
27 values
2003 invasion of Iraq
Yesterday, thousands of people attended anti-war protests in London and Glasgow organised by the Stop the War Coalition. The event marks nearly five years since the
which begun the Iraq War. The main themes were "Troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan", "Don’t attack Iran", and "End the siege of Gaza".
Thousands attend anti-war protests in London and Glasgow
March 16, 2008
Wapenstilstand van 11 november 1918
De Duitse bondskanselier en de Franse president hebben een ceremoniële ontmoeting gehad in Compiègne in Noord-Frankrijk, een dag voor Wapenstilstandsdag. Morgen wordt de
herdacht. Het is dan exact 100 jaar geleden dat de werd beëindigd.
Merkel en Macron ontmoeten elkaar daags voor Wapenstilstandsdag op historische plek
10 november 2018
Anschläge in Paris am 13. November
Bisher richteten sich die meisten Angriffe gegen die Islamisten nicht darauf, diese gezielt zu schlagen. Vielmehr ging es darum, ihr Vordringen zu stoppen. Diese Strategie hat sich seit der
Russland greift ISIS-Stellungen an
On Wednesday, Chile, the host nation, defeated the defending champions, Uruguay, in the first quarter final of the
which was held in Estadio Nacional Julio Martínez Prádanos stadium in Santiago, Chile.
Chile knock out defending champions Uruguay from Copa America 2015
June 27, 2015
Κόπα Αμέρικα 2011
Η Εθνική Περού νίκησε την Εθνική Μεξικού με σκορ 1:0, για τη δεύτερη αγωνιστική του Γ' Ομίλου του
, το οποίο διεξάγεται στην Αργεντινή.
Η Εθνική Περού νίκησε με σκορ 1-0 την Εθνική Μεξικού
10 Ιουλίου 2011
Hurricane Katrina
President George W. Bush made a stop over in two of the worst hit cities by
today. His stops included New Orleans, Louisiana, and Bay St. Louis, Mississippi.
President Bush tours Katrina affected region
January 12, 2006
,不少人擔心當地親友的安全,有社交網站提供協助,亦有用戶借助科技幫助他們。Facebook啟用「Safety Check」功能,詢問身處受恐襲地區的用戶是否安然無恙,並向用戶的親友通報。Twitter則有「#RechercheNice」、「#NiceFindPeople」等尋親標籤,用戶上載失聯者的個人資料,以便找尋親友下落;該網站也出現「#PortesOuvertesNice」標籤,讓需要棲身之所的人士與當地人聯絡。
尼斯恐襲死傷眾 科技挺身助人
陳敏薰任內最後一次跨年晚會 精彩188秒後 林鴻明臨危接掌台北101董座
violent suppression of unrest
In his first direct reference to current news events during the sermon, Rafsanjani called upon Chinese leaders to stop their
among the largely-Muslim Uyghur people of Xinjiang.
Former Iranian president Hashemi Rafsanjani leads Friday prayers
July 17, 2009
69-го кинофестиваля
На острове Лидо в Венеции объявлены победители
Объявлены победители 69-го Венецианского кинофестиваля
9 сентября 2012
EK 2012
Het Italiaanse voetbalelftal wint met 1-2 van Duitsland in de halve finale van het
. In de eerste helft scoorde Mario Balotelli tweemaal. In de 92ste minuut benutte Mesut Özil een strafschop, waardoor het Duitse elftal weer hoop kreeg op een verlenging, maar een gelijkspel bleef uit. Italië zal aanstaande zondag (om 20.45 uur CEST) in de finale Spanje ontmoeten.
Italië bereikt de finale van het EK voetbal 2012
28 juni 2012
Ferrari driver Kimi Räikkönen won the FIA Formula-1
Santander British Grand Prix on the Silverstone Circuit at Silverstone, Northamptonshire, England.
Kimi Räikkönen wins 2007 British Grand Prix
July 8, 2007
Iraq War
DS: How has the
affected your world view?
ACLU President Strossen on religion, drugs, guns and impeaching George Bush
October 30, 2007
útoků 11. září
Včera začal na vojenské základně Guantánamo jeden z nejsledovanějších soudních procesů. Bývá teké označován za nejdůležitější v americké historii. Obžalovanými jsou údajní organizátoři
. Chálid Šajch Muhammad, Alí Ab al-Azíz, Ramzí bin Šibh, Mustafa Ahmad Havsáví a Válid Attaš jsou obžalováni za smrt nejméně tří tisíc lidí, kteří zahynuli v New Yorku, Wahsingtonu a v unesených letadle, a všem hrozí trest smrti. Včera si vyslechli obžalobu. Jako mozek operace byl označen Muhammad, který poté, co jej soudce upozornil na trest smrti, řekl, že chce být mučedníkem. Nechtěl také přijmout amerického právníka kvůli své víře a také proto, že se chce obhajovat sám. Ostatní čtyři obžalovaní byli označeni jako spoluorganizátoři. Právníka odmítl také Valíd Attaš a čeká se, že se podobně zachovají i ostatní obžalovaní.
Na Guantánamu začal soud s údajnymi strůjci útoků z 11. září
5. červen 2008
Copa América Centenario
Estados Unidos se recuperó de la derrota en el debut y partido inaugural de la
derrotando por goleada a Costa Rica en el Solder Field de Chicago, la venció por cuatro goles contra cero, resultado que le da esperanzas de seguir avanzando en el certamen. Un penal a los siete minutos de iniciado el partido le permitió la rápida apertura del marcador, y cuando se terminaba el primer tiempo convirtió dos goles más. Climp Dempsey, Jermaine Jones, Bobby Wood y Graham Zusi fueron los goleadores.
Estados Unidos golea a Costa Rica 4 a 0 por la Copa América Centenario
8 de junio de 2016
muerte del otrora líder libio
La familia de Muamar el Gadafi, analiza demandar a la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte ante la Corte Penal Internacional, por los crímenes de guerra en que incurrió tras las repercusiones de la
la semana anterior, según indicaciones del abogado francés Marcel Ceccaldi por las cuales declara que fue "victima de una ejecución" sin proceso penal alguno, "violándose así el artículo 8 del Estatuto de Roma".
Familia de Gadafi demandaría a OTAN por vejaciones antes de su asesinato
27 de octubre de 2011
првенству Европе
(Beta) - Селектор одбојкашке репрезентације Србије Игор Колаковић рекао је у понедељак да се преломни тренутак на
догодио на мечу са Холандијом и да је младост и енергија одвела екипу до бронзане медаље.
Српски одбојкаши се вратили с медаљама
30. септембар 2013.
Korean War
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (the North) and the Republic of Korea (the South) have been at war since 1950, the beginning of the
, which had no peace treaty which was signed by the two parties. The United Nations Military Armistice Commission, which supervises the armistice that stopped major hostilities during the Korean War, will investigate the event and ask the North Koreans for an explanation.
North and South Korean border guards exchange fire
August 1, 2006
Ferrari driver Felipe Massa won the FIA Formula One
Telefónica Grand Prix of Europe at the street circuit of Valencia, Spain on Sunday after his engine failed on a dying laps of the previous race. It became 10th win in Formula One for the Brazilian driver.
