stringlengths 12
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stringlengths 8
James doesn't catch the sunrise. | ¬CatchTheSunrise(james) |
James is a late night person. | LateNightPerson(james) |
James is a late night person and an early-morning person. | LateNightPerson(james) ∧ EarlyMorningPerson(james) |
If James is an early-morning person, then he is a late night person. | EarlyMorningPerson(james) → LateNightPerson(james) |
There is no dog on the roof. | ∀x (Dog(x) → ¬OnRoof(x))) |
If there is a dog on the roof, something went wrong. | ∀x ∃y ((Dog(x) ∧ OnRoof(x)) → GoWrong(y)) |
Something went wrong. | ∃x (GoWrong(x)) |
Elephantopus is a genus of perennial plants in the daisy family. | ∀x (Elephantopus(x) → (Genus(x, perennialplants) ∧ BelongTo(x, daisyfamily))) |
Elephantopus is widespread over much of Africa, southern Asia, Australia, and the Americas. | ∃x ∃y ∃z(Elephantopus(x) ∧ In(x,africa) ∧ (¬(x=y)) ∧ Elephantopus(y) ∧ In(y, southernasia) ∧ (¬(x=z)) ∧ (¬(y=z)) ∧ Elephantopus(z) ∧ In(z, australia)) |
Several species of Elephantopus are native to the southeastern United States. | ∃x ∃y (Elephantopus(x) ∧ NativeTo(x, southeasternunitedstates) ∧ (¬(x=y)) ∧ Elephantopus(y) ∧ NativeTo(y, southeasternunitedstates)) |
Elephantopus scaber is a traditional medicine. | ∀x (ElephantopusScaber(x) → TraditionalMedicine(x)) |
Elephantopus is found in Australia and Southern Asia. | ∃x∃y(Elephantopus(x) ∧ In(x,africa) ∧ Elephantopus(y) ∧ In(y,africa)) |
No Elephantopus is native to the southeastern United States. | ∀x (Elephantopus(x) → ¬NativeTo(x, southeasternunitedstates)) |
Elephantopus is a traditional medicine. | ∀x (Elephantopus(x) → TraditionalMedicine(x)) |
All Yale dormitories are located on the Yale campus. | ∀x (YaleDormitory(x) → LocatedOn(x, yaleCampus)) |
All Yale buildings managed by Yale Housing are dormitories. | ∀x ((YaleBuildings(x) ∧ ManagedBy(x, yaleHousing)) → YaleDormitory(x)) |
All Yale buildings operated by Yale Housing staff are managed by Yale Housing. | ∀x ((YaleBuildings(x) ∧ OperatedBy(x, yaleHousingStaff)) → ManagedBy(x, yaleHousing)) |
None of the Yale buildings open to students were built before 1701. | ∀x ((YaleBuildings(x) ∧ OpenToStudents(x)) → (¬∃y(Before(y, yr1701) ∧ Established(x, y)))) |
All Yale buildings located on the Yale campus are open to students. | ∀x ((YaleBuildings(x) ∧ LocatedOn(x, yaleCampus)) → OpenToStudents(x)) |
Harkness is either a Yale building operated by Yale Housing staff, or it is located on York Street. | YaleBuildings(harkness) ∧ (OperatedBy(x, harkness) ⊕ LocatedOn(harkness, yaleCampus)) |
Harkness is a Yale dormitory. | YaleDormitory(harkness) |
Harkness is not a Yale dormitory. | ¬YaleDormitory(harkness) |
Harkness is established before 1701. | ∃y(Before(y, year1701) ∧ Established(x, y)) |
Harkness is not established before 1701. | ¬∃y(Before(y, year1701) ∧ Established(x, y)) |
There are no mansion houses in an urban area. | ∀x (InUrbanArea(x) → ¬MansionHouse(x)) |
All skyscrapers are in urban areas. | ∀x (Skyscraper(x) → InUrbanArea(x)) |
Every creepy haunted house is a mansion house. | ∀x (CreepyHauntedHouse(x) → MansionHouse(x)) |
