stringlengths 12
| fol
stringlengths 8
The SAT test is intended to assess students' readiness for college. | IntendedToAssess(sAT, studentsReadinessForCollege) |
The SAT was originally designed not to be aligned with high school curricula. | OriginallyDesignedToBeAlignedWith(sAT, highSchoolCurricula) |
Several adjustments were made to the version of the SAT introduced in 2016 to align with the high school curriculum. | AdjustmentMadeIn(sAT, 2016, toAlignWithHighSchoolCurriculum) |
The SAT test is owned by the College Board and other third parties. | OwnedBy(sAT, collegeBoard) ∧ OwnedBy(sAT, otherThirdParties) |
The SAT test assesses students' math skills. | IntendedToAssess(sAT, studentsMathSkill) |
Rafa Nadal was born in Mallorca. | BornIn(rafaNadal, mallorca) |
Rafa Nadal is a professional tennis player. | ProfessionalTennisPlayer(rafaNadal) |
Nadal's win ratio is high. | HighWinRatio(rafaNadal) |
All players in the Big 3 are professionals who have a high win ratio. | ∀x ((ProfessionalTennisPlayer(x) ∧ HighWinRatio(x)) → InBig3(x)) |
Nadal was not born in Mallorca. | ¬BornIn(rafaNadal, mallorca) |
Nadal is in the Big 3. | InBig3(rafaNadal) |
Nadal is the greatest player of all time. | GreatestOfAllTime(rafaNadal) |
No sandwich cookies are healthy. | ∀x (SandwichCookie(x) → ¬Healthy(x)) |
Oreos are sandwich cookies. | ∀x (Oreo(x) → SandwichCookie(x)) |
All sandwich cookies are delicious. | ∀x (SandwichCookie(x) → Delicious(x)) |
No animals are plants. | ∀x (Animal(x) → ¬Plant(x)) |
All humans are animals. | ∀x (Human(x) → Animal(x)) |
All pupils are humans. | ∀x (Pupil(x) → Human(x)) |
Bailey is either both a human and a flower or neither a human nor a flower. | ¬(Human(bailey) ⊕ Flower(bailey)) |
Bailey is a pupil. | Pupil(bailey) |
Bailey is not a pupil. | ¬Pupil(bailey) |
Bailey is a plant. | Plant(bailey) |
If Bailey is a human, then Bailey is not a pupil. | Human(bailey) → ¬Pupil(bailey) |
Shoes are not food. | ∀x (Shoe(x) → ¬Food(x)) |
All slippers are shoes. | ∀x (Slipper(x) → Shoe(x)) |
Any object donated to the homeless charity is either clothes or food. | ∀x (DonatedTo(x, homelessCharity) → Food(x) ⊕ Clothes(x)) |
Wearable things are not edible. | ∀x (Wearable(x) → ¬Edible(x)) |
All clothes are wearable. | ∀x (Clothes(x) → Wearable(x)) |
The watch is donated to the homeless charify. | DonatedTo(watch, homelessCharify) |
If the watch is not both edible and a piece of clothing, then the watch is either both edible and a piece of clothing or the watch is neither of them. | ¬(Edible(watch) ∧ Clothes(watch)) → ¬(Edible(watch) ⊕ Clothes(watch)) |
A watch is wearable. | Wearable(watch) |
A watch is a slipper. | Slipper(watch) |
A watch is neither edible nor a slipper. | ¬Edible(watch) ∧ ¬Slipper(watch) |
An Olympian is a person who trains for an Olympic sport and goes to the Olympics. | ∀x ((DoesOlympicSport(x) ∧ GoesToOlympicGames(x)) → Olympian(x)) |
Carlos Reyes trains for an Olympic sport. | DoesOlympicSport(carlosReyes) |
Carlos Reyes went to the Olympics. | GoesToOlympicGames(carlosReyes) |
Carlos Reyes is a welterweight. | WelterWeight(carlosReyes) |
Heavy weights are not welterweights. | ∀x (WelterWeight(x) → ¬ HeavyWeight(x)) |
Carlos Reyes is an Olympian. | Olympian(carlosReyes) |
Carlos Reyes is a heavy weight. | HeavyWeight(carlosReyes) |
Carlos Reyes won an Olympic medal. | WonOlympicMedal(carlosReyes) |
If people have a lot of music decorations in their rooms, they cannot pack and move out of their rooms very easily. | ∀x (HaveIn(x, aLotOfMusicDecoration, room) → ¬MoveOutEasily(x)) |