Felipe Massa wins 2008 European Grand Prix
August 24, 2008
Weltjugendtag 2013
Die brasilianische Generalstaatsanwaltschaft (PGR) hat vor dem Obersten Gerichtshof des Landes Klage gegen einige Artikel der Gesetzesvorschriften zur Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2014 eingereicht. Das im Juni 2012 verabschiedete Gesetz regelt Grundlagen für den derzeit laufenden FIFA-Konföderationen-Pokal, die Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2014 und den im Juli stattfindenden
. Die von der früheren stellvertretenden Generalanwältin der Republik, Deborah Duprat, vorbereitete Klage richtet sich gegen die Verfassungswidrigkeit von drei Artikeln des Gesetzes, wobei zwei davon die FIFA begünstigen. „Es ist nicht möglich, einen Grund zu erkennen, der die unterschiedliche Behandlung der FIFA sowie ihrer Partner rechtfertigt“, so argumentieren die Kläger.
Brasilianische Generalstaatsanwaltschaft klagt gegen Weltmeisterschaftsgesetz
1980 Summer Paralympics
This is the second recent death of an Australian Paralympian. In late November, another Australian Paralympian, Peter Marsh of Queensland, died at the age of 64. He competed at the 1976 Summer Paralympics,
and 1984 Summer Paralympics. Prior to his death, he was active in a project to document the history of the Paralympic movement in Australia on Wikipedia.
Australian Paralympian Janet Shaw dies aged 46
December 4, 2012
prisoner abuse scandal
Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller, a top US commander who supervised the detention and interrogation of detainees at Guantanomo Bay and Abu Ghraib facilities declined to testify in a court-martial proceeding, by invoking his right to not implicate himself, the "Washington Post" reports. This is believed to be the first time that the role of senior officers in the
has formally surfaced.
US General invokes right against self-incrimination in Abu Ghraib case
January 12, 2006
Copa FIFA Confederaciones 2009
La selección brasileña se dio un festín en la primera parte de su partido ante Italia y se aseguró la primera posición del Grupo B de la
, con tres goles en ocho minutos que, además, en función del marcador del partido entre Egipto y Estados Unidos, dejó al equipo italiano fuera de la competición.
Brasil impuso su juego y en ocho minutos envió a Italia a casa
22 de junio de 2009
2008 Singapore Grand Prix
Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) accused Renault of ordering Nelson Piquet, Jr. to crash during the
. The wreck brought out the safety car and most other competitors made refueling stops while it was out. However, Renault's Fernando Alonso had pitted unusually early and was able to move up to take one of just two victories that year.
Renault F1's team boss, top engineer quit as team accepts cheating claim
September 16, 2009
Huracán Dean
La reunión en Quebec, apodada como "Three Amigos summit" (Cumbre de Tres Amigos), fue una reunión de dos días entre el Presidente de Estados Unidos, George W. Bush, el Primer Ministro de Canadá, Stephen Harper, y el Presidente de México, Felipe Calderón. Sin embargo, este último acortó su presencia debido al peligro que presenta el
a la Península de Yucatán.
Bush busca mejores lazos con México y Canadá
20 de agosto de 2007
Korean War
More than 50 years after the end of the
, recently released documents provide more detail on the mass murder of around 100,000 South Koreans by their own government in the war's first weeks.
Declassified records show American inaction during South Korean mass killings
July 9, 2008
Eurovision 2009
Les autres artistes ont présenté des chansons de leurs répertoires en lien avec la paix tels le "boys band" irlandais Westlife, le couple malien Amadou Bagayoko et Mariam Doumbia, le vainqueur norvégien de l'
Alexander Rybak, et plusieurs artistes des États-Unis comme Donna Summer, le chanteur de country Toby Keith et Wyclef Jean.
Obamania au concert du prix Nobel de la paix
11 décembre 2009
Чернобыльской катастрофы
О появлении в лесах Украины и Беларуси облысевших ежей сообщалось после
Британские ветеринары вылечили лысого ёжика
25 января 2014
Johnson competiu pelo cargo contra Jeremy Hunt, que o sucedeu como Secretário do Exterior, o principal diplomata do Reino Unido. Ele ganhou com 92.153 votos, de cerca de 160.000 membros do Partido Conservador que eram elegíveis para votar. Em seu discurso de vitória, Johnson enfatizou seu apoio ao movimento Brexit e reiterou que ele planeja deixar a União Europeia mesmo que não haja acordo sobre relações futuras. O Parlamento, no entanto, votou repetidamente contra um
"sem acordo".
Boris Johnson eleito líder conservador, previsto para ser o próximo primeiro-ministro britânico
24 de julho de 2019
Great Hanshin earthquake
Several commemoration ceremonies were recently held for victims of the
of 1995, mainly in Kansai region. The municipality of Kobe and supporting organisations held one such ceremony in the early morning of January 17. It was the biggest ceremony held that day. Over 5,000 people gathered in the East Playground in the center of city. Participants included surviving citizens and volunteers from around the whole country who had helped out. At 5:43 a.m., just 10 years after the earthquake first occurred, people lit candles in honor of the 6,433 victims. The victims included 133 people who died in the aftermath of the disaster, due to physical or mental difficulties caused by the heavy changes in their life.
Kobe commemorates earthquake victims
February 10, 2005
Israelin taannoista hyökkäystä Gazan kaistalle
Obama puhui myös Palestiinan ja Israelin väleistä, mutta ei ottanut puheeksi
. Hän korosti, että Israel on yhä Yhdysvaltain vahva liittolainen. Obama sanoi, ettei Yhdysvallat voi sanella, mikä on Israelin ja Palestiinan parhaaksi. Hänestä aika olisi kuitenkin otollinen sille, että Israel ja palestiinalaiset huomaisivat nykymenon kestämättömyyden ja palaisivat neuvottelupöytään.
Obama viestitti rauhaa arabitelevisiossa
27. tammikuuta 2009
sametové revoluce
Lou Reed několikrát koncertoval i v Česku. Byl osobním přítelem Václava Havla a zúčastnil se například 14. listopadu 2009 v Pražské křižovatce jím pořádaného výročního koncertu na oslavy 20. výročí
. Naposledy zde vystoupil 4. července 2012 v pražském Divadle Archa.
Zemřel Lou Reed
27. říjen 2013
יורו 2008
