stringlengths 12
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stringlengths 8
If a person plays an instrument in a concert, they are good at playing this kind of instrument. | ∀x ∀y (PlayIn(y, x, concert) → GoodAtPlaying(y, x)) |
Peter plays piano, violin, and saxophone. | Play(peter, piano) ∧ Play(peter, violin) ∧ Play(peter, saxophone) |
Peter plays piano in a concert. | PlayIn(peter, piano, concert) |
Oliver and Peter both play instruments in a concert. | ∃x ∃y (PlayIn(peter, x, concert) ∧ PlayIn(oliver, y, concert)) |
Oliver plays a different musical instrument from Peter in the concert. | ∀x (PlayIn(oliver, x, concert) → ¬PlayIn(peter, y, concert)) |
Oliver plays piano in the concert. | PlayIn(oliver, piano, concert) |
Oliver plays violin in the concert. | PlayIn(oliver, violin, concert) |
Peter is good at playing piano. | GoodAtPlaying(peter, piano) |
Functional brainstems are necessary for breath control. | ∀x (CanControl(x, breath) → FunctionalBrainStem(x)) |
All humans that can swim can control their breath. | ∀x (Human(x) ∧ CanSwim(x) → CanControl(x, breath)) |
Humans can swim or walk. | ∀x (Human(x) → (CanSwim(x) ∨ CanWalk(x))) |
Humans who can walk can stand on the ground by themselves. | ∀x (Human(x) ∧ CanWalk(x) → CanStandOnTheGround(x, themselves)) |
Humans whose brainstems are functional can control their balance. | ∀x (Human(x) ∧ FunctionalBrainStem(x) → CanControl(x, balance)) |
Every human who can stand on the ground by themselves has functional leg muscles. | ∀x (Human(x) ∧ CanStandOnTheGround(x, themselves) → FunctionalLegMuscle(x))) |
George and Archie are humans. | Human(george) ∧ Human(archie) |
George can control his balance and can swim. | CanControl(george, balance) ∧ CanSwim(george) |
Archie can walk if and only if he has functional brainstems. | ¬(CanWalk(archie) ⊕ FunctionalBrainStem(x)) |
George has functional leg muscles. | FunctionalLegMuscle(archie) |
Archie has functional leg muscles and can control his balance. | FunctionalLegMuscle(archie) ∧ CanControl(archie, balance) |
Archie cannot control his balance and doesn't have functional leg muscles. | ¬CanControl(archie, balance) ∧ ¬FunctionalLegMuscle(x) |
Cancer biology is finding genetic alterations that confer a selective advantage to cancer cells. | Finding(cancerBiology, geneticAlteration) ∧ Confer(geneticAlteration, selectiveAdvantage, toCancerCell) |
Cancer researchers have frequently ranked the importance of substitutions to cancer growth by the P value. | ∃x ∃y (CancerResearcher(x) ∧ Ranked(x, importanceOfSubstitutionsToCancerGrowth) ∧ PValue(y) ∧ RankedBy(importanceOfSubstitutionsToCancerGrowth, y)) |
P values are thresholds for belief, not metrics of effect. | ∀x (PValue(x) → ThresholdForBelief(x) ∧ ¬MetricOfEffect(x)) |
Cancer researchers tend to use the cancer effect size to determine the relative importance of the genetic alterations that confer selective advantage to cancer cells. | ∃x ∃y (CancerResearcher(x) ∧ Use(x, cancerEffectSize) ∧ UsedToDetermine(cancerEffectSize, relativeImportanceOfGeneteticAlterations)) |
P value represents the selection intensity for somatic variants in cancer cell lineages. | SelectionIntensitySomaticVariants(pValue) |
Cancer effect size is preferred by cancer researchers. | Preferred(cancerResearchers, cancerEffectSize) |
P values don't represent metrics of effect. | ∀x (PValue(x) → ¬MetricsOfEffect(x)) |
