stringlengths 35
| sha1
stringlengths 40
| id
int64 0
def get_file_from_project(proj: Project, file_path):
Returns a file object (or None, if error) from the HEAD of the default
branch in the repo. The default branch is usually 'main'.
file = proj.files.raw(file_path=file_path, ref=proj.default_branch)
LintReport.trace(f'Accessing \'{file_path}\' from {}.')
return file
except gitlab.GitlabGetError as _:
f'Problem accessing \'{file_path}\' from {}.')
return None | 796203fabf6f25403f24e6c3f50d93f5e20d1d80 | 905 |
def get_logger_by_name(name: str):
Gets the logger given the type of logger
:param name: Name of the value function needed
:type name: string
:returns: Logger
if name not in logger_registry.keys():
raise NotImplementedError
return logger_registry[name] | b17b0ad215f25940b751f995c6f7cd441f6cd4e6 | 906 |
def gen_appr_():
""" 16 consonants """
appr_ = list(voiced_approximant)
return appr_ | 948d52aa38ec03f0f3b21dcd6c2c5e60d30cdbb3 | 907 |
from typing import Union
from typing import Iterable
def convert_unit(
to_convert: Union[float, int, Iterable[Union[float, int, Iterable]]],
old_unit: Union[str, float, int],
new_unit: Union[str, float, int],
) -> Union[float, tuple]:
Convert a number or sequence of numbers from one unit to another.
If either unit is a number it will be treated as the number of points per unit. So 72 would mean 1 inch.
to_convert (float, int, Iterable): The number / list of numbers, or points, to convert
old_unit (str, float, int): A unit accepted by fpdf.FPDF or a number
new_unit (str, float, int): A unit accepted by fpdf.FPDF or a number
(float, tuple): to_convert converted from old_unit to new_unit or a tuple of the same
unit_conversion_factor = get_scale_factor(new_unit) / get_scale_factor(old_unit)
if isinstance(to_convert, Iterable):
return tuple(
map(lambda i: convert_unit(i, 1, unit_conversion_factor), to_convert)
return to_convert / unit_conversion_factor | e4ac4f5ba405151d45cbab0b04fcf55a9710a0bf | 908 |
from typing import Union
from typing import Tuple
def image_preprocess(image, image_size: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]]):
"""Preprocess image for inference.
image: input image, can be a tensor or a numpy arary.
image_size: single integer of image size for square image or tuple of two
integers, in the format of (image_height, image_width).
(image, scale): a tuple of processed image and its scale.
input_processor = dataloader.DetectionInputProcessor(image, image_size)
image = input_processor.resize_and_crop_image()
image_scale = input_processor.image_scale_to_original
return image, image_scale | 091b2c3098bbf72a02a203486938c354719b3c83 | 909 |
def create_cluster_meta(cluster_groups):
"""Return a ClusterMeta instance with cluster group support."""
meta = ClusterMeta()
cluster_groups = cluster_groups or {}
data = {c: {'group': v} for c, v in cluster_groups.items()}
return meta | 01c96d966c0c581c6d72cf7a8fb67cec9fd41d6e | 910 |
def dict_has_key_and_value_include_str(the_dict,key,str):
if the_dict.__contains__(key):
if str in the_dict[key]:
return True
return False | 56058581914233c9520986db7f80c4b879443e97 | 911 |
def get_wrapper_depth(wrapper):
"""Return depth of wrapper function."""
return wrapper.__wrapped__.__wrappers__ + (1 - wrapper.__depth__) | 2b6dbfc817416b8e5bce486ec12dad09281fb7b6 | 913 |
def get_formsets(what, extra=0, **kwargs):
"""Returns a list of formset instances"""
related_fields = {}
relation_config = get_form_config('Relations', **kwargs)
operation = 'create' if 'Create' in what else 'update'
for relation in relation_config:
field_config = relation_config[relation]
related_fields[relation] = get_form_fields(operation, field_config)
def get_related_model(relation):
"""Returns related model"""
args = get_app_model_as_params(**kwargs)
return apps.get_model(*args)
return [inlineformset_factory(
) for relation in related_fields]
except KeyError:
return [] | 39b6ec430c245cf54cc1d28abaf89271237ef961 | 914 |
def round_even(number):
"""Takes a number and returns it rounded even"""
# decimal.getcontext() -> ROUND_HALF_EVEN is default
return Decimal(number).quantize(0) | 2b19200a1a10597976fe29eaf6363cf59212241e | 915 |
def _build_conditional_single(cond, vals, model_cls=None):
Builds the single conditional portion of a where clause.
cond (()/[]): The tuple/list containing the elements for a single
conditional statement. See Model.query_direct() docs for full details
on the format.
vals ({str:str/int/bool/datetime/enum/etc}): The mapping of variable names
as they will be used within parameterized format (i.e. `%(<>)s` format)
in the returned `clause`. This is expected to contain all variables
already built into the where clause currently being processed and will
be modified here if a value/variable is part of the conditional.
model_cls (Class<Model<>> or None): The class itself of the model holding
the valid column names. Can be None if skipping that check for
increased performance, but this is ONLY recommended if the source of the
column names in the structured `where` parameter is internally
controlled and was not subject to external user input to avoid SQL
injection attacks.
(str): The portion of the clause that represents this single conditional.
Any variables will be in parameterized format (i.e. `%(<>)s` format).
Note that the `vals` provided will be modified by adding any new
variables included in this portion of the clause.
(NonexistentColumnError): Raised if the column provided in the `cond` does
not exist in the official list of columns in the provided model (only
possible if model_cls provided as non-None).
(ValueError): Raised if the LogicOp provided as part of the `cond` is not
a valid LogicOp option for this Orm.
if model_cls is not None:
_validate_cols([cond[0]], model_cls)
if cond[1] is model_meta.LogicOp.NOT_NULL:
return f'{cond[0]} NOT NULL'
# The rest below have a value, so all would use same key
val_key = f'wval{str(len(vals))}'
if cond[1] is model_meta.LogicOp.EQ \
or cond[1] is model_meta.LogicOp.EQUAL \
or cond[1] is model_meta.LogicOp.EQUALS:
vals[val_key] = cond[2]
return f'{cond[0]} = %({val_key})s'
if cond[1] is model_meta.LogicOp.LT \
or cond[1] is model_meta.LogicOp.LESS_THAN:
vals[val_key] = cond[2]
return f'{cond[0]} < %({val_key})s'
if cond[1] is model_meta.LogicOp.LTE \
or cond[1] is model_meta.LogicOp.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL:
vals[val_key] = cond[2]
return f'{cond[0]} <= %({val_key})s'
if cond[1] is model_meta.LogicOp.GT \
or cond[1] is model_meta.LogicOp.GREATER_THAN:
vals[val_key] = cond[2]
return f'{cond[0]} > %({val_key})s'
if cond[1] is model_meta.LogicOp.GTE \
or cond[1] is model_meta.LogicOp.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL:
vals[val_key] = cond[2]
return f'{cond[0]} >= %({val_key})s'
err_msg = f'Invalid or Unsupported Logic Op: {cond[1]}'
raise ValueError(err_msg) | bb61133f25901321df41f06fa5407cb98c596f88 | 916 |
def isNullOutpoint(tx):
isNullOutpoint determines whether or not a previous transaction output point
is set.
nullInOP = tx.txIn[0].previousOutPoint
if (
nullInOP.index == wire.MaxUint32
and nullInOP.hash == ByteArray(0, length=HASH_SIZE)
and nullInOP.tree == wire.TxTreeRegular
return True
return False | ac68a81dfabd7415136b5bfe0c38b6b551048e88 | 917 |
def cmyk_to_rgb(c, m, y, k):
r = (1.0 - c) * (1.0 - k)
g = (1.0 - m) * (1.0 - k)
b = (1.0 - y) * (1.0 - k)
return r, g, b | 03ece22efe6f88ff6e9f2825c72bcb4b18a238ef | 918 |
def get_by_id(group_id: int, db: Session = Depends(get_db), member: MemberModel = Depends(get_active_member)):
"""Get group by id"""
item = service.get_by_id(db, group_id)
return item | 035e5c0d74de017778f82052c5341f7c69b9dd8a | 919 |
def inMandelSet(x: int, y: int, max_iteration: int) -> int:
"""inMandelSet determines if complex(x,y) is in the mandelbrot set."""
