stringlengths 48
| watchface_id
stringlengths 10
| watchface_name
stringclasses 133
values | watch_time
stringlengths 23
| time_format
stringclasses 3
values | shows_seconds
bool 2
classes | hour_visible
int32 -1
| minute_visible
int32 -1
| second_visible
int32 -1
| text
stringlengths 4
uUeb5WuAhC/006_2023-05-22T22:37:11.552729_applewatchseries8golden | uUeb5WuAhC | applewatchseries8golden | 006_2023-05-22T22:37:11 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 37 | 11 | 10:37:11 |
IJlyo8oUcA/006_2023-08-29T19:12:47.745298_galaxywatch4green | IJlyo8oUcA | galaxywatch4green | 006_2023-08-29T19:12:47 | Without AM/PM | false | 7 | 12 | -1 | 7:12 |
VWhkFIzaiu/004_2023-11-19T21:49:30.801903_gears2 | VWhkFIzaiu | gears2 | 004_2023-11-19T21:49:30 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 49 | 30 | 9:49:30 |
7CT4uYIH8y/002_2020-07-30T12:03:59.138062_huaweiw1 | 7CT4uYIH8y | huaweiw1 | 002_2020-07-30T12:03:59 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 3 | 59 | 12:03:59 |
a42C8G45D0/005_2023-01-16T14:27:38.108320_applewatch7black | a42C8G45D0 | applewatch7black | 005_2023-01-16T14:27:38 | Without AM/PM | true | 2 | 27 | 38 | 2:27:38 |
sPN9dNLKJJ/003_2020-11-07T17:55:53.849178_ticwatchsport | sPN9dNLKJJ | ticwatchsport | 003_2020-11-07T17:55:53 | Without AM/PM | true | 5 | 55 | 53 | 5:55:53 |
pMZ3fHXWGV/006_2022-03-01T17:07:07.628243_michaelkors | pMZ3fHXWGV | michaelkors | 006_2022-03-01T17:07:07 | Without AM/PM | true | 5 | 7 | 7 | 5:07:07 |
X4oKk50FhG/005_2022-01-24T11:20:10.841025_fossilq | X4oKk50FhG | fossilq | 005_2022-01-24T11:20:10 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 20 | 10 | 11:20:10 |
SbxAX15SaD/004_2023-04-07T13:14:12.939883_galaxywatch6silver | SbxAX15SaD | galaxywatch6silver | 004_2023-04-07T13:14:12 | Without AM/PM | true | 1 | 14 | 12 | 1:14:12 |
UWLw4pSaQS/006_2020-04-14T07:24:48.938518_galaxywatch4black | UWLw4pSaQS | galaxywatch4black | 006_2020-04-14T07:24:48 | Without AM/PM | true | 7 | 24 | 48 | 7:24:48 |
8Ek8YdflE3/004_2024-03-11T19:33:28.303488_nixonmission | 8Ek8YdflE3 | nixonmission | 004_2024-03-11T19:33:28 | Without AM/PM | true | 7 | 33 | 28 | 7:33:28 |
2rXIFYdGDW/002_2020-06-10T07:36:43.015167_skagenfalster2 | 2rXIFYdGDW | skagenfalster2 | 002_2020-06-10T07:36:43 | Without AM/PM | true | 7 | 36 | 43 | 7:36:43 |
t3UXRh0t8K/004_2021-12-14T22:19:49.908662_moto360sport | t3UXRh0t8K | moto360sport | 004_2021-12-14T22:19:49 | Without AM/PM | false | 10 | 19 | -1 | 10:19 |
KO9wupV6kV/003_2024-03-21T03:54:44.294562_fossilqexplorist | KO9wupV6kV | fossilqexplorist | 003_2024-03-21T03:54:44 | Without AM/PM | false | 3 | 54 | -1 | 3:54 |
7szRMAYrf8/006_2021-08-23T15:32:07.734776_ticwatchs2midnight | 7szRMAYrf8 | ticwatchs2midnight | 006_2021-08-23T15:32:07 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 32 | 7 | 3:32:07 |
PBo3niurRf/002_2019-09-04T19:17:31.191074_oneplus_watch2_radiant | PBo3niurRf | oneplus_watch2_radiant | 002_2019-09-04T19:17:31 | Without AM/PM | true | 7 | 17 | 31 | 7:17:31 |