If people have high ambitions and future career goals, then they can pack and move out of their rooms very easily. | ∀x (Ambitious(x) → MoveOutEasily(x)) |
If people are big fans of pop bands and singers, then they have a lot of music decorations in their room. | ∀x (BigFanOfMusic(x) → MusicDecorations(x, room)) |
All young teenage girls who attend music festival frequently are big fans of pop bands and singers. | ∀x (AttendFrequently(x, musicFestival) ∧ YoungTeenageGirl(x) → BigFanOfPopBand(x) ∧ BigFanOfPopSinger(x)) |
If Sam has high ambitions and future career goals, then Sam is a big fan of pop bands and singers. | Ambitious(sam) → BBigFanOfPopBand(sam) ∧ BigFanOfPopSinger(sam) |
Sam is a young teenage girl who attends music festival frequently | Attend(sam, festival) ∧ YoungTeenageGirl(sam) |
Sam is not a young teenage girl who attends music festival frequently | ¬(Attend(sam, festival) ∧ YoungTeenageGirl(sam)) |
Sam is a big fan of pop bands and singers. | BigFanOfMusic(sam) |
Sam neither has high ambitions and future career goals nor is she a young teenage girl attending music festival frequently | ¬(Ambitious(sam) ∨ (Attend(sam, festival) ∧ YoungTeenageGirl(sam))) |
Sam has high ambitions and future career goals and is a young teenage girl attending music festival frequently. | Ambitious(sam) ∧ Attend(sam, festival) ∧ YoungTeenageGirl(sam) |
Sam has high ambitions and future career goals and is a young teenage girl attending college. | Ambitious(sam) ∧ Attend(sam, festival) ∧ YoungTeenageGirl(sam) |
If Sam is a young teenage girl attending college, then Sam either does not have high ambitions and future career goals or is a big fan of pop bands and singers. | Attend(sam, festival) ∧ YoungTeenageGirl(sam) → ¬(Ambitious(sam) ∨ (BigFanOfPopBand(sam) ∧ BigFanOfPopSinger(sam))) |
If Sam has high ambitions and future career goals and is a young teenage girl attending college, then Sam either does not have high ambitions and future career goals or is not a young teenage girl attending college. | Ambitious(sam) ∧ Attend(sam, festival) ∧ YoungTeenageGirl(sam) → ¬(Ambitious(sam) ∨ (Attend(sam, festival) ∧ YoungTeenageGirl(sam))) |
If Sam has high ambitions and future career goals, then Sam is a young teenage girl attending college. | Ambitious(sam) → Attend(sam, festival) ∧ YoungTeenageGirl(sam) |
Brita was a cargo ship built for Norwegians. | CargoShip(britta) ∧ Ship(britta) ∧ BuiltFor(britta, norwegians) |
Brita was impressed into service by Germany. | ImpressedIntoServiceBy(britta, germany) |
Ships that have been impressed into service were seized by whoever impressed them into service. | ∀x ∀y (Ship(x) ∧ ImpressedIntoServiceBy(x, y) → SeizedBy(x, y)) |
The Britta was sold to Hong Kong. | SoldTo(britta, hongkong) |
There was a cargo ship seized by Germany that was sold to Hong Kong. | ∃x (CargoShip(x) ∧ SeizedBy(x, germany) ∧ SoldTo(x, hongkong)) |
Hong Kong hasn't had any seized ships sold to them. | ∀x ∀y (SoldTo(x, hongkong) → ¬SeizedBy(x, y)) |
Hong Kong seized the Britta. | SeizedBy(britta, hongkong) |
Quincy McDuffie is an American professional wide receiver in Canadian Football. | American(quincyMcduffie) ∧ Professional(quincyMcduffie) ∧ WideReciever(quincyMcduffie) ∧ PlaysIn(quincyMcduffie, cFL) |
People who can catch balls are good wide receivers. | ∀x ((∃y(CanCatch(x, y) ∧ Ball(y))) → GoodWideReceiver(x)) |
Quincy McDuffie can catch some footballs easily. | ∃x ∃y (Football(x) ∧ CanCatch(quincymcduffie, x)) ∧ (¬(x=y) ∧ (Football(y) ∧ CanCatch(quincymcduffie, y)) |
Good wide receivers play professionally. | ∀x (GoodWideReceiver(x) → Professional(x)) |