z = 0
for k in range(max_iteration):
z = z ** 2 + complex(x,y)
if abs(z) > 2: return k
return k | 404beb051d0982c081a6564793017282451fa44b | 924 |
def isBinaryPalindrome(num):
"""assumes num is an integer
returns True if num in binary form is a palindrome, else False"""
return str(bin(num))[2::] == str(bin(num))[:1:-1] | 0181811e57964cb056391618084d9473b6c845e3 | 925 |
def mprv_from_entropy(entropy: GenericEntropy,
passphrase: str,
lang: str,
xversion: bytes) -> bytes:
"""Return a BIP32 master private key from entropy."""
mnemonic = mnemonic_from_entropy(entropy, lang)
mprv = mprv_from_mnemonic(mnemonic, passphrase, xversion)
return mprv | 7dc9ce4c25f9b84f16731eb37be371de95187a8b | 927 |
def analyze_audio(audio_filename, target_freq=TARGET_FREQS, win_size=5000, step=200, min_delay=BEEP_DURATION, sensitivity=250, verbose=True):
Analyze the given audio file to find the tone markers, with the respective frequency and time position.
:param str audio_filename: The Audio filename to analyze to find the markers.
:param tuple target_freq: A tuple containing the int frequencies ( in Hertz ) that the function should recognize.
:param int win_size: The size of the moving window for the analysys.
Increasing the window increases the accuracy but takes longer.
:param int step: the increment between each window.
:param float min_delay: Minimum duration, in seconds, of the beep to be recognized.
:param int sensitivity: Minimum value of relative amplitude of the beep to be recognized.
:param bool verbose: If true, print some info on the screen.
:return: a list of dict containing the markers positions and frequencies.
print("Analyzing the Audio...")
# Open the wav audio track
# Get the sample rate (fs) and the sample data (data)
fs, data =
# Calculate the duration, in seconds, of a sample
sample_duration = 1.0 / fs
# Get the total number of samples
total_samples = data.shape[0]
# Calculate the frequencies that the fourier transform can analyze
frequencies = np.fft.fftfreq(win_size)
# Convert them to Hertz
hz_frequencies = frequencies * fs
# Calculate the indexes of the frequencies that are compatible with the target_freq
freq_indexes = []
for freq in target_freq:
# Find the index of the nearest element
index = (np.abs(hz_frequencies - freq)).argmin()
# This will hold the duration of each frequency pulse
duration_count = {}
# Initialize the dictionary
for freq in target_freq:
duration_count[freq] = 0
# Initialize the counter
count = 0
# This list will hold the analysis result
results = []
# Analyze the audio dividing the samples into windows, and analyzing each
# one separately
for window in mit.windowed(data, n=win_size, step=step, fillvalue=0):
# Calculate the FFT of the current window
fft_data = np.fft.fft(window)
# Calculate the amplitude of the transform
fft_abs = np.absolute(window)
# Calculate the mean of the amplitude
fft_mean = np.mean(fft_abs)
# Calculate the current time of the window
ctime = count * sample_duration
# Check, for each target frequency, if present
for i, freq in enumerate(target_freq):
# Get the relative amplitude of the current frequency
freq_amplitude = abs(fft_data[freq_indexes[i]]) / fft_mean
# If the amplitude is greater than the sensitivity,
# Increase the duration counter for the current frequency
if freq_amplitude > sensitivity:
duration_count[freq] += step * sample_duration
# If the duration is greater than the minimum delay, add the result
if duration_count[freq] > min_delay:
results.append({'time': ctime, 'freq': freq})
# Print the result if verbose
if verbose:
print("--> found freq:", freq, "time:", ctime)
duration_count[freq] = 0
count += step
# Print the progress every 100000 samples
if verbose and count % 100000 == 0:
percent = round((count/total_samples) * 100)
print("\rAnalyzing {}% ".format(percent), end="")
print() # Reset the new line
return results | 63a5dfd65075b592662309082630011c234a3d52 | 928 |
import json
def read_usgs_file(file_name):
Reads a USGS JSON data file (from
file_name : str
Name of USGS JSON data file
data : pandas DataFrame
Data indexed by datetime with columns named according to the parameter's
variable description
with open(file_name) as json_file:
text = json.load(json_file)
data = _read_usgs_json(text)
return data | cfba1da7bb5f34a18292dc914f8128cab538850e | 929 |
def get_cantus_firmus(notes):
Given a list of notes as integers, will return the lilypond notes
for the cantus firmus.
result = ""
# Ensure the notes are in range
normalised = [note for note in notes if note > 0 and note < 18]
if not normalised:
return result
# Set the duration against the first note.
result = NOTES[normalised[0]] + " 1 "
# Translate all the others.
result += " ".join([NOTES[note] for note in normalised[1:]])
# End with a double bar.
result += ' \\bar "|."'
# Tidy up double spaces.
result = result.replace(" ", " ")
return result | d193088a6665df363d032f69b6fd3db80c8bce4a | 930 |
def get_wildcard_values(config):
"""Get user-supplied wildcard values."""
return dict(wc.split("=") for wc in config.get("wildcards", [])) | 0ca15b82ebed47dec9d46991cb4db45ee72eb3af | 931 |
def predict(model_filepath, config, input_data):
"""Return prediction from user input."""
# Load model
model = Model.load(model_filepath + config['predicting']['model_name'])
# Predict
prediction = int(np.round(model.predict(input_data), -3)[0])
return prediction | afc61eaba1265efded59f182fa6639a3d2e534e2 | 932 |
def gauss3D_FIT(xyz, x0, y0, z0, sigma_x, sigma_y, sigma_z):
Returns the value of a gaussian at a 2D set of points for the given
standard deviations with maximum normalized to 1.
The Gaussian axes are assumed to be 90 degrees from each other.
xyz -
x0, y0, z0 = the x, y, z centers of the Gaussian
sigma_x, sigma_y, sigma_z = The std. deviations of the Gaussian.
Be careful about the indexing used in meshgrid and the order in which you pass the x, y, z variables in.
xyz: tuple of ndarrays
A tuple containing the 3D arrays of points (from meshgrid)
x0, y0, z0: float
The x, y, z centers of the Gaussian
sigma_x, sigma_y, sigma_z: float
The standard deviations of the Gaussian.
g3_norm: ndarray
A flattened array for fitting.
x0 = float(x0)
y0 = float(y0)
z0 = float(z0)
x = xyz[0]
y = xyz[1]
z = xyz[2]
g3 = np.exp(
(x - x0) ** 2 / (2 * sigma_x ** 2)
+ (y - y0) ** 2 / (2 * sigma_y ** 2)
+ (z - z0) ** 2 / (2 * sigma_z ** 2)
g3_norm = g3 / np.max(g3.flatten())
return g3_norm.ravel() | 8e4337760c8064fb553361240f2cfa04ec379c76 | 934 |
async def tell(message: str) -> None:
"""Send a message to the user.
message: The message to send to the user.
return await interaction_context().tell(message) | 8e82ceece1896b2b8cc805cf30cca79e64e0cf4e | 935 |
def PGetDim (inFFT):
Get dimension of an FFT
returns array of 7 elements
* inFFT = Python Obit FFT
# Checks
if not PIsA(inFFT):
raise TypeError("inFFT MUST be a Python Obit FFT")
return Obit.FFTGetDim(
# end PGetDim | c95f80f465f0f69a2e144bf4b52a2e7965c8f87c | 936 |
def score_detail(fpl_data):
convert fpl_data into Series
Index- multi-index of team, pos, player, opp, minutes
l =[]
basic_index = ["player", "opp", "minutes"]
for i in range(len(fpl_data["elements"])):
ts=achived_from(fpl_data, i, True)
name = (fpl_data["elements"][i]["first_name"]+
if len(ts)==0:
ts=pd.concat([ts,], keys=[name], names=basic_index)
ele = pos_map(fpl_data)[fpl_data["elements"][i]['element_type']]
ts=pd.concat([ts,], keys=[ele], names=["pos"]+basic_index)
team = team_map(fpl_data)[fpl_data["elements"][i]['team']]
ts=pd.concat([ts,], keys=[team], names=["team", "pos"]+basic_index)
return pd.concat(l) | fd70f92efffb42e8d5849f4fa2eaf090e87daa57 | 937 |
def edition_view(measurement, workspace, exopy_qtbot):
"""Start plugins and add measurements before creating the execution view.