מלאו 12 שנים לנצחון האחרון של זכתה במשחק במסגרת הטורניר. אז, ב, היא נצחה את 2-1 בהארכה וזכתה בגביע, אך החגיגות הומרו בתריסר שנים של בצורת. ואז הגיע לוקאס פודולסקי, שחקנה של , ובמו רגליו כבש צמד שערים והוכיח כי לגרמניה יש סיבה לצפות למשהו אחר מטורניר זה, אחרי נצחון 2-0 על .
פודולסקי החזיר את גרמניה ליורו; 2-0 על פולין
8 ביוני 2008
Сражения при Лексингтоне и Конкорде
На момент захоронения капсулы Сэмюэль Адамс был губернатором штата, а Ревир — героем войны, который прославился тем, что предупредил колонистов о приближении британских сил накануне сражений в Лексингтоне и Конкорде — первых вооруженных столкновений войны 1775—1783 годов (см.
В Бостоне вскрыли 220-летнюю временную капсулу отцов-основателей США
7 января 2015
à la 26 édition de la Coupe
La victoire de l'Égypte met fin
qui avait débuté le 20 janvier 2008 et a été accueillie par le Ghana. L'équipe du Ghana de football obtient la troisième place, l'équipe de Côte d'Ivoire de football arrivant en quatrième position.
L'Égypte remporte la Coupe d'Afrique des nations 2008 face au Cameroun
10 février 2008
Moscow Theatre siege
The Beslan siege organiser, Chechen rebel Shamil Basayev, has spoken for the first time since declaring he was responsible for the hostage situation. The Beslan school siege last September resulted in 330 deaths, half of which were children. Basayev was also responsible for the
, in which 130 people died after a military assault to free the hostages and overwhelm the terrorists.
Beslan siege organiser speaks
February 3, 2005
Aribert Heim on ollut karkuteillä vuodesta 1962 lähtien. Hän syyllistyi hirmutekoihin Mauthausenin keskitysleirillä. Lisäksi hän työskenteli lyhyen ajan SS-joukkojen lääkärinä Pohjois-Suomessa
Pitkään karkuteillä olleesta natsitohtorista havaintoja
18. heinäkuuta 2008
LVI edición
Azerbaiyán ganó la
del Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión, que se celebró ayer en el Esprit Arena de la ciudad de Düsseldorf, Alemania, con la canción "Running scared" ("Corriendo asustado" en inglés) interpretada por el dúo Ell & Nikki, conformado por los cantantes Eldar Gasimov y Nigar Jamal.
Azerbaiyán gana el Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión
15 de mayo de 2011
Hurricane Maria
At the request of Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rosselló, the Puerto Rican Electric Power Authority (PREPA) yesterday announced it has cancelled a US$300 million contract with a Montana-based company called Whitefish Energy Holdings amid concerns it may have been awarded improperly and the prices may be unusually high. Whitefish was to have rebuilt parts of the United States commonwealth's energy infrastructure, which was recently destroyed when
struck the island.
Puerto Rico power company cancels US$300 million Whitefish contract
October 30, 2017
Terrorist bombing of the King David Hotel
"Salon" reporter Glenn Greenwald has responded to these allegations of "prejudice" by pointing to similar cases in which no controversy arose: ""The Washington Post" lavished editorial praise on the brutal, right-wing tyrant Augusto Pinochet, and that caused no controversy...Benjamin Netanyahu formally celebrates the
that killed...78 civilians and nobody is stigmatized for supporting him. Erick Erickson sent around the most rancid and arguably racist tweets, only to thereafter be hired as a CNN contributor."
CNN journalist fired for controversial Twitter message
July 9, 2010
Armistice of November 11, 1918
"Wikinews" reporter J.J. Liu emailed the Returned and Services League of Australia (RSL) for comment on the coming 102nd observance of Remembrance Day, commemorating the
that resulted, most notably, in the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front of World War I (WW1).
Wikinews interviews RSL Australia for Remembrance Day 2021
November 10, 2021
Юрій Луценко наголошував, що акція протесту поступово перетворилася на революцію. Він підкреслив, що український народ повинен мати на меті не зміну влади чи президента, але й побудовану систему влади в країні. Луценко наголосив, що необхідно довести до логічного кінця те, що не вдалося завершити у
та 2004 роках. Він сказав:
Євромайдан переросте у єврореволюцію?
1 грудня 2013
First Congo War
Following independence from Belgium, Congo underwent a turbulent political history, enduring a 32-year dictatorship under Mobutu Sese Seko. The 1994 Rwandan genocide sparked strife in neighbouring Congo, and Sese Seko was overthrown by Laurent Kabila in the
Voting ends in landmark Congo election
October 30, 2006
Operation Gegossenes Blei
Mit 4,5 Milliarden US-Dollar will die internationale Gemeinschaft den Wiederaufbau der zerstörten Infrastruktur, von Wohnungen, Schulen und Kindergärten im Gazastreifen unterstützen, die während der
durch die Angriffe der israelischen Armee zerstört worden waren. Das ist das Ergebnis einer Geberkonferenz, die unter internationaler Beteiligung am heutigen Montag im ägyptischen Scharm el-Scheich stattfand. Vertreter von mehr als 70 Staaten waren zu der Konferenz angereist. Die Europäische Union sagte 436 Millionen Euro finanzielle Hilfen zu. Die arabischen Staaten am Persischen Golf wollen in den nächsten fünf Jahren 1,65 Milliarden US-Dollar zur Verfügung stellen. 900 Millionen US-Dollar werden von den Vereinigten Staaten für die Unterstützung der Palästinenser zur Verfügung gestellt, davon soll ein Drittel in den Gazastreifen gehen. Ägyptischen Angaben zufolge will das Königreich Saudi-Arabien eine Milliarde an Finanzhilfen für die Palästinenser bereitstellen.
Milliarden für den Wiederaufbau im Gazastreifen
Resolute Support Mission
Though an initial report by Interior Ministry spokesman Najib Danish claimed the site of the detonation as near one of the gates to the Afghan Presidential Palace, it was actually closer to the German embassy, which sustained considerable damage, according to NBC. Germany currently has more than 950 soldiers in Afghanistan as part of NATO's
and helped the Afghan security personnel in their training. "It was a car bomb near the German embassy, but there are several other important compounds and offices near there too. It is hard to say what the exact target is," said police spokesperson Basir Mujahid.
Truck bomb kills at least 80 in Afghan capital city center
May 31, 2017
Se cree que el atentado pudo haber estado relacionado con la conmemoración de los 18 años del
a la Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA) en la ciudad de Buenos Aires y, que dejó 85 muertos el año 1994.