UqztbIbBj9/003_2023-11-19T09:03:33.468527_gw5gray | UqztbIbBj9 | gw5gray | 003_2023-11-19T09:03:33 | Without AM/PM | false | 9 | 3 | -1 | 9:03 |
sPwe6mpddX/002_2021-06-26T14:38:56.628385_gw5silver | sPwe6mpddX | gw5silver | 002_2021-06-26T14:38:56 | With AM/PM | true | 14 | 38 | 56 | 2:38:56 PM |
o9HVFAW9Eh/006_2024-05-15T14:25:27.193910_montblancsummit2steelcaseblueleather | o9HVFAW9Eh | montblancsummit2steelcaseblueleather | 006_2024-05-15T14:25:27 | Without AM/PM | true | 2 | 25 | 27 | 2:25:27 |
YFzYFPFkGU/002_2023-07-05T03:33:45.393341_casiowsdf10 | YFzYFPFkGU | casiowsdf10 | 002_2023-07-05T03:33:45 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 33 | 45 | 3:33:45 |
hDchS2AfWI/006_2020-12-30T14:46:37.590896_googlepixelgreen | hDchS2AfWI | googlepixelgreen | 006_2020-12-30T14:46:37 | With AM/PM | true | 14 | 46 | 37 | 2:46:37 PM |
xHXmbyymSu/006_2022-11-02T02:07:29.223449_casiowsdf10 | xHXmbyymSu | casiowsdf10 | 006_2022-11-02T02:07:29 | Without AM/PM | false | 2 | 7 | -1 | 2:07 |
ErxhqT7WWO/005_2024-02-19T00:15:37.747405_galaxyactive | ErxhqT7WWO | galaxyactive | 005_2024-02-19T00:15:37 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 15 | 37 | 12:15:37 |
9mvIDOojIQ/004_2022-03-25T23:54:31.845417_samsunggearsport | 9mvIDOojIQ | samsunggearsport | 004_2022-03-25T23:54:31 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 54 | 31 | 11:54:31 |
wC2ZpG89EH/003_2019-10-07T14:17:43.519304_gears3 | wC2ZpG89EH | gears3 | 003_2019-10-07T14:17:43 | Without AM/PM | true | 2 | 17 | 43 | 2:17:43 |
vDBPxQj9iW/004_2023-12-24T16:24:18.833407_huaweismartwatch4 | vDBPxQj9iW | huaweismartwatch4 | 004_2023-12-24T16:24:18 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 24 | 18 | 4:24:18 |
DswE9TLYEB/002_2021-03-04T19:05:48.984525_montblancsummit2steelcaseblueleather | DswE9TLYEB | montblancsummit2steelcaseblueleather | 002_2021-03-04T19:05:48 | Without AM/PM | false | 7 | 5 | -1 | 7:05 |
lL81aiioP6/004_2019-09-30T13:49:14.176163_ztequartz | lL81aiioP6 | ztequartz | 004_2019-09-30T13:49:14 | With AM/PM | false | 13 | 49 | -1 | 1:49 PM |
vAXGNBekKt/004_2022-01-15T16:12:48.364516_moto3602w | vAXGNBekKt | moto3602w | 004_2022-01-15T16:12:48 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 12 | 48 | 4:12:48 |
fnelNHX8EC/006_2020-08-04T07:09:46.912520_moto3602w | fnelNHX8EC | moto3602w | 006_2020-08-04T07:09:46 | Without AM/PM | false | 7 | 9 | -1 | 7:09 |
sp64HgGZMP/005_2023-12-18T20:29:16.190456_applewatchseries9winterblue | sp64HgGZMP | applewatchseries9winterblue | 005_2023-12-18T20:29:16 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 29 | 16 | 8:29:16 |
k6Q1R5gZRq/004_2022-08-10T12:54:08.955695_galaxywatch4classicsilver | k6Q1R5gZRq | galaxywatch4classicsilver | 004_2022-08-10T12:54:08 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 54 | 8 | 12:54:08 |
