The SAT test is intended to assess students' readiness for college.
IntendedToAssess(sAT, studentsReadinessForCollege)
The SAT was originally designed not to be aligned with high school curricula.
OriginallyDesignedToBeAlignedWith(sAT, highSchoolCurricula)
Several adjustments were made to the version of the SAT introduced in 2016 to align with the high school curriculum.
AdjustmentMadeIn(sAT, 2016, toAlignWithHighSchoolCurriculum)
The SAT test is owned by the College Board and other third parties.
OwnedBy(sAT, collegeBoard) ∧ OwnedBy(sAT, otherThirdParties)
The SAT test assesses students' math skills.
IntendedToAssess(sAT, studentsMathSkill)
Rafa Nadal was born in Mallorca.
BornIn(rafaNadal, mallorca)
Rafa Nadal is a professional tennis player.
Nadal's win ratio is high.
All players in the Big 3 are professionals who have a high win ratio.
∀x ((ProfessionalTennisPlayer(x) ∧ HighWinRatio(x)) → InBig3(x))
Nadal was not born in Mallorca.
¬BornIn(rafaNadal, mallorca)
Nadal is in the Big 3.
Nadal is the greatest player of all time.
No sandwich cookies are healthy.
∀x (SandwichCookie(x) → ¬Healthy(x))
Oreos are sandwich cookies.
∀x (Oreo(x) → SandwichCookie(x))
All sandwich cookies are delicious.
∀x (SandwichCookie(x) → Delicious(x))
No animals are plants.
∀x (Animal(x) → ¬Plant(x))
All humans are animals.
∀x (Human(x) → Animal(x))
All pupils are humans.
∀x (Pupil(x) → Human(x))
Bailey is either both a human and a flower or neither a human nor a flower.
¬(Human(bailey) ⊕ Flower(bailey))
Bailey is a pupil.
Bailey is not a pupil.
Bailey is a plant.
If Bailey is a human, then Bailey is not a pupil.
Human(bailey) → ¬Pupil(bailey)
Shoes are not food.
∀x (Shoe(x) → ¬Food(x))
All slippers are shoes.
∀x (Slipper(x) → Shoe(x))
Any object donated to the homeless charity is either clothes or food.
∀x (DonatedTo(x, homelessCharity) → Food(x) ⊕ Clothes(x))
Wearable things are not edible.
∀x (Wearable(x) → ¬Edible(x))
All clothes are wearable.
∀x (Clothes(x) → Wearable(x))
The watch is donated to the homeless charify.
DonatedTo(watch, homelessCharify)
If the watch is not both edible and a piece of clothing, then the watch is either both edible and a piece of clothing or the watch is neither of them.
¬(Edible(watch) ∧ Clothes(watch)) → ¬(Edible(watch) ⊕ Clothes(watch))
A watch is wearable.
A watch is a slipper.
A watch is neither edible nor a slipper.
¬Edible(watch) ∧ ¬Slipper(watch)
An Olympian is a person who trains for an Olympic sport and goes to the Olympics.
∀x ((DoesOlympicSport(x) ∧ GoesToOlympicGames(x)) → Olympian(x))
Carlos Reyes trains for an Olympic sport.
Carlos Reyes went to the Olympics.
Carlos Reyes is a welterweight.
Heavy weights are not welterweights.
∀x (WelterWeight(x) → ¬ HeavyWeight(x))
Carlos Reyes is an Olympian.
Carlos Reyes is a heavy weight.
Carlos Reyes won an Olympic medal.
If people have a lot of music decorations in their rooms, they cannot pack and move out of their rooms very easily.
∀x (HaveIn(x, aLotOfMusicDecoration, room) → ¬MoveOutEasily(x))
If people have high ambitions and future career goals, then they can pack and move out of their rooms very easily.
∀x (Ambitious(x) → MoveOutEasily(x))
If people are big fans of pop bands and singers, then they have a lot of music decorations in their room.
∀x (BigFanOfMusic(x) → MusicDecorations(x, room))
All young teenage girls who attend music festival frequently are big fans of pop bands and singers.