Atentado contra un autobús turístico en Bulgaria deja varios israelitas muertos
18 de julio de 2012
černobylskou katastrofou
Ředitel Lawrencovy národní laboratoře v Berkeley James Symons řekl, že katastrofa v elektrárně Fukušima je nyní podobná spíš nehodě na americké elektrárně Three Mile Island v roce 1979 než s
v roce 1986. "„Situace se hodně liší, i když se stále přibližují. Je určitě velmi nepravděpodobné, co se stalo v Černobylu, že vybouchl prakticky celý reaktor. Je to velmi vážné, ale pokud vím, tak se daří dostat vše pod kontrolu.“"
Dva lidé silně ozářeni v elektrárně Fukušima
24. březen 2011
2010 Winter Paralympics
The United States has not medaled at the past two Paraympic Games, with their best finish a fourth at the 2010 Games. Of the United States's curling team, two are returning wheelchair curling Paralympic veterans. James Joseph, the second, competed at the 2006 Winter Paralympics and
. The skip and Madison, Wisconsin native, Patrick McDonald, competed at the 2010 Games. Penny Greely, the lead, competed in sitting volleyball at the 2004 Summer Paralympics where she won a bronze medal. David Palmer, the third, is competing at his first games after having a fourth place finish at the 2013 World Championships in Russia and a fifth place finish at the 2012 World Championships in South Korea. Alternate and Cape Cod native Meghan Lino is also at her first Paralympic Games after taking up the sport in 2009.
Wheelchair curling enters third day at 2014 Winter Paralympics
March 10, 2014
Brawn-Mercedes driver Jenson Button wins FIA Formula One
Petronas Malaysian Grand Prix at Sepang International Circuit, Sepang, Selangor, Malaysia. The race was suspended by red flag due to heavy rain after 33 laps and later stopped after more than half an hour of waiting the track to dry up. All drivers earned only half possible points counted after 31 laps.
Jenson Button wins half of the 2009 Malaysian Grand Prix points
April 6, 2009
июльской революцией
Тот же самый «прогноз» мы получим, если обратимся к истории. Возьмите французскую Реставрацию, или английскую — чем они закончились? Обе закончились революциями, но уже не великими, а, так сказать, малыми:
1830 года во Франции и «славной революцией» в Англии. Которые отстранили от власти потерявших берега ретроградов. А вот когда это случится, сказать сложно. «Революцию нельзя учесть, революцию нельзя предсказать, она является сама собой», говорил Ленин.
Публицист, блогер, просветитель Александр Майсурян
3 декабря 2018
ураганом «Катрина»
Словом 2005 года в США признано слово «беженец», в применении к людям, которые вынуждены были покинуть свои дома в результате опустошительного наводнения в Новом Орлеане, вызванном
Слово года
16 декабря 2005
Republican National Convention
United States presidential candidate Barack Obama now has 50% support in the polls. John McCain had a statistical lead over Barack Obama after the
. However, since the middle of September, Barack Obama's polls have risen and he has recaptured the lead. Tuesday was the first day Obama received 50% or more support in the "Day to Day Politics Poll Average" since it began back in mid July. Barack Obama now has 50.1% support and John McCain has 43.6% support - a 6.5% difference with a margin of error of 0.70%.
US presidential candidate Barack Obama has 50% support
October 9, 2008
Ferrari driver Felipe Massa for the third consecutive year won from pole the FIA Formula One
Petrol Ofisi Turkish Grand Prix at Istanbul Racing Circuit, Istanbul, Turkey. Massa was also 2007 and 2006 year winner.
Felipe Massa wins 2008 Turkish Grand Prix
May 11, 2008
Großen Preis von Australien
Jenson Button gewann nach 58 Runden den
. Schon beim Start überholte Jenson Button seinen Teamkollegen Lewis Hamilton und behielt die Führung bis zur letzten Runde.
Jenson Button gewinnt den "Großen Preis von Australien"
Ратова ружа
Ричард III био је на власти између 1483. и 1485. године, у време
тј. грађанског рата који се водио око енглеског престола.
Нађени скелет припада Ричарду III
4. фебруар 2013.
On Sunday, Brawn-Mercedes driver Jenson Button won the FIA Formula One
Spanish Grand Prix at Circuit de Catalunya, Montmeló, Spain. This marks his fourth win this season.
Jenson Button wins 2009 Spanish Grand Prix
May 12, 2009
радиационной чрезвычайной ситуации 1957 года
Екатеринбургские СМИ также сообщают о том, что Роспотребнадзор организовал мониторинг радиационного фона в Челябинской области. Общественное сознание города Екатеринбурга будоражит возможность повторения
. Все с нетерпением ждут брифинг МЧС Свердловской области, на котором спасатели пообещали подробнее рассказать о нависшем над городом смоге. Сейчас екатеринбургские синоптики продлили предупреждение об атмосферном загрязнении, смог над уральской столицей и областью продержится до вечера вторника, 17 октября.
Ядовитое облако над Екатеринбургом
13 октября 2017
Abu Ghraib
The United States Senate approved a proposal that imposes restrictions on the detention, interrogation, and treatment of prisoners held by the US military. The rules prohibit the use of "cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment" against anyone in US government custody, regardless of where they are held. The rules also require all US troops to use only interrogation techniques authorized in a new Army field manual, but does not cover techniques used by the Central Intelligence Agency. The rules follow alleged revelations of detainee abuse committed by US military and intelligence personnel in Guantanamo Bay and
US Senate approves rules regulating detainee treatment
October 6, 2005
Iraq War
Riekse is a retired decorated United States Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army who served in both the Vietnam War and the
. He is also a former public school teacher and Assistant Professor of Military Science at Western Michigan University. He has a B.A. in Political Science and International Relations from the University of South Florida as well as two M.A.s, one in Political Science and International Relations, the other in Eductaion and History. Both are from Western Michigan University.
Wikinews interviews U.S. Constitution Party presidential candidate Max Riekse
March 1, 2008
Hungarian Grand Prix
According to an FIA press release, the 1-race ban imposed on the Renault Formula One team following an incident at the