Every terrifying building on Halloween is a creepy haunted house. | ∀x (TerrifyingBuilding(x) ∧ OnHalloween(x) → CreepyHauntedHouse(x)) |
The LaLaurie House is a creepy haunted house or a terrifying building on Halloween. | CreepyHauntedHouse(laLaurieHouse) ∨ TerrifyingBuilding(laLaurieHouse) ∧ OnHalloween(laLaurieHouse) |
The LaLaurie House is a skyscraper. | Skyscraper(laLaurieHouse) |
The LaLaurie House is not a skyscraper. | ¬Skyscraper(laLaurieHouse) |
The LaLaurie House is a terrifying building on Halloween. | TerrifyingBuilding(laLaurieHouse) ∧ OnHalloween(laLaurieHouse) |
The LaLaurie House is either a skyscraper or a mansion house. | Skyscraper(laLaurieHouse) ⊕ MansionHouse(laLaurieHouse) |
The LaLaurie House is either a skyscraper or in an urban area. | Skyscraper(laLaurieHouse) ⊕ UrbanArea(laLaurieHouse) |
The LaLaurie House is either a skyscraper or a creepy haunted house. | Skyscraper(laLaurieHouse) ⊕ CreepyHauntedHouse(laLaurieHouse) |
If the LaLaurie House is not a mansion or not in an urban area, then it is either a skyscraper or in an urban area. | ¬(MansionHouse(laLaurieHouse) ∧ InUrbanArea(laLaurieHouse)) → (Skyscraper(laLaurieHouse) ⊕ InUrbanArea(laLaurieHouse)) |
If the LaLaurie House is either a skyscraper or a mansion house, then it is in an urban area. | Skyscraper(laLaurieHouse) ⊕ MansionHouse(laLaurieHouse) → InUrbanArea(laLaurieHouse) |
If the LaLaurie House is either a skyscraper or a mansion house, then it is neither a creepy haunted house nor a terrifying building on Halloween. | Skyscraper(laLaurieHouse) ⊕ MansionHouse(laLaurieHouse) → ¬(CreepyHauntedHouse(laLaurieHouse) ∨ TerrifyingBuilding(laLaurieHouse) ∧ OnHalloween(laLaurieHouse)) |
If the LaLaurie House is either a skyscraper or a creepy haunted house, then it is not a mansion house. | Skyscraper(laLaurieHouse) ⊕ CreepyHauntedHouse(laLaurieHouse) → ¬MansionHouse(laLaurieHouse) |
Phuoc Binh national park is a national park in Vietnam. | NationalPark(phuocBinh) ∧ Locatedin(phuocBinh, vietnam) |
Any national park in Vietnam is classified as a nature reserve. | ∀x ((NationalPark(x) ∧ Locatedin(x, vietnam)) → NatureReserve(x)) |
There is a national park in Vietnam classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. | ∃x (NationalPark(x) ∧ Locatedin(x, vietnam) ∧ UNESCOWorldHeritageSite(x)) |
All national parks in Vietnam are either managed by the Ministry of Agriculture or managed by the People's Committee. | ∀x ((NationalPark(x) ∧ Locatedin(x, vietnam)) → (Mangedby(x, ministryofAgriculture) ⊕ Managedby(x, peoplesCommittee))) |
Phuoc Binh is not managed by the Ministry of Agriculture. | ¬Mangedby(phuocBinh, ministryofAgriculture) |
There is a nature reserve in Vietnam. | ∃x (NatureReserve(x) ∧ LocatedIn(x, vietnam)) |
Phuoc Binh is a UNESCO Heritage Site. | UNESCOWorldHeritageSite(phuocBinh)) |
Phuoc Binh is managed by the People's Committee. | Mangedby(phuocBinh, peoplesCommittee) |
Greyhound racing is a competitive sport where spectators bet on greyhounds. | ∀x (GreyhoundRacing(x) → ∃y (CompetitiveSport(x) ∧ Greyhound(y) ∧ BetOn(spectators, y, x))) |
Greyhound racing involves coursing. | ∀x (GreyhoundRacing(x) → Coursing(x)) |
Some competitive sports where spectators bet on things are banned. | ∃x ∃y (CompetitiveSport(x) ∧ BetOn(spectators, y, x) ∧ Banned(x)) |