Good wide receivers can catch with both their left and right hand. | ∀x (GoodWideReceiver(x) → (CanCatchWith(x, lefthand) ∧ CanCatchWith(x, righthand))) |
All footballs are balls. | ∀x (Football(x) → Ball(x)) |
Quincy McDuffie is a good wide receiver. | GoodWideReceiver(quincyMcduffie) |
Quincy McDuffie can catch every ball. | ∀x (Ball(x) → CanCatch(quincymcduffie, x)) |
Professional wide receivers are good at catching balls. | ∀x ((Professional(x) ∧ WideReciever(x)) → Good(x, catchingballs)) |
Boves is a railway station located in France. | RailwayStation(boves) ∧ In(boves, france) |
The preceding station of Boves is Longueau. | Precede(longueau, boves) |
The preceding station of Dommartin is Boves. | Precede(boves, dommartin) |
France is a European country. | In(france, europe) |
Dommartin is situated on the Paris–Lille railway. | SituatedOn(dommartin, pairsLille) |
Any two contiguous stations are on the same railway. | ∀x ∀y ∀z ((SituatedOn(x, z) ∧ (Precede(x, y) ∨ Precede(y, x)) → SituatedOn(y, z)) |
Boves is served by regional TER Hauts-de-France trains. | Serve(boves, hautsDeFrance) |
If place A precedes place B and place B precedes place C, then place A precedes place C. | ∀x ∀y ∀z ((Precede(x, y) ∧ Precede(y, z)) → Precede(x, z)) |
Longueau is situated on the Paris–Lille railway. | SituatedOn(longueau, pairsLille) |
Boves is not in Europe. | ¬In(boves, europe) |
Longueau is served by regional TER Hauts-de-France trains. | Serve(longueau, hautsDeFrance) |
Edwin Smith was a New Zealand rower from Auckland. | From(edwinSmith, newZealand) ∧ Rower(edwinSmith) ∧ From(edwinSmith, auckland) |
Edwin Smith was also known as Ted Smith. | edwinSmith=tedSmith |
Edwin Smith went to Rose Road Primary School, located in Grey Lynn. | GoTo(edwinSmith, roseRoadPrimarySchool) ∧ LocatedIn(roseRoadPrimarySchool, greyLynn) |
Edwin Smith was a sergeant who served with the New Zealand 24th battalion in Italy and Egypt. | Sergeant(edwinSmith) ∧ ServeWith(edwinSmith, newZealand24thBattalion) ∧ ServeIn(edwinSmith, italy) ∧ ServeIn(edwinSmith, egypt) |
Broadway Sheetmetals was a business run and owned by Edwin Smith, a sheet metal worker. | Buisness(broadwaySheetmetals) ∧ Run(edwinSmith, broadwaySheetmetals) ∧ Own(edwinSmith, broadwaySheetmetals) ∧ SheetmetalWorker(edwinsmith) |
Ted Smith was a sergeant. | Sergeant(tedSmith) |
There were no rowers that own a buisness. | ∀x ∀y (Rower(x) ∧ Buisness(y) → ¬Own(x, y)) |
No sergeants were from Auckland. | ∀x (Sergeant(x) → ¬From(x, auckland)) |
No business owner served in Egypt. | ∀x ∀y (Buisness(x) ∧ Own(y, x) → ¬ServeIn(y, egypt)) |
A werewolf is a human that can turn into a wolf. | ∀x (Human(x) ∧ CanTurnInto(x, wolf) → Werewolf(x)) |
A werewolf has been scratched or bitten by another werewolf. | ∀x ∃y (Werewolf(x) → (BittenBy(x, y) ∨ ScratchedBy(x, y)) ∧ Werewolf(y)) |
If someone has been scratched or bitten by some entity, they have been attacked by that entity. | ∀x ∃y (BittenBy(x, y) ∨ ScratchedBy(x, y)) → AttackedBy(x,y) |
All humans are werewolves. | ∀x (Human(x) → Werewolf(x)) |
A werewolf is a wolf. | ∀x (Werewolf(x) → Wolf(x)) |
A werewolf has scratched someone before. | ∀x ∃y (Werewolf(x) → ScratchedBy(y, x)) |
UFC Fight Night was a mixed martial arts event held in Sweden. | Event(uFCFightNight) ∧ MixedMartial(uFCFightNight) ∧ HeldIn(uFCFightNight, sweden) |
At UFC Fight Night, Sadollah was scheduled to fight Musoke. | ScheduledToFight(sadollah, musoke,uFCFightNight) |
Sadollah fought Akiyama at UFC Fight Night. | Fight(sadollah, akiyama, uFCFightNight) |