pl = measurement.plugin
measurement.root_task.add_child_task(0, BreakTask(name='Test'))
item = MeasurementEditorDockItem(workspace=workspace,
return DockItemTestingWindow(widget=item) | f84ed466468b9732c9aef9c3fc9244a5e57583cd | 938 |
def menu_items():
""" Add a menu item which allows users to specify their session directory
def change_session_folder():
global session_dir
path = str(QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(None,
'Browse to new session folder -'))
session_dir = path
writetolog("*" * 79 + "\n" + "*" * 79)
writetolog(" output directory: " + session_dir)
writetolog("*" * 79 + "\n" + "*" * 79)
lst = []
lst.append(("Change session folder", change_session_folder))
return(lst) | ec5177e53eaa1a2de38276ca95d41f944dd9d4a3 | 939 |
def calculate_pair_energy_np(coordinates, i_particle, box_length, cutoff):
Calculates the interaction energy of one particle with all others in system.
coordinates : np.ndarray
2D array of [x,y,z] coordinates for all particles in the system
i_particle : int
the particle row for which to calculate energy
box_length : float
the length of the simulation box
cutoff : float
the cutoff interaction length
e_total : float
the pairwise energy between the i-th particle and other particles in system
particle = coordinates[i_particle][:]
coordinates = np.delete(coordinates, i_particle, 0)
e_array = np.zeros(coordinates.shape)
dist = calculate_distance_np(particle, coordinates, box_length)
e_array = dist[dist < cutoff]
e_array = calculate_LJ_np(e_array)
e_total = e_array.sum()
return e_total | fecc44e54b4cbef12e6b197c34971fc54a91d3ce | 940 |
def inside_loop(iter):
>>> inside_loop([1,2,3])
>>> inside_loop([])
Traceback (most recent call last):
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'i' referenced before assignment
for i in iter:
return i | c94720cddec7d3d151c9aea8d8d360564fbffe66 | 941 |
def _pattern_data_from_form(form, point_set):
"""Handles the form in which the user determines which algorithms
to run with the uploaded file, and computes the algorithm results.
form: The form data
point_set: Point set representation of the uploaded file.
Musical pattern discovery results of the algorithms
chosen by the user.
pattern_data = []
min_pattern_length = form.getlist('siatec-min-pattern-length')
min_pattern_length = [int(x) for x in min_pattern_length]
for i in range(len(min_pattern_length)):
# timewarp-invariant algorithm
window = form.getlist('timewarp-window')
window = [int(x) for x in window]
min_pattern_length = form.getlist('timewarp-min-pattern-length')
min_pattern_length = [int(x) for x in min_pattern_length]
for i in range(len(window)):
return pattern_data | ba69a058fd6a641166ebf4040dc7f780fc8b1a1e | 942 |
def group(help_doc):
"""Creates group options instance in module options instnace"""
return | a715353bb86ecd511522283c941a66830926a1d3 | 943 |
from io import StringIO
def convert_pdf_to_txt(path, pageid=None):
This function scrambles the text. There may be values for LAParams
that fix it but that seems difficult so see getMonters instead.
This function is based on convert_pdf_to_txt(path) from
RattleyCooper's Oct 21 '14 at 19:47 answer
edited by Trenton McKinney Oct 4 '19 at 4:10
on <>.
Keyword arguments:
pageid -- Only process this page id.
rsrcmgr = PDFResourceManager()
retstr = StringIO()
codec = 'utf-8'
laparams = LAParams()
device = TextConverter(rsrcmgr, retstr, codec=codec, laparams=laparams)
except TypeError as ex:
if ("codec" in str(ex)) and ("unexpected keyword" in str(ex)):
device = TextConverter(rsrcmgr, retstr, laparams=laparams)
fp = open(path, 'rb')
interpreter = PDFPageInterpreter(rsrcmgr, device)
password = ""
maxpages = 0
caching = True
pagenos = set()
for page in PDFPage.get_pages(fp, pagenos, maxpages=maxpages, password=password,caching=caching, check_extractable=True):
# print("page: {}".format(dir(page)))
if (pageid is None) or (pageid == page.pageid):
print("page.pageid: {}".format(page.pageid))
if pageid is not None:
text = retstr.getvalue()
return text | 9c215c539054bd88c5d7f2bf9d38e904fc53b0d6 | 944 |
def safe_str(val, default=None):
"""Safely cast value to str, Optional: Pass default value. Returned if casting fails.
if val is None:
return default if default is not None else ''
return safe_cast(val, str, default) | d5abb2426de99aa8aac22660ce53fa4aec6424e3 | 946 |
def mod2():
Create a simple model for incorporation tests
class mod2(mod1):
def __init__(self, name, description):
super().__init__(name, "Model 1")
self.a = self.createVariable("a",dimless,"a")
self.b = self.createVariable("b",dimless,"b")
self.c = self.createParameter("c",dimless,"c")
eq21 = self.a() + self.b() + self.c()
eq22 = self.b() - self.f()
self.createEquation("eq21", "Generic equation 2.1", eq21)
self.createEquation("eq22", "Generic equation 2.2", eq22)
mod = mod2("M2", "Model 2")
return mod | cef4ad517971a1eb00ece97b7d90be1895e1ab0f | 947 |
def zero_order(freq,theta,lcandidat,NumTopic):
Calculate the Zero-Order Relevance
freq : Array containing the frequency of occurrences of each word in the whole corpus
theta : Array containing the frequency of occurrences of each word in each topic
lcandidat: Array containing each label candidate
NumTopic : The number of the topic
topCandidate : Array containing the name of the top 10 score candidate for a given topic
#W matrice qui contient le score de chaque mot pour chaque topic
# score des tous les candidats pour le topic NumTopic
for indice in range (len(lCandidat)):
candidat=lCandidat[indice].split(" ")
# supprime les -1 (qui signifie pas trouvé)
i[:] = [v for v in i if v != -1]
#topValue, topCandidate = top10Score(score,lCandidat)
return dicti | 38cd3207b375db06302cb063270c180bc4b9617b | 948 |
def compute_check_letter(dni_number: str) -> str:
Given a DNI number, obtain the correct check letter.
:param dni_number: a valid dni number.
:return: the check letter for the number as an uppercase, single character
return UPPERCASE_CHECK_LETTERS[int(dni_number) % 23] | 58a7d54db2736351aef4957f17ed55ce13af7f0a | 949 |
import time
def uptime_check(delay=1):
"""Performs uptime checks to two URLs
delay: The number of seconds delay between two uptime checks, optional, defaults to 1 second.
Returns: A dictionary, where the keys are the URL checked, the values are the corresponding status (1=UP, 0=DOWN)
urls = ["", ""]
url_status = {}
for url in urls:
url_status[url] = check_url(url)[0]
return url_status | 69c8f76a28ec0cb59f08252d8d2bcb04fc85782e | 950 |
def entropy_column(input):
"""returns column entropy of entropy matrix.
input is motifs"""
nucleotides = {'A': 0, 'T': 0, 'C': 0, 'G': 0}
for item in input:
nucleotides[item] = nucleotides[item]+1
for key in nucleotides:
temp_res = nucleotides[key]/len(input)
if temp_res > 0:
nucleotides[key] = temp_res * abs(log2(temp_res))
sum = 0
for key in nucleotides:
sum = sum + nucleotides[key]
# print(nucleotides)
return sum | 3079f7b5d40e02f00b7f36de6ad6df9ff6b6ec41 | 951 |
def sumVoteCount(instance):
""" Returns the sum of the vote count of the instance.
