Everyone who attends the conference in person is provided with souvenirs.
∀x (AttendInPerson(x, conference) → ProvidedWith(x, souvenir))
Everyone invited to join the club is provided with delicious meals.
∀x (InvitedToJoin(x, club) → ProvidedWith(x, deliciousMeal))
Everyone provided with delicious meals is happy to communicate with each other during the dinner.
∀x (ProvidedWith(x, deliciousMeal) ∧ ProvidedWith(y, deliciousMeal) → ∃y ∃z (¬(y=x) ∧ ¬(z=x) ∧ ¬(y=z) ∧ HappyToCommunicateWithDuringTheDinner(x, y) ∧ HappyToCommunicateWithDuringTheDinner(x, z)))
Everyone who is provided with delicious meals is invited to take a photo with the audience.
∀x (ProvidedWith(x, deliciousMeal) → InvitedToTakePhotoWith(x, audience))
It is not true that James both attended the conference in person and was provided with souvenirs.
¬(AttendInPerson(james, conference) ∧ ProvidedWith(x, souvenir))
James is provided with souvenirs.
ProvidedWith(james, souvenir)
James is not provided with souvenirs.
¬ProvidedWith(x, souvenir)
James is invited to take a photo with the audience and is happy to communicate with other guests at the dinner.
InvitedToTakePhotoWith(james, audience) → ∃y ∃z (¬(y=james) ∧ ¬(z=james) ∧ ¬(y=z) ∧ HappyToCommunicateWithDuringTheDinner(james, y) ∧ HappyToCommunicateWithDuringDinner(james, z)))
James is invited to take a photo with the audience or is happy to communicate with other guests(?) during the dinner.
InvitedToTakePhotoWith(james, audience) → ∃y ∃z (¬(y=james) ∧ ¬(z=james) ∧ ¬(y=z) ∧ HappyToCommunicateWithDuringTheDinner(james, y) ∧ HappyToCommunicateWithDuringDinner(james, z)))
James is either invited to take a photo with the audience or happy to communicate with other guests(?) during the dinner.
InvitedToTakePhotoWith(james, audience) → ∃y ∃z (¬(y=james) ∧ ¬(z=james) ∧ ¬(y=z) ∧ HappyToCommunicateWithDuringTheDinner(james, y) ∧ HappyToCommunicateWithDuringDinner(james, z)))
The USS Salem is a heavy cruiser built for the United States Navy.
HeavyCruiser(usssalem) ∧ BuiltFor(usssalem, unitedstatesnavy)
The last heavy cruiser to enter service was the USS Salem.
The USS Salem is a museum ship.
Museum ships are open to the public.
∀x (MuseumShip(x) → OpenToPublic(x))
The USS Salem served in the Atlantic and Mediterranean.
ServedIn(usssalem, atlantic) ∧ ServedIn(usssalem, mediterranean)
The USS Salem is open to the public.
There is a museum ship open to the public that served in the Mediterranean.
∃x (MuseumShip(x) ∧ OpenToPublic(x) ∧ ServedIn(x, mediterranean))
The USS Salem was not the last heavy cruiser to enter service.
TS Leda was a good passenger and cargo vessel.
∀x (TSLeda(x) → ((Passenger(x) ∧ Vessel(x)) ∧ (Cargo(x) ∧ Vessel(x)))
TS Leda was a Norwegian vessel that was built with stabilizers.
∀x (TSLeda(x) → (Norweigian(x) ∧ Vessel(x) ∧ Stabilizers(x)))
Stabilizers are mechanical devices found only on ships with powerful steam turbine engines.
∀x (Stabilizers(x) → MechanicalDevice(x) ∧ OnlyOnShips(x) ∧ PowerfulSteamTurbine(x))
To be a good passenger and cargo vessel, ships must be quiet and good at sea.
∀x ((Passenger(x) ∧ Vessel(x)) ∧ (Cargo(x) ∧ Vessel(x)) → (Quiet(x) ∧ GoodAt(x, sea)))
Some ships that are quiet and good at sea have powerful steam turbine engines.
∃x (Quiet(x) ∧ GoodAt(x, sea) ∧ PowerfulSteamTurbine(x))
Vessels are ships.
∀x (Ship(x) → Vessel(x))
TS Leda was quiet and good at sea.
∀x (TSLeda(x) → Quiet(x) ∧ GoodAt(x, sea))
TS Leda had powerful steam turbine engines.
∀x (TSLeda(x) → PowerfulSteamTurbine(x))
TS Leda was not a Norwegian vessel.
∀x (TSLeda(x) → ¬(Norweigian(x) ∧ Vessel(x)))
Rosa was born in Santiago.
BornIn(rosa, santiago)
Santiago is the capital and largest city of Chile.
CapitalOf(santiago, chile) ∧ LargestCityOf(santiago, chile)
Rosa is the daughter of a Catalan building contractor, Jose.
DaughterOf(rosa, jose) ∧ BuildingContractor(jose) ∧ Catalan(jose)
Jose has a Chilean wife, Carmen.
WifeOf(jose, carmen) ∧ Chilean(carmen)
Carmen and Jose are Rosa's parents.
ParentOf(jose, rosa) ∧ ParentOf(carmen, rosa)
People from Catalan are not from Chile.
