, but the field of econ doesn't kow-tie to that ideology.
>QE doesn't work
>keys: yes it does
>central banks commit QE dozens of times
>no noticable effects
the freshwater/chicago/austrian schools beg to differ.
I agree that there is a consensus in the centre but there are still legitimate economists who advocate communism or libertarianism. It's very hard to definitively prove one ideology wrong
She's really attractive.
What's this chicks claim to fame? Being attractive?
I'm listening to an audiobook like a fucking degenerate. 1000 years of solitude.
I might get it in paperback
Or a small skull
Austrian economics is a political ideology masquerading as a school of thought first and foremost, which is something we try to avoid nowadays when doing economics.
Like the fact that it demonizes everything the central bank does because it doesn't fit with its economics and change the meaning of the word inflation to fit the political ideology.
Second of all it's hard as fuck to use because you're barely using any math which is now an absolute must.
Don't get me wrong I love the austrian school and its ideas, but it's not going to cut it anymore with the progress we have made on economics today.
You have to remember that Keynesian economics is still closer to libertarianism than anything else, Marxian economics is almost entirely dead and most Marxist economists have turned to something else.
It's not saying that the Austrian school is wrong, it's saying that it's outdated with the progress that we have made and that it hasn't been able to catch up.
There have been tons of amazing discoveries that improved millions of lives worldwide.
>2minutes in
>white colonists complaining that their black lackeys would cannibalize the children they meant to keep as slaves
Fucking hell
>Austrian school is politicised
I agree reluctantly, only because I believe that is true of all schools of thought. They differ in degrees of politicisation. Keynesians are the white saviours of the early 20th century, out to bring the indian and chinaman out of obscurity.
I agree, it doesn't cut it anymore. I can't agree with a school of thought who is championed by Krugman. Fuck that guy. I still side heavily with Chicago-Freshwater.
Toothpaste is correct. You can like what Austrian schools stand for, but good luck fudging numbers for your ideology like the Austrians did. It's just as bad as Marxist Econ in how almost mathematically illiterate it is. Just follow along the lines of Milton Friedman and his ilk who were conservative/libertarians instead of trying to manipulate data to fit your worldview.
Marxian economics is having a resurgence because of fears about technological unemployment, universal basic income is the new Communism.
Keynesianism could still crash and burn if it turns out that Western countries can't just finance their decadence with borrowing and money printing indefinitely.
I'm not trying to persuade you of anything, just that the economics field is still wide open and any consensus is shaky at best.
jk ;_;
The Alchemy of Finance, by George Soros.
Gives a lot of insight into how the jewish parasite thinks. One must know their enemy before they fight them.
STARSHIP TROOPERS by Robert Heinlein
Some others just finished.
Yurope: Hillary's Invasion is what would happen if monty python was still around to make fun of modern day liberals. the sequel makes fun of black people
Two books I found really useful are
>I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Remit Sethi
none of it is very in depth but it's good entry level reading on a lot of topics that can really make or break someone's financial well being.
>Building Wealth One House at a Time by John Schaub
Talks about a strategy for amassing wealth through real estate done as the title says, one house at a time.
Both of these books are written very simply anyone can follow along. It's great to have virtues and know your history but if you never achieve financial independence you can never achieve independence at all.
Reading this now, really like it so far.
Read a lot of Cornwell's stuff and I have got to say that series is probably his best work.
that's a big nose.
Fuck off, shill.
The Ego And It's Own
>those big beautiful eyes though
Before you read anything else read this
Excellent book.
Shitty movie.
The problem is that there are tons of hadiths which Muslims also follow. You can never finish reading all the hadiths to know what's up with Islam.
I got halfway through the Black Swan and was so annoyed by how arrogant he is that I had to stop reading
>Books aren't relevant to politics
kill yourself
Does anyone know any websites or stores that sell far-right phamplets and stickers that I can spread all over my city?
Any book by this god
/Lit/ is for literature. I don't think /pol/ is interested in fiction. Maybe some philosophy.
what about the Henry Ford book about jews, is it worth it?
Make way for a true patrician:
>The Conservative Mind: From Burke to Eliot-Russell Kirk
>Collected Works-Flannery O'Connor
>The Book of the New Sun-Gene Wolfe
>Summa Theologica-St. Thomas Aquinas
>Heretics-G.K. Chesterton
>The Sickness Unto Death-Soren Kirkegaard
>Moby-Dick-Herman Melville
Reading Mark Twain's "Roughing It" For the 3rd time.
Then getting to Lost Treasures of American History.
>I don't think /pol/ is interested in fiction.
Dear OP,
This girl is plainly mental as fuck. Please do not bring her to any /pol/cat related activities in the future. Thank you.
Fine you win
Your emotions are irrelevant. You know he is right
t. butthurt nu-male who never had a goth/weird gf
Yeah, he could be less of a cock about it though
A People's History of the United States
Fuck off with this revisionist bullshit.
de bottom has a bretty good youtube channel called the school of life
Fair point
I haven't read any of these yet, but I hear they are good.
The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve (1998)
G. Edward Griffin
The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life (1996)
Richard J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray
Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010
Charles Murray
Here is an interview where he discusses the book
Race Differences in Intelligence (2015)
Richard Lynn
Why Race Matters (2016)
Jared Taylor
Adios, America (2015)
Ann Coulter
'White Girl Bleed a Lot': The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It
'Don't Make the Black Kids Angry': The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it
Colin Flaherty
A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History (2015)
Nicholas Wade
The Redneck Manifesto: How Hillbillies, Hicks, and White Trash Became America's Scapegoats (1998)
Jim Goad
Mining the Social Web: Data Mining Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, GitHub, and More (2013)
Matthew A Russell
geez guys those are iris enlargement contacts...
it's thing in Asia, especially common with girls in me country.
>Dialogues of Plate (currently on the Republic)
>Religion and Science - Bertrand Russell
>The Selfish Gene - Richard Dawkins
>East of Eden - John Steinbeck
Doesn't think people should educate themselves with books.
Posts coal burner pics.
Nigger detected.
She reminds me of a girl I used to work with. I can't find her hot because I saw, first hand, how unattractive girls who act (plus look) childlike can be.
i have eyes like this, without makeup.
Please be in Amsterdam
I liked Houellebecq's "Submission". Its highly topical.
im a dude
comfy as fug
What is her etnicity?
end your life
P-please be in Amsterdam
Seriously, I don't have a clue.
im a pitcher, not a catcher.
it's not a book, but my friend recommended this and it's hilarious, especially Hitler
Moj crnjo
"Legacy of Ashes" by Tim Weiner
Kosovo je srbija
this would be really interesting to storytime on /pol/. maybe one day when i have the time
well, I used to download that shit for some time but I just gave up on this comic. Fun times anyway
I am fucking dying. My sides are in orbit
I can be a convincing girl.
You better look good in a dress.
Read this after watching the pacific, was a pretty good read.
Subsets and Splits