Musoke fought Yakovlev at UFC Fight Night.
Fight(musoke, yakovlev, uFCFightNight)
Jung was injured at UFC Fight Night.
InjuredAt(jung, uFCFightNight)
People injured at UFC Fight Night did not fight.
∀x (InjuredAt(x, uFCFightNight) → ¬FightIn(x, uFCFightNight))
Jung fought Sadollah.
Fight(jung, sadollah, uFCFightNight)
Jung did not fight at UFC Fight Night.
Event(uFCFightNight) ∧ ¬FightIn(jung, uFCFightNight)
Sadollah fought Musoke at UFC Fight Night.
Fight(sadollah, musoke, uFCFightNight)
Nelson fought Story at UFC Fight Night.
Fight(nelson, story, uFCFightNight)
All drinks on the counter are edible.
∀x (OnCounter(x) ∧ Drink(x) → Edible(x))
All juices on the counter are drinks.
∀x (OnCounter(x) ∧ Juice(x) → Drink(x))
Orange juice is a type of juice.
∀x (OrangeJuice(x) → Juice(x))
Everything on the counter is either orange juice or apple juice.
∀x (OnCounter(x) → OrangeJuice(x) ⊕ AppleJuice(x))
All apple juices on the counter are sweet.
∀x (OnCounter(x) ∧ AppleJuice(x) → Sweet(x))
The coke is on the counter and if the coke is apple juice, then the coke is a drink.
OnCounter(coke) ∧ (AppleJuice(coke) → Drink(coke))
If the coke is not apple juice, then the coke is not edible.
¬AppleJuice(coke) → ¬Edible(coke)
The coke is orange juice.
The coke is edible and sweet.
Edible(coke) ∧ Sweet(coke)
The coke is not edible and sweet.
¬(Edible(coke) ∧ Sweet(coke))
Federico Garcia Lorca was a talented Spanish poet, and he supported the Popular Front.
TalentedPoet(lorca) ∧ Support(lorca, populists)
The Spanish Nationalists opposed anyone who supported the Popular Front
∀x (Support(x, populists) → Opposed(nationalists, x))
Talented poets are popular.
∀x (TalentedPoet(x) → Popular(x))
Spanish Nationalists killed anyone who they opposed and who was popular.
∀x ((Opposed(nationalists, x) ∧ Popular(x)) → Killed(nationalists, x))
Daniel supported the Popular Front but was not popular.
Support(daniel, populists) ∧ (¬Popular(daniel))
The Spanish Nationalists killed Daniel.
¬Killed(nationalists, daniel)
The Spanish Nationalists killed Lorca.
Killed(nationalists, lorca)
People in Franny's family drink kombucha every day or drink Coca-Cola or a Pepsi product.
∀x (In(x, frannysFamily) ∧ (Drink(x, kombucha) ∨ (∃y (Drink(x, cocaCola) ∨ (PepsiProduct(y) ∧ Drink(x, y))))))
If people in Franny's family drink Coca-Cola or a Pepsi product every day, then they grew up with extremely busy parents who did not have time to pack them lunch.
∀x (In(x, frannysFamily) ∧ (∃y (Drink(x, cocaCola) ∨ (PepsiProduct(y) ∧ Drink(x, y)))) → (∃y ∃z (¬(y=z) ∧ BusyParent(y) ∧ BusyParent(z) ∧ ¬Pack(y, lunch) ∧ ¬Pack(z, lunch) ∧ GrowUpWith(x, y) ∧ GrowUpWith(x, z))))
If people in Franny's family drink Coca-Cola or another Pepsi product every day, then they have to visit the dentist frequently.
∀x (In(x, frannysFamily)) ∧ (∃y (Drink(x, cocaCola) ∨ (PepsiProduct(y) ∧ Drink(x, y)))) → HaveToVisitFrequently(x, dentist))
If people in Franny's family grew up with extremely busy parents who did not have time to pack them lunch, then they have erratic and diverse eating habits.
∀x (In(x, frannysFamily) ∧ (∃y ∃z (¬(y=z) ∧ BusyParent(y) ∧ BusyParent(z) ∧ ¬Pack(y, lunch) ∧ ¬Pack(z, lunch) ∧ GrowUpWith(x, y) ∧ GrowUpWith(x, z))) → ∃y (Have(x, y) ∧ Erratic(y) ∧ Diverse(y) ∧ EatingHabit(y)))
If people in Franny's family have erratic and diverse eating habits, then they do not have consistent everyday routines and like sticking to a solid schedule.
∀x (In(x, frannysFamily) ∧ ∃y (Have(x, y) ∧ Erratic(y) ∧ Diverse(y) ∧ EatingHabit(y))) → ¬(ConsistentEverydayRoutine(x) ∧ StickTo(damon, solidSchedule)))
Damon is in Franny's family.
In(damon, frannysFamily)
Damon either both grow up with extremely busy parents who did not have time to pack her lunch and have consistent everyday routines and like sticking to a solid schedule, or Damon did neither.
