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All hatcheries are open to visitors. | ∀x (Hatchery(x) → OpenToVisitors(x)) |
The National Lobster Hatchery releases animals into the wild. | ReleaseAnimalToWild(nationalLobsterhatchery) |
Rhos Aelwyd F.C. is a Welsh football club. | ∀x (Rhosaelwydfc(x) → FootballClub(x) ∧ Welsh(x)) |
Rhos Aelwyd F.C. is the only football club located in Ponciau. | ∀x (FootballClub(x) ∧ LocatedIn(x, ponciau) ↔ Rhosaelwydfc(x)) |
The Premier Division was won in June 2005 by a team from Ponciau. | ∃x (LocatedIn(x, ponciau) ∧ WonPremierDivisionDuring(x, year2005MonthJune)) |
The winner of the Premier Division in October 2009 was promoted to the Cymru Alliance. | ∀x (WonPremierDivisionDuring(x, year2009MonthOctober) → PromotedTo(x, cymruAlliance)) |
The Premier Division in October 2009 was won by the same team that won in June 2005. | ∀x (WonPremierDivisionDuring(x, year2009MonthOctober) ↔ WonPremierDivisionDuring(x, y2005MonthJune)) |
Rhos Aelwyd F.C. won Premier Division in June 2005. | ∃x (Rhosaelwydfc(x) ∧ WonPremierDivisionDuring(x, year2005MonthJune)) |
Rhos Aelwyd F.C. was promoted to the Cymru Alliance. | ∃x (Rhosaelwydfc(x) ∧ PromotedTo(x, cymruAlliance)) |
A Unix operating system used in the lab computers is a piece of software. | ∀x (UsedIn(x, labComputer) ∧ UnixOperatingSystem(x) → Software(x)) |
All versions of MacOS used in the lab computer are based on Unix operating systems. | ∀x (UsedIn(x, labComputer) ∧ MacOS(x) → UnixOperatingSystem(x)) |
A lab computer uses either MacOS or Linux. | ∀x (UsedIn(x, labComputer) → MacOS(x) ⊕ Linux(x)) |
All Linux computers in the lab are convenient. | ∀x (UsedIn(x, labComputer) ∧ Linux(x) → Convenient(x)) |
All software used in the lab computers is written with code. | ∀x (UsedIn(x, labComputer) ∧ Software(x) → WrittenWithCode(x)) |
If something is convenient in the lab computer, then it is popular. | ∀x (UsedIn(x, labComputer) ∧ Convenient(x) → Popular(x)) |
Burger is used in the lab computer, and it is written with code and a new version of MacOS. | UsedIn(burger, labComputer) ∧ WrittenWithCode(burger) ∧ MacOS(burger)) |
PyTorch is used in the lab computer, and PyTorch is neither a Linux system nor a piece of software. | UsedIn(pytorch, labComputer) ∧ ¬(Linux(pytorch) ⊕ Software(pytorch)) |
Burger is popular. | Popular(burger) |
Burger is not popular. | ¬Popular(burger) |
PyTorch is popular and written with code. | Popular(pytorch) ∧ WrittenWithCode(pytorch) |
PyTorch is not popular and it is not written with code. | ¬(Popular(pytorch) ∧ WrittenWithCode(pytorch)) |
Roads are made of either concrete or asphalt. | ∀x (Road(x) → (MadeOf(x, concrete) ⊕ MadeOf(x, asphalt)) |
Roads made of concrete last longer than roads made with asphalt. | ∀x ∀y (Road(x) ∧ MadeOf(x, concrete) ∧ Road(y) ∧ MadeOf(y, asphalt) → LastLonger(x, y)) |
Roads made of asphalt are smoother than roads made of concrete. | ∀x ∀y (Road(x) ∧ MadeOf(x, asphalt) ∧ Road(y) ∧ MadeOf(y, concrete) → Smoother(x, y)) |
Everyone prefers the smoother of two roads. | ∀x ∀y ∀z (Road(x) ∧ Road(y) ∧ Smoother(x, y) → Prefer(z, x)) |
The first road is made of concrete, and the second road is made of asphalt. | Road(firstRoad) ∧ MadeOf(secondRoad, concrete) ∧ Road(firstRoad) ∧ MadeOf(secondRoad, asphalt) |