Coursing involves spectators betting on a hare being pursued by greyhounds. | ∀x ∃y ∃z (Coursing(x) → Hare(y) ∧ BetOn(spectators, y, x) ∧ GreyHound(z) ∧ PursuedBy(y, z)) |
Spectators betting on a hare is a small game. | ∃x ∀y (Hare(x) ∧ BetOn(spectators, x, y) → SmallGame(y)) |
If a competitive sport involves spectators betting on small games, then it is banned. | ∀x ∃y (CompetitiveSport(x) ∧ SmallGame(y) ∧ BetOn(spectators, y, x) → Banned(x)) |
No coursing is banned. | ∀x (Coursing(x) ∧ ¬Banned(x)) |
Greyhound racing is a competitive sport. | ∀x (GreyhoundRacing(x) → CompetitiveSport(x)) |
If a soccer player receives two yellow cards in one game, this player will be ejected from the rest of the game. | ∀x (SoccerPlayer(x) ∧ Receive(x, twoYellowCard) → EjectFromRestOfGame(x)) |
If a soccer player receives one red card in one game, this player will be ejected from the rest of the game. | ∀x (SoccerPlayer(x) ∧ Receive(x, oneRedCard)) → EjectFromRestOfGame(x)) |
Henry is a soccer player. | SoccerPlayer(henry) |
In one game, Henry receives one yellow card and one red card. | Receive(henry, oneYellowCard) ∧ Receive(x, oneRedCard) |
Henry will be ejected from the rest of the game. | EjectFromRestOfGame(henry) |
Henry will not be ejected from the rest of the game. | ¬EjectFromRestOfGame(henry) |
Trees are plants. | ∀x (Tree(x) → Plant(x)) |
Some living things are trees. | ∃x ∃y (Living(x) ∧ Living(y) ∧ Tree(x) ∧ Tree(y) ∧ ¬(x=y)) |
Some living things are plants. | ∃x ∃y (Living(x) ∧ Living(y) ∧ Plant(x) ∧ Plant(y) ∧ ¬(x=y)) |
Notable people with the given name include Dagfinn Aarskog, Dagfinn Bakke and Dagfinn Dahl. | GivenName(nameDagfinn) ∧ Named(dagfinnAarskog, nameDagfinn) ∧ NotablePerson(dagfinnAarskog) ∧ Named(dagfinnBakke, nameDagfinn) ∧ NotablePerson(dagfinnBakke) ∧ Named(dagfinnDahl, nameDagfinn) ∧ NotablePerson(dagfinnDahl) |
Dagfinn Aarskog is a Norwegian physician. | Norwegian(dagfinnAarskog) ∧ Physician(dagfinnAarskog) |
Dagfinn Dahl is a Norwegian barrister. | Norwegian(dagfinnDahl) ∧ Barrister(dagfinnDahl) |
Dagfinn Aarskog is a notable person. | NotablePerson(dagfinnAarskog) |
Dagfinn is Dagfinn Aarskog's given name. | Named(dagfinnAarskog, nameDagfinn) |
Dagfinn Dahl is a Norwegian physician. | Norwegian(dagfinnDahl) ∧ Physician(dagfinnDahl) |
If a movie is popular, some people enjoy watching it. | ∀x (Movie(x) ∧ Popular(x) → ∃y ∃z (Person(y) ∧ EnjoyWatching(y, x) ∧ Person(z) ∧ EnjoyWatching(z, x) ∧ ¬(y=z))) |
All things that some people enjoy attract attention. | ∀x (∃y ∃z (Person(y) ∧ EnjoyWatching(y, x) ∧ Person(z) ∧ EnjoyWatching(z, x)) → Attract(x, attention)) |
If a movie is popular, then it attracts attention. | ∀x (Movie(x) ∧ Popular(x) → Attract(x, attention)) |
It is not true that some giant language models do not have good performance. | ¬(∃x (LanguageModel(x) ∧ Giant(x) ∧ ¬GoodPerformance(x))) |
All language models with good performance are used by some researchers. | ∀x ∃y ∃z (LanguageModel(x) ∧ GoodPerformance(x) → ¬(x=y) ∧ Researcher(y) ∧ UsedBy(x, y) ∧ Researcher(z) ∧ UsedBy(x, z)) |
If a language model is used by some researchers, it is popular. | ∀x ∃y ∃z (LanguageModel(x) ∧ ¬(x=y) ∧ Researcher(y) ∧ UsedBy(x, y) ∧ Researcher(z) ∧ UsedBy(x, z) → Popular(x)) |