All biodegradable things are environment-friendly. | ∀x (Biodegradable(x) → EnvironmentFriendly(x)) |
All woodware is biodegradable. | ∀x (Woodware(x) → Biodegradable(x)) |
All paper is woodware. | ∀x (Paper(x) → Woodware(x)) |
Nothing is a good thing and also a bad thing. | ¬(∃x (Good(x) ∧ Bad(x))) |
All environment-friendly things are good. | ∀x (EnvironmentFriendly(x) → Good(x)) |
A worksheet is either paper or environment-friendly. | Paper(worksheet) ⊕ EnvironmentFriendly(worksheet) |
A worksheet is biodegradable. | Bioegradable(worksheet) |
A worksheet is not biodegradable. | ¬Bioegradable(worksheet) |
A worksheet is bad. | Bad(worksheet) |
A worksheet is not bad. | ¬Bad(worksheet) |
No reptile has fur. | ∀x (Reptile(x) → ¬Have(x, fur)) |
All snakes are reptiles. | ∀x (Snake(x) → Reptile(x)) |
Some snake has fur. | ∃x (Snake(x) ∧ Have(x, fur)) |
All buildings in New Haven are not high. | ∀x (In(x, newHaven) → ¬High(x)) |
All buildings managed by Yale Housing are located in New Haven. | ∀x (YaleHousing(x) → In(x, newHaven)) |
All buildings in Manhattans are high. | ∀x (In(x, manhattan) → High(x)) |
All buildings owned by Bloomberg are located in Manhattans. | ∀x (Bloomberg(x) → In(x, manhattan)) |
All buildings with the Bloomberg logo are owned by Bloomberg. | ∀x (BloombergLogo(x) → Bloomberg(x)) |
Tower A is managed by Yale Housing. | YaleHousing(tower-a) |
Tower B is with the Bloomberg logo. | BloombergLogo(tower-b) |
Tower A is low. | ¬High(tower-a) |
Tower B is not located in Manhattans. | ¬In(tower-b, manhattan) |
Tower B is located in New Haven. | ¬In(tower-b, newHaven) |
No birds are ectothermic. | ∀x (Bird(x) → ¬Ectothermic(x)) |
All penguins are birds. | ∀x (Penguin(x) → Bird(x)) |
An animal is ectothermic or endothermic. | ∀x (Animal(x) → Ectothermic(x) ∨ Endothermic(x)) |
All endothermic animals produce heat within the body. | ∀x (Endothermic(x) → ProduceWithIn(x, heat, body)) |
Ron and Henry are both animals. | Animal(ron) ∧ Animal(henry) |
Ron is not a bird and does not produce heat with the body. | ¬Bird(ron) ∧ ¬ProduceWithIn(ron, heat, body) |
Henry is not a cat and does not produce heat with the body. | ¬Cat(henry) ∧ ¬ProduceWithIn(henry, heat, body) |
Ron is a cat. | Cat(ron) |
Either Henry is a penguin or Henry is endothermic. | Penguin(henry) ⊕ Endothermic(henry) |
Ron is either both a penguin and endothermic, or he is nether. | ¬(Penguin(ron) ⊕ Endothermic(henry)) |
Ambiortus is a prehistoric bird genus. | Prehistoric(ambiortus) ∧ BirdGenus(ambiortus) |
Ambiortus Dementjevi is the only known species of Ambiortus. | ∀x(KnownSpeciesOf(x, ambiortus) → IsSpecies(x, ambiortusDementjevi)) |
Mongolia was where Ambiortus Dementjevi lived. | LiveIn(ambiortusDementjevi, mongolia) |
Yevgeny Kurochkin was the discoverer of Ambiortus. | Discover(yevgenykurochkin, ambiortus) |
Yevgeny Kurochkin discovered a new bird genus. | ∃x (Discover(yevgenykurochkin, x) ∧ BirdGenus(x)) |
There is a species of Ambiortus that doesn't live in Mongolia. | ∃x (KnownSpeciesOf(x, ambiortus) ∧ ¬LiveIn(x, mongolia)) |
Yevgeny Kurochkin lived in Mongolia. | LiveIn(yevgenykurochkin, mongolia) |
All species of Ambiortus live in Mongolia. | ∀x (SpeciesOf(x, ambiortus) → LiveIn(x, mongolia)) |
Everyone that knows about breath-first-search knows how to use a queue. | ∀x (Know(x, breathFirstSearch) → Know(x, howToUseQueue)) |