1EnFPZvkWq/003_2019-07-15T01:20:20.365019_fossilqwander | 1EnFPZvkWq | fossilqwander | 003_2019-07-15T01:20:20 | Without AM/PM | false | 1 | 20 | -1 | 1:20 |
MpWuHCrnnA/005_2020-05-31T01:47:22.958279_zenwatch3 | MpWuHCrnnA | zenwatch3 | 005_2020-05-31T01:47:22 | Without AM/PM | true | 1 | 47 | 22 | 1:47:22 |
BqI7apkO4P/005_2019-07-29T20:55:48.308574_guessjemma | BqI7apkO4P | guessjemma | 005_2019-07-29T20:55:48 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 55 | 48 | 8:55:48 |
ECLClBsAzQ/004_2023-08-03T04:41:19.256610_applewatchseries8midnight | ECLClBsAzQ | applewatchseries8midnight | 004_2023-08-03T04:41:19 | No time visible | false | -1 | -1 | -1 | The time is not shown in the image. |
2j1WJlDvmq/002_2024-01-31T23:10:09.346618_casioprotreksmart | 2j1WJlDvmq | casioprotreksmart | 002_2024-01-31T23:10:09 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 10 | 9 | 11:10:09 |
GduH5EtnF6/004_2022-05-26T18:10:46.993853_galaxywatch4classicsilver2 | GduH5EtnF6 | galaxywatch4classicsilver2 | 004_2022-05-26T18:10:46 | Without AM/PM | true | 6 | 10 | 46 | 6:10:46 |
6DklyRJEGF/002_2023-08-20T07:50:07.830488_gw5progray | 6DklyRJEGF | gw5progray | 002_2023-08-20T07:50:07 | Without AM/PM | true | 7 | 50 | 7 | 7:50:07 |
9JXFIgxGjD/004_2020-08-10T07:50:19.010434_galaxywatch4pink | 9JXFIgxGjD | galaxywatch4pink | 004_2020-08-10T07:50:19 | With AM/PM | true | 7 | 50 | 19 | 7:50:19 AM |
ZBDteOwH4R/006_2021-11-07T02:34:57.309115_lggwatch | ZBDteOwH4R | lggwatch | 006_2021-11-07T02:34:57 | Without AM/PM | true | 2 | 34 | 57 | 2:34:57 |
tNRowfwDZf/002_2022-08-22T10:40:21.704336_ticwatchs2glacier | tNRowfwDZf | ticwatchs2glacier | 002_2022-08-22T10:40:21 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 40 | 21 | 10:40:21 |
6lH5GyrYUI/004_2023-06-29T04:04:30.194682_galaxyactive2 | 6lH5GyrYUI | galaxyactive2 | 004_2023-06-29T04:04:30 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 4 | 30 | 4:04:30 |
iYGAvDNAzB/005_2020-11-02T01:48:18.438276_smartwatch3 | iYGAvDNAzB | smartwatch3 | 005_2020-11-02T01:48:18 | Without AM/PM | true | 1 | 48 | 18 | 1:48:18 |
0PgQqot8Xi/003_2020-01-07T23:00:42.601238_michaelkorsbradshaw | 0PgQqot8Xi | michaelkorsbradshaw | 003_2020-01-07T23:00:42 | With AM/PM | true | 23 | 0 | 42 | 11:00:42 PM |
QOJsFS7KcJ/005_2020-07-31T21:48:48.176971_galaxywatch6gold | QOJsFS7KcJ | galaxywatch6gold | 005_2020-07-31T21:48:48 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 48 | 48 | 9:48:48 |
D5rcOGQ9aP/003_2022-12-04T13:44:49.635165_applewatchultra2trail | D5rcOGQ9aP | applewatchultra2trail | 003_2022-12-04T13:44:49 | No time visible | false | -1 | -1 | -1 | The time is not shown in the image. |
KFB3znX3Jw/005_2022-08-08T21:01:06.314044_googlepixel2 | KFB3znX3Jw | googlepixel2 | 005_2022-08-08T21:01:06 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 1 | 6 | 9:01:06 |
a9uqcu2FhL/005_2020-10-13T20:27:14.191433_gw5blue | a9uqcu2FhL | gw5blue | 005_2020-10-13T20:27:14 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 27 | 14 | 8:27:14 |