has been overturned.
Renault F1 team exclusion overturned
August 17, 2009
heeft vannacht het Eurovisiesongfestival 2018 in Lissabon gewonnen. Zangeres Netta Barzilai behaalde met haar liedje "Toy" 529 punten, wat genoeg was voor de eerste plaats. Op de tweede plaats eindigde de Cypriotische Eleni Foureira met "Fuego" en op de derde plaats de Oostenrijkse Cesár Sampson met "Nobody but you". Netta's feministische nummer is gebaseerd op de #metoo-beweging en haar eigen ervaringen. De vorige keer dat Israël het liedjesfestijn won was in
, toen werd Dana International eerste met haar nummer "Diva".
Israël wint Eurovisiesongfestival 2018
13 mei 2018
iraki háborúnak
Nem sokkal az afganisztáni csapatmegerősítések tervének közzététele után Barack Obama, az Amerikai Egyesült Államok elnöke bejelentette, hogy körülbelül másfél év múlva, azaz 2010 augusztus 31-én véget vet a 2003 óta tartó
és megkezdi az iraki csapatkivonásokat. Jelenleg még mindig 142 000
Vége az iraki háborúnak
2009. március 1.
11 de março de 2004
A AVT, que convocou a manifestação com a Associação de Ajuda às Vítimas de
, opõe-se ao fechamento da chamada Comissão do 11 de março (que investiga as mortes ocasionadas pelo atentado) e à porta aberta pelo governo de Rodríguez Zapatero para uma eventual negociação com a organização terrorista vasca ETA.
Governo de Zapatero proíbe manifestação da Associação Vítimas do Terrorismo em frente o Congresso
30 de junho de 2005
karibské krize
McCain v takové situaci připomněl své zkušenosti z
, která v roce 1962 hrozila přerůst v jaderný konflikt. Na shromáždění v Pensylvánii přesvědčoval voliče, že je na takové krizové situace lépe připraven než jeho protějšek.
První volební data nahrávají Obamovi, McCain vytáhl strašidlo nukleární války
22. říjen 2008
oorlog in Irak
Dit alles hoeft geen verrassing te zijn. Blair gaf reeds begin mei aan wanneer zijn - langverwachte - ontslag zou volgen. De Britse deelname aan de
verziekte de publieke opinie reeds lang en na een nipte overwinning bij de laatste parlementsverkiezingen kwam zijn positie meer dan ooit op de helling te staan.
Blair maakt plaats voor Gordon Brown
24 juni 2007
Sin embargo, este número es provisorio ya que las autoridades de Haití calculan las víctimas del
en más de 200 mil personas, además de que este cálculo corresponde sólo a los fallecidos en la capital de Haití, Puerto Príncipe.
Gobierno de Haití confirma más de 150.000 muertos por el sismo
28 de enero de 2010
Hungarian GP
Massa was recently injured after a spring got loose from Rubens Barricello's car and hit his head in the
. Schumacher is expected to replace Massa for at least one Formula One event until the recovery of the Brazilian driver. Schumacher will get ready for his return using a special training program, checking his recovery after he fell off a motorcycle.
Michael Schumacher returns to Formula One to replace injured Massa
July 30, 2009
расстрела царской семьи
Предмет многолетней общественной дискуссии, которая началась ещё в 1990-х годах — использование в топонимике имени Петра Войкова, одного из организаторов
. По данным «Новой газеты», на начало 2011 года в России имелась как минимум 131 улица, носящая его имя. В последующие годы некоторые из этих улиц были переименованы.
Таруса возвращает дореволюционные названия улиц
22 октября 2020
September 11, 2001
"Wikinews" reported on views of representatives of Scientology on psychiatry in February 2009. Individuals affiliated with the Church of Scientology appeared on a program called "The No Drug Show", and blamed both the
attacks in the United States and the attack on Pearl Harbor on psychiatrists. David Figueroa, a spokesperson for CCHR, erroneously claimed that Osama bin Laden's second in command, Ayman al-Zawahiri is a psychiatrist, as did former CCHR-International president Dennis H. Clarke. Zawahiri is actually a surgeon; he is not a psychiatrist or a psychologist.
Testimony by John Travolta that son was autistic raises Scientology questions
September 24, 2009
trentaduesima edizione della America's Cup
È Alinghi ad aggiudicarsi la
di vela, disputatasi nelle acque spagnole di Valencia. Il consorzio svizzero difende quindi il titolo già vinto nel 2003 sul Team New Zealand, battendo nuovamente gli oceaniani con un punteggio di 5 regate a 2.
Alinghi vince la XXXII America's Cup
3 luglio 2007
Golpe de Estado de 2002
El presidente venezolano Hugo Chávez sorpresivamente anunció, justo antes de finalizar el 2007, un decreto de Ley sobre Amnistía e Indulto que favorece a un conjunto de personas acusadas de cometer delitos políticos durante el
y el Paro petrolero de 2002-2003.
Hugo Chávez anuncia ley de amnistía e indulto
3 de enero de 2008
Hurricane Katrina
At 5:00 p.m. (eastern time), the National Hurricane Center stated that Gustav had sustained winds at least 150 miles per hour and was moving Northwest at 15 miles per hour. Watches and warnings have been posted from Eastern Texas all the way to Mississippi. It is scheduled to make landfall somewhere in Louisiana on Tuesday. As of 5pm, Gustav was stronger than the hurricane in 2005
which killed over 1,500 people in Louisiana.
Hurricane Gustav batters Caribbean, threatens US Gulf Coast
August 30, 2008
11. септембра 2001. године
Бивши амерички председник Џорџ Буш назвао је смрт бин Ладена „огромном достигнућем“. Буш је био председник када је Ал-Каида напала Сједињене Државе,
. Други бивши амерички председник Бил Клинтон, назвао је бин Ладенову смрт „дубоко значајним тренутком“.
Реакције светских лидера
2. мај 2011.
Queensland floods
The Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gillard, has today announced a new bill into Parliament to assist in the
recovery. The proposed levy will be a once-off tax, given only to those with an annual income of above A$50,000.
Australia announces levy bill to offset cost of Queensland floods
January 27, 2011
В Лос-Анджелесе в воскресенье 18 сентября прошла 63-я церемония вручения премий «
» за лучшие работы на телевидении. Вела церемонию актриса Джейн Линч.
В Лос-Анжелесе прошло вручение премии «Эмми»
19 сентября 2011
Operation Odyssey Dawn
A United States F-15E Strike Eagle fighter jet has crashed in Libya the U.S. military said. The U.S. Air Force jet, flying in support of the no-fly zone over Libya as part of