The first road will last longer than the second road. | LastLonger(firstRoad, secondRoad) |
The second road is not smoother than the first one. | ¬Smoother(firstRoad, secondRoad) |
John prefers the second road. | Prefer(john, secondRoad) |
Camp Davern is a traditional summer camp for boys and girls. | TraditionalSummerCamp(campDavern) ∧ ForBoysAndGirls(campDavern) |
Camp Davern was established in the year 1946. | EstablishedIn(campDavern, year1946) |
Camp Davern was operated by the YMCA until the year 2015. | OperatedUntil(yMCA, campDavern, year2015) |
Camp Davern is an old summer camp. | Old(campDavern) |
One of Ontario's oldest summer camps is a traditional summer camp for boys and girls. | ∃x (Old(x) ∧ TraditionalSummerCamp(x) ∧ ForBoysAndGirls(x)) |
A traditional summer camp for boys and girls was operated by the YMCA until the year 2015. | ∃x (TraditionalSummerCamp(x) ∧ ForBoysAndGirls(x) ∧ OperatedUntil(YMCA, x, year2015)) |
Camp Davern was established in 1989. | EstablishedIn(campdavern, year1989) |
If Emily's friends publish journals, then they do not work in the entertainment industry. | ∀x (EmilysFriend(x) ∧ Publish(x, journal) → ¬WorkIn(x, entertainmentIndustry)) |
All of Emily's friends who are award-winning novelists publish journals. | ∀x (EmilysFriend(x) ∧ AwardWinningNovelist(x) → Publish(x, journal)) |
Emily's friends work in the entertainment industry or are highly acclaimed in their profession. | ∀x (EmilysFriend(x) → WorkIn(x, entertainmentIndustry) ∨ HighlyAcclaimedIn(x, theirProfession)) |
If Emily's friends are highly acclaimed in their profession, then they often hold tenured and high-ranking positions at their workplace. | ∀x (EmilysFriend(x) ∧ HighlyAcclaimedIn(x, theirProfession) → ∃y (HoldAt(x, y, workPlace) ∧ Tenured(y) ∧ HighRanking(y) ∧ Position(y))) |
If Emily's friends are highly acclaimed in their profession, then they often receive glowing feedback and recommendations from their colleagues. | ∀x (EmilysFriend(x) ∧ HighlyAcclaimedIn(x, theirProfession) → ReceiveFrom(x, glowingFeedback, colleague) ∧ ReceiveFrom(x, glowingRecommendation, colleague)) |
Taylor is Emily's friend. | EmilysFriends(taylor) |
It is not true that Taylor both holds highly acclaimed in her profession and often holds tenured and high-ranking positions at her workplace. | ¬(HighlyAcclaimedIn(taylor, theirProfession) ∧ (∃y (HoldAt(taylor, y, workPlace) ∧ Tenured(y) ∧ HighRanking(y) ∧ Position(y))) |
Taylor is Emily's friend and she often holds tenured and high-ranking positions at her workplace. | EmilysFriends(taylor) ∧ (∃y (HoldAt(taylor, y, workPlace) ∧ Tenured(y) ∧ HighRanking(y) ∧ Position(y))) |
Taylor is Emily's friend and she often receives glowing feedback and recommendations from their colleagues and is an award-winning novelist. | EmilysFriends(taylor) ∧ (Receive(taylor, glowingFeedback, colleague) ∧ Receive(taylor, glowingRecommendation, colleague) ∧ AwardWinningNovelist(taylor)) |
Taylor is Emily's friend and she does not both publish journals and is an award-winning novelist. | EmilysFriends(taylor) ∧ ¬(Publish(taylor, journal) ∧ AwardWinningNovelist(taylor)) |