If someone is a seasoned software engineer interviewer at Google, then they know what breath-first-search is. | ∀x (Seasoned(x) ∧ SoftwareEngineerInterviewer(x) ∧ At(x, google) → Know(x, breathFirstSearch)) |
Someone is either a seasoned software engineer interviewer at Google, has human rights, or both. | ∀x ((Seasoned(x) ∧ SoftwareEngineerInterviewer(x) ∧ At(x, google)) ∨ Have(x, humanRights)) |
Every person who has human rights is entitled to the right to life and liberty. | ∀x (Have(x, humanRights) → EntitledTo(x, rightToLifeAndLiberty)) |
Everyone that knows how to use a queue knows about the first-in-first-out data structure. | ∀x (Know(x, howToUseQueue) → Know(x, firstInFirstOutDataStructure)) |
Everyone that is entitled to the right to life and liberty cannot be deprived of their rights without due process of law. | ∀x (EntitledTo(x, rightToLifeAndLiberty) → ¬DeprivedOfWithout(x, rights, dueProcessOfLaw)) |
Jack is entitled to the right to life and liberty, has human rights, or knows about the first-in-first-out data structure. | (EntitledTo(jack, rightToLifeAndLiberty) ∨ Have(jack, humanRights) ∨ Know(jack, firstInFirstOutDataStructure)) |
Jack is a seasoned software engineer interviewer. | Seasoned(jack) ∧ SoftwareEngineerInterviewer(jack) ∧ At(jack, google) |
Jack cannot be deprived of their rights without due process of law. | ¬DeprivedOfWithout(jack, rights, dueProcessOfLaw) |
Jack can be deprived of their rights without due process of law. | DeprivedOfWithout(jack, rights, dueProcessOfLaw) |
Fort Ticonderoga is the current name for Fort Carillon. | RenamedAs(fortCarillon, fortTiconderoga) |
Pierre de Rigaud de Vaudreuil built Fort Carillon. | Built(pierredeRigauddeVaudreuil, fortCarillon) |
Fort Carillon was located in New France. | LocatedIn(fortCarillon, newFrance) |
New France is not in Europe. | ¬LocatedIn(newFrance, europe) |
Pierre de Rigaud de Vaudreuil built a fort in New France. | ∃x (Built(pierredeRigauddeVaudreuil, x) ∧ LocatedIn(x, newFrance)) |
Pierre de Rigaud de Vaudreuil built a fort in New England. | ∃x (Built(pierredeRigauddeVaudreuil, x) ∧ LocatedIn(x, newEngland)) |
Fort Carillon was located in Europe. | LocatedIn(fortCarillon, europe) |
No soccer players are professional basketball players. | ∀x (ProfessionalSoccerPlayer(x) → ¬ProfessionalBasketballPlayer(x)) |
All soccer defenders are soccer players. | ∀x (ProfessionalSoccerDefender(x) → ProfessionalSoccerPlayer(x)) |
All centerback players are soccer defenders. | ∀x (ProfessionalCenterback(x) → ProfessionalSoccerDefender(x)) |
If Stephen Curry is an NBA player or a soccer player, then he is a professional basketball player. | (NBAPlayer(stephencurry) ⊕ ProfessionalSoccerPlayer(stephencurry)) → ProfessionalBasketballPlayer(stephencurry) |
Stephen Curry is an NBA player. | NBAPlayer(stephenCurry) |
Stephen Curry is a centerback player. | ProfessionalCenterback(stephenCurry) |
Stephen Curry is not a centerback player. | ¬ProfessionalCenterback(stephenCurry) |
No songs are visuals. | ∀x (Song(x) → ¬Visual(x)) |
All folk songs are songs. | ∀x (FolkSong(x) → Song(x)) |
All videos are visuals. | ∀x (Video(x) → Visual(x)) |
All movies are videos. | ∀x (Movie(x) → Video(x)) |
All sci-fi movies are movies. | ∀x (ScifiMovie(x) → Movie(x)) |
Inception is a sci-fi movie. | ScifiMovie(inception) |
Mac is neither a folk song nor a sci-fi movie. | ¬FolkSong(mac) ∧ ¬ScifiMovie(mac) |
Inception is a folk song. | FolkSong(inception) |
Subsets and Splits