, crashed somewhere outside of Benghazi last night around 10:30pm CET (9:30pm UTC), according to the "Daily Telegraph". "Telegraph" reporter Rob Crilly found the wreckage, saying on his Twitter feed: "[J]ust found a crashed US warplane in a field. believe a mechanical failure brought it down[.]"
U.S. fighter jet crashes in Libya
March 22, 2011
Hurricane Katrina
Louisiana's Democratic primary was also won by Obama in a large margin, winning nearly 53% of the vote over Clinton's 39%. The state, which is still suffering from the effects of
three years later could play a large role in the election this year.
Barack Obama sweeps three state Democratic contests
February 10, 2008
"The Rock" – een kalkstenen knobbel met een grootte van ongeveer tweemaal het Central Park en een klein beetje hoger dan het Empire State Building – is al zo'n 300 jaar het toneel van een aanhoudende strijd tussen en . De inwoners van Gibraltar stemden er bijna unaniem vóór om onder Brits zeggenschap te blijven vallen, in 2002 en 1967. Ze stemden er niettemin ook bijna unaniem vóór om in de te blijven, tijdens het
van juni 2016, terwijl de rest van hun landgenoten met een nipte meerderheid stemde voor het verlaten van de EU. Deze uitslag bracht twijfel over hun politieke en economische toekomst en manier van leven als mediterrane Britse burgers.
Wat betekent de brexit voor Gibraltar en de 'mensen van The Rock'
18 januari 2019
が発生したばかりだが、被災地ジョグジャカルタでも津波による被害が出ているという。地震発生後、津波発生の可能性について被災地への事前の警告がなかったことが問題視されており、当局への非難が高まっていると、19日の BBC News は伝えた。
ersten Intifada
Die Fatah ist eine 1959 von Jassir Arafat gegründete säkulare Bewegung und die stärkste Fraktion in der PLO. Auch die Fatah ist in mehrere Untergruppen gegliedert, von denen einige politisch, andere polizeilich und dritte terroristisch orientiert sind. Nach der
trat Jassir Arafat deutlich für eine Verhandlungslösung im Konflikt mit Israel ein, die ihren Höhepunkt in den 1993 unterschriebenen Friedensverträgen von Oslo und der Gründung der Palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde fand.
Hamas und Al-Fatah bilden Regierung der Nationalen Einheit
Guerra de Independencia de Argelia
El toque de queda, contemplado en una vieja ley de abril de 1955 sancionada durante la
y nunca antes aplicada en la Francia continental, refrenda una decisión del primer ministro Dominique de Villepin, anunciada la noche del lunes.
Francia autoriza aplicar el toque de queda
8 de noviembre de 2005
Battle of Belleau Wood
President Trump started the month visiting Kenosha, Wisconsin, where riots had broken out due to the police shooting of Jacob Blake in August. Trump referred to the riots as acts of "domestic terror" and placed further emphasis on maintaining "law and order." His opponent, Biden, in a message to fundraisers, accused Trump of "trying to scare the hell out of America." Biden himself visited Kenosha two days after Trump in what was his first campaign trip to the swing state of Wisconsin. During the appearance, Biden delivered a speech on racial inequality while wearing a mask, discussing the "original sin" of slavery. He also visited the family of Jacob Blake and spoke to Blake on the phone. The Trump campaign criticized Biden for not denouncing Antifa and for making the trip despite claiming previously that it was not safe to do so due to the coronavirus pandemic. Wisconsin governor Tony Evers, a Democrat, said he would have preferred that neither Trump nor Biden had made the stop. At least three unfavorable claims about Trump surfaced in early September. First, after CNN reporter and former Bill Clinton White House Press Secretary Joe Lockhart questioned whether the President's impromptu visit to Walter Reed Hospital last November was the result of a stroke, Trump alleged the media was falsely claiming he had suffered from "mini-strokes." Thereafter, Matt Drudge posted a report from "The Hill" about Trump's "mini-strokes" tweet as the top story on the "Drudge Report". Trump attacked Drudge as a consistent Trump opponent and his campaign called for CNN to fire Lockhart. Next, "The Atlantic" claimed that during a 2018 trip to France, Trump refused to visit a cemetery of U.S. soldiers killed during the World War I
and referred to the soldiers buried there as "losers" and "suckers." Furthermore, Trump allegedly questioned whether the U.S. allied with the correct side during the war. Aides publicly denied the story as did Trump-critic and former National Security Advisor John Bolton. Nevertheless, others, including Fox News reporter Jennifer Griffin, confirmed key parts of the story. Trump called on Fox News to fire Griffin. Lastly, excerpts from Bob Woodward's book "Rage", for which Trump gave insider access, revealed Trump downplayed the coronavirus in February in order to avoid public panic. Trump confirmed the claim, arguing it was not in the national interest to stir up panic about the virus. Biden, while campaigning in Michigan, called Trump's action "a life-and-death betrayal of the American people." He described it as "beyond despicable" and "almost criminal."
On the campaign trail in the USA, September 2020
October 29, 2020
предъявил обвинения в коррупции
По данным New York Times, расследование изначально велось ФБР, а в настоящее время делом занимается тот же отдел прокуратуры Восточного округа в Бруклине, который в прошлом году
десяткам функционеров ФИФА.
Прокуратура США расследует российский допинг
18 мая 2016
atentados del 11 de marzo de 2004 en Madrid
Del resto, cinco deberán presentarse en comparecencias policiales cada semana o quince días, según los casos. Los doce detenidos estaban acusados de formar una célula islamista que colaboró en la huída de varios implicados en los
. La decisión de poner a los detenidos en libertad se tomó tras prestar declaración diez de ellos.
Varios yihadistas que fueron detenidos en Barcelona son puestos en libertad
20 de octubre de 2008
Iraq War
Okay, let’s talk more about foreign policy. In 2002, you voted to authorize the
and you supported the troop surge in 2007. However, the Constitution Party platform opposes undeclared wars, and supports a non-interventionist foreign policy. Do you stand by your previous votes?
Wikinews interviews former Congressman Virgil Goode, Constitution Party presidential candidate
February 27, 2012
terremotos ocurridos en 1985
Este miércoles (19 de septiembre), México rindió homenaje a las víctimas de los