l3OZJPKe65/006_2020-11-04T08:10:42.461411_casioprotreksmart | l3OZJPKe65 | casioprotreksmart | 006_2020-11-04T08:10:42 | Without AM/PM | false | 8 | 10 | -1 | 8:10 |
4TwkkEsCQa/005_2024-03-05T21:38:53.705876_smartwatch3 | 4TwkkEsCQa | smartwatch3 | 005_2024-03-05T21:38:53 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 38 | 53 | 9:38:53 |
EIS7BXaQmP/002_2021-10-15T06:06:18.964322_smartwatch3 | EIS7BXaQmP | smartwatch3 | 002_2021-10-15T06:06:18 | Without AM/PM | true | 6 | 6 | 18 | 6:06:18 |
SKYASNd8K9/003_2019-06-21T18:04:31.159216_huaweismartwatch4 | SKYASNd8K9 | huaweismartwatch4 | 003_2019-06-21T18:04:31 | Without AM/PM | true | 6 | 4 | 31 | 6:04:31 |
uClwOZsQfN/005_2023-03-07T14:36:28.026987_zenwatch2 | uClwOZsQfN | zenwatch2 | 005_2023-03-07T14:36:28 | Without AM/PM | true | 2 | 36 | 28 | 2:36:28 |
Ap6inP61FR/002_2022-09-08T10:09:58.821409_galaxywatch4pink | Ap6inP61FR | galaxywatch4pink | 002_2022-09-08T10:09:58 | No time visible | true | -1 | -1 | -1 | The time is not shown in the image. |
Kc9lMD0GWP/006_2022-02-12T12:22:32.789899_ticwatche2shadow | Kc9lMD0GWP | ticwatche2shadow | 006_2022-02-12T12:22:32 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 22 | 32 | 12:22:32 |
wlUfKSg62v/006_2019-07-06T21:26:11.523709_guesscassidy | wlUfKSg62v | guesscassidy | 006_2019-07-06T21:26:11 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 26 | 11 | 9:26:11 |
d8W2OTNxfI/005_2024-05-23T22:16:59.331054_lgwatchsport | d8W2OTNxfI | lgwatchsport | 005_2024-05-23T22:16:59 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 16 | 59 | 10:16:59 |
jVpO8rXtw8/002_2023-07-06T05:06:56.329102_huaweismartwatch4w | jVpO8rXtw8 | huaweismartwatch4w | 002_2023-07-06T05:06:56 | With AM/PM | true | 5 | 6 | 56 | 5:06:56 AM |
GUr5U0A8Jv/004_2024-04-27T00:19:52.972808_applewatchultrastarlight | GUr5U0A8Jv | applewatchultrastarlight | 004_2024-04-27T00:19:52 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 19 | 52 | 12:19:52 |
MsPolC6UNP/005_2022-03-02T20:48:06.913930_armaniconnected | MsPolC6UNP | armaniconnected | 005_2022-03-02T20:48:06 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 48 | 6 | 8:48:06 |
L2dQQGXRB8/002_2021-07-17T22:43:19.841390_urbane | L2dQQGXRB8 | urbane | 002_2021-07-17T22:43:19 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 43 | 19 | 10:43:19 |
OMkma0nHZh/006_2023-12-25T09:35:31.478702_applewatch4sportblack | OMkma0nHZh | applewatch4sportblack | 006_2023-12-25T09:35:31 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 35 | 31 | 9:35:31 |
viHyB21Lgo/002_2020-09-08T18:16:12.971447_ticwatchsport | viHyB21Lgo | ticwatchsport | 002_2020-09-08T18:16:12 | Without AM/PM | true | 6 | 16 | 12 | 6:16:12 |
cOpm9CuslL/004_2019-11-13T17:25:23.690544_montblancsummit2brownleather | cOpm9CuslL | montblancsummit2brownleather | 004_2019-11-13T17:25:23 | Without AM/PM | true | 5 | 25 | 23 | 5:25:23 |