∀x (Catalan(x) → ¬Chilean(x))
A building contractor is responsible for the day-to-day oversight of a construction site.
∀x ∃y (BuildingContractor(x) → ConstructionSite(y) ∧ Oversee(x, y))
Rosa was born in the largest city of Chile.
∃x (BornIn(rosa, x) ∧ LargestCityOf(x, chile))
Neither of Rosa's parents is Chilean.
¬Chilean(jose) ∧ ¬Chilean(carmen)
Rosa is the daughter of someone who is responsible for the oversight of traffic.
∃x (DaughterOf(rosa, x) ∧ Oversee(x, traffic))
Tyga is a rapper.
Rappers release rap albums.
∀x ∀y ((IsRapper(x) ∧ ReleasedAlbum(x, y)) → IsRapAlbum(y))
Tyga released the Well Done 3 album.
ReleasedAlbum(tyga, wellDone3)
Rappers are not opera singers.
∀x (IsRapper(x) → ¬IsOperaSinger(x))
Well Done 3 is a rap album.
Tyga is an opera singer.
Well Done 3 is worth listening to.
Deborah Wallace is a Scottish-born actress, playwright, and producer.
BornIn(deborahWallace, scotland) ∧ Actress(deborahWallace) ∧ Playwright(deborahWallace) ∧ Producer(deborahWallace)
Psyche is a play based on the life of James Miranda Barry.
Play(psyche) ∧ BasedOn(psyche, lifeOfJamesMirandaBarry)
Homesick, Psyche and The Void are plays by Deborah Wallace.
Play(homesick) ∧ WrittenBy(homesick, deborahWallace) ∧ Play(psyche) ∧ WrittenBy(psyche, deborahWallace) ∧ Play(theVoid) ∧ WrittenBy(theVoid, deborahWallace)
Deborah Wallace co-produced Gasland.
CoProduce(deborahWallace, gasland)
Gasland was coproduced by the same person Homesick was from.
∃x (CoProduces(x, gasland) ∧ WrittenBy(homesick, x))
No plays by Deborah Wallace are based on the life of James Miranda Barry.
∀x (Play(x) ∧ WrittenBy(x, deborahwallace) → ¬BasedOn(x, lifeofjamesmirandabarry))
Gasland is a play.
Animals who need large territory travel far.
∀x (Animal(x) ∧ Need(x, largeTerritory) → TravelFar(x))
Every animal that eats a lot needs a large territory.
∀x (EatALot(x) → Need(x, largeTerritory))
If something is a big animal, then it will eat a lot.
∀x (Big(x) ∧ Animal(x) → EatALot(x))
Bears are big animals.
∀x (Bear(x) → Big(x) ∧ Animal(x))
Larry is a big animal.
Big(larry) ∧ Animal(larry)
Larry is a bear.
Larry is not a bear and does not travel far.
¬Bear(larry) ∧ ¬TravelFar(larry)
If Larry either travels far or needs a large territory, then Larry is a bear.
TravelFar(larry) ⊕ Need(larry, largeTerritory) → Bear(larry)
Any convicted criminal that is innocent is not truly guilty.
∀x (ConvictedCriminal(x) ∧ Innocent(x) → ¬TrulyGuilty(x))
All convicted criminals who did not commit a crime are truly innocent.
∀x (ConvictedCriminal(x) ∧ ¬CommitCrime(x) → Innocent(x))
All convicted criminals are truly guilty or found guilty.
∀x (ConvictedCriminal(x) ∧ (TrulyGuilty(x) ∨ FoundGuilty(x)))
If a convicted criminal is found guilty, then they are sentenced to a punishment.
∀x (ConvictedCriminal(x) ∧ FoundGuilty(x) → SentencedToPunishment(x))
If a convicted criminal is found guilty, then they can argue against their punishment.
∀x (ConvictedCriminal(x) ∧ FoundGuilty(x) → CanArgueAgainst(x, punishment))
Garry is a convicted criminal who not found guilty or is sentenced to punishment.
ConvictedCriminal(garry) ∧ (¬(FoundGuilty(garry) ∨ SentencedToPunishment(garry)))
Garry is sentenced to a punishment.
Garry did not commit a crime and can argue against his punishment.
¬CommitCrime(garry) ∧ CanArgueAgainst(garry, punishment)
Garry is not both innocent and someone who did not commit a crime.
¬(Innocent(garry) ∧ ¬CommitCrime(garry))
Phoneix's music is classified under the indie pop genre.
Phoenix is a band from France.
Band(phoenix) ∧ From(phoenix, france)
French bands write songs in French or in English.
∀x ∃y (Band(x) ∧ From(x, france) ∧ Write(x, y) ∧ Song(y) → InFrench(y) ⊕ InEnglish(y))
Aside from indie pop, pop rock and synth-pop are two other genres of music.
∀x (IndiePop(x) → ¬PopRock(x) ∧ ¬SynthPop(x))
Phoenix has no songs in French.
∀x (Song(x) ∧ By(phoenix, x) → ¬InFrench(x))
Phoneix's music is classified under the pop rock genre.
Phoenix writes songs in French.
∃x (Write(phoenix, y) ∧ Song(x) → InFrench(x))