∀x (AttendFrequently(x, musicFestival) ∧ YoungTeenageGirl(x) → BigFanOfPopBand(x) ∧ BigFanOfPopSinger(x))
If Sam has high ambitions and future career goals, then Sam is a big fan of pop bands and singers.
Ambitious(sam) → BBigFanOfPopBand(sam) ∧ BigFanOfPopSinger(sam)
Sam is a young teenage girl who attends music festival frequently
Attend(sam, festival) ∧ YoungTeenageGirl(sam)
Sam is not a young teenage girl who attends music festival frequently
¬(Attend(sam, festival) ∧ YoungTeenageGirl(sam))
Sam is a big fan of pop bands and singers.
Sam neither has high ambitions and future career goals nor is she a young teenage girl attending music festival frequently
¬(Ambitious(sam) ∨ (Attend(sam, festival) ∧ YoungTeenageGirl(sam)))
Sam has high ambitions and future career goals and is a young teenage girl attending music festival frequently.
Ambitious(sam) ∧ Attend(sam, festival) ∧ YoungTeenageGirl(sam)
Sam has high ambitions and future career goals and is a young teenage girl attending college.
Ambitious(sam) ∧ Attend(sam, festival) ∧ YoungTeenageGirl(sam)
If Sam is a young teenage girl attending college, then Sam either does not have high ambitions and future career goals or is a big fan of pop bands and singers.
Attend(sam, festival) ∧ YoungTeenageGirl(sam) → ¬(Ambitious(sam) ∨ (BigFanOfPopBand(sam) ∧ BigFanOfPopSinger(sam)))
If Sam has high ambitions and future career goals and is a young teenage girl attending college, then Sam either does not have high ambitions and future career goals or is not a young teenage girl attending college.
Ambitious(sam) ∧ Attend(sam, festival) ∧ YoungTeenageGirl(sam) → ¬(Ambitious(sam) ∨ (Attend(sam, festival) ∧ YoungTeenageGirl(sam)))
If Sam has high ambitions and future career goals, then Sam is a young teenage girl attending college.
Ambitious(sam) → Attend(sam, festival) ∧ YoungTeenageGirl(sam)
Brita was a cargo ship built for Norwegians.
CargoShip(britta) ∧ Ship(britta) ∧ BuiltFor(britta, norwegians)
Brita was impressed into service by Germany.
ImpressedIntoServiceBy(britta, germany)
Ships that have been impressed into service were seized by whoever impressed them into service.
∀x ∀y (Ship(x) ∧ ImpressedIntoServiceBy(x, y) → SeizedBy(x, y))
The Britta was sold to Hong Kong.
SoldTo(britta, hongkong)
There was a cargo ship seized by Germany that was sold to Hong Kong.
∃x (CargoShip(x) ∧ SeizedBy(x, germany) ∧ SoldTo(x, hongkong))
Hong Kong hasn't had any seized ships sold to them.
∀x ∀y (SoldTo(x, hongkong) → ¬SeizedBy(x, y))
Hong Kong seized the Britta.
SeizedBy(britta, hongkong)
Quincy McDuffie is an American professional wide receiver in Canadian Football.
American(quincyMcduffie) ∧ Professional(quincyMcduffie) ∧ WideReciever(quincyMcduffie) ∧ PlaysIn(quincyMcduffie, cFL)
People who can catch balls are good wide receivers.
∀x ((∃y(CanCatch(x, y) ∧ Ball(y))) → GoodWideReceiver(x))
Quincy McDuffie can catch some footballs easily.
∃x ∃y (Football(x) ∧ CanCatch(quincymcduffie, x)) ∧ (¬(x=y) ∧ (Football(y) ∧ CanCatch(quincymcduffie, y))
Good wide receivers play professionally.
∀x (GoodWideReceiver(x) → Professional(x))
Good wide receivers can catch with both their left and right hand.
∀x (GoodWideReceiver(x) → (CanCatchWith(x, lefthand) ∧ CanCatchWith(x, righthand)))
All footballs are balls.
∀x (Football(x) → Ball(x))
Quincy McDuffie is a good wide receiver.