AxHUMM9nB8/006_2019-06-12T09:29:05.541361_gears3 | AxHUMM9nB8 | gears3 | 006_2019-06-12T09:29:05 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 29 | 5 | 9:29:05 |
1VlJsyRW2m/005_2021-12-10T19:13:04.060384_montblancsummit2 | 1VlJsyRW2m | montblancsummit2 | 005_2021-12-10T19:13:04 | With AM/PM | true | 19 | 13 | 4 | 7:13:04 PM |
EEGpb2KQH1/006_2021-08-31T00:21:46.637503_moto360new | EEGpb2KQH1 | moto360new | 006_2021-08-31T00:21:46 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 21 | 46 | 12:21:46 |
qx9jjYIBQj/002_2019-06-16T22:10:07.024581_galaxywatch | qx9jjYIBQj | galaxywatch | 002_2019-06-16T22:10:07 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 10 | 7 | 10:10:07 |
Gxrlh1MJUR/006_2023-05-29T16:12:59.706785_galaxywatch4green | Gxrlh1MJUR | galaxywatch4green | 006_2023-05-29T16:12:59 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 12 | 59 | 4:12:59 |
ipajyVrcsS/004_2024-05-26T07:14:30.543353_skagenfalster2 | ipajyVrcsS | skagenfalster2 | 004_2024-05-26T07:14:30 | Without AM/PM | true | 7 | 14 | 30 | 7:14:30 |
xDWfoeY0re/002_2021-02-19T18:40:39.181862_ticwatchs2glacier | xDWfoeY0re | ticwatchs2glacier | 002_2021-02-19T18:40:39 | Without AM/PM | true | 6 | 40 | 39 | 6:40:39 |
jEhBROzyxv/006_2022-04-01T19:44:10.996290_moto3602 | jEhBROzyxv | moto3602 | 006_2022-04-01T19:44:10 | Without AM/PM | false | 7 | 44 | -1 | 7:44 |
SjdMJUn1JL/004_2021-04-07T11:30:58.573973_galaxyactive2 | SjdMJUn1JL | galaxyactive2 | 004_2021-04-07T11:30:58 | Without AM/PM | true | 11 | 30 | 58 | 11:30:58 |
oFcGYSw5J4/002_2023-12-24T01:09:48.582744_ticwatchpro3 | oFcGYSw5J4 | ticwatchpro3 | 002_2023-12-24T01:09:48 | Without AM/PM | false | 1 | 9 | -1 | 1:09 |
9bE1l21dsQ/004_2020-11-10T15:28:34.735182_ticwatchpro | 9bE1l21dsQ | ticwatchpro | 004_2020-11-10T15:28:34 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 28 | 34 | 3:28:34 |
zz4IOZcOWQ/004_2020-10-15T16:08:27.748934_galaxywatch4pink | zz4IOZcOWQ | galaxywatch4pink | 004_2020-10-15T16:08:27 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 8 | 27 | 4:08:27 |
vxIKq0tcrE/002_2021-05-30T00:49:31.576332_montblancsummit | vxIKq0tcrE | montblancsummit | 002_2021-05-30T00:49:31 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 49 | 31 | 12:49:31 |
G6qtFCvyJg/002_2020-05-08T04:05:08.273639_montblancsummit2steelcasebluecanvas | G6qtFCvyJg | montblancsummit2steelcasebluecanvas | 002_2020-05-08T04:05:08 | Without AM/PM | false | 4 | 5 | -1 | 4:05 |
1DMIIWEIHT/004_2022-06-03T02:15:25.162786_urbanelte | 1DMIIWEIHT | urbanelte | 004_2022-06-03T02:15:25 | Without AM/PM | true | 2 | 15 | 25 | 2:15:25 |
9tpS2rDEnd/004_2021-09-14T04:59:42.475503_polarm600 | 9tpS2rDEnd | polarm600 | 004_2021-09-14T04:59:42 | Without AM/PM | true | 4 | 59 | 42 | 4:59:42 |
aTNgD0nAlr/002_2023-08-10T05:21:27.723025_gw5silver | aTNgD0nAlr | gw5silver | 002_2023-08-10T05:21:27 | Without AM/PM | true | 5 | 21 | 27 | 5:21:27 |