:param instance: The instance.
:type instance: preflibtools.instance.preflibinstance.PreflibInstance
:return: The sum of vote count of the instance.
:rtype: int
return instance.sumVoteCount | 6683e31a2e5ec9904c5f35e60622310b6688a635 | 953 |
def get_user_solutions(username):
"""Returns all solutions submitted by the specified user.
username: The username.
A solution list.
KeyError: If the specified user is not found.
user = _db.users.find_one({'_id': username})
if not user:
raise KeyError('User not found: %s' % username)
solutions =
'owner': user['_id']
projection=('resemblance_int', 'solution_size', 'problem_id', '_id'))
# manually select the best (and oldest) solution
table = {}
for solution in solutions:
problem_id = solution['problem_id']
if problem_id in table:
old_solution = table[problem_id]
if solution['resemblance_int'] > old_solution['resemblance_int'] or \
(solution['resemblance_int'] == old_solution['resemblance_int'] and solution['_id'] < old_solution['_id']):
table[problem_id] = solution
table[problem_id] = solution
# sort by problem_id
solutions = table.values()
solutions.sort(key=lambda solution: solution['problem_id'])
return solutions | b1257962ee52707d39988ec1cc535c390df064e6 | 956 |
def add_standard_attention_hparams(hparams):
"""Adds the hparams used by get_standadized_layers."""
# All hyperparameters ending in "dropout" are automatically set to 0.0
# when not in training mode.
# hparams used and which should have been defined outside (in
# common_hparams):
# Global flags
# hparams.mode
# hparams.hidden_size
# Pre-post processing flags
# hparams.layer_preprocess_sequence
# hparams.layer_postprocess_sequence
# hparams.layer_prepostprocess_dropout
# hparams.norm_type
# hparams.norm_epsilon
# Mixture-of-Expert flags
# hparams.moe_hidden_sizes
# hparams.moe_num_experts
# hparams.moe_k
# hparams.moe_loss_coef
# Attention layers flags
hparams.add_hparam("num_heads", 8)
hparams.add_hparam("attention_key_channels", 0)
hparams.add_hparam("attention_value_channels", 0)
hparams.add_hparam("attention_dropout", 0.0)
# Attention: Local
hparams.add_hparam("attention_loc_block_length", 256)
# Attention: Local (unmasked only): How much to look left.
hparams.add_hparam("attention_loc_block_width", 128)
# Attention: Memory-compressed
hparams.add_hparam("attention_red_factor", 3)
hparams.add_hparam("attention_red_type", "conv")
hparams.add_hparam("attention_red_nonlinearity", "none")
# Fully connected layers flags
# To be more consistent, should use filter_size to also control the MOE
# size if moe_hidden_sizes not set.
hparams.add_hparam("filter_size", 2048)
hparams.add_hparam("relu_dropout", 0.0)
return hparams | de9f1a3b30a105a89d3400ca0b36e4c747f1ab46 | 958 |
def get_df1_df2(X: np.array, y: np.array) -> [DataFrame, DataFrame]:
Get DataFrames for points with labels 1 and -1
:param X:
:param y:
x1 = np.array([X[:, i] for i in range(y.shape[0]) if y[i] == 1]).T
x2 = np.array([X[:, i] for i in range(y.shape[0]) if y[i] == -1]).T
df1 = DataFrame({'x': list(), 'y': list()})
df2 = DataFrame({'x': list(), 'y': list()})
if len(x1 > 0):
df1 = DataFrame({'x': x1[0], 'y': x1[1]})
if len(x2 > 0):
df2 = DataFrame({'x': x2[0], 'y': x2[1]})
return [df1, df2] | 783a69a9be0e56ca3509fa38845df4f1533ef45e | 960 |
import base64
def dnsip6encode(data):
encodes the data as a single IPv6 address
:param data: data to encode
:return: encoded form
if len(data) != 16:
print_error("dnsip6encode: data is more or less than 16 bytes, cannot encode")
return None
res = b''
reslen = 0
for i in range(len(data)):
res += base64.b16encode(data[i:i+1])
reslen += 1
if reslen % 2 == 0:
res += b':'
return res[:-1] | 0055029150c1a125b88ac5f5700d8bf2fb70d9c2 | 961 |
def gcm_send_bulk_message(registration_ids, data, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs):
Standalone method to send bulk gcm notifications
messenger = GCMMessenger(registration_ids, data, encoding=encoding, **kwargs)
return messenger.send_bulk() | cace5a07d0b903d0f4aa1694faf7366ea7b9c928 | 962 |
import torch
def apply_net_video(net, arr, argmax_output=True, full_faces='auto'):
"""Apply a preloaded network to input array coming from a video of one eye.
Note that there is (intentionally) no function that both loads the net and applies it; loading
the net should ideally only be done once no matter how many times it is run on arrays.
net: Network loaded by load_net
arr: numpy array of shape (h, w, 3) or (batch_size, h, w, 3) with colors in RGB order
generally (h, w) = (4000, 6000) for full faces and (4000, 3000) for half-faces
although inputs are all resized to (256, 256)
argmax_output: if True, apply argmax to output values to get categorical mask
full_faces: whether inputs are to be treated as full faces; note that the networks take half-faces
By default, base decision on input size
Segmentation mask and potentially regression output.
Regression output present if a regression-generating network was used
Segmentation mask a numpy array of shape (batch_size, h, w) if argmax_output
else (batch_size, h, w, num_classes)
Regression output a numpy array of shape (batch_size, 4) for half-faces or (batch_size, 8) for full faces;
one iris's entry is in the format (x,y,r,p) with p the predicted probability of iris presence;
for full faces, each entry is (*right_iris, *left_iris)"""
if len(arr.shape)==3:
arr = arr[np.newaxis]
tens = torch.tensor(arr.transpose(0,3,1,2), dtype=torch.float)
orig_tens_size = tens.size()[2:]
input_tensor = F.interpolate(tens, size=(256,256), mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
input_tensor = input_tensor.cuda()
with torch.no_grad():
output = net(input_tensor)
if 'reg' in net.outtype:
seg, reg = output
reg = reg.detach().cpu().numpy()
reg = np.concatenate([reg[:,:3], sigmoid(reg[:,3:])], 1)
seg = output
segmentation = seg.detach().cpu()
segmentation = F.interpolate(segmentation, size=orig_tens_size, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
seg_arr = segmentation.numpy().transpose(0,2,3,1)
seg_arr = cleanupseg(seg_arr)
if argmax_output:
seg_arr = np.argmax(seg_arr, 3)
if 'reg' in net.outtype:
return seg_arr, reg
return seg_arr | 3d6acd156761c651572a8b6a27d8511b2e88cc20 | 963 |
def Storeligandnames(csv_file):
"""It identifies the names of the ligands in the csv file
csv_file : filename of the csv file with the ligands
lig_list : list of ligand names (list of strings)
Lig = open(csv_file,"rt")
lig_aux = []
for ligand in Lig:
lig_aux.append(ligand.replace(" ","_").replace("\n","").lower())
return lig_aux | dc4510a4ea946eaf00152cb445acdc7535ce0379 | 964 |
def chunk_to_rose(station):
Builds data suitable for Plotly's wind roses from
a subset of data.
Given a subset of data, group by direction and speed.
Return accumulator of whatever the results of the
incoming chunk are.