¬((∃y ∃z(¬(y=z) ∧ BusyParent(y) ∧ BusyParent(z) ∧ ¬Pack(y, lunch) ∧ ¬Pack(z, lunch) ∧ GrowUpWith(damon, y) ∧ GrowUpWith(damon, z))) ⊕ (ConsistentEverydayRoutine(damon) ∧ StickTo(damon, solidSchedule)))
Damon is in Franny's family and he has to visit the dentist frequently.
HaveToVisitFrequently(damon, dentist)
If Damon is in Franny's family and he either both grew up with extremely busy parents who did not have time to pack his lunch and drink kombucha every day or neither grew up with extremely busy parents who did not have time to pack his lunch nor drink kombucha every day, then Damon neither visits the dentist frequently nor drinks Coca Cola or Pepsi products.
¬((¬(y=z) ∧ ∃y ∃z (BusyParent(y) ∧ BusyParent(z) ∧ ¬Pack(y, lunch) ∧ ¬Pack(z, lunch) ∧ GrowUpWith(damon, y) ∧ GrowUpWith(damon, z))) ⊕ Drink(damon, kombucha)) → ¬(HaveToVisitFrequently(damon, dentist) ∨ (∃y (Have(damon, y) ∧ Erratic(y) ∧ Diverse(y) ∧ EatingHabit(y))))
If Damon is in Franny's family and he either visits the dentist frequently or drinks kombucha, then Damon both visits the dentist frequently and drinks Coca-Cola or Pepsi products every day.
HaveToVisitFrequently(damon, dentist) ∨ Drink(damon, kombucha, everyDay) → HaveToVisitFrequently(damon, dentist) ∧ (∃y (Drink(x, cocaCola) ∨ (PepsiProduct(y) ∧ Drink(x, y))))
If a customer subscribes to AMC A-List, then he/she can watch 3 movies every week without any additional fees.
∀x (SubscribedTo(x, aMCAList) → EligibleForThreeFreeMovies(x))
Some customers go to cinemas every week.
∃x (CinemaEveryWeek(x))
Customers who prefer TV series will not watch TV series in cinemas.
∀x (Prefer(x, tVSeries) → ¬WatchTVIn(x, cinemas))
James watches TV series in cinemas.
WatchTVIn(james, cinemas)
James subscribes to AMC A-List.
SubscribedTo(james, aMCAList)
Peter prefers TV series.
Prefer(peter, tVSeries)
James cannot watch 3 movies every week without any additional fees.
James goes to cinemas every week.
Peter will not watch TV series in cinemas.
¬WatchTVIn(peter, cinemas)
Bulbophyllum attenuatum is in the genus Bulbophyllum.
All Bulbophyllum are orchids.
∀x (GenusBulbophyllum(x) → Orchid(x))
Bulbophyllum attenuatum is not an orchid.
There are eight federal districts of Russia: Central, Northwestern, Southern, North Caucasian, Volga, Ural, Siberian, and Far Eastern.
FederalDistrictOf(central, russia) ∧ FederalDistrictOf(northwestern, russia) ∧ FederalDistrictOf(southern, russia) ∧ FederalDistrictOf(northcaucasian, russia) ∧ FederalDistrictOf(volga, russia) ∧ FederalDistrictOf(ural, russia) ∧ FederalDistrictOf(siberian, russia) ∧ FederalDistrictOf(fareastern, russia)
The Central federal district has the largest population among all federal districts in Russia.
Moscow is the administrative center of the Central federal district.
AdministrativeCenterOf(moscow, central)
Yekaterinburg is the administrative center of the Ural federal district.
AdministrativeCenterOf(yekaterinburg, ural)
Vladivostok is the administrative center of the Far Eastern federal district.
AdministrativeCenterOf(vladivostok, farEastern)
The Far Eastern federal district has the largest area among all federal districts in Russia.
Some federal districts in Russia were established in 2000.
∃x (FederalDistrictOf(x, russia) ∧ EstablishedIn(x, 2000))
Vladivostok is the administrative center of the federal district with the largest area.
∃x (AdministrativeCenterOf(vladivostok, x) ∧ LargestArea(x))
Moscow is the administrative center of the federal district with the largest population.
∃x (AdministrativeCenterOf(moscow, x) ∧ LargestPopulationIn(x))
The Northwestern federal district was established in 2000.
EstablishedIn(northwestern, 2000)
All cancers have mutations.
∀x (Cancer(x) → Have(x, mutation))
No mutations can be treated at home.
∀x (Have(x, mutation) → ¬CanBeTreatedAtHome(x))
All colorectal cancers are cancers.
∀x (ColorectalCancer(x) → Cancer(x))
A cold can be treated at home.
∀x (Cold(x) → CanBeTreatedAtHome(x))
Arthritis either is a cold and has mutations or neither is a cold nor has mutations.
¬(Cold(arthritis) ⊕ Have(arthritis, mutation))
Arthritis can be treated at home.
Arthritis is colorectal cancer.
Arthritis is not colorectal cancer.
Arthritis is colorectal cancer or has mutations.