Thick as Thieves is a young adult fantasy novel written by Megan Whalen Turner. | YoungAdultFantasy(thickAsTheives) ∧ Novel(thickAsTheives) ∧ WrittenBy(thickAsTheives, meganWhalenTurner) |
Thick as Thieves was published by Greenwillow Books. | PublishedBy(thickAsTheives, greenWillowBooks) |
If a book was published by a company, then the author of that book worked with the company that published the book. | ∀x ∀y ∀z ((WrittenBy(x, y) ∧ PublishedBy(x, z)) → WorkedWith(y, z)) |
The fictional Mede Empire is where Thick as Thieves is set. | Fictional(medeEmpire) ∧ SetIn(thickAsTheives, medeEmpire) |
The Mede Empire plots to swallow up some nearby countries. | ∃x ∃y ((Country(x) ∧ Near(x, medeEmpire) ∧ PlotsToSwallowUp(medeEmpire, x)) ∧ (¬(x=y) ∧ Near(y, medeEmpire) ∧ PlotsToSwallowUp(medeEmpire, y))) |
Attolia and Sounis are countries near the Mede Empire. | Country(attolia) ∧ Near(attolia, medeEmpire) ∧ Country(sounis) ∧ Near(sounis, medeEmpire) |
Thick as Thieves was sold both as a hardcover and an e-book. | SoldAs(thickAsTheives, hardCover) ∧ SoldAs(thickAsTheives, softCover) |
Megan Whalen Turner worked with Greenwillow Books. | WorkedWith(WhalenTurner, greenWillowbooks) |
The Mede Empire plans to swallow up Attolia. | PlotsToSwallowUp(medeEmpire, attolia) |
Thick as Thieves is not set in the Mede Empire. | ¬SetIn(thickAsTheives, medeEmpire) |
Megan Whalen Turner did not work with Greenwillow Books. | ¬WorkedWith(megan, greenWillowbooks) |
WeTab is a MeeGo-based tablet computer. | MeeGoBased(weTab) ∧ TabletComputer(weTab) |
WeTab was announced by Neofonie. | ∀x (AnnouncedBy(weTab, neofonie)) |
Neofonie is a German producer. | German(neofonie) ∧ Producer(neofonie) |
Germans live in Germany or abroad. | ∀x (German(x) → LiveIn(x, german) ⊕ LiveAbroad(x)) |
There is a tablet computer announced by a German producer. | ∃x ∃y (TabletComputer(x) ∧ German(y) ∧ Producer(y) ∧ AnnouncedBy(x, y)) |
Neofonie doesn't speak English or German. | ¬Speak(neofonie, english) ∧ ¬Speak(neofonie, german) |
Some employees in James's town who work in business analysis are good at math. | ∃x ∃y (EmployeeIn(x, jamesSTown) ∧ WorkIn(x, businessAnalysis) ∧ GoodAt(x, math) ∧ (¬(x=y)) ∧ EmployeeIn(y, jamesSTown) ∧ WorkIn(y, businessAnalysis) ∧ GoodAt(y, math)) |
All of the employees in James's town who work in business analysis are working for this company. | ∀x ((EmployeeIn(x, jamesSTown) ∧ WorkIn(x, businessAnalysis)) → WorkFor(x, thisCompany)) |
None of the employees in James's town who work for this company are from China. | ∀x ((EmployeeIn(x, jamesSTown) ∧ WorkFor(x, thisCompany)) → ¬From(x, china)) |
All of the employees in James's town working in software engineering are from China. | ∀x (EmployeeIn(x, jamesSTown) ∧ WorkIn(x, softwareEngineering) → From(x, china)) |
Leif is an employee in James's town, and he is working in software engineering. | EmployeeIn(leif, jamesSTown) ∧ WorkIn(leif, softwareEngineering) |
Leif is good at math. | EmployeesInJamesSTown(leif) ∧ GoodAt(leif, math) |
Leif is not both good at math and working in business analysis. | ¬(GoodAt(leif, math) ∧ WorkIn(leif, businessAnalysis)) |
If Leif is not both good at math and in business analysis, then he is neither working in this company nor working in software engineering. | ¬(GoodAt(leif, math) ∧ WorkIn(leif, businessAnalysis)) → (¬WorkFor(x, thisCompany) ∧ ¬WorkIn(x, softwareEngineering)) |