# bin into three different petal count categories: 8pt, 16pt, and 26pt
bin_list = [
list(range(5, 356, 10)),
list(np.arange(11.25, 349, 22.5)),
list(np.arange(22.5, 338, 45)),
bname_list = [
list(range(1, 36)),
list(np.arange(2.25, 34, 2.25)),
list(np.arange(4.5, 32, 4.5)),
# Accumulator dataframe.
proc_cols = [
accumulator = pd.DataFrame(columns=proc_cols)
for bins, bin_names, pcount in zip(bin_list, bname_list, [36, 16, 8]):
# Assign directions to bins.
# We'll use the exceptional 'NaN' class to represent
# 355º - 5º, which would otherwise be annoying.
# Assign 0 to that direction class.
ds = pd.cut(station["wd"], bins, labels=bin_names)
station = station.assign("0").fillna("0"))
# First compute yearly data.
# For each direction class...
directions = station.groupby(["direction_class"])
for direction, d_group in directions:
# For each wind speed range bucket...
for bucket, bucket_info in speed_ranges.items():
d = d_group.loc[
== True
count = len(d.index)
full_count = len(station.index)
frequency = 0
if full_count > 0:
frequency = round(((count / full_count) * 100), 2)
accumulator = accumulator.append(
"sid": station["sid"].values[0],
"direction_class": direction,
"speed_range": bucket,
"count": count,
"frequency": frequency,
"decade": station["decade"].iloc[0],
"month": station["month"].iloc[0],
"pcount": pcount,
accumulator = accumulator.astype(
{"direction_class": np.float32, "count": np.int32, "frequency": np.float32,}
return accumulator | 70adc8fe1ec4649ac6f58131f7bb893760cf6b8c | 965 |
def loadKiosk(eventid):
"""Renders kiosk for specified event."""
event = Event.get_by_id(eventid)
return render_template("/events/eventKiosk.html",
event = event,
eventid = eventid) | 19acab2648c1d32c5214a42797347d8563996abd | 966 |
def bson_encode(data: ENCODE_TYPES) -> bytes:
Encodes ``data`` to bytes. BSON records in list are delimited by '\u241E'.
if data is None:
return b""
elif isinstance(data, list):
encoded = BSON_RECORD_DELIM.join(_bson_encode_single(r) for r in data)
# We are going to put a delimiter right at the head as a signal that this is
# a list of bson files, even if it is only one record
encoded = BSON_RECORD_DELIM + encoded
return encoded
return _bson_encode_single(data) | 1fe61cc9c38d34c42d20478671c179c8f76606b0 | 967 |
def _GetTailStartingTimestamp(filters, offset=None):
"""Returns the starting timestamp to start streaming logs from.
filters: [str], existing filters, should not contain timestamp constraints.
offset: int, how many entries ago we should pick the starting timestamp.
If not provided, unix time zero will be returned.
str, A timestamp that can be used as lower bound or None if no lower bound
is necessary.
if not offset:
return None
entries = list(logging_common.FetchLogs(log_filter=' AND '.join(filters),
if len(entries) < offset:
return None
return list(entries)[-1].timestamp | 0362df8948a1762e85cfaaa8c32565d9f1517132 | 968 |
def main(data_config_file, app_config_file):
"""Print delta table schemas."""'data config: ' + data_config_file)'app config: ' + app_config_file)
# load configs
ConfigSet(name=DATA_CFG, config_file=data_config_file)
cfg = ConfigSet(name=APP_CFG, config_file=app_config_file)
# get list of delta tables to load
tables = cfg.get_value(DATA_CFG + '::$.load_delta')
for table in tables:
path = table['path']
spark = SparkConfig().spark_session(config_name=APP_CFG, app_name="grapb_db")
df ='delta').load(path)
return 0 | de3247618664a38245a9ad60129dbe1881ee84c6 | 969 |
def porosity_to_n(porosity,GaN_n,air_n):
"""Convert a porosity to a refractive index. using the volume averaging theory"""
porous_n = np.sqrt((1-porosity)*GaN_n*GaN_n + porosity*air_n*air_n)
return porous_n | a4fa765b1870823731cefa5747a0078bbf4d4b4e | 970 |
def _indexing_coordi(data, coordi_size, itm2idx):
function: fashion item numbering
print('indexing fashion coordi')
vec = []
for d in range(len(data)):
vec_crd = []
for itm in data[d]:
ss = np.array([itm2idx[j][itm[j]] for j in range(coordi_size)])
vec_crd = np.array(vec_crd, dtype='int32')
return np.array(vec, dtype='int32') | b3ee0594c7090742ba2dcb65545a31cd73f7805b | 971 |
def plot_precentile(arr_sim, arr_ref, num_bins=1000, show_top_percentile=1.0):
""" Plot top percentile (as specified by show_top_percentile) of best restults
in arr_sim and compare against reference values in arr_ref.
arr_sim: numpy array
Array of similarity values to evaluate.
arr_ref: numpy array
Array of reference values to evaluate the quality of arr_sim.
num_bins: int
Number of bins to divide data (default = 1000)
Choose which part to plot. Will plot the top 'show_top_percentile' part of
all similarity values given in arr_sim. Default = 1.0
start = int(arr_sim.shape[0] * show_top_percentile / 100)
idx = np.argpartition(arr_sim, -start)
starting_point = arr_sim[idx[-start]]
if starting_point == 0:
print("not enough datapoints != 0 above given top-precentile")
# Remove all data below show_top_percentile
low_as = np.where(arr_sim < starting_point)[0]
length_selected = arr_sim.shape[0] - low_as.shape[0] # start+1
data = np.zeros((2, length_selected))
data[0, :] = np.delete(arr_sim, low_as)
data[1, :] = np.delete(arr_ref, low_as)
data = data[:, np.lexsort((data[1, :], data[0, :]))]
ref_score_cum = []
for i in range(num_bins):
low = int(i * length_selected / num_bins)
# high = int((i+1) * length_selected/num_bins)
ref_score_cum.append(np.mean(data[1, low:]))
ref_score_cum = np.array(ref_score_cum)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6))
(show_top_percentile / num_bins * (1 + np.arange(num_bins)))[::-1],
plt.xlabel("Top percentile of spectral similarity score g(s,s')")
plt.ylabel("Mean molecular similarity (f(t,t') within that percentile)")
return ref_score_cum | f2c024350ccba4dca83bb38ab6742d0e18cb7d3e | 972 |
def set_xfce4_shortcut_avail(act_args, key, progs):
"""Set the shortcut associated with the given key to the first available program"""
for cmdline in progs:
# Split the command line to find the used program
cmd_split = cmdline.split(None, 1)
cmd_split[0] = find_prog_in_path(cmd_split[0])
if cmd_split[0] is not None:
return set_xfce4_shortcut(act_args, key, ' '.join(cmd_split))
logger.warning("no program found for shortcut %s", key)
return True | 1b67e66fc7dd5b8aa4ca86dd8d7028af824b1cf7 | 973 |
def accesscontrol(check_fn):
"""Decorator for access controlled callables. In the example scenario where
access control is based solely on user names (user objects are `str`),
the following is an example usage of this decorator::
@accesscontrol(lambda user: user == 'bob')
def only_bob_can_call_this():
Class methods are decorated in the same way.
:param check_fn: A callable, taking a user object argument, and
returning a boolean value, indicating whether the user (user object
argument) is allowed access to the decorated callable."""
if not callable(check_fn):
raise TypeError(check_fn)
def decorator(wrapped):
def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
if ACL.current_user is None:
raise AccessDeniedError(decorated)
if not ACL.managed_funcs[decorated](ACL.current_user):
raise AccessDeniedError(decorated)
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
ACL.managed_funcs[decorated] = check_fn
return decorated
return decorator | ec0deb22e40d3a03e7c9fadbb6b7085b1c955925 | 974 |
def positionPctProfit():
Position Percent Profit
The percentage profit/loss of each position. Returns a dictionary with
market symbol keys and percent values.