Quincy McDuffie can catch every ball.
∀x (Ball(x) → CanCatch(quincymcduffie, x))
Professional wide receivers are good at catching balls.
∀x ((Professional(x) ∧ WideReciever(x)) → Good(x, catchingballs))
Boves is a railway station located in France.
RailwayStation(boves) ∧ In(boves, france)
The preceding station of Boves is Longueau.
Precede(longueau, boves)
The preceding station of Dommartin is Boves.
Precede(boves, dommartin)
France is a European country.
In(france, europe)
Dommartin is situated on the Paris–Lille railway.
SituatedOn(dommartin, pairsLille)
Any two contiguous stations are on the same railway.
∀x ∀y ∀z ((SituatedOn(x, z) ∧ (Precede(x, y) ∨ Precede(y, x)) → SituatedOn(y, z))
Boves is served by regional TER Hauts-de-France trains.
Serve(boves, hautsDeFrance)
If place A precedes place B and place B precedes place C, then place A precedes place C.
∀x ∀y ∀z ((Precede(x, y) ∧ Precede(y, z)) → Precede(x, z))
Longueau is situated on the Paris–Lille railway.
SituatedOn(longueau, pairsLille)
Boves is not in Europe.
¬In(boves, europe)
Longueau is served by regional TER Hauts-de-France trains.
Serve(longueau, hautsDeFrance)
Edwin Smith was a New Zealand rower from Auckland.
From(edwinSmith, newZealand) ∧ Rower(edwinSmith) ∧ From(edwinSmith, auckland)
Edwin Smith was also known as Ted Smith.
Edwin Smith went to Rose Road Primary School, located in Grey Lynn.
GoTo(edwinSmith, roseRoadPrimarySchool) ∧ LocatedIn(roseRoadPrimarySchool, greyLynn)
Edwin Smith was a sergeant who served with the New Zealand 24th battalion in Italy and Egypt.
Sergeant(edwinSmith) ∧ ServeWith(edwinSmith, newZealand24thBattalion) ∧ ServeIn(edwinSmith, italy) ∧ ServeIn(edwinSmith, egypt)
Broadway Sheetmetals was a business run and owned by Edwin Smith, a sheet metal worker.
Buisness(broadwaySheetmetals) ∧ Run(edwinSmith, broadwaySheetmetals) ∧ Own(edwinSmith, broadwaySheetmetals) ∧ SheetmetalWorker(edwinsmith)
Ted Smith was a sergeant.
There were no rowers that own a buisness.
∀x ∀y (Rower(x) ∧ Buisness(y) → ¬Own(x, y))
No sergeants were from Auckland.
∀x (Sergeant(x) → ¬From(x, auckland))
No business owner served in Egypt.
∀x ∀y (Buisness(x) ∧ Own(y, x) → ¬ServeIn(y, egypt))
A werewolf is a human that can turn into a wolf.
∀x (Human(x) ∧ CanTurnInto(x, wolf) → Werewolf(x))
A werewolf has been scratched or bitten by another werewolf.
∀x ∃y (Werewolf(x) → (BittenBy(x, y) ∨ ScratchedBy(x, y)) ∧ Werewolf(y))
If someone has been scratched or bitten by some entity, they have been attacked by that entity.
∀x ∃y (BittenBy(x, y) ∨ ScratchedBy(x, y)) → AttackedBy(x,y)
All humans are werewolves.
∀x (Human(x) → Werewolf(x))
A werewolf is a wolf.
∀x (Werewolf(x) → Wolf(x))
A werewolf has scratched someone before.
∀x ∃y (Werewolf(x) → ScratchedBy(y, x))
UFC Fight Night was a mixed martial arts event held in Sweden.
Event(uFCFightNight) ∧ MixedMartial(uFCFightNight) ∧ HeldIn(uFCFightNight, sweden)
At UFC Fight Night, Sadollah was scheduled to fight Musoke.
ScheduledToFight(sadollah, musoke,uFCFightNight)
Sadollah fought Akiyama at UFC Fight Night.
Fight(sadollah, akiyama, uFCFightNight)