, que dejó diez mil víctimas, y en 2017, en el que fallecieron 369 personas. Por la mañana, a las 7:19, hora del primer siniestro de magnitud 8.1, el presidente Enrique Peña Nieto encabezó el izamiento a media asta de la bandera nacional en la Plaza de la Constitución de la Ciudad de México.
México rinde homenaje a las víctimas de los terremotos de 1985 y 2017
19 de septiembre de 2018
Erdbeben vom 12. Januar 2010
Zwischen 217.000 und 230.000 Menschen hatten nach unterschiedlichen Schätzungen das
in Haiti mit dem Leben bezahlt. Für die Überlebenden ist die Situation immer noch katastrophal: 1,2 Millionen Haitianer sind obdachlos und kampieren teilweise auf Straßen und Plätzen. Angesichts der bevorstehenden Regenzeit mit möglichen karibischen Stürmen und Überschwemmungen wird das koordinierte Handeln der internationalen Staatengemeinschaft immer dringlicher. Die Infrastruktur des Landes ist weitgehend zerstört. Die entstandenen Schäden werden auf rund 14 Milliarden US-Dollar geschätzt. Nun hat eine internationale Geberkonferenz in New York die finanzielle Hilfe für den Aufbau des Landes beraten und die Bereitschaft erklärt, insgesamt 5,3 Milliarden US-Dollar an Wiederaufbauhilfe zu leisten. Die Hälfte dieses Betrages soll in den nächsten zwei Jahren zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Langfristig sei sogar ein Finanzvolumen von knapp zehn Milliarden US-Dollar geplant, erklärte der UN-Generalsekretär Ban Ki-moon. Zum Abschluss der Geberkonferenz, an der 130 Staaten teilgenommen hatten, erklärte Ban: „Die Freunde Haitis haben unsere Erwartungen übertroffen.“
Geberkonferenz gewährt Haiti 5,3 Milliarden US-Dollar Aufbauhilfe
championnat d'Europe de football 2016
La fédération française de football a confirmé vendredi que la France serait bien candidate à l'organisation du
. Les autres candidatures officielles ont été déposées par la Grèce, la Turquie et le duo Écosse-Pays de Galles. D'autres pays, dont l'Italie, pourraient se présenter avant le 10 mars 2009, date limite pour introduire une candidature. Le résultat devrait être rendu le 10 mai 2010.
La France officiellement candidate à l'organisation de l'Euro 2016
13 février 2009
Землетрясение силой 8,9 балла
, произошедшее в пятницу в Японии, было настолько мощным, что, по словам экспертов, оно слегка изменило скорость вращения Земли, в результате чего день стал короче на какую-то долю секунды.
Из-за японского землетрясения день стал короче
15 марта 2011
3 июля 2018 года в Екатеринбурге ни один человек, включая организаторов, не стал участвовать в разрешённой властями уличной акции, посвящённой празднованию годовщины
Минска от немецко-фашистских захватчиков. Мероприятие проигнорировали все, кроме оппозиционеров, которым под предлогом её проведения запретили в этот день митинг против повышения пенсионного возраста.
Екатеринбуржцы массово не явились на согласованные празднования освобождения Минска (видео)
4 июля 2018
масакра у Сребреници
(Beta) - Холандска држава одговорна је за смрт три Муслимана у време
1995. године, одлучио је у уторак Апелациони суд у Хагу, на основу тужбе преживелих и чланова породица жртава, јавиле су агенције.
Холандија одговорна за смрт три Муслимана у Сребреници
5. јул 2011.
Hurricane Katrina
The U.S. Corps of Engineers estimated that 6 inches of rainfall could breach the previously damaged levees. New Orleans' Ninth Ward, which saw as much as 20 feet of water during
, is currently in waist high water as a nearby levee was overtopped. Water is spilling over the levee in a section 100 feet wide.
Hurricane Rita turns toward Texas-Louisiana border
September 23, 2005
United States Grand Prix West
His career ended in 1980 after crashing his Ensign during the
due to a brake failure. The crash left the Swiss paralyzed from the waist down.
Regazzoni dies in road accident
December 15, 2006
文化創意產業 力挺2009夏季聽障奧運 讓無聲更有聲
Evropsko prvenstvo 2012.
Talin / Estonija (Beta) - Fudbalska reprezentacija Srbije igrala je u utorak uveče nerešeno 1:1 u Talinu sa Estonijom u utakmici kvalifikacija za
Estonija izborila bod protiv Srbije u finišu meča
29. март 2011.
расстрелянных в Екатеринбурге в июле 1918 года
На щитах были черно-белые фото Николая II и членов его семьи,
. Фото пересекала надпись:
«Ложь Матильды» сняли в Екатеринбурге
11 октября 2017
July 7, 2005 terror attacks in London
The bombs were to be smuggled onboard in passengers' hand luggage. The planned attacks might have been the biggest terrorist attacks since <a href="w%3ASeptember%2011%2C%202001%20attacks">9/11</a>, government officials have said. Information gathered after recent arrests in Pakistan convinced British investigators they had to act urgently to stop the plot. The original information about the plan came from the Muslim community in Britain, according to a British intelligence official. The tip resulted from a person who had been concerned about the activities of an acquaintance after the
, the official said.
Police in Britain uncover suspected terrorist plot
August 11, 2006
a major earthquake
Lamothe's resignation had been recommended on Friday by a commission set up by President Michel Martelly. Martelly appointed Lamothe in 2011, the year after
caused widespread devastation. Elections to the Senate, Lower Chamber, and numerous municipal offices were also due in 2011.
Laurent Lamothe resigns as Haitian PM
December 15, 2014
Гран-прі Австралії 2011
На прес-конференції, яку дали призери
Віталій Петров сказав наступне: «"Я дуже щасливий сидіти тут з цими хлопцями. Вік-енд для нас пройшов непогано. Після тестів ми точно не знали, де знаходимося серед інших команд. Привезли сюди в Австралію новинки. Починаючи з вільних заїздів машина виглядала дуже добре, кваліфікація пройшла чудово. Я зберігав націленість на гонку. І команда відпрацювала здорово. Що стосується пресингу з боку Алонсо, то тут усе було спокійно. Я контролював машину, намагався берегти гуму — під кінець вона почала деградувати. Мені вдався непоганий старт, я намагався атакувати Фернандо, побачив Баттона попереду, відпустив гальма і спробував пройти їх разом. Ми продовжимо нашу боротьбу. Зараз мені треба подякувати стількох людей, які не опускали руки і вірили в мене, всю команду, яка плідно працювала всі тести. Коли ми тільки приїхали в Австралію ми сподівалися, що наша машина буде швидка — так що це їх результат. Хотів би подякувати всіх, хто працює на базі команди…"»
Перший в історії російський пілот «Формули-1» піднявся на п'єдестал
27 березня 2011