:return: dictionary
psnpct = dict()
for position in portfolio:
# Strings are returned from API; convert to floating point type
current = float(position.current_price)
entry = float(position.avg_entry_price)
psnpct[position.symbol] = ((current - entry) / entry) * 100
return psnpct | b0abb40edeb6ff79abe29f916c6996e851627ab4 | 976 |
def _parse_fields(vel_field, corr_vel_field):
""" Parse and return the radar fields for dealiasing. """
if vel_field is None:
vel_field = get_field_name('velocity')
if corr_vel_field is None:
corr_vel_field = get_field_name('corrected_velocity')
return vel_field, corr_vel_field | 8a0d8a4148ddc3757bc437de3dc942fd6b4db1b3 | 977 |
def get_species_charge(species):
""" Returns the species charge (only electrons so far """
return qe
raise ValueError(f'get_species_charge: Species "{species}" is not supported.') | 24b0f091973dc5165194fc3063256413f14cd372 | 978 |
from typing import Dict
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
def orjson_dumps(
obj: Dict[str, Any], *, default: Callable[..., Any] = pydantic_encoder
) -> str:
"""Default `json_dumps` for TIA.
obj (BaseModel): The object to 'dump'.
default (Callable[..., Any], optional): The default encoder. Defaults to
str: The json formatted string of the object.
return orjson.dumps(obj, default=default).decode("utf-8") | b66cc4ea1ecd372711086cfeb831d690bcfa5ecd | 979 |
def KNN_classification(dataset, filename):
Classification of data with k-nearest neighbors,
followed by plotting of ROC and PR curves.
dataset: the input dataset, containing training and
test split data, and the corresponding labels
for binding- and non-binding sequences.
filename: an identifier to distinguish different
plots from each other.
stats: array containing classification accuracy, precision
and recall
# Import and one hot encode training/test set
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = prepare_data(dataset)
# Fitting classifier to the training set
KNN_classifier = KNeighborsClassifier(
n_neighbors=100, metric='minkowski', p=2), y_train)
# Predicting the test set results
y_pred = KNN_classifier.predict(X_test)
y_score = KNN_classifier.predict_proba(X_test)
# ROC curve
title = 'KNN ROC curve (Train={})'.format(filename)
y_test, y_score[:, 1], plot_title=title,
# Precision-recall curve
title = 'KNN Precision-Recall curve (Train={})'.format(filename)
y_test, y_score[:, 1], plot_title=title,
# Calculate statistics
stats = calc_stat(y_test, y_pred)
# Return statistics
return stats | b559ada6ace9c685cd7863a177f3f7224a5b5a69 | 980 |
def projection_error(pts_3d: np.ndarray, camera_k: np.ndarray, pred_pose: np.ndarray, gt_pose: np.ndarray):
Average distance of projections of object model vertices [px]
:param pts_3d: model points, shape of (n, 3)
:param camera_k: camera intrinsic matrix, shape of (3, 3)
:param pred_pose: predicted rotation and translation, shape (3, 4), [R|t]
:param gt_pose: ground truth rotation and translation, shape (3, 4), [R|t]
:return: the returned error, unit is pixel
# projection shape (n, 2)
pred_projection: np.ndarray = project_3d_2d(pts_3d=pts_3d, camera_intrinsic=camera_k, transformation=pred_pose)
gt_projection: np.ndarray = project_3d_2d(pts_3d=pts_3d, camera_intrinsic=camera_k, transformation=gt_pose)
error = np.linalg.norm(gt_projection - pred_projection, axis=1).mean()
return error | 846f8b468f180fcc2cd48c4ff7dc9ca21338b7b3 | 981 |
def ph_update(dump, line, ax, high_contrast):
:param dump: Believe this is needed as garbage data goes into first parameter
:param line: The line to be updated
:param ax: The plot the line is currently on
:param high_contrast: This specifies the color contrast of the map. 0=regular contrast, 1=heightened contrast
Updates the ph line plot after pulling new data.
values = pd.Series(dataList[3])
line = ax.plot(values, linewidth=3.0)
line = ax.plot(values)
return line | 22b1648a2c2d5fc479cb23f2aa6365b0a2d9669c | 982 |
def get_percent_match(uri, ucTableName):
Get percent match from USEARCH
uri: URI of part
ucTableName: UClust table
Returns: Percent match if available, else -1
with open(ucTableName, 'r') as read:
uc_reader =
lines = uc_reader.splitlines()
for line in lines:
line = line.split()
if line[9] == uri:
return line[3]
return -1 | 259e9955b282baf74fa43bbea1aa7136e8b6e0f7 | 983 |
def get_rm_rf(earliest_date, symbol='000300'):
Rm-Rf(市场收益 - 无风险收益)
基准股票指数收益率 - 国库券1个月收益率
输出pd.Series(日期为Index), 'Mkt-RF', 'RF'二元组
start = '1990-1-1'
end = pd.Timestamp('today')
benchmark_returns = get_cn_benchmark_returns(symbol).loc[earliest_date:]
treasury_returns = get_treasury_data(start, end)['1month'][earliest_date:]
# 补齐缺省值
treasury_returns = treasury_returns.reindex(
benchmark_returns.index, method='ffill')
return benchmark_returns, treasury_returns | 4a9e03381ba8c0db40342b7848783d1610207270 | 984 |
async def detect_custom(model: str = Form(...), image: UploadFile = File(...)):
Performs a prediction for a specified image using one of the available models.
:param model: Model name or model hash
:param image: Image file
:return: Model's Bounding boxes
draw_boxes = False
output = await dl_service.run_model(model, image, draw_boxes)'request successful;' + str(output))
return output
except ApplicationError as e:
error_logging.warning(model + ';' + str(e))
return ApiResponse(success=False, error=e)
except Exception as e:
error_logging.error(model + ' ' + str(e))
return ApiResponse(success=False, error='unexpected server error') | 9586682d04d71662c61b9c4c4cee248c7ff4998b | 985 |
import torch
def _get_top_ranking_propoals(probs):
"""Get top ranking proposals by k-means"""
dev = probs.device
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=5).fit(probs.cpu().numpy())
high_score_label = np.argmax(kmeans.cluster_centers_)
index = np.where(kmeans.labels_ == high_score_label)[0]
if len(index) == 0:
index = np.array([np.argmax(probs)])
return torch.from_numpy(index).to(dev) | f8b19f483b84b2ba1fa37811326a4f1b8c6be14b | 986 |
import warnings
def test_simulated_annealing_for_valid_solution_warning_raised(slots, events):
Test that a warning is given if a lower bound is passed and not reached in
given number of iterations.
def objective_function(array):
return len(list(array_violations(array, events, slots)))
array = np.array([
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
assert objective_function(array) == 2
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
X = simulated_annealing(initial_array=array,
assert objective_function(X) == 1
assert len(w) == 1 | 0236aa0795c976ba3c95d223ab558239dad0eefc | 988 |
from typing import Optional
def _add_exccess_het_filter(
b: hb.Batch,
input_vcf: hb.ResourceGroup,
overwrite: bool,
excess_het_threshold: float = 54.69,
interval: Optional[hb.ResourceGroup] = None,
output_vcf_path: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Job:
Filter a large cohort callset on Excess Heterozygosity.
The filter applies only to large callsets (`not is_small_callset`)
Requires all samples to be unrelated.
ExcessHet estimates the probability of the called samples exhibiting excess
heterozygosity with respect to the null hypothesis that the samples are unrelated.
The higher the score, the higher the chance that the variant is a technical artifact
or that there is consanguinuity among the samples. In contrast to Inbreeding
Coefficient, there is no minimal number of samples for this annotation.