The party provides five kinds of fruits: strawberry, orange, blueberry, grape, and cherry. | Provide(party, strawberry) ∧ Provide(party, orange) ∧ Provide(party, blueberry) ∧ Provide(party, grape) ∧ Provide(party, cherry) |
If the fruit had the lowest remaining weight at the end of the party, then it means it was the most popular fruit. | ∀x (LowestWeightRemainingAt(x, endOfParty) → MostPopular(x)) |
At the end of the party, strawberries had the lowest remaining weight. | LowestWeightRemainingAt(strawberries, endOfParty) |
At the end of the party, the number of leftover blueberries was lower than that of cherries. | LowerWeightAt(blueberry, cherry, endOfParty) |
Benjamin only ate oranges and grapes at the party. | Eat(benjamin, orange) ∧ Eat(benjamin, grape) ∧ ¬Eat(benjamin, blueberry) ∧ ¬Eat(benjamin, cherry) ∧ ¬Eat(benjamin, strawberry) |
Blueberries were the most popular fruit at the party. | MostPopular(blueberry) |
Cherries were the most popular fruit at the party. | MostPopular(cherry) |
Benjamin ate blueberries at the party. | Eat(blueberry, benjamin) |
All students who attend in person have registered for the conference. | ∀x (AttendInPerson(x) → Registered(x)) |
Students either attend the conference in person or remotely. | ∀x (Attend(x) → (AttendInPerson(x) ⊕ AttendRemotely(x))) |
No students from China attend the conference remotely. | ∀x ((Attend(x) ∧ FromChina(x)) → ¬AttendRemotely(x)) |
James attends the conference, but he does not attend the conference remotely. | Attend(james) ∧ (¬AttendRemotely(james)) |
Jack attends the conference, and he is a student from China. | FromChina(jack) ∧ Attend(jack) |
James attends the conference but not in person. | Attend(james) ∧ (¬AttendInPerson(james)) |
Jack attends the conference in person. | Attend(jack) ∧ AttendInPerson(jack) |
Jack has registered for the conference. | Registered(jack) |
David Ha'ivri is a political strategist. | PoliticalStrategist(davidHaivri) |
If you are born in Israel to at least one Israeli parent, you receive Israeli citizenship at birth. | ∀x ∃y (BornInIsrael(x) ∧ ParentOf(y, x) ∧ Israeli(y) → Israeli(x)) |
David Ha'ivri emigrated to the United States from Israel, where he was born to Israeli parents. | ∃x (EmigratedTo(davidHaivri, america) ∧ BornInIsrael(davidHaivri) ∧ ParentOf(davidHaivri, x) ∧ Israeli(x)) |
Several Zionist leaders have been elected to the Shomron Regional Municipal council. | ∃x (ZionistLeader(x) ∧ ElectedTo(x, shomronMunicipalCouncil)) |
David Ha'ivri is a Zionist leader. | ZionstLeader(davidHaivri) |
David Ha'ivri is an Israeli citizen. | IsraeliCitizen(davidHaivri) |
David Ha'ivri is a United States citizen. | American(davidHaivri) |
David Ha'ivri has been elected to the Shomron Regional Municipal council. | ElectedTo(davidHaivri, shomronMunicipalCouncil) |
Mary has the flu. | Has(mary, flu) |
If someone has the flu, then they have influenza. | ∀x (Has(x, flu) → Has(x, influenza)) |
Susan doesn't have influenza. | ¬Has(susan, influenza) |
Either Mary or Susan has influenza. | Has(mary, influenza) ⊕ Has(susan, influenza) |
James Cocks was a British lawyer. | British(james) ∧ Lawyer(james) |
Subsets and Splits