If BERT is a giant language model, then GPT-3 is also a giant language model. | (LanguageModel(bert) ∧ Giant(bert)) → (LanguageModel(gpt-3) ∧ Giant(gpt-3)). |
BERT is a giant language model. | LanguageModel(bert) ∧ Giant(bert) |
GPT-3 is popular. | Popular(gpt-3) |
St Johnstone is a Scottish team. | Scottish(stJohnstone) ∧ Team(stJohnstone) |
St Johnstone is part of the Scottish Premiership league. | PartOf(stJohnstone, scottishPremiership) ∧ League(scottishPremiership) |
If a team is part of the league, it has joined the league. | ∀x ∀y (Team(x) ∧ League(y) ∧ PartOf(x, y) → Joined(x, y)) |
St Johnstone and Minsk are different teams. | ¬(misnk=stJohnstone) |
For two teams, either one team wins, or the other team wins. | ∀x ∀y (¬(x=y) → WonAgainst(x, y) ⊕ WonAgainst(y, x)) |
Minsk won against St Johnstone. | WonAgainst(minsk, stJohnstone) |
At least one Scottish team has joined the Scottish Premiership. | ∃x (Scottish(x) ∧ Joined(x, scottishPremiership)) |
St Johnstone won against Minsk. | WonGame(stJohnstone, minsk) |
Minsk joined the Scottish Premiership. | Joined(minsk, scottishPremiership)) |
No Boeing-737 plane has more than 300 seats. | ∀x (Plane(x) ∧ Boeing737(x) → (¬∃y(GreaterThan(y, num300) ∧ EquippedWithSeats(x,y))) |
All of the planes acquired by Delta in this batch are Boeing-737. | ∀x (Plane(x) ∧ AcquiredBy(x, delta) → Boeing737(x)) |
Planes either have more than 300 seats or have a capacity of 100 passengers. | ∀x (Plane(x) → ((∃y(GreaterThan(y, num300) ∧ EquippedWithSeats(x,y))) ⊕ (∃y(Equals(y, num100) ∧ EquippedWithSeats(x,y)))) |
All planes with a capacity of 100 passengers are scheduled for a short-distance flight. | ∀x (Plane(x) ∧ ∃y(Equals(y, num100) ∧ EquippedWithSeats(x,y)) → ScheduledFor(x, shortdistanceflight)) |
All planes with a capacity of 100 passengers are produced before 2010. | ∀x (Plane(x) ∧ ∃y(Equals(y, num100) ∧ EquippedWithSeats(x,y)) → ∃z(Before(z, yr2010) ∧ Produced(x, z)) |
Jake32 is either a Boeing-737 plane or a plane acquired by Delta in this batch. | (Boeing737(jake32) ∧ Plane(jake32)) ⊕ (AcquiredByDeltaInThisBatch(jake32) ∧ Plane(jake32)) |
T10 is either both a Boeing-737 plane and acquired by Delta in this batch, or it is neither. | ¬((Boeing737(t10) ∧ Plane(t10)) ⊕ (AcquiredByDeltaInThisBatch(t10) ∧ Plane(t10))) |
Jake32 was produced before 2010 and is scheduled for a short-distance flight. | ∃z(Before(z, year2010) ∧ Produced(jake32, z)) ∧ ScheduledFor(jake32, shortdistanceflight)) |
Jake32 is not produced before 2010 and is not scheduled for a short-distance flight. | ¬(∃z(Before(z, year2010) ∧ Produced(jake32, z)) ∧ ScheduledFor(jake32, shortdistanceflight))) |
Jake32 is produced before 2010 or scheduled for a short-distance flight. | ∃z(Before(z, year2010) ∧ Produced(jake32, z)) ∨ ScheduledFor(jake32, shortdistanceflight)) |
Jake32 is neither produced before 2010 nor scheduled for a short-distance flight. | ¬∃z(Before(z, year2010) ∧ Produced(jake32, z)) ∧ ¬ScheduledFor(jake32, shortdistanceflight)) |
The SAT test is wholly owned and developed by the College Board. | OwnedBy(sAT, collegeBoard) ∧ DevelopedBy(sAT, collegeBoard) ∧ ¬(∃y (¬(y=collegeBoard) ∧ (OwnedBy(sAT, y) ∨ DevelopedBy(sAT, y))) |