Returns: a Job object with a single output j.output_vcf of type ResourceGroup
job_name = 'Joint genotyping: ExcessHet filter'
if utils.can_reuse(output_vcf_path, overwrite):
return b.new_job(job_name + ' [reuse]')
j = b.new_job(job_name)
output_vcf={'vcf.gz': '{root}.vcf.gz', 'vcf.gz.tbi': '{root}.vcf.gz.tbi'}
f"""set -euo pipefail
# Captring stderr to avoid Batch pod from crashing with OOM from millions of
# warning messages from VariantFiltration, e.g.:
# > JexlEngine - ![0,9]: 'ExcessHet > 54.69;' undefined variable ExcessHet
gatk --java-options -Xms3g \\
VariantFiltration \\
--filter-expression 'ExcessHet > {excess_het_threshold}' \\
--filter-name ExcessHet \\
{f'-L {interval} ' if interval else ''} \\
-O {j.output_vcf['vcf.gz']} \\
-V {input_vcf['vcf.gz']} \\
2> {j.stderr}
if output_vcf_path:
b.write_output(j.output_vcf, output_vcf_path.replace('.vcf.gz', ''))
return j | a3ae37c5a6c930f5046600bf02fa6d980fbe8017 | 992 |
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Dict
def _get_config_and_script_paths(
parent_dir: Path,
config_subdir: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]],
script_subdir: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]],
file_stem: str,
) -> Dict[str, Path]:
"""Returns the node config file and its corresponding script file."""
if isinstance(config_subdir, tuple):
config_subpath = Path(*config_subdir)
config_subpath = Path(config_subdir)
if isinstance(script_subdir, tuple):
script_subpath = Path(*script_subdir)
script_subpath = Path(script_subdir)
return {
"config": parent_dir / config_subpath / f"{file_stem}.yml",
"script": parent_dir / script_subpath / f"{file_stem}.py",
} | 4f9a86ed4cf821f57f737336595a9521675f6866 | 993 |
import requests
def macro_china_hk_cpi_ratio() -> pd.DataFrame:
:return: 消费者物价指数年率
:rtype: pandas.DataFrame
url = ""
params = {
"type": "GJZB",
"sty": "HKZB",
"js": "({data:[(x)],pages:(pc)})",
"p": "1",
"ps": "2000",
"mkt": "8",
"stat": "1",
"pageNo": "1",
"pageNum": "1",
"_": "1621332091873",
r = requests.get(url, params=params)
data_text = r.text
data_json = demjson.decode(data_text[1:-1])
temp_df = pd.DataFrame([item.split(",") for item in data_json["data"]])
temp_df.columns = [
temp_df['前值'] = pd.to_numeric(temp_df['前值'])
temp_df['现值'] = pd.to_numeric(temp_df['现值'])
temp_df['时间'] = pd.to_datetime(temp_df['时间'])
temp_df['发布日期'] = pd.to_datetime(temp_df['发布日期'])
return temp_df | 1e117746a36b14ee3afe92057677bee2ca6f861f | 995 |
import json
def structuringElement(path):
with open(path) as f:
data = json.load(f)
data['matrix'] = np.array(data['matrix'])
data['center'] = tuple(data['center'])
return data | 99ce5d8321d037e591313aa6a7611479417e25c3 | 996 |
def ptsToDist(pt1, pt2):
"""Computes the distance between two points"""
if None in pt1 or None in pt2:
dist = None
vx, vy = points_to_vec(pt1, pt2)
dist = np.linalg.norm([(vx, vy)])
return dist | 6329407bf7b84ffc835e67ffcb74823de2b33175 | 997 |
import torch
def d6_to_RotMat(aa:torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: # take (...,6) --> (...,9)
"""Converts 6D to a rotation matrix, from:"""
a1, a2 = torch.split(aa, (3,3), dim=-1)
a3 = torch.cross(a1, a2, dim=-1)
return,a2,a3), dim=-1) | b0bf02737838a236bf55eb697a27d2cbc671b44c | 999 |
def encrypt(key, pt, Nk=4):
"""Encrypt a plain text block."""
assert Nk in {4, 6, 8}
rkey = key_expand(key, Nk)
ct = cipher(rkey, pt, Nk)
return ct | 41d94f1c050d89e85c6e9f3c74de1cb3cae7a899 | 1,000 |
import requests
import logging
def upload(filename, url, token=None):
Upload a file to a URL
headers = {}
if token:
headers['X-Auth-Token'] = token
with open(filename, 'rb') as file_obj:
response = requests.put(url, data=file_obj, timeout=120, headers=headers, verify=False)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
logging.warning('RequestException when trying to upload file %s: %s', filename, err)
return None
except IOError as err:
logging.warning('IOError when trying to upload file %s: %s', filename, err)
return None
if response.status_code == 200 or response.status_code == 201:
return True
return None | eb8a8060294322bd9df187c8076d8f66b4dc775c | 1,001 |
import torch
def cost(states, sigma=0.25):
"""Pendulum-v0: Same as OpenAI-Gym"""
l = 0.6
goal = Variable(torch.FloatTensor([0.0, l]))#.cuda()
# Cart position
cart_x = states[:, 0]
# Pole angle
thetas = states[:, 2]
# Pole position
x = torch.sin(thetas)*l
y = torch.cos(thetas)*l
positions = torch.stack([cart_x + x, y], 1)
squared_distance = torch.sum((goal - positions)**2, 1)
squared_sigma = sigma**2
cost = 1 - torch.exp(-0.5*squared_distance/squared_sigma)
return cost | fdbf3105ff04437b05b5914aac43c61706f87287 | 1,002 |
def flatmap(fn, seq):
Map the fn to each element of seq and append the results of the
sublists to a resulting list.
result = []
for lst in map(fn, seq):
for elt in lst:
return result | c42d07f712a29ece76cd2d4cec4f91ec2562a1c0 | 1,003 |
def the_test_file():
"""the test file."""
filename = 'tests/resources/grype.json'
script = 'docker-grype/'
return {
'command': f'{script} {filename}',
'host_url': 'local://'
} | d97d621d05f3844053b42c878dc8189fc8d264d0 | 1,004 |
import csv
def build_stations() -> tuple[dict, dict]:
"""Builds the station dict from source file"""
stations, code_map = {}, {}
data = csv.reader(_SOURCE["airports"].splitlines())
next(data) # Skip header
for station in data:
code = get_icao(station)
if code and station[2] in ACCEPTED_STATION_TYPES:
stations[code] = format_station(code, station)
code_map[station[0]] = code
return stations, code_map | 773d34c7d33585611dfb79fc4beaf8702a2c57df | 1,005 |
def process_row(row, fiscal_fields):
"""Add and remove appropriate columns.
surplus_keys = set(row) - set(fiscal_fields)
missing_keys = set(fiscal_fields) - set(row)
for key in missing_keys:
row[key] = None
for key in surplus_keys:
del row[key]
assert set(row) == set(fiscal_fields)
return row | 1c55fe628b53be72633d2fcae7cc1fbac91d04ae | 1,009 |
def DefaultTo(default_value, msg=None):
"""Sets a value to default_value if none provided.
>>> s = Schema(DefaultTo(42))
>>> s(None)
def f(v):
if v is None:
v = default_value
return v
return f | 10401d7214d15c2b0bf28f52430ef71b5df0a116 | 1,010 |
def load_files(file_list, inputpath):
function to load the data from potentially multiple files into one pandas DataFrame
df = None
# loop through files and append
for i, file in enumerate(file_list):
path = f"{inputpath}/{file}"
df_i = pd.read_csv(path)
if i == 0:
df = df_i
df = pd.concat([df, df_i], axis=0, ignore_index=True)
return df | 2f1ec9519c4ff1cb9d8a2f492e80cc05ecb968db | 1,011 |
def list_all():
List all systems
List all transit systems that are installed in this Transiter instance.
return systemservice.list_all() | 21efc81b1312f01d6b016fa10cdf675b0e22655f | 1,012 |
def putText(image: np.ndarray, text: str,
org=(0, 0),
fontScale=1, color=(0, 0, 255),
bottomLeftOrigin=False) -> np.ndarray:
"""Add text to `cv2` image, with default values.