Dataset Card for XLEL-WD

Dataset Summary

XLEL-WD is a multilingual event linking dataset. This dataset repo contains mention references in multilingual Wikipedia/Wikinews articles to event items from Wikidata.

The descriptions for Wikidata event items were collected from the corresponding Wikipedia articles. Download the event dictionary from adithya7/xlel_wd_dictionary.

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

This dataset can be used for the task of event linking. There are two variants of the task, multilingual and crosslingual.

  • Multilingual linking: mention and the event descriptions are in the same language.
  • Crosslingual linking: the event descriptions are only available in English.


This dataset contains text from 44 languages. The language names and their ISO 639-1 codes are listed below. For details on the dataset distribution for each language, refer to the original paper.

Language Code Language Code Language Code Language Code
Afrikaans af Arabic ar Belarusian be Bulgarian bg
Bengali bn Catalan ca Czech cs Danish da
German de Greek el English en Spanish es
Persian fa Finnish fi French fr Hebrew he
Hindi hi Hungarian hu Indonesian id Italian it
Japanese ja Korean ko Malayalam ml Marathi mr
Malay ms Dutch nl Norwegian no Polish pl
Portuguese pt Romanian ro Russian ru Sinhala si
Slovak sk Slovene sl Serbian sr Swedish sv
Swahili sw Tamil ta Telugu te Thai th
Turkish tr Ukrainian uk Vietnamese vi Chinese zh

Dataset Structure

Data Instances

Each instance in the train.jsonl, dev.jsonl and test.jsonl files follow the below template.

    "context_left": "Minibaev's first major international medal came in the men's synchronized 10 metre platform event at the ",
    "mention": "2010 European Championships",
    "context_right": ".",
    "context_lang": "en",
    "label_id": "830917",

Data Fields

Field Meaning
mention text span of the mention
context_left left paragraph context from the document
context_right right paragraph context from the document
context_lang language of the context (and mention)
context_title document title of the mention (only Wikinews subset)
context_date document publication date of the mention (only Wikinews subset)
label_id Wikidata label ID for the event. E.g. 830917 refers to Q830917 from Wikidata.

Data Splits

The Wikipedia-based corpus has three splits. This is a zero-shot evaluation setup.

Train Dev Test Total
Events 8653 1090 1204 10947
Event Sequences 6758 844 846 8448
Mentions 1.44M 165K 190K 1.8M
Languages 44 44 44 44

The Wikinews-based evaluation set has two variants, one for cross-domain evaluation and another for zero-shot evaluation.

(Cross-domain) Test (Zero-shot) Test
Events 802 149
Mentions 2562 437
Languages 27 21

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

This dataset helps address the task of event linking. KB linking is extensively studied for entities, but its unclear if the same methodologies can be extended for linking mentions to events from KB. We use Wikidata as our KB, as it allows for linking mentions from multilingual Wikipedia and Wikinews articles.

Source Data

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

First, we utilize spatial & temporal properties from Wikidata to identify event items. Second, we identify corresponding multilingual Wikipedia pages for each Wikidata event item. Third, we pool hyperlinks from multilingual Wikipedia & Wikinews articles to these event items.

Who are the source language producers?

The documents in XLEL-WD are written by Wikipedia and Wikinews contributors in respective languages.


Annotation process

This dataset was originally collected automatically from Wikipedia, Wikinews and Wikidata. It was post-processed to improve data quality.

Who are the annotators?

The annotations in XLEL-WD (hyperlinks from Wikipedia/Wikinews to Wikidata) are added the original Wiki contributors.

Personal and Sensitive Information

[More Information Needed]

Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

[More Information Needed]

Discussion of Biases

[More Information Needed]

Other Known Limitations

XLEL-WD v1.0.0 mostly caters to eventive nouns from Wikidata. It does not include any links to other event items from Wikidata such as disease outbreak (Q3241045), military offensive (Q2001676) and war (Q198).

Additional Information

Dataset Curators

The dataset was curated by Adithya Pratapa, Rishubh Gupta and Teruko Mitamura. The code for collecting the dataset is available at Github:xlel-wd.

Licensing Information

XLEL-WD dataset is released under CC-BY-4.0 license.

Citation Information

  title = {Multilingual Event Linking to Wikidata},
  author = {Pratapa, Adithya and Gupta, Rishubh and Mitamura, Teruko},
  publisher = {arXiv},
  year = {2022},
  url = {},


Thanks to @adithya7 for adding this dataset.

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