uAuNbHfQF5/003_2022-10-27T21:03:20.744728_googlepixelgray | uAuNbHfQF5 | googlepixelgray | 003_2022-10-27T21:03:20 | Without AM/PM | false | 9 | 3 | -1 | 9:03 |
f2lNUPymHF/002_2021-06-01T10:44:15.544060_fossilqwander | f2lNUPymHF | fossilqwander | 002_2021-06-01T10:44:15 | Without AM/PM | true | 10 | 44 | 15 | 10:44:15 |
wJBCKlP2N2/003_2021-10-05T07:52:50.339519_applewatch7orange | wJBCKlP2N2 | applewatch7orange | 003_2021-10-05T07:52:50 | Without AM/PM | true | 7 | 52 | 50 | 7:52:50 |
hAPxPcFwBU/004_2024-06-03T21:41:53.754738_huaweismartwatch4 | hAPxPcFwBU | huaweismartwatch4 | 004_2024-06-03T21:41:53 | Without AM/PM | true | 9 | 41 | 53 | 9:41:53 |
SThpK0g76P/002_2023-10-01T22:59:59.582862_applewatchultragreen | SThpK0g76P | applewatchultragreen | 002_2023-10-01T22:59:59 | Without AM/PM | false | 10 | 59 | -1 | 10:59 |
GSN93HpkxC/002_2023-08-19T03:17:41.383738_newbalanceruniq | GSN93HpkxC | newbalanceruniq | 002_2023-08-19T03:17:41 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 17 | 41 | 3:17:41 |
FRdwEYXzHJ/003_2020-03-13T15:59:40.054570_galaxywatch4green | FRdwEYXzHJ | galaxywatch4green | 003_2020-03-13T15:59:40 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 59 | 40 | 3:59:40 |
GiHn51mHVn/003_2024-03-01T08:30:59.239904_huaweismartwatch4 | GiHn51mHVn | huaweismartwatch4 | 003_2024-03-01T08:30:59 | Without AM/PM | true | 8 | 30 | 59 | 8:30:59 |
MMMM3jyMiH/004_2021-07-27T07:00:25.821667_galaxyactive2 | MMMM3jyMiH | galaxyactive2 | 004_2021-07-27T07:00:25 | Without AM/PM | true | 7 | 0 | 25 | 7:00:25 |
yuWKGN6LHz/004_2023-03-04T17:54:32.759487_fossil5thgen | yuWKGN6LHz | fossil5thgen | 004_2023-03-04T17:54:32 | Without AM/PM | false | 5 | 54 | -1 | 5:54 |
l0AwtotqRR/002_2019-07-14T00:54:09.148896_montblancsummit2blackcaseblacksport | l0AwtotqRR | montblancsummit2blackcaseblacksport | 002_2019-07-14T00:54:09 | With AM/PM | true | 0 | 54 | 9 | 12:54:09 AM |
CMdd31FWBG/004_2021-05-11T02:23:35.743921_galaxywatch6gold | CMdd31FWBG | galaxywatch6gold | 004_2021-05-11T02:23:35 | Without AM/PM | false | 2 | 23 | -1 | 2:23 |
HETMmVzV20/002_2022-02-18T16:12:42.825771_galaxywatch6silver | HETMmVzV20 | galaxywatch6silver | 002_2022-02-18T16:12:42 | Without AM/PM | false | 4 | 12 | -1 | 4:12 |
eVACIdTv8w/002_2020-05-17T05:02:37.725662_ticwatchpro3 | eVACIdTv8w | ticwatchpro3 | 002_2020-05-17T05:02:37 | Without AM/PM | false | 5 | 2 | -1 | 5:02 |
EcW6K7oA63/002_2021-06-09T00:54:12.613126_fossilqexplorist | EcW6K7oA63 | fossilqexplorist | 002_2021-06-09T00:54:12 | Without AM/PM | true | 0 | 54 | 12 | 12:54:12 |
uNn9mOigkW/002_2019-09-24T03:09:38.760371_lggwatch | uNn9mOigkW | lggwatch | 002_2019-09-24T03:09:38 | Without AM/PM | true | 3 | 9 | 38 | 3:09:38 |
WN6iE9lOas/004_2020-01-30T23:33:20.327008_oppowatch | WN6iE9lOas | oppowatch | 004_2020-01-30T23:33:20 | With AM/PM | true | 23 | 33 | 20 | 11:33:20 PM |
cYEMqWfO15/006_2021-08-24T17:38:33.975902_fossilgen6 | cYEMqWfO15 | fossilgen6 | 006_2021-08-24T17:38:33 | Without AM/PM | true | 5 | 38 | 33 | 5:38:33 |