ColorectalCancer(arthritis) ∨ Have(arthritis, mutation)
Arthritis is colorectal cancer and a cancer.
ColorectalCancer(arthritisr) ∧ Cancer(arthritis)
If arthritis is not colorectal cancer, then arthritis has mutations.
¬ColorectalCancer(arthritis) → Have(arthritis, mutation)
Jerry should not worry about things outside of his control.
∀x (OutsideOfControl(x) → ¬ShouldWorry(jerry, x))
All traffic is outside of my control.
∀x (Traffic(x) → OutsideControl(x))
Jerry should not worry about traffic.
¬ShouldWorry(jerry, traffic)
Roversi is an Italian surname.
ItalianName(roversi) ∧ Surname(roversi)
Alba Roversi uses Roversi as a surname.
UseAsSurname(albaRoversi, roversi)
Paolo Roversi uses Roversi as a surname.
UseAsSurname(paoloRoversi, roversi)
Roberto Roversi uses Roversi as a surname.
UseAsSurname(robertoRoversi, roversi)
Paolo Roversi is a photographer.
A photographer is a professional or an amateur.
∀x (Photographer(x) → Professional(x) ⊕ Amateur(x))
Alba Roversi uses an Italian surname.
∃x (ItalianName(x) ∧ Surname(x) ∧ UseAsSurname(albaRoversi, x))
There are no photographers using an Italian surname.
¬(∃x ∃y (Photographer(x) ∧ ItalianName(y) ∧ Surname(y) ∧ UseAsSurname(x, y)))
Paolo is an amateur photographer.
Amateur(paoloRoversi) ∧ Photographer(paoloRoversi)
Zaha Hadid is a British-Iraqi architect, artist, and designer.
British-Iraqi(zahaHadid) ∧ Architect(zahaHadid) ∧ Artist(zahaHadid) ∧ Designer(zahaHadid)
Zaha Hadid was born on 31 October 1950 in Baghdad, Iraq.
BornOn(zahaHadid, 31October1950) ∧ BornIn(zahaHadid, baghdadIraq)
Zaha Hadid was a visiting professor of Architectural Design at the Yale School of Architecture.
VisitingProfessorOf(zahaHadid, architecturalDesign) ∧ VisitingProfessorAt(zahaHadid, yaleSchoolOfArchitecture)
Max is an aspiring architecture student and plans to apply to the Yale School of Architecture.
AspiringArchitectureStudent(max) ∧ PlansToApplyTo(max, yaleSchoolofArchitecture)
Zaha Hadid was a citizen of Britain and Iraq.
Zaha Hadid did some work in interior design.
DidWorkIn(zahaHadid, interiorDesign)
Zaha Hadid was born on the 31st of October in 1982.
BornOn(zahaHadid, 31October1950)
Max admires Zaha Hadid.
Admires(max, zahaHadid)
A neuroimaging technique is either an invasive neuroimaging technique or a noninvasive neuroimaging technique.
∀x (NeuroimagingTechnique(x) → (Invasive(x) ⊕ Noninvasive(x)))
All noninvasive neuroimaging techniques provide a spatial resolution of brains.
∀x (Noninvasive(x) → Provides(x, spatialResolutionOfBrains))
If a technique provides a spatial resolution of brains, then it is a measurement of brain activity.
∀x (Provides(x, spatialResolutionOfBrains) → Measure(x, brainActivity))
All measurements of brain activity are used by neuroscience researchers.
∀x (Measure(x, brainActivity) → UsedBy(x, neuroscienceResearchers))
FMRI is either a measurement of brain activity or a noninvasive neuroimaging technique.
Measure(fMRI, brainActivity) ⊕ Noninvasive(fMRI)
FMRI is a neuroimaging technique.
FMRI provides a spatial resolution of brains.
Provides(fMRI, spatialResolutionOfBrains)
FMRI is an invasive neuroimaging technique and is used by neuroscience researchers.
Invasive(fMRI) ∧ UsedBy(fMRI, neuroscienceResearchers)
FMRI is either an invasive neuroimaging technique or is used by neuroscience researchers.
Invasive(fMRI) ⊕ UsedBy(fMRI, neuroscienceResearchers)
If fMRI is not an invasive neuroimaging technique used by neuroscience researchers, then fMRI is neither a noninvasive neuroimaging technique nor provides a spatial resolution of brains.
¬(Invasive(fMRI) ∧ UsedBy(fMRI, neuroscienceResearchers)) → ¬(Noninvasive(fMRI) ∨ Provides(fMRI, spatialResolutionOfBrains))
Researchers present their work at the conference or provide a tutorial session there.
∀x (PresentWorkAt(x, conference) ⊕ ProvideAt(x, tutorialSession, conference))
Everyone who presents their work at the conference will attend in person.
∀x (PresentWorkAt(x, conference) → AttendInPerson(x, conference))
Everyone providing a tutorial session at the conference will be invited to join the club.
∀x (ProvideSessionAt(x, tutorial, conference) → InvitedToJoin(x, club))