:param image: image array
:param text: text to be added
:param org: origin of text, from top left by default
:param font: font choice
:param fontScale: font size
:param color: BGR color, red by default
:param thickness: font thickness
:param lineType: line type of text
:param bottomLeftOrigin: True to start from bottom left, default False
:return: image with text added
return _cv2.putText(image, text, org, font, fontScale, color, thickness, lineType, bottomLeftOrigin) | 37fd20c2afb70a59f78f35741c235e9793721dab | 1,013 |
def gaussFilter(fx: int, fy: int, sigma: int):
""" Gaussian Filter
x = tf.range(-int(fx / 2), int(fx / 2) + 1, 1)
Y, X = tf.meshgrid(x, x)
sigma = -2 * (sigma**2)
z = tf.cast(tf.add(tf.square(X), tf.square(Y)), tf.float32)
k = 2 * tf.exp(tf.divide(z, sigma))
k = tf.divide(k, tf.reduce_sum(k))
return k | b83bcadba782f16f6932c081b9f20ad9bd71828b | 1,014 |
def do_something(param=None):
Several routes for the same function
FOO and BAR have different documentation
return "I did something with {}".format(request.url_rule), 200 | 7a50206c27b66d2b3ff588777ea95927b527a719 | 1,015 |
import re
from typing import Literal
def extract_text(
pattern: re.Pattern[str] | str,
source_text: str,
) -> str | Literal[False]:
"""Match the given pattern and extract the matched text as a string."""
match =, source_text)
if not match:
return False
match_text = match.groups()[0] if match.groups() else
return match_text | a6f762cfd26dd1231db4b6e88247e2566d186212 | 1,016 |
def nodal_distribution_factors_v2(topo: ndarray, volumes: ndarray):
"""The j-th factor of the i-th row is the contribution of
element i to the j-th node. Assumes a regular topology."""
ndf = nodal_distribution_factors(topo, volumes)
return ndf | b805b9fa2617bc9501910bc43cb623cd15d3aea5 | 1,019 |
def game_core_binary(number_to_guess):
"""Binary search approach.
Set the first predict value as the middle of interval, i.e. 50.
Then decrease or increase the predict number by step.
The step is calculated using the check interval divided by 2,
i.e. 25, 13 ... 1
The minimum step is always 1.
The function return count of guesses"""
count_guesses = 1
predict = step = round(MAX_NUMBER / 2)
while number_to_guess != predict:
count_guesses += 1
step = round(step / 2) if step > 1 else 1
if number_to_guess > predict:
predict += step
elif number_to_guess < predict:
predict -= step
return count_guesses | 909322bda51c25175c372708896bc6aca5e9753b | 1,020 |
def linear_trend(series, return_line=True):
line = linear_trend(series, return_line=True)
b, a, x = linear_trend(series, return_line=False)
Returns the linear fit (line = b*x + a) associated
with the 'series' array.
Adapted from pylab.detrend_linear.
series = np.asanyarray(series)
x = np.arange(series.size, dtype=np.float_)
C = np.cov(x, series, bias=1) # Covariance matrix.
b = C[0, 1]/C[0, 0] # Angular coefficient.
a = series.mean() - b*x.mean() # Linear coefficient.
line = b*x + a
if return_line:
return line
return b, a, x | 129b63dd9f194dd0a6506e2645e330fe92ea6a1c | 1,021 |
import torch
def gradcheck_wrapper_masked_operation(op, input, *args, **kwargs):
"""Gradcheck wrapper for masked operations.
When mask is specified, replaces masked-out elements with zeros.
Use for operations that produce non-finite masked-out elements,
for instance, for minimum and maximum reductions.
output = op(input, *args, **kwargs)
mask = kwargs.get('mask')
if mask is not None:
output_mask = torch._masked._output_mask(op, input, *args, **kwargs)
output = torch.where(output_mask, output, output.new_zeros([]))
return output | fa0d3433a8cf3d60c81c96dc154d8f0e82acd791 | 1,022 |
def classify(neural_net, image_file):
Using the given model and image file, returns the model's prediction
for the image as an array.
img =
img_array = np.asarray(img)
img_array.shape = (1, 100, 100, 3)
prediction = model.predict(img_array)[0][0]
return prediction | 3d8b301b3f41b5cad04233228198424670f06506 | 1,023 |
def delete(job):
"""Delete a job."""
# Initialise variables.
jobid = job["jobid"]
shellout = shellwrappers.sendtossh(job, ["qdel " + jobid])
except exceptions.SSHError:
raise exceptions.JobdeleteError("Unable to delete job.")
return shellout[0] | c870e07210063136ac3651691d1e54dc292f0830 | 1,024 |
import itertools
def optimum_simrank(x_p, x_n, alpha):
"""Intermediary function to the one below."""
pos_pair_1 = itertools.combinations(x_p, 2)
pos_pair_2 = itertools.combinations(x_n, 2)
neg_pair = itertools.product(x_p, x_n)
def get_val_from_pair(x):
# Transforms each pair into one minus the minimum of its l1 distance to (0,0) or (1,1).
distance_to_lower_corner = max(abs(x[0]), abs(x[1]))
distance_to_upper_corner = max(abs(1. - x[0]), abs(1. - x[1]))
return 1 - min(distance_to_lower_corner, distance_to_upper_corner)
x_p = (np.array(list(map(get_val_from_pair, pos_pair_1))
+ list(map(get_val_from_pair, pos_pair_2))))
x_n = np.array(list(map(get_val_from_pair, neg_pair)))
def opt_fun(i_p, i_n):
if float(i_n) / x_n.shape[0] <= alpha:
return i_p / x_p.shape[0]
return - float("inf")
X = np.hstack([x_p, x_n])
Y = np.array([+1]*len(x_p) + [-1]*len(x_n))
f_opt, crit_opt, _ = ut.bipart_partition(X, Y, opt_fun)
return 1-f_opt, crit_opt | bc4f451dc2ae5f9fe653e9330241202b5f470e49 | 1,025 |
from enaml.core.import_hooks import imports
from contextlib import contextmanager
from enaml.core.operators import operator_context
def imports(operators=None, union=True):
""" Lazily imports and returns an enaml imports context.
operators : dict, optional
An optional dictionary of operators to push onto the operator
stack for the duration of the import context. If this is not
provided, the default Enaml operators will be used. Unless a
custom model framework is being used (i.e. not Atom), custom
operators will typically not be needed.
union : bool, optional
Whether to union the operators with the operators on the top
of the operator stack. The default is True and is typically
the correct choice to allow overriding a subset of the default
Enaml operators.
result : context manager
A context manager which will install the Enaml import hook
(and optional operators) for the duration of the context.
if operators is None:
return imports()
def imports_context():
with imports():
with operator_context(operators, union):
return imports_context() | c0068c39a4c9c39c8789fd79ed651ecf2e50c3b7 | 1,026 |
import io
import tokenize
from typing import cast
def apply_job_security(code):
"""Treat input `code` like Python 2 (implicit strings are byte literals).
The implementation is horribly inefficient but the goal is to be compatible
with what Mercurial does at runtime.
buf = io.BytesIO(code.encode("utf8"))
tokens = tokenize.tokenize(buf.readline)
# NOTE: by setting the fullname to `mercurial.pycompat` below, we're
# ensuring that hg-specific pycompat imports aren't inserted to the code.
data = tokenize.untokenize(replacetokens(list(tokens), "mercurial.pycompat"))
return cast(str, data.decode("utf8")) | 8dd7e0f6ad91f9c98ea50ac76fb30616d9d8f266 | 1,027 |
def fetch(gpname: str):
Gives gunpowder
gpname: str
Gunpowder name
gpowder: dict
Gunpowder in dictionary form
gpowders = _load_many()
return gpowders[gpname] | e880a62c92937d564ff84af33c7c0e1dd2383d9d | 1,028 |
def _kc_frequency_features(time_data, times, sfreq):
""" Calculate absolute power of delta and alpha band before (on a 3 seconds
windows) and after K-complexes"""
exp = [('before', -2.5, -0.5), ('after', 1, 3)]
res = {}
for m in exp:
kc_matrix_temp = time_data[:, np.bitwise_and(times > m[1], times < m[2])]
absol_power = compute_absol_pow_freq_bands(sfreq, kc_matrix_temp, psd_method='multitaper',
psd_params={'mt_adaptive': True, 'mt_bandwidth': 3,
'mt_low_bias': True},
freq_bands=[0.5, 4, 8, 12])
delta = absol_power[:, 0]
alpha = absol_power[:, 2]
res[m[0]] = (delta, alpha)
delta_before, alpha_before, delta_after, alpha_after = res['before'][0], res['before'][1],\
res['after'][0], res['after'][1]
return delta_before, alpha_before, delta_after, alpha_after | 0e0df2c3f2b0baa8e6fb8118fa01a89b62c2656c | 1,029 |